A Model for Commercialization of Products and Services in Developing Countries (Cased of Study: Companies based in Pardis Innovation Park)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Taha Ebrahim Nazari
Karim Hamdi
Mehdi Irannezhad Parizi
1 - M.A. in Executive Management, Department of Management, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Business Management, Department of Management, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Department of Management, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2018-03-13
Accepted : 2018-03-13
Published : 2017-11-22
Knowledge Based,
Small &,
Medium Enterprises,
Economic Development,
Fuzzy AHP,
Abstract :
Until recently, scientists and researchers in the universities refused the commercialization of academic research, and their main mission was merely the production of knowledge without reversing its application in the field of industrial production. It continued until knowledge emerged as a unique source of competitive advantage. Today, universities have shown a great desire to commercialize academic research, and commercialization of intellectual property has become the institutional goal of many academic systems. Commercialization plays an important role in introducing the products and services of knowledge- intensive companies to the market in order to generate economic benefits. Therefore, the present research aims to prioritize the factors affecting the commercialization of products in knowledge- intensive companies based in Pardis Technology Park (aka Iran Silicon Valley) using FAHP technique. In order to achieve this goal, a comprehensive overview of literature related to the current research, opinions, and comments of 82 experts and elites has been used to achieve results. The results of this research show that technological factors are the most important factor in the commercialization of products and services. Also, the sub-factors of research and development capacity, management commitment, government support, and competitive strategy have been the most important factor from the experts’ point of view.
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Zhao F. (2004). Commercialization of research: a case study of Australian universities. Higher Education Research & Development 23 (2).
Aarikka-Stenroos L, Lehtimäki T. (2014). Commercializing a radical innovation: Probing the way to the market. Industrial Marketing Management 43 (8).
Aarikka-Stenroos L, Sandberg B. (2012). From new-product development to commercialization through networks. Resource Interaction in Inter-Organizational Networks 65 (2).
Aghayi Fishani T. (1999). Creativity and innovation in humand beings and organizationas. 1st Edition. Termeh Publicaitons.
Allahyari Fard N, Abbasi R, (2012) Studying suitable organizational structure for knowledge-based companies. Journal of Science & Technology Parks and Incubators 8 (29).
Alvani M. (1994). General management. 1st Edition. Ney Publication.
Amadi-Echendu J, Rasetlola R. (2011). Technology commercialization factors, frameworks and models. IEEE.
Azimi N, Barkhordari Doorbash S. (2011). Identification of foundation of knowledge based economics. Scientific Research Center of Iran.
Chang Y, Yang P, Chen M. (2009). The determinants of academic research commercial performance: Towards an organizational ambidexterity perspective. Research Policy 38 (6).
Chen C, Chang C, Hung S. (2011). Influences of Technological Attributes and Environmental Factors on Technology Commercialization. Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4).
Cho J, Lee J. (2013). Development of a new technology product evaluation model for assessing commercialization opportunities using Delphi method and fuzzy AHP approach. Expert Systems with Applications 40 (13).
Cooper A. (1971). The Founding of Technologically–based Firms.
Das S, Van de Ven A. (2000). Competing with New Product Technologies: A Process Model of Strategy. Management Science 46 (10).
Fakhari H. (2015). Redefining the definition of knowledge-based companies, based on the economical conditions of Iran. Journal of Science & Technology Policy 25 (6).
Feldman M, Desrochers P. (2003). Research universities and local economic development: Lessons from the history of the Johns Hopkins University. Industrial Innovation 10 (1).
Garcia R, Calantone R. (2002). A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review. J Prod Innov Manag. 2002 Mar; Journal of Product Innovation Management 19 (2).
Goldsmith R. (2003). Model of Commercialization [Internet]. Available from: http://asbdc.ualr.edu/technology/commercialization/the_model.asp
Gorman G, McCarthy S. (2006). Business Development Support and Knowledge-Based Businesses. The Journal of Technology Transfer 31 (1).
