An allegorical approach to affection and anger in the Siah Galash legend
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
habiballah ghoamdoust
ali mohammad moazani
jahandoust sabz ali pour
sourallah nouruzi
1 - PhD student of Persian literature, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.
2 - Professor of language and literature, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant professor of language and literature, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame - Noor University of Khalkhal, Khalkhal, Iran.
Abstract :
One of the most mysterious beliefs among the ranchers of Guilan is the belief in a legend called Siah Galash which over time has been intertwined with reality and fantasy and has found a special place in the formation of their cultural identity. Because of his immortality and blessing power, the hero of this myth has been considered as equal as their religious leaders in the people's minds and there are different narrations about his actions in regulating the laws of hunting and production of dairy products and environmental protection. Accordingly, after a short speech in explaining the main identity of this living and active legend and expressing the differences and its narrative commonalities in different regions of Guilan as well as, for the purpose of, obtaining applied answers regarding the function of allegory in different narrations and finally, can allegory play a useful role in rehabilitating the thoughts of the listeners? Or can it be effective in organizing the implementation of social rules among the community of ranchers? And in the case of the existence of positive answers, how much can it be effective? Brief discussion about the nature of allegory in rhetoric, examination the allegorical approach of love and anger, which is considered to be one of the constituent elements of Siah Galash's personality, are also the objectives of this research. This research is new as it is not done before and it is done in a descriptive-analytical method.
بالایی لنگرودی، علی (1380). گنج نامه ولایت بیه پیش، دفتر اول، تهران: سبحان نور
حسن زاده، علیرضا، (1381)، افسانه زندگان، تهران، نشربقعه، چ 1
بالایی لنگرودی، علی (1380). گنج نامه ولایت بیه پیش، دفتر اول، تهران: سبحان نور
حسن زاده، علیرضا، (1381)، افسانه زندگان، تهران، نشربقعه، چ 1