Open Access Article
1 - Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation
Mohsen Mohamadi Mehdi Foumani Babak Abbasi -
Open Access Article
2 - EMCSO: An Elitist Multi-Objective Cat Swarm Optimization
Maysam Orouskhani Mohammad Teshnehlab Mohammad Ali Nekoui -
Open Access Article
3 - A Regret Minimization Approach in Product Portfolio Management with respect to Customers’ Price-sensitivity
Maryam Esmaeili Azadeh Arjmand -
Open Access Article
4 - Online Distribution and Load Balancing Optimization Using the Robin Hood and Johnson Hybrid Algorithm
Nima Rahmani Amir Najafi -
Open Access Article
5 - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Using Generalized Mixture Operators
mahdi shaghaghi Kamran Rezaie -
Open Access Article
6 - An Integrated Model of Project Scheduling and Material Ordering: A Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm
Nima Zoraghi Amir Abbas Najafi سید تقی اخوان نیاکی -
Open Access Article
7 - A Continuous Review inventory Control Model within Batch Arrival Queuing Framework: A Parameter-Tuned Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Mohammad Alaghebandha Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh Vahid Hajipour -
Open Access Article
8 - Complete Closest-Target Based Directional FDH Measures of Efficiency in DEA
Mahmood Mehdiloozad Israfil Roshdi -
Open Access Article
9 - A cost-oriented model for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem
Abolfazl Kazemi Abdolhossein Sedighi -
Open Access Article
10 - Meta-heuristic Algorithms for an Integrated Production-Distribution Planning Problem in a Multi-Objective Supply Chain
Abolfazl Kazemi Fatemeh Kangi Maghsoud Amiri -
Open Access Article
11 - A New Uni-attribute Control Chart to Monitor the Number of Nonconformities
sonia javadi S.T.A Niaki -
Open Access Article
12 - A Hierarchical Production Planning and Finite Scheduling Framework for Part Families in Flexible Job-shop (with a case study)
Davod Abachi fariborz jolai hasan haleh -
Open Access Article
13 - Scheduling of a flexible flow shop with multiprocessor task by a hybrid approach based on genetic and imperialist competitive algorithms
Javad Rezaeian Hany Seidgar Morteza Kiani -
Open Access Article
14 - Optimization of Plastic Injection Molding Process by Combination of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
MOHAMMAD SALEH MEIABADI abbas Vafaei Fatemeh Sharifi -
Open Access Article
15 - Controlling the Bullwhip Effect in a Supply Chain Network with an Inventory Replenishment Policy by a Robust Control Method
mahdi Ghaffari Nikbakhsh Javadian Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
16 - Monte Carlo Simulation to Compare Markovian and Neural Network Models for Reliability Assessment in Multiple AGV Manufacturing System
Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohamma Saidi-Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
17 - Phase-II Monitoring of AR (1) Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles
Mehdi Keramatpour سید تقی اخوان نیاکی Amirhossein Amiri -
Open Access Article
18 - Agile Supplier Selection In Sanitation Supply Chain Using Fuzzy VIKOR Method
Mohammadreza Shariari nazanin pilevari -
Open Access Article
19 - A Comparative Study of Four Evolutionary Algorithms for Economic and Economic-Statistical Designs of MEWMA Control Charts
سید تقی اخوان نیاکی مهدی Malaki محمد جواد ارشادی -
Open Access Article
20 - The project portfolio selection and scheduling problem: mathematical model and algorithms
Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
21 - VMI-type Supply Chains: a Brief Review
Mohsen Akhbari Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi Hasan Khademi Zare Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
22 - A Hybrid Method Based on Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR for the Discrete Time-Cost-Quality Trade-off Problem
alireza eydi Hiva Farughi farid abdi -
Open Access Article
23 - Measuring the overall performances of decision-making units in the presence of imprecise data
Hossein Azizi Alireza Bahari Rasul Jahed -
Open Access Article
24 - Analysis of Customer's Expectations and Satisfaction in the Zanjan Municipality Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) Approach
Masoumeh Rahimi amir najafi -
Open Access Article
25 - An Assessment Method for Project Cash Flow under Interval-Valued Fuzzy Environment
Vahid Mohagheghi SEYED meysam mousavi Behnam Vahdani -
Open Access Article
26 - Development of a novel lot sizing model with variable lead time in supply chain environment
Jitendra Kumar Nirjhar Roy Ali Mostafaeipour Mojtaba Qolipour -
Open Access Article
27 - Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Safety and Social Concerns
arghavan sharafi Mahdi Bashiri -
Open Access Article
28 - An integrated model of cellular manufacturing and supplier selection considering product quality
Habib Heydari Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Iraj Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
29 - A new mathematical model for the closed-loop supply chains considering pricing for product, a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles, and inventory costs
Isa Nakhai Kamalabadi mohammad mohammadnejad Ramin sadeghian Fardin ahmadizar -
Open Access Article
30 - Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming for Project Management Decision under Uncertain Environment with AHP Based Weighted Average Method
Md. Sanowar Hossain Shahed Mahmud Md. Mosharraf Hossain -
Open Access Article
31 - A Stochastic Optimization Approach to a Location-Allocation Problem of Organ Transplant Centers
Mahshid Ghane Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
32 - Modeling and scheduling no-idle hybrid flow shop problems
Mehdi Yazdani Bahman Naderi -
Open Access Article
33 - Scheduling of Multiple Autonomous Guided Vehicles for an Assembly Line Using Minimum Cost Network Flow
Hamed Fazlollahtabar -
Open Access Article
34 - Direct Optimal Motion Planning for Omni-directional Mobile Robots under Limitation on Velocity and Acceleration
