Open Access Article
1 - Islamic governance from the perspective of Ayatollah Naini
mohammad jalilfar محمدکاظم کاوه پیشقدم -
Open Access Article
2 - Designing an index to measure the quality of natural resource management based on the approach of good governance in the public sector
mahdieh sheikhpour maryam naser -
Open Access Article
3 - Survey the role of good governance in managing the water crisis of the Zayandeh Rood river
Elham Khosravipour -
Open Access Article
4 - Evaluation and presentation of conclusions
Gholam Hossein Fakher samineh bahadorijahromi عبدالحمید دلشاد Keramatollah Rasekh -
Open Access Article
5 - Analyzing networks of influence and information exchange in water governance system; case study of Zayandeh-Rud river basin in Isfahan province
Esmaeel Zakeri Mahabadi Mohammad Reza Yazdani Zazerani Hananeh Mohammadi Kangarani -
Open Access Article
6 - Explaining the necessity of good governance from the perspective of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)
Motahara Salehi mohamad ghasemi -
Open Access Article
7 - An analysis on the policies of organizing worn-out fabrics in informal settlements (Case study: Pars-Abad city)
yousef ziyadi Azadeh Arbabi Sabzevari -
Open Access Article
8 - Cluster Analysis of Iran's Position in the World and Future Trends Based on Good Governance Components
Mona Ahani Morteza Mosakhani Reza Najafbeigi Mohammad Ali Afsharkazemi -
Open Access Article
9 - Review of Research Trend in Electronic Governance
Fatemeh Abbasi Jafar mahmudi Mojtaba Aghajantabar -
Open Access Article
10 - Design the good governance model in Tehran municipality
ali amini shad abbas monavvarian mojtaba amiry -
Open Access Article
11 - Assessment and Analysis of the Future Situation of the Favorable Urban Governance in Iranian Cities Based on Baseline Scenario (Case Study: Tehran City)
kiyan shakarami masoud chharrahi mozzafar hasanvand -
Open Access Article
12 - modeling the business facilitation governance: based on sixth economic,, social and cultural development plan of IRAN
amir khosro fakhrian gholamreza memarzadeh tehran afsaneh zamani moghaddam fereydon rahnamay rodposhty mohammad ali afshar kazemi -
Open Access Article
13 - Providing the entrepreneurial business development governance model
Abolfazl Ansari Fereydon Rahnema Rudpashti gholamreza memarzadeh tehran Fatemeh Hamidifar -
Open Access Article
14 - Does IT makes good governance or good governance improve IT usage? Current trend and prediction of future
Mohammadreza Ghodoosi Jafar Mahmoudi -
Open Access Article
15 - Good Governance: Equilibrated Ecology
Gh. Memarzadeh J. Jassbi N. Nafari -
Open Access Article
16 - Governance of World-Class universities; A Necessity or a need?
Nader gholi ghoorchian Hossein ahmadi rezaie -
Open Access Article
17 - Functions of electronic government establishment in Iran (Study case: electronic banking)
Parveneh Zeynali Someh Ali Asghar Pourezat Parvin Dodangeh -
Open Access Article
18 - Functions of electronic government establishment in Iran (Study case: electronic banking)
Parveneh Zeynali Someh Ali Asghar Pourezat Parvin Dodangeh -
Open Access Article
19 - self-governance citizenry model in Future Management of Electric Energy Distribution
Ehsan Marzban -
Open Access Article
20 - Does IT makes good governance or good governance improve IT usage? Current trend and prediction of future
Mohammad Reza Ghodoosi Jafar Mahmudi -
Open Access Article
21 - Causes of Fatimid Educational-Promotional Centers’ Failure in the Development of Ismaili Sect in Egypt
احمد بادکوبة هزاوه زینب فضلی -
Open Access Article
22 - “Happiness” in Iranian Hikmat and its Influence on Islamic Iran
پروانه عروج نیا -
Open Access Article
23 - The Religious-Ethnic Approach in the Futūḥ-Writings of the Islamic Period; A Study on Futūḥ Al-Miṣr va Akhbāruha by Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam
Mohammad Taqavi -
Open Access Article
24 - On the Manipulations of Hājī Zayn al-Aṭṭār Shīrāzī's Son in His Father's Ikhtiyārāt-e Badī‘ī, His Identity and Sources
Younes Karamati -
Open Access Article
25 - Identify and Analyze the Effective Factor on the Water Governance in Iran
Negin Sadat Sadaghiyan Tark Nejad Hadi Khanmohammadi Hossein Aslipour -
Open Access Article
26 - The mediating role of empowerment in the relationship between transformational leadership and good governance (Case Study: Strategic Deputy of Judiciary)
محسن گرایی محمد ذاکری -
Open Access Article
27 - The Analysis of the Concepts of Network Governance in Medical Tourism Field
ROSTAM GHAREHDAGHI zahra rajaei Arezu ََAghamohamadi mohammad Mahdilo -
Open Access Article
28 - implementation pathology of administrative integrity policies with the good governance approach in Jahad Keshavarzi Organizational
رستم درخشان نازنین پیله وری -
Open Access Article
29 - Internet governance, main actors, governments and social media:a meta synthesis approach
AmirMohsen Mousavi -
Open Access Article
30 - Evaluating the Performance of Municipalities of East Azarbaijan with Emphasis on Good Governance Indicators
zahra tahermosavi ROSTAM GHAREHDAGHI -
Open Access Article
31 - Investigating and measuring the factors affecting the level of accountability in urban management based on the good governance model (Case study; Municipality of Tehran 6th district)
vahid araei abolfazl ghasemi -
Open Access Article
32 - Improving the strategic model of governance of local affairs in the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohammad amirabadi seyedjavad amini -
Open Access Article
33 - Formation E-Participation Development Model in Iran
Mozhgan Mohaimani Hassan Givarian Ehsan Sadeh Syrus Tadbiri -
Open Access Article
34 - Developing a Compound Pattern for Entrepreneurial Government and Good Governance and Providing Implemention Method in of Islamic Republic of Iran
hadi abolfathi masoud pourkiani mozhgan derakhshan navid fathi rad -
Open Access Article
35 - The Implementation Barriers of Public Policies Urban Governance Approach :Case Study East-Azerbaijan Ministries
ROSTAM GHAREHDAGHI Arezoo Aghamohamadi -
Open Access Article
36 - The role of triple governance in establishing a smart city
hadi karami Abolhassan Faghihi Gholamreza memarzade Tehran -
Open Access Article
37 - A Study to Set Policies and standards for an Emotional Marketing Model in order to come off Good Governance
Siamak Naseri vahid araei Mina Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
38 - Designing of developing network governance with soft systems methodology
ٍElham Sabet Tayebeh Abbasnejad Mohsen Torabi -
Open Access Article
39 - Ranking indicators of good governance in effective organizations (Case Study: branches of Refah bank in Qazvin Province)
Seyede Atefeh Yeganegi Seyyed Mehdi Alvani Gholamreza memarzadeh -
Open Access Article
40 - Fuzzy Inference System Predictor of Good Governance against Administrative Corruption
Hamed Rahmani Morteza Mousakhani Gholamreza Memarzade Tehran -
Open Access Article
41 - Providing a model for assessing public policies (after implementation) with a network governance approach (Case study: Social Security Organization
Sarah Hajatpour Karmellah Danesh Fard - Ghanbar Amirnezhad - Mohammad Taban -
Open Access Article
42 - پاسخگویی و اثربخشی نظامهای نظارتی
سودابه jalili -
Open Access Article
43 - governance of the smart city metaverse
farzad fallahian ataolah abtahi neda soleimani -
Open Access Article
44 - Investigating the status of entrepreneurial business development components affecting the governance model
Abolfazl Ansari Freydoon RahnamaRodpashti Gholamreza Memarzadeh, Tehran Fatemeh Hamidi Far -
Open Access Article
45 - بررسی تاثیر نشانگر های اخلاق رسانهای برحکمرانی خوب از دیدگاه اساتید دانشگاههای آزاداسلامی منطقه تبریز
بهلول دیندار فرکوش -
Open Access Article
46 - Evaluation of the Effect of Globalization on Urban Space Management
Hadi Sarvari Hamid Majedi -
Open Access Article
47 - Multilevel governance of the metropolitan region: applying new regionalism approach (Case study: metropolitan region of Mashhad)
Mozaffar Sarrafi naser nejati -
Open Access Article
48 - Identifying and validating effective strategies on the governance system in veterans' sports
mohmmad ali baigi tayebeh zargar bahram ghadimi akbar afarinesh khaki -
Open Access Article
49 - Identifying the causal and contextual factors affecting the success of the Iranian military sports caravan in the CISM 2023 competitions
Abdolreza Arianfard Reza Saboonchi Mohammad Nikravan -
Open Access Article
50 - تفاوت اعتراض ثالث اجرایی با عناوین مشابه
احمد یوسفی صادقلو سعید مجیدی فر -
Open Access Article
51 - تبیین اصول شفاف سازی و آزادی اطلاعات به عنوان مولفه های حکمرانی مطلوب در پرتو نظام حقوقی حاکم بر قراردادهای دولت
عصمت زکی زاده منوچهر توسلی نائینی سید محمدصادق احمدی -
Open Access Article
52 - اجرای آراء دادگاههای ملی به عنوان رأی داوری در پرتو کنوانسیون نیویورک
مجتبی زاهدیان احسان بزمی مایوان -
Open Access Article
53 - ظرفیتهای قانون اساسی ایران در افزایش مشارکت شهروندان درپرتو راهبردهای حکمرانی خوب
صادق علیخانی رضا اسلامی صابر نیاورانی -
Open Access Article
54 - Studying Note 2 of Article 295 of the Islamic Penal Law
Ramin Poursaeid Maryam Mohamady Nooghizadeh -
Open Access Article
55 - Comparative study give up the goods in Iranian low and 1980 vienna convention on product sales
Hamzeh Iranmanesh parizi -
Open Access Article
56 - تعویق صدور حکم، مداخله حداقلی؛ فردی کردن مجازات با رویکرد تطبیقی
حسین فتح آبادی محمد علی مهدوی ثابت محمد آشوری نسرین مهرا -
Open Access Article
57 - بررسی تطبیقی ماهیت وآثار شبهات رافع مجازات در فقه، نظام کیفری ایران و آمریکا
هادی رهبری علی صفاری سید مصطفی محقق داماد محمد آشوری محمد علی مهدوی ثابت -
Open Access Article
58 - Threshold effects of good governance in relation to public spending, financial inclusion and economic growth in selected MENA countries
Niloufar Khatami Hossein Sharifi-Renani Bahar Hafezi -
Open Access Article
59 - The impact of good governance on stock returns in Tehran Stock Exchange
S. Abdolmajid Jalaei Hedyeh Mir Akbar Rahimipour -
Open Access Article
60 - Social capital and good governance Case Study: Developing Countries (1996 – 2010)
Iman Mirzaaghanasab Gerdrudbari Mehdi Taghavi -
Open Access Article
61 - Measuring the effect of neoclassical and institutional variables on employment rate in the OECD Developed countries
Mohammadreza Sharif Azadeh Akbar Komijani Teimour mohammadi Akbar Bagheri -
Open Access Article
62 - On the relationship between the size of Government and the Quality of Economic Growth
Akbar Komijani Kambiz Hozhabr Kiyani Hadi Haghshenase -
Open Access Article
63 - Effect of Health Expenditure and Good Governance on Health Indicators in MENA Countries Using the Generalized Method of Moments )GMM(
Badriyeh Hosseinpur ahmad sarlak Mohammad Hasan Fotros -
Open Access Article
64 - Assessing Good Governance in the Dimensions of Quality, Effectiveness and Accountability in the Health System of Iran and Selected Countries: A Comparative Study
Mohsen kazeminia Alireza Khatony faranak jafari -
Open Access Article
65 - Jurisprudential ruling on the pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (as) and its legal effects
Seyed Ali Rabbani Mousaviyan -
Open Access Article
66 - تأثیرعرف ومقتضیات زمان و مکان براحکام امضایی
Najmeh Sharifpour mohamad bahrami khoshkar seyed abolghasem naghibi -
Open Access Article
67 - Analysis of the theory of the limits of Mohammad Shahrour
shirin Rajabzadeh -
Open Access Article
68 - تأثیر حرج استقبالی در رافعیت حکم
reza poorsedghi fatemeh gharib -
Open Access Article
69 - the rule of no_harm in official documents
nadere jafarzade asghar arabiyan -
Open Access Article
70 - Conception and Elements of Islamic Rule in Comparison with Legal Rule
Jalil Omidi -
Open Access Article
71 - Imam Khomeini’s View Point about the Nature of Religious Rule
Ahmadreza Tavakoli -
Open Access Article
72 - Reflection on the Views of the Scholars of Jurisprudence and Law Concerning Compensation for Medical Injuries (With an Emphasis on Criminal Liability of Doctors)
Abdolkarim Saleki Abdolhossein Moradi Kopaei -
Open Access Article
73 - Readout of the Subject and Sentences of Zalal Books
Ehsan Aliakbari Babookani Mohammadhasan haeri yazdi Mohammad tagi faklaee -
Open Access Article
74 - Usury in State Loans
Mohammad Jafari Harandi -
Open Access Article
75 - Effect of Ignorance of the Law in Criminal Responsibility According To the Imami Jurisprudence
Sayed Doraid Mousavi Mojab Mahdi Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
76 - A Study of the Effects and Rules of Temporary Marriage, its Praiseworthiness and Blameworthiness in an Approach to Ahl al- Bayt Hadīth
Fateme Mirshamsi -
Open Access Article
77 - The relationship between good governance and the development of a creative cultural city
Mehnosh Khazaee Mohsen Ameri Shahrabi Faramarz Malekiyan -
Open Access Article
78 - Solutions for making religious institutions more efficient
Mahdi Shajarian hoseyn ghasemi fard -
Open Access Article
79 - Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract
ahmadreza kasrai Horiya Abidpur mohammad ali keramati hasan mehrmanesh -
Open Access Article
80 - Constructing social issues in risky conditions: analysis of the comments under the posts related to the corona of rulers on Instagram
Abbasali shekardoost Hamed sajadi MohammadBagher Akhondi -
Open Access Article
81 - Recognizing and prioritizing conflict of interest in Islamic Republic of Iran Organization of Broadcasting
Ali Damavandi kenari -
Open Access Article
82 - Examining the effects of new governance on the discourse of transformative social innovation (Case study: the villages of Southern Lilan Dehistan)
Ahmad hajarian -
Open Access Article
83 - Explanation of the Possibilities and Tools of Mass Media on the Formation of Good Governance in Developing Societies (with Emphasis on Global Experiences)
Ali Damavandi Kenari Seyed Ali Tabatabaiepanah Sousan Safaverdi -
