Optimizing Healthcare Worker Well-being Research: A Bibliometric Network Analysis and Temporal Trend Evaluation (2013-2022)
Rana Alotaiby
Institute of Management , Department of Management and Organization, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Éva Krenyácz
Institute of Strategy and Management ,Department of Strategic Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: Healthcare wWorkers well-being, Bibliometric analysis, Network visualization, COVID-19 impact, job satisfaction, Temporal trend analysis,
Abstract :
This study employs advanced bibliometric techniques to analyze and optimize the research landscape of healthcare workers' (HCWs) well-being from 2013 to 2022, with particular emphasis on the COVID-19 pandemic's impact. Utilizing the Scopus database, 2,026 relevant articles were extracted and subjected to rigorous bibliometric analysis. The study leverages VOSviewer software for network visualization and employs descriptive statistics, co-authorship analysis, and keyword co-occurrence analysis to identify key trends, influential contributors, and emerging research fronts. Results reveal a significant surge in publications post-COVID-19, with the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia emerging as primary contributors. The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health was identified as the most prolific source. Keyword analysis highlighted "COVID-19 pandemic," "mental health," and "burnout" as dominant themes, while uncovering understudied areas such as health promotion and work engagement. Co-authorship analysis exposed intricate global collaboration networks, with a notable presence of developing Asian countries. This study presents a novel, data-driven approach to mapping the intellectual structure of HCW well-being research, offering a strategic framework for future investigations. By identifying research gaps and trending topics, this analysis provides valuable insights for healthcare managers, policymakers, and researchers, enabling more targeted and efficient resource allocation in addressing HCW well-being. The findings underscore the need for increased focus on proactive well-being strategies and integrated care approaches in future research endeavors.
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