Open Access Article
1 - Design of a Mathematical Model for Production and Delivery Planning in the Supply Chain Systems.
M. Aryanejad M. Modiri -
Open Access Article
2 - A MINLP Approach to Optimizing Batch Production Scheduling for Perishables Batches
N. Hamidy M. A. Nayebi H. Saeidi -
Open Access Article
3 - Study on Status of Higher Education System in Our Country Using Dynamics Systems Modeling
M.A. Afshar Kazemi H. Asgarian -
Open Access Article
4 - The quantum fluctuations of charge and current in a driven nonlinear LC-circuit with a linear capacitor and a nonlinear inductor
Ameneh Zamani Hasan Pahlavani -
Open Access Article
5 - Study of nonlinear optical properties of platinum and gold nanoparticles under a CW laser irradiation at 532 nm
Mina Eslamifar -
Open Access Article
6 - Theoretical investigation of structural, electronical, and optical properties of [18] DBA annulene and its derivatives
Mohammad Hossein Fekri Niko Karimpoor Motaleb Ghasemian Samaneh Soleymani Maryam Razavi Mehr -
Open Access Article
7 - Optical and morphological characterization of nanostructured AgO thin films
Adeleh Granmayehrad Hamed Abbasi -
Open Access Article
8 - Ion acoustic cnoidal waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas with q-nonextensive electrons and positrons and high relativistic ions
Forough Farhadkiyaei -
Open Access Article
9 - Determination of the amplitude-frequency for strongly nonlinear oscillator by two approximate analytical techniques
Amir Ayazi Hadi Ebrahimi Khah -
Open Access Article
10 - Exact traveling wave solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations
Hitender Kumar Fakir Chand -
Open Access Article
11 - Analytical study of nonlinear oscillatory systems using the Hamiltonian approach technique
Martin Hermann Masoud Saravi Hadi Ebrahimi Khah -
Open Access Article
12 - Investigation of nitrogen plasma effect on the nonlinear optical properties of PMMA
Davoud Dorranian Yasaman Golian Alireza Hojabri -
Open Access Article
13 - The comparison of homotopy perturbation method with finite difference method for determination of maximum beam deflection
Masoud Saravi Martin Hermann Hadi Ebrahimi Khah -
Open Access Article
14 - The Cairns-Tsallis model for ion acoustic cnoidal (periodic) waves
Forough Farhadkiyaei -
Open Access Article
15 - Impact of geometry and magneto-optical properties on field enhancement and optical bistability in core–shell nanoparticles
Tayebeh Naseri Fatemeh Pourkhavari -
Open Access Article
16 - Investigation of electromagnetic soliton in the Cairns–Tsallis model for plasma
Shabnam Rostampooran Sharooz Saviz -
Open Access Article
17 - Relation of the nonlinear Heisenberg algebras in two dimensions with linear ones
Won Sang Chung -
Open Access Article
18 - Formation of highly nonlinear dust-acoustic solitary waves due to high-temperature electrons and ions
M. Emamuddin A. A. Mamun -
Open Access Article
19 - Theoretical analysis on nonlinear vibration of fluid flow in single-walled carbon nanotube
P. Valipour S. E. Ghasemi Mohammad Reza Khosravani D. D. Ganji -
Open Access Article
20 - Negative and positive dust grain effect on the modulation instability of an intense laser propagating in a hot magnetoplasma
N. Sepehri Javan -
Open Access Article
21 - Investigating variations of the electron beam voltage on the traveling wave tube output power in the different frequencies
F. Sheykhe Sh. Saviz M. Salem -
Open Access Article
22 - Terahertz optical bistability of graphene-coated cylindrical core–shell nanoparticles
Tayebeh Naseri Nader Daneshfar Milad Moradi-Dangi Fereshteh Eynipour-Malaee -
Open Access Article
23 - The effects of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the electrical characteristics of ZnO-based composites
N. Asaadi M. Parhizkar H. Bidadi S. Mohammadi Aref M. Ghafouri -
Open Access Article
24 - Transmission of electromagnetic waves through a nonlinear over-dense plasma slab
M. Tohfeh L. Rajaei S. Miraboutalebi L. F. Matin -
Open Access Article
25 - Nonlinear System Identification Using Hammerstein-Wiener Neural Network and subspace algorithms
Maryam Ashtari Mahini Mohammad Teshnehlab Mojtaba Ahmadieh khanehsar -
Open Access Article
26 - A new method for ranking of Z-numbers
M. Matinfar S. ezadi -
Open Access Article
27 - Zernike radial polynomials method for solving nonlinear singular boundary value problems arising in physiology
M.A. Ebadi E.S. Hashemizadeh A.H. Refahi Sheikhani -
Open Access Article
28 - Exact and approximate solutions for a generalized form of the Schrödinger nonlinear equation
Behzad Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
M. Khaleghi Moghadam S. Tersian M. Avci -
Open Access Article
30 - An efficient one-layer recurrent neural network for solving a class of nonsmooth optimization problems
Mohammad Javad Ebadi Alireza Hosseini Hossein Jafari -
Open Access Article
31 - A semiparametric first-order nonlinear autoregressive model with dependent and skew normal errors
Leila Sakhabakhsh rahman Farnoosh Afshin Fallah Mohammad Hassan Behzadi -
Open Access Article
32 - Existence of fixed points for generalized α-admissible Geraghty and application to solution of nonlinear differential equations
Babak Mohammadi Vahid Parvaneh Farhan Golkarmanesh -
Open Access Article
33 - A novel approach in applying homotopy analysis method
Mojtaba Ghanbari -
Open Access Article
34 - Nearest and farthest points in nonlinear semi inner product spaces
Hamid Mazaheri mohamad jafar salehi Saeid Alikhani -
Open Access Article
35 - Semi-parametric estimation of the strategic goods (OPEC oil price)
R. farnoosh M. Hajebi -
Open Access Article
36 - Synchronization of a Heart Delay Model with Using CPSO Algorithm in Presence of Unknown Parameters
S. Nazari A. Heydari -