Open Access Article
84 - The Investigation of Sustainable Urban Development’s Assessment in Shiraz in Recent 10 Years
Mehrdad Navabakhsh Mohammad Bazrafshan -
Open Access Article
85 - The archeology of knowledge and discourse as an introduction to Foucault's theory
Seyed Vahid Aghili Amir Lotfi Haghighat -
Open Access Article
86 - Step by step with Aristotle seeking the supreme khnowledge
پرویز ziee shahabi -
Open Access Article
87 - Validity of Judge’s Own Knowledge and Its Challenges
Asghar Arabiyan -
Open Access Article
88 - Concept, Statement and Judgment
Muhammad Taghī Fa'ali -
Open Access Article
89 - A Comparative Study of the Teleology of the Cosmos in Islamic Philosophy and Sunni Theology
Monireh Sayyid Mazhari -
Open Access Article
90 - The Custom of the Wise
Alireza Faiz -
Open Access Article
91 - Conceptual Analysis of the Subject of Metaphysics in Suhrawardi's Hikmat al-Ishraq
Mahmud Hedayatafza Zeynab Bostani -
Open Access Article
92 - Urban development influenced by the development of good urban governance in Iran
mohsen mohammadi majid vali shareeatpanahi HOSEIN MOJTABA -
Open Access Article
93 - Sustainable development of areas in Tehran's District 4 with an emphasis on good urban governance
mohsen mohammadi RAHIM SARVAR MAJID shareeatpanahi HOSEIN MOJTABA -
Open Access Article
94 - Feasibility Study of Implementing New Models of Urban Planning with Emphasis on Urban Governance Case study: Garmadreh city, Alborz province))
naser mohammadi Hossein Mojtaba Zadeh Ali Tavakolan -
Open Access Article
95 - Urban Governance: Identifying measures for Urban Management of Tehran Municipality
hamed rahmani -
Open Access Article
96 - Good Governance and obligating of human rights contents; Basis of urban sustainable management
دکتر حسن اسماعی لزاده -
Open Access Article
97 - Governance and the role of urban management in the age of globalization
حمید عرفانیان خانزاده -
Open Access Article
98 - Assessment of municipality function base on the urban good governance
علی شماعی علیاصغر آدینه وند مریم حاجیزاده -
Open Access Article
99 - Investigating the Attainability of Good Urban Governance Indexes by Emphasizing on Urban Life Quality (Case Study Districts 1, 7 and 22 of Tehran City
Hanie Tavakoli Mehdi Moemeni -
Open Access Article
100 - Governance Structure in Iran Based on Multi-Level Governance Theory
Hamid Reza Saremi Nima Farhadimanesh Seyed Mehdi Khatami -
Open Access Article
101 - The effects of good urban governance and social trust in improving the old urban structure(Case study: district 15 of Tehran megacity)
Saeid Aman poor Omid Latifi -
Open Access Article
102 - Political and structural barriers to change the role of municipality from services provider to socio-services agent
محمدحسین بوچانی -
Open Access Article
103 - Measuring the Level of Citizen Participation in Urban Management Based on Urban Governance Model (Case study; District 5 of Tehran Municipality)
shakila hosseini -
Open Access Article
104 - Analysis of the Pattern of Iranian Urban Management (structure, performance and strategy)
Farzali Salari Sadroi Akbar kiani -
Open Access Article
105 - An Analysis of the Role of Good Governance in the Quality of Life of Citizens(Case Study: Residents of Mehrshahr Alborz)
pegah Aghayari morad kordi -
Open Access Article
106 - Analysis and Assessment the implementation of good urban governance in Urmia city
Alireza Soleimani Ahmad Aftab Shabnam sedghkar -
Open Access Article
107 - Identifying the Constituent Factors of Open Governance with a Sustainable Development Approach in the Municipalities of Tehran Province
Masoud mirzapour sedigheh tootian Ghilamreza memarzadehtehran Gholamreza hashemzadeh -
Open Access Article
108 - The role of municipalities in creating sustainable urban employment and income with an emphasis on income from funds and property (Study case: Hamadan city)
majid gharabaghi abas malekhoseini Majid Shams -
Open Access Article
109 - The question of beauty in Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah and from the perspective of Perennial philosophy
somayeh jalalian Iraj Dadashi -
Open Access Article
110 - The Symbolism of Ancient Iranian Concepts in Suhrawardī’s Persian Treatises
رضا اسدپور -
Open Access Article
111 - The Status of Abu al-cAbbās Qaßßāb ĀmulÊ in the Spiritual Geneology of Shaikh-i "Ishrāq
زهرا Zare' SH Pazuki -
Open Access Article
112 - The Hadith of “God Created Adam in his Image” in Abrahamic Religions
علی Delshad Sh Pazooki -
Open Access Article
113 - The Thoughts and Teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg
حبیب Bashirpour Shahram Pazouki -
Open Access Article
114 - The Place of Women in the Gnostic Christian Schools
maryamsadat siahpoosh Leila Hooshangi حجت الله Javani -
Open Access Article
115 - Feminine Embodiment of Divine Wisdom in Judaism and Buddhism
Maryamsadat Siahpoosh -
Open Access Article
116 - The Book of Daniel as an Apocalyptic Literature: Features and Symbols
Fatemeh Maghsoudian Leila Hooshangi Azadeh Rezaei -
Open Access Article
117 - Zarathushtra and His Doctrine in the Azar Keivan’s Texts
farzaneh Goshtasb -
Open Access Article
118 - Assessment of Good governance Indicators in the Water Sector
seyednaseraldin badisar seyed mohammad sadegh ahmadi atefehsadat modabernejhad -
Open Access Article
119 - Sustainable urban land management in the framework of the integrated urban land governance model (Case study: Iran and Gorgan)
Ali Vaziri Nasirabad Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi arash baghdadi -
Open Access Article
120 - Developing strategies to improve the quality of public spaces of Imam Hossein square and 17 Shahrivar pedestrian street with emphasis on the urban innovative governance approach
seyedeh yasaman mohagheghpour Roozbeh Zamanian abbas shieh -
Open Access Article
121 - Study of Good Governance Effect on Environment Quality Index in Selected Developing Countries
Sadaf Ahmadi Niyaz reza zeinalzadeh Ali Raeispour rajabali -
Open Access Article
122 - The Effect of Good Governance on the Environment in Middle-Income Countries
Saeed Alizade Maryam Bayat -
Open Access Article
123 - The role of good government and human resource in attracting direct foreign investment and economical growth (a selection of developing countries)
Kianosh Mansoor Lakoraj sadegh Bakhttiari sara ghobadi -
Open Access Article
124 - Realization of public participation principle in water resources management based on domestic and international water Law
Mansour Mohammadi Dinani Yousef Molaei Mohammad Ebrahim Banihabib -
Open Access Article
125 - Dimension’s Importance Analyzing of the Urban Good Governance on Improving the Midsized Cities Management Structure (Case study: Mianeh City)
meysam azimi Karim Hosainzadeh Dalir Ali Azar -
Open Access Article
126 - Financial, monetary, commercial dynamics and macroeconomic imbalance with emphasis on the quality index of good governance in oil countries by using dynamic systems approach in order to improve social development
mahin azarand Marjan Damankeshideh Manijeh Hadinejad شهریار نصابیان -
Open Access Article
127 - The historical origins of the common wisdom of Kerman and cultural developments
Isa Moradi abolghasam amir ahmadi ali eshgei -
Open Access Article
128 - A comparative study of the poetry of Warraq Heravi and Saadi, focusing on the didactic typeAbstract
ayat shokati Masoud Bavanpouri vahid sajjadifar -
Open Access Article
129 - Comparison and study of Social – Political Views in Hekmat and Shamloo Poetries
Hossein Ariyan Leili Abbasi Montazeri -
Open Access Article
130 - The Theme of Naser Khosrow and Abū l-Atāhiyya Philosophical Poetries
Fazlollah Rezaei Ardani Gholam Reza Hatefi Majomerd -
Open Access Article
131 - Seizing the Opportunity in Saadi's Golestan & Boustan and Comparison to Nahj al-Balagha
Hossein Ali Mousa Zadeh Seyyed Mahmoud Seyyed Sadeqi Seyyed Jafar Hamidi -
Open Access Article
132 - Comparative Analysis of Simile in Wisdom Poems of Boostan and Motanabbi,s songs
mohammad benam far majid khosravi -
Open Access Article
Hamid Reza Farzi Elham Alipuran Lashgar Shekan -
Open Access Article
134 - A comparative study of motto and wisdom in Emra-Ol- Gheys and Rudaki’s Poems
Naser Mohseninya Elham Maryami -
Open Access Article
135 - A comparative study of the reflection of literary heritage in Rahat al-Sodur and Aghd Al-Ala
Hassan Asadzadeh Khaneghah Mohammad Ebrahimpour Namin Khosrow Jalili Kohnehshahri -
Open Access Article
136 - Comparative Study on Ersal Masal and Amsal Saereh by Saeb Tabrizi and Motenabbi
Shahla Haj Talebi Seyyed Mohammad Amiri -
Open Access Article
137 - Hermitry in Naserkhosrow and Abolatahiyeh’s Poetry
Maryam Mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
138 - Position and Role of Myths in Khosravani's Wisdom; with Emphasis on Illuminationist Wisdom, Shahnameh and Mersad Al-Ebad
Saeedeh Niazi Mohammad Reza Zaman Ahmadi Shahrokh Hekmat -
Open Access Article
139 - The unity of existence in the words of Imam Khomeini and its comparison with Davood Qaisari
Nematollah Behzadi Farajollah Barati Maryam Bakhtiar -
Open Access Article
140 - The Qur'an's view on taqiyyah and limiting corporal punishment by looking at narrations and hadiths
Fazlullah ranjbar kazem Ghazizadeh Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh -
Open Access Article
141 - A Research on Essentials and Effects of Surveillance from Holy Quran and The Four Books’ Perspectives
Abdolrahim Oboodi Seyyed Hassan Hosseini Abolhassan Mo’men Nezhad -
Open Access Article
142 - Quranic principles of allowing and not allowing recourse rule to the ruling
Hamdollah Soleimani Sarduo Meisam Taram Rouhollah Afzali -
Open Access Article
143 - A Study On The Quranic Instances In The Supreme Philosophy Of Cosmology
Morteza Khazaei Soltanabad Mohammad hosein Irandoost Hadi Vasei -
Open Access Article
144 - Quranic and Traditional Principles of Judge’s Civil Responsibility and its Stream in Positive Law
Mahdi Bahrehmand Ahmad Reza Tavakoli Mohammad Hadi Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
145 - Good governance point of view of the Quran and Nahj-al-lbalagha with emphasis on accountability
hosain alekajibaf -
Open Access Article
146 - Analysis of the Viewpoints of the Contemporary Scholars of Quran in Explanation of the Strong and Analogical Verse
Mohammadreza Hajiesmaeeli Mehdi Moti Zohreh Kyani -
Open Access Article
147 - Cognitive Origins of Illuminated Philosophy; Quran and Narrative Sources' Role and Effect
Reza Rezazadeh Hoda Habibi Manesh -
Open Access Article
148 - Descriptive semantics of the word "wisdom" based on verses and hadiths
Alireza Kavand Hassan Ahmadnia -
Open Access Article
149 - Interpretations of the book and wisdom from perspective of the revelation of tradition
Ali Tamaski Bidgoli -
Open Access Article
150 - Multivalent and precise verses and experts in knowledge from Imam Ali's point of view
Reza Rostami Zadeh Majid Khazaie -
Open Access Article
151 - Divine Governorship from Sohrevardi, Quran and Tradition's view
Shamsollah Seraj Hoda Habibi Manesh -
Open Access Article
152 - Alimony from Quran and stories Point of View
Mahdi Bahremand Mahboubeh Askari Badouei -
Open Access Article
153 - Wisdom of Diversity Day from the viewpoint of the Qur’an
Mohmmad Ali Mahdavi Rad Mahid Abdollahi poor -
Open Access Article
154 - Wisdom in Qur'an and its Historical Traces in Islamic civilization
Mohammad Karim Hekmat Ara Mahdi Najafi Afra -
Open Access Article
155 - Satisfaction and simple living among Qoran and nahjolBalagheh
Sharbanoo Mihani -
Open Access Article
156 - Quranic and Traditional Principles of Judge's Social Responsibilities
Mahdi Bahremand Ahamad Reza Tavakkoli Mohammad Hadi Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
157 - Hakim’s Concept and its Impact in Lives by Enjoying Verses and Narrations
Nasrin Eshtiyaqi Raad -
Open Access Article
158 - Expressing the components of ignorance from the Quranic verses’s Viewpoint
Islam Zahrabi Asl Gelareh Amiri Soheila Payan -
Open Access Article
159 - The history of medicine in the Islamic Iran
Gheis Al Gheis -
Open Access Article
160 - A Glance at the Literary Man, Poet and Playwright, Suleiman Al-Hozami and the Play “Bedayat Al-Nahayat”
Seyed Ebrahim Arman Zohre Banbi -
Open Access Article
161 - Social, Ethical and Wise Themes in the Poetry of Ahmad Shoghi
Mohammad Ali Abol Hassani -
Open Access Article
162 - The Reflection of Wisdom in Dark Era and Contemporary Poetries
Rahimeh Choolanian Jafar Amouri -
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163 - Life and Poetry of Oday Ibn Zeid Ebadi
Nader Nezam Tehrani -
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164 - مدلسازی معادلات ساختاری مسئولیت اجتماعی اسلامی با تکیه بر مدیریت دولتی نوین از نوع حکمرانی خوب
هادی ردایی حسین حبیبیتبار زینالعابدین امینی سابق حسان ساده -
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165 - سنجش میزان هماهنگی مدیریتی شهر جدید فولادشهر با سکونتگاه های پیرامون
ایرج خسروی حاجی وند احمد خادم الحسینی حمید صابری مهدی مومنی -
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166 - واکاوی حکمرانی خوب شهری در جغرافیای سیاسی شهرستان ایرانشهر
سعید خسروی حمید احمدی گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی محمد رضا قائدی -
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167 - تحلیل سیاستهای اقتصادسیاسی دولتهای بعد از انقلاب اسلامی بر مبنای الگوی حکمرانی خوب، مطالعه موردی دولت احمدی نژاد
حسین علی نودیجه مسعود مطلبی عبدالرضا بای -
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168 - تطبیق پذیری برنامه های کاربری زمین و سیاست های سازگاری اقلیمی در چهارچوب حکمروایی چندسطحی (مورد پژوهی: منطقه شهری قزوین)
مصطفی مومنی ناصر برک پور -
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169 - سنجش و رتبه بندی محلات شهری گناوه از نظر شاخص های حکمروایی خوب شهری
علی بیروتی کرامت الله زیاری حسین سلطان زاده -
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170 - واکاوی رئالیستی مدل اعتدالگرا؛ نگاه نوین حکمرانی خوب در جغرافیای سیاسی ایران
