A hybrid metaheuristic model in the Forex market to optimize investment strategies based on market trend forecasting
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
alireza sadeghi
mehdi madanchi zaj
amir daneshvar
1 - finance phd candidate, financial management Department, siceince and technology branch, Islamic azad university,Tehran.iran
2 - Assistance Professor, financial management Department, electronic branch, Islamic azad university ,Tehran.iran
3 - Assistance Professor, information technology Department , electronic branch, Islamic azad university, ,Tehran.iran
Keywords: Support Vector Machine, technical index, Trading Strategy, Genetic algorithm,
Abstract :
Determining the appropriate strategy for buying or selling in the foreign exchange market is very important for companies to cover exchange rate fluctuations against the national currency. This study proposes a new approach based on genetic algorithms and support vector machines for trading in the foreign exchange market.In this research, a new algorithm with the ability to generate technical rules for investment based on forecast certainty is presented. For prediction, a combination of the Combined Support Vector Machine (HSVM) algorithm for classifying the market into three different classes (uptrend, downtrend, sideway) and a dynamic genetic algorithm for optimizing trading rules based on several technical indicators Different has been used. Rials-dollar pair data is used as training and test data for the period between 1392 and 1398. The proposed architecture for machine learning, as well as the implementation and study of the proposed trading system are fully described. The research shows promising results during the test period in which the return on investment was 129%.
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