Analysis of the influence of price and product performance, on the decision of heavy equipment customer buying excavator products ABC PT. XYZ
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Nurhayati Rauf
Ahmad Padhil
Ade Yulyanda
1 - Department Industrial Engineering, Industrial of Faculty, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar
2 - Department Industrial Engineering, Industrial Of Technology FacultyUniversitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar Indonesia
3 - Deprtment Industrial Engineering, Industrial of Technology Faculty Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar
Keywords: Price, decision, Product performance, Multipe Linear Regression,
Abstract :
The influence of price and product performance (quality) is closely related to customer value in determining the choice of how valuable the product is to customers so that customers benefit from the costs incurred to obtain products or services so that an emotional bond between customers and sellers will also be formed in the form of economic benefits from a product or service. product. PT. XYZ is a heavy equipment distributor company. XY which is sold by the main distributor in Indonesia has now developed into one of the main players in the domestic industrial sector, one of its products is the Excavator which is a superior product with the ability to work in all sectors. In this study, multiple linear regression was used, to determine the relationship between the two independent and dependent variables, whether the independent variable affects the dependent variable or not. Price and product performance have a significant effect on customer decisions to buy heavy equipment Excavator and it is concluded that product performance is more influential than price, on customer decisions
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