Effects of Nutritional Systems on Early Weaned Lambs
Subject Areas : Camel
M.S. Simeonov
D.L. Harmon
1 - Research Agricultural Institute, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
2 - Department of Animal and Food Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Keywords: Nutrition, body weight, lambs, baits, pelleted protein concentrate, starter mixture,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was monitor the effect of inducement baits and to test four nutrition systems after early weaning lambs of Blackhead Pleven sheep breed. The experiment was conducted with 80 early weaned lambs. The study shown that during partial deprivation of milk (from 14 days of age), lambs intake more feed when an inducement is placed baits. In both groups, on the last day before weaning, the lambs intake over 100 g of concentrated feed, which proved sufficient and allowed the animals to be weaned at 19 days of age. Growth of animals after weaning is higher at fed on pelleted protein concentrate and barley grain (p <0.01). This is indicative of the fact that age and body weight do not influence the growth of early weaned lambs, but the kind of forages used. Studies shown that the early weaning of lambs at an average body weight of 8.80 and an age of 19.4 days kg allowed an additional 41.8 kg of milk per sheep to reach 15 -16 kg body weight of lambs.
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