Open Access Article
1 - public policies Monitoring model with an emphasis on the digital era (case study: banking system)
Amir Vafaei Karamollah Daneshfard Mortaza Mosakhani -
Open Access Article
2 - Designing a of Human Resource Excellence Model in Iranian Public Sectors using the Fuzzy Delphi Technique
N. Mirsepassi A. Toloie Eshlaghy Gh. Memarzadeh M. Peidaie -
Open Access Article
3 - The Ups and Downs of the Political Presence of NaqshbandÊ Sheikhs in the Sheib§nÊds' Period
Ali Aramjoo Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki Mohsen Masumi -
Open Access Article
4 - Shibanids and The Mughals
محمد علی کاظم بیگی زینت تاج علی -
Open Access Article
5 - History of Kibchak Khani, an Unidentified General History of Twelfth Century A. H
اسماعیل چنگیزی اردهایی -
Open Access Article
6 - Designing a structural model for the effect of strategic value of e-commerce on development of corporate entrepreneurship in an industrial unit
rihaneh mohammadi peyman akhavan -
Open Access Article
7 - A study of St. Thaddeos Monastery’s past
Pionik Simoni -
Open Access Article
8 - Cultural Planning and General Principles of Museum Design (Case Study: Martyr Museum located in Shiraz City)
Zahra barzegar -
Open Access Article
9 - دادرسی الکترونیک در حقوق ایران؛ اهداف، مبانی و ویژگی ها
زهرا زاده حسین علیایی احمد احمدی -
Open Access Article
10 - چالشهای عدول از اصول راهبردی کیفری مندرج در قانون اساسی
سید محمدصادق احمدی محمد شریف شاهی محمد شمعی -
Open Access Article
11 - مبانی استقلال، معاییر و آثار تمایز پیمانکاری از رابطه کارگری - کارفرمایی
مهری افشاری کاوه نادر پورارشد -
Open Access Article
12 - مبانی داوری تجاری در فقه اسلامی و حقوق بینالملل
محسن قدیر حسین کاظمی فروشانی -
Open Access Article
13 - Frustrated Marriages and Its Juridical Basis (as getting marriage with confidentials and non-muslims)
Hosein Anguraj Taghavi Parinaz Pasdar heer -
Open Access Article
14 - مطالعه تطبیقی مبانی مطلق امتناع از ثبت علامت تجاری در حقوق ایران و استرالیا
پرویز ساورایی مصطفی کوشکی -
Open Access Article
15 - مطالعه تطبیقی مسئولیت کیفری جمعی در حقوق بینالملل کیفری و حقوق ایران
حسین گرامی محمد رضا شادمان فر -
Open Access Article
16 - "The Doctrine of Frustration in the English and Iranian law"
Omid Shabani Laya Baradaran -
Open Access Article
17 - حقوق و اخلاق در آراء جان آستین ،کلسن، هارت و کانت: در جستجوی نظام حقوقی کارآمد
محمد صادقی مهدیه صانعی -
Open Access Article
18 - Habermas and the criticism of Linguisticism (Toward a Transcendental Approach in Political Philosophy)
Dr. Mahdi Abedi -
Open Access Article
19 - عوامل مؤثر بر نتجیه گرایی در مدیریت فرآیند واحدهای پشتیبانی بیمارستانهای سازمان تامین اجتماعی
سید جمالالدین طبیبی محمدرضا ملکی سمیه حسام -
Open Access Article
20 - From Importance of Features in Purchasing to Consumers’ Personal Values: Overview of Laddering Technique and How It Works in Marketing Research
Masoud keimasi Ali Amoei Ojaki Melika Nasir -
Open Access Article
21 - Evaluation of the International Traffic Management Role in the Telecommunication Company of Iran and a Proposed Model for Optimizing Management Capabilities
B. Kafi M. Abdolkarimi -
Open Access Article
22 - Privacy in the Cyber Space and the Obligation to Comply with It, with an Emphasis on Jurisprudence and Legal Principles
Ali Asghar Sharifi Seyed Hossein Safaei (corresponding author) Nejad Ali Almasi Parviz Savraei -
Open Access Article
23 - مسئولیت مدیران در ورشکستگی به تقصیر در حقوق ایران با نگاهی به مبانی فقهی آن
hamid khatibzadeh mohammadreza pasban ali zare -
Open Access Article
24 - Capacities of Al-Faragh theory and its application in law and legislation
farzaneh salemrahbar saydmohamadreza ayati Kazem Rahman Setayesh -
Open Access Article
25 - Jurisprudential and legal bases of criminalization of refusal of rescue and rescue in the absence of obligation and contract
Mehri Salehi Ebrahim Yaghouti Vali Rustavi -
Open Access Article
26 - Bazshnasi objective and the mosque sections of the requirement of jurisprudence in front of him
Ahmad Bagheri Seyed Mahmoud Heltaei -
Open Access Article
27 - privacy bill in terms of conformity with the Shiite jurisprudence principles
Ali Asghar Raoufi Mohammad Sadiq Jamshidi Rad Ali Reza Pourbafrani -
Open Access Article
28 - The Examination Exceptions from the Prohibition of Usury
Maryam Naghdi Dourbati Ahmad Abedini NajafAbadi Javad Panjepour -
Open Access Article
29 - Principles and sources of shareholders' preemprive rights due to the capital increasing (with comparative study in Iranian, American law and Imamie Jurisprudence)
Hossein Sadeghi Hamideh Zaree Mahdi Naser -
Open Access Article
30 - Accounting information systems from the perspective of system dynamics in the structure of knowledge
bahareh bani talebi -
Open Access Article
31 - An assessment effect of management accounting information system based on decision support and business intelligence in stock exchange companies
هاشم نیکومرام محمد محمودی -
Open Access Article
32 - Critical Theory and its Role in Accounting
Shokrolah Khajavi Zaemeh Neamatollahi -
Open Access Article
33 - Theoretical Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility and Research Paradigms in Professional Accounting
یحیی حساس یگانه قدرت اله برزگر -
Open Access Article
34 - An Analysis of the Theoretical Foundations of Ethics in Nahj al-Balaghah as Components Affecting National Culture
Reza jafari -
Open Access Article
35 - Culture and Art in Wittgenstein's Philosophy
دکتر سروش دباغ تکتم فرمانفرمایی -
Open Access Article
36 - comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries
soroush fathi Tahmoures Shiri hossein shahverdi -
Open Access Article
37 - The Role of Individual, Family and Social Factors in Explaining Cyber-victimization
Issa Khajvandahmadi Sara Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
38 - Comparative evaluation of elderly welfare programs with selected countries
Hossein Shahverdi Soroush Fathi Tahmoures Shiri -
Open Access Article
39 - A Model for Financial Resources Allocation Pattern Using Portfolio Concept (A case study of NIOC)
Mohammadreza Moghaddam Albert Boghosian -
Open Access Article
40 - Monastic Order in Buddhism (Samgha
T. Tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
41 - A Survey of Doctrines and Rites in Eastern Orthodox Church
فاطمه Lajevardi -
Open Access Article
42 - Analysis of the effect of desert tourism on rural areas, Case Study: Rural Areas of Jarghouyeh Olya and Bon Rood of Isfahan Township
nargis vazin hamid barghi mohammad tabatabaee -
Open Access Article
43 - Explaining Factors Effecting on Horticulture Sector’s Sustainability (Case Study of Urmia County)
Sajjad Hesami Rishkani loghman rashidpour Soleiman Rasouli Azar -
Open Access Article
44 - Determination of Doppler ultrasonographic indices of abdominal aorta and renal artery in cat
Azizi, F., Masouleh, M.N., Mashhadi Rafie, S., Bokaie, S. . -
Open Access Article
45 - The Rules and Ritual of Pātimokkha (Prātimoksa) in Buddhist Monasticism
محمدرضا عدلی -
Open Access Article
46 - Christian Missionary: A Study of Pope Gregory's Mission
لیلا Shirmohammadi محمدرضا Adli -
Open Access Article
47 - Soma and Haoma in Ancient India and Iran
مریم نوابی احمدرضا معتمدی -
Open Access Article
48 - The Concept of Sacrifice form the Viewpoint of E. B. Tylor, H. Spencer and J. G. Frazer
فاطمه لاجوردی مینا بهاری -
Open Access Article
49 - Challenge for the Inheritance: A Comparative Study of the Sacrifice of Abraham’s Son according to Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions
محمدرضا وصفی سید روح اله شفیعی -
Open Access Article
50 - 1
حسن احمدی نعمت اله خراسانی محمود کرمی سید محمد آذرکار -
Open Access Article
51 - Evaluation of awareness, attitude and action of Amirkabir University of Technology students on general aspects of environment
Mohammad Reza Alavi Moghadam Reza Maknoon Ata Babazadeh naseri Mohammad Reza Khanmohammadi Hzeveh Yunos Eftekhari Yegane -
Open Access Article
52 - Design Principles of Clinical Sites with Emphasis on Components of Healing gardens, Horticultural Therapy Spaces and The Persian Garden
Nazita zojaji Ali nikbakht Mohsen kafi -
Open Access Article
53 - The Impact of Excess Cash Holding on Liquidity Risk by Using Liu’s Theoretical framework
Seyedeh Neda Habibzadeh sina kherdyar Seyed Mozaffar Mirbargkar Mehdi Meshki Miavaghi -
Open Access Article
54 - Securitization in the Islamic Markets vs. Securitization in Major International one
Zahra Amirhosseini Masumeh Ghobadi -
Open Access Article
55 - Compare Desert Environments Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics with Different Vegetation (Case Study: Southwestern of Sistan Region)
Mansour Jahantigh Moien Jahantigh -
Open Access Article
56 - Biourbanism urban design: Human bio-based approach to urban design (Case study: Cheshme kile Riverside of Tonekabon)
Parisa Ghobadi Reza Jafariha Ali Niknama Alireza Aali -
Open Access Article
57 - Comparative Linguistic Stylistics in Rostam’s Combat with Ashkbous in Shahnamaeh and Amroas’s Combat with Imam Ali in Ali Nameh
Farshad Eskandari Sharafi Hossein Sahragard hasan heidary -
Open Access Article
58 - Silk and Mat
mir jalaedin kazazi -
Open Access Article
59 - Magnificent Beloved in Shamloo and Nizar Qabbani's poetry
Behrouz Roumiani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh Hamideh Qolami -
Open Access Article
60 - Syntactic, lexical and temporal comparative deconstruction and deviation in Parvin Etesami's poetry
Bahman Gorgian Farangis Abbaszadeh -
Open Access Article
61 - A Comparative Study of Romantic Themes in the Poetry of Fereydoon Moshiri and Nizar Qabbani
Mehdi Momtahen Momtahen Leila Khoshkam -
Open Access Article
62 - Themes of social love in poems of Ahmad Shamloo and NizarQabbani
