Designing and implementing a reliability centered maintenance(RCM) using key performance indicators (KPIs) and risk analysis (Case study: synthetic fiber raw material production company)
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Amir Yousefi
Ommolbanin Yousefi
Mehdi Karbasian
1 - Department of Industries, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering,Malek Ashtar University of Technology
3 - Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Esfahan, Iran
Keywords: reliability centered maintenance(RCM), functional block diagram(FBD), risk , key performance indicators(KPI), FMEA,
Abstract :
Reliability-Centered maintenance (RCM) is not only the most advanced approach and complies with international standards for physical asset management and risk management, but also allows users to fully understand the risks and risks related to the ownership and operation of assets. This study made an attempt to design and implement a maintaining and repairing system on the basis of reliability and risk , as a case study in one of the upstream of textile industries (Fiber Intermediate Product Co.), after reviewing the primary studies and collecting the data related to equipment, in first step, using one of key performance indexes and exploiting one of the multi-criteria decision making techniques, the most critical equipment was identified. In the next step, Function Block diagram (FBD) was depicted and a worksheet of failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) was also completed for the selected equipment. Then , utilizing one of the risk analysis techniques, 113 critical failures were identified and afterwards using the decision making diagram and RCM worksheet, there were taken a maintenance strategy for each failure. The results show that the maintaining and maintenance activities contained 69% On Condition Maintenance,10 % Scheduled Restoration, 7 % Scheduled Discard, 7 % Re-designing, 5 % Failure Finding and 2 % Run to Failure.
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