A comparative study of the reflection of literary heritage in Rahat al-Sodur and Aghd Al-Ala
Subject Areas : شعر
Hassan Asadzadeh Khaneghah
Mohammad Ebrahimpour Namin
Khosrow Jalili Kohnehshahri
1 - PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Astara, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Astara, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Astara, Iran
Keywords: اشعار, poems, امثال و حکم, آیات و احادیث, راحة الصدور, عقد العلی, verses and hadiths, proverbs and rulings, Rahat al-Sodur, Aghd al-Ala,
Abstract :
Persian historical texts in the classical period, while are related to history in terms of content, are considered part of the heritage of Persian prose. Authors of historical works also pay special attention to the literary of prose and try to present history in the form of beautiful prose and reflect a part of literary heritage such as the use of Persian and Arabic poetry, proverbs and rulings, Quranic verses and hadiths in their works. In this article, literary heritage has been studied and concluded in two prominent historical texts related to the Seljuk period, "Rahat al-Sodur" by Ravandi and "Aghd al-Ala" by Afzal al-Din Kermani, as well as the methods of using each of them. It has been concluded that both authors have used literary heritage with special skill in their works, which has had a great impact on Persian literature of that time. The reflection of verses and hadiths in both books is almost similar, but their methods of application are different. Also, the poems, proverbs and rulings used in "Rahat Al-Sodur" are far more than the book "Aghd Al-Ala". The ways of poems' function are similar in both works, and while the narrative-historical function seems to be preferable, both authors have benefited the least use of this function.
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