List of articles (by subject) Camel
Open Access Article
1 - Recent Nutritional Advances to Mitigate Methane Emission in Cattle: A Review
A. Hadipour ا. محیط H. Darmani Kuhi F. Hashemzadeh -
Open Access Article
2 - Induced Termination of Pregnancy in Domestic Farm Animals
G.N. Purohit C. Shekher P. Kumar K. Solanki -
Open Access Article
3 - The Pattern of Linkage Disequilibrium in Livestock Genome
م. نصرتی -
Open Access Article
4 - Mycotoxins in Silages: Occurrence and Prevention
Y. Acosta Aragon I. Rodrigues U. Hofstette E.M. Binder -
Open Access Article
5 - Broiler Performance in Response to Phytate and Supplemented Phytase
M.F. Khalid M. Hussain A.U. Rehman M.A. Shahzad M. Sharif Z.U. Rahman -
Open Access Article
6 - Effect of Metabolic Stress on Ovarian Activity and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cattle: A Review
م. فرمان س. ناندی و. گریش کومار س.ک. تریپاسی پ.س.پ. گوپتا -
Open Access Article
7 - Animal Factors Condition Milk Performance and Quality of Grazing Dairy Cows
آ.آی. روکا-فرناندز -
Open Access Article
8 - Methods of Embryo Sexing in Cattle Breeding: A Review
و. ساچان ب. کومار جی. کومار آگراوال آ. کومار آ. ساکسنا -
Open Access Article
9 - The Efficacy of Plant based Diets on Growth Potential, Energy Utilization, Nutrient Digestibility, Leg Bone Development and Litter Quality of Meat Chickens
م.آ. حسین ای.آ. آواد -
Open Access Article
10 - A Review of Microsatellite Marker Usage in the Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Camelus
M.M. Musthafa -
Open Access Article
11 - A Review on the Lactic Acid Bacteria Probiotic in the Control of Coccidiosis, Campylobacteriosis, and Salmonellosis in Broiler Chickens
م. رویان -
Open Access Article
12 - Signaling Roadmap Modulating Chicken Primordial Germ Cells Proliferation and Self-Renewal
M. Zare S.Z. Mirhoseini S.N. Hassani S. Ghovvati -
Open Access Article
13 - The Relationship between Body Condition Score and Milk Production, Udder Health and Reduced Negative Energy Balance during Initial Lactation Period: A Review
A.K. Singh C. Bhakat -
Open Access Article
14 - The Role of Dietary Fat to Produce Chicken Meat as a Functional Food: A Review
M. Royan B. Navidshad A. Akhlaghi -
Open Access Article
15 - Garlic: An Alternative to Antibiotics in Poultry Production, A Review
ب. نویدشاد ب. دارابی قانع م. ملکی -
Open Access Article
16 - Genetic Perspective of Ascites Syndrome in Meat-Type Chickens
ج. احمدپناه ع.ا. شادپرور ن. قوی حسین-زاده ع. پاکدل -
Open Access Article
17 - Probiotic Modes of Action and Its Effect on Biochemical Parameters and Growth Performance in Poultry
م. ابد ال-فتاح -
Open Access Article
18 - The New Progresses in Trace Mineral Requirements of Broilers, a Review
ب. نویدشاد م. محمدرضائی م. زارعی ر. ولی زاده س. کرامتی ف. رضائی ص. جباری ر. کچوئی پ. اسمائیل نسب -
Open Access Article
19 - In vitro Assessment of the Effect of Plant Extracts on Digestibility, Estimated Energy Value, Microbial Mass and Rumen Fermentation Kinetics
و. ناصری ف. کفیل زاده ح. جهانی عزیزآبادی -
Open Access Article
20 - Integrating Analysis of Publicly Available Microarray Data to Study the Immune Response of Cattle to Infection with Mycobacterium bovis
Nemat Hedayat-Evrigh R. Khalkhali-Evrigh Y. Ramezani R. Seyed Sharifi M.D. Shakouri -
Open Access Article
21 - Morning vs. Afternoon Harvest Time of Alfalfa, Clover, and Barley Affect the Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Silage
J. Bayatkouhsar F. Rezaii F. Ghanbari R. Rahchamani -
Open Access Article
22 - Prediction of Egg Production Using Artificial Neural Network
S. Ghazanfari K. Nobari M. Tahmoorespur -
Open Access Article
23 - Modern Use of Donkeys
D. Karatosidi G. Marsico S. Tarricone -
Open Access Article
24 - Induction of Lactation in Holstein Cows Using Progesterone Injections or Progesterone Vaginal Inserts
F. Rivera-Acuna E. Prado-Martinez P. Luna-Nevarez M.G. Mendez-Castillo L. Avendano-Reyes J.F. Hernandez-Chavez J.L. Espinoza-Villavicencio J. Hernandez-Ceron A. Correa-Calderon -
Open Access Article
25 - Effect of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Treatment on Semen Characteristics and Enzymatic Activities of Awassi Rams in Breeding and Non Breeding Seasons
O.I. Azawi A.N.T.M. Al-Khashab N.N.A. Al-Kadoo -
Open Access Article
26 - Optimization of Energy Consumption in Milk Production Units through Integration of Data Envelopment Analysis Approach and Sensitivity Analysis
ح. سلطانعلی ب. عمادی ع. روحانی م. خجستهپور ا. نیکخواه -
Open Access Article
27 - The Effects of Dietary Saponins on Ruminal Methane Production and Fermentation Parameters in Sheep: A Meta Analysis
B. Darabighane A. Mahdavi F. Mirzaei Aghjehgheshlagh B. Navidshad M.H. Yousefi M.R.F. Lee -
Open Access Article
28 - Dry Matter Intake and Digestibility in Weast African Dwarf Goats Fed Raw or Processed Pigeon Pea (Cajanus Cajan) Seed
F.O. Ahamefule M.D. Udo -
Open Access Article
29 - Ruminal Kinetics of Nutrients Degradation, Hydration, and Functional Specific Gravity of Three Types of Beet Pulp
ا. تیموری یانسری -
Open Access Article
30 - Comparison of in vitro Fermentation with in situ Degradation to Estimate Dry Matter Degradability and Energy Protein Synchronization of Roughage Based Diets
م. آیونگ ی.ی. کیاوت م.ت. هتون ک.س. میو آ. آیونگ -
Open Access Article
31 - Intramuscular Fatty Acid Composition of the Longissimus Muscle of Unweaned Minhota Breed Calves at Different Slaughter Age
جی.پی. آرایجو پی. پیرس جی.ل. سرکواِیرا م. باروس ت. مورنو -
Open Access Article
32 - Rumen Acidosis in Small Ruminants and Its Therapeutic Management
N.A. Tufani D.M. Makhdoomi A. Hafiz -
Open Access Article
33 - The Effect of Different Levels of Tannic Acid on some Performance Traits in Holstein Dairy Calves
پ. سلیمان ف. خیری -
Open Access Article
34 - Recognition of Hereford and Simmental Cattle Breeds via Computer Vision
M.I. Yeşil S. Göncü -
Open Access Article
35 - Indirect Selection Amongst Small Scale Holders of West African Dwarf (WAD) Goats Based on Coat Pigmentation and Wattle Types in Ogbomoso, Nigeria
T.A. Adedeji M.O. Ozoje L.O. Ojedapo O.A. Fasoyin R.I. Ogundipe -
Open Access Article
36 - Improving the Nutritional Value of Sunflower Meal by Electron Beam and Gamma Ray Irradiations
F. Ghanbari T. Ghoorchi P. Shawrang H. Mansouri N.M. Torbati-Nejad -
Open Access Article
37 - Regulation of Follicular Growth and Development in Sheep
اچ.بی. سیفتسی -
Open Access Article
38 - Principal Component Analysis of Biometric Traits in Guilan Native Cattle of Iran
M. Golshani Jourshari A.A. Shadparvar ن. قوی حسین زاده F. Rafeie M.H. Banabazi A.M. Johansson -
Open Access Article
39 - Determination of in vitro Gas Production Kinetics by Adding Leucaena leucecophala and Corn Oil to the Ration in Different Ratios
C.T. Noviandi K. Kustaantinah A. Irawan B.P. Widyobroto A. Astuti -
Open Access Article
40 - Timing Ovulation in Ewes Treated with Ovsynch Different Times of PGF2 αInjection during the Breeding Season
T.A.M. Ashmawy -
Open Access Article
41 - Ruminal Degradation Kinetics of Wheat Straw Irradiated by High Doses of Electron Beam
P. Shawrang A.A. Sadeghi J. Ahmadpanah -
Open Access Article
42 - In vitro Gas Production and Dry Matter Digestibility of Irradiated Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Seeds
م. زارعی ف. خلیلی پ. شورنگ -
Open Access Article
43 - Relationship between Peak Milk Yield and Udder Parameters of Dehong Crossbred Dairy Buffaloes
ز.بی. گو اس.ال. یانگ جی. وانگ سی. ما ی. چن وی.ال. هو اس.کا. تنگ اچ.اس. ژو سی.بی. لیو تی. چن ایکس.اچ. فو اس.اچ. زیو ز.پی. شی آر.اس. لی جی.دی. می اچ.ام. مااُ -
Open Access Article
44 - Effects of Milking Frequency on Milk Production and Composition of Holstein Cows during Their First Three Lactations
آی. بوجنانه -
Open Access Article
45 - Nutritional Value of BRS Capiaçu Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) Silage Associated with Cactus Pear
اف.پی. مونکااُ و.ر. روچاجونیور جی.تی. سیلوا ن.جی. دِجسوس اُ.اف.سی. مارکواِس جی.پی.اس. رگوئیرا ای.سی.جی. سالس آ.آ.جی. سیلوا جونیور د.د. آلوز سی.سی.سی. کاروالهو و.م. گومس د.ب. لیل -
Open Access Article
46 - The Survey on Quantity and Quality of Hair Produced by Goats Under Fars Province Conditions
S. Negahdari M. Salehi -
Open Access Article
47 - Economic Value and Produced Milk Quality in Holstein Lactating Cows in Organic System
م. شریفی ر. پهلوان ع. آقایی -
Open Access Article
48 - The Effect of Weaning Age on Performance and Economics of Holstein Calves Reared under Organic Farming System
M. Sharifi A.A. Khadem B.J. Heins R. Pahlavan M. Safdari -
Open Access Article
49 - New Synbiotic-Mineral Complex in Lactating Cows’ Diets to Improve Their Productivity and Milk Composition
آ.اف. گورلوو آ.آی. بلیااِو م.آی. اسلوژنکینا ن.آی. مسولووا ای.ی. زلوبینا آ.وی. راندلین ای.ی. بُندارکووا ب.آ. شرستیوک -
Open Access Article
50 - Performance, Metabolic Responses of Fresh Cows to Daily or Every Other Day Oral Drenching a Glucogenic Precursor
م. کاظمی بن چناری م. جهانی مقدم ع.ر. علیزاده پ. قدرتی ح. شهابی ا. محجوبی م. گرجی دوز -
Open Access Article
51 - Utilization of a 17 Microsatellites Set For Bovine Traceability in Czech Cattle Populations
L. Putnova I. Vrtkova P. Srubarova L. Stehlik -
Open Access Article
52 - Nutritional Status of Dairy Cattle in theNorth-Western Himalayan Region of the Kashmir Valley
S.H. Bhat D. Medhi H.A. Ahmed F.A. Matto -
Open Access Article
53 - Probiotics: Challenging the Traditional Modes of Action
A.G. Lorenzoni S. Pasteiner M. Mohnl F. Perazzo -
Open Access Article
54 - Estimation of Nitrogen Requirements of Holstein Suckling Calves at Different Ages
ح. رحمانی A. Moharrery M.J. Zamiri -
Open Access Article
55 - Comparison of Fresh and Cryopreserved Semen Quality of Polled and Horned Bali Bulls
H. Hasbi M.I.A. Dagong Z. Zulkharnain S. Baba H. Sonjaya S. Baco S. Gustina T. Maulana M. Gunawan P.P. Agung N. Herlina N.D. Yanthi E.M. Kaiin S. Said -
Open Access Article
56 - Probiotics Improve Productive Performance and Carcass Ultrasonographic Quality of Steers under Grazing during Dry-Water Transition Season
N.F. Neves C.A. Pedrini E.R. Oliveira O.F.C. Marques J.T. Silva R.A.S. Becker W.S. Gouvea A.R.M. Fernandes J.R. Gandra -
Open Access Article
57 - Environmental and Genetic Factors Affecting on Semen Quality in Iranian Holstein Bulls
م.و. قاسمی ا. قربانی -
Open Access Article
58 - The Effects of Phenolic Compounds in Iranian Propolis Extracts on in vitro Rumen Fermentation, Methane Production and Microbial Population
ش. احتشام ع.ر. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران و. بانکوا -
Open Access Article
59 - Delayed Ovarian Cyclicity Does not Reflect Blood Metabolites Irregularity in Postpartum Holstein Cows
م. الشابراوی قانم -
Open Access Article
60 - Reproductive Performance for Holstein Friesian × Arsi and Holstein Friesian × Boran Crossbred Cattle
T. Wassie G. Mekuriaw Z. Mekuriaw -
Open Access Article
61 - Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis of Lori-Bakhtiari Lamb's Longevity Up to Yearling Age for Autosomal and Sex-Linked Chromosomes
آ. سالمی م. وطن خواه ب. اسدی -
Open Access Article
62 - Ingestive Behavior of Heifers Feeding with Marandu Grass Silage
گ.آ. مندس و. روکا جونیور ج.ر.م. راس ف. وییرا سیلوا ف.پ. مونکائو د.آ. سیلوا پ.ف. سانتانا گ.س.س. دیوید -
Open Access Article
63 - Dry Matter and Crude Protein Degradability ofMopane Worm (Imbrasia belina) in Rumen of Steers
O.R. Madibela B. Giddie K.K. Mokwena -
Open Access Article
64 - The Effect of Different Levels of Tomato Pomace With Without Multi–Enzyme on Performance and Egg Traits of Laying
A. Safamehr H. Malek A. Nobakhat -
Open Access Article
65 - DNA Polymorphisms at Candidate Gene Loci and Their Relation with Milk Production Traits in Murrah Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
دی.اس. کاله بی.آر. یاداو جی. پراساد -
Open Access Article
66 - The Effect of Different Level of Concentrates in Diet on Microbial Protein Synthesis in Iranian Native Buffaloes
K. Jafari Khorshidi Y. Vakilfaraji M. M. Zahedifar -
Open Access Article
67 - Influence of Method Supplementation of Yellow Grease on Growth Performance, Dietary Energetics, Carcass Characteristics and Nutrient Digestion of Feedlot Steers
A. Plascencia R.A. Zinn -
Open Access Article
68 - Comparative Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid Supplementation in Tris-Egg Yolk Based Extender and Triladyl® Extender on Post-Thaw Kinematics Parameters of Sahiwal Bull Semen
H. Abdul Rauf R.E. Qadeer F.U. Hassan M. Tarique Tunio M.F. Bhutta S. Imran -
Open Access Article
69 - A Comparison of the Sensitivity of the BayesC and Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction(GBLUP) Methods of Estimating Genomic Breeding Values under Different Quantitative Trait Locus(QTL) Model Assumptions
M. Shirali S.R. Miraei-Ashtiani A. Pakdel C. Haley P. Navarro R. Pong-Wong -
Open Access Article
70 - The Comparison Effect of Liquid Feeds and Sources of Dietary Selenium on Performance, Blood Metabolites and Anti-Oxidant Status of Holstein Neonatal Female Calves
S. Heidari Jahan Abadi A.M. Tahmasbi A.A. Naserian -
Open Access Article
71 - Estimation of Genetic Trends for Test-Day Milk Yield by the Logarithmic Form of Wood Function Using a Random Regression Model
ز. پزشکیان ع.ا. شادپرور س. جوزی شکالگورابی -
Open Access Article
72 - Accuracy of Genomic Prediction under Different Genetic Architectures and Estimation Methods
ع. عاطفی ع.ا. شادپرور ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
Open Access Article
73 - Fertility of Holstein Cattle in a Subtropical Climate of Egypt
El-Wishy El-Wishy -
Open Access Article
74 - Impact of an Agroforestry System on Grazing, Ruminating, and Resting Behaviors of Dairy Cows
آ.آ. اُلیوال اف.ب. آرایوجو ت.آ. دلوالِ جی.آ.سی. اُسوریو م. کامپانا جی.پی.جی دِ مورایس -
Open Access Article
75 - Evaluation of Morphometric and Reproductive Traits of Indigenous Dairy Goat Types in North Western Amhara, Ethiopia
ک. آلمایهو د. کبد -
Open Access Article
76 - Effect of Dry Matter Content and Inoculation on Ruminal Protein Degradability in Alfalfa Silages
R. Postulka P. Dolezal J. Pelikan D. Knotova -
Open Access Article
77 - An Alternative Robust Model for in situ Degradation Studies “Korkmaz-Uckardes”
ام. کرکمز اف. یوکاردس -
Open Access Article
78 - Milk Production and Composition, and Intake of Holstein Lactating Cows Fed Diets with Partial Substitution of Soybean Meal with Flaked Field Pea
آ. پیرزاده نائینی م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
79 - Effect of Replacing Dietary Corn Silage with Hydroponic Barley Green Fodder on Holstein Dairy Cows Performance
H. Fazaeli H.A. Golmohammadi S.N. Tabatatbaei -
Open Access Article
80 - Detection of New Silent Mutation at 348 bp Position in a CD18 Gene in Holstein Cattle Normal and Heterozygous for Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome
R.K. Patel R. Kotikalapudi P.S.S. Sunkara -
Open Access Article
81 - Overcrowding Stress Management in Broiler Chicken with Herbal Antistressor
L.T. Pandurang G.B. Kulkarni G.R. Gangane P.R. More K. Ravikanth S. Maini V.V. Deshmukh P.V. Yeotikar -
Open Access Article
82 - Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Have Beneficial Effect on Frozen-Thawed Spermatozoa of Holstein Bulls
F. Farhadi A. Towhidi M. Shakeri A. Seifi-Jamadi -
Open Access Article
83 - Bayesian Inference of (Co) Variance Components and Genetic Parameters for Economic Traits in Iranian Holsteins via Gibbs Sampling
H. Faraji-Arough A.A. Aslaminejad M. Tahmoorespur M. Rokouei M.M. Shariati -
Open Access Article
84 - Use of Yeast Culture in the TMR of Dairy Holstein Cows
P. Dolezal J. Dolezal K. Szwedziak J. Dvoracek L. Zeman M. Tukiendorf Z. Havlicek -
Open Access Article
85 - Dry Matter Intake, Milk Yield and Milk Fatty Acid Composition of Dairy Cows Fed Raw or Microwave Irradiated Safflower Seed as a Substitution to Cottonseed
ح. پایا ا. تقی زاده -
Open Access Article
86 - Production of Monoclonal Antibody against Prokaryotically Expressed G1 Protein of Bovine Ephemeral Fever Virus
ر. پسندیده م.ر. صیفی آباد شاپوری م.ت. بیگی نصیری -
Open Access Article
87 - The Impact of Different Genetic Architectures on Accuracy of Genomic Selection Using Three Bayesian Methods
ف. علاء نوشهر س.ع. رأفت ر. ایمانی-نبئی ص. علیجانی ک. روبرت گرنیه -
Open Access Article
88 - Genetic and Phenotypic Trends of Fertility Traits in Iranian Holstein Cows
ح. قیاسی م. هنرور -
Open Access Article
89 - Productive Efficiency of Lactating Buffaloes Fed Bypass Fat under Field Conditions: Effect on Milk Yield, Milk Composition, Body Weight and Economics
S.G. Vahora S. Parnerkar K.B. Kore -
Open Access Article
90 - Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Haematological Parameters of Red Sokoto Goats Fed Sabara (Guiera senegalensis) Leaf Meal
آ.آ. ابراهیم اس. هودو ام.اس. تمبوراوا آر.ام. آشیرو -
Open Access Article
91 - Effect of Essential Oils of Zataria multiflora, Eucalyptus globolus and Their Combination on Fermentation Parameters Using Merghoz Goat Rumen Liquor
س. میرزایی چشمهگچی م.م. معینی ف. هژبری م.ا. نوریان سرور -
Open Access Article
92 - Influence of Starch Sources in Prepartum Diet on Colostrum Quality and Blood Immunoglobulin Concentration of Calves
F. Fatahnia A. Shahsavar H.R. . Mirzaei Alamouti H. Darmani Kohi H. Amanlou M. Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
93 - Lactation Performance of Nili-Ravi Buffaloes Fed Alkali Treated Rice Husks
N.A. Tauqir F. Ahmad A. Faraz I.M. Gorsi N. Mujahid A. Asghar -
Open Access Article
94 - Nutritional Value of Spent Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Compost Silage Treated with Different Level of Molasses in Sheep Feeding
K. Zaboli S. Kalvandi M. Malecky M. Nasrabadi -
Open Access Article
95 - Effects of Dietary Protein and Energy Levels on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Lactating Buffaloes
H.M.A. Gaafar E.M. Abdel-Raouf M.M. Bendary G.H.A. Ghanem K.F.A. El-Riedy -
Open Access Article
96 - Performance of Lactating Sahiwal Cows Fed Corn Stovers Ensiled with Molasses, Urea and Lime Solution
F. Ahmad N.A. Tauqir A. Faraz I. Asghar F. Wadood M.N. Tahir M.N. Mujahid -
Open Access Article
97 - Reproductive Performance of Abergelle Goats Raised under Traditional Management Systems in Sekota District, Ethiopia
بی. دریب ام. تای -
Open Access Article
98 - Performance of Holstein Calves, Heifers and First-Lactating Cows Fed Starter Diets with Different Protein Levels and Types of Soybean Meal
م.ر. فروزانمهر م. دانش-مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی -
Open Access Article
99 - Effect of Using Reproductive Technologies on Genetic Progress in Sistani Native Cattle of Iran: A Simulation Study
ه. فرجی-آروق م. رکوعی ع. مقصودی م. مهری س. انصاری مهیاری ا. کریستین سورنسن -
Open Access Article
100 - Polymerase Chain Reaction of Mgc2 and 16S rRNA Genes for Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
ا. ذاکری -
Open Access Article
101 - Effects of Two Sources of Tannins on Performance, Nitrogen Utilization and Efficiency of Microbial Nitrogen Synthesis in Dairy Goats
ا. مختارپور ع.ع. ناصریان ف. پورملایی س. صفا -
Open Access Article
102 - Genetic Parameter Estimates for Lactation Curve Parameters, Milk Yield, Age at First Calving, Calving Interval and Somatic Cell Count in Holstein Cows
A. Chegini A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
103 - Survey on Carrier State of Sheep in Chlamydia pecorum Infection
ن. موری بختیاری س. براتی س. گودرزی -
Open Access Article
104 - Polymorphism and Sequencing of DGAT1 Gene in Iranian Holstein Bulls
M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi M.R. Nassiri M. Mahmoudi M. Rastin N.E.J. Kashan R. Vaez Torshizi N. Tabasi S.E. Nooraee -
Open Access Article
105 - Investigation of GDF8 Gene Promoter in Iranian Sheep
م. کمانگر ه.ا. روشنفکر ح. گلهداری آ.س. صدر م. ممویی م.ت. بیگی نصیری -
Open Access Article
106 - Serum Protein Profile of Lori-Bakhtiari Ewes in Relation to Age, Body Weight, Birth Type and Birth Season
H. Mohammadi P. Zamani S.Z. Mirhoseini -
Open Access Article
107 - Effect of Using L–Threonine and Reducing Dietary Levels of Crude Protein on Egg Production in Layers
M. Mohammadi Gheisar F. Foroudi A. Ghazikhani Shad -
Open Access Article
108 - Estimating Heritabilities and Breeding Values for Real and Predicted Milk Production in Holstein Dairy Cows with Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Models
M. Nosrati S.H. Hafezian M. Gholizadeh -
Open Access Article
109 - Effect of Methanolic Extract of Pomegranate Peel on in vitro Rumen Fermentation Kinetics of Oil Seed Meals
ش. نظارتی ن. ماهری سیس -
Open Access Article
110 - Analysis of Test Day Milk Yield by Random Regression Models and Evaluation of Persistency in Iranian Dairy Cows
M. Elahi Torshizi A.A. Aslamenejad M.R. Nassiri H. Farhangfar J. Solkner M. Kovac G. Meszaros S. Malovrh -
Open Access Article
111 - Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis of Lori-Bakhtiari Lamb's Weight at Different Ages for Autosomal and Sex-Linked Genetic Effects
م. مراونی م. وطنخواه س. عیدیوندی -
Open Access Article
112 - Effect of Calcium and Magnesium Supplementation of Ewes during Pre- and Post-Mating on Lamb Sex Ratio
Z. Gharibi M. Shamsolahi F. Fatahnia Y. Mohammadi A.N. Shokri -
Open Access Article
113 - Association between MTNR1A and CYP19 Genes Polymorphisms and Economic Traits in Kurdi Sheep
ز. داوری ورانلو س. حسنی م. آهنی آذری ف. صمدی س. زکیزاده ع.ر. خان احمدی -
Open Access Article
114 - Serum Protein of Female Holstein Calves Fed Milk through Step-Down and Conventional Methods
آ.سی.اس. سوآرس اف. مورایس کوستا ای.ر. دوآرت ل.سی. گراسیو م.جی. فریرا جی.آ. باستوس م.م. ملو ، ر.ر. ونکسلاو ن.جی.اف. اُلیویرا -
Open Access Article
115 - Investigation of Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD) and Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) in a Population of Iranian Holstein Cows
B. Hemati S. Gharaie-Fathabad M.H. Fazeli Z. Namvar M. Ranji -
Open Access Article
116 - Frequency of Limb Injuries Between Thoroughbred and Arabian Horses
M. Pieszka J. Luszcynski A. Baranowska -
Open Access Article
117 - Genetic Parameters of Direct and Maternal Effects for Growth Traits of Afshari Sheep
آ. خرسند س.ح. حافظیان ا. تیموری-یانسری ا. فرهادی -
Open Access Article
118 - Effect of Wattle Trait on Body Sizes and Scrotal Dimensions of Traditionally Reared West African Dwarf (WAD) Bucks in the Derived Savannah Environment
T.A. Adedeji M.O. Ozoje T.A. Otunta L.O. Ojedapo T.K. Ojediran A.O. Ige -
Open Access Article
119 - Factors Affecting Body Condition Score and Its Relationship with Productiveand Reproductive Performances of Holstein Cows
N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh M. Akbarian -
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120 - A Review on Recent Findings on Amino Acids Requirements in Poult-Studies
Y. Dersjant-Li M. Peisker -
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121 - Effect of Poultry by Product Meal on Performance Parameters,Serum Uric Acid Concentration and Carcass Characteristics
M. Sahraei H. Lootfollahian A. Ghanbari -
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122 - The Effects of Indigestible Neutral Detergent Fiber (iNDF) of Alfalfa Hay and Corn Silage on Ruminal Degradability of Ration Fiber in Sheep
س. یوسفیان ا. تیموری یانسری ی. چاشنی دل -
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123 - Meat Qualities and Sensory Characteristics of Hararghe and Afar Rams Fed on Varying Energy and Protein Levels in the Diets
S. Gadissa M. Eshetu M. Urge A. Tolera F. Feyissa -
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124 - The Effects of Different Levels of Canola Oil and Diet Mixing Time Length on Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Lipids of Broilers
ع. عبدی ع. نوبخت -
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125 - Effect of Halophyte Salicornia bigelovii (Torr.) as Animal Supplement in Goat in Sonora Desert, Mexico
ر.جی. هولگوین پنا ب.ای. لوپز کرونا اچ. سلایا میچل جی.م. وارگاس لوپز اف. رُدری گواِز فلیکس یو. رامیرز کامپاس جی. اُرتگا-گارسیا ای.اُ. رواِدا پواِنتا -
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126 - Association of Melatonin Receptor 1A Gene Polymorphisms with Production and Reproduction Traits in Zandi Sheep
م. حاتمی ق. رحیمی میانجی ا. فرهادی -
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127 - Effects of Different Antifreeze Protective Agents on Hu Sheep Semen Storage at 4 ˚C
L. Zhang X. Sun Y. Kang T. Sohail X. Wang Y. Li -
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128 - Thymus kotschyanus Essential Oil Components and Their Effects on in vitro Rumen Fermentation, Protozoal Population and Acidosis Parameters
ز. میرزایی ف. هژبری د. علیپور -
Open Access Article
129 - Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Growth and Body Measurement Traits in Different Ages in Iranian Makuei Sheep
ش. ورکوهی ح. بانی-سعادت س. رزاق-زاده -
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130 - Toxic Impact of Sub-Chronic Oral Exposure of Cyfluthrin on Antioxidant Status in Buffalo Calves
R. Kaur S. Ahsan-UI-Haq B. Ranjan S. Rampal -
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131 - Genetic Predisposition to Abortions Is Increasing in Iranian Holstein Cows
S. Nadri P. Zamani A. Sadeghi-Sefidmazgi R. Abdoli A. Ghazi Khani Shad -
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132 - Formation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Chilled Goat Spermatozoa and the Effects of Dead Spermatozoa on Motility Characteristics
م. آلومار -
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133 - Effect of Chromium Methionine Supplementation on Performance and Serum Metabolites in Broiler Chickens Thermoneutral and Under Heat-Stress Conditions
K. Noori P. Farhoomand S.K. Ebrahimzadeh -
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134 - Polymorphism of the Melatonin Receptor 1A Gene and Its Association with Litter Size in Zel and Naeini Sheep Breeds
ن. مرادی ق. رحیمی ن. نظیفی ع. نوربخش -
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135 - Evaluation of Dietary Calcium Requirements in Fayoumi Laying Hens
A. El-Ghamry Hewida M.H. El-Allawy M. Hewida S.A. Yassein G.M. El-Mallah -
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136 - The Effects of Crossbreeding on Meat Fatty Acids Profile in Qazvinian Native Goats
م.ح. هادی-تواتری ا. رشیدی ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی م. رزمکبیر -
Open Access Article
137 - Evaluation of Various Approaches in Prediction of Daily and Lactation Yields of Milk and Fat Using Statistical Models in Iranian Primiparous Holstein Dairy Cows
M. Elahi Torshizi M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi -
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138 - Egg Yolk Cholesterol of Hens Fed Barley Malt Rootlets
S.M. Hashish L.D. Abd El-Samee -
Open Access Article
139 - Comparison of Different Selenium Sources and Vitamin E in Laying Hen Diet and Their Influences on Egg Selenium and Cholesterol Content, Quality and Oxidative Stability
ف. اسدی ف. شریعتمداری م.ا. کریمی ترشیزی م. محیطی اصلی م. قناعت پرست رشتی -
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140 - Effect of Post-Mating GnRH Treatment onSerum Progesterone Profile and Conception Rate in Buffaloes
M.Z. Lattoo S. Prasad H.P. Gupta A. Hussain -
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141 - Effects of Supplementing Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) Straw with Dried Poultry Dropping Based Diet on the Performance of Konkan Kanyal Goats
آ.آ. بلو بی.جی. دسای آر.جی. بورته وی.اس. دندکار جی.اس. دیهکاله اس. کومار وی.کا. گبرمدهین -
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142 - Intake, Digestibility, and Rumen Metabolism of Feedlot Lambs Supplemented either Monensin or Increasing Doses of Copaiba (Copaifera spp.) Essential oil
E.R. Oliveira F.S.S. Abreu A.M.A. Gabriel O.F.C. Marques J.T. Silva N.F. Neves H.F. Durães E.R.S. Gandra J.R. Gandra -
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143 - Genotyping of Lactoferrin and CXCR1 Genes in Guilan Native Cows and Its Association with Milk Somatic Cell Score
S.H. Hosseini Moghaddam M. Ayatollahi O. Ahadzadeh S.Z. Mirhoseini R. Khataminejad H. Alaei -
