Open Access Article
1 - Analysis of Kuroshio Current Converter as Renewable and Environmentally Friendly Power Plant
امیر قائدی -
Open Access Article
2 - The impact of CEO Characteristics and Audit Market Competition on Disclosure Quality and Financial Comparability
Samaneh Edalati Shakib -
Open Access Article
3 - Optimal Design of Circular Concrete Water Tanks by MCMC Subset Simulation Method
Mohammad Aghaee Yasin Aghaee-Shalmani -
Open Access Article
4 - Reliability Analysis of Transformer Considering Current Variation
Open Access Article
5 - designing the Model of Future Organizations High Reliability (Case Study Banking Industry)
loghman rahmanpour gholamreza memarzadeh tehran mehdi alvani naser hamidi -
Open Access Article
6 - Using the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Reporting for Evaluating Earning Quality
هاشم Nikoomaram A. Modaress M. R. Shoorvarzy -
Open Access Article
7 - Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping
Housein Vazifehdust Donya eskandarnia -
Open Access Article
8 - Earning persistence in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies with Underscoring on Accrual Reliability
Z. Pourzamani A. Jahanshad M. kashani -
Open Access Article
9 - Reliability Modeling applying Fuzzy Logic
M.B .AryaNejad عباس Toloei -
Open Access Article
10 - Reliability and Availability Improvement in Economic Data Grid Environment Based On Clustering Approach
Ali Abbasi Amir Masoud Rahmani Esmaeil Zeinali Khasraghi -
Open Access Article
11 - Using two Reliability Estimators in a Stress-Strength System
Kazem Fayyaz Heidari Einolah Deiri Ezzatallah baloui Jamkhaneh -
Open Access Article
12 - Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach
M. S. Kordafshari A. Movaghar M.R. meybodi -
Open Access Article
13 - The New G*Q-Logarithmic Family: Properties, Estimation Approaches and Applications
Arezoo Amirzadi Ezzatallah Baloui Jamkhaneh Einolah Deiri -
Open Access Article
14 - A DEA approach for investigating the effect of computerized maintenance management system on staff productivity: A case Study
M. Soltani A. Hadi-Vencheh -
Open Access Article
15 - A New multi attribute Decision making Reliability Centered Maintenance in Power Transmission Systems
M. Asghari Gharakheili M. Fotuhi-Firuzabad -
Open Access Article
16 - A New Continuous Multi-State Reliability Model with Time Dependent Component Performance Rate
M.r. Shahriari M. Sharifi S. Naser Khaki -
Open Access Article
17 - The Impact of Teachers' Training on the Reliability of Tests and Assessments in Governmental and Non-governmental Sections
Heydar Nosratzadeh -
Open Access Article
18 - Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Government and Private Bank Employees in Sri Lanka (Case Study: Ampara Region)
A. Jahufer -
Open Access Article
19 - Surveying Factors Influencing Customers Loyalty in Private Banks Based on Fast Response Organization`s Model
A. Zamani Moghaddam K. Lahiji -
Open Access Article
20 - Evaluating the Service Quality of Police + 10 Offices Using SERVQUAL
Sh. Nayebzadeh M. M. Fatahi Zarch -
Open Access Article
21 - Electronic Contracts in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law in Iran
Kamran Khani Naser Marivani -
Open Access Article
22 - Constructing and Validating the Cultural Accounting Measurement Scale to Present a Local Model
Elham Mansourinia Khosro Faghani Makerani Ghorbanali Aghaahmady -
Open Access Article
23 - Constructing and Validating the Cultural Accounting Measurement Scale to Present a Local Model
Elham Mansourinia Khosro Faghani Makerani Ghorbanali Aghaahmady -
Open Access Article
24 - Review of environmental factors on the adoption of new technology in the secondary school teachers in the education area, eight Tehran
کریم حمدی معصومه غفوری -
Open Access Article
25 - Quality of Management Performance, Information Confidence and market Confidence
mohammad hashemikhah asgar pakmaram nader rezaei ahmad mohammadi -
Open Access Article
26 - Using a Hybrid NSGA-II to Solve the Redundancy Allocation Mmodel of Series-Parallel Systems
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
27 - Solving a Joint Availability-Redundancy Optimization Model with Multistate Components and Metaheuristic Approach
A. H. Borhani Alamdari‎‎‎ M. Sharifi -
Open Access Article
28 - The Effects of Technical and Organizational Activities on Redundancy Allocation Problem with Choice of Selecting Redundancy Strategies Using the memetic algorithm
M. Sharifi MR. Shahriari A. Zaretalab -
Open Access Article
29 - Fuzzy clustering ensemble by optimization approach based on clustering reliability
Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli Ali Bagherinia Mehdi Hossinzadeh Hamid Parvin -
Open Access Article
30 - New Arithmetic Operations on Developed Parabolic Fuzzy Numbers and Its Application
F. Abbasi -
Open Access Article
31 - مساله مکان یابی هاب تک تخصیصی ظرفیت دار دو هدفه با فرض ایمنی مسیرها
فروغ معین مقدس فرزانه فولادی -
Open Access Article
32 - Redundancy Allocation Optimization Based on the Fuzzy Universal Generating Function approach in the Series-Parallel Systems
Mohammadreza Shahriari -
Open Access Article
33 - Characterization of some distributions by inequalities on failure rate
M. Rajaei Salmasi -
Open Access Article
34 - Set a bi-objective redundancy allocation model to optimize the reliability and cost of the Series-parallel systems using NSGA II problem
M. R. Shahriari‎ -
Open Access Article
35 - Economic Dispatch Problem for Minimizing Cost and Improving Reliability Consifering Uncertainty
saeed naseri Mojtaba Najafi mostafa esmaeilbeig -
Open Access Article
36 - Improving Storage in Distributed Cloud Data Centers by Increasing Reliability Using Collective Intelligence Algorithms
Alireza Chamkoori Serajdean Katebi -
Open Access Article
37 - Participation of units taking into account the possible rotational storage and intermittent load
Amirhossein Babaali Mohammadali Ameli -
Open Access Article
38 - Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Mechanical Structures using an Analytical Approach
Mohammad Reza Moarefzadeh -
Open Access Article
39 - Validation of Managers’ Promotional Assessment Center in Isfahan Gas Company
Mahdiehsadat Khoshouei Hamidreza Oreyzi Afshin Jahanbazi -
Open Access Article
40 - The Psychometric Properties of Generalized Pathological Unternet Use Scale(GPIUS) in Internet Users Students of Isfahan Universities
سید سلمان علوی فرشته جنتی فرد محمدرضا مرآثی حسین رضاپور -
Open Access Article
41 - The Reliability, Validity and Factor Structure of the Revised Islamic Scale of Envy (ISE-R)
Abbas Ali Haratiyan Mohammad Reza Ahmadi ابوالقاسم ولی زاده -
Open Access Article
42 - Validation of Marriage Satisfaction Inventory
مهدی تبریزی -
Open Access Article
43 - Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of The Gender Role Conflict Scale (GRCS)
Mehdi Chamikarpour Abbas Pourshahbaz Behrouz Dolatshahee Nahaleh Moshtagh -
Open Access Article
44 - Investigation of Relationship between Disordered Eatings and Body Checking Behaviors in the Students of Islamic Azad University of Arsanjan
بهناز سروره عظیمزاده اصغر رضویه محمدرضا محرری -
Open Access Article
45 - The Reliability and Validity of Raven's Progressive Matrics Test Among the Studentsof Azad Khorasgan University
جهانبخش رحمانی -
Open Access Article
46 - Factor structure, Validity and Reliability of the Maternal Emotional Styles Questionnaire (MESQ)
Hamideh Soleimani Layya Bashash -
Open Access Article
47 - Investigating the Reliability and Validation of Luchiano and His Collegues` Thought Control Ability Questionnaire
hajar barati hamidreza oreyzi -
Open Access Article
48 - A Study of Reliability and Validity of Depression-Happiness Scale (DHS)
علیاصغر بیانی -
Open Access Article
49 - The Study of the Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Auckland Individualism-Collectivism Scale
abbas shakiba fateme bahrami zabihollah kave farsani -
Open Access Article
50 - Standardization and Study of the Psychometric Properties of Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire
Mahsa Movahed Abtahi Shole Amiri Golita Emsaki -
Open Access Article
