Protein Oxidation in M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus Lambs Reared Indoors and on Pasture
Subject Areas : Camel
تی. پوپووا
پی. مارینووا
1 - Institute of Animal Science, 2232, Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
2 - Institute of Animal Science, 2232, Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Keywords: carbonyls, meat, rearing, Storage,
Abstract :
Protein oxidationM.longissimus dorsi andM. semimembranosuswas studied in ram lambs of Northeastern Bulgarian Fine Wool Breed and cross of this breed with Ile de France, reared and in doors and on pasture.The degree of protein oxidation is determined by measuring the content of carbonyls, formed during the storage of the investigated muscles at low temperatures(4˚С till6thday and -20˚С till90thday). Protein oxidation was lower in pastured animals. Differences between the groups were significant at4th(P<0.05) and90thday (P<0.001)for the animals of Northeastern Bulgarian Fine Wool Breed and at 24h (P<0.05), 6th and 90thday(Р<0.01)in crossbred lambs.Differences were reported in protein oxidation in the muscles at 48h (P<0.01) and the 4thday (P<0.05) as well as at 48h (P<0.05) and the 90thday(Р<0.001), for the lambs of Northeastern Bulgarian Fine Wool Breed and the cross, respectively. The dynamic of changes of the carbonyls in the muscles shows that storage duration influences protein oxidation. The carbonyl contents in M. longissimus dorsi were significantly higher the 90th day of the storage, compared to the other intervals in both indoor reared lambs of Northeastern Bulgarian Fine Wool Breed and the crossbred animals, as well as in pastured crossbred lambs. In M. semimembranosus differences between the contents of the carbonyls in the intervals of measurement and the 90th day of the storage were significant in both animals of Northeastern Bulgarian Fine Wool Breed and the cross, reared indoors.
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