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144 - Chemical Composition and in vitro and in vivo Digestibility of Tea Waste in Sheep
م. زاهدی فر ح. فضائلی ا.ر. صفایی س.م. علوی -
Open Access Article
145 - In vitro Estimation of Microbial Nitrogen Production and Ruminal Fermentation Responses to Levels and Applying Duration of a Commercial Enzyme Mixture
ع. فرامرزی-گرمرودی م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی -
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146 - Effect of Dietary Saturated and Unsaturated Fats on Body Performance and Accumulation of Abdominal in Broiler Chickens
Y. Mohammadi J. Yousefi H. Darmani kuhi M. Ahmadi -
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147 - Estrus Characteristics of Black Bengal Does Under Intensive Condition
M. Fakruzzaman Q.S. Akter S.S. Husain M.A.M.Y. Khandoker A.S. Apu M.R. Islam -
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148 - Effect of Dietary Protein Supplementation on Sheep Milk Coagulation Properties
M.R. Yossifov -
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149 - Isolation and Morphological Characterization of Ovine Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
M. Mohebbi G. Moghaddam B. Qasemi Panahi M. Nouri -
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150 - Preliminary Study on Productive and Reproductive Performances of Jamunapari, Black Bengal and Crossbred Goats at Chittagong Region of Bangladesh
ان. بومیک ام.ا م. میا ام.ام. رحمان اس. اسلام -
Open Access Article
151 - Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Two Oogenesis Specific Genes (BMP15, GDF9) and Their Association with Litter Size in Markhoz Goat (Iranian Angora)
ب. عارفنژاد ی. مهدیزاده آ. جوانمرد م.ج. ضمیری ع. نیازی -
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152 - Pancreatic Differentiation of Sox 17 Knock-in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in Vitro
E. Chronowska -
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153 - Effects of Probiotic on Immune Response and Intestine Morphology of Broiler Chicks Exposed to Stress Induced by Corticosterone
ف. عابد درگاهی ح. درمانیکوهی ر. حسن ساجدی ع. روستایی علیمهر س.ح. حسینیمقدم -
Open Access Article
154 - Evaluation of Thyroid Hormones, Blood Gases, Body Antioxidant Status, the Activity of Blood Enzymes and Bone Characteristics in Broiler Chickens with Cold Induced Ascites
ر. عبدالکریمی م.ح. شهیر م. دانشیار -
Open Access Article
155 - Alternative Feed Resources and Their Effects onthe Parametersof Rumen Fermentation, in situ Degradability, the Population of Ciliated Protozoaand the in vitro Gas Production Profile in Sicilo-Sarde Sheep
H. Selmi B. Jemmali A. Ben Gara B. Rekik H. Rouissi -
Open Access Article
156 - Effect of Supplementing Sheep Diet with Glycyrrhiza glabra and Urtica dioica Powder on Growth Performance, Rumen Bacterial Community and some Blood Biochemical Constituents
ر. راه چمنی م. فرامرزی ف. مسلمی پور ج. بیات کوهسار -
Open Access Article
157 - Characteristics of Canary Hair Sheep (Pelibuey) Lamb’s Carcass Fed with Banana (Musa acuminate) By-products
S. Ahmed-Salek J.R. Jaber V. Navarro C. Gutiérrez M.R. Ventura -
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158 - The Effect of Tannins in Grape Pomace and Oak Leaf on the in vitro Organic Matter Digestibility and in situ Disappearance of Sheep
M.J. Abarghuei Y. Rouzbehan D. Alipour -
Open Access Article
159 - Effects of Gender and Dietary Ionophores on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Moghani Lambs
س. صادقی س.ع. رافت ج. شجاع ح. امانلو -
Open Access Article
160 - Intestinal Histomorphology Changes and Serum Biochemistry Responses of Broiler Chickens Fed Herbal Plant (Euphorbia hirta) and Mix of Acidifier
س.ر. هاشمی ا. زولکیفلی ه. داودی م. هیر بجو ت.س. لوه -
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161 - Effect of Dietary and Animal Factors on Milk Fatty Acids Composition of Grazing Dairy Cows: A Review
A.I. Roca Fernandez A. Gonzalez Rodriguez -
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162 - Effects of Replacing Barley with Processed Corn on the Growth Performance, Microbial Protein Synthesis and Profitability of Fattening Lambs
F. Kazemi T. Ghoorchi B. Dastar F. Eshraghi -
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163 - Environmental Temperature Influences Diet Selection and Growth in Early-Weaned Lambs
M.S. Simeonov I. Stoycheva D.L. Harmon -
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164 - The Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Spermatogenesis Hormonal Axis of Pituitary Gonad in Mice
H. Hemayatkhah Jahromi K. Parivar M. Forozanfar -
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165 - Effect of Different Levels of Egg Yolk on Cryopreservation of Black Bengal Buck Semen in Tris Egg yolk Citrate Fructose Glycerol Extender
ال. گویجن سینق ک. رای ب. سرکار -
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166 - Effect of Tryptophan Supplementation in Protein Deficient Diets on Performance, Gut Development and Immune Responses in Broiler Chickens
م. فاطمی م. طغیانی -
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167 - Study of Milking Efficiency, Biochemical Milk Composition and Hormonal Blood Parameters of Armenian Goat Breeds for the Second Lactation Period
G.Y. Marmaryan -
Open Access Article
168 - The Effect of Bovine Lactoferrin and Probiotic on Performance and Health Status of Ghezel Lambs in Preweaning Phase
M. Mallaki ع. حسینخانی A. Taghizadeh G. Hamidian H. Paya -
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169 - Effects of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) on Ileum Microflora Population and Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens in Comparison with Antibiotic Growth Promoter
ب. دارابیقانع ف. میرزایی آقچه قشلاق ب. نوید شاد ع. مهدوی ا. زارعی س. ناهاشون -
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170 - A New Precision–Fed Chick Assay for Determining True Metabolizable Energy Values of some Poultry Feed Ingredients for Broiler Chickens
ا. رضایی ح. جانمحمدی م. علیایی ص. علیجانی -
Open Access Article
171 - Optimal Forage Choices for Lactating Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats: Feed Intake, Behavior Time Budget, Milk Production, and Blood Metabolites
M.H. Khabbazan H. Amanlou D. Zahmatkesh E. Mahjoubi A. Nikkhah -
Open Access Article
172 - Impact of Oxytocin-Milking Method on Lactation Performance and Lactation Length of Sheep
M. Nezamidoust S. Razzaghzadeh E. Ezati R. Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
173 - Curl Size and Pelt Color Determination of Zandi Lambs Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network
م. خجسته کی ع.ا. اسلمی نژاد ع.ر. جعفری اروری -
Open Access Article
174 - Efficacy of Wheat Based vs. Corn Based Diet Formulated Based on Digestible Amino Acid Method on Performances, Carcass Traits, Blood Parameters, Immunity Response, Jejunum Histomorphology, Cecal Microflora and Excreta Moisture in Broiler Chickens
م.ح. محمّدی قاسم آبادی م. ریاحی م. شیوازاد ا. زالی م. ادیب مرادی -
Open Access Article
175 - Environmental and Genetic Factors Affecting Early Growth Traits in Three Yemeni Indigenous Sheep Breeds
A.M. Albial J. Singh -
Open Access Article
176 - The Precision Approach of the Lactation Curve in Sirohi Goats Using Non-Linear Models
L. Gautam H. Ashraf Waiz -
Open Access Article
177 - Differential Fertility in Dairy Buffalo: Role of Thyroid and Blood Plasma Biochemical Milieu
S.P.S. Ghuman J. Singh M. Honparkhe C.S. Ahuja D.S. Dhami G. Nazir V.K. Gandotra -
Open Access Article
178 - Fatty Acid Composition of Fat-Tail and Visceral Fat Depots from Chaal and Zandi Pure Bred Lambs and Their Crosses with Zel (Three Iranian Breeds)
م. مؤمن ن. امام جمعه کاشان س.د. شریفی م. امیری رودبار ا. آیتالهی مهرجردی -
Open Access Article
179 - Insoluble Fibers Affected the Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Serum Lipid of Broiler Chickens Fed Wheat-Based Diet
ک. شیرزادگان ح.ر. طاهری -
Open Access Article
180 - The Effect of Grape Seed Extract Supplementation on Performance, Antioxidant Enzyme Activity, and Immune Responses in Broiler Chickens Exposed to Chronic Heat Stress
ح. حاجاتی ا. حسن آبادی ا. گلیان ح. نصیری-مقدم م.ر. نصیری -
Open Access Article
181 - Effect of Dietary Protein Sources on Lamb’s Performance: A Review
M.F. Khalid M. Sarwar A.U. Rehman M.A. Shahzad N. Mukhtar -
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182 - Effects of Different Oils on Productive Performance of Broiler
جی.بی. داس ام.ای. حسین ام.آ. اکبر -
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183 - Effects of Nutritional Systems on Early Weaned Lambs
M.S. Simeonov D.L. Harmon -
Open Access Article
184 - Polymorphism of Β-Lactoglobulin (Β-Lg) Gene and Its Association with Milk Yield and Milk Composition on Senduro Goats
F.E. Wardani J. Palayukan A. Furqon S. Suyadi T.E. Susilorini -
Open Access Article
185 - Responses of Milk Urea Nitrogen Content to Dietary Rume Degradable Protein Level in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows
H. Rafieei -
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186 - Screening, Cloning and Characteristics of the Common Xylanase Gene in Anaerobic Fungi
U. Comlekcioglu -
Open Access Article
187 - The Effect of in ovo Injection of Aromatase Inhibitors on the Performance of Broilers
ت. مکرمی ب. نویدشاد ن. هدایت ایوریق ف. میرزائی آقجه قشلاق -
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188 - The Effect of Organic Selenium Supplementation on the Broilers' Immune Response
M.B. Saad L.R.S. Gertner L.N. Kuritza R.M. Hayashi L. Pickler E. Santin -
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189 - Improvement of Fertility Performance of Farahani Ewes Raised on Supplementary Feeding
آ. میرشمسالهی ر.ع. عزیزی -
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190 - Growth Modeling and Genetic Analysis on Growth Traits of Sirohi Goat under Field Conditions
ل. گاوتام ر.آ. کومار ناگدا ه. اشرف وایز -
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191 - Comparison of Growth of Male and Female Kids of Nondescript Goats in a Semi Arid Region of Nigeria
A.O. Raji L.G. Asheikh I.D. Mohammed -
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192 - Productive Performance of Lactating Buffaloes Fed RationContaining Sugar Beet Tops and Corn Silages
H.M.A. Gaafar E.M. Abdel-Raouf M.M. Bendary G.H. Ghanem K.F. El-Reidy -
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193 - Relationship of Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Phenotypic Expression of Residual Feed Intake in Fat-Tailed Lambs
H. Rajaei-Sharifabadi A.A. Naserian M.R. Nassiry W. Bottje -
Open Access Article
194 - Supplementation of Clove Essential Oils and Probiotic to the Broiler’s Diet on Performance, Carcass Traits and Blood Components
م. آزادگان مهر ا. حسن آبادی ح. نصیری مقدم ح. کرمانشاهی -
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195 - Economic Opportunity Survey of Small Dairy Farms in the Southwest Part of Iran
M. Vatankhah M. Faraji A.A. Gharadaghi A.R. Aghashahi -
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196 - Effects of Mega Doses of Phytase on Growth Performance, Bone Status and Nutrient Excretion of Broilers Fed Diets Containing High Levels of Rice Bran
ک.جی.اس.سی. کاتوکروندا ان.اس.بی.ام. اتاپتو پی.و.یو. پررا -
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197 - Effects of Dietary Supplement of Organic Acids Induced Protective Immunity against Coccidiosis
آ.ی. عبدوالهی ایکس.جی. یو ی.کیو. فو م.و. وانگ ن.اس. کی م.اچ. گیزا اس. کالون و.د. پان ایکس.ل. شی ی. فانگ اس. ویو و. هو ل.پی. تان کا.ایکس. لی ز. وانگ جی.جی. زو د.ی. فنگ جی.کیو. لی -
Open Access Article
198 - Effects of Different Levels of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Medicinal Plant Powder on Performance, Egg Quality and some of Serum Biochemical Parameters in Laying Hens
ح. اقدم شهریار ع. احمدزاده ع. نوبخت -
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199 - Evaluation the Impact of Carcass Weight, Age at Slaughter, and Sex on the Chemical Composition of Lamb Meat: The Case of the Boutsiko Sheep Breed
و. الکساندریدیس ب. اسکاپتاس د. کانتاس پ. گولاس م. کالایتزیدو -
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200 - Genetic Variation within and between Three Iranian Goat Populations Using Nine Microsatellite Markers
P. Gholizadeh M.B. Montazer Torbati A. Javanmard S. Alijani -
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201 - Effects of Hydrolyzed Cottonseed Protein on Growth Performances, Carcass Traits, Immunity, Microbial and Morphological Responses of the Small Intestine and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Serum, and Small Intestine in Broiler Chickens
N. Landy F. Kheiri -
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202 - Intake, Nutrient Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance of Acacia auriculate, Gmelina arborea, Albizia lebbeck and Butryospermum parkii by Yankasa Bucks
S.B. Abdu M.R. Hasan H.Y. Adamu S.M. Yashimi M.J. Abdullahi -
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203 - Association of IGF-I Gene Polymorphisms with Carcass Traits in Iranian Mehraban Sheep Using SSCP Analysis
S. Behzadi S.R. Miraei-Ashtiani M. Sadeghi P. Zamani R. Abdoli -
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204 - Performance and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Diet Containing Incremental Sodium Humate
T.T. Ikyume A.O. Yusuf A.O. Oni O.S. Sowande S. Ikuejamoye-Omotore S.S. Dansu -
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205 - An Assessment of the Performance and CarcassYield of Broilers Fed Indomie Waste® in the Humid Tropics
ال.آ.اف. آکینولا پی. اکین -
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206 - Effects of PMSG Doses on Reproductive Performance of Kurdi Ewes Artificially Inseminated during Breeding Season
M. Nosrati M. Tahmorespoor M. Vatandoost M. Behgar -
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207 - The Effects of Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger and Garlic Powder Nutrition on Antioxidant Enzymes’ Status and Hormones Involved in Energy Metabolism of Broilers during Heat Stress
ع.ا. صادقی م. مقدم -
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208 - Effects of Dietary Guanidinoacetic Acid Supplementation on Performance, Blood Parameters and Meat Quality of Male Broilers with Cold-Induced Ascites
ا. محبی فر م. ترکی ع. عبدالمحمدی -
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209 - Phenotypic and Genetic Factors Affecting on Reproductive Lifetime of Lori-Bakhtiari Ewes
م. وطن خواه -
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210 - Effect of Replacing Bone Ash with Eggshell Meal on Nutrient Digestibility and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chickens
S.E. Alu -
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211 - Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Immune Responses of Broiler Chickens Subjected to Sequential or Wet Feeding Programs Subsequent to Early Meal Feeding Regime
م. طغیانی ع.ع. قیصری س.ع. تبعیدیان غ.ر. قلمکاری م. زمانی زاد م. محمدرضایی -
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212 - Estimation of Individual Heterosis for Lamb Growth in Ghezal and Mehraban Sheep
H. Atashi J. Izadifar -
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213 - Effect of Enzymes Supplementation (Rovabio and Kemin) on some Blood Biochemical Parameters, Performance and Carcass Characterizes in Broiler Chickens
S. Goli H. Aghdam Shahryar -
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214 - The Performance, Antioxidant Status, Blood Chemistry Analysis and Tissue Histology of Broiler Birds Fed a Diet Containing Chromium Picolinate and Vitamin C
F.B. Adebayo O.A. Adu C.A. Chineke O.D. Oloruntola O.S. Omoleye S.A. Adeyeye S.O. Ayodele -
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215 - The Effect of Energy Sources and Levels on Performance and Breast Amino Acids Profile in Cobb 500 Broiler Chicks
س.م. اکبری ع.ا. صادقی م. امین افشار پ. شورنگ م. چمنی -
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216 - Growth Performance and Biochemical Parametersof Broiler Chickens on Diets Consist of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and Nettle (Urtica dioica) with or without Multi-Enzyme
A. Safamehr F. Fallah A. Nobakht -
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217 - Comparison of in vitro Gas Production, Nutritive Value, Metabolizable Energy and Organic Matter Digestibility of some Chickpea Varieties
ت. آیسان آی. یولگر ام. کالیبر اس. ارگول اچ. اینسی د. مارت م. طغیانی -
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218 - Growth Rate of Thoroughbred Horses during First Six Months of Life
J. Luszczynski M. Pieszka -
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219 - Vocalization Characters and Forkhead Box P2 (FoxP2) Polymorphism in Indonesian Crowing-Type Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
ب.اس. دریونو م. موشلیح آ.ب.آی. پرداماین -
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220 - Association between Yearling Weight and Calpastatin and Calpain Loci Polymorphism in Iranian Zel Sheep
E. Dehnavi M. Ahani Azari S. Hasani M.R. Nassiry M. Mohajer A.R. Khan Ahmadi L. Shahmohamadi S. Yousefi -
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221 - The Effects of Different Levels of Untreated and TreatedGreen Grape Leaf on Performance, Egg Traits Quality and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens
A. Nobakht -
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222 - The Gradual Affection of Creatine Monohydrate Supplemented at Different Protein Level in Diets of Broilers on Performance, Blood Biochemical Parameters and some Specific Meat Characteristics
A. Nabati S.D. Sharifi V. Mohammadi S. Ghazanfari -
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223 - Estimation of Inbreeding Coefficients Using Pedigree and Microsatellite Markers and Its Effects on Economic Traits of Shirvan Kordi Sheep
س. نقویان س. حسنی م. آهنی آذری ع.ر. خان احمدی د.ع. ساقی ن. مامیزاده -
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224 - Effects of in ovo Injection of Zinc Acetate on some Gene Expression Associated with Embryonic Growth and Development, and with Growth and Carcass Characteristics of the Resultant Chicks
م. تقی پور شه بندی ز. انصاری پیرسرائی ح. دلدار م. کاظمی فرد -
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225 - Effects of Zinc Nanoparticles on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immunity, and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens
M. Eskandani ح. جانمحمدی S.A. Mirghelenj M. Ebrahimi S. Kalanaky -
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226 - Effect of Antibiotic Alternatives on Ileal Microflora and Intestinal Histomorphology of Broiler Chickens Fed Wheat Based Diet
ح. هاشمی پور ح. کرمانشاهی ا. گلیان ا. راجی -
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227 - Exogenous Polysaccharidases for Young Ruminants: A Review Interfacing Nutrition, Economics, and Health
A. Nikkhah -
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228 - Therapeutic Evaluation of Mineral Preparation for the Amelioration of Anaemia in Goats of Arid Zone of Rajasthan
D. Goklaney A.P. Singh R.K. Dhuria A. Ahuja -
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229 - Influence of Different Dietary Levels of Energy and Protein on Reproductive and Post Hatch Growth Performance in Japanese Quails
ا. لطفی ن. کریمی ب. پریزادیان کاوان م.ر. شریفی -
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230 - Effects of Chicory Powder and Butyric Acid Combination on Performance, Carcass Traits and some Blood Parameters in Broiler Chickens
م. فرامرززاده م. بهروزلک ف. صمدیان و. واحدی -
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231 - Effect of Dietary Melatonin and L-Tryptophan on Growth Performance and Immune Responses ofBroiler Chicken under Experimental Aflatoxicosis
Patil Patil J.S. Tyagi M. Sirajudeen R. Singh R.P. Moudgal J. Mohan -
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232 - Quality of Eggs and Hatching Traits in Two Slow-Growing Dual-Purpose Chicken Lines Reared Conventionally or on Pasture
ای. پتکوو م. ایگناتووا ت. پپووا اس. ایوانووا -
Open Access Article
233 - Influence of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Leaf Powder on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Blood Parameters in Broiler Chickens
M. Tajodini F. Samadi S. Hasani S.R. Hashemi S. Samadi -
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234 - Milk Yield and Composition of Red Sokoto and Weast African Dwarf Does Raised Intensively in a Hot Humid Environment
F.O. Ahamefule O. Odilinye E.N. Nwachukwu -
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235 - The Effect of Protease Enzyme and Replacement Soybean Meal by Cotton Seed Meal on Protein Efficiency and Performance in Broiler Chickens
M. Safari A.A. Saki S. Mirzaie Goudarzi A. Ahmadi A. Ashoori -
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236 - Determining Relative Bioavailability of Different Manganese Sources in Broiler Diets
h. یعقوبفر H.R. Ghalamkari N. Sanei M. Ebrahimnejad -
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237 - Effects of Different Fat Sources in Finisher Diet of Broiler Chickens on Performance, Fat Deposition and Blood Metabolites
س.ع. میرقلنج ا. گلیان م.ع. بهروزلک س. مرادی -
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238 - Potential for Using Leucaena leucocephala or Manihot esculenta Leaves for Supplementing Feeding of Goats in West Cameroon
F. Tendonkeng B. Boukila T.E. Pamo -
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239 - Effect of Some Acidifiers on Gastrointestinal Tract Characteristics and Performance of Broiler Chickens
س. یخکشی پ. شورنگ س. رحیمی -
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240 - Defining Economic Values of Important Traits in One Hump Camel in Desert Areas Rearing System
م. وطن خواه ع. شفیع نادری م.ر. مفیدی ع.ا. قره داغی م.ع. عباسی -
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241 - Effects of Different Levels of Dried Lemon (Citrus aurantifulia) Pulpon Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Broilers
A. Nobakht -
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242 - Genetic Variability in Growth Hormone Gene and Association between Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) Patterns and Quantitative Variation of Live Weight, Carcass, Behaviour, Heterophil and Lymphocyte Traits in Japanese Quails
ا. نصیریفر م. طالبی ع. اسمعیلی زاده ن. عسکری س.س. سهرابی ح. مرادیان -
Open Access Article
243 - Effect of Vegetable Oil Source and L-Carnitine Supplements on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Biochemical Parameters of Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica)
ع. عابدپور س.م.ع. جلالی ف. خیری -
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244 - Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation on Growth Performance, some Hematological Parameters, Plasma Enzymes Activities in Broilers with Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome (PHS)
M. Fathi -
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245 - Comparative Effects of Dietary Saponin and Probiotic Supplementation on Performance, Carcass Traits and Intestinal Histomorphology of Broilers Challenged with Eimeria tenella
I.M.I. Youssef A.H. Abdel-Razik S.M. Aboelhadid W.M. Arafa S.A. Shany A.S.A. Abdel-Daim -
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246 - Effect of Peppermint and Basil as Feed Additive on Broiler Performance and Carcass Characteristics
ی. گوربوز آی.آ. اسماعیل -
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247 - Study of Dopamine Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Their Association with Growth and Egg Production Traits in West Azerbaijan Native Chicken
م. غلامی م. غفاری ع. هاشمی -
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248 - The Effect of Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Culture Versus Fla-ovomycin Supplementation on Laying Hen Diets and Their Co-mparative Influence on The Late Stage Production Performnce
H.M.A. Hewida M.H. El-Allawy A.A. El-Ghamry El-Ghamry -
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249 - Influence of Inorganic and Organic Selenium Sources on Broiler Performance and Meat Quality
کا. راجاشری تی. موتوکومار ان. کارتیکیان -
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250 - Effects of Levels of Ficus (Ficus sycomorus) Supplementation on Voluntary Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance in Yankasa Bucks Fed Urea Treated Maize Stover Basal Diet
S.B. Abdu H. Ahmed M.R. Jokthan H.Y. Adamu S.M. Yashimi -
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251 - Analysis of Chicken Gut Microbiome Fed by Phyllanthus urinaria as Phytobiotic Using 16S rRNA Metagenome
H. Khasanah W.I.D. Fanata D.E. Kusbianto -
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252 - Evaluation of Functional Properties and Fatty Acid Profiles of One-Hump and Crossbred (Dromedarius and Bactrianus) Camel Meat
ز. عبادی ف. سرحدی -
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253 - Wet Feeding Mitigates the Adverse Effectsof High Dietary Rice Bran Levels on Growth Performance and Nitrogen Retention of Broiler Chickens
N.S.B.M. Atapattu H.S. Sudusinghe -
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254 - Gene Dropping Analysis of Founder Contributions and Allelic Diversity in an under Selected Population of Japanese Quails
م. خالداری ح. قیاسی -
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255 - The Effect of Selenized Glucose with Probiotic on Broiler Growth Performance, Immune Response, Intestine Microflora and Morphology
A. Shokrinejad Gerdin M. Afsharmanesh M. Salarmoini M. Khajeh Bami -
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256 - Genetic Analysis of Egg Quality Traits in Bovan Nera Black Laying Hen under Sparse Egg Production Periods
ا. سیلویا جوهن-جایا ا.آر. عبدالله سی. ساموئل نوکولو -
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257 - Specific Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K99 in Serum and Egg Yolk of Immunized Laying Hens
ا. کرم زاده-دهاقانی آ. توحیدی م. ژندی ن. مژگانی -
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258 - The Intensity of MLLT Area Changes and Development of the Selected Body Parts Muscling in Bulls and Heifers of Blonded’ Aquitaine Cattle and its Crossbreeds During Rearing Period
L. Stadnik J. Dvorakova F. Louda -
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259 - The Effect of Grape Seed Extract and Vitamin C Feed Supplements Carcass Characteristics, Gut Morphology and Ileal Microflora in Broiler Chickens Exposed to Chronic Heat Stress
H. Hajati A. Hassanabadi A.G. Golian H. Nassiri-Moghaddam M.R. Nassiri -
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260 - Effect of Different Levels of Molasses Distillers Condensed Soluble on Broiler Chickens Performance, Carcass Traits and Intestinal Morphology of Broilers
ط. امجدیان م.م. معینی ش. قاضی ش. ورکوهی -
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261 - A Comparative Study of Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Semen Quality in Relation to Fertility of Black Bengal Goats
A.S. Apu M.A.M. Yahia Khandoker S.S. Husain M. Fakruzzaman D.R. Notter -
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262 - Growth Traits, Breast Meat Yield and Quality of Broiler Genotypes under Hot Conditions
آی.آ. اُکر -
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263 - Proximate, Mineral and Anti-Nutrient Composition of Wild Ganoderma lucidum: Implication on Its Utilization in Poultry Production
A.O. Ogbe A.D. Obeka -
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264 - Expression of Toll-Like Receptor4 (TLR4) in Pancreas of Obese Chicken
S.K. Pathak P. Suvaneeth E. Raja Ravi Teja -
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265 - Some Parts of the Feather Can be a Non-Invasive Genetic Sample for Sexing in Avian?
