Open Access Article
1 - A Systematic Model For R&D Management In The Equipment Manufacturing Industries Of Electricity Generation
Ali Khamse Hamidreza Feili Rahim Sheykhi -
Open Access Article
2 - Evaluating performance management system for personnel of khorasan razavi gas corporation with using people capability maturity model (PCMM)
Gholam Abas Shekari Mohamad Shahab Sheybanifar -
Open Access Article
3 - Designing and operating of BSC as a comprehensive system of performance assessment
R. Shabahang M. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
4 - Design and Compilation a Measuring Pattern for Social Capital
R.A. Royaee E. Kavousy -
Open Access Article
5 - Determining The Relationships Between Research and Development Activities and Production Efficiency (Case Study: China Industries of IRAN)
M. Taleghani M.B.G. Arianezhad -
Open Access Article
6 - The Causes of Impulse Buying: Evaluation of a Model in Iran
K. Heidarzadeh F. Taherikia -
Open Access Article
7 - Technology Development Bases: Government , University and Industry
مصطفی Shokri ناصر Hamidi -
Open Access Article
8 - Presentation a Model for Accountability Managers in Higher Education System of Iran.
A. TaghiPourZahir T. Safaei -
Open Access Article
9 - The Opinions of the Jurists(Fuqaha) of Safavid Era on Cooperation with Governments
محمد حسین رجبی(دوانی) -
Open Access Article
10 - Hafiz Abru’s Geography and Taqwim al-Buldan: A Comparative Survey
zahra rezaeenasab qanbarali roodgar -
Open Access Article
11 - A Reinterpretation Some of Movements and Revolts in Great KhurÁsÁn
مسعود صفری -
Open Access Article
12 - Historical Evolution of a Term; Ra’iyyat and its Classification in Islamic Administration
نگار ذیلابی -
Open Access Article
13 - Search in Sources of Supply Ghulām and Kanīz in Qājār era
غلام حسین زرگری نژاد نرگس علیپور -
Open Access Article
14 - Wars between Iran and Russia as a Foundation of Change in Iran's Educational System
داود یحیایی فاخته ماهینی -
Open Access Article
15 - Electrical and optical parameter-based numerical simulation of high-performance CdTe, CIGS, and CZTS solar cells
Galib Hashmi Md. Shawkot Hossain Masudul Imtiaz -
Open Access Article
16 - The impact of higher order modes on transverse mode instability in bent optical fiber amplifiers
Sajjad Vazeerpour Mahdi Shayganmanesh Davoud Dorranian -
Open Access Article
17 - The spatial damping of electrostatic wave in Hall thruster beam plasma
Saty Bharti Sukhmander Singh -
Open Access Article
18 - Determination of the amplitude-frequency for strongly nonlinear oscillator by two approximate analytical techniques
Amir Ayazi Hadi Ebrahimi Khah -
Open Access Article
19 - Damping effects in ^{100}Sn ^{+ 16}O and ^{100}Sn ^{+ 16Ca} collisions
Hossein Sadeghi Mahdieh Ghafouri -
Open Access Article
20 - Effect of magnetic field on electromagnetic soliton evolution by different pulses
Aparna Sharma Hitendra K. Malik Harish Kumar Sanjeev Goyal -
Open Access Article
21 - Effects of Landau damping on finite amplitude low-frequency nonlinear waves in a dusty plasma
Arnab Sikdar Manoranjan Khan -
Open Access Article
22 - The new wave-ring helical (WRH) slow-wave structure for traveling wave tube amplifiers
Nasser Panahi S. Saviz M. Ghorannevis -
Open Access Article
23 - Transmission of electromagnetic waves through a nonlinear over-dense plasma slab
M. Tohfeh L. Rajaei S. Miraboutalebi L. F. Matin -
Open Access Article
Innocent Wofuru Ameze Big-Alabo -
Open Access Article
25 - A New Shuffled Sub-swarm Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Speech Enhancement
Masoud Geravanchizadeh Sina Ghalami Osgouei -
Open Access Article
26 - Providing a model for assessing public policies (after implementation) with a network governance approach (Case study: Social Security Organization
Sarah Hajatpour Karmellah Danesh Fard - Ghanbar Amirnezhad - Mohammad Taban -
Open Access Article
27 - Relationship Between Application of Knowledge Management and Organizational Climate With Customer’s Satisfaction In View of Sepah East Branches Employees of Tehran
Mohesn Farmahini Farahani Hamid Shafizadeh -
Open Access Article
28 - Callenges to the use of persian script in the design of the mobile gaming interface
Behrooz Minaei Elham Azarbarzin Parisa Alikhani -
Open Access Article
29 - Analyzing the Identity and Other Circuits in the Moderationist Discourse (Case Study: the Campaign Films of the 11th and 12th Presidential Elections)
Somaye Shokati Moqarab -
Open Access Article
30 - Social anxiety, chat GPT and plagiarism
Esmaeil Shirali Nasim Sanavi hosein eskini -
Open Access Article
31 - Investigating Social Media Responsibilities
Gholamhossien Biabani -
Open Access Article
32 - Examining the Role of Organizational Structure Factor on the Quality and Quantity of TV News (From the Perspective of IRIB News Experts)
Mohammad Borjalizadeh Nader Sadeghi Lavasaninia Sara Mohammadpour -
Open Access Article
33 - Cultural Inteligence of Emplooyees & the Impact of Development on Social & Cultural Activities at University
Esmaeil Kavousy Seyyed Mahmood Hashemi -
Open Access Article
34 - Contemporization of Tehran Traditional Architecture by Parametric Algorithm
Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad Shaghayegh Shahri -
Open Access Article
35 - An Analysis of “City” and “Urbanization” Concept according to Quran’s Perspective
Ehsan Sharifian Mohammadreza Pourjafar Aliakbar Taghvayi -
Open Access Article
36 - Assessment Effects of Neighborhood Management-based on the Trust of Citizens in Urban Management (A Comparative Study of Two Tehran Neighborhoods: Tajrish and Shahadat)
Najme dashtaki Hamid Majedi -
Open Access Article
37 - Campus Wind Environment Evaluation (Case Study: North China University of Technology)
Biao WANG Shuai SUN Ying LI Yuxin HOU Yaning XIE Yuyao REN Qiutong JIN -
Open Access Article
38 - A Spontaneous Location Theory and How Street Vendors Acquire Spaces (Case Study: Kampala City – Uganda)
Andrew Were Stephen Mukiibi Barnabas Nawangwe Paul Mukwaya Bridget Nakangu Juliana Nambatya Daniel Kisitu -
Open Access Article
39 - The inhibitory effect of garlic (Allium sativum L.) essential oil nanoliposomes on Shiga-toxin 2 expression in Escherichia coli O157:H7
Ali Zabihi Afshin Akhondzadeh basti Ghasem Amoabediny Akram Tabatabaee Bafroee Ali Khanjari Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz -
Open Access Article
40 - Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoids Contents of Orthosiphon stamineus, Teucrium polium, and Berberis vulgaris Decoctions
Ariyo Movahedi Asmah Rahmat Fauziah Othman -
Open Access Article
41 - The New G*Q-Logarithmic Family: Properties, Estimation Approaches and Applications
Arezoo Amirzadi Ezzatallah Baloui Jamkhaneh Einolah Deiri -
Open Access Article
42 - توزیع وایبول-وایبول: برآورد پارامترها تحت سانسور فزایندۀ پیوندی سازوار نوع 2 و پیشبینی واحدهای سانسور شده
Alimohammad Beiranvand Akram Kohansal Ramin Kazemi Farshin Hormozinejad -
Open Access Article
43 - Inference for generalized inverse exponential distribution based on generalized hybrid Progressive censored data and its application to plasma spray data
parya parviz hanieh panahi saeid Asadi -
Open Access Article
44 - Modified Goal Programming Approach for Improving the Discrimination Power and Weights Dispersion
Sahand Daneshvar Nazila Shahi Fariba Najafzadeh -
Open Access Article
45 - On Generalized Injective Spaces in Generalized Topologies
Hassan Arianpoor -
Open Access Article
46 - finding the defining hyperplanes of production possibility set with variable returns to scale using the linear independent vectors
N. Rafati-‎Maleki M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
47 - Congestion Status Identification Using Slack Based Models in Data Envelopment Analysis
M. Abbasi M. Rostamy-Malkhlifeh -
Open Access Article
48 - Stochastic DEA with Using of Skew-Normal Distribution in Error Structure
A. Nazari M-H .Behzadi -
Open Access Article
49 - On trivial ends of Cayley graph of groups
H. Mirebrahimi A. Babaee -
Open Access Article
50 - An Effective Algorithm in order to solve the Capacitated Clustering Problem
N. Mahmoodi Darani P. Bassiri M. Yousefikhoshbakht -
Open Access Article
51 - An Existence Results on Positive Solutions for a Remarks on k-Torsionless Modules
M. Salimi -
Open Access Article
52 - Performance analysis in production processes in the presence of fixed-sum outputs
A. R. Amirteimoori S. Masroori S. Kordrostami -
Open Access Article
53 - Stability Analysis of a Fractional Order Model of HIV virus and AIDS Infection in the Community
M. S. Shahrokhi Dehkordi Y. Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
54 - Edge 2-rainbow domination number and annihilation number in trees
N. Dehgardi -
Open Access Article
55 - Parametric Characteristics of the Interaction of Technologies and the Criterion Role of Technology spillover
H. Roohian -
Open Access Article
56 - Completeness in Probabilistic Metric Spaces
D. Varasteh Tafti M. Azhini -
Open Access Article
57 - Weighted quadrature rules with binomial nodes
M. Masjed-Jamei M. R. Beyki -
Open Access Article
58 - A Ciric-type common fixed point theorem in complete b-metric spaces
M. Avar Kh. Jahedi M. J. Medipour -
Open Access Article
59 - Spillover Effect the on Contest Import & Export oriented industries
Hashem Nikoomaram Zahra Pourzamani Abdolmajid Dehghan -
Open Access Article
60 - Asset Pricing Model On The Basis Of Liquidity Risk Factor
M. Ali Khojasteh Reza Tehrani -
Open Access Article
61 - Designing Trading Strategies Based on Momentum & Reversal Effect, Using Stock’s Major Historical Highs and Lows
Gholamhosein Assadi S. Amirhosein Emami -
Open Access Article
62 - Earning Response Coefficient (ERC) in Tehran Bourse
حمیدرضا وکیلی فرد علی سعیدی اکبر افتخاری علی آبادی -
Open Access Article
63 - Identifying and prioritizing the key success factor of Merger and acquisition process of Iranian companies
S. M. Ali Sadri Tabaie Zavareh Ahmad Khodamipour Mehdi Bahar Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
64 - Review and Assessment of Capital Assets Pricing Models and Compare Them with the 5-Factor Model of Fama and French “Using Economic Variables Exchange; Rates, Inflation, Import and Liquidity”
Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar Hossein Badiee Maysam Mohebi -
Open Access Article
65 - Analysis of the role of research and development and the volume of imports on agricultural total factor productivity in Iran
علی باقرزاده اکبر کمیجانی -
Open Access Article
66 - Comparison of Nanotechnology R&D’s Effect on Economic Growth in developing and developed countries
رویا آل عمران وحیده کسمائیپور سید علی آلعمران -
Open Access Article
67 - The Effects of Internal R&D Efforts and Intermediate - Capital Imports on Value added in Iranian provincial Industries
Manijeh Taghilou-Barzelaghi Gholamhosein Rahnomay Garamaleki Hasan hoseinzadeh Monireh Dizaji -
Open Access Article
68 - The Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Poverty and Human Development Indices
Abass Memarnegad Mohammad Ali Taghavi Awwal -
Open Access Article
69 - The Effect of R & D Expenditure on Economic Growth to Separate Sections of the Investor (Case Study of OIC Countries)
شهرزاد انوشه -
Open Access Article
70 - The Examination of adjustment policies effects on economic growth in Iran
تقی ترابی سکینه صفری -
Open Access Article
71 - Determinants of Intra-industry Trade Case study: Iran & Southwest Asian Countries
کریم امامی تیمور محمدی نفیسه شعبانی -
Open Access Article
72 - Gender Inequality in the Lived Experience of Social and Cultural Active Kurdish Women
Mostafa Azkia Saadat Pirani -
Open Access Article
73 - An Analysis of the Influence of Radio Political Campaign Messages on Voters’ Electoral Behavior in Kano, Nigeria
Hamid Abdollahyan Aliyu Machika -
Open Access Article
74 - Investigating the Phenomenon of the Internet Addictive Usage Among Adolescents and Youth (15-25 years of age) in the City of Tehran
Said Moidfar Karam Habibpour Gatabi -
Open Access Article
75 - Representation of the Personality and Character of the Kurds by Orientalists: A Study on Rich’s ‘Narrative of a Residence in Kurdistan’
Bahman Bayangani Sahar Faeghi -
Open Access Article
76 - Comparison of Stochastic Sampling and Application in Financial Mathematics: Evidence from the European-Asian Option Markets
Kianoush Fathi vajargah Hossein Eslami Mofidabadi -
Open Access Article
77 - Evaluating the Performance of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange based on Financial Ratios Using DEA (The Case of Chemical & Medical Company)
Younos Vakil Alroaia -
Open Access Article
78 - A Study to Improve the Response in Email Campaigning by Comparing Data Mining Segmentation Approaches in Aditi Technologies
P. Theerthaana S. Sharad -
Open Access Article
79 - Satisfaction towards Customer Loyalty in Auto-Mobile Industry of Pakistan
A. U. Haq -
Open Access Article
80 - Developing an Inter-agency Factor Model Effective on Attracting Sponsors in Championship Sports
hadi bagheri bagher morsal ali fahiminejad -
Open Access Article
81 - Evaluation of the International Traffic Management Role in the Telecommunication Company of Iran and a Proposed Model for Optimizing Management Capabilities
B. Kafi M. Abdolkarimi -
Open Access Article
82 - Survey of Customer Satisfaction in San Suan Product Planning by Kano Model
H. Vazifehdust S. Farokhian -
Open Access Article
83 - A comparative study of trickery, examples and solutions to deal with it in foreign jurisprudence and Iranian law
dawood Nasiran Babak Mohammadi Ghahfarokhi Masoud Shirani -
Open Access Article
84 - A Comparative Study of Trickery, Examples and Ways to Deal with it in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iranian and French Law
Babak Mohammadi Ghahfarokhi Davoud Nasiran (corresponding author) Masud Shirani -
Open Access Article
85 - Visualizing Financial Statements and Improving Users' perception of Intellectual Capital in Companies
Nassim Shahmoradi Hashem Nikoomaram Bahman Banimahd Feridoon Rahnamay Roodposhti -
Open Access Article
86 - Accounting flexibility and managers' optimism: Test of management discretion theory
Soghra Barari Nokashti Bahman Banimahd Ahmad Yaghoubnejad -
Open Access Article
87 - The Role of Accruals in the Asymmetrically Timely Recognition Economic Gain and Loss
S.Rasoul Hoseyni Mehdi Mohammdi -
Open Access Article
88 - Explain the role of accounting paradigms in promoting the qualitative characteristics of society: Sociology of Financial Reporting
raheleh homayouni rad fereydun rahnamaye rudposhti hashem nikoomaram mehrdad navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
89 - Review and analyze the factors affecting the behavior of sticky costs
مجید زنجیردار پیمان غفاری آشتیانی زهرا مداحی -
Open Access Article
90 - Evaluating influential factors in Environmental management accounting (EMA) adoption
سیدامین عالمشاه -
Open Access Article
91 - Study of the relationship between corporate governance components, audit factors and information asymmetry with conditional and unconditional accounting conservatism (comparative study of Khan and Watts models, and Givoly and Hayn models)
samira honarbakhsh Mohammad Hossein Ranjbar Ali Amiri Davood Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
92 - بررسی خصوصیات فیزیکی و مقاومت به ضربه چندسازه آردچوب-ضایعات ماهی- پلیاتیلن سنگین
علی کاظمی تبریزی مصطفی سفیدروح میثم مهدی نیا -
Open Access Article
93 - Presenting the organizational identity model of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and HandicraftsOrganization of Tehran Province
Amir mohsen madani elham mohammadesmaeily marzieh mohammadi Abbasali ghayoomi -
Open Access Article
94 - Studying the Connection between the Agency Theory of Active Companies & Tehran Stock Exchange
دکتر رمضانعلی رویایی دکتر فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی محمدرضا عبدلی -
Open Access Article
95 - A survey of organizational culture in Governmental and Non- Governmental hospitals and their impacts on employee’s performances; (The case study: modares and lale hospital, Tehran, Iran)
دکتر پوران رئیسی دکتر امیر اشکان نصیری پور مژگان محمودی -
Open Access Article
96 - The program of Tehran Municipality s art and cultural in promotion of cultural capital of citizenship (case study : woman s non governmental organization of zone n.6 of Tehran )
دکتر محمود رحمانی زهرا گل رو مفرد -
Open Access Article
97 - Studying the Relation between Leading Methods & Functions of Tehran's Cultural & Artistic Municipality Organization in Two Eras of Management
دکتر ابراهیم عباسی سعید تیموری -
Open Access Article
98 - Management Geometry in Culture & the Shiite Civilization (Using the Right & Left Brain Hemisphere)
دکتر عماد افروغ دکتر علی نوری مطلق -
Open Access Article
99 - Developing a New Dynamic Model for Art full Waste Management
محسن قدمی میترا آفتاب آذری مینا قدمی -
Open Access Article
100 - Evaluating the Role of the Islamic Culture and Relations in Cultural Interchanging with Other Countries
دکتر سید رضا صالحی امیری سعید محمدی -
Open Access Article
101 - Studying the Relation of EQ & Job Satisfaction of Instructors & Their Success Level
دکتر اسماعیل کاوسی ژیلا سرلک چیوایی -
Open Access Article
102 - Studying the Role of Social Capital in Cultural Development from the Viewpoint of the Members of the Scientific Board of Lorestan Province Universities
امین رحیمی کیا علی رشیدپور -
Open Access Article
103 - Information Society: Opportunities and Threats within Iran
دکتر محمدمهدی مظاهری داود احمدزاده -
Open Access Article
104 - Presentation of Cultural Development Management Model through Vision Document
محسن قدمی میترا آفتاب آذری -
Open Access Article
105 - QSAR study of camptothecin derivatives as anticancer drugs using genetic algorithm and multiple linear regression analysis
fatemeh shafiei Shahaboddin Mohebbi Tahereh Momeni Isfahani Mehdi Ahmadi Sabegh -
Open Access Article
106 - DFT Study of NMR Shielding Tensors and Thermodynamic Properties on Pyrene and its Derivatives
R. Zhiani M. Anary Abbasinejad M. Tabatabaee F. Mollaamin -
Open Access Article
107 - The Effect of Hydrogen Bonding and π–π Stacking to Stabilization of 3D Networks of a New Proton Compound, (a-6-mpyH)(Hpyzd) H2O
R. Mohammadinasab M. Tabatabaee M. A. Seyed Sadjadi -
Open Access Article
108 - A theoretical study on methamphetamine: geometry, energies, NMR and NBO
Jamileh Shakibayifar Karim Zare -
Open Access Article
109 - A theoretical study on halogen-π interactions: X-C2-Y…C8H8 complexes
Pouya Karimi -
Open Access Article
110 - Evaluation of the influential components of the physical factors of social participation in the student camp scenery architecture
Nastaran Abdollahpour Jamalledin Soheili -
Open Access Article
111 - سرمایه انسانی، رشد و توسعه اقتصادی – اجتماعی، نیروی متخصص کار
سیف اله سیف اللهی مریم ملکی -
Open Access Article
112 - A Model for Commercialization of Products and Services in Developing Countries (Cased of Study: Companies based in Pardis Innovation Park)
Taha Ebrahim Nazari Karim Hamdi Mehdi Irannezhad Parizi -
Open Access Article
113 - Investigating the social health of Tehran citizens and its effective factors
Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi Mohammadreza Navabakhsh -
Open Access Article
114 - The Investigation of the Relationship between Mothers’ Self-Awareness with her Personality Type and Socio-economic Base in First Pregnancy
Mastoureh Sedaghat Golnareh Gurbanova -
Open Access Article
115 - Tourism & Renovation Attitude in planning of historical contents of cities Case Study: Isfahan City
Parviz Kardavani Venous Mored Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
116 - The Survey of Interaction of Human Beings and Nature on locational Fabric of Babol City
Reza Lahmian Mansour badrifar Akbar parhizkar -
Open Access Article
117 - Change Detection of costal landform in Asalooyeh (south of Iran)
Ali Naeimi Nezamabad Manijeh Ghahroudi Tali Mohammad Reza Servati -
Open Access Article
118 - Predicting the Performance of Employees Based on Organizational Justice and job security Variables (case study: Municipal of Zahedan)
aleme keikha fatemeh shahraki hasan keykha -
Open Access Article
119 - Factors affecting productivity of human resources working in the city center of financial and administrative department
Mohammadreza Astan -
Open Access Article
120 - Factor Analysis of the Effective Factors on Extension and Development of Agricultural Biotechnology Commercialization from Researchers of Research Centers Perspective
Vahideh Birjandi S. mahmoud Hosseini Mohammad Chizari Iraj Malek Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
121 - Applying Network Data Envelopment Analysis to Determine a Criterion for Benchmarking in Regional Electricity Companies of Iran.