Naser Azim Mohseni Ahmad Fakharian -
Open Access Article
35 - A TQM and JIT Integrated Continuous Improvement Model For Organizational Success: An Innovative Framework
gezahegn Dadi Daniel Azene -
Open Access Article
36 - Using NSGA II Algorithm for a Three Objectives Redundancy Allocation Problem with k-out-of-n Sub-Systems
mani sharifi Pedram Pourkarim Guilani mohammadreza shahriari -
Open Access Article
Yitagesu Yilma Goshu Amare Matebu Daniel Kitaw -
Open Access Article
38 - An Aggregated Supplier Selection Method Based on QFD and TOPSIS (Case Study: A Financial Institution)
Mohammad Ali Sobhanallahi Neda Zendehdel Nobari Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
39 - The Bi-Objective Location-Routing Problem based on Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Soft Time Window
Elham Jelodari Mamaghani Mostafa Setak -
Open Access Article
40 - A Novel Innovative Design Improvement using Value Engineering Technique: a Case Study
Ali Mostafaeipour -
Open Access Article
Eshetie Berhan -
Open Access Article
42 - Performance Improvement through a Marshaling Yard Storage Area in a Container Port Using Optimization via Simulation Technique (Case Study at Shahid Rajaee Container Port)
Mohammad Reza Ghanbari Parham Azimi -
Open Access Article
43 - New Heuristic Algorithm for Flow Shop Scheduling with 3 Machines and 2 Robots Considering the Breakdown Interval of Machines and Robots Simultaneously
mahdi eghbali Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad hassan haleh -
Open Access Article
44 - Cell forming and cell balancing of virtual cellular manufacturing systems with alternative processing routes using genetic algorithm
Adib Hosseini Mohammad Mahdi Paydar Iraj Mahdavi Javid Jouzdani -
Open Access Article
45 - Designing an integrated production/distribution and inventory planning model of fixed-life perishable products
Javad Rezaeian keyvan Shokoufi Sepide Haghayegh Iraj Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
46 - A Three-Echelon Multi-Objective Multi-Period Multi-Product Supply Chain Network Design Problem: A Goal Programming Approach
Ashkan Hafezalkotob Kaveh Khalili-Damghani Seyed Sajad Ghashami -
Open Access Article
47 - A New Dynamic Random Fuzzy DEA Model to Predict Performance of Decision Making Units
Ali Yaghoubi Maghsoud Amiri Azamdokht Safi Samghabadi -
Open Access Article
48 - A Hybrid Grey based Two Steps Clustering and Firefly Algorithm for Portfolio Selection
farshad faezy razi Naeimeh Shadloo -
Open Access Article
49 - Trajectory Planning Using High Order Polynomials under Acceleration Constraint
Hossein Barghi Jond Vasif V. Nabiyev Rifat Benveniste -
Open Access Article
50 - Hierarchical Group Compromise Ranking Methodology Based on Euclidean–Hausdorff Distance Measure Under Uncertainty: An Application to Facility Location Selection Problem
Seyed Meysam Mousavi Hossein Gitinavard Behnam Vahdani Nazanin Foroozesh -
Open Access Article
51 - Presenting a Joint Replenishment-location Model Under all-units Quantity Discount and Solving by Genetic Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm
Reza Abdollahi Sharbabaki Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
52 - An Efficient Bi-objective Genetic Algorithm for the Single Batch-Processing Machine Scheduling Problem with Sequence Dependent Family Setup Time and Non-identical Job Sizes
Javad Rezaeian Yaser Zarook -
Open Access Article
53 - A Job Shop Scheduling and Location of Battery Charging Storage for the Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
Saeed Dehnavi-Arani Ali Sabaghian Mehdi Fazli -
Open Access Article
54 - Production Constraints Modelling: A Tactical Review Approach
Chinedum Mgbemena Emmanuel Chinwuko Henry Ifowodo -
Open Access Article
55 - A Multi-Objective Fuzzy Approach to Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design with Regard to Dynamic Pricing
Soroush Avakh Darestani Faranak Pourasadollah -
Open Access Article
56 - Diversified Particle Swarm Optimization for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling
Javad Behnamian -
Open Access Article
57 - Profitability of Iranian Stock Market Based on Technical AnalysisTrading Rules
Sadigh Raissi Mohammad Reza Zakkizade -
Open Access Article
58 - Designing Tolerance of Assembled Components Using Weibull Distribution
Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi Seyedreza Seyedghasemi -
Open Access Article
59 - A Mathematical Model and a Solution Method for Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling
Esmaeil Najafi Bahman Naderi Hassan Sadeghi Mehdi Yazdani -
Open Access Article
60 - A Honey Bee Algorithm To Solve Quadratic Assignment Problem
mohamad mirzazadeh غلام حسن شیردل behrooz masoumi -
Open Access Article
61 - Project Portfolio Selection with the Maximization of Net Present Value
Mostafa Nikkhah Nasab Amir Abbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
62 - Integrating AHP and data mining for effective retailer segmentation based on retailer lifetime value
Amin Parvaneh Hossein Abbasimehr Mohammad Jafar Tarokh -
Open Access Article
63 - A Chance Constraint Approach to Multi Response Optimization Based on a Network Data Envelopment Analysis
Mahdi Bashiri Hamidreza Rezaei -
Open Access Article
64 - َA Multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm to solving flexible no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with transportation times
Bahman Naderi Hassan Sadeghi -
Open Access Article
65 - Design of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Parallel Machines Scheduling to Minimize Job Tardiness and Machine Deteriorating Costs with Deteriorating Jobs in a Batched Delivery System
Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Samira Bairamzadeh -
Open Access Article
66 - Optimal Manufacturer-Retailer Policies in a Supply Chain with Defective Product and Price Dependent Demand
Abbas Ahmadi Samira Mohabbatdar Mohsen Sajadieh -
Open Access Article
67 - A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model for Efficient Portfolio Selection.
