Effect of increasing laser-dressing parameter on electronic and optical properties of double GaAsSb/GaAs parabolic valence-band quantum well
Subject Areas : Research On Surface Engineering and Nanomaterials Science
Soheila Haghighi
Azadeh Haghighatzadeh
امین عطارزاده
1 - Department of Physics, Ahvaz Branch, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Advanced Surface Engineering and Nano Materials Research Center, Department of Physics, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Department of Science, Institute for Higher Education, ACECR, Ahvaz, Khouzestan, Iran
Keywords: Heavy hole, Laser-dressing parameter, Nonlinear optical properties, Position-dependent effective mass, Quantum well,
Abstract :
In this study, electronic and optical properties of a laser-dressed double GaAsSb/GaAs parabolic valence-band quantum well were investigated. The effect of increasing laser-dressing parameter on electronic bound states and the corresponding wave functions was surveyed using the Finite Element Method (FEM) in COMSOL Multiphysics and the position-dependent effective mass approximation considering Floquet series and Kramers-Henneberger transformation. An analytical expression was developed to describe the position-dependent effective mass of a heavy hole as a function of the well's geometry for the first time. The electronic bound states of a heavy hole were studied by considering the probability density of the presence in the quantum well. The obtained electronic results showed a transition from a double quantum well with a zero barrier-width into a triple-type profile after the application of the laser field, and then a return into a double-type well with a wide central barrier as the laser-dressing parameter increased. The linear and the third-order nonlinear optical absorption coefficients and refraction index were studied by density matrix method taking into account a two-level system for the ground and the first-excited states.
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