Mohammad Reza Khosravi Kambiz Shahroodi -
Open Access Article
122 - Efficiency Evaluation of Wood Supplying Plans
SH. Pourmousa -
Open Access Article
123 - A DEA-bases Approach for Multi-objective Design of Attribute Acceptance Sampling Plans
S. Jafarian-Namin A Pakzad M.S. M.S. Fallah Nezhad -
Open Access Article
124 - Genomic identification of Campylobacter fetus and Leptospira introgans in aborted sheep fetuses in the selected provinces of Iran by PCR
Kabiri, F., Mahzounieh, M., Ebrahimi Kahrizsangi, A., Mokhtari, A. . -
Open Access Article
125 - Evaluation of the effect of aflatoxin B1 on neuronal differentiation and hippocampal development in rats
سارا Alhoei Nazari Nasim Hayati Roodbari , K Parivar , A. Eidi -
Open Access Article
126 - Survey of Information seeking behavior of the IHCS members on the basis of Fosters nonlinear model
Ayoob Nazi Sakineh Ghasempour -
Open Access Article
127 - Qualitative and quantitative study of free English e-journals for disciplines in Agriculture, Engineering sciences and Art & Architecture
Farshid Danesh Alireza Isfandyari Moghaddam Abolfazl Taheri Marzieh Saeedizadeh -
Open Access Article
128 - The Study Librarians’ organizational self Image of AllamehTabataba’i University Libraries
Mahnaz Hajihasani Fahimeh Babolhavaeji Nadjla Hariri -
Open Access Article
129 - A survey on the status of the use of information technology in the academic libraries of Ardebil Province
Hamideh Aliakbari -
Open Access Article
130 - Estimating rice leaf area index at North Iran
Ali Akbar Noroozi Nader Jalali Morteza Miri Moosa Abbasi -
Open Access Article
131 - Simulating unsteady soil evaporation under variable water content based on Campbell's two-parameter retension model
Raziyeh Aghajani Mehdi Homaee Mohammad Bybordi -
Open Access Article
132 - Symbolism of Menorah, the Seven-Branched Hebrew Lampstand
زینب Baniasad فاطمه Lajevardi Sh Pazooki طاهره Hajebrahimi -
Open Access Article
133 - Stages of Samādhi in Yoga School
علی صادقی شهپر -
Open Access Article
134 - Detection and Determination of the Frequency of Listeria monocytogenes in Food samples by Molecular analysis of the hlyA gene
S. Ashrafi N. Bahmani F. Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
135 - Partitioning Studies of Alpha-amylase in Aqueous Two Phase System Composing of Polyethylene Glycol and Tri-Sodium Citrate
مریم Karimi N. Hadidi Gh. Pazuki Sh. Abdolrahimi -
Open Access Article
136 - Industrial Production and Sensory and Chemical Analysis of Chavil Yogurt
Saed Sekhavati Zade masome Karimi Ali reza Savand romi Vahid Sadeghi Sarvestani -
Open Access Article
137 - Investigating the Changes in β-Carotene concentrations of Carrot and Sweet Corn Using Different Methods of Heat Treatments
M. Yahyaei A. Ghavami M. Gharachorloo K. Larijani S. Z. Mazhari -
Open Access Article
138 - Development of Traditional Date Cookie Formulation Using Pumpkin Puree
S. Kia S. H. Hosseini Ghaboos -
Open Access Article
139 - investigation of land cover changes using remote sensing technique (Case study: Katalan unit)
Maryam Nazemi jalal Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Elham Forootan -
Open Access Article
140 - A survey on the significance of designing the healing gardens in campuses sites to enhance spatial desirability: The case of University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Peiman Golchin mohsen kafi Niloofar Sarani -
Open Access Article
141 - Surface water Quality modeling using SWAT for ARDAk Basin of Mashhad
MORTEZA NIKAKHTAR Seyedeh Hoda Rahmati Ali reza Massah Bovani iman Babaeian -
Open Access Article
142 - Preparation of a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) plan for wood &Paper Iran Industry utilizing Proporm software within PIN forms formatting
Kobra Verij Kazemi Abdolreza Karbassi Parvin Nasiri Mohammad Sadegh Sekhavatjou -
Open Access Article
143 - Investigation on water quality of zabol chahnimeh reservoirs from drinking water and agricultural viewpoint with focus on schuler & vilcoks diagrams
Iman Homayoonnezhad Paria Amirian Issa Piri -
Open Access Article
144 - Investigation of organic and mineral variation of Fe, Mn with temperature, pH and alkalinity in water
Seyyed mostafa khezri khezri Alireza Rahmani Rahmani mohamad Taghei samadi vahid Hayatbakhsh malayeri -
Open Access Article
145 - Climate Modeling in Tehran & Mazandaran Provinces by LARSWG and Comparing Changes in Northern and Southern Central Alborz hillside
Nafise Haghtalab Mohsen Goodarzi Majid Habibi Nokhandan Ahmad Reza Yavari Hamid Reza Jafari -
Open Access Article
146 - Back setting of Treated Wastewater from Xanthenes Production Process into the New Fermentation Run
Samaneh Sedighi Khavidak Mohammad Reza Soudi Jamshid Fooladi -
Open Access Article
147 - Back setting of Treated Wastewater from Xanthenes Production Process into the New Fermentation Run
Afshar Alihosseini Nurkhoda Sadeghifard Narjes Sadat i Karbalaei Khom -
Open Access Article
148 - Study of corrosion potential in drinking water distribution system of Ahvaz, using Lead and Copper Rule
Nematollah Jaafarzadeh Jasem Savari Amir Hesam Hassani Ghodratollah Shams Khoram Abadi -
Open Access Article
149 - Determination of Nickel in Environmental Samples by Flotation Spectra-photometric Method using Dimethyl Glyoxime
Mohammad Hadi Givianrad Amir Hossein Haghighaty -
Open Access Article
150 - Management of Energy Consumption in Residential and Commercial Sector Relying on Domestic Gross Production by Information Technology and Regression Models
Mohammad Ali Abbaspour Alireza Haj Mulla kani -
Open Access Article
151 - Comparison Ability Between FAO and Iran Ecological Models to Estimate of Capability Ecological land for Using Pasture
Zeinab Radan Mahmood Shariat Amad Landi Nematolah Jafarzade Nooshin Sanjarani poor -
Open Access Article
152 - Study of lead concentration in the air of Tehran municipality district one in 2008
Reza Sarrafpoor Shokrollah Mohammadi Firooz Vallipour Farzad Rouzbahani -
Open Access Article
153 - Identification and Analysis of Human Errors in CCU Unit of Tehran's Naft Hospital
Mohsen Shanoofi Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian Hanieh Nikoomaram Maryam Movafag -
Open Access Article
154 - Ten-year assessment of forest growth using permanent sample plots (Case study: Gorazbon District in Kheyroud Forest, Mazandaran province)
Mahmood Bayat Fatemeh Gorzin -
Open Access Article
155 - Feasibility study of emission trading in thermal power plants to reduce the emission of pollutant and greenhouse gases
Nastaran Rahimi Maryam Khodi Nargess Kargari -
Open Access Article
156 - To Assess the Impact of Extension and Education Classes of Plant Clinics on Sustainable Urban Landscape in Tehran Municipality (Case of Study of 17th and 18th Regions)
Sedighe Sarvari S.Jamal Farajolah Hosseini Sahar Dehyouri -
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157 - Environment, Health and Safety Risk Assessment in Industrial Sector of Salman Farsi Agro-Industrial Company Using Delphi Technique and FMEA & TOPSIS Integrated Model
Hossein Habibinia Soolmaz Dashti -
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158 - Investigation on Regulations and Commitments of the Climate Change Convention and Assessment of their Implementation in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Farideh Atabi Mehrdad Nazemi Amir Abbas Sedighi Narmin Tavakoli -
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159 - Effect of Educational Building’s Direction on Cooling and Heating Loads in Different Regions
Ali –Akbar Azemati Hossein Hosseini -
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160 - Effect of visual quality of university campuses on social interaction of students (Case study: Gorgan)
Seyedeh Behshad Zahraee Mahdieh Pazhouhanfar -
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161 - Investigating the effect of education on environment conservation (Case study: Shirin Park, Kermanshah city)
Masoumeh Mansouri Ziaedin Badehian Mohammad Pashabadi -
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162 - The Effects of Inner and Outer layers of Double Glazed Facade on the Rate of Energy Consumption in Official and Educational Buildings (Case study: Iran University of Science and Technology)
Fatemeh MehdizadehSeraj Mohammad Mehdi Danesh Haniyeh Sanaeiyan -
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163 - An exploration of Changes in the International Sustainability Index
leila Zamani Zahra Javaherian -
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164 - Attempt in order to Micropropagation of Linden In vitro
Kamal Ghasemi Bezdi Vahideh Payamnour Mostafa Mehrdad Akram Ahmadi -
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165 - Evaluation of Outdoor Recreation Capacity and Recreational Demand in Morineh Forest Park in Noorabad City-Lorestan Province
Masoumeh Mansouri Zahra Havasi Abdalani Ziaedin Badehian Mohamad javad Azizi -
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166 - Economic valuation of some of the most important functions and services of Quercus forests in the centeral Zagros (Case study: Lorestan province)
Ziaedin Badehian Masoumeh Mansouri Hojatolah Sanjabi -
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167 - Analysis of the Factors Influencing Satisfaction of Tourists with Gonbad Kavous Tourism Area in Golestan Province
Mona Besharat Mahdieh Pazhouhanfar -
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168 - The Impact of Management Overconfidence on Value Creation and Stock Return Risk
Amir Faridnia Behrooz Eskandarpoor -
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169 - Providing an Applicable Model to Calculate the Return & Spillover of Research & Development in Iran's Selected Industries
Ahmad Jafarnejad Abolfazl Kiani Bakhtiyari Mohammad Hajali -
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170 - Interest rate of the securities with fixed-income in Iran
Taghi Torabi Peyman Tataei Samaneh Tarighi Abdollah Daryabor -
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171 - Evaluating stock liquidity with its quantitative and cryptic qualitative measures by means of MULTIMOORA fuzzy group decision making
Reza Sheikh Azadeh Hajjar maryam Azari takami -
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172 - Macroeconomics variables and corporate events effect on systematic risk according to jump beta
Ali Askarinejad Amiri Mohammad E. FadaeiNejad GholamHossein Assadi -
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173 - Risk Securitization in Catastrophic and Life Insurance Policies
Alireza Pourebrahimi Shahram babalooyan Mohammad Javad Sadehvand -
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174 - The relationships between market beta with macroeconomic variables and accounting information
Ali Rahmani Kambiz Peikarjoo Mansoureh Azizi -
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175 - Ranking P/E Predictor Factors In Tehran Stock Exchange With Using The Harmony Search Meta Heuristic Algorithm
Mozhgan Safa Hossein Panahian -
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176 - A game-theoretical approach to evaluating foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector due to the economic and social index
Hamed Amini Morteza Rasti-Barzoki -
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177 - Extracting Stock Multi-order Rules via Employing a Network Structure and Backward Q-Learning
Mohammad Reza Alimoradi Ali Hosseinzadeh Kashan -
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178 - Financial management and Dungeon Kruger's (self-help)
Behzad Pahleh Seyed Mozaffar Mirbargkar Abolfazl Zolghadr -
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179 - Cultural factors and risk-taking power of investment companies in Iran's stock exchange
M. Ali Motafaker Azad Hosein Asgharpour Mohsen Amini Khouzani -
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180 - An Evaluation of Mutual Funds Performance in Iranian Capital Market by combining Market Timing Models with the Fama and French three Factor Model
Hossein Abdoh Tabrizi Behrang Asadi Gharehjeloo -
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181 - Human Development, State and Investment Policies
yasser Roostaei Hosseinabadi A. Akbar Gorji Azandariani -
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182 - comparing the return and risk in technical methods with strategies of reinvestment and rebalancing and a buy and hold method (Case Study: Tehran Stock Exchange)
Elahe Alizadeh Nodehi Gholamreza Mahfoozi Atieh Vasiresh -
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183 - The Relationship between Population Parameters with Herding Behavior of Investors in the Tehran Stock Exchange
Ali Rahmani Fatemeh Morshidi -
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184 - Analysis of Behavioral Reactions in Tehran Stock Exchange
Hamidreza Vakilifard Ali Saeedi Akbar Eftekhari Aliabadi -
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185 - The Investigating of Exchange Rate Volatility Impact on Stock Market Price Efficiency and Optimization of Investment Portfolio
Ashban Hassani Elnaz Entezar -
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186 - The Features of Financial Stress in Iran's Capital Market
Ali Reza Ma'toufi -
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187 - Accrual Quality Assessment Model in Banking Industry
Gholamhossein Assadi Bahador Nayebi -
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188 - The application of interpretive structural modeling in designing a model for operational budgeting: A case of Ghadir Investment Company
Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi Mohammad Taleghani Mohsen Shafieyan Fatemeh Bozorgi -
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189 - Day-ahead stock price forecasting using hybrid model
Vahid Vafaei Ghaeini Alimohammad Kimiagari -
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190 - The Ritz-Galerkin method for MHD Couette flow of non-Newtonian fluid
S. Abbasbandy R. Ellahi Z. Barikbin -
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191 - The embedding method to obtain the solution of fuzzy linear systems
Journal Admin -
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Abdelraheem__Mahmoud__Aly Abdelraheem__Mahmoud__Aly -
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193 - A new approach on scrambling of the Halton sequence with sampling
M. H. Behzadi علی مقربی استادکلایه بهروز فتحی واجارگاه رحمان فرنوش -
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194 - Project selection with limited resources in data envelopment analysis
M. ‎Jahantighi Z. ‎Moghaddas‎ M. ‎Vaez-‎ghasemi‎ -
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195 - A nonlinear model for common weights set identification in network Data Envelopment Analysis
J. Pourmahmoud Z. Zeynali‎ -
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196 - A New Method for Comparing Fuzzy Quantities Based on Scaler Value and Middle-Point of Fuzzy Numbers
Rahim Saneifard Rasoul Saneifard -
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197 - The Solution of Coupled Nonlinear Burgers' Equations Using Interval Finite-difference Method
M. Norouzi‎ H. Saberi Najafi -
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198 - A Multi-supplier Inventory Model with Permissible Delay in Payment and Discount
M. Farhangi E. Mehdizadeh -
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199 - On approximation of the fully fuzzy fixed charge transportation problem
A. Mahmoodirad H. Hassasi‎ G. Tohidi M. Sanei -
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200 - Another Method for Defuzzification Based On Characterization of Fuzzy Numbers
Rahim Saneifard -
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201 - Comparison Between Different Methods of Feature Extraction in BCI Systems Based on SSVEP
S. ‎Sheykhivand‎ T. ‎Yousefi ‎R‎ezaii‎ A. ‎Naderi Saatlo‎ N. ‎Romooz‎ -
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202 - Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integro-differential Equations By Using Hybrid Function Operational Matrix of Differentiation
R. Jafri R. Ezzati K. ‎Maleknejad‎ -
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203 - Solving Some Initial-Boundary Value Problems Including Non-classical Cases of Heat Equation By Spectral and Countour Integral Methods
M. Jahanshahi N. Aliev F. Jahanshahi -
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204 - Classical Center Location Problem Under Uncertain Environment
A. Soltanpour‎‎ F. Baroughi‎‎ B. Alizadeh -
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205 - Compare Desert Environments Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics with Different Vegetation (Case Study: Southwestern of Sistan Region)
Mansour Jahantigh Moien Jahantigh -
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206 - Survey on Environmental Effects of Zayandeh Rood River’s Dam
Mehran shabanKary Amir hossein Halbian -
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207 - Investigation of human population pressure on environment Case study: Masile basin of Qazvin
Saeed Rashvand Jamal Mosaffaie -
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208 - Range classification and evaluation using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Normalized Difference Vegetatiosn Index (NDVI) (Case study: Hablehrood subwatershed of shahrabad basin)
Khadijeh abolfathi Marzieh Alikhah-Asl Mohammad Rezvani -
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209 - Investigation of lichenic biofilm on surfaces rocks in ancient village of Kandovan, Iran
Paria Ebrahimi Vafaei Jafar Hemmat -
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210 - Investigation and Quantification of Variations of Landscape Measures using Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indices (Case Study: Dez Protected Area)
Atousa Soleimani Majid Hojati -
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211 - Review and collation of Virjil’s epic,Aeneid’s characters with Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh
Sayyed Ebrahim Arman Khadije Bahrami Rahnama -
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212 - Example Images of Young’s Animus in the Novel “Su va shun”
Mohammadreza Kamali Baniani Narjes Tohidifar -
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213 - Comparative Study of Sheikh Sana'an's Aqabat Al Solouk and The Seven Labours of Rostm
Mousa Al Reza Heidari Googdareh Akbar Sha'bani Parvindokht Mashhour -
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214 - An introduction to unserious comparative literature
Seyyed Ahmad Hoseini Kazerooni -
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215 - Mozaffar Al Navab and Ali Akbar Dehkhoda’s Satire
Tahereh Goudarzi -
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216 - Traits of a model woman Islamic from Qoranic view point
Leyla Afshar Zohre Rostami -
Open Access Article
217 - Critique of the Translation of Al-Waqi'ah Surah (Case study: translation of Abolfazl Bahrampour)
Zahra Samadi Masoud Bavanpouri -
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218 - Satisfaction and simple living among Qoran and nahjolBalagheh
Sharbanoo Mihani -
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219 - Effectiveness of Secularism Blame in People’s Education According to Al Kafi and Holy Quran
Fereshteh Darabi Abbas Ashrafi Mohammad Hussein Bayat Enayatollah Sharifi -
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220 - Analysis of textual coherence in Bahrampour Persian translation of the Holy Quran (Case study: Surah Zalzal)
Seyed Mohammad Hassan Mousavi Fakhr -
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221 - Textual Cohesion in Quran’s Translation by Bahrampour (Zelzal Surah)
Seyyed Mohammad Hasan Mousavi Fakhr -
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222 - Typology of using the example of interpretive narrations of Ahl al-Bayt in interpreting Quranic verses
Mohammad Moradi Masoud Masoumi -
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223 - Spiritual Damage Compensation in jurisprudence and law of Iran
saideh mahmoodi ahmad moradkhani -
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224 - Quranic examples of citizenship rights in economic affairs with jurisprudence
Seyyed Mahdi Sadati Ahmad Moradkhani Seyyed Mehdi Mirdadashi -
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225 - Jurisprudential and legal review of the bill of the Comprehensive Arbitration Law and the UNCITRAL Model Law
Majid Panahbar Mansour Atashaneh Ali Reza Rajabzadeh -
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226 - Sample preparation by Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion (MSPD)
زهرا آقاجانی راضیه بخشعلی دهکردی -
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227 - Comparison of components of Hyssopus officinalis L. essential oils extracted by two methods
Mona Tavakkoli زهرا آقاجانی -
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228 - Molecular detection of DHA beta-lactamase gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from skin samples in Qom
Horisadat Hejazi Mohsen Zargar mehrdad mamarian -
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229 - Detection of VanA, VanB, and VanC Genes in Enterococcus Species Isolated from Fecal sample of Patients in Qom province, Iran (Short Report)
Ashkan Dirbazian Samaneh Rouhi Pegah Shakob -
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230 - Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on the Expression of Zinc Transporter 1-4 Genes in the Male rat hippocampal cell line
Maede Nilechi Akram Eidi Hamid Galehdari Mahnaz Kesmati -