Abolfazl Kazemi Ali Shakourloo Alireza Alinezhad -
Open Access Article
68 - A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Different Skilled Workers
Parviz Fattahi Parvaneh Samouei -
Open Access Article
69 - A hybrid intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach for supplier selection
Ahmad Makui Mohammad Gholamian Erfan Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
70 - A New Version of Earned Value Analysis for Mega Projects Under Interval-valued Fuzzy Environment
N Moradi Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani -
Open Access Article
71 - A simulated annealing algorithm to determine a group layout and production plan in a dynamic cellular manufacturing system
Reza KiA Nikbakhsh Javadian Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
72 - Fuzzy Mathematical Model For A Lot-Sizing Problem In Closed-Loop Supply Chain
Amir Fatehi Kivi Amir aydin Atashi Abkenar Hossin alipour -
Open Access Article
73 - Relationship between Business Intelligence Components and Financial Reporting Quality in Firms
Hassan Ahmadi Hashem Valipour Gholamreza Jamali -
Open Access Article
74 - Cost Analysis of Acceptance Sampling Models Using Dynamic Programming and Bayesian Inference Considering Inspection Errors
mohammad saber fallah nezhad Abolghasem Yousefi Babadi -
Open Access Article
75 - A Game Theoretical Approach to Optimize Policies of Government Under the Cartel of Two Green and Non-green Supply Chains
Amir Hossein Yazdanpanah Ali Akbar Akbari Marzieh Mozafari -
Open Access Article
76 - Presentation and Solving Non-Linear Quad-Level Programming Problem Utilizing a Heuristic Approach Based on Taylor Theorem
Eghbal Hosseini -
Open Access Article
77 - A Bi-Objective Airport Gate Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times Using Harmony Search and NSGA-II Algorithms
Morteza khakzar Bafruei Sananz khatibi Morteza Rahmani -
Open Access Article
78 - Monitoring process variability: a hybrid Taguchi loss and multiobjective genetic algorithm approach
Heng-Soon Gan Abdul Sattar Safaei -
Open Access Article
79 - A Multi-Objective Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem With Stochastic Operation Time
Parviz Fattahi Arezoo Askari -
Open Access Article
80 - Measuring the performances of Medical Diagnostic Laboratories based on interval efficiencies
Ehsan Vaezi -
Open Access Article
81 - A Public Bicycle Sharing System Considering Renting and Middle Stations
Behzad Maleki Vishkaei Iraj Mahdavi Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri Esmaile Khorram -
Open Access Article
82 - Classification of Streaming Fuzzy DEA Using Self-Organizing Map
Alireza Alinezhad Mohammad Amin Adibi Amine Tohidi -
Open Access Article
83 - Multi-Objective Optimization for Multi-Product Multi-Period Four Echelon Supply Chain Problems Under Uncertainty
Md Mashum Billal Md. Mosharraf Hossain -
Open Access Article
84 - Location-Allocation and Scheduling of Inbound and Outbound Trucks in Multiple Cross-Dockings Considering Breakdown Trucks
javad Behnamian Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi Fariborz Jolai Pooya Heidary -
Open Access Article
85 - The Optimal Number of Hospital Beds Under Uncertainty: A Costs Management Approach
Saeed Khalili Mohammad Ghodoosi Javad Hasanpour -
Open Access Article
86 - Productivity Improvement through Line Balancing by Using Simulation Modeling
Aregawi Yemane Gebremedhin Gebremicheal Teklewold Meraha Misgna Hailemicheal -
Open Access Article
87 - Service Performance Improvement Model: The Case of Teklehaymanot General Hospital
Eshetie Berhan Selam Yibeltal Sisay Geremew -
Open Access Article
88 - Effects of Probability Function on the Performance of Stochastic Programming
Mohammad Ebrahim Karbaschi Mohammad Reza Banan -
Open Access Article
89 - Modeling and Solution Procedure for a Preemptive Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Model in Resource Investment Problems
Mostafa Salimi Amir Abbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
90 - A Mathematical Model for Multiple-Load AGVs in Tandem Layout
Behnam Rahimikelarijani Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Farnaz Barzinpour -
Open Access Article
91 - An Integrated Approach for Facility Location and Supply Vessel Planning with Time Windows
Mohsen Amiri Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Armin Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
92 - Optimizing a Fuzzy Green p-hub Centre Problem Using Opposition Biogeography Based Optimization
Marzieh Karimi Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh -
Open Access Article
93 - A Combined Fuzzy Logic and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method for Optimal Selection and Locating of Pedestrian Crosswalks
Mohammad Reza Ahadi Ali Reza Mahpour Vahid Taraghi -
Open Access Article
94 - The Regional Performance Impacts in the Supply Chain integration: Evidence from East Africa Basic Metal Industry
Alie Wube Dametew Birehanu Beshah Frank Ebinger -
Open Access Article
95 - Continuous improvement strategy in traditional shipyard industry: a holistic approach towards sustainability
Fitriadi Fitriadi Ahmad Faisal Mohamad Ayob -
Open Access Article
96 - Healthcare Districting Optimization Using Gray Wolf Optimizer and Ant Lion Optimizer Algorithms (case study: South Khorasan Healthcare System in Iran)
Hiwa Farughi Sobhan Mostafayi Jamal Arkat -
Open Access Article
97 - Centralized Supply Chain Network Ddesign: Monopoly, Duopoly, and Ooligopoly Competitions under Uncertainty
kaveh Fahimi Seyed Mohammad Seyed Hosseini Ahmad Makui -
Open Access Article
98 - A Ratio-Based Efficiency Measurement for Ranking Multi-Stage Production Systems in DEA
Roza Azizi Reza Kazemi Matin -
Open Access Article
99 - Hybrid Techniques of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Location of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): Shahr Bank Branches in Tehran, 1st District Municipality
Alireza Shahhoseini Mahdi Yousefinejad Attari -
Open Access Article
100 - Multi-response Optimization of Grooved Circular Tubes Filled with Polyurethane Foam as Energy Absorber
Shima Shahravi Mohammad Javad Rezvani Ali Jahan -
Open Access Article
101 - Fixture Design and Work Piece Deformation Optimization Using the Iterative Simplex Algorithm
Shivaji G. Chavan Anil B. Shinde -
Open Access Article
102 - A Two-dimensional Warranty Model with Consideration of Customer and Manufacturer Objectives Solved with Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
Amin Asadi Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad Faranak Fathi Aghdam -
Open Access Article
103 - Investigating Knowledge Management Practices in a Successful Research and Development Organization
Milad Jasemi Morteza Piri -
Open Access Article
104 - Three Approaches to Time Series Forecasting of Petroleum Demand in OECD Countries
Majid Khedmati Babak Ghalebsaz-Jeddi -
Open Access Article
105 - How does the Coffee Supply Chain Work in Indonesia?