N . Yimtragool P. Changtor -
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266 - Assessment of Lipid Metabolism in Broilers against Plant Extract and Probiotic Substance or Their Combined Use
G. Duskaev O. Kvan I. Vershinina S. Rakhmatullin -
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267 - Economic Efficiency of Smallholder in Iran: Adjusted for Market Distortion
M. Bakhshoodeh N. Shahnushi -
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268 - Results of Doxycycline Administration on Bee Colonies
ر. شومکُوا ر. بالکانسکا پی. هریستوو -
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269 - The Effect of Dried Poultry Droppings Levels Supplementation on Body Linear Measurements of Growing Rams Fed with Sorghum Stover
آ.آ. بلو -
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270 - A Study of Genetic Diversity of Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) from Iran Using Microsatellite Markers
ا. لواف ط. فرهوش م. طرح ساز -
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271 - Influence of Wet and Dry Season on Milk Composition of Dromedary Camels (Camelus dromedarius) from Tunisia
اچ. حامد ا. ال فکی ا. گرگوری -
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272 - Effect of Phosphorus Supplementation to Ammoniated Rice Straw on Rumen Fermentability, Microbial Protein Synthesis and in vitro Nutrient Degradability
Z. Zulkarnaini M. Zain N. Jamarun A. Tjakradidjaya -
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273 - Cortisol and Postpartum Luteal Function in Cattle
A. Ezzat Ahmed M.N. Ismail M.S. Aref A. Zain El-Abedin A.Y. Kassab -
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274 - Effects of Physical Sizes of Clinoptilolite on Protein Efficiency Ratio, Intestinal Morphology and Growth Indices of Broilers
ب. پریزادیان کاوان م. شمس شرق س. حسنی ی. مصطفی‏لو -
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275 - Early Feeding Enriched by Vitamin C and Date Syrup Modifies the Productive and Physiological Traits and Duodenal Histology of Japanese Quails
K.I.A. Al-Shammari -
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276 - Influences of Different Sources of Natural Pigments on the Color and Quality of Eggs from Hens Fed a Wheat-Based Diet
K. Shahsavari -
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277 - The Effects of Dietary Calcium Sources and Vitamin D3 on Egg Quality and Performance in Laying Hens
A. Safamehr S. Hedatyati M.H. Shahir -
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278 - Effects of Various Activators on Bovine Embryonic Development Following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
K. Tasripoo K. Srisakwattana W. Nualchuen S. p Sophon -
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279 - The Effects of Dietary Omega-3 and / or Coenzyme Q10 on Semen Quality and Reproductive Function of Aged Broiler Breeder Roosters
H. Salari Y. Jafari Ahangari Z. Ansari Pirsaraei -
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280 - Performance, Egg Characteristics, Hematological and Serum Biochemical Profiles of Laying Hens Fed Varying Levels of Cerium Chloride and Oxide
O.J. Olarotimi -
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281 - The Influence of Drinking Water Containing Lemon Juice and Thyme Supplemented Diet on Performance and some Blood Parameters of Broilers under Heat Stress
ح. بهبودی ا. اسماعیلیپور ر. میرمحمودی م. مظهری -
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282 - Effects of Rice Bran and Phytase Supplementation on Performance, Egg Quality, and Biochemical Parameters of Comercial Hy-Line Hens
A. Safamehr H. Attarhoseini -
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283 - Black Cumin ( Nigella sativa) Supplementation in the Diet of Broilers Influences Liver Weight and Its Enzymes
K. Shirzadegan P. Fallahpour I. Nickkhah H.R. Taheri -
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284 - Assessment of Storage and Temperature on Egg Physical Qualities for Peak Production in Hyline Chickens
ان. درجی -
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285 - Semen Characteristics and Oxidative/Antioxidati in Semen and Serum of Male Rabbits Supplemented with Antioxidants during Heat Stress
M.M. El-Tohamy M.S. Kotp W.S. El-Nattat A.H. Mohamed -
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286 - Comparisons of Egg Quality Traits, Egg Weight Loss and Hatching Results between Chinese and Mamut Geese Eggs Reared under the Countryside Conditions
Y. Akın M.F. Çelen -
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287 - Antioxidant Effect of Dietary Zataria multiflora boiss Extract Supplementationon and Susceptibility of Chicken Meat to Lipid Oxidation during Frozen Storage
ف. محمدپور ح. درمانیکوهی م. مطیحی اصلی -
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288 - Molecular Screening of Varroa-Resistant Trait of Honey Bee Colonies based on NorpA2 Candidate Gene Polymorphism: A Genetic Case-Control Study
B. Sepehri S. Alijani A. Javanmard H. Johnmohammadi K. Hasanpur -
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289 - Evaluation of Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) Fruit Meal as a Feed Ingredient for Poultry
N.S.B.M. Atapattu A.P.S. Mendis -
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290 - The Effects of Different Levels of Nettle Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae)Medicinal Plant in Starter and Grower Feeds on Performance,Carcass Traits, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Broilers
S. Nasiri A. Nobakht A.R. Safamehr -
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291 - Effect of Supplementation with Synthetic Lysine on the Performance of Finisher Broiler Chicks
M. Melaku M. Urge G. Animut A. Getu -
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292 - Effects of Strain, Age and the Interrelationships between External and Internal Qualities of Eggs in Two Strains of Layer Chickens in Northern Guinea Savannah Zone of Nigeria
ام. کبیر آر.اُ. سلیمان آر.کا. ادریس اس.بی. آبدو اُ.ام. دائودو اس.ام. یاشیم ام.آر. حسن اچ.وای. آدامو ان.ام. اچه تی.اس. اُلوگبمی آی.آی. آددیبو -
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293 - Expression of Suppression of Mite Reproduction in Drone Brood Cells of Honey Bees of Different Genotypic Groups in East Azarbaijan Province of Iran
M. Elmi S.A. Rafat S. Alijani G. Tahmasbi A. Javanmard -
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294 - The Effect of Prebiotics and Isoleucine Addition to the Finisher Diet of Broilers on Their Performance and some Blood Parameters
ا. اژدر ن. ایلا ج. یدی -
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295 - A Review on Biohydrogenation and Effects of Tannin on It
ر. ولیزاده یونجالی ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق ب. نویدشاد س. کرامتی جبهدار -
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296 - Some Productive, Reproductive and Physiological Effects of Using Different Dietary Protein Levels in Rabbit Does
A. Yassein D.M. Niveen O.H. Ezzo -
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297 - Effect of Garlic Powder (Allium sativum) and Black Seed (Nigella sativa) on Broiler Growth Performance and Intestinal Morphology
J.M. Saeid A.B. Mohamed M.A. Al- Baddy -
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298 - The Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Growth Performance and Antibody Responses of Offspring of Laying Japanese Quails
م. عامی ازغدی ح. کرمانشاهی ع. گلیان -
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299 - Investigation of Energy Efficiency of Broiler Farms in Different Capacity Management Systems
S. Najafi N. Khademolhosseini O. Ahmadauli -
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300 - Evaluation of Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Litter Quality and Foot Lesions of Broilers Reared under High Stocking Densities
د. فرهادی س.م. حسینی -
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301 - Effect of Tempol in Sasaki Diluent on the Quality and Fertility of Cryopreserved Chicken Semen
M. Shanmugam R.K. Mahapatra -
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302 - Influence of Natural Sources of Biologically Active Substances on Livestock and Poultry Reproduction
اس. گریگرووا د. آبادجیاِوا ن. گجورگوسکا -
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303 - Effects of Varying Levels of Oxidized Fat and Copper Sulfate on Broiler Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Metabolites and Immune Cells
A. Nobakht A. Sehati H. Aghdam Shahryar -
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304 - Amino Acid Digestibility and Energy Value of Bitter Vetch (a Cheap Plant Protein) and Effects of Feeding this Plant Protein on Production and Egg Quality Parameters of Leghorn and Native Layer Strain
A.A. Saki M.A. Edris A. Janjan H. Mahmoudi A. Hoseini Siyar -
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305 - Situations Leading to Oxidative Stress in Dairy Cattle
ج. گونزالز-مالدونادو ر. رانگل-سانتوس ر. رودریگز-دلارا گ. رامیرز-والورده -
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306 - Transferrin Genetic Types in Fulani and Yoruba Ecotype of Nigeria Indigenous Chickens
آ.اُ. ایگ آ.ای. سالاکو -
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307 - Influence of Feed Withdrawal for Three Hour Time Period on Growth Performance and Carcass Parameters Later Stage of Male Broiler Chickens
P.H.G.J. De Silva A. Kalubowila -
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308 - Citrus Co-Products in Ruminants Feeds: A Review
و.ر. آندرید A.آ. خوزه ویرا پرز م. اولیویرا دخسوس -
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309 - Effects of Starter Protein Levels and Amounts of Milk Fed on Animal Health and Rumen Microbiota Changes in Holstein Male Calves
ن. مهرداد ی. چاشنی دل ا. تیموری یانسری م. خوروش -
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310 - Effects of Rebreeding Interval on Litter and DoePerformance of Rabbit in Baichi State Nigeria
P.A. Addass A. Midau M.A. Tizhe Z.B. Mshelia Y.M. Muktar H.D. Nyako -
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311 - Effects of Thymol and Carvacrol on Productive Performance, Antioxidant Enzyme Activity and Certain Blood Metabolites in Heat Stressed Broilers
ح. سعادت شاد م. مظهری ا.ع. اسماعیلیپور ح. خسروینیا -
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312 - Effect of Citrus Seed Extracts on Oxidative Stabilityof Raw and Cooked Chicken Meat
K.D. Adeyemi O.A. Olorunsanya Abe Abe -
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313 - Effects of Weaning Age on Growth and Blood Parameters of Replacing Holstein Calves Fed on a Restricted Step Up and Down Milk Feeding Program
ص. سیف زاده م. رمضانی ج. سیفدعوتی ه. عبدی-بنمار و. رزمآذر -
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314 - Supplemental Chromium Yeast and / orMannan Oligosaccharides in Growing Quail Diets
L.D. Abd-Elsamee I. El-Wardany N.G. Ali O.M. Abo-El-Azab -
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315 - An Evolutionary and Phylogenetic Study of the BMP15 Gene
م. مهدوی غ.ر. داشاب -
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316 - The Effect of Replacing Barley with Ground Date Seeds on the Performance of Growing Male Goats
آی.اس. میلاد آ.اس.آ.ام. ال-زهاف آی.آ. آزاگا -
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317 - Polymorphisms of Candidate Genes for Muscle Perform and Male Fertility in Brazilian Mangalarga Horses
L.C.M. Armeiro R.A. Curi L.A.L. Chardulo J.N.P. Puoli Filho M.D. Silveira da Mota -
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318 - Increased Fecal Ethanol and Methanol Concentration in Dairy Heifers after Grazing
H. Sato T. Kurosawa -
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319 - Analysis of Growth Hormone Gene in Alpine and Saanen Goats Using PCR-SSCP Method
ر. خاتمی نژاد س. یوسفی م. آهنی آذری -
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320 - Productive and Reproductive Potentialities of Different Genetic Groups of Crossbred Cows Reared under Different Farming Conditions
جی. میاه م.اس.اچ. سهل م.آی. حسین م. شهجلال م.اس. حسین م.آ. حسین ک.ن. اسلام -
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321 - Effect of in ovo Injection of Royal Jelly on Post-Hatch Growth Performance and Immune Response in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Newcastle Disease Virus
Y. Jafari Ahangari S.R. Hashemi A. Akhlaghi H. Atashi Z. Esmaili M. Ghorbani R. Mastani A. Azadegan H. Davoodi -
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322 - Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide and Vitamin D in Phosphocalcic Metabolism for Dromedary Camel
M. El Khasmi B. Faye -
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323 - The Effect of Different Levels of Rapeseed Meal with and without Enzyme on the Performance and the Serum Level of Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in Broiler Chickens
م. احمدی -
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324 - Importance of Phosphorus in Farm Animals
S. Manopriya A.A.A.U. Aberathna D.A. Satharasinghe L.J.P.A.P. Jayasooriya M.M.M.G.P.G. Mantilaka C.A.N. Fernando B.P.A. Jayaweera W.A.D.V. Weerathilake G.A. Prathapasinghe J.A. Liyanage J.M.K.J.K. Premarathne -
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325 - Molecular Markers for Fertility in Farm Animals
K.G.M. Mahmoud M.F. Nawito -
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326 - The Potential Use of Essential Oil Nanoemulsion as a Novel Alternative to Antibiotics in Poultry Production-A Review
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327 - The Effect of Curcumin on Acetaminophen-Induced Toxicity on Performance and some Blood Parameters of Japanese Quail from 0-37 Days of Age
M. Emadi A. Hadavi J. Ameri H. Kermanshahi -
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328 - A Study on the Effects of Chilling Period on Sperm Quality of Sannan and Jamunapari Goats
تی. اسواراموهان کا. نیلانی پی. سورکا پی. ماهادوان ک. بالاسوبرامانیام -
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329 - Evaluation of Potential New Opportunities for Herbal Plants as Natural Products on Rumen Fermentation Patterns in vitro
م. مهرآبادی ع. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران ر. ولیزاده -
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330 - Effect of Genetic Group, Season, Their Interaction, Temperature, Humidity and Temperature-Humidity Index on Maintenance Behavior of Stud Bulls
ت. کوماری اس. پان ر.ک. چودهاری -
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331 - Physiological, Biochemical and Metabolic Responses of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) as Affected by Early Heat Stress and Dietary Treatment
E.F. El-Daly I. El-Wardany A.H.A. El-Gawad A.E.A. Hemid N.A.A . El-Azeem -
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م. سجادیان م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی -
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A. Nikkhah M. Alimirzaei -
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336 - Efficacy of Bactocell® and Toyocerin® as Probiotics on Growth Performance, Blood Parameters and Intestinal Morphometry of Turkey Poults
م. چمنی -
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339 - A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Probiotics Administration on Growth Performance of Suckling Calves in Iran
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340 - Association of Birth Type and Pregnancy Type with Lactation Performance and Lactation Curve in Holstein Dairy Cows in Iran
ه. آتشی م. دادپسند م.ج. ضمیری ا. اسعدی -
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341 - The Relationship between Different Body Types of Kalmyk Steers and Their Raw Meat Production and Quality
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342 - Manganese: A Potent Antioxidant in Semen
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343 - Meta-Analysis of the Addition of Exogenous Antioxidants to in vitro Maturation Medium: Improved in vitro Nuclear Maturation of Animal Oocyte
M. Khazaei A. Vaisi-Raygani F. Aghaz -
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344 - Sequencing and Bioinformatics Analysis of Kappa-Casein Exon 4 Gene in Iranian Bacterianus and Dromedaries Camels
م. طهمورثپور م.ه. سخاوتی ا.ع. کهبیری ع. محمدهاشمی -
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345 - Effect of Dietary Buffers Supplementation on Milk Yield and Composition in Dairy Cows: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
M. Hashemi F. Tavakolinasab -
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346 - Association between Plasma and Milk Urea on the Insemination Day and Pregnancy Rate in Early Lactation Dairy Cows
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347 - Effects of Thyme Essential Oil and Disodium Fumarate on Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics, Microbial Population and Nutrient Flow in a Dual Flow Continuous Culture System
ه. براز ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی ع. عزیزی -
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348 - Chemical Composition, Physical Characteristics, Rumen Degradability of NDF and NDF Fractionation in Rice Straw as an Effective Fibre in Ruminants
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349 - High Levels of Sunflower Crushed in Diets for Feedlot Lambs Depress the Performance and Carcass Quality
ای.ر. اُلیویرا جی.ر. گندرا ف.پ. مُنکااُ آ.م.آ. گابریئل آ.ر.م. فرناندز ر.اچ.ت. گواس م.جی. مورایس ای.ب. مونیز ت.ل. پریرا -
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353 - Prospective Effects of Regrouping, Number of Animals in Each Group and Concentrate Specificity on Profitability of Lactating Dairy Cows
ا. درزی لمراسکی س.ه. ابراهیمی -
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354 - Study of Bacterial Diversity in Poultry Gut Using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
V.B. Ahir K.M. Singh A.K. Tripathi R.A. Mathakiya S.J. Jakhesara P.G. Koringa D.N. Rank M.K. Jhala C.G. Joshi -
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355 - Immune Response and Productive Performance of Dairy Buffaloes and their Offspring Supplemented with Black Seed Oil
H.M. Khattab A.Z. El-Basiony S.M. Hamdy A.A. Marwan -
Open Access Article
356 - The Effects of Macaroni Wastes and Steam-Flaked Barley Feeding in Transition Period on Health and Lactation Performance of HolsteinCows
E. Qashqay H. Amanlou M. Hajilou D. Zahmatkesh S.S. Mousavi N. Aghaziarati -
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357 - Factors Affecting the Dry Period Length and Its Effect on Milk Production and Composition in Subsequent Lactation of Holstein Cows
آی. بوجنانه -
Open Access Article
358 - Validation of Reference Genes for Real Time PCR Normalization in Milk Somatic Cells of Holstein Dairy Cattle
م. محقق-دولتآبادی ح. حسینی-دولتآبادی ا. حیدری ارجلو ر. محمودی -
Open Access Article
359 - Inoculation of Corn Seedlings with Piriformospora indica Influences Grain Biomass Yield, Forage Quality, Rumen Degradation Kinetics and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Molecular Structures
K. Safaee م. یاری M. Ghabooli M. Rostami E. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
360 - Effect of Dietary Non-Fiber Carbohydrate Sources and Sulfur Supplementation on in vitro Ruminal Fermentation and Digestibility of the Dairy Ration
A. Rosmalia I.G. Permana D. Despal T. Toharmat F.R. Pambudi S.I.Z. Arif -
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361 - Comparing Different Marker Densities and Various Reference Populations Using Pedigree-Marker Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) Model
ش. برجسته غ.ر. داشاب م. رکوعی م.م. شریعتی م. وفای واله -
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362 - In situ Rumen Degradation Characteristics of Maize, Sorghum and Sorghum-Sudan Grass Hybrids Silages as Affected by Stage of Maturity
ن. کیلیکالپ اچ. هیزلی م. سومرلی ن. آوسی -
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363 - Microsatellite Analysis DNA for Controlled Breeding of Cervidae and Genetic Breeding of White Colored Cervus elaphus in Czech Republic
M. Emst L. Putnova J. Pokoradi J. Matouskova R. Zidek L. Marsalkova J. Lamka -
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364 - Transcriptome Sequencing of Guilan Native Cow in Comparison with bosTau4 Reference Genome
م. مریدی س.ح. حسینیمقدم س.ض. میرحسینی -
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365 - The Impact of Optimizing the Detoxification of Argane (Argania spinosa) Press Cake on Nutritional Quality and Saponin Levels
ن. لکرام ی. ان-ناهیل ف.ز. زهیر س. موتیک ر. کبور ا.ح. المعادودی م. بندائو ا. الحسنی م. نصیری -
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366 - Evaluation of Fertility and Calving Ease of Small Holder Indigenous Cattle Herds in Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria
G.N. Akpa M.L. Umar C. Alphonsus -
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367 - Chemical Composition, Ruminal Dry Matter, Crude Protein andCell Wall Degradation Kinetics of Pasture Forages Dominant in the West Provinces of Iran
P. Shawrang Sadeghi Sadeghi H. Vatankhah -
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368 - Effect of a Multispecies Probiotics on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Holstein Cows
Z. Merati A. Towhidi -
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369 - An Overview of Major Genes Affecting Prolificacy in Sheep and Related Mechanisms
ام.ام. مستهافا اف.ام.ام.تی. ماریکار -
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370 - Genetic Study of Dairy Cattle and Buffalo Bulls Based on Growth, Milk Production and Reproductive Traits
A. Pal P.N. Chatterjee A.K. Chakravarty -
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371 - The Effect of Partial Replacing Solvent Soybean Meal with Poultry Blood Meal on Performance and Metabolic Status of Fresh Holstein Dairy Cows
I. Rahnama T. Amirabadi Farahani S. Karimi-Dehkordi -
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372 - Body Conformation Analysis through Biometric Traits in Borgou Cattle Breed Reared in on Station Conservation Farm in Northern Benin
H.S.S. Worogo U. Tchokponhoué Y. Idrissou A.S. Assani C.D.A. Alabi M. Azalou J.S. Adjassin I.T. Alkoiret -
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373 - Administration of Different Levels of Arginine and Lysine Coupled with Copper for Change the Copper Concentration of Milk in the Lactating Zandi’s Ewes
ا. پردل ه. خزعلی ح. رکنی ع. حسینی -
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374 - Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Intron 2 and Exon 3 Regions of Leptin Gene in Sumba Ongole Cattle
و.پ.ب. پوترا پ.پ. آگونگ -
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375 - A Research on Association between SCD1 and OLR1 Genes and Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle
م. حسین پور مشهدی -
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376 - Feeding of Safflower (Carthamus tintorius) Cake in Small Ruminant Total Mixed Rations: Effects on Growth Traits and Meat Fatty Acid Composition
V. Tufarelli A. Vicenti M. Ragni F. Pinto M. Selvaggi -
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377 - Metabolic Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Chickens: A Review
ب. نوبدشاد م. رویان ع. اخلاقی -
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378 - Effects of Concentrate Source (Cottonseed vs. Barley)on Milk Performance and Fatty Acids Profile of Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cows
A.I. Roca-Fernandez A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez O.P. Vazquez-Yanez J.A. Fernandez-Casado -
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379 - Evaluation of Nano and Microcapsules of Silymarin in Simulated Gastrointestinal Conditions for Animal Target Delivery
س. یوسفدوست ف. صمدی س.م. جعفری س.س. رمضانپور ف. گنجی س. حسنی -
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380 - Impact of Reactive Oxygen Species on Spermatozoa: ABalancing Act between Beneficial and Detrimental Effects
اس. ساراسوات اس.دی. خرچه اس.کا. جینتا -
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381 - Treatment of Repeat Breeding of Iraqi Buffaloes Using Different CIDR Protocols
O.I. Azawi M. Delpli Ali O.S. Ahmed A.S. Al‐Hadad M.S. Jamil Hussien Hussien -
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382 - Evaluation of Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) and Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) Pods as a Feed for Sheep
اس. مدجکال ر. بداس اچ. بوسبوآ اس. لاپز -
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383 - Effect of Oocyte Maturation Period on Developmental Rate and Sex ratio Distribution of in vitro Produced Bovine Embryos
H. Nazari N. Esfandabadi A. Shirazi A.M. Ahadi E. Ahmadi A. Safdarinejad -
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384 - Motility, Viability, and Abnormality of the Spermatozoa of Bali Bull with Andromed® and Egg Yolk-Tris Diluents Stored at 4 °C
ر. سوهاردی م. مگاواتی ف. اردهانی پ. سامپون س. ووتیسوتیمتو -
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385 - Reproductive Performance of Holstein Heifers Inseminated with Sex Sorted Semen in Various Herd Sizes
A. Zargaran M. Amin Afshar S. Joezy-Shekalgorabi J. Azizi M. Chamani -
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386 - Use of an in vitro Rumen Gas Production Technique to Evaluate the Nutritive Value of Five Forage to Concentrate Ratios
س. اربابی ت. قورچی س. رمضانپور -
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387 - Effects of Bioassay and Age on Amino Acid Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy of Soybean, Sunflower and Canola Meals
A. Yaghobfar -
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388 - Genetic Parameters for Body Weight and Laying Traits in Mazandaran Native Breeder Hens
A.A. Shadparvar B. Enayati -
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389 - Evaluation of Lactoferrin, CD74, GLYCAM1, and FCER1G Genes Expression on Mammary Epithelial Tissue between Holstein Cows with Clinical Mastitis and Healthy Cows
L. Nabinezhad F. Moradian A. Farhadi -
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390 - The Effect of Inbreeding on Lactation Performance in Holstein Cows of Iran
H. Atashi M.B. Sayadnejad A. Asaadi -
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391 - Peripartum Injection of Vitamins (E and B12) and Trace Minerals (Selenium and Iron) in Holstein Dairy Cows: Effect on Milk Production and Composition, Body Condition Score and Serum Metabolites
S.R. Mousavi F. Fatahnia G. Taasoli Y. Mohammadi -
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392 - Investigating the Setbacks in Conventional Dairy Farms by the Follow-Up of Their Potential and Effective Milk Yields
م.ت. سرایری ی. سانیتو جی.ف. توراند -
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393 - Effect of Feeding Quickly Degradable Nitrogen on the Development of Ovarian Follicles in Lactating Dairy Cows
پ.م. داوودا ر. اسکاراموزی د.سی واتس -
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394 - In vitro Determination of Nutritional Value of Compost and Stem of the White Button Mushroom
ب. بزیون ا. تقی زاده پایا پایا ع. حسین خانی -
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395 - Gasconne Beef Breed, an Explorative Study of Trans‐Border Differences in Management and Commercialization
A. Guerrero C. Sanudo J.A. Mateas S. Caillaud W.S. Sepulveda J. Toustou J.P. Gajan P. Santolaria -
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396 - Growth Intensity of Lambs during Artificial Milk Rearing Depending on Chosen Non Genetic Factors
پ. ماکوویسکی م. گالیسووا کوپیکووا م. مارگتین پ. ماکوویسکی م. ناگی -
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397 - Effect of (Pleurotus florida) Fungi on Chemical Composition and Rumen Degradability of Wheat and Barley Straw
م. ناصحی ن.م. تربتی نژاد س. زره داران ا.ر. صفایی -
Open Access Article
398 - Effects of Centrifugation and Different Levels of Soybean Lecithin-Based Extender on Post-Thaw Sperm Quality of Ghezel Ram Semen
م. شمسالهی ح. دقیقکیا غ. مقدم ا. تقیزاده -
Open Access Article
399 - Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for Milk Production Traits in the First and Second Lactation in Romanian Simmental Dairy Cows
E. Nistor V.A. Bampidis M. Pentea M. Matiuti V. Ciolac F. Adebambo -
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400 - Assessment of Alternative Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Weighting Methods for Single-Step Genomic Prediction of Traits with Different Genetic Architecture
S. Moghaddaszadeh-Ahrabi M. Bazrafshan -
Open Access Article
401 - Ruminal Methane Emission, Microbial Population and Fermentation Characteristics in Sheep as Affected by Malva sylvestris Leaf Extract: in vitro Study
ص. خاموشی ف. کفیلزاده ح. جهانی-عزیزآبادی و. ناصری -
Open Access Article
402 - Effects of Thyme Essential Oil and Disodium Fumarate Alone or in Combination on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Ruminal Fermentation and Microbial Communities in Holstein Dairy Cows
H. Baraz H. Jahani-Azizabadi O. Azizi -
Open Access Article
403 - High Levels of Monensin to Mid Lactating Dairy Cows: Nutrient Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation and Microbial Protein Synthesis
جی.ر. گاندرا جی.ای. فریتاس جونیور م. ماتورانا فیلهو ر.و. بارلتا ل.ن. رنو سی.اس. تاکیا ف.پ. رنو -
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404 - Nutrient Intake and Digestibility by West African Dwarf (WAD) Sheep Fed Graded Levels of Pigeon Pea Seed Meal
U. Okah I.A. Ibeawuch U. Herbert -
Open Access Article
405 - Hormonal Profile of Ovarian Follicular Fluid and Blood Plasma during Different Stages of Estrous Cycle in Holstein Cattle
ص. طباطبائی م. اصغری مقدم م. مموئی K. میرزاده ع. آقایی -
Open Access Article
406 - Antioxidant Effects of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Extract on Ram Sperm Quality during Cryopreservation
و. واحدی ن. هدایت ایوریق م. بهروزلک ع. دیرنده -
Open Access Article
407 - Effect of Forage Feeding Level on Performance, Meat Quality and Economic Costof Holstein Beef Calves Fed Organic Diet
م. شریفی ر. پهلوان ع.ا. خادم ب. هینس م. صوفی زاده -
Open Access Article
408 - Performance of Yankasa Sheep Fed Complete Rations Containing Inclusion Levels of Ensiled Sugarcane Waste with Poultry Litter
ر.م. آشیرو ی. گاربا اس.آ. مایگاندی آی.ر. موحممد -
Open Access Article
409 - Effect of Feeding Dietary Treated Wheat Straw with Urea and Whey on Fattening Lambs Performance
O. Dayani R. Tahmasb A. Khezri A.R. Sabetpay -
Open Access Article
410 - A Profile of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Fecundity Genes Among Iranian Sheep Breeds by Using Polymerase Chain Reaction–Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) Method
پ. پتکی س.ض. میرحسینی ف. افراز س.م.ف. وحیدی -
Open Access Article
411 - Effect of Antioxidant D-Aspartic Acid and Thawing Rate on the Freeze-Thawing Process of Ram Semen
ح. دقیق کیا ص. وطنخواه -
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412 - The Impact of Agricultural Credit and Farmer Trainings on Small Holder Dairy Production in Southern Region in Sri Lanka
P.H.G.J. De Silva A.L. Sandika -
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413 - Morus nigra Fruit Extract Safeguards Frozen Thawed Bovine Sperm Parameters
S. Suleman M.A. Kanwal R. Ali N. Kanwal S. Yasmeen M.Y. Mehmood S. Siddique S.N. Ahmad A. Younis I. Inayat K. Raees Ahmad -
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414 - The Effect of Replacing Barley Grain with Powerfeed® in Finishing Diets on the Performance, Serum Sodium and Potassium Concentration, and the Urine pH of Chall Lambs
A. Pirzadeh Naeiny A.A. Khadem M. Rezaeian A. Afzalzadeh M.A. Norouzian -
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415 - Effect of Essential Oils of Various Plants as Microbial Modifier to Alter Corn Silage Fermentation and in vitro Methane Production
ع. حجت پناه م. دانش مسگران A. وکیلی ع.م. طهماسبی -
Open Access Article
416 - Logistic Regression Analysis of Some Factors Influencing Incidence of Retained Placenta in a Holstein Dairy Herd
ف. بحری بیناباج ه. فرهنگ فر س. عزیزیان م. جعفری ک. حسنپور -
Open Access Article
417 - Effect of Two Types of Total Mixed Rations on Production Performances of Holstein Friesian Cows in Early Lactation
B.C. Kalansooriya R.M.A.S. Bandara H.M.G.P. Herath -
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418 - Association of Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Expression with Cattle Milk Characteristics
M.R. Ahsani M.R. Mohammadabadi V. Buchkovska Y. Ievstafiieva D.M. Kucher O.A. Kochuk-Yashchenko O.I. Babenko R.V. Stavetska V.P. Oleshko O. Kalashnyk -
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419 - Community‐Based Productivity Veterinary Services Increase Smallholder Dairy Farms’ Income and Number of Cows for Breeding at Mymensingh of Bangladesh
A.K. Talukder M. Shamsuddin -
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420 - Effects of Barley Grain Particle Size on Ruminal Fermentation and Carcass Characteristics of Male Lambs Fed High Urea Diet
س.ر. ابراهیمی-محمودآباد م. تقی نژاد-رودبنه -
Open Access Article
421 - Rumen Microbial Community of Saanen Goats Adapted to a High-Fiber Diet in the Northeast of Iran
س.ه. ابراهیمی ر. ولیزاده و. حیدریان میری -
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422 - Effects of Feeding Buckets Number Per Pen on Performance and Behaviour Indicators of Lambs
M.A. Norouzian M. Vatandoost -
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423 - Effect of Different Levels of Chromium Methionine Supplementation on Growth Performance, Meat Oxidative Stability and Ruminal Metabolites of Male Goat Kids
A. Emami A. Zali M. Ganjkhanlou A. Hozhabri A. Akbari Afjani -
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424 - Effect of Milking Frequency on the Lactation Performance and Lactation Curve of Holstein Dairy Cows in Iran
هـ. آتشی -
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425 - Genetic Evaluation of Growth Rate and Efficiency Related Traits in Raeini Cashmere Goat
م.س. مختاری م. رزمکبیر ح. قیاسی ی. محمدی -
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426 - Association of Bovine Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSHβ) Gene Polymorphism with Reproduction Traits in Iranian Holstein Bulls
م.و. قاسمی ا. قربانی -
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427 - Rumen Degradability and Model Prediction of Nutrient Supply to Ruminants from Different Processed Soybean Meals
E. پرند ع.ر. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران -
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428 - Effect of Silage from Five Varieties of Corn Forage on Feed Intake, Digestibility, and Ruminal Parameters in Sheep
R. Iranmanesh M.M. Sharifi Hosseini R. Tahmasbi A. Maddahian O. Dayani -
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429 - Growth Performance of Blackhead Pleven Lambs during the Suckling Period
م. سیم اٌنوو د. پاموگووا -
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430 - Effect of Age, Sex and Management System on Some Haematological Parameters of Intensively and Semi‐Intensively Kept Chicken in Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
P.A. Addass D.L. David A. Edward K.E. Zira A. Midau -
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431 - Effect of Milk Urea Nitrogen of Dairy Cows in Relation to Breed
م.ر. اسلام م.ن. آدین م.ر. آکاندا م.م.اچ. خان م.آ. بیست اس.آ. بلال -
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432 - Symbiotic-Glyconutrient Mixture or Pasteurized Colostrum as a Strategy to Increase Health and Performance during First 30-d of Birth of Calves Reared in a Dairy Farm with Good Management Practices
M.E. Calderón-Díaz G. López-Valencia A. Barreras F.J. Monge-Navarro Y.S. Valdés García S.M. Gaxiola-Camacho N. Castro Del Campo J.B. Leyva-Morales A. Plascencia -
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433 - The Effects of Feeding Watermelon Seed Meal and Full Fat Seed on Broiler Chicks Growth
H.S. Shazali E.A. El-Zubeir O.M.A. Abdelhadi -
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434 - Investigation of Kappa Casein Gene Polymorphism by PCR-RFLP in Najdi Cattle Breed Population in Khuzestan Province
گ. فرهادی م.ت. بیگی نصیری ج. فیاضی ه. روشنفکر -
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435 - Relation of Growth of Crossbred Hair Sheep with some Zoometric Measures
سی.آ. اُردونز-گومز -
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436 - The Effect of Trace Mineral Source on Nutrients Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation Parameters
A. Abdian Samarin M.A. Norouzian A. Afzalzadeh -
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437 - Molecular and Bioinformatics Analysis of Allelic Diversity in IGFBP2 Gene Promoter in Indigenous Makuee and Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep Breeds
ع. ولیپور کوتنایی ا. فرهادی س.ح. حافظیان م. قلیزاده -
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438 - Vicia variabilis a Nutritive Feed for Domesticated Animals: A Survey about Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity
M. Mosaddegh M. Hamzeloo Moghadam F. Naghibi S. Mohebby A. Pirani B. Eslami -
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439 - Total Antioxidant Capacity and Malondialdehyde Level in Plasma of Broiler Chicks Fed Diet Containing Different Levels of Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
A.A. Sadeghi W. Izadi P. Shawrang M. Chamani M. Aminafshar -
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440 - Genetic Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny of Iranian Sheep Based on Cytochrome b Gene Sequences
س. ساور سفلی ح.ر. سیدآبادی ع. جوانروح علیآباد ر. سید شریفی -
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441 - The Effects of a Medical Plant Mixture and a Probiotic on Performance, Antioxidant Activity and Weaning Age of Newborn Holstein Calves
ص. سیف زاده ف. میرزایی آقجه ح. عبدی بنمار ج. سیف دواتی ب. نوید شاد -
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442 - The Comparison of in vitro Digestibility of Wheat Straw by Rumen Anaerobic Fungi of Khuzestan Buffalo and Holstein Cattle
ف. شاکرمی م. چاجی م. اسلامی ط. محمد آبادی م. بوجارپور -
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443 - Effects of the Parenteral Administration of Cobalt, Copper and Iron in Late Pregnancy on Ewe Hematology and Lamb Vigour
م.ع. نوروزیان م. ملاکی ع.ا. خادم -
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444 - Effect of Adding Different Levels of Folic Acid to the Culture Medium on Developmental Competence of Bovine Oocytes
H. Baghshahi S. زین الدینی A. Zare Shahneh S.E. Khanian A.R. Yousefi A. Goodarzi -
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445 - Effect of Goat Follicular Fluid on in vitro Production of Embryos in Black Bengal Goats
S.A. Masudul Hoque M.A.M. Yahia Khandoker S.K. Kabiraj L.Y. Asad M. Fakruzzaman K.M.A. Tareq -
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446 - Genetic Analysis of Nigerian Indigenous Goat Populations Using Microsattelite Markers
اُ.آ. اُجو جی.ن. آکپا م. اُرونمویی آی.آ. آدیینکا م. کبیر سی. آلفونسوس -