Open Access Article
37 - SBM extended model with nonlinear value data in data envelopment analysis with axiomatic approach
M. Vaez-Ghasemi، Z. Moghaddas -
Open Access Article
38 - A Compromise Decision-Making Model Based on TOPSIS and VIKOR for Multi-Objective Large- Scale Nonlinear Programming Problems with A Block Angular Structure under Fuzzy Environment
B. Vahdani M. Salimi T. Allahviranloo -
Open Access Article
39 - new analytical method based on Riccati equation for finding Soliton solutions of Nonlinear Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel (LPD) equation
A. Nirmeh -
Open Access Article
40 - Modeling Behavior of Stock Price Using Stochastic Differential Equation with Stochastic Volatility
Saber Molaei Mohammad Vaez Barzani Saeid Samadi -
Open Access Article
41 - Optimizing the deposit portfolio of a private bank
ehsan saniee iman gharib -
Open Access Article
42 - Boron nitride substituted 12-crown-4 ether: Theoretical study of structural, thermochemical, and nonlinear optical properties
Nasrin Zeighami Asadollah Boshra Ahmad Reza Oliaey -
Open Access Article
43 - Data Envelopment Analysis-Discriminant Analysis by imprecise data for more than two groups: apply to the pharmaceutical stock companies
Sarah Navidi Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh -
Open Access Article
44 - Common weights for the evaluation of decision-making units with nonlinear virtual inputs and outputs
S. Borzoei M. Zohrehbandian -
Open Access Article
45 - Application of hybrid ARIMA and support vector regression model for improvement of time series forecasting
Laleh Parviz Bahareh Saeedabdi -
Open Access Article
46 - Evaluation of financial efficiency with non-radial model and fuzzy data and inputs and outputs with nonlinear marginal margin with data envelopment analysis technique
Saeid savadkouhi Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi Mohammadreza Shahriari Mohsen Vaez-Ghsemi -
Open Access Article
47 - Stock portfolio optimization using reliability approach
Mir Seyed Mohammad Mohsen Emamat Payam Hanafizadeh -
Open Access Article
48 - Ranking efficient units by regular polygon area (RPA) in DEA
محمد هادی یاقری -
Open Access Article
49 - A new optimal method of fourth-order convergence for solving nonlinear equations
مهری پریرخ -
Open Access Article
50 - An Efficient Numerical Method for a Class of Boundary Value Problems, Based on Shifted Jacobi-Gauss Collocation Scheme
M. Maleki Miyane S. Abbasbandy -
Open Access Article
51 - Adaptive Steffensen-like Methods with Memory for Solving Nonlinear Equations with the Highest Possible Efficiency Indices
M‎. ‎J‎. Lalehchini T. Lotfi K. Mahdiani -
Open Access Article
52 - کاربرد توابع بلک پالس در حل معادلات انتگرال فردهلم- ولترا غیر خطی
فضل اله عباسی محسن محمدی -
Open Access Article
53 - On an Efficient Family with Memory with High Order of Convergence for Solving Nonlinear Equations
V. Torkashvand M. Kazemi -
Open Access Article
54 - Contrast of Homotopy and Adomian Decomposition Methods with Mittage-Leffler Function for Solving Some Nonlinear Fractional Partial Differential Equations
M. Jahanshahi H. Kazemi demneh -
Open Access Article
55 - تجزیه و تحلیل چندگانگی حالت های پایدار یک مدل ریاضی وابسته به پارامتر، کاملاً غیرخطی ناشی از تئوری راکتور شیمیایی
محمد سعید باریکبین مهدی امام جمعه محمد نباتی -
Open Access Article
56 - بهبودهایی از روش کوردرو- تروخروزا برای حل معادلات غیرخطی
مریم محمدی زاده طاهر لطفی مجید امیرفخریان -
Open Access Article
57 - بکارگیری ماتریس عملیاتی جدید برای حل معادلات انتگرال کسری غیرخطی
فائزه سالکی رضا عزتی -
Open Access Article
58 - یک روش جدید برای حل معادلات انتگرال فردهلم چند بعدی همراه با آنالیز همگرایی
نرگس محمودی دارانی -
Open Access Article
59 - یک روش ماتریس-عملیاتی ژاکوبی انتقال یافته جدید برای حل معادله دیفرانسیل مرتبه متغیر کسری غیرخطی با تاخیرهای متناسب
حمید خدابنده لو الیاس شیوانیان سعید عباسبندی -
Open Access Article
60 - Numerical solution of general nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations using Chebyshev approximation
F. Fattahzadeh -
Open Access Article
61 - A new optimal method of fourth-order convergence for solving nonlinear equations
T. Lotfi -
Open Access Article
62 - Dynamical Control of Computations Using the Family of Optimal Two-point Methods to Solve Nonlinear Equations
M. A. Fariborzi ‎Araghi‎ E. Zarei‎ -
Open Access Article
63 - Convergence of Numerical Method For the Solution of Nonlinear Delay Volterra Integral Equations
M. ‎Zarebnia L. Shiri -
Open Access Article
64 - A new iterative with memory class for solving nonlinear equations
P. ‎Bassiri‎ P. Bakhtiari‎‎ S. Abbasbandy‎ -
Open Access Article
65 - Two new three and four parametric with memory methods for solving nonlinear equations
T. Lotfi P. Assari -
Open Access Article
66 - Solving Volterra's Population Model via Rational Christov Functions Collocation Method
K. Parand E. ‎Hajizadeh‎ A. Jahangiri S. Khaleqi -
Open Access Article
67 - Some traveling wave solutions of soliton family
S. Dhawan S. Kumar -
Open Access Article
68 - Solving nonlinear Lane-Emden type equations with unsupervised combined artificial neural networks
K. Parand Z. Roozbahani F. Bayat Babolghani -
Open Access Article
69 - حل سیستم های دوتایی معادلات انتگرال دیفرانسیل کسری به وسیله موجک های تیلور
راضیه کاوه سرچقا رضا عزتی نسرین کرمی کبیر فرج الله محمدی یعقوبی -
Open Access Article
70 - On convergence of homotopy analysis method to solve the Schrodinger equation with a power law nonlinearity
M. A. Fariborzi Araghi S. Naghshband -
Open Access Article
71 - Applying Density Functional Theory to Study NLO Properties of Benzyne-Based Chromophores
Reza Ghiasi Azadeh Heidarbeigi -
Open Access Article
72 - Determination of cardinal temperatures of germination in three species of pigweed (Amaranthus sp.)