51 - Psychometric properties of active procrastination scale among students at Kharazmi University in Karaj
sana panahipour mehdi arabzadeh Fereshte Cheraghi -
Open Access Article
52 - Validation and standardization of Four Factor Parenting Questionnaire in mothers of elementairy school students
mojtaba rahimi hossein molavi Mojtaba Ansarishahidi akram dehghani -
Open Access Article
53 - Developing, Validation, Reliability and Normalization of Expectancy- Value- Benefit- Cost Scale among Bu-Ali Sina University Students
khosro Rashid Arezou Delfan Beiranvand -
Open Access Article
54 - Reliability and Validation of the Short Version of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-56) in University Student
Farzaneh Ranjbar Noushari Abbas Abolghasemi Majid Baradaran Samereh Asadi Majreh mehri mowlaie -
Open Access Article
55 - (Dis)empowerment Role of Assessment in English Section of Iranian University Entrance Exam: EFL University Students Perspective in Focus
Mahbubeh Mahmudi-Nasrabadi Omid Tabatabaei Hadi Salehi Mahmud Mehrabi -
Open Access Article
56 - Psychometrics Revisited: Recapitulation of the Major Trends in TESOL
Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan -
Open Access Article
57 - The Validity and Reliability of Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire among High School Students
reza jafariharandi Susan Bahrami -
Open Access Article
58 - Clustering Methods Survey in VANET on Roads and Mountain Trails with High Reliability
Mohammad Ali Pourmina Babak Mosharmovahed Sam Jabbehdari -
Open Access Article
59 - A Comparative Overview of Electronic Devices Reliability Prediction Methods-Applications and Trends
Frederick Ehiagwina Titus Adewunmi Emmanuel Seluwa Olufemi Kehinde Nafiu Abubakar -
Open Access Article
60 - Revised EECBSR for Energy Efficient and Reliable Routing in WBAN
Aarti Sangwan Partha Bhattacharya -
Open Access Article
61 - Optimal allocation of electric vehicle charging parking lots in the distribution system with reliability evaluation
Mohammadreza Fadavi Amiri Yaser Barari -
Open Access Article
62 - A Review on the Technical Challenges of Connecting Wind Energy Conversion Systems to the Grid
Majid Tavoosi Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani Mohammad Hassan Amirioun Mohsen Parsa Moghaddam -
Open Access Article
63 - Reliability Investigation with the New Architecture of the Backup Node Markov Model with a Better Repair and Replacement Rate and More Monitoring in Avoiding the Failure of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Ahmadreza Zamani Mohammad Ali Pourmina Ramin Shaghaghi Kandovan -
Open Access Article
64 - Emergence of Spirituality and Mysticism in Shurideh Shirazi's Poetry
Shirin Baghai -
Open Access Article
65 - Fairness of an EFL test: the Case of the English Section of Konkour in Iran
Sanaz Behboudi Nazhame Massoud Siyyari Gholamreza Abbasian -
Open Access Article
66 - Modelling of Random Geometrical Imperfections and Reliability Calculations for Thin Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Lateral Pressure
N Rathinam B Prabu -
Open Access Article
67 - Stochastic Multiplicative DEA for Estimating Most Productive Scale Size
Hossein Dibachi -
Open Access Article
68 - The Effects of the CEO’s Perceptual Bias in Economic Decision-Making and Judgment on the Capabilities of the Financial Reporting Quality
Mohsen Heydari Mohammadreza Abdoli -
Open Access Article
69 - Development of closed-loop supply chain mathematical model (cost-benefit-environmental effects) under uncertainty conditions by approach of genetic algorithm
Sadegh Feizollahi Heresh Soltanpanah Ayub Rahimzadeh -
Open Access Article
70 - Replacing IFRS instead of Iranian accounting standard
Seyyed Mohammad Ali Mirmasoumi Roya Darabi -
Open Access Article
71 - Investigation of Effects of Corporate Reporting Quality, Timeliness and Quantity for Disclosure and Reliability of Financial Reports on Stock Price Delay
Ahmad Hoseini -
Open Access Article
72 - Comparison of bauxite resources – geo-economical considerations
G. Komlóssy W. B. Morrison -
Open Access Article
73 - Construction and Validation of Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Anomie Scale in Order to Provide a Native Model in Government Hospitals
soodeh rafierad hasan ali aghajani Ghorbanali Agha ahmadi maryam rahmaty -
Open Access Article
74 - Implementation of two Assessment Models Based on Failure Rate and NDEA in Production Supply Chains with the Approach of Choosing the Right Supplier
mehdi latifiee Morteza Shafiee -
Open Access Article
75 - Designing and implementation of a fuzzy-dynamic model to evaluate system’s risk and reliability
Majid VaziriSarashk Sohrab KhanMohammadi Mahmood Alborzi Seyed Mohammad Seyed Hoseini -
Open Access Article
76 - The Improvement of System Reliability Optimization Model and Finding an Optimal Solution
Seyed-Jafar Sadjadi Saeed Jafari -
Open Access Article
77 - The Improvement of System Reliability Optimization Model and Finding an Optimal Solution
Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Saeed Jafari -
Open Access Article
78 - The Validity، Reliability and Factor Structure of the Short Version of Attitude toward Women Scale
Negar Sadeghi Negar Sadeghi Alireza Moradi Shahram Mohammadkhani -
Open Access Article
79 - برآورد و بررسی آبدهی مطمئن مخزن سد اکباتان بر اساس سطح اعتمادپذیری نیازهای شرب و کشاورزی شهر همدان
کوشا خاتونی رضا فرزاد -
Open Access Article
80 - Joint Maintenance and Spare Parts Inventory Planning (Case Study : Pre – Paint Shuttle Robot of an Automotive Company)
seyd mohamad reza aboalaghaey Davood Mohammaditabar Sadigh Raissi -
Open Access Article
81 - Presenting a New Approach to Improve Effectiveness and Select the Most Critical Equipment Using Data Mining, Fuzzy DEMATEL, FMEA and FTA Approaches
Mohammad Ehsanifar Nima Hamta Parisa Bolhasani -
Open Access Article
82 - Development and Evaluation of Divorce Fields Questionnaire according to Iranian Social and Cultural Conditions
Parastoo Taghavi Dinani Fariborz Bagheri Javad Khalatbarii -
Open Access Article
83 - Designing a model to increase the reliability of vibration damping systems in line with entrepreneurship using the method of fuzzy control systems.
mohammadreza eskafi Mohammad Ali Afshar kazimi kuros nekufar -
Open Access Article
84 - Standardization of Averill's Emotional Creativity
Mehrdad Sabet -
Open Access Article
85 - Validating and Factor Structure of Basadr Creative Problem Solving Test
Hossein Zare Hamid Reaz Imanifar Imanifar Ali Mostafaee Majid Baradarn -
Open Access Article
86 - Environmental hazards of construction debris caused by earthquakes on the outskirts of Tehran
Aliasghar Amir Kardoust -
Open Access Article
87 - Validation of the Scientific Motivation Questionnaire in Graduate Students of Ilam Medical Sciences
Parastoo Hosseinabadi Parviz Asgari سعید بختیارپور -
Open Access Article
88 - Determination of Optimal Capacity and Location of Distributed Generations in Radial Distribution Systems using Krill Herd Algorithm
Aref Karimi Hossein shayeghi -
Open Access Article
89 - Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units to Maintain CompleteObservability Considering Maximum Reliability by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II)
bahman taheri Farzad Ghasemzade Payam Farhadi -
Open Access Article
90 - Improving the reliability of the distribution network with the approach of load response resources in the presence of distributed generation resources
Mohammad Rahimzadeh Hosein Nasir Aghdam -
Open Access Article
91 - An analytical model for estimating the reliability of critical software systems by considering the self-healing property of bottleneck components
Ali Tarinejad Habib Izadkhah Mohammad Reza MollaHosieni Kamal Mirzaie -
Open Access Article
92 - Raising Power Quality and Improving Reliability by Distribution Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
Mohamad Taghi Babajani BaghmisheZad Hosein NasirAghdam -
Open Access Article
93 - Psychometric indicators of the “students’ perceptions of classroom activities questionnaire”
mohammad mohammadipour -
Open Access Article
94 - Study the effect of moral culture on the amount of reliability of internal auditors.