Sohayla Salahi Moghadam Marziye Asghar Nejad Farid -
Open Access Article
63 - A View of Women’s Position in the Poetry of Nizar Qabbani & Forough Farrokhzad
Abdolreza Attash Elahe Peysepar -
Open Access Article
64 - A study of Attar's Elahinameh based on Jacobsen's theory of communication and linguistic functions
Atefeh Azizi Batool Fakhr Islam -
Open Access Article
65 - Comparing Behaviors with Slaves in Nezami's Quinary and Uncle Tom's Cabin Novel
Saeed Karimi Ghareh Baba Nahid Javan Biparva Hassan Heidarzadeh Sardoroud -
Open Access Article
66 - A Comparative Study of Sacrifice in Primitive Tribes in the West and the Islamic and Quranic Viewpoint
Ali Mehdizadeh -
Open Access Article
67 - Measured between linguistic elements Nima and Isfahani style
Mehdi reza kamali baniani -
Open Access Article
68 - Adaptation and analysis of the story of king falling in love with a maid from the perspective of the principles of governance in Masnavi Manavi
Hadi Javadi Hesar Reza Ashrafzadeh -
Open Access Article
69 - A Critical Study of the Translation of Thirty Lyrical Couplets of Hafiz by Ibrahim Amin Al-Shawarebi: A Linguistic Approach
Ali Ghahremani -
Open Access Article
70 - Comparative Study on Virtual Love in Hossein Monzavi and Nizar Qabbani's Poetries
Javad Kaboutari Ozra Mosaei Fatemeh Ka'ab Asl -
Open Access Article
71 - Studying and Analyzing the Stylistic Components of the Newly Discovered by Farahani
Fatemeh Agah Ahmad Reza Yalamehaa -
Open Access Article
72 - Meaning Semantics of Words in the Story of Adam(AS) in Quran Kareem Based on linguistic Context
Marzieh Kohandel Jahromi mahmoud abdanan احمدی نسب فاطمه ghasam bostani -
Open Access Article
73 - The Pragmatic Relationship of Termination of Verses with its Text (Case Study: All Attentive, All Aware)
Effat Taheri Dowlat Abadi Mahdi Moti’ Mahdi Habibollahi -
Open Access Article
74 - Interpretive principles of commentators of Isfahan Interpretive School
ehteramsadat mosavizadeh Mohsen khosfar Ali reza Zakizadeh -
Open Access Article
75 - مبانی و اصول انتقام سخت در قرآن و حدیث
رسول تاجیک akbr ashrafi ahmad bakhshayeshi hosein allakaram -
Open Access Article
76 - Linguistic functions and semantic relations in the Meccan and Madani words of the Holy Qur'an
Saeed Zare Mohammad Hossein Sharafzadeh Ameneh Zare Saeed Hozouri -
Open Access Article
77 - The Relationship Between Cognitive Application of Verses Intervals and their Content (Fallah Case Study)
Rezvan Zamani Forooshani Mahdi Moti’ Mahdi Habibollahi -
Open Access Article
78 - studying and analyzing the Quranic discourses
Mohammad Goodarzi Rahmatallah moazamyGoodarzi -
Open Access Article
79 - The impressibility of Quran's Persian Contemporary Translations from Translation Basics
Akhtar Sultani -
Open Access Article
80 - The proper consumption pattern in the Qoran & tradition
Mahdi Momtahen Akhtar Soltani Mohammad Amin Rodini -
Open Access Article
81 - The new approach on the Ijtehadi way of understanding and interpreting the Quran
parvin nabian -
Open Access Article
82 - Studying and Criticizing Interpretive Principles of Prominent Interpreters of Hanbali Religion
Hadi Razzaqi Harikande’i Leila Ramezan Nia Samakoush -
Open Access Article
83 - Thoughts of Supreme Leader; Roadmap for Realization of Modern Islamic Civilization
Tayyebeh Barkhordari Yasser Salari -
Open Access Article
84 - National and resistance at Nizar Qabbani
Seyyed Hosein Seyyedi Sakine Saremi Garavi -
Open Access Article
85 - Cultural criticism of Nizar Qabbani based on Abdullah Mohammed Alghazami method
Waleed saedi nasab -
Open Access Article
86 - Manifestations of love and women in the Nizar Qabbani’s
Mohammadhadi Moradi Payam Karimi -
Open Access Article
87 - Realism in Nizar Qabani’s Political Poems
Hussein Shamsabadi Mahdi Shahrokh Asghar Molavi Nafchi -
Open Access Article
88 - The Image of the Woman in Nizar Qabbani and Hossein Monzavi's Poetries
Zeineh Arfat Pour Ali Mozaffari -
Open Access Article
89 - تحلیل و ارزیابی طراحی معماری نماهای شهر تهران به منظور تبیین نظام جامع و پاسخگو
سیامک کاکاوند فرح حبیب اسکندر مختاری طالقانی -
Open Access Article
90 - حقوق قربانیان اقدامات تروریستی در رهیافت های سیاسی و قوانین بینالمللی با تاکید بر جغرافیای سیاسی خاورمیانه
سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد -
Open Access Article
91 - تعیین قیمت از سوی دولت و ضوابط آن
محمد صرفی سید حسن عابدیان -
Open Access Article
92 - ادله عقلی و نقلی تعیین ملاک مسافت شرعی در فقه امامیه
mahdi Mahdavi e amin -
Open Access Article
93 - The Jurisprudential-Legal Principles of Iran's Criminal Policy to Combat Water Crimes
Farzaneh Moradi Farzaneh Moradi Seyed Mahmood Mirkhalili Shahrdad Darabi -
Open Access Article
94 - A Study of Jurisprudential Principles of Animal Rights
Farideh Asghari ahmad Moradkhani Seyed hasan Abediyan -
Open Access Article
95 - Identification of volatile compounds and investigation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer effects of Tribulus longipetalus Viv
Aliakbar Imani -
Open Access Article
96 - Analysis of the takfiris identity and their approach to the Islamic Republic of Iran
tohid afzali mohammad taher afzali -
Open Access Article
97 - Literary creativity in sohrab sephris Eight books
Roya Parvin Mansoureh Tadayoni sima mansoori Masoud Pakdel -
Open Access Article
98 - The Stylistic study of the poems of Azhari Shirazi’s Resaleh- ye Kamal (Treatise of maturity)
Fariba Chini Fateme Sadat Taheri Abdorreza Modarreszade -
Open Access Article
99 - The pathology of Nahj al-Balagha translations
Hamed Shariati niyasar Mansoor Pahlevan -
Open Access Article
100 - Discovering and analyzing the use of burial spells and treasures in selected verses from nizami's Khamse
Ahmad Jafari Yahya Talebian Abbas ali Vafaie -
Open Access Article
101 - Analyzing the history of Alam Araey Abasi opus of Eskandar Beig-Monshi
Marjan Rezataji Ahmad Zakeri -
Open Access Article
102 - A study and analysis of the "empathy" component in contemporary children's literature
Maryam Alai maryam uzbashi Zohreh nooraeenia -
Open Access Article
103 - Formative Tricks in the Story of “Bivatan” written by Reza Amirkhani
Manige Farajian Mohtaram Ali Dehghan Ayyoub Koushan -
Open Access Article
104 - A study of the stylistic features of language and thought in the poetry of Houshang Ebtehaj and Mohammad Zohri
samaeh delirkoohi ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
105 - Stylistic analysis of the collection of poems of Shekva Iqbal Lahori
Ali Zaboli Mehdi Abadi Ahmad Sadeghian Abolghasem Asi Mozanab -
Open Access Article
106 - Comparison of some linguistic aspects of Saadi and Iraj Mirza's poems
FAhime Asadi -
Open Access Article
107 - Comparison of the Structure of the Anecdotes of Majnat al-Nawadir Banbani and Baharestan Jami with Emphasis on their Sources
Raana Javadi Alireza Ghojezade Zahra Soleimani -
Open Access Article
108 - Discourse Analysis of Beyhaghi History Based on the Fray Language Transcendental Theory and Wittgenstein Language Game
Rasoul kazemzadeh Rahman Moshtaq Mehr -
Open Access Article
109 - Examining the concept of identity from a deconstructive perspective in Sam Shepard's family plays
fazel asadi amjad seyed sara ghazi mirsaed -
Open Access Article
110 - A project on language’s surfaces
Nazanin Naderi ahmad zakeri -
Open Access Article
111 - Victimization of Human Being in Social Fluctuations on The Hairy Ape by Eugene O’Neill and Pellekan
Ataollah Koopal Rosalyn Shadidi -
Open Access Article
112 - Stylistic analysis of straw and Palm "Reza Reisi”
Sepideh Sepehri -
Open Access Article
113 - Considering facilities and authorities of grammatical points in NaseKhosro poem
s.y Seyyed Torabi جهاندوست Sabz Alipour -
Open Access Article
114 - Social Thoughts as Seen from the Viewpoints of Rumi and Iqbal
Ali Mohammad Moazzeni Shiva Heydari -
Open Access Article
115 - مقایسه رفتارهای قلدری- قربانی و توانایی شناختی در دانشآموزان پسر دوم متوسطه فرزند طلاق و غیرطلاق
مریم ربیعی سوسن صابر -
Open Access Article
116 - تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل و پیامدهای اجتماعی و فردی خشونت خانگی (مورد مطالعه قربانیان خشونت خانگی شهرهای زلزله زده تازه آباد و جوانرود)
نامدار حسینی خدیجه سفیری سید محمد سیدمیرزایی -
Open Access Article
117 - مطالعه ترس از جرم در بین شهروندان اردبیلی
طاها عشایری محسن نیازی اصغر وثوقی اصل -
Open Access Article
118 - تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل و پیامدهای اجتماعی و فردی خشونت خانگی (مورد مطالعه قربانیان خشونت خانگی شهرهای زلزله زده تازه آباد و جوانرود)
نامدار حسینی خدیجه سفیری سید محمد سید میرزایی -
Open Access Article
119 - مطالعه آسیب شناسی ارتباط با جنس مخالف در جامعه با توجه به تأ ثیرگذاری شبکه اجتماعی تلگرام (مورد مطالعه :جوانان بالای 15 سال منطقه 6 تهران)
عذرا حیدربرقی عصمت سوادی سروش فتحی -
Open Access Article
120 - مطالعه ترس از جرم در بین شهروندان اردبیلی
طاها عشایری محسن نیازی اصغر وثوقی اصل -
Open Access Article
121 - Isolation and evaluation of the efficacy of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. for biological control of Egyptian broomrape (Phelipanche aegyptiaca (Pers) Pomel. ) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. )
Moslem Taghipour Ghorbanali asadi Mehdi Rastgoo Mahmoodreza karimi shari -
Open Access Article
122 - The stone children image the first intifada Palestine in the poetry of Nizar Qobbani the case of study (triple stone children)
Moosa Arabi zahra Sohrabikia -
Open Access Article
123 - The image of man in Abu Tammam's poems from the perspective of cognitive semantics
Zahra Karamzadegan -
Open Access Article
124 - A Strategic Analysis of Hosting the International Military Sports Council (CISM) in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hamid Omidi Farideh Ashrafganjouei Mohammad Reza Esmaili -
Open Access Article
