• List of Articles MAD

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Application of Topsis Method for Ranking Research Centers in Order to Resource Allocating in Fuzzy Phase
        Ali Reza Ali Ahmadi Mohammad Reza Khosh Lafz
        In this article Topsis method in fuzzy phase was used to determine strategic priorities of research centers for resource allocation. First, the importance score of indices were determined through Study and interview with experts then according to defensive researches in More
        In this article Topsis method in fuzzy phase was used to determine strategic priorities of research centers for resource allocation. First, the importance score of indices were determined through Study and interview with experts then according to defensive researches in the country and related centers which are considered as references indices were chosen. Next we determined to which centers, it is better, to assign the most budyet and facilities according to “TOPSIS” method and related and tables (they are described in the text) also we suggested the best choice. Through this process qualitative and quantitative indices can be used and consequently fuzzy method is sued to conver comprehensive and qualitative indices in to measurable quantitative and indices. This method of decision along with multiple qualitative indices can be used to determine the priority for allocating Rial and foreign currencies budjet to government research centers under the supervision of the ministry culture and advance education. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Buhlål the Ruler of Rey in the Time of H§rån al-RashÊd:A Study Based on a Coin Minted in MuhammadÊya (173 AH)
        Mohammad Jafar Ashkevari Seyed Ali Alavinia Abarghuei
        This article raises the question of who is meant by Buhlål inscribed on the coin of Ray multiplied in 173 and whether it is the name or title of a person or a phrase in confirming the grade and quality of the coin. In order to obtain the answer of MuhammadÊy More
        This article raises the question of who is meant by Buhlål inscribed on the coin of Ray multiplied in 173 and whether it is the name or title of a person or a phrase in confirming the grade and quality of the coin. In order to obtain the answer of MuhammadÊya mint coins in the years 170 to 173 AH were compared with the data of written sources. According to the findings of this study, the Buhlål engraved on the MuhammadÊya coin is the famous Buhlål of the Abb§sÊd era, namely Abū wuhayb b. ʿAmr b. Moḡīra. With the BarmakÊds domination in the Harån period, Yahy§ BarmakÊ sent Buhlål as the MuhammadÊya (Ray) administration. Buhlål  did  not be in this office for a long time because of his tendency towards Shiism and possibly the caliph's concerns. Then he pretended to be mad and spent the last years of his life in Kåfa Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Causes of Fatimid Educational-Promotional Centers’ Failure in the Development of Ismaili Sect in Egypt
        احمد بادکوبة هزاوه زینب فضلی
        After moving Fatimid Capital to Cairo (362 A.H.), Ismailipropagation system was organized in the form of promotionaleducationalinstitutions like Madjālis al-Hikma, Djāmi’ al-Azhar andDar al-’ilm. Though, these institutions were not so successful in theirmiss More
        After moving Fatimid Capital to Cairo (362 A.H.), Ismailipropagation system was organized in the form of promotionaleducationalinstitutions like Madjālis al-Hikma, Djāmi’ al-Azhar andDar al-’ilm. Though, these institutions were not so successful in theirmission. Consideration of this failure could be important in theexplanation of Fatimids’ weakness in establishing Ismaili sect inEgypt. Complicated Ismaili beliefs and its hierarchical system whichmade difficulties in people’s conversion to it, and uncoordinatedpromotional activities of al-Azhar and Dār al-’ilm, are of the causesof this failure Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Common Link and its Relation to the Technical \adīth Terms
        سیدعلی آقایی
        Western scholars for a long time. They have interpreted thatdifferently in their studies and used it for dating traditions. This articleanswers the question, whether early Muslim traditionists, werefamiliar with this phenomenon and also which technical \adīth termsare c More
        Western scholars for a long time. They have interpreted thatdifferently in their studies and used it for dating traditions. This articleanswers the question, whether early Muslim traditionists, werefamiliar with this phenomenon and also which technical \adīth termsare coined for explaining different features of traditions and theirtransmitters related to common link. Review of early \adīth worksreveals that the technical terms such as “gharīb” and “fard” are coinedand used concerning some aspects of the same phenomenon.Furthermore, it identifies that “madār” is equivalent with the Westernterm “common link”. Finally, examining how early traditionists dealtwith this phenomenon, this paper clarifies that the difference betweenWestern and Muslims scholars’ understanding and interpretation ofthis phenomenon, is rooted in their different approaches to the validityof HHadīth and their method in criticizing the traditions. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Madjriti and his Alchemical Pamphlet
        یونس فرهمند امیر عبدالهی
        Madjriti is one of the Muslim scholars in the fourth century A.H. inAndalusia. Although he is known in astronomy and mathematics, hehad some important writings in other sciences such as alchemy. Oneof his works that its ancient translation in Persian is also available i More
        Madjriti is one of the Muslim scholars in the fourth century A.H. inAndalusia. Although he is known in astronomy and mathematics, hehad some important writings in other sciences such as alchemy. Oneof his works that its ancient translation in Persian is also available is apamphlet called al-Risāla al-Kiftiyya. This pamphlet containsconversations held between Ikhwān al-Safā and Madjriti. Through theconversation, he prescribed some drugs in the response of those whohad asked him concerning their illness. When the questioners receivedhis opinions, they called them "elements of the strange practice ofmedicine''. Introducing short biography on Madjriti, this articlecontains a critical text of Arabic and Persian edition of al-Risāla al-Kiftiyya Manuscript profile
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        6 - Social Problems of Nasirid Era as Reflected in Qanun-i- Qazwini
        Hosian Bayatloo
        The political and intellectual relationships between Iran and the European countries in the mid-Nasirid period, gave rise to some kind of reformism among the elites and the intellectuals. Accordingly, there were many critical writings about turbulent socio-political sit More
        The political and intellectual relationships between Iran and the European countries in the mid-Nasirid period, gave rise to some kind of reformism among the elites and the intellectuals. Accordingly, there were many critical writings about turbulent socio-political situation of Iran. They were written not only by the intellectuals but also by the lay people (including the artisans and businessmen). As the most interesting one is Qanun-i-Qazwini, a critical treatise by Muḥammad shafi’ Qazwini. What makes it most interesting is that the treatise was written not by an intellectual but by an artisan and businessman. This study attempted to reexamine the most important social problems of the Nasirid Time as represented by the Moḥammad Shafi. As Moḥammad Shafi pointed out, the social problems goes mainly back to the security and the economical structures. First chapter considers that how the economy would increase the social problems. The second chapter shows how the insecurity, as Qazwini said, may increase the rubbery. Using descriptive-analytical method, the author tried to explain the situation by comparing Qazwini’s studies with what happened in the Nasirid Time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Ghurar Al-Siyar; its Real Title and Author
        علیرضا عبداللهی قنبرعلی رودگر
        Ghurar al-Siyar as a general history has been written in the early fifth century, and since its compilation, an argument formed about the author name and identity. The source of the different ideas was in the different spelling and diacritics of the title of the book as More
        Ghurar al-Siyar as a general history has been written in the early fifth century, and since its compilation, an argument formed about the author name and identity. The source of the different ideas was in the different spelling and diacritics of the title of the book as well as the  name of author in its remaining manuscripts and also in the works of the biographers. Ghurar al-Siyar has been named as Ghurar Akhbār Mulūk wa- Siyarihim, al- Ghurar Fi Siyar Mulūk wa- Akhbārihim, Ghurar Akhbār Mulūk al- Furs wa Siyarihim, Tarikh Ghurar al-Siyar, Ghurar wa Siyar al Mulūk, Ghurar wa Siyar. Among these names, two names Tarikh Ghurar  al Siyar and Ghurar Akhbār Mulūk al- Furs wa Siyarihim are  more popular as the original names of the book. In addition to ambiguity in the name of the book, there are doubts about the book’s author, as his name has been recorded as  AbūMansūr al Husiyn ibn Muhammad al-Mar'āshi(al-Tha'ālibī), AbūMansūr Husiyn ibn Muhammad al- Marghani al-Tha'ālibī, Husiyn ibn Muhammad al-Marghani and AbūMansūr 'Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad al-Tha'ālibī al- Niyshabouri  Among those names, most researchers agreed with  Husiyn ibn Muhammad al-Marghani and  AbūMansūr 'Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad al-Tha'ālibī al- Niyshabouri This article aims to analyze the names that mentioned for Ghurar al-Siyar, and determined the real name of the book. Then, identity of the real author of the book has been specified by the study on the disputes on  the identity of the author of Ghurar al-Siyar Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Study on the Structure of Rab’i Rashidi in Ilkhanids Era
        Amir Dehghan Nejad Abdolrasoul Emadi Mohsen Rahmati
        Rab’-i- Rashidi” was the largest medical center with a great religious endowment in Ilkhanids era. It was a hospital, for admitting and treating patients and a place for teaching medicine as well as preparing various drugs. The present paper investigates the More
        Rab’-i- Rashidi” was the largest medical center with a great religious endowment in Ilkhanids era. It was a hospital, for admitting and treating patients and a place for teaching medicine as well as preparing various drugs. The present paper investigates the Rab’-i-Rashidi’s management structure, financial system, medical and scholarly functions via an analytic-descriptive study. The results show that, with the financial backing Rab’-i-Rashidi has had many functions as the modern hospitals. Using theoretical and clinical teaching methods simultaneously and also connecting to the educational centers worldwide, particularly China and India, Rab’-i- Rashidi tried to transform the scientific accomplishments to Iran. References Awḥadī Marāghiʾī, Rukn al- Dīn, Kulliyyāt- i Ashār- i Awḥadī Marāghiī (Manṭiḳ al- ʿUshshāḳ, Djām- i Djam), Revised by Saeed Nafisi, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Sanāyī, 1391/ 2012. Chardin, Jean, Safar- Nāma (Journal du voyage du Chevalier Chardin en persea aux Indes Orientals), Trans. Eghbal Yaghmaei, Tehran, Tūs, 1372/ 1992. Clavijo, Ruy González de, Safar-Nāma- yi Clavijo(Clavijo Embassy), Trans. Masoud Rajab Nia, Tehran, Bungāh- i Tardjuma wa Nashr- i Kitāb, 1377/ 1998. Clinical Research Development Units (CRDU) Hospital Research Development Committee  (HRDC) Declaration of Alma-Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata,  USSR, 6-12 September 1978. Sadeghiani, Ebrahim,  Sāzmān wa Mudīriyyat- i Bīmāristān, Vol. 2, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Djahān Rāyāna, 1377- 1389/ 1998- 2010. Gholi pour, Ariyan & KhaterehSilani, Mudīriyyat- i Manābi- i Insānī dar Bīmāristān- hā wa Marākiz- i Bihdāshtī wa Darmānī, Tehran, Mehraban Publishers , 1392/ 2013. Hamdānī, Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl ullāh, Āthār wa Iḥyā, Revised by Manouchehr Sotodeh & Iraj Afshar, Tehran, University of Tehran McGill, 1368/ 1989. Idem, Djāmi al- Tawārīkh, Tarīkh- i Aḳwām Pādishāhān- i Khatā, Revised by Mohammad Roshan, Tehran Mīrāth- i Maktūb, 1385/ 2006. Idem, Laṭāif al- Ḥaḳāyiḳ, Revised by Gholamreza Taher, Vol.2, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1356/ 1977. Idem, Mukātibāt- i Rashīdī, Revised by Mohammad Shafi, Lahore, Lahore press, 1945/ 1324. Idem, Sawāniḥ al- Afkā al- Rashīdī, Revised by Mohammad Taqi Danesh Pajouh, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1358/ 1979. Idem, Tansūḳ- Nāma Yā Ṭib- i Ahl- i Khatā, Prolegomena by Mojtaba Minovi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 1350/ 1971. Idem, Tarīkh- i Mubārak Ghāzānī, Karl Jahn, Hertford, Steven Austin press, 1940/ 1319. Idem, Waḳf-nāma- yi Rab- i Rashīdī, Revised by Mojtaba Minovi & Iraj Afshar, Tehran, Intishārāt- iAndjuman- i Āthār- i Millī, 1356/ 1977. Herse,paul and kenneht H. Blancard, management of Organizional Behavior:Utilizing  human Resources, Englewood cliffs, New jersey, prentice Hall, Inc, 1989. Ivancevich, j, Human Resource management,11th  Editon. Irwin professional pub,2010. Jafari, Gholam- Ali & Others, Istāndārd- Hā- yi Itibār Bakhshī- yi Bīmāristān dar Iran, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Markaz- i Nashr- i Ṣidā, 1391. Khwāndmīr, Ghiyāth al- Dīn b. Hamām al- Dīn Ḥusaynī,Ḥabīb al- Siyar fī Akhbār-i Afrād al- Bashar, Vol. 4, Tehran, Intishārāt-i Kitāb Furūshi- yi Khayyām, 2nd ed., 1380/ 2001. Koontz, Harold & Others, Uṣūl- i Mudīriyyat(Essentials of management), Trans. Mohammad Ali Toosi & Others, Vol. 2, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Markaz Āmūzish- i Mudīriyyat- i Dawlatī, 1374/ 1995. Mīrkhwānd, Muḥammad b. Khwānshāh b. Maḥmūd, Rawḍat al- Ṣafā fī Sīrat al- Anbiyā wa l Mulūk wa l Khulafā, Revised by Jamshid Kian Far,Vol. 15, Tehran, Intishārāt- i Asāṭīr,1380/ 2001. Mojtahedi, Karim, Madāris wa Dānishgāh-hā- yi Islāmī wa Gharbī dar Ḳurūn- i Wusṭā, Tehran, IHCS, 1379/ 2000. Mustawfī, Ḥamdullāh, Nuzhat al- Ḳulūb, Revised by Mohammad Dabirsiaghi, Tahouri Bookstore, 1336/ 1957. Nahas VL and Others, Jordanian undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of effec  clinical teachers, Nurse Educ Today 1999; 19(8): 639-48.  Nasr, Hossein, Maḳām- i Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh dar Tarīkh- i Falsafa wa Ulūm-i Islāmī, Madjmūa- yi Khaṭaba- Hā- yi Taḥḳīḳī Darbara- yi Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamdānī, University of Tehran, 1350/ 1971. Petrushevsky, Ilya Pavlovich & John Masson Smith, Tarīkh-i Idjtimāī- Iḳtiṣādī-yi Iran Dar Dawra- yi Mughūl,Trans. yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Intishārāt- i  Iṭilāʿāt, 1366/ 1987. Rahnima, Majid, "Rashīd al- Dīn wa Rabʿ al- Rashīdī", Madjmūa- yi Khaṭaba- Hā- yi Taḥḳīḳī Darbara- yi Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamdānī, Tehran, Tehran University Press, 1350/ 1971. Rezaeian, Ali, Mabānī- yi Mudīriyyat- i Raftār- i Sāzmānī, Tehran, Samt, 1382/ 2003. Samarḳandī, Dawlatshāh, Tadhkirat  al- Shuarā, Revised by Edward Browne, Tehran, Asāṭīr, 1382/ 2003. Samarḳandī, Kamāl al- dīn ʿAbd al- Razzāḳ, Maṭla al- Sadayn wa-Madj ma-i al- Baḥrayn, Revised by Abdolhossein Navaei, Vol. 4, Tehran, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1383/ 2004. Sarton, George, Muḳaddamih’ ī  bar Tarīkh- i Ilm(Introduction to the History of Science), Trans. Golamhossein Sadri Afshar, Vol.3, Tehran, Intishārāt- i ʿIlmī wa Farhangī, 1383/ 2004. Shanghi Ranking consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 29 January 2015. Tabrizi, Hossein Abdoh, Nahād- i Mālī- yi Ṣandūḳ- hā- yi Waḳfī wa Uṣūl- i Islāmī- yi Faāliyyat- i Ān dar Iran, Nashriyya Markaz- i Taḥḳīḳāt- i Dānishgāh Imām Ṣādiḳ, No.25, 1384/ 2005. Ṭūsī, Khwadja Naṣīr al- Dīn Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, Madjmūa Rasāil Khwadja Naṣīr al- Dīn Ṭūsī, Revised byMohammad Taqi Modarres Razavi, Tehran, University of Tehran, 2nd ed., 1390/ 2011. Waṣṣāf, Faḍl Allāh b. ʿAbdullāh, Tarīkh- i Waṣṣāf al- Ḥaḍrat, Revised by Mohammad Mahdi Esfahani, Tehran, Ebne Sina & Allama Jafari Library, 1338/ 1959. Yidan, Wang, Khadamāt- i Khwādja Rashīd al- Dīn Hamdānī Dar Gustarish- i chīn Shināsī, Madjmūa- yi Maḳālāt Darbāra- yi Khwādja Rashīd al- Dīn Faḍlullāh wa Rabl- Rashīdī Tabrīzī, Revised by Reza Rahmani, Vol.2, Tehran, (Und.), 1388/ 2009.               Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Conceptual Basis of Music in Siljuk Period based on the 5th to 7th Centuries A.H. Texts
        بابک خضرائی
        Very little is known about the music under the Siljuks. This waspossibly due to the nature of the music itself, which unlike somemonuments, metal works and other handcrafts, and also poets’collections, has gone forever, and also in the Siljuks era (maybe as aresul More
        Very little is known about the music under the Siljuks. This waspossibly due to the nature of the music itself, which unlike somemonuments, metal works and other handcrafts, and also poets’collections, has gone forever, and also in the Siljuks era (maybe as aresult of wars and various displacements), it was not usual to writetreatise on music. However, there are some reports and signs of musicin the written sources that show Siljuks courts supported some of theprominent musicians. There are also the treatises which have beenwritten on music during this era; for example, Khayyām’s musictreatise, Muhammad Nishabūrī’s treatise and the Jāmi’ al-Ulūm’ssection on music (chapter 48). On the basis of these sources, the musicof this age is divided into Bazmī (lyrical) and Razmī (epical). Somemusical instruments used in Bazmī music are Rubāb, Chaghāna,Chang (Lyre), Sinj (cymbal), Tanbūr, Ney, Rūd, Barbat ,Ūd (lute),Mizhar and Daf. And the musical instruments played in Razmī musicare Tabl (drum), Kūs, Burw-i Parang and Nafīr that the two last onesare attributed to AlbArsalān. It is supposed that Khurāsān’s 12 notessystem were received to Byzantine and Baghdad by the extension ofdominion of Siljuks from East to West. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Tārik͟h-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh: the Representation of the Early History of Islam in Two General Histories from the Ninth Century A.H.
        Ali Kalirad
        Tārikh-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh by Muhammad ibn Fazlullah Musavi are less well-known general histories from the ninth century AH/ the fifteenth century AD. The purpose of this essay is to introduce the above-mentioned works and discussing representation of the ea More
        Tārikh-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh by Muhammad ibn Fazlullah Musavi are less well-known general histories from the ninth century AH/ the fifteenth century AD. The purpose of this essay is to introduce the above-mentioned works and discussing representation of the early history of Islam in Tārikh-i Khayrāt and Aṣahh al-tawārikh. Although Musavi's works are not much significant in terms of historiographical data and literary value, the reflection of his approach as a believer in the religio-political legitimacy of Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib and his descendants  and also the influence of Sufi doctrine on Musavi’s narrative of the history of early Islam represents the context of religious thought in Timurid Khorasan. Moreover, the marginal annotations and revisions on the manuscripts of Tārikh-i Khayrāt and Aṣaḥḥ al-tawārikh, which have been made in the following centuries, could be the readers' different perusal of the text and reflecting the transformation of Shiite identity boundaries in Persia during the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Rise and Fall of the Chaks in Kashmir (962-993 A.D.)
        مریم معینینیا هادی عالمزاده
        The Chak family emigrated to Kashmir in the Sahh Dyve Rajah government(701-720 A.D), and a branch of them under Pando Chaks leadership was settled in Trehgāmand served Shahmiri,s soltans at administrative and army positions and converted to the Imami school coincided wi More
        The Chak family emigrated to Kashmir in the Sahh Dyve Rajah government(701-720 A.D), and a branch of them under Pando Chaks leadership was settled in Trehgāmand served Shahmiri,s soltans at administrative and army positions and converted to the Imami school coincided with the arrival of Mir shams al-Din Muhammad Iraqi to Kashmir.This article is investigated the rise and fall of the Shiite branch of this family and its role and function in the political, social and cultural aspects of Kashmir in a descriptive-analytical method based on historical texts, particularly the Baharestan Shahi. Although Chaks ruled over the territory of Kashmir in a short period (962-993 AD), and by their internal conflicts and presence of Mongols in India-Babryan invasion-,were able to extend their authority and effective actions, to develop the Shiite school in this land so that there is today. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Wābkanawī’s Calculations of the Annular Solar Eclipse of 30 Jan 1283 A.D./ 29 shawwāl 681 A. H.
        سید محمد مظفری
        The paper presents a critical review of the iterative process used byShams al-Dīn Muhammad al-Wābkanawī (Iran, Maragha, ca. 1260–1320) in order to compute the parameters of the annular solar eclipseof 30 January 1283 from the solar and lunar parameters obtained by More
        The paper presents a critical review of the iterative process used byShams al-Dīn Muhammad al-Wābkanawī (Iran, Maragha, ca. 1260–1320) in order to compute the parameters of the annular solar eclipseof 30 January 1283 from the solar and lunar parameters obtained byMuhyī al-Dīn al-Maghribī (Maragha 1260–1274). Due to theimpossibility of the annular eclipse in the Ptolemaic tradition, theposition of this prediction in the context of medieval astronomy shallalso be shortly discussed. Furthermore, since Wābkanawī calls hisobservation as an evidence for the correctness of his prediction, thecomputed results have been compared with the true modern data,which established a remarkable agreement between them. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Ibrahimiiyya School: An educational institution of Kerman Shaykhiyya in the Qajar period
        محمد خداوردی تاج آبادی
        Ibrahimiiyya, the most important School in Kerman in Qajar era, wasestablished by the order of Ibrahim Khan Zahir al-Dawla, thegovernor of Kerman (1218-1240), for promotion of the Shiite sciencesand culture in this city. He also devoted some properties to the schoolso t More
        Ibrahimiiyya, the most important School in Kerman in Qajar era, wasestablished by the order of Ibrahim Khan Zahir al-Dawla, thegovernor of Kerman (1218-1240), for promotion of the Shiite sciencesand culture in this city. He also devoted some properties to the schoolso that the necessities of the duration of the activities could besupplied. In spite of this, it didn’t take much time and unlike itsfounder, Ibrahimiiyya was changed to a Scientific-Cultural center foractivity of new sect of Shaykhiyya and continued this role until theend of Qajar dynasty. Its founding show that Haj Mohammad KarimKhan, son of Ibrahim Khan, and after tending to Shaykhiyya religionand tendency for leading the Kerman branch of the said sect and withchanging the contents of the Devotion Letter of Ibrahim Khan, notonly he allocated the produced endowments to himself but also heappointed himself as the manager of the school. In addition to this, healso devoted new properties to Ibrahimiiyya. Therefore the saidSchool was changed to Scientific-Advertising center for the thoughtsof Haj Mohammad Karim Khan and his successors with sufficientfinancial support and without interference of experts of religion. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Sufism in the Analysis of a Discourse; the Treatise of Radd-i- Sufiya
        iman amini Shahram Pazzouki
        As the Safavid kings determined to confined the Sufis of Qizilbash power and using Shari'a for obtaining legitimacy, the raddiah (refutation) texts of some jurisprudents against Sufism also have grown significantly in the second half of the Safavid era. One of the influ More
        As the Safavid kings determined to confined the Sufis of Qizilbash power and using Shari'a for obtaining legitimacy, the raddiah (refutation) texts of some jurisprudents against Sufism also have grown significantly in the second half of the Safavid era. One of the influential Ikhbari jurisprudents was Mulla Taher Qomi, who by writing many dissertations in opposition to Sufism is also considered as the most prolific raddiah writers. This paper, by using Van Leeuwen and Laclau Mouffe's analysis patterns, explores linguistic propositions and disclose discourse constructions of one of those controversial texts, Radd-i-sufiya . The paper indicates that the author, from the point of view of his superior argument, Shia and Sharia of Islam, is against the rival discourse around the central point of tariqah and haqiqah, and thus, with the misunderstanding and diminution of semantic elements of discourse, introduce Sufism as non-Islamic and sometimes originated from the Sunnite. These pretensions and the intensification of otherness between the two discourses had a profound effect on subsequent hegemonic interventions, especially during the Qajar period. Hegemony with the means of force gave certainty and unambiguity in conflicts to the Sufi discourse. As a result of this intervention, formally, Sufism and any mystic recitations of religion was marginalized in public discourse, and the formalist discourse was the dominant discourse of the religious understanding in the society. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent and Wahabism; Their Early Contacts
        Mohsen Massumi Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki Farhad Hajari
        Following to the spreading of the Wahhabism from the Arabian Peninsula to other Muslim lands, the ideas of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's found both serious advocates as well as oppositions. With the impression of Wahhabi's ideas on some of the Muslims in Indian subcontin More
        Following to the spreading of the Wahhabism from the Arabian Peninsula to other Muslim lands, the ideas of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab's found both serious advocates as well as oppositions. With the impression of Wahhabi's ideas on some of the Muslims in Indian subcontinent, they were called Wahhabis. The meaning of Wahabists, at first, was ambiguous and British government used ''Wahhabi'' as an accusation to deal with the opposition. Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi (1786–1831), a revolutionary Muslim activist in India, was known for his interest in promoting Wahhabism in India; however, this idea has never been accepted by Muslims. If so, the question is that how Indian Muslims get to know Wahhabi movement. The present paper tries to find an answer by a historical approach.   Keywords: Wahhabism in India, Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi, Indian subcontinent, Fara'eidyya.             Refrences Abd al- Raḥman b. Abd al- Laṭīf, Mashahīr ulamā Nadjd wa ghayr-i -him, Dār al-Yamāma lil-Baḥth wa-al-Tardjama wa-al- nashr, Riyadh, 1974 AD/ 1394 AH. Abū al- Mukarram b. Abd al- Djalīl, Dawat al- imām Muḥammad b. Abd al- Wahhāb bayn muayyad- iy- hā wa muāriḍ-iy- hā fī shiba al- ḳāra al- Hindiyya, Dār al_ Islām lil- Nashr wa al_ Tawzī, Saudi Arabia, 2000 AD/ 1421 AH. Akbar Ābādī, Sayyid Muḥammad Alī, Makhzan-i Aḥmadī, Agra, 1881 AD/ 1299 AH.(Lithography). Allen , Charles, The Hidden Roots of Wahhabism in British India, World Policy Journal, 22: 2, 2005. al- Alālūsī,Maḥmūd Shukrī, Tarīkh-i Nadjd, Revised by Muḥammad Bihdjat al_ Athrī, Cairo, 1925 AD/ 1343 AH. Behbahani, Aqa Ahmad, Mirāt al- aḥwāl-i djahān namā, Ansariyan Publications, Qom, 1994/ 1373. Burckhardt, John Lewis, The Bedouins and Wahabys, Vol.2, London, 1831. Dihlawī, Abd al- Ḥaḳḳ, Ashaat al- lamaāt fī sharḥ-i mishkāt, Mumbai, 1860 AD/ 1277 AH.( Lithography). Dihlawī, Ismāīl, Risāla al- Tawḥīd, trans. Abū al- Ḥasan Alī al- Ḥasanī al- Nadwī, Lucknow, 1974 AD/ 1394 AH. Dihlawī, Muḥammad Ismāīl, Ṣirāṭ-i Mustaḳīm (Manuscript). EI1,Vol.8, S.V.,“Wahhabiya”, by D. S. Margolouth, Leiden, Brill, 1987. EI2, Vol.2, S.V., “Fara'eidyya”, by A. Bausani, Leiden, Brill, 1991. EI2, Vol.4, S.V., “Karamat Ali”, by A. Yusf Ali), Leiden, Brill, 1997. EI2, Vol.4, S.V., “Islah”, by Aziz Ahmad, Leiden, Brill, 1997. EI2, Vol.10, S.V., “Titu Mir”, by Muhammad Yusuf Siddiq, Leiden, Brill, 2000. EI2, Vol.11, S.V., “Wahhabiya”, by Esther Peskes  W. Ende, Leiden, Brill, 2002. Grewal. J.S, The New Cambridge History of India, The Sikhs of the Punjab, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Grewal, J.S & Habib, Irfan, Sikh History from Persian Sources, New Delhi, 2001. Ḥasanī, ʿAbd al- Hayy, Nuzhat al- khawaṭir wa bahdjat al- masāmi wa al- nawāẓir, Encyclopedia Of Ottoman Empire, Hyderabad, 1979 AD/ 1399 AH. Hunter, W.W, The Indian Musalmans, London, 1871. Ibn ʿAbd al- Wahhāb, Khuṭab al- imām Muḥammad b. Abd al- Wahhāb wa baaḥfāda, Maṭbaʿa Umm al- Ḳurā, Mecca, 1999 AD/ 1419 AH. Ibn Bishr,Unwān al- madjd fī tarīkh al- Nadjd, King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives, Riyadh, 1982 AD/ 1402 AH. Ibn Ghannām, Tarīkh-i Nadjd, Revised by Nāṣir al_ Dīn Asad, Dār al_ Shurūḳ, 1994 AD/ 1415 AH. Jain, M.S, Muslim Political Identity, New Delhi, 2005. Khalīl al- Raḥman, Abd al- Wahhāb, al_ Dawat al- salafiyya fī shiba al- ḳāra al- Hindiyya wa athar-i- hā fī Muḳāwamatī l- inḥirāfāt al- dīniyya, Umm Al-Qura University, 1985- 1986 AD/ 1406- 1407 AH. Lees, W. Nassau, Indian Musalmans; being Three Letters Reprinted from The TIMS…, London, 1871. Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, Masīr-i Ṭālibī, Revised by Hoseyn Khadiv -Jam, Tehran, 1984/ 1363. Moon, Penderel, The British Conquest and Dominion of India, London, 1989. Moujani, Ali, Taḳārīr Nadjd yā guzārish- hā- yi dawlat- mardān-i Uthmānī muḳārin-i ẓuhūr-i Muḥammad b. Abd al- Wahhāb wa istiḳrār-i dawlat-i Nukhust-i Āl-i Suūd dar Nadjd wa Ḥidjāz, Historylib, Qom, 2011/ 1390. Mūallafāt l- shaykh al- imām Muḥammad b. Abd al- Wahhāb, al- Markaz al- Islāmī lil- ṭabāa wa al- Nashr, Riyadh, (Und.). Muṣliḥ al- Dīn, Muḥammad, al- Ḥaraka al- salafiyya fī l- Banghāl, Imam Muhammad b. Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, 1991 AD/ 1412 AH.   al- Nadwī, Masūd, Muḥammad b. Abd al- Wahhāb muṣliḥ-i maẓlūm wa Muftarīalayh, trans. Abd al- Alīm Abd al- Aẓīm al- Bastawī,  Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, 1984 AD/ 1404 AH. Peter, Hardy, Musalmānān-i Hind-i Birytāniyyā(The muslims of British India), trans. Hasan Lahuti, Bunyād-i Pazhīhish-hā-yi Islāmī, Mashhad, 1990/ 1369. Ibid, The Muslims of British India, Cambridge,1972 Rashīd al- Ḥasanī al- Nadwī, Muḥammad Waḍiḥ, al- Imām Muḥammad b. Irfān al- Shahīd, Mumbai, 2005 AD/ 1426 AH. Sahsawānī Hindī, Muḥammad Bashīr, Ṣiyānat al- insān an waswasa al- shaykh-i duḥlān, Maṭbaa al- Manār, Egypt, 1932 AD/ 1351 AH. Ibid, Ṣayānat al- insān an waswasa al- shaykh-i duḥlān, Maṭbaa al- Farūḳiyya, Delhi, (Und.).( Lithography). Traboulsi, Samer, An Early Refutation of Muḥammad ibn Abd al-Wahhāb's Reformist Views, Die Welt des Islams, New Series,V. 42, 2002. Ziriklī, Khayr al- Dīn, al- Alām, Dār al- Ulūm lil- Mayādīn, Beirut, 2005 AD/ 1425 AH. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Life before bi’that(the revelation): The Critical Analysis of Regis Blachere’s Notions
        زیبا شفیعی خوزانی هادی عالم زاده
        The critical analysis of Islamic sources in Europe during the nineteenth century led to a sense of suspicion and distrust toward the whole narrative and historical reference books among western scholars who studied Islamic history and sirah. In spite of the pessimistic More
        The critical analysis of Islamic sources in Europe during the nineteenth century led to a sense of suspicion and distrust toward the whole narrative and historical reference books among western scholars who studied Islamic history and sirah. In spite of the pessimistic consequences in the first half of twentieth century, several books about The Prophet were written in which their authors, although, admitted the suspicious validity and reliability of narrations on the Prophet’s life,  they  believed that through a critical evaluation, it is possible to compile a reliable account on  The Prophet life. One of these critical biographies is the book “The problem of Muhammad” written by French orientalist Regis Blachere (1900 – 1973). Analysing  Blachere’s views on The Prophet’s life before his prophetic mission shows that Blachere tried to provide an objective and scholarly biography of The Prophet, based on Koran (the only existing reference from The  Prophet time), the valid documents, and some information in the field of linguistics, anthropology, and religion's heritage, etc. But the result of his efforts is a sīrah, in parts of which his hypothesis, as well as his personal interpretations based on his intellectual views observed.  Manuscript profile
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        17 - Sūfi Criticism in Safavīd Era: A Comparison between Mullāh Muhammad Tahir Qumi and Allāmih Madjlisī Points of View
        helia menshari Fahimeh Mokhber Dezfouli
        With the recognition of the Twelver Shiite and the presence of Shi’i scholars in the Safavid court, the Sufis power was diminished. During the second period of Safavid reign, the attempt of the Safavid kings to break free of Qizilbash sovereignty, which began in t More
        With the recognition of the Twelver Shiite and the presence of Shi’i scholars in the Safavid court, the Sufis power was diminished. During the second period of Safavid reign, the attempt of the Safavid kings to break free of Qizilbash sovereignty, which began in the early Safavid period, became more and more and also accompanied by anti-Sufis movement of Shia scholars. The emergence of a kind of vulgarian Sufism provoked the opposition of Shi’i scholars even more and sometimes created a competition between them. Those factors led to the formation of a literature and writing of some books, which in one side were Shia jurists and on the other side Sufis. Some of those books were in the form of treatises criticizing Sufis beliefs and customs, such as Tuhfat-al-akhyar of Mullah Mohammad Tahir Qumi. And other books were generally religious included verses and narrations for Shia which in a chapter or chapters criticized Sufis’ beliefs. Among those books, we can mention ‘Ayn al-Hayat by Allamih Majlisi. The present study will explain the cultural atmosphere of the Safavid period by reviewing the anti-Sufism opinions of the two famous scholars. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Reflection of Religious Lifestyle in Ramadan Family Series (Case Study of Channels 1, 2 and 3)
        Ali Mohammad Movahedimatin Seyed Mohammad Dadgaran, Mohammadreza Rasouli
        The aim of this study was to identify how religious style is reflected in Ramadan family series with a combined approach. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes experts in the field of lifestyle and media, including university professors, seminar More
        The aim of this study was to identify how religious style is reflected in Ramadan family series with a combined approach. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes experts in the field of lifestyle and media, including university professors, seminarians, managers and officials of the national media, and in the quantitative part, the statistical population includes all serials broadcast in the month of Ramadan in 1397 from channels one, It is two and three. Qualitative findings of the study indicate that the type of cover, religion, Islamic moral relations, self-control, helping others, paying attention to economic values with forgiveness and helping others, forgiveness, honesty, cooperation, the effects of actions, resorting to Imams, reliance on God, hope, family, mercy, respect for orphans, piety, moderation and adherence to moral values are components of the religious lifestyle that are more important in the family series of the Islamic Republic TV during Ramadan. They are located. Quantitative findings also showed that clothing and clothing, eating and drinking, housing and living facilities and sleep and wakefulness have the highest percentage among the components of human interaction with themselves in religious lifestyle Manuscript profile
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        19 - An Analysis of “City” and “Urbanization” Concept according to Quran’s Perspective
        Ehsan Sharifian MohammadReza Pourjafar Aliakbar Taghvaee
        Islamic urban design should be based upon primary religious sources. Many researchers do not pay enough attention to the primary sources and usually get their foundations from disreputable sources. Those who refer to primary sources do not have reliable methods to inter More
        Islamic urban design should be based upon primary religious sources. Many researchers do not pay enough attention to the primary sources and usually get their foundations from disreputable sources. Those who refer to primary sources do not have reliable methods to interpret these references. This prevents achieving a dependable and comprehensive Islamic urban design theory. Accordingly, exploring definitions of religious sources and approaching the fundamental concepts of urban studies is of utmost importance. In this regard, the concept of “City” and “urbanization” is the first priority. Additionally, between religious sources such as Quran and Hadith, Quran has a dominant role in providing basic and strategical policies; because it is the constitution of Islam. In this research we present the exact definition of “City” and “urbanization” during a methodological study of Quran, named “Tadabbor”. According to this method, we have to review surahs comprehensively by considering their cohesiveness not just verses independently. Also we explain the chief foundations upon which Islamic city are created and survived on. These are elements of existence and stability of cities according to Quran’s policies. The Study -based upon Tadabbor method- shows that Quran defines city (or Madinah) as a place in which the God’s sovereignty over the earth is realized by aggregation and centralization of believers (Ommah) around the “vali” -or in other words God’s saints- all oriented around “Vahy”. Thus “urbanization” is a kind of submission to sovereignty of god’s scripture (Quran) and substitute (Vali) that results in centralization in a place on the earth. This definition includes five key concepts: “God”, “Vahy”, “Vali”, “Ommah” and “earth” which shows that urbanization is result of their interaction. This kind of urbanization is associated with a type of life which has four evolution phases. Urban life as a prepubertal child should mature as a grown Islamic and divine urbanization. In the first phase, the “social” aspect of urbanization evolves. This phase is in line with five fundamental elements according to Quranic studies. These are “law”, “Sovereignty”, “aggregation”, “social interaction” and “ownership”. The second step of urban life is evolution of the “corporeal” aspect, in which urban life should provide the corporeal needs of Ommah as earthlings and has four indispensible bases: “Residence”, “Livelihood”, “Development” and “Security”. The third stage of Islamic urban life evolution is its “Divine” appearance. Developing this attitude needs four essential concepts: “Worship”, “Education & Cultivation”, “Thinking & remembrance” and “donation”. This stage is the highest level of a city but it should also be widespread and survive that constitute the fourth phase, the “universal & Eternal” aspect of urban life. After creation of the Islamic city and completion of the “social”, “corporeal” and “divine” dimensions of urbanization, it should be able to play a role at a global scale and sustain forever. To achieve this, two concepts should come to existence: “Global interactions” and “Generation”. All the four stages and their fifteen key concepts are the elements which make a strong foundation for reaching the Islamic urbanization, named: “Hayat Tayyebah” by Quran. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Role of Zayandehrood's tributaries (Madis) in urban spaces structure of Isfahan city
        Hamid Majedi fereshte ahmadi
        Isfahan is a city wich is made of  primary life cores and "Joybare" that means "the city of  flowing rivers" has been the biggest and the main core of this city development.    Zayandehrood and it's tributaries have played an important role in g More
        Isfahan is a city wich is made of  primary life cores and "Joybare" that means "the city of  flowing rivers" has been the biggest and the main core of this city development.    Zayandehrood and it's tributaries have played an important role in gathering surface waters, agriculture and flourishing Isfahan city. During urban development along with congestion of buildings and devastation of intra-city gardens and surrounding farms, the unique specifications and part of identity of city called "Madi" has been neglected. Pay attention and investing capital is necessity from historical, environmental, urban design, economic and other different views. The objective of this article is regard to past values of this element in development of the city, to study this factor at present and it's role in urban open spaces planning. Search method in this article is planning and environmental design that including: comparative search, analysis and field studies. The main aims are beautification environs through promotion crossing role of "Madis" as "Green Way", protection historic- identity "Madis" values and complied with functional, recreational, mental, psychological citizen necessity for Life quality promotion.     Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Analysis of “City” and “Urbanization” Concept according to Quran’s Perspective
        Ehsan Sharifian Mohammadreza Pourjafar Aliakbar Taghvayi
        Islamic urban design should be based upon primary religious sources. Many researchers do not pay enough attention to the primary religious sources and usually get their foundations from disreputable sources. Those who refer to primary sources do not have reliable method More
        Islamic urban design should be based upon primary religious sources. Many researchers do not pay enough attention to the primary religious sources and usually get their foundations from disreputable sources. Those who refer to primary sources do not have reliable methods to interpret these references. This prevents from achieving a dependable and comprehensive Islamic urban design theory. Accordingly, exploring definitions of religious sources and approaching the fundamental concepts of urban studies are of utmost importance. In this regard, the concept of "City" and "urbanization" is the first priority. Additionally, Quran plays a dominant role in providing basic and strategic policies between religious sources such as Quran and Hadith, because it is the constitution of Islam. In this research, we present the exact definition of "City" and "urbanization" during a methodological study of Quran, named "Tadabbor". According to this method, we have to review surahs comprehensively by considering their cohesiveness not just verses independently. Also, we explain about the chief foundations upon which Islamic city is created and survived on. These are elements of existence and stability of cities according to Quran's policies. The study -based upon Tadabbor method- shows that Quran defines city (or Madinah) as a place in which the God's sovereignty over the earth is realized by aggregation and centralization of believers (Ummah) around the "vali" -or in other words God's saints- all oriented around "Vahy" (revelation from God). Thus "urbanization" is a kind of submission to the sovereignty of god's scripture (Quran) and substitute (Vali) that results in centralization in a place on the earth. This definition includes five key concepts: "God", "Vahy", "Vali", "Ummah" and "earth" which shows that urbanization is the result of their interaction. This kind of urbanization is associated with a type of life which has four evolution phases. Urban life as a prepubertal child should mature as a grown Islamic and divine urbanization. In the first phase, the "social" aspect of urbanization evolves and is in line with five fundamental elements according to Quranic studies. These are "law", "Sovereignty", "aggregation", "social interaction" and "ownership".  The second step of urban life is the evolution of the "corporeal" aspect, in which urban life should provide the corporeal needs of Ummah as earthlings and has four indispensable bases: "Residence", "Livelihood", "Development" and "Security". The third stage of Islamic urban life evolution is its "Divine" appearance. Developing this attitude needs four essential concepts: "Worship", "Education & Cultivation", "Thinking & remembrance" and "donation". This stage is the highest level of a city but it should also be widespread and survive that constitute the fourth phase, the "Civilizational" aspect of urban life. After creation of the Islamic city and completion of the "social", "corporeal" and "divine" dimensions of urbanization, it should play a role on a global scale and sustain forever. To achieve this stage, two concepts should come to existence: "Global interactions" and "Generation". All the four stages and their fifteen key concepts make a strong foundation for reaching the Islamic urbanization, named by Quran: "Hayat Tayyebah". Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Quest for Urban Identity through Using Natural Elements in Cities (Case Study: City of Hamadan, Iran).
        Aliasghar Rahimiyon
                  Identity crisis in the cities is one of the important issues for urban society of IRAN. Lack of a logical relationship between physical aspects and constructive elements of urban identity is a common problem in the More
                  Identity crisis in the cities is one of the important issues for urban society of IRAN. Lack of a logical relationship between physical aspects and constructive elements of urban identity is a common problem in the contemporary cities. Cities have natural, social, cultural, economic and physical dimensions. In this research one of these categories namely natural elements identities is studied. City is where to growth and promotes human being; cities, like people with diverse characteristics, are different from each other which make distinction from each other. Each city based on natural conditions, cultural and social can be certain characteristics which are causeof the Identify form other cities and human settlements. The identity components can be divided into three categories: 1- natural characteristics; 2- individual characteristics and elements; and 3- human characteristics and elements (humanized environment). The goal of this research is steps taken to solve the identity crisis in the contemporary Iranian cities through identifying the natural elements and phenomena. The research hypothesis is expressed that the natural elements of cities is to be classified and can be effective in improving the quality of the physical aspects of cities. This research, for defining and classifying urban and natural elements, identity use descriptive methods and study of documents for developed theoretical framework in relation to the concept of the identity and the nature. Then, in the field of the natural elements of urban identity using comparative and analytical and comparative methods  to extract  criteria of urban identity, including criteria  for urban planning and urban design. Reviewing case study shows that Hamadan is one of the foothill cities of west of Iran. This city has cold and mountainous climate and slope less than ten percent from south to north is one of its main characteristics. According to Iranian culture and Islamic thoughts, we can find that nature is composed from 4 inanimate elements, which are water, air, soil and light. From composition of these elements, diverse natural phenomenon is created. In Hamadan City, we can find many natural phenomenons from composition of these elements. This composition and its results as a phenomenon make a unique identity for whole environment of city which can be used for and make a unique context for its urban identity.  Literature review about identifying critical urban identity criteria shows that we can find two criteria categories related to urban planning and design. With identifying indicators and effective characteristics in reviving urban identity with emphasis to natural elements, we can say that urban identity is extracted from human identity (material and spiritual) which could be classified under four distinctive categories: 1- human sensual characteristics; 2- characteristics which are originated from religious construction; 3- characteristics which were originated from national and cultural construction; and 4- characteristics which were originated from physical construction of built environment. These characteristics play essential roles in reviving urban identity and this research, with identifying and using these characteristics try to deal with reviving urban identity with emphasis on its natural elements.      Manuscript profile
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        23 - Assessment of Thermal Comfort in Vernacular Buildings in the Cold and Mountainous Region (Case S‌tudy: Hamadan, Iran)
        Farnoush Shams Azad Vahdaneh Fooladi
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        24 - Isfahan’s Organic and Planned Form of Urban Greenways in Safavid Period
        Morteza Rahbar Mojtaba Ansari
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        25 - A Study of the Perspectives of Architecturale and Environmental Psychology (Theoreticians and Psychologists)
        Seyedeh Marzieh Tabaeian Alireza Einifar
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        26 - Identify and analyze the factors affecting the institutionalization of sport culture in children and adolescents
        omid safari gholamreza safari mohamad niknam sogra azadifar fatemeh ghafari
        The present study aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing the institutionalization of the culture of exercise in children and adolescents from the viewpoint of physical education teachers in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad. The method of this descriptive survey More
        The present study aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing the institutionalization of the culture of exercise in children and adolescents from the viewpoint of physical education teachers in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad. The method of this descriptive survey is survey. The population of this study is about 480 students of all physical education colleges in the province. A sample of 200 physical education teachers from Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad was considered. Based on the results of Pearson correlation coefficient test, there is a meaningful relationship between the factors of family, social and cultural factors on the institutionalization of exercise culture in children and adolescents because the level of significance is 03%. That hypothesis is approved with 97% confidence. Also, family activities and peer groups affect the institutionalization of culture of sport in children and adolescents from the teachers' point of view of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad. The activities of governmental institutions (sports organizations, schools and media) on the institutionalization of culture of sport in children and adolescents have affected teachers from the Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. The joint activities of the public and private sectors on the institutionalization of the culture of exercise in children and adolescents are influential from teachers' point of view of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad. Facilitating activities on the institutionalization of sport culture in children and adolescents in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad there is a positive and significant effect. Therefore, it is appropriate to identify the factors affecting the institutionalization of sports culture and to emphasize these factors in order to promote children's sports. Manuscript profile
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        27 - A Hybrid Model of Two-Stage DEA and PROMETHEE in the Gray Environment for Performance Evaluation
        Alireza Alinezhad Amir Amini
        One of the main challenges of performance evaluation in organizations and all systems is the irrationality and inaccuracy of the methods and criteria used. Traditional performance evaluation methods are mostly one-level, so they usually fail to provide sufficient feedba More
        One of the main challenges of performance evaluation in organizations and all systems is the irrationality and inaccuracy of the methods and criteria used. Traditional performance evaluation methods are mostly one-level, so they usually fail to provide sufficient feedback to identify inefficient units. Data envelopment analysis is a mathematical programming technique that compares the relative efficiency of several decision-making units based on observed inputs and outputs expressed by a variety of different scales. In practice, since many decision-making units are subdivided into smaller parts, with standard data envelopment analysis models that consider the organization as a whole, logical results are not obtained. Therefore, it would be better to use developed models like the two-stage DEA model to more accurately evaluate under investigation units in these conditions. Moreover, in cases that there are a large number of inputs and outputs, traditional DEA is not very efficient and it may consider a large number of units as efficient one. To deal with the problem, this study uses PROMETHEE method to rank criteria. After that, the efficiency evaluation problem is continued with most important inputs and outputs. Since the available information is usually incomplete and inaccurate, the problem is solved in the gray environment. The findings indicate a significant decrease in the number of identified efficient units which shows the improvement in discrimination power of DEA method. Additionally, the use of uncertain environment has led to more accurate estimates than previous definite models. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Utility of Ranking Warehouse Candidates in Workshop Locations Using UTAStar
        M. Ehsanifar F. Hossein zadeh lotfi
        Although the importance of locating in manufacturing and service companies is not a new issue, one of significance applications is to determine the appropriate location for warehouses in manufacturing workshops warehouses to the maintenance of materials or products. In More
        Although the importance of locating in manufacturing and service companies is not a new issue, one of significance applications is to determine the appropriate location for warehouses in manufacturing workshops warehouses to the maintenance of materials or products. In any organizations, Finding the suitable site for warehouses establishments to increase customer service and efficiency is one of the most important and costly issues. The warehouse location is the main decision and structurally multi-criteria that includes quantitative and qualitative objectives. In this study, we apply an MADM technique to achieve the primary ranking for the proposed and potential warehouse locations of the company, and then put them as the input of the UTAStar, which is a new and more practical to inference utility functions from past decision data. We will investigate the utility of the results and define the desirability of ranked options for evaluating and selecting of warehouse space. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Social Capital and Social Banking: Drawing Relationships and Explaining the Effects on Sustainable Rural/Nomadic Development
        Karim Mirzakhani Mehrdad Navabakhsh Abdolreza Adhami
        The main aim of this study was to know the impact of bank facility payment with social banking approach on sustainable rural and nomadic development through the mediation of social capital. The research method was quantitative and the tool used was a researcher-made que More
        The main aim of this study was to know the impact of bank facility payment with social banking approach on sustainable rural and nomadic development through the mediation of social capital. The research method was quantitative and the tool used was a researcher-made questionnaire, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient obtained for the research variables was above 0.70. The statistical population was the recipients of the facilities from the branches of the Cooperative Development Bank, which was selected by the multi-stage cluster sampling method of five provinces, and the recipients of the banking facilities were studied as a sample from the selected provinces. To analyze the data, dispersion indices and structural equation modeling were used, and the results of the research showed that the banking facilities of the Cooperative Bank with the social banking approach have an effect and findings in the process of sustainable rural and nomadic development, and social capital also supports this issue. Facilitates. Therefore, it can be concluded that in order to pay attention to sustainable rural and nomadic development with the components of economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability, pay attention to the three components of social banking, that is; profit, people and environment and the five components of social capital, that is; Social awareness, social participation, social network, social cohesion and social trust are important. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Family Structure and Kinship System of Tribes and Nomads with Emphasis on Qashqai Tribe of Fars (Anthropological Attitude)
        Vahid Rashidvash
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        31 - Spreading Modern Rationality and forming the New Patterns of Family; a Study of Cohabitation Style in Tehran
        Amirmasoud Amirmazaheri Leila Shiri Gheydari Mahshid Shahidi
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        32 - Comparison of the America Object in the Two Iranian Presidents (Hashmi Rafsanjani and Khatami) Discourses
        Mehrdad Navabakhsh Ibrahim Motaghi Maryam Jamshidi
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        33 - Ranking Provinces of Iran in Terms of Existence of Healthcare Resources and Level of People's Access to Them by Using Multiple Attribute Decision Making
        Abbas Jahangiri Mohammad Jahangiri Ali Mosali
        Introduction: The development of healthcare sector in a society is measured by existence of healthcare resources and level of people's access to them. The purpose of this paper was ranking provinces of Iran in terms of existence of healthcare resources and level of peop More
        Introduction: The development of healthcare sector in a society is measured by existence of healthcare resources and level of people's access to them. The purpose of this paper was ranking provinces of Iran in terms of existence of healthcare resources and level of people's access to them by using Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM). Methods: In this sectional case study that data requirement has earned by referring to statistical yearbook system, development scores of 30 Provinces of Iran by using one of newest MADM methods named Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) with considering 24 important healthcare indicators were evaluated via Excel 2010 software. Results: In terms of existence of healthcare resources, the province of Tehran with a great difference compared to other provinces of the country with a score of 0.9131 and the province of Semnan with a score of 0.0603 have earned the first and last rank respectively while in terms of level of people's access to them with attention to the population of each province, Ilam with a score of 0.1146 and Khuzestan with a score of 0.0409 have earned the first and last rank respectively. Conclusion: Provinces of Iran in terms of existence of healthcare resources and level of people's access to them are different from each other and healthcare sector resources are not distributed equally. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Providing a Social Marketing Model for Social Health Services
        Alireza Pirhayati Hossein Vazifedust pejman jafari Asghar Seif
        Introduction:In today's world, Businesses need to gain trust among their audience. Social marketing as the latest marketing philosophy, It has such a capacity. And it can reflect on the interests of business and customers along with the interests of the community. More
        Introduction:In today's world, Businesses need to gain trust among their audience. Social marketing as the latest marketing philosophy, It has such a capacity. And it can reflect on the interests of business and customers along with the interests of the community. The main purpose of the present study, Provide a social based marketing model. Methods: To achieve this goal, in the qualitative phase, while reviewing the subject literature and interviewing marketing and municipal experts, with the Grounded Theory approach, effective criteria were identified using MAXQDA software. In the next step, the identified criteria were identified using the interpretive structural modeling approach in new dimensions of classification and levels of components and their relationships. Results: The results of the first question led to the identification of nine main factors including: Responsibility, Strategicism, Marketing Infrastructure, Tendency to Social Marketing Capabilities, Understanding Environmental Dynamics, Citizens Understanding, National Characteristics, Social Marketing Mix and Developing Citizen Beliefs and Attitudes. The results of interpretive structural modeling showed the influence of responsibility, marketing infrastructure and strategy as independent variables on the tendency to social marketing capabilities. Conclusion: Finally, based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that by utilizing social marketing strategies and influencing the attitude and mentality of citizens, it can be possible to develop citizens' beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, the increasing attention of senior executives of organizations is essential to the vital role of social marketing. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Ranking Pharmaceutics Industry Using SD-Heuristics Approach
        S. H. Ahmadi S. R. Alizadeh Shani
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        36 - Analysis of the theory of the limits of Mohammad Shahrour
        shirin Rajabzadeh
        In his most important work, Al-Kitab wa Al-Quran, Mohammad Shahrour, a contemporary modernist from Syria, has presented new issues and theories in the field of Islamic sciences. By criticizing traditional jurisprudence, he has explained his theory of limits under two ne More
        In his most important work, Al-Kitab wa Al-Quran, Mohammad Shahrour, a contemporary modernist from Syria, has presented new issues and theories in the field of Islamic sciences. By criticizing traditional jurisprudence, he has explained his theory of limits under two new terms, "endurance" and "being a Hanifi", and based on that, he has presented novel opinions in the field of rulings. Shahrour believes that human beings and beings in the universe tend to change and deviate (being Hanifi) and need God to guide them to the straight path (endurance). In addition to the above-mentioned book, his jurisprudence opinions are mentioned in the book "Syntax of New Principles for Islamic Jurisprudence". This article seeks to analyze and analyze his theory of limits by descriptive-analytical method to obtain the answer to this question: Why and how did Mohammad Shahrour introduce the jurisprudence theory of limits? The result of the research showed that the theory of limits of consciousness is influenced by his mathematical mind, which with the help of mathematical and geometric functions considers the possibility of curvature of the straight path in six states and explains the types of limits of Islamic law in the same framework. Shahrour believes that the verses of Hudud are the basis of legislation and the verses of rituals are the basis of individual piety. He considers twelve conditions for legislation in the contemporary period, such as: understanding the Arabic language, considering the scientific background of the present age, contemporary economic and social laws, and so on. He believes that in order to understand the problems of inherited Islamic jurisprudence, which is not appropriate to the knowledge and conditions of the present century, it is necessary to find a solution by recognizing the causes of this crisis. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Adapting to Drought from Sustainability Dimensions in Nomads via Factor Explaining
        Sh. Shokri S. M. Hosseini S. M. Mirdamadi
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        38 - Ranking of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad provinces based on cultural development indicators using the method GRA
        Saeed maleki Fereshteh shanbehpour madavan
        Introduction & Objective:The proportional distribution of resources among human settlements with the goal of achieving balanced Culture is one of the most important factors for the realization of development, therefore, cultural development is one of the fundamental More
        Introduction & Objective:The proportional distribution of resources among human settlements with the goal of achieving balanced Culture is one of the most important factors for the realization of development, therefore, cultural development is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the realization of development and one of the fundamental goals of development in any society. Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province are among the provinces that are at the last levels of cultural development and are not well placed in terms of cultural development indicators. Therefore, the main goal of the research is to rank the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad in terms of cultural development indicators. Research method: eight cultural indicators were selected by documentary method and their weight was determined by the AHP model pattern. The classification of cities in terms of having cultural indicators was done by the GRA Relationship Analysis method in Excel. Findings: The results of this research indicate that there is a lack of balance in the distribution of cultural indicators among the cities of the province. Boyerahmad city with the highest score obtained from the analysis of gray relations (0.115) has a favorable situation in terms of cultural development indicators. And other Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad provinces have the lowest rank in terms of cultural development indicators. Conclusion: It is necessary to reduce the differences between cities in terms of cultural development, attention to regional planning and reform of the country's planning system And avoiding planning and following balanced and balanced policies to create equal opportunities for resources in all of the province's provinces. Manuscript profile
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        39 - the effect of the social acceptance capacity of nomadic tourism on the sustainable development (the Haybetlou tribes of Ghashghaii)
        ghasem zarei hatef hazeri lida alinejad salim
        Tourism acceptance capacity is a concept of tourism activities in which tourism is carried out without compromising damage to the host society. In this regard, tourism planners in the field of destination capacity (acceptance) believe that the host society has a certain More
        Tourism acceptance capacity is a concept of tourism activities in which tourism is carried out without compromising damage to the host society. In this regard, tourism planners in the field of destination capacity (acceptance) believe that the host society has a certain capacity for tourism development and growth beyond its capacity will result in social and environmental consequences. Therefore, this research seeks to study the effect of the social acceptance capacity of nomadic tourism on the sustainable development of the Haybetlou tribes in Fars province. In this study, library and field study methods have been used to collect information. In this way, field information was obtained using a researcher-made questionnaire among the Haybetlou tribe in Fars province, distributed among a sample of 218 people. The results of the assumptions test indicate that each of the indices of population, employment, tourism paths, welfare, security and psychological effects that were studied in the social acceptance capacity of the tribal area of Haybetlou have a direct and significant effect on sustainable development. Based on research findings, it is suggested that tourism managers consider the indicators of social acceptance capacity for sustainable development of nomadic tourism. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Assessing the sense of neighborhood affinity by increasing citizen participation in neighborhood development projects (Case study: PirMadar neighborhood, Ardebil)
        Ata Ghaffari ghilandeh Reza Hashemimasoomabad
        the main purpose of the present research Assessing the sense of neighborhood feeling with Increasing citizen participation in neighborhood development projects Is within the boundaries of the Pir Madar neighborhood in Ardebil. The present study is an applied objective a More
        the main purpose of the present research Assessing the sense of neighborhood feeling with Increasing citizen participation in neighborhood development projects Is within the boundaries of the Pir Madar neighborhood in Ardebil. The present study is an applied objective and is of descriptive-analytical type in terms of its nature and in terms of data collection method is a survey method. The statistical population of this study is the residents of the Pir Madar neighborhood, district 5 of region1 of Ardebil which in 2017 includes5294 people. Also, the sample size of 358 and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient were 0.89. Finally, at the stage of data analysis, To measure the status quo of partnership and neighborhood sense from T test, To examine the relationship between partnership in neighborhood development from Pearson Correlation Coefficient Test And to investigate the relationship between individual characteristics with neighborhood sense and willingness to participate The Chi-square test (Chi-square / Double Qi) In the form of Spss software is used. The results indicate a significant relationship between increasing the sense of neighborhood affinity with the degree of readiness to participate in community development projects. And finally, suggestions have been made. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Investigating the Effects and Role of Non-formal Education Courses in Sustainable Rural Development (Case study: Ahmadabad Village, Takht-e Soleiman Eection of Takab City)
        Mohammad Sadeq Oliaie
        Achieving sustainable rural development is not feasible without changing attitudes and intellectual and cultural transformation in a country unless comprehensive training is provided in various areas of jobs in rural areas as well as different styles of the training pro More
        Achieving sustainable rural development is not feasible without changing attitudes and intellectual and cultural transformation in a country unless comprehensive training is provided in various areas of jobs in rural areas as well as different styles of the training process to develop human resources. In addition, its all-encompassing situations should be well recognized, and the necessary coordination should be made between formal and non-formal education, which are considered as the two main components and the basis of learning and development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects and role of non-formal education courses in the sustainable development of rural areas of Ahmadabad rural district of Takab city. The research method used in this research is a combination of documentary and survey methods, and data collection has been done by using direct face-to-face interview techniques and questionnaires. The statistical population of the study is done according to the rules of random sampling and includes residents of six villages of the Ahmadabad rural district. One-sample t-test and regression analysis were used to analyze the relationships between variables. The results show that in the regression fitting model, the coefficient of determination was equal to (0.843), and at the level of 99% was significant, which indicates the positive effect of informal education on the dimensions of independent variables of the research. Values of ß are economic (0.776), social (0.177), and environmental (0.058). Manuscript profile
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        42 - Spatial Analysis and Evaluation of Development Indices in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province (Using Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis)
        Asghar Zarrabi Seyed Ali Mousavi Noor
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        43 - Conceptual Analysis of of Samad Ghorbanzadeh Photographs based on Freud's opinions
        Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani
        This research tries to analyze and scrutinize four selected works of photography by Samad Ghorbanzadeh, a contemporary Iranian photographer, based on the concepts and opinions derived from Freud's psychology. The method of this research qualitatively describes and analy More
        This research tries to analyze and scrutinize four selected works of photography by Samad Ghorbanzadeh, a contemporary Iranian photographer, based on the concepts and opinions derived from Freud's psychology. The method of this research qualitatively describes and analyzes the case of the artwork based on data obtained from library and internet information. The reason for choosing Samad Ghorbanzadeh's works is his surrealism approach in photography, which is able to be read and analyzed by relying on concepts such as unconscious mind, dream, and defense mechanism in Freud's psychological approach. Although psychological analysis reduces the problems to the individual and his characteristics, but ultimately this understanding seeks to explain social constructions. These works are inspired by topics such as loneliness, absence of identity, loss of faith and ultimately death, which somehow involve humans and societies and challenge the nature of human existence in today's world system. In the psychological reading of the works in question, the audience, while having a new experience of encountering the work of art, gets to understand and recognize the content of the work and the symbolic connection of artistic elements with individual and collective injuries. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Amin Khuli and Founding Literary School in the Quranic Exegesis
        Morteza Karimi- Nia
        Literary school in the Quranic exegesis is among contemporarymethods rooted in the old tradition of Quranic commentary. Somesuch literary commentators of the second and third centuries as IbnQutayba, Abu `Ubayda, Abu `Ubayd, al-Kasaee, and al-Farra’ haveattempted More
        Literary school in the Quranic exegesis is among contemporarymethods rooted in the old tradition of Quranic commentary. Somesuch literary commentators of the second and third centuries as IbnQutayba, Abu `Ubayda, Abu `Ubayd, al-Kasaee, and al-Farra’ haveattempted mostly in expounding grammatical and sometimesrhetorical points of the Quran. In later centuries such an emphasisupon literal and rhetorical aspects has appeared more and more inthe works of al-Zamakhshari, al-Sharif al-Radi, al-Sharif al-Murtada, and al-Shaykh al-Tusi and sometimes has beenexaggerated in such Quranic exegeses as al-Bahr al-Muhit by AbuHayyan al-Gharnati. In the whole history of Quranic exegesis suchvarious tendencies has been called lexical commentary, syntacticcommentary, explanatory commentary, rhetorical commentary andsometimes literary commentary. In the present century theoutstanding Egyptian thinker and scholar Amin Khuli added anotherkind of commentary to that collection and called it literary school inthe Quranic exegesis. On the basis of that method in the Quraniccommentary, the primary gem of the Quran is its literary facet andthe commentator must attempt to attain literary, artistic corners ofthis book before anything else. Different aspects of Amin Khuli’sliterary theory in the Quranic exegesis alongside with a briefintroduction to his life and works are presented in this essay Manuscript profile
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        45 - Maddy’s Naturalistic Approach to Philosophy of Mathematics
        Omid Mohammad Heydar
        Naturalism is an approach to the world phenomena from perspective ofnatural sciences. This approach avoids any kind of a priori philosophy and, ingeneral, any alleged knowledge of what is supernatural. In ontology,epistemology and methodology, naturalism by no means rel More
        Naturalism is an approach to the world phenomena from perspective ofnatural sciences. This approach avoids any kind of a priori philosophy and, ingeneral, any alleged knowledge of what is supernatural. In ontology,epistemology and methodology, naturalism by no means relies onmetaphysics or any kind of knowledge beyond the framework of empiricalsciences neither on any method and criterion except scientific methodologyand criteria. Naturalism, in one of its readings, considers philosophy as abranch of empirical science or a field of enquiry within the framework of sucha science. Penelope Maddy’s works on naturalism, especially in philosophy ofmathematics which this thesis intends to expound, are the continuation ofQuine’s works. Quine, as a prominent naturalist philosopher, is thepropounder of effective and thorough theories regarding naturalism, realismand other relevant areas. Unlike the past philosophers and epistemologists, hedoes not seek any basis, for empirical sciences, stronger than science, so thathe always relies on findings of empirical sciences. Penelope Maddy startsfrom Quine’s naturalism and, in response to the questions posed by othernaturalists in philosophy of mathematics, looks for a fundamental method,emphasizing on the set theory as a crucial basis in her arguments. Maddybelieves that if a conflict arises between philosophical explanation andsuccessful mathematical practices, it is philosophy that should retreat from itsposition. Neither philosophy nor science can annul or change methodologicalprinciples of mathematics, both science and philosophy being metamathematicaltrials for mathematics. Maddy’s important achievement innaturalistic philosophy of mathematics is heterogeneous naturalism to whichhe referred as the Second Philosophy. She recommends only mathematicalmethods and issues, and believes that other disciplines are not in the positionto be able to criticize mathematics. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Analysis of human geography role in High school books in Students spirit of social partnership case study Urmia
        پریوش محمدی قشلاق
        مطالعه حاضر در بررسی نقش جغرافیای انسانی در کتب دوره متوسطه در روحیه مشارکت پذیری اجتماعی دانش آموزان شهرستان ارومیه انجام گردیده است. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر روش، تحقیقی توصیفی است و از حیث ماهیت، تحقیق همبستگی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر، کلیه دانش آموز More
        مطالعه حاضر در بررسی نقش جغرافیای انسانی در کتب دوره متوسطه در روحیه مشارکت پذیری اجتماعی دانش آموزان شهرستان ارومیه انجام گردیده است. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، کاربردی و از نظر روش، تحقیقی توصیفی است و از حیث ماهیت، تحقیق همبستگی است. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر، کلیه دانش آموزان شهر ارومیه مشغول تحصیل هستند می باشد. برای تحقق اهداف تحقیق حاضر سه فرضیه تدوین گردید که جهت تایید یا رد فرضیه‌ها ازآزمون رگرسیون استفاده شد؛ نتایج بررسی حاکی ازآن است که: بنابه فرضیه اول جغرافیای انسانی در کتب دوره متوسطه بر بدبینی و بی اعتمادی دانش آموزان تاثیر معنی داری دارد. عناصر روانی بسیاری از قبیل اظهار کراهت و بیزاری اعضای خانواده از یکدیگر،‌ بخل و حسادت و سایر حالتهای روانی مرضی وجود دارد که مانع از مشارکت پذیری بوده و از این جهت مشابه بی‏اعتمادی است؛ که جغرافیای انسانی مورد کاهش بدبینی و بی اعتمادی دانش آموزان می‌شود.همچنین بنا به فرضیه دوم تحقیق، جغرافیای انسانی در کتب دوره متوسطه بر نگاه جنسیتی دانش آموزان تاثیر معنی داری دارد. از آنجایی که یکی از موانع فرهنگی مشارکت پذیری تلقی جنسیت محض از نقشها و اشتغالات مربوط به جامعه است. . Manuscript profile
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        47 - Analytical Survey the position of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province in Iran Industrial development Indicators
        mahmood akbari kazem delroz mohamad sabori mahdi gheusarizadeh
        One of the necessities of economic planning is to be aware of the industrial capabilities of different provinces of the country. Therefore, determining the position of provinces in industries in order to optimally allocate resources is of particular importance. The pres More
        One of the necessities of economic planning is to be aware of the industrial capabilities of different provinces of the country. Therefore, determining the position of provinces in industries in order to optimally allocate resources is of particular importance. The present study is of quantitative and analytical type and using Coopras technique, the inequalities in the industrial of the country's provinces have been studied. The research area is formed by the provinces of the country in 1398. 17 variables have been selected to study the leveling of the country's provinces and the status of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. The results show that they are at a very high level in the provinces of Tehran and Isfahan. In the second level the provinces of Khorasan Razavi, East Azerbaijan, Fars, Mazandaran, Alborz, Khuzestan, Qazvin, Kerman, Markazi and Gilan are located. There are about 9 provinces in the country and these provinces include Yazd, West Azerbaijan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Semnan, Lorestan, Qom, Golestan, Kermanshah and Hamedan. The provinces of Zanjan, South Khorasan, Hormozgan, Ardabil, Kurdistan, Bushehr, Sistan and Baluchestan, Ilam, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad and North Khorasan are deprived. 10 provinces, including the deprived province of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, are at the deprived level. Manuscript profile
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        48 - The effect of cultural; social;economical factors on sedentarisation in sites: tol_e_shore and molla_e_balut, close to kazerun, in fars
        حسین Asayesh Toba Amir Azadi
        Pastoralist nomadic’ community is one of the primary and simple human communitiesmigration has been a way of life for Iranian tribes looking for areas suitable for herds,since ancient times IN IRAN, approximately 28% of Iran red meat source areprovided, by nomad&r More
        Pastoralist nomadic’ community is one of the primary and simple human communitiesmigration has been a way of life for Iranian tribes looking for areas suitable for herds,since ancient times IN IRAN, approximately 28% of Iran red meat source areprovided, by nomad’s, 2% of country population. Some of them are gradually loosingtheir interests toward nomadism because of different shortages, such us lock ofeducation, health care and reterinary services. Yet some others are style in favor ofit. Although some sedentarisation projects are develop in IRAN to improve nomad’slife style, it seems migration or sedentarisation are not the main point. The problem issuch style of herding. Further more, industrial animal husbandry to gether withsedentarisation is not the resolution at least for FARS province due to necessities likebudget, expertism and hay. In the rich climate of fars province whit it’scomplementary steppes: wintry (e.g dashtake_e_davan) and summery (e.gdasht_e_arjan), there are always available grass. Further more there are welfare, healthand education facilities in wintry steppe that is not available during the migration time,fir the families. This subjects is well studied in this work by field and library research,statistical analysis by S.P.S.S program and GIS mapsin the two different sites:tol_e_shore and molla_e_balut, close to kazerun, in fars province. People oftole_e_shor have been sedentarized and yet have lost their budget’s. so they graduallyhave been chaining from producer to consumer. Mean their herds decreased from 300to 1,2 per family and previous grazeirs became simple construction workers.Consequently, the best choice for fars nomad’s is transhumance, while differentstrategies may be suitable for others parts of IRAN with the divorse ocologies. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Flood Estimation in Varband River Catchment, Larestan
        محمدرضا Servati عبدالرسول Ghanbari
        Flooding can be considered as the most dangerous natural disasters, which often causes many damages to human life and its wealth.  Flooding forecasting and its estimation can play a vital role in urban development and planning. One of the most problems in flood est More
        Flooding can be considered as the most dangerous natural disasters, which often causes many damages to human life and its wealth.  Flooding forecasting and its estimation can play a vital role in urban development and planning. One of the most problems in flood estimation is the lack of data, particularly on runoff amount. To overcome the problem, the flood modeling techniques are suggested. In this paper the instance pick discharge value in Varband River catchment was estimated using SMADA software. Also to determine the homogeneous areas, the Langbein and cluster analysis methods were used. The results of the research showed that parameters such as area and main flow length are the most effective factors in making flood in this study area.  The results also showed that between the two mentioned above methods, the cluster analysis method was given better estimation and accuracy than Langbein method. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Synoptic analysis of heavy rainfall in November 21, 2011 in Kohkilooyeh and BoyerAhmad (Likak)
        Majid Montazeri Mohammad Hassan Nami Hamideh Dalaei
        Heavy rainfall and its direct and indirect effects on human’s lives and activities not onlyjustify the attention to the peripheral phenomenon but also provide the way to predict theirfuture occurrence.In thisstudy, after selectin gcriteria for Iran’s heavy r More
        Heavy rainfall and its direct and indirect effects on human’s lives and activities not onlyjustify the attention to the peripheral phenomenon but also provide the way to predict theirfuture occurrence.In thisstudy, after selectin gcriteria for Iran’s heavy rainfallin theSouthWest, theperipheralto circulation approach was used and the synoptic conditions at thetime of the event(21November2011) was evaluated. Results show that the progression ofSudan low pressure from the South and the European high pressure from the North and thecollision of the setwohot and coldsystems have made the mass in West and SouthWest of thecountry. In addition,in the middle level of atmosphere deepening of the Mediterraneanlanding area and its East- toward movement on the same day has located the study area in theEast Region of the landing are a which is the positive volubility area and the created spin hasmoved to the East. Therefore, Due to the severe the rmalinstability and gradient this led torising air in the region.Highhumidity has also contributed to instability and has providedconditions for heavy rainfallin the region more than before Also, one of the other factorsaffecting the heavy rainfallin the study area is that he subtropical river windspeed core haslocated on the Red Sea andin the north of Arabia Manuscript profile
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        51 - A study of the tribal realm in semi – nomads In Gilan ( case study : Asalem of talesh)
        نصرالله Molaei
        The decamping tribes of Iran, widespread and with a long history have Played animportant role in the production cycle. That is why, an attempt must be made toconsider the role of this ''third society'', in addition to urban and rural societies. That iswhy, it is essenti More
        The decamping tribes of Iran, widespread and with a long history have Played animportant role in the production cycle. That is why, an attempt must be made toconsider the role of this ''third society'', in addition to urban and rural societies. That iswhy, it is essential to fill in the gap between this third society, on the one hand, andrural and urban societies on the other.Decamping tribes , on the contrary to stuble societies, live in a vast area , moving fromone area to another on the basis of climatic conditiones. To be more specific they moveto winter – quarters in the winter, summer – quarters in the summer spring & autumnqnarters in these two season. And the realm of decamping tribes in Asalem is the Est –west pivot.A significant feature is the short time it takes for these tribes to move to winterquarters, summer quarters and spring and autumn quarters in these two season. It isworth mentioning that 95 percent of the members of these tribes move onmotorvehicles. On the other hand, 99 percent of domestic animal are transferred usingtraditional methods. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Can transhumance be the only way to survive the life of nomads?
        Toba .Amirazodi
        In this paper has tried transhumance as a choice to save the nomadic life ( in regard toold features of nomads as an important rule in economic, politic an social problems).As seen nomadic life (nomadism) different reason is destroyed and with regardpastoralist nomadic More
        In this paper has tried transhumance as a choice to save the nomadic life ( in regard toold features of nomads as an important rule in economic, politic an social problems).As seen nomadic life (nomadism) different reason is destroyed and with regardpastoralist nomadic community since ancient times in IRAN, approximately 25% ofIRAN red meat products source are provided, by 1.8% nomads country population.The fans of transhumance belive that the nomads must have a better life for themselvesand their children, produce handicraft, … and it makes to continue the pastoralistnamodic like transhumance style. But we know that this kind of transhumance is notsuitable all over the iran's regions. Anyway regions must have it's special strategy(interview with Dr Moshiri. Rahim) And in the end some suggestions are given. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Analyzing the factors influencing the acceptance of Canola (Brassica napus) cultivation in Boyar- Ahmad county: Application of integrated model of acceptance and using technology
        hajar Aeen-Moghaddam Mostafa Ahmadvand Ayatollah Karami
        The aim of the current research was to identify the factors influencing the acceptance of canola (Brassica napus) cultivation among the farmers of Boyer-Ahmad County. For this purpose, the integrated model of acceptance and use of technology was used. The statistical po More
        The aim of the current research was to identify the factors influencing the acceptance of canola (Brassica napus) cultivation among the farmers of Boyer-Ahmad County. For this purpose, the integrated model of acceptance and use of technology was used. The statistical population of the research was the adopters and non-adopters of canola cultivation in the country. All adopters (35 people) and 118 non-adopters who were selected by random sampling with appropriate distribution were studied and investigated using the survey method. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, which was developed based on the components of the theory, and its validity was revised and confirmed by a panel of academic experts. To measure the reliability of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted outside the statistical population, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.67 to 0.93) obtained indicated the satisfactory reliability of the questionnaire. The collected data were loaded into SPSS21 statistical software and related statistical tests were taken. The findings of the research showed that the average score of "facilitating conditions", "expected performance" and "expected effort" in two groups of farmers showed a significant difference. Also, the findings from the discriminate analysis indicated that "facilitating conditions" had a greater share in the discrimination of the two groups of the farmers. Meanwhile, the results of the path analysis showed that "social influence" and "expected performance" had the greatest effect on the willingness to accept, and "facilitating conditions" had the greatest effect on the adoption behavior of canola cultivation. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Evaluation of the clinical, analgesic and Sedative Effects of tramadol with acepromazine in the Horse
        Fadaeifar, R., Asghari, A., Ozmaie, S., Sakha, M. .
