The Effects of Feeding Watermelon Seed Meal and Full Fat Seed on Broiler Chicks Growth
Subject Areas : CamelH.S. Shazali 1 * , E.A. El-Zubeir 2 , O.M.A. Abdelhadi 3
1 - Mico for Poultry Production, Khartoum, Sudan
2 - Department of Poultry Production, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
3 - Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, Kordofan, Sudan
Keywords: broiler chicks, Feed Conversion Ratio, water melon seed,
Abstract :
Watermelon seed full-fat (WMSF) and watermelon seed meal (WMSM) samples were analyzed for proximate composition and then incorporated in broiler chicks diets at increasing levels up to 20%. Feeding increasing levels of WMSF to broiler chicks for up to 20% increased weight gain (P<0.05), feed intake, protein consumed, protein efficiency ratio and improved feed conversion ratio. A positive linear effect was observed for weight gain, protein consumed and protein efficiency ratio in birds fed WMSF. Feed intake was linearly increased with increasing the level of WMSM. However, no similar response was noted for weight gain, protein consumed, protein efficiency ratio and feed gain ratio in chicks given increasing levels of WMSM. The study indicated that WMSF and WMSM may be used as feed ingredients in broiler chick diets at up to 20%.
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