mohammad shorvarzi ali taghavi moghaddam hosein parsian Amir Shams Koloukhi -
Open Access Article
95 - Investigating psychometric characteristics of school attachment questionnaire
ali pezhohandeh valiallah farzad parvin kadivar -
Open Access Article
96 - The investigation of validity and reliability of the School Attachment Questionnaire (SAQ)
علی Pajhohandeh ولی االله Farzad پروین Kadivar -
Open Access Article
97 - Psychometric indicators of the “students’ perceptions of classroom activities questionnaire”
mohamad mohamadipor -
Open Access Article
98 - The relationship between Interaction Types and Language Learning Styles
Zeinab Nazari Bahram Bagheri -
Open Access Article
99 - Reliability Measurement’s in Depression Detection Using a Data Mining Approach Based on Fuzzy-Genetics
Mohammad Nadjafi Sepideh Jenabi Adel Najafi Ghasem Kahe -
Open Access Article
100 - Improving the Performance of RPL Routing Protocol for Internet of Things
Zahra Aslani Hadi Sargolzaey -
Open Access Article
101 - Evaluation of Support Systems and Maintenance of Machinery for Road Construction and Construction Projects
Mohammad Safipoor Mohsen Mohammadizadeh -
Open Access Article
102 - Monte Carlo Simulation to Compare Markovian and Neural Network Models for Reliability Assessment in Multiple AGV Manufacturing System
Hamed Fazlollahtabar Mohamma Saidi-Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
103 - Using NSGA II Algorithm for a Three Objectives Redundancy Allocation Problem with k-out-of-n Sub-Systems
mani sharifi Pedram Pourkarim Guilani mohammadreza shahriari -
Open Access Article
104 - Developing a New Decision Support System to Manage Human Reliability based on HEART Method
Rasoul Jamshidi -
Open Access Article
105 - A New Bi-objective Mathematical Model to Optimize Reliability and Cost of Aggregate Production Planning System in a Paper and Wood Company
Mohammad Ramyar Esmaeil Mehdizadeh Seyyed Mohammad Hadji Molana -
Open Access Article
106 - A Benders-Decomposition and Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for a Bi- Objective Stochastic Reliable Capacitated Facility Location Problem Not Dealing with Benders Feasibility-Cut Stage
AmirHossien ZahediAnaraki Gholamreza Esmaeilian -
Open Access Article
107 - Modelling and optimization of a tri-objective Transportation-Location-Routing Problem considering route reliability: using MOGWO, MOPSO, MOWCA and NSGA-II
Fariba Maadanpour Safari Farhad Etebari Adel Pourghader Chobar -
Open Access Article
108 - Availability analysis of a cooking oil production line
Afshin Yaghoubi Saeed Rahimi Roya Soltani Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki -
Open Access Article
109 - Design of Accelerated Life Testing Plans for Products Exposed to Random Usage
Kamyar Sabri-Laghaie Rassoul Noorossana -
Open Access Article
110 - Reliability Analysis of a Mounted Moldboard Plow Bottom Standard using the FORM Method
Seyed Mohammad Reza Nazemosadat Mojtaba Naderi-Boldaji Davoud Ghanbarian Mohammad Amin Nematollahi -
Open Access Article
111 - Stochastic analysis of k-out-of-n: G Type of Repairable system in Combination of Subsystems with Controllers and Multi Repair Approach
Vijay Singh P.K Poonia -
Open Access Article
112 - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis using Robust Data Envelopment Analysis (Case Study: Automobile Oil Filter)
Nasser Safaie Seyed Amir Nasri -
Open Access Article
113 - A Benders� Decomposition Approach for Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System in the Presence of Unreliable Machines
Masoud Bagheri Saeed Sadeghi Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad -
Open Access Article
114 - Reliability Modelling of the Redundancy Allocation Problem in the Series-parallel Systems and Determining the System Optimal Parameters
Mani Sharifi Mohsen Yaghoubizadeh -
Open Access Article
115 - Structural Drift Corresponding to the Critical Excitations
Mohammad Hosein Soltani Seyed Hooman Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
116 - The Assessment of the Relationship Between Resiliency and Hardiness with Imposter Syndrome.
Shohre Ghorban Shiroudi -
Open Access Article
117 - Construction and examined the reliability and validity of diagnostic spelling test for students in the fourth grade of elementary school
Behrouz Karimi -
Open Access Article
118 - Psychometric properties of the Ryff,s scales psychological well-being among of firefighting employees
Hamid Ali Houmani Shirin Koshki Arezo Saemian -
Open Access Article
119 - The Survey Psychometric Properties of Quality of Marriage Questionnaire
Hayedeh Sabery Khadijeh Abolmaali -
Open Access Article
120 - Analysis of psychometric properties of the Persian version of the scale of parents' educational expectations and aspirations
Hamideh Abaszadeh Malahat Amani Tyibe Rahimi -
Open Access Article
121 - Construction and Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Moral Characteristics Scale in Girls
Ali Khademi -
Open Access Article
122 - Validity and Reliability of Quality of life test among Ahwaz Older Adults in 2016
Abdolrahim Asadollahi Ali Ismaeli Laleh Fani-Saberi -
Open Access Article
123 - Designing an Intercultural Development Inventory to Assess EFL Learners’ Intercultural Competence: A Mokken Scale Analysis
Mahboubeh Akbari Mona Tabatabae Yazdi -
Open Access Article
124 - بررسی تماس بین فرهنگی بین دانشجویان زبان خارجی ایرانی: اعتبارسنجی پرسشنامه
بهروز سربخشیان مهناز سعیدی توران آهور -
Open Access Article
125 - بررسی تاثیر میزان درک وتجربه مصححان برسنجش مهارت نگارش در زبان دوم
هومن بیژنی -
Open Access Article
126 - بررسی پایایی و ساختار عاملی مقیاس فارسی ظرفیت خودتنظیمی در یادگیری لغت در محیط انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجه در ایران
مریم طالب دعایی سید امیر حسین سرکشیکیان سید عبدالمجید طباطبائی -
Open Access Article
127 - Designing and Validating a Questionnaire of Competency Model of Educational Administrators of Executive Organizations of East Azerbaijan Province
alireza rajebi sadegh maleki avarsin Zarrin Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
128 - Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Social-Emotional Competence Questionnaire and its Relationship with Academic Buoyancy in Iranian Middle School Students
kamyar azemi Manijeh Shehni Yailagh Mehrdad Khoshnamvand -
Open Access Article
129 - Designing and Developing a Questionnaire of Academic Stability among Elementary School Students
Shahla Babaei Gholamreza Golmohammad Nazhad Bahrami Behboud Yarigholi Parvin Bahari -
Open Access Article
130 - The Factor Analysis, validity, Reliability and Standardization of Teacher Violence Scale (TVS) among High School and Pre University Students
Tahereh Pazhoohi Mohammad Ali Nadi -
Open Access Article
131 - Psychometric Characteristics of Work Domain Goal Orientation Questionnaire Farsi Version in Iranian Teachers
Yasser Rezapour -
Open Access Article
132 - The Preliminary Psychometric Properties of Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF)
Ali Asghar Bayani -
Open Access Article
133 - Factor Structure, Validity and Reliability of School Organizational Health Questionnaire (SOHQ) in a Sample of Iranian Teachers
Yasser Rezapour -
Open Access Article
134 - Psychometric Characteristics of Academic Locus of Control Scale (ALCS) in High School Students
Hamid Reza Aryanpour Yaser Rezapour Mirsaleh -
Open Access Article
135 - Standardization of Perceived Social Support Questionnaire for High School Students
H. A. Hooman S. Livarjani -
Open Access Article
136 - Construction, Reliability and Validation of Life Philosophy Questionnaire
Gholamreza Golmohammadnazhad Bahrami Behbood Yarigoli -
Open Access Article
137 - Examining the psychometric features of Academic Flow Questionnaire in Students
Farrokhroo Jalili Mozhgan Arefi Amir Ghomrani Golamreza Maneshi -
Open Access Article
138 - New Strategic View on Brand: The Effect of Congruity, Reliability and Attachment on Customer Loyalty
mojtaba khansabbakh shahnaz nayebzadeh reihane sadat bakhshayesh -
Open Access Article
139 - Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability of a Communicative Scale for Translation Quality Assessment
Sepeedeh Hanifehzadeh Farzaneh Farahzad -
Open Access Article
140 - Validity and Reliability Reports in Applied Linguistics Research Articles: The case of tests and questionnaire
khalil Tazik -
Open Access Article
141 - The Compatibility of Parametric Software Reliability Growth Models in PRGA
Reza Roshani Homayun Motameni Hosein Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
142 - Smart Power Distribution Network Reconfiguration based on the Graph Theory and Particle Swarm Optimization
Hassan Chahi Javad Mashayekhifard Ghasem Faezian -
Open Access Article
143 - Developing and Examining Psychometric Properties of the Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire in High-school Students
Ehsan Daliri Zahra Zeinaddiny Meymand Amanollah Soltani Najmeh Hajipour Abaei -
Open Access Article
144 - Standardizing and Estimation of Teacher Empowerment Assessment Tool
Habibeh Najafi -
Open Access Article
145 - Techno-Economic and Environmental Base Approach for Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids Using Crow Search Algorithm
Sajad Gorji Saeed Zamanian Majid Moazzami -
Open Access Article
146 - Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generations and capacitors for reliability improvement and power loss minimization in distribution networks
Majid Salari Fariborz Haghighatdar Fesharaki -
Open Access Article
147 - A New Estimation Method of Parallel Power Transformers Expected Failure Cost