Elahe Pirouzmand Ebrahi Izedi Darbandi mehdi nassiri mahallati Reza Tavakol Afshari -
Open Access Article
73 - Inspecting the Attenuated Telecommunication Signals Extraction in the Noisy Environments
Elham Mohammadzadeh Mehdi Zare Mojdeh Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
74 - Linear and Nonlinear Response of Stock Market Segments to Gold, Currency and Oil Price Movements
Shahnaz mashayekh tayebeh jamshidi -
Open Access Article
75 - Genetic Algorithm and ANN for Estimation of SPIV of Micro Beams
M. Heidari -
Open Access Article
76 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of FG Nano-Beams in Thermal Environment and Resting on Nonlinear Foundation based on Nonlocal and Strain-Inertia Gradient Theory
Ebrahim Mahmoudpour -
Open Access Article
77 - Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of The Mechanisms Having Clearance and Compliant Joints
Amirhosein Javanfar -
Open Access Article
78 - Development of Boundary Layer of Highly Elastic Flow of the Upper Convected Maxwell Fluid over a Stretching Sheet
Meysam Mohamadali Nariman Ashrafi -
Open Access Article
79 - Attitude Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Sliding Mode Technique with Parameter Estimation
A. A. Akbari* S. Amini -
Open Access Article
80 - Direct Kinematics Solution of 3-RCC Parallel Robot using a Semi-Analytical Homotopy Method
Seyyed Mojtaba Varedi-Koulaei Masoumeh Rahimi -
Open Access Article
81 - Velocity Control of Nonlinear Unmanned Rotorcraft using Polytopic Modelling and State Feedback Control
Reza Tarighi Amir Hooshang Mazinan Mohammad Hosein Kazemi -
Open Access Article
82 - Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of Random Networks Composed of Nonlinear Fibers
Reyhaneh Mirkhani Ali Asghar Alamdar Saeed Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
83 - Friction-Adaptive Integrated Position Control for Vehicles on Curved Paths
Hadi Sazgar ali keymasi khalaji -
Open Access Article
84 - Application of the Homotopy Perturbation Method to Solve Nonlinear Equations Arising in Oscillatory Systems
Mohammadjavad Mahmoodabadi Neda Amiri -
Open Access Article
85 - Optical Kerr Nonlinear Performance of Metal-Cap Wedged-Shape Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide
Hossein Rahimi Mahmoud Nikoufard Mojtaba Dehghani Firouzabadi -
Open Access Article
86 - Applying of Zhang neural network in time-varying nonlinear function optimization
elaahe Karami zeinab Mousavi Kobra Gholami -
Open Access Article
87 - Refined Zigzag Theory for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of an Axially Moving Sandwich Nanobeam Embedded on Visco-Pasternak Medium Using MCST
A Ghorbanpour Arani M Abdollahian -
Open Access Article
88 - Dynamic Behavior Analysis of a Geometrically Nonlinear Plate Subjected to a Moving Load
A Mamandi R Mohsenzadeh -
Open Access Article
89 - Nonlinear Modeling of Bolted Lap Jointed Structure with Large Amplitude Vibration of Timoshenko Beams
M Jamal-Omidi F Adel -
Open Access Article
90 - A Novel Method for Numerical Analysis of 3D Nonlinear Thermo-Mechanical Bending of Annular and Circular Plates with Asymmetric Boundary Conditions Using SAPM
A. R Golkarian M Jabbarzadeh Sh Dastjerdi -
Open Access Article
91 - Linear and Nonlinear Free Vibration of a Two-Dimensional Multiferroic Composite Plate Subjected to Magneto-Electro-Thermo-Aerodynamic Loading
S Razavi H Ghashochi Bargh -
Open Access Article
92 - Investigating Nonlinear Vibration Behavior of Rotors with Asymmetry Shaft Considering Misalignment
A.A Jafari P Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
93 - On Validity of Analytical Method in Cracked Column Post-Buckling Analysis Using Empirical and Numerical Investigations
K Salmalian A Alijani H Ramezannejad Azarboni -
Open Access Article
94 - Analysis of Coupled Nonlinear Radial-Axial Vibration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Numerical Methods
A Fatahi-Vajari Z Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
95 - Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Beam with Magnetorheological Fluid Core Using Timoshenko Beam Theory
Omid Miraliyari Saeed Jafari Mehrabadi Mohammad Mahdi Najafizadeh -
Open Access Article
96 - Nonlinear Investigation of Magnetic Influence on Dynamic Behaviour of Non-Homogeneous Varying Thickness Circular Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations
S.A Salawu G.M Sobamowo O.M Sadiq -
Open Access Article
97 - A Distributed Parameters Model for Broadband Energy Harvesting From Nonlinear Vibration of the Piezoelectric System
M.M Zamani Mohammad Abbasi Fariborz Forouhandeh -
Open Access Article
98 - Nonlinear Vibration of Smart Micro-Tube Conveying Fluid Under Electro-Thermal Fields
A Ghorbanpour Arani E Haghparast S Amir -
Open Access Article
99 - Vibration and Bifurcation Analysis of a Nonlinear Damped Mass Grounded System
M Mostoufi H Nahvi B Mirshafiee -
Open Access Article
100 - Multiscale Analysis of Transverse Cracking in Cross-Ply Laminated Beams Using the Layerwise Theory
W Jin Na J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
101 - Free Vibration Analysis of a Nonlinear Beam Using Homotopy and Modified Lindstedt-Poincare Methods
M.T Ahmadian M Mojahedi H Moeenfard -
Open Access Article
102 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of the Fluid-Filled Single Walled Carbon Nanotube with the Shell Model Based on the Nonlocal Elacticity Theory
P Soltani R Bahramian J Saberian -
Open Access Article
103 - Large Amplitude Vibration of Imperfect Shear Deformable Nano-Plates Using Non-local Theory
S.K Jalali A Rastgoo I Eshraghi -
Open Access Article
104 - Nonlinear Instability of Coupled CNTs Conveying Viscous Fluid
A Ghorbanpour Arani S Amir -
Open Access Article