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231 - Comparison of alkaloids of male and female stems of Ephedra major Host and Ephedra intermedia Schrenket
Maryam Ahmadi Babak Delnavaz Hashemloian Azra Ataei Azimi Pejman Moradi -
Open Access Article
232 - An Analytical Comparison of Justice in Plato's Political Philosophy and John Rawls (With an emphasis on the theory, for example, of Plato)
حبیب عشایری -
Open Access Article
233 - The analysis of the educational background of "Aladdin AbulShamat" from the Hezar-O-YekShab Collection;based on the theory of the "hero journey" by Joseph Campbell
Mitra Hajizadeh Reza Ashrafzadeh Seyed Majid Taghavi Behbahani Taghavi Behbahani -
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234 - Investigation of Barbad and Nakisa duet on the right with emphasis on the text of Khosrow and Shirin
Rasoul Karmi Baba ahmadi mokhtar ebrahimi parvin golizadeh -
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235 - Application of paradigm archetypes in Astarabadi's Happiness Letter and Tarshizi Letter Letter based on Jung
Zeinab Norouzali Ahmad Khatini Khiyali Ali Asqhar Halabi -
Open Access Article
236 - Studying “Garmabeh- the bathroom” as the threshold level move in the fiction called “the son of the merchant and the city of the voiceless people” in the book entitled “Hasht Behesht- 8 paradises” written by Amir Khosro
Mahbobeh Pouragha Ramin Sadeginejad Maryam Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
237 - Analysis and interpretation of the hero's mythology in Kelidar Dowlatābādi , based on Joseph Campbell's theory
Reyhane Faramarzi Kaffash Ali Eshghi Sardehi hasan Delbari Abolqasem Amirahmadi -
Open Access Article
238 - Passing through the Nine Bisheh of Shahriar-nameh: An Approach Based on Campbell’s Theory of Monomyth
marzieh mashalian leila hashemian -
Open Access Article
239 - Development of a Simple and Efficient Method for Preconcentration and Determination of Trace Levels of Fexofenadine in Plasma and Urine Samples
Vahid Boloori Mahnaz Qomi Foroozan Piroozi Farhad Raofie -
Open Access Article
240 - Application of Microfunnel Magnetic Stirring Assisted Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction Method for Pre-concentration and Determination of Silver Ion in Water Samples
Nasim Bayat Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
241 - Screening and Optimization of Microextraction of Pb(II) by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Using Response Surface Methodology
Maryam Salahinejad Fereidoon Aflaki -
Open Access Article
242 - Microextraction and Determination of Diclofenac in Biological Samples using Hollow Fiber Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique Coupled with HPLC-UV
Mohammad Reza Saadat Mahnaz Qomi Sahel Emadzadeh Marjan Gholghasemi -
Open Access Article
243 - Simultaneous Determination of Carbazoles in Water Samples by Cloud Point Extraction Coupled to HPLC
Rouhollah Heydari -
Open Access Article
244 - Prediction of the Trace Amounts of Atomoxetine in Biological Samples using optimized solvent bar microextraction technique coupled with HPLC-UV
Nasim Faridi Nahid Ghasemi Mahnaz Qomi Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
245 - Determination of Doxorubicin in Urine Samples using Syringe to Syringe Dispersive Liquid-Phase Microextraction through Fluorescence Spectrometry
Ozra Alimohammadi Majid Ramezani Mohammad Alimoradi -
Open Access Article
246 - Extraction and Determination of Heavy Metals Using Silver Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Ehsan Ghasemi Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
247 - Ultrasound Assisted Emulsification Microextraction as a Simple Preconcentration Method for Determination of Atrazine in Environmental Samples
Sana Berijani Mohsen Zeeb Elham Pournamdari -
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248 - Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction of Triazine Herbicides from Environmental Aquatic Media using Polyaniline/ Fe3O4 Nanocomposite
Faezeh Khalilian Amir Adl Yekta -
Open Access Article
249 - Flotation/magnetic stirring-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction combined with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the preconcentration and determination of cadmium (II) after optimization using experimental design
Fatemeh Salimi Majid Ramezani -
Open Access Article
250 - Chemical Modification of Nanosilica Toward Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction of Trace Triazine Herbicides from Environmental Water Samples
Faezeh Khalilian Hadi Soori -
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251 - Screening Method for Mononitrotoluenes in Natural Waters Using Magnetic Solvent Bar Liquid-Phase Micro-extraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection
Hadi Farahani Behrooz Mirza -
Open Access Article
252 - Ionic Liquid-based Ultrasound-assisted In-situ Solvent Formation Microextraction and High-performance Liquid Chromatography for the Trace Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Water Samples
Mohsen Zeeb Hadi Farahani -
Open Access Article
253 - Designed a Resonance Rayleigh Scattering (RRS) Spectroscopic Technique for the Selective Determination of Acetaminophen Drug in Human Fluid Samples by Using Chitosan-capped Gold Nanoparticles
Kobra Moteabbed Jafar Burromandpiroze Vahid Zare- Shahabadi Soheil Sayyahi -
Open Access Article
254 - Design of Kinetic Spectrophotometric Method for Sensing Tartrazine Color in Real Samples Using Sensor Starch-capped ZnSNPs
Mostafa Ahmadi Alireza Geramizadegan -
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255 - Simultaneous Adsorptive Stripping Differential Pulse Voltammetric Measurements of Trace Lead, Cadmium and Nickel in the Presence of 2-aminobenzoic Acid
Ebrahim Zarei Amir Izadyar Alireza Asghari Maryam Rajabi -
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256 - A look at the phenomenon of weed resistance to herbicides; from theory to exploitation
behroz khalil tahmasebi mohammad taghi alebrahim rasool fakari Eskandar Zand Rafael de Prado Amián -
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257 - Optimizing the antagonistic effects of water hardness on the efficacy of 2,4-D plus MCPA by adding ammonium sulfate to control broadleaf weeds in wheat fields
Mahnaz Mirzaei Eskandar Zand Alireza Hasanfard Mohammad Hosein Zamani Saied Jabbari-nick -
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258 - The effect of four weeks of aerobic exercise on cognitive function and expression levels of PGC1α and VEGF genes in the hippocampus of old rats
Ensieh Ahmadpour Maghsoud Peeri Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani -
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259 - Identifying the Talent Criteria of Table Tennis Athletes Using the Talent Evaluation Method
Mohammadbagher Forghani Ozrudi Ali Yaghobi Zahra Teymoorinejhad Gadikolaei -
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260 - Design of One Stage Class F High Power and High Frequency Power Amplifier with Two Parallel GaN Transistor for 2.5GHz Application
Bagher Zabihi Peiman Aliparast Naser Nasirzadeh -
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261 - Improvement of SNDR using Optimization of Feedback Path Coefficients for Second Order CRFB Modulators in Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Converters
Maryam Shahriary Abdolrasool Ghasemi najmeh cheraghi shirazi -
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262 - Optical Amplifier Design with Increased Dynamic Range Bandwidth for Optical Telecommunication Receiver Applications
reza kazerani najmeh cheraghi shirazi دکتر عبدالرسول Ghasemi -
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263 - Virtual Inertia Control of Microgrid Consisting of Low Inertia Resources
Sahar Roudi Reza Ebrahimi Mahmood Ghanbari Soheil Ranjbar -
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264 - Designing a Low Power Low Noise Amplifier for Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Based on Simulation and Mathematical Relationships
Mozhgan Javahernia Sahel Javahernia -
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265 - Design and Simulation of Fourth Order Sigma-Delta Modulator using Parametric Amplifier with Dynamic Threshold for Digital Hearing Aid Application
Shima Alizadeh Zanjani Abumoslem Jannesari Pooya Torkzadeh -
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266 - Simulation and comparison of array algorithms based on MMSE criterion in different frequency selector feeding conditions
Abdolmohsen Ahmadi Alireza Malahzadeh -
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267 - Low noise amplifier with active induction load CMOS
Babak Gholami Shahriyar Bazyari Khashayar Bazyari -
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268 - Design of a variable gain CMOS transmission impedance amplifier for optical receiver amplifier
Mehdi Faraji Ebrahim Borzabadi Hossein Pourghasem -
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269 - Analysis and review of solutions provided in the field of digital signal processing to improve service quality (Qos)
Alireza Chamkoori -
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270 - Automatic design of a CMOS operational amplifier using a genetic algorithm
Ali Jafari Alireza Malahzadeh Maryam Zekri -
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271 - Design and Modeling of Inductively Coupled RFID Antennas
Zahra Aref Darabi Sima Honarmand -
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272 - Design and simulation of low power dual band low noise amplifier for wireless LAN applications
Omid Eslamifar Maryam Eslamifar -
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273 - Behavior Analysis of Cold Expanded-Bolt Clamped AL2024-T3 Plate
M. Sayah Badkhor A. R. Naddaf Oskouei* H. Mohammadi Hooyeh F. Shirbakht -
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274 - Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Mechanical Structures using an Analytical Approach
Mohammad Reza Moarefzadeh -
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275 - Experimental and Analytical Study of Aluminum-oxide Nanofluid Implication for Cooling System of an Amphibious Engine
Mohamad Najafi M. Najafi -
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276 - Impact of Energy Dampers in Improvement of Impulsive Response of Double Layer Grids Space Structures
H. Zarrintala A. Maleki M. Darvishhashemi -
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277 - Investigation of the Effect of V-Clamp Band Design Parameters on the Bending and Axial Stiffness of the Flanged Joints
SeyyedAbdolSajjad Borhani AliAkbar Lotfi neyestanak Ali davar -
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278 - Increasing the Fundamental Frequency of the Cantilever Rotating Beam by Placing the Intermediate Elastic Support with Minimum Stiffness at the Optimum Point Based on the Courant’s Maximum–Minimum Theorem using Finite-Element Analysis Software
Mehdi Asgarikia Farshad Kakavand Hasan Seidi -
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279 - Effect of Adding a Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Damper to A Sled Sample and Extraction of Its Equivalent Stiffness and Damping
Mohammad Reza Najafi Saied Mahjoub Moghadas -
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280 - Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Natural Frequency and Damping Coefficient of Flexible Cellular Lattice Structures
Amir Hosein Samimi M. R. Karamooz-Ravari Reza Dehghani -
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281 - Improvement Analysis of Response Between Jacket Platforms and Sea Waves using the Vibration Dampers
Latif Pendarian Alireza Fiouz Abbas Gasemi -
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282 - Arbutus pavarii Pamp. – An updated profile
Lutfun Nahar Afaf Al Groshi Satyajit D. Sarker -
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283 - Comparison of the efficacy cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on signs in stimulants substance users (Methamphetamine)
Ali Rahimi Nadereh Sohrabi Azarmidokht Rezayei Serus Sarvghad -
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284 - The Effect of Induced Stress on the Number of Mistakes in Visual Working Memory for Emotional & None Emotional Stimuli
Zahra Khayyer Vahid Nejati Jalil Fathabadi -
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285 - Effectiveness of Self- Compassion Therapy on Worry and Rumination Among Methamphetamine Abusers in Kermanshah
zeinab sadat hoseini Vahid Ahmadi Mami, Shahram -
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286 - The effect of conceptualization of ethical leadership on organizational deviational behaviors of university employees
Azam Pirayesh Akram Akbarian -
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287 - qualitative research Factors affecting adherence to treatment in addicts undergoing In the camps of Isfahan city
fatemeh khaghani hajar torkan Zahra Yousefi -
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288 - LAMP Revalidated: Iranian English-major Learners’ Attitudes and Motivations Regarding Teaching and Learning English Pronunciation
Frahad Tabandeh Elham Parvaneh -
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289 - Predicting dimensions of Academic Engagement by Identity Styles in First Grade girl students of Tehran State High Schools
Susan Saber Hasan Pasha Sharifi -
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290 - The Effect of Teaching Physics by Technology âEnabled Active Learning (TEAL) Method onAcademic Achievement of High School Students
Mohammad Ahmadi Dehghotbadini Farhad Nazarifar Faramarz Malekian Ahmad Reza Akbari Amro Abadi. Fatemeh Zamanifard Behzad Shahbazi Firouzeh Sepehrian Fatemeh Nosrat Mahdi Abolghasemi NajafAbadi Maryam Narimani Saeed Rajaeepoor Narges Keshtiaray Mozafaredin Vaezi Zamaneh Rezaei Ali Reza Yoosefi Hadi Kamali Saghar SahebJamei Sayed Ebrahim Mirshah Jafari Mohsen Malekian Mohammad Javad Leyaghatdar Toraj Hosseini Hafshajani -
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291 - Studying the Various Types of Interaction in the e-learning environment with Learning Quality in Virtual Campuses
Isa Ebrahimzadeh Marjan Masoomifard -
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292 - A New Model of Pull-in Voltage for MEMS Variable Capacitive with Fully-clamped Diaphragm
Bahram Azizollah Ganji Sara Gholinezhad Shafagh -
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293 - A New Analysis, Design and Fabrication of DVB-T/T2 LDMOS UHF Broadband Amplifier
Farbod Setoudeh Mohsen Pooya -
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294 - Design and Simulation of a Fully Integrated, Low-Power, 2.5Gb/s Optical Front-End
Tahereh Shafiei Soorena Zohoori Mehdi Dolatshahi -
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295 - A 5Gbps, Inductor-less Transimpedance Amplifier for Optical Communications Using 0.18µm CMOS Technology
Soorena Zohoori Mehdi Dolatshahi -
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296 - Power Measurement of Radio Frequency Signals Based on Subsampling and Negative Loop Feedback
Hossein Mohseni -
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297 - A 3.1-10.6 GHZ Ultra-Wideband CMOS Low Noise Amplifier in 0.18 μm CMOS Technology
Meysam Azimi-Roein -
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298 - Hybrid Frequency Compensation to Improve Unity-Gain Bandwidth of Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Operational Amplifiers
Ghazal Moradi Mohammad Reza Alamdar Saber Izadpanah Tous -
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299 - A Bulk-Driven Variable Gain OTA in 180nm CMOS Technology
Mohammad Anvari Farshad Babazadeh -
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300 - Design and Simulation of Wideband High-Efficiency X-band MMIC Power Amplifier based on GaN HEMT Technology
Reza Sahragard shahrakht Mehdi Forouzanfar Abolfazl Bijari -
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301 - Effects of sampling sizes on the correlation between vegetation cover and NDVI data in different rangeland conditions using TM and AWiFS images
Fatemeh Hadian Hossein Bashari Reza Jafari -
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302 - Adversarial Attacks in a text sentiment Analysis model
Sahar Mokarrami Sefidab Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel hamidreza Ahmadifar Mahdi Mokarrami -
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303 - Estimation of flicker generating feeders index with combined sampling-simulation method
Peyman Nazarian Majid Moradloo -
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304 - Sampled-Data Flocking of Multi-Agent Systems Under the Cyber-Attack Problem
سحر یزدانی -
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305 - Effects Of Intraperitoneal Administration Of Nano-Silver on Rat Hippocampal Cells
Hamid Nasrollahzade Parvin Khodarahmi Mitra Heidari Nasrabadi -
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306 - The effect of a five-week cafeteria diet after weaning on the density of dendritic spines in the hippocampus and striatum of young rats
sahar Molaei Mahsa Jafarinejad Farzaneh Ganji Hamid Sepehri Zahra Nazari -
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307 - The effect of a course of aerobic exercise with stem cells on some genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis of azoospermic rats
Sahar Koochaki Hajar Abbaszadeh parvin farzanegi -
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308 - The effect of three months of interval aerobic training and Quercetin supplementation on the concentration Bax and Bcl-2 in the hippocampus of male Parkinson's model rats
Sirous Kianmehr Jabbar Bashiri Roghayeh Pouzesh Jadidi Hasan pourrazi mir Alireza norazar -
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309 - Designing and Simulating of Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Maher Abdulnabi Alwan Ghazanfar Shahgholian -
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310 - Design and Construction of Simmer Circuit in Order to Drive Flash Lamp in Solid State Laser
Majid Zamani -
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311 - Analyzing the Status of Repentance in the Story of the Old Woman and Malekshah in Attar's Tragic Tales Based on Joseph Campbell's Archetype of "the Return of the hero
Masoome RouhaniFard Mehdi Mahouzi Shahin OjaqaliZade -
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312 - Mystical Feature of Champions in some Narratives of Shahnameh
Leila Ahmadinasr Ali Eshghi Sardehi Saiid Rouzbahani -
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313 - Vibration Analysis of Size-Dependent Piezoelectric Nanobeam Under Magneto-Electrical Field
M Ghadiri M Karimi Asl M Noroozi -
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314 - Thermoelastic Damping and Frequency Shift in Kirchhoff Plate Resonators Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory With Dual-Phase-Lag Model
S Devi R Kumar -
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315 - Response of Two-Temperature on the Energy Ratios at Elastic-Piezothermoelastic Interface
R Kumar P Sharma -
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316 - Evaluation of Fatigue Life Reduction Factors at Bolt Hole in Double Lap Bolted Joints Using Volumetric Method
F Esmaeili S Barzegar H Jafarzadeh -
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317 - Effect of Rotation and Stiffness on Surface Wave Propagation in a Elastic Layer Lying Over a Generalized Thermodiffusive Elastic Half-Space with Imperfect Boundary
R Kumar V Chawla -
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318 - Reflection and Transmission at the Boundary of Two Couple Stress Generalized Thermoelastic Solids
R Kumar K Kumar R.C Nautiyal -
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319 - Study of Wave Motion in an Anisotropic Fiber-Reinforced Thermoelastic Solid
R Kumar R.R Gupta -
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320 - Wave Propagation in a Layer of Binary Mixture of Elastic Solids
R Kumar M Panchal -
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321 - Wave Propagation in Micropolar Thermoelastic Diffusion Medium
A Miglani S Kaushal -
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322 - Wave Propagation in Mixture of Generalized Thermoelastic Solids Half-Space
R Kumar S Devi -
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323 - Wave Propagation at an Interface of Elastic and Microstretch Thermoelastic Solids with Microtemperatures
R Kumar M Kaur S.C Rajvanshi -
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324 - Reflection of Waves in a Rotating Transversely Isotropic Thermoelastic Half-space Under Initial Stress
R.R Gupta R.R. Gupta -
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325 - Size-Dependent Analysis of Orthotropic Mindlin Nanoplate on Orthotropic Visco-Pasternak Substrate with Consideration of Structural Damping
A Ghorbanpour Arani M.H Jalaei S Niknejad A.A Ghorbanpour Arani -
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326 - Reflection and Transmission of Longitudinal Wave at Micropolar Viscoelastic Solid/Fluid Saturated Incompressible Porous Solid Interface
N Kumari -
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327 - Analysis of Wave Motion in a Micropolar Transversely Isotropic Medium
R.R Gupta R Kumar -
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328 - Investigation on the Effect of Tigthening Torque on the Stress Distribution in Double Lap Simple Bolted and Hybrid (Bolted -Bonded) Joints
F Esmaeili T.N Chakherlou -