Hadi Shams solari Behroz Majidi Majid Moazzami -
Open Access Article
148 - High-Reliability Electric Power Generation System for Aircraft Based on Generators Smart Droop Control Method
Amir Khaledian -
Open Access Article
149 - Optimal Maintenance Algorithm for Distribution Network in Presence of Incentive Regulation
Iman Khonakdar Tarsi Mahmud Fotuhi Firuzabad Hosein Mohammadnezhad-Shourkaei Mehdi Ehsan -
Open Access Article
150 - A Robust and Smart Approach to Message Broadcasts in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks for Emergency
Mohammad Sadegh Azhdari Ali Barati Hamid Barati -
Open Access Article
151 - Operation of Micro-Grid for Provide Clean Energy Constrained to System Optimal Reliability
Hosein Hasan Shahi Mehdi Nafar Mohsen Simab -
Open Access Article
152 - Economical Evaluation of N–1 Safe Criterion and Load Shedding Index in Transmission System Expansion Planning
Mohammadhadi Karimi Mehdi Ehsan Faramarz Faghihi -
Open Access Article
153 - Reliable Relay Node Selection to Real-Time Messaging in Vehicular Networks
Yaser Taj Bahador BakhshiSareskanrood Hessam ZandHessami -
Open Access Article
154 - Placement of Phasor Measurement Units in Power Networks and Optimal Distribution of Measurement Redudancy
Ali Ansari Fariborz Haghighatdar Fesharaki -
Open Access Article
155 - Presenting a Novel Hybrid Approach for Multi-Objective Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration Considering the Importance of Reliability
Benyamin Katanchi Ali Asghar Shojaei Mahdi Yaghoobi -
Open Access Article
156 - Assessment and Improving Methods of Reliability Indices in Bakhtar Regional Electricity Company
Saeed Shahrezaei Ali Asghar Ghadimi Majid Gandomkar Majid Moazzami Sanaz Shaheidari Ali Reza Afshari Moghadam -
Open Access Article
157 - Reliability Evaluation of Power System SVC Types Using a Markov Chain
Ali Behdan Bahador Fani Ehsan Adib -
Open Access Article
158 - Coordination Between Wind Power, Hydro Storage Facility and Conventional Generating Units According to the Annual Growth Load
Shahrokh Shojaeean Hadi Akrami -
Open Access Article
159 - A Historical Analysis of Views on the Role of Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf Thaqafī in Establishing the Final Text of the Holy Qurʾan
Hadi Gholamrezaii Kavous Roohibarandagh -
Open Access Article
160 - Sensitivity based Reliability Analysis of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Structures under the Impact of the Heavy Vehicle Collision
Abbasali Sadeghi Hamid kazemi Maysam Samadi -
Open Access Article
161 - Evaluation and reliability performance determination of double- curved concrete dam (Karun 4)
peyman shademan mehdi amri -
Open Access Article
162 - Scale Validation of Persian Basic Psychological Needs Scale in E-learning Setting
Akram Kharazmi Hossein Kareshki Mahdi Moshki -
Open Access Article
163 - Testing the Validity of Internet Attitudes Questionnaire in Selected Sample of University Students
Mohammad Ali Zaki -
Open Access Article
164 - Testing and Validating of the Computer Anxiety Scale (CAS) among Male and Female Trainees of Computer Institutes in Esfahan
Mohammad Ali Zaki -
Open Access Article
165 - Designing a Model to Determine the Reliability and Ranking of Suppliers of Electronic Components Based on the Failure Rate
Mehdi Latifi Morteza Shafiee -
Open Access Article
166 - Software Rejuvenation Technique-An Improvement in Applications
Zahra Rahmani Ghobadi -
Open Access Article
167 - Reliability Evaluation in Tree-structured Grid Services with Colored Petri Net
Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani Mahdie Khanramaki -
Open Access Article
168 - Evaluation of reliability of object-oriented systems based on Cohesion and Coupling Fuzzy computing
Samira Kalantari Masoomeh Alizadeh Homayoun Motameni -
Open Access Article
169 - Multi-objective Placement of Capacitor Banks in Distribution System using Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm
Abbas Baghipour Saeed Fallahian -
Open Access Article
170 - Codifying and reliability measuring of Ecotourism Entrepreneurship Development indexes in Rural Region
حمدالله سجاسی قیداری عبدالرضا رکن الدین افتخاری مهدی پورطاهری -
Open Access Article
171 - Reliability Analysis of Distributed System for Enhancing Data Replication using Gumbel-Hougaard Family Copula Approach Joint Probability Distribution
Ibrahim Yusuf Abdulkareem Ismail Nasir Sufi Faruku Ambursa Abdullahi Sanusi Muhammad Isa -
Open Access Article
172 - Reliability and Cost Analysis of Sachet Water Plant Using Copula Approach
Abdulkareem Ismail -
Open Access Article
173 - A dynamic approach for maintenance evaluation and optimization of multistate system
Zakaria Dahia Ahmed Bellaouar Jean-Paul Dron -
Open Access Article
174 - Copula Approach for Reliability and Performance Estimation of Manufacturing System
Ibrahim Yusuf Abdullahi Sanusi -
Open Access Article
175 - Performance assessment of a complex repairable system with k-out-of-n: G operational scheme and copula repair approach
Dhruv Raghav Suresh Sahani Vijay Singh Shakeeludeen Chaudhary -
Open Access Article
176 - Assessing the reliability of dynamic systems for safety units recovering flare gas, considering covariates
Abolghasem Nobakhti Sadigh Raissi Kaveh Khalili Damghani Roya Soltani -
Open Access Article
177 - Performance Assessment of a Serial System with Human Operators Attended by Repair Machines
Ibrahim Yusuf Hamisu Ayagi Wan Zhong Abdulkareem Ismail -
Open Access Article
178 - An availability-based design optimization by using a fuzzy goal programming approach
zahra sobhani mahmoud Shahrokhi Alain bernard -
Open Access Article
179 - Measures of Repairable Series-Parallel Computer Network with Fault Tolerant Device via Copula
Muhammad Salihu Isa Jinbiao Wu Ibrahim Yusuf -
Open Access Article
180 - Optimization of single outsourcer–single subcontractor outsourcing relationship under reliability and maintenance constraints
Mohammed Haoues Mohammed Dahane Nadia Kinza Mouss -
Open Access Article
181 - Reliability optimization problems with multiple constraints under fuzziness
Neha Gupta Sanam Haseen Abdul Bari -
Open Access Article
182 - Fuzzy Reliability Optimization Models for Redundant Systems
ل Nematian -
Open Access Article
183 - A reliability-based maintenance technicians’ workloads optimisation model with stochastic consideration
D. E. Ighravwe S. A. Oke K. A. Adebiyi -
Open Access Article
184 - Optimizing the preventive maintenance scheduling by genetic algorithm based on cost and reliability in National Iranian Drilling Company
Habibollah Javanmard Abd al-Wahhab Koraeizadeh -
Open Access Article
185 - Qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyse reliability of a mechatronic system: a case
Rajiv Kumar Sharma Pooja Sharma -
Open Access Article
186 - Developing a cellular manufacturing model considering the alternative routes, tool assignment, and machine reliability
Sayyed Mahdi Sadat Khorasgani Mahdi Ghaffari -
Open Access Article
187 - Markov modeling and reliability analysis of urea synthesis system of a fertilizer plant
Anil Kr. Aggarwal Sanjeev Kumar Vikram Singh Tarun Kr. Garg -
Open Access Article
188 - A maintenance system model for optimal reconfigurable vibrating screen management
O. A. Makinde K. Mpofu B. I. Ramatsetse M. K. Adeyeri S. P. Ayodeji -
Open Access Article
189 - Developing an economical model for reliability allocation of an electro-optical system by considering reliability improvement difficulty, criticality, and subsystems dependency
Maryam Mohamadi Mahdi Karbasian -
Open Access Article
190 - Reliability analysis of repairable systems using system dynamics modeling and simulation
M. Srinivasa Rao V. N. A. Naikan -
Open Access Article
191 - The investigation of supply chain's reliability measure: a case study
Houshang Taghizadeh Ehsan Hafezi -
Open Access Article
192 - Systematic integrated approach to quantifying preventive diagnostics in a “smart” transport system
Natallia Yankevich -
Open Access Article
193 - Mathematical modeling and fuzzy availability analysis for serial processes in the crystallization system of a sugar plant
Anil Kr. Aggarwal Sanjeev Kumar Vikram Singh -
Open Access Article
194 - Reliability assessment of power distribution systems using disjoint path-set algorithm
Abdrabbi Bourezg H. Meglouli -
Open Access Article
195 - Reliability analysis of a robotic system using hybridized technique
Naveen Kumar Komal Komal J. S. Lather -
Open Access Article
196 - Redundancy allocation problem for k-out-of-n systems with a choice of redundancy strategies
Mahsa Aghaei Ali Zeinal Hamadani Mostafa Abouei Ardakan -
Open Access Article
197 - A stochastic model for the cell formation problem considering machine reliability
Bahman Esmailnezhad Parviz Fattahi Amir Saman Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
198 - An interactive weighted fuzzy goal programming technique to solve multi-objective reliability optimization problem
Tanmay Kundu Sahidul Islam -
Open Access Article
199 - A fuzzy reliability model for series-parallel systems
S Sardar Donighi S Khanmohammadi -
Open Access Article
200 - A fuzzy approach to the evaluation of human factors in ultrasonic nondestructive examinations
J Domech Moré A.S Guimarães G Bonorino Xexéo R Tanscheit -
Open Access Article
201 - Reliability Index For Reinforced Concrete Frames Using Nonlinear Pushover And Dynamic Analysis
Ahmad A. Fallah Abdoreza S. Moghadam Saeed Mohammadzadeh -
Open Access Article
202 - What kind of test is suitable for measurement of Students’ Information Literacy skills at Payame-Noor University?