نادر شیرکوند مهدی عابدی علی صالحی فارسانی -
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171 - درآمدی بر حکمروایی خوب شهری: ضرورتها، الزامات و چالشهای فراروی تحقق آن در ایران
جمیله توکلی نیا مجید اسکندر پور مجتبی برغمدی -
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172 - تبیین چارچوب مفهومی حکمروایی خوب شهری مبتنی بر مدیریت یکپارچه شهری(نمونه موردی: کلانشهر تهران)
افشار ابدالی حسین ذبیحی حمید ماجدی -
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173 - Seb judgment (curse) to the Prophet and Imam in Shiite Jurisprudence
سید محمد شفیعی مازندرانی -
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174 - تعطیلی «حجّ» از سوی حاکم اسلامی
محمد صرفی سید حسن عابدیان کلخوران -
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175 - Study of the Relationship Jurisprudence and Ethics and comparing its with Islamic law
زینب موسوی سادات سید محمد مهدی احمدی -
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176 - Removing terrorism from Islamic jurisprudence and jurisprudential explanation of political decision Imam KHomeini (RA)
احمد مرادخانی فاطمه رحمانی -
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177 - Fiqhi (Jurisprudential) Principles on the Law of Inadmissibility of Withdrawal of Judgement
Hamdollah Soleimani Sarduo Ruohollah Afzali Meisam Taram -
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178 - Permission for retaliation
vahid nekoonam -
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179 - Critical review of the use of the term Islamic punishments
HOSSEIN ANDALIB Mohammadail Heidari Ahmadreza Tavakooli -
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180 - The Funtions of the Proportionality between the Verdict and the Charge in the Jurisprudential Principles
Abolfazl Alishahi Mahdi Dehghan Simakani -
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181 - The methodology of cognition in transcendent wisdom
MohammadHossien Irandoost Eshagh Aban -
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182 - Achievements of human dignity in sentencing
Farahnaz Nazeri sharibani Alireza Saberian -
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Mahdi Fadaei Mehrbani Naser Garusi Saeed Jahangiri -
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184 - The Factors for the Actualization of a Human’s Existential Purpose from the View of Mullā Sadrā
Tayebeh T Tavakoli Hamed Hadi Vasei Mohammad Hossein Irandoost -
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185 - Jurisprudential Rules about Narcotics Emphasizing on Drug Trafficking
Mohammad Reza Momeni Ahmad Moradkhani -
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186 - The Ontology of 'Eyn ol-Qozāt Hamedāni in the Relation between Wisdom, Religion, and Mysticism
Aomayeh Amiri Abbas Ahmadi Saadi Mohamad Ali Akhgar -
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187 - Mechanisms of influence of cultural and social factors on the determination of jurisprudence
Mahmood Mansouri Hossein Azhdarizadeh Mohammadhossein Pouryani -
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188 - A Survey and Evaluation of the Place of Optimal Governance in Nahj ul-Balāgha
Seyed Rohollah Tabatabaei Ali Shirkhani Mehdi Motaharnia -
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189 - Foregrounds of Religious Democracy and Transcendental Theosophy and Islamic Revolution Relationship
Sharif Lakzaei نجمه کیخا -
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190 - Reflection of Ancient Iranian Culture in Naser Khosrow's Rhetorical Poems (Based on Arabic Sources)
Vahid Sabzianpour Touraj Zinivand Muslim Khazli -
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191 - Brigh Zoroastrian effects and thier reflection on Rumi's Masnavi
kurosh Zarfatan mahmoud sadeghzadeh hadi heidariniya -
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192 - Unity of Creation; Bin Ma'ayet of Khosrawani's Wisdom in Manteqotteir Attar
Leyla Gholami Ahangar-Kolayi Mahmoud Tavousi Shahin Ojagh Alizadeh -
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Zahra Kazemipour -
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194 - The Study of Women’s Place in the Adages and Anecdotes through a Sociological Approach
Reza Forsati Jouybari Mina Nabayi -
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195 - Domestic Economy in Asadī Tūsī’s Garšāsp-nāma
Zahra KazemiPour -
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196 - Presenting a model for the economic governance system in sports based on political, social and economic factors
Vahid Rajabi Mohammad Sultan Hosseini Mina Mostahfezian -
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197 - Identification of cultural damages of the country; A qualitative study
Kiyumars Moladoost Amirmasoud Amirmazaheri مصطفی اکبریان -
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198 - Identification of cultural damages of the country; A qualitative study
Kiyumars Moladoost Amirmasoud Amirmazaheri Mostafa Akbarian -
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199 - Rumi's View of Science and its Variant
Mehdi Mohaghegh Fateme Fateme Heydari Heydari Shiva Heydari -
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200 - Investigating the role of allegory in explaining the category of "self-creation" in Pahlavi's contexts
Batool Fakhr Eslam Hamideh HasanKhani -
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201 - The moral & didactic educates of philosophers’ Kheradnameh in Nezami’s Eghbalnameh
ali afzali -
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202 - Reflective of the moral teaching of poetry to Sanaei
Khalil Hadidi hamid sanaei -
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203 - Study of Allegory, Proverbs and Axiom in the Khaqani Divan
H. Mosavian M. Mahozi -
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204 - Analysis of the governance planning system of Iran Football Federation
Ehsan Askari Karizi Hossein Peymanizad Mohammadreza Ismaeelzadeh Hassan Fahim devin -
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205 - Estimating the relative share of students' satisfaction with good governance in physical education and sports departments of Islamic Azad Universities in Isfahan province
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206 - The Role of Form in the Transcendence of Aesthetic Experience with an Emphasis on Islamic Philosophers’ Opinions and Look at the Tabatabaei House
Maryam Bakhtiarian Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani -
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207 - The Effect of Beliefs in Figuration Religious Buildings in Safavid Era in Esfahan (Case Study: Comparative Study of Hakim Mosque & Bethlehem Church)
Seyedeh Marzieh Tabaeian Meghedy Khodabakhshian -
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208 - Research Needs Assessment as an Essential Proceeding in Urban Management (Case Study: Isfahan)
Mansoureh Kianersi Zeinab Talebirizi -
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Samira Afraz Ismail Bani Ardalan Hadi Rabiei -
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210 - The Relationship between Architecture and Artistic Imagination in Iranian Wisdom
Marjan Amjad Flora Biabani -
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211 - Semantics of Intuition and its Functions in Sheikh Ishraq's Perspectives
Shahnaz Shayanfar Mahnaz Amirkhani Seyyedeh Zahra Hosseini -
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212 - A Comparative Study on Anthropology from Viewpoint of Aziz Al-din Nasafi and Ancient Wisdom of Iran
Hassan Saeidi Safarali Ghadiri -
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Karim Shaker -
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Mehdi zamani -
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215 - Proximity Of ‘Mohayyamin Spirits’ with ‘Supreme Item’ in IbnArabi’s Mysticism and Sublime
Mehdi Zamani -
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216 - The Relationship between Iranian Ancient Wisdom and the Morality Of Fairness
Fariba Pat Parvane Orujnia -
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217 - Mystical Analysis of Relevation in Suhrevardi's Philosophy
Naser Kazemkhanloo Ali Azadi -
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218 - تحلیل محتوای رسالۀ عقل سرخ سهروردی
صابر پورشرق محمّد حکیم آذر امیرحسین همّتی -
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219 - Islamic Theory of Spiritual Intelligence: Designing a Model of Spiritual Intelligence with an Islamic Approach as the Spiritual Capital of Managers
Behzad Hodhodi Bijan Abdullahi Hamidreza Arasteh Hassan Reza Zeinabadi -
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220 - Exploring the Illuminated Wisdom in Yusuf Chapter in Respect to the World of Imagination as Viewed by Ibn Arabi
Somayeh Saffari Ahmadabad Ismail BaniArdalan Iraj Dadashi Mohammad Reza Sharifzadeh -
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221 - مشی عرفانی فارابی
Ghodratolah khayatian Raheleh Mirakhorli -
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222 - حکمت و عرفان در شعر حمّانی علوی
Babak Molaii Mohammad javad Esmaeil Qanemi -
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223 - The Role of Phantom in Religious Training, Regarding to the Islamic Mysticism and Wisdom
MohammadTaghi Yousefi Yarali Kord Firoozjayi saeed ahmadi -
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224 - تحلیل عرفان و حکمت در اشعار ناصحالدین أرجانی با تکیه بر صور خیال
Razieh Yazdanipour valiollah Shojapourian -
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225 - Akhaven-e- Sales’ Perspective on Khosravani’s Wisdom
Mohsen Ghorbanzadeh mohamadreza shadmanamin Medi Mahuzi ahmad zakeri -
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226 - A Study on Ibn Al-Arabi's A’yân Thâbita Based on Fusus Al-Hikam
Masumeh Alikahi Reza Fahimi Manizhe Fallahi -
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227 - A Study of Common Concepts and Themes in Nahj al-Balaghah and Hadᾱiq Al-Anwᾱr
Saeed Farzanerad Maryam Shafiee Taban -
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228 - Investigating the relationship between governance quality and social hope in urban development (Study of case: the youth of Bushehr city)
Mohammad Mashayekhi Golamreza Jafarinia Habib Pasalarzadeh -
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229 - Urban policy in the field of wicked problems
Rahim Sarvar Mohammad Ali Khaliji -
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230 - The role of good governance in increasing tourism in Taleghan city
Rassa Safari namin sayed abolghasem fazel chahar mahali mohammad shokriyan -
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231 - Multi-dimensional analysis of smart city indicators in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic; The case study of Mashhad city
Ali Hosseini Ebrahim Farhadi Mohammad Joshanpour Azam Tayebi -
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232 - The function of allegory in conveying concepts based on wisdom and advice in children's stories of the eighties
Somayeh Rasooli Seyed Ahmad i Hosseini Kazerun seyedmahmood seyedsadegi seyedgafar hamidi -
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233 - An attitude towards allusions and proverbs and rulings in Anwari's poems
Tahereh khabazi -
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234 - Reflection of Arabic and Persian Proverbs and Sayings in the Mirror of Odes and Lyric Poetry and Fragments of Taqi Danesh
rajab tohidiyan -
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235 - ارایه فرهنگنامه ای مختصر از برابر های فارسی اصطلاحات فنی در جامع الحکمتین ناصر خسرو قبادیانی
فرزانه قضاوی -
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236 - Wisdom in the Poems of AbolfathBosti and SaadiShirazi
mohammad ahaygan'mehr -
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237 - بررسی سیر تحولات اندیشه تصویب و تخطئه در میان مسلمین
مسیح محمودی سوق هرمز اسدی کوه باد سیامک بهارلویی -
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238 - رستگاری در مکتب ودانتیسم و حکمت متعالیه صدرایی
الهه السادات سجاددوست علیرضا خواجه گیر مجتبی جعفری اشکاوندی علی ملک زاده -
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239 - قلمرو حکومت حاکم از منظر فقه فریقین
خالد عیسی زاده محمدجواد باقی زاده -
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240 - جایگاه پیشینه خصومت و نزاع در عقد صلح
مجتبی مسعودی -
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241 - انتشار احکام قطعی در فقه و حقوق ایران
پویا ایزدی محمدرضا غلامپور -
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242 - ماهیّت حقوقی قرارداد رحم جایگزین در فقه و قانون ایران
امیر خواجهزاده -
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243 - شهادت ثالثه از بدعت تا وجوب
عبدالمجید حکیم الهی -
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244 - مدل سازی عوامل موثر کالبدی در ارتقای حکمروایی خوب با روش شبکه عصبی (MLP)– نمونه موردی پیادهراههای منطقه 12 شهر تهران
محسن نجارزاده زینب کرکه آبادی سعید کامیابی -
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245 - Jurisprudence Facts Abut Women’s Judgment In Islam
فاطمه Birjandi -
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246 - A framework for explaining a good governance system based on good governance in the Supreme Audit court
hamid julaei Adel Salavati Kiomars Ahmadi Ataullah Mohammadi -
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247 - Survey Kurdish folklore
Jamal Ahmadi Arezoo Broomandi -
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248 - The tricks of the book Tabashir al-Hikma Raz Shirazi in making the habits of the life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) believable
zahra naseiri Saeed Qashqaei Ahmad Tahan -
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249 - The moral and motto instructions in Bahman nâmeh and a search in its Islamic and Iranian roots