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447 - Estimation of Effective Population Size and Genomic Inbreeding Coefficients in Baluchi Sheep Using Genome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
م. پسندیده م. قلی زاده ق. رحیمی میانجی -
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448 - Alternative Village Based-Breeding Schemes for Simien and Gumuz Sheep Breeds in Northwestern Ethiopia
A. Desalegn D. Yohannes A. Solomon Solomon M. Godadaw -
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449 - Allele Frequency of c.486A>G Polymorphism of the AA-NAT Gene in Iranian Indigenous and Exotic Sheep Populations
S. Emanizadeh H. Alnajm A. Javanmard J. Shoja A. Rafat -
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450 - Characteristics Determination of Rheb Gene and Protein in Raini Cashmere Goat
م.ر. محمدآبادی ف. توحیدی نژاد -
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451 - Impact of Raw Tallow Detarium microcarpum (Guill and Sperr) Seed Meal on Performance and Blood Parameters in Broilers
C.O. Obun -
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452 - In vitro Evaluation of Alfalfa Substitution with Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graegum) Hay in a High Concentrate Ration
ف. فریور ن.م. تربتی نژاد ی. جعفری آهنگری س. حسنی آ.م. قره باش م. مهاجر -
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453 - Productive Performance and Hatchability of Alabio Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos Borneo) under Rural Feeding Management: Comparison of Different Dietary Protein Levels and Sex Ratios
ب. ایندارسیه د. کیسورو آی.ن. سوکارتا جایا -
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454 - Multivariate Characterisation of Oulmes-Zaer and Tidili Cattle Using the Morphological Traits
آی. بوجنان -
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455 - Effects of Fat Supplementation and Chop Length on Milk Composition and Ruminal Fermentation of Cows Fed Diets Containing Alfalfa Silage
م. شریفی ع. حسین خانی م. صوفی زاده ج. موسوی -
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456 - Comparative Study of Probiotic, Acidifier, Antibiotic Growth Promoters and Prebiotic on Activity of HumoralImmune and Performance Parameters of Broiler Chickens
S. Mahdavi A. Zakeri Y. Mehmannavaz A. Nobakht -
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457 - Search for Association between Ovine Wingless-Type MMTV Integration Site Family Member (Wnt10A) Genes with Supernumerary Teat in Ghezel and Romanov Sheep
S. Eydivandi S. Eghbalsaied M. Momen E. Khajouei A. Javanmard S.M. Ghoreishifar -
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458 - Effects of Dietary Supplemental Vitamin E and Chromium on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens under Thermoneutral or Heat Stressed Conditions
م. ترکی م. کرمی ح. محمدی -
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459 - Oestrus Duration and Status of Reproductive Organs in Repeat Breeding Cows
F.A. Bhat H.K. Bhattacharyya -
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460 - Anti-Apoptotic Role of p21 and p27 Genes during Different Stages of Corpus Luteum Progression in Bovine
H. Ali S. Hayat S. Ahmad M. Ibrahim S.A. Haider S. Ullah S. Ahmad H. Khan I. Ul Haq -
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461 - In vitro Assessment of Adsorbents to Counteract Lead Toxicity in Ruminal Fermentation
س. آزادبخت ع.ا. خادم م.ع. نوروزیان -
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462 - Effect of Flushing on the Growth, Body Condition Score and Reproductive Efficiency of Corriedale Ewes during Breeding Season and Gestation Period
ام. آمبرین آ.اس. بهات اچ.ام. خان ام.تی. بندای آ. رشید اچ. غزالی اچ. اشرف -
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463 - The Calpastatin Gene Polymorphism Study and Its Effect on Early Body Weight Traits in Zandi Sheep
ن. پیرویسی ع. نوشری ب. همتی -
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464 - Major Udder Morphology Traits and Their Relationship with Milk Production in Tunisian Local Goats
A. Ahlem M.J. Carabaño L. Aicha A. Mouldi B.S. Farah N. Sghaier -
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465 - Application of Sinusoidal Equations to Partitioning Crude Protein and Metabolizable Energy Intake between Maintenance and Growth in Parent Stock of Broiler Chickens
ح. درمانی کوهی اس. لوپز آ. شعبانپور آ. محیط س. فلاحی جی. فرانس -
Open Access Article
466 - RFLP Analysis of Beta‐Lactoglobulin Gene in Swamp and Murrah Buffaloes Using a Single Restriction Enzyme
W. Nualchuen K. Srisakwattana S. Chethasing K. Tasripoo S. Usawang R. Hengtrakulsin M. Kamonpatana -
Open Access Article
467 - Distribution of Allele Frequencies at 5′-Flanking Region of CYP19 and ERα Genes between Iranian Simmental and Three Indigenous Cattle Breeds
ف. محمد نژاد سنگدهی ق. رحیمی میانجی م. صفدری شاهرودی س.ع. رضوی-ششده م. غلامی -
Open Access Article
468 - The Effect of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum) and Marigold Flower (Tageteserectus) Powder on Egg Production, Egg Yolk Color and Some Blood Metabolites of Laying Hens
M.M. Moeini S.H. Ghazi S. Sadeghi M. Malekizadeh -
Open Access Article
469 - Effect of Diets Formulated on the Basis of Four Critical Essential Amino Acids on Performance and Blood Biochemical Indices of Broiler Finisher Chickens Reared under Tropical Environment
ِا. اوپولا اس.اُ. اُگوندیپ ج.اس. باوا پ.آ. اُنیمیسی -
Open Access Article
470 - The Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) g.281G > A of CAST Gene with Meat Quality of Boerka Goat
ا. آنتنیوس س.پ. گینتینگ س. الایزر ا. تاریگان س. سلهودین آی.گ.س. بودیساتریا آ.پ.ز.ن.ل. ساری د.ن.ه. هاریونو د. ماهارانی -
Open Access Article
471 - In vitro Effects of Exogenous Fibrolytic Enzymes on Rumen Fermentation of Wild Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum)
اس. سوجانی آ.ن. پاتهیرانا ر.ت. سرسینهه ک.ب. داسانایاکا -
Open Access Article
472 - The Influences of Adding Polyethylene Glycol and Activated Sodium Bentonite on the Performance, Blood Parameters, and Muscle Mineral Content of Saanen Goats Fed Pistachio Byproducts
M. Kordi A.A. Naserian F. Samadian -
Open Access Article
473 - Effect of Dietary Betaine and Folic Acid Supplementation on Performance, Egg Folate Content and Egg Production of Japanese Quail
ر. صادقی مجرد پ. فرهومند م. دانشیار -
Open Access Article
474 - Inbreeding and Its Effects on Body Weight,Kleiber Ratio, Body Measurements, Greasy Fleece Weight and Reproductive Traits of Makooei Sheep Breed
ش. جعفری -
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475 - Sperm Transport in the Mare Reproductive Tract: A Review
S.M. Fiala -
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476 - Effects of Pre-Treatment with GnRH on the Efficiency of Superstimulatory Protocol in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
S. Singhal S. Prasad H. Singh M. Shukla J.K. Prasad -
Open Access Article
477 - The Effects of Different Levels of Costmary (Tanacetum balsamita) Medicinal Plant onPerformance, Egg Traits and Blood Biochemical Parametersof Laying Hens
A. Nobakht M. Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
478 - Osmotic Tolerance and Freezability of Beetal Goat Sperm during Breeding and Non-Breeding Seasons
M. Akhtar E. Ahmad Z. Naseer M.S. Akhtar T. Ahmad T. Hussain M.T. Khan -
Open Access Article
479 - Effects of Different Levels of Guar Meal and β-Mannanase on Performance, Yolk Cholesterol Concentration and Blood Lipid Parameters of Laying Hens in Second-Cycle of Production
م. حسنی م. رضایی ز. انصاری پیرسرایی ک. یوسفی کلاریکلائی -
Open Access Article
480 - Influence of Body Condition Score on Yield and Composition of Milk in Crossbred Dairy Cows
م.ای. حسین تی. چندا جی.کا. دبناث م.م. حسن آ.اچ. شایکات م.آ. هکو -
Open Access Article
481 - Using 15N Dilution Method to Correct for Microbial Contamination When Assessing in situ Protein Degradability of Fresh Ryegrass
ر. طهماسبی ج. و. نولان ر. س. دوبس -
Open Access Article
482 - Genetic Diversity and Maternal Origin of Indigenous Sheep of Bangladesh Using Mitochondrial DNA
M.A. Mousumee M.M. Hossain M.R. Hoque M.S.A. Bhuiyan -
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483 - Polymorphism of Prolactin and Prolactin Promoter Genes and Its Association with Broodiness and Body Weight in Indonesian Chicken Lines
ا.ب.آی. پردامایان ب.س. داریونو -
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484 - Indigenous Sheep Production in Ethiopia: A Review
M. Mengesha W. Tsega -
Open Access Article
485 - Photoperiod as a Factor for Studying Fluctuations ofSeminal Traits during Breeding and Non-BreedingSeason
M.M. Pourseif G.H. Moghaddam S.A. Rafat H. Daghighkia A. Pourseif -
Open Access Article
486 - Growth Performance, Blood Components, Immune Response, and Carcass Traits in Broiler Chickens Fed with Eucalyptus globulus
A. Ayoob A. Memon N. Rajput M.B. Arain Z. Lanjar M.H. Qureshi P. Muneir -
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487 - The Effect of Formulation Diets Based on Digestible Amino Acids and Lysine Levels on Carcass and Chemical Composition of Broiler
ج. نصر ف. خیری -
Open Access Article
488 - Effects of Different Levels of Resistant Starch on Growth Performance and Ileum Morphology in Broilers: A Comparison to Fructooligosaccharide and Zinc Bacitracin
ک. لطفی ع. مهدوی ا. جبلی جوان ح. استاجی ب. دارابیقانع -
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489 - Physical Form of Concentrate for Lactating Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats: Feed Intake and Sorting, Milk Production, and Blood Metabolites
M.H. Khabbazan H. Amanlou D. Zahmatkesh E. Mahjoubi A. Nikkhah -
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490 - Effect of Season on Dry Matter Intake and Reproductive Activity of Merghoz Buck Goats in West of Iran
م. سوری ر. میرمحمودی -
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491 - Physical Characteristics and Physically Effectiveness of Beet Pulp for Ruminant
ا. تیموری یانسری -
Open Access Article
492 - Effect of Aqueous-Alcoholic Extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyx and Leaf Calyx and Leaf on Performance, Egg Quality, Immune System and Antioxidant Balance of Laying Hens
ش. ثابت سروستانی س.م. حسینی س.ه. فرهنگ فر -
Open Access Article
493 - Evaluation of Single Cell Protein as a Non-Conventional Feedstuff in Broilers Feeding
م.ر. پورعلمی س. سیفی ع.ر. عبدالهی کاکرودی ر. خوشبخت -
Open Access Article
494 - Stallion Sperm Selection by Density Gradient CentrifugationInvolving a Double Layer Colloid: Effects on Sperm Subpopulation Dynamics in Fresh and Stored Semen
جی. میرو ف. رکوئنا اچ. مارین جی. جردنا ای. آگوئرا -
Open Access Article
495 - Co-Segregation of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Affecting Pre-Weaning Traits for Fat-Tailed Ghezal Sheep in Chromosome 1
M. Bagheri A. Javanmard S. Alijani J. Shoja -
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496 - Identification of Complex Vertebral Malformation Carriers in Holstein and Guilan Native Cow Breeds in Iran Using SSCP Markers
H. Alaie S.Z. Mirhoseini M. Mehdizadeh S.B. Dalirsefat -
Open Access Article
497 - Performance, Morphological Responses of the Small Intestine, and Humoral Immunity of Broilers Fed Oak Acorn (Quercus brantii) as a Substitution for Antibiotic Growth Promoters
A. Afiouni M. Toghyani N. Landy -
Open Access Article
498 - The Complete Mitochondrial Genome from Iraqi Meriz Goats and the Maternal Lineage Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data
S.I. Mustafa J.S. Heslop-Harrison T. Schwarzacher -
Open Access Article
499 - Effect of Clinoptilolite Coated with Silver Nanoparticles on Meat Quality Attributes of Broiler Chickens during Frozen Storage
س.ر. هاشمی د. داودی ب. دستار -
Open Access Article
500 - Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Level on UT-B Expression and Nitrogen Efficiency in Growing Baluchi Male Lambs Fed Low or High Concentrate Diets
ا. ابراهیمی خرم آبادی ع.م. طهماسبی م. دانش مسگران ع.ع. ناصریان ع. وکیلی -
Open Access Article
501 - Effect of Varying Levels of Zizyphus (Zizyphus mauritiana) Leaf Meal Inclusion in Concentrate Diet on Performance of Growing Yankasa Ram Lambs Fed Maize Stover Basal Diet
S.B. Abdu O.W. Ehoche A.M. Adamu G.S. Bawa M.R. Hassan S.M. Yashim H.Y. Adamu -
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502 - The Effect of Urea-Treated Barley Straw on the Reproductive Performance and Post-Partum Ovarian Activity of Libyan Barbary Sheep
F. Akraim A.F. Magid M.S. Rahal A. Ahmad M. Aboshwarib -
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503 - Relationship in Broiler Breast Meat Quality and some Blood Parameters: Implications of Different Colours Clothes and Visual Human Contact
ا. درلی فیدان -
Open Access Article
504 - Effect of Fresh and Frozen Semen on in vitro Fertilization and Subsequent Development of Goat Embryos
اس. ساها ام.آ.ام.ی. خاندوکر ال.ی. اسد آ.ام.ام.تی. رضا آ. هوکیو -
Open Access Article
505 - Sources of Betaine as Methyl Group Donors in Broiler Diets
ر. پریرا جی.ف.م. منتن ف.آ. لنگو م.ب. لیما ل.و. فریتاس کا.سی. زاواریز -
Open Access Article
506 - Effect of Different Feeding Times on the Performance of Cross Bred Dairy Cattle during Summer Stress
م. گول آی. احمد ر. خان اس. ام سهیل اس. اختر آ. رحمان آ. ایجاز آ. گوهر -
Open Access Article
507 - Effect of Polyherbal Formulations on Blood Haematological Constituents and Immunity in Non-DescriptGoats
S. Nanda S.P. Tiwari R. Rathore -
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508 - Findings on the Calcium Metabolism in Organisms of Laying Hens
و.گ. ورتیپراخو آ.آ. گروزینا ت.م. ربراکووا آی.و. کیسلووا س.و. لبدو اُ.و. کوان ب.و. یوشا س.و. شابونین آی.آ. ورشینینا -
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509 - The Effects of Different Levels of Saturated and Unsaturated Fats and Their Composition in Growing and Finishing Periods on Productive Performance and Blood Lipids of Broilers
گ.ف. بیگی ع. نوبخت -
Open Access Article
510 - Iron Loaded Chitooligosaccharide Nanoparticles Reduces Incidence of Bacterial Chondronecrosis with Osteomyelitis in Broiler Chickens
ع. یوسفی ع.ا. ساکی -
Open Access Article
511 - Genetic Parameters Estimation of Prolificacy Traits under the FecB Introgression Pressure in Afshari Sheep Breed
M. Pourtahmasebian Ahrabi M.P. Eskandarinasab M. Bagher Zandi Baghcheh Maryam -
Open Access Article
512 - Influence of Dietary Supplementation of Guava Leaf, Oxytetracycline, and Tert-Butylhydroxytoluene on Growth Performance, Gut Microbial Population, Immune Status, Carcass, and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens
K.D. Adeyemi K.O. Agboola R.O. Quadri A.M. Kelani A.M. Ahmed El-Imam H. Ishola -
Open Access Article
513 - Polymorphism of DGAT1 Gene and Its Relationship with Carcass Weight and Dressing Percentage in Moghani Sheep Breed
ف. علاء نوشهر ع. رأفت -
Open Access Article
514 - Quality Characteristics of Chevon Sausage Obtained from Goats Fed a 50% Inclusion Level of Melon (Colocynthis citrillus) Husk and Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Oil Slurry
K.A. Sanwo S.O. Iposu J.A. Adegbite S.S. Abiola O.A. Fanimo -
Open Access Article
515 - Electrolytes Supplementation through Drinking Water to Revive Broiler Production during Tropical Summer Stresses Management
S.A. Belal A.S.M. Mahbub A. Ara M.N. Uddin F.M.A. Hossain -
Open Access Article
516 - Feasibility of Body Weight Estimation of Kalkoohi Camels Using Digital Image Processing
م. خجسته کی م. کلانتر نیستانکی ز. رودباری ح. صادقی پناه ه. جواهری ع.ر. آقاشاهی -
Open Access Article
517 - Liquid Metabolite of Lactobacillus plantarum and Putrescine Effects on Growth, Tissue Polyamine, Blood Lipids and Intestine Morphology of Broiler Chickens
س.م. هاشمی تی.سی. لوه اچ.ال. فوو -
Open Access Article
518 - Evaluation of the Effect of Different Levels of Fiber and Fat on Young Broilers’ Performance, pH, and Viscosity of Digesta Using Response Surface Methodology
F. Aziz-Aliabadi A. Hassanabadi A. Golian S. Zerehdaran H. Noruzi -
Open Access Article
519 - Determination of Chemical Composition, Degradability and Digestibility of Treated Walnut Hull by Neurospora sitophila
م. تکلوزاده ا. دیانی ر. طهماسبی -
Open Access Article
520 - Relationship among Body Weight, Testicular Traits and Linear Body Measurements of Red Sokoto Bucks FedDifferent Levels of Sabara (Guiera senegalensis) Leaf Meals
آ.آ ابراهیم ج. الییو ب. باباندی یو. ابراهیم آ. ب. امین -
Open Access Article
521 - The Effect of Dams of Sire Path Management on Genetic and Economic Parameters in a Simulated Genomic Selection Program
س. عزیزیان ع.ا. شادپرور س. جوئزی-شکالگورابی ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
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522 - Quantitative Trait Loci for some of Behavior and Performance Traits on Chromosome 4 of Japanese Quail
ا. رضوان نژاد ا. نصیری فر -
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523 - The Effect of a Silage Inoculant on Silage Quality, Aerobic Stability and Milk Production
Y. Acosta-Aragon J. Jatkauskas V. Vrotniakiene -
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524 - Dietary Garlic Powder Supplementation Could Ameliorate Unfavorable Effects of Choline Deficiency on the Liver Health and Immune System of Broiler Chickens
ب. نویدشاد ز. مقصودی س. نیکبین ع. کلانتری حصاری -
Open Access Article
525 - Impact of Siberian Larch Dihydroquercetin or Dry Distilled Rose Petals as Feed Supplements on Lamb’s Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Count Parameters
N.Z. Stancheva J.L. Nakev D.B. Vlahova-Vangelova D.K. Balev S.G. Dragoev -
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526 - Comparative Effect of Different Milking Methods and Udder Hygiene on Somatic Cell Count and Milk Quality in Dairy Cows
Z. Rehman Khalil S. Akhter A. Rahman I. Ahmad S. Khan S.M. Sohail I. Amin Khalil F. Ullah -
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527 - Developing a Modified in vitro Gas Production Technique to Replace the Nylon Bag Method of Evaluating Protein Degradation of Alfalfa Hay in Ruminants
ا. آقاجانزاده گلشنی ن. ماهری سیس ر. سلامت دوست نوبر ی. ابراهیم نژاد ا. قربانی -
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528 - Hoof Characteristics of Anglo Arabian, Haflinger, Monterufoli, and Maremmano Horse
ر. توسی ک. سارجنتینی -
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529 - Characteristics of Urban and Peri-Urban Sheep Production Systems and Economic Contribution in Highlands of Ethiopia
و. تسگا ب. تمیر ج. آبب ک. زارالیس -
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530 - Growth Performance, Blood Indices and Hormonal Responses of Broiler Chickens Fed Monosodium Glutamate
O.J. Olarotimi O.A. Adu -
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531 - Feeding of the Bee Families with an Addition of CoSO4
ر. بالکانسکا د. سالکووا -
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532 - Measuring of Udder Morphological Characteristics among Crossbred and Pure Sheep Breeds
س. صادقی س. ع. رافت غ. مقدم ح. جانمحمدی -
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533 - Comparative Analysis of Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Effect of Seed Coat Extracts of Four Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Varieties on Broiler Meat
K.D. Adeyemi A.O. Olorunsanya -
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534 - An Optimum Regression Model to Estimate Economic Values for Milk Yield, Milk Yield Persistency and Calving Interval in Dairy Cattle
S. Falahpour A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein Zadeh M. Mehdi Zadeh Stalkh Kohi -
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535 - Effect of Litter Material and Elevated Platform Enrichment on Behaviour and Welfare of Broiler Chickens in Closed-House System
K.K.S. Kapuarachchi R.M.A.S. Bandara T.I.G. Prabashwari -
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536 - Effects of Spirulina platensis on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Egg Traits and Immunity Response of Japanese Quails
ح. حاجاتی م. زاغری -
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537 - Simulating Past Dynamics and Assessing Current Status of Markhoz Goat Population on Its Habitat
ح.ر. بهمنی م. طهمورثپور ا. اسلمی نژاد م. وطن خواه ا. رشیدی -
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538 - Possibilities for Improvement of Humoral Innate Immunity in Turkeys and Hens in Conditions of Thermal Stress by the Immunomodulator Immunobeta®
ن. بوزاکووا ل. سوتیرو س. دنو ت. کوینارسکی -
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539 - Performance, Health Status, and Colostrum Yield of Twin-Bearing Afshari Ewes as Well as Growth and Survival of Their Offspring are not Affected by Increasing Dietary Metabolizable Protein in Late Pregnancy
س.س. موسوی ح. امانلو ع. نیکخواه ح.ر. میرزایی الموتی ع.م. تهرانی -
Open Access Article
540 - Cryopreservation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells of Native Goat of Iran
M. Mohebbi G. Moghaddam B. Qasemi-Panahi H. Daghigh Kia S.A. Rafat G. Hamidian -
Open Access Article
541 - Survey of FecXL Locus of BMP15 Gene and Growth Hormone (GH) Gene and Their Effects on Lambing Rate in Zel Sheep
S. Yousefi L. Shahmohammadi M. Ahani Azari S. Zerehdaran E. Dehnavi -
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542 - Study of Reproductive Performance of Crossbred Ewes Treated with GnRH and PMSG during Breeding Season
G.H. Moghaddam A. Olfati H. Daghigh Kia S.A. Rafat -
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543 - Plantain Ash Enhances Dietary Mineral Elements Absorption in Pullets
آی.سی. اوکلی سی.ام. نوگو آی.اف. اُتوک آ.آ. اُمد آی.پی. اوگبوو اِن.اُ. آلادی وی.ام.اُ. اُکرُ ام.ان. اُپارا سی. اِزما ام.سی. یوچگبو بی.یو. اِکنیم جی.آ. آنیانو ان.جی. اُکیودو آ.بی.آی. یوددیبی اف.ان. مادوبویک -
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544 - Effect of a Multi-Carbohydrase on Growth Performance, Metabolizable Energy, Nutrients Digestibility and Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens
M.R. Mohajeri Nav M. Jafari Y. Naderi -
Open Access Article
545 - Crude Protein Fractions and in vitroGas Production of Alfalfa Silages Treated with Pistachio by-Products Extract
ا. مختارپور ع.ع. ناصریان ر. ولیزاده م. دانش مسگران ف. پورملایی -
Open Access Article
546 - Effect of Ground or Whole Wheat and Triticale on Productive Performance, Egg Quality, Gastrointestinal Tract Traits and Nutrient Digestibility of Laying Japanese Quails
ن. بختیاری معز س. میرزایی گودرزی ع.ا. ساکی ا. احمدی -
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547 - The Estimation of Body Weight from Body Measurements in Kilakarsal Sheep of Tamil Nadu, India
T. Ravimurugan A.K. Thiruvenkadan K. Sudhakar S. Panneerselvam A. Elango -
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548 - New Technique for Activating Reproductive System during Non-Breeding Season in Ghezel Ewes
ب. قاسمی-پناهی س.ع. رافت م. ابراهیمی م.ح. اکبرزاده ر. حاجیعلیزاده ولیلو -
Open Access Article
549 - Genotypic and Allelic Frequencies of IGF1 and IGF2 Genes in Broilers Analysed by Using PCR‐RFLP Techniques
T. Shah S. Deshpande U. Dasgupta K.M. Singh C.G. Joshi -
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550 - Biometric Variability of Arabia Goat in Laghouat (Algeria) Using the Mean of the Principal Component Analysis
M. Laouadi S. Tennah N. Azzag N. Kafidi N. Antoine-Moussiaux N. Moula -
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551 - Effect of the Probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis as a Substitute to Growth-Promoting Antibiotics on Performance and Egg Quality in Laying Hens
C.D. Balcón-Pacheco F.D. Coronel-Gómez C. Ozuna M. Jiménez-Fernández C.A. Angel-Sahagún E. Franco-Robles -
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552 - Effect of Sex and Genotype on Blood Serum Electrolytes and Biochemical Parameters of Nigerian Indigenous Chickens
A.A. Ibrahim J. Aliyu N.I. Wada A.M. Hassan -
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553 - Polymorphism in FSHβ and FSHRGenes and Their Relationship with Productive and Reproductive Performance in Iran Black, Arman and BaluchiSheep Breeds
ن. نظیفی ق. رحیمی میانجی ز. انصاری پیر سرایی -
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554 - Multivariate Analysis of Morphological Traits of Local Goats in Central Java, Indonesia
E. Kurnianto S. Sutopo E. Purbowati E.T. Setiatin D. Samsudewa T. Permatasari -
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555 - Broiler Diets Formulated Based on Digestible Amino Acid Values as Determined by in vivo and Prediction Methods
م. صدقی ا. گلیان ف. کلاهان ع. هروی موسوی ع. افسر -
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556 - Sequence Variations of Mitochondrial DNA Displacement-Loop in Iranian Indigenous Sheep Breeds
پ. رافیا ا. ترنگ -
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557 - Phenotypes, Performance, and Insulin Gene (INS) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) C1549T Genotyping of Indonesian Meat-Type Chicken Breed
D.N. Arini M.D. Pratama G.I. Firmansyah I.W.S. Mahardhika A.B.I. Perdamaian B.S. Daryono -
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558 - Statistical Models for Assessing the Influence of Hygienic Behaviour of Worker Bees on the Level of Lysozyme and Total Protein Content in Their Hаemolymph
س. لازاروو پ. ولوا آی. ژلیازکووا -
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559 - Effects of Sodium Butyrate and Rosemary Leaf Meal on General Performance, Carcass Traits, Organ Sizes and Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler Chickens
M.C. Ogwuegbu C.E. Oyeagu H.O. Edeh C.E. Dim A.O. Ani F.B. Lewu -
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560 - The Importance of Arsenic, Vanadium, Cobalt and Strontium in Poultry, A Review
ب. نویدشاد م. محمدرضایی -
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561 - Effect of Corn Silage Combined with Prebiotic or Probiotic on Performance, Immune Response, Blood Parameters, and Bone Indices in Molted Layer Hens
M. Akbari Alaei B. Dastar T. Ghoorchi A. Khosravi M. Alemi -
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562 - Reactions of Modern Broiler Chickens to Administration of Cinnamon Powder in the Diet
ک. شیرزادگان -
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563 - Effect of Thyroid Activity Modulation on Some Histological and Biochemical Aspects in Broiler Chicks
I. El-Wardany E.F. El-Daly A.H. Abd El-Gawad A.E.A. Hemid N.A. Abd El-Azeem -
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564 - Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress and Cellular Signaling Alteration in Animals
س. لوساکو آ. پریلو -
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565 - Performance Characteristics and Nutritional Comparison of Broiler Chickens Fed with Barley and Triticale Based Diets
ع. محرری ا. اسدی ر. رضایی -
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566 - Mapping of QTLs Controlling Egg Quality on Chromosomes 6-8, Z and Three Linkage Groups in Chickens
S.J. Rosochacki R. Olszewski B. Wardecka K. Jaszczak G. Zieba E. Juszczuk-Kubiak J. Poloszynowicz -
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567 - Comparison of Ordinary and Restricted Selection Indices on Genetic Gain of Body Weight in Iranian Moghani Sheep
ح. قیاسی م. خالداری ر. طاهر خانی -
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568 - Effects of Different Forms of Cattle Colostrum for Broiler Chickens
M. Arjomand A. Nobakht Y. Mehmannavaz -
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569 - Spermatozoa Molecules in Relation to Bulls Fertility
اس.آ. لون ر. سینها آ. رحیم ب.آ. جانایی آ. سینق ن. شاه -
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570 - The Effect of Choline Chloride Supplementation on Performance Parameters and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler
ام.ای. حسین جی.بی. داس ام.ام. حسن آ.اچ. شایکات آ.اس.ام. باری -
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571 - The Potential of Tropical Agro-Industrial by-Products as a Functional Feed for Poultry
اس. سوگیهارتو ت. یودیآرتی آی. اسرولی م. ویدیاستوتی -
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572 - The Effects of Complex Enzymes on Production Performance, Egg Quality, Hatchability and Intestinal Morphometry in Khaki Campbell Duck
T.K. Das M.C. Pakhira B.C. Debnath B. Debroy -
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573 - Molecular Evaluation of the Myostatin Gene in Four Iranian Native Goat Breeds Did not Demonstrate any Association with Twining Rate
ع. عبدالمحمدی ک. خانی ص. فروتنی فر ع. زبرجدی ل. سیمایی م. گلی -
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574 - Effects of Different Levels of Fish Oil Supplementation on Performance of Broilers
جی.ب. داس م.ای. حسین م.آ. اکبر -
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575 - Effect of Substituting Soybean Meal with Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata WAL) Supplemented with Natural Plant Charcoals in Broiler Diet on Growth Performances and Carcass Characteristics
J.R. Kana A. Teguia A. Fomekong -
Open Access Article
576 - Effects of Specific Gravity and Particle Size of Passage Marker on Particulate Rumen Turnover in Holestine Dairy Cattle
ا. تیموری یانسری -
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577 - Anatomo-Pathological Consequences of Mycotoxins Contamination in Rabbits Feed
آ. تینلی جی. پسانتینو آ. پریلو ن. زیزو -
Open Access Article
578 - Evaluating the Reproductive and Egg Production Traits of Local Chickens and Their F1 Crosses with RhodeIsland Red and Fayoumi Breeds under Farmers’ Management Conditions
A. Melesse M. Alewi Y. Teklegiorgis -
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579 - Differences between the Expression of the FSH and LH Genes in the Pituitary Gland of Three Populations of Iranian Native Hens and Hyline W-36
H. Javaheri Barfourooshi S.A. Hosseini A.H. Alizadeh-Ghamsari A. Yaghobfar -
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580 - The Effects of Different Levels of Tomato Pomace and Processing Methods on Production Performance and Blood Metabolites of Native Laying Hens
ا. جلالی نسب ع. نوبخت و س. رزاقزاده -
Open Access Article
581 - The Effect of in ovo Feeding Compared with Dietary Feeding of Betaine on Performance, Immunity and Liver Activity of Broiler Chickens Exposed to High Temperatures
A. Maddahian پ. دادور M. Morovat M. Shamsaddini Bafti -
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582 - Effects of Surgical Spaying on Heifer Feedlot Growth Performance and Dietary Energetics
A. Plascencia V.M. González-Vizcarra Y.S. Valdés-García A. Barreras A. Estrada-Angulo J.D. Urías-Estrada R.A. Zinn -
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583 - Olive Cake and Barley Malt Rootlets in Hen Diets to Improve Egg Lipids and Fatty Acids
S.M. Hashish L.D. Abd El-Samee -
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584 - Effect of Wet Feeding on Feed Conversion Efficiency in Laying Hens during Summer Season
هـ. اشرف وایز ل. گاوتام ر.ک. نگدا جی. احمد بهات -
Open Access Article
585 - Effect of Sargassum sp. and Vitamin E on Stability of Fish Oil Enriched Meat in Broiler Chickens
ف. آرمین ش. رحیمی ع. مهدی آبکنار ی. غفرانی ایواری ح. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
586 - Health Characteristics and Performance of Broiler Chicks in Response to Trigonella foenum graecum and Foeniculum vulgare
ع.ا. ساکی م. کلانتر نیستانکی ع. رحمت نژاد ف. میرزاآقاتبار -
Open Access Article
587 - Cloning and Expression of Heat Shock Protein 60kDa Gene from Brucella melitensis as Subunit Vaccine
ط. عباسی-دالویی م. تهمورثپور م.ه. سخاوتی -
Open Access Article
588 - Welfare Assessment in Tunisian Dairy Herds by Animal-Linked Parameters and Performance Efficiency
M. Mhamdi C. Darej M. Bouallegue S. Kaur Brar M. Ben Hamouda -
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589 - Effect of Tomato Waste Meal Diets on Egg Fertility, Hatchability, Embryonic Mortality, Chick’s Quality and Economic Assessment of White Leghorn Layers
K.Y. Ahmed S. Kumar M. Urge N. Ameha -
Open Access Article
590 - Effects of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Oils on Nutrients Digestibility, Blood Parameters and Growth Performance of Brown Swiss Neonatal Calves
م.ع. ابراهیمی س. سبحانیراد ا.ع. بیات -
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591 - Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Fortification Improves Post Thaw Sperm Quality and Fertility of Goat
K. Sharma R. Ranjan S. Gupta -
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592 - Effects of Alfalfa Particle Size on Ensalivation Rate, Chewing Efficiency, and Functional Specific Gravity of Particulate Matter in Hereford Steers
ا. تیموری یانسری ر. ولیزاده ع. ناصریان د.آ. کریستنسن پ. یو -
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593 - Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Supplementation on Mortality due to Ascites and Performance Growth in Broiler Chickens
م. فتحی -
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594 - Effect of Egg Weight on Egg Traits and Hatching Performance of Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Eggs
M. Anna Anandh P.N. Richard Jagatheesan P. Senthil Kumar G. Rajarajan A. Paramasivam -
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595 - Leucine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 14 Days of Age
S. Amirdahri ح. جانمحمدی A. Tagizadeh E.A. Soumeh M. Oliayi -
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596 - The Effects of Different Levels of Portulaca oleracea, Medicinal Plant, on Performance, Egg Quality, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Mature Laying Hens
ع. نوبخت -
Open Access Article
597 - Response of Broiler Chickens to Quantitative Feed Restriction with or without Ascorbic Acid Supplementation
اُ.آ. آدیمی سی.پی. نجوکو اُ.م. اُدونباکو اُ.م. سگونل ال.تی. اگبیال -
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598 - Evaluation of Total Antioxidant, Total Calcium, Selenium, Insulin, Free Triiodothyronine and Free Thyroxine Levels in Cows with Ketosis
اس. کوزت ن. یوکسک -
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599 - Genome Wide Association Studies, Next Generation Sequencing and Their Application in Animal Breeding and Genetics: A Review
ح. خانزاده ن. قوی حسین-زاده ش. قوتی -
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600 - In situ Evaluation of Ruminal Degradability and Intestinal Digestibility of Sunflower Meal Compared to Soybean Meal
کا.و. ندلکوو -
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601 - Effect of Different Levels of Essential Oils of Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) on Growth Performance Carcass Characteristics and Immune System in Broiler Chicks
ر. حبیبی ق. جلیلوند ش. صمدی آ. عزیزپور -
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602 - Effects of Chitosan and Whole Raw Soybeans on Feeding Behavior and Heat Losses of Jersey Heifers
اچ.م.سی. هراکی ج.ر. گاندرا ای.ر. اُلیویرا سی.اس. تاکیا ر.اچ.ت.ب. گواِس آ.م.آ. گابریل جی.سی.جی. رُدرگیوس ای.ر.اس. گاندرا ت.ل. پریرا جِی. دامیانی جِی.د.اُ. باتیستا -
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603 - Constraints Analysis of Poultry Production at Dzongu Area of North Sikkim in India
B.G. Nath P.K. Pathak A.K. Mohanty -
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604 - How Does Primary Dairy Cooperative Perform? A Study of Physical and Financial Performance Variables in West Bengal State in India
D. Sarker B.K. Ghosh -
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605 - Effects of Different Levels of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) on Growth Performance and Immune Responses of Broilers underHeat Stress
M. Effati F. Samadi B. Dastar M.A. Azari S.R. Hashemi -
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606 - Effect of Different Levels of Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum) in Diets Containing Cereal Grains with Different Ruminal Degradation Rate on Rumen Bacteria of Khuzestan Buffalo
ض. نیکزاد م. چاجی ک. میرزاده ت. محمدآبادی م. ساری -
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607 - Comparative Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition of Yolk Lipids in Indigenous and Conventional Chicken Eggs
ع. کیانی م.ح. قارونی -
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608 - Genetic (Co)variance between Age from First to Third Calving and Milk Yield of Holstein Cows in the Tropics
جی.ال. اسپینوزا-ویلاویسنسیو آ. پلاسیوس-اسپینوسا آ. منندز-بوکسادرا -
Open Access Article
609 - The Effect of Dietary Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Leaveson Growth Performance and Antibody Response of Broiler Chickens
ف. خلیق قرهتپه ا. حسنآبادی ح. سمنانی نژاد م.ر. نصیری -
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610 - The Effects of Dietary Valine on Performance, SerumAntibody Titre and Bone Mineralization in Broiler Chicks
ف. فرودی پ. رضامند -
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611 - An analysis of Selected Aspects of Sperm Quality in Fresh and Cooled-Storage Stallion Semen
ز. رکوا ر. فلیپکک -
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612 - Productive Performance of Laying Hens Fed Different Levels of Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles with or without Certain Feed Additives
ک.م. ماهروس م. عبدل-هاک آ. آتیا م. ال-هینداوی -
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613 - Comparing Logistic and Michaelis-Menten Multiphasic Models for Analysis of in vitro Gas Production Profiles of some Starchy Feedstuffs
ا. پرند ع.ر. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران -
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614 - In vitro Utilizable Crude Protein at the Duodenum of Dairy Cows of Various Ecotypes of Kochia scoparia Fertilized with Nitrogen
ج. فلاحتی زو م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی م. کافی م.د. استرن -
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615 - Comparing Estimations of Return to Scale in Mechanized and Semi-Mechanized Broiler Chick Farms Located in Gorgan City
N. Alazmani A.R. Yazdani A. Darijani -
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616 - Stable Isotope Application in Animal Nutrition Science
و. جعفری م. جعفری ل. روسی ا. کالیتزا م.ل. کوستانتینی -
Open Access Article
617 - Application of Linear Regression and Artificial NeuralNetwork for Broiler Chicken Growth Performance Prediction
ش. غضنفری -
Open Access Article
618 - Nutritional Value, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Molecular Structures, Mycotoxines and Heavy Metals Concentration of Un-Ripe, Ripe and Sun-Dried Fruit from ‘Sultana’ Grapevine for Ruminants
م. یاری م. منافی م. هدایتی ر. کریمی ر. ولیزاده آ. جنکر -
Open Access Article
619 - Effects of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid and n-3 Fatty Acids on the Performance, Carcass Traits and Small Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens
م. نصرتی ب. نویدشاد م. ملکی -
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620 - Breeding Objectives, Selection Criteria and Breeding Practices of Indigenous Goat Population in Ethiopia: A Review
K. Tilahun S. Betsha A. Melesse -
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621 - In silico Methods for Modeling of Genomic Regions for Immunological and Metabolic Gene Modulating to Stress Response in Chicken: Where We Are?