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329 - Study Of Thermoelastic Damping in an Electrostatically Deflected Circular Micro-Plate Using Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model
G Rezazadeh S Tayefeh-rezaei A Saeedi Vahdat V Nasirzadeh -
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330 - Wave Propagation at the Boundary Surface of Inviscid Fluid Half-Space and Thermoelastic Diffusion Solid Half-Space with Dual-Phase-Lag Models
R Kumar V Gupta -
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331 - Effects of Geometric Nonlinearity on Stress Analysis in Large Amplitude Vibration of Moderately Thick Annular Functionally Graded Plate
M.H Amini A Rastgoo M Soleimani -
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332 - Wave Propagation at the Boundary Surface of Elastic Layer Overlaying a Thermoelastic Without Energy Dissipation Half-space
R Kumar V Chawla -
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333 - Thermo-elastic Damping in a Capacitive Micro-beam Resonator Considering Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Model and Modified Couple Stress Theory
M Najafi G Rezazadeh R Shabani -
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334 - Response of GN Type II and Type III Theories on Reflection and Transmission Coefficients at the Boundary Surface of Micropolar Thermoelastic Media with Two Temperatures
R Kumar M Kaur S.C Rajvanshi -
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335 - Response of Two Temperatures on Wave Propagation in Micropolar Thermoelastic Materials with One Relaxation Time Bordered with Layers or Half Spaces of Inviscid Liquid
R Kumar M Kaur S.C Rajvanshi -
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336 - Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves at Micropolar Piezothermoelastic Solids
R Kumar M Kaur -
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337 - Effects of Hall Current and Rotation in Modified Couple Stress Generalized Thermoelastic Half Space due to Ramp-Type Heating
R Kumar Sh Devi V Sharma -
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338 - Damping and Frequency Shift in Microscale Modified Couple Stress Thermoelastic Plate Resonators
S Devi R Kumar -
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339 - Elastic Wave Propagation at Imperfect Boundary of Micropolar Elastic Solid and Fluid Saturated Porous Solid Half-Space
V Kaliraman R.K Poonia -
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340 - The spectrophotometry method to evaluating in the infestation level of developmental stages of Ephestia kuheniella in type date palm Kabkab
Nadia Heidary Masoud Latifian Majid Fallahzadeh -
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341 - The potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains in biological control of Rhizoctonia solani and colonization of common bean rhizosphere
Nasim Jelodarnezhadian Hadis SHAHBAZI -
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342 - The effects of cotton and soybean selective herbicides on mycellial growth of Rhizoctonia solani causal agent of damping off
Elham Modiri Mansoor Montazeri -
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343 - Research in architectural design patterns in the development of the urban environment; Importance, necessity and practical examples in Islamic teachings
Mohammad Sharifani Mohammad Marefat -
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344 - The trena of Development Persian eloquence books from part to present
behiyeh ahmadi bid goli mohammad reza ghari -
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345 - Regionalization Of the Rainfall Temporal Patterns,Less Than 6 Hours In Iran
Farhad Khamchin moghadam -
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346 - Symbology of Old Journey Model in "Bagh-e Seeb
rajab fakh'raeyan seyed ahmad hoseyni kazerony -
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347 - Aerobic exercise is a feasible intervention for delaying disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease
Fatemeh Akbari Mehrzad Moghadasi Sirus Farsi Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh -
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348 - The effect of swimming exercise and hesperidin on hippocampal cell damage after pentylenetetrazol induced prenatal seizures in rats
Samaneh Rafiei Shaghayegh Keshavarzi Mehdi Noura Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh -
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349 - Developing Financial Distress Prediction Models Based on Imbalanced Dataset: Random Undersampling and Clustering Based Undersampling Approaches
Seyed behrooz Razavi ghomi Alireza Mehrazin Mohammad reza shoorvarzi Abolghasem Masih Abadi -
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350 - Sample size calculation in entomological studies using R language of statistical computing Part 1: comparison of means and proportions
J. Karimzadeh -
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351 - Species diversity of edaphic Mesostigmatid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) associated with oak forests in the Kamphirouz region of Fars province
Hadi Ostovan sh. hesami m. farzaneh -
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352 - Comparison of several sampling techniques to estimate population densities of the grape leafhopper Arboridia kermanshah Dlabola (Hem., Cicadellidae)
M. Latifian H. Seyedoleslami J. Khajeali -
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353 - Estimating an appropriate sample unit for sampling programs of alfalfa aphids in alfalfa fields
]. Sabouri A. Mohseni Amin Sh. Goldasteh N. Alipanahi -
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354 - Efficiency of 1x1 meter quadrat for estimating of over-wintered adults of Eurygaster integriceps Put. (Hem., Scutelleridae) populations in rainfed wheat field
A. Mohseni Amin -
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355 - Identification of the egg parasitoids of green pistachio stink bug, and the effect of diet on adult longevity of the two parasitoids, Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) and Trissolcus agriope (Kozlov and Lê)
M. Mohammadpour M. Ziaaddini M. A. Jalali H. Hashemirad H. Lotfalizadeh -
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356 - Prediction of octanol – water partition coefficient of quinoline alkaloid insecticides using Molecular Descriptors and MLR Method
Shahaboddin Mohebbi F. shafie Tahereh Momeni Isfahani Mehdi Ahmadi Sabegh -
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357 - Determination of the population densities of different development stags of Sawtoothed beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. in Date fruit )Sayer cultivar( bausing spectrophotometry method
M. Latifian B. Rad -
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358 - Earliest Campanian - latest Maastrichtian sequence stratigraphy based on planktonic foraminifera, Fars province, Zagros, Iran
Leila Fazli Saeedeh Senemari -
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359 - Biostratigraphic study on calcareous nannofossils in South Gorgan, North of Iran
Morteza Taherpour Khalil Abad Elham Mojtahedin -
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360 - Age, microfacies and sedimentary environments of the Sirenia-bearing deposits of the Qom Formation in Central Iran
Fatemeh Morovati Majid Mirzaie Ataabadi Mehran Arian Afshin Zohdi Mohsen Al-e Ali -
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361 - SPS Model: a significant algorithm to reduce the time and computer memory required in geostatistical simulations
Behnam Sadeghi -
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362 - Application of artificial intelligence techniques in the estimation of Young’s modulus by conventional well logs
Shahoo Maleki Hamidreza Ramazi Mohammadjavad Ameri Shahrabi -
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363 - Representative Sampling for Elaboration of the Alumina Manufacturing Process (Theory and Practice )
George KomlÛssy -
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364 - Preliminary Petrological Studies of Basement Rocks, Thar Coal Basin, Thar Parkar District, Sindh, Pakistan
Yasmin Rizvi -
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365 - Paleoecology of Early to Middle Miocene Deposits (Guri Member) and Sedimentary Environment, SE Zagros Zone, Roydar, Iran
Roya Fanati Rashidi Seyed Hamid Vaziri Keyvan Khaksar Hossein Gholamalian -
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366 - Ichnotaxonomic analysis and depositional controls on the carbonate ramp ichnological characteristics of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation (Middle Cambrian), Central Alborz, Iran
Aram Bayet-Goll Reza Moussavi-Harami Asadollah Mahboubi -
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367 - An Economical Acceptance-Sampling Plan Based on Binomial Distribution with Imperfect Inspection
Mohammad-Saber Fallahnezhad Jamileh Darbeh Mahdi Nakhaeinejad -
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368 - An Economic Design of Combined Double Sampling and Variable Sample Size X ̅ Control Chart
Saeed Khaki Niloufar Ghanbari Mir Mahdi Seyed Esfehani -
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369 - Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil Salvia Officinal from Shiraz Greenhouse
Fatemeh Ranjbar Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbari Seyed shahram Mosaheb Mohammad Sadegh Behrooz -
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370 - Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil Salvia Officinal from Shiraz Greenhouse
Fatemeh Ranjbar Mohammad Mehdi Ghanbari Seyed shahram Mosaheb Mohammad Sadegh Behrooz -
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371 - ارزیابی تغییر کیفیت برخی از پارامترهای آب رودخانه کارون در یک بازهی زمانی چهار ساله
علی عسکر کلاه کج ابراهیم پناهپور علی غلامی -
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372 - ارزیابی مدلهای شبکه و الگوریتم حسابداری رطوبت خاک مدل HEC-HMS در شبیهسازی پیوسته نیمه توزیعی بارش- رواناب در حوضه آبریز جراحی
نوید آذرپیشه علیرضا نیکبخت شهبازی حسین فتحیان -
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373 - Application of Resampling Methods in Multivariate Cumulative Sum Control Charts
Abdol-Rasoul Mostajeran Amirhoussin Aghajani -
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374 - Efficacy of Matrix Therapy on Self-Control and Social Adjustment of Methamphetamine Abusers Compared to Reality Therapy
Ameneh Oji Alireza Heidarei saeed bakhtiarpour Naser Serajkhorami -
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375 - The Relationship Between Personality Characteristics With The Plot Of Self-Sacrifice In Haram's Volunteer People
ayaz gharishvandi maryam gholamzadeh jofre -
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376 - Emotional Intelligence and turnover intention: with mediator of Job Satisfaction and Positive Affect
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377 - Analysis of the "Hero's Journey" in Faramarzname epopee on the model of Joseph Campbell
khadijeh Bahrami Rahnama -
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378 - Analysis of Jungian Archetypes Elements of Hero Journey in the Story "Talkhoon" by Samad Behrangi
raheleh abdolahzade borzu mohammad ghaderi moghaddam mohammad reihani -
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379 - Surey slangly elementd in Samak-e-ayyar
Donya Kakahkhani Jamal Ahmadi badri qavami -
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380 - Analysis of the "Hero's Journey" in the Amir Arsalan Namdar based on the theory of Joseph Campbell
Neda Reyhani -
Open Access Article
381 - An Analysis into Homay's journey to China in Homay and Homayoun poems by Khaju Kermani based on the ancient theory of the "The Hero's journey" by Joseph Campbell
Parvane fereydooni morteza razaghpoor -
Open Access Article
382 - A Study on Hero’s Metamorphosis in Firdausi’s Shahnameh
Mosayyeb Ashki -
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383 - The Study of the Streams and Persian Poet Evolutions from 20s to 50s with the Emphasis on Nader Naderpoor's Poems
Maryam Rezabeigi Hosein Hasan-Rezaii Mohammad Morad Irani -
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384 - Lifestyle policy of female athletes in metropolitan areas (case study: female athletes in Tehran)
Shayesteh Haghighi Bahram Ghadmimi Shojaei Masoumeh -
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385 - Presenting a Model for the Role of Sport on Iran's Sustainable Development
Azam Azadi, Ghasem Rahimi Rasool Nazari -
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386 - Identifying Factors Affecting Performance Evaluation in Bowling, Billiards and Bowls Federation
Rahim Janatnia Farideh Ashraf Ganjouei ali zarei Zahra Haji Enzohaei -
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387 - Analyzing factors affecting the improvement of coalition building in sports
, Mohammad keshavarz Younes Mohammadzadeh , Hosein Dast barhagh Mohammad Sadegh Afroozeh -
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388 - Designing a model to increase the reliability of vibration damping systems in line with entrepreneurship using the method of fuzzy control systems.
mohammadreza eskafi Mohammad Ali Afshar kazimi kuros nekufar -
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389 - Comparative Effectiveness of Teaching by the idea of saving (SCAMPER), brainstorming and traditional way to change level of creative self concept and openness to experience
Ezato Allah Ghadam Pour Zeynab Beyranvand Mehdi Yosef Vand -
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390 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Creativity Teaching Techniques on Architectural Design with emphasis on the process of idea- finding and idea-generation
Mahnaz Talebi Mir Saeed Moosavi Kambiz Poshneh -
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391 - Investigating the impact of decision-making structure & characteristics of supermarket goods on the change of consumer purchasing behavior from offline to online with the mediating roles of technology acceptance & consumer innovativeness
Pejman AhangarDavudi Farzad Asayesh Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Sedigheh Tootian -
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392 - Comprising the effectiveness of creative thinking techniques training on student’s creativity among first grade high school students
A. Yaghobi H. Mohagheghi N. Erfani S. A. Mortazavi -
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393 - The Effects of Idea Seeking (SCAMPER) on Creativity of Female Technical-Engineering Students in Tabriz University
Rahim Badri Gorgori Nahid Kalvani -
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394 - Measurement of water quality potential of Jajroud river in Pardis city
Alireza Niknam bejandi Farahnaz Karimzadeh Masoumeh Sohrabi Mullah Yousefi -
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395 - Protolits of Boneh- Shorou Amphibolites in Gelmandeh massive (Saghand-Central Iran)
آرش Gorabjiri pour A.R Hoshmand zadeh KH KHosro-Tehrani M.H Emami -
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396 - Effective removal of mercury (II) from environmental aqueous samples using carbon nanotubes carboxylated by dispersive solid-phase extraction method
Ali Moghimi Milad Abniki Mohammd Yari -
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397 - Facies analysis, sedimentary environments and sequence stratigraphy of Sachun formation in Zarghan section (folded Zagros zone)
Soolmaz Arzaghi Khosro Khosro tehrani Massih Afghah -
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398 - Microfacies and sedimentary environment of the Asmari Formation in Rag-e-safid oil field, south west Khouzestan
Nabi Allah Bidarvand Nader Kohansal ghadimvand Davood Jahani -
Open Access Article
399 - Micro facies and sedimentary environment of the Qom formation in Verjun-Khur Abad area
Keyvan khaksar Masoomeh Sohrabi-mollayousefy Saeed rahmanian -
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400 - Biostratigraphy and Microfacies o f th e Sarvak Formation in well X-01 Bahregansar oil field, Persian Gulf
Kiana Kiarostami Seyed Hamid Vaziri Masoomeh Sohrabi Molayosefi Bijan Noori -
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401 - Depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of the Kangan formation in the Kish field
Maryam Peyravi Mohammad Reza Kamali Hossain RahimPour- Bonab -
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402 - Optimization of environmental additional sampling using spatial simulated annealing in Sepahan-Shahr area.
Saeed Soltani Maliheh Abbaszadeh Ardeshir Hezarkhani -
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403 - Petrology and geochemistry of isolated diabasic dikes in North Nain Ophiolite
Mohammad Fodazi M.H Emami سلیمان Alaei-Mahabadi -
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404 - A review of cucumber damping-off disease management in Iran
Laleh Naraghi -
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405 - Analyzing and Evaluating the Agricultural and Garden Land Areas, and the Land Use Changes using RS and GIS Technology
reyhane bahador Sayed Zain al-Abedin Hosseini -
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406 - Studying the anecdote: “Roman Merchant’s son and the city of dumbs” written in “Hasht Behesht (Eight Heavens)” by Amir Khosro Dehlavi based on Joseph Campbell’s “The hero’s journey” myth pattern
mahbobeh poraga Dr.ramin sadeginejad Dr.maryam mohammadzadeh -
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407 - Study of the possibility of biological control of Phytophthora drechsleri damping factor in cucumbers by the isolates of Trichoderma spp. in greenhouse
Ehsan Khani Mojdeh Maleki Dariush Shahriari -
Open Access Article
408 - Study of phytophthora species causing damping-off on cucumber in Tehran province greenhouses and evaluation of the efficacy of some fungicides on control of the disease
Amir Mohaghegh Roudsari Dariush Shahriari Mojdeh Maleki -
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409 - The investigation of the effect of the acidity and elements nutrition on greenhouse cucumber seedling damping-off disease caused by Phytophthora drechsleriTucker
Jalal Gholamnezhad Mostafa Shirmardi -
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410 - Efficacy of the stabilizers of Talaromyces flavus in biological control of sugar beet seedling damping-off disease
Sheedeh Mehraban Booshehri Laleh Naraghi Mohammad Torabi -
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411 - Chemical control of cucumber damping off caused by Pythium aphanidermatum
Somayeh Atashbahar Mahdi Nasr Esfahani Mohammad Torabi -
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412 - 30 GHz Bandwidth 0.18µm-CMOS Cascaded Differential Distributed Amplifiers
Massomeh Ghaleh Agha Babaei -
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413 - Design of tuned mass dampers (TMDS) by SAP2000 software
mohamad ali ghanadian mohsen keramti محمود نیک خواه نغمه ناجی -
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414 - Design and controlling structures by simultaneous use of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDS) and seismic isolator system
mohamad ali ghanadian محسن کرامتی محمود نیک خواه -
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415 - Design dynamic absorber to reduce vibrations of wing of a flyer object: Experimental & numerical investigation
آرش نعیمی آبکناری محمدرضا صالحی برزگر mohammad mahdi Kheirikhah -
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416 - Optimization of electromagnetic damper and suspension system of vehicle using bee’s algorithm
saeed yaghoubi علی رضا اطمینانی اصفهانی افشین قنبرزاده -
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417 - Analytical study of a jointless mechanism for magnifying the displacement of a piezoelectric actuator
Ammirreza Asgari Abdorrahim Asgari -
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418 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrations of Impact Dampers in Boats
Anoshirvan Farshidianfar Mahdiye Shafipoor Milad Sabbagh Sabzevar -
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419 - Vibrations and Damping Analysis of Composite Sandwich Panels with Reinforced Kevlar Fibers
Abdolhossein Fereidoon Ali Hazrati Niyari -
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420 - Application of Single Unit Impact Dampers in Protective Systems
Aref Afsharfard Mohammad Golmohammadi -
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421 - Modeling of mechanical behavior of a rotating magnetorheological damper
Iman Bagherzadeh Ali Moazemi Goudarzi -
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422 - Design and Analytical Investigation of a Jointless Mechanical Amplifier
Amir Reza Askari Abdolrahim Askari -
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423 - Identifying and reviewing the process of vegetation usage changes using time-based neural network and CA models using GIS and RS techniques (Case Study: Minoodasht County Golestan Province)
صادق شکوری سید مسعود موسوی حسنی مهسا پورعطاکش آناهیتا قربانی سمیرا ارنک -
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424 - Evaluation and analysis of high voltage power lines in Semnan city using aerial photography
Ehsan Kashi pardis raofi Negin Nikbakht Niayesh Jalilpour -
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425 - Fusion of Hyperspectral and High resolution imagery based on different level of HAAR DWT.
