A Low-Voltage and Low-Power Programmable "G" _"m" "-C" Filter for Wireless Applications
Subject Areas : Low-power devices
Amir Baghi Rahin
Ziaadin Daei Koozeh Kanani
1 - Sardroud Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Tabriz University
Keywords: Inverter, Low-voltage and low-power (LV/LP), operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), FGMOS (floating-gate MOS), "G" _"m" "-C" filter,
Abstract :
In this paper, a low voltage and low power (LV/LP) Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) using FGMOS (Floating-Gate MOS) transistor is proposed. The relative tuning range of 50 is achieved in this OTA while only consumes 40 µW with 1.0 V supply voltage in TSMC 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The simulation results of the proposed OTA show an open loop gain of 30.2 dB and a unity gain frequency of 942 MHz. In comparison with previous works, the proposed OTA, with lower supply voltage, is provided the better frequency performance, higher output voltage swing, better linearity and lower power consumption. The proposed OTA is used in the second-order filter to show a good tuning range from 100 kHz to 5.6 MHz which is suitable for the wireless specifications of Bluetooth (650 kHz),CDMA2000 (700 kHz) and Wideband CDMA (2.2 MHz). The active area occupied by the designed filter on silicon is .
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