125 - An allegorical approach to affection and anger in the Siah Galash legend
habiballah ghoamdoust ali mohammad moazani jahandoust sabz ali pour sourallah nouruzi -
Open Access Article
126 - Review and critique of epic and mythological parables in Mohammad Beyabani 's poetry
Sayyede Fatemeh Mahdavi Mortazavi Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni Abdollah Rezaei -
Open Access Article
127 - A Survey of Abolfazl Beihaghi’s Writing Style
Mohammad Gholamrezayi, -
Open Access Article
128 - investigating of practicality, Reliability and Validity of direct and Indirect Prisoner Behaviors Checklist-Scaled version (DIPC-SCALED-r Ireland 2007) in crime central prison in Hamadan city
vahideh hajehfrosh rasol kordnoghabi hasan pasha sharifi mohamad poorsina -
Open Access Article
129 - The comparison of Fernald and Davis Method on reading performance in the dyslexic student
tahere heidari arezoo sfahmive ahmad abedi mansoore bahramipoor -
Open Access Article
130 - The Effect of Training Choice Theory Principles and Training ACT Principles on Self-differentiation in High School Students
Golnar Sadeghnia Mohammad Reza Zarbakhsh Bahri Shohreh Ghorban Shiroudi -
Open Access Article
131 - Effectiveness comparison of solution-focused and supportive counselling based on self-compassion effects on control of behavior and emotional, social and educational adjustment for male street children
Mahsa Razmgar seyed Ali kimiaei Imanollah Bigdeli -
Open Access Article
132 - A Phenomenology Study: Identifying of experiences and psychosomatic and physical reactions in 22-57 years old women victims of infidelity.
maryam tavallaei mohamadhosan fallah Ronak Eshghi Seyed Alireza Afshani -
Open Access Article
133 - Understanding of Student Teachers of Science Education from the Nature of Science:) A Case Study of Tehran Teacher Training Centers
mohamad zaheri saber abdolmaleki Lila farjadmand -
Open Access Article
134 - Eductional foundation of sanctimonious life in development prepectivisation document ( the national curriculum document) from a critical point of view.
Sayed Mohammad mohammadzadeh Ahmad Ali Foroughi Abari -
Open Access Article
135 - Epistemological Foundations of Multicultural Education
Jalal Gharibi Hashem Golestani Ebrahim Jafari -
Open Access Article
136 - A Survey of High School Teachersâ Knowledge of Fundamentals Curriculum Development and Learning Principles
Hossein Jan Daeezadeh ALi Shariatmadari Ezatollah Naderi Maryam Saif Naraghi -
Open Access Article
137 - Fundaments of distance education pedagogy and its theories
hossein najafi -
Open Access Article
138 - Foundations and elements of the curriculum in Waldorf schools in Germany
hossein ghasempour moghaddam -
Open Access Article
139 - Reviewing
Fakhteh Mahini -
Open Access Article
140 - Investigate Affect Thinking Styles with Amount Learning of Undamental Information and Communication Technology
تورج حسینی هفشجانی بهرام صالح صدقپور -
Open Access Article
141 - The explanation of the philosophical fundamentals (epistemology) of teaching philosophy to children in Iran
Zahra Jabal-ameli Foroushani Alireza Yousefy yahya Ghaedi Narges Keshtiaray -
Open Access Article
142 - Preschool curriculum assessment under the supervision of education organization from the viewpoints of principals and educators of Isfahan
زهره سعادتمند محمد جواد لیاقت دار زهرا صادقیان -
Open Access Article
143 - The effect of brain-based education on level of learning of pre-schoolers and their linguistic preparedness
ramin nozohouri Eskandar Fathiazar Yousef Adib Hasan Bafandeh Gharamaleki -
Open Access Article
144 - Explanation of the Emergent Curriculum Nature in Preschool and Its Inferred foundations and Principles
Narges Joda Marjan Kian Ali hoseinikhah mehdi sobhaninejad -
Open Access Article
145 - the effect of galbanic acid on the prevention of intra-abdominal adhesion after surgery in rat
Melika Montazeri Firoozeh Saghaei -
Open Access Article
146 - A Review on the Technical Challenges of Connecting Wind Energy Conversion Systems to the Grid
Majid Tavoosi Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani Mohammad Hassan Amirioun Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
147 - Investigation Various Types of Frequency Support Methods and Inertial Control Techniques in Power Systems Based on Variable Speed Wind Turbines
Seyed Abdul Rahman Ahmadnejad Ramtin Sadeghi Bahador Fani -
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148 - Monasticism in the Breadth Of Relations
Zakiyeh Fattahi Shahram Pazooki -
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149 - Position Of Recognition and Ways to Achieve in the Eyes Of Mullasadra According to the Book Titled Kasrul Asnaam-e-Jahelliah
Ali Ein Aliloo Jabbar Moradi -
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150 - A Survey of Global Mysticism Manifests of Comparative Mysticism
محمدرضا کرمیپور -
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151 - Austerity; Varieties, Degrees, and Levels
Mahmoud Naseri Ali Ahmadpour -
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152 - Manifestation of Mystical and Mythological Allusions in Mohammad Kheiyabani’s Poems
Seyedeh Fateme Mahdavi mortazavi Seyed Ahmad Hoseinikazerooni Abdolah Rezaii -
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153 - The place of Monasticism in Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism
Zahra Abedini Bakhshali Ghanbari Abdolhossein Tarighi -
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154 - Host plant range of western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Badjgah (Shiraz)
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155 - Introduction of pyr-v –jvan Mirza Naseer Esfahani and Analysis of Aesthetics of on the language structure of Jacobson
roghayeh porrostam leyla adlparvar mojtaba safaralizadeh -
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156 - Analysis of Illustrator Elements in Humor
Leila mohammadnejad kalkenari Hosein Parsaei hesam ziaee -
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157 - Climatic color in the poetry of Mohammad Biabani
mohammad moradi pooran yosefipoor Fatemeh Ghafuri Mehdi abad -
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158 - Aesthetics of metafiction in Reza Amirkhani's postmodern novels
Azardokht Khatibi Rahim Taher reza fahimi -
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159 - The origins of archaism in contemporary poetry (considering the poetry of Mohammadreza Torki, Simin Behbahani, and Fazel Nazari)
hosein karimi sabet seif addin abbarin forugh jalili -
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160 - As artistic roles in the creation of literary language, image and quality of emotion and thought in Shamlu
mehdi dehrami -
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161 - بررسی جنبههای رتوریک و زیباییشناسی شعر فروغ فرخزاد
محمدرضا قاری کامین عالیپور -
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فاطمه حجه فروش مرتضی رزاق پور رضا صادقی شهپر -
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اکرم هاشم زاده حسین ایزدی -
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محمدامین مهدوی -
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محمدامین حاکمی یاسین پورعلی مصطفی امانی -
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میثم کریمی علی واعظ طبسی -
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مهدی محمدخانی مهدی دهباشی سید حسین واعظی -
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سید عارف حسینی احمد میرزایی اسماعیل عبدالهی -
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169 - شباهت مبانی تفسیر موضوعی برون گرایانه با هرمنوتیک
علی اصغر یساقی -
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احمد علی یوسفی -
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171 - Survey of aphids (Hem., Aphidoidea) and their host plants in central parts of Iran
M. Alikhani A. Rezwani E. Rakhshani S. M. J. Madani -
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172 - Host preference of Bruchidius fulvus Allard. (Col., Bruchidae), a biological control agent of camelthorn, on some plant species from Fabaceae
A. Esmaili S. Moodi M. Alichi M. R. Tareghyan -
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173 - Study on the efficacy of different control methods of vine cicada, Psalmocharias alhageos (Hem., Cicadidae) in Qom province
H. Valizadeh H. Farazmand -
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174 - Examining the Fear of Women Victimization from the Perspective of Lifestyle Sociology
Taha Ashayeri Tahereh Jahanparvar Elham Hosseinzadeh -
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175 - Reviewing the Religious Bases of Fashion Aesthetics in Dressing and Make up
Sayedeh Hasamodin Hosseini Fatemeh Khormaei -
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176 - Woman in Christian Monasticism
Hamideh HHamedi por -
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177 - Everyday Sexism: The Study of Women’s Experience of Street Harassment and Victims’ Reaction to it in Sanandaj
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Ali Abdali erfan movahedifar -
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Morteza Daraei Esfandiar Mohammadi Kiumars Ahmadi -
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salma saedi saeeid arman Hosseini Abbariki -
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Eqbal Ghasemiani Ibrahim Badakhshan Masoud Dehghan Zaniar Naghshbandi -
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mahmoud sadeghzadeh Sedigheh ramazankhani -
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afsane oladi hosayn parsaei -
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187 - literary Creativity in poetry Shamloos