Hasan Hasani Moghaddam Ali Asghrar Torahi Parviz zeaiean -
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426 - Stratified Systematic Sampling in Tappeh Borj, Nishabur, Khorāsān
Mohsen Dana Omran Garazhian Hassan Fazeli Nashli -
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427 - Stucco Decorations of Ilkhanid Period in Takht-i Sulaiman Site
Ebrahim Moradi Mahmood Tavousi seyed ali asghar mirfatah -
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428 - Analysis of the mythological story "Malik Mohammad, Malik Ahmad and Malik Jamshid" based on Joseph Campbell's theory
Marjan Aliakbarzadeh zehtab -
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429 - An investigation of Sassanian stamps in the National Museum of Iran
Mina Karimi -
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430 - The amount of suspended particles containing heavy metals in the air of the 21st district of Tehran, 2021 autumn
seyyed reza karimi -
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431 - Antibiotic resistance to beta-lactams in bacteria: Beta- Lactamases
Fatemeh Noorbakhsh -
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432 - Phenotypic and molecular detection of AmpC-beta-lactamase in Acintobacter baumannii strains isolated of clinical specimens
Masoumeh Ali Barari Fatemeh Noorbakhsh Sahar Honarmand Jahromi -
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433 - Design and Simulation of X Band LNA for Aircraft Receiver
mehdi Samadi ali rostami ali sahafi -
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434 - Accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging through Compressed Sensing Theory in the Direction space-k
Javad Hosseinzadeh mehdi Rajabioun -
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435 - Compressed sensing: a review
Razieh Keshavarzian -
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436 - Kinematic Assessment Force of Writer’s Cramp Before And During Cramp
azim alinejad fariborz rahimi -
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437 - Improvement of Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) in Artificial Heart
Majid Neshat Yazdi Reihaneh Kardehi Moghaddam -
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438 - A PSO-Based Static Synchronous Compensator Controller
Meisam Mahdavi Ali Nazari Vahid Hosseinnezhad Amin Safari -
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439 - Using Neural Network to Control STATCOM
Mozhgan Balavar -
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440 - FACTS Control Parameters Identification
Ali Ahmadian Masoud Aliakbar Golkar -
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441 - A Novel Heuristic Optimization Methodology
Ali Nazari Amin Safari Hossein Shayeghi -
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442 - Cooling Effect of Shaded Open Spaces on Long-term Outdoor Comfort by Evaluation of UTCI Index in two Universities of Tehran.
Morteza Ojaghlou Mehdi Khakzand -
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443 - Physical Factors Influencing Place Identity in Higher Education Environments (Case Study: Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch)
Leila Karimifard Fatemeh Tabatabaei Malazi -
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444 - Contributing factors in Iranian relationships and Zarrin Camp during Holako Khan and Abakhan's statesmanship.
maryam mohammadi -
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445 - Bush and Trump's Inspirational Pattern in Building Nation and Promoting Democracy
Alireza Mashoori Rouhollah Shahabi Bahram Yousefi Fereydoun Akbarzadeh -
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446 - Review Mechanism and Its Examples in the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Soheila Yousefi Mahdi Momeni -
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447 - A W-band Simultaneously Matched Power and Noise Low Noise Amplifier Using CMOS 0.13µm
Mahmoud Mohammad-Taheri -
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448 - Identifying obstacles to success in national championship sport Studied case: (Wushu Sports)
Vahid Beygmohammadloo Mohammad Ataee -
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449 - Determining the current situation and strategic position of the National Championship Sport.
Reza Sharbatzade Mehdi Naderinasab Ebrahim Alidoust -
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450 - Policy development of career competencies of nurses in the country's hospitalsEmphasis on behavioral examples
fereshte froumadian Mohammad Ataee Hamed Rahmani -
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451 - Study of Relation between Ethic Leadership Perception of Managers and Personnel Performance
Syyad Mohammad Ali Mir Kamali Mohammad Reza Karami -
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452 - Optimization ELM neural network in prediction problem: case study forecasting demand steel in Iran
Jalal Rezaeenour Mansoureh Yari eili Esmaiel roozbahani Mohammad hossein Roozbahani -
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453 - The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in reducing Administrative & Financial Corruption
Sara Mohammadi Ali Mehrabi Saeed Jafarinia Hamid Reza Alaeinasab -
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454 - Developing and Solving two Level Lot Sizing Problem with Multi Production Methods using Vibration Damping Optimization Algorithm
Mohammad Ebrahimi Maghsod Amiri -
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455 - Cost Analysis of Acceptance Sampling Models Using Dynamic Programming and Bayesian Inference Considering Inspection Errors
mohammad saber fallah nezhad Abolghasem Yousefi Babadi -
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456 - Developing a Method for Increasing Accuracy and Precision in Measurement System Analysis: A Fuzzy Approach
Abolfazl Kazemi Hassan Haleh Vahid Hajipour Seyed Habib Rahmati -
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Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Amir Fatehi Kivi -
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458 - A New Hybrid Algorithm to Optimize Stochastic-fuzzy Capacitated Multi-Facility Location-allocation Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Tavarroth Vahid Hajipour -
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459 - Equivalent Viscous Damping in Steel Structures Equipped with Dampers.
Seyed Behdad Alehojjat Omid Bahar Masood Yakhchalian -
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460 - The Effect of Viscous Dampers on Improvement of the Behavior of Tall Belt Truss Structures
Nasser Gholaman Mohammad Ali Jafari -
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461 - Performance Evaluation of Viscoelastic and Friction Passive Damping System in Steel Structures
Mohammad Taghi Kazemia Hosein Hoseini -
Open Access Article
462 - A Numerical Evaluation of Seismic Response of Shallow Soil Deposits
S. M. Babaee seyed mjddin Mir Mohammad Hosseinib -
Open Access Article
463 - Liquefaction Hazard assessment using Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio of Microtremor
Mehdi Mokhberi Sadegh Yazdanpanah Fard -
Open Access Article
464 - Exploring the Efficiency of Dampers for Repair and Strengthening of Existing Buildings
F. Barati A. Esfandiari -
Open Access Article
465 - Effect of column-foundation connection stiffness on seismic performance of rocking steel braced frame
Masoumeh Farshbaf Abdolreza S. Moghadam -
Open Access Article
466 - Response of Two Rapeseed Cultivars (Brassica napus L.) in Terms of Growth Indices, Yield and Yield Components to Method of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application in Gonbad-e Qabus Plain
Seyyed Fazel Fazeli Kakhki Morteza Goldani Farhad Soleimani fard Naser Bikzadeh -
Open Access Article
467 - Investigating of the Ability of some Cover Crops to Weeds Control
Leyli Nabati Souha Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim Fatemeh Ahmadnia Majid Rostami Yangjeh -
Open Access Article
468 - Sociological explanation of Quranic examples of social justice from the point of view of Allameh Tabatabai in Tafsir al-Mizan
Mohammad Rashidi Seyyed Mohammad Ayazi Seyyed Mohammad Bagheri Hojjati Mahdi Mehrizi -
Open Access Article
469 - The relationship of trust in online social networks in the tendency to create support campaigns (case study: women of Mako city )
Zahra Abbasalizadeh Mohammad Abbaszadeh mahran samadi Mahmoud Elmh -
Open Access Article
470 - Criticism of embezzlement and smuggling of goods as examples of money laundering
mihammad ali ebrahimzadehmolaei Akbar Fallah Ali Faghihi -
Open Access Article
471 - تاثیر نظرات اصلاحی و نظرات اشاره ای معلم بر مهارت نوشتن زبان آموزان ایرانی
مهرنوش عطاآفرین وصال آیات علی اصغر یوسفی آذرفام -
Open Access Article
472 - تأتیر پیچیدگی شرایط و دشواری فعالیتهای کلاسی بر صحت دستوری نگارش زبانآموزان ایرانی
سعیده آهنگری مهلقا اکبری -
Open Access Article
473 - Subversion in Modern Juridical-Legal System
abozar aliakbari hany mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
474 - A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Submission and Alimony in Shia and Sunni jurisprudents' Views
Abdol Rasoul Ahmadian -
Open Access Article
475 - Jurisprudential and Legal Approach of intent in Trade documents (drafts, promissory notes, and checks)
Mohammad SHokri Ebahim Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
476 - Development of a microwave-assisted extraction combined with homogenous liquid-liquid microextraction for the extraction of chloramphenicol and florfenicol from chicken meat samples before their analysis using high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector
Amirhossein Hamedfar Afshin Javadi Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam Hamid Mirzaei -
Open Access Article
477 - Prevalence and antibiotic resistant of Campylobacter spp. isolated from different stages of sheep slaughterhouse
امیر Shakerian ابراهیم Rahimi سیامک Kazemi -
Open Access Article
478 - Comparative histomorphometric study of small intestine in broiler chicken using the closed-Clarke, opened-formalin and closed-formalin fixation methods
Aref Mahmoodtabar Mohammad Amir karimi Torshizi -
Open Access Article
479 - Alterations in acute phase proteins, hemogram and electrophoretic pattern of equine serum proteins following change of diet from forage to forage mixed with concentrate
Rouhoullah Karampour Mohammad Razi Jalali mohammad rahim haji hajikalaei Alireza Ghadrdan mashhadi -
Open Access Article
480 - A comparative study of the frequency and intensity of nosemosis based on individual and composite samples of live bees in the apiaries of the cities of East Azerbaijan province
Abbas Imani Baran Gholamreza Hamidian -
Open Access Article
481 - A report on the alimentary canal helminthic infestation of stray and pet dogs in Tabriz
یعقوب Gharedaghi S.A Shabestari-Asl رضا Hesam-Sadati -
Open Access Article
482 - Evaluation of chloramphenicol residues in poultry meat using ELISA method in Isfahan
ابراهیم Rahimi محسن Jafarian -
Open Access Article
483 - Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum by 16S rRNA PCR with specific primers in clinical samples
S.A Pourbakhsh افشین Zakeri نریمان Sheikhi سعید Charkhkar عباس Ashtari -
Open Access Article
484 - Evaluation of urinary and gastrointestinal disorders in foals with rhodococcosis and the effect of treatment with azithromycin plus rifampin on these disorders
ali hassanpour alireza monadi hamidreza Alipour Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
485 - Detection of Mycoplasma synoviae in clinical samples by VlhA-PCR method
حسین Ansari S.A Pourbakhsh نریمان Sheikhi M.H Bozorgmehri Fard عباس Ashtari -
Open Access Article
486 - A Study of comparison between problem solving and self-efficacy styles among sample and common high-school students
Akram Jafarzadeh Ghadimi Souzan Emamipour Mozhgan Sepah-Mansour Robab Jafarzadeh Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
487 - The Effects of Internal R&D Expenditures and Intermediate - Capital Imports on Productivity and Value Added in Iranian Provincial Industries
Manijeh Taghilou Barzelaghi Gholamhosein Rahnomay Garamaleki Monere Dezaji -
Open Access Article
488 - Research and Development Spillovers Impact on Productivity (Case study: Iran's agricultural sector)
Seyedsafdar Hoseyni Habib Shahbazi Akram Abasifar -
Open Access Article
489 - Defining the Performance of the Organization on the Basis of Tendency to Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Capital: A structural equations modeling approach
Mohammad Akbare Borang Samira Pour Mohsen Ayti -
Open Access Article
490 - The Effect of Investment Opportunities, Growth and Capital Productivity on Firm Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Heidar Mohammadzadeh Salteh -
Open Access Article
491 - The Effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Inflation in the Selected Countries
Abbas Memarnejad Monireh Dizaji -
Open Access Article
492 - The Effect of Swimming Training and Trans-cinnamic Acid on Anxiety, Working Memory and Dark Neuron Density of Rat’s Offspring Hippocampus in Prenatal Seizure Model
Mohammad Ali Zarei Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh -
Open Access Article
493 - Effective factors for Designing and Developing Road Network from the Perspective of Rural Management (Study Area: Rural Settlements of Shahinshahr and Maymeh)
Seyyed Ramin Ghafari -
Open Access Article
494 - Analysis of spatial justice in desert settlements with an emphasis on urban public services (Case study of Sistan and Baluchestan province)
Abbas Alipoor ehsan alipori Mehdi Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
495 - Examine the influence of campaign contact group behavior in the eleventh round of the presidential elections Case Study: Tehran Citizens
A. Seyedi S. Taherkhani -
Open Access Article
496 - Number and projected area estimates of coarse woody debris by line intersect sampling (case study: chafroud forests)
farshad keivan behjo zeynab poorgholi -
Open Access Article
497 - Extraction and Identification of Chemical components of the essence of Achillea Santolina
Vali Allah Raoofi Rad عطا الله Ebrahimi حسین Arzani -
Open Access Article
498 - Investigating the chemical composition of flower and leaf essential oil Achillea pachycephala Rech. F.
کامکار jaymand محمدباقر rezaee -
Open Access Article
499 - Comparative study of the essential oils in leaf and stem of Zhumeria majdae at vegetative stage
A.A. Majrouhi -
Open Access Article
500 - The study of the freezing and drying effects on quantity and quality of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil and caffeic acid
Elham Tazikeh Lemeski Javad Mahdavi Mighan -
Open Access Article
501 - Phytochemical essential oil analysis of Salvia leriifolia Benth. from different stages and habitats (natural and greenhouse condition)
Mir mehdi hashmi Bahman Hosaeni abbas Hasani Rana Gholenezhad Ubret Ghosta َAlireza Sirousmehr -
Open Access Article
502 - Effect of foliar application of chitosan on the quantity and quality of Hyssopus officinalis L. subsp. angustifolius Bieb. essential oil under different irrigation regimes
Seyed Mohammad Alavi Samani Prof. Abdollah Ghasemi Pirbalouti Fatemeh Malekpoor -
Open Access Article
503 - Phytochemical and antioxidant activity of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz. essential oil in different habitats of Golestan province
Masoumeh Mazandarani -
Open Access Article
504 - The reaction of Eryngium campestre plant to glycine, nitroxine and humic acid and investigating the effect of its extract on dealing with Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria
Zeinab Nasrollahnejad Ghomi khodayar hemati Mehrdad Babarabie -
Open Access Article
505 - Evaluating Good Urban Governance for Iranian Cities (A Case Study of Ahvaz)
Heydar Kazemi Bijan Rahmani -
Open Access Article
506 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction and Uv/vis Spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Copper in vegetable and fruit samples after preconcentration of its Pentetate complex
Hojjat Veisi Fatemeh Parvizi Mohammad Reza Abdi -
Open Access Article
507 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Mefenamic Acid in Biological Samples Using Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Sorbent for Solid Phase Extraction
Ali Niazi Mahtab D. Torkman Neda Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
508 - On-line Pre-Concentration and Separation of Inorganic Arsenic Based on Nano Platinum-Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Hamid Shirkhanloo Ali Akbar Miran Beigi Amir Vahid Nasrin Shirkhanloo Behzad Kalantri Hossein Ali Ghadirian -
Open Access Article
509 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction and Uv/vis Spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of Copper in vegetable and fruit samples after preconcentration of its Pentetate complex
Hojjat Veisi Fatemeh Parvizi Mohammad Reza Abdi -
Open Access Article
510 - Determination of samarium (III) ions in environmental samples after magnetic solid phase extraction using 1, 10- phenanthroline-2, 9-dicarboxilic acid modified Fe3O4/GO nanosheets
Leila Farzin Mojtaba Amiri -
Open Access Article
511 - A Topology of Class-AB OTA with Increased DC-Gain and Slew-Rate
Shahrbanoo Ghorbanzadeh Hadi Dehbovid Alireza Ghorbani Mehdi Abedi Pahnekola -
Open Access Article
512 - Fake News Detection Using Feature Extraction, Resampling Methods, and Deep Learning
Mirmorsal Madani Homayun Motameni Hosein Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
513 - Design and Analysis of a Two stage Class AB Operational Trans-conductance Amplifier in 180 –nm Technology
shahrbanoo ghorbanzadeh hadi dehbovid Alireza ghorbani Seyed Mehdi Abedi Pahnekolaei -
Open Access Article
514 - Multipath cascaded single stage distributed power detector; analysis and design
Nader Javadifar Yaghoob Mohammadmoradi Atila skandarnezhad -
Open Access Article
515 - Alternating Rectifier in SDLVA by Power Detector: A Novel Technique for Improved Chip Area and Power Consumption
Nader‎ Javadifar Massoud Dousti Hassan Hajghassem -
Open Access Article
516 - The study of epic themes of Shah Ismaeil and Golzar’s story regarding the analytic psychology of Jung and Campbell’s unique myth theory
Atikeh Rasmi Sakineh Rasmi -
Open Access Article
517 - The effecte of eight weeks of resistance training with royal jelly on the pathaphysiological changes in the hippocampal tissue of Alzheimer's rats
Leila Mokhtari Tahereh Bagherpour Nematollah Nemati -
Open Access Article
518 - Temperature-dependent Vibration Analysis of Clamped-free Sandwich Beams with Porous FG Core
Mohsen Rahmani -
Open Access Article
519 - Identification and Ranking Green Supplier Selection Criteria Using One-Sample T-Test and FANP Methods: A Case Study for Petrochemical Industry
Pirouz Sayfi Merdad Nikbakht -
Open Access Article
520 - Cause and Effect Analysis of Risks of Refinery Developmental Turnkey Projects through System Dynamics Approach Case Study: Development Project of Third Distillation Unit and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) in Isfahan Oil Refinery
Arash Shadmanpoor Mehrdad Nikbakht -
Open Access Article
521 - The Nature of the Decision of the Working Group to Determine Examples of Cyberspace Criminal Content and Its Consequences
amirali behdadi mohamdreza zande morteza naji zavareh -
Open Access Article
522 - A review on power reducing methods of neural recording amplifiers
samira mehdipour mehdi habibi -
Open Access Article
523 - Optimal Power Allocation for CR Networks with Direct and AF Relay-Aided Transmissions
anahita Pakdelian Rouhollah Aghajani -
Open Access Article
524 - Design and Simulation of a 20-Watt Doherty Power Amplifier at a frequency of 2.14 GHz for wireless communication systems
Shaban Rezaei Borjlu Hossein Alibagheri -
Open Access Article
525 - Design and simulation of a low-noise low-power narrowband amplifier (LNA) in 180 nm CMOS technology
Esmail Karimi -
Open Access Article
526 - Design of Non-Uniform Sample and Hold Circuit for Biomedical Signal Processing Applications
Sara Bagher Nasrabadi Mehdi Dolatshahi Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Hossein Poorghasem -
Open Access Article
527 - Design and Simulation of a Bulk Driven Operational Transconductance Amplifier Based on CNTFET Technology
Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Mostafa Parvizi -
Open Access Article
528 - System Design of a Low-power Non-coherent Receiver for Stimulating Wireless Neural Implants
Fakhralsadat Rastegari Massoud Dousti Behbod Ghalamkari -
Open Access Article
529 - A New Soft Switching Interleaved Flyback Converter with Recovery Leakage Inductance Energy
Zahra Peiravan Majid Delshad Mohammadreza Amini -
Open Access Article
530 - Design and Simulation of Ultra-Low-Power Sigma-Delta Converter Using the Fully Differential Inverter-Based Amplifier for Digital Hearing Aids Application
Shima Alizadeh Zanjani Abumoslem Jannesari Pooya Torkzadeh -
Open Access Article
531 - A 0.5 V Operational Transconductance Amplifier Based on Dynamic Threshold-Voltage MOSFET and Floating Gate MOSFET Inverters in 180 nm CMOS Technology
Amir Baghi Rahin Vahid Baghi Rahin -
Open Access Article
532 - Design of a Two-Stage Operational Amplifier Using Artificial Neural Network
Alireza Pourkhalili Sayed Mohammad Ali Zanjani -
Open Access Article
533 - Design and simulation of a new sample and hold circuit with a resulation of 12-bit and a sampling rate of 1 GS/s using a dual sampling technique.