Innovation and Prosperity Fund. (2017). Performance summary report [Internet]. Availble from: http://nsfund.ir/fa2/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SummaryReport.pdf
Kang S. (2012). An Identification of Unsuccessful, Failure Factors of Technology Innovation and Development in SMEs: A Case Study of Components and Material Industry. International Journal of Business and Management 7 (19).
Khalil T. (2000). Management of Technology: The Key to Competitiveness and Wealth Creation. McGraw Hill.
Kimura O. (2010). Public R&D and commercialization of energy-efficient technology: A case study of Japanese projects. Energy Efficiency Policies and Strategies with regular papers 38 (11).
Klofsten M, Jones-Evans D. (1996). Stimulation of technology-based small firms-A case study of university-industry cooperation. Technovation 16 (4).
Kropp F, Zolin R. (2005). Technological entrepreneurship and small business innovation research programs. Academy of Marketing Science Review.
Kumar V, Jain P. (2002). Commercializing new technologies in India: a perspective on policy initiatives. Technology in Society 24 (3).
Laird I, Sjoblom L. (2004). Commercializing technology: why is it so difficult to be disciplined? Business Horizons 47 (1).
Lin B, Lee Y, Hung S. (2005) R&D intensity and commercialization orientation effects on financial performance. Special Section - The 2005 La Londe Seminar32nd International Research Seminar in Marketing 59 (6).
Madrid-Guijarro A, Garcia D, Van Auken H. (2009). Barriers to Innovation among Spanish Manufacturing SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management 47 (4).
Martin M. (1994). Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Technology-Based Firms. Wiley.
Moore G. (2002). Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers. Harper Collins (Collins Business Essentials).
Mu J, Di Benedetto C. (2011). Strategic orientations and new product commercialization: mediator, moderator, and interplay. R&D Management 41 (4).
Narver J, Slater S, MacLachlan D. (2004). Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation and New-Product Success*. Journal of Product Innovation Management 21 (5).
O’Connor G. (1998). Market learning and radical innovation: A cross case comparison of eight radical innovation projects. A Special Issue Co-Sponsored by the Marketing Science Institute on the Subject of Really New Products 15 (2).
Rezaeian A. (2002). Principles of Management. Samt Publications.
Roshandel Arbatani T, Moghimi M, Minavand M, Khajeian D. (2013). A framework for commercialization of digital innovation in media entrepreneurial companies of Iran: A multi-case study. Journal of Commercial Management 11 (4).
Saji K, Shekhar Mishra S. (2013). Investigating the role of firm resources and environmental variables in new product commercialization. Journal of Product & Brand Management 22 (1).
Siegel D, Waldman D, Atwater L, Link A. (2003). Commercial knowledge transfers from universities to firms: improving the effectiveness of university–industry collaboration. The Journal of High Technology Management Research 14 (1).
Statistics on Innovation in Europe [Internet]. (2006). Community Research and Development Information Service. Available from: http://cordis.europa.eu/
Stuart R, Abetti P. (1990). Impact of entrepreneurial and management experience on early performance. Journal of Business Venturing 5 (3).
Tekawade A. (2004). A literature survey on a managerial perspective on the process of innovation management. UMI ProQuest Digital Dissertations.
Thomas L. Saaty. (1980). the analytic hierarchy process: planning, priority setting, and resource allocation. McGraw-Hill International Book Company.
Tidd J, Bessant J, Pavitt K. (2005). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. Wiley.
Willard G, Krueger D, Feeser H. (1992). In order to grow, must the founder go: A comparison of performance between founder and non-founder managed high-growth manufacturing firms? Journal of Business Venturing 7 (3).
World Bank. World Bank Report, Islamic Republic of Iran Data [Internet]. Available from: https://data.worldbank.org/country/iran-islamic-rep?view=chart
Zhao F. (2004). Commercialization of research: a case study of Australian universities. Higher Education Research & Development 23 (2).