105 - A Comparative Study of Least-Squares and the Weak-Form Galerkin Finite Element Models for the Nonlinear Analysis of Timoshenko Beams
W Kim J.N Reddy -
Open Access Article
106 - Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cracked Micro-Beams Below and at the Onset of Dynamic Pull-In Instability
R Hassannejad Sh Amiri Jahed -
Open Access Article
107 - Nonlinear Nonlocal Vibration of an Embedded Viscoelastic Y-SWCNT Conveying Viscous Fluid Under Magnetic Field Using Homotopy Analysis Method
A Ghorbanpour Arani M.Sh Zarei -
Open Access Article
108 - Dynamics Analysis of the Steady and Transient States of a Nonlinear Piezoelectric Beam by a Finite Element Method
M Jabbari M Ghayour H.R Mirdamadi -
Open Access Article
109 - Investigation of Vacancy Defects on the Young’s Modulus of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites in Axial Direction via a Multiscale Modeling Approach
M.R Davoudabadi S.D Farahani -
Open Access Article
110 - Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrations for Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in an Elastic Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani H Rabbani S Amir Z Khoddami Maraghi M Mohammadimehr E Haghparast -
Open Access Article
111 - Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling of Viscous-Fluid-Conveying PNC Cylindrical Shells with Core Resting on Visco-Pasternak Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani A.A Mosallaie Barzoki R Kolahchi -
Open Access Article
112 - Nonlinear Vibration and Instability Analysis of a PVDF Cylindrical Shell Reinforced with BNNTs Conveying Viscose Fluid Using HDQ Method
R Kolahchi A Ghorbanpour Arani -
Open Access Article
113 - Temperature Effects on Nonlinear Vibration of FGM Plates Coupled with Piezoelectric Actuators
F Ebrahimi A Rastgoo -
Open Access Article
114 - Vibration Analysis of a Nonlinear Beam Under Axial Force by Homotopy Analysis Method
A.A Motallebi M Poorjamshidian J Sheikhi -
Open Access Article
115 - A Rapidly Convergent Nonlinear Transfinite Element Procedure for Transient Thermoelastic Analysis of Temperature-Dependent Functionally Graded Cylinders
M Shariyat -
Open Access Article
116 - New Method of Determination for Pressure and Shear Frictions in the Ring Rolling Process as Analytical Function
M.R Zamani -
Open Access Article
117 - Optimal Nonlinear Energy Sinks in Vibration Mitigation of the Beams Traversed by Successive Moving Loads
D Younesian A Nankali E Motieyan -
Open Access Article
118 - Nonlocal DQM for Large Amplitude Vibration of Annular Boron Nitride Sheets on Nonlinear Elastic Medium
A Ghorbanpour Arani R Kolahchi S.M.R Allahyari -
Open Access Article
119 - Extraction of Nonlinear Thermo-Electroelastic Equations for High Frequency Vibrations of Piezoelectric Resonators with Initial Static Biases
M.M Mohammadi M Hamedi H Daneshpajooh -
Open Access Article
120 - Analytical and Numerical Modelling of the Axisymmetric Bending of Circular Sandwich Plates with the Nonlinear Elastic Core Material
A Kudin S Choporov Yu Tamurov M.A.V Al Omari -
Open Access Article
121 - Viscous Fluid Flow-Induced Nonlocal Nonlinear Vibration of Embedded DWBNNTs
A Ghorbanpour Arani Z Khoddami Maraghi R Kolahchi M Mohammadimehr -
Open Access Article
122 - Numerical and Experimental Study on Ratcheting Behavior of Plates with Circular Cutouts under Cyclic Axial Loading
K Kolasangiani M Shariati Kh Farhangdoost A Varvani-Farahani -
Open Access Article
123 - A meshless technique for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations via hybrid of radial basis functions
Jinoos Nazari Homa Almasieh -
Open Access Article
124 - Optimal parametric families of derivative free iterative structures for locating nonlinear equation solution
Oghovese Ogbereyivwe Salisu Umar -
Open Access Article
125 - Spectral Method for Solving Fuzzy Volterra Integral Equations of Second kind
Laleh Hooshangian -
Open Access Article
126 - Using Parametric continuity method for solving Fredholm nonlinear integral equationsution
Majied Babaee Mahmoud Paripour Nasrin Karamikabir -
Open Access Article
127 - Using Constrained Optimization to Find Real Roots of Polynomial(RRP)
Hossein Jafari Mohammad Ehsanifar -
Open Access Article
128 - Constuction of solitary solutions for nonlinear differential-difference equations via Adomain decomposition method
M.A. Abdou -
Open Access Article
129 - Homotopy Perturbation Method and Aboodh Transform for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Khalid Aboodh -
Open Access Article
130 - A Legendre-spectral scheme for solution of nonlinear system of Volterra-Fredholm integral equations
L. Hooshangian D. Mirzaie -
Open Access Article
131 - A numerical approach for solving a nonlinear inverse diusion problem by Tikhonov regularization
H. Molhem R. Pourgholi M. Borghei -
Open Access Article
132 - Solution and stability analysis of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations
M. Shahmansouri B. Farrokhi -
Open Access Article
133 - Evaluating the solution for second kind nonlinear Volterra Fredholm integral equations using hybrid method
Ahamd Shahsavaran Akbar Shahsavaran -
Open Access Article
134 - Numerical Solution of a New Type Fuzzy Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations
Laleh Hooshangian -
Open Access Article
135 - Analysis of convergence of solution of general fuzzy integral equation with nonlinear fuzzy kernels
Laleh Hooshangian -
Open Access Article
136 - Evaluating the solution for second kind nonlinear Volterra Fredholm integral equations using hybrid method
Ahmad Shahsavaran Akbar Shahsavaran -
Open Access Article
137 - Improving Stock Return Forecasting by Deep Learning Algorithm
Zahra Farshadfar Marcel Prokopczuk -