Najmeh Chamanpira Seyed Mohammad Ali Zanjani Mehdi Dolatshahi -
Open Access Article
534 - A Hybrid Method for Optimal Allocation of Shunt Compensators to Mitigate Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR)
Maryam Bahramgiri Mehdi Ehsan Seyed Babak Mozafari -
Open Access Article
535 - Transient Performance Improvement of Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Induction Generators Using Active Damping Control Strategy
Saeed Soleymani Bahador Fani Mohammad Reza Yousefi -
Open Access Article
536 - A Low-Voltage and Low-Power Programmable "G" _"m" "-C" Filter for Wireless Applications
Amir Baghi Rahin Ziaadin Daei Koozeh Kanani -
Open Access Article
537 - A Digital Predistortion Maker With Adaptation Characteristic
Mohammad Reza Soltani Ebrahim Borzabadi Mohammad Reza Zadhoosh Rasul Amirfattahi -
Open Access Article
538 - A Low-Power CMOS Trans-Impedance Amplifier for 2.5 Gb/S Optical Communication Systems
Mojgan Mohseni Mehdi Dolatshahi -
Open Access Article
539 - Design of a 12-Bit 200MS/S CMOS Sample-and-Hold Circuit
Hamid Mahmoodian Mehdi Dolatshahi -
Open Access Article
540 - Design and Simulation of a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) with low power consumption and high gain in 2.4GHz frequency for wireless systems
Esmaeel Karimi Ebrahim Borzabadi -
Open Access Article
541 - Optimal Locating of Ecotourism Camps in the Bazoft Basin Using the Access Criteria
امیر گندمکار Maryam Alsadat Ahadinejad -
Open Access Article
542 - The Analysis of factors determining the visitor satisfaction- A case study in Qom
Hasan Mafi Foroutan mojtaba javdan -
Open Access Article
543 - The Feasibility and Management of Tourist Attractions with Emphasis on Tourists' Viewpoints (A Case Study of Borazjan)
Masoud Safaeepour majid guodarzi Fatemeh Ghoddousi fard -
Open Access Article
544 - Self-Evaluation from the Perspective of Verses and Hadiths
Abbas ali rostamisani -
Open Access Article
545 - Investigating steel slit dampers behavior in concrete structures
Leila Hosseinzadeh Seyed Majid Alavinia Ali Ghamari Abbas Akbarpour -
Open Access Article
546 - Improving the seismic performance of the butterfly slit damper using a nitinol shape memory alloy in the diagonal CBF brace
farzad vafadar Vahid Broujerdian ali ghamari -
Open Access Article
547 - Friction damper optimization based on parallel sensitivity analysis For self-centering concrete walls with gravity columns
mohsen izadinia mahdi ravanbakhshian Hosein Tajmir Mohammadhasan Meisami -
Open Access Article
548 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete moment Frames with Special Ductility with and without Viscous Dampers on the Floors Level
ashkan khodabandehlou siamak barmaki -
Open Access Article
549 - Improving the Seismic Performance of the Butterfly Slit Damper Using a Nitinol Shape Memory Alloy in the Diagonal CBF Brace
farzad vafadar Vahid Broujerdian Ali Ghamiri -
Open Access Article
550 - Performance Investigation of A new type of Hexagonal damper in a diagonal brace
mohsen yousefi Yahya nassira ali ghamari -
Open Access Article
551 - Seismic Behavior Upgrade of Steel Moment FramesUsing Viscous Dampers and Determination of Their Proper Damping Forces
seyyed Mehdi Zahraei Omid Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
552 - Friction damper optimization based on parallel sensitivity analysis for self-centering concrete walls with gravity columns
mahdi ravanbakhshian mohsen izadinia Hosein Tajmir Mohammadhasan Meisami -
Open Access Article
553 - Effect of Gap Length and Using Viscoelastic Damper on ReducingSeismic Pounding in Adjacent Low-Rise Concrete Buildings
s.mehdi zahraei s.mohammad khatami -
Open Access Article
554 - The Investigation Effect of Viscous Damper on the Floor level on Seismic Response at Reinforced Concrete Tall buildings with Internal Resistant Core the Tube in Tube System
sajjad Alizadeh ashkan khodabandelou -
Open Access Article
555 - Effect of Tuned Mass Damper with Various Mass Fractions on the Seismic Performance of Isolated Reinforced Concrete Structures
mehdi kouhdaragh -
Open Access Article
556 - Investigating the effects of using a rocking motion system on the bending seismic Behavior of special steel frames
Ali Parvari S.Behnam Beheshti -
Open Access Article
557 - Investigation of the Girth Size and intervals Effect on Lateral Buckling Strength of Built-up Double I & C-Sections Columns
jaber hemayati ahmad rahbar ranji -
Open Access Article
558 - Investigation of the Effect of Soil Structure Interaction on the Response of Structures with Viscoelastic Damper under Different Damping
masoud pourbaba saeid javaherzadeh fariba seyyedi mohammadi -
Open Access Article
559 - The effect of position and percentage of TMD in plan on seismic performance of concrete structures
said javaherzadeh maryam eslam mohamadi -
Open Access Article
560 - The effect of Number and Position of Braced Frames on Failure Distribution and Column Behavior of the Dual Steel Structural System (MRF and EBF)
Alireza Faroughi Sajjad Mohammadi Abd-ol-Reza Sarvghad Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
561 - Investigation of the Performance of a new model of rectangular damper in the diagonal Convergent brace
mohsen yousefi Yahya nassira ali ghamari -
Open Access Article
562 - Investigation of base shear in the steel structure with rotational friction damper influenced by the soil-structure interaction
Alireza Lork SAEED ABACHI Ali Nikkhoo -
Open Access Article
563 - The Effect of Viscous Dampers in Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Buildings
Mehdi Vakilzadeh Kambiz Mazaheri Mohaddeseh Bakhtiyari Azad -
Open Access Article
564 - Improve seismic performance of Concrete Moment Frame Structures using TLD damper
Ali Sarmad Mehrdad Movahednia -
Open Access Article
565 - Investigation of the effect of using TADAS dampers in hydraulic structures under continuous loads
mahmood mohammadi mohammad asadian ghahferokhi mohammad amiri -
Open Access Article
566 - Seismic Control of Structures Using Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLD) Adaptable with Water Level
Nakisa Azari Farshid Fathi -
Open Access Article
567 - The Effect of Tuned Mass Damper Location on its Performance in MDOF Structures
morteza baigoly Farzan Hadad Shargh Fayaz Rahimzadeh Rofooei -
Open Access Article
568 - Effect of yield-torsional damper on the vibrational Energy Absorption of the Structure
alireza ansari saeed abbasi asghar rasouli -
Open Access Article
569 - Investigating the behavior of steel slit dampers in concrete structures
Seyed Majid Alavinia Leila Hosseinzadeh Ali Ghamari Abbas Akbarpour -
Open Access Article
570 - Investigation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of High-rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings and their Improvement by Viscoelastic Dampers
Faraz Kazemi ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
571 - Determining the Optimum Position of Tuned Mass Damper with the Aim of Improving the Seismic Behavior of the Structures
Ahmad maleki mehdi Asadpour rasoul kodayadi -
Open Access Article
572 - A review of studies on the use of dampers to improve the seismic performance of structures
Ali Sattari -
Open Access Article
573 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Frames with Special Ductility with and without Viscous Dampers on the Floors Level
siamak barmaki ashkan khodabandehlou -
Open Access Article
574 - Efficiency of Preventing Short Message Service on Students Attitudes and Self-Efficiency towards Drug Abuse
Daruosh Jalali -
Open Access Article
575 - Campylobacter spp. as a Potential Pathogen in the edible mushrum (Agaricus mushrooms )
Amir Shakerian -
Open Access Article
576 - Isolation of Campylobacter in different processing stage and presentation of poultry carcasses
amin irannejhad ebrahim rahimi majid gholamiahangaran -
Open Access Article
577 - Evaluation of virulence and enterotoxin genes in Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated from Meat and Egg samples by Multiplex-PCR
Toktam Khodadadipour Kumarss Amini Razagh Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
578 - Optimization of the Extraction Process of Aqueous and Alcoholic (Ethanol) Extracts of Allium Ampelloprasuml Plant by Response Surface Methodology and Its Antioxidant Effect on Soybean Oil Stability over Shelf Life
الهام Azadfar Maryam Sabetghadam زهره Bahrami بیتا Beyzaei -
Open Access Article
579 - Application of ERIC-PCR method for genetic classification of campylobacter strains isolated from raw milk
GholamReza Banisharif Mohammad Hosein Marhamatizadeh Hassan Momtaz -
Open Access Article
580 - Impacts of Kampo medicine on induction of CYP3A4 and ABCB1 in gastrointestinal cell model LS180
Kana Hashimoto Daichi Enomoto Shion Ohsawa Saki Aoki Kai Tanaka Runa Yamauchi Yuko Nakayama Kohji Takara -
Open Access Article
581 - شناسایی ترکیبات شیمیائی اسانس Tanacetum chiliophyllum var. oligocephalum در ایران
مهران مجرد آشنا آباد علی سنبلی ناصر نصیری -
Open Access Article
582 - بررسی ترکیب اسانس و فعالیت آنتی اکسیدانی Achillea eriophora به عنوان یک گیاه دارویی
مالک طاهر مقصودلو جعفر ولی زاده جواد متقی پیشه ناهید راه نشان -
Open Access Article
583 - بررسی تغییرات کمی و کیفی اسانس گیاه Artemisia haussckenechtii درسه مرحله نموی در استان لرستان
حمزه امیری مسعود گودرزی -
Open Access Article
584 - تنوع خصوصیات فیتوشیمیایی جمعیت های مختلف بابونه گاوی (مخلصه) با نام علمی Tanacetum parthenium کشت شده در شرایط آب و هوایی شهرکرد
راضیه عبدالهی ارجنکی -
Open Access Article
585 - Electrochemical amperometric sensing of loratadine using NiO modified paste electrode as an amplified sensor
Neda Raeisi-Kheirabadi Alireza Nezamzadeh-Ejhieh Hamidreza Aghaei -
Open Access Article
586 - New optimized model identification in time series model and its difficulties
Ahmad Reza Zanboori Karim Zare -
Open Access Article
Zahra Momennezhad Mahdi Najafikhah -
Open Access Article
588 - Comparing Numerical Methods for the Solution of the Damped Forced Oscillator Problem
A. R. Vahidi Gh. Asadi Kordshooli Z. Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
589 - A statistical test for outlier identification in data envelopment analysis
Morteza Khodabin Reza Kazemi Matin -
Open Access Article
590 - Analysis of Common Myths of Initiations (Regeneration or Initiation) and its Comparison with Avesta
Masoomeh Mahlooji Mahabadi Hamidreza Shayeganfar Mehrangiz Owhadi -
Open Access Article
591 - Comparative Criticism of Awareness of the Tow Hero in The Novel "When Nietzsche Wept"
Raheleh Abdollahzadeh Borzoo -
Open Access Article
592 - A Review on the Lactic Acid Bacteria Probiotic in the Control of Coccidiosis, Campylobacteriosis, and Salmonellosis in Broiler Chickens
م. رویان -
Open Access Article
593 - RFLP Analysis of Beta‐Lactoglobulin Gene in Swamp and Murrah Buffaloes Using a Single Restriction Enzyme
W. Nualchuen K. Srisakwattana S. Chethasing K. Tasripoo S. Usawang R. Hengtrakulsin M. Kamonpatana -
Open Access Article
594 - Study of Longevity in Dairy Cattle
M. Rakhshani Nejad N. Emamjomeh Kashan M. Rokouei M. Aminafshar H. Faraji-Arough -
Open Access Article
595 - Bayesian Estimates of Genetic Relationships between Growth Curve Parameters in Shall Sheep via Gibbs Sampling
ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
Open Access Article
596 - Using Heavy-Tailed Levy Model in Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform Domain for Ultrasound Image Despeckling
Saeed Jafari Sedigheh Ghofrani -
Open Access Article
597 - ADABOOST Ensemble Algorithms for Breast Cancer Classification
Moshood Hambali Yakub Saheed Tinuke Oladele Morufat Gbolagade -
Open Access Article
598 - Translation Invariant Approach for Measuring Similarity of Signals
A. Darvishi -
Open Access Article
599 - Multi-Machine Power System Stability Improvement Using a New Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Damping Controller
Mohammad Sadegh Payam Ehsan Bijami -
Open Access Article
600 - Using Non-Sub sampled Shearlet Transform and Nakagami Model for Ultrasound Image De-Speckling
Sedigheh Ghofrani -
Open Access Article
601 - Investigation of Beech Increment in Elevation Levels with Trend of Climatic Changes (Case study: Asalem basin)
Alireza eslami ali mohamadi mahmood roshani beit allah amanzadeh -
Open Access Article
602 - The Role of Camping In times of leisure manpower students (Cease Study: High school students 2 Area Rasht)
mohammadbaset ghoreshi minabad seyedeh tayebeh mirvase -
Open Access Article
603 - An Evaluation of The Major Constraints Hampering the Effective Functioning of the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank in Kogi State, Nigeria
Adofu I Orebiyi J. S Otitolaiye J. O -
Open Access Article
604 - Distribution of Lead and cadmium Levels in the soil of Borkhar District of Isfahan province
A, Gandomkar M, Hadi -
Open Access Article
605 - Determinants of Poverty among Rural Households in South Western States, Nigeria
Olubunmi Lawrence Balogun -
Open Access Article
606 - Risk Analysis and Strategy of Rice Farmers in Swampland in the Face of Climate Change Impact (Case in South Kalimantan Province-Indonesia)
Yudi Ferrianta Muhammad Fauzi Makki -
Open Access Article
607 - The study of microfacies and sedimentary environments of the Kazhdumi Formation northeast of Shiraz
Masih Afghah Ahmad Motamed Sara Shokrollahi Allaf -
Open Access Article
608 - Genetic Potential Evaluation of Source Rocks in Masjed Soleiman Oil Field
Zahra Rezaee Amin Karampour Bahram Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
609 - Investigation of microfacies and sedimentary environments of Qom Formation in the south of Saveh
Somayeh Zare Mir reza Mosavi Mohssen Al-Ali -
Open Access Article
610 - Experimental Evaluation of Marly Soil’s Mechanical and Dynamical Behavior
Ali Kamali Mehdi Mokhberi Abbas Ghalandarzadeh -
Open Access Article
611 - Presenting the transparency model in the Islamic Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran (investigating the extent of the gap between the opinions of experts and citizens from the perspective of the characteristics of the transparent parliament)
Hadi BerenjiMaryan hamidreza rezaee kelidbari karim kiakajouri -
Open Access Article
612 - Developing two 4-parameter and 5-parameter exponential smoothing methods with multiplicative trend for demand forecasting
Sobhan Davarpanah Reza Yousefi Zenouz Amir-Reza Abtahi -
Open Access Article
613 - Multiple Dependent States Repetitive Sampling Control Chart for Monitoring Rayleigh Distributed Data
Srinivasa Rao Gadde Olatunde Adebayo Adeoti -
Open Access Article
614 - A stochastic model for operating room planning under uncertainty and equipment capacity constraints
J. Razmi M. Barati M. S. Yousefi J. Heydari -
Open Access Article
615 - Acceptance sampling for attributes via hypothesis testing and the hypergeometric distribution
Robert Wayne Samohyl -
Open Access Article
616 - Scenario-based modeling for multiple allocation hub location problem under disruption risk: multiple cuts Benders decomposition approach
Mohsen Yahyaei Mahdi Bashiri -
Open Access Article
617 - Investigating the Effect of Using Multistory Pipe Dampers and their Combination with Braces on Structure Performance
Sated Behzad Talaeitaba Erafn Jalali -
Open Access Article
618 - Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Multi-Level Pipe Dampers Considering Connection Flexibility in Steel Frames
soroush safakhah Ehsan kazeminezhad Mohammad Reza Arabpour -
Open Access Article
619 - Evaluation of shape factor effect on hysteresis behavior of elastomeric rubber bearings
Ehsan Kazeminezhad Soroush Safakhah -
Open Access Article
620 - Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Schools with Masonry System Treated by Braces, FRP Strips and Friction Dampers Using Fragility Curves (Case Study: Khorram Abad)
Saeed BahariPour Mahdi Nani Mojtaba Hosseini Abdolreza sarvghad Moghadam Mehran Mehran S. Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
621 - Analysis On Response Of Dynamic Systems To Pulse Sequences Excitation
Li Shuang Zhai Changhai Xie Lili -
Open Access Article
622 - Modal Identification Of A Tested Steel Frame Using Linear Arx Model Structure
Yavuz Kaya -
Open Access Article
623 - Dual-layer Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Control of Structures
Tanuja P. Bandivadekar Radhey S. Jangid -
Open Access Article
624 - Earthquake Vibration Control of Structures using Tuned Liquid Dampers: Experimental Studies
Pradipta Banerji Avik Samanta Sachin A. Chavan -
Open Access Article
625 - Evaluation of the Performance of Visco-elastic Dampers in Near-fault Earthquakes using Nonlinear Time-history Analysis
Rasoul Sabe-ahd Kolsum Jafarzadeh Mohammad Ali Lotfollahi-Yaghin -
Open Access Article