roya parvin mansoure tadayoni Masoud Pakdel sima mansoori -
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188 - Stylistic analysis of the ideological layer of vocabulary in the writings Seyedziauddin Tabatabai
Ali asmandjounegani fatemeh farhoodipor -
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189 - The methods of postmodernism in the Iranian novel Sepideh-Dam based on Brian McHale's theory
Sahar Alikahi Latifeh Salamat Bavil Alireza Salehi -
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190 - Persian speakers' language identity and using it as L1 or L2 and applying its technical and rhetorical criteria in Telegram writings
Hoshyar Rashidi Adel Dastghoshadeh Mohamad Sediqh Zahedi -
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191 - Molavi 's Lingual Art in Kolliyaat-e- Shams
Badriyah Ghavami -
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192 - Stylish Study of “The Eagle” by Khanlari, from the View Point of Language Literature and Thought Characteristics
Nafise Nik Khah -
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Abas Shool Majid Mohammadi -
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194 - A comparative and native study of the theory of social control of crime with Islamic principles with emphasis on the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
samira tajkhorasani Gholam Hossein Masoud mohsen shekarchizadeh -
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195 - Combined Uncertainty and Linguistic Variables in Response and Scoring To Psychological Questionnaires (Case Study: Abedi Creativity Questionnaire)
Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi -
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196 - Components of didactic literature of resistance in children's poems of Nizar Qabbani and Abbas Yamini Sharif based on the theory of Jean Piaget
aida danaye mohamad shaygan mehr fariborz janzadeh -
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197 - Linguistic Abnormality in the Poems of Rahi Moayeri and Mehrdad Avesta
tina Niknam Razia Zavarian mahnaz ramezani -
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198 - Quranic foundations of the necessity of resistance in Persian poems
sayyd hosin formibaf kamal khajepour aboalghasem asi moznab -
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199 - Study on the occurrence of Tomato Ringspot Virus (ToRSV) and Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (PNRSV) in some floricultures of Tehran, Alborz, Mazandaran and Markazi Provinces
simin Sabaghian Farshad Rakhshandehroo toofik Elbeaino hamidreza Zamanizadeh -
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200 - ارزیابی تأثیر عناصر اقلیمی و عوامل انسانی در بروز تصادفات جاده ای با استفاده از منطق فازی (نمونه موردی محور مشهد - قوچان)
مهدی وطن پرست علیرضا افشاری محسن رضائی عارفی علی محمد نورمحمدی -
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201 - Comparative evaluation of sports spaces in Semnan cities for holding sporting events using Geographic Information System (GIS)
hamid bagherzadeh seyedmostafa tayebisani bahram ghadimi vahid rafiy dahbidi -
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دکتر یداله رجایی دکتر محمد جلیلی -
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203 - Ritualistic Evidence from Naive Concept Forms to Conceptualizations with Indicator and Criterion
Hekmat Allah Mollasalehi -
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204 - Effectiveness of Language Skills Promotion Package Based on Cognitive Rehabilitation on Cognitive Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment
پرستو شیرزادی سالار فرامرزی سمیرا وکیلی محمدپارسا عزیزی -
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205 - مکتب سیستمی (معرفی، اصول و مبانی و جستارهای بنیادین مکتب)
سجاد اکران ایرج ساعی ارسی -
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206 - Investigation of the scheme police to coping with disturbance by chaos theory
sajad namour mohammad javad zahedi homa zanjani zadeh -
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207 - A survey of guidance school teachers knowledge of curriculum development and principles of learning in order to in produce a practical model to increase their knowledge and skills
ahmad valipour ezatallah naderi علی Shariatmadari مریم Seifnaragi -
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208 - The effect of storytelling and role playing on learning social skills by teachable mentally retarded children
robabeh abaresi saeed temuri -
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209 - Factors affecting neighboring relations Sarbedaran and local HkvmtHay
bashari delrish hosein rezanezhad -
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210 - Existence of Corruption and Collusion in the Manner of Acquisition and Transfer of Property in Municipalities
mohammadhossein fahmideh Mohsen Jalilvand -
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211 - Jurisprudence and Principles Governing the Policy of Islamic Republic of Iran in International Arena
Javad Olyaei Tayebeh Arefnia Abbas Samavati, -
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Alireza Mooghali Maryam Farami Rahman MoshiriZadeh -
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Afsaneh Khalaj Ahmad Rahchamani -
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214 - The effect of couple therapy based on Schoenaker encouragement approach on improving psychological flexibility, cognitive emotion regulation and communication patterns of couples in Shiraz
Minoosh Homayooni Moloud Keykhosrovani Ali Pouladi reishehri -
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215 - of individual, familial and social empowerment program on self-concept and school engagement in First Grade of High school bullied-victimized students of Tabriz City
Asadollah Sehati Marzieh Alivandi Vafa Seyed Davood Hosseini Nasab -
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216 - اثربخشی آموزش جرأت ورزی بر بهبودکیفیت زندگی نوجوانان دختر قربانی خشونت
رحیم بدری گرگری سمیرا زمانلوی گرگری -
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217 - بررسی رابطه میزان استفاده از لوازم آرایشی و مزاحمت های خیابانی برای زنان: مورد مطالعه استان کرمانشاه
علی مرادی -
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218 - *** An Investigation into Socio-Psycho-Biological Aspects of Linguistic Hegemony/Inequalities (Methodological Design of the Problem in a Medical Text: Principles of Harrison Internal Medicine / Neurology)
Ayyub Yussefpour Nezami -
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219 - Development as a language game (with an approach to Japanese development)
Ayyub Yussefpour Nezami -
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220 - A Sociological Study of the impact of globalization on the decrease of language diversity
Narmineh Moeinian -
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221 - Analysis of the language relativity theory in the beam of sociological and anthropological proofs
Narmineh Moeenian -
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222 - Sociological Study of Language differences between men and women
Narmineh Moeinian -
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223 - Language-sociological approach on Quranic verses of language (Lesan)
Ayoub Youssef Pour Nezami -
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224 - The public identities in Iran
Keramatollah Rasekh -
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225 - Jurisprudential Basics of Criminalization of Terrorism Financing
sheyda alidoost babak pourghahramani -
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226 - Principles of normative authority of the head of the judiciary
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227 - Investigating Intellectual Principles and Opinions of Imam Khomeini on Molazemeh rule and application of intellectual reason
Hossein Samadyar Asghar Arabian Seyyed Abul-Ghasem Naghibi -
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228 - A Comparative Study of the Principles and Types of Installment Sale in Iran and the Vienna Convention 1980
Ebrahim Tagizade jalal soltan ahmadi Joseph EBRAHIMI -
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229 - Jurisprudential Foundations Citizenship Rights in the Legal System of Iran and Islam
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230 - Jurisprudential documents on the necessity of the convergence of the Muslims of the world
Akram Hashemzadeh Hossein Izadi -
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231 - -
مریم حدادی رسول مقصود پور سید محسن حسینی پویا -
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232 - Basics of Salafi fundamentalism political thought
Mohammad Taheri Khonakdari -
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233 - ارتباط میان توانش نگارش در زبان اول و دوم
سعیده آهنگری -
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234 - رابطه بین اضطراب زبانی، منبع کنترل و مهارت زبانی در کلاس های برخط: مطالعه موردی زبان آموزان زبان انگلیسی
حسین میرزایی رحمان صحراگرد -
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235 - رویکرد سبک-مدارانه و مهارت-محورنسبت به مقوله ناهماهنگیهای کاربردی زبان توسط فراگیران زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجی
Gholam-Reza Abbasian راحله تمدن -
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236 - ارزشیابی کار- محور مهارت شنیدار و تاثیر متغیرهای مستقل از توانش زبانی
ارشیا کیوانفر مژگان رشتچی -
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237 - بررسی دانش فرازبانی در میان دانشجویان تک زبانه و دو زبانه رشته ی زبان انگلیسی
سیما مدیر خامنه -