Anton Azis Maya Irjayanti -
Open Access Article
106 - An Efficient Economic-Statistical Design of Simple Linear Profiles Using a Hybrid Approach of Data Envelopment Analysis, Taguchi Loss Function, and MOPSO
Maryam Fazelimoghadam Mohammad Javad Ershadi Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
107 - Optimization of Multi-period Three-echelon Citrus Supply Chain Problem
Navid Sahebjamnia Fariba Goodarzian Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
Open Access Article
108 - Modelling and solving the job shop scheduling Problem followed by an assembly stage considering maintenance operations and access restrictions to machines
Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini -
Open Access Article
109 - Solving the Fixed Charge Transportation Problem by New Heuristic Approach
Komeil Yousefi Ahmad J. Afshari Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli -
Open Access Article
110 - An Integrated Approach of Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment and Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Tosustainable Supplier Selection and Order Allocation
Amir Hossein Azadnia Pezhman Ghadimi -
Open Access Article
111 - Two-echelon Supply Chain Considering Multiple Retailers with Price and Promotional Effort Sensitive Non-linear Demand
Elahe Mohagheghian Morteza Rasti-Barzoki Rashed Sahraeian -
Open Access Article
112 - The Preemptive Just-in-time Scheduling Problem in a Flow Shop Scheduling System
Javad Rezaeian Sadegh Hosseini-Kia Iraj Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
113 - A Non-dominated Sorting Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Approach to the Bi-objective Multi-vehicle Allocation of Customers to Distribution Centers
Jafar Bagherinejad Mina Dehghani -
Open Access Article
114 - Integrated Due Date Setting and Scheduling on a Single Machine Considering an Unexpected Unavailability
Mehdi Iranpoor Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi -
Open Access Article
115 - Hub Covering Location Problem Considering Queuing and Capacity Constraints
Mehdi Seifbarghy Mojtaba Hemmati Sepideh Soltan Karimi -
Open Access Article
116 - Analysing Price, Quality and Lead Time Decisions with the Hybrid Solution Method of Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
amin mahmoudi hassan shavandi khashayar nouhi -
Open Access Article
117 - An Ant Colony approach to forward-reverse logistics network design under demand certainty
hamed Soleimani Mostafa Zohal -
Open Access Article
118 - Participative Biogeography-Based Optimization
Abbas Salehi Behrooz Masoumi -
Open Access Article
119 - Applying a multi-criteria group decision-making method in a probabilistic environment for supplier selection (Case study: Urban railway in Iran)
Azam Modares Nasser Motahari Farimani Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi -
Open Access Article
120 - A Novel Model for the Analysis of Interactions Between Governments and Agricultures in a Study of Social Beneficial Externalities Based on the Stackelberg Game: A Case Study on Cotton Production
Mohammad Ali Shafia Sayyede Ashraf Moousavi Loghman Aghdas Badiee Kamran Shahanaghi -
Open Access Article
121 - Parallel Jobs Scheduling with a Specific Due Date: Asemi-definite Relaxation-based Algorithm
Javad Behnamian -
Open Access Article
122 - Bi-objective Optimization of a Multi-product multi-period Fuzzy Possibilistic Capacitated Hub Covering Problem: NSGA-II and NRGA Solutions
Zahra Rajabi Soroush Avakh Darestani -
Open Access Article
123 - Application of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) for Efficient and Cost-effective Manufacturing: A Case Study at Bahir Dar Textile Share Company, Ethiopia
Tsehaye Beyene Sisay Gebeyehu -
Open Access Article
124 - Economic Lot Sizing and Scheduling in Distributed Permutation Flow Shops
Mohammad Alaghebandha Bahman Naderi Mohammad Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
125 - Developing a New Decision Support System to Manage Human Reliability based on HEART Method
Rasoul Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
126 - Critical success factors consistent with stakeholder engagement in construction equipment manufacturers (Case study in Tehran)
Nima Amani Mahzad Qarib Sami Pooria Rashvand Ardalan Sabamehr -
Open Access Article
127 - Developing a New Bi-Objective Functions Model for a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Problem Using the Queuing Theory and Mathematical Programming
Parham Azimi Abulfazl Asadollahi -
Open Access Article
128 - An Innovation Measurement Model Based on THIO Classification: An Automotive Case Study
Seyed M.J. Mirzapour Al-e-Hashema Hamed Soleimani Zeinab Sazvar -
Open Access Article
129 - Application of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Quality Function Deployment Techniques for Supplier's Assessment
Alireza Alinezhad Azadeh Seif -
Open Access Article
130 - Determination of Criticality Indexes in the Remanufacturing Process: A GERT-based Simulation Approach
Elham Babaei Abdollah Aghaie Mojtaba Hajian heidary -
Open Access Article
131 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Power Plant Boiler
Guntur Pratama Putra Humiras Hardi Purba -
Open Access Article
132 - Optimizing a bi-objective preemptive multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem: NSGA-II and MOICA algorithms
Javad Hasanpour Mohammad Ghodoosi Zahra Sadat Hosseini -
Open Access Article
133 - Machine scheduling for multitask machining
Saleh Yavari Ahmed Azab Mohammed Fazle Baki Mikel Alcelay Justin Britt -
Open Access Article
134 - A New Bi-objective Mathematical Model to Optimize Reliability and Cost of Aggregate Production Planning System in a Paper and Wood Company
Mohammad Ramyar Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Seyyed Mohammad Hadji Molana -
Open Access Article
135 - Overcoming the uncertainty in a research reactor LOCA in level-1 PSA; Fuzzy based fault-tree/event-tree analysis
Masoud Mohsendokht Mehdi Hashemi-Tilehnoee -
Open Access Article
136 - Efficiency evaluation of wheat farming: a network data envelopment analysis approach
Reza Kazemi Matin Roza Azizi -
Open Access Article
137 - Implementing Bounded Linear Programming and Analytical Network Process Fuzzy Models to Motivate Employees: a Case Study
Ali Mostafaeipour Hasan Khademi Zare Tahere Aliheidari Ahmad Sedaghat -
Open Access Article
138 - An Algorithm Based on Theory of Constraints and Branch and Bound for Solving Integrated Product-Mix-Outsourcing Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Saeed Jalili -
Open Access Article
139 - Classifying the Customers of Telecommunication Company in order to Identify Profitable Customers Based on Their First Transaction, Using Decision Tree: A Case Study of System 780
Mohammad Velayati Mohammadreza Shahriari Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi -
Open Access Article
140 - Three Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithms for Stochastic Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Preventive Maintenance and Budget Constraint
Sadigh Raissi Ramtin Rooeinfar Vahid Reza Ghezavati -
Open Access Article
141 - Investigating Water Supply System Electro-Mechanical Equipments Problems: A Case Study of Ethiopia
Dessie Tarekegn Bantelay -
Open Access Article
142 - Investigating Basic Requirement Regulations, Internal Environment, and their Impact on Performance of Retirement Homes
K. Sarojani Krishnan Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani -
Open Access Article
143 - Production Planning and Control Strategies Used as A Gear Train for The Death and Birth of Manufacturing Industries
Alie Wube Dametew Danile Ketaw Ebinger Frank -
Open Access Article
144 - Hybrid Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization and Harmony Search for Optimum Design of Space Trusses
Siamak Talatahari Vahid Goodarzimehr Nasser Taghizadieh -
Open Access Article
