An Analysis of the Role of Good Governance in the Quality of Life of Citizens(Case Study: Residents of Mehrshahr Alborz)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
pegah Aghayari
morad kordi
1 - MSc, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Payame Noor University ,Alborz, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof. of Department of Public Administration
Keywords: Goverance, quality of life, smart cities, Mehrshahr Alborz,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of governance on the quality of residents’ life in smart cities by presenting and evaluating a conceptual model and the case of study is the residents of Shahrdari zone, Mehrshahr, Alborz province. Methods: It is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive research in terms of nature. Analyzing the data has been done using the structural equations of the statistical population consisting of the residents of Shahrdari zone, Mehshahr, Karaj. The data was collected through a questionnaire - 384 questionnaires were distributed- of which 358 were accepted. It contained 6 variables and 24 items. its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha and also its validity was confirmed using content validity. The data collection method was also through field and library research. Results: The results show that the variables of responsibility and accountability (0.82), cooperation (0.61), communication (0.60), participation (0.55) and transparency respectively affect the quality of life. Conclusion: The results show that the path coefficient is significant with the quality of life among all other variables. In other words, all indicators affect the quality of life, and other indicators can be called transparency, cooperation, participation, responsibility and accountability, and communication.
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