Open Access Article
138 - Measurement of Economics to Scale in Corporates of Tehran Stock Exchange
Vahid Mahmoudi Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi Hossein Kazemi -
Open Access Article
139 - Analysis of the Asymmetric Effect of Exchange and Bank Facility Rates on Labor Productivity in Iran: NARDL Approach
Saeed Dehghan Manshadi Mohsen Zayandehroodi Abdolmajid Jalaee -
Open Access Article
140 - The Improvement of System Reliability Optimization Model and Finding an Optimal Solution
Seyed-Jafar Sadjadi Saeed Jafari -
Open Access Article
141 - The Improvement of System Reliability Optimization Model and Finding an Optimal Solution
Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Saeed Jafari -
Open Access Article
142 - Integration of order preparation process in warehouse and distribution to production lines to minimize cost with adaptive whale algorithm approach
Amir Reza Ahmadi Keshavarz davood jaafari mehran khalaj Parshang Dokouhaki -
Open Access Article
143 - Bifurcation analysis of aircraft longitudinal motion at a high angle of attack
Amirheshmat Khedmati Bazkiaei -
Open Access Article
144 - Non-linear vibration analysis of circular nano-plate based on nonlocal strain gradient method
morteza pourabdi Mohammad Shishesaz Shahram Shahrooi Seyed Alireza Seyed Roknizadeh -
Open Access Article
145 - Entropy analysis of heart rate signal during creative thinking
Golshan Ansari Ataollah Abbasi Ateke Goshvarpour -
Open Access Article
146 - Prediction of fragmentation by blasting operation in mines- case study: Gol-e-Gohar iron mine
Ahmad Asadi Eman Enayatollahi -
Open Access Article
147 - Presenting a technique for identifying and diagnosing epileptic seizures using nonlinear feature extraction based on DT-CWT coefficients of brain EEG signals with a deep
abdullah jafari chashmi -
Open Access Article
148 - Evaluation of Soil Effect on the Response of Single Degree of Freedom System
علی گل افشار داوود عدالتی محمد حسین ثقفی -
Open Access Article
149 - Evaluation of Steel Braced Frames under Vertical and Horizontal Components of Near Field Earthquake
علی گل افشار متین روشنی محمد حسین ثقفی -
Open Access Article
150 - Presenting a methodProvide an intelligent method to reduce the range of selected harmonics in voltage source inverters
javad safaee kouchaksaraee -
Open Access Article
151 - Analysis of Bifurcation and Chaos in Nonlinear Gear System with Backlash, Static Transmission Error and Time Varying Stiffness
Anoshirvan Farshidianfar Amin Saghafi Iman Saghafi -
Open Access Article
152 - Fault Detection Based on Type 2 Fuzzy system for Single-Rod Electrohydraulic Actuator
Hamid Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
153 - Linear Transformation Pre-Filtering with VGG Frame-work Based on ANN for CBMIR
shahin shafei Hamid Vahdati Tohid Sedghi Asghar Charmin -
Open Access Article
154 - Optimal nonlinear control of flight faults in manned aircrafts in the presence of fault and failure of control actuato
alireza sadraei alireza Ghafari Kashani -
Open Access Article
155 - Direct Exact Feedback Linearization based control of the of the Output Voltage in the Minimum phase DC-DC Choppers
Samira Siami Mahdi Salimi -
Open Access Article
156 - Vibration Attenuation of Nonlinear Hysteretic Structures with Fully Unknown Parameters
Saheleh Khodabakhshi Mahdi Baradaran-nia -
Open Access Article
157 - Application of optimization algorithm to nonlinear fractional optimal control problems
Asma Moradikashkooli Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi Sam Jabbehdari -
Open Access Article
158 - Nonlinear Stabilizing Controller for a Special Class of Single Link Flexible Joint Robots
Neda Nasiri Houman Sadjadian Alireza Mohammad Shahri -
Open Access Article
159 - Nonlinear models, an evolution in black box optimization in the relationship between human resource practices and organizational performance
masoud zolghadr Naser Hamidi seyed mahdi alvani gholamreza memarzadeh tehran -
Open Access Article
160 - Evaluation of relationship Between stock Market Development and Economic Growth in IRAN: nonlinear approach
Zahra Sadeghi Kelidsar Akbar Mirzapour Babajan -
Open Access Article
161 - Study of Factors Affecting on loyalty to the brand
Hamid Shahbandarzadeh Hamid Shahbandarzadeh Mohammad Hossein Kabgani -
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162 - Effects of Probability Function on the Performance of Stochastic Programming
Mohammad Ebrahim Karbaschi Mohammad Reza Banan -
Open Access Article
163 - Multiple Items Supplier Selection, Economic Lot-sizing, and Order Allocation Under Quantity Discount: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Getachew Basa Bonsa Till Becker Abdelkader Kedir -
Open Access Article
164 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Method to Optimize Bi-Objective Single Period Newsboy Problem with Fuzzy Cost and Incremental Discount
Ata Allah Taleizadeh Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
165 - A Heuristic Algorithm for Nonlinear Lexicography Goal Programming with an Efficient Initial Solution
Mahdi Bashiri Amir Hossein Parsa Manesh Hamid Hasanzadeh -
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166 - Effects of the Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction on the Component Demand Modifier Factor of Concrete Gravity Beams based on ASCE 41-06 Standard
A Azarbakht E Rajabi -
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167 - Performance of Mid-rise Buildings with Tubular Structure Under the Effect of Near Field Earthquakes
Hooman Mazlooma Maryam Firoozi Nezamabadi -
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168 - The optimum configuration of FRP laminates of coupling shear wall concerning the load capacity
