Rasler hyper chaotic system identification using improved Moth-flame Optimization Algorithm with Tabu Search
Subject Areas : Electrical engineering (electronics, telecommunications, power, control)
Mostafa Saadatifar
Mahsa Esmaeilnia
Mahdi Yaghoobi
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2 -
3 - Computer Engineering Department, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: hyper chaotic system, Moth-flame Optimization Algorithm, Tabu Search,
Abstract :
In this article, the problem of identifying chaotic systems with the help of butterfly flame algorithm improved with forbidden search algorithm is discussed. The problem of identifying chaotic systems is a problem with many local optima. For this purpose, a powerful optimization algorithm is needed to solve it. The flame-butterfly algorithm, which is inspired by the spiral movement of the butterfly around the candle, has several features, including the balance between exploration and mining. But in terms of local search, it is weak and needs improvement. In this article, in order to improve this algorithm, the forbidden search method is used in combination for the first time. The goal is to improve the extraction ability and avoid getting trapped in the local optimum in the butterfly flame algorithm. In this article, the problem of identifying chaotic systems with the help of butterfly flame algorithm improved with forbidden search algorithm is discussed. The problem of identifying chaotic systems is a problem with many local optima. For this purpose, a powerful optimization algorithm is needed to solve it. The flame-butterfly algorithm, which is inspired by the spiral movement of the butterfly around the candle, has several features, including the balance between exploration and mining. But in terms of local search, it is weak and needs improvement. In this article, in order to improve this algorithm, the forbidden search method is used in combination for the first time. The goal is to improve the extraction ability and avoid getting trapped in the local optimum in the butterfly flame algorithm.
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