Study of economic factors affecting the development of championship sports management in Semnan province
Subject Areas : Public administrationSeyed Alireza Hosseini Khou 1 , Habibollah Karimian 2 , Esmaeil Zabihi 3
1 - PhD student in Sociology, Economics and Development, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
3 - دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد گرمسار
Keywords: Vitality and vitality, development of championship sports, quantity and quality of sports infrastructure,
Abstract :
Examining the Economic Factors Influencing the Development of Elite Sports Management in Semnan Province[1]
Seyed Alireza Hosseini Khou
PhD Student, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
ORCID: 0000-0003-3292-9247
Habibollah Karimian (Corresponding Author)
Assistant Professor, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0623-7589
Esmaeil Zabihi
Assistant Professor, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
ORCID: 0009-0007-2128-3993
Received: 2024 December 22 | Revised: 2025 January 15 | Accepted: 2025 January 18
Extended Abstract
The present research investigates the economic factors that influence the development of championship sports in Semnan Province. This applied study employs a quantitative methodological approach, utilizing a survey method. The statistical population comprises physical education teachers, sports experts with relevant degrees, veteran athletes with national and international championship experience, and heads of sports federations in the region.
The sample size was determined using Morgan's table, resulting in 212 participants. A researcher-designed questionnaire was developed based on existing literature and prior research. To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, it was distributed to 15 experts and specialists in sports management for assessment of face and content validity.
Data analysis was conducted using a correlational approach. The findings revealed several significant positive relationships: between salary and wages and the development of championship sports; between vitality and enthusiasm and the development of championship sports; and between the quantity and quality of sports infrastructure and the development of championship sports. These results indicate that both financial compensation and the quality of infrastructure play crucial roles in promoting championship sports in Semnan Province.
Additionally, a significant positive relationship was found between sports expenses and the development of championship sports, highlighting the importance of financial investment in this area. However, the study faced limitations, including operational constraints and a lack of cooperation from some participants, as well as their indifference towards completing the questionnaire, which posed challenges in the research process.
Overall, the study underscores the importance of economic factors in enhancing championship sports development.
In summary, the results of the present study are consistent with the results of previous studies that emphasize the importance of these factors in the development of championship sports (Chen et al., 2023, Khan et al., 2024, Wang et al., 2024). In comparison with the results of the present study, international studies show that the development of national sports is an integral part of a country's economic and social progress. Promoting sports in all sectors can lead to increased social activity and national productivity, and success in championship sports increases the global reputation and recognition of countries.
Also, in 2002, the UN Secretary-General examined the role of sports in development activities and emphasized that sports can be used as a tool to strengthen social solidarity and facilitate national progress (Burnett, 2010). The results of this study can be used as a basis for policymaking and planning in the field of championship sports development in Semnan province and other regions of the country.
This study is limited to 1401 AH in terms of time and Semnan province in terms of space. Therefore, the results obtained may not be fully generalizable to other provinces or other periods. Also, other factors that affect the development of championship sports may not have been examined in this study. In addition, the data collected may have been affected by certain environmental and social factors that were not included in this study. These issues can affect the results and analyses presented and require caution in generalizing the results to other fields. Considering the above results and limitations, it is suggested that:
The Semnan Provincial Sports and Youth Organization should increase and equalize the salaries and wages of professional athletes in all individual and team disciplines. This measure can help attract and retain sports talents and lead to further development of championship sports in the province.
Implementing strategies to increase the vitality and vitality of championship athletes should be on the agenda. Holding recreational and sports programs, creating appropriate spaces for training and rest, and providing welfare facilities can help improve the morale and motivation of athletes.
It is essential to attract maximum funds from the public and private sectors to strengthen and improve the infrastructure of championship sports in Semnan Province, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This can help create appropriate sports spaces and increase educational and training facilities.
Identifying and implementing factors that affect the reduction of current costs of championship sports in Semnan Province can help improve the financial situation of athletes and sports organizations and provide a basis for the development of championship sports.
It is also suggested that future research examines the factors that affect the development of championship sports in other provinces and in different time periods and compares the results with the findings of this study. This can help to better understand the status of championship sports at the national level and provide better solutions for its development.
Keywords: Vibrancy and Vitality, Development of Elite Sports, Quantity and Quality of Sports Infrastructure
Contribution of authors
All authors have participated in this research in equal proportion.
Ethical approval
Written informed consent was obtained from the individuals for their anonym zed information to be published in this article.
Conflict of interest
No conflicts of interest are declared by the authors.
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