Layla Hashemian Behzad Atoni -
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250 - Creating Social Hope with the use of a comprehensive governance pattern
foud makvandi abdolkarim behzadi -
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251 - Optimizing urban governance policies in metropolises (case study:Rasht)
sadegh sadeghpour bakhtyar ezatpanah nader zali -
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252 - Evaluation of the position of city development strategy indicators (case study: Marand city)
Morteza Ali Mahdavi Karim Hosseinzadeh Dalir Bashir beygbabye -
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253 - Investigate the effect of Good Governor on Developing of Entrepreneurship in the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran
Hadi Abolfathi -
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254 - Examining the Role of Good Governance Components in the Political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an Emphasis on Urban Development
abdollah pirozi -
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255 - Sports Governance in Iran: A Scoping Review
Mostafa Mohammadi raouf -
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256 - The reflection of the wisdom of ancient Iran on the beauty and mystical love of Suhrawardi, relying on aesthetics
azarnoosh gilani -
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257 - self-existent wisdom from the point of view of Muslim theologians
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258 - The wisdom of the existence of mediators between the creator and the created
Roohallah khodadadi Mostafa khodadadnijad Meisam Pourfaraj -
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259 - The concept of law in the thought of Mirza Malkam Khan
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Ahmad Bostani -
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261 - Politics in Suhrawardi's thought Re-readingSuhrawardi's political thought with emphasis on A. Spragens query model
Mir Jamal Al- Din Taghavi Moghadam Mohammad Agah Mohammad Kazem Kaveh Pishghadam -
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Akbar saavari Samaneh Rahmatifar Shahram Zarneshan -
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Akbar saavari Samaneh Rahmatifar shahram Zarneshan -
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264 - A Comparative Study between good governance model, as a point of view of Imam Ali (Greetings upon him), with common proper governance models: Using Grounded Theory
mohammad montazeri azime kazemi -
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Mahshid Tabatabaie zavareh beitollah akbari moghadam Farhad Ghaffari -
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Samira SherkatRazavi Mohsen Hosseinian -
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Roya Sepehrnia Mahmood Alborzi Ali Kermanshah Adel Azar Rozita Sepehrnia -
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reza JALILI mahdi nowrooz -
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269 - The role of good urban governance in the Corona and post-Corona eras according to the status of women (Case study: Semnan city)
Mehdi Asghari Zeinab Karke abadi abbas Arghan -
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سید مناف هاشمی محمد روشنعلی تینا اسماعیلی -
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فرزانه ساسانپور آوات عبدالهی -
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272 - ارزیابی وضعیت شاخص های حکمروایی در شهر الشتر از نگاه مدیران و شهروندان
آیت رشنوفر جواد یوسفوند -
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273 - مطالعه تطبیقی شاخص های استراتژی توسعه شهری(CDS) در شهرهای ایران از نگاه گروه های شهری
محمدرحیم رهنما لیلی ابراهیمی -
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274 - ارزیابی جایگاه و اثرات حکمروایی مطلوب بر بازآفرینی پایدار بافتهای ناکارآمد شهری (مورد مطالعه: شهر سنندج)
زیلا سجادی عمران حسین پناهی نعیمه خداداد -
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275 - ارزیابی شاخص های حکمروایی خوب در محلات شهری (مطالعهموردی: محله قصردشت شهر شیراز)
محمدرضا شهریاری پریسا مشک سار -
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276 - The history of government and governance from the perspective of Persian poetry (based on the poems of Ferdowsi, Rumi, Saadi and Hafez)
alimohammad Jehani Ali Eshghi Sardehi Abolghasem amirahmadi -
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277 - The Effect of Beit- ol Hekmeh in developing of translation movement in Abbasid era
ramezan rezaei -
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278 - Examining the relationship between the indicators of good governance (the right to comment and respond and the rule of law) and human security in Iran: a case study of the 11th and 12th governments
saeed darabnia Hossein Karimifard Jahanbakhsh Moradi Ali Bakhtiyarpour -
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279 - Components of the principles of good governance effective on the legislative branch
Zahra Qolami moghaddam Mohammad Sharif shahi Seyed mohammad Hashemi Qodrat allah Norozi baghkameh -
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280 - A Survey of Good Governance Indicators (Rule of Law and Accountability) in Iran between 1991-2007
Nahaleh Madadi Mohammad Tohidfam Habibollah Abolhassan Shirazi -
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281 - Analysis of Political Economy Policies of Iranian Governments after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Model of Good Governance (Case Study of Hassan Rouhani's Government)
Hossein Ali Nodijeh Masoud Motallebi Ablol Reza Bay -
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Mojtaba Malekshahi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki Abdulrahman Hassanifar -
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Rahmat Hajimineh Arsalan Abdolahpour -
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Sohrabali Afroogh Saeed Eslamee Kamal Pouladi -
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Mehdi Aghamohammad gholamreza kordestani Hosein Kazemi -
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286 - Good Governance: A Network of Civil Society Interactors
seyed mehdi Alvani -
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Omid Ardalan Asghar Mohammadi Fateh Sayyad Mehdi Alvani -
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Mehdi Alipour Peiman Ghasemi Farshid Abdi -
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Seyfollah Seyfollahi JAVAD sheikhi Alireza Kaldi -
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290 - The study of the role of quality of good governance in public welfare (Case study: OIC and OECD member countries)
Seyed Isa Karimpour Samad Abedini Eghbaleh Azizkhani -
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291 - Exploring the spy domain in psychological operations from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence
ali moradi Mortaza Tabibi Jabali mohammad ali heidari Ehsan Ali Akbari Babokani -
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akbar sajedi -
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Ali Omrani Hasan Pashazadeh Esmaeil Saghiri -
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294 - -
حسین عندلیب -
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Mohammad Moharrami Saeed Hasanzadeh Delghosha یعقوب پور جمال -
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Mohsen Farsaei masoud motallebi Asghar Arabian mostafa abtahi -
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monir hozouri -
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mohammad kavyani ali amiri masoud motallebi حجت مهکویی -
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299 - Applied foreign policy rulings in the field of international relations, from the perspective of the Supreme Leader
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300 - a
MOJTABA EBRAHYMI حسین شریفی طرازکوهی احد باقرزاده -
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301 - Causes of Refusing to Accept the Validity of Foreign Judgments about Tazirat in Iran's Law
Abolhassan Shakeri farshad shirzadifar -
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abolghasem naghibi hossein jalilzadeh -
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ali akbar izadifard hassan gholipour hadi salehi -
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Ali Hashemi seyyed mehdi Ahmadi -
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305 - The Effect Quality of Knowledge and Ignorance in the True and Apparent Principles of the Shiite and Public Opinion
mohammadreza kazemi mohammadreza eski -
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306 - The investigation of juridical and legal of burned babies from Surrogacy Womb
sedigheh mahdavi behnaz ahmadvand ensiyeh nourahmadi -
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307 - Analyzing Legitimacy of Financial Punishment
alimazhar qaramaleki mohammadreza hamifi -
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308 - Judicial and Lawful Study of Euthanasia
mohammad jafari harandi fatemeh jabarzadeh -
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309 - Song Interpretation and its Precept
mohammad shafiei mazandarani -
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310 - Considering Cleanness and Uncleanness as Nominal or Real Issues from the Viewpoints of Religious Percepts
Yaghoob Pourjamal mohammadreza Ayati -
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311 - Reinvestigation of Jurisprudential Policies at Population Control and Family Regulation
forozan alaei Sosan Aal Rasoul -
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312 - Legal vacuums condition of justice in remarry
ali mohamadian leyla mehrabi -
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313 - Study of quesas of alive executed in contradiction with justice rule
ZahraSadat Sohrevardi Saeed Ebrahimi mohammad mahdi zarei -
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314 - Portraiture; Evidence of Sanctions and their Criticism
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315 - Verdict of Curst upon those Who Known as Lecher and Infidel in Islamic Jurisprudence
mohammad rasool ahangaran Mehdi Dargahi -
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316 - The effect of the victim's consent on the criminal responsibility in Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law
abolfazl elyasinia tayebeh arefnia -
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317 - The Study of Organizational Arbitration in Iranian Law with an Approach Based on Its Legitimacy
Omolbanin Hasan pour Tiji ozra entekhabian -
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318 - A Reflection on the Effect of Amare Yad on Money Laundering
hossein tajabady mohammad sadegh azadfar Ali Banaee -
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319 - Surveying the Method of Inference Generalizations by Implementation of Wisdom Rudiments
Vahid Zarei Sharif -
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320 - The Condition for the Spousal Alimony Abatement attached to Marriage Contract
Zohreh Hajian Foroshani Seyyed Abolghasem Naghibi -
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321 - Theory of Agreement on Hadd (Prescribed) Punishments, Religious Jurisprudential Principles and Executive Challenges
Mohammad Ali Hajideh Abadi Abbas Ali Niknasab -
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322 - The Effect of Conveniences on the Provisions of Hijab and Muslim Women's Veil
Mehraneh Darzi Mohammad Jafari Harandi Mohammad Sadiq Mousavi -
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323 - The ruling on trade of Thesis from the perspective of Imami jurisprudence and Iranian law
Seyedeh Fateme Tabatabaee Faezeh Solaymanipor -
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324 - A Study on the Magic and Witchcraft in Jurisprudence with Emphasis on Emerging Issues
Shahrbanoo Kahedi seyed mohammad mahdi ahmadi seyyedhasan abedian -
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325 - The Rule of Immortality and the Evolution of Time
Abedin Momeni Seyed Mohammad Sadri Ali Pirdehi -
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326 - The Use of Istishab in Civil Law Distinguished by its Different Types
Abbas Arab Khazaeli Ali Reza Asgari Ahamd Moradkhani -
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327 - The Proportion Origin of Subject and Ruling through Inferring Jurisprudential Rulings
Mehri Ghasemi syeed mohamad mehdi ahmadi -
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328 - Organ Transplant, One of Prohibitive Causes of Marriage
Hamid Masjedsaraei Mostafa Jabari -
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329 - The Epistemology of Identifying Instances of the Practice of Reasonable Persons
Sajad SHahbaz GHahfarokhi -
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330 - Investigating the Legal Nature of Arbitration
Hossein Hoshmand Firozadbai Farhad Bathaei -
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331 - Inference of Religious Laws, and Prove of Criminal Proceeding in Conflict of Evidences: Commons and Differences
Omid Motaghi Ardakani Abolhassan Mojtahed Soleymani -
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332 - Jurisprudential Study of the Time of Calculation of Compensation for Late Payment in Administrative Offenses of Rejection of Monetary Property
Ali Akbar Youssefi rad Seyyed Hossein Sadat Hosseni Ramazan Dehghan -
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333 - The Scope of the Authority of the Judge in the Exercise of Punishment According to Penal Code 1392
Abbas Karemi Mohsen Akbari -
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334 - The ideal person, community and city from the Perspective of Allameh Tabatabai