Hamoon Abroon Shahrbijary Ali Delnavaz -
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169 - Conceptual Analysis and Design and Experimental Construction of a Portable Emergency Relief Bridge
Ehsan Soltani Shahrokh Rezaei -
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170 - NEW RCS Frame Connection in Structures
Hasan Aghabarati K. Parhizkar -
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171 - The Behavior of Type of RC Column-to-Steel Beam Connections and Scrutiny Of Behavior Coefficients
Hassan Aghabarati Mehran Seyed Razzaghi Kavian Parhizkar -
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172 - The Behavior of Type of RC Column-to-Steel Beam Connections and Scrutiny Of Behavior Coefficients
Hassan Aghabarati Mehran S. Razzaghi Seyed Razzaghi Kavian Parhizkar -
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173 - Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Performance of RC Bridges in Iran
Mehran Seyed Razzaghi M. Safarkhanlou -
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174 - A Numerical Evaluation of Seismic Response of Shallow Soil Deposits
S. M. Babaee seyed mjddin Mir Mohammad Hosseinib -
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175 - Assessment of ASCE 41-06 Pushover Procedure in Performance Evaluation of Concrete Vertical Irregular Buildings
Ehsan Danesh Dezfuli armin Aziminejadb -
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Araliya Mosleh Hamed Hamidi Ahmad Nicknam José Jara Humberto Varum -
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177 - The Effect of Compressive Strength Reduction of Column Section Expose due to Freezing-Thawing Cycles on the Seismic Performance of Bridges
Saeideh Alsadat Mousavi Mehran Seyed Razzaghi -
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178 - Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Combined Horizontal and Vertical Hexagrid Structural System for High-rise Buildings
Yasaman Memarzadeh Kiani Maryam Firoozi Nezamabadi -
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179 - A Comparative Study on Seismic Performance of Hexagrid, Diagrid and Tubular Structural Systems
Saeed Kia Darbandsari Maryam Firoozi NezamAbadi -
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180 - Exploring the Efficiency of Dampers for Repair and Strengthening of Existing Buildings
F. Barati A. Esfandiari -
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Hosein Parastesh Murat Saatcioglu -
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Hadi Hasanpour Esmaeil Alibeiki Seyyed Mostafa Ghadami -
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Hadi Hasanpour Esmaeil Alibeiki Seyyed Mostafa Ghadami -
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Khalil Sharifi Mohammad Reza Ahmadzadeh -
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Elaheh Saeedi Bahram Karimi Mostafa \خخقذثاه -
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215 - Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Saeed Nakhkoob Abbas Chatraei Khoshnam Shojaei -
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216 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete moment Frames with Special Ductility with and without Viscous Dampers on the Floors Level
ashkan khodabandehlou siamak barmaki -
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217 - Seismic Performance Investigation of Buckling Restrained Braces with Parallel Yielding Double Core
Kourosh Mehdizadeh Abbasali Sadeghi Seyede Vahide Hashemi -
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218 - Investigation of the Response Modification Factor of Frames Equipped with Eccentric Buckling Restrained Braces based on Performance Levels
Vahid Saberi hamid saberi Abbasali Sadeghi Seyede Vahide Hashemi -
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219 - Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Frames by Using Steel Mega Bracing System
Mohammad amin ُSharifi Abdolrahim Jalali -
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220 - Investigating the effect of infill walls in creating short columns in concrete frames (a case study
Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour soudabeh taheri -
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221 - The Effect of SMA Damper on Energy Dissipation and Eduction of Vibration Amplitude of Multi-Story Steel Frames
Ali Seyedkazemi milad esmaeili saman eftekhar ardabili morteza hoseinali beygi -
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222 - Investigating the effects of using a rocking motion system on the bending seismic Behavior of special steel frames
Ali Parvari S.Behnam Beheshti -
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223 - Nonlinear analysis of irregular-curved steel shear walls under dynamic loads
Farhad Jireh Ziaaddin Zamanzadeh Majid isazadehfar -
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224 - Comparing the Performance of Short Link Beam in Buckling Unrestrained and Restrained Eccentric Braced Frames under non-linear Static and Dynamic Analysis
Arash Hossein Shahi aboozar saleh -
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225 - Shear Failure of Concrete Columns because of Interaction with Masonry Infill
Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour Komeil Karimi Afsaneh Mosavy -
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226 - Evaluating the seismic performance of steel-sma hybrid Bracing structures
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227 - A Comparison of Modal Analysis of Ritz Vector Mode (Ritze) and Eagan Vector (Eigen) based on nonlinear Time History (NTH) Dynamic Analysis