145 - An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method for the Multi-Mode Multi-Skilled Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Amir Hossein Hosseinian Vahid Baradaran -
Open Access Article
146 - A Multi-objective Mixed Model Two-sided Assembly Line Sequencing Problem in a Make –To- Order Environment with Customer Order Prioritization
Masoud Rabbani Leyla Aliabadi Hamed Farrokhi-Asl -
Open Access Article
147 - Using the Hybrid Model for Credit Scoring (Case Study: Credit Clients of microloans, Bank Refah-Kargeran of Zanjan, Iran)
Abdollah Nazari Mohammadreza Mehregan Reza Tehrani -
Open Access Article
148 - Design of Supply Chain Network Model for Perishable Products with Stochastic Demand: An Optimized Model
Teshome Bekele Dagne Jeyraju Jayaprkash Sisay Geremew Gebeyehu -
Open Access Article
149 - Constrained portfolio selection model at considering risk-adjusted measure by using the Genetic Network Programming
iman bavarsad salehpoor saber mola alizade zavardehi -
Open Access Article
150 - Optimizing investment of pumped hydro storage system for renewable energy future
Zohreh Goudarzi Jafar Bagherinejad Majid Rafiee Amir Abolfazl Souratgar -
Open Access Article
151 - Enhancing Basic Metal Industry Global Competitiveness Through Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management & Just- In -Time
Alie Wube Dametew Daniel Kitaw Frank Ebinger -
Open Access Article
152 - Optimization Planning Model for Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Via Renewable Energy Switch in a Coal Power Station
S. Siti Hafshar A. Johari H. Hashim Saeed Ahmed -
Open Access Article
153 - Solving Bi-objective Model of Hotel Revenue Management Considering Customer Choice Behavior Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Surur Yaghobi Harzandi Amir Abbas Najafi -
Open Access Article
154 - A system Dynamics Approach to Designing a Crowdfunding Model in Technological Entrepreneurship Ecosystem with a Focus on Technology Incubator Centers
Mehran Saeidi Aghdam Akbar Alamtabriz Asghar Sarafizadeh Qazvini Hessam Zandhessami -
Open Access Article
155 - A Risk-averse Inventory-based Supply Chain Protection Problem with Adapted Stochastic Measures under Intentional Facility Disruptions: Decomposition and Hybrid Algorithms
Sajjad Jalali Mehdi Seifbarghy Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
156 - Operation Sequencing Optimization in CAPP Using Hybrid Teaching-Learning Based Optimization (HTLBO)
Hassan Halleh Azam Sadati Nasser Hajisharifi -
Open Access Article
157 - ELECTRE I-based group decision methodology with risk preferences in an imprecise setting for flexible manufacturing systems
Seyed Meysam Mousavi Hosein Gitinavard Behnam Vahdani -
Open Access Article
158 - Nurse Scheduling Problem by Considering Fuzzy Modeling Approach to Treat Uncertainty on Nurses’ Preferences for Working Shifts and Weekends off
Hamed Jafari Hassan Haleh -
Open Access Article
159 - Analytical Modeling of Specific Energy Consumption and Cost Share in Comprehensive Textile Industry: Case Study of Ethiopia
Dessie Bantelay Muluken Getie Betelhem Bruk Robile Workalemayehu -
Open Access Article
160 - Optimal Localization of Shopping Centers Using Metaheuristic Genetic Algorithm
Mahmoud Samadi Mahmoud Nouraei Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari Babak Haji Karimi -
Open Access Article
161 - Monitoring of Social Network and Change Detection by Applying Statistical Process: ERGM
Farshid Rajabi Abbas Saghaei Soheil Sadinejad -
Open Access Article
162 - A Hybrid Method for Industrial Robot Navigation
Somayeh Raiesdana -
Open Access Article
163 - Developing Fuzzy Tool Capability Measurement System Analysis
Soroush Avakh Darestani Neda Ghane Yusof Ismail Azam Moradi Tadi -
Open Access Article
164 - Determining the Best Combination of Perspective indicators of Balanced Scorecard by using Game Theory
mansoor abedian atefeh amindoust reza madahi javid jouzdani -
Open Access Article
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Satish Chinchanikar Jitendra Katiyar Omkar Manav -
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167 - A note on "An interval type-2 fuzzy extension of the TOPSIS method using alpha cuts"
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168 - Behaviour of Individuals towards E-Waste Management in India
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169 - A New Mathematical Model for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem by Considering a Bi-Fuel Mixed Vehicle Fleet
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171 - A Data Mining approach for forecasting failure root causes: A case study in an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) manufacturing company
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174 - Investigating the potential to improve the efficiency of iran's road bridge management system from the point of view of bridge maintenance experts
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175 - Planning for Medical Emergency Transportation Vehicles during Natural Disasters
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176 - A new multi-objective mathematical model for a Citrus supply chain network design: Metaheuristic algorithms
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180 - A Hybrid Unconscious Search Algorithm for Mixed-model Assembly Line Balancing Problem with SDST, Parallel Workstation and Learning Effect
Moein Asadi-Zonouz Majid Khalili Hamed Tayebi -
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181 - Developing a Risk Management Model for Banking Software Development Projects Based on Fuzzy Inference System
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183 - A Scientometric Analysis of Supplier Selection Research
Athena Forghani Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Babak Farhang Moghadam -
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184 - A Fractile Model for Stochastic Interval Linear Programming Problems
Hadi Nasseri Salim Bavandi -
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Ali Ramadhan Dinar Cahyaningrum -
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188 - On characterizing efficient and properly efficient solutions for multi- objective programming problems in a complex space
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189 - Developing a Fuzzy Green Supply Chain Management Problem Considering Location Allocation Routing Problem: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach
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190 - Availability analysis of a cooking oil production line
Afshin Yaghoubi Saeed Rahimi Roya Soltani Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
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191 - A New School Bus Routing Problem Considering Gender Separation, Special Students and Mix Loading: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
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192 - A hybrid model based on machine learning and genetic algorithm for detecting fraud in financial statements
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193 - Solving a Multi-Item Supply Chain Network Problem by Three Meta-heuristic Algorithms
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195 - Scheduling on flexible flow shop with cost-related objective function considering outsourcing options
Mojtaba Enayati Ebrahim Asadi-Gangraj Mohammad Mahdi Paydar -
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198 - Exact equations for the reliability and mean time to failure of 1-out-of-n cold-standby system with imperfect switching
Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki Afshin Yaghoubi -
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199 - Optimization of the Ductile Properties of an Arc Welded Plate Based on the Yield Strength, Elongation and Modulus of Elasticity.