        A variety of analgesic and sedative agents are available, and which one can be used in horses is a highly controversial issue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the analgesic and sedative effects and effect on vital signs and probable side effects of a More
        A variety of analgesic and sedative agents are available, and which one can be used in horses is a highly controversial issue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the analgesic and sedative effects and effect on vital signs and probable side effects of administered tramadol with acepromazine in the horse. Ten healthy mix breed horses 2-10 years of age, weighing 250-350 kg were randomly divided into two groups. One group received combination of tramadol (1 mg/kg, IV) and acepromazine (0/05 mg/kg, IV). The second control group received a saline placebo (1ml/45 kg bwt, IV). Heart rate, respiratory rate rectal temperature, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and GI movement were recorded. The records were averaged for the fifteen minutes’ intervals to 6 hours after injection. Analgesia was assessed with pin prick in the tail and perineal region. Data were analyzed statistically by two way of analysis of variance (ANOVA) using repeated measurements and Duncan’s multiple range tests to determine significant differences using P<0.05. In this study tramadol with acepromazine show good sedation but have no analgesic effects. The mean of temperature degree, respiratory rate, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and GI movement in the treatment group at the time of 0, 15, 30, 60 and 360 minute did not show significant difference with the control group. Results of this study showed that parenteral administration of tramadol with acepromazine is fast and effective sedation in animals are created and no significant changes in vital signs and does not cause any danger to the animal although it does not reduce pain. Manuscript profile
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        55 - A quality assessment study of services provided by libraries of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences: Using gap analysis model
        Mahdi Moradian Tamjid Saeid Ghafari Atefeh Zarei
        Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the quality level of services of Hamedan Medical Sciences University libraries through gap analysis. Method: This study is applied based on survey – analytical method which evaluates the quality of provided services More
        Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the quality level of services of Hamedan Medical Sciences University libraries through gap analysis. Method: This study is applied based on survey – analytical method which evaluates the quality of provided services by means of the questionnaire a“I.A. LibQual”.  The population of this study consists of the active users of Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries based on a random stratified sampling, using the Kerjcie and Morgan,which a sample size equal to 367 persons was obtained. Results: The quality level of services provided by the libraries equals to 2/987 according to the users; and these libraries have, in general, been able to meet the minimum expectations of the users and there is a big gap for them to reach the goal of meeting the whole expectations of the users. From the users’ perspective, the scopes of “hiring”, “staff” and “information station” have received the highest degree of preference and importance respectively. And “publication”, “press” and “audiovisual resources” received the lowest level of importance. On the other hand, the result of the first five hypotheses show that from the users’ perspective, there is a meaningful importance between the level of importance of the basic five main components of quality and the performance level. Conclusions: The gap between the level of importance and the quality level of current services in five components is negative. In other words, to achieve the level of users’ satisfaction and to increase the quality of existing services, Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries need more effective planning and efforts. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Assessment of information literacy of undergraduate students of Knowledge and Information Science
        Leila Khalili
        Purpose: The aim of this research study was to determine the information literacy of students and its relation with education and demographic variables. Methodology: In this applied study quantitative approach and survey method was used. Research instrument was a questi More
        Purpose: The aim of this research study was to determine the information literacy of students and its relation with education and demographic variables. Methodology: In this applied study quantitative approach and survey method was used. Research instrument was a questionnaire validated by Davarpanah and Siamak (2000). Population of the study was undergraduate students of Knowledge and Information Science in Azarbaijan Shahid Madani university. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential parametric statistics and  SPSS  Findings: Information literacy score for second year, junior and senior students was a little more than midpoint. Information literacy score of freshman students was lower than midpoint. Based on independent T test, there was significant difference in mean score of information literacy between girl and boy students. Based on ANOVA test there was significant difference in mean score of information literacy based on entrance year of the students. Result of the Pearson correlation showed that there was positive and significant relation between Grade Point Average (GPA) of students and their information literacy score. Result of ANOVA test showed that there was no significant difference in mean score of information literacy among three groups of students based on their type of diploma. Conclusion: Based on the findings it can be concluded that information literacy of freshman students was lower than three other groups. The students who had better GPA, they also had higher information literacy. Although, the mean score of information literacy for students was above the midpoint, but with considering their field of study, it was unpleasant.    Manuscript profile
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        57 - Precipitation Trend Analysis in Zohre-Jirahi Basin in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province
        Amirabbas Mahmoudian Bidgoli Mohammadsadegh Sadeghian Ali Saremi hooman Hajikandi
        Background and Aim: Water resources management has long been the focus of residents in Iran. Knowing of the time and the amount of rainfall contributes to better planning for water resources management, and this can be examined according to the available statistical dat More
        Background and Aim: Water resources management has long been the focus of residents in Iran. Knowing of the time and the amount of rainfall contributes to better planning for water resources management, and this can be examined according to the available statistical data. The need for knowledge about precipitation trends in the study areas facilitates and legalizes water resources management and planning and helps to supply water with a higher reliability factor. The purpose of this research is to estimate and analyze the precipitation trends in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province within the  Zohre-Jirahi basin.Method: This research is carried out in the Zohre-Jirahi basin in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province based on the data from 1966 to 2018. In this regard, first, meteorological stations related to the studied area were located and their statistics were extracted from the received data. The stations’ data homogeneity is calculated based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, and those without homogeneous data or with limited data are removed and, 30 stations are selected for data rebuilding. Rebuilding of missing data is done with Inverse Distance Weighted methods with the power of two and ordinary linear Kriging and after evaluating the methods by three criteria of Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error, and Coefficient of Determination, the optimal method is selected to rebuild the missing data in this study area. After rebuilding the data, a multi-dimensional raster containing rainfall information related to the years of the statistical period is produced and the time series of the relevant data is created in an array and per surface unit. In this research, according to the surface of the study area, time series of 8915 points are analyzed, and the trend of changes based on the Mann-Kendall method and Sen's slope on an annual and monthly scale are assessed in these points and, raster maps are produced.Results: Among the methods used for rebuilding missing data, based on the evaluation of the models, the optimal method for rebuilding missing data in the study area was the Inverse Distance Weighted method with a coefficient of determination of 0.95.The results of calculations on an annual scale show that the average Sen's slope in the study area does not have a significant trend and is equal to 0.0011. The average Sen's slope in the study area on a monthly scale is 0.28 in April and has an upward trend, in May Sen's slope is equal to -0.03 and indicates a downward trend and in June and July, an unobserved trend, and the results of Sen's slope calculations are zero. In August, there is an upward trend, and it’s value is equal to 0.11. In September, there is an upward trend, and it is equal to 0.06. In October, there is no observed trend, and it is equivalent to zero. In November and December, the trend is upward, and the average Sen's slope in the study area is equal to 0.19 and 0.62, respectively, and in January, February and March, the downward trend is equal to -0.48, -0.55, and -0.14.Conclusion: The results do not demonstrate a significant trend on an annual scale, however on a monthly scale, in December, April, November, August, and September, respectively, the highest upward trend is observed, while in February, December, March, and May, respectively, have the highest downward trend, and June, July, and October lack trends. The maximum average Sen's slope is calculated for December and equal to 0.62, and its minimum is in February and equal to -0.55. The management of water resources, especially in the agricultural sector as the main consumer, has large economic and social dimensions and is inevitable, and due to the great impact of water supply time to optimize and increase productivity, this research can be used to review the pattern and time of cultivation in this area. Groundwater artificial recharge, storage process, and consumption process should adapt to the new changes. Manuscript profile
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        58 - "Investigation of the relationship of al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah with ProphetMuhammad in the school of Ibn Arabi based on the interpretation of the comme
        seyedeh zahra Mousavi baygi Seyyed Mortaza Hosseini Shahrudi Abbas javareshkian
        One of the basic topics in theoretical mysticism and especially in Muhyiddin'sreadingisthe question of the truth of Muhammad.Becauseof the mediationof this all-encompassingtruth, between therightand the people, he has a relationshipwith the right and a relationshipwith More
        One of the basic topics in theoretical mysticism and especially in Muhyiddin'sreadingisthe question of the truth of Muhammad.Becauseof the mediationof this all-encompassingtruth, between therightand the people, he has a relationshipwith the right and a relationshipwith the people.The connectionbetweentheMuhammadan truth and creation canbe examined fromvarious dimensions,one of the most important of which inIbn Arabi's thought can be considered the connectionbetween the MuhammadantruthandMuhammad,thelast prophet of God.The current study,whichis written in analytical way, triesto answer the question,"What is therelationship between Muhammad'struth and Muhammad inthe Muhyiddin school?"Is the Prophetmanifestationof the progress of the Muhammadan truth or is he the physicaland at the same timeuniquemanifestationof thisall-encompassing truth? Basedon the author's induction,despite the existence ofnumerousreferencesto theanswer to the above-mentioned question in the worksof the Sheikhand his first-classcommentators, there is noclarification on this matter,but in the worksof hislate followers,two different viewshave beenpresented;Some believe that the relationshipbetween theMuhammadan truth and the ProphetMuhammadisanexclusiverelationship, while another groupbelieves that the Muhammadantruth has manyexamples and,accordingly,itsphysical manifestation isnot exclusive to the Prophet Muhammad.The result of the investigations carried out in this research is that, based on the expressions of Ibn Arabi,theSheikh'sviewshould be considered as the first reading, that is, the existence of a special and exclusive relationship betweentheMuhammadan truth and the last prophet. Manuscript profile
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        59 - “Physical situations in the practical meditation of the school of Yoga and the Shattariyyah Tariqah with the Emphasizing of Mohammad Ghowth Gwaliari's Jawaher-e Khamseh”
        Maliheh Khaleghverdi Mahmoud reza Esfandiar jamshid jalali sheyjani
        AbstractThe connection between Islamic and Indian culture is undeniable. Meanwhile, Sufism and Sufi Tariqats have played a major role in creating such a relationship. The comparative researches indicate that there have been effects between Sufism and Indian religions an More
        AbstractThe connection between Islamic and Indian culture is undeniable. Meanwhile, Sufism and Sufi Tariqats have played a major role in creating such a relationship. The comparative researches indicate that there have been effects between Sufism and Indian religions and schools and there is the integration of some rituals and practices among Sufism and especially the Yoga school. Shattariyyah Tariqah in India, especially since the time of Sheikh Mohammad Ghowth-e Gwaliari, has had the most influence and integration with the practical exercises of Yoga. The present research, with an analytical and comparative study in a library method- with an emphasis on one of the most important works of Shattarian Tariqat and practical mysticism namely Jawaher-e Khamseh by Sheikh Mohammad Ghowth Gwaliari- while describing meditation and body various postures (āsanas)- based on the text of the famous sage Patanjali's Yoga Sutras- has investigated its similarities and influences in the Shattariyyah Tariqah and the Yoga school. Manuscript profile
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        60 - he Critical Emendation of Hamadānī's Inspirations Treatise
        علیرضا ٍEbrahim معصومه Nakini
        Mir Sayyed ʿAlī Hamadānī (1314-1384) is one of the great Sufi masters of Kubravī order who has played a crucial role in developing and promoting the Islamic teachings, especially in the northern and central parts of Iran, Central Asia and north India (Kashmir). Some of More
        Mir Sayyed ʿAlī Hamadānī (1314-1384) is one of the great Sufi masters of Kubravī order who has played a crucial role in developing and promoting the Islamic teachings, especially in the northern and central parts of Iran, Central Asia and north India (Kashmir). Some of his treatises have been published in Persian speaking countries, however there are some manuscript version of his writings which have not still been published. The Risālah-ye Vāridāt (The Treatise of Inspirations) is one these manuscripts. Here, we emendate this treatise based on three different manuscripts. We tried to correct scribes' mistakes and prepare a reliable edition of this treatise. Risālah-ye Vāridāt consists of an introduction and an epilogue. The text is a prose poem full of companionate advice. The main characteristics of Kubravī order can be traced in the treatise such as paying attention to religious obligations, avoiding superficial understanding of religious teachings, following futuwwa path, Shi'ite tendencies and holding some teachings of Ibn al-'arabī. Manuscript profile
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        61 - The Muhammadan Reality and Its Inherent Purity, Genetic Innocence and Existential Simplicity
        Seyyed Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi Razieh Niki
        The main characteristic of the prophets and saints is their innocenceand purity. However, this innocence is not the same for all of them so ithas different gradations and multiple levels. The highest degree ofinnocence is the noncompoundness or the purity and simplicity More
        The main characteristic of the prophets and saints is their innocenceand purity. However, this innocence is not the same for all of them so ithas different gradations and multiple levels. The highest degree ofinnocence is the noncompoundness or the purity and simplicity ofexistence which is the unique characteristic of the first Divinedetermination i.e. the Muhammadan Reality. The Divine Truth throughits descending journey manifested itself in the forms of the Prophet andhis household, therefore, all Divine attributes and perfections, such asinherent purity, genetic innocence and existential simplicity, exist inthese manifestations. But in the natural world due to its restrictions,there is no room for these perfections. Therefore, the Prophet in hisessence is an infinite and noncompound being, but, in the natural worldand exoteric sense, is a man like other. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Characteristics of Perfect Man in Fusūs al-Hikam and its Comparison with Adam Elyon’s Qualities in Zohar
        A. Ebrāhīm
        Judaism and Islam are two great religions believe in monotheism andplace it in the centre of their sacred world. This attitude is regarded in theirmystical inclinations too, so that Zohar as the most important writing inQabbalah and Fusūs as the most influential text More
        Judaism and Islam are two great religions believe in monotheism andplace it in the centre of their sacred world. This attitude is regarded in theirmystical inclinations too, so that Zohar as the most important writing inQabbalah and Fusūs as the most influential text in Tasawwuf, are composedon the centrality of unity of God. In both texts, God is both transcendent andimmanent; and process of creation, which has been originated from God’stendency to manifestation, is based on presentation and appearance of God’sattributes. These attributes form the first level of God’s determination and inspite of their illusory plurality, they contain a unique essence which shapes ananthropological form named “Adam Elyon” and “Perfect Man”. He is acomprehensive manifestation of divine attributes and has superiority overother creatures. According to significant role of “unity of being” doctrine inZohar and Fusūs, Adam Elyon or Perfect Man has unity with the entireuniverse and is regarded as the origination of all other creatures. He is inrelation to God as his manifestation; so knowing him is as the same asknowing God. The authors of these two books attempt to provide a way foracquiring this knowledge by interpretation of verses of sacred books. So, it ispossible we claim that Adam Elyon and Perfect Man are in the center ofmystical thought of Zohar and Fusūs. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Abulfazl al-Baghdādī: the Unknown Successor of Ahmad Ghazālī
        انسیه شیخسفلی شهرام پازوکی
        According to the Sufis’ chains of authorities, the tradition of ShāhNimatullāh Valī (d. 1430 C.E.) goes back to Ahmad Ghazālī (d. 1126C.E.), the head of the Marufī order and the brother of the famousImām Muhammad Ghazālī. This chain was developed outside Iran byt More
        According to the Sufis’ chains of authorities, the tradition of ShāhNimatullāh Valī (d. 1430 C.E.) goes back to Ahmad Ghazālī (d. 1126C.E.), the head of the Marufī order and the brother of the famousImām Muhammad Ghazālī. This chain was developed outside Iran bythe unknown successor of Ahmad Ghazālī, mentioned as Abulfazl al-Baghdādī, and through some intermediaries reached Abu Madyan (d.1198 C.E.), in Tlemcen (a town in Northwestern Algeria). The name ofAbu Madyan is frequently mentioned in Ibn al-Arabi’s works as hismaster. This chain finally came up to Shāh Nimatullāh Valī, thusreturned to Iran. This article tries to survey the real identity of ShaikhAbulfazl al-Baghdādī. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Saikh Ahmad Tidjāni and Tidjāniyya Order
        مرتضی khosro-shahi محمدجواد Shams
        Tidjāniyya is a Sufi order which was founded by Saikh Aḥmad Tidjāni (1737-1814 C.E.). The order is one of the greatest Sufi orders of north Africa which has played an important role in the development of Islam in that region.  Shaikh Aḥmad joined Sufi path when he More
        Tidjāniyya is a Sufi order which was founded by Saikh Aḥmad Tidjāni (1737-1814 C.E.). The order is one of the greatest Sufi orders of north Africa which has played an important role in the development of Islam in that region.  Shaikh Aḥmad joined Sufi path when he was young and after initiating into some important orders such as Qādiriyya, Nāṣiriyya and Khalvatiyya, gradually became a Sufi master. In 1781 C.E. he claimed that he had a mission from the prophet of Islam to establish a Sufi order and he called it Tidjāniyya or Ibrāhimiyya. Nowadays the order is active in African countries such as, Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Tunisia and Mali. The main practice of the order is invocations (Dhikr) of God and the prophet.  Manuscript profile
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        65 - The Concept of Perfect Man from the viewpoint of Azīz ibn Muhammad Nasafī
        کیومرث چراغی
        "Perfect Man" is a significant term in Islamic mysticism which wasused for the first time by Muhī al-Dīn ibn al-Arabī, a prominentMuslim mystic of 13th century C.E. After ibn al-Arabī, this concept wasreceived and developed by his disciples and the followers of hismysti More
        "Perfect Man" is a significant term in Islamic mysticism which wasused for the first time by Muhī al-Dīn ibn al-Arabī, a prominentMuslim mystic of 13th century C.E. After ibn al-Arabī, this concept wasreceived and developed by his disciples and the followers of hismystical school. Nasafī, in his works, focuses on this concept and in itsexposition, he considers two degrees or two variants for the PerfectMen in the hierarchy of human perfection: Perfect Men and free PerfectMen. For Nasafī Perfect Man is one who perfectly possesses these fourqualities: good speech, good deed, good moral and good cognition.Therefore a Perfect Man should be perfect in Islamic law (sharī‘ah),mystical path (tarīqah) and the truth (haqīqah). The free Perfect Man isa higher degree than the Perfect Man. He should possess eight qualities:good speech, good deed, good moral, good cognition, voluntaryabstinence (tark), living in seclusion (‘uzlah), contentment (qinā‘t) andinactivity (khumūl). This essay tries to survey the significant concept of"Perfect Man" from the viewpoint of Azīz Nasafī, a mystic who mostlyhas been ignored in the scholastic studies. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Ahmad Jām’s Social Approach to his Contemporary Religious Guilds
        محمود Sheikh Zahra Amirkhan
        In the works of Shaikh Ahmad Jām (11-12 A.D), besides his attention to mystical and moral issues, he often considers the social problems. By employing content analysis method, this article tries to describe his approach towards his contemporary religious guilds. Accordi More
        In the works of Shaikh Ahmad Jām (11-12 A.D), besides his attention to mystical and moral issues, he often considers the social problems. By employing content analysis method, this article tries to describe his approach towards his contemporary religious guilds. According to his works, one can distinguish three different classes in the religious community: firstly the sacred characters who are completely acceptable, such as ascetics, mystics and sages. Secondly, a group that consists of good and bad characters, such as Sufis and Dervishes. Thirdly a group that consists of hypocrites who just care about the outside elements of the religion. From this categorization, it is obvious that Shaikh Jām just preoccupied with religious community and did not pay attention to other classes of society, such as rulers and merchants. Moreover, he numerated the attributes of these classes from which one can guess his focus was on the ethics and spirituality and he did not concern about socio-political issues.     Manuscript profile
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        67 - Mystical and Moral thoughts of Ibn Paquda and Ghazali according to their Works: Duties of the Heart and The Revival of the Religious Sciences
        Hossein Alijafari Tahereh Hajebrahimi
        The purpose of the present investigation is a comparative study of the mystical reflections and ethical thoughts of the Qazali and Bahya according to their books: The Revival of the Religious Sciences and Duties of the Heart. The pivotal question is what mystical, theol More
        The purpose of the present investigation is a comparative study of the mystical reflections and ethical thoughts of the Qazali and Bahya according to their books: The Revival of the Religious Sciences and Duties of the Heart. The pivotal question is what mystical, theological and ethical thoughts can one emerge from the works of Bahya and Qazali? The results shows a significant similarities between the structure of Qazali’s and Bahya theological and mystical thoughts. Although we could not assume that Bahya's work is entirely an imitation of Qazali’s mystical poems and books, it somehow echoes Qazali’s teachings. Bahya describes the religious acts as the Duties of The Heart, and these are consisted of the internal piety and full-fledged adherence to the religious master. There are some traces of   Ikhvān al-Sāfā and Plotinus in his writings. Thus Bahya's thoughts has so many similarities with Muslims’ mystics and specially Sufis. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Divine Lover According to Richard Rolle and Aḥmad Ghazālī with an Emphasis on Fire of Love and Sawāniḥ al –ushshāq
        زهره Hemmat فاطمه Lajevardi
        This article compares the views of Richard Rolle (ca. 1300- 1349), an English hermit, mystic, writer and Bible interpreter and Aḥmad Ghazālī (ca. 1060- 1126), an Iranian mystic, writer and preacher on love. These mystics have spoken of love in detail in their works, Fir More
        This article compares the views of Richard Rolle (ca. 1300- 1349), an English hermit, mystic, writer and Bible interpreter and Aḥmad Ghazālī (ca. 1060- 1126), an Iranian mystic, writer and preacher on love. These mystics have spoken of love in detail in their works, Fire of Love and Sawāniḥ al -ushshāq. This paper, shows that topics on love in these two books include: The essence of love, The beloved, Characteristics of a lover, Essentials of love and Results of love. Re-examining these categories illustrates the differences and similarities between the two mystics' views of the concept of love and lovers. The ideas of Rolle and Ghazālī are overlapping in the nature of love, but their views differ significantly on other topics. From Rolle's point of view, love cannot be realized except through the religious context and Christian ethics, and it only makes sense in relation to God, Christ and the Trinity. However, in Ghazālī's view, the ontological and psychological aspects of love and lover are more intense, and it is capable of being experienced in relation to God and his creatures. The present study compares the view of this two mystics on the Characteristics of lover in detail.  Manuscript profile
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        69 - Protective effect of aerobic training and royal jelly on profibrogenic parameters of liver tissue and insulin resistance in obese rats
        Ali Asghar Ma'ghouli Ahmad Abdi asieh abbassi daloii
        Introduction: Obesity is characterized by several metabolic complications such as increased profibrogenic parameters of liver tissue. Most anti-obesity drugs have liver side effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of aerobic training and More
        Introduction: Obesity is characterized by several metabolic complications such as increased profibrogenic parameters of liver tissue. Most anti-obesity drugs have liver side effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of aerobic training and royal jelly on profibrogenic parameters of liver tissue and insulin resistance in obese rats.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 45 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups: normal diet (ND), high fat diet (HFD), high fat diet - training (HFDT), high fat diet - royal jelly (HFDRJ) and high fat diet - training - royal jelly (HFDTRJ). The supplement groups received 100 mg of royal jelly (per kg of body weight) diluted in distilled water orally during the intervention period. Aerobic training program including running on treadmill with intensity of 50-60% VO2max was performed 5 days week for eight weeks. The genes expression of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGF-β) and Smad3 were measured by Real Time PCR. Results: There was significant increase of TGF-β, Smad3 and insulin resistance in HFD, HFDT, HFDRJ and HFDTRJ groups compared to ND group (P=0.001). Also, there was a significant decrease of TGF-β, Smad3 and insulin resistance in HFDT, HFDRJ and HFDTRJ groups compared to HFD group; and HFDTRJ compared to HFDRJ groups (P=0.001).Conclusion: It seems that the aerobic training with royal jelly can help to decrease of insulin resistance and improve the profibrogenic parameters of liver tissue in obesity caused by high-fat diet. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Climate Change Phenomenon Effect on the Hamadan Climate Parameters
        Mohammadtaghi Asadi Hamid Zareabyaneh Nasrin Delavar Azar Asadi
        Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were More
        Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were designed based on stable climate. Method: In this study the output of general circulation models (GFCM21, HADCM3, INCM3, IPCM4 and NCCCSM) was used to simulate the climate parameters (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours) in Hamadan station during 2046-2065. Three scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 were considered. Monthly changes of climate parameters were calculated by LARS-WG model. Findings: The results showed that the most increasing in minimum temperature were seen under A1B scenario of GFCM21 model (2.5˚C). The least increasing was related to INCM3 under B1 scenario (1˚C). The highest and lowest increasing in maximum temperature were seen in GFCM21 model under A1B and B1 scenarios by 2.4 and 1.4˚C, respectively. B1 scenario of IPCM4 model showed the highest increase in precipitation by 15.8 percent and A1B scenario of GFCM21 model reported the highest decrease by 13 percent. Solar radiation project by HADCM3 model, A1B scenario showed the most increase about 24 percent and based on NCCCSMmodel, A2 scenario lowest increase (by 13 percent) was seen. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study indicated minimum and maximum temperatures will increase in period of 2046-2065. Both increases and decreases in precipitation were seen. Also variations sun hour is very little. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Resilient Suppliers Evaluation Using Fuzzy Ratio System and ANP Method
        Hashem Moazzez Mohammad Reza Fathi Davood Ramezani Kermani
        Background and Objective: Proper management of a supply chain, assessment and selection of suppliers is an important task which can affect the profitability of organization in the long time. The purpose of this research is to provide a framework for assessing Resilient More
        Background and Objective: Proper management of a supply chain, assessment and selection of suppliers is an important task which can affect the profitability of organization in the long time. The purpose of this research is to provide a framework for assessing Resilient Suppliers.Material and Methods: Researcher through literature review and interviews with experts of Company and preparing a questionnaire to identify the factors affect to Resilient Suppliers. In this study, two ANP techniques to determine the weighting of criteria and Fuzzy Ratio System method for ranking alternatives are used.Results: The criteria and factors that influence the selection of resilient suppliers include the main factors of performance, minimization of risk, responsiveness, Technical support and power. In this study paired comparisons carried out by ANP. In addition, Fuzzy Ratio System as a new method of fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making, in order to rank the options is used.Conclusion: According to the results of Fuzzy Ratio System, S2 has been chosen as the best option. Manuscript profile
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        72 - Evaluation of Combat Desertification Alternatives by Using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) (Case study of Khezerabad region in Yazd Province)
        mohammad hassan sadeghi ravesh Bahare Jabalbarezi
        Background and Objective: Today, desertification is considered as a severe problem in most countries of the world, including the developing ones. Despite the serious environmental, social and economical impact of desertification phenomenon, few studies have been done to More
        Background and Objective: Today, desertification is considered as a severe problem in most countries of the world, including the developing ones. Despite the serious environmental, social and economical impact of desertification phenomenon, few studies have been done to provide optimal alternatives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the alternatives for combating desertification in order to achieve optimal alternatives in the context of the sustainable management of deserts. Method: To achieve this goal, the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) has been applied in the context of Multi-Attribute Decision-making (MADM) models. In order to determine the weights of criteria and alternatives, it was used the modified Delphi and Shannon entropy techniques, while the final rating of alternatives was performed using the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) function. The model was applied to evaluate the efficiency in providing the optimal alternatives in Khezerabad Region of Yazd Province. Findings: The results showed that, the alternatives of prevention of unsuitable land use changes (A18) by a utility factor of 0.7429, vegetation cover development and reclamation (A23) by a utility factor of 0.6573 and modification of ground water harvesting (A31) by a utility factor of 0.3184 respectively were identified as the most important alternatives for combating desertification in the region. Discussion and Conclusion: These results might able the managers to properly and efficiently use the limited available facilities and funds in order to control the desertification. In addition, achieveing better results, this might prevent the waste of national resources. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Analysis of morphodynamic changes of landforms in riverbed kalshour in the shirAhmad protected area in Sabzevar With an environmental perspective
        ebrahim taghavi moghadam elahe akbari Ali akbar Ehsanzadeh
        Background and Objective: Knowledge of the characteristics of morphodynamic river systems, Landform and its evolution as one of the most vital components of the Earth's surface that In many studies and projects, including the flood control, watershed studies, and enviro More
        Background and Objective: Knowledge of the characteristics of morphodynamic river systems, Landform and its evolution as one of the most vital components of the Earth's surface that In many studies and projects, including the flood control, watershed studies, and environmental hydrology of the basic requirements for environmental planners. This study aimed to evaluate the changes of landforms and the KalShour riverbed in protected area ShirAhmad is Sabzevar emphasis on environmental considerations. Method: in the Research using topographic map and satellite images of Landsat, years 1988, 2000 and 2015. For this purpose, was determined changes kaleshor of riverbed and morphodinamic landform changes occurred in the study period of 27 years and Using maximum likelihood map landforms and account for the years of research and changes in any areas identified and analyzed and assessed. Findings: Calculations show that the rivers in the region of 8.1 km2 kalshour shorter and less meandering, and become more the radius of the circle is tangent to any show that has become curved meander pattern to direct arterial. The map Landforms has changed was produced with maximum likelihood and overall accuracy0.78 and kappa coefficient 0.84. Discussion and Conclusion:  The results show a large changes of sand dunes and vegetation especially .Based on the results, because of having high groundwater levels and also enter wastewater Sabzevar and.31.5 km2 of sand dunes volume reduction and conversion to fields Tamarix hispida and forest Tamarix. This issue is for the benefit of the natural landscape and on the other hand depletes water resources and soil and adverse impact on animal life protected area's Shirahmd that require special strategic programs in order to preserve natural heritage and sustainable development. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Effects of Rangeland Exclosure on Chemical and Organic Properties of Soil (Case study: Gonbad Area)
        Abbas Ghobadi Davoud Akhzari
        Background and Objective: Grazing as one of ecological disturbances causes changes in soil characteristics of rangelands. This study was carried out to study the effect of Grazed pasture on plant cover, microbial deposits and some soil characteristics of Gonbad in Hamed More
        Background and Objective: Grazing as one of ecological disturbances causes changes in soil characteristics of rangelands. This study was carried out to study the effect of Grazed pasture on plant cover, microbial deposits and some soil characteristics of Gonbad in Hamedan. Method: Five transects of 1000 meters were considered separately for soil characteristics in each region (grazed and ungrazed). Systematic sampling of soil was performed every 100 meters in May 2016. The elements of Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn and Zn were measured by atomic absorption spectrometer, acidity with pH meter, bulk density from clavicle method, total nitrogen from Kjeldahl method, organic carbon and soil organic matter by the oxidation method of Walkybak and Zeitous Carbon microbial was calculated by quenching-extraction method. Findings: After analyzing, it was determined that the concentrations of K and Zn in the soil of the sample area and the concentration of Mg in the soil of the control area increased significantly at 5% level. Soil acidity in the control area increased from 7/1 in the sample area to 7/23. Soil moisture content decreased significantly in the control area and from 27.11% in the sample area reached 18.12%. Soil bulk density in the control area was 1.16 g / cm3, which decreased significantly in the sample area and reached 0.98 g / g / cm3. The carbon microbial biomass was significantly differed in the soil of grazed and control areas. The comparison of the mean microbial carbon content in studied rangelands showed that this parameter ranged from 0.83 g / kg in the control area (grazed) to 0.95 g / kg and increased significantly. Discussion and Conclusions:  The exclosure area has been enclosed with exclosure, soil characteristics in the path of sequencing and achieving ideal conditions, but it still needs attention and continued conservation.   Manuscript profile
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        75 - Evaluating the Resilience of Local Communities in Isfahan to Zayandehrood River and Madies’ Drying up
        Melikasadat Amirzadeh Naser Barakpour
        Background and Objective: Zayandehrood River is the largest river of central Iran, which passes through the city of Isfahan. This river has constantly contributed to the growth of Isfahan and, throughout the history, has provided the city with a green landscape, despite More
        Background and Objective: Zayandehrood River is the largest river of central Iran, which passes through the city of Isfahan. This river has constantly contributed to the growth of Isfahan and, throughout the history, has provided the city with a green landscape, despite the hot and arid climate of the region. Moreover, Madies are neighborhood aqua-ducts from Zayandehrood, initially developed for agricultural purposes and, as the city developed, turned into greenways for urban fabric. These aqua-ducts have been one of the major infrastructural elements of neighborhoods with key ecological and social roles. Recently, Zayandehrood’s drying up has become one of the most important incidents with devastating impacts on Isfahan and its local communities. Madies’ drying up has had negative impacts on the neighborhoods’ sense of place as well as local communities’ lives. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the resilience of two local communities in the vicinity of Madies in Isfahan, namely Abbas Abad and Barazandeh districts.Material and Methodology:  This research incorporated survey and secondary data analysis to evaluate the resilience of these communities. The research was conducted based on a pre-developed community resilience framework. Overall, 22 authorities and experts from the Municipality of Isfahan and 379 residents from the two local communities were surveyed. Afterwards, the resulting data was analyzed quantitatively through SPSS software.Findings: The findings show that the overall community resilience level is below the moderate level. The lowest score, belonging to local institutional/governance factors, is 1.7 and the highest score is 3.25, a few points higher than the moderate level. The latter score belongs to spatio-physical factors in Abbas Abad district.Discussion and Conclusion:  Community resilience is not limited to the ability of communities in withstanding  adverse situations. Although the local communities of Isfahan are apparently accustomed to the status quo, the overall score of community resilience of these communities is below the moderate level. Therefore, there should be strategies to enhance the resilience of local communities in the city. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Classifying Gas Companies for HSE Performance Using MADM Technique
        Nabiollah Mansouri Shabnam Azimi Hosseini
        Introduction: Oil and gas industry with respect to the quality and quantity of raw materials,intermediate and final products, as well as having three properties of high complexity , low flexibilityand high vulnerability are critical industries and occurrence of an event More
        Introduction: Oil and gas industry with respect to the quality and quantity of raw materials,intermediate and final products, as well as having three properties of high complexity , low flexibilityand high vulnerability are critical industries and occurrence of an event in aspects of human,environmental and economic can be disaster. The overall benefits of this research could be defined asassessing the HSE performance quantitatively based on the multi attributes decision making method inorder to create a motivation for different gas companies to make them improve themselves.Material and method: This work started with observing the processes of the sites of 4 groups ofcompanies in the Iran National Gas Company namely: Provincial Gas, Development & Engineering,Gas Distribution and Refinery, gathering and classifying the effective parameters on HSEmanagement system along with hard-work parameters too. Then the data was analyzed with TOPSISmethod.Results: Analyzing gathered data and indexes by TOPSIS was resulted to ranking the studiedcompanies as follow: with the final score of 0.74, 0.55, 0.40 and 0.19 from 1 respectively.Conclusion: In this study to compare the performance of the gas companies, 29 indicators (23 HSEindicators, and 6 indicators of hard work) were developed and TOPSIS method were used to rankmentioned companies. Manuscript profile
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        77 - Determinants of Sustainable Use of Water Resources: The Case of Kohkilouye and Boyerahmad Province
        Mehrdad Bagheri Hamid Mohammadi Gholamreza Nouri Behrooz Mir
        AbstractIrregular use of groundwater resources has confronted them with danger, obligating attempt towardsustainable use. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinant factors of sustainable use ofwater resources in Fars province. Sustainability was considere More
        AbstractIrregular use of groundwater resources has confronted them with danger, obligating attempt towardsustainable use. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinant factors of sustainable use ofwater resources in Fars province. Sustainability was considered from two points of views using twoindices. In one view, sustainability of water resources was considered equal to reduce water waste. Inanother one, land and chemical fertilizer pattern was also considered, leading to a compound index.The data applied to the analysis were input usage pattern, produced crops and socio-economicgathered through Fars province farmers. The results in models showed that water waste wasconsidered as sustainability index. Producers’ income and their managerial abilities are of the mostimportant factors which affects sustainable use of water. While in the case of the models based on thecompound index, technical factors such as modern irrigation system, water transferring channels typeand distance between well and farm affect the sustainable use of water. The finding also revealed thatpresence of crops with high income risk doesn’t necessarily result increasing instability. Manuscript profile
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        78 - Two-objective optimization of petrochemical portfolio with Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) by different approaches in portfolio selection
        Arezou Karimi Fatemeh Zakipour
        The issue of choosing a portfolio is a multi-objective issue; Therefore, the need to know the methods of solving portfolio selection models is of great importance. Ultra-innovative algorithms are new ideas that were introduced in this regard. The multi-objective SPEA2 a More
        The issue of choosing a portfolio is a multi-objective issue; Therefore, the need to know the methods of solving portfolio selection models is of great importance. Ultra-innovative algorithms are new ideas that were introduced in this regard. The multi-objective SPEA2 algorithm is one of the algorithms that solves the portfolio optimization problem. The purpose of this study is to use the SPEA2 multi-objective algorithm to achieve the desired combination of petrochemical companies in the petrochemical portfolio. The objective functions of the problem under study include the two objectives of maximizing returns and minimizing risk. The statistical sample includes data of 900 days of 12 petrochemical companies allowed to operate from 1/12/94 to 12/12/98, which by transferring this data to MATLAB software, the logarithmic return each stock is calculated and is the input of SPEA2 algorithm. Then the SPEA2 algorithm is implemented for each of the models of Mean-Variance, Mean-Semi Variance, Mean-Absolute Deviation, Mean- Conditional Value at Risk and the weight of each stock and risk and return of each portfolio are calculated. Then, using SPSS software, the mean difference between risk and return of the models was tested. The results show that the returns obtained by SPEA2 algorithm under different risk models are not statistically significant; However, the portfolio risk created by the SPEA2 algorithm under the Conditional Value at Risk model is significantly different from other risk measures and shows more risk. Manuscript profile
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        79 - Research in Effect of Lunar Calendar Events on Stock Returns and Daily Trading Volume in Tehran Stock Exchange
        Shadi Shahverdiani Ahmad Goudarzi Soheyla Vahdat Zirak
        The analysis of the effects of calendar month as a branch of behavioral finance considers the efficiency and the amounts of transactions in some special times of the year, and seeks to know whether there is a notable difference between the efficiency and number of trans More
        The analysis of the effects of calendar month as a branch of behavioral finance considers the efficiency and the amounts of transactions in some special times of the year, and seeks to know whether there is a notable difference between the efficiency and number of transactions before these specified days with the out-put and the amounts of dealings on other days. (according to what have been observed at world markets) This research considers the effects of the calendar year Hegira on the out-put of stocks and the number of transactions at the stock market of Tehran during the years 1383-1390. The method of performing this research contains the analysis  through-out the method of panel data. The conclusion of this research proves that the effect of the Hegira months: Ramadan and Moharram on the stock market of Tehran is approved. Such an approvement that the efficiency is elevated during these two mentioned months. But no significant difference has been noticed due to the amounts of transactions during the mentioned months. Manuscript profile
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        80 - Ecotourism Valuation Rural Tourism Target of Malhamdare Village in Asadabad County of Hamedan Province
        Habib Shahbazi
        Economic valuation of environmental resources is allocated the great part of environmental economic studies. Environmental economist believed that economic valuation is necessary for environmental and services of non-market resources and denying of it will have results More
        Economic valuation of environmental resources is allocated the great part of environmental economic studies. Environmental economist believed that economic valuation is necessary for environmental and services of non-market resources and denying of it will have results as regret in long run. When environmental functions tied to historical and rural heritage, results of non-valuation will have more prominents. The purpose of this study is determining the recreational value of Malhamdare village services (environmental and historical) in Asadabad County (Hamedan Province). So, for this, individual travel cost method is used in household production function framework for years of 2015. The results show that the time, distance and costs of travel are effective factors on production recreation and recreation marginal cost, with the assumption of competitive conditions, is equivalent to 1397650.2 Rials per days which is shadow price of recreation. Also demand for recreation has negative relationship with the shadow price of recreation and has a positive relationship with income. On the other hand, visitor’s willingness to pay has a significant and positive relationship with quality of the environment, education level, age and marriage status of visitor. So, increasing environmental quality and preparing facilities in Malhamdare village by private sector investing will have increased environmental, recreation and ecotourism value of Malhamdare village. Manuscript profile
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        81 - Spatial distribution of (Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu and Co)in the Surface (Superficial) Soil of Hamadan county with Geostatistic & GIS
        parisa Farzaneh ali reza Soffianian faramarz Moattar
        Introduction: Heavy metals are one of the most important soil pollutants. The increased level of them in environment in respect to their stability has led to researchers’ attraction at recent decades. the principal goal of present study  is to  determin More
        Introduction: Heavy metals are one of the most important soil pollutants. The increased level of them in environment in respect to their stability has led to researchers’ attraction at recent decades. the principal goal of present study  is to  determine the spatial distribution of heavy metals  (Ni, Cr,  Pb, Cu and Co) in surface soil of Hamadan county. Material and methods: For this Sampling was carried out based on systematic method from depth 0-20cm. heavy metals concentration and soil characteristics including PH, silt,clay and sand percentage were measured. Interpolation for  heavy metals levels concentrations were done by geo-statistics methods . Different elements were interpolated through Radial basic function(RBF), Ordinary and Disjunctive Kriging and inverse distance weighting .The method accuracies were compared by using mean absolute error and mean bayas error. Results: for heavy metal concentration maps, Cr,Co and Pb, we used (RBF),for Cu inverse distance weighting(IDW),for Ni  ordinary kriging with exponential model. Overplaying heavy metals distribution maps with geology and land use maps showed that Cr, Co and Ni have geological origin, The highest levels of Lead concentration is controlled by geological formation, agricultural activities and also urban pollution. Cu have originated from bed rock. But, excessive consumption of chemical fertilizers according to agricultural activities can increase most of these elements in soil. Manuscript profile
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        82 - Social critique of Shamloo poems with emphasis on humor
        ali sharbati ali sharbati Nahid Akbari
        One of the tools that poets use to criticize society is humor. Humor is a kind of lyrical literature that has a unique power in creating enthusiasm and attracting the reader and it is achieved with a critical attitude. It has a special position in the history of Iranian More
        One of the tools that poets use to criticize society is humor. Humor is a kind of lyrical literature that has a unique power in creating enthusiasm and attracting the reader and it is achieved with a critical attitude. It has a special position in the history of Iranian written culture and it is considered the highest degree of literary criticism. The capacity of the language of humor and other branches of humor, in the ambiguous expression of human problems and afflictions, especially in times of oppression and pressure, has made it one of the most influential literary genres. Liberal and social poets, committed to human excellence, in their period faced social problems, tyranny and injustice, which criticized their opposition in various ways, overtly and covertly, in the form of humor and ambiguity. This research has analyzed the methods of humor and comparison in the collection of poems and its purpose has been to show the techniques of humor and comparison in the poems of the contemporary Iranian poet Shamloo and analyzes his poems in the poet's community. Manuscript profile
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        83 - A Comparative of “Self” and “the Other” in Germany by Madame de Staël and Westernization by Jalal al-Ahmad
        Malahat Babayari Raveshti Majid Yousefi Behzadi
        AbstractJalal Al-Ahmad (1923-1969) and Madame de Staël (1717-1817) are among prominent writers of Iranian and French literature respectively. Their eras were similar in numerous ways: literature, society and culture, eventually leading to a contrast between German More
        AbstractJalal Al-Ahmad (1923-1969) and Madame de Staël (1717-1817) are among prominent writers of Iranian and French literature respectively. Their eras were similar in numerous ways: literature, society and culture, eventually leading to a contrast between German Romanticism and French Classicism in Germany by Madame de Staël, and east and west in Westernization by Jalal al-Ahmad. Analogy is one of the common aspects of these two works. The presence of looking at “the other” in the writings of these two authors is an influential factor in the evaluation of the “self”. The main goal of this study is to examine how Pierre Brunel’s theory of law of emergence can be applied to the the ideas of Al-Ahmad and Madame de Staël. this study takes a comparative approach to the analysis of “self” and “the other” in these two books, defining the affinity and contradiction between a society that “looks” and a society that is “looked at”. Also, the factors leading to this intellectual resemblance is identified and examined. Manuscript profile
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        84 - Investigating the semantic meaning of pseudonyms in Mohammad Khorramshahi's satirical works based on Khorram Divan and Tawfiq Magazine
        Ali Akbar Ghandahari Kobra Nodehi Tavagh Goldi Golshahi
        Mohammad Khorramshahi is one of the contemporary poets and writers and one of the satirists in the field of humor who during his ninety years of activity, has written more than ninety pseudonyms in this field, to the point that he has become one of the record holders of More
        Mohammad Khorramshahi is one of the contemporary poets and writers and one of the satirists in the field of humor who during his ninety years of activity, has written more than ninety pseudonyms in this field, to the point that he has become one of the record holders of pseudonym in the Iranian press; But by all this activity, it has been overlooked by researchers. Since the task of humor, while informing the officials about the problems and failures, it should also recount the treatment as much as possible and remove the obstacles and problems diligently. In this article, in addition to introducing this character, the author has tried to examine the relationship and content of pseudonyms with the content of his poems and humorous content. The results show that there is a relatively significant relationship between Khorramshahi's poems and humorous content with selected pseudonyms. Manuscript profile
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        85 - comparative study of Abolqasem Halat and Ahmad Matar satirical implementations
        Mohammad amin Ehsani Estahbanati enayatollah sharifpour Mohammad reza Sarfi
        Satire is one of the ways of spoken combat of speakers through which political and social structures are challenged. There are a variety of methods to make satirical implementation and speakers use their desired way, depending on the intended content of the speaking. In More
        Satire is one of the ways of spoken combat of speakers through which political and social structures are challenged. There are a variety of methods to make satirical implementation and speakers use their desired way, depending on the intended content of the speaking. In this research the poems of Abolqasem Halat, an Iranian poet and Ahamd Matar, an Iraqi poet, were analyzed regarding the use of satirical methods and we concluded that the difference in contents of the poems of these two writers as well as discrepancy in time and place have caused different methods of satire to be used. Abolqasem Halat focused more on making laugh and amusing and challenging people’s behavior and in some cases he has ridiculed the lawyers of assembly so he has created the mockery more through using vernacular words, repetition and irony of circumstances but Ahmad Matar has more focused on the political situations and his satire has been more serious and it doesn’t include any fun or laughter and he used ironical methods and the metaphor of tyranny more. Manuscript profile
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        86 - A Comparative Study on Oppression Themes in Parvin Etesami and Ahmad Abdolmoati Hejazi’s Poetries
        Mahdi Shahrokh Ali Babaei Seyyed Soleiman Sadat Eshkevar
        Parvin Etesami is one of the famous poets of contemporary Persian poetry whose opposition to oppression and oppressors and sympathy for the deprived and oppressed are important themes of her poetry. Ahmad Abdolmoati Hejazi is also one of the pioneers of contemporary Ara More
        Parvin Etesami is one of the famous poets of contemporary Persian poetry whose opposition to oppression and oppressors and sympathy for the deprived and oppressed are important themes of her poetry. Ahmad Abdolmoati Hejazi is also one of the pioneers of contemporary Arabic poetry and one of the most committed Egyptian poets whose poems depict the pain and sorrow of the people of his community, including their struggle against oppression. The present study attempts to research and analyze the common manifestations of oppression theme between these two poets, relying on a descriptive – analytical method. The results show that issues such as the search for a utopia free of tyranny, protesting against injustice in income distribution and heavy taxes, and criticizing homelessness in dealing with orphans and orphaned children are among the common manifestations of anti-oppression. Nevertheless, Parvin uses allegorical language, fables and ironic expressions to express her criticisms, while in Hejazi's poetry, there is no mention of far-fetched allegories and he criticizes the political and social governing situation boldly and explicitly. Manuscript profile
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        87 - A Comparative Study of the Effects of Patriotism in the Poems of Khairuddin Zarkoli and Ahmad Shoghi
        fatemeh GHAJARI enayatolah fatehinejhad
        In this article, we have comparatively studied the manifestations of patriotism in the poems of Khairuddin Zarkoli and Ahmad Shoghi. The research method is library and its type is analytical-descriptive. The results of the research show that although these two poets hav More
        In this article, we have comparatively studied the manifestations of patriotism in the poems of Khairuddin Zarkoli and Ahmad Shoghi. The research method is library and its type is analytical-descriptive. The results of the research show that although these two poets have always paid special attention to the subject of patriotism in their poems, but the frequency of patriotism-related themes in Zarkoli poems is higher than Shoghi poems. In addition, Shoghi has not reacted to the Palestinian issue. Of course, in addition to these differences, there are many commonalities in the field of attention of the two poets to the subject of patriotism. Zarkali has paid attention to the issue of patriotism throughout his life, but Shoghi was not very sensitive to political issues as long as he was in court, and in the later stages of his life, he increasingly paid attention to the issue of patriotism and related topics. Has shown interest. Zarkali loves his homeland more than Shoghi, and this can be cited and inferred due to the remarkable reflection of the issue of grief of homelessness in Zarkoli's poems. Both poets believe that the only way to save nations is national and regional unity. Of course, Zarkali has paid special attention to the issue of Palestine, but Shoghi has not paid much attention to this issue. Manuscript profile
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        88 - A comparative study of the most important social themes in the poems of Qasem Haddad and Ahmad Shamloo
        reza kuchari ardashir sadradini mostafa yegani
        Comparing the literati of Iran and the Arab world is one of the topics that has been considered by Persian and Arabic scholars. Today, common social issues have provided grounds for intellectual commonalities and Social themes are also a recurring theme in contemporary More
        Comparing the literati of Iran and the Arab world is one of the topics that has been considered by Persian and Arabic scholars. Today, common social issues have provided grounds for intellectual commonalities and Social themes are also a recurring theme in contemporary literati around the world And due to the cultural and social convergence that exists between the literature and literati of Iran and the Arab world, a study of this perspective will bring new achievements to the research. Qasim Haddad and Ahmad Shamloo are two Bahraini and Iranian poets who have devoted a large part of their poems to expressing the realities of society due to the problems of society and the problems of the people. In this research, which has been compiled by library and descriptive-analytical methods, social themes in the poems of both poets have been studied with a comparative view. The political and social conditions prevailing in their societies, their poems have a lot in common, topics such as patriotism, freedom, oppression and justice are the common motifs of these two poets Which are presented with narrative and story-like context, choosing the right words and using internal music. Manuscript profile
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        89 - A Study of Written Abnormality in the Poetry of Yousef Al-Khal and Ahmad Shamloo
        Mohammad reza Beigi Mullah Ebrahimi Mullah Ebrahimi bahram Parvin Gonabadi leila ghasemi,
        The study of the works of poets and writers based on literary theories has paved the way for the study of various aspects of literature, and this is how theories are applied in the works. Such studies and their application in different languages and literatures are a go More
        The study of the works of poets and writers based on literary theories has paved the way for the study of various aspects of literature, and this is how theories are applied in the works. Such studies and their application in different languages and literatures are a good field to make these theories more tangible and objective. Linguistic metaphysics is one of the new theories of literary criticism that has been articulated within the school of Russian formalism. Yusuf al-Khal and Ahmad Shamloo are two other great and almost contemporary poets in Arabic and Persian literature who have used abnormalities and de-familiarization in their poems. Vocabulary aberration (creating a new word that is an evasion of syntactic rules And the meaning changes the appearance of words and phrases and makes the poem seemingly abnormal in this article. And while showing the written aberrations, at the end, the poet's use of abnormalities is depicted in the form of a diagram. Manuscript profile
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        90 - Woman; Jalal Al Ahmad; Federico Garcia Lorca; Short Story; Play
        زهره اله دادی دستجردی soodabe bashi zade
        his research is a comparative study between the literature of Iran and the literature of Spain on the subject of women and his place in the family and society. The case study of this research focuses on short stories by Jalal Al Ahmad and three plays by Federico Garcia More
        his research is a comparative study between the literature of Iran and the literature of Spain on the subject of women and his place in the family and society. The case study of this research focuses on short stories by Jalal Al Ahmad and three plays by Federico Garcia Lorca with the names of Blood Wedding Names, Yerma, Bernarda Alba's House.In this comparative study, the status and role of women in the family and society in the literature of Iran and Spain are examined. To restrict the research field, Jalal Al-Ahmad's short stories and Federico Garcia Lorca's plays have been recognized as two authoritative authors in both countries. In the beginning, a brief overview of the history of life and socio-cultural activities of both writers has been presented, and the woman, his position and image have first been studied separately in each and every one of the works, and then adaptively.The following is a familiarization with the history of life and the days of Jalal al-Ahmad and Federico García Lorca; in order to become familiar with the historical, political and social context of their life, a comparative study of the status of women in their works is desirable. Manuscript profile
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        91 - A Comparative study of The reflection of continental and rural traits in Novels "Scorched Earth" by Ahmad Mahmoud and " Malekat Al-Enab " by Najib Al-Kilani
        Hayedeh Azimoghli Oskooi Hojjat Rasouli Seyyed Ebrahim Arman
        Continental literature is one of the important sub-branches of fiction has influenced the social and political developments of most societies. Najib Al-Kilani and Ahmad Mahmoud, two great contemporary Persian and Arabic writers including committed writers based on indig More
        Continental literature is one of the important sub-branches of fiction has influenced the social and political developments of most societies. Najib Al-Kilani and Ahmad Mahmoud, two great contemporary Persian and Arabic writers including committed writers based on indigenous culture, addressed the problems of society and their minds for solutions in the form of their stories. The story " Malekat Al-Enab" (Grape Queen) is one of the noble works of Kilani about a village with hope and suffering along with the contemporary historical developments of Egypt in the middle of the twentieth century. The story of "Scorched Earth" by Ahmad Mahmoud is also depicted as a socio-historical plan of the events of the war and the reflection of the southern climate and the suffering of the people by mastering the scenes in a realistic style in the eyes of the critic. The importance of studying this issue becomes clear when many economic and social problems were solved in the development of Islamic societies. The present study has investigated and evaluated the characteristics of influential climatic and indigenous elements in the two novels with a comparative approach. The results of this study: Achieving effective climatic and indigenous elements in the mentioned novels is necessary for the goals of sustainable development. Manuscript profile
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        92 - A Comparative Study of Common Political, Social, and Individual Thoughts As components of modernism in the poems of Ahmad Shamloo and Nazkolamelake
        ,ronak ,joharzadeh shahrokh hekmat ,majid azizi,
        The formation of each school follows a political or social and cultural movement, and the art and literature of each period is the product of its own living world. Modernism emerged as a literary school in American and European countries from the early years of the twen More
        The formation of each school follows a political or social and cultural movement, and the art and literature of each period is the product of its own living world. Modernism emerged as a literary school in American and European countries from the early years of the twentieth century, at the same time as the influence and spread of symbolic poetry, and gradually spread to other countries. In this research, with a look at comparative literature, in a descriptive-analytical method, "common political, social and individual ideas" as components of modernism in the poems of Ahmad Shamloo and Nazkolamaleke are examined. The results show that freedom, dealing with political, social issues and individual love are evident as components of modernism in these two poets. Political thought is known as the main theme of Shamloo poetry, but he is an influential poet, not an effective one! From a social point of view, human freedom and liberation from tyranny is widely reflected in Shamloo's poems. Nazak al-Malaika also rejects the subject of war in his poems and opens his mouth in glory and complains about the state of society in a social form, and addresses not only the Iraqi people but the people of all Islamic lands to get rid of the sufferings and pains of life Manuscript profile
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        93 - Analysis of the components of realism in poems "Mohammad Afifi Matar" and "Mahdi Akhavan Sales"
        mohamadreza salmani سندس کردآبادی
        Society and literature have a reciprocal and two-way relationship, and literary works are the product of life and the social environment. Realism is in fact the representation of the real life of human society and addressing the realities and issues in society and expre More
        Society and literature have a reciprocal and two-way relationship, and literary works are the product of life and the social environment. Realism is in fact the representation of the real life of human society and addressing the realities and issues in society and expresses the sense of responsibility and attention of poets and writers to the tangible realities of society, which after the Second World War with the Zionist efforts became more prominent. This sense of commitment of writers to the realities of the Islamic world became more apparent. "Mohammad Afifi Matar" and "Mehdi Akhavan Sales" live in two societies with similar social conditions and have common views in dealing with existing social issues due to common intellectual and ideological backgrounds. This article, while defining the school of realism and introducing these two prominent poets of Egypt and Iran, and examining their revolutionary poems, tries to express the most important components of realism in their poems. These include: patriotism, continuing to protest against tyrants, waiting for freedom and the elimination of oppression, poverty and hunger, and loving the mother. Manuscript profile
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        94 - Adaptive analysis of homeland in the poems of Mohammad maghot and Mohammad tage malek alshoary bahar1
        rahim ansaripor
        Undoubtedly the love of the homeland of the most important affairs tenderness the poets home to it has dealt stray missile hit his house. A tattered French uniform to dusand home one of the important extension of poetry poets of the. mor depths of the people. Feel, frie More
        Undoubtedly the love of the homeland of the most important affairs tenderness the poets home to it has dealt stray missile hit his house. A tattered French uniform to dusand home one of the important extension of poetry poets of the. mor depths of the people. Feel, friendship in history humanity among all peoples huma are responsible to different problem. Mohamad maghote of poets and writers and literaturemoasear arabeaceandandconsidered. Of Syria is but a part of his life. in Lebanon run. Like two too homeland Adouneasand emaciated gobani years Far from home life. But Malik bahare of laureate the most outstanding poets and writers, the representative of active and militant several of the National Council and the most famous journalists and dignitaries and political intellectuals period of constitutional monarchy and semi-the First Pahlavi monarchy is the political life of him from the beginning of the national movement mashroutehpolitical life of spring like other aspects of his life and complex, and the other with performing the scientific and literary him close poet affect bad conditions of society political poems From Islamic Shariats point composed by writing poems color, sense of friendship and become a shoe and stimulate and seed hatred of enemies in their hearts within both the poet In the period of colonial hard, poverty, UAE corruption, tyranny From Islamic Shariats point of life the ruling political time terms were similar. Manuscript profile
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        95 - A Comparative Study of the Position of Social Themes in the "Maqamat" of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamadani and the "Hadith Isa Ibn Hisham" by Muhammad Muwaylihi
        Mohammadreza Lotfi zahra Khosravi vamakani Ali Saberi
        Recognition and analysis of literary works and the lives of the creators of those works is not possible without studying and analyzing the society and culture in which they have developed. In other words, researching the way of life, social relations, beliefs, failures More
        Recognition and analysis of literary works and the lives of the creators of those works is not possible without studying and analyzing the society and culture in which they have developed. In other words, researching the way of life, social relations, beliefs, failures and victories, pains and joys and ups and downs of the society in which the artist lives, a more detailed and comprehensive study of life and works Makes it possible."Maqamat" is the most important work of "Badi at al-Zaman Al-Hamadani" which was written in Arabic and was first published in Beirut in 1889 with 51 descriptions. He created a new style in Arabic prose writing; The hero of his officials, Abolfath Eskandari, appears every time in clothes and travels to different cities and talks about various issues such as a powerful storyteller. It is a literary place. He sees the story as a place to show his literary power in using metaphorical expressions along with metaphor, irony, metaphor and proverb.Writers in the contemporary period also followed his style and expressed their thoughts in the form of "maqamah", among which we can include well-known figures such as Muhammad Muwaylihi, Nasif Yazji, Ahmad Shoghi, Muḥammad Tawfīq Al-Bakrī and Hafez Ibrahim.This research, which has been written in a comparative-analytical way, has comparatively studied social themes in the "authorities" of Badi al-Zaman al-Hamadani and the "hadith of Isa Ibn Hisham" by Muhammad Muwaylihi. Manuscript profile
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        96 - Life and Death Fawzi Maalouf and Ahmad Shamloo’s Poems
        Zahra Khosravi Amir Goharrostami
        Contemporary Arab and Persian poets, especially the poets of “Exile” doctrine in Arabic literature, have capitalized life, death and human destiny after death in his poetic meditations in different ways. As thought of these issues has been a steady stream of More
        Contemporary Arab and Persian poets, especially the poets of “Exile” doctrine in Arabic literature, have capitalized life, death and human destiny after death in his poetic meditations in different ways. As thought of these issues has been a steady stream of contemporary poetry. Fawzi Maalouf and Ahmad Shamloo have considerable, and in more cases, similar perspectives in this regard. Both poets are pessimistic about life and see it a battle field between good and evil; though, Shamloo gets optimistic when the social situation is going well. The two know death as the only way to save from the pain of life.From the irview points, death is an inevitable fact that one should bow down in front of it; and they refuge in the arms of love from it, while they don’t know death as the end of man’s life. Manuscript profile
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        97 - Comparative Study of Social – Political Satire in Nasim – e Shomal and Ahmed Mattar Poetries
        Kazem Azimi Fatemeh Sepahvand
        Social – political satire is one of the contemporary poetic structures which has been paid attention by scholars and authors during two recent decades. In Persian language Nasim – e Shomal could affect people's soul by applying simple poetic language. Ahmad More
        Social – political satire is one of the contemporary poetic structures which has been paid attention by scholars and authors during two recent decades. In Persian language Nasim – e Shomal could affect people's soul by applying simple poetic language. Ahmad Mattar - contemporary Iraqi poet - is well known by his satire in Arabic language. He also - as Nasim - e Shomal - tried to awaken his nation and even the world. The present paper tries to show two poets' concerns about their countries and nations comparatively. Manuscript profile
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        98 - A Study on Mythical Intertextuality in Shamloo's Poetry (Based on Gérard Genette's Theory)
        Akram Zafari Batool Fakhr Islam Seyyed Hossein Seyyedi Akbar Shabani
        Mythical texts are texts of past which have close relation with Persian poetries. Myths own intertextual nature; because in the texts in different times, verbal and written literature are reviewd contiously.   Intertextuality and comparative mythodology are tw More
        Mythical texts are texts of past which have close relation with Persian poetries. Myths own intertextual nature; because in the texts in different times, verbal and written literature are reviewd contiously.   Intertextuality and comparative mythodology are two continuous sciences. Shamloo is one of the famous Iranian poets who was committed to society in Persian literature. Assumption of the present article is that Shamloo was enamored of western culture and Christian texts; thus intertextual discourse (with Gérard Genette's approach) with the texts derived from the mentioned cultures is more applicable in his works. The present research attempts to study not only recognize intertextuality focused on Gérard Genette's writtings but also expresses its application in Shamloo's poetries.  This article's methos is descriptive with comparative approach. Manuscript profile
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        99 - Comparison and study of Social – Political Views in Hekmat and Shamloo Poetries
        Hossein Ariyan Leili Abbasi Montazeri
        The present article intends to study Nazem Hekmat and Ahmad Shamloo's views from two different societies – Turkey and Iran –   by citing their language. Since the contents of both poets have not been studied from political – social point of v More
        The present article intends to study Nazem Hekmat and Ahmad Shamloo's views from two different societies – Turkey and Iran –   by citing their language. Since the contents of both poets have not been studied from political – social point of view, and also it is of special importance in both thoughts, thus its studying is one of the essentials for analysis. In face we aim to judge and criticize the works through common social and cultural issues in their beliefs and ideologies. Manuscript profile
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        100 - A Study of Common Themes in the Poetry of abu -Madi and Akhavan Sales
        Seyyed Mohammad Amiri
        Finding and comparing the common themes in the poetry of Akhavan Sales and Elia abu Madi, provides the opportunity to reveal the common views and notions of these two modernist poets, and carries the realization that neither geographic alboundaries nor differences in th More
        Finding and comparing the common themes in the poetry of Akhavan Sales and Elia abu Madi, provides the opportunity to reveal the common views and notions of these two modernist poets, and carries the realization that neither geographic alboundaries nor differences in the cultures of various nations and their religions forms an obstacle in discovering the origins of like-mindedness. Because these two poets, while sanctifying their own beliefs, think beyond borders and religions, and their poetry reflects the moaning and pain among people in a society where the storm of oppression and tyranny has dried their hope tree. Such popular poets value humanity and by looking deep in to their environment come to doubt and question the whole universe and creation. Moreover, one can spot the footprints of older poets in the views and ideas of these two modernist poets. Abu Madi and Sales echo the earlier attitudes of Khayyam.   Manuscript profile
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        101 - Comparative comparison of AsadiTousi's Dictionary with Alein one
        Mandana Hashemi Mansoureh Shirazi Yaser Hooshyar
        Basically lexicography is preparation and presentation of a set of words and lexicon which is done based on linguistic principals. Comparative study of Asadi Toosi's dictionary and Ahmed Al Ain Farahidi's in Arabic language as the first dictionaries which have common in More
        Basically lexicography is preparation and presentation of a set of words and lexicon which is done based on linguistic principals. Comparative study of Asadi Toosi's dictionary and Ahmed Al Ain Farahidi's in Arabic language as the first dictionaries which have common influence based on their cultural, social, political and religious background. Manuscript profile
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        102 - Religious Thought in Malek al-Shoara-ye Bahar and Ahmad Safi al-Najafi’s poems
        Yadollah Rafiee Ramazan Rezaee
        If poetry is to serve the public good, and it lead sit to the moral utopia of faith in God, it will be undoubtedly authentic from the viewpoint of Islam; and the Qur'an, the Prophet(pbuh) and the Ahlul Bayt(AS) also support such a poetry. However, with adherence to the More
        If poetry is to serve the public good, and it lead sit to the moral utopia of faith in God, it will be undoubtedly authentic from the viewpoint of Islam; and the Qur'an, the Prophet(pbuh) and the Ahlul Bayt(AS) also support such a poetry. However, with adherence to the traditions of Islam and the Holy Prophet(SAW), the poem is used as an effective weapon in defense of the moral and religious principles, and to counter enemy attacks from the appearance of Islam till now. In this field, Bahar and Ahmed Safi, are clear examples that religious beliefs and doctrines of the faith has a clear manifestation in their poems. This paper attempts to investigate with content analysis the emergence of religious thoughts in these two poets’ poems.   Manuscript profile
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        103 - A Comparison on symbolic Concept of Rain in Ahmad Shamlou and Shakir al Sayyab's Poetries
        Sara Izadkhah Seyyed Hossein Seyyedi
        Rain in in Ahmad Shamlou and Shakir al Sayyab's Poetries is a social symbol. It contains the concepts such as sadness and happiness, hope and hopelessness. Applying Dumuzid myth in the "Rain" poetry by Sayyab and the folk language in Shamloo's verse shows the common con More
        Rain in in Ahmad Shamlou and Shakir al Sayyab's Poetries is a social symbol. It contains the concepts such as sadness and happiness, hope and hopelessness. Applying Dumuzid myth in the "Rain" poetry by Sayyab and the folk language in Shamloo's verse shows the common concepts in these two poets' poetries. This paper – which is done in librarian method – tries to study "Rain" and "giant petrel" by Shamloo and "Rain song" by Sayyab to makes the availability to similar effective patterns of two poets in their poetries. The theoretical level of the research includes cause variable and the operational level shows the effect variable; by studying the poetries the frequency of the term "rain" is extracted. Finally the symbolic concepts, similarities and differences are expressed. Manuscript profile
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        104 - Textual Criticism Approach to Humanitarianism Images in Shamloo and Al-Bayati’s Poetries
        Javad Hamidi Mahmoud Shakib
        Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati is an Iraqi leftist poet and Ahmad Shamloo is an Iranian poet and founder of Free Verse; both are pioneers of Arabic and Persian contemporary poetries and great ones in Romantic school who have common viewpoints in encountering problems of s More
        Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati is an Iraqi leftist poet and Ahmad Shamloo is an Iranian poet and founder of Free Verse; both are pioneers of Arabic and Persian contemporary poetries and great ones in Romantic school who have common viewpoints in encountering problems of society according to their individual and social conditions of their own eras. Both poets are pilots of free verse with simple language, musical words and new concepts creation. The keystone of Al-Bayati and Shamloo’s mind is human undoubtedly. These two great poets have enjoyed a unique method in talking about subjects such as myth, humanitarianism, rebelliousness, liberalism and ignoring oppression; both are patriots who applied common humanistic culture in order to meet their goals. Talking about society and policy is the characteristic of contemporary poetry which is of special position in Al-Bayati and Shamloo’s poetries. This research attempts to study some of their works and poetries by emphasizing   descriptive method. Manuscript profile
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        105 - “The Comparison Study of Balzac and Jamalzadeh’s Viewpoints in the Two Works of Eugenie Grandet and Dar al-Majanin”
        Karim Hayati Ashtiani Sonia Talebi
        Honore de Balzac and Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh are two well-known thinkers and authors from France and Iran, respectively, who inspired the conception and thoughts of the societies of their own time to a great extent by creating their works. The current art More
        Honore de Balzac and Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh are two well-known thinkers and authors from France and Iran, respectively, who inspired the conception and thoughts of the societies of their own time to a great extent by creating their works. The current article is based on the assumption that there is a similarity and systematic relation between the thoughts of these two authors due to the political and social conditions that dominated heir societies.This is maybe the reason that Jamalzade is inspired by a great realist like Balzac.Therefore, in the current investigation which is dedicated to the similar social implications between Balzac’s Eugenie Grandet and Jamalzadeh’s Dar al-Majanin, first the effect of environment, society and cause-and-effect relations in the life realities, and the precise analysis and introduction of social types were studied and then the hidden characteristics of realistic heroes, and social realities such as the tragedy of capitalism and its impacts on the body of a society were evaluated. Finally, the trivialized role of women in traditional societies of Iran and France which is reflected in the above-mentioned literatures was analyzed and studied Manuscript profile
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        106 - Themes of social love in poems of Ahmad Shamloo and NizarQabbani
        Sohayla Salahi Moghadam Marziye Asghar Nejad Farid
        Lyric poetry in contemporary literature has changed. “Woman” has changed from aesthetic subject to an active persona and in the literature field; we can see the effects of this activity and creativity. With contrastive literature as a branch of comparative l More
        Lyric poetry in contemporary literature has changed. “Woman” has changed from aesthetic subject to an active persona and in the literature field; we can see the effects of this activity and creativity. With contrastive literature as a branch of comparative literature, we study the common subjects in global literature which there are not composed or written by effect from each other, but they are the result of same situations and approaches. In this article, ten common concepts for description “woman” in Nizar Qabbani, Arab contemporary poet, and poems of Ahmad Shamlou, Iranian contemporary poet, are studied. In some poetic periods of these poets, both, lyric and social and poetical issues mixed together and “love” is seen in a specific balance. There are two basic approaches in the poetry of both poets, in first approach bands the poet heat and verve of challenge and social concern. In second approach, “love” gives poet hope for challeng. Beloved in the shape of a prophet and a perfect “woman” is the source of beauty and goodness in the poet’s world and celebrates the days of victory with poet.   Manuscript profile
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        Ramezan Rezaei
        In the past century of the contemporary world, some nations have had similar destinations and thus similar social issues. Advocating society has been a major trend in poetry and many contemporary Iranian and Iraqi poets have been under the impacts of soci More
        In the past century of the contemporary world, some nations have had similar destinations and thus similar social issues. Advocating society has been a major trend in poetry and many contemporary Iranian and Iraqi poets have been under the impacts of social movements and thus have reflected these issues in their poetry. The present article studies and compares the social issues reflected in the works of two contemporary poets namely Parvin Etesamiand Ahmad Aafi Al-Najafi. Despite all the differences they have due to being of different genders, they have discussed themes like patriotism, liberalism, defending the poor andfighting oppression. Manuscript profile
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        108 - Walt Whitman and Ahmad Shamloo
        shamsi parsa Golnaz peyvandi
        Abstract Both Walt Whitman and Ahmad Shamloo are modernist poets who have commonalities in form and content in their poems. Common poetic contents such as being naturalism, humanism, paying attention to social and political issues and human body along with the soul and More
        Abstract Both Walt Whitman and Ahmad Shamloo are modernist poets who have commonalities in form and content in their poems. Common poetic contents such as being naturalism, humanism, paying attention to social and political issues and human body along with the soul and spirit are seen in their works. Regarding poetic styles, both of them believe in freedom from the rhyme restriction and they use rhythmic speech and make a new way in poetry. Like Whitman Shamloo brought in colloquial and conversational language to the poetry. But Shamloo paid special attention to the rich, poetical and epic language and his epic and mythical tone is affected by the texts of holy book. There are also some confrontations in their works. Most of the time Shamloo praises the heroes.This hero is sometimes a warrior and sometimes his beloved. But Walt Whitman praises not only human but also plants, animals and inanimate. Sufism in Whitman's poems is seen more than Shamloo's Manuscript profile
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        Mohammad Goodarzi Mohammad Reza Saaki
        Nasser Khosro Qobadiania Persian poet, philosopher, scholar and atraveler was born in Qubadyan, a village in middle-age Bactria (modern day Balkh and died in Yamagan, a village in Badakhshan province. He is considered as one of the great poets and writers in Persia More
        Nasser Khosro Qobadiania Persian poet, philosopher, scholar and atraveler was born in Qubadyan, a village in middle-age Bactria (modern day Balkh and died in Yamagan, a village in Badakhshan province. He is considered as one of the great poets and writers in Persian literature, the Safarnama, an account of his travels, being his most famous work. Ahmad Shoghiwas is the great Arabic Poet-Laureate, an Egyptian poet and dramatist who pioneered the modern Egyptian literary movement, most notably introducing the genre of poetic epics to the Arabic literary tradition. Although Nasser Khosro Qobadiani and Ahmad Shoghi have lived in times and places far away from each other and belong to two different cultures and civilizations, they have very similar themes in their works. The present article compares their works on time (age), wisdom and Ignorance. Manuscript profile
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        110 - Structural analysis of the stories "Zan-e-Ziyadi" and "Al-Zawar" based on the structuralism theory of Todorov and Bermon
        Sabereh Siavashi Hamideh Roozbahani
        Advances in contemporary literary criticism led to the creation of the school of structuralism inspired by the theories of Ferdinand de Saussure. Nowadays, structural analysis is one of the most important methods of short story analysis. The feature of this method is th More
        Advances in contemporary literary criticism led to the creation of the school of structuralism inspired by the theories of Ferdinand de Saussure. Nowadays, structural analysis is one of the most important methods of short story analysis. The feature of this method is that the researcher does not study the various phenomena of his science separately and independently of each other, but he always tries to study each phenomenon in relation to the other phenomena which it is a part of it. Structuralism is a theory that recognizes, studies phenomena based on the rules and patterns that underlie their basic structure. The structuralism movement, with its achievements from the formalists, gave a deep originality to the narratology. The term narratology was first used by Tzutan Todorov. In this article, two short stories "Zan-e-Ziyadi" written by Jalal Al-Ahmad and "Al-Zawar" by Yusef Idris have been selected and each of them has been analyzed based on the structuralism theories of Todorov and Bermon and shows that the narrative structure of these two anecdotes are consistent with theories of these two literary critics. Manuscript profile
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        111 - Study of the Influence of La Fontaine on Showqi’s Fables
        Mohammad Javad Fallahi Houshang Razmdideh Jamshid Baqerzadeh
        Jean de La Fontaine – the French poet and author – is one of the most effective literal characters in the world in his era. The literary critics and the researchers know him as one of the greatest fable writers in the world with the aim of educational and in More
        Jean de La Fontaine – the French poet and author – is one of the most effective literal characters in the world in his era. The literary critics and the researchers know him as one of the greatest fable writers in the world with the aim of educational and instructive works. Ahmad Showqi – the Arab behaviorist poet – who owns many educational and instructive works, is known as a brilliant poet. His Divan contains the fables which were created with educational aims for people, to transmit the behaviors, patriotism and protecting the social values. The present article studies some of these two literary men’s fables. Manuscript profile
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        112 - A Study on Modernity Appearance in The Curse of the Earth and The Grapes of Wrath
        Soudabeh Sadeghi Meisam Zare
        Jalal Al-e-Ahmad was an intellectual and author of The Curse of the Earth novel in forty decade who composed his works by changing the economic – social structures disorders as well as ethical tangles and passed the tradition towards the modernity. On the other ha More
        Jalal Al-e-Ahmad was an intellectual and author of The Curse of the Earth novel in forty decade who composed his works by changing the economic – social structures disorders as well as ethical tangles and passed the tradition towards the modernity. On the other hand John Steinbeck – the American moralism tough critic – wrote The Grapes of Wrath in the worst days of America called America's Great Depression. The present article tries to define the common motifs, the manifestation of modernity to the traditional society, the impact of the society with modernity and the effect of the modernity. Manuscript profile
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        113 - A Study on Romanticism and New Classicism in Sereshk and Abdel Muti Hijazi poetries
        Sakineh Saheli Zadeh Sohrab Saeedi Mohammad Esfandiari Mahani
        Abdel Muti Hijazi and Mohammad Reza Shafiee Kadkani are the pioneers of romanticism and new classicism schools as two famous Iranian and Arabic poets. Romanticism and new classicism is obvious in these poets’ works. Abdel Muti Hijazi – the famous Egyptian po More
        Abdel Muti Hijazi and Mohammad Reza Shafiee Kadkani are the pioneers of romanticism and new classicism schools as two famous Iranian and Arabic poets. Romanticism and new classicism is obvious in these poets’ works. Abdel Muti Hijazi – the famous Egyptian poet- whose works are very close to Sereshk’s (Mohammad Reza Shafiee Kadkani) who has enjoyed Iranian culture as well as Islamic culture. This paper studies both poets’ works from literary schools point of view. Manuscript profile
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        114 - Signs of naturalism in “Sange Sabour” and “Zoqaq Al-Madaq”
        Vahideh Norouzzadeh Chegini Elham Maryami
        Every literary movement forms under certain circumstances such as social, economic, political and historical. Nineteenth century in the West is the development of science and industrialism. In the nineteenth century, humans thought that can answer all your questions onc More
        Every literary movement forms under certain circumstances such as social, economic, political and historical. Nineteenth century in the West is the development of science and industrialism. In the nineteenth century, humans thought that can answer all your questions once through science. Even the writers were trying to deal with literature scientifically. Then naturalism entered to literature. Naturalism is close to Realist and their diagnosis is difficult. One of the problems of critic of Choubak’s novels, especially “Sange Sabour”, is it. Some know realistic and some say naturalistic. Literary movements effect on Arabic contemporary literature too. “Zoqaq Al-Madaq” is a realistic work that has sign of naturalistic. In this paper, we introduce two novels, match them and find signs of naturalism in them. Manuscript profile
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        115 - A comparative view at the concept of freedom in the poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Ahmad Matar
        Abdolhossein Farzad Younes Moradi Jafarloo Somayeh Moradi Jafarloo
        Ahmad Shamlou and Ahmad Matar are among the leaders in political and social poetry in Persian and Arabic literature. Freedom and liberation are among the most important themes of poetry of Shamloo and Matar. In this study, we decided to have a comparative study of the p More
        Ahmad Shamlou and Ahmad Matar are among the leaders in political and social poetry in Persian and Arabic literature. Freedom and liberation are among the most important themes of poetry of Shamloo and Matar. In this study, we decided to have a comparative study of the place of freedom in the poetry of these two poets and to provide a deeper understanding of it by examining the commonalities and differences. The present study is conducted based on library studies and in a descriptive manner. First, we have found examples of poems that refer to the theme of freedom in the poetry of both poets and have comparatively put them together and divided them into the following four items: 1. In longing for freedom 2. Freedom of expression and thought 3. Love of freedom 4. Freedom as humanity. In the cases mentioned, Shamloo and Matar agree on freedom and both have set the mission of poetry to achieve freedom; With the difference that the language of Shamloo poetry is not as sharp and critical as Matar. Manuscript profile
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        116 - A Study and analysis of fall Myths in the mystical Persian texts
        Mostafa Gorji Effat Naderi Nejad
        Mystical Persian texts – especially the ones belong to fifth and sixth centuries – for different reasons prepared the field that the sin and fall myths of Adam have the most frequencies beside the elements such as human will, cognition freedom and force. The More
        Mystical Persian texts – especially the ones belong to fifth and sixth centuries – for different reasons prepared the field that the sin and fall myths of Adam have the most frequencies beside the elements such as human will, cognition freedom and force. The present article studies and analyzes the concept of Fall and Sin in four fields and surveys the most important similarities and dissimilarities of different Gnostics such as Ahmad Ghazzali, Einol Ghozat Hamedani and … .   Manuscript profile
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        117 - A Study of the Bakhtinian Concept of Heteroglossia in Jamalzadeh’s “Kabaab-e Ghaaz”
        Leila Hashemian Ebrahim Vasheghani Farahani Fardin Sharifnia
        This paper is an attempt to analyze the Bakhtinian concept of heteroglossia in Mohammad-Ali Jamalzadeh’s short story “Kabaab-e Ghaaz” (The Roasted Duck). Analysis of such features as comic style, language, contemporary reality, character zones, discour More
        This paper is an attempt to analyze the Bakhtinian concept of heteroglossia in Mohammad-Ali Jamalzadeh’s short story “Kabaab-e Ghaaz” (The Roasted Duck). Analysis of such features as comic style, language, contemporary reality, character zones, discourse, and the author’s refraction and deviation gives the reader new insights into so far neglected or superficially considered layers and enables him/her to become more acquainted with the author’s language as well as with the relativism and dialogism of the ideological system of the story. Analysis of heteroglossia in Jamalzadeh’s works is important in that he is accredited with the beginning of realism in Iranian fiction. “Kabaab-e Ghaaz” is a comic short story and laughter, which is central to heteroglossia, acts as one of its conspicuous elements. Manuscript profile
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        118 - A Comparative Study of Heroic Myths in Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo's Poetries
        Mojgan Ebrahimi Iraj Mehraki
        Mythical heroes are human beings who go beyond the common norms of society and become the manifestation of the values ​​of that society with their adventures and way of life. One of the prominent and different subjects in ancient poetry is myth, which has been manifeste More
        Mythical heroes are human beings who go beyond the common norms of society and become the manifestation of the values ​​of that society with their adventures and way of life. One of the prominent and different subjects in ancient poetry is myth, which has been manifested in a different way in Persian contemporary poetry. This research compares the heroic myths in the poems of Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo with descriptive methods, intratextual evidence and library method. The results show that heroic myths are more prominent in Shamloo's poems than Nima and Shamloo has considered the concept of humanism in the way of using heroic myths. Heroic myths in their poems are not only the power of ancient poets, but also differ in the style and method of myth-making; These differences are caused by the special style of poetry in the contemporary period, which has influenced the heroic myths and how they are used. The common point of their poems is the use of Greek myths. Manuscript profile
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        119 - The Influence of Emad's Thought on Hafez's Poetry
        Mandana Mangali
        Emad Kermani, Iranian mystic and poet, was contemporary to AI-e-Mozaffar and one of their admirers. He administered an abbey after his father and uncle's death. His manner and talk were abbey-based thereafter. He was principled to the canon and morals and the most of hi More
        Emad Kermani, Iranian mystic and poet, was contemporary to AI-e-Mozaffar and one of their admirers. He administered an abbey after his father and uncle's death. His manner and talk were abbey-based thereafter. He was principled to the canon and morals and the most of his poets' subjects was about God's unity. He was so faithful to Mohammad and his family.The other aspect of his poetry was admonition and recommendation. He composed his poetry in Sa'di's method; meanwihile he paid attention to Nezami and Anvari. Hafez was influenced by his poetry as well. Manuscript profile
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        120 - Application of Euphemism in Jawaheri and Aminpour's Poetries
        Kheiriyeh Dammak Qasem Anwar Abbas Majid
        Imageries are poets' achievement of awareness and experiment in their poetries. Literary men reflect their inner manners in their works by applying the environment they live in. thus their imagery is a window to know them and their poetries more and better. Kaiser Aminp More
        Imageries are poets' achievement of awareness and experiment in their poetries. Literary men reflect their inner manners in their works by applying the environment they live in. thus their imagery is a window to know them and their poetries more and better. Kaiser Aminpour and Mohammad Mahdi Jawaheri both are Iranian and Arabic contemporary poets. Euphemism as a figure of speech is one of the figures which increases the speech's effect and influence as an inner factor (in poems). A study on euphemisms by two poets with two various nationalities not only presents their poetic images and world but also clarifies their thinking differences and similarities. Manuscript profile
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        121 - Comparative Study of Madden policy in Saadi's Golestan and Arabic Kalila and Dimna
        Javad Kaboutari
        The authors of "Golestan" and "Kalila and Dimna" both emphasized of madden policy and governing traditions in some way. There is a strong conjunction between considering ethics principles and morality in madden policy and governing traditions such as justice, More
        The authors of "Golestan" and "Kalila and Dimna" both emphasized of madden policy and governing traditions in some way. There is a strong conjunction between considering ethics principles and morality in madden policy and governing traditions such as justice, secrecy, social security, advisory and consultation, belief in destiny and fate and etc. with the kings and governors. This is completely obvious in Iran's historical sources. Saadi specifies one chapter to kings and governors in Golestan and other chapters contain hints in this regard. In Arabic Kalila and Dimna the subject is said by animals in symbolic way. Both authors attempt to find a solution to solve people's problems. Studying two works shows that not only the governors come to madden policy and play the governors' advisors role but also some literary men do the same. Manuscript profile
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        122 - Comparative Study of Satire in Mohammad Ali Afrashteh and Ahmad Mattar's Works
        Habib Hajipour Parvindikht Mashhour
        Applying satire by the aim of expressing people's concerns is an idel method for the poets who involve with dictatorial governments. In Iran (second Pahlavi dynasty) and Iraq (Ba'ath era), Mohammad Ali Afrashteh and Ahmad Mattar started to explain political, social and More
        Applying satire by the aim of expressing people's concerns is an idel method for the poets who involve with dictatorial governments. In Iran (second Pahlavi dynasty) and Iraq (Ba'ath era), Mohammad Ali Afrashteh and Ahmad Mattar started to explain political, social and cultural lacks by enjoying various satire techniques because of the dictatorship atmosphere; they thought that their poetry would be a proper channel to express minor and major concerns. Studying those techniques in their poetries – by comparative (American) approach and with descriptive – analytical method – shows that they applied techniques such as simile and humorous metaphors, mockery, reverse talking, ridiculous terms and etc. not only strengthen the satire structure bit also enhance and enrich the effectiveness. Afrashteh and Mattar have applied other techniques separately in which surprise, exaggeration and conflict were more remarkable in Afrashteh's works. The main function of satire in both poets' works is political – social and aimed making laugh and thinking parallel to reach the ideal future and make the field to personal and social changes. Manuscript profile
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        123 - A Comparative Study of the Elements of Resistance Literature in the Poetry of Jaber Mohammad Jaberi and Farrokhi Yazdi
        Ruhollah Taghizadeh Seyed Akbar Ghazanfari Mohammad Janatifar
        Resistance literature is a branch of obliged and committed literature that is formed under the influence of conditions such as oppression, internal tyranny, lack of individual and social freedoms, and so on. In both Iran and Iraq, according to their political and social More
        Resistance literature is a branch of obliged and committed literature that is formed under the influence of conditions such as oppression, internal tyranny, lack of individual and social freedoms, and so on. In both Iran and Iraq, according to their political and social situation, this type of literature has found a special position. The resistance and stability of the Iraqi people is also significant and is well reflected in the works of Iraqi poets and writers. Jaber Muhammad Jaberi, known as Madin al-Musawi, is one of the Iraqi contemporary poets who witnessed oppression, tyranny and colonialism. Farrokhi Yazdi, a constitutional poet, is one of the Iranian poets who have defended his nation against foreigners and domestic oppression with his poetry. The results of the research indicate that the themes of patriotism and national zeal, invitation to struggle and self-sacrifice, protest against internal issues, hope for liberation and struggle for freedom and invitation to unity are common themes in the poetry of the two poets. This study, while expressing the themes of resistance literature in the poetry of both poets, has compared these themes in their poetry. Manuscript profile
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        124 - Monographie of Dr. Mohammad Ali Eslami Nadoshan
        Mehri Nasiri Hossein Khosravi Asghar Rezapourian
        Monographie is a research that is (usually) done by an author on a single topic and the result, which is accompanied by a description and details, is presented in the form of a book, article or dissertation. Monographie research was first used by Frederick Lopele in the More
        Monographie is a research that is (usually) done by an author on a single topic and the result, which is accompanied by a description and details, is presented in the form of a book, article or dissertation. Monographie research was first used by Frederick Lopele in the nineteenth century to describe workers' lives. He published the results of his research in a book entitled Workers of 1855. In Iran, monographie first began with the publication of the book "Orazan" by Jalal Al-Ahmad, then the writing of monographies took a new form. The subject of this article is also dedicated to the monographie of Mohammad Ali Eslami Nadoshan. In this Islamic article, Nadoshan is introduced, his works are classified, and then his most famous works are examined. Manuscript profile
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        125 - The Issue of Polygamy in Modern Intellectual Discorse: The Study of Contemporary Readings of Q 4:3 with the Emphasis on Al-Manār, Al-Mīzān and Min Waḥy Al-Qur'ān
        Seyyed Mahmood Tayyeb Hoseini Muhammad Hassan Shirzad Muhammad Hussein Shirzad
        One of the most important verses of the Holy Qur'an, which brings gender inequality to mind in the modern era, is Q 4:3. According to this verse, those men who are capable of observing justice among wives are allowed to marry up to four women. Mentioning the legislation More
        One of the most important verses of the Holy Qur'an, which brings gender inequality to mind in the modern era, is Q 4:3. According to this verse, those men who are capable of observing justice among wives are allowed to marry up to four women. Mentioning the legislation of polygamy in Islamic ruling, the early and medieval Muslim exegetes devoted their efforts to some linguistic-literary discussions about the Q 4:3. However, a new generation of Muslim exegetes, paying attention to the emerging questions and doubts in the contemporary period, have disregarded the traditional interpretations and provided justifiable interpretations which are appropriate to the modern socio-cultural conditions. In this research, the authors are going to study the change of attitudes of Muslim exegetes towards the interpretation of the holy verse Q 4:3 by focusing on Al-Manār, Al-Mīzān and Min Waḥy Al-Qur'ān. This study shows that while Abduh, Tabātabāei, and Fadlallāh advocated the legislation of polygamy in Islam, Sheikh Muhammad Abduh who was influenced by the doctrine of Neo-Mo'tazelah, forbade the practice of polygamy in Egypt in order to provide a more appropriate interpretation to the expectation and interest of the audiences in contemporary period. Manuscript profile
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        126 - A semiotic reading of the theme of jihad in Surah Muhammad (PBUH)
        Monir Zibaei
        Semiotics is an approach in literary criticism that has the potential to explore how meaning is created in literary texts. This text-based method with a systematic approach studies all the factors that are involved in the production and interpretation of meaning or in t More
        Semiotics is an approach in literary criticism that has the potential to explore how meaning is created in literary texts. This text-based method with a systematic approach studies all the factors that are involved in the production and interpretation of meaning or in the process of signification, and tries to achieve the key points of the text and its semantic layers. The Qur'an, as the foremost literary texts, has presented its teachings and long meanings in each surah in the form of an extensive network and a chain of sign systems. The present article, based on the descriptive-inferential method, has considered the theme of jihad in Surah Muhammad (PBUH). This reading examines the text of the surah as a system of codes and theological signs, in a coherent framework and in different structural layers of phonetics, lexicon and syntax-rhetoric. The signs in the text of this surah move away from their main function through the axes of companionship and succession and according to the context and atmosphere governing the surah and take new meanings. Manuscript profile
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        127 - Linguistic functions and semantic relations in the Meccan and Madani words of the Holy Qur'an
        Saeed Zare Mohammad Hossein Sharafzadeh Ameneh Zare Saeed Hozouri
        With the expansion of interdisciplinary studies, linguistics, which is the science of language study, as a science that has various applications in the humanities, also found a special place in the field of Quranic research. One of the linguistic approaches to Qur' More
        With the expansion of interdisciplinary studies, linguistics, which is the science of language study, as a science that has various applications in the humanities, also found a special place in the field of Quranic research. One of the linguistic approaches to Qur'anic studies is structural semantics, which studies the Holy Qur'an in a new way. Therefore, this research, which has been done by content analysis method, seeks to study the words of the Holy Qur'an in the two groups of Meccan and Madani, extract linguistic functions and find cohesion or noncohesion of meaning between them. For this purpose, first, the most frequent Meccan and Madani special words of the Holy Qur'an were extracted and after examining the lexical and semantic information by drawing tables and diagrams, the linguistic functions were extracted and their semantic relations were examined. The results of the studies showed that the language functions used in the two groups are different and the words studied in each group have a thematic and conceptual relationship. Manuscript profile
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        128 - Reviewing and criticizing the exegetical approach of Sheikh Mohammad Karami in analyzing the components of social interpretation of the Qur'an (with an emphasis on the book of tafsir of Lektab Allah Al-Munir(
        mina shamkhi Ali Sharifi SeiedYousef Mahfouzi Musavi
        Social commentary in the field of contemporary commentary is one of the most important achievements in this field. Holistic view, simplistic writing and emphasis on the guidance of the Quran, rationalism in interpretation and not following the interpretation method of t More
        Social commentary in the field of contemporary commentary is one of the most important achievements in this field. Holistic view, simplistic writing and emphasis on the guidance of the Quran, rationalism in interpretation and not following the interpretation method of the predecessor are the main indicators of this new interpretation approach.The book "Al-Tafseer Lektab Allah Al-Munir" by Ayatollah Mohammad Karami, one of the contemporary elders, is one of the contemporary social interpretations. He, who is one of the commentators of the Khuzestan region, has chosen the method of social interpretation according to the current conditions.Therefore, the main goals of this article, after referring to the indicators of social interpretation, is whether the mentioned commentator has observed the social indicators in his interpretation? Can the mentioned interpretation be called a social interpretation only? After examining his interpretation method, we come to the conclusion that he did not follow the method of social interpretation in some verses and did not compile his interpretation based on the indicators of social interpretation. They didn't enter and it just passed by. Manuscript profile
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        129 - The Conjunction between “Al Comidia Al Samawiyah” and Holy Quran
        Mohsen Seifi Leila Khoubiyan
        Holy Quran as the superior masterpiece and Prophet Muhammad’s miracle is the most complete text that many poets’ verses and poetries make conjunctions with it. One of these poets is Mohammad Al Forati – well – known Arab poet and translator &ndas More
        Holy Quran as the superior masterpiece and Prophet Muhammad’s miracle is the most complete text that many poets’ verses and poetries make conjunctions with it. One of these poets is Mohammad Al Forati – well – known Arab poet and translator – who joined Quranic interpretations and concepts with his verses in artistic and creative way which made his works attractive and effective. Thus the present article tries to express and explain the Quranic intertextuals in analytical – descriptive method in order to discover the Quran’s effect on surface structure and deep structure of Forati’s poetries. Manuscript profile
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        130 - Epentance verses in Ebne farez and Molavi poems
        Seyed Amir mamood Anvar Fatemeh Ahmadi Tahereh Chal dare
        The holy Quran , the last heavenly book has paid special attention to “repentance" and asks the believers to repent and return to God in order to be saved and because one of the manifestations of the holy Quran is its appearance in the gnostic literature, some of More
        The holy Quran , the last heavenly book has paid special attention to “repentance" and asks the believers to repent and return to God in order to be saved and because one of the manifestations of the holy Quran is its appearance in the gnostic literature, some of the great gnostics have mentioned repentance as the first status and lodging, the Egyptian Ebne Farez and Jalaledin Mohammad Balkhi are the two great poets in the field of Arabic and Persian literature that on their way toward God the realities of holv Quran have been divulged to them. in this article we have investigated the poems of these two gnostics about· “repentance” and then we have worked on the similarities and differences of repentance on their viewpoints and what we have found is : the common contents and concepts that include "breaking of repentance by love" and" Nasuh repentance" and the different aspects include" Mosavieh repentance " in Ebne Farez and c Mohamrnadie repentance .' and "metamorphosis of heart" in Molana's poems.  Manuscript profile
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        Mohammad Razavi Mahdi Momtahen
        Blessing by the works of prophets and religious leaders is among the differences between Shiite and Wahhabis. People like Ibn-e-Taymyeh in the past and contemporary Wahhabis as led by their late Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab have denied the sanctification by t More
        Blessing by the works of prophets and religious leaders is among the differences between Shiite and Wahhabis. People like Ibn-e-Taymyeh in the past and contemporary Wahhabis as led by their late Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab have denied the sanctification by the works of prophets and religious leaders and have had extreme beliefs as to call Shiites unbelievers and have allowed their bloodshed and infringing upon their rights concerning their properties and wives. The present article tries to bring in references from the holy Quran, history and narrations to argue against the wrong beliefs of Wahhabis. Manuscript profile
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        132 - Review of methods on dating Quran
        Mansoor pahlevan Ebrahim Eghbaal Mohammad ali Heidari Mazraee aakhond
        In traditional dating methods on dating Quran, subject, style and technique, statistical, psychological and hobbies and preferences are common. statistical methods alone do not go far enough, This comprehensive approach should be adopted in which a mixture of narration More
        In traditional dating methods on dating Quran, subject, style and technique, statistical, psychological and hobbies and preferences are common. statistical methods alone do not go far enough, This comprehensive approach should be adopted in which a mixture of narration and of ijtihad. This first suras narratives in descending order, the validity of the document and the text is examined and Obtained, makki and madani saras Then, according to the narrative of each chapter would fall within the time specified Then, taking into account the conditions and characteristics of style and thematic chapters in both madani and makki data, and intermittence period, dating empowerment. Manuscript profile
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        133 - Dating Adiyat Surah
        Hossein Jeddi Ibrahim Eqbal
        Dating the Quran's Surahs in correct recognition and reputed selections or rejection is an effective issue. This is based on another recognition which is Makkiyah or Madaniyah of a Surah. Makkiyah or Madaniyah science believes that most Surahs are Makkiyah&nbs More
        Dating the Quran's Surahs in correct recognition and reputed selections or rejection is an effective issue. This is based on another recognition which is Makkiyah or Madaniyah of a Surah. Makkiyah or Madaniyah science believes that most Surahs are Makkiyah and less Madaniyah but also there is a disagreement on some. Adiyat Sura is in the third group; that's why its dating is a difficult issue as well as important. By documental and contextual study in a comparative method, one can find out it is Madaniyah. If it is considered Madaniyah all disagreements and conflicts would be finalized and it helps the appropriate topic selection as well as its dating; it also presents one of Imam Ali's accomplishments. Manuscript profile
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        134 - The Comparative Study of Reincarnation “Al – Tafsir Al – Athari Al – Jame’ and Al – Tafsir Al - Hadith” Point of View
        Mohammad Reza Haji Esmaeili Amir Ahmad Nezhad Atefeh Mohammadzadeh
        The reincarnation event is accepted by a group of people and ignored by some. The Quran scholars who believe in this, argue on the number of verses about the abovementioned subjects; although the contemporary scholars know these verses very few. Mohammad Hadi Ma&rs More
        The reincarnation event is accepted by a group of people and ignored by some. The Quran scholars who believe in this, argue on the number of verses about the abovementioned subjects; although the contemporary scholars know these verses very few. Mohammad Hadi Ma’refat – the author of Al – Tafsir Al – Athari Al – Jame’ – knows these verses about twenty and has limited them in eight sections. Another Quranic Scholar – Mohammad Ezzah Darouzeh the author of Al – Tafsir Al – Hadith –believed in reincarnation in most of the verses. The present article expresses the basics of their theories by comparing these two Quranic scholars about the reincarnation. Manuscript profile
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        135 - Heresy in the interpretations of Holy Quran
        Raziyeh Ahmadpoor Seyyedeh Fatemeh Hosseini Mirsafi
        The scholarly and critical study of the backgrounds and causes of social, political, etc., interpretations and perceptions of Holy Quran has played vital role in recognizing the main and fundamental factors in the formation of different ideas, sects and groups in Islami More
        The scholarly and critical study of the backgrounds and causes of social, political, etc., interpretations and perceptions of Holy Quran has played vital role in recognizing the main and fundamental factors in the formation of different ideas, sects and groups in Islamic society undoubtedly. Accordingly, the purpose of the present article is to study various political interpretations of the Verses of Holy Quran after the death of Holy Prophet. In this regard, while surveying the prior sources and references relying on historical documents, the necessary information was provided in different files and then the research materials were compiled and explained with descriptive – analytical method. In order to clarify the extremist political attitudes towards the verses and hadiths after the death of Prophet Mohammad which inflicted irreparable effects on the Islamic Ummah, the fields of emergence of different interpretive methods, the interpretation method of Qur'an to Qur'an and the method of narration were studied initially. Continuing with narrating and writing hadith method during Holy Prophet's era (PBUH) and the prohibition of narrating and writing hadith during the caliphate of Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman were surveyed. Manuscript profile
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        136 - The Month of Ramadan from Quranic and Literary Point of View
        Majid Khazaie
        Allah has devised Fasting as a means of soundness of body and purification of heart. From the benefits of fasting it appears that this religious duty has existed in other religions as well since Allah will not call His servants to do anything unless there are spiritual More
        Allah has devised Fasting as a means of soundness of body and purification of heart. From the benefits of fasting it appears that this religious duty has existed in other religions as well since Allah will not call His servants to do anything unless there are spiritual and physical benefits in them. There is no need for providing historical evidence I" of fasting in other religions since Quran has clearly mentioned its existence in past generations. This article studies the religious duty of fasting in Quran and Arabic literature to find out about its impact on the Arabic literature whose themes have been affected by Islam .  Manuscript profile
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        137 - Blessing and its Equipment in Quran and Hadith
        Jamal Farzand vahy Zahra Zaheri Rouhollah Zaheri
        This world's equipment is not limited to money and appearance but there is another affair in other world which relates unworldly and moral ones which has precise and adorable relationship with this world's affairs. One of these morals is Bounty or Blessing which has bro More
        This world's equipment is not limited to money and appearance but there is another affair in other world which relates unworldly and moral ones which has precise and adorable relationship with this world's affairs. One of these morals is Bounty or Blessing which has brought in Holy Quran as Elevated, Blessed, Fortunate and Auspicious about thirty two times. The present paper studies the word "Blessing" and its equipment such as Holy Quran, Pray, Hajj, to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice, visit the sick, charity, places and times, eatables and drinkables and animals. The method is librarian and the applied main recourse is Holy Quran. Being familiar with the equipment and their application in daily life are the main goals of this article. Manuscript profile
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        138 - Educational and moral point of Quranic verses and ideas in the Alamaraye Naderi
        Maryam Iranmanesh
        Alamaraye Naderi writing Mohammad Kazem marvi Minister of Marv, The most detailed biographical Nader Shah Afshar and one of the most prominent monuments of the twelfth century AD, is instructive. Mohammad kazem the widespread public prose Mavaraolnahr that era More
        Alamaraye Naderi writing Mohammad Kazem marvi Minister of Marv, The most detailed biographical Nader Shah Afshar and one of the most prominent monuments of the twelfth century AD, is instructive. Mohammad kazem the widespread public prose Mavaraolnahr that era is approaching and it is appropriate to fiction. It includes things like Mahmoud Afghan insurgency, the fall of Isfahan(Safavid capital), Killed the last king of the Safavid dynasty(Shah sultan Hosayn and Tahmasp III), a rare and win big rise and eventually to her. This paper library method and bring examples of teaching poetry and ethics corner bumps and attractiveness of Quranic teachings this history book. Manuscript profile
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        139 - A Research on al-Mutaffifin Dating
        Fathiyeh Fattahi Zadeh Masoumeh Shirdel
        Determining the order and time of the Suras revelation were of chronic issues in Quranic Sciences interpretation.  The important subject in this field is the position of al-Mutaffifin surah which is not clear to consider it as the last Makki Surah or the first Mada More
        Determining the order and time of the Suras revelation were of chronic issues in Quranic Sciences interpretation.  The important subject in this field is the position of al-Mutaffifin surah which is not clear to consider it as the last Makki Surah or the first Madani Surah. According to narrations and oral witnesses on Quran Suras dating, it could be seen that most traditions expres al-Mutaffifin is followed by Ankabout (Spider) Surah. It also can be concluded that according to Mohammad's Hegira and its distance with the begging of the Hijri calendar, the revelation of this surah is close to His Hegira. The characteristics of this surah express that it is Makki. Manuscript profile
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        140 - Prophet’s Meet in Quran
        Mousa Modabber Pour Mahdi Moti’ Mohammad Reza Haji Ismaeili
        The present research analyzes the quality of Mohammad the Prophet’s Meet and Ascension based on first Verse of Al Isra Surah as well as seventh to eighteenth Verses of Al Najm Surah and comes to conclusion that Prophet’s Meet caused the highest and the best More
        The present research analyzes the quality of Mohammad the Prophet’s Meet and Ascension based on first Verse of Al Isra Surah as well as seventh to eighteenth Verses of Al Najm Surah and comes to conclusion that Prophet’s Meet caused the highest and the best phenomena called Ascension which means worship, devotion and absolute surrender to Allah from Quran’s view point. It develops in a way that Allah deserves Him to send Salam and Salavat by hearing His name. He could meet His Lord without any agent which means the last and highest witness and level. Manuscript profile
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        141 - Crisis Management of the Dissension Process by Holy Prophet from Holy Quran’s Viewpoint
        Ahmad Reza Tavousi Amir Ahmadnezhad
        Crisis management is of particular importance as an interdisciplinary topic in various areas of political and social management. Therefore, the approach of the Holy Quran to this issue is remarkable. The study of Medina verses shows that the Holy Prophet faced various c More
        Crisis management is of particular importance as an interdisciplinary topic in various areas of political and social management. Therefore, the approach of the Holy Quran to this issue is remarkable. The study of Medina verses shows that the Holy Prophet faced various crises during the rule of Medina. One of the most complex of these crises is the destructive actions of the current of dissension against the Prophet. Given the special place of the Prophet in receiving revelation, his reactions to the hypocrites can be used as a reliable model for managing the crisis in the Islamic world and human society. The management of the Prophet in crises caused by dissension can be evaluated in three general stages, including pre-crisis, during-crisis and post-crisis management. This research intends to study the subject literature and with a descriptive-analytical approach, the most important parts of this management, which include expressing the methods and actions of the dissension and the appropriate reactions of the Qur'an along with announcing the policies and measures of the Prophet Check. The six strategies obtained in the present study are among the achievements of this paper. Manuscript profile
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        142 - A Comparative Study of the Homeland Theme in the Poems of Mohammad Taghi Bahar and Hafez Ebrahim
        Ibrahim Fallah Mohammadreza Hajiyan
        Malek al-Sho'arai Bahar and Hafez Ibrahim are two literates that homeland and patriotism are so obvious in their poems. Therefore, in this research, it is tried to make a comparative study of the patriotic and national poems of these two poets about the homeland, relyin More
        Malek al-Sho'arai Bahar and Hafez Ibrahim are two literates that homeland and patriotism are so obvious in their poems. Therefore, in this research, it is tried to make a comparative study of the patriotic and national poems of these two poets about the homeland, relying on the American school of comparative literature which does not consider the condition of adaptation as just the existence of fields of influence and regret. A comparative study of the poems of these two poets shows that patriotism and love to homeland are prominent manifestations of their ideas. The patriotic approach in his poems is so wide that it has become a stylistic and decisive element in the content and linguistic level of their poetry. The most important common themes that the two poets express about homeland and patriotism are: love and affection for the homeland, nostalgia for the homeland from which they are far away, struggle against colonialism, pride in the history and background of the homeland and effort to restore authority and past honor, condemnation of the rulers who do not pay attention to the affairs of the country. Manuscript profile
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        143 - A fundamental lesson on time and personality in the narration of "Shajra al-Labalab" by Muhammad Abdul Halim Abdullah
        ali jedi mostafa yekani ardeshir sadredini
        In "Shajra al-Lablab", it is narrated that the back of the face is smooth and the problems are social, cultural, economic, and moral. From problems and difficulties. The goal is to study the foundation of the narration in this narration and also to study the earthly fou More
