About the journal
Welcome to International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (IJASE), The Professional Journal of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch serving professionals in analysis and design methods for building and special structures, bridges, dams and other types of structures, in severe condition like wind and earthquake concerned with advanced technologies. Two principal types of papers published in IJASE are contributed research papers and state-of-the-art reviews. IJASE is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) both online and in print. Researchers and practicing structural engineers are cordially invited to submit their contributions and novel research activities for publication. The manuscripts should be submitted electronically using this website; companion with a cover letter specifying that the manuscript is being submitted to International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering.
Volumes 4 (2012) to 11 (2019) and the related Issues which are open access could be achieved via the following link:
Open Access Article
1 - The effect of different arrangements of longitudinal reinforcements on the capacity of wide concrete beams
Javad Mahdian pari ، alireza faroughi *Issue 1 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024
Open Access Article
1 - The effect of different arrangements of longitudinal reinforcements on the capacity of wide concrete beams
Javad Mahdian pari ، alireza faroughi *Issue 1 , Vol. 14 , Winter 2024 -
Open Access Article
2 - Vibration-based cable tension estimation using two iterative algorithms: Methodology and experimental validation
Latif Doosti * ، Omid Bahar ، Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany ، Mohsen ElmiIssue 3 , Vol. 13 , Summer 2023 -
Open Access Article
3 - Failure area evaluation of the coupler with threaded bar: Experimental and Numerical study
mohamad reza shokrzadeh ، Fariborz Nateghi Allahe ، Mohammad Reza Mansoori, * ، pasha pashaIssue 1 , Vol. 12 , Winter 2022 -
Open Access Article
4 - Failure Rate of Empty and Fluid-Filled Concrete Pipes under High Strain Rates
Asadollah Ranjbar Karkanaki * ، Mohsen Parviz ، Alireza Darvishpour ، Mahyar TaheriIssue 3 , Vol. 12 , Summer 2022 -
Open Access Article
5 - Analytical Study of Simple Replaceable Fuse (SRF) in Eccentrically Braced Frames
Soroush Soltani ، Mohammad Reza Javaheri-tafti * ، Mohammad-Ghasem VetrIssue 4 , Vol. 12 , Autumn 2022 -
Open Access Article
6 - Cold rolling techniques in mechanical splices: Experimental investigations
mohamad reza shokrzadeh * ، Fariborz Nateghi Allahe ، taleb sadeghianIssue 3 , Vol. 13 , Summer 2023 -
Open Access Article
7 - Experimental study of fiber concrete slab behavior against high electric heat
Hossein Nematian Jelodar ، Ata Hojatkashani * ، Rahmat Madandoust ، Abbas Akbarpour ، Seyed Azim HosseiniIssue 1 , Vol. 13 , Winter 2023 -
Open Access Article
8 - Experimental and numerical modeling for shear strength of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete beams with stirrups
Mahdi Moradi * ، Mehran Sheikhmohammadi ، Seyyed Hossein AletahaIssue 3 , Vol. 12 , Summer 2022 -
Open Access Article
peyman shadman heidari * ، Mohammad Ghanooni Bagha ، Zeinolabedi MortezaaliIssue 4 , Vol. 13 , Autumn 2023 -
Open Access Article
10 - Earthquake Vibration Control of Structures using Tuned Liquid Dampers: Experimental Studies
Pradipta Banerji ، Avik Samanta ، Sachin A. ChavanIssue 2 , Vol. 2 , Spring 2010