M.S. Ekhtiyari A.S. Sadr M. Shirali A. Javanmard -
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622 - Growth Performance, Feeding Behavior and Physiological Responses of Young Growing Holstein Male Calves to Dietary Chromium-Methionine (Cr-Met) Supplementation Related to Body Weight and Age
م. یاری م. بهاریفرد ع. علیزاده ماسوله ا. موسایی -
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623 - The Effects of Sodium Humate and Aflatoxin B1 on Body Weight of Broiler Chicks
م. اسکالیکا ب. کورنکووا -
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624 - Toxicity of Carbon Tetrachloride in Japanese Quails: Evaluation the Effect of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Powder on Performance and Immune Response
م. خرمشاهی ف. صمدی -
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625 - Detection of the eaeA Gene in Escherichia coli Isolated from Broiler Chickens by Polymerase Chain Reaction
ا. ذاکری -
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626 - Adoption of Scientific Poultry Farming Practices by the Broiler Farmers in Haryana, India
C.S. Ithika S.P. Singh G. Gautam -
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627 - Insights of Herbal Supplements during Transition Period in Dairy Animals: An Updated Review
K.R. Sriranga A.K. Singh K.R. Harini A. Kumar I. Mukherjee A.B. Durge K.P. Mohanta -
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628 - Assessment of Renewable and Non Renewable Energy Use in Dairy Farms with Different Herd Sizes in Iran
د. زحمتکش م. زینالی ح. میرزایی الموتی ا. محجوبی پ. سفیدپری -
Open Access Article
629 - Effects of Sodium Bentonite on Blood Parameters, Feed Digestibility and Rumen Fermentation Parameters of Male Balouchi Sheep Fed Diet Contaminated by Diazinon, an Organophosphate Pesticide
م.ه. اعظمی ع.م. طهماسبی و. فروهر ع.ع. ناصریان -
Open Access Article
630 - Effect of Epinephrine and Bromocriptine on Ovary Folliculogenesis and Productive Traits of Laying Hens
ی. بدخشان م. مظهری -
Open Access Article
631 - The Effect of Native Grass Substitution Using Jengkol (Archidendron jiringa) Peel and Leaves Powder on in vitro Rumen Fermentation
ن. هیدایا ر. لوبیس ک.گ. ویریاوان س. سوهارتی و. ریتا ر. زورینا -
Open Access Article
632 - Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Serum Biochemicals of Japanese Quails Fed with Oat Bran (Avena sativa) and Dill Seed (Anethum graveolens)
ع. رفیعی-طاری ک. کریمی س.ع. حسینی ا. میمندی پور -
Open Access Article
633 - Effects of Various Type of Bentonite (Montmorillonite) on Ascites-Related Physiologic and Metabolic Factors in Broilers
ع.ر. آقاشاهی س.ح. حسینی جنگجو ح. صادقی پناه س.ع. حسینی -
Open Access Article
634 - Effects of Four Diet Structure and Two Protein Percentage Content on Growth Performance and Biometric Measurements of Holstein Calves
ع. شاهورانی 1. سراج ک. جعفری خورشیدی -
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635 - Alfacalcidol (1-Alpha-Hydroxycholecalciferol) and Its Efficacy in Broiler Nutrition
N. Landy F. Kheiri A. Kamyab -
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636 - Biochemical and Physiological Changes during Thermal Stress in Bovines: A Review
A.H. Ganaie R.S. Ghasura N.A. Mir N.A. Bumla G. Sankar S.A. Wani -
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637 - Investigation of (Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase 1) SCD1 Gene Polymorphism in Khuzestan Buffalo Population Using PCR-RFLPMethod
ک. تقیزاده م.ت. بیگی نصیری ج. فیاضی م. بوجارپور -
Open Access Article
638 - Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of GDF9 Gene in Bahmaei and Lak Ghashghaei Sheep Breeds and Its Association with Litter Size
م. محقق دولت آبادی ج. حبیبیزاد -
Open Access Article
639 - Area of Origin, But Not Farm or Sex, Predicts Horse Carcass Weight as a Main Effect
پی.ام. پارس-کاسانوا -
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640 - Microbial Fuel Cell: New Assay for Nutritive Value Determination of Whole Cottonseed Used in Ruminants Nutrition
م. بشارتی ا. تقی زاده -
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641 - In Silico Prediction of B-Cell and T-Cell Epitopes of Protective Antigen of Bacillus anthracis in Development of Vaccines Against Anthrax
م. طهمورثپور ن. نظیفی ز. پیرخضرانیان -
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642 - Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Layer Type Cockerels and Broiler Chicken
پ.اچ.ج.جی. دسیلوا ی.م. ویکراماسینق د.سی.آ. کالوبوویلا -
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643 - Effects of Dietary Organic Selenium Supplementation on Performance and Antioxidant Enzymes of Broilers under Heat Stress Conditions: A Meta-Analysis
F. Tavakolinasab M. Hashemi -
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644 - Analysis of Awassi Sperm Motility in Two Media at Different Levels of Temperature, pH and Osmolality
م. آلومار م. زرکاوی م.آ. آلزوآبی -
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645 - Comparing Rumen Fluid to Buffer Ratios to Estimate in vitro Degradability, Fermentation, and Methane Profiles of Seven Forages at Two Incubation Times
M.M.H. Khan A.S. Chaudhry -
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646 - Retinoic Acid Determines the Fate of Spermatogonia
A. Yilmaz A. Ozdal Gokdal -
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647 - Impacts of Dietary L-Threonine Supplementation on Performance and Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens during Summer Time
ک. شیرزادگان ا. نیکخواه م.ع. جعفری -
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648 - In vitro and in situ Ruminal Degradability of Oak Leaves (Quercus persica) as Affected by Growth Stage during Spring Season and Polyethylene Glycol Application
N. Rahimi F. Fatahnia M. Yousef Elahi R. Tabaraki G. Taasoli F. Ahmadi J.W. Cone -
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649 - Effects of Organic and Inorganic Selenium Supplementation with Vitamin E during the Flushing Period on Reproductive Performance of Ghezel Ewes
ح. دقیقکیا س. ساعدی ع. حسینخانی -
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650 - Effect of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Powder on Immune Response of Broiler Chickens in Heat Stress
س. عرب عامری ف. صمدی ب. دستار س. زره داران -
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651 - Simple and Constrained Selection Indices with and without Calving Interval Included in Selection Goal Function for Holstein Cows of Iran
ا. دارنگ ع.ا. شادپرور م. گلشنی -
Open Access Article
652 - Effect of Thymus vulgaris and Satureja khuzestanica Ethanolic Extracts on Broiler Chickens’ Performance and Immune Response
ح. سوری ع. خطیبجو ک. طاهرپور ا. حسن آبادی ف. فتاح نیا م. عسگری -
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653 - Comparison of the Fatty Acid Composition of the Longissimus Dorsi Muscle of Kids, Lambs and Calves Produced under Iranian Transhumant Production System
ع. کیانی م.ه. قارونی ر. شریعتی -
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654 - The Use of Crushed Caraway (Carum carvi) and Black Seed (Nigella sativa) Additives on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Status, Serum Components and Physiological Responses of Sanjabi Lambs
س. کاکی م.م. معینی ف. هژبری ز. نیکوصفت -
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655 - Effect of Feeding Canola or Sunflower Seeds on Conjugated Linoleic Acid Enrichment in Cow’s Milk Fat
J.W. Schroeder W.L. Keller D. Carlson -
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656 - The Comparison of Chemo Signal Compositions in Body Fluids of Holstein Cows from Different Estrus Periods
Ö. Anitaş S. Göncü -
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657 - In vitro Evaluation of Oil Releasing Extent from a Calcium Salt of Fatty Acids in Different Sites of Gastrointestinal Tract
P. Peravian H. Mirzaei-Alamouti M. Dehghan-Banadaky H. Amanlou M. Vazirigohar H. Khalilvandi P. Rezamand -
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658 - Correlation Effects of Nano Selenium and Conjugated Linoleic Acid on the Performance, Lipid Metabolism and Immune System of Male Moghani Lambs
ش. قادرزاده ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق س. نیکبین نوید شاد -
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659 - Gas Emission from Waste of Cows Fed Monensin and Acacia mearnsii Tannins
R.J. Tseu F. Perna Junior R.F. Carvalho G.A. Sene A.H. Peres C.B. Tropaldi F. Dos Anjos P.H.M. Rodrigues -
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660 - The Influence of Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism on Growth Rate of Young Cattle
ت.ا. سدیخ ای.ی. دولماتووا ف.ر. والیتوو ر.س. گیزاتولین ل.ا. کالاشینکووا -
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661 - Effect of Adding Coenzyme Q10 and Ellagic Acid during Cryopreservation on Post-Thaw Quality of Ram Semen
ح. دقیقکیا ز. بلوکی ح. واثقی دودران م. مهدیپور -
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662 - Effect of Water Deprivation and Drinking Saline Water on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Nutrient Digestibility, and Rumen Parameters in Baluchi Lambs
و. وثوقی-پوستین دوز ع. طهماسبی ع.ع. ناصریان ر. ولی زاده ه. ابراهیمی -
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663 - Price Transmission, Threshold Behavior and Asymmetric Adjustment in Iranian Poultry Market
م. کاوسی کلاشمی پ. خلیق خیاوی خلیق خیاوی -
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664 - Effects of Microwave-Treated Drinking Water on Growth and some Physiological Characteristics of Japanese Quail (Coturnixcoturnix japonica)
ک. سیفی م.ا. عرب عامری س. عباسی م. کاظمی فرد -
Open Access Article
665 - Effect of Exogenous Enzymes on Nutrient Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation of Holstein Cows
R.J. Tseu L.L.C. Paucar F. Perna Junior R.F. Carvalho R.G.S. Nogueira E.C.O. Cassiano D.C.Z. Vasquez L.A.R. Solórzano P.H.M. Rodrigues -
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666 - Multi-Step Assessment of Lactation Curve Functions of Iranian Simmental and Jersey Cows with Emphasis on Relative Information Criteria
R. Pahlavan M.R. Afrazandeh N. Jamali M. Kazemi M.A. Abbasi J. Rahmaninia A. Kazemi B. Mohammad Nazari -
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667 - Degradation Characteristics of Infrared Processed Barley Grain and Its Feeding Effects on Ruminal pH of Sheep
A. Fattah A.A. Sadeghi A. Nikkhah M. Chamani P. Shawrang -
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668 - Response to Selection for Body Weight in Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
اس. هوسن آ.م. عبد الرحمان ال-خدری آ.م. حسن -
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669 - Genetic Diversity between Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) and It’s Hybrids Using Microsatellite Markers
ج. جاکاریا ا. آلیاه ف. سپوترا م. بیهقی ر.ر. نور -
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670 - Association between Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) Gene Polymorphism at the MnlI Site and Production Traits in Shal and Crossbreeding between Shal and Romanov
ا. افروزنیا م. زندی م.ر. سنجابی م.ح. هادی تواتری -
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671 - Exploring the Use of Random Regression Models withLegendre Polynomials to Analyze Clutch Sizein Iranian Native Fowl
ع. عبادی تبریزی م. طهمورثپور ع. نجاتی جوارمی -
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672 - Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Regression Models for Prediction of Body Weight in Raini Cashmere Goat
م. خورشیدی-جلالی م.ر. محمدآبادی ع. اسمعیلیزاده ا. برازنده ُ.ا. بابنکو -
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673 - Investigation of the Functional Proteins Related to Fertility in Cattle’s Endometrium by Protein-Protein Interactions Networks
F. Bahri Binabaj S.H. Farhangfar E. Behdani -
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674 - The Effects of Lysophospholipid on Performance, Ruminal Bacteria and Some Blood Parameters in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows
M. Movagharnezhad Y. Chashnidel A. Teimouri Yansari M. Gholizadeh -
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675 - Genetic Evaluation of some Carcass Characteristics Assessed by in vivo Real Time Ultrasonography in Baluchi Sheep
ع. محمدی س. حسنی س. زره داران م. باقری ع. میرشاهی -
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676 - Effect of Rumex Sc on Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites and Performance of Lactating Dairy Cow
R. Khodabakhshi A. Afzalzadeh M. Rezaeian A.A. Khadem M.A. Norouzian -
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677 - The Possibility of Using Watermelon Waste in Laying Hens Diets
ع. نوبخت -
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678 - Assessment of Suitable Fixed Timed Artificial Insemination Protocols for Therapeutic Management of Post-Partum Anestrous Cow in the Foothill of Eastern Himalaya
U. Boro D. Talukdar F.A. Ahmed K. Lalrintluanga G. Kalita K. Sarma S. Thakuria -
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679 - Calpastatin Gene Polymorphism in Raini and Tali Goat in the Kerman Province
و. بهرامپور ا. محمدی -
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680 - Growth Performance, Hematological and Mineral Profile of Post-Weaning Calves as Influenced by Inclusion of Pelleted-Concentrate Supplement Containing Essential Oils and Probiotics
ب.م.و.ت. گادینگ ا. آگوس ا. ایراوان پ. پانجونو -
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681 - A Comparison of Apparent Digestibility of Nutrient in Caspian Horse Feeds as Determined by Total Collection of Faeces, Acid Insoluble Ash and Lignin Methods
س. اربابی ت. قورچی ر. پرور -
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682 - Evaluation of Chemical Characteristics and Effects of Different Manganese Sources on Kinetics of Manganese Absorption and Performance of Broiler Chickens
ف. خاکپور ایرانی ح. جانمحمدی ر. کیانفر م. صحرائی -
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683 - An Overview of Sex Selection at Conception in Mammals
جی. کوآمو اس.دی. خارچ -
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684 - Body Weight is an Important Trait for Comparisons of Goat Breeds
پی.م. پارس کاسانوا -
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685 - Correlations among Certain Growth and Production Traits in Different Breeds of Goats
ر. خانداکر م.ک.ای. خان م.م. ممین -
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686 - Live Yeast Supplementation for Heifers (F1 Angus × Nellore) in Intensive Grazing Finishing System
C.A. Pedrini J.R. Gandra E.R. Oliveira A.R.M. Fernandes F.S. Machado E.R.S. Gandra -
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687 - Allelic Variation of MYF5 Gene Detected in the Camelus bactrianus
ن. هدایت-ایوریق س.ر. میرایی-آشتیانی م. مرادی شهر بابک و. واحدی ح. عبدی -
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688 - Study of Longevity in Dairy Cattle
M. Rakhshani Nejad N. Emamjomeh Kashan M. Rokouei M. Aminafshar H. Faraji-Arough -
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689 - Effects of Acidifier Supplementation and Toxin Binder on Performance, Carcass, Blood Metabolites, Intestinal Morphology, and Microbial Population in Broiler Chickens
م.ر. حیدری ع.ا. صادقی و. رضاییپور -
Open Access Article
690 - Evaluation of Heifer Management Criteria for Improved Lactation and Reduced Dystocia: A Systematic Analysis of Body Weight, Average Daily Gain, and Age
ح. رفیعی م.ه. خبازان ا. مهنانی ا. نیکخواه -
Open Access Article
691 - Effect of Treatment with Additional Doses of Prostaglandin F2 Alpha during the Middle Stage of the Oestrus Cycle on Luteolysis Process and Reproduction Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows
N. Neisari A. Kaveh P. Pooladzadeh A. Hajibemani F. Mirzaeei -
Open Access Article
692 - Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract on Performance, Antioxidant Ability and Blood Gas Indices of Broiler Chickens Treated with Sodium Nitrate in Drinking Water
ع.ر. اخواست م. دانشیار -
Open Access Article
693 - Gonadotropin-Releasing Response to Kisspeptin-10 and Its Modulation by Progesterone in Postpartum Cyclic Cows
A. Ezzat Ahmed Y. Goto H. Saito T. Sawada J. Jin T. Hirata T. Hashizume -
Open Access Article
694 - Effect of Probiotic Administration Route and Dietary Nutrient Density on Growth Performance, Gut Health, and some Hematological Variables in Healthy or Eimeria Infected Broiler Chickens
ف. خلیق ا. حسنآبادی ح. نصری-مقدم ا. گلیان غ.ع. کلیدری -
Open Access Article
695 - Influence of Body Condition on Milk Production and Metabolic Profile in Assaf Sheep
M. Simeonov D.L. Harmon I. Stoicheva -
Open Access Article
696 - Fatty Acid Profile in Milk of Jersey Cows Fed Green Forage or Hay
ر. اورتگا پرز ای. پالاسیوس مچتنوو اُ. آرجونا لوپز ا. پالاسیوس اسپینوزا ب. موریلو آمادور ا. گیلن تروجیلو ج.ل. اسپینوزا ویلاویسنسیو -
Open Access Article
697 - Influence of Processing of Barley Grain on Characteristics of Digestion, Ruminal Fermentation and Digestible Energy of Diet inLactating Cows
ام.آ. لوپز-سوتو آ. بارراس جی.اف. کالدرون-کرتس آ. پلاسسنسیا جی.دی. یوریآس-استرادا جی.آ. آگویلار-هرناندز بی. سانچز-مندوزا آ. منتلونگو-تریکوئز آر.ام. برمودز-هورتادو آ. استرادا-آنگولو آر.آ. زین -
Open Access Article
698 - Pre- and Post-Hatch Effects of Eucalyptol Supplements to Water-Based Humidifiers in Broilers’ Incubators
م. ولیپور ماکویی ی. مهماننواز -
Open Access Article
699 - Studies on Biochemical Properties of Cervico-Vaginal Mucus during Early Pregnancy in Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
V. Sharma S. Prasad H. Gupta -
Open Access Article
700 - The Effects of Replacement of Soybean Meal by Mechanically-Processed Sesame Meal on Performance and Milk Fatty Acids Profile in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows
V. Ashjae A. Taghizadeh Y. Mehmannavaz A. Nobakht -
Open Access Article
701 - Effect of Two New Calcium Limiting Methods on Milk Traits, Hypocalcaemia and Prevention of some Reproductive Disorders in Early Lactating Cows
M.M. Masoumipour F. Foroudi N. Karimi M.R. Abedini K. Karimi -
Open Access Article
702 - The Metabolizable Energy Content and Effect of Grape Pomace with or without Tannase Enzyme Treatment in Broiler Chickens
س.ک. ابراهیمزاده ب. نویدشاد پ. فرهومند ف. میرزائی آقجهقشلاق -
Open Access Article
703 - Effect of Late Gestational Betaine Supplementation on Intermediate Metabolites, Homocysteine and Lipid Peroxidation in Pregnant Ewes and Their Offspring
ح.ر. صحرائی ع. کیانی آ. آذرفر ح. خمیس آبادی -
Open Access Article
704 - Effect of Stocking Density and Methionine Levels on Growth Performance and Immunity of Broiler Chicks
س. حیدری م. طغیانی -
Open Access Article
705 - Semen Ejaculates Characteristics, in vitro Fertility and Their Interrelationships in Sahiwal Bull Semen
K. Ray B.B. Ghosh -
Open Access Article
706 - Does Feeder Type Influence the Performance of Stable and Mixed Bucks in Stall Fed System?
G. Kaur S. Kaswan C. Singh M. Singla A. Sharma S.K. Dash J.S. Lamba -
Open Access Article
707 - In vitro Effect of the Inorganic Buffers in the Diets of Holstein Dairy Cow Varying in Forage: Concentrate Ratios on the Rumen Acid Load and Methane Emission
S. Fadaee n. دانش مسگران A. Vakili -
Open Access Article
708 - Effects of Supplementing Xylose‐Treated Soybean Meal or Untreated Corn Gluten Meal to Lactating Dairy Cows
M. Jahani-Moghadam E. Mahjoubi H. Amanlou S. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
709 - Production of Omega-3-Enriched Meat through Feeding Broilers with Ultrasonicated Flaxseed Oil Nanoemulsions: Performance, Serum Composition, Physicochemical Properties and Oxidative Stability
ف. عباسی ف. صمدی س.م. جعفری س. رمضانپور م. شمس شرق -
Open Access Article
710 - The Effect of Prebiotic and Types of Feed Formulation on Performance, Intestinal Microflora and Cecum Gas Production of Laying Hens
ه. جهانیان نجفآبادی ع.1. ساکی ز. بهرامی ع. احمدی د. علیپور م. عبدالملکی -
Open Access Article
711 - Effects of a Commercial Blend of Phytogenic Compounds and Prebiotic on the Performance of Mid-Lactation Dairy Cows Exposed to Heat-Stress
M. Bagheri Varzaneh -
Open Access Article
712 - Association of Somatic Cell Score with Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Cows
Z. Ghasemi A.A. Aslaminejad M. Tahmoorespur M. Rokouei H. Faraji Arough -
Open Access Article
713 - Effects of in ovo Injection of Vitamins B6 and B12 in Fertile Eggs Subjected to Ethanol Stress on Hatching Traits, Performance and Visceral Organs of Broiler Chicks Reared under Cold Stress Condition
ط. مؤمنه م. ترکی -
Open Access Article
714 - Comparing Body Weight, Body Biometrical Parameters, Blood Metabolites, and Progesterone Concentration of Ewe Lambs and Yearling Ewes
م. ابراهیمی ب. فردوست غ. مقدم س.ع. رافت ع. حسین خانی ص. علیجانی ح. دقیق کیا ح. پایا -
Open Access Article
715 - Effect of Flushed Feeding and Age on Estrus Synchronization and Conception Rate of Holstein × Local Crossbred Cows After Using Analogue GnRH and Prostaglandin F2α Hormone
M. Sydur Rahman M. Kabirul Islam Khan T. Bilkis -
Open Access Article
716 - Determinants of Trans-Cervical Artificial Insemination Success in Synchronized Ewes Using Frozen Semen
N. Naher S. Arif M. Hossain N. Sultana Juyena F. Yeasmin Bari -
Open Access Article
717 - Effects of Black Plum (Vitex doniana) Leaf Meal Inclusion on Performance, Haematology and Serum Biochemical Indices of Cockerels
آ.اُ. آدینا ک.م. اُکوکپه آ.اس. آکانبی م.د. آجیباد ت.ت. تیامیا اُ.آ. سلامی -
Open Access Article
718 - Herbs and Herbal Supplements, a Novel Nutritional Approach in Animal Nutrition
ن. بهات -
Open Access Article
719 - Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Milk Production, Oxidative Stress, and Blood Metabolites of Holstein Dairy Cows during Summer Season
F. Sehati A. Towhidi M. Zhandi M. Ganjkhanlou A.H. Nasiri F. Parnian-Khajehdizaj -
Open Access Article
720 - Effect of Antibiotic, Probiotic and Prebiotic in Diets Containing Barley on Performance, Digestibility, Intestinal Morphology, Blood Parameters and Immunological Response in Broilers
م. مهرآبادی ر. جمشیدی -
Open Access Article
721 - CSN1S1 Gene: Allele Frequency, and the Relationship with Milk Production Traits in Three Indigenous Cattle Breeds and Holstein
S. Zakizadeh E.M. Prinzenberg M. Reissmann S.R. Miraei Ashtiani P. Reinecke G. Erhardt -
Open Access Article
722 - Trends in Reproductive Status of Holstein Dairy Herds in Iran
V. Zahedi س. زین الدینی ع.ر. یوسفی H. Baghshahi M. Moradi-Shahrbabak M. Zhandi M. Asad Rad A.A. Fouladi-Nashta -
Open Access Article
723 - Temporal Changes in Endogenous Estrogens and Expressionof Behaviors Associated with Estrus during the Periovulatory Period in Doublesynch Treated Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
R. Mirmahmoudi B.S. Prakash -
Open Access Article
724 - Evaluation of Body Surface Temperature in Broiler Chickens during the Rearing Period Based on Age, Air Temperature and Feather Condition
م. مقبلی دامنه ا. برازنده م. ستایی مختاری اُ اسماعیلیپور ی. بدخشان -
Open Access Article
725 - Study of DGAT1 Gene Polymorphisms with Carcass Traits in Iranian Zel and Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep Breeds
م. صادقی م. مخبر م. مرادی-شهر بابک و. سلطانی م. بهروزلک -
Open Access Article
726 - Influence of Dietary Thyme Extract (Thymus vulgaris) on Performance, Purine Derivatives, Cellulase Activity and Ruminal Fermentation Parameters in Fattening Lambs and Goat Kids
S. Shahravan T. Ghoorchi B. Dastar A.H. Toghdori M. Mohajer -
Open Access Article
727 - Investigation on Biochemically Processed Castor Seed Meal in Nutrition and Physiology of Japanese Quails
آ.آ. آنانگیو جی.اُ. آته جی.ک. جوزف م.آ. بلوو آ.اُ. آدینا آ.اس. آکانبی آ.ت. یوسف ف.ای. سولا-اُجو اس.اُ. آجید و.اُ. چیمزی جی.اچ. اِدوه -
Open Access Article
728 - Estrogens Receptors-New Players in Spermatogenesis
س. سارازوات -
Open Access Article
729 - Genetic Trends for Milk Yield, Persistency of Milk Yield,Somatic Cell Count and Calving Interval in Holstein Dairy Cows of Iran
A. Chegini A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
730 - Effects of Photoperiods during the Laying Period on Broiler Breeder Performance
ت. مکرمی ن. هدایت ایوریق ب. نویدشاد -
Open Access Article
731 - Effect of Different Amounts of Protein and Varying Proportions of Corn Silage and Alfalfa Hay on Milk Production and Nitrogen Excretion of Dairy Holstein Cows
ب. محتشمی ح.ر. میرزایی ح. امانلو -
Open Access Article
732 - Immune Responses and some Blood Metabolite Responses of Female Holstein Calves to Dietary Supplementationwith Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
R. Sajjadi A.A. Solati M. Khodaei Motlagh M. Kazemi Bonchenari -
Open Access Article
733 - Effects of Partial Replacement of Soybean Meal with Corn Gluten Meal, Fish Meal, or Their Combination on Dairy Calves’ Performance and Insulin Concentration
S. Avakh M. Khodaei-Motlagh M. Kazemi-Bonchenari -
Open Access Article
734 - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in Turkey Production System in Iran
ک. خیرعلیپور ز. پاینده ب. خوشنویسان -
Open Access Article
735 - Differential Adoption of Improved Dairy Husbandry Practices in Hill and Valley Regions of Manipur (India)
A. Shyam Singh K. Singh R. Chakravarty P. Imtiwati -
Open Access Article
736 - Economics of Fertility Management of Small Holding Dairy Farms in Bangladesh
M.Z. Ali S. Sultana M.T. Rahman M.S. Islam -
Open Access Article
737 - The Effect of Climate Change on Milk Yield in New Zealand: A Case Study of Fonterra
Z. Shaheen Ali Z. Li -
Open Access Article
738 - Influence of Using Sage Powder (Salvia officinalis) on Performance, Blood Cells, Immunity Titers, Biochemical Parameters and Small Intestine Morphology in Broiler Chickens
م. فرهادی م. هدایتی م. منافی س. خلجی -
Open Access Article
739 - Dietary Inclusion of Thyme Essential Oil Alleviative Effects of Heat Stress on Growth Performance and Immune System of Broiler Chicks
ک. رافت خفار ع. مجتهدین ن. رستگار م. کلوانی نیتلی ع. الفتی -
Open Access Article
740 - Identification of Pseudohermaphrodite Polled Apparently Female Goats Based on ZFX and SRY Sex Determination
H. Abyar B. Qasemi-Panahi G. Moghaddam S.A. Rafat A. Javanmard -
Open Access Article
741 - Growth Performance and Feed Conversion Efficiency of Crossbred Heifers
ن.ک.د. نس م.آ. باست ن. زاهان شوشه اس.آ. بلال م. آکتاروزمان م.ن. اودین -
Open Access Article
742 - Phenotypic Correlations in Broiler Breast Meat Quality and some Welfare Criteria: Implications of Photoperiod Length and Light Intensity
ای. درلی فیدان آ. نازلیگول م.ک. تورکییلماز اس. آنوپول آیپک ف. سویل کیلیمسی اس. کاراارسلان م. کایا -
Open Access Article
743 - Methionine-Supplemented Diet Increases the General Performance and Valueof Rahmani Lambs
A.S. El-Tahawy A.M. Ismaeil -
Open Access Article
744 - Influence of Fibrolytic Enzymes on the in vitro Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Different Types of Roughages Treatment
A. Moharrery -
Open Access Article
745 - Effect of Pelleting Temperature, Probiotic and Wheat Grain on Growth Performance, Blood Biochemical Variables, Immune Responses and Mucin 2 Gene Expression of Broiler Chicks
و. ایقانی ع.ا. صادقی س.ن. موسوی پ. جعفری م. چمنی -
Open Access Article
746 - Chemical Composition, Fatty Acids Profile and Biological Evaluation of Tannins of Selected Date Seeds Grown in Iran
آ. رضایینیا ع.ع. ناصریان ا. مختارپور -
Open Access Article
747 - Effects of Bovine Bile and Savory Essential Oil Supplemented Diets on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Parameters and Antioxidant Status of Broiler Chickens
S. Farajollahzadeh A.R. Safamehr A. Nobakht Y. Mehmannavaz -
Open Access Article
748 - The Metabolic Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) in Chickens: A Review
م. رویان ب. نویدشاد -
Open Access Article
749 - Effect of Exogenous Oxytocin Administration on the Performance of Lactating Nili Ravi Buffalo
A. Faraz N.A. Tauqir A. Waheed A. Hameed -
Open Access Article
750 - Potential of Genomic Breeding Program in Iranian Native Chickens
س. ابراهیم‏پورطاهر ص. علیجانی س.ع. رأفت ا.ر. شریفی -
Open Access Article
751 - The Effect of in ovo Injection of Royal Jelly on the Hatchability, Quality of One Day Broiler Chickens, the Performance and some Immune Related Traits in Hatched Chickens
م. گوهری ح.ر. خدائی م. طغیانی -
Open Access Article
752 - Efficacy of CIDR or FGA Sponges with hCG Treatments on the Conception Rate and Prolificacyin Lori Ewes Out of the Breeding Season
M.M. Moeini F. Alipour M.R. Sanjabi -
Open Access Article
753 - Milk Traits and Their Relationship with Udder Measurements in Awassi Ewes
K.Y. Merkhan -
Open Access Article
754 - Expression Profile of Five Stress-Related Genes of Khorasan Native Chickens under Acute Heat Stress
ر. توحیدی م.ر. نصیری ع. جوادمنش آ. جوانمرد -
Open Access Article
755 - Modelling Anaerobic Digestion of Cow Manure to Predict Methane Flow Rate
م. کمالی نسب ع. وکیلی م. دانش مسگران ر. ولی زاده س.ر. نبوی -
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756 - The Effect of Restricted Nutrition on Ewe Milking Performance and Lamb Growth Characteristics in Creep Feeding Conditions
M. Yıldırır H.I. Akbağ İ.Y. Yurtman -
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757 - Biochemical and Mineral Profile of South Eastern Algerian Desert Goats (Capra hircus)
N. Hafid T. Meziane B. Maamache M. Belkhiri -
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758 - In vitro Fiber Digestibility, Gas Production and Enzyme Activity of Cellulolytic Bacteria of Arabian Camels (Dromedary) Fed Cultivable and Pasture Forage
پ. دادور ط. محمدآبادی م. ساری ج. فیاضی -
Open Access Article
759 - Assessing of Peppermint as a Replacement for Antibiotic and Probiotic Using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution
H. Lotfollahian H. Hajati S.A. Hossieni A.H. Alizadeh-Ghamsari S. Tasharofi -
Open Access Article
760 - Genetic Diversity Analysis of Four Sheep Breeds of Iran: Towards Genetic Maintenance and Conservation Decision
H. Alnajm S. Alijani A. Javanmard S.A. Rafat K. Hasanpur -
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761 - Estimation of Economic Values of Productive Traits in Taleshi Sheep of Iran
A. Lavvaf M.B. Zandi A. Noshari -
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762 - Utilization of Urea and Urease Treated Rice Straw by Indigenous Growing Cattle
آ. اکتر م. اسدوزمان م.م. حسین ال. اسد -
Open Access Article
763 - The Effects of Acidic and Alkaline Hydrolysis Process on some Physical and Chemical Properties of Broiler Chicken Feathers
م.ای. سید ف.ن. یولیآتی م. سوکما -
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764 - Construction of Effective Livestock Insurance Model in Ukraine
O. Alshanova -
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765 - Run of Homozygosity a Procedure to Detecting Inbreeding in Farm Animals
م. نصرتی -
Open Access Article
766 - Relationship of Lipid Factors in Blood Serum and Seminal Plasma of Afshari Rams
A. Pirestani E. Ziya Motalebipour -
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767 - Lipid Oxidation in M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus in Lambs Reared Indoors and on Pasture
T. Popova Marinova Marinova -
Open Access Article
768 - The Effects of in ovo Administration of Glutamine on Hatchability, Subsequent Performance, Digestive Enzyme Activities, Immune Response and some of Blood Parameter in Broiler Chickens
م. سلمانزاده ی. ابراهیمنژاد ح. اقدم شهریار ج. قیاسی قلعهکندی -
Open Access Article
769 - Effects of Different Sources of Probiotics on Performance, Carcass, Intestinal Morphology and Bone Characteristics in Broiler Chickens
F. Naghibi H.R. Aliakbarpour V. Rezaeipour -
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770 - Effect of Crude Soybean Oil Sediment as a Substitute for Refined Soybean Oil in Broiler Diet
M.E. Hossain G.B. Das -
Open Access Article
771 - Dose-Response Effects of Various Rumen Microbial Modifier Essential Oils on Protein Degradation Using in vitro Gas Production Technique
م. دانش مسگران م.ر. نظری ع.ر. وکیلی ج. فلاحتی زو س. فدایی -
Open Access Article
772 - Effect of Processing Protein Supplements with Tannin Extracted from Pistachio by-Products on Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows in Early Lactation
م. شریفی ع.ع. ناصرانی ع.م. طهماسبی ر. ولیزاده -
Open Access Article
773 - Relationship between Immunoglobulin Concentrations in the Ewe's Serum and Colostrum, and Lamb's Serum in Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep
M. Vatankhah -
Open Access Article
774 - Effect of Graded Substitution of Barley Grain with Raisin Waste in Diet Contained Low Quality Forage on Growth Performance, Blood Metabolites and Nutrient Digestibility of Growing Ram Lamb
M. Ahmadi M. Yari M. Hedayati -