626 - Performance Evaluation of Viscoelastic and Friction Passive Damping Systems in Vibration Control of Tall Buildings
Ehsan Noroozinejad Farsangi -
Open Access Article
627 - Evaluation of the library anxiety level of graduate students in Shiraz University based on multi-dimensional model of Van Kampen
Saeideh Ebrahimy Elaheh Ebrahimy Ardakani Abdolrasoul Jowkar -
Open Access Article
628 - A study of using scientific databases available on the University of Tehran website by the post graduate students of the campus of technical colleges
fahimeh babalhavaeji reza poordadash sangadeh -
Open Access Article
629 - Effect of different times of ischemia/reperfusion on dentate gyrus cells of hippocampus in Wistar rat
Zahra Nadia Sharifi shabnam movassaghi zahra kermaniha arefeh arafati amir ghasemi -
Open Access Article
630 - Effect of neurotrophic effect of Rifampicin on memory impairment in male Wistar Rat model of ischemia / reperfusion
Sogol Shakibania Zahra Nadia Sharifi Shabnam Movassaghi -
Open Access Article
631 - Investigation of BAD Gene Expression Following Chloriazepoxide Effect on pregnancy In the hippocampus of mouse infants
Amin Dinarvand Mehrdad Hashemi Rasool Dinarvand Shabnam Movaseghi Mojtaba Jafarinia -
Open Access Article
632 - Determination of icaD gene expression level in Staphylococcus aureus by treatment with garlic extract and rifampin
Seyedeh Elham Hosseini Salekdeh Hadi Habibollahi Mohammad Reza Safari Motlagh -
Open Access Article
633 - Designing a Qualitative Model of Heroic Tourism Development in the Wrestling Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Yaser Khalpour Alamdari Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami -
Open Access Article
634 - Preconcentration and determination of Pb(II) using magnetic nanoparticles coated with DABCO-PDO ionic liquid with FAAS in aqueous samples
sara khodadadi elahe konoz ali niazi ali ezabadi -
Open Access Article
635 - Combination of two liquid microextraction methods for extraction and determination of copper in water samples by using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
Open Access Article
636 - A simple method for on-site determination of iodide ions by recording fluorescence intensity changes of rhodamine B with a home-made fluorimeter
Leila Khoshmaram Maryam Mohammadi Adel Nazemi Babadi -
Open Access Article
637 - Determination of nitrite in various aqueous samples using magnetic solid phase extraction and image analysis via a mobile phone
leila khoshmaram ali karimi fatemeh sadeghi -
Open Access Article
638 - Application of calibration transfer method exploiting multivariate standardization for detection and quantification of parabens in aquatic environments using gas-mass spectrometry chromatography
Maryam Vosough Maryam Torbati Kourosh Tabar Heydar -
Open Access Article
639 - Efficient and green synthesis of the ninhydrin-pyrogallol adducts in an ionic liquid and investigation of their antibacterial and synergistic effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
shiva khalil moghadam Ashraf Sadat shah velayati atousa Aliahmadi -
Open Access Article
640 - Removal, pre-concentration and determination of palladium from different environmental water samples using modified magnetic nanoparticles prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry
مریم حمیدی مجید رمضانی -
Open Access Article
641 - Determination of palladium based on micro-funnel and magnetic stirring assisted displacement liquid-phase microextraction method and optimization using response surface methodology
سید حسین هاشمی مسعود کیخوائی فهیمه نجاری زهرا منفردزاده -
Open Access Article
642 - Morphology of traditional markets in Islamic countries based on the theory of transic lost space (Study sample: Zanjan and Istanbul markets)
Mohammad Behzadpour Mahsa Razzaghi -
Open Access Article
643 - State of Art in Block Ramp and Downstream Stilling Basin Design
Stefano Pagliara Michele Palermo -
Open Access Article
644 - The Myths of Siavash and Kotan Utunnai: A Comparative Study in Persian and Far East Mythologies; Based on Joseph Campbell's Approach
Saeed Akhavāni Fattāneh Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
645 - The Mythological Functions in Madan a-Dorar; An Analysis Based on Joseph Campbell’s Theory
ramin moharrami soraya karimi mahin panahi -
Open Access Article
646 - The Hero's Journey in Kār-Nāmag ī Ardashīr ī Pāpakān: A Mythological Approach
Mokhtar Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
647 - The Analysis of the Story of Sheikh Sanān Based on Campbell's Theory of Monomyth
Mohammad Reihāni raheleh abdolahzadeh borzoo -
Open Access Article
648 - Paradoxical Expressions in Hāfiz’s Ghazals
فرشید وزیله -
Open Access Article
649 - An Analysis of Archetype of Hero's Journey Based on Campbell’s & Jung’s Thoughts
Mohammad Tāheri Hamid Aghājāni -
Open Access Article
650 - The Role of Myth and Gender (Heroine) in the Works of Bahrām Beyzāii
Akbar Shāmiyān Sārookalāii Maryam Afshār -
Open Access Article
651 - Cognitive -behavioral family therapy for patients with musculoskeletal pain
Mohammad Khoadyarifard -
Open Access Article
652 - Using amberlite XAD-4 to absorbtion of heay metals Co and Cu from Caspian Sea's water samples
M. Kashefi Asl N. Soofi -
Open Access Article
653 - کنترل سیستم تعلیق نیمه فعال بر اساس مدل اصلاح شده بینگهام با استفاده از دمپر MR دمبل نمونه اولیه
سید حمید موسوی -
Open Access Article
654 - A TCSC Control Based on Stabilizing Delay Effect for Inter-Area Oscillation Damping in a Power System with Time Delay
Yasaman Yardani Sefidi Rasoul Asghari Babak Mozafari Mohammad Salay Naderi -
Open Access Article
655 - An Improved Power Conditioning System Based on Capacitor Current Feedback Active Damping of an LCL-Type Grid-Tied NPC Inverter
Majid Hosseinpour Mohammad Mohsen Rahimian Navid Rasekh -
Open Access Article
656 - Supplying Three Phase, Four Wire, Unbalanced and Non-Linear, Asymmetric Ohmic-Inductive Load by NPC Inverter Based on Method Predictive Control
Alireza Poolad Mahdi Shahparasti Majid Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
657 - LDO Optimization with Evolutionary Neural Network
Mahdieh Jahangiri Ali Farrokhi Amir Amirabadi -
Open Access Article
658 - Electronic Ballast Design for Fluorescent Lamps with High Power Factor
Omid Sharifiyana Majid Dehghani Ghazanfar Shahgholian Sayyed Mohammad Mehdi Mirtalaei Masoud Jabbari -
Open Access Article
659 - Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani by Pseudomonas strains isolated from the rhizosphere
Mitra Omidinasab Mostafa Darvishnia -
Open Access Article
660 - Investigation of ampC & esbl genes in Escherichia coli isolated from human and poultry
Elham Farrokhnazar Pejvak Khaki Soheila Moradi Bidhendi -
Open Access Article
661 - Genetic diversity of Tomato leaf curl Palampur virus and its whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci, in the Sistan region
javad abkhoo Ahmad Mehraban -
Open Access Article
662 - Antimicrobial peptides of haloarchaea: Properties and applications of halocin
soheila Abbasi Giti Emtiazi -
Open Access Article
663 - Loop-mediated isothermal amplification: Rapid and cost-effective method for detection of pathogens
Ahzam Askari Mohammad Kargar Sadegh Ghorbani-Dalini Abbas Doosti -
Open Access Article
664 - An assay for detection the frequency of Campylobacter and Arcobacters from Caspian Sea by bacterial culture and PCR techniques
Fahimeh Ghorbani Moein Masood Ghane -
Open Access Article
665 - Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification of Hepatitis B Virus in Hemodialysis Patients
Mohmmad hasan Shahhosseiny Zohre Esmailii Elham Moslemi Parichehre Yaghmaii -
Open Access Article
666 - LAMP detection of Cryptococcus neoformans in AIDS patients
Mohammad Hassan Shahhosseiny Alireza Rezaei Amirabadi Jalil Vand Yousefi Mohammad Ghahri Kayhan Azadmanesh Elham Moslemi -
Open Access Article
667 - Aesthetic analysis of Ashoraee, Mazandarani Fadaee’s poemsfrom the aspect of array of intellectual traditional,modern(amphibology,epanodos,synaesthesia and paradox)
Freydoon Akbari sheldare Sayyed Mansoor Fotookian -
Open Access Article
668 - Utilization of Mixed Data Sampling model in Identifying the Effects of Monthly Exchange Rate Changes on Seasonal GDP of Iran
Roja Tilik Abbas Najafizadeh S. Fakhredin Fakhr Hosseini Ahmad Sarlak -
Open Access Article
669 - Expounding and criticizing three main objections against Gettier’s paper
Mahdi Soleimani Ali Fath Taheri Seyyed Masod sayf -
Open Access Article
670 - The strategic position of Yemen in foreign policy and security
Hamid Dorj ُSeyed Davoud Aghaei -
Open Access Article
671 - A Simulation Model for Estimating Herbage Standing Crop and Grazing Capacity in Sar Ali-Abad Summer Rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran
Ali Hosseini Nafise Fakhar izadi Mansoor Mesdaghi -
Open Access Article
672 - Comparison of Different Methods to Estimate Forage Production of Two Shrub Species Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb and Halostachys caspica C. A. Mey (Case Study: Winter Rangelands of Golestan Province, Iran)
Zahra Mohebi Lyla Khalasi Ahwaz Gholam Ali Heshmati -
Open Access Article
673 - Assessment of the Effects of Overgrazing on the Soil Physical Characteristic and Vegetation Cover Changes in Rangelands of Hosainabad in Kurdistan Province, Iran
H. Azarnivand A. Farajollahi E. Bandak H. Pouzesh -
Open Access Article
674 - Assessment and Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Forage Production (Case Study: Rangeland of Kurdistan Province)
Bahram Gholinejad Hassan PourBabaei Asghar Farajollahi Eiraj Parvane -
Open Access Article
675 - Grazing Response of Topsoil Characteristics in Temperate Rangelands of Kashmir, Himalaya
T. H. Jaweed P. G. Saptarshi S. W. Gaikwad -
Open Access Article
676 - Novel Adaptive Recurrent Neural Controller based on VSC HVDC Damping Controller to Improve Power System Stability
Naser Taheri -
Open Access Article
677 - Improvement Damping Power System Oscillations by Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator
Majid Dehghani Mehdi Mahdavian Ali Asghar Amini -
Open Access Article
678 - Novel Adaptive Damping Controller for Interline Power Flow Controller to Improve Power System Stability
Naser Taheri Hamed Orojlo Hamid Karimi Farhad Ebrahimi Kaveh Khalifeh -
Open Access Article
679 - A Novel Resistive Capacitive Feedback Trans-impedance Amplifier Optimization Using IPSO Algorithm
Hamid Niyazi Fakhralsadat Rastegari Majid Pourahmadi -
Open Access Article
680 - Image Stitching of the Computed Radiology images Using a Pixel-Based Approach
Mahan Sedehzadeh Farokhi Fardad -
Open Access Article
681 - A Novel Method for Estimation of The Fundamental Parameters of Distorted Single Phase Signals
Mohammad Zarei Mohammad Karimadini Mohsen Nadjafi Abolfazl Salami -
Open Access Article
682 - Coordinated Design of PSS and SSSC Damping Controller Considering Time Delays using Biogeography-based Optimization Algorithm
Javad Gholinezhad Mahmoud Ebaadian Mohammad R. Aghaerrahimi -
Open Access Article
683 - The course of social justice developments in allocating resources to national championship sports
hesam moradi bagher morsal Seyed Mostafa tayebi sani ali fahiminezhad -
Open Access Article
684 - Numerical solution of second-order stochastic differential equations with Gaussian random parameters
R. Farnoosh H. Rezazadeh A. Sobhani D. Ebrahimibagha -
Open Access Article
Farshid Mirzaee Afsun Hamzeh -
Open Access Article
686 - Investigating the Use of Chestnut Shells to Improve Brioche Characteristics
Khlood Waheeb Hussein S.H. Ridha Mais Mazin Al-Hamdani Thair L. Mizal Hayder Tariq Hanan Askar Hussny Mustafa Abdulkareem Mustaf -
Open Access Article
687 - Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of ampicillin and penicillin in human plasma using multivariate calibration
Ali Niazi Elham Janforozadeh Tahereh Momeni-Isfahani Neda Khorshidi -
Open Access Article
688 - Design novel optical sensor for determination of bismuth based on immobilization of 4-(4-nitrophenyl)-1-naphthol on a triacetylcellulose membrane
Ali Niazi Shiva Karimi Afshar -
Open Access Article
689 - Applicability of phenylpiperazine dithiocarbamate in the determination of As(III) in natural water and biological samples by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry
Neelam Sreedhar Puthalapattu Prasad -
Open Access Article
690 - Determination of ultra trace of thiosemicarbazide by adsorptive stripping voltammetric method
Laleh Hosseinzadeh Hossein Khani Shahryar Abbasi -
Open Access Article
691 - Preconcentration based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for spectrophotometric determination of zinc in natural water and human blood after multivariate optimization based on Box-Behnken design
Ali Niazi Mona Akbari Roza Negahdari Maryam Sarkhosh Asiyeh Khosravi -
Open Access Article
692 - Volatile Oil Composition From Flowers and Leaves of H.officinalis L. Grown in Esfahan Headsapce Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Open Access Article
693 - بررسی شیوع و الگوی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی گونههای کمپیلوباکتر جدا شده از شیر خام گاو در ارومیه، ایران
مریم مصطفوی مسلم نیریز نقدهی -
Open Access Article
694 - Trace Monitoring of Phthalate Esters in Environmental Water Samples by Ionic Liquid-based Ultrasound-assisted In-situ Solvent Formation Microextraction Combined with High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Mohsen Zeeb Hadi Farahani -
Open Access Article
695 - Investigation and Identification of Types and Amounts of Heavy Metals in Soil of an Industrial Area
Majid Mohammadhosseini Hooman Bahmanpour Saeedeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
696 - Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrophenol Isomers in Environmental Samples Using First Derivative of the Density Ratio Spectra
F. Bagheban-Shahri A. Niazi A. Akrami -
Open Access Article
697 - Determination of Zinc Ions in Environmental Samples by Dispersive Liquid- Liquid Micro Extraction and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
F. Arabi A. Emami Meibodi F. Aflaki -
Open Access Article
698 - Homogeneous Liquid-Liquid Microextraction via Flotation Assistance Method as a Sensitive and Efficient Sample Preparation Method for Determination of Diazinon in Water Samples
Hossein Ali Mashayekhi -
Open Access Article
699 - Magnetic Solvent Bar Liquid-Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection for the Trace Determination of Selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Water Samples
Hadi Farahani Mohsen Zeeb -
Open Access Article
700 - Determination of Trace Amount of Manganese in Water Samples by Micro-funnel Magnetic Stirring-assisted Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique
Majid Ramezani Maryam Ghalenoei -
Open Access Article
701 - The application of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry to evaluate Lead (II) in Vegetable Samples after Its Preconcentration by SA-DLLME
Sajda .S. Affat -
Open Access Article
702 - Experimental Study an improvement of Parameters Affecting Resistance Spot Welding Strength in Halogen lamps by Taguchi Statistical Method
Lotfali Mozafari Vanani Sadegh Rahmati -
Open Access Article
703 - The Influence of L-arginine in the Improving Effect of Nicotine on Ethanol-induced Amnesia
مرتضی پیری اعظم مشفق نسرین رئوفی مریم السادات شاهین -
Open Access Article
704 - The Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Fauna in Kiasar National Park in Mazandaran Province
ویدا حجتی افشین فقیری رضا بابایی سواسری -
Open Access Article
705 - Influence of Dopamine D2 Receptors of the Dorsal Hippocampus in the Improving Effect of Nicotine on Ethanol-induced Amnesia
مریمالسادات شاهین سیما نصری مرتضی پیری -
Open Access Article
706 - Nicotinic and NMDA Receptors Interaction in the Dorsal Hippocampus of Rats in the Elevated Plus-Maze Test of Anxiety
مرتضی پیری محمد ناصحی مریم السادات شاهین -
Open Access Article
707 - The Effect of Camphor on Leydig Cells and Concentration of Testosterone and LH Hormones in Adult Male Mice, Balb/C Strain
مریم عابدینی وحید حمایت خواه جهرمی محسن فروزانفر حسین کارگر جهرمی -
Open Access Article
708 - Ardabil present in this reserch biological study amphibians to river balekhlv on the province
رامین محمدی آلوچه حاجی قلی کمی هومن شجیعی علیرضا داداشی -
Open Access Article
709 - Effects of α1- and α2-adrenoceptor agonist and antagonist in the dorsal hippocampus on cannabinoid state-dependent memory
اعظم مشفق پروین بابایی مرتضی پیری شهربانو عریان بهرام سلطانی محمدرضا زرین دست -
Open Access Article
710 - Identification of amphibians and reptiles in Shahid Zare National Park, Sari
ویدا حجتی داریوش مقدس افشین فقیری -
Open Access Article
711 - Effect of cannabinoidergic drugs in the dorsal hippocampus of morphine sensitized rats in the memory formation.
