Portraiture; Evidence of Sanctions and their Criticism
Subject Areas : Private law
1 - Teacher
Keywords: Art, Sculpture, painting, Jurisprudential rule of portraiture,
Abstract :
Looking at the historical course of the ruling form, we come to the conclusion that this profession has been paid more attention in religious matters such as idolatry than in Islamic jurisprudence. Painting and sculpture need to be re-read in the present age. Regarding the sculpture and painting of lifeless images, there is no difference between the jurists in the permission to create and maintain them; however, some jurists consider it haram to take pictures and images of living beings, as well as the existing sculpture and statue of living beings.What is important is to discuss the reasons forthis view. After discussing the arguments of those who believe in sanctity, it became clear that there is no explicit verse in the Holy Quran about sanctity, and both the reasons for consensus and the news are incomplete, because in short, the mentioned consensus is evidence-based and unreliable. Citation is either flawed in terms of document or in terms of signification.
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