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228 - Investigation of the Effect of Soil Structure Interaction on the Response of Structures with Viscoelastic Damper under Different Damping
masoud pourbaba saeid javaherzadeh fariba seyyedi mohammadi -
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229 - Comparison of the Seismic Performance of Braced Steel Frames with Suspended Zipper Element and CBF with the possibility of Rocking Motion
Ali Parvari Behnam Fallah -
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230 - Evaluation and Comparison of Response Modification Factor of the Base-Isolated Steel Moment Frames by Incremental Dynamic Analysis versus Pushover Method
Hamid Reza Sadrarhami Farshid Fathi -
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231 - The Effect of Non-parallel System Irregularity on Seismic Performance of Braced Steel Frame Buildings
Ali Seyedkazemi Elmira Abbasnezhad -
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232 - Optimal intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand modeling of multi-span continuous concrete box girder bridges subjected to near-field earthquakes
Hoodean Malekzadeh Hassan Abbasi Mahmood Hooseini Armin Aziminejad Mohammadreza Adib Ramezani -
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233 - Investigation of base shear in the steel structure with rotational friction damper influenced by the soil-structure interaction
Alireza Lork SAEED ABACHI Ali Nikkhoo -
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234 - The Effect of Viscous Dampers in Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Buildings
Mehdi Vakilzadeh Kambiz Mazaheri Mohaddeseh Bakhtiyari Azad -
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235 - Nonlinear Behavior of a Reinforced Concrete (RC) Building Strengthened with CFRP Under Progressive Collapse Based on Alternate Path Method
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236 - Improve seismic performance of Concrete Moment Frame Structures using TLD damper
Ali Sarmad Mehrdad Movahednia -
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237 - Seismic Control of Structures Using Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLD) Adaptable with Water Level
Nakisa Azari Farshid Fathi -
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238 - Effect of yield-torsional damper on the vibrational Energy Absorption of the Structure
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239 - Investigation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of High-rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings and their Improvement by Viscoelastic Dampers
Faraz Kazemi ashkan khodabandehlou -
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240 - Evaluation of the Simultaneous Application of Vertical and Horizontal Mass Isolation Techniques in the Moment Steel Frame Structures
Noosheen Ghorbani Farshid Fathi -
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241 - Evaluation of Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Frames with Special Ductility with and without Viscous Dampers on the Floors Level
siamak barmaki ashkan khodabandehlou -
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Tim Chen, YC Huang, J CY Chen -
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245 - استفاده از روش تجزیه Adomian و روش تکرار متغیر برای مشکلات سیستم پویا
Babatunde Yisa -
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Hajar Alimorad -
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Mousa Ilie Ali Khoshkenar -
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248 - Numerical solution of Fredholm and Volterra integral equations using the normalized Müntz−Legendre polynomials
Fereshteh Saemi Hamideh Ebrahimi Mahmoud Shafiee -
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Mehran Nemati Seyedeh Fayezeh Teimoori -
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Milad Malekzadeh Alireza Khosravi -
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254 - Investigating the effect of soil structure interaction on the seismic response of concrete buildings
Seyed Mohsen Seyedi Ferydoon Khosravi -
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268 - Evaluation of the Performance of Visco-elastic Dampers in Near-fault Earthquakes using Nonlinear Time-history Analysis
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M Hosseini S Karimiyan -
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محمود مهدی ماشینچی ح. جوانیان جویباری د. گنجی -
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277 - Chaos and Nonlinear Stock Price Index of Tehran Stock Exchange Chaos and Nonlinear Stock Price Index of Tehran Stock Exchange
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احمد حقانی رضا قادری -
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بهرام گل محمدی قاسم اسعدی کردشولی علیرضا وحیدی -
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رضا انصاری حبیب رمضان نژاد آزاربنی -
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جعفر اسکندری جم یاسر میرزایی بهنام قشلاقی -
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مهرنوش دمیرچلی محمد آزادی -
Open Access Article
331 - تحلیل ارتعاشات غیرخطی تیر اویلر برنولی بر روی بستر الاستیک غیرخطی تحت تأثیر بار محوری فشاری
احمد مامندی محمدحسین کارگرنوین -
Open Access Article
332 - تحلیل ارتعاشات غیرخطی پوسته استوانهای از مواد مدرج تابعی بر روی بستر ویسکوالاستیک تحت بارهای محوری و جانبی
احمد مامندی -
Open Access Article
333 - Evaluation of rainbow trout market power in Iran
Yaqoob Zeratkish Zeynab Omidavar -
Open Access Article
334 - Direct method for solving nonlinear two-dimensional Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations by block-pulse functions
Elnaz Poorfattah Akbar Jafari Shaerlar -
Open Access Article
