Comparisons of Egg Quality Traits, Egg Weight Loss and Hatching Results between Chinese and Mamut Geese Eggs Reared under the Countryside Conditions
Subject Areas : Camel
Y. Akın
M.F. Çelen
1 - Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Usak University, Usak, Turkey
2 - Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Usak University, Usak, Turkey
Keywords: egg quality, Chinese goose, egg weight loss, hatching results, Mamut goose,
Abstract :
This study was carried out in order to comparisons of egg quality traits, egg weight loss and hatching results between Chinese and Mamut geese eggs reared under the countryside conditions in Kütahya province. For use in the experiments, eggs have taken from both Mamut and Chinese geese 38-44 weeks old. Animals reared extensive conditions (free-range production system) and were been not any special care or feeding has been applied in addition to the care and feeding in the rearing conditions. Male-female ratio was usually respectively 1/2-4, 1/3-5 in mamut and chinese geese. Laying period of both genotypies is early January, the eggs used in the research were obtained after 4 weeks from the first spawning time. The average egg yield of the flock were 35-40 eggs for each genotypes. Eggs were stored 12-16 ˚C temperature, 70-75% humidity under environment conditions 5-7 days until are put into the incubator. At the end of the research, Mamut geese egg quality criteria of egg weight (g), yolk color value, albumen index (%), eggshell thickness (mm), eggshell weight (g), haugh unit (%), eggshell ratio (%) (P<0,01), shape index (%), yolk index (%) (P<0.01) compare to Chinese geese eggs were found significant as statistical. Same way, Mamut geese egg weight loss (P<0.01) and hatching results of fertility (%), hatching chick weight. (g) (P<0.01), hatching performance (%) (P<0.05) compare to Chinese geese eggs were determined statistical values important. Taken together these results; Mamut geese eggs' can be said egg quality traits, egg weight loss, and hatching results statistically significant compare to Chinese geese eggs.
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