The Sensitivity Analysis of the Distance Effect and Explosive Load on Concrete Structures, Considering the Soil-Structure Interaction Effects
Subject Areas : Structural MechanicsMohammad Emami korandeh 1 , Saeed Farokhizadeh 2
1 - Academic staff of the Civil Engineering Department and member of the Council of the Civil Engineering Department
2 - civil engineering-construction management of Islamic Azad University Tehran-Jonoob Branch
Keywords: Nonlinear dynamic analysis, soil and structure interaction, explosive load, sensitivity analysis, distance effect.,
Abstract :
The undeniable impact of soil-structure interaction on the behavior of structures, coupled with the increased importance of explosive loads in current global security and social conditions, has led to the modeling and sensitivity analysis of the distance effect and explosive load on concrete structures, taking into account the effects of soil-structure interaction. Three types of structures with 3, 7, and 15 floors were modeled for this investigation, and the results were evaluated. The software tools ETABS and ABAQUS were utilized, with ETABS for structural element design and ABAQUS for examining the effects of soil-structure interaction. The input energy and induced displacements in the structures have a meaningful relationship with the explosion force. In all three structures (3, 7, and 15 floors), the energy and displacements created vary proportionally with the explosion distance or the reduction in explosive material weight. The plasticity rate reflects a substantial reduction in damage with an increasing explosion distance from the structure. Additionally, according to the research results, an increase in the number of floors undoubtedly leads to more noticeable displacements. Therefore, these displacements and energy absorption in the 15-floor structure exceed those in other structures. The failure zone in the 3-floor structure is mostly in the last floor, in the 7-floor structures in the middle floors, and in the 15-floor structures in the initial floors. Displacement in the 3-floor structure is at the upper levels, in the middle of the 7-floor structure, and at the lower levels of the 15-floor structure.
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