مجید نوائیان بهاره پاکپور محمدرضا زرین دست شهربانو عریان -
Open Access Article
712 - The Inhibition of State-Dependent Learning Induced By Scopolamine Via Blockade of Dorsal Hippocampal Beta1-Adrenergic Receptors in Rats
بهاره پاکپور مجید نوائیان مرتضی پیری -
Open Access Article
713 - The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Artemisia aucheri on Pentylenetetrazol-induced Seizure in Male Mice
معصومه کشاورزیان غلامحسن واعظی نسرین حیدریه -
Open Access Article
714 - Analysis and identification of fungal skin infection Caspian salmon () Salmo trutta caspius on farms Mazandaran Province aquaculture
نیوشا علاقمندان مطلق علی حائری روحانی محمدرضا زرین دست محمد ناصحی -
Open Access Article
715 - Modulated Effect of Dorsal Hippocampus (CA1) Antagonist of 5HT4 upon ACPA Induced Amnesia in Mice vر
مریم فرهی زاده محمدرضا زرین دست محمد ناصحی مریم بنانج -
Open Access Article
716 - The Inhibition of State-Dependent Learning Induced By Scopolamine Via Blockade of Dorsal Hippocampal Beta1-Adrenergic Receptors in Rats
بهاره پاکپور مجید نوائیان مرتضی پیری -
Open Access Article
717 - The Effect of Endurance Training Before Induction of Alzheimers on Learning Memory and the Changes in Hippocampal Gamma-secretasein Male Wistar Rats
Sajjad Rajabi Amiri Alireza Barari Ahmad Abdi -
Open Access Article
718 - Evaluation of the Effects of Methamphetamine Drug on Cell Growth of Stem cells Derived from Uterine Endometrial Tissue of Rats
Zahra Goudarzi Seyyed Ebrahim Hosseini ,Davood Mehrabani Sara Hashemi -
Open Access Article
719 - Evaluation of SCAMP5 Gene Expression and Its Target miR in the Tissue of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme
Nasrin Karimi Hamidreza Kheiri Manjilli Vajiheh Zarrinpour Mohammad mahdi Forghanifard -
Open Access Article
720 - The Effect of Eryngium Campestre Hydroalcoholic Extract on Seizure Due to by Pentylene Tetrazole Injection in Adult Male Rats
Sara Zandi Saeid Valipour Chahardahcharic Maryam Rafieirad -
Open Access Article
721 - Therapeutic Effect of Metformin on Necrotic Cell Death of Hippocampal Cells and Improvement of Spatial Memory in the Fetal Rat of Model Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Maryam Sabzali Akram Eidi Mahdi Khaksari Hossin Khastar -
Open Access Article
722 - The Effect of Endurance Training After Alzheimer's Induction on Some Neuroplasticity-related Factors in the Hippocampus of Male Wistar Rats
Sajjad Rajabi Amiri Alireza Barari Ahmad Abdi -
Open Access Article
723 - The Effect of Herniarin on Oxidative Stress in the Hippocampus in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats
Zahra Shaibani -
Open Access Article
724 - Evaluation of the Effects of Methamphetamine on Amniotic Sac Composition in Pregnant Mice and Their Offspring
Milad Rezazadeh Ramin Hajikhani Gholamhassan Vaezi Maryam Bananej -
Open Access Article
725 - Evaluation of the Effect of Mmagnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Gad2 Gene Expression in the Hippocampus of Male Rats in the Presence and Absence of Acute Motor Restriction Stress
Masoomeh Esmipoor Zohreh Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
726 - Evaluation of the Effect of Low Dose of Methamphetamine on the Human Astrocyte Cell Cycle Exposed to Amyloid Beta
Bita Soltanian Marzieh Dehghan Shasaltaneh Gholam Hossein Riazi Nahid Masoudian -
Open Access Article
727 - The Effect of Gallic Acid on Passive Avoidance Memory, Working Memory, and Dark Neuron Cell Density in CA1/CA3 Areas in Rats Hippocampal Degeneration Model
Seyed Kamaladdin Yazdanfar Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini -
Open Access Article
728 - The Effect of Risperidone on the Induction of Psychological Dependence and the Number of Hippocampal Neurons in Adult Male Rats
Zahra Mansouriarani Nasrin Heydariyeh Hamid Reza Banafshe Gholamreza Ghavipanjeh Majid Lotfinia -
Open Access Article
729 - Effects of Adagio and Allegro Music on Craving Consumption in Adult Male Rats Consuming Methamphetamine
S.S. Shojaei S.E. Hosseini -
Open Access Article
730 - The Study of the Effects of Diazinon on Histomorphometrical Changes of Hippocampus in the Balb/c Mouse Embryo
Mahsa Momayez Haghighi Shiva Nasiraei moghadam Mehrangiz Sadoughi -
Open Access Article
731 - Criticism of the archetype of the Hero in the story of Jamshid and Khorshid based on the View Point of Jung and Campbell
Behnaz Ali Mirzaee M. Jalaloddin Kazzaz i -
Open Access Article
732 - تحلیل ارتعاشات آزاد ورق ساندویچی دایره ای با رویه های هدفمند تحت شرایط تکیه گاهی گیردار
یونس محمدی کیوان حسینی صفری محسن رحمانی -
Open Access Article
733 - The dynamic response of aircraft landing gear at the moment of landing with regard to smart fluid dampers content MR
Nima Tabari Saeed Mahdiyeh Borojeni -
Open Access Article
734 - Frequency responses analysis of clamped-free sandwich beams with porous FG face sheets
Mohsen Rahmani -
Open Access Article
735 - A study on stamping of airliner’s tail connector part through FEM simulation
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Farshad Nazari Taif Ahmed Mussa Hossein Torfy Salehi -
Open Access Article
736 - Application and Comparison of Simple Additive Weighting method, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Support Vector Machine in identifying the internal and external factors in SWOT’s analysis
Ali HaeriaAn Ardekani Hamidreza Koosha fatemeh mirsaeedi -
Open Access Article
737 - Estimation of Concentration of Air Pollutants in Shazand Thermal Power Plant with Support Vector Machine Model Based on Selection of Effective Input Variables with Partial Mutual Information (PMI) Algorithm of Distribution of Air Pollutants
Seyed Ali Jozi Ghodratollah Siahpour Neda Orak Hossein Fathian Solmaz Dashti -
Open Access Article
738 - The Culture-maker Myths (The Link between Myths and Religious Characters in Panegyric Poem)
Amiesmael Azar taha Hashemi -
Open Access Article
739 - Cultural Typology of Facenama Social Networking’s Popular Users by Grounded Theory Method
saiid maadani mehdi abedini -
Open Access Article
740 - Study of Cultural and Religious Movements in Sudan with Emphasis on the Pathology of Cultural Diplomacy of Iran in This Country
mostafa ghasemi Mohammad ali Basiri enayat alah yazdani -
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741 - Cultural and Political Conservatism: The Significance of Moral Foundations
mahmoudreza rahbarghazi samaneh rahmani abolfazl bafgeri -
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742 - Designing Model for the Development of Intercultural Relations in the Era of Globalization
Esmail Kavoshi davoud sotodeh yeganeh -
Open Access Article
743 - A Comparative Study of the Impact of Cultural Changes on the Privacy at the Entrance of the Traditional Houses in the Qajar (Case: Traditional Houses of Qazvin)
farzaneh alimohamadi mohamadreza bemaian maedeh pourfath alah -
Open Access Article
744 - Study of the Relationship Between Social Capital and the Citizens' Compliance with Citizenship Culture, Case Study: Tehran's Citizens In 1393
Mohsen Niazi Morteza Jafarpour zynab parvari arani -
Open Access Article
745 - Ethnicity and Diplomacy; Necessity in Continuous and Expand the Position of Ethnic Groups in Iran’s Diplomacy in the Era of Globalization
azam molaee reza shafiee ardestani -
Open Access Article
746 - The Critical Study of "American English File" Book
kolsoum yasamini ferdos aghagolzadeh -
Open Access Article
747 - Modeling and management identification to discover the talent of young people in attracting and developing professional sports
Seyed Sajjad Hosseini -
Open Access Article
748 - Factors affecting the lifestyle of female professional athletes after the end of the championship period with a phenomenological approach
Shayesteh Haghighi Bahram Ghadimi Masoumeh Shojaei -
Open Access Article
749 - Examining the pattern of development of championship sport of Faraja police command
یزدان نجفی hassan esazadeh علیرضا جلیلی -
Open Access Article
750 - Identifying the Effective Factors (Casual, Intervening, Contextual) on Development of Handball Sport of IRAN Based on the Grounded Theory Approach
vali alizadeh javad shahlail Habib Honari gholamreza shabanibahar -
Open Access Article
751 - Identifying the Factors Affecting the Development of NAJA Championship Sports Based on grounded Theory Approach
hasan esazadeh nasrola mohammadi farshad amami -
Open Access Article
752 - Identifying Effective Factors of the Development of Taekwondo in Iran and Presenting the Model
reza emanzade abbas khodayari hamid ghasemi nazanin rasekh -
Open Access Article
753 - Designing a Model of Success Factors for Iranian Basketball
elham jeyhoni nasrola momamadi morteza doosti saeid amirnejad -
Open Access Article
754 - Strategic themes of branding in sports
Rasool Nazari -
Open Access Article
755 - Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Optimal Governance Structure in National Championship Sports
asghar gholami Farshad Emami saeid amirnejad jamshid sayarnejad -
Open Access Article
756 - Effective management of media mix, purchase intention and brand equity in business advertising campaigns
Farnood Hasani Ataollah Abtahi Hamid Reza Hosseini Dana Mohammad Soltanifar Mohsen Ghadami -
Open Access Article
peyman shadman heidari Mohammad Ghanooni Bagha Zeinolabedi Mortezaali -
Open Access Article
758 - Using of ERIC-PCR, RAPD-PCR, Rep-PCR methods for genotyping of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains isolated from raw chicken meat
Maryam Hadiyan Hassan Momtaz Amir Shakerian -
Open Access Article
759 - Design of a Sample & Hold Circuit Using a Two-Stage Class-AB operational transconductance amplifier
shahrbanoo ghorbanzadeh -
Open Access Article
760 - Designing the Iraqi Championship Sports Development Model Based on Basic Structural Process: approach Grounded Theory Classic Glaser
Ahmad Saer Abas Rasool Nazari Jasem ALI Mohammad Alsoudani Rezvan Rizi -
Open Access Article
761 - Analysis of the Kurdish Tale "Shirzad Shirdil" Based on Joseph Campbell's Theory of the Hero's Journey
Marjan Aliakbarzade zehtab -
Open Access Article
762 - The Effect of Scaffolding through Presenting Examples and Pictures on EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning and Retention
Maryam Mohseni -
Open Access Article
763 - Quality and pathology of youth (12-17 years old) Leisurs in Lorestan province
Hossin Mehrdad -
Open Access Article
764 - The Factor Structure of Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition in Student’s Sampad
s.a هاشمی کامبیز کامکاری sh sh -
Open Access Article
765 - Introducing and analyzing the epic poem of the War of Khorasan; a historical epic poem following the the style of shahnameh in the Qajar period
hamed mehrad -
Open Access Article
766 - Persian Verse Stylistics in the Sixth Century A. H. (third part)
Sayed ziaodin Sadjadi -
Open Access Article
767 - Sama and Moulana
Ismaeil HakemiVala -
Open Access Article
768 - Verese Stylistics of the th century
Sayyed Ziaedin Sajadi -
Open Access Article
769 - The archetypal criticism of the hero’s journey in the story of "the seven trials of Esfandyar” based on Joseph Campbell’s theory
raheleh abdolahzade borzu Mohammad Reihani -
Open Access Article
770 - The analysis of the quality of the awakening of the hero within in character of Seyavash and Kay Khosrow based on the theory of Pearson- K. Marr
Mohammad Javad Assarian Sayyed Ali Ghasemzadeh Mohammad Hossein Sardaghi -
Open Access Article
771 - Lessons from Mowlana
sayed Ali Mohammad Sadjadi -
Open Access Article
772 - The analytic study of Siavash's character in Shahnameh based on the Max Webber's theory of the ideal charismatic leader
Roghaieh Sadraie -
Open Access Article
773 - From Vazheh to Govazheh
Hamidreza Ghorbani Fatemeh Jamali -
Open Access Article
774 - A brief review of the internal structure and the classification of Bahuvrihi compounds in Farsi
Maedeh Asoodegan -
Open Access Article
775 - Analysis of the play “the miser’s legacy”
Shirin Paryab -
Open Access Article
776 - “Birds of a feather flock together” On Pun
Hassan Jafari Tabar -
Open Access Article
777 - Agricultural Infrastructure Funding Assessment: Research Opportunities and Trends
M. Rezki Mulyono Yusuf Latief Ayomi Dita Rarasati Hamad Raza -
Open Access Article
778 - The effectiveness of CBT on depression and anxiety among Methamphetamine addicts
Biuok Tajeri -
Open Access Article
779 - Effectiveness of CBT in the prevention of slip of people dependant on Methamphetamine
Fatemeh Behroziyan Mostafa nokani Hamid Reza Mohajerani -
Open Access Article
780 - Optimizing Power System Stability with Advanced Control Techniques in VSC-based HVDC Networks
naser taheri Mohammad Amin Salehi Mishani Mohammad Moein Yaghoubi Ehsan Akbari -
Open Access Article
781 - Design and Simulation of Two Low-Voltage, Low-Power Transresistance Instrumentation Amplifiers with Electronic Adjustment Capability
Yasin Safari S. Mohammadali Zanjani -
Open Access Article
782 - Investigating the phytochemical effect of maimaran plant at different harvesting times Chelidonium majus L
sadra hesami shahabuddin safi kambiz Larijani حسنعلی نقدی بادی Vahid Abdossi -
Open Access Article
783 - Improving Hysteresis Performance Steel Frames with Diagonal Bracing
مرتضی جمشیدی -
Open Access Article
784 - Examination of the Role of Appeal to Customary Assumptions in Understanding and Interpretation of Islamic Texts (Verses and Narrations)
Hossein Andailb -
Open Access Article
785 - Evaluation of different methods of lifting heavy objects by means of amplitude and frequency characteristics of electromyography signals
Bahar Kheradmand Arshia Mohammadkhani Sara Seyf Mahsa khalili babak Rezae Afshar -
Open Access Article
786 - Performance of geopedology approach in mapping of agricultural soils within Aidoghmoush dam downstream lands in Miyaneh, Iran
Naser Nazari Shahla Mahmoodi Mohammad Hasan Masihabadi -
Open Access Article
787 - Study of the relationship between morphological, physiological and chemical properties in camphor (Camphorosma monspeliaca L.)
Touraj Rahimi Farzad Paknejad Bohloul Abbaszadeh Mohammad Reza Ardakani Majid Zaree Valojerdi Masoumeh Layegh haghighi -
Open Access Article
788 - Identification of Fusarium spp., the casual agents of lentil wilt, damping off and root rot diseases and comparison of their pathogenicity in Fars province, Iran
S. M. R. Moosavi vahid Zarrinnia -
Open Access Article
789 - Increased relative gene expression of Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and Melanocortin 4 Receptor (MC4R) following aerobic exercise and psilocybin in female Wistar rats poisoned with Crystal (Methamphetamine)
Daniel Hakkak رامبد خواجه ای Sayyed-Javad Ziaolhagh اکبر صقی پور افشار -
Open Access Article
790 - Frequency of antibiotic resistance and presence of virulence genes in Campylobacter jejuni isolated from livestock and poultry meat supplied in Shahrekord
ali behnia seyed majid hashemi -
Open Access Article
791 - Increasing PV-STATCOM Penetration Using Optimal Management of Energy Storage and Considering Demand Response Program
Farzin Fardinfar Mostafa Jafari Kermani Poure -
Open Access Article
792 - Reflecting the allegory of the world and the hereafter in Mawlawi's masnavi
nooshin nesari zahra rafeie -
Open Access Article
793 - A comparative study of the functioning of political parties in the West and Iran from the point of view of parliamentary election campaigns (with emphasis on the 11th Majlis of the Islamic Council)
Reza Hamedanchi محمد علی خسروی Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani مسعود مطلبی -
Open Access Article
794 - The Classification of Tourism Sample Regions (Case Study: Kerman Province)
محبوبه جلالی احمد خادم الحسینی -
Open Access Article
795 - Modeling and analyzing the factors affecting the occurrence of crime in informal settlements ( case study: kashan informal settlement
mohsen shaterian rasoul heidary Mahmood shaterian Kamran Dolatyaran -
Open Access Article
796 - An examination of the effect of physical, functional, and perceptional dimensions of security component on students' presence; In order to increase spatial justice (Case study: Tehran City)
Delaram Sheikh Hossein Zabihi Farah Habib -
Open Access Article
797 - The Effect of Knowledge-Based Economy Components on Income Inequality in Selected Countries
Abolfazl Shahabadi Roghayeh Pouran Negar Naserinia -
Open Access Article
798 - Identification Hampering Factors Affecting Development of Rural Women's (Case Study: Shalil Villages- Ardal Township)
حامد قادرمرزی علیرضا جمشیدی داود جمینی حمید نظری سرمازه -
Open Access Article
799 - Causal Model of quality of campus community, educational and social integrity and Student’s Academic burnout
M. محمدی F. کشاورزی E. حیدری -
Open Access Article
800 - Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skill Training on Happiness & Beliefs Abuse
سعیده Qobadpoor بیوک Tajeri علی Moqaddamzadeh -
Open Access Article
801 - Studying Effectiveness of Cognitive- behavior Skills Training on Attitude, Depression & Mood Addicts in Methamphetamine Addicts
B. Tajeri H. ahadi F. Jomehri -
Open Access Article
802 - Conceptual Model of Metaphetamine Misusage
s. سهامی z. kj -
Open Access Article
803 - experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir
عبدالرضا دبیری -
Open Access Article
804 - Histopathological and Stereological Study of the Effects of Gallic Acid Administration on Hippocampal Neuronal Density after Trimethyltin Toxication
heydar aqababa Mona Ghezelbash Mohamad Amin Edalatmanesh Shirin Dehghan -
Open Access Article
805 - Trichostatin A Ameliorates Spatial Memory Deficits and Suppresses Hippocampal Pro- Inflammatory Cytokines in A Rat Model of Prenatal Stress
Samireh Nemati Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh -
Open Access Article
806 - The effect of eight weeks of trampoline training on the balance and muscle strength of men with Down syndrome
Soleiman Salimi Asl Ali yalfani -
Open Access Article
807 - The Effects of Ellagic Acid on Hippocampal Cell Damage in Pentylenetetrazole Induced Kindling Seizure Model
Habibollah Khodabandeh Mohammad Amin Edalatmanesh Samira Malekzadeh -
Open Access Article
808 - Identification and pathogenicity of fungal agents of root and crown rot of some cucurbit crops in shahrood region
زهرا Iraqi کامران Rahnama مجتبی Mamarabadi فرخنده Ommati -
Open Access Article
809 - Development of antibiotic resistant mutants of some antagonistic bacteria and investigation of their antagonistic activity and mechanisms against Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of cotton seedling damping-off
H. Jahanifar A. Heydari Nader Hasanzadeh1 L. Naraghi -
Open Access Article
810 - Aluminothermic Reduction of Khatoon Abad Molybdenum Trioxide in Microwave: Investigation on the Effect of Aluminum Particle Size and Scale-up on the Reduction Process
Kazem Sheybani Tezerji Mohammad Hossein Paydar Mohammad Hossein Shariat -
Open Access Article
811 - Role of land use in quality of water in Zayanderood River
مژگان میرزایی عیسی سلگی عبدالرسول سلمان ماهینی -
Open Access Article
812 - Evaluation of the presence of Campylobacter Jejuni and Listeria Monocytogenes in water sources of Kermanshah city before chlorination based on comparison of culture and PCR
Soheila Haydarian Atousa Ferdousi Mohammad-Hassan Shahhosseiny Taher Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
813 - Reading the stimuli affecting the future growth and development of the first generation of new cities in Iran (Case study: New Campus City)
seyed mehdi hedayat zohre davodpour Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi -
Open Access Article
814 - Evaluation of indoor market Ardabil in terms of having dynamism elements of urban space
هوشنگ Sarvar امیر Kashani Asl وحید Salahi Sarikhan Beygloo زهرا Afzali Goroh -
Open Access Article
815 - Investigating the Relationship between the Environmental Consequences of the Oil and Gas Industry and the Quality of Life of Citizens in South Pars
seyedmohammad ahmadpour gholamreza jafarinia habib pasalarzadeh -
Open Access Article
816 - An Analysis of Sampling in Quantitative research of urban planning based on the survey (Case study: Journal of Research and Urban Planning in year 2019, no. 36 and 37)
Saeid amanpour ALIREZA RAHIMI chamkhani -
Open Access Article
817 - Comparative analysis of livability in urban areas; Case study of ten metropolitan areas of Tabriz
atefeh farajollahi Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi Rahim Heydari davood mokhtari -
Open Access Article
818 - Representation of Female personality in Novels before and after Iranian Islamic Revolution Case study: Suvashun and I turned the lamps off novels
Mahnaz Jokari Ali Arabi Ali Ruhani -
Open Access Article
819 - Analysis of the dominant discourse on women's championship sports in the country (with emphasis on the championship during of the 90 decade)
matin taleghani Zahra Hazrati someeh asghar Mohajeri -
Open Access Article
820 - Qualitative typology of the consequences of women's accommodation in the flood camp with emphasis on the gender component (study of flooded women in Susangard city)
Mohammad Reza Hosseini narges khoshkalam Entesar mosavi -
Open Access Article
821 - Development of the Implementation Model of Women's Championship Sports Development Policies (Qualitative Study)
Sara Khandan Ahmad Torkfar Seyed Mohammad Ali Mirhosseini Rahim Shirazinejad -
Open Access Article
822 - A Qualitative Study: The Effect of Opposite-Sex Premarital Cohabitation on Women's Life Status
nader Karimiyan eghbal zarei -
Open Access Article
823 - Studying Driving Forces and Hampering Factors Affecting Development of Rural Women's Entrepreneurship in Miankoh District, Ardal Township
A. جمشیدی D. جمینی H. نظری سرمازه -
Open Access Article
824 - Evaluation and ranking of the efficiency of the Deputy Minister of Physical Education of the country's provinces using the CCR model (data envelopment analysis)
seyyed karim soltani Mohammad Hami Vahid Shojaee -
Open Access Article
825 - Study The Role Of Curriculum Content Change On The Performance Of Fourth Grade Students In International Tests TIMSS Shiraz City
asieh zianejad shirazi abbas gholtash -
Open Access Article
826 - Identify factors affecting the promotion of entrepreneurial culture the vocational and technical schools: the mixed method
peyman Yar mohammadzadeh روح اله Mahdun سولماز GHolipur -
Open Access Article
827 - The Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management on the Financial Performance of university Campuses in Iran's Higher Education System
asghar zamani -
Open Access Article
828 - Benevolent Coaching and Human Capital reinforcement: Analyzing the Mediating Role of Motivational Capital
Reza Sepahvand Mohammad Hakkak Razieh Feli -
Open Access Article
829 - A Proposal for a New Method of Modeling of the Quantum Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
farideh hakimian Mohammad Reza Shayesteh Mohammadreza Moslemi -
Open Access Article
830 - Numerical Simulation of CdS/CIGS Tandem Multi-Junction Solar Cells with AMPS-1D
Ashrafalsadat Mirkamali khikmat khalimovich Muminov -
Open Access Article
831 - Proposal for Modeling of FWM Efficiency of QD-SOA Based on the Pump/Probe Measurement Technique
farideh hakimian Mohammad Reza Shayesteh Mohammad Reza Moslemi -
Open Access Article
832 - Evaluation of Cyclic Behavior of 3-D Steel Frame with infill Plate and Eccentric Brace
Reza Khalili Ahmad maleki Ramin K. Badri -
Open Access Article
833 - Investigation of the Stamping Process of the Jack Bracket of the Kia Rio Car
Peyman Mashhadi Keshtiban Ali Fata -
Open Access Article
834 - An Overview of Research Conducted on Various Types of Yield Steel Tubular Dampers
Yashar Hodaipour Adel Ferdousi یوسف حسین زاده لیلا حسین زاده -
Open Access Article
835 - Sample areas of tourism and development of local communities (case study: Quri Qaleh village in Kermanshah province)
Davood Jamini Bita Heydarian Farhad Javan -
Open Access Article
836 - Enhanced Xanthan Gum Production Using Molasses as a Carbon Source in Xanthomonas campestris Fermentation
Ali Asadi Mohammad kazem Momeni -
Open Access Article
837 - Determining the Factors Influencing Happiness among Young People
Mohammad Reza Karimi Javad Khodadadi Sangdeh -
Open Access Article
838 - Jurisprudential and legal examples of violations of the right to security of children and adolescents
Ahmad Babaei Babak Pourghahramani Fatemeh Ahadi -
Open Access Article
839 - Enhanced Xanthan Gum Production Using Molasses as a Carbon Source in Xanthomonas campestris Fermentation
Ali Asadi Mohammad kazem Momeni -
Open Access Article
840 - Application of a New Model for Magnetorheological Damper and Investigation of Its Effectiveness in Vertical Mass Isolated Structures
Mohamad Shahrokh Abdi مسعود نکوئی