Physical Exploration of Materials as a Method to Determine the Maximum Limit of the Attainment Shapes of Three-Ply Plywood
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Ali Ramadhan
Dinar Cahyaningrum
1 - Product Design, Design and Creative Art Faculty, Universitas Mercu Buana
2 - Ardesign26 Workshop
Keywords: physical, material, exploration, Three-ply, Plywood,
Abstract :
Three-layer plywood is a material produced from processed wood in sheet form. As a wood material in sheet form, plywood is known to have advantages over solid wood. So Three Layer plywood has the potential to be exploited in terms of its shape. Physical exploration of a material is one way to determine the potential of a material. So with physical exploration, materials can be maximized in various forms that can be produced. By using research and development methods, physical exploration studies of this material can be one way to increase knowledge about harness materials. In addition, with this method the material can have various opportunities to be applied to various types of objects. Because three-layer plywood is a material that has several stages and criteria in its manufacture, and reaches the final stage of using the material in the form of the material not being used. The stages and criteria involved in the production of three-layer plywood are beyond the control of the manufacturer to be able to continue producing three-layer plywood. Physical exploration carried out on three-layer plywood material shows that this material has other potential. Because the material is in sheet form, three-layer plywood has the potential to be a processed material that can be recycled into other materials. And the results obtained also prove that three ply plywood material has the potential to be used in forms other than sheets on various objects other than its use in sheet form.
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