Roohollah Oshriyeh Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Mohammadreza Pakdel Fard Aziz Javanpoor Hervi -
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335 - Geometrical Analysis and Numerical proportions in the decorations and physical composition of Pir Bakran mausoleum
Sajad Alizadeh Kafeshani Seyyedeh Marzieh Tabaeeyan -
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336 - neighborhood Sustainable development in the context of good governance an urban (case study: the six districts of Tehran
ثروت اله مرادی آرام کریمی nader tabei -
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337 - Prioritizing good urban governance indicators from citizens' points of view of Bisotun city
Majid Shams Mahmoodraza Hashemibisetooni -
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338 - Ranking and Evaluation Some Components of Governance in Eastern Urban Region of Ahvaz Metropolis From the Point of View of Citizenship and Experts Using MABAC Technique
abbas maroofnezhad Laleh Khajavinia -
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339 - Investigating the Status of Good Urban Governance Indicators in Urban Areas (Case Study: Zahedan City)
Sajad Poudineh Masoumeh HafezRezazadeh GholamReza Miri -
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340 - Analyzing the relationship between Participation and good urban governance in marginalized neighborhoods (Case study: Tarzilo neighborhood-Urmia city)
Mirnajaf Mousavi Nima Bayramzadeh Sajjad Omidvarfar Ahmad Hasanpour Ghotoulu -
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341 - تحلیل کیفیت زندگی شهری در بافت فرسوده مطالعه موردی: منطقه 9 شهر تهران
سعید ملکی جواد زارعی سحر نصیری قلعهبین -
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342 - حکم پادشاه انگیز (شرح بیتی از حافظ)
مهدی نوریان احسان رئیسی -
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343 - ارزیابی برنامه احیاء دریاچه ارومیه از ابعاد طبیعی _ زیستی ، اقتصادی و حکمروایی آب
اکبر صوفی پرویز کردوانی رحیم سرور -
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344 - Good urban governance in the corona and post-corona era in order to preserve the environmental ecosystems with an emphasis on the role of women (case study: Semnan city) (case study: Semnan city)
mahdi asghri Zeinab karkehabad Abbas Arghan -
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345 - Investigating the Good Urban Governance Within the Framework of the Urban Management System (A Case Study of Sanandaj, Iran)
Sahar Golchini Eskandar Moradi Pakhshan Khezrnejad -
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346 - Toward a local Community Governance:An effort to introduce key concepts and componentsCase Study: Darake Neighborhood
jamile tavakolinia Mohammad Kazem Shams Pouya -
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347 - Analysis of the relationship between urban good governance and social justice in urban areas (Case Study: City Ferdowsieh - the city Shahriyar)
Meysam Rezaei Ali Shamsoddini -
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348 - Measuring Citizens’ Satisfaction with Municipality Performance via Good Urban Governance Approach (Case study: Kiasar Town)
komeil abdi maryam jafari mehrabadi mostafa safaie reyneh shamila allahyari -
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349 - Function of municipalities in the framework of urban good governance:(case study: the municipality of Malayer)
الناز زندیه -
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350 - Evaluating Good Urban Governance for Iranian Cities (A Case Study of Ahvaz)
Heydar Kazemi Bijan Rahmani -
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351 - The Effect of Good Urban Governance on the Sustainability of Urban Neighborhoods (A Case Study of Kahnouj)
jafar jafarifard Hamid Saberi Mehri Azani Ahmad khademolhoseiny -
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352 - An Analysis of the Role of Social Capital in the Formation of Good Urban Governance (A Case Study of Ardebil)
Abolfazl Meshkini mehdi hoseinpour sara khodai -
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353 - An Analysis of Good Governance Status in Urban Management Performance (A Case Study of Babol)
jamile tavakolinia hossein Imani Jajarmi hossein yadollahnia -
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354 - Explaining the Effects of Good Urban Governance on Urban Socio-Economic Resilience in Facing Epidemics (A Case of Shiraz)
Mohammadreza Zamani Fereshteh Ahmadi Zeinab Talebi -
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355 - Explanation and Analysis of the Good Governance Model in the Economic Development of Southwest Asia
gholamreza mohammadi rebaz ghorbannejad kiomars Yazdanpanah Azam Yousefi -
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356 - The role of urban governance in creating employment and creating sustainable income based on public and specific urban taxes (case example: Hamadan city)
Majid Gharabaghi Abbas MalekHoseini -
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357 - Ranking of Hamadan Districts Based on Good Urban Governance Indices
sadegh hasani Parvaneh Zivyar mohsen rajbar -
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358 - Good Urban Governance Analysis in Cities Sustainability Case Study: Ajabshir City
Abolfazl Meshkini Sohrab Moazzen -
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359 - Investigating the effect of human capital on good ruling in Iranian provinces
Moslem Zamani Mohsen Zayandehroodi Ali Raeispor rajabali -
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360 - Constructive components for the productivity of a good ruler in the entrepreneurial government and providing a practical model: with emphasis on the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hadi Abolfathi -
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361 - Study and analysis of the economic situation of the golden age of Andalusia during the reign of Abd al-Rahman al-Nasser 300-350 AH and the rule of Mustansir 350-366 AH
somayeh kasaeyan sattar Oudi Nasrollah poor mohammadi amlashi -
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362 - ..Mu'awiyah's rule and the strategy of greedy rule
zeanab omidi seed alireza vaseyi mahmood seyed -
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363 - کارکرد مراکز علمی فاطمیان مصردر توسعه اندیشه و تفکر مذهب اسماعیلی
دکتر داریوش موگویی دکتر محمد باقر خزائیلی پروین نعمت الهی -
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364 - طراحی الگوی ارزیابی حکمرانی خوب در وزارت ورزش و جوانان با رویکرد توسعه پایدار
مجتبی طبری اسماعیل محمدی ازنی -
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365 - Governance, National Innovation System and the Capacity for Attraction, Coherence and Technological Innovation (Theoretical Modeling)
Ali Dini Hojat Allah Hosieni Tahere Miremadi Ghasem Ramazanpoor Nargesi -
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366 - Estimating an Institutional Structure in Economic Growth Using GMM Dynamic Panel Data Method
mohammad nadiri teymoor mohammadi -
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367 - Effective Factors on Absorbing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in MENA Region
Sanaz Khatabi Akbar Komijani Teymour Mohamadi Abbas MemarneJad -
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368 - Determinants of Fuel Subsidies in Selected Oil Exporting Countries: (The Case Study of Gasoline Subsidy)
Hossein Tavakolian Ali Faridzad Jalal Dehnavi Neda Mohamadi -
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369 - The Effect of Good Governance on Human Development in Islamic and OECD Countries
S. N. Makiyan M. Bibak -
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370 - The comparison between Kurdish and Persian proverbs
seyed ahmad parsa -
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371 - Analysis of Rulings on Digital Currency Transactions from the Point of View of the Islamic Jurists Centered on Ayatollah Khamenei's Point of View
Seyyed Hesamoddin Rafiee Tabatabaei Motahhare Sadat Rafiee Tabatabaei Fateme Nargesi -
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372 - Metaverse and Its Impact on Lifestyle
Mohsen Mahmoudi Salar Sadeghi -
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373 - Evolution of the Effects of Governance on the Development of Rural Tourism, Case Study: Nir County
vakil heidari sarban ali arshadi shararhe saeb mina ziarati -
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374 - The Analysis and evaluation of good urban governance indicators and its influence on tourism development variable of Bisetoon city
Mahmoodraza Hashemibisetooni Majid Shams -
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375 - Pathological Inquiry of Criminology on the Social Impacts of Undesirable Ruling Infractions with a look at Islamic Doctrines
Sayyed Mohammadreza Mousavifard -
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376 - مفهوم «الراسخون فی العلم» در ادبیات فلسفی و آرای تفسیری ملاصدرا
اکرم خلیلی نوشآبادی -
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377 - بازخوانی مفهوم ربا در قرآن کریم بر پایۀ روش معناشناسی ساختگرا
محمد حسن شیرزاد محمد حسین شیرزاد -
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378 - Exegtical Approaches of al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi
Hamed Khani (Farhnag Mehrvash) -
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379 - Presenting the Digital Governance Model in Iran's Banking Industry (Case Study: Tosee Taavon Bank)
Alireza Farhadi Koutenaei Shaysteh Varedi Asadollah Mehrara Hamid Azadi Reikandeh -
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380 - Analyzing the Verdict of Crying over Imam Hussain (as)
seyed ali rabbani mousaviyan -
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381 - Wisdom and Wise in the Teachings of Islam with Emphasis on Imam Khomeini's View
Meisam Alibalaei Khalil Bahrami Ghasrechami Mohsen Fahim -
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382 - Determining the relationship between understanding the wisdom of e-learning and conflict, content And evaluation of course content
farhad shafiepoor motlagh Abbas Gholtash -
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383 - Development of the Concept of Global Governance in International Relations
Sajjad Heidaryfard -
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384 - The structural explanation of the metamorphosis of Afghanistan parties from militarism to compromise (Case Study: Islami Party of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar)
naser yosefzehy mehdi najafzadeh -
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385 - Belt and Road Initiative, Institutionalism and China's energy diplomacy
behnam vakili Arsalan Ghorbani Sheikhneshin saeed mirtorabi -
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386 - The role of wisdom in the formation of an efficient political system in the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohammad hosein agharokh mirabadi Alireza Golshani sharif lakzaee -
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387 - The "Health Silk Road" Initiative: planning China's Influence in Global Health Governance
mohsen keshvarian azad mohammad Jolani -
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388 - Introducing Indigenous Model of Civil Society in Islamic Republic of Iran
Abolhassan Faghihi Mashallah Valikhani Dehaghani -
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389 - The impact of Inter-Governmental Organization‘s Soft Power on Global Governance: the Case of UNESCO
Said Abadi Mohammad Javad Bakhtiari -
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390 - Investigating the social factors affecting the development of Tabriz city with a qualitative approach
atefeh mohammmadi mohammad abbaszadeh mohammad bagher alizadeh aghdam fatemeh gholabi -
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391 - .An Investigation of social factors affecting the development of Tabriz city with a qualitative approach
atefeh mohammmadi Mohammad Abbaszadeh محمدباقر علیزاده اقدم فاطمه گلابی -
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392 - سنجش میزان هماهنگی مدیریتی شهر جدید فولادشهر با سکونتگاه های پیرامون
ایرج خسروی حاجی وند احمد خادم الحسینی حمید صابری مهدی مومنی -
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393 - واکاوی حکمرانی خوب شهری در جغرافیای سیاسی شهرستان ایرانشهر
سعید خسروی حمید احمدی گارینه کشیشیان سیرکی محمد رضا قائدی -
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394 - تحلیل سیاستهای اقتصادسیاسی دولتهای بعد از انقلاب اسلامی بر مبنای الگوی حکمرانی خوب، مطالعه موردی دولت احمدی نژاد
حسین علی نودیجه مسعود مطلبی عبدالرضا بای -
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395 - واکاوی رئالیستی مدل اعتدالگرا؛ نگاه نوین حکمرانی خوب در جغرافیای سیاسی ایران
نادر شیرکوند مهدی عابدی علی صالحی فارسانی -
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396 - درآمدی بر حکمروایی خوب شهری: ضرورتها، الزامات و چالشهای فراروی تحقق آن در ایران
جمیله توکلی نیا مجید اسکندر پور مجتبی برغمدی -
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397 - تبیین چارچوب مفهومی حکمروایی خوب شهری مبتنی بر مدیریت یکپارچه شهری(نمونه موردی: کلانشهر تهران)
افشار ابدالی حسین ذبیحی حمید ماجدی -
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398 - Water Governance in Iran: challenges and approaches
sara dehghani MOHAMMAD EBRAHIM BANIHABIB Mohammad reza Golabi -
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399 - بررسی ارتباط ارزشی حکمرانی خوب و کوچک سازی مدیریت سود با استفاده از معاملات غیرطبیعی با اشخاص وابسته
وحید بخردی نسب فاطمه ژولانژاد -
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400 - Comparison of the results of changing the approach in water resources management in karkheh basin during the droughts of 2012 and 2014.