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Muhammad Saeed Aazani Mujahidb Moritz Müller -
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207 - Productivity Improvement through customized lean and six sigma for Garment manufacturing Industries
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210 - A bi-objective mathematical model for the patient appointment scheduling problem in outpatient chemotherapy clinics using Fuzzy C-means clustering: A case study
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219 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis using Robust Data Envelopment Analysis (Case Study: Automobile Oil Filter)
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220 - A New Analysis of Critical Paths in Mega Projects with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Activities by Considering Time, Cost, Risk, Quality, and Safety Factors
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231 - Analysis of Causal Relationships Effective Factors on the Green Supplier Selection in Health Centers Using the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Cognitive Map (IFCM) Method
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Ripon Kumar Chakrabortty Sanjoy Kumar Paul -
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325 - A Neural Network Model Based on Support Vector Machine for Conceptual Cost Estimation in Construction Projects
Behnam Vahdani Seyed Meysam Mousavi Morteza Mousakhani Mani Sharifi Hassan Hashemi -
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326 - Comparing Parallel Simulated Annealing, Parallel Vibrating Damp Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Joint Redundancy-Availability Problems in a Series-Parallel System with Multi-State Components
Mani Sharifi Morteza Mousa Khani Arash Zaretalab -
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327 - Sensitivity Analysis of Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW): The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
Azizollah Memariani Abbas Amini Alireza Alinezhad -
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328 - Designing Stochastic Cell Formation Problem Using Queuing Theory
Parviz fattahi Bahman Esmailnezhad Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
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329 - A Multi Objective Fibonacci Search Based Algorithm for Resource Allocation in PERT Networks
Behrouz Afshar Nadjafi Salman Kolyaei -
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330 - A Bi-objective Pre-emption Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with due Dates in the Activities
zahra Sadat Hosseini Javad Hassan pour Emad Roghanian -
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331 - Using Markov Chain to Analyze Production Lines Systems withLayout Constraints
sadegh Abedi morteza mousakhani naser hamidi -
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332 - Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of Flexible Manipulators Using Finite Element Method and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
Moharam Korayem Mostafa Nazemizadeh Hamed Rahimi nahooji -
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333 - A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Multi Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Overlapping in Operations
Mehrzad Abdi Khalife Babak Abbasi Amirhossein Kamali Dolat abadi -
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Anastasiia Bessarab Olha Mitchuk Anna Baranetska Natalia Kodatska Olha Kvasnytsia Galyna Mykytiv -
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335 - Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for a Supplier ClusteringProblem
esmaeil Mehdizadeh reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam -
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336 - Neurological Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Shopping Malls Using EEG
Mahmoud Samadi Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari Jafar Shaghaghi -
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337 - A Simulation Model for Optimization of the Internal Handling Fleet Size at Shahid Rajaee Container Port Based on Performance Evaluation
Parham Azimi Mohammad Reza Ghanbari -
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338 - Traffic Flow Analysis Based on Queuing Models
Mohammad Modares Hossein Beheshti Fakher -
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339 - Dynamic Cargo Trains Scheduling for Tackling Network Constraints and Costs Emanating from Tardiness and Earliness
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340 - Meta heuristic for Minimizing Makespan in a Flow-line Manufacturing Cell with Sequence Dependent Family Setup Times
Behzad Nikjo Javad Rezaeian -
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341 - Developing a Permutation Method Using Tabu Search Algorithm: A Case Study of Ranking Some Countries of West Asia and North Africa Based on Important Development Criteria
Javad Rezaeian Keyvan Shokoufi Shahab Poursafary -
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342 - Sensitivity Analysis of TOPSIS Technique: The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
Alireza Alinezhad Abbas Amini -
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Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi Abolfazl Kazemi -
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345 - Change Point Estimation of a Process Variance with a Linear TrendDisturbance
Rassoul Noorossana Majeed Heydari -
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346 - A New Approach in Job Shop Scheduling: Overlapping Operation
parviz Fattahi mohammad Saidi Mehrabad -
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347 - Developing a Method for Increasing Accuracy and Precision in Measurement System Analysis: A Fuzzy Approach
Abolfazl Kazemi Hassan Haleh Vahid Hajipour Seyed Habib Rahmati -
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348 - A Benders' Decomposition Method to Solve Stochastic Distribution Network Design Problem with Two Echelons and Inter-Depot Transportation
Vahid Reza ghezavati -
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349 - Multi-objective and Scalable Heuristic Algorithm for Workflow Task Scheduling in Utility Grids
Vahid Kahejvand Hossein Pedram Mostafa Zandieh -
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350 - A New Algorithm for the Discrete Shortest Path Problem in a Network Based on Ideal Fuzzy Sets
Sadollah Ebrahimnejad Seyed Meysam Mousavi Behnam Vahdani -
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351 - The Effects of Grasp Conditions on Maximal Acceptable Combined Forces (pushing and pinch forces) for Manual Insertion of Snap Fasteners
Hamed Salmanzadeh Kurt Landau -
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352 - A New Algorithm for Optimization of Fuzzy Decision Tree in Data Mining
Abolfazl Kazemi Elahe Mehrzadegan -
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353 - Trajectory Optimization of Cable Parallel Manipulators in Point-to-Point Motion
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354 - Sensitivity Analysis in the QUALIFLEX and VIKOR Methods
Alireza Alinezhad Nima Esfandiari -
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355 - Fuzzy Centroid-Based Method Applied to Customer Requirements Ranking in Diba Fiberglass Company
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356 - Vendor Selection:An Enhanced Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Model
Behnam Vahdani Akbar Alem-Tabriz Mostafa Zandieh -
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357 - DEA with Missing Data: An Interval Data Assignment Approach
Reza Kazemi Matin Roza Azizi -
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358 - (1, T) policy for a Two-echelon Inventory System with Perishable-on-the-Shelf Items
Anwar Mahmoodi Alireza Haji -
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359 - A Non-radial Approach for Setting Integer-valued Targets in Data Envelopment Analysis