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775 - The Effect of Age and Location Pattern on the Morphometry of Purebred Redhead Barbary Ewes Reared under Arid Climate
S. Megdiche M. Ben Hamouda -
Open Access Article
776 - Effects of Pigments Extracted from the Marigold Flower on Egg Quality and Oxidative Stability of the Egg Yolk Lipids in Laying Hens
م. رضایی س. زکیزاده ن. ایلا -
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777 - Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Two Varieties of Guinea Corn and Millets as Replacement for Maize
E.D. Bulus E.A. Ibe S.T. Yakubu I. Samuel O.J. Makinde -
Open Access Article
778 - An Investigation on the Effect of Adding Different Levels of Molasses on the Silage Quality of Pistachio (Pistachio vera) by Product and Wheat Straw Mixture Silages
ن. دنک اس.اس. آیدین ب. دوگان داس ام. آوسی ام. ساورانلو -
Open Access Article
779 - The Chemical Composition, Digestibility and Degradability of Processed Pistachio Peel with Neurospora sitophila
م. وهاب زاده O. دیانی J. نصر -
Open Access Article
780 - The Effects of Sugar Beet Pulp with Tallow and Soybean Oil on Broiler Chicken Performance and Jejunum Morphology
F. Aziz-Aliabadi A. Hassanabadi A. Golian S. Zerehdaran H. Noruzi -
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781 - In vitro Maturation and Fertilization of Buffalo Oocytes Cultured in Media Supplemented with Bovine Serum Albumin
آ.ان.ام.ای. رحمان ام.آ.ام.ی. خاندوکر ال. اسد اس. ساها ر.س. پاوول اس. دبناس -
Open Access Article
782 - Inbreeding Effects on Average Daily Gains and Kleiber Ratios in Iranian Moghani Sheep
N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
783 - The Effect of in ovo Supplementation of Nano Zinc Oxide Particles on Hatchability and Post-Hatch Immune System of Broiler Chicken
آ. بیریا ب. نویدشاد ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق س. نیک بین -
Open Access Article
784 - Effect of Wheat Straw and Molasses Supplementation on Quality, Lamb Performance, and Digestibility of Forage Turnip (Brassica rapa) Silage
B. Dogan Das N. Denek -
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785 - Estrus Synchronization Methods during the Non-Breeding Season of Ghezel Ewe Lambs
M. Ebrahimi R. Aghamohammadzadeh G. Moghaddam H. Daghigh Kia -
Open Access Article
786 - Intestinal Morphology and Microbiology of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets Containing Myrtle (Myrtus communis) Essential Oil Supplementation
S. Ghazanfari M. Adib Moradi M. Mahmoodi Bardzardi -
Open Access Article
787 - Feather Pecking of Laying Hens in Different Stocking Density and Type of Cage
اس. خومپوت اس. موآنگچوم اس. یودپروم آ. پانیاساک جی. تی انجتام -
Open Access Article
788 - Possibility of Early Detection of Bovine Mastitis in Dairy Cows Using Thermal Images Processing
م.ر. گلزاریان ح. سلطانعلی ا. دوستی ایرانی س.ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
789 - Immunohistochemical Localization of Ghrelin in Testicular Tissues of Holstein Bulls
آ. بایزیدی آذر ب. شکرالهی -
Open Access Article
790 - Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Berari Goat Population of Maharashtra State
P. Mishra A.S. Ali S.V. Kuralkar S.P. Dixit R.A.K. Aggarwal P.S. Dangi N.K. Verma -
Open Access Article
791 - A New Idea in Animal Science: The First Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model in Selection of the Best Dairy Cow
س. علیتنه ح. نعیمی پور م. گل شیخی -
Open Access Article
792 - Analyzing Simple Sequence Repeats Derived from Expressed Sequence Tags in Dromedary Camels
ا. برازنده م. مختاری م. مقبلی دامنه ز. رودباری -
Open Access Article
793 - Effects of Freely Accessed Whey on Performance and Metabolism of Growing Murciano-Granadina Goats
M. Yadegar Salehi A. Nikkhah M.H. Khabbazan B. Hajimohammadi Darabi S. Sadeghi B. Moshiri -
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794 - Effect of Tomato Waste Meal on Lay Performance, Egg Quality, Lipid Profile and Carotene Content of Eggs in Laying Hens
M. Habanabashaka M. Sengabo I.O. Oladunjoye -
Open Access Article
795 - The Effect of Administering Equine Chorionic Gonadotropins (eCG) on Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows with a CO-Synch + CIDR Protocol and Insemination at a Fixed Time
م.م. منشادی ع. رستگارنیا Sh. اسماعیلی ثانی -
Open Access Article
796 - Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Growth Curve Parameters of Khazak Native Chickens
H. Faraji-Arough M. Ghazaghi F. Bagherzadeh Kasmani M. Rokouei -
Open Access Article
797 - Scrutinizing of a Liquid Prebiotic on Growth Performance and Internal Organs of Japanese Quail
ح. حاجاتی ع. گیلانی س. سیفی -
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798 - Effect of Protein Levels and Rumen Protected Glutamine Supplementation on Blood Metabolites, Thyroid Hormones, and Redox Status of Heat Stressed Fattening Lambs
M. Feyz A. Teimouri Yansari Y. Chashnidel E. Dirandeh -
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799 - The Use of Enterococci as Probiotics in Poultry
م. رویان -
Open Access Article
800 - Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Lactation Curve Traits in Holstein Dairy Cows in Iran
ف. سقانژاد ه. آتشی م. دادپسند م.ج. ضمیری ف. شکری-سنگری -
Open Access Article
801 - The Effects of L-Carnitine and Different Levels of Animal Fat on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, some Blood Parameters and Immune Response in Broiler Chicks
K. Parsaeimehr M. Afrouziyeh S. Hoseinzadeh -
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802 - Formulation of Least-Cost Dairy Ration for Small-Scale Dairy Farms Using ‘Solver Add-Ins’ in Microsoft Excel
م.ای. حسین جی .ب. داس م.آ. اکبر -
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803 - DRB1 Gene Patterns of Two Iranian Sheep Breeds
M. Sohrabi V. Molaee R. Osfoori M. Nikmard M.P. Eskandari Nasab -
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804 - The Effect of Limiting the Time of Feed Access during the Growing Phase on the Performance of Broilers
A. Ranjbar B. Navidshad M.R. Asadi F. Mirzaei Aghjehgheshlagh A. Kalantari Hesari -
Open Access Article
805 - Genetic Transformation of Amylase Gene to Ruminal Bacteroides Species Using Conjugation Consequence for Improvement of Rumen Enzyme
ح. عقبی طلب ف. مرادیان ق. رحیمی ح. رحیمیان -
Open Access Article
806 - Assessing Genetic Diversity in Two Local Chicken Breeds in Egypt Using Microsatellite Markers
M.I. El-Hefnawy E.A. El-Gendy A.M. El-Kaiaty M. Helal -
Open Access Article
807 - Effect of Thymol + Carvacrol by Next Enhance 150® on Intestinal Development of Broiler Chickens Fed CMC Containing Diet
H. Hashemipour H. Kermanshahi A. Golian A. Raji M.M. Van Krimpen -
Open Access Article
808 - Meta-Analysis of Methane Mitigation Strategies: Improved Predictions of Mitigation Potentials and Production Implications
آ. چیجیوک اوگبانا ا. رودینو سائتنان -
Open Access Article
809 - Application of Mathematical Models to Estimate Metabolizable Energy Contents of Energetic Concentrate Feedstuffs for Poultry
M. Sedghi K. Tayebipoor B. Poursina M. Eman Toosi P. Soleimani Roudi -
Open Access Article
810 - Effects of Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Powder on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation, Meat Quality and Humoral Immune Response in Fattening Lambs
M. Vahabzadeh م. چمنی O. Dayani A.A. Sadeghi M.R. Mohammadabadi -
Open Access Article
811 - Potential Nutritive Value of Selected Leguminous Browse Forage Species from Nigeria Using in vitro Gas Production Technique
آ.آ. نجیدا آ.اً. اًلافادهان اچ.آ. آلکالی -
Open Access Article
812 - Prevalence and Risk Factors of Subclinical Mastitis in Iranian Holstein Cows
س. نقشینه س.ع. رافت ج. شجاع غ.ع. مقدم م. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
813 - Mitigating Potential of Three Phytogenic Feed Additives in Broilers Exposed to Dietary Aflatoxin
A.O. Salako J.O. Atteh T.O. Akande I.O. Opowoye T.A. Aderibigbe -
Open Access Article
814 - Predicting CpG Islands and Their Relationship with Genomic Feature in Cattle by Hidden Markov Model Algorithm
A. برازنده م.ر. محمدآبادی م. قادری ح. نظام آبادی پور -
Open Access Article
815 - Association of PIT1 Gene with Milk Fat Percentage in Holstein Cattle
ز. ابراهیمی حسینزاده م.ر. محمدآبادی ع. اسمعیلیزاده الف خضری ع. نجمی نوری -
Open Access Article
816 - The Effect of Powder and Essential Oil of Savory Medicinal Plant Me (Satureja hortensis)on Performance and Antioxidant Status of Broiler Chicks under Heat Stress
S. Montazeri M. Jafari S. Khojasteh -
Open Access Article
817 - Rumen Fermentation Responses to Dairy Diets Differing in Protein Degradation Potential and Processed Barley Grain
ا. خطیبی شهری م. دانش مسگران د. زحمتکش -
Open Access Article
818 - Effects of Two Kinds of Bentonite on Performance, Blood Biochemical Parameters, CarcassCharacteristics and Tibia Ash of Broiler Chickens
F. Khanedar R. Vakili S. Zakizadeh -
Open Access Article
819 - Comparison of the Growth Curve Models on Live Weights in Terms of Different Environmental Factors in Awassi Lambs
H. Hızlı E. Yazgan -
Open Access Article
820 - Association of Biological and Chemical Additives on Nutrient Composition, Total Losses, Microbiological and Fermentative Profile of Sugarcane Silage
اچ.ام.سی. اراکی ای.آر. د اُلیویرا جی.آر. گندرا آر.اچ. تی.بی. د گواِس سی.اس. تکیا آ.جی. جکواَنا کا.ام.پی. د اُلیویرا دی.ان. وسکواِس ان.آر. برندااُ کنسلو تی.آ. دل واله ان. دوآن اُرباچ -
Open Access Article
821 - Effect of the Level Freshwater Snail Flesh (Pomacea paludosa) Soaked in Biochar in Feed on the Performance and Digestives Tract of Male Alabio Ducks (Anas Plathyrhyncos Borneo)
S. Dharmawati H. Hartutik O. Sjofjan M.H. Natsir -
Open Access Article
822 - Effects of Glutamine Supplementation on Growth Performance and Antioxidant Status in Broilers with Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome (PHS)
M. Fathi T. Tanha M. Daneshyar -
Open Access Article
823 - Influence of Protein Source on the Growth of Lambs
م. سیمنوو ک. ندلکو -
Open Access Article
824 - Effects of Supplementing Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Seed Hulls and Commercial Concentrate on Grazing Weanling Boer-Goats
جی.کا. متهتهو م. لتسو اس.اس. رامابو کا. تشیرلتسو -
Open Access Article
825 - Lack of Association of Ascites Incidence with Growth Characteristics in a Commercial Chicken Strain
M. Karami J. Fayazi K. Hasanpur A. Javanmard H. Varnaseri -
Open Access Article
826 - Effects of Heat Processing of Soybeans and Linseed on Ruminal Fatty Acid Biohydrogenation in situ
م.س. صمدی ی. چاشنی دل ع. دیرانده ه. دلدار -
Open Access Article
827 - The Effects of Different Levels of Edible Potato (Solanum tubresum) Replacing Maize on Performance, Serum Metabolite and Immune Systemof Broiler Chicks
O. Mozafari S. Ghazi M.M. Moeini -
Open Access Article
828 - Effects of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Oils on Growth Performance and Blood Parameters in Holstein Suckling Calves
ح. صیرفی س. سبحانی راد -
Open Access Article
829 - Blood, Milk and Meat Vitamin D in the Dromedary Camel
م. ال خسمی ب. فایِ -
Open Access Article
830 - Fortification of Catalase Improves Post Thaw Fertility of Goat Semen
R. Ranjan P. Singh C. Gangwar S.P. Singh D.K. Swain S.D. Kharche -
Open Access Article
831 - A Review on the Effect of Arginine on Growth Performance, Meat Quality, Intestine Morphology, and Immune System of Broiler Chickens
H. Ghamari Monavvar G. Moghaddam M. Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
832 - Determination of Apparent and True Digestibility of Poultry by Product Meal in Broiler Chickens
A. Zarei V. Jaberzadeh B. Hemmati -
Open Access Article
833 - Effects of Replacing Alfalfa Hay and Wheat Straw by Pistachio by-Product Silage and Date Waste on the Performance and Blood Parameters of Fattening Lambs
ب. سلطانی نژاد O. دیانی ر. طهماسبی ا. خضری -
Open Access Article
834 - Effect of Autoclave, Microwave Radiation and Their Combination on the Metabolic Energy and Nutrient Digestibility of Wheat Screening Waste in Broilers
M. Hashemi B. Navidshad H. Lotfollahian F. Mirzaei Aghjehgheshlagh S. Karamati -
Open Access Article
835 - The Effects of Different Levels of Dried Aerial Parts Powder and Extract of Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Medicinal Plant on Performance, Egg Quality, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Laying Hens
J. Paymard A. Nobakht F. Mazlum M. Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
836 - The Effects of Different Levels of Grass ClippingWaste on Performance, Egg Traits and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens
A. Nobakht -
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837 - Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Southern Anatolian Red Calves
ه. هیزلی ت. آیاسان آ. آیسیک -
Open Access Article
838 - Effects of Marker Density, Number of Quantitative Trait Loci and Heritability of Trait on Genomic Selection Accuracy
ف. علاء نوشهر س.ع. رأفت ر. ایمانی-نبئی ص. علیجانی ک. روبرت گرنیه -
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839 - The Effect of Soybean Meal Heating Time on the in vitro Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation Profile
W. Wulandari B.P. Widyobroto C.T. Noviandi A. Agus -
Open Access Article
840 - Economics of Feeding Sun-Dried Poultry Dropping Based Diets on Growing Rams Consuming Sorghum Stover
آ.آ. بلو -
Open Access Article
841 - Effects of in ovo Injection of Nano Zinc Oxide on the Hatchability, Immunity and Antioxidant Responses, and Relative Gene Expressions of Interleukin 2 and 12 in Broiler Chickens
J. Palouj M. Kazemi-Fard M. Rezaei Z. Ansari-Piresaraei -
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842 - Determinants of Technical Efficiency of the Dairy Farmers in Ada’a District of Oromia State, Ethiopia
L. Fita M.M. Trivedi A.M. Patel B. Tassew C.G. Joshi -
Open Access Article
843 - The Optimum Energy Density in Diets for Lori-Bakhtiari Lambs during a Fattening Program
م. کاظمی بن چناری م.ر. جوانمرد م. اسلامیزاد -
Open Access Article
844 - Efficacy of Ascorbic Acid and Butylated Hydroxylanisole in Amelioration of Aflatoxicosis in Broiler Chickens
R. Singh A.B. Mandal -
Open Access Article
845 - The Application of Recursive Mixed Models for Estimating Genetic and Phenotypic Relationships between Calving Difficulty and Lactation Curve Traits in Iranian Holsteins: A Comparison with Standard Mixed Models
م.س. مختاری م. مرادی شهربابک ا. نجاتی جوارمی گ.جی.ام روزا -
Open Access Article
846 - The Effect of Graded Levels of Crude Glycerin in BRS Capiaçu Grass Silage: Fermentation Profile and Bromatological Composition
م.سی.آ. سیلوا ن.م. کستا جی.پی.اس. ریگوریا د.ل.اس. جسوس ن.ب.اس. سیلوا و.اس. سیلوا فیلهو جی.ت. سیلوا جی.جی.اس. آرایوجو وی.ر. روچا جونیور د.د. آلوز جی.م.آ. چامون اف.پی. مونکااُ -
Open Access Article
847 - Evaluation of Two Laying Systems (Floor vs. Cage) on Egg Production, Quality and Safety
V.G. Stanley D. Nelson M.B. Daley -
Open Access Article
848 - Association between Ovoinhibitor (OIH) Gene Polymorphism and Egg Quality Traits in Golden Kamper Hybrid Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
D. Retnosari B.S. Daryono -
Open Access Article
849 - Effect of Supplementation with Different Proportion of Concentrate Mixture and Untreated or Calcium Hydroxide Treated Acacia toritilis Leaves on Feed Intake, Digestibility, Nutrient Retention and Rumen Fermentation Parameters of Arsi-Bale Goats Fed Rhodes Grass Hay Basal Diet
م. بایسا ت. نگس آ. تولرا -
Open Access Article
850 - Determination of Nutritive Value of Poa trivialis Using in vitro Methods, Gas Production and Nylon Bag
ف. میرزائی آقجه قشلاق ا. قربانی ع. مهدوی ب. نویدشاد س. کرامتی جبهدار -
Open Access Article
851 - Association between the Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene Polymorphisms and Growth Trait in Sumba Ongole Cattle
A. Fathoni S. Sumadi I.G.S. Budisatria A.P.Z.N.L. Sari D. Maharani -
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852 - Relationship between Phenotypic Sexual Characters and Semen Characteristics in Four Strains of Cocks in Northern Nigeria
A.A. Ibrahim N.K. Alade J. Aliyu . A.I Muhammad -
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853 - Determination of Nutritive Value of Soybean Varieties Using in vitro Methods and Gas Production Technique
ت. آیسان م. بوگا م. بایلان اس. ارگول اچ. کوتای اس. نعیم سابر سی. میزرک پی. کوبوکسو -
Open Access Article
854 - Body Weight Prediction of Dromedary Camels Using the Machine Learning Models
N. Asadzadeh M. Bitaraf Sani E. Shams Davodly J. Zare Harofte M. Khojestehkey S. Abbaasi A. Shafie Naderi -
Open Access Article
855 - Effects of the Time of the Switch from an Unsaturated (Sunflower Oil) to a Saturated (Tallow) Dietary Fat Source on Performance and Carcass Fatty Acid Profile of Broiler Chickens
M. Ahmadi Y. Mohammadi H. Darmani Kuhi Y. Yousefi -
Open Access Article
856 - The Effects of Restaurant Residuals in the Diet on General Performance, Egg Characteristics, Blood Parameters and Intestinal Morphology of Japanese Quails
Y. Karimi A.A. Saki H. Jahanian Najafabadi P. Zamani M. Houshyar -
Open Access Article
857 - Allelic Polymorphism of Calpastatin Gene (CAST) in Khalkhali Goats: A Possible Marker for Meat Tenderness
ا. زارعیان جهرمی M. رنجبری س. خالقی‏زاده س. احراری ا. احراری م. قوی‏پیشه -
Open Access Article
858 - Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Milk Production Traits on BTA 14 in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle: A Confirmation
م. نوری صادق س. انصاری-مهیاری م.پ. اسکندری نسب ف. رفیعی -
Open Access Article
859 - Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and Asparagus Root (Asparagus officinalis) Effects on Digestion and Kinetics of Gas Production of Alfalfa Hay Using in vitro Technique
و. ناصری ف. کفیلزاده ف. هژبری -
Open Access Article
860 - Morphometric Traits and Correlation between Body Weight and Body Size Traits in Isa Brown and IlorinEcotype Chickens
T.R. Fayeye J.K. Hagan A.R. Obadare -
Open Access Article
861 - Effect of Cut and Irrigation Water Quality on Chemical Composition and in situ Rumen Degradability of Alfalfa
م. قدمی ا. تیموری یانسری ی. چاشنیدل -
Open Access Article
862 - Effects of Energy and Protein Levels of Maternal Diets at Late Gestation on Growth, Health and Performance of Goat Kids
ر. رحمانی فیروزی ا. تیموری یانسری ع. دیرنده -
Open Access Article
863 - Myostatin Gene Polymorphism and Its Association with Production Traits in Western Azerbaijan Native Chickens
S. Zandi P. Zamani K. Mardani -
Open Access Article
864 - Effect of the Addition of Insulin Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) on Cryopreservation of Hariana Bull Semen
G.V. Singh A. Kumar V. Sachan J.K. Agrawal A. Saxena -
Open Access Article
865 - Effect of Pre-Pubertal Plan of Nutrition on Reproductive Performance, Hormone Concentrations and Milk Production in Kurdish Female Lambs
ص. منتیان ح.ر. میرزایی الموتی ف. فتاح نیا ر. معصومی -
Open Access Article
866 - In vitro Evaluation of Different Substitution Levels of Soybean Meal by Guar Meal in a Fattening Diet for Lambs
ن. سلیمانی م. ملکی ح. علیعربی پ. زمانی م. دهقان-بنادکی -
Open Access Article
867 - Supplemental Glutathione Improves Post-Thaw Quality of Holstein Bulls Sperm in a Nanomicelle based Extender
T. Nadri A. Towhidi S. Zeinoaldini G. Riazi M. Zhandi M. Sharafi -
Open Access Article
868 - A Survey on Turkey Rearing in Rural Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria
O.J. Amao K.L. Ayorinde T.R. Fayeye -
Open Access Article
869 - Dietary Supplementation of Enzymes: An Approach to Mitigate Ammonia Emission during Broiler Production
S. Sugiharto I. Agusetyaningsih E. Widiastuti H.I. Wahyuni T. Yudiarti T.A. Sartono -
Open Access Article
870 - Generic Zilpaterol Sources Affect Similarly the Meat Quality of Hairy Lambs When Compared with Patent Zilpaterol
O. Carrillo-Muro A. Rivera-Villegas B.I. Castro-Pérez J.D. Urías-Estrada C. Angulo-Montoya P. Hernández-Briano A. Plascencia A. Barreras A. Estrada-Angulo -
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871 - Transhumant Sheep and Goat Farming Sector in Greece
A. سیاسیو ک. گالانوپولوس آی. میتسوپولوس آ. راگکوس و. لاگا -
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872 - Genetic Analysis of Three Structural Proteins in Iranian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isolate
M. Nosrati M. Tahmorespoor M.R. Nassiry -
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873 - Effect of Forage Feeding Level on Body Weight, Body Condition Score, Milk Production, and Milk Urea Nitrogen of Holstein Cows on an Organic Diet
م. شریفی ع.ا. خادم ب.ج. هینس ر. پهلوان ج. موسوی م. صفدری -
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874 - Effect of Propolis Supplementation on Productive Performance in Local Quail
I.T. Tayeb B.F. Sulaiman -
Open Access Article
875 - Genetic Differentiation of Draa Indigenous Breed and Relationships with Other Goat Populations Assessed by Microsatellite DNA Markers
ام. ایبنلبشیر ال. کلی آی. بوجنانه آ. چیخی آ. نبیچ ام. پیرو -
Open Access Article
876 - Effect of Synbiotic on Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Fecal Microbial Population and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Lambs
ا. معرب ت. قورچی س. رمضانپور ف. گنجی ع.ر. کوچک زاده -
Open Access Article
877 - Relationship of Dietary Fat Sources with Semen Characteristics, Blood Plasma Metabolites and Scrotal Circumference in Mature Rams
آ. رادمنش ح. درمانی کوهی آ. ریاسی -
Open Access Article
878 - Milk Production, Milk Fatty Acid Profiles and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Dairy Cows Fed Diets Based on Dried Citrus Pulp
B. Ebrahimi A. Taghizadeh Y. Mehmannavaz -
Open Access Article
879 - Effect of Supplementing Common Reed (Phragmites australis) with Urea on Intake, Apparent Digestibility and Blood Metabolites of Baluchi Sheep
ا. مختارپور م. جهان تیغ -
Open Access Article
880 - Effect of Feeding of Various Types of Soybean Meal and Differently Processed Barley Grain on Performance of High Producing Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows
ا. خطیبی شهری م. دانش مسگران د. زحمتکش -
Open Access Article
881 - Polymorphisms in GDF9 Gene and Its Relationship with Litter Size in Five Breeds of Black Goats
G.Q. Zhu Q.I. Wang Y.G. Kang Y.Z. Lv B.Y. Cao -
Open Access Article
882 - Potential Relevance of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Peel in the Nutrition, Health, and Quality Products of Poultry
E.A. Akuru C.I. Chukwuma C.E. Oyeagu T.C. Mpendulo F.B. Lewu -
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883 - Economic Feasibility of Producing Feedlot Lambs Fed on Sunflower Cake
ف.پ. مونکائو ا.ر. داُلیویرا آ.م. دآرایوجو گابریل ج.ر. گاندرا ه.م.س. آراکی ف. دآلمیدا ناسیمنتو گ.س.گ. رودیگز ت.ل. پرییرا -
Open Access Article
884 - Lysine Requirements of Female Japanese Quails Base on Performance and Carcass Variables from Twenty-One to Forty-Two Days of Age
I. Hajkhodadadi H. Moravej M. Shivazad H. Ghasemi A. Zareh-Shahneh -
Open Access Article
885 - Different Sources of Protein Effect in the Flushing Rations on some Blood Parameters and the Reproductive Performance of Ghezel Sheep
ح. دقیق کیا آ. احمدفاضل ع. حسین خانی -
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886 - Sward Factors Influence on Pasture Dry Matter Intake of Grazing Dairy Cows: A Review
آ.ال. روکا فرناندز آ. گنزالو ردریگوئز -
Open Access Article
887 - B and T-Cell Epitope Prediction of the OMP25 Antigen for Developing Brucella melitensis Vaccines for Sheep
س. یوسفی م. طهمورثپور م.ه. سخاوتی -
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888 - The Comparison of Four Economical Selection Indices for Improving the Performance of Kermani Sheep under Rural Production System
N. Kargar Borzi M.S. Mokhtari -
Open Access Article
889 - Breeding Objectives and Desired-Gain Selection Index for Rayeni Cashmere Goat in Pasture System
ن. کارگر برزی ا. آیتاللهی مهرجردی م.ع. عباسی -
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890 - Selenium Supplementation Efficacy in Small Ruminants: A Review
A.B. Amin R. Audu A.A. Ibrahim M. Dalha M.T. Aleem A.I. Abdullahi -
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891 - The Effect of Prepubertal Castration on Wool Diameter and Blood Testosterone in Ghezel Breed
ف. نظری-زنوز ق. مقدم س.ع. رافت ز. عبدی ک. اعتماد گرگان ر. نبوی -
Open Access Article
892 - Effect of Roasted Soybean and Canola Seeds on Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors Gamma (PPARG) Gene Expression and Cattle Milk Characteristics
م. اَحسنی م.ر. محمدآبادی م. اسدی فوزی ع. اسمعیلی زاده کوشکوئه ا. خضری م. ویتالیونا بوشتراک M. Vitaliivna Bushtruk س. واسیلیوویچ تکاچنکو ر. ولادیمیریونا استاوتسکا ن. ایگوریونا کلاپمکو -
Open Access Article
893 - The Comparative Analysis of the Allele Pool of Thoroughbred Horses in Different Countries
A.V. Shelyov O.V. Melnyk I.O. Suprun V.G. Spyrydonov S.D. Melnychuk V.V. Dzitsiuk B.M. Gopka -
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894 - Microsatillate based Parentage Verification in Crossbred Sheep Herds
ک. کسرایی س.ع. رافت آ. جوانمرد ج. شجاع م. عبدالسعید م. خان سفید -
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895 - Estimation of Body Weight from Heart Girth in Sardi and Timahdite Sheep Using Different Models
آی. بوجنانه اس. هلهالی -
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896 - Effects of Non-Genetic Factors and Permanent Maternal Environment on Biometric Traits in Moghani Sheep
س. بخشعلی زاده م. غفاری ع. هاشمی ش. جعفری -
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897 - Estimation of the Carbon Footprint in Dairy Sheep Farm
A. Ceyhan E. Akyol A. Ünalan S. Çınar W. Ali -
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898 - The Effect of Cattle Seminal Plasma Crude Protein on the Cryopreservation of Goat Semen
ت. وایو سوپرایوگی س. سوسیلواتی -
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899 - Factors Associated with Negative Energy Balance and Its Effect on Behavior and Production Performance of Dairy Cows: A Review
A.K. Singh C. Bhakat D.K. Mandal A. Mandal A. Chatterjee M.K. Ghosh T.K. Dutta M. Karunakaran -
Open Access Article
900 - Milk Yield and Blood Metabolite Profile in Late Pregnancy in Lori Ewes Receiving Diets Containing Undegradable Protein Sources
ر. کوشکی ح. منصوری یاراحمدی م. خالداری ج. فخرائی ک. کرکودی -
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901 - Reduced Skull Sexual Dimorphism in a Local Sheep Breed
P.M. Pares-Casanova -
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902 - Effect of Fat-Tail Docking on the Reproductive Performance in Ghezel and Mehraban Sheep
هـ آتشی ج. ایزدی فرد -
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903 - Effects of Copper Sulfate and Arginine Supplements on Performance and Carcass Traits in Broiler Chickens Fed with Canola Meal Based Diet
ص. عظیمی یوالاری پ. فرهومند پ. باغبان کنعانی ب. حسینتبار قاسمآباد -
Open Access Article
904 - Growth Performance, Rumen and Cecum Fermentation Parameters, and Microbial Protein Synthesis in Kermani Lambs with Divergent Residual Feed Intake Fed Forage and Concentrate Diets
M. Gevari M.R. Dehghani M. Yousef Elahi R. Hoshyar -
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905 - Fear Response in Roosters Orally Exposed to Alcohol: An Alternative Animal Model
F. Pazhoohi S. Shojaee M.M. Ommati F. Saemi A. Akhlaghi -
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906 - Investigation of the Nutritional Potential of some Rangeland Plants Species by in vitro Gas Production and Fermentation Parameters in Torbat-e Jam, Iran: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
E. Ibrahimi Khoram Abadi M. Kazemi -
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907 - Application of Body Measurements of Blackhead Somali Sheep as Parameters for Estimation of Live Weight
آ. آبرا فیسا ک. کبده کفنی ن. آماها -
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908 - Estimation of Variance Components for Body Weight of Moghani Sheep Using B-Spline Random Regression Models
پ. زمانی م.ر. مرادی د. علیپور ا. احمدی -
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909 - The Impact of Bentonite Feed Additives on Laying Hens Performance and Egg Quality: A Meta Analysis
A. Darmawan E. Ozturk -
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910 - Study of Factors Affecting Longevity and Survival of Iranian Guilan Sheep Using Linear and Non-Linear Models
م. نداف فهمیده ن. قوی حسین زاده م. گلشنی -
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911 - Genetic Analysis of Ewe Productivity Traits in Baluchi Sheep
م. جعفراوغلی ع. صفری ع.ا. شادپرور ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
Open Access Article
912 - Polymorphism of the Growth Hormone Gene and Its Effect on Production and Reproduction Traits in Goat
ف. غلامحسین زاده گوکی م.ر. محمدآبادی م. اسدی فوزی -
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913 - Potential Challenges to the Adoption of Organic Poultry Farming in Nigeria: A Review
او.اس. اددجی تی.کا. اوگانسینا آ.او. آکین وومی اس.آ. آمن او.او. اوجبییی ج.آ. آکیندالا -
Open Access Article
914 - Operational Conditions of Micronized Maize Grains Assessed by Modeling Ruminal in vitro Gas Production Data and Three Steps Method
R. Samsami A. Rohani V. Heidarian Miri س.ه. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
915 - Effect of Different Levels of Turmeric and Rosemary Essential Oils on Performance and Oxidative Stability of Broiler Meat
م. قرهجانلو م. مهری ف. شیرمحمد -
Open Access Article
916 - Investigation the Effects of Bacterial Additive and Moisture Absorbent on the Fermentability and Nutrient Composition of Potato Silage
M. Jalili H. Mohammadzadeh A. Hossein-Khani A. Taghizadeh -
Open Access Article
917 - Polymorphism of some Genes Associated with Meat-Related Traits in Egyptian Sheep Breeds
کا.ف. ماهروس م.اس. حسنان م. ابدل مردی اچ.آی. شافی اچ.ای. روشدی -
Open Access Article
918 - Effects of Rumen Undegradable Protein on Productive Performance and N Balance of Holstein Cows in Early Post-Partum Period
م. ابوذر ف. نیازی -
Open Access Article
919 - Effect of Different Fat Sources on some Blood Metabolites, Hormones, and Enzyme Activities of Lambs with Different Residual Feed Intake in Heat-Stressed Condition
G. Halakoo ا. تیموری یانسری M. Mohajer Y. Chashnidel -
Open Access Article
920 - Estimating Genetic Parameters of Body Weight Traits in Kourdi Sheep
ع.ر. شهدادی د.ع. ساقی -
Open Access Article
921 - An Investigation on Population Structure and Inbreeding of Sangsari Sheep
م. میرزایی ایلالی س. حسنی م. آهنی آذری ر. عبدالهپور س. نقویان -
Open Access Article
922 - Genetic Variation of Cytochrome b Gene in Three Local Goat Breeds in Central Java of Indonesia
س. سوتوپو ا. پوربوواتی ا. کورنیانتو -
Open Access Article
923 - The Effect of Different Dietary Crude Protein Content on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Blood Metabolites of Cull Bali Cows Fed on Urea-Treated Rice Straw
I.G.N. Jelantik G.E.M. Malelak I. Benu C.L.O. Leo-Penu -
Open Access Article
924 - Effect of in ovo Injection of Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles on Bone Post Hatched Characteristics and Broiler Chicken Performance
ج. سالاری ح.ر. همتی متین ک. غفاری ه. حاجتی -
Open Access Article
925 - Effect of Processed Barley Grain on in vitro Rumen Fermentation and Fate of Nitrogen Metabolism
P. Kheirandish M. Danesh Mesgaran A. Javadmanesh M. Mohri E. Khafipour S.A. Vakili -
Open Access Article
926 - The Effect of Different Levels of Tanacetum balasmita Medicinal Plant Powder and Extract on Performance, Carcass Traits and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks
ع. نوبخت ب. فیضی ع.ر. صفا مهر -
Open Access Article
927 - Association between Insulin–Like Growth Factor I Polymorphism and Early Growth Traits in Iranian Zandi Sheep, Found Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)
ف. نظری ع. نوشری ب. همتی -
Open Access Article
928 - Effect of Tannin Extract from Pistachio by Product on in vitro Gas Production
ام. شریفی آ.آ. ناصریان اچ. خراسانی -
Open Access Article
929 - Effects of Starter Diet Feed Particle and Crumble Size on Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Small Intestinal Histomorphology in Broiler Chicks
ع. شیرانی م. شیوازاد ع. سمیع م. چمنی ع.ا. صادقی -
Open Access Article
930 - Effect of Tannins and Monensin on Rumen Fermentation and Feed Energy Partitioning of Nellore Cows
R.J. Tseu F. Perna Junior R.F. Carvalho G.A. Sene C.B. Tropaldi A.H. Peres F. Dos Anjos P.H.M. Rodrigues -
Open Access Article
931 - Effects of Encapsulated Nano- and Microparticles of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Alcoholic Extract on the Growth Performance, Blood Parameters and Immune Function of Broilers under Heat Stress Condition
ث. یارمحمدی بربرستانی ف. صمدی س. حسنی ق. اسدی -
Open Access Article
932 - Dlk1 Gene Expression in Different Tissues of Lamb