Aref Vaeli Alireza Manzari Tavakoli Hamdaleh Manzari Tavakoli -
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401 - Spatial analysis of urban smart city indicators )Case study: Zahedan city(
MALIHE ZAKERIAN abdolsalam sepahian Zahra sarabandi Sima Firouzi Rad -
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402 - Evaluating the Effective Components on the Promotion of Competent Governance in Urban Areas with Cultural-Historical Context (Case Study: District 8 of Tabriz Municipality)
adel pourghorban zainab karkehabady abass arghan -
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403 - Structural Analysis of Obstacles Affecting the Realization of Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis)
shabnaz khomejani rahim sarvar toba amirazodi azadeh arbabi sabzvari -
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404 - Analyzing the Future Smart City of Ahvaz From the Perspective of the Macro Components of Its Formation
Mahyar Sajadian Mohammad Ali Firoozi Ahmad PourAhmad -
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405 - .
karim shaker -
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406 - Wisdoms of death from Mowlavi's viewpoint in mathnavi
mahmood Barati mansoreh Ebrahimi -
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407 - Proverbs in Persian and Arabic literature, Background and common concepts
mohammad amiri -
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408 - .
atekeh Rasmi Ahmad Goli rahele ghasemian -
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409 - Common Ethical and didactic themes in the poetry of Zohair Ibn Abi Solma and Sa'di
Mahboobeh Moslemi Zade Moslemi Zade Mahdi Momtahen -
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410 - The philosophical- moral functions of the book Altavassol ela altarassol
Maryam Mahmoodi -
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411 - Assessing Criteria for Integrated Intervention in Planning Informal Settlements using Urban Governance Approach (Case Study: Naysar District in Sanandaj)
SH. Haidareyan M. Rahimi -
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412 - On the Analysis of Structural Pattern of Institutional Relations in the Governance of Agricultural Water Resources (Case Study: Rasht County)
H. Afrakhteh A. Tahmasebi F. Azizpour F. askari -
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413 - On the Analysis of the Role of Good Urban Governance Model in Reducing Urban Housing Vulnerability against Earthquake
H. hatami nejad SH. Bazr Afkan M. Arvin -
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414 - Comparison of Two Urban Governance Theories and Institutional Resilience in Urban Management System Using Content Analysis and Presentation of Upgraded Model (Case Study: Qazvin City)
Daryoush Ardalan zohreh davoudpour keramatolah ziari -
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415 - Social capital impact assessment on governance in rural areas Case Study: Zanjan Township
Nasrin Jafari Hamid Barghi Yusef Ghanbari -
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416 - Evaluating and Measuring the Impact of Competent Urban Governance on the Level of Satisfaction of Citizens with the Performance of the Municipality (Study Case: Lushan City)
Ali akbar Salaripour Mitra Parsaeian Milad Babaei elyasi -
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417 - Explaining the Role of Participation in Rural Management with a Good Governance aApproach in the Villages of Soumeh Sara County
Naser Masrournejad Nasrolah Molaei Hashjin Eisa Pourramzan Mohammadbaset Ghoreshi -
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418 - Analyzing the factors that underlie the efficiency of urban land management based on the integrated governance model of urban land of actors (Case study: Iran and Gorgan city)
ali vazirinasirabad Kianoosh Zakerhaghighi Arash Baghdadi -
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419 - Analysis of the Effects of Social Capital on Suitable Rural Governance, Case Study: Drake county, Shiraz township
soheila mohammadi maneigheh ahmadi Abdolhasan Torfi Alivi -
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420 - Recreating the Worn-Out Urban Fabric with a Good Governance Approach (Case Study: Worn-Out Texture of the City of Sari)
Mohammad Hakimpour Jalal Azimi Amoli Gholam Reza Janbaz Ghobadi Sadroddin Motevalli -
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421 - Structural Analysis of Urban Environmental Governance with a Future Study Approach (Case Study: Tehran City)
Hossein Hataminejad Reza kanooni noosha hamghadam -
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422 - Resilience of the City by Relying on Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Tehran City)
javad hajializadeh Seyedchamran Mosavi -
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423 - Explaining the Challenges and Limitations of Optimal Urban Governance and Providing Practical Strategies (Case Study: Hamadan City)
Sadegh Hasani Parvane Ziviyar Mohsen Ranjbar -
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424 - Explaining the Model of Smart Urban Management to Improve Urban Good Governance (Study Case: Shahroud City)
Hossein Vakileyan Abbas Arghan Saeid Kamyabi -
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425 - Study the Context and Barriers to the Formation of Good Governance in Contemporary Iran
fatemeh Dowleh Sayfollah Sayfollahi Habibollah Zanjani -
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426 - Study of philosophical training recognition of Mulla Sadra
محسن فهیم سمیه عظیمی فاطمه دولت آبادی -
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427 - Prescriptive model of governance in human resource management after the crisis of corona outbreak
ali tayyebi rahani Youssef Mohammadi Moghadam -
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428 - Securing social media: interaction with celebrities as a strategy for preventing dysfunctional behavior of online users
Amirhossein Zarandouz Zahra Alipour darvishi Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh Mohammd Haghighi -
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429 - Designing the causal structure and analyzing the factors affecting good governance in the Ports and Maritime Organization using Fuzzy Cognitive Map
ahmad ghafarzadeh gholamreza memarzadehtehran naser hamidi nabiollah mohammadi -
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430 - Explaining work ethic among Iranians as a roadmap for the declaration of the second step of the revolution
Taha Ashayeri Tahereh Jahanparvar Seyed Kazem Kazemi -
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431 - Development of a Corporate Governance Model with an Entrepreneurial and Social Responsibility Approach (Case Study: Company of Development of Sugarcane and Ancillary Industries)
Hossein Drisavi Bahmanshir Fereydoun Omidi Foad Makvandi Mehdi Basirat -
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432 - Designing a Model of Public Persuasion in Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Executive Bodies of Khorasan-Razavi Province)
Hadith Mehmandoost Hamid Rezaei Far Mohammad Mohammadi Noor Mohammad Yaqoubi -
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433 - Investigating the attitude of Librarians about execution of data governance strategies for planning the collection making of information resources in libraries of Islamic Azad University
fariba jalili fariborz doroudi Sayed Aliakbar Famil Rohani -
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434 - مقایسه ی روح در دین زرتشتی و حکمت اشراق سهروردی
مریم محمدی -
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435 - Analyzing the meanings and indicators of Water Sensitive Cities Index
keramatollah ziari fatemeh razzaghi atefeh Dehghan Touran Poshti, Abbasali Tayefi Nasrabadi -
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436 - Analyzing the meanings and indicators of Water Sensitive Cities Index
Keramatollah Ziari Fatemeh razaghi Atefeh Dehghan Abbasali Tayefi Nasrabadi -
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437 - The ratio of the concept of good governance in the political thought
Mohammad Pourghorban hamidreza tabshiri -
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438 - Governance of Islamic medicine with media tools
Seyed Hamed Mosavi panah Jafar Hosseinporsaadatabadi Esmail kavousy -
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439 - Study of the role of Islamic councils with the approach of Islamic management and governance in urban and rural development (Case study of the Islamic Council of Shahriar city)
khodadad karimi Mohammadreza Mardani zeinolabedin amini sabegh -
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440 - Investigating the Effect of Social Media Activities on E-commerce Satisfaction and Shopping Intention by Considering the Mediating Role of Trust and Moderating External Factors
Zahra Hojati Kooshali Mohsen Amini khozani Alireza Rousta -
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441 - Politicization of the effect of transformational leadership behaviors on the promotion of good governance in the city of Tehran
Saeed Bakhtiari Vahid Araei -
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442 - Presentation an structural model of human resource risks in capital market financial institutions In Islamic governance
azim sabet Vajhollah Ghorbanizadeh Ahmad Vedadi -
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443 - Analyzing the lifestyle components of managers in Islamic governance from the perspective of Imam Khamenei
asghar rajabi dehborzoei mohammad Bidgoli -
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444 - The components of optimal governance in the Islamic system: With an emphasis on the thought and action of Ayatollah Shahid Beheshti
mohammadreza abdolahnasab faramarz morzazadeh -
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445 - Requirements of Islamic governance in cyberspace The second step of the Islamic Revolution
mohsen abedi dorcheh -
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446 - Quranic Accountability: A Model for Islamic Governance
mahdi amiri -
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447 - Establishment of good governance in government institutions The Islamic Republic of Iran benefits from strategic communications
Behrouz Lotfi Zahra Kharazi mohammad vand azar afsaneh mozaffari -
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448 - Lean government, a new strategy in governance, a Review study
Fazel saydi Sedighe Tootian Esfahani Morteza mousakhani Shahrazad tayaran -
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449 - Investigation the effect of cultural dimensions on development of Characteristics of governance in the Islamic system among public organizations in Asalouyeh
shobeir Ebrahimi -
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450 - Survey effect of Good Governance on Economic Growth with respect of Environment and Energy Consumption in Developing countries (with Dynamic Panel)
vida varahrami -
Open Access Article
451 - Investigating the Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment Involvement with Emphasis on Institutional and Structural Variables in OPEC Selected Countries
Azin Sadat Ostadramezan Maryam Bazraei Mojtaba Karimi -
Open Access Article
452 - Wisdom and Hakim in Islamic teachings with emphasis on the view of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Meisam Alibalaei Khalil Bahrami Ghasrechami Mohsen Fahim -
Open Access Article
453 - Investigating the nature, position, divisions and types of wisdom in the thought of Professor Motahari
Mohsen Hakemi Enshallah Rahmati azizollah afsharkermani -
Open Access Article
454 - The rule of "expulsion with guarantee" and the civil liability of the government, according to the views of Imam Khomeini
Fariba Qanbarian Zadeh Mahabadi Sayyed Muhammad Musawi Bujnurdi -
Open Access Article
455 - The scope and limitations of arbitration in resolving disputes in Iranian law
Yasaman Saeidi Abd A-Reza Jamal Zadeh Ahmad Baqeri -
Open Access Article
456 - The Rule of Al-Kharaj bizziman and Civil Responsibility of the Government, According to Imam Khomeini's Opinions
Sayyed Muhammad Musawi Bojnordi Fariba Qanbaryan Zadeh Mahabadi -
Open Access Article
457 - Messages of Suhrawardi to Contemporary Man*
حسینعلی قبادی مریم عاملی رضایی -
Open Access Article
458 - "Hekmat Tajrobi" in the Persian Prose Sufi Literature up to the 8th century
سعید بزرگ بیگدلی فرزاد کریمی -
Open Access Article
459 - جایگاه عشق در مبانی سنتهای اول و دوم عرفانی
سیدعلی اصغر میرباقری فرد راضیه حجتی زاده -
Open Access Article
460 - طرق فوق العاده اعتراض به آراء کیفری در حقوق ایران و مقایسه آن با حقوق کامنلا
لطف اله میرهاشمی مسعود حیدری محمدرضا شادمان فر علی یوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
461 - التزام به مقررات زدایی در تدوین سیاستهای توسعه محور با تاکید بر اسناد بین المللی
جلال تیموری محمد صادقی ابو محمد عسگرخانی -
Open Access Article
462 - بررسی مولفه های اساسی حکمرانی خوب در نظام قضایی
مهسا مجدزنگنه ابوالفضل جعفر قلی خانی محمد رضا یوسفی -
Open Access Article
463 - مبانی و شرایط استناد به اعتبار امر مختوم قضایی با بررسی تطبیقی در نظامهای حقوقی کامنلا، کشورهای عربی و ایران
مریم حدادی رسول مقصود پور سید محسن حسینی پویا -
Open Access Article
464 - The challenges of monitoring and investigating the deviations of members of Islamic councils from their legal duties with an emphasis on good governance
hasan karimifard -
Open Access Article
465 - قاعده ی دراء و اصل برائت: مجرای شمول: اشتراک یا افتراق
محمدعلی آقایی -
Open Access Article
466 - عوامل هنجاری و ساختاری قانون گذاری در نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران
سید محمد هاشمی ابوالفضل جعفر قلیخانی -
Open Access Article
467 - گستره حقوق بشر در رویه محاکم سرمایه گذاری بین المللی (مطالعه موردی مرکز داوری ایکسید)
محمدرضا سبحانی مهدی شهبازی جلال جعفری -
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468 - Ravandi influence of Shahnameh and Ravandi serve to correct Shahnameh in Rahat Alsdvr
Yadollah BAhmani Motlagh -
Open Access Article
469 - بررسی و نقد اطناب در مثنوی مولوی با تکیه بر ابیات دفتر اول و دوم
مهناز جعفریه نیره منتظری -
Open Access Article
470 - The relationship between government policies on environment, expenditures and Good Governance.