        In "Shajra al-Lablab", it is narrated that the back of the face is smooth and the problems are social, cultural, economic, and moral. From problems and difficulties. The goal is to study the foundation of the narration in this narration and also to study the earthly foundation, personalities and events. Therefore; The theme of the treatment of terrestrial and internal and external disturbances, and adaptation and adaptation, as well as ground conditions for cooling and acceleration training; And summarizing, deleting and closing the cold; And the narrators and the descriptions and the like in this narration..and in the end the theme of explanation and explanation and the explanation of the dairy of the personalities in this narration. The conclusion is that the author of the narration used the above-mentioned persuasions in his wide speech and brought in his narration, a collection of the main and secondary personalities of those who also narrated the story. Manuscript profile
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        144 - A Comparative Study of Educational Concepts in Children's Diwan of Ahmed Shawqi and Soleiman Al-Issa
        Alireza Hosseini Batool Alinia
        The present research is carried out in the comparative literature framework and intends to compare some of the common educational concepts in children's diwan of Ahmad Showghi and Suleiman Al-Issa in comparative literature the framework by relying on their poems; since More
        The present research is carried out in the comparative literature framework and intends to compare some of the common educational concepts in children's diwan of Ahmad Showghi and Suleiman Al-Issa in comparative literature the framework by relying on their poems; since children's literature is one of the significant sections in the literature of any nation, so it is important to address it. In this research, these questions are answered: What are the common educational concepts in the children's diwan of two poets and also what is the reason for the conceptual differences between the poems of the two poets? Both poets seem to have been influenced by their society, and therefore the common meanings of their poems stem from their concerns. Suleiman al-Issa also deals with the influence of new literary currents on the subject of entertainment, while Showghi pays attention to the details of moral education. The results show that both poets pay attention to educational concepts and in addition to the conceptual differences in their poems, we can point to the common concepts of their poetries such as moral and social values, freedom, patriotism and independence. Manuscript profile
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        145 - Comparative consideration of the thematic and structural aspects of two novels: Al-khobz Al-Baghi and Neighbors
        Zhila golitaremi Yousef hadipour nahzami Seyed Ebrahin Arman
        During the history of story-telling literature, many authors have utilized their life events and experiences to compose stories and novels. As its prominent samples in Persian and Arabic story literature are the novels "Al-khobz Alkhafi written by a Moroccan author, "mo More
        During the history of story-telling literature, many authors have utilized their life events and experiences to compose stories and novels. As its prominent samples in Persian and Arabic story literature are the novels "Al-khobz Alkhafi written by a Moroccan author, "mohammad Shokri" and "Neighbors" written by an Iranian author ", Ahmad Masoud . These two mentioned novels have reflected a part of their authors' early ages of their adolescence until their entrance to their youth.Therefore, The term "autobiography novel" can be imputed to them. In structural and thematic aspects of two novels, many similarities have been observed and these similarities have impelled the authors to consider them according to their minor differences exist within their similarities. Consequently, the matter of this essay was what similarities are considerable in structural and thematic aspects. The general conclusion of this essay is that the story of both novels began at the same point of their heros' (protagonists') life.Both were forced to work in teahouse during their adolescence. Both heroes were involved in polotical and protesting crisis of their countries. Both novels are narrated from the same point of view. Two authors have characterized their novels' heroesThe heroes of both novels are changeable. Both novels are open-ending Manuscript profile
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        Maryam Alkhatib Ali Asghar Babasalar
        Sacred Defense authors were interested in writing stories and novels for adolescents and young adults because of their importance and fundamental role in society, especially during the war. They considered the teenage novel a platform for conveying their thoughts and me More
        Sacred Defense authors were interested in writing stories and novels for adolescents and young adults because of their importance and fundamental role in society, especially during the war. They considered the teenage novel a platform for conveying their thoughts and messages to the readers. They tried to document the events of the war imposed on Iran by the Iraqi forces, the accompanying material, and moral sacrifices by the Iranians to defend the homeland, and the negative, psychological and material effects on those who lost their loved ones, homes, and members of their bodies, and how their lives became after all these calamities and misfortunes. In addition, the authors address these issues through ethical aspects. Accordingly, this article aims to study the features of the adolescent novels ethically for the sacred defense based on the works of Mohammad Reza Bayrami (Smoke behind the hill, suspension bridge, and locust shadow) and Daoud Ghaffarzadgan (Ayoub night and Midnight Song) using an analytic-descriptive approach. The results show that both authors encouraged the reader to have two critical moral values. The first is the love of the homeland and sacrifice to defend it, while the other is hope. Because the first aspect is the best solution to war, and the second is the best solution to the psychological effects of war. They showed that a person, despite his pain, weakness, and injury, must accept new circumstances and continue his life with positive thoughts and a strong spirit because despair and weakness are actual losses. Manuscript profile
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        147 - Investigation of semantic abnormalities in the court of Yousef Al-Khal, Bolandalheidari, Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo
        Mohammad reza Beigi Ezzat Mullah Ebrahimi, bahram Parvin Gonabadi, bahram leila ghasemi
        Abnormality, that is, deviation from the rules governing the language of the norm and non-conformity with the standard and conventional language, which causes the dynamics of the language, which has caused poets in different languages ​​to show great interest in this wa More
        Abnormality, that is, deviation from the rules governing the language of the norm and non-conformity with the standard and conventional language, which causes the dynamics of the language, which has caused poets in different languages ​​to show great interest in this way. Abnormality as an outstanding linguistic technique can enrich poetry and bring it to the border of poetry. This technique can be manifested in various components of poetry. In this regard, an attempt has been made to examine this issue in the divan of the four poets considered in this research, namely Yousef Al-Khal, Boland Al-Heydari, Nima Yoshij and Ahmad Shamloo as a poet-making element.From the commonalities of the poems of these four poets, the high frequency of semantic aberrations in their poems and what is evident is that these poets in their time were considered as poets breaking the tradition and the voice of protest and anger of the society in which they lived. They have reflected with this type of norm-breaking, and thus each of them has been introduced as a poet with a style, and in the same way, they have attracted their audience to them. Manuscript profile
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        148 - Semantic deviations by taking a new look at the diagnostic industry in the poems of Muhammad Maghout
        ali pirani shal hosein abavisani soghra falahati zeinab Asadi Jafari
        The field of meaning is one of the most flexible levels in language, and this is why it transforms more than its other levels. The poems of the Syrian social poet, Muhammad al-Maghout, are collected in three poetry books: “Sadness in the moonlight”, “A More
        The field of meaning is one of the most flexible levels in language, and this is why it transforms more than its other levels. The poems of the Syrian social poet, Muhammad al-Maghout, are collected in three poetry books: “Sadness in the moonlight”, “A room with millions of walls” and “Joy is not my profession.” And you see all kinds of moral violations. One of these violations is indicative, which includes: simile, personification, personification, metaphor, and ... the art or making of the diagnosis was studied as a model for the types of semantic violations appropriate in the works of this contemporary poet and also “we tried to examine the use of a precise definition and Diagnosis in a literary text.There are two general sections, one of the two in terms of the semantics of any words and expressions in which the personification or embodiment is placed and that it falls into any group and the second section is the grammatical position of these words that is, that they use a compound "or as a sentence or a phrase." Each chapter is given an example from his poetry book. Manuscript profile
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        149 - Investigating the Continental and Rural Characteristics in Novel "Scorched Earth" by Ahmad Mahmood
        Hayedeh Azimoghli Oskooi Hojjat Rasouli Seyyed Ebrahim Arman
        Continental and rural literature is one of the branches of literature which is expressing the natural geography, human traits and social evolution of a special location and posses a special place in the literature of most of the countries, Ahmad Mahmoud as one of the re More
        Continental and rural literature is one of the branches of literature which is expressing the natural geography, human traits and social evolution of a special location and posses a special place in the literature of most of the countries, Ahmad Mahmoud as one of the realist continental writers,he has played an important role in the contemporary Iranian novelist literature to the extent that she is one of the active writers of the southern school. "Scorched Earth" is the first novel after the Iran-Iraq war. This novel reflects the sufferings, sacrifices and perseverance of the people in the war that Iran witnessed at the end of the twentieth century. The importance of this work becomes apparent when, as a social, historical plan The events of the war and the reflection of the situation of the southern climate are portrayed by Ahmad Mahmoud with mastery in the scenes of showing the story in a realistic style in the eyes of the critic. The present study is based on the descriptive-analytical method of the characteristics of continental literature in the novel "Scorched Earth" in relation to social consequences. The results of this research studied the impact of the author's native identity on an important historical event of the sacred defense in the novel Scorched Earth. In addition to the climate problems after the imposed war, due to the living and economic conditions, it is necessary to avoid ethnic and social challenges for the purposes of sustainable development. Manuscript profile
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        150 - The structure of the poetic text in the attempts to “create a cloud” by Ibrahim Mustafa Al-Hamad (a stylistic study)
        ysra tamer MOHAMMAD GHAFOURIFAR
        Ebrahim Mustafa al-Hamad is one of the poets whose poetry expresses the life conditions and glory of his people. His poetry is distinguished by its eloquence in description and beauty of meanings with artistic features and goals.This research, with descriptive-analytica More
        Ebrahim Mustafa al-Hamad is one of the poets whose poetry expresses the life conditions and glory of his people. His poetry is distinguished by its eloquence in description and beauty of meanings with artistic features and goals.This research, with descriptive-analytical method, tries to examine the poetic view of Ibrahim al-Hamd through his poetry divan "Attempts of Ghaimah's initiative" in four levels (lexical level, syntactic level, phonetic and semantic level). . One of the most important findings of the research is that: First of all, this collection of Al-Hamd Diwan poems is an outstanding love poem, because it contains a lot of romantic words and flirting with the beloved, describing her and singing about her beauty. There are many terms of literary words in the divan of the poet and his likes, etc. and the most comprehensive words that refer to nature and related to it. Secondly, the study conducted in the analysis of the compositional level of the poem shows the wide presence of present sentences and the variety of compositional sentences. The importance of musical repetition and puns, strange sounds and abandoned sounds in most of the poems of the poet Ebrahim al-Hamad in his divan is due to the feeling of comfort and The calmness is evident. Mental stability, which requires transparency in transferring his poetic dialogue to another. Thirdly, there are many sources of artistic images in Ebrahim al-Hamd's poems, hence we see the wide and prominent presence of similes and metaphors in his poetry collection. Manuscript profile
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        151 - Examining the Meaning of Meaning in the Couplets Containing Metaphorsof Abu Madi's Poem “Al-Sama”(According to Jean Cohen’s Theory)
        Reza Hajarkesht ali pirani shal Soghra Falahati Hooman Nazemian علی اسودی
        Abstract: Jean Cohen's theory of poetics is one of the approaches to the new rhetoric. It investigates poetic texts in paradigmatic and syntagmatic level to indicate their connotations. Thus, the present study employs this theory for a descriptive-analytical inves More
        Abstract: Jean Cohen's theory of poetics is one of the approaches to the new rhetoric. It investigates poetic texts in paradigmatic and syntagmatic level to indicate their connotations. Thus, the present study employs this theory for a descriptive-analytical investigation of the Couplets Containing Metaphors of the ode Al-Sama: Heaven or Paradise, the first poem from Abu Madi's Divan and tends to answer two questions of: What is the reason for poetic level of these couplets? and how the pathems are projected from paradigmatic axis on syntagmatic axis? These couplets have broken the standard phonetic rules of pause, alliteration,, meter, and rhyme, the standard grammatical rules of substitution and deletion, and the standard semantic rules of implicit metaphors.The results show that the abundance of deviation in phonetic, grammatical and semantic level made a good poetic level for these couplets and the projection of the abundant pathems from paradigmatic axis to syntagmatic axis made a deep meaning of meaning for the couplets. So, it became valuable, potential and active. Manuscript profile
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        152 - Norm breaking in Ahmad Matar poetry
        Azam dehghani Roghiyeh Rostam Pour Maleki
        Ahmad Matar – Iraqi satirical poet – attempted to save the Arabic governments from imperialistic yoke who tried to arrogate nations’ freedom. His poetic language has sensible characteristics which the poet applies them in order to invite people to free More
        Ahmad Matar – Iraqi satirical poet – attempted to save the Arabic governments from imperialistic yoke who tried to arrogate nations’ freedom. His poetic language has sensible characteristics which the poet applies them in order to invite people to freedom and liberty. Norm breaking is one of his poetry’s features. The present article tries to survey the vocal norm breaking – including rhyme, rhythm, and phoneme norm breaking – in Ahmad Matar’s poetry in descriptive – analytic method by using contemporary critic and study the reasons of this kind norm which are: tendency to modernism, expressing the expectations and discomforts. Manuscript profile
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        153 - Sea and Seashore's Motif in Mohammad Javad Al Jazayeri's Diwan
        Nafiseh Haji Rajabi Hassan Abdollahi
        Motif means theme in literature or frequent subject, term, factor or motivation in literary works. Motif includes mysterious indications and hints in literary works which have close relationship with poet's thoughts, ideas and spirit. Motif has been appeared in various More
        Motif means theme in literature or frequent subject, term, factor or motivation in literary works. Motif includes mysterious indications and hints in literary works which have close relationship with poet's thoughts, ideas and spirit. Motif has been appeared in various forms such as concepts, terms and mysteries in Iraqi poet's works – Mohammad Javad Al Jazayeri. Two important mysterious motifs which are applicable to express philosophical issues and own semantic indications are "Sea" and "Seashore" motifs and related issues. The mentioned terms have been entered in his poetries widely in order to offer new ideas and indications. Sea possesses various associations and manifestations in Al Jazayeri's pictorial language which human's soul, this world and nature amongst all. Seashore also indicates general existence, this world, past and future and specific natural creatures. The present article intends to way of applying the abovementioned terms and their implications based on descriptive – analytical method according to poet's experiences. Manuscript profile
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        154 - Irony in poems of Ahmad Al-Safi Al-Najafi
        hamed sadeghi abdolkarim alboghiyesh
        Abstract Satire is one of the methods of expressing in literature that is used in two ways of direct and indirect. Among these two methods, the second one is used more by the poets and writers because it helps them escaping from being face to face with the governments More
        Abstract Satire is one of the methods of expressing in literature that is used in two ways of direct and indirect. Among these two methods, the second one is used more by the poets and writers because it helps them escaping from being face to face with the governments and their organizations. Concerning the Iraqi government and its cruel policies on those days, using first kind of satire was problematic and could result in that the poet or the writer was hanged or sent to jail for many years because of his piece of poem or writing. One of these poets is Ahmad Al-Safi Al-Najafi. He was one of the outstanding Iraqi satire poets who were not comfortable because of the Iraqi government. He had a hard life and had to emigrate from one country to another. He also spent some time in the jail, but all these couldn’t keep him from creating satire poems. He continued the satire poems to the end of his life, these poems had so many things to say. In this article, we first introduce the satire and its implication in literature, then we give a biography of this poet, and finally we study and look at the satire poems by this poet. Manuscript profile
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        155 - Comparison of Concept and Structure in “For Bread Alone” and “Neighbors” Novels
        Jila Goli Taromi Yousef Hadipoor Seyyed Ibrahim Arman
        Numerous authors have enjoyed their lives’ experiences and events as subjects for stories and novels writing in the history of literature; remarkable samples in Arabic and Persian fiction literature are “For Bread Alone” (1972) by Mohamed Choukri &ndas More
        Numerous authors have enjoyed their lives’ experiences and events as subjects for stories and novels writing in the history of literature; remarkable samples in Arabic and Persian fiction literature are “For Bread Alone” (1972) by Mohamed Choukri – Moroccan author – and “Neighbors” by Ahmad Mahmoud – Iranian author. Both authors in the abovementioned novels reflect parts of their lives’ experiences and express them in the best way in an artistic, realistic and unbiased form based on their enormous experiences in initial years of lives specifically teenage and younghood period. Thus they can be titled as autobiographic novels. There are similarities in conceptual and structural aspects of abovementioned novels and the aim of this article is to study the similarities and common ties analytically as well as paying attention to minimal differences. Manuscript profile
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        156 - Local Policy in Bahar and al-Rosafi poetry
        Moosa Bayat Seyyed Fazlollah Mir Ghaderi
        Poets and scholars played a great role in enlightening people and making them familiar with Mashroote Revolution and the political events related to Capitalism. Muhammad Taghi Bahar and Ma’roof Rosafi are two poets who were committed to their land and nation. Both More
        Poets and scholars played a great role in enlightening people and making them familiar with Mashroote Revolution and the political events related to Capitalism. Muhammad Taghi Bahar and Ma’roof Rosafi are two poets who were committed to their land and nation. Both became the members of parliament and both were Journalists and did their best in defending their nation and opposing Capitalism and Colonialism. The present article initially reviews two poets’ lives, their political activities, and then a comparative study on their literature and poetry which were in the field of parliament and law.  They have criticized the politicians, ministers and rulers clearly and had no fear in their criticism. The paper is based on the American school. Manuscript profile
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        157 - Study and analysis of the play sparrow humpback
        Soroor Mehrpouya
        The present article surveys the personality and the life of Mohammad Maghout and studies and analyzes the play of the Hunchback Sparrow in regards to the form and content. Mohammad Maghout is one of the most prominent poets and writers from Syria in the temporary centur More
        The present article surveys the personality and the life of Mohammad Maghout and studies and analyzes the play of the Hunchback Sparrow in regards to the form and content. Mohammad Maghout is one of the most prominent poets and writers from Syria in the temporary century. Such a personality is worth to be studied through his works to understand his concerns and thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        158 - The Symbol of Comber in Jawdat Al-Qazwini and Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani works
        Majid Yaqoubi Mahmoud Shakib
        The goal of the present paper is to express how the Arab contemporary poet - Jawdat Al-Qazwini - applied comber in his poetry as a symbol; his aim was to depict the painful conditions of prisons and lack of acuity of the society which the cause of all was the political More
        The goal of the present paper is to express how the Arab contemporary poet - Jawdat Al-Qazwini - applied comber in his poetry as a symbol; his aim was to depict the painful conditions of prisons and lack of acuity of the society which the cause of all was the political and social disorder. On the other hand this article intends to describe the way Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani – Iranian poet – applied the comber in his poetries and the purpose is to reflect the social, political and symbolic characteristics of the comber. Manuscript profile
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        159 - The progress of literature in Abu Ahmad Askari works
        Aref Khasafi Ali Sepahyar Sahad Jadori
        Abu Ahmad Askari - the scholar, philologist and Hadith teller - was living in Askar Makram city that unfortunately this city and his literary works have lost. He wished to meet the scientist – Saheb Ibn Abad. But why the works of Abu Ahmad and his hometown scienti More
        Abu Ahmad Askari - the scholar, philologist and Hadith teller - was living in Askar Makram city that unfortunately this city and his literary works have lost. He wished to meet the scientist – Saheb Ibn Abad. But why the works of Abu Ahmad and his hometown scientists were lost while they caused the progress of literature especially in elementary literary criticism and created a dam against the critics of poetry of poets and also made a great work from vocabulary misreading point of view that the present paper intends to express it. Manuscript profile
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        160 - Farsighted Approach of Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimiabout Revival of Arabic Language in Algeria
        Hayat Amare Maryam Jalaei
        Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimi is one of the renowned performers of Algeria. He is also known in literature field and one of the famous writers in the country. For releasing people of Algeria, he established a terrific culture structure not only to revive freedom of Al More
        Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimi is one of the renowned performers of Algeria. He is also known in literature field and one of the famous writers in the country. For releasing people of Algeria, he established a terrific culture structure not only to revive freedom of Algeria and save it from French colonization but also to return eminent place that Islam had granted to this area. Modernity was initiator of his activities and works. Not surprisingly, he struggles for reviving Arabian language, arranging it with today’s needs and securing it from decline and rollback; as a result, world of Islam, especially society of Arabs, would be secured from falling of Arabic culture and national identity, because language is the container of thought and culture. Hence, in present research, we review Sheikh Ibrahimi’s modern thoughts about Arabic language by descriptive analysis method to explain his insight. The most important result of the study is that Ibrahimi believes that arrangement of Arabic language with today’s development and problems and of course without separating it from ancestors’ values and heritage will result in revival and development of Arabic language at present time. Manuscript profile
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        161 - Images of Doomsday in Ahmad Showqi’s Poetry and his Inspiration from Quran
        Seif Ali Zahedifar Ameneh Mousavi Shajari
        Ahmad Showqi is one of the outstanding contemporary poets and had such an important state among the poets who were called Poet Laureate. Quran played as a spring which he enjoyed it a lot for his poetry. By studying his poetry we come to conclusion that Holy Quran had a More
        Ahmad Showqi is one of the outstanding contemporary poets and had such an important state among the poets who were called Poet Laureate. Quran played as a spring which he enjoyed it a lot for his poetry. By studying his poetry we come to conclusion that Holy Quran had a significant effect on Showqi’s poetry and he had used its vocabulary and semantics in all his poetry. Doomsday and its images are the examples of this application among his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        162 - Freedom and Patriotism in Elia Abu Madi’s Poetries
        Mahin Eqdami Mahmoud Shakib Leila Qasemi
        Abu Madi has invited all to awareness and moving towards a bright future because of the political and social conditions of his country. There is internal emotion in a poet who makes him sad of his society’s pain and the sadness roots in his life deeply. There is a More
        Abu Madi has invited all to awareness and moving towards a bright future because of the political and social conditions of his country. There is internal emotion in a poet who makes him sad of his society’s pain and the sadness roots in his life deeply. There is a kind of emotionalism with society, awareness, patriotism and liberalism in Abu Madi’s poetry. He is a romantic poet whose optimistic ideas are originated from nature and accompanies with various political, social and cultural issues and studies Arabic lands’ problems specially Lebanon and Palestine’s. He does know Palestine an Islamic Arabic government but he claims Palestinians are part of this world and have the right to live freely such as all people around the world. By studying his works, we come to conclusion that pessimism and hope to future may result in freedom and liberty. Manuscript profile
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        163 - Social Commitment in Nima Youshij and Muhammad al-Maghout’s Poetries
        Maryam Yaghoubi Rahimeh Choulanian
        Muhammad al-Maghout – Syrian poet and literary man – created prosy poetry and is one of the pioneers in contemporary Arabic poetry who played vital role in Arabic poetry’s development and revolution. He felt and understood the pain and suffer very soon More
        Muhammad al-Maghout – Syrian poet and literary man – created prosy poetry and is one of the pioneers in contemporary Arabic poetry who played vital role in Arabic poetry’s development and revolution. He felt and understood the pain and suffer very soon and witnessed Palestine’s occupation and chaos of the region’s countries. The hard situations made him disobedient and defiant. He is a social critic and his critical ideas are mostly about Arab world and their weak points against Israel. He called every one for unity and resistance. This article believes that social poetry and literature manifest humanity; liberalism and being against dictatorship are the most important factors of humanistic and social approach in Nima Youshij and Muhammad al-Maghout’s Poetrie. Manuscript profile
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        164 - The Contemporary Poem - Ma Yaghni an Al Moghni – its Poet and Describer
        Zeinab Rezapour
        Ma Yaghni an Al Moghni is an educational poem in syntax which belongs to Ali Akbar Nahavandi. Mohammad Farid Nahavandi – the contemporary literate – studied this poem and called his description and interpretation as "Sharh Al Jamal". The present paper introd More
        Ma Yaghni an Al Moghni is an educational poem in syntax which belongs to Ali Akbar Nahavandi. Mohammad Farid Nahavandi – the contemporary literate – studied this poem and called his description and interpretation as "Sharh Al Jamal". The present paper introduces this poem, its poet and describer and explains some errors and mistakes done by some translators and interpreters about the describer and the title. The method is descriptive – analytical and the most important syntactic issues are explained followed by the poem's introduction. Manuscript profile
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        165 - The Iranian Kurd Eulogist Of Prophets And Bordeh Bosiri
        Robabeh Ramezani Vasim Mahdavi
        Eulogizing Mohammad (PBUH), with the long history as we know it, has always been in the center of attention for poets since his birth. As we know, one of the most notable poems, categorized as religious poems, is that of Bordeh Bosiri which was written in 7th century an More
        Eulogizing Mohammad (PBUH), with the long history as we know it, has always been in the center of attention for poets since his birth. As we know, one of the most notable poems, categorized as religious poems, is that of Bordeh Bosiri which was written in 7th century and revitalized the eulogy of the Prophet. Since then, following Bosiri’s style, many have portrayed their genuine affections on the paper using various language and interpretations, expressing their sincere love for Him, the Honorable. In present era, many a Kurd poets have entered into this realm. The present paper, through studying common themes and outstanding merits shared by Bordeh Bosiri and other Iranian Kurd eulogists of the Prophet intends to ruminate over such poems what is full of exquisite fragrance of the Prophet and what is a pretext for writers to study the poets’ heartfelt emotions and feelings. May it be well received by Him, the Honorable. Profound emotions, disregarding people in power, in accordance with their eulogies and nearness to God are among the most notable features among contemporary Iranian Kurd poets. Manuscript profile
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        166 - The place and its Effect on the Character in Mohammad Dib's Three Works
        Mohammad Reza Ahmadi Khalil Parvini
        The place and character are important factors of a novel. In fact place is a framework in which the events happen and is divided into two types: open & close. The character is a dynamic element in novel progression; while plays an important role in formation, evolut More
        The place and character are important factors of a novel. In fact place is a framework in which the events happen and is divided into two types: open & close. The character is a dynamic element in novel progression; while plays an important role in formation, evolution and presentation of the place related events. The character itself divides into different types which the present paper focuses on dynamic and static. There is a relationship between these two elements in a way that the reader can be familiar with the character, social conditions and his psychologic manners. The present article studies Mohammad Dib's three works in descriptive – analytic method in order to show two elements' relationship. One of the outcomes is that both close and open places can be seen in all three novels. Manuscript profile
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        167 - Echoes of resistance in the poetry of Ahmad Waeli
        Seyed Yousef Nejatnejad Mojtaba Omranipour Amar Sorkheh Seyed Mostafa Mousavinejad
        The issue of Palestine and the resistance is one of the most important issues in the contemporary world, and many contemporary poets and writers have investigated it and in their works, have focused on Palestine and resistance and stability against the occupiers. These More
        The issue of Palestine and the resistance is one of the most important issues in the contemporary world, and many contemporary poets and writers have investigated it and in their works, have focused on Palestine and resistance and stability against the occupiers. These works have attracted the attention of analysts, and their volume is such that few poets can be found who have not dealt with them. Many movies and TV series have investigated this issue and the effects and echoes of the resistance and its position in the contemporary period and issues such as the support and help of the Palestinian people by Muslims and their other supporters in the world for the liberation of this oppressed nation, occupiers and their condemnation of the brutal occupation, whose violence, aggression and oppression of the Palestinians and their land are increasing. Ahmed Waeli was a speaker, who never stopped encouraging the Palestinian people to resist, and non-surrender and retreat to the savage enemy of Zionism. In this research, with a descriptive-analytical method, we examine the characteristics of resistance that are manifested in his poetry, such as resilience against the occupiers and encouragement of fighters, and finally, we reach results such as the efforts of contemporary poets to resist and support the oppressed people of Palestine. Manuscript profile
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        168 - Contradiction in Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri’s Poetry
        Hussein Shamsabadi Mehdi Momtahen Raheem Ansaripour
        The Current study examines contradictions in Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri’s political poetry. Al-Jawahiri led most of his life amidst the turmoil caused by the political events and developments that Iraq has undergone through different periods beginning with the 192 More
        The Current study examines contradictions in Muhammad Mahdi al-Jawahiri’s political poetry. Al-Jawahiri led most of his life amidst the turmoil caused by the political events and developments that Iraq has undergone through different periods beginning with the 1920 Revolution led by religious leaders and ending with al-Ba‘th Party and Saddam Hussein. Al-Jawahiri has beencontradictory in his poems onal-Ba‘th Party, religious leaders, the contemporary Islamic movement, and the red communist tide which dominated Iraq in Abd al-Karim Qasim’s era. Al-Jawahiri has assumed such ironic and sarcastic stances toward events through his poems. An in-depth inspection of the true nature of his political positions demands an objective and historical study of his political poetry. Manuscript profile
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        169 - Opposition Eloquence in Ahmad Matar's Political Poetries
        Ali bagher Taherinia Hossein Elyasi
        There is a strong relationship between Ahmad Hasan Matar – Iraqi poet - and religious, social and political issues. His poetry expresses the dominant atmosphere on nations. He has enjoyed various Arabic eloquence techniques including rhetoric science in order to b More
        There is a strong relationship between Ahmad Hasan Matar – Iraqi poet - and religious, social and political issues. His poetry expresses the dominant atmosphere on nations. He has enjoyed various Arabic eloquence techniques including rhetoric science in order to beautify the text. Opposition technique is the one in which something expresses and then any opposition of the subject would be expressed accordingly. The present article intends to study the opposition eloquence in Ahmad Matar's works in a way that initially describes opposition technique in theory and then tries to survey some of the existing opposition techniques in the abovementioned poet's political poetries. The results show that Ahmad Matar has applied opposition technique to express his political purposes and indicate the society's problems. Manuscript profile
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        170 - تحلیل ناهمگونی فضایی شاخص های توسعه و رتبه بندی استانهای کشور با تکنیک های آماره فضایی و تصمیم گیری های چند منظوره
        بهنام باقری محمدتقی معصومی حسین نظم فر رسول صمدزاده
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        171 - Freedom and Human Rights from the perspective of Seyyed Ahmed Fardid Seyed Hossein Nasr
        MohammaJjavad Sadipour Ali Darabi Ali Mortazavian
        Fardid, having invented and expanded the concept of westernization and split it into two types of non-double and double that are subject to the old and new, has had a great impact on the intellectual society of Iran. Freddie sees the Renaissance as the beginning of doub More
        Fardid, having invented and expanded the concept of westernization and split it into two types of non-double and double that are subject to the old and new, has had a great impact on the intellectual society of Iran. Freddie sees the Renaissance as the beginning of double-harboring, because the domination of the subject matter or the originality of subjectivism is the result of evolutionism. Nazrine challenges the discourse of traditionalism or wisdom, the self-centered humanist subject that underlies modernity. The Nazarene is a modernist state with a Renaissance and a religious reformation centered on humanism against the Sunnah. In fact, two different philosophical views of humanism, with the definitions of human beings, are the heart of the anthropological way of thinking. These two, with their particular intellectual and philosophical system, seek the critique of Western modernity, and through this the central axis of modernity, which is humanism or self-founded subject, The focus on the views of these two philosophers on the face of modernity in terms of philosophical anthropology and the analogy of texts such as freedom and human rights as two modern concepts; against mystical definitions such as freedom of the heart and humanity with the sole of human freedom and responsibility In the face of God, instead of human rights It will. Manuscript profile
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        172 - Comparing the Role of Elites in the Process of Economic Development of Iran and Malaysia with an Emphasis on the Theory of Adrian Leftwich
        Rahim eini reza delavari
        The purpose of this study is to compare the economic performance of Mahathir Bin Mohamad’s government in Malaysia and Seyyed Mohammad Khatami’s in the Islamic Republic of Iran based on “Adrian Leftwich's” theory of the role of political structure More
        The purpose of this study is to compare the economic performance of Mahathir Bin Mohamad’s government in Malaysia and Seyyed Mohammad Khatami’s in the Islamic Republic of Iran based on “Adrian Leftwich's” theory of the role of political structure and government in the economic growth and development of countries. The present study’s research method is library research and descriptive analytical research. Considering the common points in the thoughts of Seyyed Mohammad Khatami and Mahathir Bin Mohamad on economic development, this study examines the reasons behind the weaker performance of Seyyed Mohammad Khatami compared with his counterpart in Malaysia. The findings suggest that, despite Khatami's and Mahatir Bin Mohammad's similar economic views, Khatami was unable to fully implement his economic plans due to the lack of authority and power of the president in determining the economic policies of Iran. While the political structure and compliance of other Malaysian political institutions from Mahathir Bin Mohamad led him to move Malaysia towards economic development using his economic plans. Therefore, Iran's economic development requires a national consensus and support for established economic policies. In sum, economic development requires a calm and low-tension environment, the internal solidarity among the elite of the community, political and religious pluralism, political stability, and a culture of collective efforts. Manuscript profile
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        173 - An Assessment of the Performance of Three Mainstream Media (Kayhan, E’temad, and Hamshahri) Regarding JCPOA (2015-2016)
        Marzieh Rafati Abdul Ali Ghavam Khalil Mirzaiee Zahra Kharazi Mohammadvandi Azar
        The purpose of the present study is to analyze the news representation of JCPOA from the perspective of three mainstream media (Kayhan, E’temad, and Hamshahri) during 2015 to 2016. The method of the study was qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data by ta More
        The purpose of the present study is to analyze the news representation of JCPOA from the perspective of three mainstream media (Kayhan, E’temad, and Hamshahri) during 2015 to 2016. The method of the study was qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data by targeted sampling of 300 pieces of news related to “JCPOA” using SPSS. The results showed that despite the importance of “JCPOA”, this term has not frequently and conspicuously been used in the headlines of the above newspapers; and has only been mentioned in economic and political contexts, regardless of its various aspects. Although the impartiality of the media has been emphasized, the above newspapers have adopted a biased approach towards “JCPOA”. On the other hand, news coverage by the above newspapers and their approach to “JCPOA” has not usually been analytical but more inclined to hard news and informational rather than educational and guiding approach. Manuscript profile
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        174 - A Reflection upon the Concept of Political Development in the Principlist Discourse of Mahmūd Ahmadī Nizhād
        Reza Mohammadain Hossein Tafazoli Seyed Ismail Hosseini Goli
        MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād is the head of the 9th and 10th government in the Islamic Republic of Iran who launched his work with an approach to revive the principles and ideals of the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of the present study is to represent a distinct analysis of t More
        MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād is the head of the 9th and 10th government in the Islamic Republic of Iran who launched his work with an approach to revive the principles and ideals of the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of the present study is to represent a distinct analysis of the concept of political development in the discourse of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād that in contrast with the western conception of political development, is accompanied with some requirements such as establishing Islamic civilization by the Islamic Republic Government and improving Islamic culture and civilization in the international level. Using descriptive analysis, this study deals with the main research question that: what does the concept of political development mean in in the priciplist idea of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād? This research delves deep into the principlist discourse of the parties and democratic organizations as well as the role of people in achieving the goals of the revolution and then represents a new interpretation of the concept of political development. This interpretation recognizes the establishment of Islamic civilization and justice by the Islamic Republic of Iran throughout the world as the center of this concept in the intellectual discourse of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād.   Manuscript profile
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        175 - The Effect of Ethnic Gap on the Transformations Leading to the Persian Constitution in Iran
        Mohammad Ali Alizadeh Muhammad Qasem Pour Yousef Motavali Haghighi
        The purpose of the present study is to answer this question: what has been the impact of ethnic gap in the Qajar dynasty on the transformation process leading to the Persian Constitution? The research relies on the hypothesis that ethnic gaps made different ethnic group More
        The purpose of the present study is to answer this question: what has been the impact of ethnic gap in the Qajar dynasty on the transformation process leading to the Persian Constitution? The research relies on the hypothesis that ethnic gaps made different ethnic groups, using their military force, bring about the most important changes that led to the Persian Constitution and finally the constitutional revolution occurred in Iran due to the dominance of some ethnic groups who were opponents of the establishment. The method of study is descriptive-analytic and the results showed that some ethnic groups had no perception of the constitution and just due to the weakness of the central state used the opportunity for ethnic retaliations. Manuscript profile
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        176 - Theory of Political Sovereignty of Wali-e Faqih (Jurist Ruler) in the Jurisprudential Idea of Mullā Ahmad Narāqi
        Azim Izadi Odlo Behnam Bahari Odlo
        The purpose of the present study is to review the theory of political sovereignty of Wali-e Faqih (jurist ruler) in the jurisprudential idea of Mullā Ahmad Narāqi based on his book 'Avā'ed al-Ayyām. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the results showed that More
        The purpose of the present study is to review the theory of political sovereignty of Wali-e Faqih (jurist ruler) in the jurisprudential idea of Mullā Ahmad Narāqi based on his book 'Avā'ed al-Ayyām. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the results showed that Mullā Ahmad Narāqi is the first jurist who has seriously and fundamentally dealt with the theory of Welāyat-e Faqih and discussed the total authority and power of the jurist during the Age of Absence. Therefore, what distinguishes Narāqi as a unique jurist is his claim and proposal of the theory of Welāyat-e Faqih denoting government and political leadership. Through introducing different aspects of the theory of Welāyat-e Faqih and bringing evidence for them, he has left former jurists and authoritative interpreters of the religious law behind and has revived Shi'ite political theory by giving a special and new manifestation to that. Thus, his perception of the political sovereignty of Wali-e Faqih per se created a new move in the realm of jurisprudence so that Welāyat-e Faqih found a new structure and gradually turned into a dominant and common theory in jurists' discussion about political ideology. Therefore, although the theory of political sovereignty of Wali-e Faqih proposed by Mullā Ahmad Narāqi during the Qajar dynasty was mostly theoretical and idealistic, it turned to be one of the most influential political beliefs in later periods so that the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1978 has been the manifestation of that perspective in Shi'ite political jurisprudence. Manuscript profile
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        177 - The Role of National Identity Patterns of the Executive Elites in Iran’s Foreign Policy (1997-2005)
        Hossein Karimifard
        The present research studies Iran’s foreign policy during the presidency of Mr. Khaatami with an emphasis on the role of identity patterns of the executive elites in the development of foreign policy by a descriptive-analytic method and the theory of constructivism. The More
        The present research studies Iran’s foreign policy during the presidency of Mr. Khaatami with an emphasis on the role of identity patterns of the executive elites in the development of foreign policy by a descriptive-analytic method and the theory of constructivism. The research relies on the hypothesis that identity is regarded as the foundation of national interest. The practical orientation of Iran’s foreign policy is considered a state issue in which different governmental institutions including the executive elites have a role. The component of national culture and identity of the executive elites is regarded as an effective factor in the “behavior” of Iran’s foreign policy during the period of reformism. The results indicate that with regard to the outstanding element of modernism compared to Islamism and nationalism (Iranism) for the reformist executive elites and the perception of cultural and identity similarity with some western elements, Iran’s foreign policy orientation inclined to the west and this issue paved the way for the polarization of Iran’s Foreign policy during the next years. Manuscript profile
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        178 - The  Role  of  Ayatollah  Sayyed  Mohammad  Kazim  Tabatabayi Yazdi  in  Islamic  Awakening  Movement  during  the  Era  of Constitutionalism 
        Abbas  Emaadi Masood Poorfard
        The Islamic Awakening Movement, which has stirred up uprisings among the Islamic nations to regain their lost prestige and glory, is a sign of rising and&n More
        The Islamic Awakening Movement, which has stirred up uprisings among the Islamic nations to regain their lost prestige and glory, is a sign of rising and awareness in the Islamic nation, whose most important features are Muslims’ self‐awareness of their own power, return to the  Quran  and  religious  teachings  as  well  as  reliance  on  the  rich Islamic  culture.  The  awakening  is  indebted  to  religious  scholars’ awakening  efforts,  in  which  Shiite  clergymen  have  played  a  very significant role.  One of the leading figures in advancing the movement was Ayatollah Sayyed  Mohammad  Kazim  Tabatabayi  Yazdi,  who  made  a  lot  of endeavors on the way of fighting the dominance of foreign powers and  preserving  the  independence  of  Islamic  territories  during  his precious  lifetime. His  awakening  actions can  be  investigated  from four angles, i.e., fighting the colonialist Russian and British powers, farsightedness  and  awakening  in  the  case  of  the  Constitutional Movement and fighting the economic domination of the West, and the important part in awakening Muslims by this leading jurisprudent can be explicated.   Manuscript profile
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        179 - An Analysis of Political-Social Reasons for the Failure of Mohammad Morsiʼs Governance and Sisiʼs Coup d'état in Egypt
        amir hosein moradpourdehnavi alireza naeij
        The present research aims to investigate the factors influencing Akhavan-Al Muslimʼs failure in Egypt with an emphasis on political-social aspects in the failure of Islamic awakening. Having used the descriptive-analytical research method, the results show that the reas More
        The present research aims to investigate the factors influencing Akhavan-Al Muslimʼs failure in Egypt with an emphasis on political-social aspects in the failure of Islamic awakening. Having used the descriptive-analytical research method, the results show that the reasons for falling Morsiʼs governance include political-historical aspects like colonialism legacy in Egypt, structure of autocratic governance, military, and soldiery in Egypt; political-cultural aspects like tribal and religious discrepancies in community and political culture in Egypt, political-social aspects like weakness in political cooperation, personalization of political power, and hegemony-based authorities of the governance. Manuscript profile
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        180 - Realist Indigenousness in the Southern Climate (Case Study: Ahmad Mahmoud's Novel "The Story of a City")
        mojtaba jafarikardgar fatemeh heydari
        Realism means realism, and its purpose is to show the real, objective, and external world, and to narrate and analyze phenomena, looking at cause and effect through a precise recreation of the details of life in a specific sense to refer to the nineteenth-century French More
        Realism means realism, and its purpose is to show the real, objective, and external world, and to narrate and analyze phenomena, looking at cause and effect through a precise recreation of the details of life in a specific sense to refer to the nineteenth-century French literary movement. General refers to a literary style that still persists in fiction.One of the school's most iconic manifestations is "Climate Story," which is often realistic in nature, as evidenced by the fact that the main raw materials and foundations in the construction and weaving of a literary work go back to the author's climatic origins.Among Iranian novelists, Ahmad Mahmoud is one of those writers whose novels encounter high frequencies of realist authors. As one of the most influential figures in the advancement of climate literature, he has published most of his novels, especially The Story of a City, in a completely indigenous geography under the school of realism.With a descriptive-analytical approach, this research introduces practical issues in the field of realism and explores how to reflect the components of indigenous realism in the southern climate in the novel in the two fields of structure (form) and content. The findings show that Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the most realistic climbers in the world due to his great interest in history and mentioning the realities of modern society, as well as his prejudiced love and attachment to the south and climatic manifestations. Manuscript profile
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        181 - Reflection of Social Issues in Logbooks of the Qajar Period
        Sedigheh Pourkhosh Saadat Ali Mohammad Moazeni Thoraleh Norouzi Daoodkhani
        Logbook is a useful tool which provides relevant information to know various aspects of the history and culture of the people of an area. In the present research, four logbooks of “Mirza Fattah Khan, Haj Sayyah, Haji Pirzadeh and Etemad-ol-Saltaneh” have bee More
        Logbook is a useful tool which provides relevant information to know various aspects of the history and culture of the people of an area. In the present research, four logbooks of “Mirza Fattah Khan, Haj Sayyah, Haji Pirzadeh and Etemad-ol-Saltaneh” have been selected from the Qajar period. This study aims to examine the social issues and basic infrastructures in the structure of a society reflected in logbooks; Thus, this research uses a descriptive-analytical method to answer the question of what social issues are reflected in the selected logbooks of the Qajar period. The results indicated that logbook writers had two approaches to social issues: first, to raise issues and infrastructures, and second, to enumerate social problems. In both sections, Haj Sayyah and Haji Pirzadeh paid the most attention to social issues. Pirzadeh emphasized more on what was going on in other countries, especially in Europe, but Haj Sayyah focused more on social issues and problems in Iran. With a critical language, he complained about the poor state of social infrastructures in Iran. Comparison of tourists’ observations on social issues shows that during the Qajar period, social infrastructures were very unfavorable, which is not comparable to the progress of European countries in the same period. This led to dissatisfaction with the government, lack of social welfare, class discrimination, increased immigration and other social problems in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        182 - Evaluating Anti-Social Personality in the Novel “Madam Ahou's Husband”
        fateme abbasi sahebi Hossein Mansoorian Sorkhgarieh Reza Forsati jooybari
        Personality is considered as part of the overall structure of the story. Personalities in a novel or story refer to the people playing role with their words and actions. “Madam Ahou's Husband” as the first work of Ali Muhammad Afghani pays a special attentio More
        Personality is considered as part of the overall structure of the story. Personalities in a novel or story refer to the people playing role with their words and actions. “Madam Ahou's Husband” as the first work of Ali Muhammad Afghani pays a special attention to the reflection of family events and analysis of mental, psychological, and emotional relationships of personalities in the story. In this novel, the author attempts to reach the hidden layers of the personalities’ souls and spirits by penetrating into their inner and mental characteristics. The present study aimed to psychologically describe the anti-social personality of “Homa” as a rebellious and law-breaking woman in this novel by a descriptive-analytical method to answer the question “what characteristics are in Homa showing her as an anti-social personality?”. The results indicated that this personality is introduced with behavioral characteristics such as flippancy, pretense, inclemency, aggression, infidelity, and lack of regret as an anti-social woman. Manuscript profile
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        183 - A study of local literature in the novel The Fig Tree of Ahmad Mahmoud Temples
        Kobra Heydarian manijeh fallahi Ali Eskandari
        Native literature is a type of literature that reflects the living and native conditions of a region, customs and beliefs, culture, social relations, religious, etc., that govern that region. The tendency towards this type of literature has been seen among many contempo More
        Native literature is a type of literature that reflects the living and native conditions of a region, customs and beliefs, culture, social relations, religious, etc., that govern that region. The tendency towards this type of literature has been seen among many contemporary story writers. Ahmad Mahmoud is a prominent Iranian realist writer who was able to reflect the native elements of southern Iran in his works. His deep familiarity with the culture of the Persian Gulf coast people and using the native elements of the southern regions of Iran, his works can be examined and reflected from the perspective of local and regional literature. For this reason, the present essay examines native literature in the author's latest work, which is the novel The Fig Tree of Temples. It shows the achievement of the research which was done with descriptive-analytical method and based on library studies that Ahmad Mahmoud has depicted the customs, beliefs, dialect and dialect of the people of southern Iran in the fig tree, along with the natural and human history and geography of this region, which shows his deep knowledge and mastery of various aspects of history. The geography and culture of the people living in the south of the country. Manuscript profile
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        184 - Description of the shrine and servants of the eighth Imam (pbuh) in Razavi praises of the Safavid period
        Fathemeh Taslim Jahromi
        Persian poems are important from a cultural and sociological point of view, along with literary influence and message delivery. Due to the formalization of Shia religion from the Safavid period, this government took advantage of the existence of the Razavi court in Iran More
        Persian poems are important from a cultural and sociological point of view, along with literary influence and message delivery. Due to the formalization of Shia religion from the Safavid period, this government took advantage of the existence of the Razavi court in Iran to expand its religious policies and encouraged poets to write religious praises. The poets of this period, in addition to praising the eighth Imam(pbuh), have also reflected the social situation, buildings and customs of the time, which is important from the point of view of the history of the development of Shia in Persian literature. In Razavi's praises during the Safavid period, some qualities of the shrine of the eighth Imam(pbuh) are mentioned, such as: tiling, perfumes, lighting of the shrine, various services of the shrine of Razavi, etc., which are in accordance with historical documents. Among them, the most content of Razavi's praises is about the brightness and fragrance of the Holy Shrine, which is completely consistent with the intention of the founders and the number of Razavi's dedication letters to allocate these two things in the 10th to 12th centuries. The quality of the pilgrimage and the description of the pilgrims and the shrine of Razavi during this period are reflected in the praises of Razavi by Saeb Tabrizi and Ashraf Mazandarani. In spite of these references, the poets of this period paid more attention to generalities along with imagination and imagery in composing these poems, and there are less detailed descriptions about Razavi's shrine in their poems. Manuscript profile
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        185 - The connection between the language of mysticism and the vernacular In the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam
        atefe soltani Fateme Gholami
        Mystical prose is considered as a more accurate source for analyzing the components of the language of mysticism than poetry due to the presence of greater self-awareness. Many of the norms of this language, though seemingly in the service of expressing complex and unsp More
        Mystical prose is considered as a more accurate source for analyzing the components of the language of mysticism than poetry due to the presence of greater self-awareness. Many of the norms of this language, though seemingly in the service of expressing complex and unspeakable truths; But it is not entirely disconnected from the features of slang. This connection is deeper and more obvious in the literary form of "speech". Ahmad Jami is one of the speakers whose works are speeches that are then included in the text. The language of his works is simple and often focused on the vernacular.In the present article, an attempt has been made to identify and analyze the similarities and connections between these two languages in the works of Ahmad Jam, using a descriptive-analytical method, taking into account the characteristics of the language of mysticism and slang. For this purpose, the six texts of Ahmad Jam Majalis were read and close components in these two languages were extracted along with its evidence. Findings show that among the characteristics of the language of mysticism are melodicity, narration, de-familiarization, ambiguity and closeness to the language of the people in the forms of speech writing with characteristics such as poetry and proverb, allegory and anecdote, phonetic and grammatical aberration, Irony and specific dialect words and expressions are applicable in the vernacular. In addition, the clarity of tone in the language of Sheikh Jam, which is full of a sense of compassion, sharpness, biting and distress, is affected by the clarity and clarity that is more pronounced in slang than in other levels of the language. Manuscript profile
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        186 - The Introduction and Investigation of Stylistic features of Three Dissertations by Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh
        Narges Afrooz Ali Asghar Halabi Ahmad Ranjbar
        The manuscripts of Me’rajiye, Talvihat and Favayed are three dissertations among the mystical and educational prose works of the Timurid period written by Mohammad Nourbakhsh. The prose style of the mentioned treatises is mostly technical since the author has empl More
        The manuscripts of Me’rajiye, Talvihat and Favayed are three dissertations among the mystical and educational prose works of the Timurid period written by Mohammad Nourbakhsh. The prose style of the mentioned treatises is mostly technical since the author has employed more Arabic compounds , Ayas, haiths, literary devices such as rhyme, parallelism, derivations, synonyms, alliterations, paradoxes , allusion and similes. In the Meʼrajiye dissertation, the Miraj of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was explained through a mystical method. Nourbakhsh Khorasani believed that holy prophet Mohammad travelled to Me’raj in an exemplary body. He also had observed everything in their exemplary shapes. There are 11 surviving copies of this manuscript preserved in the libraries of Iran. It is worth noting that Talvihat and Favayed are single-copy dissertations. The Talvihat concerns the position of prophets and, the differences and similarities between the Prophet and the saints, the erroneous beliefs of the superficial scholars and the common people about the prophets and the saints, unusual habits, the austerity of Indian yogis, the raising consciousness and love for the saints of God . The Favayed includes the influences of sin and oppression on humankind, the self-purification, appealing to the men of God, criticizing the extremist views of the superficial people on the boundaries of knowledge, facilities and possessions of the saints of God, the truth of astronomy and the descents of unseen world. Using a library, analytical and descriptive methods, this research briefly refers to the life of Seyyed Mohammad Nourbakhsh Khorasani and introduces the Me’rajiye, the Talvihat, and the Favayed dissertations. The stylistic characteristics of these works are also investigated in terms of language, expression, and thought. Manuscript profile
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        187 - A Thematic and Stylistic Analysis of Mohammad Taher Qazvini’s Masnavi Weapons of War
        Mohammad Hosain Tashkari Bafghi Fatemeh Ghafouri Mehdiabad Pouran Yousefipour Kermani
        Mirza Mohammad Taher Qazvini’s Weapons of War is one of the most valuable and poetic works of the 11th and early 12th centuries AH. This work includes 800 lines and is composed in the form of Masnavi. In this research, while briefly introducing the author and his More
        Mirza Mohammad Taher Qazvini’s Weapons of War is one of the most valuable and poetic works of the 11th and early 12th centuries AH. This work includes 800 lines and is composed in the form of Masnavi. In this research, while briefly introducing the author and his valuable work, the stylistic coordinates of this work have been studied. This research has been done based on a descriptive-analytical method. The poet has used historical allusions and hints to enrich his poems and thoughts. It is noteworthy that Mirza Mohammad Tahir Vahid Qazvini was influenced by the Safavid period in his illustration and depiction of war tools in Masnavi Weapons of War  and this work is one of the first instances to use new weapons tools such as pistols and weapons and guns.  In his book, Vahid Qazvini has repeatedly dealt with stories, religious narrations, historical and Islamic events, and great personalities such as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS). In addition to these topics, he is well acquainted with Persian and Arabic literature and refers to stories and characters. The study of intellectual, linguistic and literary levels of this work undoubtedly paves the way for the knowledge and thinking of the poet's scientific and literary practice for those who are interested as well as the researchers. Manuscript profile
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        188 - Is Our Verse Blank? A Research on the Blank Verse and its Function in Persian Literature
        Sohrab Tavousi
        The question that this article is trying to find an answer for is whether Persian literature has blank verse. By analyzing the definition, history, and scanning what is, in the world literature, called blank verse, and comparing it with what is called blank verse in Per More
        The question that this article is trying to find an answer for is whether Persian literature has blank verse. By analyzing the definition, history, and scanning what is, in the world literature, called blank verse, and comparing it with what is called blank verse in Persian literature, the article comes to this conclusion that utilizing the title blank verse for the Persian poetry – especially for the inventor of this genre in Iran, Ahmad Shamlou – is an influential misunderstanding. By defining the free verse, this article believes that Shamlou’s poetry can, optimistically, be estimated free verse. Manuscript profile
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        189 - Interpretation of the World of Images and Copies in Ayn-al-Qożāt Hamadānī’s
        roya rabizadeh fateme heydari
        The World of Images or in away the purgatory is a realm of existence which is the partition between the material world and the intellectual one, and it has been discussed and analyzed from the time of Plato up to now. On the one hand, the said world is similar to the ma More
        The World of Images or in away the purgatory is a realm of existence which is the partition between the material world and the intellectual one, and it has been discussed and analyzed from the time of Plato up to now. On the one hand, the said world is similar to the material one, as it has quantity and form, and on the other hand, it is similar to the intellectual one, as there is no material or physical body inside it. The world of images is the vehicle and a place for the advent and formation of imaginations, the imaginations which are to imagine the imaginary forms without any changes in their nature, and it is only possible in the world of images. Imagination is a subject mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadiths and consequently the mystics have been engaged with it. Ayn-al-Qożāt regards imaginations highly significant, and considers different functions and uses for it. In fact, imagination is an excellent method to know God and the facts of the world of existence. Manuscript profile
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        190 - Kermani's Golshan another imitation of Saadi's Golestan
        s. yaghoob hoseini Maryam Mahmoudi parisa davari
        There are valuable works in Persian literature whose purpose is to guide man and pave the way for a healthy and better life. Writers and poets have always strived to express ethical principles and concepts in a beautiful and effective language. As a moral teacher, Saadi More
        There are valuable works in Persian literature whose purpose is to guide man and pave the way for a healthy and better life. Writers and poets have always strived to express ethical principles and concepts in a beautiful and effective language. As a moral teacher, Saadi has sought to warn people of their ignorance and show them the right path. Therefore, his works have always attracted the attention of Persian writers and poets. Mohammad Rahim Kermani, a thirteenth-century writer and poet, also influenced Sa'adi's themes and method in Golshan's book. This descriptive-analytical study has introduced a linear version of Golshan and has compared its aspects with Sa'adi's Golestan. The results show that following Saadi's style in Golshan is done artfully, creatively and literally and the use of rhetoric and arrays and similes is based on eloquence and rhetoric. The Word of Revelation and prophetic hadiths are one of the sources of inspiration in Golestan and Golshan. Kermani has tried, by storytelling or using magic as Saadi's, to convey the sublime concepts to the audience. Golshan's common themes with Golestan are: thanksgiving, the Prophet's prayer, mindfulness, avoidance of anger and jealousy, justice and kingly admonition. Manuscript profile
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        191 - Elements of popular culture in the novel Neighbors (Ahmad Mahmoud)
        Shabnam Lajevardizadeh Mehdi Mahozi
        The study and interpretation of the material and spiritual aspects of popular culture, in addition to revealing the ancient culture of a land, clarifies many of its obscure aspects. Ahmad Mahmoud is a well-known writer who, due to his connection with people, incorporat More
        The study and interpretation of the material and spiritual aspects of popular culture, in addition to revealing the ancient culture of a land, clarifies many of its obscure aspects. Ahmad Mahmoud is a well-known writer who, due to his connection with people, incorporates their lives, beliefs, behaviors and language into the subject of his stories and naturally uses elements of popular culture in his stories. In this article, we intend to examine the manifestations of popular material and spiritual culture in the novel Neighbors and how to use these elements. For this purpose, after discussing popular culture and territory, we will divide it into material and spiritual fields. The material realm will include the works, buildings, tools, and material products of the masses, and the spiritual realm of the vernacular will include beliefs and behaviors in order to reveal the rich part of popular culture in this work.   Manuscript profile
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        192 - modernism in the poetry of ahmadreza ahmadi
        ahmad tahan khalil nekkhah
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        193 - Structural criticism of Dashtban, the novel, based on the theory of Cloud Bremond
        Tayyebeh Farhadi Maryam khalili Jahantigh Mohammad Barani
        In spite of the negatives of Iran-Iraq imposed war, the war had a positive effect on our Literature andcreated a literary genre called HollyDefenseliterature ofwhich Holy Defence children’s &young adults’ literature is a sub-branch, created by the needs More
        In spite of the negatives of Iran-Iraq imposed war, the war had a positive effect on our Literature andcreated a literary genre called HollyDefenseliterature ofwhich Holy Defence children’s &young adults’ literature is a sub-branch, created by the needs of society.Dashtban by Ahmad Dehghan is one of theseworks in the field of children and young adults.In this study we examined the structure of the novel based on the theory of Cloudbremond .The structural analytical research methodof thetext and the purpose of the research give the answer to this main question that if the structure of the novelbased on the theory of Cloud is analyzable. The findings of the study show that this novel is consistent with the above theory,consisting of one main sequence and a couple of minor sequences, and different types of concrete and linked chain sequencesare used in it.Also, all the three functions of possibility, process and consequence mentioned in the theory perfectly fitwith the structure of the novel. Dehghan, by the thorough knowledge of teen audience and the art of narration created a structured story which has a great role in conveying valuable concepts of holy defence to the today’s children and young adults of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        194 - Aga Mohammad Khan Gajar
        Suleiman Aminzadeh
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        195 - The Study of Bakhtin's Carnival Motifs in the Poetry of Hafez
        Azar Daneshgar
        Carnivals are public folk feasts in which social classes are inverted. Clowns become kings; fools become sages; and saints are ridiculed. Thus, relativity of all claims is demonstrated through humor. It was Mikhail Bakhtin, the great twentieth century critic, who introd More
        Carnivals are public folk feasts in which social classes are inverted. Clowns become kings; fools become sages; and saints are ridiculed. Thus, relativity of all claims is demonstrated through humor. It was Mikhail Bakhtin, the great twentieth century critic, who introduced the theory of Carnivalesque, which is a subcategory of folklore and satire, into literature. With the assumption that a new reading of Hafiz based on Carnivalesque in literature is possible, in this research, the researcher seeks to identify the elements of carnival including: philosophical content, secularism, the presence of a character pretending to be mad, reaching a utopian domain and  also grotesque in the poetry of Hafez. Then, using an analytic approach and after explaining Bakhtin’s theory of Carnivalesque and its four categories, the instances of the motifs in the poetry of Hafez are explored and discussed. Manuscript profile
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        196 - Comparative Study of the Elements of Fiction in Short Stories Written by Mostafa Lotfi Manfalouti and Jalal Ale-Ahmad
        Qasem Mokhtari
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        197 - An Analytical Study of Poetical image and Introducing Its Structure in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlou
        Farhad Tahmasebi Zohre Saremi
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        198 - Realism in Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s Fiction
        Reza Sadeghi Shahpar Safoura Shafa’i
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        199 - Investigating the Relationship between Attachment with Social Adjustment(Case Study of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province)
        Mehrdad Karami Esmaeil Jahanbakhsh سید ناصر حجازی
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between attachments with social adaptation. In terms of target type, an applied study, in terms of scope, is micro and in terms of time a cross sectional study. The method of research in this research is surve More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between attachments with social adaptation. In terms of target type, an applied study, in terms of scope, is micro and in terms of time a cross sectional study. The method of research in this research is survey method and data collection tool are a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study is all people aged 18 years old and above Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad city. Their number is about 500 thousand according to the census of 2016. Also 384 people have been selected based on Forkel Cochran. The research, based on various theories, sought to investigate the relationship between the relationship between attachment and social identity in different dimensions with social adaptation. The results of the research indicate that between attachment (0.38) and its dimensions, attachment to the neighborhood (0.41), attachment to the city (0.39), attachment to the family (0.34) and attachment to the country (0.30) and social identity (0.31) are related to social adjustment of citizens of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad. Manuscript profile
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        200 - Narrative of closed places in the poem of Mohammad Afifi Matar ( the cemetery and cafe for example)
        shahriar hemati Seyed Hamed PoorHeshmati
        We consider the narrative structure in the contemporary poetic text to be an integral unit that carries many elements and techniques for its artistic image. The place element has a significant importance in the creation of the narratives and the creation of bonds that c More
        We consider the narrative structure in the contemporary poetic text to be an integral unit that carries many elements and techniques for its artistic image. The place element has a significant importance in the creation of the narratives and the creation of bonds that combine the narratives with a specific atmosphere in which to express the views of the narrator, The presence of the prominent closed spaces in the poetry of Mohammed Afifi Matar comes in a special verbal nature confined in closed spaces to the organization of the dramatic events and deepen the internal life of the person concerned, but this may result in the merger at the opposite result and lead to adventure in the experience of the outside and then get out of the opposite interviews. This study attempts to use the descriptive-analytical approach to address the narratives of the closed spaces in the poetry of Muhammad Afifi Matar, and in particular focus on the location of the cemetery and the makhee. The cemetery is unique in the dimensions and sizes of the excellence of the closure and limited as a narrative meaning that may be the twin death and resurrection in a position and then suggest offset hostility and familiarity in other positions and that the cafe in his poetry can be a haven to escape the personal safety and stability of the events of reality Occasional, bipolarism occurs, or becomes a conflict between self-sufficiency and globalization. Manuscript profile
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        201 - Semantic coherence of "causality" in Arabic contemporary narrative texts. (A Case study of Yusuf Idris's qāʽ al-madina (The Bottom of the City))
        Asma Amraei Alireza Nazari
        Coherence relates terminologically in general to the text linguistic and in particular to textuality. De Beaugrande and Dressler in describing positive factors or the features manifesting sum of the sentences as a text point to seven factors of which two factors of mean More
        Coherence relates terminologically in general to the text linguistic and in particular to textuality. De Beaugrande and Dressler in describing positive factors or the features manifesting sum of the sentences as a text point to seven factors of which two factors of meaning coherence and continuity are important in textuality. Connection in semantic level or deep structure is achieved through different Factors, that the causality factor can be the most important of them; Because it is depended to the relationships  of text propositions from causative considerations. Causality in addition to the other coherence factors makes higher level structures with the chains of strong relations between small units. The function of these elements are naturally different in in frequency and importance from text to text. the present article investigates important factor of semantic connection, i.e., causality, in a contemporary story, and studies how much enjoys a contemporary narrative text from this factor as well as how it functions through a descriptive- analytic method and an statistical   approach. The analysis of frequency shows that causal factor is not  so frequent  in parts of the story that contains descriptive pauses. But in action-based parts this factor more present and effective presence in different levels of analysis. Manuscript profile
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        202 - ultra narrative in the novel "The Game of Forgetting" by Muhammad Barada
        Shahram Delshad
        Al-Mutasardi or Al-Mitarwa'i or Al-Miyataqas, all of which have several words for the meaning of Al-Wahd. Alrvayyvn Bghyh Llvsvl to Thtym Alam Alrvayy Almtkhyl Alzy Kan Yshbh Balvaq Vymasl indeed Tmasa Hrfya, height Astkhdmva'm addicted Alalyat Valadvat per Alrvayh Ltkh More
        Al-Mutasardi or Al-Mitarwa'i or Al-Miyataqas, all of which have several words for the meaning of Al-Wahd. Alrvayyvn Bghyh Llvsvl to Thtym Alam Alrvayy Almtkhyl Alzy Kan Yshbh Balvaq Vymasl indeed Tmasa Hrfya, height Astkhdmva'm addicted Alalyat Valadvat per Alrvayh Ltkhrj as Almhakah Alhrfyh just Htrafyh, Fhv Kalsrd exorcised facing Ykhrj Alrvayh I Alvaqyh Albhth, Widmer alcohol Alzy the Ldy Almtlqy Lqbvl Alvqay Valahdas And the test of personalities and natures, the conflict of the righteous, and the firmness of the foundations and the firmness of the author. Yqvm Alrvayy hotels Alsrd Almytaqsy assigned to recruit'm addicted Alalyat Valmvshrat facing Yekhelqan Alnzm Alrvayy Valmntqyh chips per Alsrd, Kahtkak Alam Almtkhyl Balvaq, Tmazj Alrvayh Balnqd, Alatraf Bsnayh Alrvayh hotels Alrvayy entry per Alsrd, Tdakhla Mbashra, reflect Alsyrh autoimmune Llkatb lodging it mentioned Vsfafth.yjdr Here are some of the narrations in the legitimacy of the new narration. The establishment of the narration on the basis of the form of the new narration, in which the narrator is with the new narrators and their authorities and councils, and their employment is directed in the practice of the cold with success. The narrators of the moment until the second of the narrators of the Arabs, looking at the knowledge of the cash, which comes after the interpretations and the considerations of the cash in the Manuscript profile
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        203 - A New-Historicist Reading Of Contemporary Arabic Poetic Play; "Case Study in Shawqis's the Death of Cleopatra
        Ebrahim Hassani Javad Yaghoobi Derabi
        New Historicists believe that a literary work should be evaluated in its historical context. It means that a work of art is written under the impacts of social conditions, formed in a particular context, impressed by various discourses, and it impacts on them mutually. More
        New Historicists believe that a literary work should be evaluated in its historical context. It means that a work of art is written under the impacts of social conditions, formed in a particular context, impressed by various discourses, and it impacts on them mutually. On this ground, power as a set of relations (and discourses) is available at all times and has an intimate relationship with the dominant discourse and other narratives. So through written workes belong to a given era, critics will be able to find out power relations in that era and this helps them to achieve its meaning. Ahmad Shawqi in his verse play, under influences of social conditioning, embodied power relations. And his picture of power meets Foucault's terms regarding power. Foucault, as a new historicist, pursues power everywhere. As he says "Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power", he crystallizes a binary operation between power and resistance. Furthermore, by evaluating this work, I show power relations among characters e.g. Cleopatra and Romans, Cleopatra and Caesar, Egypt and Rome. In the following, I illustrate the ways characters resist in the chain of power relations. Attendance of Eastern women in power positions is another matter which will be shown respectively. Manuscript profile
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        204 - A Study of Narrative Time in the Novel Frānkenštāin fī Baghdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad) based on the model of Gerard Genet
        Foad Abdollahzadeh Isa Zare Dorninani Abdolbaset Arab Yosouf Abadi Mohammad Yaghobi
        Time has the most obvious function to improve the structure of the story among the constituent elements of the story. Gerard Genet, as one of the theorists in this field, provided a clear theoretical framework for evaluating and analyzing the element of time in the stor More
        Time has the most obvious function to improve the structure of the story among the constituent elements of the story. Gerard Genet, as one of the theorists in this field, provided a clear theoretical framework for evaluating and analyzing the element of time in the story. Genet believes that in analyzing narrative time and comparing it with calendar time, three important categories such as order, continuity and frequency should be analyzed in order to extract and evaluate the most important narrative techniques used in each work of fiction. Ahmad Saadawi's novel Frānkenštāin fī Baghdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad) is a suitable novel for analysis based on the Genet model due to its great emphasis on time. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt is made to investigate the element of time in the novel "Frankenstein in Baghdad" based on the descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of discovering the salient aspects of time turbulence in post-modern novels. The results show that the widespread use of retrospectives, negative accelerations and positive accelerations, has caused irregularity and discontinuity in the narrative time of "Frankenstein in Baghdad". This sometimes confuses the reader in the story, which of course is one of the features of postmodern stories, and Ahmad Saadawi has been able to make good use of this techniques. Manuscript profile
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        205 - The space of coffeehouse in Persian and Arabic novels: Ahmad Mahmood and Abd al-Rahman Munif
        Yadollah Malayeri Mojtaba Omranipour
        This study examines coffeehouse as a fictional space in the novels of Ahmad Mahmood, and Abd al-Rahman Munif. If space, on the one hand, is equal to the world, situation of entities, things and deeds, and on the other hand, a scale to measure knowledge and ontological, More
        This study examines coffeehouse as a fictional space in the novels of Ahmad Mahmood, and Abd al-Rahman Munif. If space, on the one hand, is equal to the world, situation of entities, things and deeds, and on the other hand, a scale to measure knowledge and ontological, sociological and cultural relations, the coffeehouse in the examined novels in this study is extract of this equality and scale. This focus on coffeehouse for the comparative study with the aim of opening a window for the dialogue between Iran and Arab world as well as to establish improvement of coexistence and multilateralism and justifies choose of the two writers, for their attention to the coffeehouse and values this study seeks. specially in Mahmood's novels hamsāyehā (neigbours), dāstāne yek shahr (the tale of one city) and zamine sukhte (burned earth), and Abd al-rahmān Munif's penta-volume modon al-milḥ (cities of salt), and triple novel of arḍ al-sawwād. This comparative study benefitted from achievements of two American and Russian literary schools that focus on similarities and inconsistencies of literary works and relationship between literature and other spheres of knowledge. This study has three section: 'coffeehouse: location and textual function'; 'coffeehouse and tradition' and 'coffeehouse and history'. At the end, reaches to the result that this space has considerable artistic and cognitive role in the examined novels and is one of the most important constituents of the story that helps writers via knowing its location and its relation to the history and tradition in the text, to convey aesthetic and epistemological messages to the reader. Manuscript profile
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        206 - Hadith of Isa Ibn Hisham; Borrowing from Heritage and Mutual Relationship with West
        Tayebeh Seyfi Behzad Heshmati
        Literature severely needs innovation and renewal to exit from weakness and inanition mood and there must be a strong connection between renewal and literal- cultural heritage. The renewal must prepare context to create new literal genres in addition to utilizing positiv More
        Literature severely needs innovation and renewal to exit from weakness and inanition mood and there must be a strong connection between renewal and literal- cultural heritage. The renewal must prepare context to create new literal genres in addition to utilizing positive aspects of other cultures. So, this type of renewal is positive. Hadith of Isa ibn Hisham, essay of Mohammad Al Mavilhi is considered as the most significant literary essay in the field of renaissance which  is published at the end of 19th century. This renaissance essay is reasonable and could prepare ground for creating new literal genres like story and novel. It is hard to consider this book as a special literary genre because it contains properties of old Arabic literature and also western modern literature simultaneously. So, Mavilhi didn’t completely have commitment to any form of modern literature and traditional shapes of Arabic literature until this book is counted as beginning of story and novel in contemporary Arabic literature.The  present paper is going to investigate this essay and its structural and content to explain aspects borrowed from heritage on the one hand and signs of renewal in this work on the other hand. Investigation of this work shows clearly that in compilation of this book, the writer was inspired by Maghamat among his own heritage as he used new western achievements, i.e. story and novel as his pattern in writing. So this book has a strong relation with Maghamat and has similarity with novel or story in some aspects.  Manuscript profile
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        207 - Investigating Imagology of America in Ahmad Matar's Poetry
        khalil parvini seyed hosein hoseini
        Nowadays as we live in the era of globalization and communication, governments and statesexert all their efforts in order to achieve political, economic, cultural etc., objectives, to improve their prestige and to represent a positive image of themselves to attract the More
        Nowadays as we live in the era of globalization and communication, governments and statesexert all their efforts in order to achieve political, economic, cultural etc., objectives, to improve their prestige and to represent a positive image of themselves to attract the others. This is one of the political tools that the colonial governments, particularly United States, which attempts to extent its universal occupation: in particular, through the cultural invasion in the third world countries. On the contrary, weaker nations react against this action and resist.Now, this political theorem has become a cultural phenomenon and has been represented vividly as one of the cultural elements resulting from interaction between community and its social duty and function. Regarding this, the present study deals with imagology to investigate the America image in the poems of Ahmed Matar, the contemporary Iraqi poet, which suffered from his country’s occupation by America? Also, he had been the observer and witness of all problems and crises caused by it and challenges, murder, and crimes carried out by this country in Iraq and in the Middle East. The results of study demonstrate that Ahmad Matar had a dual view on America's government and represents a troubled and anti-Americanism image of this country by citing several reasons including: colonial dealing and military occupation, humiliating the nations and plundering their wealth, supporting the Zionist, cultural invasion, imposing mercenary rulers on the people, conspiracy, betrayal and deceit, interference in the affairs of the countries and other crimes.However, poet's vision to American nation is dual and fluctuates from the positive to negative. Manuscript profile
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        208 - Narrative Time in Vacini Al-Erj’s Novel RamadAl-sharg
        Kobra Roshanfekr fereshte azarnia
        Time is one of the basic elements in narrative dialogue and effective in technical and beauty of the structure of the text. Critics and researchers have paid special attention to it since Russian structuralism. The time in contemporary novel such as classic novel is not More
        Time is one of the basic elements in narrative dialogue and effective in technical and beauty of the structure of the text. Critics and researchers have paid special attention to it since Russian structuralism. The time in contemporary novel such as classic novel is not based on the logical continuity, but it has been oriented to deviation in temporal revolution and change in logical relation between events. So, contemporary novelists changed the time of narration.VaciniAl-Erjis one of these authors. This research tries to study the time of narration in Remad Al-Shargh novel written by an author from Algeria using descriptive analytic method and Gérard Genette’views. The novel includes two volumes entitled: "Kharif Newyork Al-Akhir" and"Al-ZaebAl-laziNabatfel Al-Barari". The present research tries to obtain feature of narratives of time in this novel and that how the author innovated in this connection. Some of the results of the research are: lack of conformity between narrative system and story system by flashback and flashforward that lead to form adistorted time in the novel; specially, the flashback is nearly a prevailing phenomenon on the novel and the narrator again reads the past events by that, in order to show that the present problems are the result of the past events. And since this novel covers a long period, so the author applies various techniques for speeding and slowing the time and makes variety and motion in temporal movement. Manuscript profile
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        209 - A Sociological Criticism of the Novel Curse of the Land by Jalal Al-e- Ahmad
        Ali Ganjian Rezvan Jamshidian
        Sociology of literature has relation with sociology on the one hand and and the literature on the other hand. Delving into the  relation between literature and society forms basis of socialogical criticism of the literature. This approach focuses mainly on the stru More
        Sociology of literature has relation with sociology on the one hand and and the literature on the other hand. Delving into the  relation between literature and society forms basis of socialogical criticism of the literature. This approach focuses mainly on the structure and content of literary work and its relationship with society and interactions of literature, society and reflection of social issues through author's intellectual, belief and social views are investigated in a literary work. This article is to criticize and study the novel Curse of the Land by Jalal Al-e-Ahmad from sociological perspective. The  theme of the novel is consequences of Land Reform Law and enterance of technology into Iranian villages. The author portrays properly status of different groups of rural community in this work after enforcing Land Reform Law and losing traditions and invasion of modernism. He expresses political and social issues from position of a social critic and makes interaction between society and the novel by artistic expression.   Manuscript profile
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        210 - Symbolism and Allegory in "the Little Black Fish"Based on Findings of Romantic Movement
        Tooraj Zeinivand Jahangeer Amiri Mohammad Fareqishad
        The Story entitled "Little Black Fish" written by Samad Behrangi is a parable which expresses our surrounding life realities. Main core and texture of the story is based on mysteries by which plot of the story has been enriched. The storyteller has composed his story ac More
        The Story entitled "Little Black Fish" written by Samad Behrangi is a parable which expresses our surrounding life realities. Main core and texture of the story is based on mysteries by which plot of the story has been enriched. The storyteller has composed his story according to romantic movement and basics of this school including invitation to life realities with serious intentions, praising human values and freedom which  have been reflected well in it. It is worth mentioning that romantic aspect of the story has never detached it from humans' life realities and has not caused its fall into hallucination and idealism. Hence this story is around real events of life and it aims to encourage humans to optimize life quality. Present study investigates structure and content of most famous story written by contemporary well known Iranian storyteller Samad Behrangi in descriptive-analytical method and themes combined with allegory and parable in the light of romantic movement. Besides, characters and events of the story have been analyzed with mystery and parable approaches. Among most important findings of the study is that romantic aspect of Behrangi's story has origin in realities that he has touched them deeply and mysterious elements of the story represents  conditions of the writer's time. Manuscript profile
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        211 - Mohamadieh Truth in Prophetic Praising by Khaqani Shervani
        hamid reza heidari ebrahim khalili
        Mohammadieh Truth is one of the beliefs some of whose aspects could be inferred from Koran verses, prophetic and Qodsi sayingsand most Sufis also believe in it. Mohammadieh Truth is based on three principles: first, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has been created before creati More
        Mohammadieh Truth is one of the beliefs some of whose aspects could be inferred from Koran verses, prophetic and Qodsi sayingsand most Sufis also believe in it. Mohammadieh Truth is based on three principles: first, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has been created before creation of whole universe and his prophesy has been occurred before creation of Adam; second, it isProphet Muhammad who is the cause for universe creation and third, Prophet Muhammad is superior of other creations. This study aims to investigate Khaqani's poem and belief in Mohammadiehtruth in addition to referring to interpretations, verses of Quran and related narrations. Among Arabic and Persian poets, poets as KhaqaniShervani and Busiri believe in Mohammadieh Truth and reflect such belief in their poems. In this study, Khaqani's poems about Mohammadieh truth have been extracted and having translatedverses of the poemsinto Arabic language, they have been analyzed. In his poem, Khaqani describes Prophet Muhammad as the best creature and noblest prophet and believes that Muhammad’s light has been just created before the creation of Adam and the reason for his late physical creation is his perfection. Therefore, Adam is considered as blossom of Prophetic tree and Prophet Muhammad as its fruit. While believing in superiority of Islamic prophet over other prophets inspired by some saying and narrations, Khaqaniregards Prophet Muhammad as the cause of creation. Manuscript profile
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        212 - Magical Realism in Maden Al Malah's Abdurrahman Monif
        reza nazemian yosra shadman
        The simplest definition that can be applied to magic realism is the accumulation of reality with magic, wander, hallucination and beyond. What it implies is that magical events happen in reality in a way that makes them look like being a part of reality.Lots of writers More
        The simplest definition that can be applied to magic realism is the accumulation of reality with magic, wander, hallucination and beyond. What it implies is that magical events happen in reality in a way that makes them look like being a part of reality.Lots of writers in Arabic countries found that area really appealing. Abdul Rahman Monif  in novel like “maden Al Malah” has chosen the style of magic realism.Considering magic realism, thought, magic, illusion, hallucination, symbol, sign, Sufis and Sufism, paradoxes, critical trends, writer‘s silence and his partiality towards magical occurrences are among its element that Has been studied in this article by Analytical descriptive method.This novel has been benefited from sociological influence, political issues, cultural backgrounds and critical views. Additionally Abdul Rahman Monif was impartial toward all unrealistic events around his and he does not any judgments. And In the magical realism fiction style, the author does not react to unrealistic and imaginary incidents and he does not even provide any explanations. So the reader believes in and accepts all unrealistic incidents. Also the author has succeeded with combination of magic with reality to express what goes on inside about Political and social and economic theorems with a cash approach. Manuscript profile
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        213 - Color and its Implications in Mohammad Al-Maghut`s Works
        Fatemeh Karimi Sayed Hossein Seyyedi
        Color is one of important elements in area of feelings that plays an important role in our life and is a symbol for expression of feeling as sadness and happiness. Therefore, color is an additional aspect that provides many meaning for a literary man so that he can pict More
        Color is one of important elements in area of feelings that plays an important role in our life and is a symbol for expression of feeling as sadness and happiness. Therefore, color is an additional aspect that provides many meaning for a literary man so that he can picture beauties of creation by means of it. It is decodification of secret meanings of the colors by which litreary man's thoughts are understood.    Having investigated meanings of different colors, this study investigates color and its meaning in Mohammad Al-Maghut's divan in analytical- descriptive and statistical method to find results including role of poet's thoughts in choosing colors. In this rating, highest frequency belongs to red color that can be a symbol of promotion and encouraging the audience to rise and defend his own rights while lowest frequency is for black color though before census, it has been expected that this color would occupy top position because of Maghut's hoplessness and pessimism. Manuscript profile
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        214 - The Arabic Sonnets of Mowlana and Hafez: A Contextual Critical Study
        Mehdi Momtahen Monir Ahmad Shareeati
        Researches done on Mowlana’s and Hafez’s poems abound in numbers leaving the readers with the idea that no other concept has been left unexplored. But once all these researches re-examined, one finds that a part of the Iranian and Islamic literature has not More
        Researches done on Mowlana’s and Hafez’s poems abound in numbers leaving the readers with the idea that no other concept has been left unexplored. But once all these researches re-examined, one finds that a part of the Iranian and Islamic literature has not been thoroughly explored and explained by the researchers in the field. This is where we come to the Arabic poems composed by these two poets which in themselves exemplify their poetic craftsmanship as well as their mastery, especially Mowlana, of the Arabic language. A re-examination of the poetry of these two great poets one comes to the conclusion that they take their philosophical sustenance from the teachings of Quran. This is apparently detectible through the liens of all these Arabic poems which reflect the impact of the Abbasi era literature on them using a very simple and down to earth language and bearing the vast power of imagination and some motives of Arabic poetry. This article is an attempt to compare the Arabic poems composed by Mowlana and Hafez and, through a new perspective, present these two poets in different dimensions and perspectives which have not been explored therewith informing the readers who have not been acquainted with them by examining their mutual spiritual experience they both provide. Manuscript profile
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        215 - Structural Criticism of Allama Seyed Mohammad Hossein Fadlallah Poems with Emphasis on Several Poetic Odes in Fi darub Alsab'aein Divan
        Sayyed Mohammad Mirhosseini Elham Maryami
        The work Fi Darub Alsab'aein by Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Fadl- allah has dedidated a superiority and importance to itself applying classic and new odes with a mystical and emotional language for visiting God and a deep thinking about what has been obtained during the lif More
        The work Fi Darub Alsab'aein by Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Fadl- allah has dedidated a superiority and importance to itself applying classic and new odes with a mystical and emotional language for visiting God and a deep thinking about what has been obtained during the life. What has worked in transferring the poet's message is form and structure of the odes. Structuralism is an effort to discover new signs and to understand inner relations of the work. In this study we aim to investigate existing bases related to structuralist criticism in several odes of the Divan in addition to offering a description of Allama's life, his poetic talent and introducing the Divan. For this reason we focus on two linguistic layers of the poem; outside layer is same poetic rhythm and rhyme, phonetic, verbal and synthactic structures and median layer is poetic images, sign and symble which have been explained with examples. In this study, we try to consider a kind of union between structure and content of the work and to offer a more accurate understanding and perception of its poems and their messages. Manuscript profile
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        216 - The Study of Comparative literaturein Arab World: Ghonaymi Helal's Al-hayat Al-atefiah bayn Al-Ozriah va Al-sofiah
        hadi nazari monazzam reyhaneh mansori
        Studying through comparative literature in Arab world, we can find out that Arabic-Persian approach is one of the most important and fundamental elements in comparative literature studies among Arab countries. Obviously, we can also find out that studies in the case o More
        Studying through comparative literature in Arab world, we can find out that Arabic-Persian approach is one of the most important and fundamental elements in comparative literature studies among Arab countries. Obviously, we can also find out that studies in the case of the Arab's relations with Iranians in the cultural and literal areas, especially through ancient era, is limited or stopped. Most of the Arab researchers and comparativists, in their studies have ignored current period. The ancient period is full of mutual interactions between the two cultures and many influences from the two sides. But in recent periods western culture has the deep impression on the two mentioned literatures as well. In this article, the most important comparative works in Arab world has been investigated critically, that is Al-hayat Al-atefiah bayn Al-Ozriah va Al-sofiah written by Dr. Ghonaymi Helal. Manuscript profile
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        217 - The"Beshriia" Ode and its Verse Persian Translation from Musical Point of View
        Mohammad Rahimi Narges Ganji
        The "Beshr ibn Avana"s poetry called "Beshriia ode" has been  translated to Persian poetry  by the contemporary Iranian poet "Mohammad Hossein Shahriar". And he has tried to communicate  all aspects of the text into the target language. One of the most im More
        The "Beshr ibn Avana"s poetry called "Beshriia ode" has been  translated to Persian poetry  by the contemporary Iranian poet "Mohammad Hossein Shahriar". And he has tried to communicate  all aspects of the text into the target language. One of the most important aspects of the poetry is the Music lyrics that we see "Shahriar" transmitted it beautifully. This study  tries to make a  comparison between translation and the original text.The most important finding of this research is to  show that the Music lyrics in two Persian and Arabic poetry helped poets to express thoughts in the best way, as sometimes we see that music and lyrical space suit in the best form  sometimes accompanied with saga and pride. Manuscript profile
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        218 - Investigating and explaining the allegorical effects of the story of the little black fish based on Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive incompatibilities
        Fereshteh Naseri
        The story of the little black fish, due to its various expressive and allegorical relationships, provides a suitable platform for critique and analysis of the thoughts and ideas of various human characters using the relationships and behavioral characteristics of animal More
        The story of the little black fish, due to its various expressive and allegorical relationships, provides a suitable platform for critique and analysis of the thoughts and ideas of various human characters using the relationships and behavioral characteristics of animals. With regard to this, the present study has expressed the allegorical effects of this story based on the theory of Leon Festinger, psychologist of social principles, in a descriptive-analytical manner and in a library method (studies of books and dissertations). The present is a photographer of the foundations of a society of a period and recognizes its various values ​​in the thoughts, ideas and culture of the people of a period, Political, moral, etc. in many works. The main issue of this research is the search for measures that Samad Behrangi has used to express his inner goals based on the prevailing concerns in society. So far, extensive research on this story. Has been done but no independent research has been done to explain its fictional relationships based on Festinger's ideas. The question discussed in the present study is to what extent the story of the little black fish can be examined on the basis of Festinger's principles of social incompatibility? Festinger's trivial thinking can be critically and practically examined. Manuscript profile
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        219 - Allegorical effects in Ahmed Boroujerdi's
        Mohtasham Mohammadi Shahlaa Amuzgaar
        In general, allegory has various definitions. Because the use of allegory makes poetry more beautiful and shows original roots & resourse, poets who have more innovation in creating allegory; They create more lasting works. In this research, we intend to examine the More
        In general, allegory has various definitions. Because the use of allegory makes poetry more beautiful and shows original roots & resourse, poets who have more innovation in creating allegory; They create more lasting works. In this research, we intend to examine the types of allegory in Ahmed Boroujerdi's poems which has not been researched. In order to analyze this feature in the poem of the poet – Ahmad Brujerdi- in question, according to the structure of Ahmad Boroujerdi's compositions, the need for further explanation was felt, which with further exploration of these stages accepted.There have been few researches about this poet's poetry, and dealing with various effects in his poetry can be an idea for other researchers' researches. In this article, which has been done with a descriptive analytical method based on the library method, the question has been answered that what methods of innovation did Ahmed Borujerdi use in his poetry? Manuscript profile
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        220 - Some figuratives and allegories in MadanAldorar
        omidvar malmoli
        Madan Aldorar is a trace in the description of 'Hajji Nasser al-Din Omar Morshdi's benevolence, manners and statements who was the major Sufi lived in eighth and first half of nineenth centuries AH. This book had written by his cousin and fans Shamsodin Mohammad Badro_d More
        Madan Aldorar is a trace in the description of 'Hajji Nasser al-Din Omar Morshdi's benevolence, manners and statements who was the major Sufi lived in eighth and first half of nineenth centuries AH. This book had written by his cousin and fans Shamsodin Mohammad Badro_din Solaiman Morshdi according to book documents intercession and traditional narrations in the year 869 AH in the form of mystical prose.This opus corrected and published by Aref Noshahi and Moien Nezami at 1383 in Tehran by Kazeronie puplishing. The importance of Madan Aldorar is in improvement the Sufism history, Sufi literature, geografic issues,historical, language cognition and indigenous dialects,knowing gentels and  beauty of rumor. In this book allegories and figuratives has been used to convey and emphasize the meaning and content to redears.An allegory is a short description of ancestors experiences that have become popular among people and found in Persian literary texts.In this article ,to illustrate the style of the author's word and his tendency we are going to retrieve a "Some figuratives and allegories in Madan Aldorar" according to terms, meaning, tune and rumor.Findings the research  shows that the allegories are composed by his nature,and the most of them had generated from some major Sufi's verses,statements and Hadith,as we read . Manuscript profile
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        221 - Search for Allegory in The Manuscript of Mirza Ahmad Motavali Bashi's Poetry Collection
        Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni Mohammadreza Ziya Seyed Jafar Hamidi
        One of the literary types is an allegory. In the history of Persian literature, many poets and writers have chosen allegory as a template to express their thoughts and ideas. The allegory born of imagery and imagery is the product of the strong imagination of a poet or More
        One of the literary types is an allegory. In the history of Persian literature, many poets and writers have chosen allegory as a template to express their thoughts and ideas. The allegory born of imagery and imagery is the product of the strong imagination of a poet or writer and even of a nation. Allegory in Persian is structurally divided into two parts: descriptive (short or concise) and narrative (broad). Narrative allegory has more than one form of the story that includes human, animal, fable, etc. anecdotes, and descriptive allegory consists of one or more sentences, some of which are: allegorical simile, equation style, allegory, and allegorical metaphor. In this descriptive article, by analyzing the manuscript of Mirza Ahmad Motavali Bashi, one of the poets of the Qajar era and the period of literary return, he searches for different types of narrative and descriptive allegories in his poems and how they are used and the types of allegories used in his poetry collection. We express. Manuscript profile
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        222 - Wisdom in Contrast with Love and Madness in Masnavi and Shams Sonnets
        hadi Khadivar Rajab Tohidian
        A long-time existing subject in Persian mysticism, which has formed innovative works, is wisdom and its contrast with mystical love and madness or the contrast of Aristotelian peripatetic school (philosophy and reasoning) with the platonic Eshragi school (mysticism and More
        A long-time existing subject in Persian mysticism, which has formed innovative works, is wisdom and its contrast with mystical love and madness or the contrast of Aristotelian peripatetic school (philosophy and reasoning) with the platonic Eshragi school (mysticism and intuition). The wisdom which is confronted, and humiliated,  by a mystic poet like Molana in his two eternal works, i.e. Masnavi and Shams Sonnets, is Greek wisdom which follows self and dream, acting as an obstacle in reaching the destination, and in Molana's words, “It is the incomplete love which denies love.” This does not refer to the complete wisdom, bearing the title of “wisdom of wisdom,” which has been admired and praised in religious verses and sayings and in the works of some mystics such as Molana. This paper, by referring to other mystical poems and texts, tries to examine the contrast between such wisdom and mystical love and madness.   Manuscript profile
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        223 - The role of nezamshahiyan and Adelshahiyan increation of Zuhuri Torshizi didactic works
        Seyedeh Parnian Daryabari Jalil Tajlil
        Nooredin Mohammad Zuhuri Torshizi was born in Jomand Torshiz village which is a region of Khorasan in about 944. And after growing up and acquiring virtues. He Learned poetry art when he was young and then he went to darolebadeh in Yazd and then he had companionship wit More
        Nooredin Mohammad Zuhuri Torshizi was born in Jomand Torshiz village which is a region of Khorasan in about 944. And after growing up and acquiring virtues. He Learned poetry art when he was young and then he went to darolebadeh in Yazd and then he had companionship with Wahshi Bafghi. After a while he went to Shiraz, and there he was occopied writing by darvish Hosain. Then after seven years of his companionship with Darvish Hosain in 988. he imagreated to indea. First he met Moulana malek Ghomi in ahmadnegar. In this city nezamshahiyan such as Morteza  Nezamshah and borhan Nezamshah became his master and supporter. And assisted him with ability of poetry and creation of art and didactic works. And then after fifteen years residence in Ahmadnegar Zuhuri Torshizi followed Malek Ghomi to bijapur. He was supported by Ebrahim Adelshah. At this time he achived a poet Laureate. About twenty years zuhuri Torshizi had the kindness and boon of Ebrahim Adelshah. He wrote the majer part of his literary and didactic works in bijapur.   Manuscript profile
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        224 - Yoga and Mysticism
        Maryam Ansari
        The Word “yoga” enjoys a great prestige value. It is frequently associated with the acquisition and exhibition of supernatural forces. Yoga is commonly regarded as a form of “ancient art which is combined with a set of religious beliefs and a strange, More
        The Word “yoga” enjoys a great prestige value. It is frequently associated with the acquisition and exhibition of supernatural forces. Yoga is commonly regarded as a form of “ancient art which is combined with a set of religious beliefs and a strange, mysterious, and practical discipline. To the orthodox Hindu mind, it represents something very high, beyond the ken of the man on the street- indeed, something very auspicious and to be achieved only by virtue gathered over many past lives. It is amazing fact that, even in the land of yoga, superstitious and fanciful notions of the subject seem to have wide currency. The philosophy of yoga is perhaps one of the least known of its aspects. The reasons for this profound ignorance are not far to seek. Manuscript profile
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        225 - The structure of allegory in Ahmad Reza Ahmadi's all those paper boats
        somayeh avarand azam ezadi raziyeh ahmadi
        Every literary author uses literary and lingual techniques in the creation of her/ his work that leads to its beauty and rhetoric. Using literary and lingual techniques not only has a significant role in underlining the language of the work, but also, transforms it in t More
        Every literary author uses literary and lingual techniques in the creation of her/ his work that leads to its beauty and rhetoric. Using literary and lingual techniques not only has a significant role in underlining the language of the work, but also, transforms it in to the authors' or poet's style which can be discovered through the analysis. Ahmad Reza Ahmadi, a modernist poet, in a collection of his works, has created allegories for children and adolescents with a double functions: on the one hand, they provoke the readers to read for pleasure; on the other hand, draw the readers' attention to the deep structure of the text. In this investigation which uses descriptive interpretive-content first of all, the techniques of allegorizing are considered in all those paper boats and then the created allegories in the mentioned book are interpreted. It is concluded that this book is replete with various allegories manifested in the words, sentences, and even the whole text that multiply the pleasure of reading. It also demonstrates that Ahmad Reza Ahmadi's allegories, the frequencies of which are orderly observed in the words, sentences and the whole text, are meaningfully related to the surface structure, also adding that, the minor symbols like the color, the time and the nature's constituents have greatly contributed to the creation of the major allegory. Manuscript profile
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        226 - Having a look at Mirza Shsoughi’s conduct and works
        Seyed Ghader Lahooti Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazrooni
        Amongst the Iranian poets, there have been many celebrities who have created worthy works in their local dialects and accents. Included among them is Mirza Shoughi who has not been introduced widely in Persian literature while being famous among the people of Behbahan a More
        Amongst the Iranian poets, there have been many celebrities who have created worthy works in their local dialects and accents. Included among them is Mirza Shoughi who has not been introduced widely in Persian literature while being famous among the people of Behbahan and Kohgilooye in the south of Iran. These researchers have tried to deal as much as possible with the conduct, works, and the style of Mirza Shoughi. In addition to the significance of the poet’s status in the dialect of Lori and Behbahani, it may be said that what has motivated the researchers to prepare the present piece of research has been his being a forerunner in writing the first samples of poetry in some new poetic form that has yet been taken no notice of. It should be said that this paper has been limited to a concise account in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        227 - The story elements of “Twenty hours between dream and reality” story
        Ali Dehghan Vahid Amiri
        Nowadays, short story is considered the most important literary genre after poetry which gained popularity among people. As a technical story, short story involves elements such as plot, character, conflict, time and place, point of view and so on which all of them serv More
        Nowadays, short story is considered the most important literary genre after poetry which gained popularity among people. As a technical story, short story involves elements such as plot, character, conflict, time and place, point of view and so on which all of them serve theme in organized and harmonic way. This research investigates the story elements in the story of “Twenty hours between dream and reality” by Samad Behrangi. Most of his stories are realistic. He has illustrated objective issues and problems of the poor and inferior class of the society in realistic way. In this article, the samples of the story elements have been presented besides brief explaining of the technical elements in the story “Twenty hours between dream and reality”. The results revealed that this story as one of the most effective and outstanding stories of Beharangi could succeed in admirable illustration of the homeless and street children by employing story elements. Manuscript profile
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        228 - Educational foundations of Islam Managing the evolution of religious character, Jalal Al Ahmad
        Sayyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni Mohammad reza kamali baniani
        Jalal Ahmed is one of the most prominent intellectuals Has spoken in various fields such as Westernization, religion, women's rights, government, intellectual, intellectuals, and ... The owner of the pen is tough. This paper tries to view and regarded the Jalal Al-Din More
        Jalal Ahmed is one of the most prominent intellectuals Has spoken in various fields such as Westernization, religion, women's rights, government, intellectual, intellectuals, and ... The owner of the pen is tough. This paper tries to view and regarded the Jalal Al-Din Ahmad, causes and its historical roots emerge And  understanding of the reasons for his escape religious and religion-oriented paradigm of thought that it's a fundamental role in shaping Iranian society, - But its effect is already visible- The review will be. Manuscript profile
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        229 - Review and critique of epic and mythological parables in Mohammad Beyabani 's poetry
        Sayyede Fatemeh Mahdavi Mortazavi Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerooni Abdollah Rezaei
        Mohammad Beyabani, a modern contemporary poet, has a special look at allegory, and in his poems he has tried to add to the effect and beauty of his words using his expressive elements, especially the parable. Hence, in this descriptive-analytic study, the epic and mytho More
        Mohammad Beyabani, a modern contemporary poet, has a special look at allegory, and in his poems he has tried to add to the effect and beauty of his words using his expressive elements, especially the parable. Hence, in this descriptive-analytic study, the epic and mythological parables used in Beyabani poetry and the purposes and methods of their use in these poems are explored and described. The purpose of this research is to find out how the poet used these epic and mythological parables, with what goals in his poems, and how these gestures and mental proportions have influenced the development of the poet's meanings and concepts. To this end, we have classified these mythical concepts and narrative gestures in three sections of the Iranian epic and mythological parables, Islamic references and Islamic symbols, among which the Iranian epics and myths have been very impressive in poetry poems. These epic and mythological parables have been used for various purposes in Beyabani,poetry; the poet has used them to foster their meanings and concepts and often to express their social and political issues. The use of these epic and mythological parables also distinguished his poetic language and expression, and increased the power of influence and induction. Manuscript profile
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        230 - Investigating and criticizing the “madness” parable anecdote from “Maghamat Hamidi” book a case study based on the Structuralism Rules
        abolfazl ghanizade M. Sharifi
        Structuralists have introduced some rules to describe the authors’ works which describe the aesthetic aspects of a work and to compare the work with others as well as to determine the level of its creator’s ability beside criticizing and evaluation the work. More
        Structuralists have introduced some rules to describe the authors’ works which describe the aesthetic aspects of a work and to compare the work with others as well as to determine the level of its creator’s ability beside criticizing and evaluation the work. This paper describes the “madness” anecdote from “Maghamat Hamidi” book in quantitative form based on the Structuralism Rules according to the anecdote architecture and its structural geometry, the work inherent mission and the author’s speech-written behavior. It concludes that the author have combined the context integrity in this book with art and talent as well as have presented his moral-religious advices to the readers. The Hamidi papers (book) are a series of short parable anecdote in each of them a mystical subject has been reviewed in the parable form.   Manuscript profile
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        231 - Study of Comparative the universe and its Educational Exemplums at the sight of Saadi and Mohamad taghi bahar
        R. Mosa Abadi M. Norozi
        Prarable has been one of the most important expressive tools for the poets and writers indifferent ages of Persian classic literature. Inevery time, according to circumstances of the age the poets and writers has enjoyed of these tools in the exposition of parables dida More
        Prarable has been one of the most important expressive tools for the poets and writers indifferent ages of Persian classic literature. Inevery time, according to circumstances of the age the poets and writers has enjoyed of these tools in the exposition of parables didactic univers attached. Saadi’s shirazian of the chassic poets ana Mohamad taghi bahar of the constitution poets are the quantity, quality and exemplums poetic aspects. Doubtless one of mainly addresses utopian and humane issues, in particular the universe and its educational. In fact the universe and exemplums debt the pedagogical views and images of the world have been drawn by him in the framework of the poems and because of this, neither these images are pleasant nor suitable, and some of them are horrible and terrible. Sometimes some beautiful images and views are seen but they are deeply filled with fear and grief, and because they are linked to the afterlife, they are not drawn properly. The aim of the present paper is to study the ethical and didactic themes the universe and its exemplum educational in the poem in the poetries huge literature to investigate this subject matter. Manuscript profile
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        232 - Reflection of Hafez in the Divan of Gholam
        Mohammad Kazem Kahdouei
        The Talpourians ruled in Send during 1700-1782 A.D. The language spoken at their court was Persian. Gholam-Mohammad Khan Laghari, whose family was very interested in Persian poetry, culture, and language, was a poet of Talpourian dynasty. He was the son of Ali-Mohammad More
        The Talpourians ruled in Send during 1700-1782 A.D. The language spoken at their court was Persian. Gholam-Mohammad Khan Laghari, whose family was very interested in Persian poetry, culture, and language, was a poet of Talpourian dynasty. He was the son of Ali-Mohammad Khan (1162-1250 Hegira) and through him, he learned Persian and Arabic. Gholam-Mohammad Khan was considered as a famous adviser and commander. He passed away in 1279 Hegira. Gholam was proficient in composing Persian poems. Mostly he followed the style of Hafez Shirazi’s sonnets. This paper tries to explain the sonnets composed by Gholam-Mohammad, following Hafez’s footsteps. Manuscript profile
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        233 - “Epigrammatic mechanisms in short stories written by Jalal Al-E-Ahmad”
        Hossein Behzadi Andoohjerdi Maryam Shadmohamadi
        One of the industrious Iranian authors in 1340s (1960s) is Jalal Al-E-Ahmad, who has challenged social, political and ideological issues in his works for several times, and criticism against social problems could be observed not only in his essays and other writings, bu More
        One of the industrious Iranian authors in 1340s (1960s) is Jalal Al-E-Ahmad, who has challenged social, political and ideological issues in his works for several times, and criticism against social problems could be observed not only in his essays and other writings, but also in his short stories. Of five published collections of his short stories, four are the stories which are benefited from epigrammatic elements. At all these collections, Al-E-Ahmad has criticized public affliction, retardation, prevalence of superstitious beliefs, individuals’ indifference toward community and citizens, backdoor policy and inappropriate methods for campaign against fame-longing, vanishing cultural originalities and religious dogmas within these stories and to purpose such themes, he has adopted satiric framework like many other critic works. In addition to benefiting from satire as themes of his stories, Al-E-Ahmad utilizes verbal epigram (Satire in tale narrative’s interpretation or its main characters) and for this purpose, he employs epigrammatic mechanisms to serve on the given story.   Manuscript profile
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        234 - Explaining the curriculum of moral education in the aspect of comparative analysis of Kant’s and Mullah Ahmad Naraqi’s Theories
        Mahdi Sobhaninejad Najmeh Ahmadabadi Arani Tahere Jalalvand Azad Mohammadi
        The purpose of this study is to explain the curriculum of moral education in the aspect of comparative analysis of Kant’s and Mullah Ahmad Naraqi’s theories using both conceptual and comparative analysis in order to increase the fundamental knowledge in this More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the curriculum of moral education in the aspect of comparative analysis of Kant’s and Mullah Ahmad Naraqi’s theories using both conceptual and comparative analysis in order to increase the fundamental knowledge in this area. In order to achieve this goal, try it with the use of primary sources and secondary sources included (authentic books, research, relevant research, publications and Internet sites) study the methods of conceptual analysis and comparative analysis is analyzed and analyzed. The results indicate that Kant and Mullah Ahmad Naraqi studied moral education in a profound manner and remarkable implications in the content of curriculum of moral education can be concluded from their theories. Kant is the representative of west’s viewpoint and Mullah Ahmad Naraqi is the representative of Islamic’s viewpoint; Despite the obvious disagreements, shared components are concludable that can be reviewed by policy makers and curriculum planners so that it can ease the students’ moral development. Among the main priorities of curriculums, we can point out education, training students’ moral dimension, emphasis on development of memory in curriculums, practicality in curriculums, emphasis on mathematic lessons in curriculums, emphasis on criticism in curriculums and training students’ religious dimension Manuscript profile
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        235 - Identification of sexual education curriculum in the education system Iran
        zohreh ghalavand parvin samadi parvin ahmadi Narges Keshtiaray
        Sexual education is one of the most complex and sensitive areas of education. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the position of the country's high school sexual orientation curriculum in recent decades. This research employed a qualitative synthes More
        Sexual education is one of the most complex and sensitive areas of education. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the position of the country's high school sexual orientation curriculum in recent decades. This research employed a qualitative synthesis approach. The corpus of this study consisted of all scientific articles published(magiran, sid, normags, etc ) about the implementation of Sexual education. From this corpus 268 papers were identified through constant searching of the scientific data bases and a total of 36 articles were selected for the final analysis. A researcher- made worksheet form was used for the purpose of reporting and submitting information. The obtained data were analyzed through six-step model for meta-synthesis Robert using Open and axial coding techniques. Findings synthesis indicate that the four themes of the double-edged sword are the concept of sexuality, threats – opportunities for sexuality education, sex education and culture in sexuality The results indicated that the sex education curriculum is a silent curriculum that can be clarified by policy makers. Manuscript profile
