The public identities in Iran
Subject Areas : sociology
1 - Scientific Board Member
Keywords: Iran, education, modernity, public identity, ritual sacrifices,
Abstract :
The aim of this study, as two earlier essays, is the study of collective identities in Iran. This article refers to the public identity. The study was carried out on the basis of grounded theory. The theoretical approach of the research is based on the ideas of Bernhard Giessen and Samuel Eisenstaedt about identity. The race, language, ethnicity, religious and denominational affiliation are the main elements of primarylian identities, while the customs, conventions, behaviors and cultural characteristics are influential indices of traditional identities. Religion was one of the most important sources of public identity up to the emergence of modernity. In today’s world modernism became also the source of public identity. The reaction against modernity as a source of public identity was heavy in traditional societies. Moreover, the factors such as gender and class affiliations, educational level, social class and lodging are influential on the reaction of people against modernity. The findings of the study show that, the Iranian society consisting of different identities reacted strongly against the modernity. This resistance developed in the 1960s and 1970s into a mass movement and led to the revolution of 1979.
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