Comprehensive Reliability and Performance Estimation of Multi-State Sequential System through General and Copula Repair Techniques
Ibrahim Yusuf
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Kabiru Garba Ibrahim
Department of Mathematics, Federal University, Dutse, Nigeria
Hamisu Ismail Ayagi
Yusuf Maitama Sule University
Keywords: Availability, serial, reliability, system, sensitivity,
Abstract :
The purpose of this work is to look into some of the dependability aspects of measuring the effectiveness of a four-subsystem serial system. Subsystem 1 has one unit in series with other subsystems, subsystem 2 has three units in parallel, subsystem 3 has three units in parallel, and subsystem 4 has three units in parallel. In a series configuration, both subsystems are connected partially and completely failing the system is a possibility. The partial failure mode is thought to have left the system in a degraded state, whereas the total failure mode causes the system to stop functioning. Failures are assumed to follow an exponential distribution, whereas repair is assumed to follow one of the general or Gumbel-Hougaard family copulas. The system is investigated using an extra variable and the Laplace transform. Profit analysis was derived by utilizing dependability parameters such as availability, reliability, and Mean Time to Failure (MTTF). The system has been investigated throughout the project. The computed results were displayed in a graph, and the value of the analysis was conveyed in the conclusion section. Furthermore, the findings aid pump decision-makers in anticipating future advances in pump performance, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of water pumps. It can also be employed in additional applications that require greater head and flow pumps.
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