Designing a Model of Public Persuasion in Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Executive Bodies of Khorasan-Razavi Province)
Subject Areas : Governance
Hadith Mehmandoost
Hamid Rezaei Far
Mohammad Mohammadi
Noor Mohammad Yaqoubi
1 - 1. Ph.D. Student of Management Department, Birjand branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran.
2 - 2. Assistant Prof. Management Department, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran.
3 - 2. Assistant Prof. Management Department, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran.
4 - 3. Prof. Management Department, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan.
Keywords: Persuasion, Good Governance, Good Urban Governance, Effective Communication. ,
Abstract :
This research has been compiled with the aim of designing a model of public persuasion in good urban governance in Khorasan-Razavi executive bodies. The research method is of a mixed type, which in the qualitative part is based on data theorizing and in the quantitative part, it is a survey with the approach of structural equations. The sampling method in the qualitative part is purposeful and snowball type, the number of participants is 12 people. The statistical population in the quantitative stage is all the managers of executive bodies of Razavi Khorasan in the 2021, whose number is 8936 people. The research method in the quantitative part is a survey with the approach of structural equations and the researcher-made questionnaire tool. The sampling method in the quantitative stage is stratified random sampling proportional to the volume of 368 people. Data analysis in the qualitative part is through coding using MaxQDA software. The findings of the research have shown that factors such as social capital and governance of issues cause public persuasion to form and lead to consequences such as improved performance in the form of sustainable human development and improved problem-solving. The context of these strategies are supportive and cultural policies. In the meantime, one should not ignore the intervenors, such as environmental barriers and communication barriers.
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