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        236 - Uncovering the Competencies of Teachers in Nomadic Tribes: A Phenomenological Study
        Yaghoub rahimi pordanjani maryam shafiei sarvestani jaafar jahani Mehdi Mohammadi
        The purpose of the present study was to explore the competencies of teachers working nomadic tribes. It done a qualitative research based on Husserlian phenomenology. The selection of potential participants was based on the criteria of the country's climatic conditions More
        The purpose of the present study was to explore the competencies of teachers working nomadic tribes. It done a qualitative research based on Husserlian phenomenology. The selection of potential participants was based on the criteria of the country's climatic conditions in three climatic zones (mountainous, Caspian and hot and dry) in four provinces of Jahar Mahal and Bakhtiari, Gilan, South Khorasan and Fars. Because teachers with work experience in these provinces cover all three types of weather conditions.Participants in the study consisted of 57 teachers with experience in teaching in nomadic nomadic areas with targeted sampling approach and snowball method. Theoretical saturation was the measure for determining the adequacy of the number of participants. Semi-structured interviews were used as the qualitative data collection instrument. The acceptability and reliability criteria for qualitative data were used to determine the initial validity of the collected data. Given the qualitative approach in this research, thematic analysis was conducted to develop a network of themes signifying the competencies of teachers in nomadic tribes. The themes in this network were classified into basic, first-level organizing, second-level organizing and global themes. The data were initially codified, and a total of 223 basic codes were combined and integrated to form 170 basic themes and 28 first-level organizing themes. Manuscript profile
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        237 - Critique and analysis of the national curriculum document based on adapting to the educational needs of preschool and nomadic primary school students with emphasis on the native knowledge approach
        yaghoub rahimi pordanjani
         The purpose of this article is to critique and analyze the national curriculum in terms of adapting to the educational needs of preschool and students of nomadic elementary school with emphasis on the native knowledge approach. The research method used was content More
         The purpose of this article is to critique and analyze the national curriculum in terms of adapting to the educational needs of preschool and students of nomadic elementary school with emphasis on the native knowledge approach. The research method used was content analysis analysis The population of this study is 15 main titles of the national curriculum document that were coded using the content checklist tool. The unit of analysis was the text (paragraph). For this purpose, first the educational needs were identified through the study of theoretical foundations and categorized into three areas using the Delphi technique, then the content of the national curriculum document was analyzed and critiqued based on these needs The results of theا study indicate the relative attention of the document to educational needs. So that the field of "learning experiences", "principles of curriculum supervision", "philosophical and practical foundations" and "perspectives" focus directly and appropriately on the ecological components; And the principles of the "teaching and learning" process pay less attention to this issue. The rest of the paragraphs also implicitly and generally refer to the use of this approach. In the second part, a total of 6 criticisms were deduced, the result of which can be generalized to the text of the document on sociological foundations, not introducing a special executive program for nomadic education according to the existing natural capacities and less attention to some components of the document Indigenous knowledge approaches pointed out. Manuscript profile
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        238 - The effect of topography factors on land use/cover changes of Yasouj forest park during 1965 – 2011
        Shakiba Jahangirian Alireza Salehi
        This study aims to investigate the effect of physiographical factors on land use/cover changes in the Yasouj Forest Park  during  1965 to 2011. It was evaluated and monitored using aerial photographs 1:20000 scale, panchromatic satellite imageries from IRS-P5 More
        This study aims to investigate the effect of physiographical factors on land use/cover changes in the Yasouj Forest Park  during  1965 to 2011. It was evaluated and monitored using aerial photographs 1:20000 scale, panchromatic satellite imageries from IRS-P5 (2011), and online  Google Earth images (2011). Two series of images in two adjacent monitors were interpreted and compared using a simultaneously comparison and interpretation method. For this purpose some of land use/cover characteristics within sample plots taken from similar location were used in a digital systematic grid. The results showed that about 60% of sample plots located in different classes of slopes and elevations were not changed during this period of time. However the most land use/cover changes have been occurring in low slope areas and the least changes have been occurring in high slope areas. It is concluded that topographical factors, particularly slope are important factors for the protection of the forest cover in such areas.  Park area protection  could also be as an important prohibiting factor for major changes in the study area. The distribution pattern study of  woody spices’s maturer stems is not good enough  for about a 50 year period. Increasing dirt road  in the park during the recent decades leads a social need for better planning of this decentralized recreational zone. Manuscript profile
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        239 - Compilation of the strategic themes of sport in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces: Geographic sociological approac
        elham behzadi seif abab Seyad Ehsan Amirhosseini Ali Pirzad
        Compilation of the strategic themes of the sociological geographic study of sport in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provincesThe purpose of this study was to develop strategic themes for land management in the sports sector of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. The purpo More
        Compilation of the strategic themes of the sociological geographic study of sport in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provincesThe purpose of this study was to develop strategic themes for land management in the sports sector of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. The purpose of this study was to develop strategic themes for land management in the sports sector of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. Research Method The present study is a survey study with a developmental approach in accordance with the critical paradigm, which was conducted in the field. The participants of the research were experts from the province. A total of 205 people were selected through targeted snowball sampling. A combination of qualitative open-ended questionnaire and interview methods and quantitative coefficient and ranking methods were used for data collection and analysis. The research tool was a checklist derived from the landscaping analysis approaches of the sports sector , whose face and content validity was approved by sports management experts. Respondents were asked to list the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this sport, while using the GIS, the model was presented in a descriptive-analytical method and part of the information obtained in a soft environment. Arc-GIS software was analyzed.The development of the sports sector of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province is in line with the land management approach in the province, which is in accordance with the approach of developing the land management of the sports sector .The general result of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province sports planning studies showed that there is an unbalanced distribution of places and spaces in sports sector in the province, while according to the position matrix and strategic action approach of Kohgiluyeh province sports strategy and Boyer Ahmed is a type of competitive strategy.The general result of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province sports planning studies showed that there is an unbalanced distribution of places and spaces in sports sector in the province, while according to the position matrix and strategic action approach of Kohgiluyeh province sports strategy and Boyer Ahmed is a type of competitive strategy.Keywords: Landscaping, Program, Sports, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad, Strategic.Keywords: Landscaping, Program, Sports, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad, Strategic. Manuscript profile
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        240 - Analyzing the Traditional Motifs of Afshan Carpets of the Pahlavi Period based on Thematic Analysis (Case Study: Malek Museum)
        Maral Shahmoradi Aliakbari Neda Ziabakhsh
        Carpet weaving is one of the main productions of the Iranian people, passed down from generation to generation. Some of the hand-woven carpets exhibited in museums serve as evidence of this rich heritage. Understanding the structure of these carpets opens the door to un More
        Carpet weaving is one of the main productions of the Iranian people, passed down from generation to generation. Some of the hand-woven carpets exhibited in museums serve as evidence of this rich heritage. Understanding the structure of these carpets opens the door to unraveling the intricacies of their creation. This article aims to explore the physical and conceptual aspects of Afshan carpets, delving into their symbolic meanings. Through applied research and a structural approach, this study contributes to documenting and preserving the fundamental principles underlying Afshan carpets. Using both quantitative and qualitative strategies, along with library and field methods, this research employs descriptive, analytical, adaptive, and inductive reasoning methods to elucidate the philosophical depth and significance of the motifs present in Afshan carpets. To achieve this, a case study approach was adopted, focusing on seven carpets with Afshan designs from the Malek Museum. These carpets were selected based on design homogeneity and the period of their production. The structure and design serve as the two key elements shaping the texture of a carpet. The design principles and rules are influenced by the culture, customs, and religious teachings of the society, manifesting content in symbolic forms. These themes encompass various elements, including plant motifs symbolizing life, imaginary forms prevalent in mystical traditions, and mapping forms found in visual dimensions like the Islimi designs, which represent the concept of unity in diversity and the mystical symbol of monotheism. These elements play a crucial role in shaping the motifs found in Afshan carpets. Manuscript profile
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        241 - Scale Assessment in the Design of Human-Built Environments through Hermeneutics
        Seyed Morteza Shahidi Rizi Hutan Iravani Abdullah Jabal Ameli Marziyeh Piravi Vanak
        The lack of success in many civil engineering projects often results from a failure to grasp the concept of scale in design and planning. Understanding active environmental indicators and their impact is vital for determining scale. In the field of architecture and urba More
        The lack of success in many civil engineering projects often results from a failure to grasp the concept of scale in design and planning. Understanding active environmental indicators and their impact is vital for determining scale. In the field of architecture and urban governance, "scale" encompasses various quantitative and qualitative aspects, which are diverse and complex, posing a significant challenge for comprehension. This raises the question: How can a designer effectively incorporate quantitative and qualitative measurements in the design environment, reflecting the project's scale, throughout the design process? Most scale errors occur when transferring the designer's vision from a mental image or sketch onto paper to match the actual dimensions of the physical structure in the external environment. While the designer (architect, urban planner, policy maker) may easily sketch on paper, the external environment is subject to invasion, occupation, and irreversible changes, which can lead to its degradation or enhancement. This issue prompts a philosophical investigation into how our limited human understanding can connect meaningfully with the vast external world. The research methodology is qualitative and practically oriented, aiming to present findings through logical reasoning grounded in hermeneutics and the concept of scale Manuscript profile
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        242 - Human bilateralism in Islamic mysticism
        Kheirollah Mahmoodi Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh
        Man, the superior to every creature, is a bilateral being who, both in creation and in behavior, tends toward divine light and darkness. A part of his existence pertains to the light and the other part to the world of darkness. Lights and darkness allegory and man's p More
        Man, the superior to every creature, is a bilateral being who, both in creation and in behavior, tends toward divine light and darkness. A part of his existence pertains to the light and the other part to the world of darkness. Lights and darkness allegory and man's place among both of them are symbolically addressed. Body and soul, wisdom and ego, goblet and light or goblet and wine as well as mirror and felt are of the most major titles of allegory. Man and woman are another expression in order to show the reciprocal symbols of light and darkness in the creation domain; an allegory which can also be seen in the other cultures and religions. In addition, woman herself has a dual face. On the one hand, she is the symbol of darkness against man, and on the other, she is the symbol of real light that is, absolute reality. It is seems that, man's duality is influenced by an extensive argument entiteled "Haghighat – e Mohammadiyeh", because the inherent concept of Haghighat-e Mohammadiyeh, in which mankind is proposed to be the most significant evidence, is per se a dual concept that plays the intermediate role. Manuscript profile
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        243 - Study Of differences Of project topic Of Haqiqat-e mohammadie on Shia mysticism
        Behrooz Roomiyani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh
        Shia mysticism count extended part of Islamic mysticism. Mainly, we see formation of Shia religious group and chain on recently century, in particular after Safavie be in power. On Shia mysticism, like Islamic mysticism topic of Haqiqat-e Mohammadie projected as one of More
        Shia mysticism count extended part of Islamic mysticism. Mainly, we see formation of Shia religious group and chain on recently century, in particular after Safavie be in power. On Shia mysticism, like Islamic mysticism topic of Haqiqat-e Mohammadie projected as one of main topic with difference that on Shia mysticism. We see considerable differences on project this topic. On Shia view, religious province after prophet translates to Imam Ali and other his natives, same this method happened on mysticism about Haqiqat-e mohammadie topic, so this topic translate by prophet to Imam Ali and other natives. Most of differences of project topic of Haqiqat-e mohammadie are change of symbols and project all of them on unit time. On un-shia mysticism, we usually see that one of them project on a especial time. This process is influence of merge two topic; Haqiqat-e mohammadie and Velayat (province). Manuscript profile
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        244 - Investigating Manifestation Aspects Of the Great Prophet as Reflected in Kashf-Al-Mahjoob
        Hosein hajaliloo
        The great Prophet's figure is reflected deservingly in many of the Persian prose and verse showing how devoted the authors and the poets are to such a dear character. "Kashf-ol-Mahjoob" is one of the great Persian literary masterpieces of the fifth century by Hojviri. H More
        The great Prophet's figure is reflected deservingly in many of the Persian prose and verse showing how devoted the authors and the poets are to such a dear character. "Kashf-ol-Mahjoob" is one of the great Persian literary masterpieces of the fifth century by Hojviri. He first points to the Quran's verses and then focuses on Prophet's words, manner and attitude. The purpose of this paper is revealing the Prophet's superiorities, emphasizing on his kindness, affection and the necessity for gaining more knowledge about him. To this end, the Prophet Mohammad is compared to other prophets such as Moses, Abraham, and David. Then Prophet Mohammad's morality and behavior, specially his passion and kindness, generosity, spirit for prayer and his mystical attitude in deeds including prayer, fasting, sleep and awakening - all mentioned in Hojviri's book- are surveyed. The results show that the Prophet Mohammad was very kind, affectionate, and generous and had a giving nature. He had a hard-working spirit, seeking and desiring to obey God and he was the person beloved by God. Manuscript profile
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        245 - Comparative Analysis Of Hojwiri and Ghazzaalis  Point Of View on Ro'yat (Observation)
        Mahin Panaahi Tahere karimi
        Abu-Hasan Ali Ibn Othmaan Hojwiri (470) and Ahmad Ghazzaali (520), both arose from the same intellectual system and were both from the 'Ash'ari family. But their origins of consciousness are distinguished from each other. Thus, the territory of semantic implications and More
        Abu-Hasan Ali Ibn Othmaan Hojwiri (470) and Ahmad Ghazzaali (520), both arose from the same intellectual system and were both from the 'Ash'ari family. But their origins of consciousness are distinguished from each other. Thus, the territory of semantic implications and language use are different in their works – Kashf Al-Mahjub (the discovery of the Veiled) and Sawaaneh Al-Oshshaq (the Resumes of the Lovers). Ro'yat or Observation is a key and verbal term in Kashf Al-Mahjub which went under the metaphoric veil of Jamaal (beauty) by entering into Ghazzaali's spiritual discourse; and the transfer happened from reality to metaphor and from one-meaning to poly-meaning. Hojwiri discusses Observation clearly and barely, but Ghazzaali takes advantages from metaphoric use of Observation: Jamaal and visual cluster in it; that is, man, heart, sun, mirror etc. This paper deals with these two mystics' point of views about Observation and the style of which is reflected in the two texts-- KashfAlmahjuband Sawaaneh Al-Oshshaaq Manuscript profile
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        246 - Investigating the Different Meanings Of Extrovertive Journey and its Achievements in Perspective Of Muslim Mystics
        Vahideh fakhar noghani
        According to the verse We will show our signs to them in the horizons of the external world and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it's the truth, journey in Islamic mysticism is divided into extrovertive and introvertive journey. Extrovertive journe More
        According to the verse We will show our signs to them in the horizons of the external world and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it's the truth, journey in Islamic mysticism is divided into extrovertive and introvertive journey. Extrovertive journey is a journey in which the traveler and the seeker explore the external world far beyond human soul.  The opposite of the outward journey is inner journey in which the seeker explores his own soul. Since all stages of the travel are realized in the soul of the seeker, not out of it, this travel is interpreted as introvertive travel. For some mystics, extrovertive journey takes precedence over introvertive journey because of pre-existence of the world and also due to the detailed advent of the Holy Quran in the world level. Although at first glance, the concept extrovertive journey in mystical texts means travelling in different cities and areas, it seems that closer and deeper meanings can be offered for it. In this paper, we point out to the common sense of extrovertive journey and its achievements in spiritual track. Then, based on the ontological foundations of Islamic mysticism, and also according to the deeper meanings that the verse refers to, it is attempted to offer another level for extrovertive journey in Islamic mysticism. These levels that include "travelling in the longitudinal levels of the world" and "the perfect man's travelling in different levels of the world" are various ends and achievements of the first level. Manuscript profile
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        247 - Manifestation of Gnosticism in Bousiri Borde
        Rouhollah SayyadiNezhad Shahram Amiri
        Undoubtedly there is a relationship between poem and religion from long ago so that praise of Islam prophet as a manifestation of God is a support for those poets who are Sufi, o clear virtues and perfections of prophet for all the people and also mention some popular t More
        Undoubtedly there is a relationship between poem and religion from long ago so that praise of Islam prophet as a manifestation of God is a support for those poets who are Sufi, o clear virtues and perfections of prophet for all the people and also mention some popular traditions of Sufi. It's clear unsaid that Borde elegy is one of the masterpieces of Arab literature and Sharafod-in- Mohammad Bousiri change it to poem for the aim of resorting to prophet Mohammad in the pride and boasting period of Gnosticism Osmani-Mamlooki era. Findings in this research show that Bousiri is not really a gnostic poet and especially of gnostic poets such as mystically idioms is not so much in his works but it can be said that in effect of his period existing of Sufism in Bousiri Borde is not so surprising. The poet speaks about the important points of mystically such as Mohammadie reality, intercession and praising by using beautiful language of poem and amorous statement, using simple language and also using less mystically idioms. Manuscript profile
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        248 - Mahdaviat in Islamic Mysticism
        Behrouz Roomiani Masoumeh Bakhshizadeh Esmaeil Abdolahi
        Mahdaviat is a very important topic in Islamic mysticism. This topic is because ofmerging two topics of haghighat-e Mohammedia, Sufism and Islam and Shiism emerged province. Haghighat-e Mohammedia is the concept of finality in mysticism and messianism province is an exp More
        Mahdaviat is a very important topic in Islamic mysticism. This topic is because ofmerging two topics of haghighat-e Mohammedia, Sufism and Islam and Shiism emerged province. Haghighat-e Mohammedia is the concept of finality in mysticism and messianism province is an expression of religious ideas-the continuation of the Prophet because ofImam, Imam Mahdi. These two issues with integration in an independent interpretation of mysticism are called Islamic messianism, which has been a subject of discussion before it lawful scheme Manuscript profile
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        249 - Comparative Study of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī's Thoughts and Existentialist Thinking
        عزیز جوانپور هروی
        One of the important schools of continental philosophy in the 20th century is Existentialism that with due cares for such issues as humanexistence, individuality, ethics, and faith it has a lot of similarities with Iranian mystical and Sufi literature.Jalāl ad-Dīn Muham More
        One of the important schools of continental philosophy in the 20th century is Existentialism that with due cares for such issues as humanexistence, individuality, ethics, and faith it has a lot of similarities with Iranian mystical and Sufi literature.Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, the great mystic and poet of Iran, is among the important representatives of the mystical and Sufi literature of Iran that his system of initiative and innovative ingenuity of his mystical and philosophic thinking is similar to that ofexistentialist thinking In this paper, it isendeavored to investigate the similarity of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī's way of thinking with western existentialist philosophers. Thus, at first, general properties and principals of Philosophical Theory of existentialism are studied.Then,a summary ofof thinkers' views at this school, includingSorenKierkegard, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Karl Jaspers, Miguel de Unamuno, and Sartre, will be pointed out.Afterwards,some aspects of Rūmī'sthoughts that are consistent with the outstanding points of this theory are investigated, and thenthe common grounds aredepictedbetweenthinking principals of existentialist philosophers and thoseof Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī Manuscript profile
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        250 - Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’s Theory
        masroureh Mokhtari Mahsa Kazempour
        With the arrival of Islam in Iran Quranic teachings in the individual and social life of Muslims took a special role followed by Quranic verses and hadiths in the literary and mystical texts of the people of this land, reflected and the writers and poets of your word de More
        With the arrival of Islam in Iran Quranic teachings in the individual and social life of Muslims took a special role followed by Quranic verses and hadiths in the literary and mystical texts of the people of this land, reflected and the writers and poets of your word decorated with Quranic themes and in various ways showed their writing power. Interpersonalism is one of the structuralists issues according to it, any text of the texts before itself has been influenced; therefore, the authors do not create the original effect; but it also extracts its features from the texts before it. Baba Afzal Kashani is a wise and spiritual ontologist; one of the aspects of his thoughts on human thinking and ontology and many of his topics are inspired by the verses of the holy Qur'an the word's of revelation in the works of this great wise have left many spiritual and verbal influences; as discussed in the essay by Baba Afzal Kashani (madaregolkamal and gavdanname), this influence on the depth of his thoughts is an excellent expression and a feature of his style of writing. The present research project is analytically-descriptive and uses library resource's, has examined the influence of Baba Afzal Kashani on the Qur'an and narration the results of the studies show that he has expressed his mystical thought's, using the Quran and narrative, and has created a deep link between Quranic thought's and literary-mystical thought's given the division of Gérard Genette from Intertextuality, Baba Afzal to the forms, straight (Revealing), and Non-explicit (Hidden and deliberate) and implied, the Quran and narration both in content and in the structure of the treatises have been influenced Manuscript profile
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        251 - Analysis of Mystical and Ethical Themes in Bidel Dehlavi’s Stories
        sudabeh bakhshaei Zarrintaj veredi
        Mathnavi "Erfan" is one of the most important poetic clues of Bidel Dehlavi,which is started base on love according to explaining of relationship between hamun and God, also this clue describes the facts of beings, philosophically and mystical points. Bidel gathers all More
        Mathnavi "Erfan" is one of the most important poetic clues of Bidel Dehlavi,which is started base on love according to explaining of relationship between hamun and God, also this clue describes the facts of beings, philosophically and mystical points. Bidel gathers all his own evidens with especial telling-stories,base on all gnostics traditions.one of the most effective stories of this clue, is lyric story(kameday and Madan), this story shows the factual and ddeful love of two Indian youth, who go forward in the union way nonexistence bound. Bidel invites liberated and the fact willingness human to inner revelation and spiritual ascension, for acquisition of perfection and factual cognition. Inaddition, he knows that the unique way of reaching to enternal beloved is perishing in Love Sea. The aim of this research is introducing one of the Persian lyric stories in subcontinent which the Persian researchers havn,t  paid attention to this. In this paper, not only the researcher introduces this story, but also she works on its content and thematic explaining. Base on the findings of the research, the main sculpture of this story is built on love, mysticism and behavior. Base on Bidel view, the factual love is formed with lover,s possession, and protracts the lover till death and madness, but they can reach to sempiternal union with effort, endeavor, patience,attempt and reliance. Manuscript profile
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        252 - A Semantic Analysis of the Alawite Truth in Imam Khomeini's Mystical Works
        narjes roodgar
        Alawite truth (Haghighat-e Alawieh) is a mystical term which has been already taken from Ibn Arabi’s works and his commentators, but has taken a more serious place in Shiite mysticism. Have done. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the place of Alawite trut More
        Alawite truth (Haghighat-e Alawieh) is a mystical term which has been already taken from Ibn Arabi’s works and his commentators, but has taken a more serious place in Shiite mysticism. Have done. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the place of Alawite truth in the discussions of theoretical mysticism in Imam Khomeini's thought. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The origin of the term Alawite truth, 2. The objectivity of Haghighat-e Mohammadieh and Alawieh, 3. Haghighat-e Mohammadieh in Mysticism, 4. Haghighat-e Mohammadieh and Alawiyah is the only channel of care and love for the people, 5. Alawite truth is from the world of matter, 6. The place of Alawite truth in the creation and legislation, 7. Srian Haghighat Mohammadiyeh and Alavi in the levels of existence, 8. The Antioch of Martyrdom to Ali PBUH in Martyrdom to the Prophet and God, 9. The truth of Alawite is infinite, 10. Alawite truth is the heart of the whole world, 11. The necessity of obeying Imam Ali, 12. Ali, peace be upon him, inside the Qur'an, 13. The relationship between Alawite and Mahdist provinces, 14. Ahl al-Bayt, people of Alawite truth Haghighat-e Alawieh Manuscript profile
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        253 - Comparing Action and Status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with other Prophets in Sharh Al-Taarruf
        Samaneh jafari Hassan Shamian
        Sharh Al-Taarruf is one of the works created in the field of Islamic mysticism in Farsi, which was written by Mustamli on Kalabadi’s Al-Taaruf. In this work, in order to explain the views and to explain his principles of thought and theory, Mustamli has put his wo More
        Sharh Al-Taarruf is one of the works created in the field of Islamic mysticism in Farsi, which was written by Mustamli on Kalabadi’s Al-Taaruf. In this work, in order to explain the views and to explain his principles of thought and theory, Mustamli has put his work in the intertextual link with the Holy Quran and used the Quranic verses and narrations of the prophets' story. The stories and narratives attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are among the most prominent applications in this work, which in most cases are in contrast and compared with the story of other prophets. In this type of application, the comparison is done in two areas of action and status, and the status comparing is more frequent in this work. The writer in Sharh Al-Taarruf is comparing many prophets with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is almost unparalleled with this diversity. The ultimate goal of Mustamli in using this method is to emphasize explicitly or implicitly the superiority and virtue of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on other prophets, and thus the superiority of his nation over other nations, rather than to explain the principles and of mysticalism Manuscript profile
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        254 - The role of historicism and promiseism in the mystical thoughts of Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei and the emergence of the Sheikhiyah Sect
        Reza Yousefvand
        It is necessary to examine the school of Sheikhiya because this sect has played a significant role in the emergence of new religious deviations and social changes in the contemporary period. The special beliefs of Sheikh Ahmed Ahsai and after him Seyyed Kazem Rashti mad More
        It is necessary to examine the school of Sheikhiya because this sect has played a significant role in the emergence of new religious deviations and social changes in the contemporary period. The special beliefs of Sheikh Ahmed Ahsai and after him Seyyed Kazem Rashti made the school of Shaykhia rise from the heart of Shiism and present a different face compared to its original origin, which is pure Shiism. In the division of the causes and factors based on which the promise and belief in the coming of the end-time savior causes the emergence of religious sects, two categories of factors can be mentioned: First, the category that is individual and related to specific individual claims; Like the Qadianiyya sect, the second category is social factors and refers to the social conditions of the creation of sects; Like the uprising of the Sudanese Mahdi. This group of factors, i.e. social conditions such as: poverty, oppression and corruption, and injustice, played a special role in the emergence of the Sheikhiya sect. The main question of this research is, what was the relationship between the emergence of the Sheikhiya sect and its underlying factors? The hypothesis under discussion is that there is a relationship between the requirements of the time and social conditions and the creation of the Sheikhiya sect. This article explains the hypothesis with a descriptive and analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        255 - A Comparative Study of Virtual and Mystical Love from the Perspective of Ahmad Ghazali and Ayn Al-Quzat (with Emphasis on Sawaneḥ Al-oshagh & Tamhidaat
        Mehdi Mohammadi Behnam Fe’li Khadije Safary Kandsary mohammad reza beigi
        Human love, which often appears in Sufis’ teachings with the expression of virtual love, is one of the complex and difficult issues in Islamic mysticism. Some consider it to be the beginning of mystical love and some deny it. Ahmad Ghazali and Ayn ol-Quzat Hamedan More
        Human love, which often appears in Sufis’ teachings with the expression of virtual love, is one of the complex and difficult issues in Islamic mysticism. Some consider it to be the beginning of mystical love and some deny it. Ahmad Ghazali and Ayn ol-Quzat Hamedani are among the first people who wrote about love, its types, moods and characteristics in a special way in Persian literature. In the present study, which was prepared using a descriptive-analytical method, an attempt has been made to answer this basic question, what is Ahmad Ghazali's and Ayn Al-Quzat's views on virtual and mystical love? And what are the points of commonality and difference between the two? The results of the research show that Ghazali considers speculation permissible by referring to prophetic hadiths, and on the other hand, he considers appearances as a bridge to reach the inner truth. Ayn Al-Quzat also considers it harmless to be attached to these appearances if it is in the way of connecting with God's beloved and beloved. Eternity, coercion and the dangerous path of love are common points of mystical love in accidents and plans.. Manuscript profile
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        256 - Manifestation of Mystical and Mythological Allusions in Mohammad Kheiyabani’s Poems
        Seyedeh Fateme Mahdavi mortazavi Seyed Ahmad Hoseinikazerooni Abdolah Rezaii
        Persian poetry is influenced by historical, mystical, mythological supports. The influence of these elements in the poems of contemporary poets can be seen more than other periods, and the reason for this is the popularity of today's poetry. Poetry is tied to the myth, More
        Persian poetry is influenced by historical, mystical, mythological supports. The influence of these elements in the poems of contemporary poets can be seen more than other periods, and the reason for this is the popularity of today's poetry. Poetry is tied to the myth, and the myth contributes to the flourishing of poetry and multiplicity of the work; in the Holy Quran, many concepts are expressed in the form of symbols and allegories. The presence of these parables, in fact, makes the concepts more understandable to the mind of the audience. The mystical stories, which are often pseudo-allegorical or narrative, have benefited from this Qur'anic style, especially in interpreting the Qur'anic stories. The most famous mysterious stories in the Holy Qur'an are the prophets' stories that the poets have paid attention to in their works and have explicitly or unambiguously decoded. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the manifestation of mystical and mythological references in the works of Mohammad Biabani. Biabani involves streaks of mysticism in his works, in this normative and anti-Semitic process. Besides the fate of authenticity and decency and the tradition of being Iranian, his poetry takes on the color and the smell of modernity and clarity and novelty. His concepts, themes and messages are fresh even with mystical elements. This paper deals with the mystical forms of Biabani's poetry in a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        257 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam
        Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by ma More
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jaam is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by many to be poetry collections attributed to him. In this study, in order to confirm this hypothesis, the intellectual and ideological level reflected in the prose books and poetry collection with regard to the themes of Qalandariaat has been studied and explored. The reason for choosing Qalandariaat was that it has a pivotal and decisive role in reaching a convincing conclusion that the poetry collection belongs to Sheikh Jam or is attributed to him. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The results of the research show that the frequency of Qalandari issues in the poetry collection is more diverse and includes such things as: pretending to be immoral; discrediting religion and rejecting the manifestations of Shariat; The name and the stigma are ignored. While Sheikh-e Jaam in his prose works has only mentioned such things as: criticizing the dishonest Sufis and the indebtedness of Inquisition, which are defined under the Qalandari religion. Overall, the obvious difference in the ideological level of Sheikh-e Jaam's views in the prose books and the poetry collection reinforces the hypothesis that these poems are attributed to him. Manuscript profile
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        258 - Perfect Man in Thesis of Shah Nematollah-e- Vali
        Aliyeh Akbari Mohammad Hosein Sardaghi Mahsa Rone
        As Perfectionism is inherent in human being, paying attention to present a symbol and paradigm of perfect human emerges as an important concept in all of the divine religions and human schools. The perfect ideal human is among the deep-rooted and established topic in Is More
        As Perfectionism is inherent in human being, paying attention to present a symbol and paradigm of perfect human emerges as an important concept in all of the divine religions and human schools. The perfect ideal human is among the deep-rooted and established topic in Islamic mysticism. Which always have been considered by scholars. This issues along with mono theism principle, from the main core of Islamic mysticism. The present paper through descriptive-analytical approach examines the perfect ideal man in thesis of shah Nematollah-e- Vali. The suggest that he speaks in a detailed and lengthy manner with his Elm-al-Asma’e approach about this topic. He also discusses on intuitive and mystical aspect and then based on inspirational (Vahyani) doctrine. He predicates Elm-al-Asma’e system and through which clarifies the relationship between lord and perfect man and the whole universe. He believes that the perfect human considering Al-Amanat Verse is like a mirror in which God (Allah) observes himself in his being. Because the perfect man is the symbol of divine Asma’e (names) and attributes of God. Perfect man is an intermediate between God and the people. He is the reason of God’s divine grace and help for the world. He is the best and nearest represention of God. So he is the symbol of divine authority (Velayat), A Being-everywhere who is the medium of blessing to all existances in the universe. Manuscript profile
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        259 - A Glance at Mystical Expressions of Hurufieh Sect
        Ali Ramezani
        The sect of “Hurufieh” is one of the radical Interpretation sects after the Mogul’s attack and the way of the expression were taught to them by Ismaili. Hurufiehan called themselves the man of conscience and expression. They were the kind of people tha More
        The sect of “Hurufieh” is one of the radical Interpretation sects after the Mogul’s attack and the way of the expression were taught to them by Ismaili. Hurufiehan called themselves the man of conscience and expression. They were the kind of people that expressed that everything was in human’s benefit. Hurufieh’s notion is kind of a Mystical notion with particularframe of thinking. This form of Mystical notion did not appear suddenly it was rather foundas historical and social phenomenon from the midst of ages and Ancient Millennium andhave been useful between different nations in different kinds of means such as political, economic and Cultural. Although thoughts and notions of this sect has affected some part of Persian poems however it has not beenscientifically analyzed to this day.Lack of knowledge in their expressions is one of the prominent reasons of complexity effects of this sect. Because of that, this paper has tried to survey and explain the most important Mystical expressions of this sect. Manuscript profile
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        260 - A Sudy on the Concept of "Kufr" in Sufism until the 5th Century A.H
        Seyyed Amir Muhammad Tabatabayi Waez Seyyedeh Fatemeh Zare Hoseini
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this More
        One of the basic issues in Sufism and Islamic mysticism, especially in theoretical mysticism, is the concept of "kufr" and its status in the universe as well as its role in religion and faith. By studying written works of Muslim mystics, we can see various views in this regard. However, these views are sometimes in clear contradiction, but through studying and putting together these views, we can realize that this concept have had a gradual development in meaning throughout the history of Islamic Sufism. From the 2nd century A.H., when Sufis started to write their thoughts and teachings, this concept was used in meanings similar to the viewpoints of Muslim theologians ans jurists. Then, its meanings changed differently and separately in the writings of Junayd and Hallaj. For a while, this concept received a transcendental point in Sufism and Islamic mysticism and in the thought of Ayn al-Quzat Hamdani, where not only it does not essentially contradict with faith, but also plays a key role in achieving Right and Truth. In this essay, by studying and analyzing the opinions of the Sufis who have spoken or written about the Kufr, we will inquire the semantic evolution of the concept of kufr in Sufism until the 5th century A.H. Manuscript profile
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        261 - Investigating and Analyzing Mystical Terms in the Manuscripts of the Manuscript of Aqdul Javahar, in the conceptual range of the installer, Ahmad Daei
        Abdolah Qasemi Zahra Khosravi Shahriar Hasanzadeh
        From the beginning of creation, human beings have sought to discover the secret of creation and understanding the secrets of creation in the sources of knowledge, and with the aim of seeking truth and perfectionism with mystical language, they have interpreted the meani More
        From the beginning of creation, human beings have sought to discover the secret of creation and understanding the secrets of creation in the sources of knowledge, and with the aim of seeking truth and perfectionism with mystical language, they have interpreted the meanings of cognition. Thoughtful man with individual emotions and spiritual experiences to answer where to come and where to go in the peak of awareness in the two ways of reason and love with the most glorious way in the conduct of Hud to the phospholis of life and with passion and knowledge of "conscience of single truth" Has arrived. Based on their understanding of the Taliban's thought and mysticism, they have chosen the path of truth, which they have sought to uncover from the heart, or to shed light on some of its angles. In this area, Ahmad Da'i, by interpreting these terms in the form of an installer, has brought the simplest method to the forefront and has exemplified the example of "Lahndinham Sabella" from Jamal Raz. In this article, the abbreviated letter "AS" means sister-in-law. Manuscript profile
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        262 - Study of Ahmad Khani's Mystical Views on the Poem "Mam and Zayn" on Love
        Jamal Ahmadi
        Ahmad Khani (1706-1650) is a great Kurdish poet and mystic in northern Kurdistan. Poetry in the North Kurmanji dialect, he has created works in this language. Among these works is the poem "Mam and Zin". This poem, which is the love story between "Mam" and "Zin", the si More
        Ahmad Khani (1706-1650) is a great Kurdish poet and mystic in northern Kurdistan. Poetry in the North Kurmanji dialect, he has created works in this language. Among these works is the poem "Mam and Zin". This poem, which is the love story between "Mam" and "Zin", the sister of Amir "Bhutan", ends in tragedy with the malice and evil efforts of Bakr, the villain of the story, and they cannot be connected in this world; But their love and affection become a bridge to the truth.In this research, which is done in an analytical-descriptive way using library resources, the author intends to introduce the work and address the issue of love in the poem "Mam and Zin". The conclusion of this study is that Khani accepts virtual love and considers it a bridge to true love. In addition, the poem "Mam and Zin" is a crystallization of his romantic thoughts and experiences. Also, this poem is a very good example for the famous phrase "Al-Majaz Qantra Al-Haqiqa". Manuscript profile
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        263 - Mystical Thoughts Gohlawi in The Description Mohabbat Nameh Jami
        Fatemeh Pahlavanshamsi Shahrzad Niazi Maryam Bolouri
        The description of the jumbo's contribution to the work of Muhammad bin Ghulam ibn Muhammad gohlawi is from the writers of the Indian subcontinent, was the beginning of the thirteenth century AH.  Although it is a Persian work, it is important because of the knowle More
        The description of the jumbo's contribution to the work of Muhammad bin Ghulam ibn Muhammad gohlawi is from the writers of the Indian subcontinent, was the beginning of the thirteenth century AH.  Although it is a Persian work, it is important because of the knowledge and information of the mystical.  In the description of the jama's book, the essence and spirit of the teachings of Sufism are reflected.  What is inferred from this edition is not merely encouraging people to be isolated and away from society and civilization, but rather, in the organization of human life and in the context of human civilization in human society.  He opens a broader horizon in the name of service and compassion for the creation of men.  Thoughts of Gohlawi have come from a cup.  In the Preface to the Companionship, he states that the heart is the source of love, and the reason that is lacking in love is a dead body and the world and everything in it is created from the influence of love.  The purpose of this study was to explain the position and emphasis on the importance of recognizing the publication of the Jami Prize in Persian literature, first briefly introducing this work and its subject, then seeking the mystical and social ideas of Muhammad ibn Ghulam  Gohlavi and retrieving these ideas in various fields and areas. Manuscript profile
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        264 - Analysis of Qalandariat and Related Topics in the Poetic and Prose Works of Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām
        Jaanmohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Raadfar
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by man More
        Sheikh Ahmad-e Jām is one of the famous mystics of Great Khorasan. He has created several books, many of which have been destroyed. What we have from him falls into the two general categories of prose books and poetry collections, which, of course, are considered by many to be poetry collections attributed to him. In this study, in order to confirm this hypothesis, the intellectual and ideological level reflected in the prose books and poetry collection with regard to Qalandari themes has been studied and explored. The reason for choosing Qalandariat was that it has a pivotal and decisive role in reaching a convincing conclusion that the poetry collection belongs to Sheikh Jām or is attributed to him. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The results of the research show that the frequency of Qalandari issues in the poetry collection is more diverse and includes such things as: pretending to be immoral; discrediting religion and rejecting the manifestations of Shari’at. The name and the stigma are ignored. While Sheikh Jām in his prose works has only mentioned such things as: criticizing the Sufis and the indebtedness of Inquisition, which are defined under the Qalandari religion. Overall, the obvious difference in the ideological level of Sheikh Jām's views in the prose books and the poetry collection reinforces the hypothesis that these poems are attributed to him. Manuscript profile
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        265 - Position of "Haghigat Muhammadiyyah" With Reference to Imadaddin Nasimi’d Divan
        Narges Asghari govar
        One of the most beautiful features of Islamic mysticism is the meaning of the term Mtsvfh Mohammedyyah and mystics, nature Ahdyt to determine the validity and represents the first comprehensive name Allah.This Haghigha is the beginning of creation because it is durable More
        One of the most beautiful features of Islamic mysticism is the meaning of the term Mtsvfh Mohammedyyah and mystics, nature Ahdyt to determine the validity and represents the first comprehensive name Allah.This Haghigha is the beginning of creation because it is durable and it is introduced as the mediator of God and creatures.There are a variety of other things that have to be. The rest of the light radius Prophets Hazrat Muhammad And its branches are considered.      This Research With Reference to view Seyyid Imadaddin Nasimi - the most successful poet sect collections - method "content analysis" was performed to examine the purpose of the collections of the Haghigat muhammadyyah Manuscript profile
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        266 - Comparing the Perfect Man in Imam Khomeini’s and Shāh Ni’matullāh-e-Vali’s Viewpoint
        Darush Zahedimoghaddam alireza fahim Mohsen Fahim Khalil Bahrami Ghasrchami
        Having always been asked of human beings, the three main questions are the question of God, human, and existence. In the meantime, taking care of human beings, and being aware of them is very important. To the extent that the call to know the man as a complex creature h More
        Having always been asked of human beings, the three main questions are the question of God, human, and existence. In the meantime, taking care of human beings, and being aware of them is very important. To the extent that the call to know the man as a complex creature has been one of the main teachings of many philosophical, mystical, and religious schools. In our religious teachings, human cognition is considered to be the most useful cognition. Anthropology is one of the most important divine and human sciences that has a great impact in the field of human and religious education and is significant. Anthropology has philosophical, religious, scientific, mystical, and moral types. Mystical anthropology is the acquisition of knowledge about human truth through inner experiences in which human beings are studied and discussed through intuition and face-to-face knowledge. This type of anthropology introduces the perfect man and also discusses how a man achieves perfection and uses a mystical path to discover knowledge about man and his position and status in the system of existence. The history of anthropology from the point of view of heavenly laws such as Islam dates back to the beginning of human creation. From the very beginning of creation, man has been tasked with knowing his truth, his capacities, his abilities, and his happiness and perfection. The reason for all this attention to human knowledge is that according to Islam, man has been chosen as the caliph and successor of God on earth. Manuscript profile
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        267 - A Study on Some Mystical Components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish Folk Literature with the Narration of Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi
        Nasrin Rukesh Farhad Kakarash Mehry Pakzad
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lot More
        The foundations of mysticism and sufism are among the most important themes of Islamic culture, Persian and Kurdish literature which have been widely reflected in the works of great Kurdish literature and mysticism, especially in Kurdish folk literature. Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi, one of the narrators of this story in the form of folklore (oral literature) named as "Beit-e-Kurdi"( Kurdish Verse) which is narrated under the influence of Attar’s Sheikh Sanān, but in terms of anthropology and sociology with a combination of Attar’s mysticism and mystical beliefs of the narrator's period and geography. He has presented a different mystique. This article has been written with the aim of considering the mystical components of the Verse Novel of “Sheikh Sanān” in Kurdish folk literature according to Mām Ahmad-e-Lotfi’s narration. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the article show that the Kurdish story of Sheikh Sanān has some differences both in form and content, which indicates the cultural and strong influences and developments of mystical culture in various periods of history. Changes in important influential personalities and even some mystical rites are obvious. Manuscript profile
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        268 - Mystic Thoughts in Mohammad Qahraman’s poem
        Habibollah Bakhshudeh Siyavash Moradi Manizheh Zare’ei
        Mohammad Qahraman is a contemporary poet and researcher who, in addition to writing all kinds of poetry in Farsi and the local dialect of Torbat Heydarieh, published the divan of several poets of the Indian style, such as Sa’eb Tabrizi, and is one of the most infl More
        Mohammad Qahraman is a contemporary poet and researcher who, in addition to writing all kinds of poetry in Farsi and the local dialect of Torbat Heydarieh, published the divan of several poets of the Indian style, such as Sa’eb Tabrizi, and is one of the most influential poets of the last five decades of Khorasan. He wrote most of his poems in the form of traditional ghazal. The hero is a follower of the Indian style and has benefited from this famous style in terms of structure and content. This contemporary poet has paid special attention to mystical concepts and terms in his sonnets. In the present research, which was done in a documentary way, the poet's view of the mystical poetry is based on the mystical traditional texts. The attention of mystical authorities and terms, mention of Tahmidiyeh and beautiful mystical prayers, the composition of eight ‘Sāqi-Nameh’s in the form of sonnets, and the hiring of pub essentials and Wine in the service of mysticism has made the poetry book of his life worth reading. The authors of this research article, while analyzing the content of the mystical sonnets of Mohammad Qahraman, have investigated the content relations of his poetry with mystical texts. Manuscript profile
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        269 - Allelopathic effects of medicinal plant madder (Rubia tinctorum) on germination characteristics and seedling growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), corn (Zea mays), field bindweed (Convolvolus arvense) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)
        Ruhollah NADERI Abbas YAZDANI Yahya EMAM Ehsan BIJANZADEH
        Excessive use of chemical herbicides has resulted to many problems such as adverse environmental impacts, contamination of groundwater and resistant weeds. Therefore, researchers are looking for solutions to reduce the use of herbicides as more as possible. One effectiv More
        Excessive use of chemical herbicides has resulted to many problems such as adverse environmental impacts, contamination of groundwater and resistant weeds. Therefore, researchers are looking for solutions to reduce the use of herbicides as more as possible. One effective approach is to use the characteristics of allelopathic plants. To evaluate the allelopathic effects of extracts of madder on seed germination of several crops (corn and sorghum) and weeds (Johnsongrass and field bindweed), four separate laboratory experiments were conducted in 2011 at Yazd University of Applied Science. The experimental design was a completely randomized with 4 replications and 5 treatments. Treatments were madder extract at 5 levels (zero, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, respectively). The results showed that the extract of madder could decrease traits such as germination percentage and germination rate, root and shoot length, root to shoot ratio (R / S), seedling vigor index and total dry weight of all plants significantly (p <0.5).Germination percentage of corn and sorghum seeds were not significantly affected up to concentration of 50% and 75% of madder extract, however, germination of weed seeds showed a significant reduction at even lower rates of 25% concentration of madder extract. In general, at concentration of 25 %, germination percentage of filed bindweed and Johnson grass decreased 97 and 95.5 % compared to corn and 96 and 94 % compared to sorghum. Although the extract of madder caused a significant decrease in the rate of germination, root and shoot length, root to shoot ratio, seed vigor index and total dry weight of both crops and weeds, it was found that weeds were more susceptible to madder extract than crops. Results indicated that madder, as a useful medicinal plant, may contain allelochemicals that suppress Johnson grass and field bindweed seedlings growth and could be beneficial for weed control in corn and sorghum crops Manuscript profile
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        270 - Assessing the Impact of Infill Architecture Development on Citizens' Social Participation in Historical Contexts (Case Study: Mohammadiyeh Historical Crossing of Qazvin)
        Abbas Dah Bashi Pur Jamaleddin Soheili
               Infill architecture development with regard to development within the area and redevelopment of the area, tries to use its internal potentials (such as being historical) to use unused and worn out lands in the urban context, through More
               Infill architecture development with regard to development within the area and redevelopment of the area, tries to use its internal potentials (such as being historical) to use unused and worn out lands in the urban context, through the creation or reconstruction of spaces and improve the conditions of the urban fabric and also prevent urban creep. This issue is more important in a city like Qazvin because the population is always increasing and on the other hand, natural and artificial barriers have limited its expansion in different directions. Because the Infill architecture development takes place within the urban context and in direct connection with society, social participation, meaning the voluntary activities of individuals to enhance their social life, must be considered as a potential at all stages of development. The main purpose of this study is to express the relationship between the above two variables using the correlation research method. After library studies and field research, indicators, components, then, elements for both variables were explained and provide a conceptual model to justify their correlation and accordingly a questionnaire was developed. After distributing the questionnaire, using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, its reliability was determined. Then, using SPSS method, Pearson coefficient equal to 0.830 (which indicates a high and positive correlation of variables), and a significant coefficient equal to 0.000 (which indicates a significant relationship between the two variables), was calculated. The result of this research states that the concept of infill architecture development with the aim of meeting all the needs of users and considering the available facilities, creates trust and increases people's sense of satisfaction and as a result, it expands their sense of cooperation and use of their potential abilities and increases social participation at all stages.Extended AbstractIntroduction:         Infill architecture development with regard to development within the area and redevelopment of the area, tries to use its internal potentials (such as being historical) to use unused and worn out lands in the urban context, through the creation or reconstruction of spaces with solutions such as; Create mixed uses and improve the conditions of the urban fabric, save infrastructure and also prevent urban creep. This issue is more important in a city like Qazvin because the population is always increasing and on the other hand, natural and artificial barriers have limited its expansion in different directions.Because the Infill architecture development takes place within the urban context and in direct connection with society, social participation, meaning the voluntary, conscious and creative presence and involvement of people in various activities that can be done in their local organizations, must be considered as a potential at all stages of development. It is noteworthy that during the revitalization of troubled urban contexts, historical contexts are emphasized as the manifestation of economic and social dimensions and the crystallization of urban culture and identity.The main purpose of this study is to express the relationship between the above two variables using the correlation research method. Research question is; How the concept of infill architecture development affects the increase of social participation and The research hypothesis states; It seems that the concept of infill architecture development by increasing the level of user satisfaction and improving the quality of the environment (especially neighborhoods) is effective in increasing the sense of cooperation and using the potential of individuals and increases social participation.Methodology:      After library studies, field research, qualitative review and description and analysis of data; Indicators, components, then, elements for both variables were explained and provide a conceptual model to justify their correlation and considering the House of Culture and the Library of Mohammadiyah as a case study, a questionnaire was developed and according to; The number of clients, Cochran's formula and Morgan table, 80 questionnaires were distributed and completed and then, using statistical software and correlation research method, the correlation between variables was investigated. Due to the use of the views of the statistical community and the descriptive nature of the results, we use the survey research method. The assessment tool in this research to collect information is a questionnaire that has been developed according to the elements expressed in the previous sections. The validity of the questions is of a content type. In order to analyze the data, according to the completed questionnaires and using the SPSS method (version 22), we calculated the reliability coefficients of the questionnaire, significance and correlation between variables and determined its direction. Finally, the obtained results are analyzed by inductive reasoning and the hypothesis is examined.Results and discussion:       According to calculations, the degree of reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for; The total questions of the questionnaire is 0.944, the variable of infill architecture development is 0.914 and the variable of social participation is 0.917, which indicates the appropriateness and standardization of the questionnaire and the questions asked for the variables.In order to test the hypothesis, according to the answers and using statistical software, the Pearson coefficient and the correlation between the two variables were calculated to be 0.830 that the proximity of the above digit to the number one indicates a high correlation and its positive sign indicates a direct correlation between the variables and also zero (less than 0.05) significance indicates a significant relationship between them.Infill architecture development can be according to the parameters; Promoting the culture of participation with appropriate culture building, strengthen the sense of belonging of the beneficiaries according to the identity of the place, gaining the trust of people by trying to meet the needs of the population, efforts to maintain the desired physical and biological characteristics with respect to the surrounding tissue and promote vitality with flexible design and improve the quality of the environment, increase social cohesion and participation. As in the case study, the creation of a cultural building in one of the historic neighborhoods of the city, by trying to meet the needs of users and holding group activities increases the participation of people in the place.Conclusion:     According to the most important data, the concept of infill architecture development by; Utilizing the existing environmental and human potentials, population absorption, increase the self-confidence of local people and their self-sufficiency power, promoting the culture and quality of the environment, attention to the identity and personality of the existing architecture and promoting a sense of belonging, creates trust and a sense of satisfaction and increases social participation in the whole development process.        Strategies to achieve the indicators of the mentioned variables according to the specific data; A) Infill architecture development variable: 1- Socio-economic index; Increasing social interactions, benefiting from popular participation, raising society public awareness, generate income for the residents of the neighborhood, provision of municipal services, use of abandoned buildings and spaces, increasing attention to the culture and history of the neighborhood. 2- Functional-operational index; Increasing public service, support for the city's main service areas, restoring prosperity to historical and abandoned textures, reconstruction of dilapidated buildings, increasing the quality of performance among several important buildings. 3- Physical-environmental index; Attention to the height of buildings, harmony with the surrounding tissue, reconstruction of old buildings. B) Social participation variable: 1- Social capital index; Increasing social solidarity, adherence to cultural and social commitments, welcoming personal initiatives, raising awareness and strengthen participation. 2- Index of participatory spaces; Attention to needs, improving the quality of living space, increasing sense of belonging, ability to make changes in space. 3- Index of factors affecting participation; Increasing social cohesion, improving the quality of urban life, welcoming people's ideas, providing individual and collective facilities, increasing emotional dependence, giving identity, attention to the environment. Finally, it is suggested that the participation of individuals in all stages of the development process be used by informing the society about the goals and benefits of the infill architecture development, especially in historical contexts that are prone to achieve to the development goals due to their rich identity. Manuscript profile
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        271 - A Comparative Study of the Structure of Poetic Images of Hossein Manzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani
        Narges Abdollahi Ali Sarvar Yaghoobi Shahrokh Hhekmat
        The present article is a comparative study of the structure of poetic images of Hossein Manzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani. For this purpose, first the isolated lyric poems and then the avalanche lyric poems have been studied, and after examining the lyric poems, adaptati More
        The present article is a comparative study of the structure of poetic images of Hossein Manzavi and Mohammad Ali Bahmani. For this purpose, first the isolated lyric poems and then the avalanche lyric poems have been studied, and after examining the lyric poems, adaptation and analysis have been done between these two contemporary lyricists. The method of work is such that the sonnets of these two poets have been studied in the field of image (image). The abnormalities and innovations of these two lyricists in each of these sections have been done according to the selected lyric poems and some of their strengths and weaknesses have also been expressed. It is worth mentioning that the lyric poems and verses mentioned by these two poets for example have been selected in such a way that they show the personal style of these two poets and can show the possible differences and similarities between the two.The aim of this study was to find linguistic deviations in Monzavi sonnets using descriptive-analytical method in the framework of structuralism and based on Leach deviation model. Accordingly, the deviations and artistic creations of the poet are often sought for simplicity in the language of poetry and its approach to common language (simple and impossible). In general, the most common type of deviation in qualitatively and quantitatively isolated sonnets is semantic deviation. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical with library technique. Manuscript profile
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        272 - De-familiarization techniques in the poems of Ahmad Boroujerdi (Relying on a poetry book somewhere far away)
        Shahlaa Amuzgaar Mohtasham Mohammadi
        The discovery of aesthetic methods in the poetry of contemporary poets is possible with various methods, one of which is to recognize the techniques of de-familiarization in form and structure. Ahmad Boroujerdi is one of the poets who, as much as his poetry is content, More
        The discovery of aesthetic methods in the poetry of contemporary poets is possible with various methods, one of which is to recognize the techniques of de-familiarization in form and structure. Ahmad Boroujerdi is one of the poets who, as much as his poetry is content, prismatic and multi-layered; He has also tried to highlight the form and structure of language. De-familiarization has been used in several ways in his poems, including: De-familiarization in naming new objects, phenomena and concepts around him; In the coherence and movement of the circle of poetry; In continuous markings using contradictions and contrasts; In written form; In creating nested images; In repeating letters in order to induce various concepts; In creating nested images with a cohesive and organic connection, pictures full of pictures; In the choice of words and their new combination with each other, repetition of sounds and words, ambiguity, discernment, irony. This study examines the unfamiliarity in the poems: (Plan 5, Oriental, Who, Four Chapters, Nostalgia, Scarecrow, Ant, Plan 8) from the perspective of form and structure in the book "Somewhere Not Far" to the poet's success in blank verse And find unfamiliarity in this form. Manuscript profile
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        273 - Climatic color in the poetry of Mohammad Biabani
        mohammad moradi pooran yosefipoor Fatemeh Ghafuri Mehdi abad
        The poet Mohammad Biabanizadeh is from the southern climate. A climate that has sided with the sea and the land and is inextricably linked to the scorching heat. He was born in Bushehr and spent his childhood in the same city. The living environment and natural climate More
        The poet Mohammad Biabanizadeh is from the southern climate. A climate that has sided with the sea and the land and is inextricably linked to the scorching heat. He was born in Bushehr and spent his childhood in the same city. The living environment and natural climate seem to have an ineffective effect on Asnan. Which examine these effects in the works of poets and writers under the title of climatic or local color. Local color or climatic character is a term that expresses these effects in the poetry of poets. It is with nature that in contemporary Iranian poetry, it first appeared in Nima's poetry and then in the poems of poets after him, it was noticed and welcomed. This research seeks to answer the question of why and to what extent Mohammad Biabani was able to reflect the southern climate in his poetry through the method of analytical-descriptive library study. And the results indicate that besides Boom His poems are full of climatic colors in all of his poems and the most prominent linguistic feature of his poems after Vazgani Archaism is the prominence of the color of climate and southern nature and his fondness and interest in his ecology. Manuscript profile
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        274 - Analysis of love in the system of metaphorical concept from the perspective of Rumi and Biddle Dehlavi
        mehrangiz azizi mohamadreza shad jahandoost sabzalipoor hosein Arian said ahadzadeh
        The metaphorical approach as a textual analysis tool is a new and linguistic approach that Likoff and Johnson coined as a conceptual metaphor. Their theory is that metaphor is a tool for thinking and thinking that flows in human life and with the help of which individua More
        The metaphorical approach as a textual analysis tool is a new and linguistic approach that Likoff and Johnson coined as a conceptual metaphor. Their theory is that metaphor is a tool for thinking and thinking that flows in human life and with the help of which individuals make abstract and sensory concepts tangible and tangible. Love is one of the most important abstract concepts of human life and worldview that has been used in literary and mystical texts with various metaphorical interpretations. Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi, known as Maulana and Abdul Qadir Bidel Dehlavi, are among the mystics-poets whose poems revolve around love and use deep and beautiful conceptual metaphors in the realm of love. This treatise examines the conceptual metaphor of love and its analysis in Rumi's spiritual Masnavi and Biddle Dehlavi's lyric poems. The theoretical basis of this treatise is Lycoff and Johnson's theory of metaphor. All the conceptual metaphors used around the mapping of love in the two works were studied descriptively-analytically and it was concluded that both poets in conceptualizing love from the tangible domains of places (sea and environment), objective concepts (fire, hunt, Flame, candle, etc.) and some other concepts have benefited. Both prefer love to asceticism. Both consider love to be eternal and call love the origin of the universe and man. The intellect is considered to have failed in recognizing love, and not everyone is considered a confidant of love, and it is said that whoever dies in love has attained eternal survival. Manuscript profile
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        275 - The rhetorical approach of Musnad in Masnavi describing the instruments of war composed by Mirza Mohammad Taher Qazvini
        mohammad hosain Tashkari Bafghi Fatemeh Ghafouri Mehdiabad Pouran Yousefipour Kermani
        Masnavi "Tools of War" composed by Mirza Mohammad Taher Qazvini is one of the most valuable and poetic works of the 11th and early 12th centuries AH. This work has 800 bits and is composed in the form of Masnavi. In Masnavi, Mirza Mohammad Taher has made the most of his More
        Masnavi "Tools of War" composed by Mirza Mohammad Taher Qazvini is one of the most valuable and poetic works of the 11th and early 12th centuries AH. This work has 800 bits and is composed in the form of Masnavi. In Masnavi, Mirza Mohammad Taher has made the most of his linguistic capacities in describing the tools of war, and has used special structures of speech to induce semantic refinement and rhetorical purposes. Secondary meanings of verses and sentences are one of the most important tools for influencing speech in the audience. In this research, the author intends to study the rhetorical approach of Musnad in this Masnavi in a descriptive-analytical way and library tools while briefly introducing the poet and introducing his valuable work, and to answer the question that the most and the least rhetorical approach (secondary purposes) What is the position in Masnavi "descriptions of war"? The purpose of this study is to express the rhetorical values in Masnavi describing the tools of war based on various topics of semantics, especially the rhetorical approach of Musnad. The results of the research indicate that the poet in his Masnavi has used all the tricks and linguistic capabilities in the structure of semantics well and has adorned his speech in this way and the optimal use of semantics has caused the permanence and effectiveness of the word and its charm. Manuscript profile
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        276 - Analysis of Abdolsamad's allegorical paintings in Shahnameh
        Effat Mohammadi Nayyer Tahori
        Allegory is one of the most prominent rhetorical styles in Persian literature of Iran and it can be said that allegory is also considered a method of storytelling and narration that includes a non-fiction theme with a cover of narrative elements and gives it a narrative More
        Allegory is one of the most prominent rhetorical styles in Persian literature of Iran and it can be said that allegory is also considered a method of storytelling and narration that includes a non-fiction theme with a cover of narrative elements and gives it a narrative form. Abdolsamad's paintings, which in the beginning were directly used and taken from the traditions of Iranian painting and the Tabriz school, have gradually tended towards a kind of realism, and his recent works indicate a powerful realistic approach. The purpose of this study is to analyze the allegorical drawings of Abdolsamad in Shahnameh. The method of this descriptive-analytical research and a number of drawings in the style of Iran and India have been studied. The results showed that despite the presence of artists such as Abdolsamad, the Gurkhani school was invented and reached maturity and prosperity. The use of allegory has played a role and has taken into account the specific rules and traditions of painting. Manuscript profile
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        277 - A review of the status of the Musnadalia in the book of Anas al-Taibin by Shih Ahmad Jam Namaghi
        Jan Mohammad Afrazi Hamid Tabasi Abolghasem Radfar
        Rhetoric is a method that can be used to influence the listener or reader, and it is divided into three parts: meaning, expression, and innovation. The science of semantics, one of the tools to understand the beauty of a text, can be a suitable criterion in evaluating t More
        Rhetoric is a method that can be used to influence the listener or reader, and it is divided into three parts: meaning, expression, and innovation. The science of semantics, one of the tools to understand the beauty of a text, can be a suitable criterion in evaluating the poem and text of a poet or writer. In this research, in a descriptive-analytical way and with library tools; The secondary purposes in the rhetorical use of Musnadali's situations in presenting or delaying and addressing, mentioning or omitting, knowing or rejecting, adjectives and binding have been analyzed based on the books of rhetorical sciences. The analysis of the book of Anas al-Taibin shows that the mention of the Musnadaliyya was more important than its removal, and it seems that his goal in both cases of mentioning or removing the Musnadaliyya was to express the content more in the shortest time, with the greatest emphasis. and in presenting and delaying the Musnadali, the presentation of the Musnadali is more important than its delay, and the Sheikh's motivation for presenting and delaying the Musnad Aliya was for the purposes of "putting the Musnad Aliya in the audience's mind" and expressing "pain and sorrow". For more emphasis, Sheikh Ahmad Jam introduced the Musnad Aliyah by adding it to a noun, pronoun, or adjective, and used the Musnad al-Nakrah less than the Masnad al-Marafa. Manuscript profile
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        278 - Aesthetics of speech in the poems of Maulana Mohammad Baqer Kashani (Khordeh)
        Abed Karimi Asghar Rezaporian
        Music is one of the essentials of visual and auditory beauty. There are few words that can come to life and be far away from this important factor, that is, music. Almost all the ancient literature of Iran is tied to this art, and in the past, even though they did not h More
        Music is one of the essentials of visual and auditory beauty. There are few words that can come to life and be far away from this important factor, that is, music. Almost all the ancient literature of Iran is tied to this art, and in the past, even though they did not have a formal and fundamental understanding of it, they used it in the most beautiful way and created masterpieces of poetry and prose. Therefore, one of the factors that created the beauty and charm of Maulana Mohammad Baqer Khurde Kashani's poems is the aesthetics, the music of his words and the melody of his language. The beauty of poetry music is one of the main components of poetic language and it implies the sequence, order and arrangement of poetic words to express the feelings, emotions and poetic themes as beautifully as possible. In this research, which aims to investigate the aesthetic aspects of Maulana Mohammad Baqer Khurda Kashani's poetry, an attempt is made to analyze the musical element in Baqer Khurda's poems in a descriptive-analytical way, so the music of Baqer Khurda's poems in two topics of external music and The side music has been checked. The result of this research shows that one of the factors that contributes significantly to the good reputation of Baqir Khord and his poems is his poetic music, which relies more on external, side and spiritual music. Manuscript profile
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        279 - A survey around the scope of Mohammad Reza Torki's poetic imagery
        nasibe alighadr seif addin abbarin forugh jalili
        Poetic imagery always discovers unknown realms and draws them into the realm of words; The vaste of poetic imagery is wide in poems . The imagery of poets according to their poetic experiences have a various origins. Some people use the city and urban life and modern ph More
        Poetic imagery always discovers unknown realms and draws them into the realm of words; The vaste of poetic imagery is wide in poems . The imagery of poets according to their poetic experiences have a various origins. Some people use the city and urban life and modern phenomena as their source of inspiration in imagery, while others are more emphasis to nature and elements of nature, and some poets use religion as a source of inspiration in imagery. However, in the poetry of most poets, diversity is seen in the origin of imagery and the scope of imagery. But in this regard the images is a new have a effectiva than and interest than others. the variety of imaginary origins can be seen In Mohammad Reza Torki's poems. Because of this,effefort to be appear the roots of imagery in Torkis poem. The result of the research indicates that the inspiration of nature in the creation of the images, religious and religious elements and elements related to contemporary life are colorful in his poetic imagery and the origin of the symbol in his poetry is myth, history and religion. Manuscript profile
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        280 - The survey of internal music and repetition in the poems of Maulana Mohammad Baqir Khorde
        Abed Karimi Asghar Rezaporian
        Poetry is the transmission of experience through the presentation of unexpected methods. Composition of phrases is one of the highlighting methods. Maulana Mohammad Baqer Khorde is one of the prominent poets of the Safavid era. He is one of the phrase composer poets. Va More
        Poetry is the transmission of experience through the presentation of unexpected methods. Composition of phrases is one of the highlighting methods. Maulana Mohammad Baqer Khorde is one of the prominent poets of the Safavid era. He is one of the phrase composer poets. Various musical effects are seen in the poetic compositions. Music is one of the building elements of poetry, which is divided into three categories. External music (prosodic aspect of poetry), side music (epistrophe and rhyme), internal music (types of balances resulting from verbal communication and semantic proportions). In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the poetic phrase compositions of the Diwan manuscript of Maulana Mohammad Baqer Khorde Kashani's poetry from the perspective of inner music. The obtained results show that he used internal music to create a kind of unity in The axis of companionship and succession in poetry. In addition to the appropriateness, beauty and effect of the words, the linguistic richness of the poem and the semantic load of the compositions are also added. He has shown that he has achieved the ultimate goal of poetry, which is to express the meaning and inner meaning of poetry, by observing the appropriateness and connection between music and poetry with other elements. Manuscript profile
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        281 - Investigation and analysis of the conceptual metaphor of emotions in Ahmad Shamlou's poems (Relying on love, hope, despair and anger)
        azita moradi mansooreh tadayoni masoud pakdel sima mansouri
        The new theory of metaphor interprets metaphor from a different angle in the light of cognitive semantics. This theory, proposed by Johnson and Lakoff, is more or less in line with some of Aristotle's statements about metaphor. In the present study, using the descriptiv More
        The new theory of metaphor interprets metaphor from a different angle in the light of cognitive semantics. This theory, proposed by Johnson and Lakoff, is more or less in line with some of Aristotle's statements about metaphor. In the present study, using the descriptive-analytical method, the conceptual metaphors of emotions (love, hope, despair, and anger) in the poems of Ahmad Shamlou have been investigated. The results show that one of the most important target areas in Shamul's poetry are "feelings and emotions", of which love, hope, despair, and anger are the most frequent. In order to express each of these emotions, from the primary areas such as building, light, heat, space, plants, living beings (birds and animals), water, music, food, business, treatment, power, all kinds of tastes (bitter and Shirin, etc.), keys, magic, alchemy, tools, secrets, objects (mirror, chains, etc.) have been used. Among these emotions, "love" has the most cases. Although Shamlou has used familiar things in many fields of origin, his mappings (phrases and poems) are such that he has created new correspondences in the field of conceptual metaphor. The domains that Shamlu used to materialize love are water and its metaphors (sea, river, spring, thirst, dew, river), light and its metaphors (fire, morning, sun, moon, star, dawn, flame, light), animals (horse, bird, butterfly, bee), plant and its metaphors (grass, tree, forest, branch), secret, key, music, nutrition , power, tool, peak, mirror, building, madness, travel, business and therapy. Manuscript profile
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        282 - musical elements in kimiyaye sa'adat the study of
        hossein etehadi maryam shaban zadeh
        Sufi prose is a kind of Persian prose which, due to a enjoying different kinds of internal musical effects especially repetition, rhyme and pun ,has a tonal language. Moreover, in some cases, the prosodic rhythmic phrases, used in this kind of prose, which lead to more More
        Sufi prose is a kind of Persian prose which, due to a enjoying different kinds of internal musical effects especially repetition, rhyme and pun ,has a tonal language. Moreover, in some cases, the prosodic rhythmic phrases, used in this kind of prose, which lead to more and more closely, it is the language of poetry. The weight of prosodic and musical  elements of the internal differentiation of stereotypical language, which are caused by bumps and weirdness words. In this article, a book by Mohammad Ghazali The, kimiyaye  sa'adat which is one of the most important texts sufis, from the perspective of the musical elements have been studied. These studies show that, of all the elements Ghazali, whose influence in making instrumental music, the book has benefited The. Kimiyaye  sa'adat He used the harmony of sound and words and sentences and phrases harmonic frequency, while creating a rhythmic, in some cases, are intended to convey and instill been successful. Manuscript profile
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        283 - Deviation management structure Azizi's poems
        mohammad reza yoosefi roghiyeh shahrabad
        Poet and literary resurrection Defamiliarization deviation with the aim of creating Art is fun. He sometimes disturb the usual order of sheds, sometimes the original language of the application layer in the poem's opening-beats and spoken structures, sometimes beyond th More
        Poet and literary resurrection Defamiliarization deviation with the aim of creating Art is fun. He sometimes disturb the usual order of sheds, sometimes the original language of the application layer in the poem's opening-beats and spoken structures, sometimes beyond the rules of construction of words in the language, and sometimes poet makes new Vazhh‌Ay meaning getting around the rules governing the language and vocabulary Hm‌Nshyny of non-compliance, provided by means far-fetched. In this paper, the different manifestations of deviation of Ahmad Azizi in his poetry has been studied in six areas: 1 phonetic deviation 2 3 lexical semantic deviation deviation deviation 4 5 6 deviation deviation way somehow. He then removed consonants and vowels, sometimes denominated changes. Sometimes, through the construction of new vocabulary, outstandingly Abyatsh this. By       * Qom University, Department of Persian and Literratre Language, Qom, Iran. ** Qom University, Department of Persian and Literratre Language, Qom, Iran.     utilizing this property of language, his poetry on the one hand rooted in history and cultural and linguistic background, and on the other hand is connected to nature and the external world. His sense ofliterary deviation from the norm as a result of the use of arrays. The poet's words as parts of speech to the Karmy‌Brd species not only with the rest of the bits in Artbat‌St, but also a spiritual relationship established with the whole effect is also stopped. When deviations from the norm in the face when speaking out forms to work today Mrdh‌And My‌‌Brd. This type of deviation him somewhat more frequent and apply the ancient words "rhyme" is Jlvh‌Gr. In stylistic terms and phrases acknowledge the work-raking deviation in the common language and speech applications. So that one of the most important factors in oppositional terms of his resurrection contrary term singer-raking to do. He somehow oppositional most areas of the interchangeable use of the letters and activities. Manuscript profile
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        284 - To investigate of literary techniques in prose of Nafsat Almsdor based on the principles of structuralism
        Roghayeh sadraie
        With a deep understanding among ancient texts of Persian prose, Nafsat Almsdor of Nasavi shines very beautiful as one of the best examples of Persian technical prose. This work that is one of the most famous literary - historical books of the seventh century and excelle More
        With a deep understanding among ancient texts of Persian prose, Nafsat Almsdor of Nasavi shines very beautiful as one of the best examples of Persian technical prose. This work that is one of the most famous literary - historical books of the seventh century and excellent sample of technical prose and is the narrator of a historical juncture. This work has progressed with having aesthetics elements of poetry works such as repeat and balances, outstanding, hyper descriptions, short phrases, arabic affidavit up to a versified work and has put it in an aura of ambiguity that has made it’s understanding very difficult. Among these, application of this literary techniques has caused that this work be out of the automated language criterion and be approached to the language of poetry and order. Therefore, in this article we intend to be examined repetition and balances and outstanding industries that are creation tools of literary discourse and are causing of order and music and deviation of the normal discourse of language to find out that the author of what principles has used for expression his word inner and outer structure. Manuscript profile
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        285 - Investigation on some biological parameters of the tumbleweed moth Euxoa agricola Boisduval, (Lep. Noctuidae)
        K. Saeidi
        E. agricola Boisduval (Lep. Noctuidae) is the most important pest on of tumbleweed Gundelia tournefortii L. in Kohgiloyeh Va Boyerahmad, Iran. The larvae feed on the leaves and make damages on host plant. This study was carried out on E. agricola life cycle from 2010 to More
        E. agricola Boisduval (Lep. Noctuidae) is the most important pest on of tumbleweed Gundelia tournefortii L. in Kohgiloyeh Va Boyerahmad, Iran. The larvae feed on the leaves and make damages on host plant. This study was carried out on E. agricola life cycle from 2010 to 2011. The sampling was carried out weekly in nature.,The eggs were collected from the nature and reared under laboratory conditions (27±1º C and 24±1º C, % 65±10 RH and 16:8 L:D).Results indicated that the adults emerged gradually from hibernated larvae in April. This moth has one generation a year. Incubation periods of eggs were 2.9±0.1 and 3.8±0.1 days; developmental periods of larvae were 17.1±0.4 and  20.1±0.5 and for pupae 14.7±0.5 and 9.8±0.2 days under temperatures of 27 and 24 º C at the laboratory conditions respectively. The total period from egg to adult was 28.6±0.7 and 32.7±0.5 days in 27 and 24 º C respectively at laboratory conditions. Manuscript profile
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        286 - Anti-oxidation effect Boomadaran extract (Achillea wilhelmsii) on survival of salted trout fillet during storage period
        Farzaneh Bagheri Mehdi Babazadeh
        Today,the attention of researchers has been drawn to the use of natural preservatives instead of chemical compounds.In this empirical study, the effects of Boomadaran extract on the storage time and quality of frozen trout were examined. The studied treatments were the More
        Today,the attention of researchers has been drawn to the use of natural preservatives instead of chemical compounds.In this empirical study, the effects of Boomadaran extract on the storage time and quality of frozen trout were examined. The studied treatments were the control treatment,mild soda salt treatment without extract couting, extract couting treatment without salt,soda salt treatment without extract couting . changes in pH in every treatment,during a period of 12 days of maintenance showed that,untile the sixth days of maintenance,no significant difference was observed in the experimental treatments.Yet,by the increase of time in the ninth and twelvth days the numerical quantity also increased. Moreover, the amount of proxide (pv)in the fish containing Boomadaran extract decreased after time.The level of Tiobarbiotic-acid index(TBA)increased during time of maintenance significantly in the sample compared with that of salt treatment and the extract so that this amount has increased to its highest level in the sample at the end of the maintenance period which showed a significant difference (p<0.05) compared with the fish sample including extract and salt. Also the amount of TVN in the sample under study has significantly risen during time in the sample treatment (p<0.05) . a significant difference was abserved from the sixth day, between the sample and the sample that mixed with Boomadaran extract(p<0.05). 1% Boomadaran extract had a significant effect on fish samples to keep their suitable quality and increase of storage.e. Manuscript profile
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        287 - Prevalence of addiction to tramadol and methadone and its complications in women - a review study
        Khadijeh saravani Bahman Fouladi Leli Rezaie Kahkhaie Mohaddith Del Pisheh
        Introduction: Tramadol and methadone are synthetic opioid drugs that are widely used in various fields today to reduce pain, on the other hand, excessive use of these drugs causes addiction and poisoning in users. Knowing the complications and symptoms of poisoning of t More
        Introduction: Tramadol and methadone are synthetic opioid drugs that are widely used in various fields today to reduce pain, on the other hand, excessive use of these drugs causes addiction and poisoning in users. Knowing the complications and symptoms of poisoning of these drugs, along with the prevalence of their consumption, can be used to take the necessary measures to limit arbitrary consumption and prevent poisoning in consumers, especially in women who form the foundation of society and family. It can be helpful.Materials and methods: This article is a systematic review to investigate the prevalence of tramadol and methadone use and the side effects of long-term use in women. In this research, the search was conducted in SID, MagIran, Pubmed, Medline and Google Scholar electronic databases and due to the large volume of study articles, it was limited to the years 2000 to 2022.Results and conclusions: By summarizing the findings of the studies, tramadol and methadone drugs are used by a wide range of people with different demographic conditions. The statistics of addiction in young people and the complications caused by women's addiction are far more than other groups. Considering the current conditions, it is necessary to be aware of the potential dangers of these two drugs and monitor their distribution and administration. Manuscript profile
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        288 - Assessment of Anthropogenic Activities on the Water Quality of Froumad Plain Based on Qualitative Indicators
        Majid Otari Rahim Dabiri
        Tested water samples taken from the ophiolite region of Forumad show that most of the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfate, potassium, bicarbonate, and nitrate elements are in the standard range. Hydrogeochemical studies of the water samples show the ex More
        Tested water samples taken from the ophiolite region of Forumad show that most of the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfate, potassium, bicarbonate, and nitrate elements are in the standard range. Hydrogeochemical studies of the water samples show the existence of magnesium sulfate, chloromagnesium, and chlorosodium. Results of measuring the physical properties of the water shows that the above values were lower than the 1053 standard of Iran and water hardness is higher than the standard in only some cases. Water pH in the studied region is within the alkaline range. Assessing the distribution of heavy metals through statistical methods (Pearson coefficient and cluster graph), two different origins (anthropogenic and lithological origins) have been identified that are responsible for the entry of heavy metals into the water resources of the studied region. The anthropogenic origin of the distribution of heavy metals in the region is due to local mining of the chromite and ophiolitic rocks and the lithological origin is a result of local mining of conglomerate and volcanic rocks. Evaluating the metal index of MI and HPI shows the water contamination by heavy metals. The zoning map shows that the metallic contamination surrounding Forumad village is low and reaches its maximum amount around the chromite Forumad mine. The qualitative index of GQI (non-metallic cations and anions including calcium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfate, and dissolved solids in water) shows that the water quality is within the acceptable range. Based on the zoning map, the water quality GQI index is higher in the downstream around Forumad village. Manuscript profile
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        289 - Organic Geochemical Evaluation of Madbi Source Rock, Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen
        Abdulwahab S. Alaug Khaled A. Al-Wosabi
        Organic geochemical evaluation of the Madbi Formation as the main source rock of the Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen was the main objective of this study. The organic geochemical methods used in the study include: rock-eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon, and optical m More
        Organic geochemical evaluation of the Madbi Formation as the main source rock of the Al-Jawf Basin, NE Central Yemen was the main objective of this study. The organic geochemical methods used in the study include: rock-eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon, and optical measurements as the vitrinite reflectance and thermal alteration index. In this study, 67 well core and side-well core samples of the H-1 and K-1 exploratory wells of the Al-Jawf Basin were analyzed to calculate the several organic geochemical and optical parameters. The obtained results show the presence of strong source rock probabilities within the Madbi Formation in this basin. The results are classified into three categories: poor, fair, and good source rocks, with a mixed marine Kerogen type  II/III and continental Kerogen type III. The maturation of source rocks was affected by  heating and re-cycling of heat events during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. This interpretation is strongly related to the breakup of the southern Gondwanaland and the opening of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Based on the evaluation of the source rocks, the shale, calcareous shale, and claystones of the Madbi Formation are considered the main source rocks in this basin. According to the present study, the hydrocarbon potential ity is good to fair grade in the Al-Jawf Basin. Manuscript profile
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        290 - Source Rock evaluation, Modelling, Maturation, and Reservoir characterization of the Block 18 oilfields, Sab’atayn Basin, Yemen
        A.S. Alaug D. Leythaeuser B. Bruns A.F. Ahmed
        A total of 183 core and cutting samples from seven exploratory wells were selected to be analyzed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These cores have been drilled through the Lam and Meem Members of the Madbi Formation and contain the major source rocks of Yemen´s sedimentar More
        A total of 183 core and cutting samples from seven exploratory wells were selected to be analyzed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. These cores have been drilled through the Lam and Meem Members of the Madbi Formation and contain the major source rocks of Yemen´s sedimentary basins. Contents of total organic carbon were measured and Rock-Eval pyrolysis was performed to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of Block 18 oilfields in central Yemen. Most of the studied samples have fair to excellent petroleum generation potential as shown by the results of PP, PI, HI and TOC. They have also sufficient TOC values with an average value of 1.48 wt% and a maximum value of 12.34 wt% with a good petroleum potential averaging 4.54 kg HC/ton of rock and a maximum value of 44.78kg HC/ton of rock. HI values of the Madbi Formation in its full thickness range from 16 mg to 1114 mg HC/g TOC with an average value of 273 mg HC/g TOC. Kerogen types II and III, and a small amount of type I can be observed. These kerogens are thermally mature and mostly within the hydrocarbon generation zone. In a numerical simulation approach the thermal and burial history of the Alif-1 well, which is representative for this area was modelled. Using vitrinite reflectance data, as means of calibration, the modelling results were subjected to a sensitivity analysis concerning paleo-heat flow, radiogenic heat production, basement thickness and eroded overburden or maximum burial, respectively. The calculated temperature during deepest burial of the source rock layers of the Madbi Formation reached 158 °C for the Lam Member and 182 °C for the Meem Member. Compliance with the measured R0 values, used as calibration parameter, could be achieved by assuming an erosion of 1100 m of the Upper Tawilah Group. The heat flow is maximized at the onset of basin rifting in Late Jurassic to 90 mW/m2 having a base level of 60 mW/m2. Thus, the Lam Member has reached the main oil to wet gas window at its deepest burial whereas the Meem Member has undergone the wet gas window in its full thickness. The isopach map of the Alif Member, as the main reservoir in the studied area, indicates thickening of the sandstone unit towards the eastern and western parts of Block 18 around the Dostour Al-Wahdah gasfield in the east and at the Alif oilfields in the west. Manuscript profile
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        291 - Designing a Strategic Model for International Marketing of Iranian Handmade Carpets
        Mojtaba Faizollahi Mahmoud Ahmadi Sharif Mehran Keshtkar Haranki
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        292 - Virtual & Cyber Whistle Blowing Role of Brand Hate among Home Appliance Customers
        Mohammad Reza Dalvand mohammad hadi zohdi
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        293 - Identification and Evaluation of the Risks of Information and Communication Technology Projects
        Maryam Teimoorirad Ali Reza Azizi
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        294 - The Critical Analysis of Dominant Discourse in Jalal Al-Ahmad’s Zan-e-Ziadi Story
        Fereshteh Aliani Firooz Fazeli Bahar Houshyar
        The aim of present study was the critical analysis of dominant discourse in Jalal Al-Ahmad’s Zan-e-Ziadi story by using Norman Fairclough’s approach. The studied universe was Zan-e-Ziadi stories collection with the same title by Jalal Al-Ahmad. The research More
        The aim of present study was the critical analysis of dominant discourse in Jalal Al-Ahmad’s Zan-e-Ziadi story by using Norman Fairclough’s approach. The studied universe was Zan-e-Ziadi stories collection with the same title by Jalal Al-Ahmad. The research sample included power signs and socio-historical issues of Zan-e-Ziadi story. The design of the research was qualitative and studied by descriptive-analytic method on three levels namely, description, explanation, and analysis. The results of the study in this work of Al-Ahmad indicated that the powerful presence of authoritative and patriarchal discourse in the story and simultaneously in the society of the writer own time and even in the thoughts of the writer himself. As a result, the presence of men gender superiority culture and the persistence of domination and submissiveness had led to women marginalization and passiveness. The important point revealed by the story critical discourse analysis was that the tyrannical mentality was more responsible for the institutionalization of that culture more than tyrannical power. Hence in such a system the story main character (protagonist) was the victim of her own undeveloped thought, passiveness, accepting domination discourse, and institutionalizing it in her more than being defeated by the power and decision of men of her family. Manuscript profile
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        295 - A Comparative Study of the Woman's Characterization in Two Short Stories: "Mashang" by Moniro Ravanipour and “Bache Mardom” by Jalal Al-e-Ahmad
        Azim Jabbareh Naserou Zahra Zarei
        The purpose of the present research was a comparative study of female characterization in the two short stories "Mashang"(the simpleton) by Moniro Ravanipour and “Bache Mardom” (child of the people) by Jalal Al-Ahmad. The research population was the works of More
        The purpose of the present research was a comparative study of female characterization in the two short stories "Mashang"(the simpleton) by Moniro Ravanipour and “Bache Mardom” (child of the people) by Jalal Al-Ahmad. The research population was the works of Moniro Ravanipour, and Jalal Al-Ahmad, and the studied sample was the woman character in the story of Mashang and “Bache Mardom”. The research design was descriptive-analytical. Data collection was done through the library method and through note card taking, and then, based on the two short studied stories, the characterization of woman by these two authors was analyzed and described. Findings showed that the story "Mashang" by Moniro Ravanipour was a successful example of female characterization in which the author addressed all the various physical, behavioral, intellectual, etc. dimensions of female identity and did not ignore any of them and the story of “Bache Mardom” by Jalal Al-Ahmad was an unsuccessful example of this type of characterization in which the author did not performed well in using the elements of the story and had often ignored the identity dimensions of the female character. Manuscript profile
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        296 - The Comparison of Feminine Language in Simin Daneshvar and Jalal Al-Ahmad Works
        یدالله Bahmani Motlagh نرگس Baghari
        Language is a fundamental factor in story writing. One of the important topics in language study is the consideration of gender and its relationship with the implemented language in the literatures. Most of the researchers believe that there is a difference between wome More
        Language is a fundamental factor in story writing. One of the important topics in language study is the consideration of gender and its relationship with the implemented language in the literatures. Most of the researchers believe that there is a difference between women’s and men’s writing and language. The current researches reviewed the characteristics of females in Simin Daneshvar’s writings and then compare them with women’s language in Jalale Ale Ahamad’s writings. The study showed how femininity emerged in dialects, words, point of view on the life and dealing with different issues and made the women’s writing differ from the men’s writing and effected their characterizing. Words and expression like drat, God give me death! and so on…, interrogative, broken language, using slang and being shaky with maybe, should, mistrust, mentality, feeling expressing, thinking with fear, casting activities like sewing, knitting, cooking and being attentive in private affairs highlighted such differences . Manuscript profile
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        297 - Investigation And Analysis Of Woman’s Visage In Ahmad Azizi’s Works
        سعید Hatami فاطمه Mohagheghi
        Ahmad Azizi is considered as famous and an excellent poets after revolution era because of his special style, new language, creation of innovative contexts and compounds and rich in various social issues. One of the most important social issues propounded in Azizi&rsquo More
        Ahmad Azizi is considered as famous and an excellent poets after revolution era because of his special style, new language, creation of innovative contexts and compounds and rich in various social issues. One of the most important social issues propounded in Azizi’s works was woman and its relevant problems. The aim of authors was to explain various aspects of this subject in flied of versified and prose literal works of the mentioned poet via descriptive- analytical approach. According to the results of this research, Azizi’s view toward woman was completely influenced by Islamic beliefs and instructions, Shiite culture and revolutionary values and in other hand, it included educational aspect; that is he attempted to conform social view toward woman and woman’s view toward herself with Quran trainings , Imamate’s family ( peace be upon him) tradition through recreating the woman’s visage and value in Islam worldview and anthropology and Shiite school, in art interesting aspect and poetical images and allusions. For achieving such an aim, he had used two educational instruments of modeling and creating contrast. Manuscript profile
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        298 - A Hybrid MCDM Model to Identify and Prioritize of Promotional Mix Tools in Plastic Industry
        Ali Mohaghar Shahram Hashemnia Seyed Hojjat Bazazzadeh Roya Eghbal
        Marketing is a process by which people exchange goods and meet their needs and demands. Marketing mix or 4p (product price, place, promotion) is a powerful tool that helps to advance marketing goals. The purpose of promotion is the activities by which the company gives More
        Marketing is a process by which people exchange goods and meet their needs and demands. Marketing mix or 4p (product price, place, promotion) is a powerful tool that helps to advance marketing goals. The purpose of promotion is the activities by which the company gives costumer good information about its products and encourages him/her to purchase. So, by prioritization of the components of promotion mix (Advertisement, Sale promotion, Public relations, Personal selling, Direct marketing) compatible with any business, increase in the sale can be achieved. The purpose of this study is to help managers in plastic industry companies in order to identify and prioritize mix promotional tools to improve their sale. For this purpose, 22 effective promotional tools in the plastic industry were identified with the help of library research and experts ideas. 105 head managers with at least 5 years of experience were examined. To collect the data, the researchers used a questionnaire with Cronbach Alpha with the range of 65-83 for all the items and the Validity of questionnaire was confirmed by the experts. After identifying appropriate mix promotional tools by experts, they were prioritized by MADM methods (SAW, TOPSIS, ELECTRA, and LINMAP). As the results of mentioned methods were not the same, in order to reach a consensus, the researchers used mix methods called Copeland. The result of prioritizing by Copeland showed that TV advertisement, trade fairs (creating a special imagination in costumer’s mind by showing the product) and present sale of the product, have more priority relative to other tools. Based on the results, managers and marketers in the plastic industry will be able to identify the best mix promotional methods by the use of multi-attribute decision-making methods and so they can enhance their sale.     Manuscript profile
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        299 - Selecting the Best Integrated Dynamic Performance System On the Base of BSC and F.MADM
        Hamed Karimi Shirazi Mahmoud Modiri
        In a production collection, nowadays the Performance Measurement of an organization has an important role in achieving to their efficiency and effectiveness on order to competing in current dynamic environment. In this view, the key indicators of the integrated dynamic More
        In a production collection, nowadays the Performance Measurement of an organization has an important role in achieving to their efficiency and effectiveness on order to competing in current dynamic environment. In this view, the key indicators of the integrated dynamic performance measurement in a competitive environment are considered as a necessary and unavoidable case. In this paper, considering the affective indicators of dynamic Performance to approach BSC in industry, we focus on the problem that how we can provide a mathematical and hierarchical affective model so that it has sufficient answers in the conditions of uncertainty in the fuzzy technics of AHP and TOPSIS; its aim is to recognizing and prioritize the effective indicators related to dynamic performance evaluation on the base of BSC with approach F.MADM in order to prioritize a set of dynamic indicators to increasing competitive power in industry. In order to determine the indicators, hierarchical tree of deceiving compiled during the sessions with the organization's experts. The statistical sample of the research includes experts and directors of the strategic area. Since these indicators used to prioritizing the decision tree indicators are considered as vocal variables, collecting the data is performed by questionnaire in a fuzzy way; so the multiple attribute decision making is fuzzy. The paper is an applied one and in the form of descriptive-measurable researches and it has a field importance; the solving approach of problems is in the type of mathematical modeling and the hierarchy of decision making of some group indicators is fuzzy. The results of analyzing the prioritizing of the factors and their grading by the two technics show that the indicator of expense, delivery time and quality can help to programmers a director of the organization in order to make long-term decisions for competition. There are also positive and strong coordination between the results of the validity of the answers of the two technics for dynamic performance evaluation of six alternatives. The fuzzy logic is used in order to design a way increasing the measurement of the occurrence of each performance indicator and the validity of the evaluation and programming process is performed in the content of EXCEL.   Manuscript profile
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        300 - Design a Hybrid Model of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques for Ranking the Bank Branches
        Pegah Aminijam Milad Jasemi Zargani
        Due to the importance of ranking bank branches and the lack of a comprehensive ranking model, which can lead to improved performance of the bank and the country economic growth, offering a hybrid multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for ranking among bank bran More
        Due to the importance of ranking bank branches and the lack of a comprehensive ranking model, which can lead to improved performance of the bank and the country economic growth, offering a hybrid multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for ranking among bank branches is necessary. However, with the passing of time, MCDM methods have helped a lot in the rankings. But the choice of which methods is accepted as the best solution is always an ambiguity. Since the comprehensive hybrid algorithm that can identify the top branches not provided, yet. This research is trying to achieve the final ranking of the branches. Thus the optimal solution is to introduce a hybrid algorithm that determines the optimal weights of the MADM methods by a linear model. This approach is especially applicable when we cannot prefer any ranking method to others. Thus, in this paper, the criteria weights are obtained using DEMATEL and ANP methods. Afterward, the bank branches are ranked using TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE II, SAW, WPM and DEA methods, each of which is important and significant. Finally, using proposed hybrid algorithm the optimal weights of different methods and the ranks are calculated. Manuscript profile
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        301 - Ranking of Performance Evaluation Criteria in Participatory Urban Management Macro Projects by BSC and FANP
        Mojtaba Salehi Atena Mozaffari
        The public-private partnership means providing financial resources to the private sector to assist the government in carrying out large-scale infrastructure projects. Usually, participatory projects of urban management that need high investment and have a great complexi More
        The public-private partnership means providing financial resources to the private sector to assist the government in carrying out large-scale infrastructure projects. Usually, participatory projects of urban management that need high investment and have a great complexity in terms of technology and design are considered as participatory macro projects. So the performance evaluation of this kind of projects according to their regional influence is necessary. This study identifies and ranks the performance evaluation criteria of participatory urban management projects to use these criteria for creating a comprehensive approach for performance evaluation. The performance evaluation criteria are obtained for two major projects of Tehran urban management namely neighborhood house and cultural-sports complex by questionnaire with Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.97% coefficient. Then, these criteria are grouped based on the aspects of the Balanced Scorecard including financial, clients, internal processes and learning and growth. Then, using the fuzzy analysis network process, the network structure was designed to display and measure the weight of relationships between criteria and sub-criteria. Finally, two projects are evaluated and ranked by TOPSIS and VIKOR and SAW methods. In the financial, clients, internal processes aspects, neighborhood house project showed a better performance than cultural-sport complex, but in the growth and learning aspect, the result for two projects was almost identical. Manuscript profile
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        302 - Defamiliarization in Mohammad Javad Mahabbat's PoetryJavad Mahabbat's Poetry
        salma saedi saeeid arman Hosseini Abbariki
        One of the deviations from standard language is defamiliarization which aims at providing elements of language in a novel way. Enjoying this technique, Mahabbat uses it in two folds: verbal and semanticDefamiliarization in Mohammad Javad Mahabbat's Poetry Dr. Seyyed Arm More
        One of the deviations from standard language is defamiliarization which aims at providing elements of language in a novel way. Enjoying this technique, Mahabbat uses it in two folds: verbal and semanticDefamiliarization in Mohammad Javad Mahabbat's Poetry Dr. Seyyed Arman Hosseini Abbariki Salma Saedi Abstract: One of the deviations from standard language is defamiliarization which aims at providing elements of language in a novel way. Enjoying this technique, Mahabbat uses it in two folds: verbal and semantic. However, this paper puts emphasis on the verbal aspect as he relies heavily on the former. In this descriptive-analytical paper, phonetic, verbal, archaic, dialectical, written and syntactic defamiliarization are discussed. The results indicated that Mahabbat uses verbal and archaic defamiliarization as opposed to the other ones. In syntactic defamiliarization, separating the negative making prefix 'n' from the base, putting a distance between the adjunct and the possessive, and displacing the pronoun are widely seen in his writings. Dialectical defamiliarization is seen in using kermanshahi Kurdish dialect in Standard Persian and verbal defamiliarization materializes in innovation in new word combinations. Key words: familiarization, defamiliarization, language innovation, Mohammad Javad Mahabbat. ons. Manuscript profile
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        303 - Madhoosh Golpaigani and poets with Khorasani style
        Maryam Khazaeili Mehrdad Chatraei Ata Mohammad Radmanesh
        Mohammad Sadegh Golpayegani is belletrist, poet and calligrapher the Qajar era, and teacher of Heidargholi Mirza who is the son of Fath Ali Shah Qajar. He whose poem name is Madhoosh is one of the best and most prominent men who have bounty and perfection in Golpayegan More
        Mohammad Sadegh Golpayegani is belletrist, poet and calligrapher the Qajar era, and teacher of Heidargholi Mirza who is the son of Fath Ali Shah Qajar. He whose poem name is Madhoosh is one of the best and most prominent men who have bounty and perfection in Golpayegan land. Madhoosh is a poet of the literary return period. He is also famous in Arabic sciences apart from the poem and prose techniques. Madhoosh’s Koliat (collection of his poems) is a collection of essays, lyrics, odes, quatrains; in addition, it has educational writings and narratives in the form of prose that have not yet been identified as they are needed. The odes of this collection are kind of eulogy ode in the simple and fluent language and pleasant arrays. Madhoosh’s poem style is close to the Ghaznavid and Seljuk periods. Most of his odes are in the way of Anvari and Onsori and they have had the most impact on Madhoosh, but Anvari’s contribution to this effect is more prominent. He also paid more attention to Farrokhi’s poetry in using the old words and he turned his view to the first periods of Khorasani’s style in the selection of Radif. Understanding and introducing the features of the poetry needs to be studied and investigated in various aspects. The research and study of these features in the field of literary research is a necessity. Manuscript profile
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        304 - The Issue of Tone in Translation of Child and Adolescent's Literary Works (Case Study: The Little Prince translated by Mohammad Ghazi and Ahmad Shamloo)
        Shojaa Naynava
        Many believe that translating Child and Adolescent's literary works is a very simple job and a good translation of Child and Adolescent's works is simply the replacement of words and the relative adherence to the sentence structures. But this is not true because transla More
        Many believe that translating Child and Adolescent's literary works is a very simple job and a good translation of Child and Adolescent's works is simply the replacement of words and the relative adherence to the sentence structures. But this is not true because translation is a very complex process and is influenced by many factors such as the type and manner of expression in the original text, the translator’s ability to convey the content and above all the tone. Therefore, in the present article, an attempt has been made to investigate the issue of tone in translating Child and Adolescent's literary works with a comparison of the translations of The Little Prince by Mohammad Ghazi and Ahmad Shamloo. The results show that there are weaknesses in selecting the appropriate tone for chidren and adolesencts by the tow translaors. Because Ghazi used very formal sentences that are suitable for adults and on the other hand, Shamloo used colloquial language and conversational sentences that are not suitable for children and adolescents. Manuscript profile
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        305 - Feminism in the collection of "The Tent of Night" by Mohammad Sadeq Chubak
        najmah hashemi Ali Reza Shabanloo Abdul Hussein Farzad
        Feminism as a social movement, on the one hand, is rooted in the new Western perspective on man and man's definition, on the other hand, invasion of the honor, dignity and rights of women after the Renaissance, especially in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. Iran' More
        Feminism as a social movement, on the one hand, is rooted in the new Western perspective on man and man's definition, on the other hand, invasion of the honor, dignity and rights of women after the Renaissance, especially in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. Iran's relationship with the Western world and their familiarity with the different cultural and social status of women in Europe and the United States, and the creation of intellectual views on women, provided the most important areas for the formation of the feminism in Iran. The authors of the course in search for uncover the fact that the situation of women in society was something different from that of the European women, and the image of the life and position of European and Western women was more like a dream than reality. Mohammad SadeghChubak, as the writer of that time, instead of paying attention to the world of extreme or slow-moving idealist feminists, spoke to the realities of society and depicted the real status of women. Women of his stories are women of an intellectually educated, or they are not sensitive posts and positions, but are real and belo women to the middle and lower middle class of society, who often have to live in a lord's house to provide their own living needs, or in a dressing room Stuffs and Dead saltines houses and brothels make up for a small amount of income every tricks. Manuscript profile
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        306 - رر Stylistic and Substantive Review of the Manuscript “Translation and Description of Teb-ol-Qoloub Dissertation”
        ameneh kamali Shams alhajeyeh ardalani seyyed jafar hamidi
        Abstract Well-known mystical works cover a vast spectrum of literature of Iran. This spectrum already includes unknown works of the nobles of this country, which must be regenerated and introduced by the writers. The reviewed text, is a Persian translation and a detaile More
        Abstract Well-known mystical works cover a vast spectrum of literature of Iran. This spectrum already includes unknown works of the nobles of this country, which must be regenerated and introduced by the writers. The reviewed text, is a Persian translation and a detailed copy of Teb-ol-Qoloub Dissertation written by Alaedin Mohammad Naghshbandi, the latest spiritual guide of Naghshbandi, which is written by Fakhredin Mazhar, one of the scholars and jurisconsults, and one of the relatives of Alaedin Mohammad Naghshbandi, in Saghez, Kurdistan, in early 14th century. Having taken advantage of descriptive-analytical method, this research has reviewed the said text and has analyzed it with respect to lingual aspects, and, literary and intellectual values. Dissertation description is a fluent prose combined with verses, well-arranged with verses and hadith, mystical expressions, as well as botanical and medical compounds. Research discoveries indicate that this literary text is impressed by the literature of literary return and Sa’di prose in Golestan, and has been under lingual impression of the grammar of Arabic Language, and the oldness of its lexicon and wording is because of its adherence to the past mystics methods. Manuscript profile
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        307 - A comparative study of symbolic status "and Rngvarh color" in the Literature of Resistance "Sample lyrics Shahriar and Mohammad Reza Kurdistani" eshghi "
        Hamid reza ghanooni Parvin Gholamhoseini
        Symbol is a figure of speech. The specific features of the symbol of ambiguity, uncertainty, and it is non-annotated and indirect, symbolism and socialization is the main characteristic of the poetry of resistance. The most important topics are reflected in his works id More
        Symbol is a figure of speech. The specific features of the symbol of ambiguity, uncertainty, and it is non-annotated and indirect, symbolism and socialization is the main characteristic of the poetry of resistance. The most important topics are reflected in his works ideas of freedom and law-abiding, fight tyranny, patriotism, waking people up and energizing nationalist sentiment and the homeland, promoting individual liberties and social criticism of turmoil and educate people about their rights, and political reforms through fundamental change was awake.Today, color is the most important element in the development of creative work and productivity. One important element is the element of color imagery, one of the important elements of symbolic language and symbolic expression of the resistance poets. Therefore, this research seeks to compare and compare the colors and colors in the poems of Shahriar and Seyed Mohammad Reza Kordestani. Key words: Literature resistance, color, icon, Shahriar, Seyed Mohammad Reza Kurdistani Manuscript profile
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        308 - Socialist realism in Neighbor and The story of a city by Ahmad Mahmoud
        parvin zeinali
        Realism is one of the literary criticisms in the world that has been engaging in ancient times in human thought. The processing of this thought began with Aristotle in the ancient times and so far this thought has continued with ups and downs. In the contemporary period More
        Realism is one of the literary criticisms in the world that has been engaging in ancient times in human thought. The processing of this thought began with Aristotle in the ancient times and so far this thought has continued with ups and downs. In the contemporary period in the nineteenth century in France and then in other countries a school and a movement was created that sought to consolidate the foundations of realism. ocialist Realism is one of the components of this school which became the focus of attention in Iran after the constitutional movement and became the basis for the formation of works including fictional literature with a social context. Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the prominent writers of socialist realism in Iran whoalways tried to portray the external and internal motives of the characters in the personal and social life in fiction. The present paper seeks to analyze two of Ahmed Mahmoud's novels with neighbors' titles and the story of a city based on socialist realism and to show the agreement of the structural model of socialist realism with the novels of Ahmad Mahmoud. Manuscript profile
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        309 - Study of the concepts and themes of the expected expectation in the poems of Sustainable Poets; Alireza Qazhvah, Mohammad Javad Mohabat, Qaisar Aminpour
        nahid hemati reza fahimi mohammad taqhi qhandi
        Sustainability is a widespread concept that can be considered one of the sources of Persian literature. There are many contemporary poets and writers in this field. Among them, Qaisar Aminpour, Alireza Qazhvah and Mohammad Javad Mohabat are among the poets who have grea More
        Sustainability is a widespread concept that can be considered one of the sources of Persian literature. There are many contemporary poets and writers in this field. Among them, Qaisar Aminpour, Alireza Qazhvah and Mohammad Javad Mohabat are among the poets who have great ideas about sustainability and its components In the present study, while defining the literature of persistence and its components and indicators, and explaining the expected and promised issues and hoping for the future as one of the components and introducing the characters, and extracting and presenting the witnesses, examples of the poems of the above poets have been addressed, and in Concluding the conclusion that the close relationship between the religious, religious beliefs and expectations of these poets in their poems was quite tangible and these components were not affected by the victory of the warriors during the eight years of the sacred defense and even the hope of the future of the poets. Keyword: Sustainability Literature, Qaisar Aminpour, Alireza Qazhvah, Mohammad Javad Mohabat, Expectation. Manuscript profile
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        310 - Narrative of the novel A Little Shadow(Andaki Sayeh) based on Rabert McKay's theory
        Fathemeh Taslim Jahromi ‌Nasrin Ghasemi
        Andaki Sayeh(A Little Shadow) is a novel written by Ahmad Bigdeli, which tells the story of the oil struggles of the people of the south during the coup d'etat of August 28, 1943 in a memorable and flashback manner. Because Bigdeley himself had a hand in screenwriting a More
        Andaki Sayeh(A Little Shadow) is a novel written by Ahmad Bigdeli, which tells the story of the oil struggles of the people of the south during the coup d'etat of August 28, 1943 in a memorable and flashback manner. Because Bigdeley himself had a hand in screenwriting and because of the characteristics of his narratives, this novel has been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner based on Robert McKee's theory of narrative structure.The American theorist Robert McKee believes that all narratives follow a specific and almost identical structure. One of the structures that he enumerates for the narrative is the subplot and in the analysis of this structure, he introduces features such as: open end, multiplicity of hero, passive hero, linear time and conflict. Due to the existence of several narratives in the novel Shadow of the Shadow, after analysis, the characteristics of the subplot match with the novel of Andaki Sayeh; Also, two elements of dialogue and pictorial descriptions have been described due to their role in the narrative and structure of the novel. The achievements of this article, which examines the elements of story structure based on McKee theory and determines the relationships between these elements, looking for these features in a text with Andaki Sayeh, show that a design based on causal relationships gives this text strength and coherence from beginning to end. Manuscript profile
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        311 - Transtextuality in Shamlou’s Poetry: An Innovative Approach to the Application of Themes, Archetypes, and Myths of Persian and Western Literature in "Roxana".
