Lactation Performance of Nili-Ravi Buffaloes Fed Alkali Treated Rice Husks
Subject Areas : Camel
N.A. Tauqir
F. Ahmad
A. Faraz
I.M. Gorsi
N. Mujahid
A. Asghar
1 - Department of Animal Nutrition, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
2 - Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan
3 - Department of Livestock and Poultry Production, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
4 - Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan
5 - Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan
6 - Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan
Keywords: digestibility, milk production, blood metabolites, Buffalo, Rice husk,
Abstract :
A feeding trial was carried out using 20 lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes, divided into 4 groups (n=5) having similar parity and milk production to examine the influence of 2% NaOH treated rice husk on their milk yield and composition, blood metabolites and nutrient digestibility. Four iso-nitrogenous (14.0% crude protein (CP)) and iso-caloric (metabolizable energy (ME) 2.5 Mcal/kg) rations, containing zero (control), 10%, 20% and 30% rice husk, were formulated. Buffaloes were individually fed the diets ad libitum. Ten kg of available green fodder (Trifolium alexandrinum, berseem) was also offered to each animal. Feed consumed was noted daily by subtracting refusals. Milking was twice a day with the yield being recorded. Milk samples were analyzed for fat, solids-not-fat, total solids and protein. A digestibility trial was conducted at the end of the study for seven days using three animals from each group. Milk yield and composition was similar across the treatments. Nutrient digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and ash increased linearly with increasing levels of treated rice husk, but differences were non-significant (P>0.05). Similarly, changes in blood metabolites also not significantly affected by the treatments. It can be concluded that treatment of rice husks with a low level of NaOH has no harmful effect, so can be used in the formulation of diets for lactating buffaloes.
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