Fereidoon Yazdani -
Open Access Article
203 - The Effect of Conservatism on Accounting Information Quality of Corporations Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Fezeh Valizadeh Oghni Younes Badavar Nahandi Rasool Baradaran Hasanzadeh -
Open Access Article
204 - The Impact of the Auditor’s Tenure on the Quality of Information Disclosure in the Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Yadollah Noorifard FatemehZahra Sharbati -
Open Access Article
205 - Replacement of International Accounting Standards with Iranian Accounting Standards: The Auditor’s Opinion to Stop Providing False Financial Statements
Roya Darabi Seyyed Mohammad Ali Mirmasoum -
Open Access Article
206 - نقش استراتژیهای اجتماعی عاطفی مدرسین زبان انگلیسی در تمایل به ارتباط زبان آموزان: دیدگاه زبان آموزان
Nahid Zarei مهناز سعیدی سعبده آهنگری -
Open Access Article
207 - Psychometric properties of persian version of Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
mahnaz shahgholian -
Open Access Article
208 - Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Interpersonal Mindfulness Scale
Mohsen mohammadpour somayeh pourshams marzieh kolivand Bahareh Moradhasel samira moradi -
Open Access Article
209 - The Mediation Roles of Self-System Processes and Academic Emotions in Relationship between Autonomy Supportive Environment and Academic Engagement
Farideh Yousefi Maryam Bordbar -
Open Access Article
210 - The Psychometric Properties of Cattell Fluid Intelligence Scale in Gifted Students
Marzieh Rahmani Haidar Ali Hooman Emad Ahmadi Sartakhti -
Open Access Article
211 - Developing a scale for measuring ego identity
Mohammad Taghi Delkhamoush -
Open Access Article
212 - Psychometric Properties of Persian Version of the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment Scale
Mandana Sepanta Mahboobe Hashemi Juzdani -
Open Access Article
213 - Psychometric Properties of the Academic Entitlement Scale
Mina Mahbod Mahboubeh Fouladchang -
Open Access Article
214 - Psychometric properties of UPPS impulsive scale in high school students
Haidar Ali Hooman Shirin Kooshki Mahsa Amirbagloie Daryani -
Open Access Article
215 - Validating the scale measuring attitude toward smoking among students
Gholam Reza Rajabi Zahra Naderi -
Open Access Article
216 - psychometric properties of the behavior rating inventory of executive functioning-perschool version(teacher form)
Ali Mashhadi Jafar Hassani Zarrin Barerfan Parisa Njafi Gol Sharareh Daneshvar -
Open Access Article
217 - Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Washington University Sentences Completion Test (WUSCT)
Ashraf Sadat Mousavi Parviz Azad Fallah Mohsen Dehghani, Hojatolah Farahani -
Open Access Article
218 - psychometric testing of the multidimensional perfectionism cognitions inventory
Negin Motamed Yeganeh Omid Shokri -
Open Access Article
219 - Exp;oring the validity,reliability and factor structure pf adolescent coping strategies
Parirokh Dadsetan Marzie Hajizadegan Ahmad Alipour Ali Asgari -
Open Access Article
220 - Psychometric Properties of the Self-Esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents
Sohrab Amiri Amir Ghasemi Navab Yuosef Jamali -
Open Access Article
221 - Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Iranian Version of the Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Questionnaire in Adolescents
Ali ahmadian Khodamorad Momeni Jahangir Karami -
Open Access Article
222 - Psychometric Properties of the Self-Esteem Inventory for Children
Raana Ravan Parsa Mohtaram Nemat Tavousi -
Open Access Article
223 - Psychometric Properties of Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
Hamid Barani Mahboobeh Fooladchang Mohsen Arbezi Ziba Kabiri -
Open Access Article
224 - Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity of the Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Questionnaire: Children Form-The Persian Version
Tayebeh Shahmoradifar Hossein Karsazi Ali Fathi Ashtiani, -
Open Access Article
225 - Preliminary Properties of Separation Anxiety Assessment Scale (Parent Version)
Naeime Talaeinejad Saeed Ghanbari MohammadAli Mazaheri Ali Asgari -
Open Access Article
226 - Core Self-Evaluations Scale: The Formation of a Construct
Mohtaram Nemat Tavousi Mahboobeh MohammadAli Sharifi -
Open Access Article
227 - The reliability and validity of the satisfaction with life scale
Ali Asghar Bayani A. Mohammad Koocheky Hossnieh Goodarzi -
Open Access Article
228 - Validation a scale for measuring entrepreneurship of managers in governmental organizations
Nasrin Sohrabifard Ali Akbar Khosravi Heidar Ali Hooman -
Open Access Article
229 - Reliability and validity of the oxford happiness inventory among iranians
Ahmad Alipour Mojgan Agah Heris -
Open Access Article
230 - The Psychometric Properties of the Adolescents' Positive Development Inventory
Khadijeh Moradi Hassan Asadzadeh Abolfazl Karami Mahmod Najafi -
Open Access Article
231 - Assessing the psychometric properthes of the ouality of life scale for diabetics(developing over aged 20-60)
Saeedeh Bazazian Asadollah Rajab -
Open Access Article
232 - Psychometric properties of the positive and negative affect scales in an iranian sample
Ali Bakhshi Fatemeh Daemi Bita Ajilchi -
Open Access Article
233 - Construction and Standardization of a School Maladjustment Scale for High School Students
Mahsa Amirbagloie Daryani Hamzeh Ganji Hassan Pasha Sharifi -
Open Access Article
234 - Validation and reliability of the wechsler intelligence scale for children-IV
Ahmad Sadeghi Mohammad Rabiee Mohammad Reza Abedi -
Open Access Article
235 - Psychometric Properties of the Behavior Rating Inventory for Executive Functions (BRIEF-P) among Preschool Children
Aliakbar Ebrahimi Ahmad Abedi Ahmad Yarmohammadian Salar Faramarzi -
Open Access Article
236 - Psychometric Adequacy of Compassion for Others Scale (CS)
elham hadian mahboubeh foolad chang -
Open Access Article
237 - Presenting Comprehensive Algorithm for Long Term Scheduling of Preventive Maintenance in the Electric Transmission Networks
Niki Moslemi Mostafa Kazami Seyyed Mostafa Abedi Hadi Khatibzadeh Mohamad Jafarian Saeed Salimi -
Open Access Article
238 - Improving Reliability by Optimal Allocation of Protection Devices and Distributed Generation Units
حمیدرضا اکبری Amirhosein Bolurian Mahmoud Modaresi -
Open Access Article