Reza Kazemi Matin -
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360 - An Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Flexible Flow Lines with SequenceDependent Setup Times to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time
Bahman Naderi mostafa Zandieh Seyed Mohammad Taghi Fatemi Ghomi -
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361 - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Implementing Quality Management System (ISO9001:2000) Using BSC Approach in NIGC
Alireza Alinezhad Ali Masaeli Nima Esfandiari Mona Mirhadi -
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362 - Correlation of Income Inequality and Entrepreneurial Activity
Irina Gontareva Vitalina Babenko Nataliia Shmatko Dariusz Pawliszczy -
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363 - The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem subjectto due dates and preemption penalties: An integer programming approach
Behrouz Afshar nadjafi Shahram Shadrokh -
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364 - Outsourcing or Insourcing of Transportation System Evaluation Using Intelligent Agents Approach
isa nakhaei kamalabadi parham azimi mohammad varmaghani -
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365 - Design of a Mathematical Model for Logistic Network in a Multi-Stage Multi-Product Supply Chain Network and Developing a Metaheuristic Algorithm
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Fariborz Afrabandpei -
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366 - A Multi-Periodic Multi-Product Inventory Control Problem with Discount: GA Optimization Algorithm
Seyed Mohsen Mousavi Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh -
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367 - Modelling Customer Attraction Prediction in Customer Relation Management using Decision Tree: A Data Mining Approach
Abolfazl Kazemi Mohammad Esmaeil Babaei -
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368 - A Benders� Decomposition Approach for Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System in the Presence of Unreliable Machines
Masoud Bagheri Saeed Sadeghi Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad -
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369 - A Proposed Data Mining Methodology and its Application to Industrial Procedures
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370 - A Bi-objective Optimization for Vendor Managed Inventory Model
Amir Hossein Niknamfar Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh -
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371 - A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Open Vehicle Routing Problem
Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Frazad Didehvar Farhad Rahmati -
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372 - Assessment of the Components of Financial Potential of the Regions of Ukraine
Davydenko Nadiia Buryak Alina Demyanenko Inna Buryak Mykhailo -
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373 - Practical common weights scalarizing function approach for efficiencyanalysis
Alireza Alinezhad Reza Kiani Mavi Majid Zohrehbandian Ahmad Makui -
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374 - Three Metaheuristic Algorithms for Solving the Multi-item Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Product Returns and Remanufacturing
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Amir Fatehi Kivi -
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375 - Designing Solvable Graphs for Multiple Moving Agents
Ellips Masehian Farzaneh Daneshzand -
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376 - A Supplier Selection Model for Social Responsible Supply Chain
Abolfazl Aliakbari Mehdi Seifbarghy -
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377 - Influence of fuzzy Goal Programming in Production Optimization Case study: Cement Industry
Mahmoud Modiri Saeid Moheb Rabbani Hadi Heidari Gharebolagh -
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378 - Layout of Cellular Manufacturing System in Dynamic Condition
amir hossein kamali dolatabadi seyed hamid reza pasandideh mehrzad abdi khalife -
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379 - A Simulated Annealing Algorithm within the Variable Neighbourhood Search Framework to Solve the Capacitated Facility Location-AllocationProblem
Ragheb Rahmaniani abdosalam Ghaderi Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad -
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380 - The Model of Achieving a Balanced Balance between Economic Efficiency and Ecological-Social Responsibility of Digitalized Enterprise
Maryna Demianchuk Maksym Bezpartochnyi Liliya Filipishyna Marga Živitere -
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381 - Propagation Models and Fitting Them for the Boolean Random Sets
mojtaba Khazaei Khalil Shafie -
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382 - Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Task Assignment Problem
Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Mehdi Yazdani Mani Sharifi Mohammad Navid Mokhtarian -
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383 - Exact Mixed Integer Programming for Integrated Scheduling and Process Planning in Flexible Environment
Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad Saeed Zarghami -
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384 - Vendor Managed Inventory of a Supply Chain under Stochastic Demands
Tahereh Poorbagheri Seyed Taghi akhavan niaki -
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385 - Using Hybrid Fuzzy PROMETHEE II and Fuzzy Binary Goal Programming for Risk Ranking: A Case Study of Highway Construction Projects
Samareh Moradpour Sadoullah Ebrahimnejad Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Arash Mohamadi -
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386 - Using neural network to estimate weibull parameters
Babak Abbasi behrouz Afshar nadjafi -
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387 - New Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Single-Vehicle and Multi-VehicleGeneralized Traveling Salesman Problems (GTSP)
Ellips Masehian -
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388 - An Effective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flow Shops with Sequence Dependent Setup Times and Processor Blocking
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389 - Design of H� Congestion Controller for TCP Networks Based on LMI Formulation
Ahmad Fakharian Amir Abbasi -
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390 - Competencies of Personnel in Economy 4.0: Challenges and Solutions
Nina Chala Oksana Poplavska Nataliya Danylevych Mariya Maksma -
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391 - A New Model for Location-Allocation Problem within Queuing Framework
Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh Amirhossain Chambari -
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392 - An Exact Algorithm for the Mode Identity Project Scheduling Problem
Behrouz Afshar Nadjafi Amir Rahimi Hamid Karimi -
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393 - Estimation of the cost function of a two-echelon inventory system withlost sales using regression
Mehdi Seif Barghy Maghsoud Amiri mostafa Heidari -
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394 - Measuring and Analyzing the Bullwhip Effect in a Two-Product and Two Echelon Supply Chain Using Control Theory Approach
Ahmad Sadeghi -
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395 - A Multi-level Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Safety Stock Deficit and Production Manners: A Revised Simulated Annealing
Esameil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Mohammadizadeh -
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396 - A Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Optimization of Time-Cost Trade-off Problems in Project Scheduling Using a Genetic Algorithm