335 - The Sensitivity Analysis of the Distance Effect and Explosive Load on Concrete Structures, Considering the Soil-Structure Interaction Effects
Mohammad Emami korandeh Saeed Farokhizadeh -
Open Access Article
336 - Passivity-based design of controller and observer for a class of nonlinear systems with application to Hepatitis B Disease
shaghayegh gorji Ahmad Fakharian Rezvan Abbasi -
Open Access Article
337 - Nonlinear Modeling of the Demand Response Programs in the Power Systems, Considering Indefinite Consumer Participation
Ehsan Bahrami Mohammadreza Moradian -
Open Access Article
338 - Investigating and evaluating the behavior of the proposed connection in the steel bending frame
Mehri Asgari Mohammadreza Adibramezani -
Open Access Article
339 - Effect of increasing laser-dressing parameter on electronic and optical properties of double GaAsSb/GaAs parabolic valence-band quantum well
Soheila Haghighi Azadeh Haghighatzadeh امین عطارزاده -
Open Access Article
340 - A new3D elasticity numerical solution for nonlinear thermo-mechanical bending of orthotropic annular/circular micro/nanoplates using re-modified couple stress & SAPM
Amirreza Golkarian Mehrdad Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
341 - Regime-Switching Effects of Tourism on regional Growth of Touristy Provinces: Applied of smooth transition autoregressive model
Javad Barati esmat mojarad -
Open Access Article
342 - Determination of Optimal Input Patterns in Various Agricultural Sub- sectors
M. راعی دهقی A. کریمی F. کریمی -
Open Access Article
343 - Optimum Dept of Agricultural Wells in Bojnord Plain
E. Mojarrad M. Saboohi -
Open Access Article
344 - Examination of hen meat marketing margin using of rational expectations hypothesis
R. Heidari kamalabadi N. Shahnoushi -
Open Access Article
345 - Scaling and Spatial Analysis of Infiltration at the Regional Scale (Case Study: the Shahrekord Watershed)
gh. اکبری m.r کاویانپور اصفهانی e. سلطانی سامانی -
Open Access Article
346 - Optimal Operation of the Conjunctive Aquifers - Dam system: The Genetic Programming Approach
e. فلاح مهدیپور o. بزرگحداد s. علی محمدی -
Open Access Article
347 - Analytical Investigation of TM Surface Waves in 1D Photonic Crystals Capped by a Self-Focusing Left-Handed Slab
Karim Milanchian Zahra eyni -
Open Access Article
348 - Numerical Analysis of Stability for Temporal Bright Solitons in a PT-Symmetric NLDC
Lida Safaei Mohsen Hatami mahmood Borhani Zarandi -
Open Access Article
349 - Ultra- Relativistic Solitons with Opposing Behaviors in Photon Gas Plasma
Ebrahim Heidari -
Open Access Article
350 - Effect of Relative Phase on the Stability of Temporal Bright Solitons in a PT- Symmetric NLDC
Lida Safaei mahmood Borhani Zarandi Mohsen Hatami -
Open Access Article
351 - Spatial soliton pairs in an unbiased photovoltaic-photorefractive crystal circuit
Alireza Keshavarz Zahra Abbasi -
Open Access Article
352 - Investigation of the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities and Nonlinear Refractive Index In Pbs/Cdse/Cds Spherical Quantum Dot
Fatemeh Rahmani Javad Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
353 - Mathematically modeling of target speed effect on nonlinearity in DTLMI-based nano-metrology system
Saeed Olyaee Masood Sherafat -
Open Access Article
354 - Analysis of Steady-State Brillouin Nonlinearity in High-Power Fiber Lasers
Maryam Ilchi-Ghazaani -
Open Access Article
355 - Temporal Nonlinear Dynamics of Plasmon-Solitons, a Duffing Oscillator-Based Approach
Morteza Sharif -
Open Access Article
356 - Investigation of Highly Broadb and Supercontinuum Generation in a Suspended As2Se3 Based Ridge Waveguide
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh Mahmood Seifouri -
Open Access Article
357 - Data-Driven State Estimation of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with Smart RBF Network
Hossein Afkhami Faridoon Shabani Nia Jamshid Aghaei -
Open Access Article
358 - PhC-based Majority Gate using a nonlinear directional coupler
Reyhaneh Rigi Keivan Navi Hojjat Sharifi -
Open Access Article
359 - The effect of ambient temperature on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of truncated pyramidal-shaped InAs/GaAs quantum dot
MohammadAmin ZekavatFetrat Mohammad Sabaeian Ghahraman Solookinejad -
Open Access Article
360 - Supercontinuum Generation in Silica Plasmonic Waveguide by Bright Soliton
Maryam Dehghani Mohsen Hatami Abdolrasoul Gharaati -
Open Access Article
361 - Host Liquid Effect on Thermo-Optical Pattern of a Self-Phase Modulated Laser Beam Passing Through Au Nanoparticles Colloids
Hoda Aleali Ahmad Mehramiz Elham Valizadeh Pilehroud -
Open Access Article
362 - Learning Identification Strategies for Traffic Flow Model: A Review Study
Mahboubeh Zare Feizabadi Seyyed Abed Hosseini Mahboobeh Houshmand -
Open Access Article
363 - Analysis of Seismic Demand Attenuation of steel Moment-Resisting Frames According to the Distance from the Fault
ayoub mehri dehno hasan aghabarati Mehdi Mahdavi Adeli -
Open Access Article
364 - Cooperative Controller Design for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems via Observer-Based Event-Triggered Scheme
S Narges Mahdian Zadeh Reza Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
365 - Effect of Porosity on Nonlinear Tip Deflection of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Actuators
Mohammad Gholami Mansour Alizadeh -
Open Access Article
366 - Application of a New Model for Magnetorheological Damper and Investigation of Its Effectiveness in Vertical Mass Isolated Structures
Mohamad Shahrokh Abdi مسعود نکوئی -
Open Access Article
367 - Seismic Evaluation of Dual SMF-SCBF System with Viscous Dampers and Lead-Core Rubber Bearings
Ali Parvari آرش بیات رضا اسکندری