239 - Resource Allocation in Volunteer Computing Networks Based on Node Reliability
Jafar Khakpour Mir Mohsen Pedram -
Open Access Article
240 - Adequacy Assessment of the Power Systems Containing Combined Heat and Power Plants
Amir Ghaedi Mehrdad Mahmoudian Reza Sedaghati -
Open Access Article
241 - Optimal Scheduling of a Renewable-based Micro Grid Considering Reliability Effect
Amir Ghaedi Reza Sedaghati Mehrdad Mahmoudian -
Open Access Article
242 - An analytical investigation of the concept and nature of the intellectual virtues with focus on Zagzebskys views
farkhunde disnad seyed jalal hashemi seyed mansur mareeshi masoud safaeimoghadam -
Open Access Article
243 - The Effect of Authorized Professional Judgment’s Application in Iran Accounting Standards on Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information
Hashem Nikomaram Mousa Bozorg Asl Mehdi Taghavi Ali Asghar Mahmoudzadeh -
Open Access Article
244 - Multi-objective Dynamic Planning of Substations and Primary Feeders Considering Uncertainties and Reliability
Masoumeh Karimi Mahmoud Reza Haghifam -
Open Access Article
245 - Multi-Objective Distribution Network Analysis Reconfiguration Considering Reliability of Power Supply based on Particle Swarm Optimization
Mostafa Karimi -
Open Access Article
246 - Fixed Capacitor Magnetically Controlled Reactor Reliability Modelling Considering Environmental Conditions
Morteza Haghshenas Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand -
Open Access Article
247 - Adequacy studies of different renewable resources using Monte Carlo simulation method
Amir Ghaedi Reza Sedaghati Mehrdad Mahmoudian -
Open Access Article
248 - Loss of Load Expectation Assessment in Deregulated Power Systems Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Intelligent Systems
H Haroonabadi M.-R Haghifam -
Open Access Article
249 - Investigating and Improving the Effect of Distributed Generation on Reliability in Wind Systems by ARMA Method
Omid Feizollahzade -
Open Access Article
250 - Determination of Composite System Adequacy Equivalents Using a Reduction Technique: a Case Study on a Regional Electric Company
Reza Keypour Hessam Golmohamadi M. S. Jahan Saeed Saeedi Asghar Akhundi -
Open Access Article
251 - TC-FLSFCL Provision for Improvement of Distribution System Reliability by TOPSIS based NSGA-II Method
Yashar Hashemi Khalil Valipour -
Open Access Article
252 - Investigate and Improve the Reliability of Small Size Wind Energy Conversion Systems Connected to the Network
Omid Feizollahzade -
Open Access Article
253 - Reliability Assessment of Power Generation Systems in Presence of Wind Farms Using Fuzzy Logic Method
Shohreh Monshizadeh Mahmoud Reza Haghifam Ali Akhavein -
Open Access Article
254 - Power System Reliability Analysis with Emergency Demand Response Program
Rahmat Aazami Nosratallah Mohammadbeigi Hadi Mirzaei Ali Mansouri Ehsan Mohamadian -
Open Access Article
255 - Power System Reliability Analysis with Emergency Demand Response Program
Rahmat Aazami Nosratallah Mohammadbeigi Hadi Mirzaei Ali Mansouri Ehsan Mohamadian -
Open Access Article
256 - Estimation of Multi-Component Reliability Parameter in a Non-identical-Component Strengths System Under Dependency of Stress and Strength Components
Akram Kohansal -
Open Access Article
Mustafa Kamal -
Open Access Article
258 - Herbal Research: Gaps Affecting the Quality and Validity of Research Findings
Arezou Rezaei Atefe Amirahmadi Vahid Poozesh -
Open Access Article
259 - ارائه الگوریتم جدیدی برای تعیین سهم قابل تبدیل نیروگاههای سنتی به نیروگاههای انرژی تجدید پذیر به روش مونت کارلو
هادی اکرمی شاهرخ شجاعیان مهری لطفی -
Open Access Article
260 - Designing and Determining the Validity and Reliability of a Typology of Teacher Support Strategy Tool in Sport Management
shapur anvari Mohammad Ataee Habebolah Taherpur Kalantary -
Open Access Article
261 - Designing and determining the validity and reliability of a typology of Teacher Support Strategy tool in Sport Management
leila hori Mahvash Nourbakhsh Sayad Nematolal Khalifeh Parivash Nourbakhsh -
Open Access Article
262 - Meta-Analysis of Articles in the Quarterly Journal of Intercultural Studies (Volumes 10-14)
ali akbar saberi hasan bashir -
Open Access Article
263 - Optimal Recloser Placement by Binary Differential Evolutionary Algorithm to Improve Reliability of Distribution System
Maryam Falah nezhadnaeini Mohammad Hajivand Reihaneh Karimi Mohammad Karimi -
Open Access Article
264 - Providing a Simple Method for the Calculation of the Source and Target Reliabili- ty in a Communication Network (SAT)
S. Babaee E. Kheirkhah -
Open Access Article
265 - A Copula-Driven Framework for Optimizing the Performance of a Serial System with Inbuilt Redundancy
Ibrahim Yusuf Sanusi Abdullahi AMEER ABDULLAHI Abdulhadi Aminu Alhassan Ibrahim Ali Isa Sambo -
Open Access Article
266 - Investigating the Failure Rate and Restoration Time of Medium-Voltage Distribution Network to Use in Reliability Studies(Case Study)
Masoud Hossein-zadeh Moghadam Kafash Hossein Afrakhte -
Open Access Article
267 - Construct and finding factors of team working leadership questionnaire in high school female students
Khadijeh Abolmaali Motahareh Yaghobi -
Open Access Article
268 - Development and Validation of Sport Aggression Styles Inventory: An instrument based on Millon’s personality theory
S. Mohammadreza Alavizadeh Naser Qara Maleki Shahram Mami Jahansha Mohammadzadeh Vahid Ahmadi Somaye Entezari -
Open Access Article
269 - A study of factor structure, reliability and validity of humor in workplace scale
Parisa Ayoubi reza nikbakhsh forough fattahimasroor Mohammad ali Safania -
Open Access Article
270 - Investigation of Reliability and Validity of the Psychological Well-Being Scale for Children (PWB-c)
ماندانا سپنتا احمد عابدی -
Open Access Article
271 - Psychometric properties of Internet addiction test and its relationship with aggression among 20-30-year-old youth in Tehran
Saeed Almasi Rita Liaghat Morteza Hoseini -
Open Access Article
272 - Investigating the validity and reliability of the Muslim Belief and Practice Short Scale (S-MPBS) in the Iranian sample
Moslem Movahedirad Ali Fathi Ashtiani mohammad farhoush Hossein Abbaspur Mojtaba Rezai -
Open Access Article
273 - ate the psychometric properties of Personality Inventory for DSM-5—Brief Form (PID-5-BF) in a sample of RoodehenIslamic Azad University students.
