Major Udder Morphology Traits and Their Relationship with Milk Production in Tunisian Local Goats
Subject Areas : CamelA. Ahlem 1 * , M.J. Carabaño 2 * , L. Aicha 3 , A. Mouldi 4 , B.S. Farah 5 , N. Sghaier 6
1 - Laboratory of Livestock and Wildlife, Institute of Arid Regions, University of Gabès, Medenine, Tunisia
2 - Departamento de Mejora Genética Animal, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Ctra Coruña, Madrid, 28040, Spain
3 - Laboratory of Livestock and Wildlife, Institute of Arid Regions, University of Gabès, Medenine, Tunisia
4 - Laboratory of Livestock and Wildlife, Institute of Arid Regions, University of Gabès, Medenine, Tunisia
5 - Laboratory of Livestock and Wildlife, Institute of Arid Regions, University of Gabès, Medenine, Tunisia
6 - Laboratory of Livestock and Wildlife, Institute of Arid Regions, University of Gabès, Medenine, Tunisia
Keywords: milk production, udder morphology, agro pastoral farming, local goats,
Abstract :
Improving the productivity of local goat population adapted to harsh environments is crucial for their sustainability. For local goat population oriented to meat production, this improvement relies on the capacity of goats to produce more milk to increase kids weight at weaning. In this context, the present study aimed to describe the main measurements of the mammary gland and to establish their possible relationships with daily milk production. A total of 85 lactating goats from a local goat population from an agro pastoral herd in the Southern region of Tunisia were used. Udder morphological traits recorded were udder depth, udder circumference, teat length, teat diameter, teat circumference, teat height from ground, distance between teats and udder volume. The morphological component has shown strong heterogeneity between the animals under the same breeding conditions. Teat’s form has shown high heterogeneity between individuals and within the same animal. The values of all udder morphological parameters were significantly (P<0.05) higher in multiparous than primiparous goats, except the teat height from ground, which had a reverse result. Daily milk production was positively (P<0.01) correlated with all udder morphological traits, except teat height from ground (THG) where the correlation was negative. Overall, measurements relative to udder capacity (volume, depth and circumference) showed good potential as morphological candidates to be used as indirect indicators of milk production in extensive systems. In addition, teat characteristics, mainly length, but also diameter and circumference showed potential as indicators for milk production and milk ability, important for a good suckling yield and good adaptation to milking machines. Some environmental factors such as lactation stage and age of the doe affect the mammary morphology and this will have to be taken into account when designing the optimal time of recording for these traits. Such knowledge will help to get better management and improved performance of this population, adapted to arid conditions and exploited in an area threatened by desertification.
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