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238 - یادگیری حروفاضافه زبان انگلیسی در فضای (غیربومی) زبان خارجه در ایران: حروفاضافه مکانی، غیرمکانی و اصطلاحی و نظریه نمونه
نسیم گل آقائی فیروز صدیقی -
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239 - مقایسه مقالات تایپی و دست نویس یادگیران زبان انگیسی ایران در زمینه طول متن، املا و صحت دستور زبانی
بهروز سربخشیان مهناز سعیدی -
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240 - مهارت زبانی و رابطه آن با پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان رشته زبان انگلیسی
محمد محمدی -
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241 - مقایسه تاثیر سه نوع بازخورد بر صحت دستوری و ساختارمندی نوشتار دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد آموزش انگلیسی
زهره سیفوری -
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242 - بررسی ارتباط میان استفاده از راهبردهای یادگیری زبان و مهارت زبانی خوداحساس
مونا خبیری مهدیه اعظمی نژاد -
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243 - آگاهی فرازبانی و صحت دستوری نوشتار دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد: معلم کانون درمقابل فراگیرکانون
Zohreh Seifoori -
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244 - بررسی تفاوت بین تاثیر بازخورد الکترونیکی و فرازبانی بر دقت نگارش زبان آموزان ایرانی
میر ایوب طباطبایی کامه خاصه خان نگین قویدل نیا صمد رمزی -
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245 - رابطه بین هوش های زبانی و منطقی زبان آموزان ایرانی و فراوانی مغلطه ها و شواهد در نوشتار استدلالی: مطالعه ای براساس جنسیت
مودت سعیدی -
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246 - بررسی تأثیرات بازخورد فرازبانشناختی معلم در مقابل بازخورد متقابل مبتنی بر همکاری بر عملکرد نوشتن دانشآموزان
مهران معماری بیتا اسدی -
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247 - نحوه ارایه ی ابعاد منظورشناسی زبان در کتب درسی زبان انگلیسی مقطع دبیرستان در ایران
Elaheh Zaferanieh سید محمد حسینی معصوم -
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248 - منشاء احتمالی خطاهای املائی زبان انگلیسی دانش آموزان ایرانی
مهناز سعیدی محمدرضا خدادوست -
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249 - بررسی رابطه بین نحوه استفاده و نوع راهبردهای ارتباطی و مهارت زبانی فراگیران ایرانی
فرزاد سلحشور هانیه دوات گری اصل -
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250 - بررسی متغیرهای چالشبرانگیز اجتماعیفرهنگی تأثیرگزار بر هویت زبانآموزان ایرانی
هاجر مقدسی حاجی آباد شعله کلاهی بهدخت مالامیری -
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251 - توجه فراگیران زبان انگلیسی به عوامل متنی و زبانی در فرایند بازیابی مرجع ضمیر
زهره یوسف وند احمد رضا لطفی -
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252 - بررسی ادراک زبان آموزان با مهارت های زبانی بالا و پایین از راهبرد های انگیزش دهی مدرسان زبان انگلیسی
نسرین یوسفی مرجان وثوقی مینو عالمی -
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253 - An Investigation of Jurisprudence Principals of Unfixed Taxes
abdoljabar zargoshnasab Taher alimohammadi Masoumeh Gheybi -
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254 - Reading out Indemnification of Spiritual Perdition's Juridical Bases with Approach of Spousal's Spiritual Rights
masoumeh mazaheri maryam mohajeri -
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255 - The Study of Organizational Arbitration in Iranian Law with an Approach Based on Its Legitimacy
Omolbanin Hasan pour Tiji ozra entekhabian -
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256 - The Legal Principles of Reconsideration of Judge's Vote
Jafar Jafarzadeh Mohammad Jafari Harandi Rahmat Farahzadi -
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Ahmad Moradkhani -
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258 - Judicial Bases of Debt Exceptions
Homayoun mafi Seyyed Kamal Hosseini -
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259 - Jurisprudential analysis of the grounds for the criminalization of holding the satellite equipments
Vahid Zarei SHarif -
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260 - Salmonella and Escherichia coli contamination in samosas presented in Sistan and Baluchestan province and antibiotic resistance of isolates
M.A. Heidarzadi M. Rahnama M. Alipoureskandani D. Saadati A. Afsharimoghadam -
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261 - Histoanatomical study of the sublingual salivary gland in the buffalo
M.A Ebrahimi -
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262 - Histoanatomical study of the Sublingual Salivary Gland in the Camel
M.a Ebrahimi سید اسماعیل Safavi سید سجاد Hejazi -
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Sara Moradi Mansour Bayrami Touraj Hashemi Somayeh Taklavi -
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264 - Designing the Integrated Anti-Bullying Program and Determination of Its Effectiveness in Reducing of Victimization of Middle School Students
Rahim Badri Seyed adnan Hosseini Touraj Hashemi Mir Mahmoud Mir Nasab -
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Fatemeh Hemmati Elaheh Sotoudehnama Hassan Soleimani Mahboobeh Morshedian -
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Mehdi Shariatmadari -
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Narges Pourtaleb Mir Mahmoud Mirnasab -
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مریم کاویانی چراتی شعبان بریمانی ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی -
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269 - The Stance of Sacrifice Rituals in the Stories of One Thousand and One Nights
Mahdi Khalifeh Ghorbanali Ebrahimi Mehrdad Chatraei -
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270 - جسمانیت معشوق در شعر احمد شاملو و نزار قبانی
عباس مشعوفی -
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مرتضی رشیدی محبوبه خراسانی سودابه یوسفیان -
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Vahid Bigdeli Rad Shahram Maleki -
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Hanifreza Golzar Elham Sedighi -
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274 - Investigation of arid vegetation compatibility toward precipitation variation with NDVI index (a case study, Ardakan-Aghda plain)
منیرالسادات Tabatabaii Zadeh فاطمه Hadian S.Z Hosseini جلال Barkhordari حسن Khosravi -
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275 - The survey of the essential oil composition of Pulicaria gnaphalodes (Vent.) Boiss. from Brzok of Kashan at the first report
Hosain Batoli Abdulrasul Haghir-Ebrahimabadi Eman Karimi Asma Mazooch -
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276 - Comparison of the essential oils of medicinal plant populations of Eryngium noeanum Boiss. and Eryngium iranicum Mozaff in Iran
Abdolbaset Mahmoudi Mohammad-Taghi Ebadi Mahdi Ayyari -
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277 - Structural Analysis of Neuro-oriented Urban Planning Solutions in Tehran: Experts’ Perspective Using MICMAC Software
Khatereh Moghani Rahimi Mostafa Behzadfar samaneh jalilisadrabad -
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278 - وضعیت انگیزشی و جهانی فراگیران چند زبانی در مناطق شهری و روستایی در کشور بروندی در قاره افریقا
Elvis Nizigama Ali Mohammad Fazilatfar Ali Akbar Jabbari Mohammad Rezai -
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279 - Investigating the presentation of the structural model of resource management based on the educational characteristics of student teachers in Iran with Japan, America, France, England
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280 - A look at the method of raising children in the mirror of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra's behavior and words.
mohamad reza tayeb Abdolaziz Movahed ghafar porbakhtiar -
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281 - فرقه دموکرات آذربایجان خودمختاری یا تجزیه طلبی و نقش سران ارّان
دکتر سلیمان امین زاده -
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دکتر محسن مؤمن الهام رضائیان ورمزیار محمد مولایی فاطمه ایبک آبادی -
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283 - مردم، درختان و بیابان: مقابله با بیابان زایی (تجربه مدیریت منابع زیست محیطی در محیطهای خشک و شبه بیابانی)
ایمان تازیکه بهنام کلانتری سید عرفان حسینی -
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284 - The most definitive grammatical features in the Yazdi dialect
Sedigheh Ramazankhani Mahmood Sadeghzadeh -
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285 - Comparative Study of Assimilation Process in various Language of Fars Province
Mahrokh Monsef Aliye Kord Zafaranlou Kambouziya Arsalan Golfaam -
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286 - The study of Lexical and Phonological Remnants of Middle Persian in Kermani dialect
Hamed Mowlaei Kuhbanani Aliasghar Rostami Abusaeidi Atiye Kamyabi Gol -
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287 - Surveying and Analysis of Torud Dialect phonetic system
javad ameri seyyed hossein tabatabayi seyyed hassan tabatabayi -
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288 - A Typological study of Gilaki (Northern language of Iran) based on Dryer's word order correlation
tina chahar sooghi amin -
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289 - Khalaji Language change in contact with Tehrani Persian
majid fatahipour -
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290 - Comparative Investigation of Kinship Terms in Some Varieties of Kerman Province (Based on Murdak’s mode of use pattern)
hamed molaei koohbanani mohamadreza pahlavan nezhad -
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291 - The maintenance or shift of local languages in Iran?
esmaeil safaei asl yousef aram -
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292 - Contact between Persian and Turkish Azeri Languages and its Impact on the Composition of Azeri Compound Sentences.