S.H. Masoudzadeh M.R. Mohammadabadi A. Khezri O.A. Kochuk-Yashchenko D.M. Kucher O.I. Babenko M.V. Bushtruk S.V. Tkachenko R.V. Stavetska N.I. Klopenko V.P. Oleshko M.V. Tkachenko I.V. Titarenko -
Open Access Article
933 - Effect of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in IGF-1R Gene on Growth Rate Traits in Makooei Sheep
م. پسندیده ق. رحیمی و. همتی -
Open Access Article
934 - Molecular Characterization of Iraqi Local Goat Breeds Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers
Y. Muhammad Salih Al-Barzinj ر. اسمات اوراماری ر. عبد الغنی ال-سنجوری -
Open Access Article
935 - Molecular Test for the Detection of Residual DNA in Blood, Milk, Urine and Faeces Samples from Holstein Cattle Fed with Genetically Modified Cereal
R. Nahavandi A. Javanmard S.A. Rafat H. Paya N. Asadzadeh H. Cheraghi -
Open Access Article
936 - Assessment of Biochemical and Histopathological Changes in the Liver of Chick Embryo Treated with a Commercial Deltamethrin Formulation
ن. بهاسکر ل. شاهانی -
Open Access Article
937 - Protein Oxidation in M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus Lambs Reared Indoors and on Pasture
تی. پوپووا پی. مارینووا -
Open Access Article
938 - Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Association with Threonine on Productive Performance in Broilers
م.ف. پرالتا آ.ج. نیلسون ر.د. میازو -
Open Access Article
939 - The Effects of X-Ray Irradiation on Bovine Sperm Quality Indicators After Freezing and Thawing
P. Shawrang F. Abbasi -
Open Access Article
940 - Effects of Different Toxin Adsorbents on the Amount of Diazinon Residue in White Grape Pomace and Milk Production and Composition and Toxin Residues in Mohabadi Lactating Goats
ب. پورمحمود ر. پیرمحمدی ح. خلیلوندی بهروزیار -
Open Access Article
941 - Genomic Selection Signatures in Two French and Swedish Holstein Cattle Breeds Provide Evidence for Several Potential Candidate Genes Linked to Economic Traits
R. Salehi A. Javanmard M. Mokhber S. Alijani -
Open Access Article
942 - Effect of Processing of Sorghum Stover Based Diets on Performance, Values of Haematological and Biochemical Parameters and Immune Response in Growing Nellore Lamb
د. ناگالاکشمی ک. دهانالاکشمی -
Open Access Article
943 - Mitochondrial Diversity and Phylogenetic Structure of Marghoz Goat Population
ح.ر. سیدآبادی ک. پهلوان افشاری م. عبدالمالکی -
Open Access Article
944 - The Effect of Uncoupling Protein Polymorphisms on Growth, Breeding Value of Growth and Reproductive Traits in the Fars Indigenous Chicken
آ. محمدیفر م.ر. محمدآبادی -
Open Access Article
945 - In vivo Testis Transfection Efficiently Produced Transfected Sperm Cells in Ram but not Rooster
A. Ebnali A. Dehghani Poudeh A. Pirestani M. Forouzanfar S. Eghbalsaied -
Open Access Article
946 - The Effect of Medicinal Plants as a Feed Additive in Ruminant Nutrition
M. Tajodini P. Moghbeli H.R. Saeedi M. Effati -
Open Access Article
947 - Effect of Various Levels of Protein in Diet Based on Total and Digestible Amino Acids on Performance of Cobb Strain Broilers
ح. قربانعلی زارعی ا. ح. نوروزیان -
Open Access Article
948 - Economic Evaluation of Ostrich Production Using Fuzzy Approach in Sistan
ز. غفاری مقدم -
Open Access Article
949 - Improve the Efficiency of Dairy Farms through a Typology Based on Dietary Management, in Central Macedonia Region, Greece
I. Mitsopoulos V. Dotas M. Tsiouni A. Pavloudi D. Kyrtsoudis D. Gourdouvelis -
Open Access Article
950 - Gastrointestinal Microbial Population Response and Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed with Organic Acids and Silver Nanoparticles Coated on Zeolite under Heat Stress Condition
ا. عباسی س.ر. هاشمی س. حسنی م. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
951 - Comparative Expression Analysis of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Markers in Cattle and Sheep
F. Nasri Ahangar M. Zandi M.R. Sanjabi A. Ghaedrahmati -
Open Access Article
952 - Effect of Levels of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on Performance and Blood Biochemical Characteristics in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix)
ا. اسعدی-دیزجی ح. اقدم شهریار ن. ماهری سیس -
Open Access Article
953 - Behaviour of Cows in the Milking Parlour and Its Relationship with Milk Production and Type of Na
I. Polupan V. Siriak R. Stavetska O. Babenko M.R. Mohammadabadi -
Open Access Article
954 - Influence of Dietary Energy and Protein Intake on Yield and Composition of Milk in Crossbred Dairy Cows
M.E. Hossain T. Chanda G.K. Debnath M.M. Hassan M.A. Haque -
Open Access Article
955 - Measurement of Acid-Binding Capacity for Poultry Feedstuffsin Deionized and Magnetized Water
ع. گیلانی ح. کرمانشاهی ا. گلیان م. قلی زاده ا.ع. محمدپور -
Open Access Article
956 - Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in β-Lactoglobulin Gene and Its Association with Milk Composition in Iranian Indigenous Khalkhali Goats
ن. هدایت-ایوریق S. Zalpour R. Seyed Sharifi R. Khalkhali-Evrigh B. Navidshad K. Pourasad H. Shirzadi -
Open Access Article
957 - Allelic and Genotypic Distribution in Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) G.676A > G of Melanocortin-1 Receptor (MC1R) Gene in Indonesian Goat Breeds
د. ماهارانی اس. الیسر آ.جی.اس. بودیساتریا آ. باتوبارا د.ن.اچ. هاریونو آ.پی.ز.ن.ل. ساری -
Open Access Article
958 - Effects of Levels of Inclusion of Locally Processed Fish Waste Meal in the Diets of White Leghorn Layers on Performance Parameters, Hatchability, Economics, Egg Production and Egg Quality
آ. آلمایهو م. یورج آ. گتو -
Open Access Article
959 - Effects of Isoflavones in Feed on Plasma Estradiol Concentration and Productive Performances in Laying Hens
ن. جرگوسکا ک. فیلو و. لوکو و. کوستو ر. جورجیوسکی س. جورجیوسکی س. گریگروا -
Open Access Article
960 - Comparison of Using Ionophore and Non-Ionophore Coccidiostats on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Blood Biochemical Parameters and Gut Microbial Flora in Broiler Chickens
M. Ghasemi-Sadabadi ی. ابراهیم نژاد A. Shaddel-Tili V. Bannapour-Ghaffari S. Saemi Peste-Bigelow -
Open Access Article
961 - A Comparative Study between the Effects of Feed Inclusion with Garlic (Allium sativum), Cloves and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome Powder on Laying Hens’ Performance and Egg Quality
م. حاج آید آ. آیسا م. نومی -
Open Access Article
962 - Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers from Endangered Species (Camelus bactrianus)
ع. دانشور آملی م. امین افشار س.ا. شاهزاده فاضلی ن. امام جمعه کاشان ک. جمعه خالدی -
Open Access Article
963 - Effects of Feeding Rumen Protected Choline and Vitamin E on Milk Yield, Milk Composition, Dry Matter Intake, BodyCondition Score and Body Weight in Early Lactating Dairy Cows
M. Rahmani M. Dehghan-Banadaky R. Kamalyan -
Open Access Article
964 - Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Aspergillus Xylanase on Broiler Chickens Performance
سی.ای. اُییگو وی. ملامبو وی. موچنج یو. ماروم -
Open Access Article
965 - Nutritive Value Evaluation of Processed Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Residues with some Chemicals Based on in vitro, in situ and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Techniques
F. Ghanbari T. Ghoorchi J. Bayat Kouhsar M. Samiee Zafarghandi -
Open Access Article
966 - Sunflower Meal and Enzyme Supplementation in Diets of Broilers from 21 to 42 Days of Age
وا.آ.جی. آروجو ال.اف.تی. آلبینو اچ.اس. رستاگنو پی.سی. گمس جی.بی.اس. پسوآ آر.کا.جی. مسیاس جی.آر. للیس و وی. ریبرو جیآر -
Open Access Article
967 - Effect of Hydroponic Barley Seedlings Substituting for Different Ratios of Basal Diets on Serum Biochemical Indexes and Rumen Fluid Microbial Diversity in Lactating Ewes
Y. Ma T. Guo Z. Zhang G. Amat Y. Jing Y. Tuo L. Hou -
Open Access Article
968 - Lactation Curves for Milk Yield and Composition of Moroccan Holstein Dairy Cows
I. Boujenane E. Elouaddi -
Open Access Article
969 - Effect of in ovo Feeding and Dietary Feeding of Silybum marianum Extract on Performance, Immunity and Blood Cation-Anion Balance of Broiler Chickens Exposed to High Temperatures
ا. زارعی م. مروت م. چمنی ع.ا. صادقی پ. دادور -
Open Access Article
970 - Costs and Benefits of Beef Cattle Fattening Schemes in some Selected Areas of North West Tanzania
J.L. Malole R.J.M. Kadigi A.Z. Sangeda -
Open Access Article
971 - Interactive Influence of Formycine® Gold and Pigment on Egg Quality and Performance of Laying Hens
ح. کرمانشاهی م. پیلهور م. اعمی-ازغدی -
Open Access Article
972 - Effects of Using a Multi-Strain Probiotic on Performance, Immune Responses and Cecal Microflora Composition in Broiler Chickens Reared Under Cyclic Heat Stress Condition
ن. لندی ا. کاویانی -
Open Access Article
973 - Effect of Amylolytic and Cellulolytic Enzymes on Whole Plant Corn Silage: Characteristics of Silage and Animal Digestion
J.R. Gandra A.T. Nunes E.R. Oliveira M.S.J. Silva C.A. Pedrini F.S. Machado E.R.S. Gandra P.V.C. Mendes A.G.S. Pause -
Open Access Article
974 - Evaluation of the Probiotic Potential of some Native Lactobacillus Strains on the Laying Performance and Egg Quality Parameters of Japanese Quails
س.ع. سیادتی ی. ابراهیم نژاد غ. صالحی جوزانی ج. شایق -
Open Access Article
975 - Determination of Chemical Composition and Apparent Metabolizable Energy Corrected for Nitrogen (AMEn) Content of Amaranth Grain with and without Enzyme in Adult Leghorn Roosters by Regression Method
B. Hosseintabar-Ghasemabad ح. جانمحمدی A. Hosseinkhani S. Alijani M. Oliyai -
Open Access Article
976 - Contribution of All Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Minor Allele Frequency Groups to Genetic Variation of Quantitative Traits in Suffolk Sheep
A. Taheri Yeganeh M.R. Sanjabi J. Fayazi M. Zandi J. Van der Werf -
Open Access Article
977 - Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Genetic Trends of Somatic Cell Score in Iranian Holstein Cows Using Test-Day Records
K. Kheirabadi S. Alijani -
Open Access Article
978 - Effects of High Dietary Levels of Selenium and Copper on Growth Performance, Selected Blood Biochemical Parameters and Antibody Production Against Newcastle Disease Vaccine Virus in Broiler Chickens
ترکی م. م. حبیبیان ط. رستمی آ. مرادی -
Open Access Article
979 - The Effect of SNP c.100800G > A on CAST|Cfr13I Gene Polymorphisms with Ultrasound Imaging of Meat Characteristics and Growth Traits in Bali Cattle
N.M.P. Setyani R. Priyanto J. Jakaria -
Open Access Article
980 - Characterization of Production and Reproduction Performances in Rhode Island Red-White Strain Chicken
آ.ک. داس اس. کومار آ. رحیم آ.ک. میشرا -
Open Access Article
981 - Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for Semen Characteristics and Their Relationship with Scrotal Circumference in Black Bengal Bucks
ام.ام میا ام.آ.ام.ی. خاندوکر اس.اس. هوساین ام.او. فاروغ دی.آر. نوتر آ.اس. آپو -
Open Access Article
982 - Effect of Replacing Dietary FeSO4 with FeHPO4 Nanoparticles on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Tissue Iron Content in Broilers
M.A. Behroozlak م. دانشیار پ. فرهومند ع. نیکو -
Open Access Article
983 - Correlation of Reproductive Histological Characteristics with Age, 5α-Reductase and Androgens in Arabi Rams (Ovis aries)
A. Hamidi S. Tabatabaei-Vakili M. Mamouei S.H. Hosseinifar -
Open Access Article
984 - Effective Microbes (EM) Supplementation Effect on Feed Intake, Digestibility and Live Weight Changes of Washera Sheep Fed Wheat Straw
A. Fekadie A. Abera C. Yitbarek -
Open Access Article
985 - Immunity Against Avian Influenza Viruspanax Ginseng Polysaccharide (GPS) Can Improve Immunity Against H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus in Chickens
اس. کالون آ.ی. عبدالهی -
Open Access Article
986 - The Influences of Partially Replacement of Maize Corn by Broken Rice and Sugar Beat Pulp on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Economics of Meat-Type Quails
ای. آ. عاشور اف.م. ردا م.ای. عبد ال-هک -
Open Access Article
987 - Use of Steam Treated Sugarcane Pith in the Diet of Finishing Calves as a Replacement for Low Grain Corn Silage
M. Chaji A.A. Naserian R. Valizadeh -
Open Access Article
988 - Association of Kappa-Casein Gene Polymorphism with some Biochemical Blood Indicators in Guilan Native Cattle of Iran (Bos indicus)
A. Sobar Poorrajabi Ghaziyani S.Z. Mirhoseini N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh Z. Ansari Pirsaraei H. Dehghanzadeh -
Open Access Article
989 - Effect Analysis of Prolactin (PRL) Gene Polymorphisms on Chicken Egg Productivity (Gallus gallus domesticus) BC1 from Crossbreeding between Pelung and Layer Chicken
R. Kilatsih A.B.I. Perdamaian T. Joko S.H. Purwanto B.S. Daryono -
Open Access Article
990 - The Effect of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Extract in Comparison to Antibiotic on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Ileal Microflora, Antioxidant Status and Meat Quality of Broilers
م. سالارمعینی ا. سلاجقه م.ح. سلاجقه م. افشارمنش -
Open Access Article
991 - Ileal Digestibility of Amino Acids in Fish Meal-Based Diets for Broiler Starters Using Regression Technique
آ.اف. آگبولا ای.آ. لیایی -
Open Access Article
992 - Effects of Calcium, Phosphorus and Zinc in Wheat-Based Diets on Broiler Chickens’ Performance, Immunity and Bone Parameters
م. عسگری ع. خطیبجو ک. طاهرپور ف. فتاح نیا ح. سوری -
Open Access Article
993 - Effect of Gamma, Electron Beam and Infrared Radiation Treatment on the Nutritional Value and Anti-Nutritional Factors of Sorghum Grain
M. Rousta A.A. Sadeghi P. Shawrang M. Aimn Afshar M. Chamani -
Open Access Article
994 - Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Mc4R Gene and Their Associations with Growth Traits in Karacabey Merino Lambs
S. Sevim O. Karaca -
Open Access Article
995 - Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Growth Curve Variables in Ghezel Sheep
S. Hosseinzadeh A. Azartash S. Nikbin A. Javanmard M. Ali Abbasi S.A. Rafat M. Ghafari N. Hedayat-Evrigh S. Alijani -
Open Access Article
996 - Effect of Feed Additives on Intestinal Histomorphology of Broilers Fed Wheat-Based Diet
و. خاکسار ا. گلیان ا. راجی -
Open Access Article
997 - Comparison of Breeding Scenarios in Open Nucleus Breeding System for Genetic Improvement of Iranian Native Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
ع. صفری A.A. Shadparvar N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh M. Jafaroghli J. Ahmadpanah -
Open Access Article
998 - Study on Egg Productivity of Guinea-Fowls (Numida meleagris)
R. Ivanova M. Nikolova P. Veleva -
Open Access Article
999 - Substitution Effect of Noug Seed (Guzoitia abyssinica) Cake with Various Levels of Samma (Urtica simensis) Leaf Meal on Egg Production and Egg Quality Parameters of Commercial Layer Hens
آ. ملسه جی. گانبو آ. آبب -
Open Access Article
1000 - Influences of Switch Trimming on Cleanliness and Udder Health in Dairy Cattle
ع. بهاری پ. زمانی ح. محمدی م. یاوری -
Open Access Article
1001 - Effect of Grape By-Products Inclusion on Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites, and Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Lactating Saanen Goats
M. Badiee Baghsiyah M. Bashtani S.H. Farhangfar H. Sarir -
Open Access Article
1002 - Effect of Different Levels of Fennel Extract and Vitamin D3 on Performance, Hatchability and Immunity in Post Molted Broiler Breeders
م. کاظمی فرد ح. کرمانشاهی م. رضایی ا. گلیان -
Open Access Article
1003 - Effects of Different Preparations of Gonadotropins (oFSH and pFSH) on Superovulatory Response and Embryo Yield in Indigenous Ewes in Bangladesh
P.K. Jha M. Golam Shahi Alam M.R.I. Talukder F.Y. Bari -
Open Access Article
1004 - Crossbreeding Balouchi Sheep with Romanov: A Profitable Strategy to Improve Litter Size, Lamb Growth, and Carcass Characteristics
A. Nikkhah M.H. Khabbazan A. Rezagholivand A. Rajaei S. Mokhtarzadeh H. Mousapour M. Moradi -
Open Access Article
1005 - Chemical Composition, Physical Characteristics, Digestibility and Degradability of Grape Pomace Processed with Neurospora sitophila
O. Dayani A. Ghiasi R. Tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
1006 - Phenotypic Diversity of Camel Ecotypes (Camelus dromedarius) in the South Region of Kerman Province of Iran
J. Ehsaninia B. Faye N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh -
Open Access Article
1007 - Effect of Different Levels of Sunflower Meal and Niacin on Performance, Biochemical Parameters, Antioxidant Status, and Egg Yolk Cholesterol of Laying Hens
پ. باغبان-کنعانی ح. جانمحمدی ع.ر. استادرحیمی -
Open Access Article
1008 - Serological and Molecular Detection of Akabane Virus in Iran
غ.ع. کجوری ز. داوودی ح. ممتاز -
Open Access Article
1009 - Dietary Supplementation of Different Forms of Barley Grain in Mohgani Male Lambs Feeding: Impacts on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Metabolites, and Carcass Characteristics
M. Kazemi O. Jangjou H. Saleh -
Open Access Article
1010 - Effect of Dietary Rapeseed Meal on Fatty Acid Profile of Lamb Carcass
M.R. Yossifov -
Open Access Article
1011 - Effect of Different Harvesting Techniques on the Recovery and Quality of Bovine Cumulus Oocyte Complexes
اس.اچ. بهلولی اس. بزگلو اف. سدن -
Open Access Article
1012 - Morphological Characterization and Study of Zootechnical Indices of Tazegzawt Sheep Population in Eastern Algeria
R. El-Bouyahiaoui B. Belkheir F. Moulla H. Mansouri M. Benidir A. Djaout -
Open Access Article
1013 - Effects of Combinations of Postbiotics and Phytobiotics on Growth Performance, Meat Quality, Gut Morphology, and Tibia Bone Characteristics in Broiler Chickens
J.M.M. Doski K.Y. Kareem -
Open Access Article
1014 - Effects of Electron-Beam Irradiation of the Diet on Microbial Population, Intestinal Morphology, Ileal Digestibility and Performance of Broilers
س. یخکشی ش. رحیمی پ. شورنگ -
Open Access Article
1015 - The Effects of Short and Long Term Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (MAP) Sponge Treatments on Reproductive Performance during the Non-Breeding Season of Arabian Ewes
P. Sareminejad S. Tabatabaei M. Mamouei K. Mirzadeh M. Boujarpour -
Open Access Article
1016 - Egg Iron Enrichment in Response to Various Levels of Pomegranate by-Product in Laying Hen Diet
ع.ا. ساکی ت. شمسالله ع. عاشوری -
Open Access Article
1017 - Investigation of the Effects of Essential Amino Acids on Overexpression of the Vg and Sod Gene in Apis mellifera
S.M. Mortazavi م. چمنی M. Amin-Afshar A.A. Sadeghi G. Tahmasbi -
Open Access Article
1018 - Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Zel Breed Lambs Fed Different Ratios of Forage and Concentrate
S.D. Mousavi Kashani S. Gharahveysi K. Jafarikhorshidi -
Open Access Article
1019 - The Effect of Apricot Tree Gum on the Quality of Frozen and Melted Ram Sperm in the Breeding Season
P. Khanzadeh G. Maghaddam H. Daghighkia S.A. Rafat R. Moradi -
Open Access Article
1020 - Management and Value-Added of Goat Production, Thailand: The Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) as Roughage Source on Performance and Meat Quality in Rainy Season
T. Wiyabot -
Open Access Article
1021 - Effect of Slaughter Weight, Carcass Weight and Sex on the Carcass Fatty Acid Composition of Boutsiko Breed Lambs
V. Alexandridis B. Skapetas D. Kantas P. Goulas A. Eleptheriadou -
Open Access Article
1022 - Review on Properties of Selenium in Animal Nutrition
ش. قادرزاده ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق س. نیک بین ب. نوید شاد -
Open Access Article
1023 - Apimix and Apipasta the New Trend in Bee Feeding and Creation of New Bee Colonies
R. Shumkova R. Balkanska -
Open Access Article
1024 - Effects of Dietary Crude Protein Level and Stocking Density on Growth Performance, Nutrient Retention, Blood Profiles, and Carcass Weight of Growing-Meat Quails
وی. بونتیام اس. سنگسوپونجیت آ. کلومپانیا -
Open Access Article
1025 - Effects of Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), Vitamin C and Organic Zinc Supplements on Growth Performance, Carcass Yield, Serum Biochemical Values and Antioxidant Status of Broiler Chickens
S. Azimi-Youvalari M. Daneshyar S.M. Abtahi-Froushani S. Payvastegan -
Open Access Article
1026 - Plasma Levels of Anabolic Hormones in Suckling Lambs are Affected by Late Gestational Nutrition
ع. کیانی -
Open Access Article
1027 - Body Measurement of Red Sokoto Bucks in Nigeria and Their Relationship with Testicular Biometrics
E.O. Ajao M.O. Akinyemi E.O. Ewuola O.H. Osaiyuwu -
Open Access Article
1028 - Performance of Artificial Neural Networks Model under Various Structures and Algorithms to Prediction of Fat Tail Weight in Fat Tailed Breeds and Their Thin Tailed Crosses
ک. نوبری S.D. Sharifi N. Emam Jomea Kashan M. Momen A. Kavian -
Open Access Article
1029 - Effects of Probiotics and Prebiotics on Growth Performance of Commercial Broiler
M. Akter M. Asaduzzaman M.S. Islam M.M.U. Patoary -
Open Access Article
1030 - Effect of Dietary Organic Zinc and Prebiotic on Productive Performance and Immune Response of Growing Quails
دی.ال. عبد-ال-سامی آی. ال-وردانی جی.آ. نعمت الله او.ام. ابو-ال-آزاب -
Open Access Article
1031 - The New Progresses in Zn Requirements of Poultry
ب. نوید شاد س. جباری ف. میرزایی آقجه قشلاق -
Open Access Article
1032 - Effect of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Seed on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Small Intestine Morphology of Broiler Chickens
S.A. Khatami M.D. Shakouri A. Mojtahedin -
Open Access Article
1033 - In vitro Ruminal Acid Load and Methane Emission Responses to Supplemented Lactating Dairy Cow Diets with Inorganic Compounds Varying in Buffering Capacities
م. جعفرپور بروجنی م. دانش مسگران ع.ر. وکیلی ع.ع. ناصریان -
Open Access Article
1034 - A Comparison of the Effects of Dietary Ginger Powder and Avilamycin on Growth Performance and Intestinal Salmonella Count of Challenged Broiler Chickens
ع.ا. صادقی و. ایزدی پ. شورنگ م. چمنی م. امینافشار -
Open Access Article
1035 - Molecular Study on the Exon 2 Region of the Ovis Bone Morphology Protein 15 (BMP-15) Gene in Iranian Bluchi Sheep Breed by PCR-SSCP Technique
A. Gholibeikifard M. Amin Afshar M. Hosseinpour Mashhadi H. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1036 - Cassava Fiber Meal and Roxazyme® G2 Supplementation on the Performance and Haemato-Biochemical Profile of Broiler Chickens
M.H. Ogunsipe J.O. Agbede F.A. Igbasan O.D. Olotuntola -
Open Access Article
1037 - Blood Biochemical Parameters and Physiological Indices in Fattened Heat Stressed Lambs Fed with Higher Protein Level and Glutamine Supplementation
M. Feyz A. Teimouri Yansari Y. Chashnidel E. Dirandeh -
Open Access Article
1038 - Structures, Functions and Expressions of GnRH and GnRH Receptor in Peripheral Reproductive Organs and Their Regulation by Estradiol-17β
اچ.ب. سیفتسی -
Open Access Article
1039 - Genetic Relationships among Four Saudi Arabian Sheep Populations
R.S. Aljumaah M.A. Al-Shaikh H. Kibogo A. Kwallah Jianlin Jianlin O. Hanotte M.M. Musthafa F.M.M.T. Marikar -
Open Access Article
1040 - Vitamin E Supplementation in Feed Containing Lemuru Fish Oil to Improve IPB-D2 Chickens Performance and Eggs Rich in Vitamin E as a Potential Functional Food
R. Nadia S. Sumiati T. Suryati -
Open Access Article
1041 - Sperm Characteristics in Cryopreserved Buffalo Bull Semen and Field Fertility
کا.جی.ام. محمود آ.آ.ای. ال-سکاری ام.ای.آ. آبو ال-روس آ.دی. عبد الغفار ام. ناویتو -
Open Access Article
1042 - Effect of Total and Differential Somatic Cell Counts, Lactation Stage and Lactation Number on Lipolysis and Physicochemical Composition in Camel (Camelus dromedaries) and Cow Milk
اچ. حامد آ.ف. ال فکری آ. گرگوری -
Open Access Article
1043 - Simultaneous Presence of G1 and G4 Mutations in Growth Differentiation Factor 9 Gene of Iranian Sheep
S. Eghbalsaied H. Amini S. Shahmoradi M. M. Farahi -
Open Access Article
1044 - The Effect of Feeding Tribulus terrestris Plant Powder on Growth Performance, Digestibility, Rumen and Blood Parameters of Iranian Arabic Lambs
S.A. Nikbakht T. Mohammadabadi K. Mirzadeh -
Open Access Article
1045 - Effects of a Fat Soluble Vitamin Premix on Performance Indices and Hematological Parameters in Slow- and Fast- Growing Broiler Chicks within a Flock
T. Pakzad H. Khosravinia B. Masourei B. Parizadian Kavan -
Open Access Article
1046 - Anti-oxidative Effects of Ethanol Extract of Origanum vulgare on Kinetics, Microscopic and Oxidative Parameters of Cryopreserved Holstein Bull Spermatozoa
ح. دقیق کیا ر. فرهادی ا. اشرفی م. مهدیپور -
Open Access Article
1047 - Role of Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the Survival, Activation and Further Growth of in vitro Cultured Sheep Primordial Follicles
ف. اسماعیل زاده س. م. حسینی م. حاجیان ز. نصیری م. چمنی م. امین افشار M.H. Nasr-Esfahani -
Open Access Article
1048 - Investigation of Differences in Biochemical and Mineral Composition of Urine between Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Crossbred Dairy Cattle
م.م. خان اس. پراساد اف.آ. خان اچ.پ. گوپتا -
Open Access Article
1049 - Evaluation of Growth Performance of Local and Dorper × Local Crossbred Sheep in Eastern Amhara Region, Ethiopia
M. Lakew M. Haile-Melekot G. Mekuriaw -
Open Access Article
1050 - Survivability of Kedu Rooster Sperm at Different Storage Times and Diluent Supplemented with Vitamin E and Fertilizing Ability on Kampung Chicken
S. Lestari D.M. Saleh I. Ismoyowati M.Y. Sumaryadi E. Tugiyanti N. Hidayat -
Open Access Article
1051 - Reproductive and Lactation Characteristics of West African Dwarf Goats Offered Moringa oleifera Herbage Supplement
O.T. Ojoawo J.A. Akinlade A.A. Akingbade O.A. Aderinola D.O. Okunlola -
Open Access Article
1052 - Prominent Signs of Oestrusin the West African Dwarf Goat
آ. کنفاک اف. نگولا جی.پی. یومبی-مالونگا اف. تندونکنگ اچ.اف. دفانگ آر. ابا-یکا دی. توگولا ای. پامو تدونکنگ -
Open Access Article
1053 - Estimation of Economic Values for Fertility, Stillbirth and Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cows
ح. قیاسی ع. پاکدل ا. نجاتی جوارمی ا. گنزالس-رسیو م. خسوس کارابانو ر. آلندا ع. صادقی سفید مزگی -
Open Access Article
1054 - Thermoregulatory Mechanisms of Jersey Adult Cattle and Calves Based on Different Body Sites Temperature
ی. بدخشان م.ر. محمدآبادی -
Open Access Article
1055 - Bone Status and Performance of Broiler Chickens in Response to Fennel Extract and Chelated Manganese-Glycine
Z. Shokri A.A. Saki P. Zamani H. Jahanian Najafabadi A. Ahmadi M. Houshyar -
Open Access Article
1056 - Typing of Toxigenic Isolates of Clostridium perfringens by Multiplex PCR in Ostrich
E. Zandi M.R. Mohammadabadi M. Ezzatkhah A.K. Esmailizadeh -
Open Access Article
1057 - Fleece Traits and Important Physical Properties of Hair Fibers in Lori Goats
م. صالحی ا. لواف ط. فرهوش -
Open Access Article
1058 - Joint Analysis of the DGAT1, OPN and PPARGC1A Genes Effects on Variation of Milk Production and Composition in Holstein Cattle Population
ح. خراتی کوپایی م. پسندیده م. دادپسند ع. اسماعیلیزاده کشکوئیه م. ر. محمدآبادی -
Open Access Article
1059 - Reproductive Performance of Friesian-Holstein Cows at Sebele Research Station in South Eastern Botswana
اُ.ر. مادیبلا و. ماهابیل -
Open Access Article
1060 - Image Process Tool an Alternative Method for Quantitative Assessment of Mammary Gland Structure in Mohabadi Goat
S. Nazmi Karkaj A. Javanmard S. Alijani K. Hasanpur S. Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
1061 - Analysis of the Efficiency for the Pig-Tailing Technique to Dissect the Molecular Parameters Based on Microsatellite Markers: Camels (Camelus dromedaries) as Model
M. Bitaraf Sani N. Asadzadeh R. Nahavandi Z. Roudbari S.A. Rafat A. Mirjalili A. Javanmard -
Open Access Article
1062 - Impact of Stocking Density on Broiler Chicken Performance, Blood Biochemisty, and Carcass Attributes in an Intensive Rearing System
N.N. Meena H.A. Waiz D.M. Chavhan K. Tosawada -
Open Access Article
1063 - Appraisal of Hematological Indices and Humoral Immunity in Commercial Laying Hens Fed Rations Consisting Cottonseed Meal and Sodium Bentonite
A. Gilani ح. کرمانشاهی ا. گلیان ع. طهماسبی م. اعمی ازغدی -
Open Access Article
1064 - The Effects of Different Levels of Pomegranate Seed Pulp with Multi-Enzyme on Performance, Egg Quality and Serum Antioxidant in Laying Hens
A.A. Saki M. Rabet P. Zamani A. Yousefi -
Open Access Article
1065 - Reproductive Performance Evaluation of Holstein Friesian and Their Crosses with Boran Cattle Breeds in Ardaita Agricultural Technical Vocational Education Training College Dairy Farm, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
د.و. منجیستو ک.آ. وندیمججن م.اچ دمیساش -
Open Access Article
1066 - Genetic and Economic Aspects of Applying Embryo Transfer in Traditional and Genomic Evaluation in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle
آ. بوستان ا. نجاتی-جوارمی ا. رضوان نژاد ع. مجتهدین -
Open Access Article
1067 - Population Viability Analysis on Kurd Horse Breed
H.R. Bahmani S. Badbarin H. Amin Rasouli -
Open Access Article
1068 - The Effect of Colostrum Powder Supplementation on Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Blood Biochemical Parameters, Immunity and Antioxidant Status of Broilers
M.H. Gorbannejhad Parapary A. Nobakht Y. Mehmannavaz -
Open Access Article
1069 - Effects of Citric Acid on Growth Performance and Nutrient Retention of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets Having Two Levels of Non-Phytate Phosphorus and Rice Bran
K.P. Wickramasinghe N.S.B.M. Atapattu R.T. Seresinhe -
Open Access Article
1070 - Association between DGAT1 Genotype and Breeding Value of Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Bulls
م. حسین پور مشهدی م. نصیری ن. امام جمعه کاشان ر. واعظ ترشیزی -
Open Access Article
1071 - Incidence, Production and Economic Losses of Clinical Mastitis in Egyptian Holstein Cows
ام.اس. ال-ترابانی ام.آ. علی -
Open Access Article
1072 - Impact of Diets Containing Varying Levels of Sodium Chloride as a Source of Electrolyte in Broiler Chickens
C.O. Osita C. Ezenwosu E.N. Iloamaka A.O. Ani -
Open Access Article
1073 - Predictive Ability of Statistical Genomic Prediction Methods When Underlying Genetic Architecture of Trait Is Purely Additive
م. مومن ا. آیتآللهی مهرجردی ا. شیخی ع. اسماعیلیزاده م. اسدی فوزی -
Open Access Article
1074 - Decreased Omega-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid and Total Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content of Chicken Meat Fed Diets High in Linoleic Acid to Alpha-Linolenic Acid Ratio
L.R. Kartikasari R.J. Hughes M.S. Geier R.A. Gibson -
Open Access Article
1075 - Relative Bioavailability of Different Zinc Sources Based on Tissue Zinc Concentration in Broiler Chickens
M. Sahraei H. Janmohammadi -
Open Access Article
1076 - Comparison of Different Lactation Curve Models to Describe Lactation Curve in Moroccan Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cows
I. Boujenane -
Open Access Article
1077 - Genetic and Phenotypic Trends of Productive and Reproductive Traits in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle of Isfahan Province
Z. آقاجری ا. آیت اللهی مهرجردی ر. طهماسبی م. مقبلی -
Open Access Article
1078 - Searching for Possible Association between Six Microsatellite Markers and Suppression of Mite Reproduction (SMR) Trait in Honey Bees
M. Elmi S.A. Rafat S. Alijani A. Javanmard G. Elyasi V. Danesh S. Shirmohammadi L. Ahmadzadeh-Gavahan -
Open Access Article
1079 - Performance Traits of Buffalo under Extensive and Semi-Intensive Bathan System
م.م. مومین م.کا.آی. خان اُ.ف. می آزی -
Open Access Article
1080 - Lack of Association between Somatotropin Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Birth Weight of Iranian Indigenous Sistani Cattle
آ. جوانمرد س. ر. میرایی آشتیانی آ. ترکمن زهی م. مرادی شهر بابک -
Open Access Article
1081 - Estimates of Repeatability and Heritability of Productive Trait in Holstein Dairy Cattle
ز. عرفانی اصل ع. هاشمی م. فرهادیان -
Open Access Article
1082 - Effects of Rosehip Feed Supplementation on Egg Quality Parameters, Yolk Lipid Oxidation, and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens
S. Grigorova N. Gjorgovska V. Levkov -
Open Access Article
1083 - Performance and Economic Feasibility of Using Soybean Oil, Palm Oil and Fish Oil in Broiler Diet
G.B. Das M.E. Hossain M.A. Akbar -
Open Access Article
1084 - Estimation of Genetic and Phenotypic Parametersof Some Reproductive Traits of Black Bengal Does
ام.ام. میا ام.آ.ام.ی. خاندوکر اس.اس. هوساین ام.او. فاروق دی.آر. نوتر -
Open Access Article
1085 - Effect of Different Levels of Live Yeast in a High Concentrate Diet on Performance, Blood Constituents and Immune System Status of Zandi Lambs
م. راغبیان ا. بابایی یزدی ن. دبیری ا. حاجی محمدی پ. حاتمی ع. راغبیان ج. شمیزی م.ج. بحرانی -
Open Access Article
1086 - Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Milk Production Trait in Holstein Cows of the Mazandaran Gavdasht Herd Using Test Day Records
ش. قره ویسی ر. عبداللهپور -
Open Access Article
1087 - Does Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Can be Considered as a Functional Additive in Japanese Quails̓ Diets?