        Seyed Reza Ebrahimi
        Unlike his social poems which express the social and political concerns of the society, Ahmed Shamlou, in his emotional poetry, addresses his emotions and personal feelings. The influence and utilization of archetypes, common narratives, and myths of both Persian and wo More
        Unlike his social poems which express the social and political concerns of the society, Ahmed Shamlou, in his emotional poetry, addresses his emotions and personal feelings. The influence and utilization of archetypes, common narratives, and myths of both Persian and world literature can be noticed in these poems, which primarily show the poet has been affected by the literary cannons of the East and the West. But, inspired by his modern attitude, de-familiarization, and the aptitude to create an overwhelming (unorthodox) space is one of his concerns that shows how the poet has been distracted from the traditional classical context of classical poetry by creating a new and innovative mindset and as well as new spaces and themes. In this essay, it has been tried to use the ideas of Gerard Genet regarding the transtextuality, a long poem by Shamlou named “Roxana” has been chosen and it has been investigated that how novel and innovative (unorthodox) space, structure and poetical concepts and themes created and have been used in expressing the feelings. Manuscript profile
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        312 - A Study of Socio-Political Themes in the Divan of Adib-AL Mamalek Farahani and Ahmad Showqi
        parvin mortazaei zahra hosseini
        committed literature covers avariety of areas. Expressing the social and political issues of society isone of the most important approaches in this type of literature In the last century, similar social and political situations have developed in the society of Iran and More
        committed literature covers avariety of areas. Expressing the social and political issues of society isone of the most important approaches in this type of literature In the last century, similar social and political situations have developed in the society of Iran and Egypt. Issues that exposed the independence and identity of such countries to foreign aggression and, as a result, posed a serious threat; Thus, social poets entered the turmoil of such a turbulent situation, and the most important of them was dealing with social and political issues. Inthis descriptive-analytical study, socio-political themes in the poems of Adib al-Mamalak and Ahmad Shawqi have been extracted and studied based on the American comparative school. Findings of the research indicate that themes such as patriotism, mention of Free people and patriotic heroes, encouragement of unity and solidarity, disgust with foreigners and criticism of social disorders have been widely used in the poetry of these two poets. With the difference that Adib al-Mamalek has included minor social issues in his poetry; Ahmad Showqi, on the other hand, has often raised larger issues. Both patriotic poets initially have a positive view of the constitutional movement; But with the entry of anomalies into the structure of the movement, they change their course and complain about it. Reformism and the need for positive action of various classes of society and politicians are among the most important solutions that these two poets propose to achieve national prose.Keywords: Comparative Literature, Constitutional Movement, Patriotism, Adib al-Mamalik, Ahmad Showqi. Manuscript profile
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        313 - Analysis of Jungian Archetypes Elements of Hero Journey in the Story "Talkhoon" by Samad Behrangi
        raheleh abdolahzade borzu mohammad ghaderi moghaddam mohammad reihani
        This study, based on the theory of Joseph Campbell's monolithic theory, analyzes the symbols of the story "Talkhoon" by Samad Behrangi. Campbell, for the mythological heroes' journey, attempts to find individuality, a pattern that has been composed of three main stages More
        This study, based on the theory of Joseph Campbell's monolithic theory, analyzes the symbols of the story "Talkhoon" by Samad Behrangi. Campbell, for the mythological heroes' journey, attempts to find individuality, a pattern that has been composed of three main stages of departure, initiation and return. Behrangi depicts thedeparture of self-conscious nightingalein the form ofTalkhoon’ssymbolic journey. Ah is a messenger who, through a businessman, invites Talkhoon (self-conscious) to travel. Talkhoon and unconscious (the young man) in the first stage crossing the threshold and before they pass through the road of trials, they get married (magical marriage). With the young death, Talkhoon with the help of Ah who has appeared in the wise old man, begins another journey from the slave market with the messenger and fights with greed and lust dragons through the path of initiation and after kneeling with self-dragon, with chicken feather and water, which is a symbol of the "final blessing" of his journey, returns to revive his unconscious. His return, with the help of the "messenger", shows his freedom going and coming through two self-conscious and unconscious worlds. This symbolic story has much to do with Campbell's theory; with the difference that the meet is done twice. Once before passing through the initiation, and once again successfully passing through the road of trials and after receiving the final blessing. Manuscript profile
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        314 - Mohammad Bagher Mirza Khosravi's view of women in the novel “Shams and Toghra”
        Afsaneh Ahangari
        Constitutional Revolution in Iran brought extensive cultural and social changes. A new view on Woman as a human being and considering her different aspects of life in the works of poets and writers was one of the consequences of these changes. Mohammad-Bagher Mirza Khos More
        Constitutional Revolution in Iran brought extensive cultural and social changes. A new view on Woman as a human being and considering her different aspects of life in the works of poets and writers was one of the consequences of these changes. Mohammad-Bagher Mirza Khosravi, the writer of the first historical novel in Iran and a constitutionalist the western region, in his book "Shams and Toghra" dealt with the role of women. In her novel, while expressing some of the beliefs of the people of the Qajar era about women, she divided them into three groups: aristocrats, concubines, and common and desert women, and expressed the characteristics of each class of these women. Since Mohammad Baghir Mirza was influenced by the political and social events of the constitutional era, it is possible that his view of women and their human rights was a different and distinct view from the ordinary people of the society of that time. The findings of this descriptive-analytical study indicate that Khosravi had a special attitude towards the aristocracy and considered only women of this class worthy of education and companionship. It is noteworthy that various cultural and social developments after constitutionalism and association with intellectuals have not had the slightest effect on Khosravi's thought and change in his attitude towards women. Manuscript profile
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        315 - Abnormal births in the magical legends of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad
        zeynab mosadegh
        AbstractBirth, as one of the most mysterious aspects of creation, is one of the hallmarks of human principles and beliefs. Through myths, human beings have passed on their beliefs about procreation, longing for life and its continuation through myths. In many folk tales More
        AbstractBirth, as one of the most mysterious aspects of creation, is one of the hallmarks of human principles and beliefs. Through myths, human beings have passed on their beliefs about procreation, longing for life and its continuation through myths. In many folk tales of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, the birth of the hero or its contexts is more prominent than his actions after birth. The hero, death and resurrection in various forms, the belief in immortality and life after death is believed by the people of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad. Are separable. In terms of superstructure, no birth is apparently similar to another birth, but basically, the foundation and depth of construction are all the same, and if there is a difference in superstructure or appearance, it is a myth. In addition, it is shown that the unusual birth of a hero in magical legends is more noticeable than this element in non-magical stories. This research was carried out by descriptive-analytical method by examining the element of normative birth and its types in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad oral-magical myths. In this study, it was shown that birth has types that are divided into sub-categories such as types of birth origin.Keywords: Afsaneh Parian, Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad, Birth of Farahnjar, Metamorphosis. Manuscript profile
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        316 - Studying the lyrical concepts in the novel "Shohare Ahookhanom”
        Golaleh Moradi Abdoalnaaser Nazariyaani Mohammad Amir Obaydinya
        Expressing personal emotions in its broad concept in the form of poetry and prose has always been considered by poets and writers of Persian literature in different periods. Personal feelings and emotions, from the most delicate to the greatest, fall into the realm of l More
        Expressing personal emotions in its broad concept in the form of poetry and prose has always been considered by poets and writers of Persian literature in different periods. Personal feelings and emotions, from the most delicate to the greatest, fall into the realm of lyrical literature. The novel is one of literary genres and it is the dominant literary genres of the present age, which has the potential and space to create lyrical concepts. “Shohare AhooKhanom” is a novel which is written by Ali Mohammad Afghani and is the first known work in the style of realism in Persian literature. In the present research, it is aimed to study the types of lyrical concepts in this novel by using the descriptive-analytical method. The lyrical concepts in Shohare AhooKhanom novel are mostly expressed in the form of description, love and affection, sadness, anger and hatred, happiness and hope, and music and local dance. The author uses these concepts to describe the space, the mood of the characters in the novel, and to have a greater impact on the audience. Manuscript profile
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        317 - literary Creativity in poetry Shamloos
        roya parvin mansoure tadayoni Masoud Pakdel sima mansoori
        Abstract Ahmad Shamloo, a contemporary Iranian poet, by understanding the existing capacities in Persian language and mastering classical literature, especially prose texts, and his unique creativity, by using various linguistic techniques and achieving the natural aspe More
        Abstract Ahmad Shamloo, a contemporary Iranian poet, by understanding the existing capacities in Persian language and mastering classical literature, especially prose texts, and his unique creativity, by using various linguistic techniques and achieving the natural aspects of speech and music by changing In the structure and content of poetry, Nimai was able to establish another type of poetry, which we call Sepid poetry, so the purpose of this study is to show literary creativity, using linguistic tricks and techniques and new conceptualizations. Relying on a collection of poems is included. The desired data has been collected using first and second hand sources in the library environment. Then, based on the objectives and dimensions of the present study, the data have been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner. The naturalness of the word and the political and social outlook combined with the weight of the words that have highlighted and distinguished his poetry. And tell how the poet has changed the structure and content of contemporary Iranian poetry and established a new style of poetryKeywords: Ahmad Shamloo, Literary Creativity,, Sepid Poetry, Phonotactics, Linguistic tricks. Manuscript profile
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        318 - Satirical Content in Mohammad Ali Afrashte’s Work
        Aida Parspour Esmat Khoeini
        Mohammad Ali Afrashteh (1909–1960) is one of the poineers in Gilan poetry and social satire in the form of the famous persian poetry and simple prose. He has been defending labors so he considers one of the greatest candidates of labouring literature. Art of Afras More
        Mohammad Ali Afrashteh (1909–1960) is one of the poineers in Gilan poetry and social satire in the form of the famous persian poetry and simple prose. He has been defending labors so he considers one of the greatest candidates of labouring literature. Art of Afrashteh is that while making other people laugh, encourage them to think about their own rights too. Chalangar newspaper which has been published for two years and a half since (1951), is the result of his literary life and somehow reflects his beliefs and thoughts. Most of Afrashteh´s writings have been published in this newspaper. The content of Afrashteh´s writings is the criticize of social and political suituation which has been shown in the form of poetry, story, play and has been show by satire language.He has seen big problems in Iran society which can destroy and reteocede Iran society. As a result, he as a patriot and revolutionary person will reflect the problems in his writings in a simple language and based on his political views will find a solution for the care of their pains. This writing included different way of social, economical, cultural, political and moral criticizing by the analysis of Mohammad Ali Afrashteh´series of writings. Manuscript profile
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        319 - Critical Analaysis On Poems Ahmad Shamlou
        Farzad Balal Gholamhosein Gholamhoseinzadeh Ghodratolah Taheri
        Till now, many researches in the forms of papers and books in the field of investigation and analysis of Ahmad Shamlou's poems have been written. In the present research, in the meanwhile by showing the historical path of written researches and investigation of their fo More
        Till now, many researches in the forms of papers and books in the field of investigation and analysis of Ahmad Shamlou's poems have been written. In the present research, in the meanwhile by showing the historical path of written researches and investigation of their formation sources, it was going to criticize and analyze the construction and contents of the written books and the eminent papers which have been combined in this field. The research method in this thesis is descriptive-analytical. The conducted investigations show that with formation of the Shamlou's style of poetry and his attention towards social and human issues, more researches have been formed in the field of poet's poems; so that within 1375-1385 it has a peak. Also, the obtained results show that from total of 303 papers which have the subject of investigation and analysis of the poet's poem have been written, 9 percents in the press, 8 percents in the research-scientific journals and 83 percents in scientific (review-propagational) have been published and distributed, also within the written papers, the research-scientific papers have a special importance and credit in comparison with the papers which have been published in the press and scientific journals (review-propagational), which among the most important reasons of this, explicit and clear language of writers in the mentioned papers, the mentioned issue-based researches, staying away from general statement and exact saying of details in this sort of papres can be mentioned. Among the researches which have been written in the form of book, "Travel Through Fog" written by Taghi Pournamdarian, "Amirzadeye Kashiha" written by Parvin Salajeghe, "Finger and Moon" written by Ain.Pashaei and "Poem of our Age" written by Mohammad Hoghoghi have special importance and credit and are popular among readers; this has caused many re-publication of the mentioned books in various eras. the reasons of importance and credit of the mentioned works can be summarized: 1-fluent and clear of writers in subjects and issues; 2-hesitate from general statement and exact saying of details; 3-illuminating of dimensions and various angles of construction and content of poet's poem. Manuscript profile
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        320 - Comparative Study of Love from Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani’spoint of view in Savaneh al- oshshagh, Tamhidat, and Nameha and Lavayeh
        Valiollah Esmailpour
        Love  (amour)  is  one  ofthe  prominent  concepts  of  Iranian-Islamic mysticism which is used widely in Khosravani and later centuries’ mysticism schools. Therefore, according to the subject, three questions have been ans More
        Love  (amour)  is  one  ofthe  prominent  concepts  of  Iranian-Islamic mysticism which is used widely in Khosravani and later centuries’ mysticism schools. Therefore, according to the subject, three questions have been answered in this article: First, are there any similarities between Savaneh al-oshshagh, Tamhidat, Nameha and Lavayeh in term of love? Second, are these similarities in terms of the notion, indicating impression or influence of these two mystics on each other? Third, which part of this impression or influence is considered as the most? This paper has tried to classify and compare and contrast components of love (amour) from Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani’s point of view. The research result shows that similarities between words, terms and concepts on the one hand and the teacher and student relationship between Ahmad Ghazzali and Eyn al-GhozzatHamedani on the other hand, is the chief reason for the wide and undeniable influence of Ahmad Ghazali’s point of view   on   Eyn   al-GhozzatHamedani.   Hence,   the   majority   of   these influences are in the field of mystical-amorous styles and approaches. Manuscript profile
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        321 - On the Understanding of “Intellect” from Maulana's View
        Nasrin Barzanjeh
        “Intellect” is the spirit's interpreter; the Name of God is the Assembler of all the names and its general locus of manifestation is the prophetic light (light of Mohammad) which has been interpreted as the “Greater Spirit” and “Universal I More
        “Intellect” is the spirit's interpreter; the Name of God is the Assembler of all the names and its general locus of manifestation is the prophetic light (light of Mohammad) which has been interpreted as the “Greater Spirit” and “Universal Intellect”. In the view of the Sufis, “Intellect” is a means for worshipping God. In the preface of this piece of writing, the views of Islamic wise people and Sufis will be briefly explained, and then Maulana's view on the Subject will be analyzed. Reasoning is the intellectual transfer of concepts; thus in the first part, Maulana's method of reasoning in Mathnavi will be dealt with; in the second part, different types of intellect from Maulana's view will be enumerated, and in the third part, Intellect's symbolizing reflected in Mathnvi will be studied. Manuscript profile
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        322 - The Evaluation and Comparison of Two Translations of "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes based on Garces Model (1994)
        Naser Rashidi Shahin Farzaneh
        The main purpose of this research is the evaluation and comparison of the quality of two translations of “Don Quixote” by Miguel De Cervantes,the famous Spanish writer. Amongst various models for quality assessment of translation, Garces model (1994) has be More
        The main purpose of this research is the evaluation and comparison of the quality of two translations of “Don Quixote” by Miguel De Cervantes,the famous Spanish writer. Amongst various models for quality assessment of translation, Garces model (1994) has been chosen as the framework of this research. The model contains 4 different levels. These levels  are  semantic-lexical  level,  syntactic-morphological  level, discursive-  functional  level  and  stylistic-pragmatic  level.  Each  one  of these  levels  has  also  sub-groups  and  special  parts  based  on  which translated texts will be measured and assessed. The results which were presented in the form of distributive tables, show the frequency of each sub-part.  By  calculating  the  abundant  quantities  of  4  aforementioned levels and subgroups, determination the quantities of common areas in all translations (Addition, Suppression and conservation), calculating the quantity of employed rhetorical figures in translated literary texts on the basis of three factors (conservation, variation and suppression), and finally the quality of translations on the basis of two parameters of acceptability and adequacy with regard to positive and negative markers, the research came to the conclusion that based on their quality, the translations are classified as follows: A.positive markers: 1.Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1960) 2.Translation of ZabihollahMansouri (2011), B. negative markers: 1. Translation of ZabihollahMansouri  (2011)2. Translation of Mohammad Ghazi (1960). Manuscript profile
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        323 - An Explanation on Manazir al-Insha Manuscript of Library of the University of Istanbul, Turkey
        Jamil Jafarie Aziz Naseri
        Manazir al-Insha is a book written in 9th century (A.H.) by Imad al- Din Mahmoud Gawan on letter-writing and composition in order to teach lettering methods with a simple and unambiguous diction. The corrected 308-page copy of this work was published in 2012 by academ More
        Manazir al-Insha is a book written in 9th century (A.H.) by Imad al- Din Mahmoud Gawan on letter-writing and composition in order to teach lettering methods with a simple and unambiguous diction. The corrected 308-page copy of this work was published in 2012 by academy of Persian language and literature. An explanation on this book was presented by Nali (a well-known Kurdish poet) which is now preserved in the library of Istanbul University. The features of this manuscript will be covered in this essay including the formal features such as: author, commentator, classification, style, annotation, date of writing and explanation, the beginning and the  end,  and the number of lines and pages. Also, the content features such as topics of rhetoric and letter writing, differences between this manuscript with the published copy of Manazir al-Insha and its writing style will be discussed in this paper. Finally, the names of those poets whose poems were quoted in this book were studied. Manuscript profile
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        324 - A Survey on some Rhetorical Aspects of the Mystical Prose of Sheikh Ahmad Jaam in his Two Books (Ons Al Taaebeen and Konuz Al Hekmah)
        Mohamad Khodadadi Reza Sadeghi Shahpar
        Literary elements have its source in imagination of writer and poets and artful using of these elements of eloquence make the writer to be distinguished. This paper aims at studying some indicator of literary manifestation in prose of Sheikh Ahmad Jaam . His prose at f More
        Literary elements have its source in imagination of writer and poets and artful using of these elements of eloquence make the writer to be distinguished. This paper aims at studying some indicator of literary manifestation in prose of Sheikh Ahmad Jaam . His prose at first indicates his power in influence in deployment of technical and creative prose that is also is with – protect from firmness of simple prose- at beginning of sixth century of Hegriy. Second, his prose is a sign for the art of sheikh in using of literary manifestation. The art arises from his individual literary talent and imaginative faculty. Ahmad Jaam not only uses literary manifestation and skillfully makes delicate and elegant literary works, but also  uses  his  special  method  to  be  more  concise  and  effective.  This method  which  is  rare  and  innovative  consists of  a  lot  of  elements  of eloquence such as: comparison, repetition, metaphor, proverb, allusion and etc.  Also,  his  employed  method  indicates  his  influence  on  Persian language and literature. Manuscript profile
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        325 - A Survey on Cohesion and Cohesive Harmony in a short poem by Ahmad-e- Shamloo
        Badryye Ghavami Lyda Azarnava
        According to Halliday& R.Hassan, semantic cohesion is defined as "a semantic concept" and refers to the semantic relationships between the elements of a text.The understanding of some textual elements can be facilitatedbased on the functions of these relationships. More
        According to Halliday& R.Hassan, semantic cohesion is defined as "a semantic concept" and refers to the semantic relationships between the elements of a text.The understanding of some textual elements can be facilitatedbased on the functions of these relationships. One element presupposes the other and this means that the second element cannot be understood without the first one. Therefore, the relationships between the textual elements lead to the cohesion and consistence of the text. Classifying the cohesive elements, this paper is conducted to analyze one of Shamloo`s poems by using Halliday& Hassan`s theory of cohesion and cohesive  harmony.  And  finally,  the  elements  are  investigated  which consist each cohesive chain. The results show that this poem is cohesive and its grammatical cohesion is more than its lexical cohesion. The majority of  instances  of  grammatical  cohesion  are  related  to  personal reference. Applying this theory, we can measure the degree of cohesion in all the poems by Shamloo and any other poet. Manuscript profile
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        326 - The Evaluation andReview on the Elements of Short Fiction in Stories by Ahmad Dehghan: Based on the collectoion of short stories named “I’m your son’s murder"
        Abrahim Golparvar Hamid Samsam
        Ahmad Dehghan is one of the most famous writers of the fiction about sacred defense in recent decade. Among his works, a set of stories named "I’m your son’s killer" is one of his masterpieces which contain several short stories. Element analysis of this bo More
        Ahmad Dehghan is one of the most famous writers of the fiction about sacred defense in recent decade. Among his works, a set of stories named "I’m your son’s killer" is one of his masterpieces which contain several short stories. Element analysis of this book, in the field of war, made him famous; hence the recent article tries to show the connection between its parts, elements and interior components and tries to prove the ability of Dehghan in writing short  stories such as romance, diaries, showing that this writer is familiar with the principles and premises of short stories and was able to present the master piece in the field of fiction about sacreddefenseby skillful initiating and ending,planning,coherent plot, suitable personification, effective scenes and using attractive, authentic stories with special speech styles. Research method is based on qualitative descriptive-analytic, data driven and the categorization gained descriptively on the basis of note taking, resources and information, then it has been analyzed deductively from part to whole. Manuscript profile
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        327 - The Eastern Female Stereotypes in The Story Zoqaq Alamdaq by Naguib Mahfouz
        Kamran Ghodousi Tahere Naderi
        Najib Mahfouz probably under the influence of colonial and stereotyped ideas about women of East West, the most famous story by looking at the middle class and poor communities has written. In this story using the characters wear, portrays a world that, although unrelat More
        Najib Mahfouz probably under the influence of colonial and stereotyped ideas about women of East West, the most famous story by looking at the middle class and poor communities has written. In this story using the characters wear, portrays a world that, although unrelated to the respondent East, but there is so negative in their views of laughter .these figures are influenced by the western colonialists were .In this paper, after analyzing the attitudes of the West towards the East and the expression of the story, the story we will explore a variety of characterization of women in the area and came to the conclusion that we will describe the personality of women in the work of the famous how noble values of non-western countries, is consistent and what impact it will leave the audience in mind. Manuscript profile
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        328 - Human, Struggle and Love in Sherko Bikas and Ahmad Shamloue's Poetry
        Omid Varzandeh Mozhgan Vafaei
        Content analysis is one of the different approaches of literary criticism for reading and criticizing literary texts around us.  Content analysis is a method for discovering and understanding thoughts, themes and governing world of a text, or different texts. Troug More
        Content analysis is one of the different approaches of literary criticism for reading and criticizing literary texts around us.  Content analysis is a method for discovering and understanding thoughts, themes and governing world of a text, or different texts. Trough this approach the covered and uncovered content of a literary text is studies in a systematic way. Using the available sources and analyzing their content is the research method for this study. This paper tries to study the main themes or motifs of Human, Struggle and Love in Shirko Bikas, Kurdish- Iraqi poet, and Ahmad Shamlou, Iranian Poet. The content analysis of their poetry shows common world, concerns and thoughts in their poetry. Manuscript profile
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        329 - Exposition and Critique of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi's Arguments against Prophethood
        Meysam Amani
        There are both pro-prophecy and anti-prophecy views on Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi. However, the correct view is that he was a rationalist and considered prophecy to be contrary to rationalism. Based on the book "al-A'lam al-Nubuwwah", six arguments can be extracted f More
        There are both pro-prophecy and anti-prophecy views on Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi. However, the correct view is that he was a rationalist and considered prophecy to be contrary to rationalism. Based on the book "al-A'lam al-Nubuwwah", six arguments can be extracted from the philosopher al-Razi that refute prophecy. These six arguments show that al-Razi does not believe in the necessity of prophecy as a special human knowledge and connection with God, but rather only to the possibility of it as a probable matter. In his view, the prophet has no special status, and all humans are equal in terms of knowledge and connection with God. This article uses a descriptive-deductive method to reconstruct al-Razi's arguments against prophecy and to critically analyze these arguments using an analytical-critical method. Manuscript profile
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        330 - The relationship between justice and freedom in Mohammadreza Hakimi's political thought
        Bahram Akhavan kazemi Mona hamidinasab
        Justice and freedom are the basic concepts of human society, and the relationship between these two has always been the focus of political science thinkers. What is more than the case analysis of these problematic concepts, is the analysis of these two concepts in relat More
        Justice and freedom are the basic concepts of human society, and the relationship between these two has always been the focus of political science thinkers. What is more than the case analysis of these problematic concepts, is the analysis of these two concepts in relation to each other, which has become the place for different opinions and different schools. One of the thinkers of the present age who does not consider the issue of justice as the basic axis of a religious society to achieve happiness is Mohammad Reza Hakimi. He, who is a follower of the separation school, put the center of gravity of his thought on the element of justice and considers all the political, social and economic relations of the Islamic government to be affected and consistent in the way he interacts with this element. What the author's opinion suggests is to examine the position of this element in relation to another concept such as freedom. Why, as societies become more complex, it becomes more difficult to talk about justice, freedom, and the relationship between the two in various areas of social life and macro-social structures. The importance of this issue raises the need to pay attention to Islamic and indigenous thoughts, which can pave the way for drawing a road map that is more suitable for the life and political life of Islamic societies. Based on this, in response to the question, what is the relationship between these two components in Allameh Hakimi's view? It can be said that in his view there is a direct and consistent relationship between the two elements of justice and freedom; In such a way that if there is no freedom, it will not be possible to achieve justice. Manuscript profile
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        331 - An Examination of Sayyied Ahmad Khomeini's Views and Ranjnameh based on critical discourse Analysis
        mansour Anbarmoo Fatemeh tabatabaie
        Seyyed Ahmad Mostafavi Khomeini (1946-1995) is the son of Imam Khomeini, as one of the important political activists before and after the Islamic Revolution. Although he is well known as one of the first-hand sources of contemporary political historiography due his pres More
        Seyyed Ahmad Mostafavi Khomeini (1946-1995) is the son of Imam Khomeini, as one of the important political activists before and after the Islamic Revolution. Although he is well known as one of the first-hand sources of contemporary political historiography due his presence and activity during the struggle and exile and Imam's leadership, in research,, his opinions and political life are rarely mentioned. Administration Imam's Beit (house) during the exile, struggles, and establishment of the Islamic revolution, developments related to the imposed war, issues related to the dismissal of the deputy leadership and the writing of the Ranjnameh are among the turning points of his life. The issue of this research is why Ahmad Khomeini wrote the Ranjnameh. In the present study, an attempt is made to explain the text of Ranjnameh as one of the most important political letters in the history of contemporary Iran, using the approach of analyzing the critical discourse of Norman Fairclough and the role of Ahmad in the developments of the first decade of the Islamic Revolution. Using this approach, the base is processed and checked in the index. The findings of the research show Ahmad Khomeini, considering the political and social situation of Iran in the 1980s and variables such as Imam Khomeini's illness and the changes in power relations in the 1960s, tried to create a new political and religious meaning in the field by compiling the manifesto. In line with political identification, the reproduction of the ideological beliefs of the Islamic Revolution, the consolidation and organization of the public consent for the selection of the new successor of the leadership and the persuasion of the public opinion. Manuscript profile
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        332 - Historical Sociology of Indigenous Modernity: A Comparative Study of Abbas Milani (1949- ) and Mohammad Tavakoli Targhi (1957- )
        Mohammad Jalal Makhani Saeid Makhani
        Indigenous modernity in the historical sociology of Iran has always been one of the important and focal issues and different definitions and descriptions of this concept have been presented. The abundance of such descriptions has made these concepts, to a large extent, More
        Indigenous modernity in the historical sociology of Iran has always been one of the important and focal issues and different definitions and descriptions of this concept have been presented. The abundance of such descriptions has made these concepts, to a large extent, turn into abstract and undefined categories. In the following article, the authors try to provide a comparative and critical plan of the content of the works of two scholars in the field, Abbas Milani (1328-H.) and Mohammad Tawakli Targhi (1336-H.), while examining the category of indigenous modernity; Milani and Tavakoli Targhi are among those who believe in indigenous modernization in Iran. For this reason, we will review various aspects of their thought in the following lines by reading their texts so that we can at least explain the evolution of this concept to these two authors and answer this question: How these two thinkers consider the result of modernity as a native continuity in line with Iran's historical-cultural developments and not as an imported development from the western world. Manuscript profile
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        333 - Modeling the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in neutralizing economic sanctions
        Mohsen Hosseinian Samira SherkatRazavi
        The purpose of the following article is to enumerate the main economic harms and threats during the era of the beginning of Islam from the time of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to his death, and also his behavior and method of neutralizing economic sanction More
        The purpose of the following article is to enumerate the main economic harms and threats during the era of the beginning of Islam from the time of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to his death, and also his behavior and method of neutralizing economic sanctions. These sanctions, which were carried out according to the library research method of the Holy Quran, traditions, and historical sources, are classified into 3 important sections; All-round economic embargo in the Shi'b Abi Talib, the commercial monopoly of the Quraysh people, and the looting and confiscation of Muslim property by the Quraysh nobles. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1357, the existence of hostility to the name of the Islamic Republic of Iran appeared in the foreign policy decisions of the United States of America, and on the other hand, anti-Americanism and confrontation with authoritarian powers has been an important approach in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The ultimate goal of this article is to follow the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and simulate that era to the contemporary era to neutralize the economic sanctions imposed by the colonialist and domineering countries of the West and the world against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Purpose: What was the behavior and method of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in neutralizing the economic sanctions during the era of Islam from the time of the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) until his death? Methodology: The method of this research, which is a type of basic and theoretical research, is descriptive-analytical, and the method of collecting information is using library documents. In this research, the history of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in removing economic sanctions by describing and analyzing the verses of the Holy Quran, hadiths, and historical narrations as well as historical reference books is examined, and the context of knowing his actions and their compatibility with contemporary times to neutralize the sanctions and threats It is considered economic. Findings: In this research, economic sanctions were investigated in three important areas, including all-round economic sanctions in the Shi'b Abi Talib, the commercial monopoly of the Quraish people, and confiscation of Muslim property by the Quraish nobles, and the actions of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions in removing the sanctions that was classified as economic. Conclusion: After examining the data, in the conclusion of this research, it was found that each of the actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to remove the economic sanctions was done for a specific reason and did not focus only on one or more specific dimensions. From communicational-social to economic issues that the Islamic government is facing, it is visible in the economic decisions of the Prophet (PBUH). Manuscript profile
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        334 - A new approach for sharing business model selection
        Mohsen Ahmadvand Ezzatollah Asgharizadeh
        Selecting a business model is one of the most critical decisions for managers to achieve success in the competition scene. Todays with the development of information and communication technologies, the world is a technological evolution called the sharing economy, which More
        Selecting a business model is one of the most critical decisions for managers to achieve success in the competition scene. Todays with the development of information and communication technologies, the world is a technological evolution called the sharing economy, which in their consumption becomes service sellers. The purpose of this research is to provide a practical method for selecting a sharing business model using multi-attribute decision-making methods. This research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed in terms of research method. The results indicate a method for obtaining points in multi-attribute decision-making and specifically the ARAS method for selecting a sharing business model. In the end, this method has been used in a startup business. This method helps managers and business owners in selecting a sharing business model before implementation. Manuscript profile
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        335 - Monitoring of heavy metals in length of moradbeik River of Hamadan
        SH Sadeghi M.H Saghi M.T Samadi زین العابدین Yahyapour
        Heavy metal pollution of water sources due to discharge of factories into environment is the highest riskfor human and environment health. Humans and animals by consuming vegetables and food staff washedwith polluted water are at high risk. The quality of surface waters More
        Heavy metal pollution of water sources due to discharge of factories into environment is the highest riskfor human and environment health. Humans and animals by consuming vegetables and food staff washedwith polluted water are at high risk. The quality of surface waters is a very sensitive issue. Sampling forwatershed was carried out over 4 months (April, May, June and July) from 6 stations and qualityparameters were determined. These parameters are: pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni and Fe. Also the data wereanalyzed with standard methods and atomic absorption. Results showed that in April the highestaverage was that of pb (.0.54 mg/l) and the lowest cadmium (0.001 mg/l ). In May, the highest averagewas related to pb (1.15mg/l) and the lowest its was Fe (0.013mg/l ). In June the highest and lowestaverages were Cu(.0.56 mg/l) and Fe (0 mg/l) respectively, while also in July they were Cd (0.018 mg/l)and Fe(0 mg/l). The River was polluted with heavy metals in some stations and water quality of this riverdoes not matchwith standards. With physical, chemical and biological agent monitoring and also withcontrol of water quality indexes in these stations, we observed wastewater and other pollution arrive river.Environmental effects of pollution are seen in different parts of the river. Manuscript profile
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        336 - Environmental impact assessment of Forumad Chromite Mine in Sabzevar
        Sahar Tabibian
        Mines extraction through contaminants that enter water, soil and air can cause huge environmental disasters and even endanger human health. Environmental impacts assessment is a viable solution to overcoming environmental challenges to achieve sustainable development. T More
        Mines extraction through contaminants that enter water, soil and air can cause huge environmental disasters and even endanger human health. Environmental impacts assessment is a viable solution to overcoming environmental challenges to achieve sustainable development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental effects of Forumad chromite mine in Sabzevar. This research was a survey and the research method is descriptive-analytical mathematical model type which has been done in two quantitative and qualitative stages. For this purpose, all factors and components affecting the environment, including atmosphere, contains air quality and sound comfort; Biosphere contains ecology; The hydrosphere, including surface and groundwater and lithosphere, which contains land use, surface facilities, underground facilities, landscape of region and the soil of the region, was examined and scored by experts. Mineral environmental effects were evaluated and finally, by using the mathematical model of Phillips, the indicators of sustainable development of the mine in environmental components were quantified and analyzed. As respect that the value obtained for environmental components is greater than zero, the project has been evaluated as environmentally sustainable. However, the results of the environmental components indicate that the mine will damage the air quality, groundwater and soil of the region. Manuscript profile
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        337 - Environmental assessment of soil pollution Forumad with heavy metals using sequential extraction
        Majid Otari RAhim Dabiri Salime Eshaghi Eil Begi Hojat ollah Joghatai
        Extraction of mineral resources and mining can be lead to soil contamination by heavy metals. To determination of the origin of the metals in the sediments in Forumad chromite mine, the sediment samples were taken and analyzed using the sequential extraction method. Ana More
        Extraction of mineral resources and mining can be lead to soil contamination by heavy metals. To determination of the origin of the metals in the sediments in Forumad chromite mine, the sediment samples were taken and analyzed using the sequential extraction method. Analysis of soil samples showed that the concentration of chromium and nickel in sediment is higher than that of global shale. Chromium and nickel in soil distribution map of the region shows that the highest concentration of chromium and nickel in samples from inside the mine tailings deposits of chromite Forumad been harvested according to the average concentration of chromium and nickel in the global shale, the top the amount of chromium in the sediment was attributable to mining activities. Our study shows that Nickel and Chromium with more than 45% concentration are interchangeable phase, which indicating anthropogenic source. Mining activity plays an important role in increasing the concentration of these elements as interchangeable phase. Cd, Pb, Zn and Fe with more than 30% concentration in residual phase, are related to lithogenic source. The results of the sequential extraction method are compatible with the pollution index in the area. Manuscript profile
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        338 - Assessment of application the artificial recharges methods of aquifer of Imamzadeh Jafar plain in Gachsaran-southwest of Iran
        Khodarahm Shafiei Motlagh Naser Ebadati
        Before feeling water -shortage crisis human has understood the importance of water From the religioustexts. Considering recent conditions of the world the water will replace most recent boundaries, atfuture. Imamzadeh Jaafar plain is located 5 kilometers northeast of Ga More
        Before feeling water -shortage crisis human has understood the importance of water From the religioustexts. Considering recent conditions of the world the water will replace most recent boundaries, atfuture. Imamzadeh Jaafar plain is located 5 kilometers northeast of Gachsaran, south of Kohgilooye andBoerahmad province. The plain has 61km 2 area extents and contains two, alluvial and carbonateaquifers. These aquifers supply the water needs, agricultural, industrial and domestic. Highly exploitation andtransportation of groundwater resources, especially by National Oil Company, caused highly drawdown inalluvial aquifer, 1.85m in a 5 years period from 1361 to 1365 as reported by Mahab Ghods ConsultingEngineers. There are two artificial recharge projects, 1 flood spreading system and 1 recharge pondssystem, in the plain. To present the future water resources management program the hydrogeologicalbehaviors of the alluvial aquifer and the effects of artificial recharge must be evaluated. To develop theconceptual model of aquifer required information, meteorological, water level in the observationwells, depth to bedrock, hydrodynamic coefficients, topography, water resources and …, were collected, fieldsurveys were performed and required maps were prepared. Using conceptual model and MODFLOWPMWIN code the mathematical model of the plain was calibrated against water year 1380 -81 and thenverified against water year 1384 - 85. The verified model was used to predict future conditions ofaquifer. The results implied the rapid response of aquifer to precipitation due to high aquifertransmissivity, positive water budget at year 1385 comparing year 65, change of direction of groundwaterflow from plain outlet to the center of plain in response to highly exploitation at the center ofplain, water level in the wells located downward the flood spreading system will raise as 1 to 6m andwater level in t he wells located downward the recharge pond system will lower as 1 to 4m. Manuscript profile
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        339 - Assessment of CN method in runoff Estemation using of GIS In Madarsu basin in Golestan province
        Ali Panahi Bohloul Alijani Hosein Mohammadi
        Every year, due to the penetration of cyclone and different air masses and also local conditions, the resultingflood phenomena causes extreme damage to the natural and economical resources. Sometimes, due to the floodwaves or high density of residual materials, hydromet More
        Every year, due to the penetration of cyclone and different air masses and also local conditions, the resultingflood phenomena causes extreme damage to the natural and economical resources. Sometimes, due to the floodwaves or high density of residual materials, hydrometric stations are damaged and consequently the recordeddata do not match to real data. Considering the lack of hydrometrical stations in most of the small watersheds,determination of runoff and maximum flood discharge requires a suitable method to estimate runoff and peakflow which to be used in flood and erosion control management plans. In this study empirical CN method isused.In this study, a principle of work method is applying of statistical data (5686 statistics year of climatologystations Robate ,Ghare bil, Cheshmekhan, Hagholkhaje, Dasht, Dashte shad, tangrah,Ghojmaz,Til abad,pishkamar, Galikesh and station hydrometric Tnagrah). Spatial data analysis and also using of satellite imagesfor gaining CN map in SCS model with GIS, in the next stage recognized applying the SCS equation, CN mapand precipitation layer which zones have the potential for creating of similar runoff.In this study, also due to assessment curve number CN choice several flood danger that the results shows thehigh correlation between curve number calculated and curve number observed and also resulted that use ofweight model in curve number calculate provided to consider all of effective factors in runoff existing and at theresult attain reliable estimate of runoff resulting the rainfall. Manuscript profile
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        340 - Investigating the vegetation cover of Yasouj and Shahrekord using GSI patterns
        Amin Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh Atefeh Hemmati
        Yasuj is one of the southern cities of Iran and the capital of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces. The city is also the center of Boyer-Ahmad County, which is located in the northeast of the province. Yasuj city ends from the north to Dena city (Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-A More
        Yasuj is one of the southern cities of Iran and the capital of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces. The city is also the center of Boyer-Ahmad County, which is located in the northeast of the province. Yasuj city ends from the north to Dena city (Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad), from the south to Noorabad Mamasani (Fars), from the east to Semirom (Isfahan) and Eghlid (Fars) and from the west to Kohgiluyeh city. Yasuj city is located at an altitude of 1870 meters above sea level. Yasuj has important geographical and human characteristics that have an important place in its surrounding area. In terms of natural characteristics of components such as rainfall, temperature, wind, water and topography and in terms of human characteristics of population, age groups, unemployment rate, employment rate, active population, the issue of migration is significant. In this research, by studying study and research sources as well as various statistics, human and geographical features of Yasuj city are analyzed. Manuscript profile
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        341 - Analysis of the discourse of protest poetry in the poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Siavash Kasraei (based on the analysis of the discourse of Laclau and Mouffe)
        Laleh Erfanian mahdi novrooz BATOOL FAKHR -E- ESLAM Farzad Abbasi
        The main issue in discourse analysis is the transition from explaining linguistic data to effective processes in discourse formation. The effort is on to investigate the characteristics and protest aspects of two contemporary poets, Shamlou and Kasraei, based on the des More
        The main issue in discourse analysis is the transition from explaining linguistic data to effective processes in discourse formation. The effort is on to investigate the characteristics and protest aspects of two contemporary poets, Shamlou and Kasraei, based on the descriptive-analytical approach and based on the model of Laclau and Mouffe's discourse analysis. As a poet, Shamlou does not accept the established social order, His political and social goals gradually lead to a simple philosophical and revolutionary worldview. However, Kasraei is not as disappointed with social change as poets like the Third Brotherhood, nor is he as pleased with philosophical and social propositions as Shamlou, but he is a committed poet in every sense of the word.Based on the elements involved in Laclau and Moffe's discourse theory, it can be said that Shamlou was inherently a poet incompatible with the spirit of his time. Shamlou's poetry considered all the vital elements of society to be a distorted construction of the ideological realms of political sovereignty, Therefore, protest in such a society is considered a sacred movement. On the other hand, Kasraei's allegorical and symbolic initial approach, and finally his revolutionary and guerrilla poetry, made him a supporter and encourager of a socialist and popular revolution. Based on this, the present study tries to study of Laclau and Mouffe's analysis discourse, namely articulation, identity, conflict and alienation, hegemony and mythology in the poems of these two important poets of contemporary Iranian history. Manuscript profile
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        342 - Examining the elements of text coherence in the Borzoonameh system of Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj based on the theory of Hallidi and Hassan
        karam Alirezaei Seyed Farajollah Mousavi Alireza Salehi
         Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj, one of the poets of the 8th century, is the author of the old Borzoonameh. In this article, the elements of text coherence in the ancient Borzoonameh system have been investigated based on Halliday and Hassan's theory. The descriptive-an More
         Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj, one of the poets of the 8th century, is the author of the old Borzoonameh. In this article, the elements of text coherence in the ancient Borzoonameh system have been investigated based on Halliday and Hassan's theory. The descriptive-analytical research method and the research data were obtained through the use of library resources and note-taking. The scope and community under study is the ancient part of Borzoonameh, by "Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj" with correction and research by Akbar Nahawi. The first part of the poem is an epic story in every sense of the word, which was very well received and noticed by people in the past. But among Iranian researchers and orientalists, it was not known as it should and maybe, and there were more contradictory words about it than other epic poems. The old part of Borzoonameh book has been more successful among other poems written in imitation of Shahnameh, so that part of it has been included in a copy of Shahnameh since time immemorial. Simple and popular plot, fluent language and free of difficult to express and novel arrays, immediacy of story situations, epic and entertaining texture, etc. have caused this story to remain in people's thoughts more than other national and historical epics after the Shahnameh. to stay By examining the elements of text coherence in Borzoonameh, it is possible to consider Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj as one of the most beautiful composers of the 8th century following the epic poets of the past, and his success in reflecting their intellectual, linguistic and literary structure in his poems can be confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        343 - Critical matching of the story "The sea is still calm" from Ahmad Mahmoud with the components of the school of naturalism
        reza JALILI
          Literary schools are considered important criteria for understanding the literary qualities of different periods because they represent the social, political and cultural components of each period. One of these schools is naturalism, which was originally introduc More
          Literary schools are considered important criteria for understanding the literary qualities of different periods because they represent the social, political and cultural components of each period. One of these schools is naturalism, which was originally introduced to Persian fiction literature through the translation of the works of American and European writers during the Constitutional Revolution. Ahmad Mahmoud, as one of the prominent representatives of naturalism, has involved the rules and components of this school with the intention of recounting social critique and explaining the attitudes of the people in his stories. The descriptive-analytical study of the most important naturalistic features of "the sea is still calm" shows that with regard to elements such as "physiological aspects", "breaking the false vocabulary", "negation of freedom and belief in historical and social algebra", "conversational style", "Detailed descriptions and detailed descriptions", "limitation of physical capacity", "creation of animal characters" and "tragic end of the story", the story referred to a literary reaction to the main weaknesses and deprivations of the Iranian society in the thirties and forties Solar is considered. In some cases, according to the cultural and religious context of the target group, Mahmood left some of the components of naturalism that "the lack of attention to the genetic impact on people's lives", "the lower frequency of taboo vocabulary" and "addressing issues beyond nature at a limited level" of That sentence is. Manuscript profile
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        344 - Study, analysis and comparison of cultural capitals of female characters in the stories of Jalal Al-Ahmad and Simin Daneshvar; According to Pierre Bourdieu
        seyyedehFatemeh yavari Roghayyeh Rezaei hesam ziaee
         Stories, by reflecting the norms and values ​​of society, play an important role in reproducing gender identity and status. Criticism of literary texts from such a perspective helps to represent the position of women in society based on having different types of c More
         Stories, by reflecting the norms and values ​​of society, play an important role in reproducing gender identity and status. Criticism of literary texts from such a perspective helps to represent the position of women in society based on having different types of capital. The present study, with reference to library sources and a comparative approach as well as descriptive-analytical method, examines the stories of "Samanoopazan" and "Ganj" by Jalal Al-Ahmad with the stories of "Sargozasht-e-Koocheh" and "Shahri chon Behesht" by Simin Daneshvar Paid And has analyzed and interpreted the types of women's cultural capital in these stories according to the approach of Pierre Bourdieu's types of capital to answer the question of how the cultural assets of female characters are reflected in the stories of Al-Ahmad and Daneshvar? The findings of this study, referring to the meager cultural capital of women, represent the patriarchal atmosphere of Iranian society and show that women in these stories, out of ignorance and lack of cultural capital, step in any direction than men (even wicked and vulgar men). Do not move away and stay in the same humble position. These women are satisfied with their meager cultural capital and show no signs of self-fulfillment. Manuscript profile
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        345 - A Study of the Intellectual Level of Parvin Etesami's Poetic Style in the Ode to the Enchanted World "based on Jacobsen's theory of verbal communication
        As a committed and popular poet, Parvin Etesami has given great importance to group concerns in her poems. In this regard, he has an educational look in the poem "This black snake has made the world enchanting" and explains a set of moral do's and don'ts, and uses his w More
        As a committed and popular poet, Parvin Etesami has given great importance to group concerns in her poems. In this regard, he has an educational look in the poem "This black snake has made the world enchanting" and explains a set of moral do's and don'ts, and uses his words in the best way to communicate with a general and specific audience. The main purpose and issue of the present study is to address the quality of representation of the teachings of Andarzi in the poem based on the principles of Jacobsen's theory of verbal communication. The reason for using Jacobsen's theory is that he has referred to the various dimensions of the recipient (addressee) and sender (creator) communication aspects in his views. Therefore, by using it, new angles of the intellectual level of Parvin's poetry style can be examined. The results show that the motivating role of language in this poem has been to lead the audience to perform moral duties and avoid the shortcomings of the secretary. Relying on the role of empathy, the poet has highlighted the role of the audience in reading and understanding the text. The emotional role expresses the dominance of Parvin's social self over her personal self. The referential role expresses the poet's attempt to explain the concept of secularism with emphasis on religious and mystical components. The literary role demonstrates the power of Parvin's illustration to arouse the audience's aesthetic sense and add to his understanding. The role of metalanguage in this poem has been formed by using simple and quick animal codes, which provides access to a wider range of audiences to the content of his poems. Manuscript profile
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        346 - A Study of Jami's Opinions on "Special Prophecy" in the Divan of Poetry with an Approach to the Basics of Islamic Theology
        hashem bahraminia Dr.farzad abbasi Dr.mahdi nowrooz Dr.Mahboobeh zia
          Nooruddin Abdul Rahman Jami is one of the prominent figures in the field of Islamic sciences in Greater Khorasan. He has left various works in various fields of literature, mysticism, religion, etc., which shows the extent of his awareness. Among these works is t More
          Nooruddin Abdul Rahman Jami is one of the prominent figures in the field of Islamic sciences in Greater Khorasan. He has left various works in various fields of literature, mysticism, religion, etc., which shows the extent of his awareness. Among these works is the Divan of Poetry, which can be read and analyzed from various dimensions, especially the reflection of theological issues. In this paper, relying on the descriptive-analytical method and library resources, Jami's theological views on the category of "special prophecy" in this work are examined. The results of the research show that Jami did not have a special commitment to any theological school and often used the theoretical foundations of Shia (more) and Ash'ari and Mu'tazilite (less) theology in explaining his views. The closeness of Jami's views to the standards of Shia theology can be justified by his inclinations toward Shafei jurisprudence, which is the closest Sunni group to Shiism. His most important views on the subject of "special prophecy" are: the relationship between the resurrection of the Prophet and the guidance and happiness of human beings; the superiority of Muhammad over all creatures; Muhammad, the main purpose of creation; Being a divine grace, being a trustworthy person; miracles (the Qur'an and other miracles); being the seal of the prophets and being in the forefront of creation. Manuscript profile
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        347 - Comparative study of the three axes of Gerard Genet intertextuality with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the gardens of lights by Mohammad Sadegh Ghomshami
        Mahin Farahmand Seyyed Mahmoud Seyed Sadeghi Shams Al-Hajiyeh Ahmadi roknabadi
         Intertextual links are one of the new approaches in the reading and critique of texts in the theory of genetic transmutation. According to this approach, no text is independent of other texts and each text is an intertext derived from previous texts that will be p More
         Intertextual links are one of the new approaches in the reading and critique of texts in the theory of genetic transmutation. According to this approach, no text is independent of other texts and each text is an intertext derived from previous texts that will be present in later texts. Gerard Genet, one of the theorists in the field of intertextual links, formulated his theory of transtextuality in five axes, one of which is the intertextuality axis. He has divided intertextuality into three types: intertextual connection, explicit-intentional, covert-intentional and implicit, and has also defined and limited the conceptual scope of each of these interpretations. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, this study comparatively examines the intertextual aspects of genet with the theory of Islamic rhetoric in the treatise of Hadayegh Al-Anwar by Mohammad Sadegh Qomshami. Accordingly, the types of explicit-intentional, covert-intentional and implicit intertextuals and their comparative aspects in Islamic rhetoric, including proverbs, allusions, adaptations, allegories, allusions, guarantees, resolutions and contracts, are examined in this text. One of the objectives of this research is to study the use of previous texts based on the theory of genet and their adaptation to the theory of Islamic rhetoric. The result of the research indicates that the most common type of intertextuality is implicit intertextuality and in accordance with Islamic rhetoric, it is a kind of allusion. After that, hidden-intentional intertextuality has the highest frequency. Qomshami art in how to use the previous texts and use the intertextual element and create an original and innovative connection between the previous texts and the present text has artistically attracted and convinced the audience. Manuscript profile
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        348 - A Comparative Study of Nature and place of Solitude and Seclusion in the Path of Mysticism (with an Emphasis on the Ehaya al-Uloom Ghazali and Manazel al-Saarerin Khwaja Abdullah Ansari)
        Zahra Shafahi Abolfazl Ebrahimi Ozineh Soosan Narimani
        Solitude and seclusion in Ghazali and Ansari's expression is a general concept without any Sufi traditions. In fact, according to these two mystics, seclusion is a way of life that continues continuously until the end of the seeker's life. This present research, with a More
        Solitude and seclusion in Ghazali and Ansari's expression is a general concept without any Sufi traditions. In fact, according to these two mystics, seclusion is a way of life that continues continuously until the end of the seeker's life. This present research, with a descriptive-analytical approach, has dealt with a comparative investigation of the place of solitude and seclusion in the course of mysticism (Ghazali’s Ehaya al-Uloom and Khwaja Abdullah Ansari’s Manazel al-Saarerin). The result of this research indicates that Ghazali, as a mystic, was able to highlight isolation and avoidance of people well and show that real and true happiness is in seclusion and solitude, and the benefits of this seclusion are like remaining in the presence of God and treatment of physical diseases and acquisition of knowledge is considered. Ansari has a different view of solitude and considers it a means of self-knowledge and returning to oneself, although he has common points such as the benefits of isolation and avoiding people for solitude compared to Ghazali, Ansari's view is expressed in the form of awareness and punishment, exile and reflection. Manuscript profile
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        349 - Comparative Stylistic Analysis of "Naghmeh Ney" by Anne Marie Chimmel and the Poems of Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi
        Fereshteh Javadi Hojatolah Gh Moniri Hamideh Behjat Nahid Zaizi
        Anne Marie chimmel, a German researcher and orientalist of the present century (1922-2003), is known and recognized among Persian speakers mainly as a researcher of Islamic mysticism (especially Maulana resarcher), and her artistic and poetic side is due to the lack of More
        Anne Marie chimmel, a German researcher and orientalist of the present century (1922-2003), is known and recognized among Persian speakers mainly as a researcher of Islamic mysticism (especially Maulana resarcher), and her artistic and poetic side is due to the lack of translation of " Naghmeh Ney" It remains unknown in Persian. The upcoming research has sought to find out the linguistic style and thought of the system with the analytical- descriptive method. It has been analyzed in accordance with the style and context of Rumi's words and in this direction, it shows the reader the extent of Shimel's influence on Rumi's creation of this verse. In short, what was obtained in this study and comparison was that: Shimel was influenced by Rumi's language and mentality in the composition and interpretation of " Naghmeh Ney" from all stylistic aspects - except for The song of the words: due to the bilingual nature of the works of both sides. It has been such that he even borrowed the symbols and signs of Rumi to instill the principles of ruling and mysticism that he believed in, and spoke to the audience with almost the same images that Rumi made and discussed, of course, Shimel also sometimes used to express his opinion and purpose, he gave up his metaphorical or code words in the face of real and figurative meanings and in this way he left a trace of his intellectual and literary independence. Rumi's philosophical/mystical thoughts can be seen from this side. Manuscript profile
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        350 - Examining and comparing the ways of representing the social position of "female characters" in the short story 20
        نجمه najmeh alireza shabanlu Abdolhossein Farzad
        Fictional literature in Iran has focused its attention on representing the realities of Iranian society from the very beginning of its formation. With a quick look at the works of fiction from the twenties to the fifties, the audience can clearly see the influence of re More
        Fictional literature in Iran has focused its attention on representing the realities of Iranian society from the very beginning of its formation. With a quick look at the works of fiction from the twenties to the fifties, the audience can clearly see the influence of realism in the heart and text of the stories. The main reason for this approach in fiction literature is the political and social structure and conditions that govern Iran. The present study tries to answer the main question in a descriptive-analytical way, that according to the realist view that prevailed in the short story in the twenties, what image did the male writers draw of "woman" and her "social position" at this historical moment? are The statistical population of this research is the short stories written by Ebrahim Golestan, Bozor Alavi and Mahmoud Etemadzadeh in this decade. The findings of the research show that "female" characters in these stories are often mentioned as secondary characters and their processing method is in a way that is related to other characters. It seems that none of the "female" characters are directly introduced in these stories and their "actions", "thoughts" and "speech" are the main tools of the authors. They are to introduce these characters to the reader. These women have different names; but they have common characteristics that they are condemned to suffer and finally surrender due to economic, cultural and political anomalies. In general, although these "women" have been represented differently in some cases; the overall picture presented of them under the influence of the realistic view of short story writers in the twenties has many points in common with each other. Manuscript profile
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        351 - Understanding the Concept of Hidden Violence against Women in the novel "Homa" Written by Mohammad Hejazi, Emphasizing Two Macro Indicators
        الهام Ahmadi Kobra Nodehi Arastoo Mirani
         Violence refers to the concept of applying any behavior to harm one or more phenomena. This concept can be done on two levels, consciously or unconsciously. Among these, the critical issue is to investigate the limits, amount, and victims of violence. One of the i More
         Violence refers to the concept of applying any behavior to harm one or more phenomena. This concept can be done on two levels, consciously or unconsciously. Among these, the critical issue is to investigate the limits, amount, and victims of violence. One of the important spectrums that have sometimes been subjected to violence is women. In Iran, the presence of women as victims of social and cultural conditions dates back to the first contemporary novels during Reza Shah's modernization era. In the novels of this period, we came across images of women as victims of society. This article is research in examining and understanding the concept of hidden violence against women in the novel "Homa" written by Mohammad Hejazi. As a leading author and novelist, Hejazi has shown the concealed shadow of violence against women by choosing female titles for his novels. The hypothesis of this article indicates that in the novel "Homa," Hejazi presents a woman who is a victim of hidden violence in the culture and traditions of a patriarchal society. The findings using the descriptive-analytical method and written and virtual sources showed that the hidden violence against women in Homa's novel includes two indicators of verbal and non-verbal hidden violence. Therefore, humiliation, slander, insults, threats, lies, taunts, and teasing are included under the index of hidden verbal violence. Also, ignoring women's character, supporting wrong marriage customs, supporting polygamy, sexual violence, hypocrisy, and pretending is under the macro index of hidden non-verbal violence. Manuscript profile
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        352 - Analysis of Golpayegani's Madhosh Golpayegani poems based on Pierre Bourdieu's theory of "character and field"
        shayesteh abhaji ezabadi azizollah tavakkoli Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh
         In the sociology of literature, which is an interdisciplinary science, literature is viewed as one of the social institutions that is influenced by the developments of social life. Experts in this field examine any works of art and various texts that reflect socie More
         In the sociology of literature, which is an interdisciplinary science, literature is viewed as one of the social institutions that is influenced by the developments of social life. Experts in this field examine any works of art and various texts that reflect society. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of "character and field" is one of the sociological approaches in which the various dimensions of society as a field and the institutionalization of matters following the field as a character are considered in a wide range of dimensions. This sociological approach can be reflected in literary texts with the help of interdisciplinary studies. In the present study, an attempt is made to explore the descriptive-analytical fields of the fields in Golpayegani's intoxicated poems and the characteristics that he shows in social fields in order to answer the questions that this poet according to the conditions of his society. What fields is affected and based on it, what characteristics does it reflect in its poems? The results indicate that Madhosh Golpayegani, considering the social fields of "prosperity of cultural, artistic and literary affairs", "influence of the clergy" and "progress of society", manifests various meaningful characters in his poems in the form of themes and styles. His personality is visible. Manuscript profile
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        353 - Comparison of Qalandari themes in the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jam and Hafez Shirazi
        , Jan Mohammad Afrazi, Hamid Tabasi, . Abolghasem Radfar
         Qalandaria is a branch of blame that has done some things contrary to religion for the sake of violence and has left a great impact on Persian literature. Iranian and Islamic mysticism began with asceticism and at some point merged with Sufism; He then entered a s More
         Qalandaria is a branch of blame that has done some things contrary to religion for the sake of violence and has left a great impact on Persian literature. Iranian and Islamic mysticism began with asceticism and at some point merged with Sufism; He then entered a stage in which some of his literature was called Qalandar literature. The influence of Qalandari thoughts in Persian mystical poetry started from Sanai and reached the highest level of development in Hafez. The poets of Qalandariyat spoke of their desire for love, Qalandariyya, drunkenness and passion, and criticized the scholars and ascetics. In Qalandariyat, words such as: Tasbih, Khaneghah, Kharqah, Asceticism, Sajjada, Sufi, Faqih, Mosque, School, etc. have been ridiculed, and in contrast, words such as: Dir Moghan, Magh, Maghbcheh, May, It has many uses. In this research, by descriptive-analytical method and library tools, the concepts of Qalandar in Hafez Divan and the works of poetry and prose of Ahmad Jam have been studied and compared. The results of the research show that Hafez and Sheikh Ahmad Jam have emphasized the issue of hypocrisy of religious people and Sharia more than others; Because the corruption that is created in this way in the society is much worse than the corruption of other classes. Also, Hafez and Sheikh Jam have emphasized the condemnation of selfishness and avoidance of the world and carnal habits. Hafez's wide range of views includes political, social, cultural, and religious issues; But Ahmad Jam has not mentioned the political characteristics of his society. Manuscript profile
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        354 - Frequency Measurement of Indian Style Characteristics in the Works of Mir Mohammad Momen Astarabadi
        Shima Sadat Sharif AlHosseini Kobra Nodehi Vahid Royani
          As a valuable heritage, Persian manuscripts have made an important contribution to the preservation of Iranian culture and civilization. Mir Mohammad Momin Estrabadi, a sage, architect, poet, and writer of the 10th and 11th centuries AH, has left behind his work More
          As a valuable heritage, Persian manuscripts have made an important contribution to the preservation of Iranian culture and civilization. Mir Mohammad Momin Estrabadi, a sage, architect, poet, and writer of the 10th and 11th centuries AH, has left behind his works including Divan Shaari. This diwan is kept as a single copy in the "Royal Library of Golestan Palace" under number 459, which is registered as a manuscript of "Khayyam's quatrains" due to the similarity of its quatrains with Khayyam's quatrains. Diwan of Mir Mohammad Momen Estrabadi is one of the precious manuscripts that has remained unknown until now, and correcting this manuscript is very important in order to know his character and position and to familiarize himself with his poetic style and thoughts. This research is dedicated to the investigation and analysis of the poetic style of Divan Mir Mohammad Momen Astarabadi with a descriptive-analytical method. The scope and statistical population of the study are the manuscripts of his divan, which has been corrected by the author. His divan consists of quatrains, odes, ghazals, and pieces, of course, most of it is dedicated to quatrains. According to the results, the poetry style of Mir Mohammad Momen Astarabadi is very close to the Indian style, and in terms of content, language and literature, there are many features of the Indian style in his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        355 - A comparison and investigation of the regional and rural characteristics in novels "A Pilgrim Under the Rain" by Ahmad Mahmood and"Al-rabie al-Assef"by Najib Al-kilani
        Hayedeh Azimoghli oskoei Hojjat Rasouli Seyed Ebrahim Arman
         Regional literature as one of the important subdivisions of fiction has affected social and political developments in most communities. Ahmad Mahmood and Najib Kilani, two distinguished contemporary Persian and Arabic authors, committed authors relying on local cu More
         Regional literature as one of the important subdivisions of fiction has affected social and political developments in most communities. Ahmad Mahmood and Najib Kilani, two distinguished contemporary Persian and Arabic authors, committed authors relying on local culture, raised the problems of society and called on it to find solutions and understand them in the form of their stories. Story" Al-rabie al-Assef” is one of Najib Kilani’s work about a village with hope and suffering caused by contemporary historical developments of Egypt in the late twentieth century. Story" A pilgrim Under the Rain" by Ahmad Mahmood has shown the situation of south region and people’s problems in the play scenes of story skillfully with the author’s critical eye. This research with descriptive approach from study area has studied and evaluated regional elements in a qualitative-comparative method. First initial sources in the geographical and local areas extracted from Ahmad Mahmood and Najib Kilani’s works in association with social consequences have been studied. The importance of investigating of this subject turns out when many social and cultural problems in Islamic societies will be solved in case the influence of local identity was recognized. The conclusions found from this study are necessary to access to affective local and regional elements in order to achieve sustainable development purposes.  Manuscript profile
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        356 - Application of spatial model of office sites using GIS with integrated multi criteria decision model AHP-PROMETHEE Case study: administrative site of Bakhrez city (Khorasan Razavi province)
        sina sabri frh habib zahra sadat saeidi zar abadi
        According to national laws, the need to organize office buildings in newly established cities as office sites is raised, and increasing the benefits of operating these complexes depends on choosing the appropriate location. Proper location is very complex process due to More
        According to national laws, the need to organize office buildings in newly established cities as office sites is raised, and increasing the benefits of operating these complexes depends on choosing the appropriate location. Proper location is very complex process due to its multifaceted nature. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the variables and combine them in the form of a comprehensive application model and formulate an application instruction.In order to achieve the main purpose of the research, first, effective criteria in locating land uses have been formulated, and in particular, administrative sites, which facilitate and make optimal choices. Since in the process of optimal location due to the multiplicity of variables and effective indicators, we need to use multi criteria decision making techniques and models in this study preferred ranking method Promethee is used. The model has been widely used in the past few years due to the capabilities defined in it based on fuzzy mathematical methods and its simplicity, and according to the 6 functions with the ability to define complete preference, relative preference, with topics. Urban planning, and specifically the issue of location, is very relevant. Since the main and sub-variables of the research should be entered into the model in a weighted manner and with specific significance coefficients. Relevant coefficients were determined by selecting the experts and performing pairwise comparisons (part of the AHP model).In the process of conducting research and in order to identify the options with the basic requirements for the location of office sites in Bakhrez city, the technique of combining layers in GIS software has been used. The identified positions included eight positions in the city, which were ranked Promethee multi criteria decision making model, and the optimal positions for the establishment of an office site in the city were introduced. Manuscript profile
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        357 - Spatial Analysis and Locating of Fire Extinguishers (Case Study: Shahr Kazeroun)
        mohamad ghanbari hosin porghyomi mostafa hosini
        In recent decades, we have witnessed an increase in the population of the cities of the country; this increase in population in cities has caused the need for more day-to-day services. Perhaps there are not many service centers in a city, but what matters is the optimal More
        In recent decades, we have witnessed an increase in the population of the cities of the country; this increase in population in cities has caused the need for more day-to-day services. Perhaps there are not many service centers in a city, but what matters is the optimal distribution of these centers. Centers of service are one of the service centers that play a major role in the municipality and the guarantor of greater safety for human life. The rapid and timely access of firefighting vehicles to the accident site is very important because the timely delivery of these vehicles to the accident site causes less damage, on the other hand, when it comes to reaching the accident site, the optimal distribution of fire stations is returned. In order to assess the current status of fire stations in relation to fire accidents, the city of Kazeroun was selected as a case study in this study. Then, using GIS functions, network analysis and Tisen polygon analysis, the status of the fire stations in the city of Kazeroun After identifying the inappropriate distribution of these stations using the AHP model and overlapping of indices in the GIS software environment, a suitable location for the fire stations in the city of Kazeroon was identified. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic. The required information was obtained through field observation, studying the plans in relation to the city of Kahrizerun and the map of 2000/1 of this city. Manuscript profile
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        358 - شناسائی و رتبه بندییعوامل تاثیرگذار تعهد سازمانی بر تسهیم دانش باعوامل تاثیرگذار تعهد سازمانی بر تسهیم دانش با روروییکردکردMMCCDDMM(مطالعه مورد(مطالعه موردیی: سازمان ب: سازمان بییمهمهمرکزمرکزییج.ا.ا)ج.ا.
