Cooperative Controller Design for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems via Observer-Based Event-Triggered Scheme
Subject Areas : Electrical Engineering
S Narges Mahdian Zadeh
Reza Ghasemi
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Keywords: Event Triggered structure, Multi-Agent System, Consensus, Leader-Follower, Communication, Stability, Nonlinear Observer,
Abstract :
The Event-triggering protocol is addressed for nonlinear multi-agent systems based on nonlinear observer. It is assumed that the agents have affine nonlinear dynamics. The proposed observer has nonlinear dynamics. Compared to other research that concentrates on the event-triggered controller for both linear multi-input multi-output and multi-agent systems, the proposed methodology deals with event-triggered controllers for nonlinear multi-agent systems.To decrease unnecessary information transportations, an event-triggered technique with state-independent threshold is involved to update the control input law. The triggering mechanism guarantees both the acceptable performance and the stability of the overall system. The observer is recommended 1) to decrease the hardware and sensors, 2) to approximate the relative full states in order to reach the overall leader-follower consensus. the focal merits of the proposed methodology are 1) convergence of the observer error to zero, 2) convergence of the leader-follower consensus error to zero, 3) decreasing unnecessary data in proposed topology, and 4) stability of the closed loop multi agent system. The proposed methodology is applied on applicable dynamics and the simulation results elaborate the promising presentation of the methodological analysis.
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