Open Access Article
274 - The Psychometric Characteristics of Teacher's Self-efficacy Scale
سمیه سالاری سیاوش طالع پسند -
Open Access Article
275 - Validity & Reliability of Post-traumatic Growth Questionnaire in veterans by Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the City of Saveh
Atefeh Hosseinloo Hooman Namvar -
Open Access Article
276 - Psychometric Properties of the Colorado Test (CLDQ) in the students of Roodehen male vocational schools in the academic year of 97-98
Ghadir Ghadiri Alamdari Hossein Bigdeli Reza Hosseinpour -
Open Access Article
277 - Instrumentation for the Measurement of Factors Affecting Social Control of Cybercultural Transgressions among Social Media Users
Shalaleh Meraji Oskuie Kamran Mohamadkhani Ali Delavar Ali Akbar Farhangi -
Open Access Article
278 - Investigatoin of factor structure, validity and reliability of Maslach Burnout Inventory ( MBI ) among Football referees
Hamid Reza Shams Ravandi Hasanpasha Sharifi Hamzeh Gangi -
Open Access Article
279 - A Survey of Reliability, Validity and Norming Questionnaire ofSnyder in Students
Naser Sadegh parikhani -
Open Access Article
280 - Normalization assessment of occupational health literacy questionnaire among mining industries employees of Iran
nazem sedighi ناظم صدیقی amin rafiepoor mehrdad sabet -
Open Access Article
281 - Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of "Quality of Life Questionnaire" in Secondly Elementary School Students
Mohammad Reza Yekta Fatemeh Zahra Nazari Majid Barzegar -
Open Access Article
282 - Standardization of women's function index in married women referring to psychological clinics
mahdie sadat nayeri Amene Sadat Kazemi Mansour Alimehdi -
Open Access Article
283 - Construction and Primary Standardizing of the Desire for High-Risk Behaviors Scale among Adolescent Girls
fatemeh paki, zahra yosefi gol parvar mohsen -
Open Access Article
284 - Psychometric properties of the Domestic Violence Questionnaire in women
Bahman Shafiee -
Open Access Article
285 - Psychometric properties of The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- Adolescent- Restructured Form (MMPI-ARF) in adolescents referred to counseling centers in Tehran
Reihaneh Reihani Kambiz Kamkary Firouz Kioumarcy -
Open Access Article
286 - Psychometric properties of antisocial core beliefs questionnaire
حسین رضا پور منصوره بهرامی پور اصفهانی هاجر ترکان -
Open Access Article
287 - Psychometric properties academic hardiness for late elementary school children
Zahra Nasseri Fatemeh Shaterian mohammadi -
Open Access Article
288 - Investigating the Psychometric Indices of the Academic Factors Scale Affecting the Research Experience in Graduate Students of Chamran University of Ahwaz
yaser garavand alireza hajiyakhchali -
Open Access Article
289 - Construction and validation of interpersonal intelligence test on children aged 7 to 12 years in Hamadan
Safoura Atarod Khosro Rashid Abolghasem Yaghoobi Syed Ali Hosseini Almadani -
Open Access Article
290 - Determing determining psychometrice characteristics of Brief Core Schema Scales (B C S S)
Zahra Hoseinpour Adis KraskianMojmbary -
Open Access Article
291 - Construction and Primary Standardizing of the Desire for High-Risk Behaviors Scale among Adolescent Girls
fatemeh paki, zahra yuosefi, gol parvar mohsen -
Open Access Article
292 - Psychometric properties of mathematical self-efficacy scale in elementary students
Mehdi Hasani Reza Dastjerdi Mohamadreza Asadi Yoonesi Majid Pakdaman -
Open Access Article
293 - Intercultural Comparison of Resilience Construct
noor mahe haj mohamad reza -
Open Access Article
294 - An Investigation into Psychometric Properties of Trust in Nurses Scale
Roghieh Nooripour Mojtaba Habibi Nikzad Ghnabari Ali Hossein Zade Oskoei -
Open Access Article
295 - This research is to study the psychometric features of Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ) on the staff of manufacturing companies in Tehran and its suburbs who worked on the years 1392 & 1393
nastaran sharifi lila najar -
Open Access Article
296 - Factor structure and validation of Self-Differentiation Inventory Short Form (SDI-SF)
mohsen rasoli mohamad hosein asodeh farzaneh tamrchi zahra hoseini -
Open Access Article
297 - The consideration of validity and reliability of computer literacy and its comparison among virtual and non-virtual students.
leila leila bagher por khadijeh abolmaali ali akbar seyf -
Open Access Article
298 - Investigating the Psychometric Indices of the Academic Factors Scale Affecting the Research Experience in Graduate Students of Chamran University of Ahwaz
Yaser Garavand Alireza Haji Yakhchali -
Open Access Article
299 - Psychometric properties of Internet addiction test and its relationship with aggression among 20-30-year-old youth in Tehran
Saeed Almasi Rita Liaqat Morteza Hosseini -
Open Access Article
300 - Finding Factors and Reliability of Ribeiro's Satisfaction of Social Support Scale in Mothers
khadijeh Abolmaali Fatemeh Fghhie -
Open Access Article
301 - A Study of Factorial Structure (Construct Validity) and internal consistency of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory in Iranian teenage population
محمود kh -
Open Access Article
302 - Investigation of factor structure, validity and reliability of perceived Learning Climate Questioner (LCQ)
مریم متقیان مالک میرهاشمی h.p sh -
Open Access Article
303 - Psychometric properties of the 3×2 achievement goals: Factor structure, reliability and validity
ثنا پناهی پور مهدی عرب زاده پروین کدیور -
Open Access Article
304 - Validation of Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale in Iran
Nieusha alaii fardzari Adis kraskeban -
Open Access Article
305 - Psychometric Properties of the Sexual Self-awareness Scale in Iranian Society
Mahboubeh Nasiri Simin Bashardost -
Open Access Article
306 - The standardize Social Skills Rating System for Parents and Teachers ,Preschool Level (SSRS-PT) Gresham & Elliott in AMOl
Ali Asghar Abbasi Asfjir Fereshteh Khatibi -
Open Access Article
307 - Psychometric Properties of Multidimensional Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory among Nurses in Tehran city
Roghayeh Norei pour lieavali Siemin Hoseyniyan Mojtaba Habibi Alireza Salimi niya Mahdi Dehestani Masoud Hejazi -
Open Access Article
308 - Survey on validity and reliability of Emotion awareness questionnaire in primary school students of Tehran
Atefeh Gholamreza Hayedeh saberi -
Open Access Article
309 - Standardization of Intrinsic Motivation for Free Study Scale
Nahid Hamldar Masood Geramipoor -
Open Access Article
310 - A preliminary study on the psychometric properties of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ30)
Seyed javad Seyfi ghozlou Ali REzaii Marziyeh sadat Ale yasin Sara Tirgar -
Open Access Article
311 - Structure,factorialvalidityand Reliability ,quality of teaching instrument inthe Behavioral Science
Ahmad Rezaii Masoud Grami pour -
Open Access Article
312 - Standardization of Marriage Satisfaction Test
Ali Akbar Salahi -
Open Access Article
313 - Investigate reliability and validity hardiness psychological scale
فوزیه الهام پور حمزه گنجی -
Open Access Article
314 - Psychometric properties of Pintrich and De Groot Educational Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale
Ali Mohammad Rezaii Hoseyn Seirii Fahimeh Rashidi -
Open Access Article
315 - effect of the quality of after sales services of Kia Motors Automobile Dealers in Tehran using the Servqual Model
ali shafiei mina jamshidi -
Open Access Article
316 - Validity, reliability and factor structure of theexperiences ofclose relationships questionnaire - the relationship structure (ECR-RS)
Mino Poravari Saeid GHanbari Ali Zadeh Mohammadi Leila Panaghi -
Open Access Article
317 - Study of factor structure, reliability and validity of the sexual self efficacy questionnaire
Shahram Vaziri Farah LOtfi kashani -
Open Access Article
318 - Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity of Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (VOCI)
Zahra Izadi Mohammad reza Abedi Samane Moien -
Open Access Article
319 - Evaluation of psychometric and factor structural properties of Experiential Avoidance multidimensional questionnaire (short form)
Nasrin Esmaeilian Mohsen Dehghani Fatemeh Akbari Marjan Hasanvand -
Open Access Article
320 - Narrative-Rijāli Personality of Mohammad ibn Isa ibn Ubaid with Emphasis on His Herritage in »Kashī's Rijāl«
Kowsar Yousefi Najaf Abadi Hosein Sattar Rouhollah Shahidi Mohammad Hadi Yousefi Gharavi -
Open Access Article
321 - Seismic Reliability of Stone Arch Bridges Considering the Uncertainty of Material Properties Based on the Response Surface Method
ََAmirhossein Mehrbod Farhad Behnamfar Armin Aziminejad Hamid Hashemol-Hosseini -
Open Access Article
322 - Optimal Operation of Microgrids Including Distributed Generation Resources Considering Reliability Costs
Elahe Salari Mehrdad Mahmoudian -
Open Access Article
323 - Standardization of Excitement Questionnaire in Farhangians of Ilam
falaknaz havas bigi Samane Mirhodaei Rahele Montazeri -
Open Access Article
324 - Choosing the best method of estimating reliability parameter for grain harvesting machines in Markazi province, Iran
Mohammad Reza Vafaee hamid Mashhadi Meighani mortaza Almasi saeed Minaee -
Open Access Article
325 - Investigating the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Persian version of the time management scale among senior high school students