        سید ولی طباطبائی منزائی محمود مدیری سمیه عسکری فهلیانی
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        359 - تحلیل‌ و طراحی‌ چرخه‌ خلاقیت‌ در شرکت‌ گاز استان‌ قزوین
        بابک‌ حاجی‌ کریمی‌ نشاد سردیوند چگینی‌ اسماعیل‌ مفرد بوشهری علی‌ توسلیان‌
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        360 - شناساییییو اولوو اولوییتتبندبندییززییررساختهاساختهاییسازمانسازمانییموثر بر اجراموثر بر اجرایی مهندسمهندسییارزش در شرکتارزش در شرکتهاهاییببییمهمهایای با استفاده از تکنبا استفاده از تکنییککتصمتصمییممگیریگیریچند شاخصهچند شاخصهEELLEECCTTRREE
        علی رمضانی مجتبی کاتب
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        361 - اولویت بندی مناطق آزاد تجاری ایران با استفاده از روشهای تصمیم گیری چندشاخصه
        حسن باباپور عالیه کاظمی
      • Open Access Article

        362 - Presenting the analysis model of the internal factors of the National Bank of Iran with regard to the professional ethics of the employees to gain a competitive advantage
        ابوالقاسم موسوی نسب رضا سپهوند عبدالخالق غلامی چنارستان علیا علی پیرزاد
        AbstractThe purpose of this research is to identify and rank the internal factors affecting the competitive advantage of National Bank in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. The method of conducting this research was done with a combination of qualitative and quantita More
        AbstractThe purpose of this research is to identify and rank the internal factors affecting the competitive advantage of National Bank in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. The method of conducting this research was done with a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The data collection tool is suitable for qualitative research method, in-depth interview and quantitative research method, using researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population was the managers and employees of the National Bank of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad branches, and in the survey section, 100 employees and managers of the National Bank of Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad branches were selected. The results are based on SPSS 24 software and PLS SMART structural equation approach. The plots have shown the path coefficients in the model for: creating differentiation in services (0.492+), reducing the total price of services (0.174+), customer attraction power (0.167+), resource attraction power (0.428). +), ability to collect claims (+0.107), marketing capabilities (+0.298), bank branding (+0.140), capable human resources (+0.185), modern banking services (+0.228) ), the number of Bank Melli branches (+0.174), staff management (+0.480), appropriate information (+0.453), the image of the bank (+0.414), trust in Bank Melli (+0.294) , service quality (+0.645), suitable facilities (+0.337), suitable internet services (+0.171) and professional ethics (0.185) have a direct, positive and significant impact on the competitive advantage of National Bank. According to the analyzes of this research, 18 internal effective factors on the competitive advantage of National Bank branches were identified. Among these factors, the quality of service has the greatest effect and the ability to collect claims has the least effect, which requires the attention of the stakeholders and decision makers of National Bank to improve and correct them. Also, the factor of professional ethics is an important point of this research that among the various factors from marketing to finance, the existence of such a factor must be included in the bank's plans. Manuscript profile
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        363 - Classification, Typology, and Chronology of Glazed Pottery from Bozanjerd Islamic Site, Hamadan Plain
        Mostafa Rezaei Maryam Mohammadi Kazem Mollazadeh
        In 2019, during archaeological investigations of the Islamic sites in the Hamadan Plain, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the Bozanjerd site, marking the first time exploration of this location. One of the key indicators for understanding past cultures lie More
        In 2019, during archaeological investigations of the Islamic sites in the Hamadan Plain, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the Bozanjerd site, marking the first time exploration of this location. One of the key indicators for understanding past cultures lies in the examination and analysis of pottery artifacts within ancient sites, as they play an important role in elucidating the cultural fabric of settlement centers. Given the impressionability of pottery cultures of the Hamadan Plain, especially the Bozanjerd site, which stands as a pivotal pottery center from the Islamic era, this research aims to categorize, typology, and establish a chronology for the various types of glazed pottery unearthed at this site. The study relies on archaeological data. The overarching objectives are twofold: first, to identify the local pottery types at the Bozanjerd site, and second, to discern the cultural influences shaping pottery cultures within this region. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection is done by documentary method. Additionally, field findings from this site are compared with those from other sites within the same cultural horizon. The findings reveal significant similarities between the pottery of Bozanjerd and neighboring sites such as Zolfabad, Âveh, Aqkand, Soltanieh, Qorveh, Kangavar, Bistoun, and Borujerd. These sites are located along the major communication routes of the Hamadan Plain. Furthermore, in terms of technical and artistic attributes, the most notable local pottery types in this site include sgraffito glazed vessels and vessels adorned with multi-colored decorations on white glaze. Manuscript profile
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        364 - Tal 11, A Chalcolithic Settlement in Talvar Dam Basin, Bijar, Kurdistan Province
        Hamed Zifar Hamidreza Valipour Abbas Motarjem
        Site No. 11 of Talvar dam was excavated in 2010 aimed to be salvaged and archaeologically studied. Preliminary studies indicated that there had been a nomadic area with chalcolithic pottery. Accordingly, there was a need to study the material culture (mainly pottery). I More
        Site No. 11 of Talvar dam was excavated in 2010 aimed to be salvaged and archaeologically studied. Preliminary studies indicated that there had been a nomadic area with chalcolithic pottery. Accordingly, there was a need to study the material culture (mainly pottery). In this article, first chalcolithic potteries of the area are generally presented and described; then, typology and classification of the findings are administered and comparing with the pottery data of the nearby areas, their relative dates are provided. Based on relative chronology, Tal 11 site dates to the first half of the fourth millennium B.C. (4000 to 3700 B.C) and is coincided with Dalma pottery tradition (middle chalcolithic). Tal 11, having its own local culture and pottery similarities within Talvar river basin, i.e. Tal 12 and Kalnan tepe, shows also similarities with western region of center of Iranian Plateau and Zanjan region, at least in relation with pottery tradition. Due to the types of potteries, lack of architectural traces, and deficiency of cultural deposits, it can be concluded that settlement of this area was temporary and nomadic. Manuscript profile
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        365 - The Role of Environmental Factors on the Formation of Elamite Settlements in MianKouh of Ardal Area by GIS
        Alireza Khosrowzadeh Mahmoud Heydarian Hamid Mohammadi
        Mian Kouh area of Ardal County due to high mountains, deep valleys, small plains and being in Nomads routes has been considered by humans from the past. Because of the importance of Elamite period in this region and since the period remains unknown in East mountainous a More
        Mian Kouh area of Ardal County due to high mountains, deep valleys, small plains and being in Nomads routes has been considered by humans from the past. Because of the importance of Elamite period in this region and since the period remains unknown in East mountainous areas of Khuzestan, knowing about settlement patterns and the impact of the environment on the formation and distribution Elamite sites is essential. During the three seasons survey in this area, in 1387 to 1390, 78 Elamite site was identified and recorded. The goal of this article is to study the environmental factors and their roles on shaping the human habitat spatial in Elamite period. For survey and statistical analysis of the effect of environmental factors on Elamite settlements we used some factors such as altitude, slope, distance from river and distance from communication routs in the area. To find the relationship of each site with another one we divided them, according to based map, into several classes and then we obtained the correlation of sites with each class.On this basis, for each environmental factor a map (GIS) was made and by outputs of this map, statistical analysis of each environmental factor and its role in understanding the settlement patterns in this area was done. Distance from water sources is one of the most important environmental factors in formation of Elamite settlement in the area, almost always all the sites had a suitable distance from the water sources. Other iimportant factors are distance from the path and slope direction. Manuscript profile
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        366 - The Evidence of Use of Sever and Impassable Caves in the West of Iran in the Dalma Period
        Amir Saed Mucheshi Alireza Azarshab
        This article is an attempt to introduction and studying if dozen caves that used of them in the period of Dalma (Middle Chalcolithic). The use of caves is one of the sign of the pastoralism (both permanent and temporary), nomadism and especially transhumance pastoralism More
        This article is an attempt to introduction and studying if dozen caves that used of them in the period of Dalma (Middle Chalcolithic). The use of caves is one of the sign of the pastoralism (both permanent and temporary), nomadism and especially transhumance pastoralism. In the base of available evidences in this study area could be posed the transhumance pastoralism strategy in the life in this period. The position of the caves and the sever accessibility of them is showed that use of this caves is probably impermanent and limited in the special season and when the nomadic pastoral have taken their flocks to the mountains. One of the property of these caves are their height, sever accessibility and narrow entrance and seems that safety (wild animal of cold temperature at night), accessibility of different pastures have been involved at the use of them. There caves include the Kona Shamsham in the highlands of Marivan county and Samangan and Koolan Gawra in the county of Divandareh in the Kurdistan province in the west of Iran that surveyed in the late archaeological investigations. Manuscript profile
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        367 - Darvish Ahmad: New Discovery of an Elymaean Rock Relief on the Monar Mountain’s Hillside (Andika-Khuzestan)
        Ayoub Soltani Zahra Javadinia Masoud Sadeghi Rad
        Through investigation, identification and preparation of the registration dossier of ancient sites, a rock relief called Darvish Ahmad was discovered in Andika city in 1394. This relief which belongs to Elymaean base reliefs portrays a banquet scene in which a person wh More
        Through investigation, identification and preparation of the registration dossier of ancient sites, a rock relief called Darvish Ahmad was discovered in Andika city in 1394. This relief which belongs to Elymaean base reliefs portrays a banquet scene in which a person who has lounged has a cup in his hand. An object which is probably a sword, mace or axe along with a tree has been carved behind him. The rock relief is reminiscent of the Statue of Hercules. The Stylistics of this rock relief is comparable with rock reliefs of Bard-e Bot Kohe Tina, tang-e Sarvak II and IV, Tang-e Zir of Izeh, Sheyvand, Bard-e Gori Jangeh, Sang-e Mahi and Bard e Chozeh. The rock relief is the 9th Elymaean rock relief with a banquet scene in Elymaean territory. Numerous similarities among these rock reliefs, which have been carved on the single rocks near migration routes, distinguish them from other Elymaean rock reliefs. Manuscript profile
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        368 - Introduction of the new findings in HajMad Farm and Morad beyk Valley
        Masoud Rashidi Nejad Mahdi Zamanian
        Engravings are the most valuable archaeological data in Morad beyk Valley in the southwest of Hamadan. These findings divided to 3 types of anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and symbolic. We will pay to introduction and engraving records in this region (from 4 millennium BC t More
        Engravings are the most valuable archaeological data in Morad beyk Valley in the southwest of Hamadan. These findings divided to 3 types of anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and symbolic. We will pay to introduction and engraving records in this region (from 4 millennium BC to today) point of view archaeological and anthropological. Manuscript profile
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        369 - A Survey of Architectural Inscriptions of Darolehsan Masjid-Madrasah in Sanandaj Emphasis on Persian Poetry Inscriptions
        Mohammad Ibrahim Zarei
        Writing Poetry on the building of mosques, schools, tombs of the Islamic period has been used. The Qajar period is extended in this way. This style not only in buildings capital of Iran but also, center states and cities local authorities were concerned. Of poetry as pa More
        Writing Poetry on the building of mosques, schools, tombs of the Islamic period has been used. The Qajar period is extended in this way. This style not only in buildings capital of Iran but also, center states and cities local authorities were concerned. Of poetry as part of the decoration and the building of the Darolehsan Masjid-Madrasah from the Qajar period in Sanandaj is used. Poetry in stone and tiles in the mosque inscriptions engraved in addition to aesthetics, construction time, especially on matters of substance. This style of poetry by two poets in the history of the period seems like ages buy Mirzafathollah Kurdistani pen named "Khoram" and MirzaSadeq Isfahani pen named "Nateq" were written. The first question, inscription this research to the manufacturer's in putting what is poetry? Second, you can be part of the social and cultural situation in this part of the country and the effects of bureaucratic structure - bureaucratic central government achieved? The answer to the first question is that in addition to the monitoring of its authority to establish a connection with the audience and patrons at this location. Moreover, these are poems that start and end in praise ode mosque client and its sponsors mentioned. The second hypothesis is that in this way the structure of bureaucracy, administrative, social and cultural capital of the lyrics and the mosque is well understood. Poet’s poetry shows competition in Sanandaj governance the one hand and the other hand to run large programs and architectural development in Kurdistan. The building was constructed prior to the training center in Sanandaj and Sunni religious training was conducted in Ottoman cities. The construction of the mosque -school became an important center of science and religion. Manuscript profile
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        370 - PreliminaryResearch on the Economic Aspects of the Kohgiluye and Buyerahmad, Based on Archaeological Evidence and Historical Texts
        Hossein Sepidname Ahmad Salehi Kakhki Ahmad Azadi
        Historical texts and Archaeological data have an important role in clarifying the economic condition of a region in the ancient times. Today's economic position of Kohgiluye and Buyer Ahmad in Islamic periods is less known due to small number of historical and archaeolo More
        Historical texts and Archaeological data have an important role in clarifying the economic condition of a region in the ancient times. Today's economic position of Kohgiluye and Buyer Ahmad in Islamic periods is less known due to small number of historical and archaeological researches. In this current study, three factors related to Kohgiluye and Buyer Ahmad's economy in the Islamic era have been considered. This three factors include ecological and livelihood system of nomads, cities as commercial centers, and intra and extera-roads as infrastructure of trade development and commercial prosperity of this region. In this study, besides investigating the three mentioned cases, it has been tried to combine those with results of archaeological investigations and researches. Because of having diversity of acclimation, being mountainous, numerous rivers, diversity of vegetation, and rich ecosystem in general, Kohgiluye and Buyer Ahmad has prepared favorite condition for nomad life during history. The livelihood system of nomad life of Kohgiluye and Buyer Ahmad's people who lived in latest Islamic centuries mainly had been based on animal husbandry that has supplied its products to neighboring cities (Behbahan, Ardakan, Shahreza, and daylam and Ganaveh ports) and supplied some of their needs from those towns, in addition to selfsufficient in supplying their essential needs. According to remained historical texts, this region witnessed commence and prosperity of cities such as Ziz, Gonbadmolghan, and Dehdasht and also two extra-regional roads consist of Fars to Khuzestan and Khuzestan to Esfahan which archaeological investigations also endorse their existence. Rich ecosystem also had duplicated the importance of extra-regional roads and cities of this region so that in addition to exporting this region's products to neighbor cities, this product also has been sent to the far distant countries. Manuscript profile
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        371 - Wave Scroll Motif: Trace of Ancient Greek Art in Oriental Rural and Nomadic Carpets
        Sara Moslehi Bahman Firoozmandi Arman Shishegar
        The wave scroll motif is among the designs that, nowadays, are mainly seen in rural and nomadic carpets in a wide geographical area, from Central Asia to Anatolia and the Caucasus, as well as Iran. Historically, this motif originates from Hellenistic art and is still us More
        The wave scroll motif is among the designs that, nowadays, are mainly seen in rural and nomadic carpets in a wide geographical area, from Central Asia to Anatolia and the Caucasus, as well as Iran. Historically, this motif originates from Hellenistic art and is still used in oriental carpets today. The purpose of this article is to find out how and the possible time of the arrival of this pattern from Greek art to Iranian carpets using archaeological evidence, including old museum carpets. Using valuable motifs of Sassanian Carpets, this article tracks the transfer of this motif from the Hellenic-Byzantine civilization to the art of pre-Islamic Iran and in various artistic disciplines such as pottery and textiles to clarify this motif’s long journey from pre-Islamic art to the Islamic period. This study shows that the motif was most likely known since the Seleucid period in the Persianate world, but the most evidence of it can be seen in the art of the Parthian and Sasanian periods, furthermore the findings show that this motif was used at least from late Parthian era on the border of hand-made textiles like carpets. Manuscript profile
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        372 - Geobotanical database of plants producing nectar and pollen in Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad province.
        fatemeh Alienjad ahmad reza Mehrabian Assadollah Ahmadikhah Dariush Minaei Tehrani Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
        In this reserach, nectar and pollen producing plant species of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces have been studied. The results of this study showing that 282 plant species belonging to 162 genera from 55 genera used by honeybees in the province. Asteraceae with 49 s More
        In this reserach, nectar and pollen producing plant species of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces have been studied. The results of this study showing that 282 plant species belonging to 162 genera from 55 genera used by honeybees in the province. Asteraceae with 49 species (17.80%), Fabaceae with 34 species (15.2%), Lamiaceae with 33 species (11.74%), Brassicaceae with 23 species (8.15%) including the highest number of mentioned plant taxa in the province. Also, 169 (60%) of these plants produce nectar and pollen, 41 species (15%) produce nectar and 72 species (25%) produce pollen only. In addition, seven species vulnerable (VU) and one species endangered (EN). In addition, 36 species are endemic to Iran. The konar, Gavan pang angosht, Qangal and Zol are among the most important mono floral honeys in the province so the conservation and management of their habitat is one of the conservation priorities of rangelands in this province. Manuscript profile
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        373 - 2500-year-old kingdom celebration with emphasis on cultural-social review the regim in Iran.
        loghman dehghan houra shojaei
        2500-year-old kingdom celebration which after years of providing propaganda and studying were held in the fall of 1350 in persepolis with a unque glory , was on of the most expensire celebration which cost over 300 million dollars.By holding such a celebration ,shah was More
        2500-year-old kingdom celebration which after years of providing propaganda and studying were held in the fall of 1350 in persepolis with a unque glory , was on of the most expensire celebration which cost over 300 million dollars.By holding such a celebration ,shah was seeking a way to continue his government and dominance over the pepole of Iran ,so he began to recover Aryan's valuas and arouse animosity towards Islam and develop friendly relation with foreign countries ,hence he began a series of controversial and , in some cases ,useful measures :naming himself "shah", ordering the collection and compiliation if some books about Iran's  pre-Islamic culture and civilization ,founding Shahanshahi foundation of Iran Acadmy ,establish-ment of Iran's National Deed Registery ,holding various celebrations during the celebration decade (1345-1355),promoting people to choose their children the original Iranian names ,sending some educational groups callend "Sepahyane Danesh" (knowledge corps)to villages for the aim of making pepole eager to ancient and kigdom culture and informing them of the magnitude of the 2500-year-old kingdom celebrations ,building several schools and many buildings of public interest after the name of cirus the Great,changing the calender from solar to kingdome the cost of these celebrtions was so high and anti-Islamic measurs  of regime were so extensive that finally raised the protest of the majority of the pepole of Iran and even foreign press and figures,and Shah and regime were condemned.   Manuscript profile
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        374 - The Unity or Difference between Al-Hāwi Fi al-Tibb and Al-Jāmi': A Survey Based on Evidence.
        mohammad taqavi Mostafa Gohari Fakhrabad
        Mohammad ibn Zakariya Al- Razi is one of the most famous Physicians in Islamic Civilization, Who his opinions and works have an important place in History of Islam and west medicine. Among his medicine works, Al- Hawi is the most famous. Many of Authors have considered More
        Mohammad ibn Zakariya Al- Razi is one of the most famous Physicians in Islamic Civilization, Who his opinions and works have an important place in History of Islam and west medicine. Among his medicine works, Al- Hawi is the most famous. Many of Authors have considered Al- Hawi as equivalent to Al-Jami that destroyed today. However, the study of other Al- Razi's works, other works of Islamic medicine and the Islamic Bibliographic books shows that we can't demonstrate exactly that Al- Hawi and Al- Jami are one work, although our evidence for their unity is more. This Article attempts to show there are some differences and similarities between these two works based on evidence. Mohammad ibn Zakariya Al- Razi is one of the most famous Physicians in Islamic Civilization, Who his opinions and works have an important place in History of Islam and west medicine. Among his medicine works, Al- Hawi is the most famous. Many of Authors have considered Al- Hawi as equivalent to Al-Jami that destroyed today. However, the study of other Al- Razi's works, other works of Islamic medicine and the Islamic Bibliographic books shows that we can't demonstrate exactly that Al- Hawi and Al- Jami are one work, although our evidence for their unity is more. This Article attempts to show there are some differences and similarities between these two works based on evidence. Manuscript profile
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        375 - The political and religious relations of Nizārī Ismā'īlī with the successors of Sultan Mohammad Ghiyath Al-Din Seljuqi
        Malihe Mehrabi Delshad shahrzad sasanpour masomeh gharadaghi Ramin yalfani
        In this research, the political and religious confrontation of the Seljuk with the Nizārī Ismā'īlī has been studied between 498 and 511 AH. During the above period Sultan Muhammad managed to sort out the turmoil that occurred after the death of Malekshah Re-establish po More
        In this research, the political and religious confrontation of the Seljuk with the Nizārī Ismā'īlī has been studied between 498 and 511 AH. During the above period Sultan Muhammad managed to sort out the turmoil that occurred after the death of Malekshah Re-establish political and religious concentration in the Seljuk-dominated geography. On the one hand, the Nizārī Ismā'īlī from the vacuum and turmoil that had already taken place In the direction of developing their own power, they had taken extensive measures in different regions. Therefore, the repression of Nizari was considered the most important political and religious priority of Sultan Muhammad and In this regard, all the central and local capacities were used to conquer the Ismaili Castles. However, Nizarians suffered plenty of damage during frequent attacks al-Seljuk, and lost their castles in Fars, Khuzestan and especially Esfahan, which was in this period capital of the Seljuk period.But with the influence of the Seljuk government, adopting a decentralized approach, eliminating effective political and religious people, patience and Authority against siege of Castles, and launching religious debates during the struggle they were able to survive. If there were no significant achievements of the Ismailis that included the preservation of the political, geographic, and the protection of their intellectual and vital ideas, It was likely that the very strict atrocities in this period would have led to the dismantling of Nizari's organization and structure. Manuscript profile
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        376 - Rationality and modernism in the thought and works of Mohammad Ali Foroughi
        Mohamad Ali nobakht maghsood ranjbar Ali mohseni
        The inefficiency and backwardness of the structure of the political system ruling Iran during the Qajar period did not bring any achievements for the Iranian nation except poverty, disease and humiliation. Hence, the elites tried to create a change in the paradigm of th More
        The inefficiency and backwardness of the structure of the political system ruling Iran during the Qajar period did not bring any achievements for the Iranian nation except poverty, disease and humiliation. Hence, the elites tried to create a change in the paradigm of thought that governs the traditional Iranian system and an important change in the Iranian intellectual space by combining rationality and modernism. The aim of the present study is to measure the relationship between rationality and modernism in the works and ideas of Mohammad Ali Foroughi "Zaka-ol-Molk". Foroughi with deep thinking and avoidance of extremist tendencies and study of new philosophical and political ideas of the West, which was unprecedented among the political elites until his time; He had a deep and measured understanding of the political body of Iran. With a realistic vision and focusing his power on political enlightenment and translation, he wrote classical texts of Western culture, lecturing and writing articles; Introduced modern philosophical, economic and political ideas to Iranians. The main research question is that; To what extent has rationality and modernism influenced the thought and works of Mohammad Ali Foroughi? And the hypothesis of the present article is that Mohammad Ali Foroughi had a better understanding of rationality and modernism than the modernist elites of his time and his effort was to create a coherent and measured writings in intellectual development, intellectual maturity and the creation of modern institutions theoretical and practical role Manuscript profile
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        377 - Reanalysis of Ghalandaran insurgency in Mohammadkhodabandeh dominion Period
        hosein Eskandari Hamid Asadpour
        Long period of shahTahmasb majesty , considered as long stabilization and peace era of safavids especially after Amasieh peace. after death of shahTahmasb , conflictions over succession between different groups Ghezelbash , resolted in second shah Esmaeil majesty. Altho More
        Long period of shahTahmasb majesty , considered as long stabilization and peace era of safavids especially after Amasieh peace. after death of shahTahmasb , conflictions over succession between different groups Ghezelbash , resolted in second shah Esmaeil majesty. Although the short reign of second Shah Ismail ،but, accompanied with many events. To the throne Mohammed Khodabandeh ( 995-985 ) vision weakness and isolation of the king , along with internal disputes between Ghezelbash and Iran bureaucrats, Was causing political instability. Despite the establishment of Sultan Muhammad Khodabandeh on the throne of the Safavid and Control of the situation by Ghezelbash but because dissatisfaction in the lower layers of society , Qalandar succeeded of riots under second Shah Ismail with his impersonation form. These revolts were suppressed , though by the Safavid However, examples of grievances Changes made in the reign of Shah Abbas represent is an understanding of the insurgency. This study is an affort to investigate reasons of start and defeat of these uprisings in different aspects. Keyword : Second shah Esmaeil ,Mohammadkhodabandeh , Ghalandaran , Safavied , Afsharid. Manuscript profile
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        378 - The composition and social origin of the Babi insurgents with an emphasis on the Babi rebellion in Mazandaran (1264-1265 AH)
        sina foroozesh
        Abstract: Babism movement officially came to existence at the time of Mohammad Shah of Qajar dynasty in 1260 AH. At the beginning the movement had three principles of Babiasm, Mahdaviyat (believing in the Hidden Imam), and Prophethood. The founder of the movement, Seyye More
        Abstract: Babism movement officially came to existence at the time of Mohammad Shah of Qajar dynasty in 1260 AH. At the beginning the movement had three principles of Babiasm, Mahdaviyat (believing in the Hidden Imam), and Prophethood. The founder of the movement, Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi, set to Azerbaijan on the behest of the Shah's Chancellor, Hajj Mirza Aqasi. He spent four months 2 years and three months in prison from 1264 to 1266 AH. When the babist lost the hope of their leader being set free, the movement entered a new era; an armed insurgency. Under the pretext of their leader's imprisonment, they started a rebellion and challenged the establishment. The culmination of this armed insurgency was when the group took the Sheik Tabarsi Citadel in Mazandaran for nine months. Eventually, they were defeated and the insurgency was put to rest. The current study deals with several factors of the movement, in particular the reason behind its varied social fabrics, the social origins of the rebels, and their motivations with the emphasis on the rebellion in Mazandaran (Sheikh Tabarsi Citadel). The research is conducted using historical research method and tries to be objective in its dealing with historical events. Manuscript profile
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        379 - Training colleges and the problem of educating and providing teachers in Iran, throughout 1940m
        alireza sangtrashan manizheh sadri hasan zandiyeh masomeh garadagi
        Iran’s government has taken steps to obviate lack of teachers, which was a long-term problem through its history. Although, at the end of Qajar era, normal schools were established to educate teachers, soon afterwards, in the middle of the reign of Reza Shah, thei More
        Iran’s government has taken steps to obviate lack of teachers, which was a long-term problem through its history. Although, at the end of Qajar era, normal schools were established to educate teachers, soon afterwards, in the middle of the reign of Reza Shah, their place took by training colleges. Until the end of the reign of Reza Shah, the number of teachers was not consistent with the number of educational centers and students. Since 1941 up to 1954, due to criticize government and the structure of ministries, the educational system has been also criticized so that some changes were made. To obviate the lack of teachers and increase in the number of students, government has taken steps whose circumstances shall be analyzed as the main subject of this study. Based on documentaries and librarian resources and with the aid of historical analysis method, we shall explain circumstances of the educational system and government’s proceedings to educate and provide teachers throughout of 1940s. The results show that, in the cabinets appointed after Reza Shah, much more attention was paid to the issue of teacher training so that, by various measures, lack of teacher was resolved to some extent. Furthermore, it was an important factor in expanding literacy and interest in education. Manuscript profile
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        380 - The role of Mughira bin Sha'ba in the attacks of Muslim Arabs on Iran
        Gholamali Salim gandomi ghafar porbakhtiar Abdolaziz Movahed
        Mughira bin Shuba is one of the elite Arabs from the Thaqif tribe, who has played an important role in many important accidents of the early days of Islam. Since various sources mostly mention Mughira as a veteran politician, no independent research has been done on his More
        Mughira bin Shuba is one of the elite Arabs from the Thaqif tribe, who has played an important role in many important accidents of the early days of Islam. Since various sources mostly mention Mughira as a veteran politician, no independent research has been done on his military performance. Meanwhile, to know exactly the thoughts and ideas of Maghira, we should also pay attention to his military activities.Because according to fragments of documents, in addition to being present in the political and social arenas, Mughira accompanied the Prophet in many of the Islamic conquests, and in overseas wars to confront the two empires of Iran and Rome in great conquests such as Qadisiyah , Nahavand and Hamedan, which led to the complete occupation of Iran, were present and this presence has left a noticeable impact on his performance during his chancellorship in Basra and Kufa. Some consider his progress in the field of management , due to his presence in fronts outside the peninsula and his familiarity with Iranian and Roman culture.Now, in this research, we are looking for an answer to the question, what role did Mughirah bin Shuba play in the conquests that led to the conquest of Iran? Based on this hypothesis, it seems that Mughira was in charge of the negotiating team before the Qadisiyah war and was present in the conquest of Nahavand and Hamadan as a high-ranking commander Manuscript profile
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        381 - Causes, trends and consequences of the establishment of nomadic Danesh-sara in 1941 decade.
        alireza sangtrashan manizheh sadri hasan zandiyeh masomeh gharadaghi
        The period of Mohammad Reza Shah in the way of educating the nomads of Iran promised the beginning of a new stage .Until then, the Pahlavi government and the Ministry of Culture had focused more on developing education in urban areas, and by the end of the 1940 decade, More
        The period of Mohammad Reza Shah in the way of educating the nomads of Iran promised the beginning of a new stage .Until then, the Pahlavi government and the Ministry of Culture had focused more on developing education in urban areas, and by the end of the 1940 decade, most of the country's nomads were in absolute illiteracy, and the government made reforms to change this situation. The establishment of schools and educational centers in nomadic areas and then the establishment of a special nomadic Danesh-sara with the aim of training and providing teachers of their own kind who were more familiar with their spirits, temperaments and culture, was one of these measures, which is the subject of this article. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method and relying on documentary and library texts to answer the causes, trends and consequences of the establishment of nomadic Danesh-sara in the internal life of the country's tribal population. Findings indicate that in addition to the desire of nomads for education, the Pahlavi regime in order to implement development programs, sought to increase the level of literacy and awareness of the country's nomads and then to put their individual and social lives in control of central government and influence of formal education. Manuscript profile
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        382 - The interaction of the 15th Parliament and the Qawam al-Sultaneh Democratic Party during the period of Reza Shah's absolute power and the pre-dictatorship of Mohammad Reza Shah
        delavar namdar alireza alisoufi mahmood seyyed
        AbstractAssembly and parliament are considered to be the most important pillars of democracy in any government, all over the world, which acts as a procedure to increase people's participation in determining their destiny. But Reza Khan's power was the end of the consti More
        AbstractAssembly and parliament are considered to be the most important pillars of democracy in any government, all over the world, which acts as a procedure to increase people's participation in determining their destiny. But Reza Khan's power was the end of the constitutional dream and his successor continued his father's path. However, in the early period of Mohammad Reza Shah's rule, the position of the Majlis improved to some extent.who did not have much desire or ability to exercise power in a completely dictatorial manner, what has he benefited from this situation? Also, according to these cases, a better understanding and analysis of the Qawam al-Sultaneh Democratic Party and its political role in this period is the main concern of the present research.The findings of the research indicate that Qavam's activities in the Democratic Party had an important result. And that was that for the first time in the history of Iran, after the constitution, the doors of the government and the parliament were opened to new and younger figures, and many senior and old figures were rejected from the government, and on the contrary, the new forces entered the cabinet by joining parties and They finally managed to sit on the seat of the parliament. Also, Qavam's actions caused the 15th Parliament to reject the agreement between Qavam and Sadchikov regarding the establishment of a mixed company of Iranian oil and Russia. Manuscript profile
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        383 - The History of the Emergence and Development of Sufi's "Sama" and its Establishment
        Mohammad Shirani naser jadidi fizollah boshasb
        "Sama" is one of the most obvious manifestations of Iranian Sufism, about which different theories have been expressed and there has been a difference between the legislators and the mystics for centuries in refuting or proving it. This study intends to examine the reas More
        "Sama" is one of the most obvious manifestations of Iranian Sufism, about which different theories have been expressed and there has been a difference between the legislators and the mystics for centuries in refuting or proving it. This study intends to examine the reasons for the formation and development of "Sama" and to examine the efforts of its proponents and opponents to confirm their views and the results that have emerged.To carry out this research, library research method and citing the sources of the opponents and supporters of Sama have been used to illustrate the progress of this Sufi tradition by examining and criticizing various views and opinions and comparing them with the existing documents.On the one hand, one group has tried to prove its sanctity by relying on Quranic verses and quoting the narrations of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (AS), and on the other hand, some people have tried to soften the statements of the opponents by using the same tools and documents. Have been it. Eventually, with the efforts of the proponents, especially Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair, the ceremony was able to gain a prominent place among Sufis and the people, although in the works of people like Ghazali, conditions and restrictions were considered for it. Manuscript profile
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        384 - An Analysis of Madaʾini Approaches in Writing History
        hosein moradi nasab
        Madaʾini has vast knowledge and intelligence that is evident in writing various historical topics. His method of recording historical events was novel And it has preserved a valuable treasure for future generations. He was able to add new types to Islamic historiography More
        Madaʾini has vast knowledge and intelligence that is evident in writing various historical topics. His method of recording historical events was novel And it has preserved a valuable treasure for future generations. He was able to add new types to Islamic historiography by writing on various topics. This research was obtained through analytical method and study of original sources, from the lab of texts to his writings. His approach is based on religious beliefs and social beliefs, that shows his sense of responsibility towards the society of that time. This article answers that question what approach did Madani take in writing history; And what new forms it has created in Islamic historiography?The result is that he has paid attention to new issues in the biography of the Prophet and Shiite Imams with a new approach. On anthropology and social issues, He has written about prominent figures in society, recognize enemy, and women. Manuscript profile
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        385 - The role of Mirza Mohammad Akhbari in the ups and downs of the Akhbari school during the period of Fath Ali Shah (complete revised revision file)
        Elham Amiri Gholam Hossein Zargari Negad sina foroozesh
        AbstractThe victory of the fundamentalist scholars over the Akhbaris was one of the most important internal developments of Shiism in the Qajar period, which was always accompanied by political and intellectual consequences. The third wave of the news movement was start More
        AbstractThe victory of the fundamentalist scholars over the Akhbaris was one of the most important internal developments of Shiism in the Qajar period, which was always accompanied by political and intellectual consequences. The third wave of the news movement was started by Mirza Mohammad Akhbari. Akhbaris were permanently defeated by the fundamentalists forever. Since then, the fundamentalists have taken over the religious and political leadership of the Shiite community. Therefore, the main issue of this research, considering the position of Mirza Mohammad Akhbari in this stage of the Akhbari movement, is his role in the rise and fall of the Akhbari school during the reign of Fath Ali Shah Qajar. The theoretical framework of this research is based on the view that the reading of religion and religious sources has been formed in different periods and this has led to the emergence of different religious tendencies within the Shiite community. The findings of this study show that Mir Mohammad Akhbari approached the court of Fath Ali Shah Qajar and promoted newsmaking by relying on the power of the Shah and riding on the wave of his emotions have caused concern among fundamentalist jurists. we know that Mirza Mohammad, his sharply prophetic and anti-fundamentalist beliefs, tended to some kind of ideas related to foreign sciences, and perhaps these matters and their intellectual and religious consequences were also influential in the decision of the fundamentalists to oppose him;Keywords: Fath Ali Shah Qajar, Akhbari, Akhbari Scholars, Mirza Mohammad Akhbari Manuscript profile
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        386 - A comparative study of social justice and freedom from the point of view of Rashid Reza and Seyyed Qutb
        shahla darabpour Reza Shaabani Samgh Abadi Javad HERAVI
        Social justice has been one of the prominent concepts among Muslim thinkers in the 20th century. Simultaneously with the growth and expansion of socialist ideas and the prevailing discourse of social justice, Muslim thinkers also theorized about social justice. Seyyed More
        Social justice has been one of the prominent concepts among Muslim thinkers in the 20th century. Simultaneously with the growth and expansion of socialist ideas and the prevailing discourse of social justice, Muslim thinkers also theorized about social justice. Seyyed Qutb and Rashid Reza were two Muslim thinkers who theorized about social issues and their adaptation to Islam. This research was conducted with the aim of comparative analysis of social justice and freedom from the point of view of these two thinkers. According to the findings of the research, some political concepts are linked with the concept of social justice in Seyyed Qutb's thought, the most prominent of which are freedom, equality and human rights. According to Seyyid Qutb, the rules of social justice, freedom and equality are important issues that Islam has established and obliged people to follow. Seyyed Qutb based his reform vision for the society on the basis of the realization of social justice and his main goal was that achieving the foundations of Islam, applying its legitimacy and implementing the foundations of Islam will lead to the realization of social justice. Mohammad Rashid Reza also deals with social justice in most of his thoughts about governance. Therefore, in the sense that both consider the implementation of justice in society to be due to the Islamic political system, there is affinity between them, but it should be noted that Seyyed Qutb spoke more clearly about freedom and social justice. Keywords: Seyed Qutb, Mohammad Rashidreza, social justice, freedom. Manuscript profile
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        387 - In the name of god Reanalysis of Ghalandaran insurgency in Mohammadkhodabandeh dominion Period
        hamid asadpor hossien eskandari
        Long period of shahTahmasbmajesty , considered as long stabilization and peace era of safavids especially after Amasieh peace.  after death of shahTahmasb , conflictions over succession between different groups Ghezelbash , resolted in second shah Esmaeil majesty. More
        Long period of shahTahmasbmajesty , considered as long stabilization and peace era of safavids especially after Amasieh peace.  after death of shahTahmasb , conflictions over succession between different groups Ghezelbash , resolted in second shah Esmaeil majesty. Although the short reign of second Shah Ismail ،but, accompanied with many events. To the throne Mohammed Khodabandeh    (995-985 ) vision weakness and isolation of the king , along with internal disputes between Ghezelbash and Iran bureaucrats, Was causing political instability. Despite the establishment of Sultan Muhammad Khodabandeh on the throne of the Safavidand  Control of the situation by Ghezelbash but because dissatisfaction in the lower layers of society , Qalandar succeeded of riots under second Shah Ismail with his impersonation form. These revolts were suppressed , though by the Safavid. However, examples of grievances Changes made ​​in the reign of Shah Abbas represent is an understanding of the insurgency. This study is an affort to investigate reasons of start and  defeat of these uprisings in different aspects.   Keyword : Manuscript profile
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        388 - A survey of policies of Qajar government against Bakhtiary tribe
        ghaffar Porbakhtiar
        One of the most important tribes of Iran were Bakhtiari as the source of events and changes namely in contemporary history of Iran and also, the movements of Bakhtiary were emphasized. Their role in Qajar era was of great importance. The great motivation of Bakhtiary tr More
        One of the most important tribes of Iran were Bakhtiari as the source of events and changes namely in contemporary history of Iran and also, the movements of Bakhtiary were emphasized. Their role in Qajar era was of great importance. The great motivation of Bakhtiary tribe and its chiefs to achieve power and their fighting against oppression and cruelty of national and local rulers of Qajar were considerable factors. To control Bakhtiary and management of affairs, some policies were taken as making the chiefs of tribes as obedient, dispute, getting tax, ransom, providing a part of military forces of government from Bakhtiary tribe and the policies taken by Qajar kings against Bakhtiary were successful. The internal structure of Bakhtiary tribe as the internal logic of tribe, distinction, separation and lack of communicative-verbal action as cultural elements of Bakhtiary.   Manuscript profile
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        389 - Rafe ibn harsameh the last deputy ship claimant of taherian in khorasan
        amir akbari
        By crash of taherian rule  new power claimants. Confuse khorasan  cities conditions for few decades .Yaghobs  return of khorasan  and amru leyth guarrels. With caliph provide good opporotunity for Ahmad ibn abdullah khajastani at power  gaining More
        By crash of taherian rule  new power claimants. Confuse khorasan  cities conditions for few decades .Yaghobs  return of khorasan  and amru leyth guarrels. With caliph provide good opporotunity for Ahmad ibn abdullah khajastani at power  gaining .by death of khajastani his troops select rafe as self commander .He don’t spent guiet periods in khorasan governance. His conflict with Amro  leyth safari –his difference with hasan ibn zeid alaui and attack to tabarestan and also quarrel by abbasi caliph result successive. Conflicts for his short governance in khorasan. Rafe ibn harsameh was last governer that demand taherian deputy ship for short time in khorasan governmet Manuscript profile
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        390 - Rashid o Din Fazlolah and history writing in Mongols era
        amir akbari
        Rashid o Din Fazlolah Hamadany, the great historian of Il Khani era, was a minister of Khazan and Aljayto for twenty minutes. Besides cultural reforms, he was credited with writing 52 books. Among his works, Jameo Tavarikh ( The Encyclopedia of History) is of great valu More
        Rashid o Din Fazlolah Hamadany, the great historian of Il Khani era, was a minister of Khazan and Aljayto for twenty minutes. Besides cultural reforms, he was credited with writing 52 books. Among his works, Jameo Tavarikh ( The Encyclopedia of History) is of great value. Mongols who were interested in history created conditions for the growth of history writing. This gave scholars like Rashid o Din an opportunity to use all resources available to create great works such as Jameo Tavarikh. He used all documents about Il Khani from many nations to write Jameo Tavarikh as a universal book to fit Mongols empire. His book is actually is a collection of general, mythical history, local history, nations, geographical history and social, economic, epical, religious, ….developments. It can be regarded as a turning point in history  writing and specifically in Mongols era.   Manuscript profile
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        391 - Russian ultimatum to Iran and agha sheikh Mohammad Hosein Maghsoodlou
        abolhasan shahvari fatemeh taghati
        In terms of economic chaos in Iran , parliment got decision to invite the financial advisors . as an example of these counsellors was Morgan Shoster ( an American counsellor who will act aggressively ). shuster' measurs weren't pleasing to government who had poletical a More
        In terms of economic chaos in Iran , parliment got decision to invite the financial advisors . as an example of these counsellors was Morgan Shoster ( an American counsellor who will act aggressively ). shuster' measurs weren't pleasing to government who had poletical and economic desires in Iran . shuster's order, based upon the confiscation of Shoaosaltane 'properties (Mohammadali Shah's brother). because of his dept to Iranian government . as a result of this , Russian government provoked and to ask for expellining of shuster from Iran. Russian ultimatum was accepted by the Iranian government but didn't accept by the natinal consulative assembly. the presence of nationalist representative and country devoted  and their insistance on the rejection of ultimatum and intervene in internal affairs of Iran convert the field between the government and parliment . as an example of liberal delegates ,Haj Mohammaad Maqsudlu (Ester abad representative)that with a short and histirical speech destined epopee and resistence and prid for Iranian people against foreigners.in this research tried to deliberate about the role of haj mohammad hossein in ultimatum event Manuscript profile
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        392 - Reasons and Quality of the Conversation of Sultan Ahmed Tequder and Sultan Mahmud Ghazan to Islam
        amir sphrevad
        One of the  most important events in the course of  Ilkhanid era was the Conversation of Sultan Ahmed Tequder in 681  AH and Sultan Mahmud Ghazan to Islam In the year AH. Conversation of  Ilkhans to Islam has direct impact in legitimacy and Strengthe More
        One of the  most important events in the course of  Ilkhanid era was the Conversation of Sultan Ahmed Tequder in 681  AH and Sultan Mahmud Ghazan to Islam In the year AH. Conversation of  Ilkhans to Islam has direct impact in legitimacy and Strengthening the power base and as well as formation, Development of Iranian culture.  In most research on religion and Islamism took place in contemporary Iran reflecting comments of earlier Iranian historians to be seen. This researchers ,As scientific research is worthy, have not paid attention to Ilkanid Opposing viewpoints resource, especially Arabic Research in the Mamluks territory and European Researchers . so have not research about the hidden and neglected angles of the Conversation of Ilkhanid Sultans. Considering the importance of acceptance of Islam by the the Mongols Rulers,the present article attempts according to available resources to examine  Motives and causes of religious behavior in two of Ilkhans . and studied its effects on domestic and foreign relations in comparative study. Manuscript profile
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        393 - Issues and Evidence of Expediency in the Holy Prophets foreign policy
        ali salmanpor
        Recognizing expediency in issues and applying them as a natural behavior in the rational choice model is considered essential and inevitable in human life. Besides spiritual and religious development, the Holy prophet aimed at managing every day life and current issues More
        Recognizing expediency in issues and applying them as a natural behavior in the rational choice model is considered essential and inevitable in human life. Besides spiritual and religious development, the Holy prophet aimed at managing every day life and current issues correctly. Therefore, ample evidence support his being expedient, recognizing the essentials and realistic . According to Ghazali, this keeps religion, lives , rationality race and wealth safe, which is every ones responsibility not to waste any of them or part of each. Evidence of the Holy Prophets expediency can be seen both in war and peace, both in Mecca and Medine, and also in souch issues such as Yomodar invitation, immigration to Habashe, Tayef journey, immigration to Medine, Hodaybie peace treaty, encouraging Muslims, etc can be clearly seen. These issues and related considerations are the main focus of the present study as seen essential, enough discussion has been provided  Manuscript profile
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        394 - Ahmad IBN Abdullah khajastani and taherian endevour for power gaining in neyshaboor
        amir akbari
        Khorasan was associated with relative quiet at half-century of taherian governance .by crash of this rule and neyshaboor occupation by yaaghoob make khorasan cities irregular and confused for few decades. advent of new claimant that each one intraduce self as taheri gov More
        Khorasan was associated with relative quiet at half-century of taherian governance .by crash of this rule and neyshaboor occupation by yaaghoob make khorasan cities irregular and confused for few decades. advent of new claimant that each one intraduce self as taheri governance deputyship, was only for power acquisition and inheritance of taherian governance ahmad ibn Abdullah khajastani was of well known last commander of amir taheri , that serve to yaaghoob and by yaaghoob departure to sistan , introduce himself as taherian deputy ship . he fight once again with his competitors for self influence development in khorasan . successive conflicts abutalheh with khajastani and also mediation of hossein in taher , last survivor of taherian rule make irregular and confused conditions in khrasan. Efforts of any cliament for attracting attention of khorasans people and particularly neyshaboorian was only in security of their deputyship right in side of taherian . undoubted , good history of taherian governmentalism had such claims in side of khajestani. He called himself ahmad ibn Abdullah taheri for hearts attraction of khorasans people. But he canceled taherian name by extending his influence and mint self name undoubted , such approach extent claimants conflicts and finally lead to khajestani murder. Manuscript profile
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        395 - Divan Resalat and it’s Function in the Khwarazm Shahid’s Divan
        Ebrahim Bavafa
        Divan Resalat was part of administratiue system (Divansalary) of Khawrazmshahian which consisted the Divans letter, Manshur, Fath-nameh and Sogand nameh . The head of divan Resalat was choosen by the king and from among famous court men and famous scientists. Its main More
        Divan Resalat was part of administratiue system (Divansalary) of Khawrazmshahian which consisted the Divans letter, Manshur, Fath-nameh and Sogand nameh . The head of divan Resalat was choosen by the king and from among famous court men and famous scientists. Its main responsibility was  making diplomatic connectin between diferrent sections of gouermet and other country Rashid – Adin Vatvat was on of the most famous of Divan in this period. He not only did his job very well, but also he could develop the kharzamian scintific and administration system as well.  Yaghub Ibn-Shirin Jandi,Baha Al-din Baghdadi and Nasavi were other gteat Dabirs in Kharazmshahid’s .In this work,it’s tried to study Divan Resalat and it’s function in administration system of Kharazm shahids . Manuscript profile
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        396 - Policy actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in cultural- communiction institution mosque
        meisam farokhi
        Mosques including important communication and cultural institutions that play valuable and alternative role in Islamic society. This article seeks to analyze policy actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Islamic Sharia governor the mosque - which he represents and re More
        Mosques including important communication and cultural institutions that play valuable and alternative role in Islamic society. This article seeks to analyze policy actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Islamic Sharia governor the mosque - which he represents and reflects the emergence of a religious base- For this purpose, the policy actions of the Prophet (PBUH) as The establishment of cultural institution mosque, removal and installation of imams, Determining the mosque as a place of scientific and educational issues, social mobilization Muslims in the mosque, The establishment of the mosque as a base of unity and solidarity of Muslims, Informing the Muslims through the mosque Muslims through mosques, and social working to  Muslims in the mosque, Suggests an active role of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the field of cultural-communication institution mosque. From the perspective of the author these actions reflects the fact that the Islamic governor is responsible for guiding society towards the growth, Falah and development of his talents and massive human. For this purpose -Guiding Islamic community to the Great objectives- Demands that the Prophet (PBUH) in his time directly - and in some cases indirectly- other intervene in the cultural aspects of society (especially through the mosque)  to  Achieve Muslims to the extent of purpose and favorable Status. Manuscript profile
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        397 - 2500-year-old kingdom celebration with emphasis on cultural-social review the regim in Iran.
        L. Dehghan Nayyeri H. Shojaei
        2500-year-old kingdom celebration which after years of providing propaganda and studying were held in the fall of 1350 in persepolis with a unque glory , was on of the most expensire celebration which cost over 300 million dollars.By holding such a celebration ,shah More
        2500-year-old kingdom celebration which after years of providing propaganda and studying were held in the fall of 1350 in persepolis with a unque glory , was on of the most expensire celebration which cost over 300 million dollars.By holding such a celebration ,shah was seeking a way to continue his government and dominance over the pepole of Iran ,so he began to recover Aryan's valuas and arouse animosity towards Islam and develop friendly relation with foreign countries ,hence he began a series of controversial and , in some cases ,useful measures :naming himself "shah", ordering the collection and compiliation if some books about Iran's pre-Islamic culture and civilization ,founding Shahanshahi foundation of Iran Acadmy ,establish-ment of Iran's National Deed Registery ,holding various celebrations during the celebration decade (1345-1355),promoting people to choose their children the original Iranian names ,sending some educational groups callend "Sepahyane Danesh" (knowledge corps)to villages for the aim of making pepole eager to ancient and kigdom culture and informing them of the magnitude of the 2500-year-old kingdom celebrations ,building several schools and many buildings of public interest after the name of cirus the Great,changing the calender from solar to kingdome the cost of these celebrtions was so high and anti-Islamic measurs of regime were so extensive that finally raised the protest of the majority of the pepole of Iran and even foreign press and figures,and Shah and regime were condemned. Manuscript profile
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        398 - The necessity of recognition of some martyrs of Karbala
        Ebrahim Salehi Hajiabadi
        The event of Karbala was among the most important events in early history of Islam and the martyrs of Karbala were the heroes of this event and hence at the center of concerns. Yet unfortunately in process of time the name and identity of some of them have been forgotte More
        The event of Karbala was among the most important events in early history of Islam and the martyrs of Karbala were the heroes of this event and hence at the center of concerns. Yet unfortunately in process of time the name and identity of some of them have been forgotten, but in contrast, some names are taken to be the martyrs of Karbala, while they had no role in that event. The main cause of this mistake must be sought in relying on some unreliable sources. This article, resorting critically to some old books and sources, proceeds to examine the identity of five persons claimed to be among the martyrs of Karbala and come to this conclusion that they were not in that battle at all. And as an advice, says that concerning the event of Karbala, beside old and ancient books, we must survey its authenticity.    Manuscript profile
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        399 - The Trend of Protective Development in Ahmadinejad Administration Based on Amartya Sen Approach
        maryam hemmatkhah Alireza Azghandi Mostafa Abtahi Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi
        Amartya Sen sets to fivefold freedoms Political, Economic Facilities,Social Opportunities,Transparency Garantees and Protective Security in development. Due to the Ahmadinejad emphasises to establishing justice in the society, The main issue of the article is Protective More
        Amartya Sen sets to fivefold freedoms Political, Economic Facilities,Social Opportunities,Transparency Garantees and Protective Security in development. Due to the Ahmadinejad emphasises to establishing justice in the society, The main issue of the article is Protective Security development based on Amartya Sen approach.The bilateral view of active citizenship and critique of neutral state has put the research in Communitarianism method.Reply to the question how was Protective Security development trend in Iran from the perspective of Amartya Sen in Ahmadinejad administrstion? The hypothesis presents although Protective policies such as Sahame-Edalat, Maskane -Mehr and Hadafmndi -Yaraneha started in Ahmadinejad administrstion but were based on trial and error and ultimated to inflation. Consequently Protective development in Ahmadinejad administrstion was not based on Amartya Sen approach that is. social welfare . . This article has analyzed the subject by historical and analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        400 - Obstacles to the Realization of Bureaucratic Authoritarianism in the First Pahlavi Era
        Hosein Shariati Alireza Azghandi Ahmad Saei Abolghasem Taheri
        Hosein Shariati[1] Alireza Azghandi[2] Ahmad Saei[3] Abolghasem Taheri[4]   Abstract: Authority, as one of the fundamental concepts of political science has developed a new definition in the modern era. Authority, as a modern concept, is defined as legitimate power More
        Hosein Shariati[1] Alireza Azghandi[2] Ahmad Saei[3] Abolghasem Taheri[4]   Abstract: Authority, as one of the fundamental concepts of political science has developed a new definition in the modern era. Authority, as a modern concept, is defined as legitimate power and legitimacy has become a secular and rational concept in this era. To describe this concept, Max Weber comes up with three prototypes of traditional, charismatic and legal authority. He believes that the criterion for the evaluation of the modern state is in the realization of the bureaucratic legal authority. In his view, the barrier against the realization of such authority is the opposition of traditionalists and aristocrats. The formation of the modern era in Iran began with the rise of Reza Shah Pahlavi, thus such government should necessarily have had the features of the modern concept of authority. However, due to losing their status and appearance of conflict of values, the traditional strata of Iran’s society such as clergies, merchants, aristocrats and nomads became a barrier in the way of the realization of the bureaucratic legal authority in Iran in the Reza Shah era. [1]-PhD Graduate of political science (Iranian studies) department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran [2]- Full professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran:Corresponding Author [3]- Associate professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran [4]- Full professor of department of political science, faculty of law, theology and politics, science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Ira.   Manuscript profile
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        401 - The Impact of Nomads' Compulsory Settlement Policy on the Social Structure of the Lur Ethnicity of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Province in the Pahlavi Era
        abdolrasool abbasi keramatoollah rasehk Majid Reza Karimi
        The article aims to consider the effect of mandatory settlement policy of the tribes on the social structure of the lur nation of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad at the age of Pahlavi dynasty. The method of this research was historical, in which the main sources, written and More
        The article aims to consider the effect of mandatory settlement policy of the tribes on the social structure of the lur nation of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad at the age of Pahlavi dynasty. The method of this research was historical, in which the main sources, written and verse book and documents remained from the past periods were used. The results of this study indicated that the tribe settlement policy was ended with making the immigrant people poor and also declining of the animal production. Many of the tribes were only waiting for Reza shah death to restart their immigration. If a tribe had opposed to the government, it would be oppressed by the government savagely and violently. The mandatory settlement policy sustained many dam. Manuscript profile
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        402 - A grey decision-making and factor analysis technique approach to the supplier selection problem: A case study of Sazeh Gostar Saipa Company
        Maghsoud amiri narges saberi hassan haleh
        Supplier Selection is a Multiple-Attribute Decision- Making (MADM). The Grey Decision-Making method is a proper technique for ranking suppliers in cases where the existing qualitative attribute is in an uncertain environment. Taking Advantages of the grey theory concept More
        Supplier Selection is a Multiple-Attribute Decision- Making (MADM). The Grey Decision-Making method is a proper technique for ranking suppliers in cases where the existing qualitative attribute is in an uncertain environment. Taking Advantages of the grey theory concept, linguistic variables areturned in togrey numbers and then used in MADM techniques. But an important issue in most MADM techniques such asTOPSISmethod is independencerequest of attributes, which if notconsidered, may lead to false results. The proposed approach in this article is Factor Analysis(FA) technique for determination of independent factors and their substitution with attributes in grey TOPSIS method.In the proposed approach,independent factors areobtained by FA technique after determination ofthe weights of attributes and making initial grey decision- making matrix. Weight of any factor is obtained from average of the attributes' weight related to its factor. Alsocomponents of the grey decision- making matrix after FA rank will be obtainedfrom average of attribute components related to any factor in initial decision- making  matrix. Finally, the suppliers are being ranked by using grey possibility degree.  In this paper, the suggested approach  has been used to ranking  the five suppliers of  SazehGostarSaipa company.   Manuscript profile
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        403 - Promoting a Hierarchical Model of Decision-Making in Business Process Outsourcing Utilizing MCDM Approach
        mahmoud modiri ali ansari farshad
        Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a critical issue in management of organizations, and IT outsourcing is an advanced type of outsourcing. An Organization that decides to outsource part of its activities will initially raise the question of what activities to outsour More
        Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a critical issue in management of organizations, and IT outsourcing is an advanced type of outsourcing. An Organization that decides to outsource part of its activities will initially raise the question of what activities to outsource. However, given the absence of a solid scientific and systematic framework and processes for strategic decision-making of outsourcing services, organizations face diverse problems. The Purpose of this article was to utilize Decision tools with multiple criteria in order to identify and rank the indicators that may affect the business process outsourcing. Also, we used the techniques of Analytic Hierarchical Process in order to calculate the weight of these factors and options raised in the business process outsourcing. Also the magnitude of relationships between the indicators of outsourcing (IT) was examined using DEMATEL technique. Manuscript profile
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        404 - An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Multi-Attribute Decision Making Method for the Multi-Mode Multi-Skilled Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problem
        Amir Hossein Hosseinian Vahid Baradaran
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        405 - A Comparison of the REMBRANDT System with a New Approach in AHP
        Mahmoud Modiri Mir Bahadorgholi Aryanezhad Hamed Maleki
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        406 - Sensitivity Analysis of Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW): The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
        Azizollah Memariani Abbas Amini Alireza Alinezhad
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        407 - Sensitivity Analysis of TOPSIS Technique: The Results of Change in the Weight of One Attribute on the Final Ranking of Alternatives
        Alireza Alinezhad Abbas Amini
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        408 - Analyzing the effectiveness of Christopher Alexander's theory of living structures in Man Made Cave architecture in order to realize localization in architecture (Case study: Man Made Caaves of Isfahan province)
        Narges Darvish Talkhouncheh Seyyed Gholamreza Eslami Hossein Soltanzadeh
        AbstractBased on the idea of the nature of order, Christopher Alexander studies all the phenomena of the universe under the two headings of living structures and non-living structures, and examines and recognizes the pattern of living structures according to fifteen fun More
        AbstractBased on the idea of the nature of order, Christopher Alexander studies all the phenomena of the universe under the two headings of living structures and non-living structures, and examines and recognizes the pattern of living structures according to fifteen fundamental characteristics. He accepts modern architecture. does not have and finds living structures in native architecture. In the meantime, Man Made Cave architecture is an example of native architecture that has responded appropriately to the needs of humans in relation to themselves, society, social structures, geographical location, climate, events and nature. Based on this, the current research aims to explain the common points between architecture and Alexander's theory and their comparison with each other, a more appropriate field for benefiting from the experience of past architects and understanding the intelligence used in these works and adapting it to the native. It provided the needs and necessities of Iran's architecture today in the direction of continuity for the future. Therefore, in terms of purpose, this research is classified as fundamental and in the category of qualitative research, and in terms of method, it is classified as an action-research based on library studies and field-survey observations, which The generalizability of the theory has been carried out in Isfahan province and purposefully in 6 underground cities. The findings of the research show that these collections are relatively applicable to fifteen characteristics, but of these fifteen characteristics, the role of different scales, strong centers, boundaries, ambiguity and deep coherence, contrast, degree Classification, heterogeneity, simplicity and inner peace and inseparability in localization are very large and impressive and the role of alternating repetition, definite space, good shape, local symmetry, echo and empty space is less.AbstractBased on the idea of the nature of order, Christopher Alexander studies all the phenomena of the universe under the two headings of living structures and non-living structures, and examines and recognizes the pattern of living structures according to fifteen fundamental characteristics. He accepts modern architecture. does not have and finds living structures in native architecture. In the meantime, Man Made Cave architecture is an example of native architecture that has responded appropriately to the needs of humans in relation to themselves, society, social structures, geographical location, climate, events and nature. Based on this, the current research aims to explain the common points between architecture and Alexander's theory and their comparison with each other, a more appropriate field for benefiting from the experience of past architects and understanding the intelligence used in these works and adapting it to the native. It provided the needs and necessities of Iran's architecture today in the direction of continuity for the future. Therefore, in terms of purpose, this research is classified as fundamental and in the category of qualitative research, and in terms of method, it is classified as an action-research based on library studies and field-survey observations, which The generalizability of the theory has been carried out in Isfahan province and purposefully in 6 underground cities. The findings of the research show that these collections are relatively applicable to fifteen characteristics, but of these fifteen characteristics, the role of different scales, strong centers, boundaries, ambiguity and deep coherence, contrast, degree Classification, heterogeneity, simplicity and inner peace and inseparability in localization are very large and impressive and the role of alternating repetition, definite space, good shape, local symmetry, echo and empty space is less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manuscript profile
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        409 - Extracting and evaluating the components of solitude in the open spaces of residential complexes in Hamadan city
        soudeh mohammadi Manouchehr foroutan Sara Jalalian Nasrolah Erfani
        In a broader sense, housing is more than a mere physical shelter and includes all services and public facilities necessary for human living. A residential complex is a number of building blocks that can include different types of housing, single-family, short and high-r More
        In a broader sense, housing is more than a mere physical shelter and includes all services and public facilities necessary for human living. A residential complex is a number of building blocks that can include different types of housing, single-family, short and high-rise apartments. In these complexes, apartment blocks are placed on a piece of land based on a pre-thought design. The blocks can be combined with each other in different forms and the open space can be meaningfully connected with the buildings. Residential complexes can be completely closed and separated from the rest of the city with hard boundaries, and they can somehow maintain their environmental connection and at the same time have their own privacy and territory.In a general view, the residential complex consists of blocks and open space between them. According to the number of blocks, the height and arrangement of open and closed space, there are various forms of residential complexes. The design of residential complexes is proposed in three major scales, firstly in the scale of the external link of residential complexes with the surrounding environment, secondly in the scale of internal relations of residential complexes and thirdly in the scale of residential units. In the territory of a residential complex, three private, semi-public and public arenas can be distinguished. Private arenas are residential units. The semi-public area includes the entrance hall, corridors, stairs, elevator and parking. It means the public area of the complex. The typology of high-rise residential complexes consisting of different blocks, in addition to the typology based on the type of access and relationships of internal spaces, is also based on the placement and coexistence of open and closed spaces. The dominant types of these complexes are peripheral arrangement, single blocks, row blocks and a combination of other blocks. The environmental arrangement is in accordance with the principles of traditional Iranian central courtyard houses. In this way, the main facade of the blocks faces the public passage and the private space is located behind the block. The arrangement of blocks around the central core creates a private open space that can be common to all blocks or divided into small private pieces. In the single layout, high-rise residential blocks stand separately next to each otherResidential communities are an integral part of contemporary urban planning in developing countries, and their use for the settlement of people in a specific cultural and social class is increasing day by day. The outer spaces and open spaces of residential complexes are the boundary between urban public spaces and private spaces in residential complexes and are the place of communication and interaction between people and the surrounding environment. With the aim of extracting the components of solitude that are involved with signs, this research tries to explain the contribution of each one in creating this category. Therefore, the research method in this research is a combination of nested type with analytical weighting in the quantitative part. Therefore, in this research, in the qualitative part, the components that are relevant to the scope of the study are refined with a semi-structured interview. In order to reduce the diverse data obtained from the interview, by using grand theory techniques, they are coded in the Atlasti software. In the quantitative section, after compiling the questionnaire from the obtained components and distributing it among the space users, the results are entered into the Originpro software and analyzed with inferential statistics. Sampling in the qualitative section is done with the Delphi panel in three phases and by specifying Kendall's coefficient; And in the quantitative section, the upper limit of Morgan's table is defined as 384 people. The results show that based on the obtained results, it was determined that "increasing the sense of ownership of the residents towards the public space", "clarity of the boundaries between public and private areas" and "public and private hierarchy" with a value of (1.000) have the greatest effect in The creation of solitude in the open spaces of the residential complexes of Hamadan city is the least related to the exclusive use of public and semi-public spaces by the people of the residential complexes with a value of (0.395). Manuscript profile
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        410 - Response of Some Morpho-physiological Characteristics of Borago (Borago officinalis) to Nano Particles of Titanium Spraying
        Roufiya Heydary Romy Payam Moaveny Hossein Hoseinpour Darvishy Mahdi Arefrad
        Brago is an important medicinal plant. This study, thus, was conducted with different levels of nano particles of titanium (0.01, 0.03 and 0.05%) and elemental titanium on its different growth stages (4-5 leaf, flowering and after flowering) with four replications in a More
        Brago is an important medicinal plant. This study, thus, was conducted with different levels of nano particles of titanium (0.01, 0.03 and 0.05%) and elemental titanium on its different growth stages (4-5 leaf, flowering and after flowering) with four replications in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design at the Agricultural Field of Rement Village of Babol, Mazandaran, Iran, in 2012. Results showed that there were a significant differences between treatments of titanium, time of treatments and between their interactions. Among the traits under study, leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, stem fresh weigh at 1% and plant hight, stem dry weight, total plant fresh weight and total plant dry weight at %5 levels of probabilities showed significant differences for their interaction between different treatments of titanium and different stage of development. The highest plant height, leaf dry weight and plant fresh weight and plant dry weight were produced when nano particles of titanium applied after flowering stage. Where as, the highest fresh leaf, fresh stem weight and total plant fresh weights were obtained when plants treated with titanium at flowering stage. On the other hand, dry weight of flowering branches showed significant negative correlation with GPX antioxidant enzyme. The lowest GPX antioxidant enzyme was produced when nano particles of titanium were applied after flowering stage at 0.01% probability level. As a whole, the results of this experiment suggest that there are significant differences among titanium treatments when they are applied at different growth stages of this plant. This study also showed that application of nano particles of titanium after flowering of this plant increased its flowering branches. Manuscript profile
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        411 - Sociological Study of ”Mohreyeh Mar” novel by Mahmood Etemadzade (Beh Azin) with the emphasis on genetic structuralism approach.
        Hamidreza Farzi Parisa Ghobadi Samiyan
        Sociological study of literary works is one of the methods in the sociologyof literature in which the structure and content of literary work and itsrelationship to the structure and changes of a society that the work is born areconsidered. In this method the society, th More
        Sociological study of literary works is one of the methods in the sociologyof literature in which the structure and content of literary work and itsrelationship to the structure and changes of a society that the work is born areconsidered. In this method the society, the work and the artist are discussedand evaluated which have a live and inseparable relationship with each other.From this, the relationship of works in that period of time and social conditionsand social status of writers and readers are analyzed in sociology of literature.In this paper, relationships between aesthetic and subjective structure as acreator of collective consciousness in Mohreyeh Mar novel have been studiedusing Goldman’s method of genetic structuralism.The results show that the author considered the confrontation of capitalismwith Marxism in 1344 and has drawn the form and the content of the story as theconsequences of capitalist alienation, disenchantment and class tensions. Inthis way capitalism is introduced as an obstacle to class consciousness insociety that is showing aesthetic and dialectic structure of snake vertebratewith collective consciousness Manuscript profile
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        412 - The study of relationship between organizational commitment and quality of working life among the staff of Madani Martyr Hospital.
        Samad Abedini Ali Esmaeelzadeh
        The main aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment of staff and their working life quality in Madani Martyr hospital. The quality of working life is an indicator of the kind of organizational culture and management method upon More
        The main aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment of staff and their working life quality in Madani Martyr hospital. The quality of working life is an indicator of the kind of organizational culture and management method upon which the staffs feel ownership, self sufficiency and self – esteem. The plan of working life quality includes all kinds of improvements in organizational culture that supports the staff upgrade in the organization. According to Durkheim, the quality of life is the result of definite mechanisms and specific social factors. In this theory, the quality of life is an incident of the kind, intensity and type of social relationship. The statistical society involved in this research includes all personnel of Madani Martyr hospital of Tabriz . They were reported as 1200 people and 384 of them were selected as sample through a suitable and random hierarchical sampling and data was collected by using the organizational commitment questionnaire of Allen and Myer which contained 24 questions and the Richard and Walton questionnaire of working life quality (40 questions). This research is an applied and descriptive study. The analysis of the results was conducted using statistical software of SPSS, and Pierson correlation coefficient and T-test. The findings showed that there is a relation between the organizational commitment and the quality of staff working life, and between the emotional, continuum and normal commitment and quality of working life. Organizational commitment of staff is different based on their genders but it isn't different on their education rate. Manuscript profile
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        413 - Ranking of Social development of Hamedan province
        Daryoush Zafari Mohammad Hussein Hosseini Mohammad Ali Khaliji Mohammad Hussein Fathi
        Social development is a concept that is associated with how individuals live; enhance their level of life, and related to issues such as housing, employment, education and leisure activities. Social development is a step towards the creation of security among citizens, More
        Social development is a concept that is associated with how individuals live; enhance their level of life, and related to issues such as housing, employment, education and leisure activities. Social development is a step towards the creation of security among citizens, which is resulted to balance in society. The purpose of this paper is to measure and evaluate the social development indices and to show the development levels of the cities of Hamadan from the benefiting of spaces and social development points of view. The research method is comparative and social indicators were used. Statistics and indices used in this study are from the statistical calendar of 1390. Also, this is an applied research and TOPSIS model is used.Regarding the considered criteria for the classification of cities, Bahar, Hamadan and Malayer ranked as the first to third and Kaboudarahang, Asadabad, Tuyserkan and Nahavand ranked as the next level.                                                                                                          Manuscript profile
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        414 - Personalist Government and Coup d’états in Contemporary Iran; Comparative study of 1299, 1332 & 1359 coup d’états
        علیرضا سمیعی اصفهانی یونس خداپرست
        In Weberian viewpoint personalist rule and its extreme version, sultanism, is a type of traditional authority which also according to the theorists of comparative politics and government of the 20th century, should be placed in the category of non-democratic regimes. Th More
        In Weberian viewpoint personalist rule and its extreme version, sultanism, is a type of traditional authority which also according to the theorists of comparative politics and government of the 20th century, should be placed in the category of non-democratic regimes. These regimes are usually characterized by personalization of power, institutional weakness, political corruption, use of violence and coercive instruments and so on. In Iran, the first personalist government was Reza Shah’s absolutist state which was established as the result of 1299 coup d’état, after that, by relying on modern army, the foundation of a new dynasty was set up and the path was paved toward authoritarianism. Although this army tried to secure Pahlavi's dynasty by 1332 and 1359 coup d’état but this key institution in Pahlavi's presonalist state finally failed to rescue it from overthrow. The main purpose of this article is to answer this question and other similar ones. To do so, in comparative perspective and by using theoretical models of theorists like Janowitz, Huntington and especially A. S. Finer, we try to study three coup d’état in terms of leadership, ideology and the extent of soldier's intervention in politics and also the role of foreign powers in establishing this trend. Manuscript profile
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        415 - State and Political Development in Malaysia
        Reza Shirzadi
        Malaysia is one of the Asian southeast countries which began its socioeconomic development after the Second World War and particularly during 1970’s. This country applied the exact economic management and used the development experience of the first generation in More
        Malaysia is one of the Asian southeast countries which began its socioeconomic development after the Second World War and particularly during 1970’s. This country applied the exact economic management and used the development experience of the first generation in the region (Japan and south Korea), foreign investment and free enterprise system in its road to development and it is today one of the developed Muslim nations. Though, this nations, as of yet, is not politically as democratic as developed nations, however, it increasingly marching toward a more democratic political system. This article aims to present argument on the process of economic and political development Malaysia Manuscript profile
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        416 - ماکروبنتوز، نهر مادرسو، فراوانی
        S. Jorjani A. Ghelichi R. Akrami V. Kheirabadi
        This study was conducted to identification of macrobenthoses in Madarsu Stream to evaluation of quality of water. Sampling was being done from April 2006 to March 2007. Macrobenthoses samples were collected by Surber sampler (30×30cm). The collected benthoses were More
        This study was conducted to identification of macrobenthoses in Madarsu Stream to evaluation of quality of water. Sampling was being done from April 2006 to March 2007. Macrobenthoses samples were collected by Surber sampler (30×30cm). The collected benthoses were fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution and transferred to the laboratory. In each station while sampling, discharge and water temperature were also measured. The most frequent orders were Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. Among Diptera three families of Chironomidae, Simulidae and Tabanidae had been dominant with the frequency of 64, 17 and 17 percents respectively. The maximum number of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera was seen in mid August, while in Diptera the maximum was observed in May and early February. The decrease in the number of Diptera could have been because of water high discharge during March. Considering frequency of benthic fauna in different months, Ephemeroptera was dominant. But in some station (esp. the 5th one) because of entering of Tangerah village sewage of restaurants to this part of stream Diptera was dominant. The number of Diptera (especially Diptera) had a considerable decrease during summer. It could have been because of vertical migration of this benthos from bottom to surface and feeding activity of benthos feeders in particular. Because of Madarsu bed-stream which is rubble-stony in most places, low amount of organic materials in water, there were not differences in stations. To sum it up, the water in Madarsu stream has high quality. Occurrence of seasonal floods during early August causes significant decrease in the number of macrobenthoses and diversity in the stream reduced because of occurrence of floods in the past years.  Manuscript profile
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        417 - Prevalence and antibiotic profile of Escherichia coli in traditionally made ice cream in retails of Khoy
        حامد Molaabaszadeh مسعود Molaazadeh نادر Hajizadeh نادر Mohammadzadeh Gheshlaghi
           Escherichia coli is among the most important intestinal foodborne bacterial pathogens. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of E. coli in traditionally-made ice creams at retails of Khoy city. Moreover, the antibiotic profile of the is More
           Escherichia coli is among the most important intestinal foodborne bacterial pathogens. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of E. coli in traditionally-made ice creams at retails of Khoy city. Moreover, the antibiotic profile of the isolates was investigated. For this, during April to September 2012, 150 ice cream samples collected from markets and confectionery shops. The samples were analyzed for the presence of E. coli. Afterwards, the antibiotic susceptibility and resistance of the isolates was evaluated on 10 different antibiotic using Kirby-Bauer test.According tothe results, 31.33% (47.150) of the samples were found positive for E. coli. The results of antibiogram test indicated that the highest level of sensitivity was determined for ceftizoxim (80.85%), ciprofloxacin (78.73%), and ceftriaxone (74.47%), respectively. In contrast, the most resistance antibiotics were amoxicillin (95.74%), oxacilin (82.98%), kanamycin (61.7%), respectively. The results revealed that the prevalence of E. coli, as the indication of fecal contamination, in traditionally made ice cream in Khoy retails and the antibiotic profile of the isolates were noticeable. Manuscript profile
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        418 - Survey of ochratoxin A in raisin produced in Hamadan province factories and relationship between contamination with defective seeds
        علی Heshmati علی اصغر Vahidinia مرضیه Jafari
           Ochratoxin A is one of the most common of raisin mycotoxins which is potential nephrotoxin in human and a teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and immunosuppressive toxin. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of ochratoxin in raisin produced in More
           Ochratoxin A is one of the most common of raisin mycotoxins which is potential nephrotoxin in human and a teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and immunosuppressive toxin. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of ochratoxin in raisin produced in Hamadan factories and its relationship with product quality (percentage of defective seeds). Sixty six raisin samples from 22 raisin producing plants in Hamadan province gathered in 2011-2012. Ochratoxin A from samples was extracted, cleaned up by immunoaffinity column and quantified with HPLC. Defective seed contents (in percentage) were determined by dividing unripe, damaged, moldy and sugary seed weight to sample weight (100 g). Ochratoxin average value and defective seed percentage was 1.72 μg/kg and 3.49%, respectively. Twenty three sampled had no ochratoxin; in 38 samples, Ochratoxin level was less than the national standard level (5 μg/kg); 5 samples had ochratoxin level more than 5 μg/kg. In all samples, defective seed percentage was less than the maximum allowable amount (10%). The apparent quality of raisin, defective seed percentage, was not significantly correlated with the amount of ochratoxin (P< 0.05).  Manuscript profile
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        419 - The Effect of Brainstorming Method on Reducing Reading Learning Disorder in Elementary School Students of Hamedan City
        elaheh zahedi no Azam ghavidel
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of brainstorming teaching method on reducing reading learning disorder in elementary school students of Hamadan city. The present study was a cross-sectional study in terms of practical purpose, a More
        The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of brainstorming teaching method on reducing reading learning disorder in elementary school students of Hamadan city. The present study was a cross-sectional study in terms of practical purpose, a cross-sectional study in terms of time, a quantitative data type, and a semi-experimental one in terms of research method, with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all the students with learning disabilities of the reading type, in the primary level, who had referred to the learning disabilities center in Hamedan city in the academic year of 2001-2001. From the aforementioned statistical population, 30 people were selected by available sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups, then the experimental group underwent 8 training sessions (two sessions in one week) for 45 minutes. brainstorming training, but the intervention was not implemented for the control group. Then, both groups were given a post-test using the mentioned questionnaire. The research tools include the brainstorming program based on Le Francois (1991) brainstorming protocol and Shirazi and Nilipour's reading disorder test (2013), in order to analyze the data and examine research hypotheses from multivariate and univariate covariance analysis. used. The results showed that the effects of brainstorming teaching on reading comprehension are significant and the effects of brainstorming teaching do not affect reading speed and reading accuracy. The brainstorming teaching method could not create a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the components of reading speed and correctness of the material. Manuscript profile
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        420 - Designing an Impact Model of Market Orientation on the Productivity of Iranian Handmade Carpet Industry
        Mehrdad Azadi Seyyed Abbas Heidari VahidReza Mirabi
        Handmade carpet industry is one of the most powerful internal industries which could not repeat the success it had in the past years at a global scale despite its high potential. One of the reasons can be lack of attention to productivity and the related affecting facto More
        Handmade carpet industry is one of the most powerful internal industries which could not repeat the success it had in the past years at a global scale despite its high potential. One of the reasons can be lack of attention to productivity and the related affecting factors. Therefore, in the current research, a model was presented to measure the impact of marketing on the productivity of carpet industry in Iran. The statistical population included two different parts of carpet industry experts (10 experts) and the managers at different levels of Iran National Carpet Center and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade from among whom 203 ones were selected based on Cochran sampling formula. First, reviewing the theories and frameworks about market orientation and productivity and benefiting the views of handmade carpet industry experts, a preliminary model was extracted. Then, through continuously applying structural equation model in LISREL software environment, the extracted model was tested and finally, the impact of market orientation including customer orientation (customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer capital), market situation (rival orientation and market intelligence) and inter functional coordination (flexibility, knowledge sharing and cooperation) on productivity (including market effectiveness and market intensity) was proved. It was also found that the influence of customer orientation on productivity was more than other dimensions. Manuscript profile
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        421 - Observation of Urban Management Concepts of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the city of Medina, the Splendid Manifestation of Urban Management in Islamic cities
        Hassan Sattari Sarbangholi Hossein Zabihi
        The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been introduced as a good example and eternal Paradigm of the human societies, especially in Islamic societies.His urban management concepts in Medina can be used in urban designing and programming in contemporary Islamic cities. Consulting t More
        The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been introduced as a good example and eternal Paradigm of the human societies, especially in Islamic societies.His urban management concepts in Medina can be used in urban designing and programming in contemporary Islamic cities. Consulting the Islamic texts and sources and a true understanding of the Holy Prophet’s practical concepts of urban management in Medina can lead us to understand and reach the paradigms and concepts of urban management in today's societies. In this paper, we try to investigate the Holy Prophet’s most important teachings and concepts of urban management in Medina, which can be used and referred to as a paradigm and splendid manifestation of urban management in Islamic cities. Manuscript profile
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        422 - Evaluation of Private Banks Listed in the Stock Exchange Using the BSC Model and Fuzzy MADM Techniques
        Golamreza Kazemizadeh Ebrahim Alimohammadi Asl Reza Nazari
        Evaluation is one of the most extensive discussions influenced by a wide range of disciplines and experts, and numerous models and frameworks have been proposed in this field. This study, by using balanced scorecard model and MADM fuzzy techniques, evaluates private ban More
        Evaluation is one of the most extensive discussions influenced by a wide range of disciplines and experts, and numerous models and frameworks have been proposed in this field. This study, by using balanced scorecard model and MADM fuzzy techniques, evaluates private banks listed in the stock exchange. The analysis is in a way that first by using the balanced scorecard the full functioning of the banks in four perspectives is estimated and through the matrix of paired comparisons the weight of each criterion and sub criterion is determined. Finally, by using these criteria and techniques of MADM, Fuzzy Topsis has been used to prioritize the banks. The results show that in the final ranking of the banks using Breda method, Which results from the merger of the three methods TOPSIS, SAW, and VIKOR, Parsian Bank ranked first, Sina Bank second ..., and Tourism Bank ranked tenth. In the evaluation of the financial criteria, the fiscal prospect (0.375) and client prospect (0.338) had the highest weights. Also, the internal processes prospect (0.165) and growth and learning prospect (0.122) gained the lowest weights.    Manuscript profile
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        423 - The Effect of Consumer Media on the Indicators of Rural and Nomadic Lifestyle (Case Study: Youth (20-34 Years Old) in Gilane Gharb Province in 2017)
        Masoumeh Heidaryzargoosh Khalil Mirzaei Majid Kaffashi
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        424 - Analysis of the effect of window geometry on the thermal performance of the north and south facades of urban housing in the cold climate of Hamedan City
        Introduction: In a cold climate, it is necessary to correctly determine the window geometry parameters in order to access sunlight and improve thermal performance. The window is one of the main factors that can increase the demand for cooling energy in summer and reduce More
        Introduction: In a cold climate, it is necessary to correctly determine the window geometry parameters in order to access sunlight and improve thermal performance. The window is one of the main factors that can increase the demand for cooling energy in summer and reduce heating energy in winter. Therefore, the goal is to investigate the effect of window geometry parameters (WWR, U, SHGC, Shading) on energy consumption, in order to determine the optimal window level of the cold climate urban housing of Hamedan city. The ratio of the surface of the window to the wall and its geometric parameters, as an independent variable, and the amount of energy consumption, is a dependent variable. Methodology: The type of research is quantitative and based on the numerical data of the window-to-wall surface (WWR) and energy simulation, and statistical methods have been used in the analysis of the findings. In the data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, variance comparison analysis and follow-up tests were used to determine the relationship between the variables and determine the optimal level (WWR). This study in four stages; Investigating the window-to-wall surface ratio (WWR) of traditional houses, the effect of the WWR of the north and south facades of contemporary housing on building energy, the optimization of WWR due to variables (U, SHGC, SHADING) and the determination of the optimal level have been carried out.The statistical population of this research is in the first part of the selected houses of traditional housing in Hamadan city and to simulate contemporary housing, of the northern and southern parts in the new texture (conventional linear pattern) with an area of 240 square meters in each plot. Results: the results showed that; The southern front of traditional housing has 55.69% more glass wall surface than the north-facing front. In the contemporary context of Hamadan city, adding windows to the south-facing walls reduces the heating, lighting and final energy, and the north-facing walls increase the cooling, heating and final energy. The south-facing front has a better thermal performance than the north-facing front with a decrease in final energy (-21.55%). In cold climate, the lower the value of U and SHGC, the lower the energy consumption and the type of relationship is direct. For the north face, shading has no effect on energy consumption. But for the southern front, horizontal and combined fixed shading are effective and reduce cooling energy and increase heating energy, so to prevent the increase of heating energy due to the creation of fixed shading, movable shading can be used, Or it is better to reduce the amount of heating energy consumption by increasing the vertical distance of the awning from the top of the window. Conclusion: On the south front, the optimal window-to-wall level equal to 60% WWR has a final load reduction of -18.52%, and on the north facing front, WWR = 40% has a final load reduction of -8.38%. Based on the results, a revision proposal has been presented in Appendix 10, Topic 19 of the National Building Regulations. Manuscript profile
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        425 - Investigating the barriers to participation in student sports activities during the home quarantine period of the COVID virus_19
        Tahereh gholami Samira Akbari Javad Adabi Firouzjah Hossein Ali Mohammadi
        Introduction:Identifying barriers to sports participation during corona outbreaks is essential to enhance student participation in sports activities. The present study examined the barriers to participation in sports activities during the home quarantine of the Covid_19 More
        Introduction:Identifying barriers to sports participation during corona outbreaks is essential to enhance student participation in sports activities. The present study examined the barriers to participation in sports activities during the home quarantine of the Covid_19 virus (second semester 98-99 students of Qom University).Methods:This research is a descriptive-analytical and survey type and has been done as an online call. The statistical population included all students in the second semester of 98-99. Finally, 200 people participated in this study as a sample and answered the questionnaire. The questionnaire was a five-point Likert scale whose face and content validity was confirmed by 12 professors of sports management and its reliability was calculated in a pilot study using Cronbach's alpha (0.82) from heuristic orthogonal rotation factor analysis to identify factors. Used in the exploratory factor analysis, out of 21 questions in the barrier questionnaire, 21 questions with appropriate factor loading were divided into four factors: environmental, psychological, intrapersonal and time constraints.Results: Environmental factor with an average of 26.90 was the most important factor and time limit with an average of 9.87 was the least important factor. The factors obtained in this study were determined based on the following criteria: a) Initial knowledge of the number of factors based on article review, b) Selection of factors based on specific values greater than 1, c) Using the criterion to describe variance e) Ability to understand adapted factors. Conclusion: Paying attention to the factors (obstacles) identified in this research and removing them can provide the ground for more students to participate in sports activities during the home quarantine of the Covid_19 virus or other similar conditions. Manuscript profile
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        426 - Analysis of urban- rural interaction, the case of: South Sarroud Districts, Central District of Boyer- Ahmad County and Yasouj City
        Farshad Rokni Hosein Soleimany
        Rural-urban linkages can be defined as the structural economic, social and environmental relationships maintained between individuals and groups in rural and urban environment. This linkage indirectly affected the economic, social and environmental indexes. This researc More
        Rural-urban linkages can be defined as the structural economic, social and environmental relationships maintained between individuals and groups in rural and urban environment. This linkage indirectly affected the economic, social and environmental indexes. This research is an applied study which is carried out using a descriptive analytical research method. The statistical population of this study was composed of all the villages with the population of more than 500 people in the South Sarroud Districts, Central District of Boyer-Ahmad County. In this research, the required information was extracted from data collected using the experts’ opinions and utilized by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology that it is one of the strengths method that used of pairwise comparisons to drive accurate ratio scale priorities. The purpose of this research is to carefully analysis of urban-rural interaction, the case of South Sarroud Districts and Yasouj City. So that government planners and managers can apply this research results for developmental measures. Based on the results, consumption instruction and procurement has the highest and cooperation at the ceremony and religious activity has the lowest degree of effectiveness in the urban-rural interaction. Also, according to the results, the environmental index has been influenced less than urban-rural interactions relative to the socio-economic index summarizes the Results obtained from the AHP model, showed that in terms of socio-economic indicators in the Sarabtaveh village has the highest effectiveness of the urban-rural interaction. While in terms of the environmental index of the Talkhosrow has the most effectiveness. Manuscript profile
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        427 - Statistical analysis Synoptic Thunder storms Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad
        Hasan Lashkari Zahra Yarmoradi Hasan Mousavi
        negative and harmful actions damaged by natural disasters caused by climate change has been struggling.The most frequent and severe thunderstorms this type of risk is that a lot of products each year Agricultural production facility construction, many areas of the world More
        negative and harmful actions damaged by natural disasters caused by climate change has been struggling.The most frequent and severe thunderstorms this type of risk is that a lot of products each year Agricultural production facility construction, many areas of the world, causing human casualties And every year in our country's strength and weakness that we experience with this phenomenon. Kohgiloyeh due to the mountainous area of opportunity for the intensification and expansion of thunder storms is. n this study, severe thunder storms to explore Kohgiluyeh Boyer Ahmad, the code related to the storm Tndrydr period 1990 to 2010 the country was extracted Meteorological Organization. The sea level pressure data, geopotential height, humidity and omega of databases NCEP / NCAR downloaded software were traced GRADS. Finally, 70 of thunderstorms to investigate the source of moisture and synoptic factors causing these storms were selected and evaluated. The most severe cases were selected according to the criteria described in full detail. The results showed that the cause of the Thunder, the Sudanese system. Due to potential high humidity (due to the formation of the next hot water on the equator) and receive ample moisture from the warm seas of Oman and the Arabian and Red Sea are high potential energy. As a result of the release of considerable heat Badrrvy severe thunder storms on the province. It should be noted that the topography of the region in strengthening and intensification of these storms has been ineffective Manuscript profile
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        428 - Evaluating Development Levels of Nomadic Community of Iran's Provinces in Different Dimensions, Social- Welfare, Infrastructure and Technology
        Ali Akbar Taghiloo Mir Najaf Mousavi
        The present study aims to evaluate development level of physical-spatial dimension of summer and winter nomadic communities in different regions of the country. The method of Research and description of relationship between variables was descriptive-analytic. The statis More
        The present study aims to evaluate development level of physical-spatial dimension of summer and winter nomadic communities in different regions of the country. The method of Research and description of relationship between variables was descriptive-analytic. The statistical population included 2373660 people in the form of 426,320 families of all of the nomadic communities of the country. The required data were obtained through documents and statistics center and the last census period of country's nomadic communities in 2008. To analyze the data TOPSIS model was used to rank developed, semi-developed and underdeveloped provinces and the SPSS regression model was used to measure the importance and influence of research's effective indices in development level. The findings of the study showed the coefficient of developing inequality was 0.467 in winter and 0.567 in summer. The developing uniformity coefficient was 2.01 in underdeveloped summer provinces and it was 4.4 for undeveloped winter provinces. Regression model showed that the indicators used in explaining development level of nomadic community were 99.3% and 98.2% in summer and winter periods respectively. Among the indicators of development, access to energy with coefficient 0.693 and in winter period access to communication and information facilities with coefficient 3.26 had the highest influence in development level. Manuscript profile
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        429 - The Socio-lyrical integration in Bahar`s Poetry
        Roghayeh Rajabi Abdolnader Nazariyani Alireza Mozaffari
        The constitutional period is a distinct period in Iran’s history, in which all aspects of Iranians lives has transformed and as a result the verse and literature encountered a great change by the change in point of view of poets of this period in comparison to for More
        The constitutional period is a distinct period in Iran’s history, in which all aspects of Iranians lives has transformed and as a result the verse and literature encountered a great change by the change in point of view of poets of this period in comparison to former poets. In this period everything even the poetry serve the society. The greatest poets of this period are those who were in the middle of the society and the social events and react them; So this periods verse is explicit, clear, and thought governed, however streaks of feeling is accessible in these works but they cannot be classified in lyric poetry but this doesn’t underestimate the emotional aspect and semi-lyrical language of these works. Sometimes, the Constitutional poets try to support their works emotional and logical sides simultaneously; therefor the social matters present with a semi-lyrical language that cause a kind of Socio- lyrical integration in their works; however it’s a slight integration. This kind of socio-lyrical integration is observable in Aref`s, Farrokhi`s, Eshghi`s, Bahar`s, etc poetry with an unequal severity and weakness, Mohammad Taghi Bahar`s poetry as an authority in Persian verse in this respect is worthy to consider and investigate; because in this period no other poet is familiar with Persian classic poetry and in other hand he is the most political poet of constitutional period. Manuscript profile
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        430 - The study of the functions of "philosophy of the revolution of the world" in Rubaiyat Khayyami and Mohammad Hossein Karbarei
        hossein akbari HABIB jadid
        Ru'ba'yyat of Khayyami, as a representative of a tradition, has evolved throughout the centuries and years of Persian literature. Many poets in this wise tradition, formed in opposition to the deterministic thinker system, played a lot, and many morals were performed, b More
        Ru'ba'yyat of Khayyami, as a representative of a tradition, has evolved throughout the centuries and years of Persian literature. Many poets in this wise tradition, formed in opposition to the deterministic thinker system, played a lot, and many morals were performed, but ultimately, the collection of these mental lesions, known as Hakim Khayyam, is called Neyshaburi. The type of thought that has been described and described in the form of Rubaiyat Khayyami has been continually imitated and followed by many poets including Mohammad Hossein Kebriayi, the prominent poet of the Nebhndani. By referring to the Ruba'iyat of Khayyami (as the later text), he has referred to various wisdom matters, including "the philosophy of the revolution of the world." In the present article, with the comparative approach and descriptive-analytical method, the manifestations of this influence and the possible innovations of the poet are considered. The results of the research indicate that the totality of what is described and represented in the Khayyami and Kebriayi are identical, and the continuity of the same tradition of scholarship in Quranic poetry is clearly seen, but what the poets of the poet give special privilege, the proper use of arrays The rhetoric is especially the likeness and metaphor and the use of indigenous terms in the Nehbandan area, which was used to simplify the process of perceiving the audience towards the details of the "philosophy of the revolution of the world." Manuscript profile
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        431 - The Explaining of Grief in the Fayez Dashti, Mohammad Khan Dashti and the Maftoon Bordkhuni's Sharves
        Heydar Hajian Maryam Parhizkari Seyed Mahmood Seyed Sadeghi
        Lyrical literature is the delicate expression of the poet's personal feelings and emotions and pays attention to sufferings, reluctance, love, friendship and everything that affects the human soul. What distinguishes this type of literature from others is the dominance More
        Lyrical literature is the delicate expression of the poet's personal feelings and emotions and pays attention to sufferings, reluctance, love, friendship and everything that affects the human soul. What distinguishes this type of literature from others is the dominance of the element of feeling and emotion over other elements of poetry. The more subtle the poet's feelings and the deeper his emotions, the more penetrating and pleasing his speech will be. Lyrical literature has a more prominent poetic character than other types and is considered to be the most imaginative, purest and oldest type of literature. In this research, descriptive-analytical method and library tools have been studied on the components of lyrical literature in the emotional poems of Fayez Dashti, Mohammad Khan Dashti and the Maftoon Bordkhuni. The purpose of this research is to study and compare these components in the poems of these three poets and what are the similarities and differences between the mentioned poets in the application of such concepts? And the depth of sorrow in the words of which of these poets has the most crystallization? The result of this comparison and adaptation is that all three poets have dealt with this issue equally and there are differences in the way of expressing and using poetic images and images. The difference between the three poets' view of processing the case is in the use of images that carry the text with them. Fayez and Maftoon have mostly used the metaphorical array to convey the idea and concept of grief, and Mohammad Khan has used other literary arrays such as recognition to convey such emotion. Manuscript profile
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        432 - Analysis of the Concept of Nihilism and Narcissism in Malek ol-Sho'Ara's Poetry of Bahar
        Ayat Shokati
        Narcissism has been known in all periods and in the literature of all nations, especially in the twentieth century, when the author's inner "I" forms the main part of the literary process. Narcissism or narcissism is not a sign of self-centeredness; Rather, it refers to More
        Narcissism has been known in all periods and in the literature of all nations, especially in the twentieth century, when the author's inner "I" forms the main part of the literary process. Narcissism or narcissism is not a sign of self-centeredness; Rather, it refers to the self-motivated state of mind and perception of a human being in which a person targets love instead of another. There are few poets in the poetry collection who have not shown pride and self-praise and various manifestations of this art. The present article tried to show examples of such a feeling in the poems of Malek al-Shoarai in a descriptive-analytical manner, after examining and analyzing the words narcissism and narcissism. The present study has led us to the fact that, despite the eleven different merits, it has made Bahar proud; But those boastings did not take away his humility and made him a humble, proud poet who, despite acknowledging his own arts and the emergence of my transcendent self, can find his own self and praise the arts of others. Manuscript profile
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        433 - Toleration of tourism destination on the side effects of climate changes (studied by Hamedan province)
        mostafa shayegan mohsen ranjbar Reza Borna Azade Arbaby
        The phenomenon of global warming and climate change may not only lead to climate change, but may also cause major changes in the tourism situation of the region and its sustainability, which will have far-reaching consequences and will destabilize the industry. The aim More
        The phenomenon of global warming and climate change may not only lead to climate change, but may also cause major changes in the tourism situation of the region and its sustainability, which will have far-reaching consequences and will destabilize the industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of vulnerability to climate change and resilience of tourism destinations on the sustainability of tourism development. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The sample size corresponded to the statistical population was 185 people. The required data and information were collected in the form of library and field. Pls software was used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that vulnerability to climate change has a negative effect on the sustainability of tourism development and resilience of tourism destinations has a negative effect on vulnerability to climate change. The results of this study also showed that the resilience of destinations has a positive effect on the sustainability of tourism development. Manuscript profile
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        434 - Tourism King of Climate Comfort in Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Province Using The Effective Temperature Index
        Hasan Lashkari Manochehr Farajzadeh Ahmad Abdolpoor
        Today's weather and climate of each region plays the role of tourism development so that satisfaction of any tourism activity depends on climatic conditions during the visit will be provided. What comfort in terms of the time and space tourism, travel and physiological More
        Today's weather and climate of each region plays the role of tourism development so that satisfaction of any tourism activity depends on climatic conditions during the visit will be provided. What comfort in terms of the time and space tourism, travel and physiological aspects of the human body is very important? Therefore it is necessary to develop tourism in Kohgiluyeh and boyerahmad times and places suitable for climatic comfort is the tourism. It determined that the effective temperature range of indicators have been used in extreme climatic comfort of the index of hourly data of temperature, relative moisture Yasuj and Gachsaran stations for a period of 19 years data (1987-2005) has been used. The results of the calculations and diagrams based on indicators of effective temperature, it was found that none of the clock in the station Yasuj months January, February, March, November and December, there is no climatic comfort conditions. And during the hours of 7 months of the year during April, May, June, July, August, September and October are under areas of comfort and relaxation almost 4 months to 7 months, respectively, during May, October, September and June of Most of the time when the tourism climatic comfort is required. But the station Gachsaran, comfort climate for different months of the year this way is that the conditions during the 7 months of the year ie January, February, May, June, July, August and September for Tourism is not in the remaining months, including March, April, October, November and December in the areas of comfort and relaxation are almost the best conditions for tourism have long desired. Manuscript profile
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        435 - Detection of air temperature and precipitation changes in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces under climate change conditions using MIROC5 model
        Ahmad Fakhir Nasab Behlol Alijani Farideh Asadian
        The abnormalities and the occurrence of climate hazards, the importance of the phenomenon of climate change is becoming increasingly apparent. Changes in air temperature and precipitation play a significant role in detecting the effects of climate change. In this study, More
        The abnormalities and the occurrence of climate hazards, the importance of the phenomenon of climate change is becoming increasingly apparent. Changes in air temperature and precipitation play a significant role in detecting the effects of climate change. In this study, the perspective of changes in air temperature and precipitation in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces was evaluated with a statistical approach. In this regard, the statistics of weather stations in the period (1986-2015) was used as the base period. For future period, the output of the MIROC5 as general circulation model (GCM) under RCP8.5 and RCP4.5 scenarios in the form of downscaled data from the MarksimGCM database was used. Results of projecting the future period in the form of high and medium radiative forcing scenarios (RCP) shows an upward trend in the minimum and maximum temperatures of the study area in the future period compared to the base period. This incremental deviation is greater in the decades relative to the present period. Spatially to the time horizon 2061; areas with cooler and warmer temperatures will be added in the province. From the low altitudes or southern part of the province, with the passage to the following decades, the range of milder and warmer temperatures will gradually increase compared to the base period. The Precipitation parameters in the coming period will face a sharp and significant decrease compared to the base period, especially in the wet months of the year. This rainy region of high Zagros range,will face a significant decrease in rainfall in the coming period. Manuscript profile
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        436 - Feasibility of Olive Cultivation Based on Environmental Factors Using GIS in Boyer-Ahmad Township
        Marzieh Moghali
        Olive trees are able to grow in different types of soils due to high compatibility with a wide range of environmental conditions. Moreover, they can be planted in certain topographic locations (especially on steep slopes and hilly terrains) not suitable for the cultivat More
        Olive trees are able to grow in different types of soils due to high compatibility with a wide range of environmental conditions. Moreover, they can be planted in certain topographic locations (especially on steep slopes and hilly terrains) not suitable for the cultivation of other oilseeds. All these unique characteristics have caused olive to be considered as a strategic product. Therefore, this study attempted at the identification of prone areas for olive cultivation in Boyer-Ahmad Township. In this study, Environmental Factors of slope percentage, slope direction, and elevation extracted from digital elevation model were used. Subsequently, data layers were classified using effective growing requirements and assessments of Environmental conditions of olive cultivation and then the weight value of each zone was calculated. Final results of this research indicated certain northern and southern limits of the area are of very high proneness. Additionally, parts of the southwest area can be economical with regard to the integrated map of west and northwest Environmental Factors. On the contrary, northern and northeastern areas are not suitable for planting olive trees to produce good yields. Manuscript profile
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        437 - Evaluation of growth Feature of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum trees using stem analysis
        jamshid eslam dost hormoz sohrabi seyed mohsen hoseyni
        Tree growth has a great ecological and economic importance and stem analysis is one of the reliable and widely used methods which is used to study the growth of different attributes of the trees. In the present study, we evaluated diameter, basal area, and height and vo More
        Tree growth has a great ecological and economic importance and stem analysis is one of the reliable and widely used methods which is used to study the growth of different attributes of the trees. In the present study, we evaluated diameter, basal area, and height and volume growth of two fast growing species (namely Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum). After falling down the trees, 5 centimeter thick disks at 2 meter intervals were collected and transported to the laboratory. The thickness of the annual rings was measured in two perpendicular directions up to1millimeter precision. The results showed that the highest value of the current growth of diameter of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 4 and 6 year ages, respectively, equal to 1.5 and 5.4 cm and the highest value of the current basal area growth of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 9 and 10 year ages, respectively, equal to 0.1 and 0.14 square meters. Furthermore, the highest value of the current growth of height of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 6 and 9 year ages, respectively, with value of 1.3 m 3.1 m and the highest value of the current growth in the volume of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum occurred in 8 and 12 year ages, with a value of 0.094 and 0.1 cubic meters, respectively. Finally, there would be concluded that both of these species in such sites can meet the environmental needs such as green spaces as well as economic goals such as commercial wood product. Manuscript profile
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        438 - Comparation Palatability of Five Tree Species in Central Zagros Forest by Sheep and Goat )A case study in Boyerahmad County)
        مژده Safaei وحید Karimian S.H Matinkhah پژمان Tahmasebi
        Zagros forests have an important role in the life of local people due to its area, distribution, species diversity and forest products. In addition, it is one of the most important biological sources and genetic reservoirs of Iran, so that this region is one of the larg More
        Zagros forests have an important role in the life of local people due to its area, distribution, species diversity and forest products. In addition, it is one of the most important biological sources and genetic reservoirs of Iran, so that this region is one of the largest and most important animal husbandry centers. The main purpose of this research is to determine palatability of the tree species in Boyerahmad forests for sheep and goats. The studied trees include: Pyrus glabra Boiss, Quercus brantii Lindl .Lonicera nummulariifolia Jaub.& Spach, Pistacia mutica Fisch.& Mey C. A. and Acer monspessulanum L. The investigation was carried out in cafeteria method, using factorial plan, and replicated three times, 2.5 kg forages of each tree was harvested and randomly put into uniform plate to feed the ewe and nanny goats during 12 hours. Six animals out of each group with similar weight, age and health were selected and the animals were adapted to condition before the experiment. The forage in the plates was weighted after the experiment. The results of two way ANOVA and comparative mean, t-test, exhibit different palatability order for ewe and nanny goat. Palatability hierarchy for ewe is P.mutica, A. monspessulanum P. glabra, L. nummulariifolia and Q. brantii   where as for nanny goat the priority is different and accepts following order P. glabra, L. nummulariifolia P.mutica, A. monspessulanum and Q. brantii. Manuscript profile
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        439 - The effect of different media cultures on some growth characteristics of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) plants under drought stress
        Mahsa Bahrampour Maryam Dehestani-Ardakani Mostafa Shirmardi Jalal Gholamnezhad
        Drought is one of important environmental stresses that cause decreasing of production and yield in arid and semi-arid areas. Aim of this study was using of some amendment compounds in soil to increase marigold plant (Calendula officinalis L.) resistance to drought stre More
        Drought is one of important environmental stresses that cause decreasing of production and yield in arid and semi-arid areas. Aim of this study was using of some amendment compounds in soil to increase marigold plant (Calendula officinalis L.) resistance to drought stress. Experiments were performed in factorial according a completely randomized design with three replications. Treatment were consisted of six amendment compounds (control (only soil), 1 and 2 g/kg nano- potassium fertilizer, 30% of vase volume cocopeat, 30% of vase volume palm peat and 30% of vase volume madder plant residues) in three levels of drought stress (40, 60 and 80% of field capacity). According to the results by increasing the drought level, fresh and dry weight of flower and root significantly decreased. While peroxidase enzyme activity significantly increased. The highest fresh and dry weight of flower and root was obtained in plants were treated by madder plant residues. The lowest fresh and dry weight of flower and root in all drought levels obtained in plants were treated by palm peat. Plants were treated by palm peat in all three levels of drought did not show reproductive phase and flower. Fresh weight of flower had significant correlation by dry weight of flower, fresh and dry weight of root and phosphorus uptake. Generally, results showed that madder plant residues in compare to other treatments increased marigold resistance to drought stress and could be introduce as a suitable organic compound of media culture. Manuscript profile
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        440 - Factors affecting the location of fire stations With an emphasis on cluster analysis technique
        fatemeh shiri مجید شمس
        In this study, we have tried to investigate the location of fire stations in Hamadan made cluster analysis approach. For this purpose, according to theory, a conceptual model is presented as the main parameters of the 8 criteria to locate fire stations provided. All of More
        In this study, we have tried to investigate the location of fire stations in Hamadan made cluster analysis approach. For this purpose, according to theory, a conceptual model is presented as the main parameters of the 8 criteria to locate fire stations provided. All of these measures in the next stage to be produced in GIS spatial layers and then use Delphi 8 benchmark in terms of expertise and the combined weight of all layers of the information specified and according to the weight gained Tlfyqshdh each layer and a map of each of 8 It is final. The cluster analysis model to achieve the target spots, Delphi for weighting and valuation models used to locate the eight criteria and models, such as buffering and Dnsyty and .... for the production of each of the layers of gis for each of the eight criteria is used. According to the map made three spots to create a new station is proposed. The three spots in the central, western and eastern parts of the city are the need of the new station will be created. Manuscript profile
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        441 - An Analysis of the Impact of Social Marketing Plans Implemented by the Municipality of Hamadan on Environmental Beliefs
        Alireza Pirhayati hosein vazifehdoost Pezhman Jafari Asqar Seif
        Many environmental damages results from undesirable behaviors and attitudes. Social marketing is a process that exploits the principles of commercial marketing in order to influence the beliefs and behaviors of target audience. Many of the problems of urban management, More
        Many environmental damages results from undesirable behaviors and attitudes. Social marketing is a process that exploits the principles of commercial marketing in order to influence the beliefs and behaviors of target audience. Many of the problems of urban management, especially in the field of the environment have their roots in citizens’ misconceptions. Therefore, it is expected that the organizations related to urban management to eradicate undesirable beliefs and behaviors by implementing mixed social marketing and thereby to prevent the occurrence of many environmental problems. This research, by presenting a conceptual model explains the effect of the implementation of mixed marketing on environmental beliefs from the viewpoint of Hamadan municipality. The results showed that by implementing a mixed social marketing by influencing the emotional and operational values people's environmental beliefs can be affected. In fact, the implementation of the mixed social marketing can lead to preventive measures. With the introduction of emotional and operational value as an effective consequence of the integrated implementation of the mixed social marketing, these factors have been shown to affect the prediction of individuals’ environmental beliefs. Manuscript profile
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        442 - Ranking of Hamadan Districts Based on Good Urban Governance Indices
        sadegh hasani Parvaneh Zivyar mohsen rajbar
        In the context of Hamadan, recognized as a significant new urban center in the country, substantial challenges in urban management processes have emerged, encompassing both organizational and external dimensions. Recent years have witnessed mismanagement in service deli More
        In the context of Hamadan, recognized as a significant new urban center in the country, substantial challenges in urban management processes have emerged, encompassing both organizational and external dimensions. Recent years have witnessed mismanagement in service delivery, spatial injustices, physical-spatial disparities, lack of transparency in presenting plans and programs, and an increase in civic problems, exacerbating issues within the city. This complex scenario has the potential to escalate into serious regional crises. Acknowledging the urgency of addressing this matter and emphasizing the need for regional studies, the present research investigates the indicators of good governance in Hamadan, categorized by different regions. Employing a descriptive-analytical approach and utilizing a quantitative method, the study involves experts from the Hamadan management team, with a sample size of 35 individuals. The research findings, analyzed through average test models in SPSS software and the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making model in MATLAB software, reveal that the good governance indicators in Hamadan are not in a desirable state, particularly with districts 3 and 2 facing severe deficiencies in urban governance indicators. Manuscript profile
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        443 - The performance of Kermani ministers and their role in the Timurid bureaucracy, relying on the era Abu Sa'id and Sultan Hussein Beyyara
        forugh rahimpoor ali rahimisadegh
        The presence of Kermanian in the Timurd rule has increased their role in the the formation of the rule of sultan Abu Saeid Timo rey(855-873 AD) and sultan Hussein Bitarura(875-911AD). Suitable grounds and political and cultural motives of the Kermani ministers in Heart More
        The presence of Kermanian in the Timurd rule has increased their role in the the formation of the rule of sultan Abu Saeid Timo rey(855-873 AD) and sultan Hussein Bitarura(875-911AD). Suitable grounds and political and cultural motives of the Kermani ministers in Heart brought them a good place.But this research while investigating the position of the Ministry seeks to answer the question: “What areas led to the growth of Kermani ministers in the Timurid court?” And hat role have they played in the structure of the Timurid bureaucracy? The research findings indicate that the kermani ministers through their fathers were familiar with the affairs of the Divani and in the light of their talents desirability and perseverance Ministers in their cultural artistic and educational affairs and their role in this field brought about the development of culture and art in timurid community. The papers approach emphasizes analytic explanation based on descriptive evidence from the main sources of research and on the library methodology. Manuscript profile
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        444 - Mohammad Reza Shah's relations during the Cold War
        Farshid Rahi Masomeh garadagi Mohammed Yousefi Joybari nazli Eskandarinejad
        Iran enjoys an extremely strategic position in the Middle East, and its size is unique after Saudi Arabia, and it has long borders with the central regions. One of the most important straits in the world has complete dominance, and the orientation of its heights has cre More
        Iran enjoys an extremely strategic position in the Middle East, and its size is unique after Saudi Arabia, and it has long borders with the central regions. One of the most important straits in the world has complete dominance, and the orientation of its heights has created a suitable defensive position. Iran's foreign policy model became a model of "neutrality" in the post-constitutional era. This pattern refers to the neutralization pattern of the de-stressing pattern. It was about the rivalry of the great powers and the use of their rivalry to ensure Iran's security and territorial integrity. This pattern continued until 1332 AH. After the coup d'état of 28 August 1332 and the establishment of the Shah's position as the sole helmsman of Iran's foreign policy, the neutrality model was replaced by the adaptation model. During this period, which coincided with the escalation of the Cold War between the two powers, Iran's foreign policy was formed under the auspices of the United Arab Emirates. Mohammad Reza Shah's foreign policy during this period was close to that of the United States. Manuscript profile
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        445 - The Role of Tribes in not Shaping the Civil Society in Qajar Era
        Bahman Abdollahi ozan sofla Masomeh garadagi Sharzad Sasanpur Davod Esfahanian
        Abstract The tribes and nomads have always composed major part of the population in Iran and directly or indirectly have had roles in politics and government as the Iran society was a traditional, tribal one and this became more remarkable and important as the Qajars st More
        Abstract The tribes and nomads have always composed major part of the population in Iran and directly or indirectly have had roles in politics and government as the Iran society was a traditional, tribal one and this became more remarkable and important as the Qajars stepped onto the power and one of these fields is the issue of civil society, Therefore the current article which is to study the role of the tribes in not shaping the civil society in Qajar era will study the two issue of tribes and nomads and their roles in the field of civil society after developing the conceptual atmosphere of the subject of the research. According to the topical documents presented in this research, the research method is descriptional - analytical and the the data gathering method was a library one. The findings of the research indicates that first, the changes in Iranian society and the movement to a civil society like what happened in West needed the frame-works. The radical traditionalism has decreased the speed of these changes. The constitutionalism revolution speeded these changes which was not compatible with Iranian Society, for this reason was ended in failour and only a formal structure was resulted out of what was expected. Second. Qajarid was a tribal ruling and each state was governed by a prince and and there was no solidarity in the state and the tribal ruling was one of the reason for not shaping the civil society in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        446 - A study of the common arts of the Safavid era through the Holy Divan of Mashhad
        nilofar khosravani KOBRA NODEHI
        One way to get acquainted with the common arts of each period of history is to study the great literary works that have survived from that time. Among the present literary texts, the Divan of Haji Mohammadjan Ghodsi Mashhadi, a poet of the 11th century AH, is a contempo More
        One way to get acquainted with the common arts of each period of history is to study the great literary works that have survived from that time. Among the present literary texts, the Divan of Haji Mohammadjan Ghodsi Mashhadi, a poet of the 11th century AH, is a contemporary of the Safavid dynasty, whose popular art of this era is widely reflected in his poetry.The era of flourishing Iranian art is in the Seljuk and Ilkhanid eras and reaches its peak in the time of the Timurids. However, the concentration and integration of the Safavid state organization caused all the arts to flourish, and for this reason, the types of arts in this era grew significantly in quantity. The Safavid government has been considered as a superior power in the field of politics, culture, economy and even art due to its religious authority and the confrontation of the great Shiite power with the Sunni government of Ottoman Turkey.In this article, an attempt is made to analyze the arts that were popular in the Safavid era, such as music, painting, calligraphy, book design and architecture through the Holy Divan of Mashhad. Manuscript profile
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        447 - Actions of Mohammad Bager Pirnia during the governorship period in Mashhad
        Hamzeh Kavosi Monirh kazemirashed Seyyed Hossein Raeis al-Sadat Sharzad Sasanpur
        Mashhad city between 1346 and 1350. And during the governorship period of Mohammad Baqer, Pirnia underwent major changes. The main question of this research is what role Pirnia's construction measures played in the physical development of Mashhad. The physical deve More
        Mashhad city between 1346 and 1350. And during the governorship period of Mohammad Baqer, Pirnia underwent major changes. The main question of this research is what role Pirnia's construction measures played in the physical development of Mashhad. The physical development of the city is a continuous process during which the physical boundaries of the city and its physical spaces expand in longitudinal and transverse directions in terms of quantity and quality. The physical expansion of cities and villages towards each other causes the annexation and integration of villages into cities and as a result the physical development of cities. The components of the development of Mashhad are: 1- How to spread new civilizational institutions in the city, 2- The arrival of new thoughts and ideas in relation to urban planning, 3- The existence of Razavi Shrine in order to accept immigrants and pilgrims and to settle it. in Mashhad. In this article, the examples of the physical development of Mashhad city and its surrounding issues are described and analyzed, and therefore, based on the nature of the subject, this research is presented in a descriptive and analytical method and based on library and documentary sources. Manuscript profile
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        448 - The Effect of Sensualism on Mirza Muhammad Amin Astarabadi’s Thought.