Katayon Jalalian Jamshid Pajoyan -
Open Access Article
471 - The Effects of Doing Business Improvement on Export and FDI Absorption (case study some selected countries in G77 )
ابو الفضل شاه آبادی یونس سلمانی سید آرش ولی نیا -
Open Access Article
472 - الگوی حکمرانی و تخصیص منابع در صندوق توسعه ملی ایران
وحید محمودی حسین عبده تبریزی سعید شیرکوند رضا قهرمانی -
Open Access Article
473 - تأثیر عوامل مؤثر بر جذب سرمایهگذاری مستقیم خارجی با تأکید بر متغیرهای نهادی و ساختاری
غلامرضا گرایی نژاد علیرضا دقیقی اصلی آذین سادات استاد رمضان -
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474 - Designing an Emotional Marketing Model with Emotional Approach in orde to Implemnt Goog Governance: Case Study of Bank Sepah Customers in North of Tehran
Siamak Naseri Vahid Araei Mina Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
475 - حکمت مشرقی ابن سینا و حکمت اشراقی سهروردی
انشاء الله رحمتی فاطمه سنقر کلایه -
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476 - Position and function of reflective judgment in Kan’s hilosophy
Mohammad Akvan Esmaeil Tajik -
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477 - Requirements of theory of derivations in political philosophy and global peace
Rohallah Modami Mosa Malayeri -
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478 - Epistemology of prophetic theosophy in Avicenna’s metaphysics
Enshallah Rahmati -
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479 - European Union's Relations with Emerging Powers, Challenges and Conflicts
Mohammadreza majidi Alireza Samudi -
Open Access Article
480 - The role of transparency in the efficiency of the legislative process of the parliaments of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Italy and Iran
Mohammad Baqer Bahrami Fereydoun Akbarzadeh Ruhollah Shahabi Shiva Jalalpour -
Open Access Article
481 - Transcendent Wisdom: Foundations of the Social Sciences
Mohammad Pezeshgi -
Open Access Article
482 - جستاری در پیوند میان علم و حکمت در آیات و روایات
احسان پوراسماعیل -
Open Access Article
483 - Investigating the role of information and communication technology in the developments of good governance (Emphasis on the technology of the 11th government in e-business)
Fatemeh Ghiasi hojjatollah darvishpour mohammad tohidfam aliakbar amini -
Open Access Article
484 - تأثیر عملکرد اداره کل اموال دولتی و اوراق بهادار
محمود دهگان حسن الماسی منوچهر رحم دل -
Open Access Article
485 - تبیین نظریه مسئولیت اجتماعی جوانان در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب اسلامی با تأکید بر حکمرانی خوب
زین العابدین امینی سابق هادی ردایی احسان ساده -
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486 - Promotion Methods of the Holy Jesus (PBUH) in Verse 125 of Nahl sura in the Holy Quran
Majid Heidarifar Morteza Sazchini Abas Usefi -
Open Access Article
487 - Examining the theory of good governance and comparing it with decent governance from the perspective of Imam Ali (AS)
Mostafa Shokri Fateme Tahmasbifar Fatemeh Rahmani -
Open Access Article
488 - حکمرانی خوب در آیینهی «کتاب دده قورقود»(بازخوانی یک متن کهن ادبی)
asgar izadi rahim usefi agdam -
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489 - The Status of Social Expediency in the Theory of Guardianship of Islamic Jurist
leila samadzadeh khameneh ebrahim yaghouti seyed abolghasem naghibi -
Open Access Article
490 - Fundamentals of the legitimacy of the ruling in absentia in Imami jurisprudence with a look at Sunni jurisprudence
mostafa ghafoorian nejad malihe gholami -
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491 - Challenges of obtaining security or a guarantor from the convicted person in absentia
malihe gholami mahdi firozabadian hosein rahmani -
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492 - The jurisprudential nature of the requirements of the second step statement of the revolution
Mahdieh Yousefi majid vaziri Yaghoti Yaghoti -
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493 - Mechanisms governing parallel proceedings management in international commercial courts
Zohre safavi homami mousa mousavi zonooz seyed bagher mirabaasi -
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494 - Examining the Building Blocks of Good Corporate Governance as an Interdisciplinary Category
ghazale nazari aref Behzad Farrokhseresht Ghorbanali Aghaahmadi Saeed Eslami -
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495 - The impact of importing food products on economic instability and the related jurisprudence
fatemeh nemati -
Open Access Article
496 - Analyzing the Effect of Trade Openness and Good Governance on the Volatility of Economic Growth in Iran
mostafa rajabi Parnian Zarbakhsh -
Open Access Article
497 - Essential Requirements of Good Governance for Achieving Human Development
M. J. Razmi S. Sedighi S. Rezaeian -
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498 - Effects of FDI and Institution Quality on Domestic Investment in Iran Outlook Document Countries
Karam Jafari parviz khanloo -
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499 - Investigation relationship between stock liquidity, empire building and firms’ value
Somayeh Najafy Marzieh Ebrahimi Shaghaghi Hossein Eslami Mofidabadi -
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500 - Good Governance in Dealing with Government Crimes
Mostafa Heidari Haratemeh Vahid Araei -
Open Access Article
501 - Providing a Model of Economic Development Governance (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Province)
Ismail panahi Vahid Araei Mina Jamshidi -
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502 - Meta-Analysis of E-Government Studies in Promoting Good Governance Indicators
Seyed Anoshiravan Majdzadeh sanjar salajeghe Amin Nikpour Mohammad Jalal Kamali -
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503 - Analyzing the Relationship between Perception of Quality of Governance and Social Capital: Women of Karaj
ali SAEI Gholamreza Ghaffary Nargess Sarhadi -
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504 - Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Optimal Governance Structure in National Championship Sports
asghar gholami Farshad Emami saeid amirnejad jamshid sayarnejad -
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505 - تحلیل و بررسی بدن برزخی از نگاه قرآن و حکمت متعالیه
سینا علوی تبار سید محمد طباطبایی -
Open Access Article
506 - توسل و طلب شفاعت در نگاه قرآن و حکمت متعالیه
سینا علوی تبار الهه پاکزاد -
Open Access Article
507 - مبانی معرفت شناختی تربیت عقلانی در حکمت متعالیه و برنامه فلسفه برای کودکان
فاطمه حاجیلویی علیرضا آل بویه -
Open Access Article
508 - تقریر برهان صدیقین مبتنی بر آیات قرآن
محمود ایگدر محمد حسن برهانی فر -
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509 - مراتب عقل در حکمت متعالیه
زهرا عباسی موسی ملایری -
Open Access Article
510 - Identify and analyze the status of good governance dimensions In the Jihad Agricultural Organization of Markazi Province
rostam derakhshan -
Open Access Article
511 - Relationship between development and quality of governance from the perspective of political economy (Case study: Islamic Republic of Iran)
Dariush hoshmand nanekran mohanah hosein esmaeili sangari rasol hasanian zaviye -
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512 - Influence of good governance in respect of human rights
seyed zeinalabedin mousavi Housein aghaei jannat makan nourmohammad nowruzi -
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513 - The identity-making element of Iran's idealistic kings in Suhrawardi's political thought
Mir Jamal Al- Din Taghavi Moghadam Mohammad Agah Mohamadkazem Kavehpishghadam -
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514 - A review of Corona's commentary on Good governance with an emphasis on transparency
Hassan Shamsini Ghiyasvand Hossian Yousefi Sabet -
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515 - The crisis in the formation of Newsadriadrians political thought
mohamad poorgorban حمید رضا تبشیری -
Open Access Article
516 - Methodology in political science on the separation of the interpretations of the Sadrai school
seyed amin taghavifar -
Open Access Article
517 - Good governance and discourse governing the executive branch in Iran
naser enayat masoud motallebi -
Open Access Article
518 - Model of Good Governance, Community and Government Partners to Effectively
Seyed Javad Emam Jomee Zade Amir Masuod Shahramnia Roohallah Safariyan Garmekhani -
Open Access Article
519 - حکمرانی خوب،نظارت ، پاسخگویی، شفافیت، مشارکت، تامیناجتماعی
alireza amirpour علیمحمد فلاح زاده عبدالرضا برزگر نجفی نجفی خواه -
Open Access Article
520 - Analyzing the dimensions and components of the good governance model in the university system
Ramesh Niknia Sakineh Shahi Mojtaba Jahanifar Majid Hamdani -
Open Access Article
521 - A Pathology of the Government’s Actions and Policies in Managing and Regulating of the Virtual Space
mohammad javad valizadeh Mohammad Ali Dolat -
Open Access Article
522 - حکمرانی حکیمانه: چشم انداز جدید حکمرانی و ادارۀ امور عمومی
حمزه صمدی میارکلائی حسین صمدی میارکلائی مسعود بسطامی -
Open Access Article
523 - طراحی مدل مطلوب حکمرانی خوب شهری در اصفهان با رویکرد تحلیل موانع برنامه ریزی و مدیریتی
حسین ایوبی نجف آبادی نوید فاتحی راد سنجر سلاجقه محمد جلال کمالی -
Open Access Article
524 - Improving productivity in Islamic governance by the model of reducing social loafing in remote work organizations
Mohsen Ghadirinejadian Karamollah Daneshfard Reza Najaf Bagy -
Open Access Article
525 - Designing a Green Governance Model with a Sustainable Development Approach in the Health System Based on the Fuzzy Delphi Technique (Study of the Kerman Hospitals)
Zahra Roozbeh Shiva Madahian Amin Nikpour -
Open Access Article
526 - Strategic axes of wisdom-based human resource management in government organizations
Nazanin Jalili Karamollah Daneshfard ابولحسن فقیهی -
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527 - The evolution of division Order to Imperative Rulings and Positive Rule
teybah balvardi -
Open Access Article
528 - The Context of Time in the Philosophical Discourses of Contemporary Architecture and Urban Planning based on the Theory of Space Production
Mozhdeh Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
529 - Identifying the components, dimensions and variables of optimal sports governance
akbar akhavan Seyedeh Zahra Haj Anzehaei Faride Ashraf Ganjouei -
Open Access Article
530 - The role of parliamentary transparency in promoting governance
Reza Fathi Sayyed Rasool Aghadavood Mehraban Hadi Peykani -
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531 - Investigating and Extracting Elements of Organizational Wisdom and Evaluating It Using Fuzzy MCDM
ghafoor ahmadi Farhad Najadirani Nadr Bohlooli golamreza rahimi -
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532 - Studying of Governance Evolution Theories in the Higher Education System and Universities to improve productivity
Yahya Dadash Karimi naser mirsepasi Reza Najaf Beigi -
Open Access Article
533 - Codification an Entrepreneurial Governance model based on the views of experts and senior managers in the Ministry of Education
Maryam Safabakhsh Yalda Delgoshaei Fereshteh Kordestani Baharak Shirzad Kebria -
Open Access Article
534 - Designing a model of political management and good governance based on the Islamic perspective in the era of absence (Using the foundation data method)
alireza dadashijokandan Mohammad Taghipour masomeh yousefi ghasabsaraei amirhossein ghavami -
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535 - Realm of bewilderment and light of mysticism
M. Mosaffa -
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536 - The Kindled Candle
Gholamreza Sotoodeh -
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537 - Who is Aboolalaye Maani and what was his of thinking
Mahmood moghtadai -
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538 - Death and its adventure in Roudaki’s poetry
Kimia Tajnia -
Open Access Article
539 - An investigation and comparison of the images of men and women In Dehkhoda’s Amsal-o-Hekan
Nahid Shamlou -
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540 - Maarri, Poet or philosopher?