Abdolhossein Heydari -
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293 - The Investigation of Linguistic Images of Varaki Variety regarding the Ecolinguistics
Zahra Hosseini Raha Zareifard -
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294 - Linguistic study and description of 105 linguistic forms of Lori dialect in the central part of Rostam City
Mhammad Hadi Fallahi Yazdan Dashtian -
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295 - Analysis and examination of the structure and concept of the local dialects in the Shibkuh region of Fasâ County
Khairollah Mahmoudi -
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297 - The low application agricultural words and terms of Neiriz city in Fars Province
akbar sayadkooh emad key khosravi -
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298 - number of Phonological Processes in 15 Language Varieties of Kerman Province
alie kord zaferanloo kamboozia paria razm dideh -
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299 - Divergences and Convergences in Normalization and Codification of Soft Cyber Law: A Case Study of the Proposed Resolution by the Russian Federation (1998-2021)
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Seyed Abdolrahman Ahmadnezhad Ramtin Sadeghi Bahador Fani -
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Azin Kermanshahian Mahdi Khezri -
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Maryam Beigpour Tanha kamran yeganegi -
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Mohammad Reza Sadrolahi mahsa raespur shirazi Abdolvahid zahedi -
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304 - Analyzing the Negation and Affirmation Foundations of Taking Inheritance Tax in Jurisprudence and Law of Iran
Adnan omrani far Ahmad Haji Dehabadi Khorshid Azizi Mohammad Javad Maleki -
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Mohsen Fereydooni Samira Golkhandan Akbar Rajabi -
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Pezhman Qasemi -
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311 - Criticism of the Principles of Infallibility of Prophets and Imams from Ibn Taymiyyah’s Viewpoint, Relying on the Book Minhāj al-Sunnah
Ali Abbas Abadi Mohsen Ghomi -
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سیفعلی زاهدی فر آمنه موسوی شجری -
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313 - اندیشۀ اخلاقی بازتابیده در صحیفۀ سجادیه
حامد خانی (فرهنگ مهروش) -
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حمید عابدی فیروزجایی -
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Mohamad Eghbal akram yaghobi leila hosseitabaghdehi -
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317 - A Comparative Study of Teachers’ and Student -Teacher’s Views in Evaluating Teacher Training Curriculum in FAVA Age Based on Philosophical and Social Bases
Javad Soleymanpoor Mohammad Ghafari Mejlej Seyedeh Samaneh Negahdarian -
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شیما غریبی بدرالدین ابراهیم سید طباطبایی قدرت الله سعیدی سید امیرحسین گلی مجید طالبی -
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319 - Linguistic Imperialism and Globalization in Iranian English Language Teaching Curriculum: Teachers Perceptions and Upstream Document Analyses the Islamic Republic of Iran in facing the challenges and cultural dominance of the West
Mostafa Rafiei Hassan Soleimani Hamed Barjesteh -
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Majid Golparvar Mohammad Amin Khajehhasani -
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321 - بررسی رابطه ی بین هوش زبانی انگلیسی آموزان ایرانی، توانایی نوشتاری آنها و معیارهای ارزیابی نوشتار
موسی احمدیان سمانه حسینی -
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322 - زبان آموزان بعنوان دربانان ذهنیت مدرسان زبان انگلیسی: بررسی موردی شرایط دو کلاس درس
منصور توکلی مهدی نصیری -
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323 - Pathology of the working children phenomenon in Tehran with a fuzzy approach
ali asghar sadabadi fatemeh fehri -
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324 - Exploring the process of formation of the phenomenon of street work children and its consequences in the city of Ahvaz
Hoseyn Moltafet, Mohammadhoseyn Moghadam Aziz Hazbavi -
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325 - .A pathological study of children of work in the city of Tehran, using a Fuzzy approach
Ali asghar Sadabadi fatemeh fehri -
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326 - Rethinking of Synomorphy Theory in the Art of Street Music (Case study: Urban Sidewalk in Tehran )
Sahar Toofan Yasaman Sadat Mostatab Elham Mousapour -
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327 - Exploring the process of formation of the phenomenon of street work children and its consequences in the city of Ahvaz
Mohammadhoseyn Moghadam Hoseyn Moltafet, Aziz Hazbavi -
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328 - تحلیل و ارزیابی طراحی معماری نماهای شهر تهران به منظور تبیین نظام جامع و پاسخگو
سیامک کاکاوند فرح حبیب اسکندر مختاری طالقانی -
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سیدمحمدرضا موسوی فرد -
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330 - Investigating the stylistic characteristics of the book of Rozah al-Safa (based on the constructivist stylistic approach)
Mohammad Rezaei Shamsi Parsa Hoda Parsa -
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331 - .
Khadijeh Tondaki Ali Tasnimi -
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Vahid Khalili Mohammad Hakimazar Asghar Rezapoorian -
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مهرداد آقائی فاضل عباس زاده سید محمد قوامی خانقاه -
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sabekeh esfandyar -
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335 - Rumi’s Linguistic Changes in Shams Sonnets (Ghazals)
Hojjatollah Bahmani Motlagh -
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مریم بیک -
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yadollah pashabadi -
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338 - A research on Saadi's poetic style based on the element of language
leyla miri asghar dadbeh Abdolreza Modarreszadeh -
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رقیه صدرایی -
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Sayyed Faez Darkhosh Shamsolhajiyeh Ardalani Sayyed Ahmad Hoseini Kazerooni -
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عباسقلی عسکریان -
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علی رضا کاوه نوش آبادی عباس اقبالی فاطمه لطفی مفرد نیاسری -
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asma namdari -
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AhmadReza Yalameha mahdieh vali mohammad abai -
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345 - Comparative study of the educational aspects of two concepts of justice and love in the Attar`s Tazkerat ol-Awlia and Mantiq ot-Tayr
Seyede Maryam Rowzatian Fatemeh Sadat Madani -
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346 - Conversations in the story of Caliph and Arabi in three versions of Mathnavi, Mosibatnameh and Javameol Hekayat
maryam khalili Jahantigh fatemeh Mahmoudi -
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gholamhosein madadi ebrahim estaji azam estaji Ali Tasnimi -
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348 - The scientific and practical characteristics of a ruler in the first chapter of Saadi’s Boostan
ali Heydari -
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Nasrollah Molaei Hashjin Hassan Dadras -
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350 - Identifying the dimensions of education based on God's grace from the perspective of the Qur'an (Foundations, goals, principles, methods, steps)
Hasan Amozadesamakoosh zabih pirani Abasali Haidari mohammadreza sarmadi -
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علیرضا قهرمانی Behzad Hakiminya امیر حسین محمدپناه -
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352 - A Study of Social Factors Affecting Women ̛ s Sexual Harassment in the City of Isfahan
سیدعلی هاشمیانفر منصور حقیقتیان زهرا گلستان -
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353 - Criminology and street sexual harassment against women and girls in Isfahan
سیدعلی هاشمیان فر زهرا گلستان -
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nowruz hashemzehi Rasol Yahai -
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356 - Identification and validation of the structure of moral justice in the Islamic Azad University
فرح شهرکی ثانوی الهام فریبرزی نازیا سادات ناصری -
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357 - A reading on the importance of using the oral history approach in order to improve the quality of holding international sports events selected by the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hooman Ordookhani farshad Tojari Zinat Nikaeen -
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358 - Explaining the factors affecting the quality of hosting international military competitions (SIZM) based on the oral history approach
Hooman Ordookhani farshad Tojari Zinat Nikaeen -
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359 - تاثیر دانش پیش زمینه ای مترجم بر کیفیت ترجمه
مریم رادفر -
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Nasrin Garavand Akbar Azizifar Habib Gowhary Shahram Welidi -
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ساناز جعفری Mohammad Reza Talebinejad Saeed Ketabi -
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Jafar Firouzi Seyyed Masoud Eshaghzade -
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Samin Seyed Ebrahimi Fariba Rahimi Mehrdad Sepehri -
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Fatemeh Aghaei Bahram Hadian Vali Rezaei -