Mohsen Arbezi -
Open Access Article
326 - Investigation the Effects of Iranian Accounting Standard of Agricultural Activities on the Qualitative Characteristics of Information Presented by Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Companies
غلامرضا رضایی مصطفی کاظم نژاد محمد صادق زاده مهارلویی امین بلوری -
Open Access Article
327 - Cost of power outage damages in the industrial animal husbandry sector: A case study of Isfahan province
Saeed Rasekhi Maryam Yegdaneh Yousef Mehnatfar -
Open Access Article
328 - Evaluate the Performance of Rudbar Olive Supply Chain using the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model
Parvaneh Mohammadi Mortreza Zangeneh Mohammad Kavoosi-Kalashami -
Open Access Article
329 - The Construction and Standardization of Shiraz Psychological Diagnostic - Screening Questionnaire (SPDSQ)
محمد mozafari محمد ابراهیم Madahi جواد Khalatbari -
Open Access Article
330 - Factor structure and psychometric properties of Persian version of cognitive flexibility of Dennis, Vander Wal and Jillon
مهدیه Kohandani Kh Abolmaali Alhosseini -
Open Access Article
331 - Psychometric properties of mindfulness parenting scale
FATEMEH ZARE Masoud Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
332 - Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Problematic Pornography Use Scale (Pornography Addiction)
مهدی Darvish Molla زهرا Nikmanesh -
Open Access Article
333 - Determine the Psychometric Properties of Green et al. Paranoid Thoughts Scale (GPTS)
Farzaneh Kollolemad Adis Kraskian Mujembari Maryam إشاقشئه -
Open Access Article
334 - Psychometric Properties and Confirmatory Structure of Islamic Spiritual Intelligence Scale in Students
zekrollah morovati yosef fathi samaneh mohamadinodhi -
Open Access Article
335 - Construction, Validity and Reliability of Academic Self-defeating Behaviour Questionnaire in Adolescents
Bahareh Ajdarbin Khadijeh Abolmaali alhoseeni Reza Ghorban Jahromi Fariborz Doortaj -
Open Access Article
336 - Psychometric Properties of Wardle's Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire
Azam Davoodi Anis Ahadi -
Open Access Article
337 - Factor Structure and Validity of the Persian Version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire
Amir Karami Firoozeh Ghazanfari Kourosh Amraei -
Open Access Article
338 - Psychometric Properties of the Mushagen, Hilbig, and Zetler Nine Dark Characteristics Questionnaire, 2018
Soghra Ebrahimi ghavam -
Open Access Article
339 - Investigation of Validation of the Persian version of the Disease Acceptance Scale among Women 18 Years and older During the Covid-19 Outbreak
Zahra Naghsh Mohammad Reza Yekta -
Open Access Article
340 - Analyzing the Factor Structure of the Scale "Evaluation of Cyber Security Culture and Awareness" (Case study: Employees of Bank branches in Ahvaz City)
Sedigheh Heydari Majid Barzegar Amirhossein Mohammad davoudi -
Open Access Article
341 - the psychometric properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire-IV
فاطمه bita نوراله Mohamadi -
Open Access Article
342 - Psychometric Properties of the Short Form of Goldberg’s 50- Item Personality Scale
F. KH A. فرمانی -
Open Access Article
343 - Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Security Questionnaire
افسانه Shadaei عباس Gholtash ژاله Refahi -
Open Access Article
344 - The Psychometric Properties of Moral Content Judgment in Sport among Iranian Athletes
زهرا Fathi Rezaie S. H Fanisani زهره Najmabadi -
Open Access Article
345 - Psychometric Properties of Mark Daniels’ Emotional Intelligence Scale
مریم Imandar H.A Javidi A.Sh Aminshayan Jahromi -
Open Access Article
346 - Psychometric Properties of Life-Style Questionnaire
مطهره Alahrabi نادره Sohrabi -
Open Access Article
347 - Examining the Psychometric Characteristics of the Happiness Questionnaire of Middle-Aged Women; in Iranian Society
Mohammad Hossein Salemi majid saffarinia -
Open Access Article
348 - Reliability and Validity Preliminary of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – short from(TEIQue-SF)
A. Asghar Bayani -
Open Access Article
349 - Developing a Social Studies Achievement Test for High School Students Based on Item-Response Theory (IRT)
A. Orangi K. Dorani -
Open Access Article
350 - Factor Structure of the Scale Logical Reasoning Anne Thomson
H. زارع A. مصطفائی -
Open Access Article
351 - Preparation and Factor Analysis of Iranian form of Test Will Power
E. Niksefat H. Zare V. Farzad A. Alipour B. Ghobari -
Open Access Article
352 - Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of Academic Identity Status Measure in Iranian Students
E. Hejazi H. Amani M.J. Yazdani -
Open Access Article
353 - Developing and Validating of Couples Communication Skills Inventory in Married Couples in Tehran
N. Dastan GH. Rajabi A. Khoshkonesh R. Khojasteh Mehr -
Open Access Article
354 - Psychometric Properties of School Self-concept in Primary Students of Tehran
S.A. افشاری زاده H. کارشکی H. ناصریان -
Open Access Article
355 - The Study of Psychometric Properties of Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) for Use in Iran
S. استوار A. رضویه -
Open Access Article
356 - The Study of the Validity and Reliability of the dark personality scale in students
A. Ghomrani M. Samadi M. Taghinejad A. Shamsi -
Open Access Article
357 - A Survey on The Structure Factor Criteria Test for Logic Proctor and Gamble
M. الوندی سرابی H. زارع -
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358 - Psychometric Properties of the Organizational Intelligence Scale
H. Kohansal M. Saatchi H. Javid -
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359 - Psychometric properties of the Esoteric Analogies (EA) Test
منیجه SHahini مینا Mohebi -
Open Access Article
360 - Psychometric Properties of the Self-Worth Scale (CSWS) for High School Student in Esfahan
M.A Zaki -
Open Access Article
361 - The Study of the Validity and Reliability of the Authentic Personality scale
A. Shamsi A. Ghamarani M. Samadi M. Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
362 - Psychometric Properties of College Learning Effectiveness Inventory (CLEI)
s. مشتاقی -
Open Access Article
363 - Developing, Adaptation and Standardization Stress Resources and Stress Symptoms Questionnaire
Simindokht Rezakhani -
Open Access Article
364 - Construction and Validation of Quality of Life Questionnaire Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Views
A. Nejadmohammad Namghi A. Borjali M. Esmaeeli E. Shafeabadi F. Bagheri -
Open Access Article
365 - Optimal control of variable speed pumps in a water distribution network with regard to hydraulic reliability using the G-JPSO algorithm
rasoul rajabpour Mohamadhossein Ahmadi naser talebbeydokhti gholam reza rakhshandehroo -
Open Access Article
366 - Optimization of urban storage tanks by using water resources planning MODSIM model and PSO algorithm(Case study: Gorgan city)
سمیرا حسین پور امیراحمد دهقانی عبدالرضا ظهیری مجتبی sh مهدی مفتاح هلقی -
Open Access Article
367 - Designing of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Drone Images
Hadi Shokati Mahdi Kouchakzadeh Aliakbar Noroozi -
Open Access Article
368 - Design of Hydraulic Outlets Fish ladder Based on Hydrological and Hydraulic Uncertainties
m. Nezhad Naderi M. J. Fadaee R. Montazami Vazifehdoust -
Open Access Article
369 - Preliminary Validation of the Perceived Social Competence Scale II (PSCSII) Among High School Female Students
Negin Bakhshi Farideh Yousefi -
Open Access Article
370 - Construction and Validation of a Restorative Justice Questionnaire in Educational System
hadi barati Samira Kamkar Del -
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371 - A Robust Single Layer QCA Decoder Using a Novel Fault-Tolerant Three-Input Majority Gate
Samira Riki Fatemeh Serajeh Hassani -
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372 - Comprehensive Reliability and Performance Estimation of Multi-State Sequential System through General and Copula Repair Techniques
Ibrahim Yusuf Kabiru Garba Ibrahim Hamisu Ismail Ayagi -
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373 - Reliability Computation for Single Event Transient on Various Encoder Structures of Flash ADCs
MOHAMMAD nazaralilou behrouz tousi Mohammad Farhadi -
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374 - Examining the psychometric properties of the health-related quality of life questionnaire for children and adolescents
شهناز نوحی malake nasery fadafan مسعود جان بزرگی Zabih karami مجید ذبیحی -
Open Access Article
375 - Psychometric characteristics of the Persian version of Social Self-Compassion Scale
sara karimi Faezeh Peimanpak abbas abdollahi -
Open Access Article
376 - Design of a Novel High-Reliability Step-up DC-DC Converter with ZCS Characteristics
Seyed Reza Mosayyebi Mojtaba Ajoudani Ramazan TeimouriYansari -
Open Access Article
377 - A Hybrid Method for Estimating Fuzzy Regression Parameters Data
Ali Maleki -
Open Access Article
378 - Validity and reliability of the Iranian version of the cognitive presence questionnaire of students in Online education
Khadijeh , Abolmaali-Alhoseini Hadis Foroodi sefat محمد آزاد abdollahpour -
Open Access Article
379 - Validation of the Scientific Motivation Questionnaire in Graduate Students of Ilam Medical Sciences
پرویز عسگری Parastoo Hosseinabadi Saeed Bakhtiarpour -
Open Access Article
380 - Reliability Modeling of ROR Power Plants in Power System Adequacy Studies
Esmail Khalilzadeh