A Pathology of the Government’s Actions and Policies in Managing and Regulating of the Virtual Space
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
mohammad javad valizadeh
Mohammad Ali Dolat
1 - phd
2 - Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution
Keywords: Pathology, Governance, Regulation and Organization, Virtual Space,
Abstract :
In line with regulating the the virtual space with the purpose of taking advantage of its capabilities and preventing its threats and damages, numerous laws and documents have been enacted, various legal structures have been formed, extensive budgets have been allocated and significant measures have been taken, but overall, the expected goals have not been realized and the desired results and effectiveness have not been observed. Therefore, this article as an analytical-descriptive research, using with the method of library collection, attempts at finding the answer to the question that what are the gaps, problems or shortcomings that cause the relevant laws and measures to be ineffective or even ineffective and the virtual space not to be duly and appropriately regulated and organized and has resulted in continuation of disorder and chaos? The conducting of this research is a step towards the pathological review of the programs, laws, approaches, priorities and costs and will lead to the effective reorganization of capacities. It will also strengthen hope and motivation in the group of responsible and responsible agents, as the lack of such research will open the way for the continuation of wasting financial and human resources and carrying out fruitless actions. The findings of the research show that the challenges of: "not regulating and organizing the national information network", "not using smart filtering", "weakness of the internal media messaging applications", "problems and obstacles to the effectiveness of the Shahkar system", "freedom of circulation of VPNs and lack of effective actions against the with offending blogs and websites", "lack of foresight regarding the problems of virtual numbers", "Lack of control of domestically produced videos", "inconsistency of the bodies in legislation and implementation and lack of a central management headquarters ", and "the predominance of negation approaches over affrimative approaches in the organization of virtual space" have caused the continuation of disorder, the failure to control the social harms and its spread. In this research, the suggested operational and practical solutions for getting out of the current situation have been explained.
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