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Karim Shabani Somayeh Hosseinzadeh -
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شیوا مرزوقی حسین احمدی حمید رضا خلجی -
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Mina Esmaeili Bavili Zohreh Seifoori Touran Ahour -
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Abd Ai-Reza PurMatlub -
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Muhammad Marefat -
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Masood Algooneh Junqani -
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Sadreddin Tāheri -
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Hodā Arabzādeh Mehrāsā Rahmāni -
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Mahmoud َAfrouz -
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Ayoob Omidi ahmad khatami -
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Najimeh Āzādi Deh Abbāsāni -
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عبدالرضا سبحانی -
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سیدعلی اصغر میرباقری فرد راضیه حجتی زاده -
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Touraj Hashemi Mina Mohebbi Fatemeh Alizadeh Maralani -
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حسن محمدرضائی سید باقر میرعباسی علی کمالی -
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یداله قدرتی علی جانی پور داریوش بابایی -
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محمدعلی نصرالهی علی مزیدی شرفآبادی سیدمهدی منصوری -
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سید محمد حسینی -
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Bahare Jalayer Abbas Ali Vafaie Rahim Taher malek mohammad farokhzad -
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Sahar Alikahi Latifeh Salamat Bavil Alireza Salehi -
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Farhad Divsalar -
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بخشعلی قنبری طیبه مکی آبادی -
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Raheleh Gholami ashraf sheibaniaghdam -
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فریدون اکبری شلدره -
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فرناز ساسانی -
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زهرا اسدی -
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Shima Sadeghi Benis Masoumeh Sadeghi -
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سید محمد دادگران میلاد مشهدی رجبعلی -
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حسن دزیان رستمی علیرضا صالحیان -
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فیض اله اکبری دستک -
Open Access Article
413 - تأثیر نگرش به اطلاعات ارائه شده در تبلیغات سرزبانی الکترونیکی و نگرش نسبت به وبسایت بر اثربخشی تبلیغات سرزبانی الکترونیکی(موردمطالعه:صنعت خرده فروشی-آنلاین)
آرش استواری مهران آقایی محسن محمدی -
Open Access Article
414 - Analysis of stock returns response to non-systematic risk torque measurement models with a simultaneous role of arbitrage constraints and limited investor
رقیه طالبی مجید زنجیردار محمدرضا پورفخاران -
Open Access Article
415 - Brahmans, the Legal Interpretation of Vedas
hojjatallah javani Fatemeh Alipour Raheleh Shiri -
Open Access Article
416 - انواع و ابعاد مزاحمت های خیابانی تجربه شده و مقابله ی فردی با آن، در میان دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه مازندران
mohammad esmaiel riyahi mohammad esmaiel riyahi -
Open Access Article
417 - Tendency to street violence and related social factors (Case Study: Citizens Over 15 Years Old in Ardabil)
Mirmostafa Seyyedranjbarsaggezchi farough amin mozaffari davood abdollahi -
Open Access Article
418 - Studying the relationship between network usage in Ardebil Sabalan with the commitment to national identity, Case Study: Teens and young adults in Ardebil
Robabeh Pourjebeli Mahdi Panahi -
Open Access Article
419 - Fundamentals of the legitimacy of the ruling in absentia in Imami jurisprudence with a look at Sunni jurisprudence
mostafa ghafoorian nejad malihe gholami -
Open Access Article
420 - A reflection on the basis of jurisdictional deviation in Iran's criminal procedure regulations with a look at French regulations
Abbas ali ghorbaniyan Ali mazidi Seeyad Mehdi Mansouri -
Open Access Article
421 - Preservation of the environment from the point of view of jurisprudence and the necessity of environmental education
Mohammad Reza Gol Hamishe Bahar Ebadollah Ahmadi Majid Barzegar -
Open Access Article
422 - The Governments’ and NGOs’ International Responsibilities; The Islamic Jurisprudential fundamentals and Political Challenges
Mahsa Fahimi Azad Soheil Soheily Najafabad Mohsen Dianat -
Open Access Article
423 - به کارگیری رویکرد تصمیمگیری چند معیاره فازی در ارزیابی سهام و تشکیل پرتفلیو
کامران پاکیزه حسین فلاح طلب -
Open Access Article
424 - Explaining the Dimensions and Components of the Knowledge Management Enablers Model based on Islamic principles in Kerman Education
Mohammad Moradi Khalaj Saeed Sayadi -
Open Access Article
425 - Comparing the Effect of Galbanic Acid and Chitosan Gel on Pro-Inflammatory Factors in Intra-Abdominal Adhesions after Laparotomy in Rats
Firoozeh Saghaei melika montazeri Mahsa Rezvan -
Open Access Article
426 - The Mythology of Fertility and Mythical Allusions in The Kaleidar
Arash Moshfaghi Habib Hassan Nejad -
Open Access Article
427 - بررسی غزلهای استقبالی سعدی از خاقانی
فریده نادری زنوز ژیلا صراطی محمد پاشائی مهترلو حسین حاجی زاده -
Open Access Article
428 - بررسی سبکشناسی لایهای اشعار سلمان هراتی
فریبا مرندی فرهاد فلاحت خواه لیلا عدل پرور -
Open Access Article
429 - بررسی ویژگیهای سبک شخصی عطّار در تذکرةالاولیاء
طاهره مرادزاده مقدم سیدمحمودرضا غیبی ایوب کوشان ژیلا صراطی -
Open Access Article
430 - Studying the Inspirations and Auto-suggestions in The Asrarottohid
Azim Mohammad Nejad Ali Ramazani Narges Asghari Ghovar -
Open Access Article
431 - The Analysis of the stylistic Specifications of Zohuri Torshizi's Odes
Shokoofeh Darabi -
Open Access Article
432 - تحلیل عددی تاثیر فشار ضربانی برکاهش ضخامت در فرآیند شکلدهی آزاد داغ لوله به وسیله گاز
علی طالبی انارکی محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
433 - The Study of Sport Vandalism Actions (Violence): during 2012-2022
Tahereh jahanp taha ashayeri -
Open Access Article
434 - بررسی مبانی فلسفی تعلیم و تربیت در جزء سی قرآن کریم
امیرحسین سلطانی فلاح محمد باقری دادوکلایی -
Open Access Article
435 - مبانی معرفت شناختی تربیت عقلانی در حکمت متعالیه و برنامه فلسفه برای کودکان
فاطمه حاجیلویی علیرضا آل بویه -
Open Access Article
436 - Acinic cell adenocarcinoma in sublingual salivary gland of a cat
سروش Mohit mafi فریبرز Moaeir S.A Razavi مجید Mehri -
Open Access Article
437 - Change of identity tenets in Turkey's foreign policy and its regional effects in the middle East
ali nikokar Mahnaz Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
438 - The role of analytical philosophy of language assessment in solving misunderstanding about drug addiction
Fattan Dehghani Mohammad Raayat Jahromi -
Open Access Article
439 - An Intrusion Detection System for Network Cyber Security Using Hybrid Feature Selection Algorithms
Golnaz Aghaee Ghazvini zahra Oday Kamil -
Open Access Article
440 - A Study of French Words and Expressions in Poems Composed by Shahryar
Hasan Alizadeh ramin sadeginejad maryam mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
441 - Investigating the differences between the philosophical foundations of human education in the Qur'an and the Testaments With an educational and research based approach
Alireza bbasian mohammad hajizad seyed ahmad miriyan akandi -
Open Access Article
442 - Study of views and jurisprudential ideas of Mohsen Feiz Kashani
sara sahlolbei فهیمه ملک زاده younes vahed yarijan -
Open Access Article
443 - Theoretical Foundations of Justice in the Political Discourse of the Islamic Revolution
Ali Ghadimi Garineh Keshishyan Siraki حسن خداوردی -
Open Access Article
444 - Investigation and analysis of "linguistic texture" and "sentence construction" in Molavi's Ghazalyat with an approach to Palmer's opinions
zahra Ziafatibagherzadeh حمیدرضا سلیمانیان REZA Ashrafzadeh Mohammad Faghiri -
Open Access Article
445 - Jurisprudential Foundations Citizenship Rights in the Legal System of Iran and Islam
moslem orangi Mohamad taghi Alavi Rahim Vakilzade -
Open Access Article
446 - Identifying the components of knowledge management with emphasis on Islamic principles Case study: Kerman city education
Mohammad Moradi Khalaj Saeed Sayadi Zahra Shokoweh Mohammad Jalal Kamali -
Open Access Article
447 - The Role of Classroom Tasks in Improving Reading Comprehension Ability in EFL Students
Mahpareh Pourahmadi -
Open Access Article
448 - Error Competence and Structural Competence in EFL Context
Ahmad Yaghoubi -
Open Access Article
449 - Providing a model for designing a servant leadership model in the broadcasting organization
Ali Ahmadloo Amineh Ahmadi ghidsi ahghar -
Open Access Article
450 - The study and analysis of suicide in epic texts based on theories of sacrifice
ayoob omidi -
Open Access Article
451 - Analyzing innuendo types and uses in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
mohammadreaza salehimazandarani nasrolla emami mohsen zakinezhadian -
Open Access Article
452 - Comparison and analysis of women’s language in eight tales taken from Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh and Moulana’s Masnavi
leila mirzaii Abdolhosein Farzad Amirhosein Mahoozi -
Open Access Article
453 - Comparative analysis of serpent Zahhak’s myth Based on the old tradition of sacrifice for serpent Gods of the Underworld
Farzad Ghaemi -
Open Access Article
454 - Linguistic Opposition Systems are most important meaning creator on the Formation of Zahak and Fereydoon Narrative in Shahnameh
Reza Refaee Ghadimi Mashhad Abolghasem Ghavam -