Sedigheh Nader Abadi Emad Roghanian Hadi Aghassi -
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397 - Estimation of Products Final Price Using Bayesian Analysis GeneralizedPoisson Model and Artificial Neural Networks
Marjan Niyati Amir Masud Eftekhari Moghadam -
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398 - Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem by a Novel Meta-heuristic Algorithm
Hossein Larki Majid Yousefikhoshbakht -
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399 - A Multi Objective Optimization Approach for Resources Procurement of Bank
amir mohammad-zadeh naser hamidi mohammad amin nayebi yusof ebrahimi-sajas -
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400 - A Fuzzy Decision-Making Methodology for Risk Response Planning in Large-Scale Projects
Seyed Meysam Mousavi Sadigh Raissi Behnam Vahdani Seyed Mohammad Hossein -
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401 - A parameter-tuned genetic algorithm for vendor managed inventory model for a case single-vendor single-retailer with multi-product and multi-constraint
javad sadeghi ahmad sadeghi mohammad Saidi mehrabad -
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402 - A Grey-Based Fuzzy ELECTRE Model for Project Selection
Farshad Faezy Razi -
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403 - Application of SCOR Model in an Oil- producing Company
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404 - A Memetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshops with Flexible MachineAvailability Constraints
Fariborz Jolai mostafa zandieh Bahman Naderi -
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405 - Modelling and Scheduling Lot Streaming Flexible Flow Lines
Bahman naderi Mehdi Yazdani -
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406 - The Capacitated Location-Allocation Problem with Interval Parameters
Hassan Shavandi -
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407 - Fuzzy Programming for Parallel Machines Scheduling: Minimizing Weighted Tardiness/Earliness and Flow Time through Genetic Algorithm
Mohammad Asghari Samaneh Nezhadali -
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408 - New Economic Instruments of State Regulation of Private Savings, Social Security and Pension Support
Sergii Zakharin Anastasia Duka Maksym Zhytar Olga Rudenko Olha Serdiuk -
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409 - Using Electromagnetism Algorithm for Determining the Number of kanbans in a Multi-stage Supply Chain System
Majid Khalili Mohammad Jafar Tarokh Bahman Naderi -
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410 - Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Redundancy Allocation Problem with Cold-standby Strategy
Aida Karimi Mani Sharifi Amirhossain Chambari -
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411 - A Comparison of NSGA II and MOSA for Solving Multi-depots Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet
Behrouz Afshar-nadjafi Arian Razmi-farooji -
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412 - A Tunned-parameter Hybrid Algorithm for Dynamic Facility Layout Problem with Budget Constraint using GA and SAA
Hani Pourvaziri Parham Azimi -
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413 - Two-stage Production Systems under Variable Returns to Scale Technology: A DEA Approach
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414 - Reliability Modelling of the Redundancy Allocation Problem in the Series-parallel Systems and Determining the System Optimal Parameters
Mani Sharifi Mohsen Yaghoubizadeh -
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415 - Extension of Portfolio Selection Problem with Fuzzy Goal Programming: A Fuzzy Allocated Portfolio Approach
Alireza Alinezhad Majid Zohrehbandian Meghdad Kian Mostafa Ekhtiari Nima Esfandiari -
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416 - Modelling Integrated Multi-item Supplier Selection with Shipping Frequencies
Abolfazl Kazemi Danial Esmaeili Aliabadi -
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417 - Innovation Management of Enterprises: Legal Provision and Analytical Tools for Evaluating Business Strategies
Olena Bilovodska Andrii Kholostenko Zhanna Mandrychenko Olha Volokitenko -
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418 - A New Hybrid Algorithm to Optimize Stochastic-fuzzy Capacitated Multi-Facility Location-allocation Problem
Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Mohammad Reza Tavarroth Vahid Hajipour -
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419 - A Cellular Learning Automata (CLA) Approach to Job Shop Scheduling Problem
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420 - Maximal Benefit Location Problem for A Congested System
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421 - Optimizing the Prediction Model of Stock Price in Pharmaceutical Companies Using Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MOPSO)
Ali Khazaei Babak Haji Karimi Mohammad Mahdi Mozaffari -
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422 - An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
Mohammad Sedighpour Majid Yousefikhoshbakht Narges Mahmoodi Darani -
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423 - Forecasting the Cost of Water Using a Neural Network Method in theMunicipality of Isfahan
Amir Mohammadzadeh Nasrin Mahdipour Arash Mohammadzadeh -
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424 - A Heuristic Algorithm for Nonlinear Lexicography Goal Programming with an Efficient Initial Solution
Mahdi Bashiri Amir Hossein Parsa Manesh Hamid Hasanzadeh -
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425 - Competitiveness of The Company on The Market: Analytical Method of Assessment and The Phenomenon of The Impact of Corruption in Ukraine
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426 - A Benders Decomposition Method to Solve an Integrated Logistics Network Designing Problem with Multiple Capacities
Nadieh Sodagari Ahmad Sadeghi -
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427 - Facility Location and Inventory Balancing in a Multi-period Multi-echelon Multi-objective Supply Chain: An MOEA Approach
Seyed Habib A. Rahmati Abbas Ahmadi Behrooz Karimi -
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428 - National Resilience As A Determinant Of National Security Of Ukraine
Svitlana Bondarenko Ivan Tkach Serhii Drobotov Anatolii Mysyk Kateryna Plutytska -
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429 - A multi-objective evolutionary approach for integrated production-distribution planning problem in a supply chain network
Keyvan Sarrafha Abolfazl Kazemi Alireza Alinezhad -
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430 - A Compromise Decision-making Model for Multi-objective Large-scale Programming Problems with a Block Angular Structure under Uncertainty
behnam vahdani meghdad Salimi behrouz Afshar najafi -
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431 - Strategic Management of the Innovative Activity of the Enterprise
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432 - Time Prediction Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Projects in the Construction Industry
Behnam Vahdani Seyed Meysam Mousavi Morteza Mousakhani Hassan Hashemi -
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456 - Virtual alliance in hospital network for operating room scheduling: Benders decomposition
Mahdis Lotfi Javad Behnamian -
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476 - Development of a Data-Driven Decision-Making Model for Evaluating Agile and Resilient Suppliers in the Context of the Circular Economy (Case Study: Automotive Industry)
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478 - The multiple attribute group decision-making problems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers: A linear programming approach
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