Effects of FDI and Institution Quality on Domestic Investment in Iran Outlook Document Countries
Subject Areas : Bi-quarterly Journal of development economics and planning
1 - PhD student ,Department of Economics, Tehran Jonoob Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Political Freedom, Domestic Investment, Crowding in and out Effects, Goodgovernance,
Abstract :
According to importance of foreign direct investment effects on domestic investment financing, growth and development, countries attempt to attract foreign direct investment by creation of infrastructures. But literature indicates that foreign direct investment can affect domestic investment negatively. However, a key question is whether foreign direct investment crowd in or out domestic investment, and how foreign direct investment affects domestic investment in good governance and political freedom situation? So that, the aim of this paper is to research effects of foreign direct investment and good governance and political freedom on domestic investment in IRAN outlook documents countries by GMM model in 1996-2016 periods. Detected results indicate that foreign direct investment has crowding out effects on domestic investment in model without good governance and political freedom and model with political freedom index. In the model with good governance index foreign direct investment has neutral effect on domestic investment in IRAN outlook documents countries.
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