        Nadia Hadavand Mirzaei Sayed Alireza Abtahi Forooshani Feizollah Boushasb Goosheh
        In the 11th century AH, Mirza Mohammad Amin Astarabadi (1031 AH) revived the Akhbari school in the manner of the early scholars, the group of hadith (anti-rationalism) by publishing the book "Favaed Al Madineh". According to Ayatollah Motahari who did mention in his boo More
        In the 11th century AH, Mirza Mohammad Amin Astarabadi (1031 AH) revived the Akhbari school in the manner of the early scholars, the group of hadith (anti-rationalism) by publishing the book "Favaed Al Madineh". According to Ayatollah Motahari who did mention in his book "Islam and the Necessities of Time", Ayatollah Boroujerdi was just on the opinion that Mohammad Amin Astarabadi was influenced by Western sensory philosophy in his thoughts. The important question here which we try to discuss is How Western sensory philosophy could Impact on Mirza Mohammad Amin Astarabadi. Answering to this question we will examine in a historical way and in a descriptive-analytical route based on the available reliable sources It appears; Mirza Mohammad Amin Astarabadi has reached such a belief because of the Safavid state's relations with European countries and followed the creation of a social wave directly and indirectly and under the influence of the existing atmosphere Due to the remarkable convergence of Mirza Mohammad Amin Astarabadi's thoughts combined with sensory thinking in European philosophy and also attacking of both currents on rationalism and his contemporaneity with Francis Bacon ( 1626 AH), it is possible that he got familiar with Western sensory philosophy while his residency years in Mecca. Manuscript profile
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        449 - The origins and contexts of Reza Shah's contractionary policy towards the nomads
        Hedayat Seid Khani, Gholamhossein Zargarinejad sina forozesh
        After Reza Shah came to power, in a series of measures, he tried to limit the tribes and nomads and suppress their power in different ways; Among the policies that were used to suppress the tribes and nomads were the disarmament and forced resettlement of the tribes and More
        After Reza Shah came to power, in a series of measures, he tried to limit the tribes and nomads and suppress their power in different ways; Among the policies that were used to suppress the tribes and nomads were the disarmament and forced resettlement of the tribes and tribes. The problem of the present research is, what were the roots and grounds of Reza Shah's contractionary and restrictive policies towards the nomads, and were these measures done out of necessity or were they just vengeful revenge?The research method in this article will be historical (inductive) and the method of collecting information is document and library, which will be used to describe and analyze the material.The findings of this research show that factors such as: gaining power of some tribes after the constitutional events and asking for a share of power, the accumulation of weapons especially after the First World War in the hands of tribes and tribes and the resulting threats, provocations by foreign countries and border threats, Refusal of elots and nomads from paying taxes in the chaotic situation after the constitution and the desire and support of intellectuals and the press can be seen as the implementation of nomadic policies of the first Pahlavi government. Manuscript profile
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        450 - Cultural consequences of housing policy in the lives of tribes and nomads of the first Pahlavi era
        Hedayat Seid Khani, Gholamhossein Zargarinejad sina forozesh
        One of the important policies of the first Pahlavi government (1304-1320 AD) regarding the tribes and nomads of Iran, was the policy of nomadic settlement or "boarding" them, although this policy was ultimately due to the resistance of tribes and nomads to forced settle More
        One of the important policies of the first Pahlavi government (1304-1320 AD) regarding the tribes and nomads of Iran, was the policy of nomadic settlement or "boarding" them, although this policy was ultimately due to the resistance of tribes and nomads to forced settlement. And the lack of necessary infrastructure, with the fall of the first Pahlavi government failed; But it had a great impact on different aspects of tribal and nomadic life. The issue of the present study is the question of what cultural consequences have the anti-nomadic policies of the first Pahlavi in ​​the form of forced settlement had on the lives of the tribes and nomads?The research method in this article is historical (inductive) and the method of collecting information, documents and libraries, which will be used to describe and analyze the material.The findings of this study indicate that the anti-nomadic policies of Reza Shah's government, including the policy of settlement, in addition to destroying and forgetting many cultural components of tribes and nomads, including handicrafts, created a culture of resistance among the people of the tribe. , Can be seen and followed in the folklore culture of nomadic people, especially local poems. Also, the government's efforts to improve the human characteristics of nomadic life, including literacy and the establishment of nomadic schools, although done, have been insufficient and have not been successful in encouraging nomads to settle. Manuscript profile
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        451 - An Introduction to the Religious Beliefs and Politics of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar
        Javad Noorian Amir Teymour Rafiei hamid reza safakish
        The religious beliefs of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar can be discussed regarding his religious policy. A kind of religious belief seems to be apparent and recognizable in his behavior and actions so that he, as the king of a Shiite country, tried to show that he is the guar More
        The religious beliefs of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar can be discussed regarding his religious policy. A kind of religious belief seems to be apparent and recognizable in his behavior and actions so that he, as the king of a Shiite country, tried to show that he is the guardian of the Shiite religion. Generally, the rule of Agha Mohammad Khan is mostly referred to as a military and violent rule. Historical resources have further described his immeasurable military campaigns and bloodshed. In the meantime, the study of his religious spirits and beliefs has been completely neglected. The purpose of this research was to investigate the religious beliefs of Agha Mohammad Khan and his approach in dealing with Shiite scholars. This research is conducted through a descriptive-analytical method using library resources. The results showed that as the founder of the Qajar dynasty, he was completely religious and loyal to the principles of Shiism by his heart regardless of hypocrisy. On the other hand, while respecting Shiite scholars, he did not allow them to involve in political affairs very much and used them occasionally. Manuscript profile
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        452 - Historical Study of the Social Events of Pahlavi events in the works of Fiction of Al Ahmad
        maryam jafari Arash moshfeghi aziz hajajikahjoogh
        In the early years of the monarchy of Pahlavi and the implementation of the imitation reform of Reza Khan, the story of the story, the novel and novel novelty were more exquisite, But to Tridge and with the detection of deficiencies and shortcomings of these reforms in More
        In the early years of the monarchy of Pahlavi and the implementation of the imitation reform of Reza Khan, the story of the story, the novel and novel novelty were more exquisite, But to Tridge and with the detection of deficiencies and shortcomings of these reforms in this period, the literature and literary type of the novel became a tool for criticizing the situation of that time. Reza Shah in this era, which experienced the country of tradition to modernity, tried to formate political, social, economic, economic, and educational areas of the country with the formation of a powerful and strong state and Western countries. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the historical social events of Pahlavi events in the works of Fictionali Ahmad, which has been done by library and analytical method. The result of the research shows that the amendment measures of the Pahlavi kingdom in different areas of the country resulted in various effects and reactions. Among the literary texts, especially the novel, due to its particular structure and characteristics, this situation reflects this situation. In this perspective, the works of Fictionalities Al-Ahmad well reflected the social, political and cultural situation of this period. Manuscript profile
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        453 - Renewal of competition between Osuli and Akhbari at the beginning of the Qajar period
        Elham Amiri Gholamhossein Zargarinejad Sina Foroozesh
        Renewal of competition between Usuliyan and akhbarians at the beginning of the Qajar periodAbstractDisagreement between the two schools of jurisprudence, Akhbari and Usuli, before the end of the 12th century AH, the series of challenges between the two schools in the 13 More
        Renewal of competition between Usuliyan and akhbarians at the beginning of the Qajar periodAbstractDisagreement between the two schools of jurisprudence, Akhbari and Usuli, before the end of the 12th century AH, the series of challenges between the two schools in the 13th century begins again. In this process, the relative and causal connections between the fundamentalist clerics led to the strengthening of the mujtahids and their unity against the views of the Akhbari clerics. With the advent of Mirza Mohammad Astarabadi (in the thirteenth century AH and during the Qajar period), a new round of intensification of the confrontation between akhbarian and fundamentalist scholars took place. discussions about both fundamentalist and akhbarian ideas in the Qajar period had various political and religious consequences, especially in the field of incitement related to the clerical apparatus in spreading the ideas of ijtihad and imitation, strengthening the institution of authority and influence of the clergy among the Tuido people and confronting The government, part of the fundamentalists clergy, appeared to enlightenment and new ideas and to welcome some manifestations of modernity. Political developments in the region, including the Iran-Russia wars, were the cause of rivalry between the fundamentalists and the Akhbaris. This article tries to follow the existing similarities between religious scholars about the causes of akhbarian tendencies among the clergy of the Qajar era and to examine the renewed competition between these two sects in the field of intra-organizational developments of the clergy.Keywords: Akhbari, Ijtihad, Astarabadi, Clergy, Qajar era Manuscript profile
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        454 - Investigating the role of Ahmad Shah's political personality in the fall of the Qajar dynasty
        hamzeh hoseini
        The political psychology of Ahmad Shah Qajar, in whose time the Qajar dynasty was extinct and a new period began in Iran with the establishment of the Pahlavi government, is very useful for understanding the political developments of this period. This article tries to a More
        The political psychology of Ahmad Shah Qajar, in whose time the Qajar dynasty was extinct and a new period began in Iran with the establishment of the Pahlavi government, is very useful for understanding the political developments of this period. This article tries to answer the question of what role did the political personality of Ahmad Shah play in the fall of the Qajar government with the descriptive-analytical method and with the help of Karen Horne's theory? The findings of this study show that Ahmad Shah Qajar was a character mixed with fear and despair, which manifested itself in fear of the history of his father and ancestors, fear of foreign powers, fear of internal opponents, and fear of rumors and propaganda. This fear, which was formed in his personality since his childhood due to internal and external sad factors, caused him fear and despair towards his leadership and was also given to him so that he could not take decisive measures with courage and resourcefulness to deal with Sardar Sepe and other domestic and foreign opponents, and finally, by leaving Keshu and not returning, he contributed to the downfall of Qajar. Manuscript profile
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        455 - Historical Investigation of Citizenship Rights in Iran Constitutional Period in Shams and Toghara Mohammad Bagher Khosravi
        maryam jafari Arash moshfeghi aziz hajajikahjoogh
        Concepts such as citizenship rights are among the instances of modernism and modernism in the present age Most influenced by Western ideas and in the context of the mental contexts, political and social developments, and democratic developments in Europe in Iranian thou More
        Concepts such as citizenship rights are among the instances of modernism and modernism in the present age Most influenced by Western ideas and in the context of the mental contexts, political and social developments, and democratic developments in Europe in Iranian thought and culture. And Iranian intellectuals and writers used this concept in their writings and writings And most of all, it appeared in contemporary prose. Social literature has been part of the prose effect due to the interaction of literature with society. The results of this study show that Mohammad Bagher Khosravi was a patriotic human being and a moderate constitution, and in his poems he has spoken of these themes. Contemporary prose effects have been written more on realism and have tried to make the realities of society at the forefront of their work, The authors of the constitutional era have expressed a great deal of social customs in their stories, and the volume of expression of these practices in their effects is enormous, But the closer we get to the revolution, the more of the social practice in Persian novels, and the less place. Manuscript profile
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        456 - Studying the borrowing of special Turkish words in Hamadani Persian dialect
        ali abolghasemi sorour zekrati
        The most common type of borrowing is of words. Almost all languages have been affected by other languages. Borrowing in language occurs due to interactions among languages which can affect all linguistic components, from syntax, semantic and morphology to lexicon. Persi More
        The most common type of borrowing is of words. Almost all languages have been affected by other languages. Borrowing in language occurs due to interactions among languages which can affect all linguistic components, from syntax, semantic and morphology to lexicon. Persian and Turkish language have mutual borrowing which is affected by Turkish to a great extend over centuries. As an example, Hamadani dialect has been affected by too many daily Turkish words due to close interactions between Turk and Fars people there. In this paper, we attempted to study the Turkish words in Hamadani dialect. It is important to notice that we avoid considering Turkish words used in other dialects of standard Persian. Manuscript profile
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        457 - A review of the prayers and lamentations of the saints in Mohammad Chehri’s poetry
        مسعود باوان بوری wahid sajadifar نرگس لرستانی
        Religious literature is one of the literary genres which has been less considered, while it has been prevalent in almost all religions and languages. In this genre, the poet shows his special regards to figures of his religion. Karbalayei Mohammad Chehri, a contemporary More
        Religious literature is one of the literary genres which has been less considered, while it has been prevalent in almost all religions and languages. In this genre, the poet shows his special regards to figures of his religion. Karbalayei Mohammad Chehri, a contemporary poet of Harsin (around Kermanshah), has paid special attention to Imam Ali (PBUH), Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) and Imam Hussain (PBUH) in his poems. The poet has expressed his regards to these figures, and has composed poems in their praise or eulogy and integrated them into his poetry. The poet has some poems in eulogy of the martyrs of the uprising standing of fifteenth of Khordad, and the city of Khomein, etc. This paper attempts to examine the poet's religious verses and his eulogy of Shiite religious leaders using analytical-descriptive method and the collections. The results showed special attitude of the poet about the Ashura and the hostile events happening that day. The reason of this eulogy is martyrdom of Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his family and his loyal companions. His lamentations were found to be much more than his eulogies, reflecting his love of these noble characters and his sorrow about the tragedy. Manuscript profile
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        458 - Collecting and reviewing less used livestock farming terminology in Lori dialect of Dashtrom district
        Soodabe Keshavarzi Akbar Sayadkuh SHahram Bahonar
        Dashtrom is one of Yasooj's villages in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. The linguistic type of this village, Lori dialect, for a variety of reasons including the low communication of its small population with Persian dialects, remains to some extent unaltered. Due More
        Dashtrom is one of Yasooj's villages in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. The linguistic type of this village, Lori dialect, for a variety of reasons including the low communication of its small population with Persian dialects, remains to some extent unaltered. Due to the good weather of this region in the past, the area has been the site of the travelling livestock, so the use of linguistic terms and expressions of them in this region is frequent. But after the settlement program of them in the Reza Shah era and reducing the livestock farming, Dashtrom has now become the garden of apples and peaches, and it is feared that livestock vocabularies and terminologies are forgotten in time. Considering that the study of the vocabulary, terminology, and interpretations of this type of language, in addition to its ethnological and linguistic benefits, it may be helpful in solving some of the language and semantic problems of ancient Persian texts. In this essay, the most important vocabularies and terminologies of the livestock of this village have been gathered through field research and completed with library resources. It has been attempted to formulate them in a thematic way and, moreover, to find their root as much as possible. The total of 150 words and terms has been obtained, and the existence of some terms and expressions on the direct connection of this dialect with the ancient Persian language and ancient mythology has been indicated. Manuscript profile
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        459 - Investigating poems and wedding songs in kohgilouyeh and boyerahmad province
        seyed borzoo jamalian zadeh mohamad hosein karami jalil nazari
        The ready research is aimed to study wedding poems and songs   in kohgilouyeh and boyerahmad province. This poems, which are kind of lyric poetry are special to wedding celebration, more common among women and one sing in all sreps of wedding  wether lone More
        The ready research is aimed to study wedding poems and songs   in kohgilouyeh and boyerahmad province. This poems, which are kind of lyric poetry are special to wedding celebration, more common among women and one sing in all sreps of wedding  wether lonely or in group by women, often describing the groom, the bride, bride and groom family members and wedding celebration. This songs have special names in some regions : in basht and bavi tribes, boyerahmad and choram "seru", and in bahmaei, doshmanziari and taibi its called shiraduma". In this article, after introduction a short description of songs and poems of sorud and shiradumad in some regions of country and more specifically in kohgilouyeh and boyerahmad province will be given. Next, the charactristics of this songs, different kinds of wedding local jongs, classification of sorud and shiradumad poems will be studied Manuscript profile
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        460 - Mythic Themes in a Selection of the Bakhtiyari and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Folktales
        Fereshteh Rousta Mohammadreza Masuomi Jalil Nazari
        Mythic themes have an outstanding position in the folktales of the Bakhtiyarie and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad people. Of significant themes one can refer to a horse, especially Pegasus, metamorphosis – transformation of a human being to an animal and vice versa - More
        Mythic themes have an outstanding position in the folktales of the Bakhtiyarie and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad people. Of significant themes one can refer to a horse, especially Pegasus, metamorphosis – transformation of a human being to an animal and vice versa - mountain, demons and fairies, and strange animals. In this research, thirty stories from the local stories of these tribes; The legends of the lords, the folktales of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, the legends of Bakhtiari, My Bukhara My tribe, and The satire and epic of Boyer-Ahmadi have been selected and studied and analyzed. The results suggest that the most important themes in the selection of tales include the presence of demons and fairies, Pegasus, mountain, human to animal metamorphosis, and description of strange animals. Also, the majority of the mythic themes amongst these races are the residue of the myths in the culture of the ancient Iran. It is worth mentioning that there are some of the similar instances in the Ferdowsi's Shahname.  Manuscript profile
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        461 - Economic components reflection of social identity in Mamasani native poetry (Emphasizing on the poems of Ahmad Ansari Fahliani)
        Abdolmajid Mohagheghi Majid Negintaji
        The poetry and literature of any nation, as one of the indices of its culture and civilization, can be a mirror of the society and history of its time. Lori Mamasani's dialect poem has easily been able to depict many of the social, cultural, political and economic symbo More
        The poetry and literature of any nation, as one of the indices of its culture and civilization, can be a mirror of the society and history of its time. Lori Mamasani's dialect poem has easily been able to depict many of the social, cultural, political and economic symbols of the people. The economic components, which are one of the important subsets of a nation's social identity due to its very important and undeniable role in the livelihood of the Mamasani’s people, have been able to be widely and realistically used. But it is reflected in the literary form of native poetry, hidden aspects of analysis and explained the social identity of this region. This study emphasized the poems of Ahmad Ansari Fahliani, based on the selection of verses related to economic components, as well as their Persian transliteration and meaning. These analyzed these native elements and showed their place in Mamasani native poetry. Manuscript profile
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        462 - Explanation and description of Zulfaqar Mohammadi's Sarapanameh
        Ali Heidari Nosratollah Ahmadifard
        Sarapanameh (Peikarsarayee) is a type of poetry in which the poet renders the figure of the beloved. The purpose of the poet in this type of poetry is to illustrate the body of the beloved in addition to expressing the romantic feelings. The poet like an expert painter More
        Sarapanameh (Peikarsarayee) is a type of poetry in which the poet renders the figure of the beloved. The purpose of the poet in this type of poetry is to illustrate the body of the beloved in addition to expressing the romantic feelings. The poet like an expert painter represents her imaginary or real lover through words. This type of poetry is common among Kurdish, Loor and Laki poets, and usually famous poets have written one or more examples of this type of poetry. The rhyme of most of these poems is ten-syllable and they are often written in the standard language of western Iran. But the previous native poets have tried with their local language instead of the standard language of the west of the country. The late Zulfaqar Mohammadi, an unknown but talented elite poet, was one of the poets who wrote this kind of poem. This Sarapanameh is written in a new format and in syllabic rhyme. The variety of pure similes and phonology, composition, and imagery are among the most important literary features of this one. The poet's interest to local and national customs and traditions, and paying attention to the surrounding nature is exceptional in the selection of terms. Manuscript profile
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        463 - Analyzing proverbs of Lori Boyerahmadi based on the level of attention to the components of life-skills
        Somayeh Rezaee Sakine Heidari
        Proverbs represent the beliefs, attitudes, culture, traditions, knowledge and attention of a nation to various issues, quoted in the form of popular cliché and metaphorical statements. On the one hand, such aphoristic sentences depict the nation’s beliefs, More
        Proverbs represent the beliefs, attitudes, culture, traditions, knowledge and attention of a nation to various issues, quoted in the form of popular cliché and metaphorical statements. On the one hand, such aphoristic sentences depict the nation’s beliefs, on the other hand, they potentially have a remarkable educational role. Proverbs cross people’s mind and are uttered in different situations. In fact, proverbs are mostly used to taunt people and to inform them, or to emphasize something. Since there is a great relationship between the level of attention paid to life-skills in a nation and their culture, it is possible to find out how much that nation considers life-skills by studying common proverbs there. The present study dealt with 400 common Lori’s proverbs of Kohkilouye and Boyerahmadi based on the level and manner of paying attention to the components of life-skills using a descriptive and analytical method. The results indicated that the constituents of communication-skills, critical-thinking and problem-solving had the highest frequency, and the components of creative-thinking and decision-making had the lowest one. Communication-skills were mostly informative, the components of other skills such as critical-thinking, problem-solving, and empathy were used more to taunt people. The constituents of the skill of managing negative emotions were used both for teaching and informing, and for taunting people. Manuscript profile
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        464 - Work Poems in Dena
        mohamad javedan kherad seyed mohamad bagher kamaledini
        The poems which have been written about work and job in oral culture of Kohgiluyeh and Boyrahmad constitute a large part of literature of this land. The men and women in this province in order to do anything have a homophonic poem with work doer which this poem has them More
        The poems which have been written about work and job in oral culture of Kohgiluyeh and Boyrahmad constitute a large part of literature of this land. The men and women in this province in order to do anything have a homophonic poem with work doer which this poem has theme and music corresponding with it and it is a good motivation to do things. These poems is a collection of thoughts, motivations and mental states during work which their literary richness indicates the people's literary history of this province. In the nomadic and rural society of Kohgiluyeh and Boyrahmad, the works such as rice-threshing, oak-threshing, milking, making buttermilk, rice transplantation and lamb-grazing have accompanied with reading poems which were composed according to situation and conditions of that work to speed, fun and escape from tiredness. This study investigates these poems Manuscript profile
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        465 - The reflection of Plants and trees in local poetry of Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad
        jalil nazari ali pirooze
        From the ancient era, using the elements of nature has great popularity in Persian literature and particularly Lori literature as one of the subcategories of similar root in this language. Investigation of the Lori literature has indicated that the natural elements and More
        From the ancient era, using the elements of nature has great popularity in Persian literature and particularly Lori literature as one of the subcategories of similar root in this language. Investigation of the Lori literature has indicated that the natural elements and scopes and their implications have the most usages in their sayings and manuscripts. These factors consisted of mountains, forests, trees, plants, snow and rain; easily and tangibly, they reflected the nature in Lori poetry. Among them, there are some trees and plants highlighted this nostalgic and emotional views. Regarding this, the aromatic plant named 'Chavil' is the most influential in expressing the romance. The use of oak in the Lori lyrics represents the strength and steadiness of these people and it is their honor symbol.  The trees such as sycamore and willow are known for their calm shadow. The plant tree of Bengaroo is the symbol of worthless in the Lori literature Manuscript profile
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        466 - The Boyer-Ahmadi woman’s image in the shade of local literature
        jalil nazari mahin taj sadegh nia
        The local literature of Boyer-Ahmad district, Iran, due to its special geographical position, has one of the richest cultural repertoires, which should be studied from a sociological aspect on local and national scales. The present paper seeks to analyze the theme of lo More
        The local literature of Boyer-Ahmad district, Iran, due to its special geographical position, has one of the richest cultural repertoires, which should be studied from a sociological aspect on local and national scales. The present paper seeks to analyze the theme of local songs of Boyer- Ahmad district, also the role and place of women within these songs. These roles extracted from oral and written texts of local songs of this region. Contemplation on the heart and soul of these songs are the repertoire of the past and are still being sung by people today is evidence that the social position of women in the past was highly regarded, opposed to the false beliefs of what has been said in this view. Manuscript profile
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        467 - The study of the main rtheme and its development in shirazi dialect
        mphamad moradi
        The local literature that has various time and places it consists different and special characteristics. One of the places for study on different aspects in local languaes and dialects is the poem criticism which has been composed there. The Shirazi poem that nearly has More
        The local literature that has various time and places it consists different and special characteristics. One of the places for study on different aspects in local languaes and dialects is the poem criticism which has been composed there. The Shirazi poem that nearly has been composed 800 years ago and with respect to the quality and quantity of its works espeacialy in 8th and 9th centuries of Hejrah and in the cntemporary time is a good domain for investigation and study in local literature. In this paper it has been tried to recognize the prosodist rtheme of two old poets- shams pos naser and Shahdaee Shirazi – and five fars contemporary poets- Bijan Samandar, Yadolah Taremi, Ahad Dehbozorgi, Siroos Dadras and Mohamad Hassan Shafaat- and introduce the main theme of shirazi dialect especialy Ghazal Rhythm. They are compared with the the contemoprary types of Farsi poems and they also are compared with the similarities and differences to them. In addition, the development of the Ghazal in 8th century of Hejrah to contemporary with tables and samples are introduced. Manuscript profile
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        468 - Evaluation of Tourism Development Strategies Based on Brand Equity (a case study in Shiraz, Isfahan and Hamedan)
        Mansoreh Esteky Davood Mohammaditabar
        Tourism industry plays an important role in improving employment rate and the growth of the economy. Despite considerable capacities, the tourism industry has not been developed accordingly in Iran. The aim of this research is to identify and rank the tourism developmen More
        Tourism industry plays an important role in improving employment rate and the growth of the economy. Despite considerable capacities, the tourism industry has not been developed accordingly in Iran. The aim of this research is to identify and rank the tourism development strategies of Iran based on brand equity. This research is categorized as an empirical study based on its subject while with respect to data gathering it is considered a descriptive case study. Statistical population includes well educated experts with appropriate experience on tourism industry. According to the results, brand equity, marketing strategy and travel motivation were the most important criteria. After analyzing the dependencies among criteria and identifying their weights with hybrid ANP-DEMATEL technique, initial strategies were screened and selected by Delphi method. Afterwards, selected strategies were ranked using TOPSIS method. Based on the results, the use of information technology is the first ranked tourism development strategy followed by improving of hoteling infrastructures. Manuscript profile
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        469 - Identifying the Capacity and Priorities in Tourism Development with Emphasis on Historical Spaces: A Case Study of Hamadan
        mitra refahi dahr Majid Shams
        This study focuses on the management of the central urban core of Hamadan, utilizing historical attractions and emphasizing the utilization of historical spaces. The research aims to determine the historical capacities of the central core in tourism development and iden More
        This study focuses on the management of the central urban core of Hamadan, utilizing historical attractions and emphasizing the utilization of historical spaces. The research aims to determine the historical capacities of the central core in tourism development and identify key management components with a specific focus on historical attractions. The statistical population for this research comprises residents, tourists, and businesses located within the central core of Hamadan city. The study falls under the category of fundamental research, employing a descriptive and analytical research method. Data and information were collected using both library and field methods. The SWAT technique, questionnaire surveys, and the SPSS software were employed for data analysis. The research findings demonstrate that the sub-criterion of local investment participation significantly contributes to the development of tourism in the region. Incentive facilities such as granting loans, reducing taxes, and providing specialized entrepreneurial consultations to local investors can encourage local capital to be directed towards the development of tourism-based activities. Manuscript profile
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        470 - A Muhaddith from Balkh with a background from Bom Ray; Analyzing the hadith character of Hossein bin Muhammad Oshnani in the Imamiya culture with an emphasis on the works of Sadouq
        sayed mohammad mousavi hosin sattar hamid reza fahimitabar
        Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani is one of the Sunni and Sunni scholars of Religious Religion in the fourth century AH. Boom Ray, with an ancient and rooted past, has been the home of many of the narrators and narrators. The assignment of Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani to Ray More
        Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani is one of the Sunni and Sunni scholars of Religious Religion in the fourth century AH. Boom Ray, with an ancient and rooted past, has been the home of many of the narrators and narrators. The assignment of Hussein ibn Muhammad Ashnani to Ray and his position in the hadith books of Ibn Babuiyyah is worthy of study. A Sunni jurisprudents are interested in the Ahlul -Bayt with a background from Ray that the traditions of the Marwi in Imamiyyah sources are often in the field of the virtues of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Although Shiite sources have been considered one of the Imam's elders, Sheikh Saduq's specific descriptions of the Imam Khomeini make him serious. Saduq described him as al -Adl, and the term is located for the conflict of votes among the researchers. In this essay, the title of one of the Sunni elders is identified. To illustrate the role of Saduq in the transfer of Sunni news to the Imamiyyah as one of his narratives, "Ya'ali Lak Kenz in al -Jinnah and An end of the Cornea", and considers the news of the concluded news. This study aimed Imamiyyah emphasizes the works of Saduq and with an analytical descriptive method to evaluate the identity of Rijali and hadith. Manuscript profile
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        471 - Reflecting the differences between rationalist and narrative approaches in the analysis of the idea of al-Badā’ Reading the Two Commentaries of al-Kulayni's kitab al-Kāfī in the Safavid Era
        mohammadmahdi farahi Rouhollah Shahidi Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh
        Thinkers have taken different approaches to religious narratives and propositions. Since each approach has different effects and consequences, it is necessary to examine them and to identify their different consequences. The two main approaches in dealing with religious More
        Thinkers have taken different approaches to religious narratives and propositions. Since each approach has different effects and consequences, it is necessary to examine them and to identify their different consequences. The two main approaches in dealing with religious narratives and propositions are the philosophical rationalist approach and the narrative approach. In this study, we want to use a comparative method to examine and implement Mulla Sadra’s approach as a representative of the school of philosophical rationalism and the Majlesi’s approach as the representative of the school of narrative about the concept of ‘Badā’’ in the book of Usul-e Kāfi. In this way, we want to gain a better understanding of each of these two approaches and to highlight their differences and distinctions. These two thinkers lived in the Safavid era, and their theoretical approaches indicate the intellectual confrontation between the two currents of rationalism and narrativeism in that period. The study hypothesis is that these two approaches differ in components such as how to explain religious teachings, how to expand the problem, how to be sure of expression or caution, and how to deal with confusing narratives. However, one can also see commonalities between the owners of the two approaches in confronting narratives; similarities such as avoiding the denial of narrations, relying on Ta’wil, and confronting narrations based on presuppositions. Manuscript profile
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        472 - Abulmufḍḍal al-Shaybāni's Approach to Hadith
        mohammad taghi zakeri nemat allah safari froshani
        Abulmufḍal Sheibāni (d. 387 AH) is an Imami narrator whose numerous narrations have remained in various sources, but his method of gaining Hadith has been less explored so far. Despite all the efforts made by Abulmufḍal to receive and transmit the Hadith heritage, the e More
        Abulmufḍal Sheibāni (d. 387 AH) is an Imami narrator whose numerous narrations have remained in various sources, but his method of gaining Hadith has been less explored so far. Despite all the efforts made by Abulmufḍal to receive and transmit the Hadith heritage, the early Shiite and Muslim narrators and translators have accused him of various forms of forgery and theft in the Hadith. We know that he has made many efforts in transmitting the Hadith heritage of the Imams and Zaydis, and many important Shiite works and narrations have been narrated through him. The importance of his legacy has even caused the popular Muslim narrators not to ignore his narrations. Accordingly, it is necessary to study the approach of Abulmufḍal Sheibāni to narrate Hadiths. This study is done for the same purpose. By studying the evidence from the narrations of Abulmufḍal, we want to find out whether it is possible to make a judgment based on the narrations of Abulmufḍal,himself about the accusation leveled against him by the narrators. Also, we want to know what kind and to what extent his possible additions in the narrations, and what was the reason for these possible insertions; Was he possibly influenced by the currents of thought of the Qulāts that were active during his lifetime, or was he influenced by other factors? The hypothesis of this study is that Abulmufḍal,, aware of the interference and insertions of rival sects in the narration of Hadiths, has sometimes done such changes in Hadith as a retaliation. Manuscript profile
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        473 - Re-Considering the Concept of "al-dhanb" of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Applying Structural Semantics Method
        fatemeh agahi Rahimah Shamshiri bebarkateh
        "Dhanb" is one of the key words in the semantic field of the concepts of sin in the Holy Qur'an, which in some cases has been attributed to divine prophets, including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For a long time, there has been ambiguity among Muslim scholars about the More
        "Dhanb" is one of the key words in the semantic field of the concepts of sin in the Holy Qur'an, which in some cases has been attributed to divine prophets, including the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For a long time, there has been ambiguity among Muslim scholars about the relationship between sin and repentance both of which have been attributed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and how they should be explained, and despite many attempts, a precise result has not yet been provided. This article seeks to explain the meaning of the term 'Dhanb' attributed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) with the method of structural semantics and examine the relations of Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic of sin in the verses and thus has tried to be the first step in the research of the concept of the sin of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the Holy Quran. This study shows that the concept of sin in the Qur'an is any disregard for the covenant with the superior. The sin attributed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is also related to the divine covenant with him in the field of mission and related duties, and often refers to cases such as haste in fulfilling divine promises in achieving victory and the punishment of infidels. Manuscript profile
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        474 - Legacy recognition khorasan's soufies in sadughs books.
        sakine ansari Ali ِAdelzadeh
        among the different narrative traditions , interaction has always been done. the hadith tradition is also seen as one of powerful hadith traditions influenced the other traditions throughout history as impressions have already taken place. The present article will under More
        among the different narrative traditions , interaction has always been done. the hadith tradition is also seen as one of powerful hadith traditions influenced the other traditions throughout history as impressions have already taken place. The present article will undertake the discovery and explanation of the relations and the interaction of sheikh sadugh . as one of the pillars of shia hadith with tasavof tradition in the fourth century. saduq is one of the most important and influential Shia Muslims , with many trips to various points .It is one of the most important voyages of travel to khorasan and to dwell therein .Sufism had been an important part of the spiritual structure of the Khorasan community in that time according to the default of this study , in the interaction and the mutual impressions of various hadith traditions as well as long - term stay in khorasan the main question of this paper is whether between sheikh saduq as one of the scholars of the shia style is linked to a hadith tradition of mysticism .The results of the study show that Sheikh saduq in some of his works reported that he had been a mystic source Manuscript profile
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        475 - Hadis Centrality in Ahvaz and its position in Holism of Jafari Jurisprudence In the second and third centuries
        mehdi nedaei Mohammad Reza Hedayatpanah
        Ahvaz region has had its period of scientific flourishing in the second and third centuries AH and recorded as the Central of Hadis competence.Muhaddiths like Faddala b. Ayyub, Hassan Ibn Saeed and Hussein Ibn Saeed Hamad Ahwazi, Ali ibn Mahziar Ahvazi, and Hazini Ahvaz More
        Ahvaz region has had its period of scientific flourishing in the second and third centuries AH and recorded as the Central of Hadis competence.Muhaddiths like Faddala b. Ayyub, Hassan Ibn Saeed and Hussein Ibn Saeed Hamad Ahwazi, Ali ibn Mahziar Ahvazi, and Hazini Ahvazi are among the scholars who, apart from their roles as representatives of a'imma, had effective bearings in significant Shi'i scientific schools ( Hawza'Ilmiyya), and some of them such as Hammad brothers Ahvazi had defining roles in revolution in holism of Shii Fiqh by compiling thirty-way Fiqhi books about topics from purification to blood money. As long as, their holism on Hadis was determined as criteria for other Shii Muhaddith and Mujtahids.This hadith center has been neglected in Shiite history books. This paper aims to examine Hawza Ilmiyya ( Scientific religious school) in Ahvaz as a Shii Hadis center And express its role in Holism of Jafari Jurisprudence. Manuscript profile
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        476 - A nasebi narrator in the series of sadugh masters (shaykhs).
        hosin sattar kowthar yoosofi
        Ibn Babawiyyah as the great narrator of the Shiite worldIn her travels, she has always used many scholars and elders with different Shiite and non-Shiite ideas. In the meantime, the existence of one of the nominees mentioned by Saduq with the meanings of "we are the rig More
        Ibn Babawiyyah as the great narrator of the Shiite worldIn her travels, she has always used many scholars and elders with different Shiite and non-Shiite ideas. In the meantime, the existence of one of the nominees mentioned by Saduq with the meanings of "we are the right of my appointment"; It occupies the minds of why and how to use these elders. "Abu Nasr Ahmad Ibn Al-Hussein Al-Dhabi" is present in 4 works of Sadiq with such a description But it is very unknown in Rajali's works This research intends to analyze the works and news of Dhabi in a descriptive, analytical manner . Dhabi narrations on various subjects are sometimes cited by jurists, even the Imams, as the narration of the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt can be seen in her narrations.Give a better understanding of this character from the point of view of Ibn Babawiyyah and all his contemporaries. This study introduces Dhabi news in Shiite sources from narrated hadiths The descendants of Saduq have given this Shiite color and smell to this news only by looking at the sources of Saduq And they have even used it in their jurisprudential sources. In this way, by exploring the environment and culture of Neishabour and the elders and students of Abu Nasr, it provides us with new information. Manuscript profile
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        477 - Analytical study of the historical course of "necessary Waqf" in the knowledge of Stopping and the beginning of the Holy Quran
        roohallah mohamad ali nejad omran Mohsen Ghasem Pour Ravandi Karim Parchebaf dowlati Mohammad Rasool Takbiri
        One of the most important signs of stopping and the first in the Holy Qur'an, the necessary endowment sign is "م". The current research tries to analyze the historical course of the necessary Waqf from the time of Sajavand, who was the creator of this More
        One of the most important signs of stopping and the first in the Holy Qur'an, the necessary endowment sign is "م". The current research tries to analyze the historical course of the necessary Waqf from the time of Sajavand, who was the creator of this type of endowment, to the time of contemporaries by adopting the descriptive-analytical method. After studying the necessary Waqfs, it was found that the verses in which the necessary Waqf sign is used, are mostly in the field of religious verses.In case of non-observance of the required endowment, it is possible to get an understanding contrary to the divine intention of the verses of the Holy Quran. This misunderstanding can go to such an extent that the divine intention of the verses of the Holy Qur'an appears to be the exact opposite. With the historical investigation, it is clear that from the time of Sajavandi to the contemporary time, the number of 16 items has been considered necessary in all periods; 3 items were first necessary, then unnecessary and again changed to necessary; 29 cases were necessary at the beginning, but became unnecessary until modern times; 3 items were initially unnecessary and became necessary until modern times; There were differences in 3 cases and there was no steady course. Manuscript profile
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        478 - Analysis of the Status and Rijālī Personality of Abū Ja'far al-Husseini al-ʿAlawī al-Marʿashī, the Main Narrator of the Book Tafsīr Attributed to Imam Hassan Askari (as)
        kazem ostadi
        Among the Shiite scholars, especially the later scholars, the books al-Iḥtijāj and Tafsīr of Imam Hassan Askari (as) are controversial. These disputes are multidimensional and consist of several layers such as: date of authorship, attribution of the book to the author, More
        Among the Shiite scholars, especially the later scholars, the books al-Iḥtijāj and Tafsīr of Imam Hassan Askari (as) are controversial. These disputes are multidimensional and consist of several layers such as: date of authorship, attribution of the book to the author, documents and content of the books. In the meantime, it is noteworthy that the whole book of Tafsīr Askari (as) and also a significant part of the book al-Iḥtijāj, according to a narrator, is called "Abū Ja'far al-Marʿashī". Therefore, it is important to identify and translate the narrator's status. An analysis of Abū Ja'far's situation in earlier sources may shed light on these two books in terms of the rijālī identity of the narrators and authors; also, it may be able to methodize the history of transfers of these books, and even to resolve some of the controversies surrounding these two books. Based on the present research, which has been done by the library method, it became clear that in the early and later Shiite sources, there is no information, more than one text line, about Abū Ja'far Marʿashī and his student Tabarsi; and apart from the fact that his fame is one of the latest made. However, there is little translation of Abū Ja'far by Samʿānī, and he has called him an "exaggerated Shiite." Manuscript profile
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        479 - .Al-Ārkātī's Efforts in Rasm al-Muṣḥaf and His Book “Nathr al-Marjān fī Rasm Naẓm al-Qur’ān”
        Murtaza Tawakoli Hamid Reza Mostafid
              Among the books written in Rasm (the orthography) at the Easterners is the book “Nathr al-Marjān fi Rasm Naẓm al-Qur’ān” (The Coral Spreading in Orthography of the Qur’ān System) by Muḥammad Ghawth al-Ārkātī (1238 A More
              Among the books written in Rasm (the orthography) at the Easterners is the book “Nathr al-Marjān fi Rasm Naẓm al-Qur’ān” (The Coral Spreading in Orthography of the Qur’ān System) by Muḥammad Ghawth al-Ārkātī (1238 AH) in India. Despite its scientific status, it did not receive the attention of scholars. This book is of importance in two ways: First: it is one of the books of orthography that was written in the east countries of the Islamic world, and the second: it contains oriental sources that were not known and we were not exaggerated if we say is still unknown to those interested in Rasm al-Muṣḥaf and scholars.       The book is a scientific encyclopedia in the Qur’ānic sciences in general, and in the orthography of the Qur’ān in particular, which consists of seven parts on the number of Aḥzāb of the Qur’ān, which were known at the time of the Companions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him and his progeny). The author divided his book into three parts: an introduction, two articles. The first volume of the book includes the introduction and the first article in principles and first part of the second article in Farsh al-ḥurūf, which includes the words of the Qur’ān word by word, according to the order of the suras in the Qur’ān. The author speaks about every word's orthography, reading and case system (), and it took what was left of the first volume and the rest of the other volumes of the book. In the introduction, the author referred to the most important sources to which he referred in writing the book, including the al-Muqnī’ and the al-‘Aqīlah, and benefited from sources not mentioned in the introduction: Khulāṣat al-Rusūm and Khazānat al-Rusūm, which were or are still unknown; and al-Ārkātī quoted more of these two sources which shows the importance of them to him.       The Nathr al-Marjān differs from the orthography books, first by mentioning the word  by word from the beginning to the end of the Holy Quran even "fī" (فی) and "min" (من) whenever received and repeated, and then it is characterized by expressing the writing phenomena in rasm al-muṣḥaf, which its likes did not appear in the orthography books of west countries of the Islamic world. He never mentioned Abū Dāwūd and his book, and perhaps the reason for this is lack of access to the book or not being aware of it. This may be explained by the fact that the book of Abū Dāwūd was not known for the Easterners as the book al-Muqnī’ of Abū ‘Amr al-Dānī was, and what confirms this is that he did not name him in the list of sources of his book. Manuscript profile
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        480 - Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Traditional Yogurts Produced by Nomads in Khorasan-e-Razavi
        mohamad habibi reza farimani sedigheh fazli
        Yogurt is one of the most popular types of fermented milk almost all over the world particularly the Middle East. However, due to poor sanitary conditions of milking and storage, improper heat treatment, and secondary contamination, milk is a good media for transmission More
        Yogurt is one of the most popular types of fermented milk almost all over the world particularly the Middle East. However, due to poor sanitary conditions of milking and storage, improper heat treatment, and secondary contamination, milk is a good media for transmission of a broad range of pathogens. The aim of this study was to examine health and chemical properties of artisanal yogurt produced by nomads. Samples were collected from nomadic regions in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province. The viable count of coliform, E.coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus), yeast and molds, lactic acid bacteria and chemical properties (pH, acidity, fat and total solid) were determined. Most probable number (MPN) technique showed that only one yogurt sample prepared with raw milk exposed to low heat treatment (40 °C) was contaminated with 2/4 × 102 CFU/g coliform and was E. coli positive. No Staphylococcus aureus were found in all examined samples. High counts of Yeast and molds in some samples revealed unsatisfactory sanitary conditions during fermentation and post production. PH of yogurt samples was in the range of 3.8 - 4.3 and the acidity was between 1.3 – 2%. The fat content of yogurt samples was varied between 0.5 to 45%. It is concluded that above mentioned products were considered containing health risks. Authorities should pay more attention and supervision focused on improving health conditions for production of such dairy product. This survey is the first reported case about production of a yogurt with raw milk in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        481 - Evaluation of health status, chemical parameters and organoleptic properties of some nomadic dairy products in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province
        mohsen bagheri ahmadreza shaviklo
        This study aimed to determine the health status, chemical parameters and organoleptic properties of some nomadic dairy products in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Referring to the nomads of the province, three products including Curd, Gharaghorot and Gee were sample More
        This study aimed to determine the health status, chemical parameters and organoleptic properties of some nomadic dairy products in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Referring to the nomads of the province, three products including Curd, Gharaghorot and Gee were sampled. Sensory experimentation included perfume, flavors, texture, color and overall acceptance. The amount of protein, fat, salt, moisture, ash and some minerals and the E.Coli, Staphylococcus aureus, coliforms, mold and yeast contamination and total microorganisms count in the samples were studied. The amount of protein(P Manuscript profile
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        482 - Conformity assessment of health quality of some traditional dairy products with national standards and health regulations of home businesses
        Amir Reza Shaviklo Rahele Nezhad Razmjoui Akhgar Seyed Saeed Sekhavatizadeh
        The health concerns of the Food and Drug Organization and the imposition of strict health regulations have prevented the establishment of many home-based food businesses, including local dairy products, in Iran. This approach has caused the lack of development of this s More
        The health concerns of the Food and Drug Organization and the imposition of strict health regulations have prevented the establishment of many home-based food businesses, including local dairy products, in Iran. This approach has caused the lack of development of this sector of rural and nomadic industries and even the loss of local knowledge of the production of some of these products, which is very worrying. The purpose of this research was to assess the conformity of some traditional dairy products with the national standard and health regulations of home businesses in order to help the development of entrepreneurship in this field. In this study, conformity assessment was done by the independent assessment method (third person). Initially, the legal requirements, i.e., the national standards related to dairy products and production health regulations, were selected and compiled. The sampling of products and measurement of physicochemical and microbial characteristics were carried out based on relevant national standards. Then, the degree of conformity of these products with the legal requirements (national standards) was determined by matching the findings with the standard limits. Based on the obtained results, the health conditions of Lighvan cheese, Jug cheese, skin cheese, Salmas cheese, Arushe, Kashk, Qaraqrout, Chiko, Tof, Dogh and ghee products were in good agreement with the national standard criteria. Therfore, these products can be consumed without worrying about microbial and heavy metals contamination. The development of these products in the form of home businesses can play an important role in creating employment and improving the economy of rural areas. Manuscript profile
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        483 - عصاره اتانولی شاهدانه و ترامادول درجات مسمومیت مشابهی را در موشهای صحرایی ماده ایجاد کردند
        چینومسو آرون امانوئل اکوبوگو سلیمان ایجیوما رابرت اوروکو اوچه آرونسی کینگزلی اوگووانی ویکتور اوگویک
        Background & Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the toxic effects of Cannabis sativa local gin formulation (CSLGF) and tramadol in adult female Wistar rats.Experimental: Cannabis sativa local gin formulation (CSLGF) was prepared and was subjected to acute toxi More
        Background & Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the toxic effects of Cannabis sativa local gin formulation (CSLGF) and tramadol in adult female Wistar rats.Experimental: Cannabis sativa local gin formulation (CSLGF) was prepared and was subjected to acute toxicity tests together with tramadol. In the main study, 25 rats were assigned into 5 groups (n = 5) in which the group 1 received no treatment, groups 2 and 3 received 25 and 50 mg/kg of tramadol, respectively while groups 4 and 5 received 25 and 50 mg/kg of CSLGF, respectively, for 21 days before the rats were sacrificed.Results: Acute toxicity results indicated narrow margins of safety for CSLGF and tramadol with LD50 values of 123.0 and 133.0 mg/kg body weight, respectively. The rats treated with CSLGF lost weight significantly while that administered tramadol had lower weight gains when compared with the control (P<0.05). The red blood cell counts, packed cell volume and haemoglobin concentrations were significantly lowered by CSLGF (P<0.05). However, a significant increase in the number of platelets and white blood cells were observed in groups treated with both CSLGF and tramadol. Results of biochemical changes showed a significant increase in aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, urea and creatinine with a concurrent decrease in total protein, albumin and globulin values following treatment with both agents (P<0.05), but serum electrolytes concentrations were not significantly altered (P>0.05). Treatment with CSLGF and tramadol also significantly lowered glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities but increased malondialdehyde concentrations when compared with control.Recommended applications/industries: The findings show that although the toxic effects of CSLGF and tramadol in rats are similar, CSLGF appears to have higher toxicity potentials. Extending the current control on tramadol to CSLGF (monkey tail) is urgently needed in Nigeria to protect human lives. Manuscript profile
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        484 - مطالعات فارماکوگنوستیک .Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb و استفاده از آن در طب سنتی: مروری
        مازنا اروج نصیر شاد
        Background & Aim: The current study was performed to evaluate the ethnobotanical uses, chemical constituents of Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. and their pharmacological activities through literature search. Owing to its traditional medicinal uses, its preliminary ph More
        Background & Aim: The current study was performed to evaluate the ethnobotanical uses, chemical constituents of Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. and their pharmacological activities through literature search. Owing to its traditional medicinal uses, its preliminary phyto-evaluation has resulted in various bioactive compounds, which have been shown to have antimicrobial and antiviral potential.Experimental: We conducted a survey in diverse databases (such as Google scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, etc.) and professional websites with a key word related to our study. Firstly, we evaluated the traditional utilization of Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. and then the pharmacological studies.Results: Spermadictyon suaveolens are traditionally utilized by tribes to treat bone pain, wound healing, diabetes, snake bites, scorpion stings, viral infection, and for making gunpowder charcoal. The leaves, flowers, and stems of Spermadictyon suaveolens have been investigated for various chemical compounds with pharmacological activities, such as antifungal, antimicrobial, antimalarial, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diuretic, and insecticidal activities. The root and bark are not well explored for chemical constituents and pharmacological activities.Recommended applications/industries: Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb need to be subjected to scientific verification based on their traditional utilization, which may lead to a better and effective alternative phytoconstituents for the management of various diseases. Manuscript profile
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        485 - The Causes of the Defeat of the Muslim Brotherhood in Establishing a Durable Government in Egypt
        Seyed Hassan Malaekeh Seyed Mohammad Amin Hoseini
        Abstract One of the important Islamic movements which have had tremendous impact on Egypt and few other Islamic countries is “Muslim Brotherhood”. This organization was formed when Egypt was in a critical situation from the viewpoint of political, economic a More
        Abstract One of the important Islamic movements which have had tremendous impact on Egypt and few other Islamic countries is “Muslim Brotherhood”. This organization was formed when Egypt was in a critical situation from the viewpoint of political, economic and religious conditions. Muslim Brotherhood on the one hand tried to revive the prevalence of Islamic teachings and on the other hand tried to change Islamic beliefs from stagnation and inactivity to dynamism and liveliness. With the emergence of Arab Spring movement which started with overthrow of Ben Ali in Tunisia, the movement spread to Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood did not succeed in establishing a stable and sustainable government. The present article by a descriptive analytical method and by the help of historical facts wants to examine the causes of failure of Muslim Brotherhood in establishing a stable government. The finding of the research shows that the causes of failure of them lie in internal factors like the destructive role of the army, the influence of secular forces, distancing of Al-Azhar from Morsi government and the external factors like interference of the United States and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Turkey and Qatar on the other hand. Manuscript profile
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        486 - The effect of virtual social networks on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran (a case study: Telegram channel of Amadanews)
        Sayyed Saeid Safavi Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani akbar ashrafi Mohammad tohidfam
        Social networks, for various reasons, greatly affect the internal dimension of national security.This research seeks to know the impact of one of these networks, that is, Amadyaoz, on national security, which analyzes the data obtained from field research (interviews) i More
        Social networks, for various reasons, greatly affect the internal dimension of national security.This research seeks to know the impact of one of these networks, that is, Amadyaoz, on national security, which analyzes the data obtained from field research (interviews) in the field of AmadyaozTelegramnetwork with a qualitative method.raising the question that social networks, here In a specific way,what effects has the Amadanews telegram channel had on the internal dimension of the national security of the Islamic Republic during its activity?The findings show that, in the national dimension, Amadyaoz by"directing and deviating public opinion"and"creating duality" and at the"individual level"in two dimensions by encouraging"civil disobedience"and individual departure against the system under the influence of this network's inductions.At the level of the government structure, mechanisms such as "destroying the internal and regional power of the system","creating erosion and costing the system"separation of the people, the system and the revolution" and "inducing corruption in all the elements of the system"are widely used to hit the It uses the existence of the Islamic Republic and inthis way, it challenges the national authority and by intensifying the differences and insecurity, it clearly has a negative and destructive effect on the national security in the internal dimension. Manuscript profile
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        487 - The Critique of Nativism in Ale Ahmad Thought
        Mohammad taghi Ghezelsofla Negine Nooryan Dehkordi
        Criticism and assessment of thought streams of contemporary Iran is affected by how they face with the problem of modernity and tradition. In the confluence of Iranians and modern world, intellectual elites through making a judgment about these two options, at the same More
        Criticism and assessment of thought streams of contemporary Iran is affected by how they face with the problem of modernity and tradition. In the confluence of Iranians and modern world, intellectual elites through making a judgment about these two options, at the same time, determined the direction of their theoretical path .In the present article, with referring to the intellectual needs in understanding the three approaches: modern-oriented, domestic (or native)-oriented and selective (or eclectic!!)-oriented, the focus will be on the thought of Jalal Ale Ahmad. Ale Ahmad according to his literary, political and intellectual works is a domestic-oriented thinker. This writing intends to discuss this hypothesis that for what reasons the domestic-oriented outlook contains paradoxical and poor ideas. It will be argued that Ale Ahmad both in proposing the meanings of the "West" and "Modernity", and more important, the "Eastern" or "Domestic", represents paradoxes and contradictions. In order to confirm the hypothesis in this text, descriptive-analytical method with reference to this author's works will be utilized. Manuscript profile
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        488 - D-phenyl alanine-oxalic acid (D-Phe-Ox): A novel nano ionic liquid catalyzing the one-step green synthesis of functionalized spirolactones and dispirodihydro-furanyl oxindoles
        Kobra Nikoofar Shiva Khani
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        489 - Examining the effect of digital lifestyle on social identity (case of study: male and female students of high school in Hamedan city)
        Safeollh Safae
        Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city. Study method: The research method is applied in terms of objective, correlational in terms of de More
        Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city. Study method: The research method is applied in terms of objective, correlational in terms of descriptive nature, and survey method in terms of survey method. The statistical population included all secondary school students, male and female, of public and private schools in Hamedan city (11891 people), the sample size was estimated to be 377 people based on Cochran's formula, and they were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect the data, Safarinia and Roshan's social identity questionnaire (1390) and Mohajeri and Farqani's digital lifestyle questionnaire (1397) were used. The content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the opinion of sociological experts. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scales was estimated to be higher than 0.7, which indicated the internal consistency of the items and confirmed the reliability. The data was analyzed using the analysis of variance test using SPSS software. Findings: between the variable components of digital lifestyle (cultural consumption, how to spend free time, patterns of buying and selling, patterns of distance learning and education, body management through media) and social identity among female students and There was a relationship with a high school boy in Hamadan city and this relationship is reversed. Manuscript profile
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        490 - An Examination of the effects of digital lifestyle on social identity (case of study: male and female students of high school in Hamedan city)
        Safiallah Safaei
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city.The survey research method was utilized. The research population included all secondary school students, m More
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the digital lifestyle and its effect on the social identity of male and female high school students in Hamadan city.The survey research method was utilized. The research population included all secondary school students, male and female, of public and private schools in the city of Hamedan (11891 people) of which, on the basis of Cochran's formula, 377 people were selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect the data, Safarinia and Roshan's social identity questionnaire (1390) and Mohajeri and Farqani's digital lifestyle questionnaire (1397) were used. The content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the opinion of sociological experts. Also, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scales was estimated to be higher than 0.7, which indicated the internal consistency of the items and confirmed the reliability. The data was analyzed using the analysis of variance test using SPSS software.The findings showed a significant and reverse relationship between components of digital lifestyle (cultural consumption, how to spend free time, patterns of buying and selling, patterns of distance learning and education, body management through media) and social identity among male and female high school students.       Manuscript profile
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        491 - تحلیل ناهمگونی فضایی شاخص های توسعه و رتبه بندی استانهای کشور با تکنیک های آماره فضایی و تصمیم گیری های چند منظوره
        بهنام باقری محمدتقی معصومی حسین نظم فر رسول صمدزاده
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        492 - Muhammad ibn Sanan and her role in transmitting the hadith of Zaydiyya to Imamiyya
        Giti mohamadbeigi alireza abtahi Mohammad ali Chelongar
        In the subject of the history of hadith, the narrators of hadith have an important place. The first hadiths, which are referred to as "books", "originals" or "manuscripts", were transmitted by certain classes and individuals after the second century AH.One of the most i More
        In the subject of the history of hadith, the narrators of hadith have an important place. The first hadiths, which are referred to as "books", "originals" or "manuscripts", were transmitted by certain classes and individuals after the second century AH.One of the most important narrators and narrators of the Imam, who was the link between the sources and hadiths of the second and third centuries, is Muhammad ibn Sinan (d. 220 AH).What is the position of Muhammad ibn Sinan among the Imami narrators in terms of credibility or weakness? What was his role in transmitting Zaidi narrations to the Imams?To what extent do the narrations mentioned by him influence the Imams? The subject of this article is to try to study the historical method and descriptive-analytical method based on available sourcesDespite the fact that Muhammad ibn Sinan has been considered an outsider due to his association with people such as Mufaddal ibn Umar and the narration of his narrations, and his weakening among the narrators and the rejection of his narrations, the books and narrations narrated from him became popular.The narrations of two famous Zaidi narrators, Abu al-Jarud (d. 150 AH) and Talha ibn Zayd (d. 150 AH) have been reported. It seems that Muhammad ibn Sinan played an important role in transmitting Zaidi hadiths to Imami. Manuscript profile
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        493 - A Survey of Khaqani's ode of Madaen Porch (Based on the Theory of Intertextuality With an Inter-semiotic, Intra-semiotic Approach)
        hamedreza ansari ali eshghi Abolghasem AmirAhmadi
        Intertextuality is a much discussed theory in the area of Literary and artistic studies dealing with the relationship of literature / texts with one another ; and inasmuch as the Persian Poetry is one of the texts that has constantly had a profound and inseparable bond More
        Intertextuality is a much discussed theory in the area of Literary and artistic studies dealing with the relationship of literature / texts with one another ; and inasmuch as the Persian Poetry is one of the texts that has constantly had a profound and inseparable bond with the antecedent Work in various areas of human thought and idea over its different periods of life, field of inter-textual studies about it is widespread. Khaqani-e Sharvani (b.1141 d.1216) is a great poet of personal style who has benefited from a variety of motifs in his poems, and this matter has turned his poems into an encyclopedia taking on a profound and widespread inter-textual relationship with the diversified past literature. Hence it is, an endeavor has been made so as to consider his well – known and lasting ode of Madaen Porch with attention to the bidirectional nature which it bears to the effect that it has been affected by the non-verbal sign of the majestic edifice of Khosro's arched roof on the one hand, and on the other hand it is affected to some extent by the literary works that  his antecedents have created under the impression of observing this historical and magnificent palace – on the basis of the intertextuality theory while emphasis is being laid on inter-semiotic intertextuality and intra-semiotic intertextuality. Manuscript profile
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        494 - Postmodernist critique of the novel "Pasti" by "Mohammad Reza Kateb"
        Faghiheh Deghan Reza Sadeghi Shahpar
                        In recent years, the use of techniques and components of postmodern fiction has been one of the most important challenges for Iranian storytellers. In the present study, the novel More
                        In recent years, the use of techniques and components of postmodern fiction has been one of the most important challenges for Iranian storytellers. In the present study, the novel "Postal" by "Mohammad Reza Kateb" has been studied descriptively-analytically from the perspective of postmodernism. The narratives of the novel are the biographies of the characters in different forms and times. The contradiction throughout the novel stems in part from this point. Irregularity, incoherence and order of narrative, uncertainty, characterization, multiplicity of narrative, fluid flow of mind, fluidity of time and place, contradiction, endless story and fusion of writing style are some of the postmodernist components of the novel. Is postal. Given the postmodern features reflected in the postal novel, it can be considered postmodern. Manuscript profile
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        495 - Muqatil al-Hussein (AS) and the site of Seyyed Ahmad Ardakani's Hosseiniyyah Cemetery
        zahra Yazdani Alireza Ghojezade Ashraf Chegin
        Rawdat Hosseiniyah, written by Sayyid Ahmad Ardakani Yazdi (13 AH), written by a Persian writer. The main subject of this topic is the influence of Zindgani on Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and the reality of Jangdaz Ashura and Karbala. Radkani, the transfer of Harqi More
        Rawdat Hosseiniyah, written by Sayyid Ahmad Ardakani Yazdi (13 AH), written by a Persian writer. The main subject of this topic is the influence of Zindgani on Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and the reality of Jangdaz Ashura and Karbala. Radkani, the transfer of Harqi, a subject of Sanadi, with the memory of Nam Rawi and the owner of his arguments, Dada, with a solution and the interpretation of his relaxation, and the translation of verses, verses, verses, transmission of her, narrators, and killing of his Radakh In the garden of Husseini, there are demands and a reliable chain of transmission with its nonsense, and in the face of the garden of Khawanan and its battle, there are traces of falsehood regarding the reality of Karbala and the testimonies of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), his opinions, Dadand, Dori Justest. A comprehensive collection of texts, narrations and hadiths of respected Shiite scholars with a sad and sad identity, under the supervision and supervision of Al-Amali Sheikh Saduq, Alaam Al-Wari Tabarsi, Al-Mallah And Sayyid bin Tawoos and... Niz Tafsiri; From the interpretation of Ibn Abbas, Imam Hassan Askari (peace be upon him) and... his counterparts are weak in the face of suspicions and weak narrations regarding the testimonies of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and the reality of Karbala, see below. Ardakani has two copies of the books translated by Muqatil, Hamshun Lahof Sayyid Tawoos and... received a response. Manuscript profile
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        496 - Introduction and critical review of manuscripts, structure and characteristics of Mohammad Darabi's commentary on Hafez's poems
        Fariba Kazemi saeed Aiyoub Koushan Ali Dehghan
        Commentaries, in addition to being able to provide a new point or reading of the text, somehow reflect the mentality of the era in which he lives. These works give a different interpretation according to the expectations of that age. In the current research, Mohammad Da More
        Commentaries, in addition to being able to provide a new point or reading of the text, somehow reflect the mentality of the era in which he lives. These works give a different interpretation according to the expectations of that age. In the current research, Mohammad Darabi's commentary on Hafez's poems has been examined and analyzed from a structural and content point of view. On the other hand, some of the most important manuscripts of this description have been evaluated along with explanations about them. The results show that it is necessary to be very careful in examining the manuscripts of this description because most of these manuscripts are very wrong and full of annotations. Some writers have also mentioned this issue and tried to correct the text. The history of many of these versions is based on speculation, and even in some cases, the introduced version is not related to the famous book "Latifeye Gheybi". In any case, the ideological reading of Hafez's poems, attribution of other people's poems to Hafez, lack of attention to vocabulary and symbols, and criticism of Sufis in Hafez's poems are among the characteristics of Darabi's commentary. This description, with all the problems it may have, from the point of view of "reader reaction" criticism, shows a part of the commentators' mentality in the Safavid era society. An era when Hafez's poetry is interpreted with the principles of Shiism. Manuscript profile
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        497 - Textology and Analysis of Didactic and Mystical Teachings of Malahat Ahmadi a moral Poem in Praise of the Prophet (PBUH)
        Seyed Amir Jihadi Hosseini Hamid Reza Kharazmi
        The most beautiful and yet less-known poet of the Safavid era, who has been confused with another speaker in some sources, is Malahat Ahmadi. His works include the Divan and a collection of Masnavis under the titles of Malahat Ahmadi, Sabahat Yousefi, Aine-Khane, and Pa More
        The most beautiful and yet less-known poet of the Safavid era, who has been confused with another speaker in some sources, is Malahat Ahmadi. His works include the Divan and a collection of Masnavis under the titles of Malahat Ahmadi, Sabahat Yousefi, Aine-Khane, and Pari-Khane. His Divan has been edited and printed by one of the researchers in the past years, but the Masnavis of Sahib have not been edited and published yet. In this article, Malahat Ahmadi's Masnavi, which is one of the ritual poems of Persian literature in the Safavid era, is discussed from the point of view of textology. Malahat Ahmadi's work is written in Bahr Khafif. The entire work is devoted to the praise of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH). In many places, the poet refers to the Prophet's favors for himself. Of course, many verses are also addressed to the Prophet, in which the poet asks for his favors and intercession for himself. In addition to the text, many short and long anecdotes, which sometimes have the flavor of reality, have also been narrated. The style of the work is largely influenced by Hadeegh Sana'i. The language of the work is relatively fluent and stable, and in some positions, the tone and color of the lyrics are woven into the poem. Manuscript profile
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        498 - The first Persian poet of Esfahan
        mahdi Noorian
        During one hundred years of Persian literature, Persian poets of Esfahan were brilliant. The famous sixth century poet, JAMALOODIN ABDOLRAZAGH ESFAHANI is known by everybody. However, have already been Persian poets in Esfahan before sixth century? The following verse f More
        During one hundred years of Persian literature, Persian poets of Esfahan were brilliant. The famous sixth century poet, JAMALOODIN ABDOLRAZAGH ESFAHANI is known by everybody. However, have already been Persian poets in Esfahan before sixth century? The following verse from JAMALOODIN ABDOLRAZAGH ESFAHANI shows that the poet and his contemporaries consider themselves the remainder of early poets. HAKIM SANAIE GHAZNAVI in his Divan has mentioned a poet namely ZOLLESANAIN and described him in an ode which show the described poet is one of the oldest Persian poet of Esfahan .This poet is ABOLFATH MOHAMAD EBN ALI EBN MOHAMAD ESFAHANI. His elderly life is coincided by the birth of JAMALODIN ABDOLRAZAGH. Unfortunately there is no remaining Divan except few verses in the book of ALMOJAM FI MAYER ALASHAR ALAJAM .this paper is an attempt for recognizing verses from this poet. Manuscript profile
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        499 - Examining the didactic concepts in the book "Molestan" by Mirza Ebrahim Tafarshi (Madaihnagar) (Praise Writer,) (An Imitation of Golestan Saadi)
        Hadi Akbarzadeh
        Mirza Ebrahim Khan Tafarshi, known as "Madaihnagar" who is sometimes referred to as "Mohammed Ebrahim", is one of the famous Secretary of the Nassere period. He has Left three Magdiya Tazkira books, in the name of Anjuman Nasseri Tazkira, Qudsiya Tazkira, and also a boo More
        Mirza Ebrahim Khan Tafarshi, known as "Madaihnagar" who is sometimes referred to as "Mohammed Ebrahim", is one of the famous Secretary of the Nassere period. He has Left three Magdiya Tazkira books, in the name of Anjuman Nasseri Tazkira, Qudsiya Tazkira, and also a book named "Mulestan". He wrote Molestan, which is considered a moral-educational work, in an imitation of Saadi's Golestan in 1310 in Five Sagar and one sip in the Persian language. In Molestan, the most obvious educational categories are in the form of prose and poetry. This essay tries to find the most important aspects of educational literature in this work by examining the book of Molestan in an analytical-descriptive way and analyzing the author's moral thoughts and ideas and answering these questions: What are the most important moral and didactic themes of the book? What methods did the author use to express his moral concepts? The findings of the research show that the author praises five Saghars (in the good behavior and habits of the monarchs; the morals of the dervishes; in delegating affairs to the burdened nature; in wisdom; in the ruling and manners) and a sip which is a summary of the author's condition. He has been able to show his ability and competence in writing an original work with lively prose full of literary arts mixed with Arabic phrases and poems by following Golestan Saadi by bringing high moral ideas and concepts. Manuscript profile
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        500 - The philosophical- moral functions of the book Altavassol ela altarassol
        Maryam Mahmoodi
        The book of Altavassol elal Tarassol is a collection of letters by Bahaoddin Mohammad Ibne Moayyad Baqdadi . The main content of this book is Soltaniat (rulers) and Exvaniat (brotherhoods). It includes philosophical and moral pieces of advices. Since the book addresses More
        The book of Altavassol elal Tarassol is a collection of letters by Bahaoddin Mohammad Ibne Moayyad Baqdadi . The main content of this book is Soltaniat (rulers) and Exvaniat (brotherhoods). It includes philosophical and moral pieces of advices. Since the book addresses rulers and employers, the civil politics part of the book is more prominent than practical philosophy. Explaining and clarifying moral themes in the book, to a large extent, places the book among political advice books. These types of political advice books can be examines within the framework of moral governmental political system. The main pivot of philosophical and moral discussions is equity and justice. Other moral features and characteristics of rulers that have been addressed in the book include stopping   tyranny and cruelty, kindness to peasant, kindness to subordinates, graciousness, beneficence, charity, contingency, piety and virtue, gaining knowledge and science. For expressing moral themes, the writer has employed all the possibilities of technical prose in an appropriate way. Using Qurans verses and Hadiths makes the book to be similar to moral narration. Manuscript profile
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        501 - A Study of the Didactic Trainings in Mohammad ibn Mahmud Fars' Treatise, Anis al-Tālibeen
        Elahe Sadeghi ghorbonali ebrahimi mehrdad Chatraei Azizabadi
        Didactic prose and poetry are the most widespread and common genre of Persian literature. The treatise of Anis al-Tālibin by Muhammad ibn Mahmud Fars is a literary work replete with the didactic lessons. Being written in the eleventh century AH, this treatise is among t More
        Didactic prose and poetry are the most widespread and common genre of Persian literature. The treatise of Anis al-Tālibin by Muhammad ibn Mahmud Fars is a literary work replete with the didactic lessons. Being written in the eleventh century AH, this treatise is among the valuable Persian moral-doctrinal texts. Nevertheless, it has remained anonymous so far. The treatise contains many didactic and doctrinal themes and meanings that the author has used based upon the context. The authors of this study intend to introduce the treatise of Anis al-Talebin briefly and examine the effect of the moral trainings used in this treatise on the minds of the audience. The results of the research indicate that the author is a knowledgeable person who is familiar with psychological principles and therefore, depending on the situation has used various techniques such as encouragement, persuasion, anecdote and allegory, reasoning, etc. Manuscript profile
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        502 - Investigating the Components of Child Moral Development in the Stories of Ahmadreza Ahmadi (by Using the Social Learning Theory)
        Sarah Noei Reza Ashrafzadeh Batool Fakhr Eslam
        AhmadReza Ahmadi is one of the leading figures in the field of contemporary children's literature. In his stories, he refersAhmadreza Ahmadi is an eminent figure in the field of new wave poetry and volume poetry. Despite his outstanding works in contemporary children's More
        AhmadReza Ahmadi is one of the leading figures in the field of contemporary children's literature. In his stories, he refersAhmadreza Ahmadi is an eminent figure in the field of new wave poetry and volume poetry. Despite his outstanding works in contemporary children's literature, this part of his literary capacities has not been properly addressed. In his stories, he refers to various educational and moral issues and uses various techniques to represent these issues in a desirable way, including the emphasis on environmental and social learning of the child. In the present study, citing library sources and by using the descriptive-analytical methods, these techniques have been studied and explored in selected stories of Ahmadreza Ahmadi. The results indicate that by using a variety of factors such as 'role modeling and introducing practical model', 'personal confrontation of the child with moral/immoral situations', 'strengthening and stabilizing moral behavior' and 'using pretend play', the author has recounted and depicted a diverse set of educational and moral issues such as cooperation and helping each other, respect for animals, peace-seeking, loving fellowmen, seeking identity and returning to one's true self to the children. In the meantime, teaching respect for the animals has been repeated many times in various stories, which shows the author's main concern for culture in this regard. In representing his educational approaches, Ahmadi has emphasized the impact of the surrounding environment on the development process, and the individual morality and personality of the children and has highlighted the role of external factors in orienting the educational aspects of this age group.    Manuscript profile
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        503 - On the Geographical Analysis of the Social Capital Role in the Tribal Households' Quality of Life (Case Study: Il-Noei, Zilaei Tribe, Charam County, Kohkiloyeh and Boyer Ahmad Provinces)
        S. Sanaei moghadam B. Mohamadi yaghaneh
        Tribal communities as a third community of the country has a significant role in the development of economic, social and cultural development of the country, in terms of population after urban and rural communities. The existence of favorable social capital in these com More
        Tribal communities as a third community of the country has a significant role in the development of economic, social and cultural development of the country, in terms of population after urban and rural communities. The existence of favorable social capital in these communities has affected on the various aspects of tribal life which one of these aspects is the quality of life. The question that arises in this regard is what is the relationship between social capital and quality of life in tribal areas? The objective of this study is the Geographical analysis of the social capital role in the tribal households' quality of life within the studied area. The method of this study was descriptive-analytical and its type is applied. Data collection was done through field study and library (questionnaire and interview). For data analysis, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and variance) and inferential statistics (correlation Coefficient, regression analysis, and chi-square) were used. The population of this study were all tribal families of Il-Noei. In population and housing census in 2011, Il-Noei had 7 inhabited villages, 4450 population and 1105 households. Based on Cochran formula, the number of 138 required samples were obtained to complete the questionnaire of households. Also selection of the tribal households, was simply randomly till principle of equal opportunity for selection of households to be observed. The results of the research show that there is a direct and significant relationship between the social capital and the quality of life of the tribal families. Studies show that the existence of social participation, which is performed at various ceremonies, is the most important dimension of social capital affecting the tribal households' quality of life. Manuscript profile
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        504 - Assessment of Citizens' Satisfaction with Intra-City Transportation System in Hamedan City
        Hamed Abbasi
        Transportation is one of the most important constituent parts of urban life that determines the shape and way of social and economic development of the city. In this regard, the quality of transportation in Hamadan city, which can be very useful in its development, was More
        Transportation is one of the most important constituent parts of urban life that determines the shape and way of social and economic development of the city. In this regard, the quality of transportation in Hamadan city, which can be very useful in its development, was considered. The nonparametric regression model and artificial neural network were used to assess the citizens' satisfaction from the transportation system. For this purpose, first, a questionnaire was developed based on three main indicators (equipment and facilities status, physical status, management status, and service delivery). Citizens' perspective was gathered. Then, using a nonparametric regression model, independent indicators and satisfaction as an independent variable were used. The correlation and root mean square of the output errors of this model were 0.914 and 0.334 respectively. In another approach, using an artificial neural network, a model with three intrinsic neuron structures, one hidden layer and one output neuron was constructed. The output correlation of this model was 0.998 and the mean square error of the error was about 6 times lower than regression model. The results showed that the neural network model with both linear and nonlinear correlation estimates is more versatile and more suitable than nonparametric regression. On the other hand, price indices with coefficient (0.885), equality and welfare with (0.795) and decrease in demand for travel (0.790) are the most effective indicators for citizens' satisfaction with urban transport network. Manuscript profile
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        505 - Selection of Nomadic Tourism Sites (Case Study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province)
        Pejman Rezaee
        High tourism abilities in nomadic areas is very essential for development of this country. in this regard, the location of suitable tourism spaces plays an important role in other stages of nomadic tourism planning. the goal of this article is select the best places for More
        High tourism abilities in nomadic areas is very essential for development of this country. in this regard, the location of suitable tourism spaces plays an important role in other stages of nomadic tourism planning. the goal of this article is select the best places for nomad tourism in Charmahal and Bakhtiaree province with use of AHP, Topsis model and GIS. the method of this research is descriptive and analytical and the type of research is functional. to locate the spaces, use some layers such as access to Ilrah, distance to the nomadic settlements, distance to the tourist attractions of the province, access to water, electricity, road network and etc. according to classification 10 sites select in province and these sits include: Chelgerd (0.816 score), Shalil ( 0.630 score) , Barz (0.541 score), Gale madrese ( 0.478 score), Samsami (0.426 score) , Shikh alikhan (0.423 score), Maze sokhte (0.420 score), Hiregan (0.381 score), kori chahar bonicheh (0.374 score) and Sharmak (0.266 score). Based on this prioritization other stages of the development of tribal tourism development in this province can be based on the equipment and planning of these sites. Manuscript profile
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        506 - Comparative Evaluation of the Quality of Life of Nomads in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province (Case Study: Koohrang City)
        Asghar Norouzi Mina Mohammadizadeh
        The nomadic community is the country's third human society (urban, rural, nomadic), which has been strongly influenced by the political, economic and social developments of the society in the century recent. A group of this community has been settled and a group has cho More
        The nomadic community is the country's third human society (urban, rural, nomadic), which has been strongly influenced by the political, economic and social developments of the society in the century recent. A group of this community has been settled and a group has chosen the continuation of nomads. It is very important to examine the difference in living conditions of both groups in order to strengthen the idea of settlement or migration. One of the important aspects in this regard is quality of life, which has recently been considered by researchers, planners and governments as one of the important issues. However, less attention has been paid to the nomadic community and the scientific research carried out in this area is more limited. In this study, comparative evaluation of quality of life of settled and not-settled nomads of Koohrang city has been investigated. A sample of 270 people consisted of 153settled households and 117not-settled households. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two settled and not-settled communities in terms ofsocial and physical, environmental and economic dimensions, with respect to the means and the levels of significance.Although there was not great significant difference between the two communities in terms of their meaneconomic dimension, but with significance level (less than 0.05), it was statistically significant.However, the nomads settled in all aspects of the quality of life are in a better position than the not-settlednomads. Also, the greatest difference was observed between the two nomadic communities in the environmental dimension. Manuscript profile
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        507 - Evaluation of Quality of Life Indicators in Rural Areas (Case Study: Poshteh Zilaei Village, Kohgiluyeh & Boyerahmad)
        soroush sanaei moghadam bijan rahmani pegah moridsadat
        Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and evaluate the quality of life indicators in rural areas of Poshteh Zilaeii district. The present research is applied in terms of the nature and method of descriptive-analytic. The statistical population of the study wa More
        Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and evaluate the quality of life indicators in rural areas of Poshteh Zilaeii district. The present research is applied in terms of the nature and method of descriptive-analytic. The statistical population of the study was rural households in the village of Poshteh Zilaeii, Dehdasht County. The district according to 1395 census, has a population of 3450 people, including 690 7 rural households respectively. The number of samples needed to complete the questionnaire has been obtained using the Cochrane formula 220 households. Data gathering method was library and field study (questionnaire). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (ANOVA, T-test and Tukey) were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the situation of the villages studied in terms of quality of life in general was inadequate and most of the components did not show a suitable situation that could be due to various factors such as lack of desirable service levels, lack of income sources, etc. The region. Also, among the villages surveyed, the village Mondan with an average (4.75) are in good condition and the village Savarei with medium (3/10) is in the middle level. And two villages of the Gsheh and Ab mahei with average (2.56) and (2.46) in poor level and Del gorg village with an average (2.10) at a very weak level compared with the villages of the village. Manuscript profile