M.H. Moradi -
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541 - Adaptation legal Jurisprudence the Criteria of the Organization of Crimes by investigating Crimes in Rule of War
teymoor taherloo tayyebe arefnia fariba pahlevani -
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542 - Identifying the Judgmental Values of Iranian Garden Elements in Realizing Social Sustainability based on Maslow's Pyramid
Parisa Zarean Dolatabadi Abdollah Jabalameli -
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543 - The influence of Ibn Arabi's Fosus on Sheikh Mahmoud Shabastri's Gulshan Raz
vahideh dadashzadeh tayebeh shamsaei -
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544 - Investigating the Relationship Between Social Capital and Good Urban Governance: A Case Study of Khoi City
Eghbal Mohammadpour Sajjad Omidvarfar Amin Karbasi Salmasi -
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545 - Desecration of religion and faith "A study on documentation, examples and scope of application"
ALI MOHAMADIAN leyla mehrabirad Mohammad Zobdeh -
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546 - Paying a bribe in order to achieve the right (criticism of popular opinion, with a social approach to jurisprudence)
Alireza Norouzi seyed mojtaba mirdamadi Ebrahim Safikhani -
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547 - Elucidating the Philosophical Framework of Biophilic Architecture in Accordance with the Psychological Goals of Environmental Design
Roxana Abdolahi Zahra Abbasi -
Open Access Article
548 - Designing a smart city governance model based on urban justice with an electronic participation approach for the health of citizens
Horiya Abidpur احمدرضا کسرائی mohammadali keramati Hasan Mehrmanesh -
Open Access Article
549 - A comparative study of the global theory of "good governance" based on the statement of the second step of the Islamic revolution for the purpose of optimal policy making
mehrdad ataei مسعود مطلبی سید مصطفی ابطحی -
Open Access Article
550 - Mīhnāt wa Mīllah: Content analysis of the first section of Al-Fārābī's Kītāb al-Mīllah
ghasemali Kouchnani Mohamad Mahdi Davar Reyhaneh Sadeghi -
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551 - Designing the wisdom building model in the country's higher education system
somayeh simaei elham fariborzi Naziasadat naseri -
Open Access Article
552 - Philosophical educational foundations of wisdom based on meta-rationality for the realization of a wise man
Zahra Jamhe bozorg -
Open Access Article
553 - The inversion of political philosophy in the Akhlagh Al-ashraf of Obeid Zakani
Rohollah Eslami fatemeh zolfagharian -
Open Access Article
554 - بررسی تطبیقی امر زیبا در فلسفه غرب و حکمت ایرانی و تاثیر آن در معماری
Saeed Ghasemi Seyed Mohammad Khosro Sahaf Navid Jalaeian Ghane -
Open Access Article
555 - Identifying the current model of governance in Islamic Azad University in the field of attention to industry and market
Nemat Jafarian Awal Hadi pourshafei Hossein Momenimahmouei Amir Amiri Rashkhar -
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556 - Development of optimal governance of online sports platforms with a grounded theory approach
شیما فیروزفر Leila Safari زهرا نوبخت -
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557 - Identifying the competences of revolution level managers in Islamic governance with an emphasis on entrepreneurship from perspective of Imam Khomeini(RA) words
ali Savasari kiyomarth niazazari Masoud Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
558 - Examining the Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Networked Governance in Service Organizations: A Case Study of the Iranian Gas Distribution Industry
Hadi Mehrabi Sharafabadi Sedigheh Tootian Esfahani karamollah daneshfard Mohammad ali Movafaghpour -
Open Access Article
559 - The Evaluation of Citizen Participation in Urban Management According to the Model of Urban Good Governance (Case Study: Aras Free Zone Jolfa City)
محمد Eskandari Sani مهدی Molazad امیر Poordadash -
Open Access Article
560 - Investigation and Evaluation of Urban Management Position in Iran Based on Indicators Good Governance (Case Study: Karaj City)
ehsan danesfar manoochehr tabibiyan maryam moinifar -
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561 - Explaining good urban governance scenarios in Aras Free Zone with a future study approach
akbar Asghari Zamani iraj teymuri amir pourdadash -
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562 - The Study of Good Governance in Sustainable Rural Tourism Development (Case Study: Sorkheh Township)
masoumeh pazoki davod sheikhi farhad zand -
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563 - Investigating factors affecting social resilience in the framework of urban meritocracy (case study: (Shiraz metropolis)
mahsa hejazi Ali shakoor Yaghowb Peyvastehgar -
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564 - The Relationship between Factors Affecting the Attitude Towards Economic Opportunities by Small and Medium-sized Business’ Owners in Fars Province
Khalil Safari Ali Mohamad Ahmadi Gharache Farzad Mohamadjani -
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565 - Evaluating the effects of good rural governance on the sustainability of rural households' livelihoods
ahmad hajarian -
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566 - Assessing the Governance Effects Worthwhile on the Resilience of Villages Case study: Central part of Ardabil city
kuomars khodapanah -
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567 - Future Studies of the Urban Governance Challenges in the Face of Climate Change with Emphasis on the Flood Crisis (The Case study: Ahvaz Metropolis)
mostafa mohammadidehcheshme Nazanin Hajipour -
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568 - Policy analysis of the network of urban regeneration management (Case study of Tehran metropolis)
Ghazaleh Goudarzi Parvaneh Zivyar Alireza Estelaji -
Open Access Article
569 - The Significance of ‘Wisdom’ in Urban Planning and Architecture in the Direction of Future Studies of Iranian Islamic Development Pattern Document
Tahereh Nasr -
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570 - Structural analysis of the basic challenges of good urban governance by PLS method (Case study: Tabriz metropolis)
Amin Rafieioskoei reza valizadeh Fereydoon Babaei Aqdam شمه PANAHI -
Open Access Article
571 - Explaining Water Governance in Iran from the Perspective of Statecraft
Youdef Khalaj Amirhosseini Afshin Mottaghi -
Open Access Article
572 - Analysis of governance of urban diplomacy in the globalization era (Case study:Tehran)
kazem Ariafar Mohammad Ali Khaliji Behnaz Babaimorad -
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573 - Investigating the Effect of Good Governance Quality on Agricultural Sector Growth
Hosein Hajimirza Reza Shakeri Bostanabad -
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574 - Determine the factors of governance in the agricultural sector in Iran by Using the Type-2 Fuzzy AHP Method
marzieh ronaghi mohammadreza kohansal mohammad ghorbani -
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575 - Studying of good Governance connection with producing and utilization all factors in group of developing and OECD countries
aida ariabod R. Moghaddasi S. Y. Zeraatkish -
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576 - Relationship between governance and environmental pollution in selected developing and developed countries
reza moghaddasi leila talebmarandi -
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577 - Causal Factors and Value Center of Alternative Futures and Preferable/ Desirable Future of Sustainable City Based on Environmental Ethics
S. Rafiepour H. Dadashpoor A. Taghvaee -
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578 - The Role of urban good governance structure to create smart cities (Case study: Municipality of Tabriz)
Sh Roostaei M.R Pour mohammadi Hakime Ghanbari -
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579 - Explaining the role of good governance on the resiliency of inefficient urban textures (Case study of Red Crescent Neighborhood, Region 4, District 11in Tehran)
Alireza Ostad Mahmoodnia Yousefali Ziari -
Open Access Article
580 - Evaluation of the components derived from the right to the city (Case study: Piranshahr city)
Hossein yaghfoori diman kashefi -
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581 - The impact of bureaucracy on the urban governance in Shiraz
mohammadreza rezaei -
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582 - Water Governance Management Model Application in Urban Wastewater Usage planning by Farmers
M.H Fattahi محمد Behroozi -
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583 - Assessment of the good urban governance impact on urban livability (Case study: Bushehr City)
ali bastin keramatollah ziari Ahmad Pour Ahmad Hosein Hatami nezhad -
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584 - Urban Management Performance Analysis with Emphasis on Good Governance Indicators from the Citizen's Perspective (Case Study: Sari City)
keramatollah ziari Hajar Yadollahnia hossein yadollahnia -
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585 - سنجش کیفیت زندگی در قلمرو بافت فرسوده شهری مطالعۀ موردی: منطقۀ 9 شهر تهران
احمد پوراحمد جواد زارعی -
Open Access Article
586 - ارزیابی عملکرد مدیریت ناحیه محوری بر کار آمدی حکمروایی مطلوب شهری مطالعه موردی منطقه 4 شهر تهران
اسماعیل نصیری -
Open Access Article
587 - Realization of integrated urban management with emphasis on the role and power of actors’ different levels of Tehran's urban management
Majidreza Ashtianiaraghi Rahim Sarvar Parvaneh Zivyar Nasrollah Fallahtabar -
Open Access Article
588 - Evaluating the Dimensions of Good Urban Governance in Iranian Metropolises with a Future Studies Approach (Case Study: Rasht Metropolis)
Sadegh Sadeghpour Bakhtyar ezatpanah Nader Zali -
Open Access Article
589 - Investigating the causes of lack of good urban governance in Iran: (Case study: Arak city)
seaid hamid moosavi abass malekhoseini -
Open Access Article
590 - An Analysis of Good Urban Governance Indicators with Spatial Justice Approach in Shiraz Municipal Areas
behnosh nusrati ali shakoor -
Open Access Article
591 - Investigating the Feasibility of Good Urban Governance with Emphasis on Spatial Justice (Case Study: 5 Regions-Urmia)
mirnajaf mousavi reza ghaderi Nima Bayramzadeh Roya Kamel Nia -
Open Access Article
592 - Urban governance as an effective strategy for the development of urban entrepreneurship Case study: Hamedan city
samira samavati Hossein Bahraini Gholamhossein Hosseininia -
Open Access Article
593 - Importance Analysis - Performance of Good Governance Indicators in Yazd World Heritage City
mahbobeh nori mohammad reza rezaaei mansooreh yarahmadi -
Open Access Article
594 - Developing the appropriate good urban governance model for metropolises of Iran and the integrated analysis of current situation (Case study: Mashhad)
gholamreza kazemian ehsan barari Fattah Sharif Zadeh Vajhollah Ghorbanizadeh -
Open Access Article
595 - Identifying the Key Factors Affecting Good Urban Governance with a Scenario Planning Approach Case study: Fasa city
mahshid Mohammad ebrahimi amir oshnooei nooshabadi -
Open Access Article
596 - Explain the indicators of good governance in urban areas; Case study of Tehran
mohsen mohammadi rahim sarvar -
Open Access Article
597 - A study about the effect of good governance on the women’s health in upper-middle income countries with GMM approach
صمد حکمتی فرید yosef mohammadzadeh افسانه حسین زاده -
Open Access Article
598 - Provide a model for evaluating education policies with a network governance approach in Iran
seyyedreza ganjipour mehraban hadipaykani akbar etebarian azar gholizade -
Open Access Article
599 - The Identifying and structural analyzing Good Governance drivers in Iran’s Education System using cross-impact analysis approach
Hasan Bandi Hasanbandi Hamid Farhadi Rad Gholam Hosein Rahimidoost -
Open Access Article
600 - Implications of Art Education Based on the Eshraq Philosophy in Educational administration
Masoomeh Zarei mohammad mazidi Babak Shamshiri Saeed Rahimian -
Open Access Article
601 - Conceptualization of Good Governance in Iran's Public Education System by Phenomenological Approach
Ali Khalkhali Jafar NasirNateri Zohreh Shakibaei Javad Solimanpoor Ssmaeil Kazempour -
Open Access Article
602 - Education policy in Iran according to the theory of good governance (case study; public trust index)
MohammadRasoul Darvishi Mohammadreza Ghaedi Garineh keshishyan Siraki Mohammad Tohidfam -
Open Access Article
603 - Rethinking the barriers of public participation in school governance based on institutional analysis
Monir Tajalli Ahmad saidi Alireza Chitsazian -
Open Access Article
604 - Validation of the Islamic governance model in education based on Nahj alـBalagha
parvin basirpour Mohammad Ali Nadi fariba karimi -
Open Access Article
605 - Investigating the Performance of Councilors in Attracting People's Participation for the Development of Public Sports Using Q Method
Ashraf Jahanshiri Ali Fahiminezhad Seyed Mostafa Tayebi Sani Bagher Morsal -
Open Access Article
606 - Designing a comprehensive model for the impact of artificial intelligence on good indicators in the administrative system: metacombination characteristics
Fouad Ismail Qalo Mahrokh Lotfollahi Haggi Mohammad Nazir Parviz -
Open Access Article
607 - The Impact of Financial Dynamics, Public Health Index and Community Health and Macroeconomic Imbalance with Emphasis on the Quality of Good Governance
mahin azarand مرجان marjan دامن کشیدهdamankeshideh Manijeh Hadinejad شهریار نصابیان -
Open Access Article
608 - Designing a Causal-Disability Model of Good Governance Criteria in the Health System with an Emphasis on Empowering Managers
Faranak Rahimi khalil ali mohammad zadeh seyyedmojtaba Hosseini -
Open Access Article
609 - Investigation of moral teachings in Qaboosnameh and Alchemy of Saadat
seid ali akbar shariati far -
Open Access Article
610 - Analyzing the role of good governance in improving human capital performance in the Iranian banking system
Ali Khalili Bandli Farhad NezhadIrani Yahya Dadashkarimi Golamreza Rahimi -
Open Access Article
611 - Presenting a Model of Good Governance in Iran's Government Organizations with an Emphasis on Ethical Issues
Ramesh Niknia Sakineh Shahi Mojtaba Jahanifar Majid Hamdani -
Open Access Article
612 - Identification of productivity indicators based on the model of good urban governance in line with strategic vision (case study: municipalities of Lorestan province)
Farzaneh Teimori Amin Rahimikia Sayed Mousa Khademi -
Open Access Article
613 - Analyzing the Effect of Good Governance and Uncertainty in Monetary Policies on Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Inflation in Iran
Iman Ruhollahi -
Open Access Article
614 - The impact of macroeconomic variables and tax incentives on Iran's business cycles
Samane Shaki Kambiz Peykarjoo Farhad Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
615 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Artificial Intelligence in Modernizing Good Governance and Increasing Social Hope
Alireza Azimi NAYER PIRAHARY -
Open Access Article
616 - Metaphorical Explanation of the Governance and Statecraft Method in Nahjolbalagheh
arezoo akbari mohammad sharifani hossein moradi -
Open Access Article
617 - Designing an Economic Governance Model According to the Guidelines of the Revolutionary Leader
Ahmad Maleki Sourki Shams al Sadat Zahedi Mohammad Montazeri -
Open Access Article
618 - Examining the Role of Time and Place Elements in the Jurisprudence Subjective Change of Gambling
Mojtaba Ebrahimi Sayyed Mahdi Ahmadi Ali Rezvani Hosein Rahimi Vaskasi -
Open Access Article
619 - A Governance Model For Performance Management In The Social Security Organization; Focusing On Human Resource Development In Solving Social Issues In Iran
Hojjat Nadari Yahya Dadaash Karimi Farhad Nejad Irani -
Open Access Article
620 - Identifying the Dimensions and Components of Artificial Intelligence in Modernizing Good Governance and Increasing Social Hope
Alireza Azimi Naer Perharaei -
Open Access Article
621 - Annihilation (Fana) of Attributes in Islamic Mysticism based on Transcendent Theosophy
سید حاتم مهدوی نور mahmood ghayyoomzadeh -
Open Access Article
622 - Examining the legal dimensions and challenges surrounding legal obstacles to the implementation of final court rulings
Mehdi Farokhi Zohreh Pordel -
Open Access Article
623 - Designing an Organizational Governance Model in the Banking System with a Meta-synthesis Approach
Amin Nazari Maryam Majidi Alireza Afsharnejad Morteza Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
624 - Investigating Masoud Ghaznavi's style of governance in Tarike-Beyhaqi
یحیی حسینائی Moslem Ahmady