ح. حاجاتی R. Negarandeh -
Open Access Article
1088 - Effect of Extrusion and Conventional Processing Methods on the Levels of Anti-Nutrients Factors and Digestibility of Bitter Vetch (Vicia ervilia) Seeds in Broilers
S. Golchin-Gelehdooni P. Shawrang A. Nikkhah A.A. Sadeghi A. Teimouri-Yansari -
Open Access Article
1089 - Genetic Analysis of Milk Yield in Iranian Holstein Cattle by the Test Day Model
ی. نادری N. امام جمعه کاشان ر. واعظ ترشیزی م. امین افشار -
Open Access Article
1090 - Investigation of the Effects of Age and Sex on Fiber Characteristics of Iranian Indigenous Goats
ا. لواف -
Open Access Article
1091 - Effects of Pre-Pubertal Plane of Nutrition on Skeletal Growth, Lamb Mortality, IGF-1 Concentrations, Quantity and Quality of Colostrum Production in Kurdish Female Lambs
ص. منتیان ح.ر. میرزایی الموتی ف. فتاحنیا ر. معصومی -
Open Access Article
1092 - Dietary Formulation with Poultry by-Product Meal on a Total Amino Acid vs. a Digestible Amino Acid Basis
M. Jafari A. Mirzaei-Aghsaghali -
Open Access Article
1093 - Calculation of Inbreeding Depression Effects on Subclinical Mastitis Using Three Different Models
س. نقشینه س.ع. رافت غ.ع. مقدم م. ابراهیمی ج. شجاع -
Open Access Article
1094 - Genetic Evaluation of Growth Traits of Black Bengal Goat
ام.ام. میا ام.آ.ام.ی. خاندوکر اس.اس. هوساین ام.او. فاروق دی.آر. نوتر M.N. Haque -
Open Access Article
1095 - Incidence of Mutation for Silver Coat Color in Black Forest Horses
اس. ممکه آر. اسچریمپف سی. دایرکس او. دیستل -
Open Access Article
1096 - Metabolizable Energy and Chemical Composition of Poultry by-Product Meal
A. Zarei M. Mohammadi B. Hemmati -
Open Access Article
1097 - Comparison of Different Methods of Oestrus Synchronization on Reproductive Performance of Farahani Sheep in Iran
آ. میرشمس الهی -
Open Access Article
1098 - Skin Quality and Physical Properties of Leather Based on Sex, Age and Body Parts of Goats Reared on Sub-Humid Hill Country
م. صالحی ا. لواف ط. فرهوش -
Open Access Article
1099 - Dual Promoter Vector Construction for Simultaneous Gene Expression Using Spliced Overlap Extension by Polymerase Chain Reaction (SOE-PCR) Technique
م.ه. سخاوتی م. طهمورثپور ط. عباسی-دلوئی س. یوسفی ع.ا. خبیری ر. اکبری E. شکاری -
Open Access Article
1100 - Effect of Different Progesterone Protocol and Low Doses of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) on Oestrus Synchronization in Arabian Ewes
ف. خلیلاوی م. ممویی ص. طباطبایی م. چاجی -
Open Access Article
1101 - Evaluation of Models to Describe Temporal Growth in Local Chickens of Ghana
R. Osei-Amponsah B.B. Kayang A. Naazie I.M. Barchia P.F. Arthur -
Open Access Article
1102 - Association of Bovine Lactoferrin Gene with Mastitis in Frieswal Cattle
پ. شارما اس.ان.اس. پارمار ام.اس. تاکور د.اس. نایوریال ر. رنجان -
Open Access Article
1103 - Investigation of GDF9 and BMP15 Polymorphisms in Mehraban Sheep to Find the Missenses as Impact on Protein
ا. احمدی ف. افراز ر. طالبی ع. فرحآور س.م.ف. وحیدی -
Open Access Article
1104 - The Investigation on Interaction between Two Hepatic Enzymes and some Minerals in Broiler Chickens
A. Moharrery -
Open Access Article
1105 - Evaluation of Moringa Foliage (Moringa oleifera) as Goat Feed
ن. سولتانا ا.ر. آلیمون کا.اس. هوکیو م. بابا جی. حسین -
Open Access Article
1106 - Canonical Analysis for Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Three Indigenous Chicken Ecotypesin North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
A. Getu K. Alemayehu Z. Wuletaw -
Open Access Article
1107 - The “Male Effect” Onestrous Synchronization and Reproductive Characteristics of Female Markhoz Goat during the Breeding Season
م.م. معینی و. محمدی چپدره م. سوری -
Open Access Article
1108 - The Expression of Myogenin and Myostatin Genes in Baluchi Sheep
ک. فروتن م. امین افشار ک. زرگری م. چمنی ن. امام جمعه کاشان -
Open Access Article
1109 - The Use of Sesame Meal in Diets of Japanese Quail
G. Sina M. Jafari S. Khojasteh -
Open Access Article
1110 - Use of Microsatellite Polymorphisms in Ovar-DRB1 Gene for Identifying Genetic Resistance in Fat-Tailed Ghezel Sheep to Gastrointestinal Nematodes
ر. حاجی علیزاده ولیلو س.ع. رافت م. فیروزآمندی م. ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
1111 - Effect of Different Levels of Mineral and Vitamin Premix on Laying Hens Performance during the First Laying Phase
A. Nobakht -
Open Access Article
1112 - Utilization of Date by Product on Sheep Feeding: Its Ruminal Degradation, Nutrient Digestibility and Its Effect on Sheep Growth
م. تقی نژاد رودبنه س.ر. ابراهیمی-محمودآباد ه. قریشی م. کاظمی-بنچناری -
Open Access Article
1113 - Genetic Polymorphism of GDF9 Gene in Iranian Moghani Sheep Breed
F. Ala Noshahr A. Rafat -
Open Access Article
1114 - Inbreeding and Inbreeding Depression on Body Weight in Iranian Shal Sheep
ز. پتیآبادی ش. ورکوهی س. ساور-سفلی -
Open Access Article
1115 - Polymorphisms in Melanocortin Receptor 1 Gene in Goat Breeds: A Window for Coat Color Controling Mechanism
آ. جوانمرد ب. عارف نژاد ر. عبداللهی آرپناهی م.ح. مرادی -
Open Access Article
1116 - Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Regression Analysis for Prediction of Fat Tail Weight of Sheep
م.ع. نوروزیان م. وکیلی علویجه -
Open Access Article
1117 - Bayesian Estimates of Genetic Relationships between Growth Curve Parameters in Shall Sheep via Gibbs Sampling
ن. قوی حسین-زاده -
Open Access Article
1118 - Genetic Characterization of Hamra Goat Population in Two Different Locations of Morocco Using Microsatellite Markers
ب. هیلال آی. بوجنانه اس. ال اوتمانی م. چنتوف م. پیرو -
Open Access Article
1119 - Energy Type and Amount in the Diets of Broiler Chickens: Effects on Performance and Duodenal Morphology
ا. قهرمانی ع.ا. صادقی س. حصارکی م. چمنی پ. شورنگ -
Open Access Article
1120 - Effects of Adding Ethanol Extract of Propolis and Cumin Essential Oil to Diet on the Performance, Blood Parameters, Immune Response and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chicks
م. ترکی ژ. سلطانی ح. محمدی -
Open Access Article
1121 - Performance Hematology and Correlation between Economical Traits under the Effects of Dietary Lysine and Methionine in Broilers
م. بویه ا.ک. گوورگیان -
Open Access Article
1122 - Effect of the Replacement of Soybean Meal by Rubber Seed Meal on Growth, Economics and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler
ام.جی. خاتون ام.ز. کریم جی.ب. داس ام.کا.آی. خان -
Open Access Article
1123 - Walnut Meal as an Excellent Source of Energy and Protein for Growing Japanese Quails
م.ع. ارجمندی م. سالارمعینی -
Open Access Article
1124 - The Impact of Different Levels of Vitamin E and Selenium on the Performance, Quality and the Hatchability of Eggs from Breeding Japanese Quails
م. عباسزاده مبارکی م. اقدم شهریار -
Open Access Article
1125 - Performance of Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on Floor and Cage Rearing System in Sylhet, Bangladesh: Comparative Study
آ. رازی آ.اس.م. محبوب م.ی. میاه م.ر. حسنس م.کا. حسن م.ن. اودین اس.آ. بلال -
Open Access Article
1126 - Effect of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Leaf Powder on Performance and Physicochemical Properties of Frozen Meat of Japanese Quail
ف. صمدی ف. عباسی ص. صمدی -
Open Access Article
1127 - The Effect of a Dietary Innovative Multi-Material on Sex Hormones and Molting Period of Canaries and Laying-Hens
ج. سالاری ح.ر. همتی متین ح. حاجاتی -
Open Access Article
1128 - Effect of Varying Protein Levels and Preservation Methods and Duration on Egg Production Performance and External Egg Qualities of Japanese Quails in a Semi-Arid Environment
ن. موحامد اس. آلتینه آ. ابوبکر یو.ام. چاف ام.ام. میکایلو -
Open Access Article
1129 - Efficiency of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Powder on Performance, Body Temperature and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens in Heat Stress Condition
س. عرب عامری ف. صمدی ب. دستار س. زره داران -
Open Access Article
1130 - Effects of Euphorbia hirta and Acidifiers Supplement on Resistance of Broiler Chickens against Salmonella enteritidis Infection: Oral Challenge Model
س.ر. هاشمی آ. زولکیفلی ه. داوودی م. هیر-بجو ز. زونیتا -
Open Access Article
1131 - Effects of Protexin Probiotic and Aquablend Avian Antibody on Performance and Immune System of Broiler Chickens
ن. جباری ا. فتاح ف. شیرمحمد -
Open Access Article
1132 - Comparision of Direct and Indirect Response to Selection for Breast Weight in Japanese Quail
م. خالداری ح. قیاسی -
Open Access Article
1133 - Evaluation of Laying Performance and Egg Qualitative Characteristics of Indigenous Hens Reared in Rural Areas of Isfahan Province
ع.ع قیصری ق. مقصودی نژاد ع. آذربایجانی -
Open Access Article
1134 - AMELX and AMELY Structure and Application for Sex Determination of Iranian Maral deer (Cervus elaphus maral)
ط. فرهوش ر. واعظ ترشیزی ع.ا. مسعودی ح.ر. رضایی م. تولایی -
Open Access Article
1135 - Genetics of Body Conformation and Feed Efficiency Characteristics in a Control Line of Rhode Island Red Chicken
آ.کا. داس اس. کومار آ. رحیم -
Open Access Article
1136 - Effects of Utilizing Disposed Fish of White Nile River on Performance of Layers', Gezira, Sudan
ج.ای. سالیح م.اس. النور آ.ای. عبد-الگابر م.آ. دفالاه م.آ.ای. الخیری -
Open Access Article
1137 - Sequencing and Molecular Analysis of ATP 6 and ATP 8 of Mitochondrial Genome in Khorasanian Native Chickens
ا. افشاریان م.ر. نصیری -
Open Access Article
1138 - Performance and Measures of Stress in Lambs Weaned at 45 and 90 Days
م.ه. علی م.ع. نوروزیان ا.ع خادم -
Open Access Article
1139 - Genetic Polymorphism Detection of the Exon 1 Region of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Alpha Gene in Iranian Mahabadi Goat Breed
س. جوزی شکالگورابی ح. مرادی شهربابک م. عباسی فیروزجائی آ. قربانی -
Open Access Article
1140 - Importance of Water Quality in Small Ruminants’ Productivity
A. Cervantes G. López F.J. Monge A. Estrada A. Plascencia -
Open Access Article
1141 - Effect of Selenium-Enriched Yeast Supplementation on Microbial Spoilage and Lambs’ Meat Quality during Shelf Life
G. Velázquez-Garduño M.D. Mariezcurrena-Berasain M.A. Mariezcurrena-Berasain E.D. Archundia-Velarde D. Giron-Orozco -
Open Access Article
1142 - Effects of Replacing Canola Meal with Soybean Meal in Broiler Chicken Diet on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, and Liver Enzymes during Different Rearing Periods
M. Mohammadian Amiri B. Dastar R. Mirshekar O. Ashayerizadeh -
Open Access Article
1143 - Long Term Feeding Effects of a Vaccine against of Endotoxemia (ENDOVAC-Beef) on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Growing-Finishing Calf-Fed Holstein Steers
B.C. Latack P.H. Carvalho A. Plascencia R.A. Zinn -
Open Access Article
1144 - The Effect of Feeding Top-Dress Cottonseed Bioactive Peptide and Organic Selenium on Milk Production, Liver Function, Metabolic, and Immunity Responses during the Prepartum of Holstein Dairy Cattle
Open Access Article
1145 - The Effect of Feeding Top-Dress Cottonseed Bioactive Peptide and Organic Selenium on Milk Production, Liver Function, Metabolic, and Immunity Responses during the Prepartum of Holstein Dairy Cattle
Z. Mirbagheri Marvili H. Amanlou N. Eslamian Farsuni -
Open Access Article
1146 - The Effects of Oregano Essential Oil and Sodium Butyrate on the Growth Performance, Blood and Rumen Fermentation Parameters of Suckling Holstein Calves
M. Mirzababaei F. Ghanbari J. Bayat Kouhsar F. Farivar -
Open Access Article
1147 - Injection of Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus around Mating: Effect on Metabolic Status and Reproductive Performance of Afshari Ewes
E. Rostamnia F. Fatahnia M. Shamsollahi Y. Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
1148 - Effects of Using Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) Seed on Semen Quality and Blood Parameters of Rams
A. Pirestani M. Poursakhi E. Ziya Motalebipour -
Open Access Article
1149 - Segregation of the InDel Mutation in IRF2BP2 Discriminating Fleece Type in North African and Iranian Sheep Breeds
F.Z. Belharfi S. Kdidi N. Tabet-Aoul A. Ameur Ameur A. Djaout M. Hammadi J. Sarry F. Woloszyn S. Fabre R. Talebi T. Khorchani M.H. Yahyaoui S.S.B. Gaouar -
Open Access Article
1150 - The Effects of Diet Concentrate and Mineral Buffer Types on Fattening Lambs Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Metabolites, Rumen Fermentation and Carcass Traits
M. Asadi A. Toghdory T. Ghoorchi S. Kargar -
Open Access Article
1151 - Effects of Slaughter Weight on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Fatty Acid Composition of Afshari Male Lambs
N. Papi M. Zahedifar -
Open Access Article
1152 - The Effect of Grain Particle Size (Barley and Wheat) on Rumen Fermentation Parameters in Fattening Lambs
S.M. Hosseini T. Ghoorchi A. Toghdory -
Open Access Article
1153 - Protected Protein Supplement Based on Rumen Undegradable Protein to Enhanced Productivity of Etawah Crossbred Dairy Goats
I.G. Permana F.R. Pambudi S.I.Z. Arif D. Despal A. Rosmalia -
Open Access Article
1154 - Effects of Rice Hulls and Acidifier Supplementation on Growth Performance and Gut Physiology in Broiler Chickens
S. Banibugari M. Sedghi R. Mirshekar A.H. Mahdavi A. Azarfar -
Open Access Article
1155 - The Effects of Dietary Inclusion of Arginine and Rice Hull on Growth Performance, Immune Responses, Intestinal Morphology, Tibia Bone Mineral Content and Intestinal Microbial Population of Broiler Chickens
M. Abbasabadi S.M. Hosseini H. Naeimipour F. Izadi Yazdanabadi -
Open Access Article
1156 - The Effect of Various Dietary Fibre Sources on Performance, Cecal and Ileal Nutrient Digestibility in Broiler Chickens
Y. Mousavi A.A. Saki S. Mirzaie Goudarzi A. Ahmadi Z. Bardel S. Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
1157 - Effect of Guanidino Acetic Acid Supplementation in Soybean Meal and Canola Meal-Based Diets on Broiler Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Liver Enzymes, and Intestinal Morphology
F.S. Mirsalehi B. Dastar O. Ashayerizadeh R. Mirshekar -
Open Access Article
1158 - Performance Characteristics, and Behavior Indices of Broiler Chickens in Response to Color and Form of the Feed
M.A. Mesmarian M. Toghyani -
Open Access Article
1159 - Semen Quality, Fertility and Egg Hatchability in Local Turkey Toms Fed Moringa and Gongronema Leaf Powder Diets
Y. Mercy N.S. Rugu C. Ezenwosu A.E. Onyimonyi N.W. Anizoba C.O. Osita C.M. Ugwu S.O.C. Ugwu N.S. Machebe H.M. Ndofor-Foleng R.C. Ezeokonkwo -
Open Access Article
1160 - A Review on Bioactive Peptides and Their Potential Health Benefits and Applications in Poultry
B. Navidshad M. Royan S. Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
1161 - Forage Essentiality for Young Holstein Calves: Superiority of Wheat Straw over Alfalfa Hay?
A. Nikkhah M. Alimirzaei H. Kazemi -
Open Access Article
1162 - The Effect of Injection of Different Levels of Selenium and Vitamin E in Late Pregnancy of Cows on Performance, Thyroid Hormones, some Blood Metabolites and Skeletal Growth Indices of Their Calves
M. Asadi T. Ghoorchi A. Toghdory -
Open Access Article
1163 - Investigate the Effects of Wastes Valorization of Corn Straw an Alternative Feed for Fattening Calves by Treated of Ammonia Gas
S. Seifzadeh M. Sahraei M. Yazdanyar J. Seifdavati H. Abdi-Benemar -
Open Access Article
1164 - Effects of Barley Silage Particle Size with Two Levels of Concentrate, Beet Bulp Levels and Grain Levels on Dry Matter Intake, Digestibility, Ruminal Parameters, and Feed Intake Behavior in Sheep
M.M. Sharifi-Hoseini O. Dayani P. Dadvar -
Open Access Article
1165 - Effects of Feeding Different Levels of Whole and Ground Flaxseed in Late Pregnancy on the Performance of Karakul Ewes
S.H. Hosseini M.R. Dehghani A. Karimi M. Yousef Elahi M.J. Abarghuei -
Open Access Article
1166 - Associations of Hematological Parameters with Age, Body Weight, Birth Ttype and Season in Lori-Bakhtiari Ewes
S. Gholizadeh P. Zamani F. Ghafouri-Kesbi S.Z. Mirhoseini -
Open Access Article
1167 - Association between the Expression Pattern of Two Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) and Patterns Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1) Promising Key Genes in Sheep with Extra Functional Teats
S. Ghahremani A. Javanmard S. Taheri -
Open Access Article
1168 - The Effect of Protected Nothopanax scutellarium Merr on Milk Production and Mastitis in Etawah Crossbreed Goats
A. Adriani Y. Yurleni J. Andayani -
Open Access Article
1169 - Case–Control Possible Association between Congenital Supernumerary Extra Functional Teats and IGF1, Leptin, Calpastatin and FBP30 Candidate Genes in Fat-Tailed Ghezel Ewes
A. Javanmard A.H. Rajoni -
Open Access Article
1170 - Selection Indices for Improvement of Body Weight and Mohair Yield under the Traditional Low-Input Production System of Local Markhoz Goat in Iran
F. Hosseinzadeh Shirzeyli S. Joezy-Shekalgorabi M. Aminafschar M. Razmkabir -
Open Access Article
1171 - Assessing the Maximum Inclusion Level of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) Larvae Full-Fat and De-Fatted Meals in Broiler Diets
E.W.D.M. Ellawidana R.K. Mutucumarana H.A.D. Ruwandeepika M.P.S. Magamage -
Open Access Article
1172 - Moringa and Sesbania Leaves in Layer Chicken Pens as an Edible Environmental Enrichment: Effects on Performance and, Physical and Organoleptic Properties of Eggs
S. Vijayakumar S.T.D. De Silva N.S.B.M. Atapattu D. Senaratne M. Pagthinathan -
Open Access Article
1173 - Impact of Dietary Sodium Bentonite and Direct Application of Aluminum Sulfate to the Litter on Egg Quality Traits and Laying Performance of Nigerian Noiler Hens
C. Ezenwosu A.E. Onyimonyi N.W. Anizoba C.O. Osita H.O. Edeh M.C. Ugwu V.C. Udeh M.O. Onodugo N.S. Machebe N.E. Ikeh R.C. Ezeokonkwo -
Open Access Article
1174 - Sheep Diet Enriched with Selenium Yeast: Investigating Its Relationship with Physiological Stress and Bibliometric Parameters
M.D. Mariezcurrena-Berasain A. González-Nicanor G. Velázquez Garduño B. Ortíz López E.D. Archundia-Velarde A. Medina García M.A. Mariezcurrena-Berasain -
Open Access Article
1175 - Effects of Inoculation and Fermentation Time on in vitro Digestibility, Microbial Population and Rumen Fermentation Characteristics of Industrial Potato Waste
S.A. Muhammad I.B. Suyub F. Nobilly H. Yaakub -
Open Access Article
1176 - The Economic and Nutritional-Physiological Aspects of Dairy Cows Are Influenced by the Different Sources of Dietary Starch
A. Ahmadpour M. Zarrin -
Open Access Article
1177 - Influence of Different Amounts of Molasses and Microbiologically Treated Potato Aerial Part on in vitro Gas Production
S. Najafyar H. Paya A. Taghizadeh A. Hosseinkhani H. Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
1178 - The Effects of Agricultural By-Products Supplemental Feeding on the Performance of Moghani Ewes in Nomadic Environments
M. Sahraei H. Fazaeli A. Aghashahi R. Khalkhali-Evrigh -
Open Access Article
1179 - Improving the Cryostorage Parameters of Ram Germ Stem Cells by Supplementing with Soybean Lecithin as a Cryoprotectant
S. Ghahremani M. Sharafi B. Ghasemi Panahi A. Javanmard -
Open Access Article
1180 - Studying the Effect of Source and Feeding Duration of Protected Omega-3 and Omega-9 Fatty Acids on Production Performance and Expression of Genes Involved in Fat Metabolism in Fattening Lambs
A. Mirshamsollahi M. Ganjkhanlou -
Open Access Article
1181 - Dietary Supplementation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Yeast Culture: Effect on Nutrient Digestibility, Growth Performance, and Blood Metabolites in Ghanduzi Male Lambs
E. Ibrahimi Khoram Abadi -
Open Access Article
1182 - Interaction Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid (N-6 vs. N-3) and Rumen Undegradable Protein Source (Fish Meal vs. Corn Gluten Meal) on Plasma Metabolites, Hormones and Reproductive Performances of Lori Goats during the Breeding Season
A. Shiravand M. Shamsolahi F. Fatahnia Y. Mohammadi M. Nemati -
Open Access Article
1183 - Antioxidant Activity and Milk Fatty Acids Profile of Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goats Feeding Formaldehyde-Treated Sesame Meal at Different Levels of Dietary Crude Protein
F. Firozi O. Dayani B. Hajimohammadi Darabi -
Open Access Article
1184 - The Plant-Based Extender Supplemented with MitoQ as a Mitochondrial-Targeted Antioxidant Enhances Buck Sperm Quality during Liquid Storage
M. Hatami R. Masoudi N. Asadzadeh H. Javaheri Barfourooshi -
Open Access Article
1185 - Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Fermented Wheat Bran on Performance, Immunity, Meat Quality, and Tibia Bone Characteristics in Two Strains of Broiler Chicken
F. Samadian M.A. Karimi Torshizi A. Eivakpou -
Open Access Article
1186 - The Effect of Dietary Antioxidants Supplementations on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, and Immune Response of Heat-Stressed Broiler
T. Amjadian M.H. Shahir M.M. Moeini -
Open Access Article
1187 - Analysis of Egg Production Curves Using Three Mathematical Models and the Variation in Egg Quality between Commercial (Hy-Line Brown) Layer Hens and Sentul Hens
S.A. Santosa I. Ismoyowati D. Purwantini A. Susanto M.Y. Abare -
Open Access Article
1188 - Egg Production and Hatching Performance of Alope and Kalosi Chickens Treated with Varying Frequencies of Bromocriptine as Antiprolactin
M.M. Ahmad Ruhani W. Pakiding H. Hasbi M.I. Andi Dagong -
Open Access Article
1189 - Replacing Corn with Wheat Screening and Triticale by Xylanase Enzyme Supplementation in Layers Pullets Diet
N. Moradi Orang A.A. Saki S. Mirzaie Goudarzi A. Ahmadi F. Kaviani Z. Bardel S. Sattari