Biological herbicides based on extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants
Subject Areas : Medicinal plants
مانی جباری
Samira Abooali
1 - کارشناسی ارشد گیاهان دارویی، دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه بیرجند
2 - Dept. of Agronomy & Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Po. Box: 97175-331, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: horticulture, biological properties, phytotoxicity, sustainable agriculture, secondary metabolites,
Abstract :
Werrie PY, Durenne B, Delaplace P, Fauconnier ML. 2020. Phytotoxicity of essential oils: Opportunities and constraints for the development of biopesticides. A review. Foods. 9: 1291. Zhang J, An M, Wu H, Li Liu D, Stanton R. 2012. Chemical composition of essential oils of four Eucalyptus species and their phytotoxicity on silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) in Australia. Plant Growth Regulation. 68: 231–237. Biological herbicides based on extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants Abstract The use of herbicides has long been considered the most efficient method of weed control in agricultural production all over the world. However, the long-term use of agrochemicals has several negative effects on crops and the environment. In recent years, the development of new products based on bioactive compounds for the biological control of weeds has become important because it helps to reduce the use of synthetic compounds and herbicides in agriculture. Synthetic herbicides can lead to adverse effects such as human diseases and also disrupt the environment due to their movement in the air and persistence in different environments. It seems that the use of natural molecules is a very good alternative to maintain sustainable agriculture without the negative side effects of synthetic herbicides. In this context, extracts and essences of medicinal plants and their components are known thanks to their biocidal activities. Essential oils are an important source of biologically active compounds, oxygenated terpenes, and mono and sesquiterpenes play the main role in the phytotoxicity of essential oils. Essential oils and their components, mainly terpenoids, as pure or mixed natural compounds, can be good candidates for new biological herbicides or as raw materials for new synthetic herbicides due to their structural diversity and strong phytotoxic activity. Keywords: horticulture, biological properties, phytotoxicity, sustainable agriculture, secondary metabolites
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