National and resistance at Nizar Qabbani
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSeyyed Hosein Seyyedi 1 , Sakine Saremi Garavi 2
1 - Professor, The Department of Arabic Language and Literature, ferdawsi University.
2 - طالبة الدکتوراه فی فرع اللغة العربیة و آدابها بجامعة فردوسی
Keywords: Politics, Arabic literature, resistance, نزار قبانی, السیاسة, Nizar Qabbani, الادب العربی, المقاومة,
Abstract :
Nizar Qabbani a poet of love, women and politics, was born in Damascus. It is more aljamahirin Arab poets in the Arab world made own language characterized by qualities and is no stranger to the language or have been borrowed from other languages. They are the same as those unable to several poets from processed and throw them difficult and not comply with the language of poetry, and in spite of all critical studies tend to label the poet of love or a poet of women and is because books many of the poems that belong to women and love to but with is is one of the most important Arab poets who crossed from the reality of the Arab political and social. Political poems reflect the political side and is reflected in the period in which the Thar Arab regimes prevailing through his hair. In this paper, we address side of politics and resistance noodles
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