Conceptualization of Good Governance in Iran's Public Education System by Phenomenological Approach
Subject Areas : Education
Ali Khalkhali
Jafar NasirNateri
Zohreh Shakibaei
Javad Solimanpoor
Ssmaeil Kazempour
1 - Department of Educational Management, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon, Iran
2 - Department of Educational Management, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon, Iran
3 - Department of Educational Management, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon, Iran
4 - Department of Educational Management, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon, Iran
5 - Esmaeil. Kazempour (Ph.D)
Associate Professor in Curriculum Studies,
Department of Education, Tonekabon Branch,
I.A.U, Tonekabon, IRAN
Keywords: good governance, Public Education, Conceptual Analysis,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to examine the conceptual framework for the realization of good governance in Iran's general education and education. This qualitative study was conducted with a phenomenological approach. In this research, 30 experts in the field of public education, which had good authoritative papers in the field of good governance, were selected through targeted snowball sampling to theoretical saturation boundary and were subjected to semi-structured interviews. The data from interviews were also analyzed and coded using the analysis method. The dependability, reliability and verifiability were also used to determine the reliability of the research. Based on the open coding of the interviews, 87 component were identified in the preliminary stage. Finally, 35 concepts in the form of 3 main themes (pre-emergence 14 cases, process and implementation of 12 cases, and the outcome and 9 results) were identified as part of conceptual structures for achieving good governance in educational societies. The analysis presented in this study shows that these extractive concepts are in the conditions of extensive internal and external changes of the capacity to establish good governance in Iran's general education. Also, the realization of good governance in the public education system of the country is conceptualizing based on the six constructs as, the effectiveness of roles and tasks; promotion of values, transparency, capacity building and responsiveness.