Bifurcation analysis of aircraft longitudinal motion at a high angle of attack
Subject Areas : Journal of New Applied and Computational Findings in Mechanical Systems
Amirheshmat Khedmati Bazkiaei
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering. Islamic Azad University. Sousangerd. Iran
Keywords: Nonlinear dynamic, Bifurcation, longitudinal motion,
Abstract :
variation of the angle of attack in flight causes the interaction of the aerodynamic forces of the wing, the tail and the inertial forces of the brake. Hence, it has been one of the essential factors in the analysis of the plane's longitudinal movement and flight safety. And its nonlinear dynamic analysis has been of great importance. In this research, while obtaining the nonlinear equations of motion and its different modelling, by examining bifurcation parameters, the changes of equilibrium points according to these parameters, Hopf bifurcation analysis, limit cycle occurrence conditions, heteroclinic and monoclinic structures are investigated and using an actual model of aircraft, flight stability conditions are stated. These conditions, including the elevator angle as a bifurcation parameter, have provided a suitable prediction of the number of balance points for all types of models, the type of balance points, absorption range, stability of aircraft movement, etc.
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