Open Access Article
455 - The Analysis of linguistic elements in the poetry of Hossein Panahi from the perspective of Stylistics
Arash Hazegh nejad -
Open Access Article
456 - The study of the characteristics of Dehkhoda’s journalistic prose
Mohammad Navid Bazargan Ali GHolami -
Open Access Article
457 - Jurisprudence Examination of Cryonics Technology and Its Legislative Compulsories
Ali MohammadPoor Askari Hoseinimoghadam Hossein Rahimi Vaskasi -
Open Access Article
458 - Jurisprudential Basis of the Possibility of Realizing Restorative Justice through Mediation
hamidreza motie sayyed Mahdi Ahmadi Hossein Rahimi Vaskasi -
Open Access Article
459 - Examining Avrom Stroll's point of view about Wittgenstein's two different understandings of the foundations of certain beliefs
mohammad saied abdollahi Mohammad Ali Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
460 - The role of financial reporting quality on performance in the field of urban management with an emphasis on the role of accountability and jahadi management support
Mohammad Ali Lari Mersedeh Adabi -
Open Access Article
461 - The stylistic feature of Nasser Khosro's poetry regarding the role of increasing prosodic weight in linguistic highlights
Hossein Abdi Ayoob Moradi Ali Asghar Bund Shahriari -
Open Access Article
462 - The role of jurisprudence in the formation of Islamic government from the perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA)
Seyed mohammad reza Motamedi مولود گرمرودی ثابت hosein ahmari -
Open Access Article
463 - A Comparative Study of the Principles and Types of Installment Sale in Iran and Islam the Vienna Convention 1980
jalal soltanahmadi Joseph EBRAHIMI -
Open Access Article
464 - Investigating the resistance of enterotoxigenic genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolates resistant to methicillin in foods sold in Qom County
سید عرفان حسینی نسب Najmeh Vaheddehkordi -
Open Access Article
465 - Antixenosis resistance of different willow species to willow and poplar lace-bug, Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey) (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
ali ahadiyat seyyed abrahim sadeghi hadi ostovan saeed moharramipor gadir nouri ganbalani sattar zeinali davod shamohammadi -
Open Access Article
466 - نوآوری در فرهنگ یادگیری سازمانی با رویکرد فرهنگ یادگیری زبانی: پارادایم اختراع مکرر چرخ در 2022
مجتبی تیمورتاش مرتضی تیمورتاش -
Open Access Article
467 - Standardization process in Mazandarani language
mohammad saleh zakeri -
Open Access Article
468 - Notes on Iranian Loanwords in Khorasani Persian
اسفندیار طاهری -
Open Access Article
469 - A Number of Common Lenition and Fortition Processes in Different Dialects of Mazandaran Province
Aliyeh KambuziyaKord Zafaranlu Atena Behzadfar -
Open Access Article
470 - Modeling Domestic Violence Based on Stressful Factors and Coping Strategies with the Mediating role of Emotion Regulation Difficulty in Victims of Spousal Abuse Women from Cultural Point of View
Zahra Amirifard Majid Ebrahimpour Nooshin Pordelan -
Open Access Article
471 - Effectiveness of Language Skills Promotion Package Based on Cognitive Rehabilitation on Cognitive Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment
پرستو شیرزادی Salar Faramarzi Samira Vakili Mohammad Parsa Azizi -
Open Access Article
472 - Biological herbicides based on extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants
مانی جباری Samira Abooali -
Open Access Article
473 - Worship with sacrifice in Hindus and comparison with the wisdom of obedience and worship from the point of view of Mulla Sadra
Mohammad Elahi -
Open Access Article
474 - Increasing PV-STATCOM Penetration Using Optimal Management of Energy Storage and Considering Demand Response Program
Farzin Fardinfar Mostafa Jafari Kermani Poure -
Open Access Article
475 - Investigating the jurisprudential foundations of the international defense of the Muslims of the world with the approach of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Sattar Jaderi Hassan Heidari farkhondeh kornasidezfuli -
Open Access Article
476 - Studying the Basics of Hadith Jurisprudence of Allameh Askari and Allameh Shoushtari
Zakiyeh Marefat Nad Ali Ashoori Telouki Mohsen Fahim -
Open Access Article
477 - Explaining the capacities of local tourism on livelihood development in desert areas (Case study: Shahdad city, Kerman city, Kerman province)
behnam nazarizadeh seyed ali Almodaresi mostafa khabazi Saeedeh Moayedfar -
Open Access Article
478 - Factors Influencing Growth of Crop Production and Horticulture Subsectors in Iran.
فهیمه Barkhordar امیر Mohammadinejad -
Open Access Article
479 - Clustering Bullying Behavior of Teenager Students Based on Social Competence and Social Preference
Sima-Sadat Korsavi Majid Sadoughi -
Open Access Article
480 - Development and Validation of the Adolescents' Cyber Bullying/Victimization Prevention Package Based on the Role of Cultural, Cognitive, and Emotional Factors
Fatemeh Alipour Abolfazl Farid Ramin Habibi-kaleybar Golamreza Golmohammad nejad -
Open Access Article
481 - Psychometrics Properties of the Illinois Bullying Scale (IBS) in Iranian Students: Validity, Reliability and Factor Structure
R. Ch. -
Open Access Article
482 - Genotypic comparison of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae from different hosts based on rep-PCR in Iran
G. Najafi Pour S.M. Taghavi, -
Open Access Article
483 - The woman's' social base in Buddhism and Christianit
z. فتاحی -
Open Access Article
484 - Social construction of family murder: a case study of a married woman victim with an extramarital affair
Sousan Sahami -
Open Access Article
485 - Comparing the Effectiveness of Narrative Couple Therapy and Integrative Behavior Couple Therapy on Conflict Solving Tactics of female victims of violence
M. سودانی N. داستان R. KH GH. رجبی -
Open Access Article
486 - Effectiveness of Self-forgiveness Group therapy Based on Quranic Principles on Divorced Women’s Depression Reduction
F. Sohrabi E. Fathi -
Open Access Article
487 - Examining Sociological Factors Affecting the Level of Street Harassment (Case Study: Kermanshah City)
M. صفاریان GH. مرادی M. نریمانی -
Open Access Article
488 - Examining Sociological Factors Affecting the Level of Street Harassment: Case Study of Kermanshah City
Mohsen safarian Golmorad Moradi Maryam Narimani -
Open Access Article
489 - Evaluating the effectiveness of elementary schools from the perspective of the document of fundamental transformation of education to provide the ideal model
hadigheh abbasi mojgan mohammadi naeeni faezeh nateghi -
Open Access Article
490 - A Brief Review of Language Policies in Iran: From the Pahlavi Era to the Islamic Republic and Their Social Implications
Alireza Bonyadi -
Open Access Article
491 - Examining the role of the principle of equality of creditors in Iran's economy and bankruptcy law with a look at its jurisprudential foundations
Mohammad Reza Aghahosseini Ali Radan Jebeli reza abbasian -
Open Access Article
492 - Analyzing the jurisprudential foundations of criminalizing unauthorized wiretapping in cyberspace
Hosein Shokreian Amiri Sayyd Mojtaba Hosennejad -
Open Access Article
493 - Legal gaps in the prevention of violence against children and adolescents in national laws based on its jurisprudence
Samaneh Moradi Eisa Baninaeimeh amir alboali -
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494 - The role and position of territorialization and border guarding of cyber space in exercising sovereignty over national cyberspace
محمد رضا حسینی mehrab ramak ehsan kiankhah Seyed Hosein Alavi -
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495 - Analytical examination of the basics of workers' right to strike with an approach to jurisprudence and Iran's legal system
mohsen ammarelo ali babayeemehr reza nasiri -
Open Access Article
496 - Investigating the Competence of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce in Resolving Non-commercial Disputes from the Perspective of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law
Sama Falahti Mohammad Babapoor Shokorlah Nikvand -
Open Access Article
497 - Spiritual Damage more than the Amount of Blood-money in Jurisprudence and Islamic Law
Ali Poorzarin Mehdi Fallah Khariki Javad Niknejad -
Open Access Article
498 - واکاوی سویههای «تعریض» و کارکردهای آن در شاهنامة فردوسی
Mohammad Reza Mazandarani نصراله امامی mohsen zakinezhadian -
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499 - The Dominican monastic order and its social and cultural functions in the Middle Ages
akram arjah شهرام پازوکی Tahereh Haj Ebrahimi -
Open Access Article
500 - The wear and tear of the Iranian-Islamic language and the modern western language
Masoud pourfard -
Open Access Article
501 - Suitable Scenarios for the Developed Competency-based Succession Planning Model in Training-oriented Organizations with a Futures Research Approach
Mahdi Khodaparast Davood Kiakojouri Seyyed Javad Mortazavi Amiri Seyyed Ahmad Jafari Kalarijani -
Open Access Article
502 - Components of educational literature of resistance in children's poems by Nizar Qabbani and Abbas Yamini Sharif based on the theory by Jean Piaget
aida danaye mohamad shaygan mehr fariborz hoseynjanzade -
Open Access Article
503 - Investigation and analysis of "linguistic texture" and "sentence construction" in Molavi's Ghazalyat with an approach to Palmer's Views
Zahra Ziafati Bagherzadeh حمیدرضا سلیمانیان Reza Ashrafzadeh Mohammad Faghiri -
Open Access Article
504 - مبانی و آثار داوری اجباری در فقه اسلامی، حقوق ایران و نظام حقوقی کامن لای انگلستان
Sama Falahti Mohammad Babapoor Shokrollah Nikvand Nikvand -
Open Access Article
505 - Presenting a Mixed Model of Match-fixing in Iranian Football
Atefesadat Mirmahdavi Vahid Shojaei Mohammad Hami