Analyzing the Myth of Ārash through Max Müller's Solar Mythology Theory
Subject Areas : Mythological Characters
Fatemeh Shakibaei
Mehyār Alavi Moghaddam
Mahmoud Firouzimoghaddam
1 - Ph. D. Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, IAU, Torbat Heydarieh Branch
2 - The Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University
3 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Torbat Heydarieh Branch
Keywords: : The Myth of Ārash, Max Müller, Nature, Disease of Language,
Abstract :
The current study examines the myth of Ārash-e Kamāngīr (Ārash the Archer) through the lens of Max Müller's solar mythology, employing an analytical-comparative approach. Max Müller, a pioneering figure in comparative mythology, explored various ethnic traditions across the realms of anthropology, philology, and theology, emphasizing the study of comparative mythology within the natural world. Müller regarded comparative mythology as central to the Indo-European peoples' thought processes. Building on his theory of the "disease of language," Müller posited that myths represent ancient forms of language that can be deciphered through comparative mythological analysis, such as in the case of Ārash. He viewed mythology as stemming from a linguistic ailment that distorts the original clarity of words. From Müller's standpoint, mythological deities and heroes serve as personifications of natural phenomena, with their names gradually acquiring reverence and mystique over time, evolving into gods/goddesses or legendary figures. The myth of Ārash aligns with this interpretation. According to Max Müller's solar mythology framework, themes of immortality, purification, swiftness, and frontier protection are prevalent in both Sun myths and the myth of Ārash.
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