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        508 - The Study Indicators and Opportunities of Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Settlements in Boyer-Ahmad County
        mohammad eskandari ahmad taghdisi yousof Ghanbari
        Undoubtedly, Trying to reduce the problems of rural areas and their proper deployment in the development cycle require special attention. Today, attention to the development of entrepreneurship in these a
        Undoubtedly, Trying to reduce the problems of rural areas and their proper deployment in the development cycle require special attention. Today, attention to the development of entrepreneurship in these a Manuscript profile
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        509 - Investigating socio-economic consequences of nomads settlement (Case study: Godarpee Site of Kermanshah Township)
        ayyob mahmodi mostali marjan vahedi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the socio-economic consequences of nomad’s settlement in the Godarpee Site of Kermanshah township. The present study in terms of the purpose is an applied research that performed by using a descriptive correlational met More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the socio-economic consequences of nomad’s settlement in the Godarpee Site of Kermanshah township. The present study in terms of the purpose is an applied research that performed by using a descriptive correlational method. The statistical population of this research was the households located in this site (N=60) that due to the few number of statistical population, all of them were studied by census method. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire that its content validity confirmed by panel of experts and for reliability of questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used (α= 0.72). Data analysis was implemented by using descriptive and inferential statistics with using SPSS software. Findings of means compare test showed that there was not significant difference between income, employment and animal husbandry of nomads in conditions of before and after of the settlement. But in the case of agriculture, forest and range lands there was significant difference at the %99 level. Also about social indicators such as literacy, cultural status, access to welfare facilities, security, age of marriage and environmental and individual health, there was significant difference at the %99 level in conditions of before and after the settlement and these indicators had a positive growth compared to the previous settlement. Manuscript profile
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        510 - Economic and Social Factors Affecting the Immigration of the Village-City of the Central District of Boyar-Ahmad County
        Roohollah Karimian Hossein Abad ayatollah Karami Ali Shamsoddini
        Migration is a continuous process that has been the subject of political debate worldwide. Migration is considered as the movement of people from one geographic region to another, which may be on temporary or permanent basis. The statistic population of this research co More
        Migration is a continuous process that has been the subject of political debate worldwide. Migration is considered as the movement of people from one geographic region to another, which may be on temporary or permanent basis. The statistic population of this research consisted of 165 migrant households head villages with more than 20 households of central district of Boyar-Ahmad County were determined using random sampling and Morgan table and a structured and researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data and its validity was confirmed by expert professors after some modifications. To determine its reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used, which was estimated between 0.715 and 0.819, indicating the optimization of the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed and the findings suggest that social factors are the first priority of immigrants and among the social factors, easier access to offices and government institutions and less attention of officials to the problems of rural are more important than others. The results showed that social factors were the first priority of immigrants and among the social factors, easier access to offices and government institutions and less attention of officials to the problems of rural were more important than others And the economic factor was at the next level. Among the economic factors, lack of jobs in the village and low income in the village were of higher importance and the infrastructure factors was in the last rank of Factors Affecting the Immigration of the Village-City of the Central District of Boyar-Ahmad County. Manuscript profile
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        511 - Measuring the satisfaction of the quality of life in raw cities (case study: Boostan and Sepidar cities, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces)
        Ali Hosseini ali saberi
        Introduction: One of the strategies that has been considered in recent decades to raise the standard of living for those who live in rural regions is the concept of converting those places into cities. Due to this policy, several rural communities in Iran have transform More
        Introduction: One of the strategies that has been considered in recent decades to raise the standard of living for those who live in rural regions is the concept of converting those places into cities. Due to this policy, several rural communities in Iran have transformed into cities during the past few decades.Research Aim: residents' satisfaction with their quality of life in Boostan and Sepidar and examine how the conversion of rural regions into cities has improved their quality of life.Methodology: Also, the research type is applied and the method is descriptive-analytical. The research data were gathered through library study and field research. The residents of the studied cities represent the research's statistical population, which was determined using the Cochran formula with a sample of 270 persons. The research was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Kolmogorov– Smirnov test , Friedman  test, and ordinal regression.Geographical Area: This study was conducted in Boostan and Sepidar cities in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces.Results: The study's findings indicate that the two cities have varied levels of satisfaction with their of life. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test findings show that Boostan city residents are better satisfied with their quality of life. According to the findings of the Friedman test, place quality in Sepidar city and the educational in Boostan city has the maximum degree of satisfaction. while the the component of economic in both cities have the minimum levels of satisfaction.The results of ordinal regression also demonstrate that whereas the independent factors in Sepidar city have a weak and low influence on the dependent variable of quality of life satisfaction, they have a significant and positive impact in Boostan city.Conclusion: In general, the results of the study show that the policy of promoting settlements and the measures taken have been successful in Boostan in contrast to Sepidar. Manuscript profile
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        512 - Evaluation of the Livelihood Levels of Nomads Settlement Centers in the Central District of Boyer Ahmad County
        سید امیر توفیقیان اصل vahid reyahi abbas Bakhshandeh Nusrat hamid jalalian
        One of the tribal community development planning strategies is settling, which has been implemented with the goals of servicing, construction and development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the livability of nomadic settlements in the central part of Boyer Ah More
        One of the tribal community development planning strategies is settling, which has been implemented with the goals of servicing, construction and development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the livability of nomadic settlements in the central part of Boyer Ahmad County by descriptive-analytical method. The research approach is a combined approach (quantitative - qualitative - quantitative). Required data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire, observation and semi-structured interviews based on grounded theory. The statistical population of the study consisted of four nomadic settlements with a total of 272 households. Data analysis was performed using Path Analysis and TOPSIS methods. The results show that employment and income criteria have the most significant direct effect on livability. Nomadic families living in a quiet, safe, balanced and stable residential environment with higher social welfare have a higher quality of life. Also, there is a statistically significant direct relationship between population size and proximity to the top urban centers with the livability of the centers. Also, the causal relationship between optimal water and pasture management indicates a significant indirect effect on livelihoods, meaning that livestock-based households pay little attention to environmental impacts and make the most use of nature. Moreover, from the point of view of the residents, Mansourabad has the first highest level of livability and the Talkhdan settlement is ranked second with the right points and the least difference, and Hosseinabad and Dali Bajak are in the third and fourth levels, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        513 - Comparative study of quality of life indicators of nomads in Yilaq and Qeshlaq of Il Bakhtiari (case study: nomads of Lali city)
        Zahra Soltani Majid Goodarzi Sadegh Soleimani Babadi
        Introduction: Today, improving the quality of life is a central planning goal in every country. So, first of all, an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the status quo of the quality of life should be done. It can be done only based on a systematic approach.Aim: More
        Introduction: Today, improving the quality of life is a central planning goal in every country. So, first of all, an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the status quo of the quality of life should be done. It can be done only based on a systematic approach.Aim: This research aims to investigate the indicators of the quality of life of the nomads of Lali County in Yaylak and Kishlak.Methodology: This applied study employed a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population consisted of the nomads of Lali County. The sample size, calculated using Cochran's formula, included 322 individuals. The research theoretical data was collected using the library technique through existing books and articles, and the field data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, mode, median) and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test) were employed to analyze the data.Geographical area of research: The research covers the Yaylak and Kishlak nomadic areas of Lali County.Results and discussion: The results of the one-sample t-test show that the average value obtained from the economic index in Kiskhlak and Yaylak regions is 1.88 and 1.49, respectively; the social indicator in Kishlak is 2.43, and in Yaylak is 2.16; physical indicator in Kiskhlak is 1.99 and in Yaylak is 2.20; environmental indicator in Kishlak is 2.07 and in Yaylak is 1.98, which are lower than the hypothetical mean value 3. It indicates that the mentioned indicators did not have a positive effect on the quality of life of the Bakhtiari nomads of Lali County.Conclusion: Nomadic life is one of the oldest lifestyles in different regions of the world and Iran; its continuity throughout history has experienced various ups and downs under the influence of economic, social, natural, and primarily political issues to the extent that sometimes the developments of this society have brought a turning point in the developments of Iran. Accordingly, presenting plans and programs regarding nomads requires deep scientific research and studies to provide appropriate strategies that cause minor damage. Manuscript profile
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        514 - Comparative study of the economic structure of tribes Qasr-e Shirin and Saveh
        وحید ریاحی ماریا مرادی محمد نظری موسی صادقی
        In recent years, tribes were faced with many problems. due to social change - economically in the country, droughts and water shortages and loss of pastures. the purpose of this reaserch is  study of  economy between two groups of tribes in Qasr-e Shirin and S More
        In recent years, tribes were faced with many problems. due to social change - economically in the country, droughts and water shortages and loss of pastures. the purpose of this reaserch is  study of  economy between two groups of tribes in Qasr-e Shirin and Saveh. Method of study is rsearch documents, library and field research, statistical research community 580 households (500 households and 80 households in the Qasr-e Shirin in Saveh) and the 150 sample households, 70 households in the Qasr-e Shirin and 80 households in the Saveh. the survey results show: first tribe in the mountains head Saveh economic situation is better than Qasr-e Shirin.Crafts Qasr-e Shirin tribes of nomads is Saveh . but the potential of handicrafts among the nomads is Saveh. Manuscript profile
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        515 - The Estimating of Shower and Forming IDF Curves in the West of Gilan Province (Case study: The Rasht, kharjegil and Estoor stations)
        mahmood roshani ali abdollahi
        Regarding to the great significance of the showers in the repelling of the surface water in cities and also other instances, throught this research first we tried to gather some statistical information about the amount of the showers which have been fallen across the th More
        Regarding to the great significance of the showers in the repelling of the surface water in cities and also other instances, throught this research first we tried to gather some statistical information about the amount of the showers which have been fallen across the three stations of Rasht, Kharjegil and Estoor for 15 years. These data were collected from the archives of the organization of water resources. Then we did statistical calculations on the data of the showers and at last we applied the Smada software to distribute different fittings and making some basic equations for estimating the amount of the shower on the basic of their time intervals. The result of this research shows that in the most cases the data through the Gumble distribution of the extreme of type I and in some trivial cases through the log Pearson distribution of type III have better fitting than other ones. Also estimated equations for the showers are logarithmic 2 and 3; meanwhile, the correlation coefficient between duration and intensity in all cases was estimated more than 0/99. Furthermore we demonstrated that the curves of intensity, duration and frequency (IDF) through time and place scales can change regarding to the return period of the plan. Hence forming the models of estimating the shower in these zones are essential to plan and perform some of the urban development projects which directly are connected to this issue. Manuscript profile
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        516 - Rural integrative development in Ahmad Sar Ghourab district in Shaft using model SWOT
        teymr amar eisa pourramzan soraya hassani
        In our counrty , coming to integrative development for rural settlement had been considered as a strategy to protect settlement , since this kind of development of villages and there protection. In other to reach this kind of development, recognizing the opportunities s More
        In our counrty , coming to integrative development for rural settlement had been considered as a strategy to protect settlement , since this kind of development of villages and there protection. In other to reach this kind of development, recognizing the opportunities strengths, weakness and threats in the region can more effective and better method until with recognize them and planning to use capabilities and remove the weakness, could reach to a stable and integrative development.Current research using descriptive- analyzing method had been dealt with the investigation of strengths, opportunities weakness and theats using SWOT model in Ahmad Sar Ghourab district in Shaft township.Inorther to collect information in 48 villages, a questionnaire and interview had been carried out from the village farm management and councils. The results from this survey indicate that this district with 48 village plenty of opportunities in nature environment point of view which can effective in this area integrative development. Of the capabilities of this area can refer to some strengths in the area of creating complementary agricultural activities, capabilities of natural and pilgrimage tourist and intact natural polential Of the major weakness point in the studies area could refer to lacking possibilitiesand service in the villages .And lack of planning toward using opportunities had been caused to  this issue that the village of this district are not meet their population requirement. Manuscript profile
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        517 - Molecular Cloning and Analysis of Two Flowering Related Genes from Apple (Malus × domestica)
        N. Mahna B. Baghban Kohneh Rouz
        Apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.) is the fourth fruit in importance and Iran ranks fifth in apple production in the world. Longevity of juvenility in apple extends breeding cycles and makes its breeding a tough job. To alleviate this barrier via genetic engineering, More
        Apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.) is the fourth fruit in importance and Iran ranks fifth in apple production in the world. Longevity of juvenility in apple extends breeding cycles and makes its breeding a tough job. To alleviate this barrier via genetic engineering, the genes involved in flowering and floral development of apple and their function must be identified and characterized. Most of these genes fall in a class of transcription factors named MADS-box genes. In the present research, we cloned and analysed the sequences and features of two of these genes, MdMADS1 and MdMADS3, from apple ‘Golden Delicious’ for a deeper functional analysis in the near future. They were found to be homologs of SEP genes belonging to the class E genes involved in flower development and lied in the AGL2 clade of MADS-box genes in the phylogenetic tree made for apple and Arabidopsis MADS-box proteins. In silicostudies exemplified that both genes had eight exons and seven introns with a long first intron of about 4 Kb and 3 Kb forMdMADS1 and MdMADS3, respectively. The results showed that the structure of both genes has noticeably differed from other SEP-like genes in evolution. Manuscript profile
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        518 - Analyzing Rural People's Attitudes to Traditional Methods of Retaliation in Resolving Ethnic Conflicts Between Nomads and Villagers and The Required Cultural Extension and Education
        Maryam Pourgholami Sedaghati Batool Mehregan Seyed Alireza Hosseini
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        519 - Identifying Factors affecting Optimal Management of Agricultural Water
        Masoud Samian Karim Naderi Mahdei Heshmatollah Saadi Reza Movahedi
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        520 - واکاوی عوامل تأثیرگذار بر توسعه طرح‌های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس
        محمد اهری علیرضا پورسعید رویا اشراقی محمدباقر آرایش
        هدف کلی این تحقیق واکاوی عوامل تأثیرگذار بر توسعه طرح­های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس بود. جامعه ­آماری این تحقیق را تمامی متخصصان، مدیران و صاحب نظران حوزه عشایر در استان­های حوزه زاگرس تشکیل دادند(1100=N). حجم نمونه با استفاده از جدول نمونه­گیری بارتلت و More
        هدف کلی این تحقیق واکاوی عوامل تأثیرگذار بر توسعه طرح­های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس بود. جامعه ­آماری این تحقیق را تمامی متخصصان، مدیران و صاحب نظران حوزه عشایر در استان­های حوزه زاگرس تشکیل دادند(1100=N). حجم نمونه با استفاده از جدول نمونه­گیری بارتلت و همکاران، (360=n) نفر تعیین شد و برای نمونه­گیری از روش تصادفی­ طبقه­ای (بر حسب دستگاه محل خدمت) استفاده شد. یافته­های تحلیل مسیر با استفاده از نرم‌افزار AMOS23، نشان دادند که متغیر عوامل سیاست­گذاری بیش­ترین تأثیر را بر توسعه طرح‌های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس(59/0β=)، دارند. این در حالی است که عوامل اقتصادی و حمایتی(56/0β=) نیز پس از آن بر توسعه طرح‌های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس تأثیر گذار بوده و عوامل بازاریابی(52/0β=)، عوامل مدیریتی(46/0β=)، عوامل زیرساختی(44/0β=) و عوامل آموزشی، ترویجی و مشارکتی(36/0β=) نیز به ترتیب اولویت دارای تأثیر مثبت و معناداری بر توسعه طرح‌های ساماندهی عشایر حوزه زاگرس، می­باشند استناد به یافته­های این پژوهش می­تواند ضمن توجه بیش­تر به عشایر منطقه در حمایت تصمیم­گیری­ها به منظور دستیابی به توسعه پایدار توسط سیاستگذاران، برنامه ریزان و مدیران ذیربط مورد بهره برداری قرار گیرد.  Manuscript profile
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        521 - Identification of the Applications and Obstacles of Industrial Development of Medicinal Plants in Boyer-Ahmad County
        Mahdi Miri Mahdi Nouripoor Zeinab Sharifi
        Due to the growing population and the use of pesticides and chemicals in food production, people's health has received more attention than ever before. The side effects of chemical drugs have led the world community to take medicinal herbs and drugs of natural orig More
        Due to the growing population and the use of pesticides and chemicals in food production, people's health has received more attention than ever before. The side effects of chemical drugs have led the world community to take medicinal herbs and drugs of natural origin. On this basis, interests in the use of herbal remedies has become more prevalent among different societies, thus the 20th century is called the century of return to nature. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify the applications and barriers of industrial development of Medicinal Plants in Boyer Ahmad County. The statistical population of the present study consisted of informed and knowledgeable people about Medicinal Plants of Boyerahmad region such as specialists, local experts and sellers of Medicinal Plants. Purposeful sampling was performed by snowball technique. Interview and semi-structured questionnaire with open questions were applied to collect the required information. The results indicated that the 65 most important Medicinal Plants consisted of Thyme, Anchovy, Yarrow, Corm etc. in three categories: medicinal, aromatic and spicy. The finding revealed that barriers to industrial development of Medicinal Plants included lack of government support, lack of infrastructures, lack of wild herbs, lack of academic experts, unwillingness of indigenous farmers to cultivate Medicinal Plants, and lack of financial facilities at low interest rates. Manuscript profile
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        522 - Assessment the Socio-economic Factors Affecting Rural Youth Attitude to Occupation in Agricultural (Case of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer- Ahmad Province, Iran)
        Mohsen Mosaee Ahmadreza Ommani
        The main objective in this causal-correlation field research was to identify effective factors on rural youth’s attitude towards agricultural occupation, in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran. Rural youth 15-25 years old in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer- Ahmad provi More
        The main objective in this causal-correlation field research was to identify effective factors on rural youth’s attitude towards agricultural occupation, in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran. Rural youth 15-25 years old in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer- Ahmad province were the population of this study. The technique of sampling was cluster sampling. The technique of data collection is questionnaire. The panel of experts was used to validity of the questionnaire. Corenbach Alpha was used to gain assurance of the reliability of the questionnaire (a=0.79). The results of multivariate regression indicate the variables of type of farming system, rate of relation to organizations, participation in extension and education courses, insurance, age and income have the main role in showing the variations of attitude to agricultural occupation. Manuscript profile
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        523 - برآورد قیمت تمام شده و ارزش اقتصادی آب در اراضی زراعی تحت پوشش آب‌بندان‌ها (مطالعه موردی محدوده‌ی پروژه البرز)
        مجتبی نبی زاده ذوالپیرانی حمید امیرنژاد علی شاهنظری
        قیمت گذاری آب یکی از مهم­ترین ابزار مدیریت منابع آب می­باشد که می­تواند به تخصیص بهینه آن در بخش کشاورزی منجر شود. در این راستا، مطالعه حاضر با  استفاده از روش­های اقتصاد مهندسی و تابع تولید به برآورد و مقایسه قیمت تمام شده و ارزش آب در اراضی زراعی More
        قیمت گذاری آب یکی از مهم­ترین ابزار مدیریت منابع آب می­باشد که می­تواند به تخصیص بهینه آن در بخش کشاورزی منجر شود. در این راستا، مطالعه حاضر با  استفاده از روش­های اقتصاد مهندسی و تابع تولید به برآورد و مقایسه قیمت تمام شده و ارزش آب در اراضی زراعی تحت پوشش آب­بندان­های منتخب در محدوده پروژه البرز در استان مازندران می­پردازد. به این منظور، با استفاده از روش نمونه­گیری تصادفی ساده حجم نمونه جهت برآورد ارزش اقتصادی آب در محصولات زراعی زیر حوضه آب­بندان­های منتخب 198 تعیین شد و داده­های مورد نیاز، از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه و مطالعات میدانی در سال زراعی 93- 1392 جمع­آوری گردید.پس از بررسی نتایج توابع تولید مختلف، تابع تولید ترانسندنتال به عنوان تابع تولید مناسب انتخاب و ارزش اقتصادی آب برای محصول برنج در حوضه آب­بندان­های منتخب 19065 ریال به ازای هر مترمکعب محاسبه گردید.همچنین، قیمت تمام شده آب به ازای هر مترمکعب در آب­بندان­های منتخب با نرخ بهره 22 درصد 868 ریال و با نرخ بهره 12 درصد 394 ریال به­دست آمد. مقایسه قیمت تمام شده آب با ارزش اقتصادی آن در آب­بندان­های منتخب، نشان دهنده بیشتر بودن ارزش اقتصادی آب از قیمت تمام شده آن و تفاوت بسیار زیاد هر دوی آن­ها با آب­بهای پرداختی کشاورزان می­باشد. در نتیجه شکاف موجود بین قیمت واقعی آب و قیمت پرداختی کشاورزان باید به­وسیله قیمت گذاری اقتصادی آب پر شود. Manuscript profile
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        524 - Applying CVM for Economic Valuation of Drinking Water in Iran
        Morteza Tahami Pour Mohammad Kavoosi Kalashami
        Economic valuation of water is useful in the administration and management of water. Population growth and urbanization caused municipal water demand increase in Iran. Limited water resource supply and urban water network capacity raised complexity in water resources ma More
        Economic valuation of water is useful in the administration and management of water. Population growth and urbanization caused municipal water demand increase in Iran. Limited water resource supply and urban water network capacity raised complexity in water resources management. Present condition suggests using economic value of water as a criterion for allocating policies and feasibility study of urban water supply projects. This study use contingent valuation method for determining economic value of drinking water in Kohkiloye & Boyerahmad province. Required data set were obtained from 177 questionnaires by applying stratified random sampling in 2011 year. From 136 investigated urban households 111 ones are willing to pay more for qualified drinking water. Also, from 41 investigated rural households only 3 ones are willing to pay more for qualified drinking water. Results indicated that economic value of drinking water is 6877 Rial per cubic meter. Manuscript profile
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        525 - نقش بهره برداران کشاورزی در مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی با تاکید بر محیط زیست (مطالعه موردی در شهرستان همدان)
        مسعود سامیان رضا موحدی الهام انصاری مسعود اسدی
        منابع طبیعی اثرات مستقیم و غیرمستقیم زیادی در توسعه اقتصادی– اجتماعی کشورها دارد. به رغم این اهمیت روند تخریب این منابع به دلیل رشد سریع جمعیت، بهره­برداری بی­رویه و بدون برنامه­ریزی و فقدان آگاهی مردم نسبت به توسعه و ترویج موازین احیا، توسعه و بهره&sh More
        منابع طبیعی اثرات مستقیم و غیرمستقیم زیادی در توسعه اقتصادی– اجتماعی کشورها دارد. به رغم این اهمیت روند تخریب این منابع به دلیل رشد سریع جمعیت، بهره­برداری بی­رویه و بدون برنامه­ریزی و فقدان آگاهی مردم نسبت به توسعه و ترویج موازین احیا، توسعه و بهره­برداری صحیح با شتاب بیش از حدی ادامه داشته است. بنابراین پایداری در مدیریت منابع طبیعی و حفظ آن از شروط اساسی برای رسیدن به توسعه پایدار کشاورزی و روستایی است. هم­چنین باید توجه داشت که مشارکت مردم در مدیریت منابع طبیعی نقش مهمی در جلوگیری از روند چنین تخریبی ایفا می­کند. مسئله مذکور باعث شده تا هدف این پژوهش به سمت تعیین میزان نقش و اهمیت بهره­برداران کشاورزی در مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی سوق پیدا کند. این پژوهش یک مطالعه تحلیلی– توصیفی است که جمع­آوری داده­های آن با رویکرد پیمایش انجام گردیده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 208 نفر از بهره­برداران کشاورزی در روستای اطراف شهرستان همدان می­باشند. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که 34 درصد کشاورزان در گروه ناپایدار، 54 درصد در گروه پایداری متوسط و 12 درصد کشاورزان در گروه پایدار جای گرفتند. هم­چنین نتایج حاصل از رگرسیون چند متغیره نشان داد که متغیرهای شخصی، آموزشی و ترویجی، اقتصادی، قانونی و نهادی و اجتماعی توانایی تبیین 79 درصدی (791/0 R2=) تغییرات متغیر مدیریت پایدار منابع طبیعی توسط کشاورزان را دارا می باشند. Manuscript profile
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        526 - Structural analysis of ten letters of Emad Faqih Kermani according to the structure of "Ra"
        foruzandeh Edalat kashi Mahbubeh Mobasheri
        Ten letters is a literary genre in which the beloved and the beloved discuss their favorite topics in ten letters. The format of this type of literature is Masnavi. It begins in the fifth century with lyrical literature and the subject of love and culminates in the eigh More
        Ten letters is a literary genre in which the beloved and the beloved discuss their favorite topics in ten letters. The format of this type of literature is Masnavi. It begins in the fifth century with lyrical literature and the subject of love and culminates in the eighth century in mystical literature. The Ten Letters of Emad Faqih Kermani, the mystic poet of the eighth century, is a collection of poetic letters, written in different forms. Letters that he wrote on different days for the people or sultans of the time and the lovers of time and at the end of his life he provided them in a collection and chose the title "Ten Letters" for it.This research aims to provide a descriptive-analytical method first about Emad Faqih Kermani and the ten letters and then to answer the question that the structure of "Ra" in the ten letters of Emad Faqih Kermani with what meanings and how many to Has it been employed? And considering this frequency, what is the structural style of Emad's ten letters? In the end, it is concluded that: out of 657 bits in ten letters, 45 bits have a "ra" structure. 12 cases are used as "objective signs", 23 cases mean "for", 9 cases mean "extra fraction" and 1 case means "to".6.85%, a very small amount, the structure "ra" in ten letters, shows that in the eighth century the use of this structure was low. this is one of the stylistic features of Emad Faqih Kermani's ten letters. Manuscript profile
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        527 - investigate the factors affecting the achievement of the goals of the tribal rural educational complexes from the perspective of managers and deputies
        mirbashir hemmatyar Mahdi Norouzi Mirsadeg Jameie Farshid Ashrafi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of the goals of the tribal rural educational complexes from the perspective of managers and deputies. This research is a methodological descriptive survey. The statistical population of t More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of the goals of the tribal rural educational complexes from the perspective of managers and deputies. This research is a methodological descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study consisted of 50 managers and assistants working in educational complexes in Maku city. The instrument used in this study was a researcher-made questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed by experts and Cronbach's alpha was used to determine its reliability (0.696). The data were analyzed by one-sample t-test. The results showed that: From the perspective of managers and assistants, the promotion of educational and educational justice and the expansion of academic coverage, interaction with the influence of experienced forces, improved management and facilitated supervision and guidance. They have a significant impact on the achievement of the goals of the tribal rural educational complexes. Optimal utilization of services and facilities does not have a significant impact on the achievement of the objectives of the nomadic rural educational complexes. Manuscript profile
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        528 - Study of Implications Production of livestock products in the Bakhtiari tribes settlement (Case Study: ShahidGholippur at Shooshtar city)
        tahmasb maghsoudi Kurosh davoodi
        This study aims to investigate outcomes of Bakhtiari Nomads habitation and implications for livestock development in habitation centers at ShahidGholippur at Shooshtar city. The current study is the type of descriptive – correlation studies which is practical in t More
        This study aims to investigate outcomes of Bakhtiari Nomads habitation and implications for livestock development in habitation centers at ShahidGholippur at Shooshtar city. The current study is the type of descriptive – correlation studies which is practical in terms of objective. Research statistical community are heads of nomad households resident in ShahidGholipour city at Shooshtar pre-province with 350 households which 300 families were settled in the focus of development in the years of 1998-1999 and 50 families of nomadic tribes of mentioned tribe who were settled in the vicinity of development center of ShahidGholipour and migrated to countryside areas of Masjid Soleiman and Kouhrang in the summer. 108 heads of households as an inhabited member were measured as sample size using Cochran formula and 50 heads of households of the families uninhabited surveyed as census. The main research instrument was questionnaire and its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and research reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient for different parts (0.78). Obtained results show that four factors almost explain 57.40% of the variance related to implications for livestock development in the region. These factors include access to productive services, reducing the risk of manufacturing, marketing and access to productive inputs. Study of implications of nomad accommodation shows that five outcomes explain almost 53.13% of the variance related to factors. These factors include cultural effects, production effects, social problems, leadership and employment. Manuscript profile
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        529 - settlement of il shahsun in markazi province
        payam amiri naser jadidi
        il shahsun baghdadi is one of the province s of centeralmarkaziprovince.nadir shahs primary nucleus was il baghdadi in 1145-46 AH during the battle with the ottomans from the nearby areas of kirkuk to khorasan.the main body of this baghdadi after migrating to khorasan w More
        il shahsun baghdadi is one of the province s of centeralmarkaziprovince.nadir shahs primary nucleus was il baghdadi in 1145-46 AH during the battle with the ottomans from the nearby areas of kirkuk to khorasan.the main body of this baghdadi after migrating to khorasan with the onset of the murder of nadir shsh went to the faris area and after the death of karimkhan zand in the early qajar rule ghazvin protected areas were located in hamedan and adjoining areas and the kharaghan mountain range was confrimed by official authhority as a tribal residence.the range of these nomads around the cities of saveh and zarandieh in northern markazi province and their mountain peaks are the northern highlands of hamedan province.the present research seeks to answer the question of what features the al_qassish emigration of baghdadi based in markazi province?the reserch shows that the main structure of nomadic society in the province of markazi has been completeiy changeddue to the changes of the past decades. it only remains one of the names. Manuscript profile
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        530 - The application of Discriminant analysis in identifying tourism potential areas
        Javad Mahmoodi Karamjavan
        This study is to identify the potential of tourism in areas that According to weaknesses of usual methods, the Discriminant analysis approach was used for this purpose. A method for combining the independent variables, to create a new variable that can be obtained using More
        This study is to identify the potential of tourism in areas that According to weaknesses of usual methods, the Discriminant analysis approach was used for this purpose. A method for combining the independent variables, to create a new variable that can be obtained using different variations. In order to have criteria for comparison, six another tourism regional information, entered in the analysis and differences between study areas examined. The dependent variable of this study is the planar variable of regions, in both tourist attraction areas and areas with tourism potential have been diagnosed. This method shows combines two or more independent variables that best explain the difference between two or more groups. The results showed that 25 variables of 33 study variables have no significant effect in attracting tourists and rate of them in control areas and areas of study were identical. Also, the 53.414 for detection indicator (between 0 to 100) was estimated tourist areas and areas with potential for tourism that is obtained from 8 variables of the notification, Reputation, awareness of people from regional, tourism service availability, quality of access reads, the route map existence, access to water for washing and access to drinking water. As results, four of the five target area has the potential for tourism. Manuscript profile
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        531 - A probabilistic hybrid methodology for the management and control of risks related to the production system: Case of industrial textiles
        salima ZEGHDANI Kinza MOUSS
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        532 - Efficacy of fuzzy MADM approach in Six Sigma analysis phase in automotive sector
        Rajeev Rathi Dinesh Khanduja S. K. Sharma
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        533 - Content Analysis of Iranian literary books during 1950 to 1971
        Farzaneh Miandarbandi Mohsen Haji Zeanolabedini amirreza asnafi
        Objective: The aim study was to identify the topics mentioned in the letter books (private letters of prominent peoples to their spouses) and to introduce their role as a primary source of information for users. Methodology: Methodology of the research: The present More
        Objective: The aim study was to identify the topics mentioned in the letter books (private letters of prominent peoples to their spouses) and to introduce their role as a primary source of information for users. Methodology: Methodology of the research: The present research is applied research in terms of its purpose. The qualitative research method has been used which can be done through quantitative content analysis. The research population was 103 books. In this study, 6 books were selected, which was written by Jalal Al Ahmad, Simin Daneshvar, Ahmad Shamloo, Ali Shariati and Farrokh Farrokhzad, containing 859 letters. in order to for analyze the content of the letters, 23 items were selected from the ASFA culture thesaurus.Results: The results of the research indicated that according to the political conditions of those 859 private letters included various subjects. The most discussed subjects in the letters were. Politics (with frequency of 400,) literary works (with frequency of 390), and journals (with frequency of 256). The findings of this study shows that prominent peoples are not at all distant from the community.Conclusion: These individuals deal with a variety of topics in a variety of fields in their private letters, which that include various aspects of information (political, economic, social, literary, etc.), and can be very fruitful to researchers and those who are interested in this field. Manuscript profile
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        534 - Effect of oral tramadol on rat Spleen tissue in male Wistar rats
        sahar molzemi mohsen aminian Mohammad Afshar Ardalan Amir Hossein Ashnaei
        Introduction : Tramadol the right drugs are synthetic opioid analgesics or Epoxied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral tramadol on Spleen in rats Wistar male rats.Methods: In this study, 60 male Wistar rats randomized into 3 groups (1 control group More
        Introduction : Tramadol the right drugs are synthetic opioid analgesics or Epoxied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral tramadol on Spleen in rats Wistar male rats.Methods: In this study, 60 male Wistar rats randomized into 3 groups (1 control group, and experimental groups of 1, 2). In control group adequate serum physiology and in experimental groups a dose of mercuric chloride infused into peritoneal cavity, for 30 days. The amount of gavage tramadol were, 50ml /kg group 2, 100 ml /kg , every other day for 30 days. After the end of the day appointed for Histological analysis Some blood parameters of Spleen samples, were tested.Results :And & two experimental groups a very high density and exposure area is full of blood and lymphoid cells. Particles of hemosiderin in both groups showed a significant increase..Conclusion: This study showed that long-term oral administration of Tramadol causes histological changes in the SpleenKeywords: tramadol, Spleen, mouse, rats, Wistar Manuscript profile
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        535 - The Impact of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Policy-Making on Attracting Foreign Investment during the Presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005-2013)
        Ali Maleki Mohammad Hassan Shaykh al-Eslami Mohammad Reza Dehshiri Mohammad Reza Ghaedi
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        536 - The Relationship between Religion and Government in Neo- Mu'tazilite Thoughts with an Emphasis on the Thoughts of Mohammed Arkoun
        Abasalat Abbasi جلال درخشه Hossein Ali Nozari
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        537 - The Impact of Structure and Agent on Iran's Foreign Policy during the Second Pahlavi Era
        Tahmineh Johar Mohammadreza Dehshiri Abdolamir Nabavi
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        538 - Analysis of Ahmadinejad Government's Foreign Policy According to the Critical Theory of International Relations
        Mohammad Ali Tavana Tooraj Rahmani Hamed Eslami
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        539 - Media policy-making in the Islamic Republic of Iran case study; Khatami and Ahmadinejad governments
        Ali Toyserkani Mohammad Tohidfam
        An important part of the macro policy process of a political system can be identified with media policy-making. This identification becomes better and more efficient when comparing the quality and quantity of policies of two different governments with two different appr More
        An important part of the macro policy process of a political system can be identified with media policy-making. This identification becomes better and more efficient when comparing the quality and quantity of policies of two different governments with two different approaches within a political system. In this research, an attempt is made to make a comparative study regarding the media policies of the two governments of Mohammad Khatami and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The main question of this research states that "What is the main difference between the media policies of Khatami and Ahmadinejad governments?" In response, the main hypothesis states that "Khatami's media policies affect one aspect of the mass media (the press) and this is while the media policies of the Ahmadinejad’s government have influence and power over the national media. The findings of this study show that parallel management structures and interference in policy-making in the Islamic Republic of Iran have made the governments of Khatami and Ahmadinejad succeed in one part of their media policies. Manuscript profile
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        540 - A simple method for on-site determination of iodide ions by recording fluorescence intensity changes of rhodamine B with a home-made fluorimeter
        Leila Khoshmaram Maryam Mohammadi Adel Nazemi Babadi
        In the present study, a simple and inexpensive method has been presented for on-site determination of iodide ions in various aqueous samples. The proposed method is based on the fluorescence quenching process of rhodamine B and the use of a home-made portable fluorimete More
        In the present study, a simple and inexpensive method has been presented for on-site determination of iodide ions in various aqueous samples. The proposed method is based on the fluorescence quenching process of rhodamine B and the use of a home-made portable fluorimeter. In the fluorimeter, light-emitting diodes with emission wavelength of 530 nm (as the excitation source) and a mobile phone (as the detector and data processing unit) have been used. Experiments showed that in the presence of iodide ions, the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine B decreases. The fluorescence intensity changes of rhodamine B was determined by taking digital images of rhodamine B solutions and analyzing these images. Digital image analysis showed when the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine B changes, the values of the G and R channels change, too. Therefore, the values of these two channels were used as analytical signals for determination of the concentration of iodide ions. After investigating experimental parameters affecting the quenching process of rhodamine B by iodide ions and selection of optimal conditions, based on ∆G as analytical signal, limit of detection was obtained 1.26 × 10⁻⁵ mol L⁻¹ and the calibration graph was linear in the range of 2.1 × 10⁻⁵ - 2.3 × 10⁻³ mol L⁻¹ with a correlation coefficient of 0.996. The relative standard deviation for 5 iodide solution with concentration of 1.57 × 10⁻⁵ mol L-1 was 0.83 %. The proposed method was successfully applied to determine iodide in water samples with satisfactory recovery ranged from 98.62% to 108.65%. Manuscript profile
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        541 - مارگارت آتوود و معرفی دنیای پسا انسان
        مژگان آبشاوی
        پژوهش حاضر سعی کرده است تحلیلی از تریلوژی مدآدام نوشته ی مارگارت آتوود با توجه به "نظریه سایبرگ" از دیدگاه دونا هاراوی انجام دهد. مارگارت آتوود برای تریلوژی خود اصطلاح "داستان تخیلی" را انتخاب می کند تا بتواند مراحل تغییر هویت را در نتیجه ی پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی محک بزن More
        پژوهش حاضر سعی کرده است تحلیلی از تریلوژی مدآدام نوشته ی مارگارت آتوود با توجه به "نظریه سایبرگ" از دیدگاه دونا هاراوی انجام دهد. مارگارت آتوود برای تریلوژی خود اصطلاح "داستان تخیلی" را انتخاب می کند تا بتواند مراحل تغییر هویت را در نتیجه ی پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی محک بزند. او قصد دارد به  مردم نسبت به پیشرفت های تکنولوژیکی و شیوه های اقتصادی که منجر به تخریب محیط زیست می شود، هشدار دهد. این تریلوژی عواقب ارتباطات انسان با  غیر انسانی ها را از طریق میان آمیختگی ژنی و "دو رگه" حاصل از آن را نشان می دهد. در اینجا ، پسا انسان به عنوان نتیجه اجتناب ناپذیر از ادغام انسان و فناوری ظاهر می شود. یکی از ارکان اصلی اندیشه پسا انسان ، استفاده از فناوری به عنوان ابزاری برای بهبود زندگی انسان با غلبه بر نقص و محدودیت های بدن بیولوژیک است. دنیای داستانی مارگارت آتوود با آنچه دونا هاراوی ، دانشمند آمریکایی، در مورد آن به عنوان "نظریه سایبرگ" صحبت می کند ، مطابقت دارد. هاراوی باور دارد که سایبرگ ها "دو رگه های ماشینی و جاندار" هستند و اجزای مکانیکی و ارگانیک آنها جدانشدنی هستند. بنابراین سایبرگ هاراوی به عنوان یکی از چهره های ممکن وجدید انسان به عنوان موجودات واقعی اجتماعی هستند. نظریه هاراوی به وضوح در تریلوژی آتوود آشکار است، از آنجا که موجودات دو رگه ی عجیب در تریلوژی همان سایبرگ هایی هستند که هاراوی به آن اشاره دارد و دنیایی را که در این داستان ها به تصویر کشیده، دنیایی با فناوری فوق العاده پیشرفته است که همچنان به پیشرفت خود ادامه می دهد.   Manuscript profile
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        542 - مارگارت آتوود و معرفی دنیای پسا انسان
        Mojgan Abshavi
        پژوهش حاضر سعی کرده است تحلیلی از تریلوژی مدآدام نوشته ی مارگارت آتوود با توجه به "نظریه سایبرگ" از دیدگاه دونا هاراوی انجام دهد. مارگارت آتوود برای تریلوژی خود اصطلاح "داستان تخیلی" را انتخاب می کند تا بتواند مراحل تغییر هویت را در نتیجه ی پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی محک بزن More
        پژوهش حاضر سعی کرده است تحلیلی از تریلوژی مدآدام نوشته ی مارگارت آتوود با توجه به "نظریه سایبرگ" از دیدگاه دونا هاراوی انجام دهد. مارگارت آتوود برای تریلوژی خود اصطلاح "داستان تخیلی" را انتخاب می کند تا بتواند مراحل تغییر هویت را در نتیجه ی پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی محک بزند. او قصد دارد به  مردم نسبت به پیشرفت های تکنولوژیکی و شیوه های اقتصادی که منجر به تخریب محیط زیست می شود، هشدار دهد. این تریلوژی عواقب ارتباطات انسان با  غیر انسانی ها را از طریق میان آمیختگی ژنی و "دو رگه" حاصل از آن را نشان می دهد. در اینجا ، پسا انسان به عنوان نتیجه اجتناب ناپذیر از ادغام انسان و فناوری ظاهر می شود. یکی از ارکان اصلی اندیشه پسا انسان ، استفاده از فناوری به عنوان ابزاری برای بهبود زندگی انسان با غلبه بر نقص و محدودیت های بدن بیولوژیک است. دنیای داستانی مارگارت آتوود با آنچه دونا هاراوی ، دانشمند آمریکایی، در مورد آن به عنوان "نظریه سایبرگ" صحبت می کند ، مطابقت دارد. هاراوی باور دارد که سایبرگ ها "دو رگه های ماشینی و جاندار" هستند و اجزای مکانیکی و ارگانیک آنها جدانشدنی هستند. بنابراین سایبرگ هاراوی به عنوان یکی از چهره های ممکن وجدید انسان به عنوان موجودات واقعی اجتماعی هستند. نظریه هاراوی به وضوح در تریلوژی آتوود آشکار است، از آنجا که موجودات دو رگه ی عجیب در تریلوژی همان سایبرگ هایی هستند که هاراوی به آن اشاره دارد و دنیایی را که در این داستان ها به تصویر کشیده، دنیایی با فناوری فوق العاده پیشرفته است که همچنان به پیشرفت خود ادامه می دهد. Manuscript profile
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        543 - The nature of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic mysticism
        Jamshid Sarmastani alireza ebrahim
        The Holy Spirit is the third of the three figures in Christian mysticism and sacred existence in Islam, and no worthy effort has been made regarding the dimensions of its nature in Christian and Islamic mysticism. In explaining this nature, the two basic questions are w More
        The Holy Spirit is the third of the three figures in Christian mysticism and sacred existence in Islam, and no worthy effort has been made regarding the dimensions of its nature in Christian and Islamic mysticism. In explaining this nature, the two basic questions are what is the Holy Spirit and what are its characteristics and attributes? This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and comparative approach and its data has been collected through library and software sources and its main purpose is to recognize the various dimensions of the nature of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic mysticism and determine the commonalities of this nature. The necessity and importance of this research is based on the fact that human beings, by recognizing the nature of the Holy Spirit, can recognize his material and spiritual abilities and capacities and, through this, benefit from them. The results of this study indicate that due to the great commonality in the dimensions of the nature of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic mysticism, the nature of this holy being is the same in the mysticism of the two religions, . Manuscript profile
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        544 - Analysis of the views and methods of cognitive hadith of Mohammad Baqir Behboodi in the book Sahih al-Kafi with emphasis on the book of the causes of hadith
        Forugh Muradian Hamid reza Mostafid Javad Ala al muhaddesin Maryam Haji Abdalbaqi
        Cognitive Hadith Studies, Mohammad Baqir Bubudi, Sahih Al-Kafi, Causes of Hadith
        Cognitive Hadith Studies, Mohammad Baqir Bubudi, Sahih Al-Kafi, Causes of Hadith Manuscript profile
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        545 - The Process of Individuation in Tamhīdāt: An Analysis
        Elnāz Khojaste zenoozi Mahin Panāhi
        Mystical text is an area of psychological exploration that provides a cognition, albeit a small one, of the position of nearness to God; it also reveals the hidden aspects of its author spiritual dimensions and shows how he/she understands his/her Lord and how he/she ap More
        Mystical text is an area of psychological exploration that provides a cognition, albeit a small one, of the position of nearness to God; it also reveals the hidden aspects of its author spiritual dimensions and shows how he/she understands his/her Lord and how he/she approaches to God. In Jung’s school of analytical psychology, “the process of individuation” is an unconscious effort to achieve mental development; it explains that human beings can never achieve the full psychological development, but can only achieve individual, comprehensive and inner experiences by recognizing the "superego". Tamhīdāt (The Preludes) a treatise written by Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani, the prominent mystic of the fifth and sixth centuries AH, reflects a psychological development. The purpose of the present study is to investigate this development in the unconscious of the author of Tamhīdāt. The research has been done by descriptive-analytical method. The results indicate that the author, in his magnum opus, unconsciously shows the psychological development using the mystical teachings and exploring the unconscious. The unconscious influence of the archetypes, such as "Christ", "Wise old man" which eventually merge with the archetype of "shadow" and guide to light, is evident in the book; Ayn al-Quzat tries to achieve the process of individuation and to reach "the superego" in a pure and original way.     Manuscript profile
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        546 - The Mystical Attitude of Ahmad Ghazali and Transformation of Pure Love of Layla and Majnun
        Soheilā Namāz Alizādeh Asharf-o-Sādat Mousavilar
        The scholars in the field of mysticism have expressed a variety of ideas about the concept of love, which show the importance of it in Iranian religious thoughts. Ahmad Ghazali (452 -520 AH) created a dramatic change in the nature of love by writing mystical works. He p More
        The scholars in the field of mysticism have expressed a variety of ideas about the concept of love, which show the importance of it in Iranian religious thoughts. Ahmad Ghazali (452 -520 AH) created a dramatic change in the nature of love by writing mystical works. He presented a new interpretation of the story of Layla and Majnun's love in Sawāneh, his first work in the field of love in Persian language. In Arabic literature, Layla and Majnun love story is a kind of pure love (Ishq-e Azrā) or Platonic love. By using descriptive-analytical method, in the present article the attempt is made to consider the stages of the transformation of pure love of Layla and Majnun in Ahmad Ghazali's thoughts and to answer this question: In a comparative study, how do we interpret the similarities and differences between the Layla and Majnun love in Ahmed Ghazali's attitude and the pure love in Arabic literature? The results show that, based on Ghazali's romantic and mystical principles, virtuous, secular, painful, unending and pure love transforms to admirable, divine, pleasant and hopeful love and leads to perfection. Manuscript profile
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        547 - The Social Views of Sheikh Ahmad Jām
        Ātefeh Soltāni Najaf Joukār Fātemeh Qolāmi
        Although Sheikh Ahmad Jām, as a mystic, used to emphasis on self-discipline, training of disciple and showing the way of suluk (spiritual journey), but on the other hand, he used to think about salvation of people, and in his writings and preaching sessions he pointed o More
        Although Sheikh Ahmad Jām, as a mystic, used to emphasis on self-discipline, training of disciple and showing the way of suluk (spiritual journey), but on the other hand, he used to think about salvation of people, and in his writings and preaching sessions he pointed out social deviations. By employing descriptive-analytical method and based on the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jām, the present article tries to examine the most prominent social issues of the fifth century AH. So far, no independent study about his social thoughts (based on all his works) has been done. His social approach can be studied in the following six subjects: 1. social classes, 2. popular institutions, 3. religious and social groups, 4. vocations and professions, 5. mores and 6. social morals. By considering his books and treatises, the social problems of Seljuk era can be examined. As the historical sources of that period are silent about social problems, and the historians of that era were dependent on courts and rulers and disregarded to social relations, the study of the works of Sheikh Ahmad Jām is an opportunity to explore the social problems of Seljuk period. Manuscript profile
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        548 - The Functions of Myths in the Poems of Mohammad Qissi
        Ezzat Mollā Ebrāhimi Heshmat Parvin
        By using symbolic and mythological language, Mohammad Qissi, Palestinian modernist poet, has been able to play an active role in the field of resistance and struggle in his country. The ancient Arabic heritage and cultures of different nations have been his source of in More
        By using symbolic and mythological language, Mohammad Qissi, Palestinian modernist poet, has been able to play an active role in the field of resistance and struggle in his country. The ancient Arabic heritage and cultures of different nations have been his source of inspiration. In addition to Babylonian, Mesopotamian and Greek myths, he has also paid great attention to Arabic and Canaanite myths. By using the descriptive-analytical method, the authors of the present article first briefly discuss the historical origin of myths and the reasons for turning Palestinian poets' attention into myths and then examine the types of myths used in Qissi's poems. The results of the research show that the poet has used the mythical heritage, including temporal, spatial, human and religious elements, to express national enthusiasm, patriotism and the idea of returning to the homeland. So, Qissi has been an honest spokesman for expressing his own and his people's plights, ideals and thoughts in inside and outside of the occupied territories.  Manuscript profile
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        549 - Two New Readings of the Mythological Narratives Based on Henri Corbin's Shiite Reading
        Vidā Dastmālchī
        Henry Corbin (1903 – 1978), prominent French Shia scholar and philosopher, introduces the philosophical and mystical relationship between Hekmat Khosravani (the philosophy of ancient Iran) and Shia Islamic narrations and philosophy of Illustration (Falsafeh Eshraq More
        Henry Corbin (1903 – 1978), prominent French Shia scholar and philosopher, introduces the philosophical and mystical relationship between Hekmat Khosravani (the philosophy of ancient Iran) and Shia Islamic narrations and philosophy of Illustration (Falsafeh Eshraq). By reviewing the works of Suhrawardi and Ibn Sina, Corbin not only recognized the essence of Hekmat Khosravani, but also focused on the main sources of the Khosravan Wisdom, the wisdom of Mazdayasna, the mythological narratives, and the related texts of the Zoroastrian religion; also, he pursued the subject of similarity and adaptation of these doctrines with the traditions of Iranian Islam. In the present article, Corbin's studies are examined that address the symbolic mystical tales or Shia Islamic narrations and their similar correspondences in Hekmat Khosravani or the Mazda religion. In Shi'ite and Iranian ancient thoughts, there are two valuable forgotten subjects that Corbin has discussed them. One of them is the issue of continuity of generation and kingdom of Fereydun and Iraj through the son of his daughter, Manūchehr; the other is the introduction of Spendārmad (Sepandarmaz) as goddess of water and Earth. The former is similar to the continuity of the generation of the Prophet through his daughter, Fatimah; and the latter is similar to “Mehrieh” or Fatimah's dowry.    Manuscript profile
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        550 - Jalaluddin Ahmad Kasani; Mystical Views and Terms
        zinab rahmaniankooshkaki محمد علی آتش سودا Sayyed Mohsen Sajedi rad
        Jalaluddin Ahmad Kasani (866-949 AH) is one of the famous Naqshbandiyya mystics of Transoxiana who has written more than 30 treatises in the field of mysticism. Most of these treatises are available as manuscripts in various libraries and have been introduced or edited More
        Jalaluddin Ahmad Kasani (866-949 AH) is one of the famous Naqshbandiyya mystics of Transoxiana who has written more than 30 treatises in the field of mysticism. Most of these treatises are available as manuscripts in various libraries and have been introduced or edited sparsely in a few articles or dissertations. The subject of the treatises is mysticism; in some, the mystical terms are dealt with in the manner of the book Kashf al-Mahjoub; in some, the views of Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari are discussed. Of course, special and different mystical views of Kasani can also be found in these treatises. In the present research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical method, an attempt has been made to examine his mystical views and his definitions of some terms, in addition to studying the treatises. The findings show that Kasani does not follow a specific epistemological model in expressing mystical views and terms and in each treatise, he focuses on a specific topic. In most of the treatises, scattered and repetitive data about some mystical terms can be seen such as annihilation and immortality, absence and presence, etc. His definitions of these terms are sometimes taken from previous books and sometimes made by himself. Kasani is strongly influenced by Rumi in his description of mystical subjects; there are many citations to Masnavi Manavi in his treatises. Manuscript profile
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        551 - The Relationship between Man and God in Ruh al-Arwāh: A Semiotic Analysis
        Hāmed shams Mahmood Barāti Khānsāri
        Ruh al-Arwāh fi Sharh Asmā al-Malik al-Fattāh written by Ahmad Samāni is one the most important works of the sixth century AH, devoted to the description of Divnie names. One of the main themes of the book is the relationship between man and God. Based on a structuralis More
        Ruh al-Arwāh fi Sharh Asmā al-Malik al-Fattāh written by Ahmad Samāni is one the most important works of the sixth century AH, devoted to the description of Divnie names. One of the main themes of the book is the relationship between man and God. Based on a structuralist semiotic approach and by using descriptive-analytical method, the present article deals with the relationship between man and God in Ruh al-Arwāh. In the examination of the text, we look for those deep-structure elements that in the subject of God-man relationship create the semiotic systems. In the structure of the contrasts, some key elements are recognized as the main system-building factors. To this goal, we use Levi-Strauss' method, which examines the relationships of signs based on the analysis of binary oppositions. By considering the relations of signs in the book, we show that within the circle of the signs of God (as a pole) the contrast between "glory and beauty", and "wrath and forgiveness" creates a network of contrasts that are related to contrast of positive/negative dignity of man. The text synthesizes opposite elements and, by its own method of combination, resolves oppositions and contradictions. Manuscript profile
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        552 - Light and Darkness in the Poems of Adunis; A Mystical Approach
        Sabikeh Esfandiyār Rezā Rezāee
        An examination of Adunis' poems shows that the contrary opposites have a special status in his thinking; they play a crucial role in conveying the poet's new and favored concepts. One of the most important oppositions, which is found at high frequency in his poems, is t More
        An examination of Adunis' poems shows that the contrary opposites have a special status in his thinking; they play a crucial role in conveying the poet's new and favored concepts. One of the most important oppositions, which is found at high frequency in his poems, is the opposition of light and darkness. By using analytical-descriptive method, the present article attempts to evaluate two opposite and commonly used concepts of light and darkness in Adunis's poems based on mystical analysis. In this way, Adunis' special view about the nature and objects becomes clear, revealing aspects of the mystical thoughts in his poetry. The results show that concepts such as good and evil, inward and outward worlds, guidance and deviation are reflected in these two concepts. According to Adunis, one must abandon the intrinsic nature of them and unite darkness with light and reach a point where all opposing elements and multiples are united. To achieve this goal, the poet puts away material things and relies on a particular concept called "madness", and in this way, reveals the Truth and provides the knowledge of the ultimate nature of being.   Manuscript profile
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        553 - The Story of Jonah the Prophet in the Works of Rumi and Older Mystical Sources
        Khadijeh Nāmdār Jouybāri Hosein Hasanpouralashti Maseod Rohāni
        The stories of prophets provide a clear and understandable platform for audiences; the mystics use their allegories to express their own thoughts. Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (died in 1273) is one of the mystics who uses stories, especially the stories of prophets, as a More
        The stories of prophets provide a clear and understandable platform for audiences; the mystics use their allegories to express their own thoughts. Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (died in 1273) is one of the mystics who uses stories, especially the stories of prophets, as a tool to express his ideas. For example, the life story of Jonah the Prophet provides the necessary elements to present Rumi’s thoughts. He does not tell the linear narrative of the life story of Jonah and chooses a part of the story according to the appropriacy and the audience. This refers to Rumi's novel view on storytelling and is an example of his use of story to express his thoughts. The present study is an attempt to examine the views about Jonah the Prophet that have been expressed in the mystical texts before Rumi. Then, we give Rumi's account of the story and, finally, compare the similarities of them by using descriptive-analytical method. The results show that Rumi, while using the works of his predecessors, presents his own interpretations and views, and in some sections, creates new semantic artistic components. Manuscript profile
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        554 - Critical Discourse Analysis in the Story of “How Hamza Came to Battle without a Coat of Mail” Based on Norman Fairclough's Theory
        Roghayeh Mousavi Alimohammad Poshtdār
        Critical discourse analysis is an approach that focuses on social, cultural and religious representations to interpret discourses and actions. Based on Norman Fairclough's theory, in the present article, the story of "How Hamza, may God be well-pleased with him, came to More
        Critical discourse analysis is an approach that focuses on social, cultural and religious representations to interpret discourses and actions. Based on Norman Fairclough's theory, in the present article, the story of "How Hamza, may God be well-pleased with him, came to battle without a coat of mail" form book 3 of Masnavi Manavi is described in three stages of description, interpretation and explanation. The purpose of the paper is to clarify the formal and semantic structure of the narrator's speech and the generator of discourse by using descriptive-analytical method. It is through this way that the dominance of the narrator over the audience as well as his discursive interaction in the form of preaching are known. The results show that Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, relying on Qur'an and the religious and moral teachings and using firm and emphasizing sentences, forms a special discourse that its deep-structure is "voluntary death and the worthlessness of worldly life". Manuscript profile
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        555 - The Mythological Functions in Madan a-Dorar; An Analysis Based on Joseph Campbell’s Theory
        ramin moharrami soraya karimi mahin panahi
        Many of the themes in Madan a-Dorar, written by Mohammad Soleiman Morshedi, are consistent with mythological concepts, and mythological ideas play a significant role in shaping the contents of this biographical and mystical book. Madan a-Dorar is about the life and myst More
        Many of the themes in Madan a-Dorar, written by Mohammad Soleiman Morshedi, are consistent with mythological concepts, and mythological ideas play a significant role in shaping the contents of this biographical and mystical book. Madan a-Dorar is about the life and mystical experiences of Hajji Nasser Din Omar Morshdi. The present research attempts to study the mystical experience and stages of suluk (spiritual journey) of Naser al-Din Omar Morshedi based on the theory of Joseph Campbell by using analytical-comparative method. The aim of the present study is to investigate the degree of compatibility of the themes of the book with Joseph Campbell's theory and to show the cases in which mystical themes correspond to mythical themes. The results show that the mythological sanctity of the hero in Madan a-Dorar is the same as that of the gods and archetypes. According to Campbell's theory, the journey of the hero can be explained in three stages: departure, initiation and return. Morshedi, as a hero who seeks individuality, begins his spiritual journey with the call of a deer; he experiences the rebirth by crossing the threshold and exiting the womb of the cave. Finally, he passes the rite of initiation and returns and achieves a holy manifestation. At the end of this spiritual journey, the hero reaches a position beyond contradictions, and God is manifested to him in everything. In his mystical experience, Morshedi repeats the mythological patterns. Many of Madan a-Dorar anecdotes are consistent with the components of Campbell's hero's journey and only in some components there are differences. Manuscript profile
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        556 - A Look at the Structure of Mystical Letters; Based on the Letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi, Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
        Seid Amir Jahādi Hosseini Nāzanin Rostami Zādeh
        Mystical letters are one of the most valuable examples of informal writings. These letters show abundant imagination, creative mind and mystical pen of their writers, and distinguishes the mystics from the courtly writers who are well aware of the art of letter writing. More
        Mystical letters are one of the most valuable examples of informal writings. These letters show abundant imagination, creative mind and mystical pen of their writers, and distinguishes the mystics from the courtly writers who are well aware of the art of letter writing. A study of these texts shows that there is a regular and coherent structure in them. By using descriptive-analytical method, the authors of this study have tried to analyze the content of the letters of Ghazālī, Sanāī, Rumi and Ayn al-Quzat in terms of structure and content of the letters. The style of writing, the subject, the addressee, and in general the structure of the letters is among the items that have received less attention; therefore, the need for such research in these areas is felt.  The findings of the study indicate that the structure of mystical letters is different from courtly letters. The difference is more evident in the speeches, the titles and the beginning of the letter; also, the main subject of the letter is the written requests. In addition, the letters of the mystics are full of advices that are morally and educationally valuable and for teaching ideological and mystical principles are useful.   Manuscript profile
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        557 - The Mythological Signs in Yet, madly Divānehvār
        Naarges Bāgheri
        Myths are always deeply connected with literature and can affect the form and structure of a literary work in addition to its meaning. Examining and analyzing the mythological relations of a literary text play an important role in explaining its meanings and concepts. B More
        Myths are always deeply connected with literature and can affect the form and structure of a literary work in addition to its meaning. Examining and analyzing the mythological relations of a literary text play an important role in explaining its meanings and concepts. By using analytical-descriptive method, the present study attempts to investigate the mythological signs of the novel Yet, Madly... by Shiva Arastooee. The study of the novel, based on a mythological reading, shows that form and content of it have been affected by the myths. The myth of Shiva is added to the novel to expand its concepts and to shape and drive the narrative forward. She appears as a woman who dances around the clock, adjusting the rhythm of the novel with her movements and deciding what story to tell at what time. Also, in the novel, various signs and symbols such as names (Shiva, the god of the three heads, ...), places (water reservoir, Pandora's box, Palmyra, ...) and concepts such as death and writing are presented as meaningful units of a mythical discourse.   Manuscript profile
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        558 - The Psychological Manifestations of Myths in the Poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Amal Abul-Qassem Donqol; An Analysis Based on Jung's Principle of Opposites
        Fereydoun Tahmasebi Shabnam hatampoor Farzaneh Sorkhi Nasrin Bigdeli
        According to Jung's principle of opposites, opposites are one of the most important factors in the growth and flourishing of personality in the collective unconscious. In addition to causing changes in personality structure, opposites motivate all human behavior and are More
        According to Jung's principle of opposites, opposites are one of the most important factors in the growth and flourishing of personality in the collective unconscious. In addition to causing changes in personality structure, opposites motivate all human behavior and are source of all the psychic energy. According to this psychological principle, a person who suffers from psychological stress, tries to relieve voluntarily his/her stress and move towards perfection. By using analytical-comparative method and with the aim of showing the function of psychic energy in mythological characters, the present article tries to study the degree of impressionability of poets such as Ahmad Shamloo and Amal Abul-Qassem Donqol from myths. The results show that in the face of the misfortunes and failures of the world around them, these two modernist poets have used the technique of mask (persona) and have depicted the mythological characters; in this way, they have masterfully created new myths in their poems under the influence of ancient myths Manuscript profile
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        559 - The Wise Fools (Uqalā al-Majānin) and Sufis; A Study Based on the Views of Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat
        Ali Rahimi Hatef Siahkoohian Jamshid sadri
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of More
        In mystical texts, the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools (Uqalā al-majānin) is one of the most frequent issues that has been interpreted in various ways. By using descriptive- analytic method, the present article attempts to explain the theoretical approaches of Sufis about the abrogation of the Islamic Laws by wise fools and to recognize the causes of it from their point of view. An attempt is made to answer these questions: In mystical anthropology, which human faculty is related to Islamic Laws? If the intellectual faculty declines, is there any other faculty related to these Laws? Considering the fact that the wise fools have a kind of intellect, can they be considered as obligated to enforce Islamic Laws like other wise men? The findings of the study show that the Sufis believe that the wise fools receive Divine inspirations and experience a state of intoxication and these spiritual modes justify their behavior.  According to some Sufi theories, the decline of intellect and consequently the abrogation of Islamic Laws is a gift from God; and some Sufis consider the intoxication state of a wise fool as constant praying. The aim of the research is to study the reasons for the abrogation of Islamic Laws by wise fools from the point of view of Sufis, especially Ibn Arabi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. Manuscript profile
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        560 - Gnostic Elements in the Mystical System of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani
        Ebrahim Ranjbar Babak Savdagar
        According to the followers of Gnosticism, this school refers to the ideas and methods that are needed to achieve the most certain and supreme kind of knowledge, and consequently, to acquire true happiness and purification of the soul through intuition and illumination. More
        According to the followers of Gnosticism, this school refers to the ideas and methods that are needed to achieve the most certain and supreme kind of knowledge, and consequently, to acquire true happiness and purification of the soul through intuition and illumination. The school has been popular among many ethnic groups since ancient times and has influenced Islamic-Iranian mysticism over the centuries. Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani is also influenced by the teachings of Gnosticism. Using the analytical - comparative method, the present article first states the characteristics of the Gnostic school and then compare them with the views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. The purpose is to explain and illustrate the common points of Gnostic beliefs and his mystical principles. The common points are as follows: belief in the duality of light-darkness, trust in intuitive knowledge instead of acquired knowledge, believing that the being is a mystery, belief in esotericism, emphasis on self-knowledge to achieve true knowledge, belief in the originality of the spiritual world as opposed to the physical world and finally belief in Homo Deus or “perfect man”. Manuscript profile
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        561 - The Views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli about "Quality World" Based on Glasser's Choice Theory
        Zohreh Fahami Hasan por alashti Maseod Rohani Mostafā Gorji
        According to William Glasser's choice theory, a "Quality World" is a set of images about life that man has in mind for a good life; these images represent the world in which he/she aspires to live. They are similar to those portrayed by Muslim mystics through the interp More
        According to William Glasser's choice theory, a "Quality World" is a set of images about life that man has in mind for a good life; these images represent the world in which he/she aspires to live. They are similar to those portrayed by Muslim mystics through the interpretation of the holy books and personal discovery and intuition. The present article, by using descriptive-analytical method, attempts to study the views of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli about "Quality World" based on Glasser's choice theory. In the mystical literary discourse, the "Quality World" is important because the mystics, by drawing a picture of their ideal world, have led their followers to an accessible world; however, sometimes their ideal world is an abstract and inaccessible one. They depict their lived experiences in metaphorical language and interpret a surreal world in their realist texts. Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani and Ruzbehan Baqli describe the "Quality World" with terms such as "divine majesty", "Face of God", "archangelic world", "the garden of eternity" and "eternal world"; in this world, the connection with the Almighty and the annihilation of God is realized. These two mystics change the mental images of people by using a variety of descriptive methods and lead them to a qauality world - albeit an abstract one - in which inherent desires, such as calmness and meaningfulness of life, prevail. Manuscript profile
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        562 - The Influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani on Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini, Regarding Their Epistemological Views in Tamhīdāt and Bahr al-Maani
        Kazem Asghary Somayyeh Khādemi
        Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini in his book Bahr al-Maani (The Sea of Meanings) pays considerable attention to epistemological issues. The purpose of the present article is to explain his the epistemological views and to examine the influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamada More
        Mohammad Nassir-a-din Makki Hosseini in his book Bahr al-Maani (The Sea of Meanings) pays considerable attention to epistemological issues. The purpose of the present article is to explain his the epistemological views and to examine the influence of Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani's Tamhīdāt on his ideas. This study has been done by using descriptive-analytical method and based on library resources. The findings show that Mohammad Makki not only in content, but also in words and phrases, has been influenced by the epistemological views of Ayn al-Quzat. Both mystics have distinguished between inward knowledge and outward knowledge, and have considered outward knowledge as the divine knowledge that mystics receive it due to their degree of unshakable faith in God. According to both of them, man can attain divine knowledge through self-knowledge and the knowing of the prophet Muhammad; but knowing the divine essence is not possible and one can only know about divine names, attributes and acts. They speak of the existence of an obstacle (hejab) in knowing God and believe that this obstacle will not be completely removed; and for some reasons such as  content, human limitations and religious limitations, the inability of the audience to understand the concepts and the issue of confidentiality, the divine teachings are inexpressible. These topics are covered in more detail in Bahr al-Maani than in Tamhīdāt. Manuscript profile
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        563 - The Functions of Farr in Mohammadreza Yousefi's Adaptations of Shānāmeh; A Bio-Oriented Approach
        zahra parsapoor fateme mohamadzade
        The concept of Farr, as one of the mythological ideas, refers to the relationship between humans and nature. Those who believed in myths believed that Farr, or the divine power, exists in all beings, both human and animal, and causes them to perfect their functions. In More
        The concept of Farr, as one of the mythological ideas, refers to the relationship between humans and nature. Those who believed in myths believed that Farr, or the divine power, exists in all beings, both human and animal, and causes them to perfect their functions. In Shānāmeh, this power is sometimes associated with animal symbols, highlighting the synchronization of humans and nature in establishing order and preserving nature from the power of anti-nature during mythological times. The present article, using a descriptive-analytical method, focuses on the function of Farr in Mohammadrezā Yousefi's adaptations of Shānāmeh, written for children and teenagers. In his works, Farr, in the form of animals such as a bird (Spida) and a lamb (Farhan), creates order and saves both humans and nature from the elements of antinature, such as Divan (demons), drought, and severe cold. The research shows that Yousefi has presented Farr's animal symbols in a mythological way for his audience with a bio-oriented approach. In these works, Farr is a part of nature that fights against evil, restores order, and helps in the survival of both humans and non-humans. In later historical periods, the role of Farr changes, and it is placed at the service of political and social order.  Manuscript profile
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        564 - Satan in Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni's Mystic Thought
        خدابخش اسداللهی
          According to Qurānic teachings, Satan (Iblis) fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honor Adam when he was ordered to do so. Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni (1098–1131), Persian mystic, presents a different interpretation of this event. He More
          According to Qurānic teachings, Satan (Iblis) fell from divine grace by his act of disobedience in refusing to honor Adam when he was ordered to do so. Ain-al Quzat Hamedāni (1098–1131), Persian mystic, presents a different interpretation of this event. He believes that the Devil's act of disobedience is the result of his true love for God and the Divine determination. According to Ain-al Quzat, there are two lights: the black light of the Devil and the light of Muhammad. These lights, created by God, both are necessary for the world of existence.  Manuscript profile
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        565 - Persian Poetry and Archetypes: A Constructive Approach to Shāmlū's Poetry
        ابوالفضل حرّی
          By considering the meaning of archetype and myth, in the present article attempt is made to show the relationship between the two in some selected poems by certain Persian classic and modern Poets. Then, based on Jungian concepts – conscious, unconsious an More
          By considering the meaning of archetype and myth, in the present article attempt is made to show the relationship between the two in some selected poems by certain Persian classic and modern Poets. Then, based on Jungian concepts – conscious, unconsious and collective unconscious – the role of archetype in the works of the contemporary Persian poet, Ahmad Shāmlū (1925-2000) is demonstrated.     Manuscript profile
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        566 - The Unveilings of Lāhijī in Sharh-e Gulshan-e Rāz
        علی محمد پشتدار محمدرضا عباسپور خرمالو
            Muslim mystics believe that true understanding is the lifting of the veils that obscure the face of the heart. Also, they believe that unveiling is a mode of knowledge superior to reason. Mohammad Lahiji (d. 912/1506), the Persian mystic, in Sharh-e Gul More
            Muslim mystics believe that true understanding is the lifting of the veils that obscure the face of the heart. Also, they believe that unveiling is a mode of knowledge superior to reason. Mohammad Lahiji (d. 912/1506), the Persian mystic, in Sharh-e Gulshan-e Rāz, a commentary on the Gulshan-e Rāz of Mahmud Shabestari, speaks about his ten unveilings. In this article these unveilings are analyzed in the light of Islamic mysticism.     Manuscript profile
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        567 - Popular Culture in the Works of M. A. Bahmani & H. Monzavi
        سهراب برگ بیدوندی معصومه عیسی وند
          The present article studies the works of two Iranian contemporary poets, Mohammad Ali Bahmani and Hosein Monzavi, and tries to examine the role of popular culture in their poems.    
          The present article studies the works of two Iranian contemporary poets, Mohammad Ali Bahmani and Hosein Monzavi, and tries to examine the role of popular culture in their poems.     Manuscript profile
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        568 - The Influence of Ibn Arabī’s Thoughts on Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh
        جمشید جلالی شیجانی
          Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh (1392-1464), Khorasanian mystic and the founder of Noorbakhshiyye Order, is influenced by Ibn Arabī (1165-1240), the famous Islamic mystic. The present article, by considering the thoughts and discussions of Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh More
          Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh (1392-1464), Khorasanian mystic and the founder of Noorbakhshiyye Order, is influenced by Ibn Arabī (1165-1240), the famous Islamic mystic. The present article, by considering the thoughts and discussions of Seyyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh, tries to show the very influence of Ibn Arabī on the subjects of "unity of Being", "the Seal of saintship" and "the Perfect Man".   Manuscript profile
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        569 - Function of Mirror in the Works of Mawlavi and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani: A Comparative Study
        azim hamzeiyan somaye khademi
        In the works of Muslim mystics, mirror has a wide presence. According to historical documents, mirror has been used symbolically by Imam Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā, for first time to explain mystical monotheism. In prose and verse works of Muslim mystics, it is used for More
        In the works of Muslim mystics, mirror has a wide presence. According to historical documents, mirror has been used symbolically by Imam Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā, for first time to explain mystical monotheism. In prose and verse works of Muslim mystics, it is used for explanation of manifestation and presence of God and pantheism. As a mystical symbol, mirror is highly noticed in the works of Mawlavi (Rumi) and Ayn al-Quzat Hamadani. The application of mirror in these works can be analyzed in three stages: mystical ontology, mystical cosmology and mystical anthropology. Ayn al-Quzat uses the metaphor of mirror to express the inability of human reason in understanding God, the role of perfect man and being mirror-like in reflecting the reality, but Rumi uses the metaphor widely and has a different expression. He emphasizes on the role of perfect man and being mirror-like, refers to the mystical issues such as Divine names and attributes, pantheism and manifestation of God, and speaks about light and color which are related to symbol of  mirror. Manuscript profile
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        570 - Vasl and Infesal according to the Poets of Mamluks-Ottomans
        روح االله صیادی نژاد مریم آقاجانی
          According to Islamic mysticism, the holy traveler (sālek) has to separate himself from everything other than God (infesāl) and form a communion with the Beloved (vasl). Prophet Muhammad is the mediator between the Creator and the Created, and this is the reality More
          According to Islamic mysticism, the holy traveler (sālek) has to separate himself from everything other than God (infesāl) and form a communion with the Beloved (vasl). Prophet Muhammad is the mediator between the Creator and the Created, and this is the reality of the Prophet (Haqiiqat Muhammadiyyah). Considering the mystic tendencies in the age of the Mamluks-Ottomans, the present article studies the concepts of "infesāl" and "vasl" in the thoughts of the poets and mystics of this period..   Manuscript profile
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        571 - “Anthropos Teleios” From Ibn Arabi’s Point of View
        Morteza Shajari
          ‘Anthropos Teleios’ (Perfect Man) is a key concept in Islamic mysticism. The ‘Perfect Mon’ is the place of theophany and Divine unveiling. Creation depands on the ‘Perfect Man’ and ends with him. He is the center of ‘cir More
          ‘Anthropos Teleios’ (Perfect Man) is a key concept in Islamic mysticism. The ‘Perfect Mon’ is the place of theophany and Divine unveiling. Creation depands on the ‘Perfect Man’ and ends with him. He is the center of ‘circle of existence’ and cosmos. In this article, the concept of ‘Anthropos teleios’ (Perfect Man), from Ibn Arabi’s point of view, as well as his predecessors’ ideas, will be discussed.     Manuscript profile
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        572 - The Mystical Stages in Manteq-al Tyr of Attar and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A Comparative Study
        Ali Sādeghi Shahpar Rezā Sādeghi shahpar
        Mystical stages in Yoga Sutras are eight stages,and in Manteq-altayr of  Attar are seven places. The pilgrims of both of these paths begin their works with religious law, ethics and discipline rules to reach to the more subtle stages of mysticism. After passing the More
        Mystical stages in Yoga Sutras are eight stages,and in Manteq-altayr of  Attar are seven places. The pilgrims of both of these paths begin their works with religious law, ethics and discipline rules to reach to the more subtle stages of mysticism. After passing these stages, the pilgrims achieve the “unity”, or a kind of “Fanā” (i.e. annihilation) in Manteq- altayr, and “Samadehi” in Yoga; the difference between them lies in the fact that the pilgrim of Islamic mysticism seeks unity with God, but the pilgrim of Yoga seeks unity with himself. This article tries to compare mystical doctrine in Yoga Sutras and Manteq-altayr to show their similarities and differences.   Manuscript profile
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        573 - Archetype in the Poems of Ahmad Shāmlū: A Pragmatic Approach
        parvane delavar mohamad ali gozashti alireza salehi
        Archetype is a hidden structural tendency that shows the contents and dynamic processes of a collective unconscious. Archetypes can be studied in different contexts: dreams, myths, religion and literature. The present article, based on the concept of "pragmatic meaning" More
        Archetype is a hidden structural tendency that shows the contents and dynamic processes of a collective unconscious. Archetypes can be studied in different contexts: dreams, myths, religion and literature. The present article, based on the concept of "pragmatic meaning", tries to study the most prominent archetypes - such as anima, land, city/home, water - in the poems of Ahmad Shāmlū (1925-2000). So, the ideological layers of the poems are considered as an outer-context factor, showing their mythological and epic function. Manuscript profile
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        574 - "Wisdom Mads" in Masnavi Manavi
        هاتف سیاهکوهیان
          In the Islamic tradition, Bohlool is the symbol of "wisdom mad". He was a well known judge and scholar, and companion of the Imām Musa al-Kadhimin. According to the Imam's order he acted insanely inorder to save his own life. Nevertheless, people acknowledged hi More
          In the Islamic tradition, Bohlool is the symbol of "wisdom mad". He was a well known judge and scholar, and companion of the Imām Musa al-Kadhimin. According to the Imam's order he acted insanely inorder to save his own life. Nevertheless, people acknowledged his superior wisdom and excellence. In Persian Literature, many of his stories are narrated and have been inspiring for Persian poets. Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi, in his Masnavi Manavi, has referred to this character and narrated some stories about "wisdom mads". In this article, with regard to the Book II of Masnavi Manavi and the story of Zu'l Nun, a mystic that acted mad, the personality of this character is studied.     Manuscript profile
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        575 - The Man, the Locus of Theophany of Quran: the Thoughts of Imadaddin Nasīmī
        مهدی تدین نجف آبادی علی رمضانی
          Hurufīyya was a mystical sect that was formed after Mongol invasion in later 14th and early 15th century. Their teachings took root in Ismailism and belief in  symbolic interpretation of Scriptures.  Imadaddin Nasīmī (14th-century), the most famous an More
          Hurufīyya was a mystical sect that was formed after Mongol invasion in later 14th and early 15th century. Their teachings took root in Ismailism and belief in  symbolic interpretation of Scriptures.  Imadaddin Nasīmī (14th-century), the most famous and learned poet of the sect, has presented the thoughts of Hurufīyya. He believes that the man is vicegerent of God on earth Earth and manifestation of Him. The m Man is the locus of theophany of Divine Names and Quran. In the present article, the thoughts of Imadaddin Nasīmī are entertained.   Manuscript profile
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        576 - The Concept of Love in the Story of Sheikh San'an (by Attār Neishapouri) and the Fantasy Play of Sheikh San'an (by M. H. Meymandinejad) Based on Robert Sternberg's Ideas
        Mohammadrezā Rasouli Parisā Kiomarsi
          The concept of love has been discussed in literature, but the cited theories have not been employed for its analysis. Love is one of the concepts that writers have paid attention to it in order to create their works. Attār Neishapouri is one of those who hase sp More
          The concept of love has been discussed in literature, but the cited theories have not been employed for its analysis. Love is one of the concepts that writers have paid attention to it in order to create their works. Attār Neishapouri is one of those who hase spoken much of the concept of love in his works. In Mantegh-Al-Tayr and in its anecdotes, he presents a special kind of love. One of these anecdotes is the story of Sheikh San'an, in which love is introduced as an effective element in advancing the story. In the dramatic literature of Iran, much attention has been paid to this story due to its interesting features. In contemporary era, Mohammad Hossein Meymandinejad has adapted the fantasy play of Sheikh San'an from Attar's story. In the present article, at first, Robert Sternberg's theory of love is considered and then, based on Sternberg's theory, the anecdote of Sheikh San'an and the fantasy play of Sheikh San'an by Meymandinejad are examined in order to distinguish the dimensions of love in these two works.   Manuscript profile
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        577 - Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi and the Problem of Fate and Freedom
        ناصر نیکوبخت
            The problem of reconciling predestination (jabr) and free will (ekhtiyār) has preoccupied the minds of many Islamic theologians. Shi'ism holds an intermediate position between the Ash'arite and al-Jahmiya predestination and the Mu'tazilite doctrine of fr More
            The problem of reconciling predestination (jabr) and free will (ekhtiyār) has preoccupied the minds of many Islamic theologians. Shi'ism holds an intermediate position between the Ash'arite and al-Jahmiya predestination and the Mu'tazilite doctrine of freedom (tafwid). Mowlānā Jalāl-al Din Balkhi, the Persian mystic, is an Ash'arite himself, yet his deep mystical inclinations give a different color to this central issue of Kalam (Islamic theology). Considering his ideas about "Love", this article studies Mowlānā's method in solving the problem of jabr and ekhtiyar.     Manuscript profile
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        578 - The Outlook of Rūmī and the Function of Quranic Verses and Hadiths in Masnavi Mulavi; a Study Based on the Transitivity System
        Ashraf Sheibāni Aghdam Mohammadali Ghozashti Rāheleh Gholāmi
        The present article focuses on the relationships among choices, linguistic models, ideologies and the power of hidden connections in Masnavi Mulavi. The article considers Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī’s dealing with values and main thoughts expressed in Quranic verse More
        The present article focuses on the relationships among choices, linguistic models, ideologies and the power of hidden connections in Masnavi Mulavi. The article considers Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī’s dealing with values and main thoughts expressed in Quranic verses and Hadith based on critical discourse analysis approach and Michael Halliday’s theory of the transitivity system of functional grammar. So, based on Halliday’s theory of systemic functional grammar, it is analyzed and categorized the couplets of Masnavi Mulavi which refer, implicitly or explicitly, to Quranic verses and Hadiths. The ideological contents of the couplets show that according to this mystical text, God’s will rules in all things. The core and the semantic center of processes used in the verses of Quran and Hadiths are “relational process”. On the other hand, the Verses and Hadiths including one distinct process can refer to several processes, or vice versa, several processes can be reduced to one. Thus, it is emphasized on educational aims.   Manuscript profile
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        579 - The concept of Haghīghat Muhammadiyyah in Mystical Texts
        فاطمه کوپا
          According to Islamic mysticism the prophet Muhammad is the mediator between the Creator and the created, the perfect man, the first Intellect, the Pole of the Poles (Ghotb al aghtab) and this is the reality of the Prophet (Haghīghat Muhammadiyyah). He is the rea More
          According to Islamic mysticism the prophet Muhammad is the mediator between the Creator and the created, the perfect man, the first Intellect, the Pole of the Poles (Ghotb al aghtab) and this is the reality of the Prophet (Haghīghat Muhammadiyyah). He is the reality of the entire created world and human beings in the actual world are subject to the Reality insofar as they transformed from virtuality into actuality in accordance with their predetermined forms in the Haghīghat Muhammadiyyah. Also, he is the first form through which the Absolute manifested itself. The present article, along with considering Anis al-Arefin, tries to analyze the concept of Haghīghat Muhammadiyyah.   Manuscript profile
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        580 - Interaction of Language and Meaning in Ghazālī's Sawāneh; Based on Jakobson's Communication Theory
        toroj aghdai fateme bda khavidi
        Language is the only means of depicting the sense world. Everyone understands the world in his/her own way and describes it with a special language. In the same fashion, the language used in Sawāneh, written by Ahmad Ghazālī, expresses the unique experiences of him. Bas More
        Language is the only means of depicting the sense world. Everyone understands the world in his/her own way and describes it with a special language. In the same fashion, the language used in Sawāneh, written by Ahmad Ghazālī, expresses the unique experiences of him. Based on the Jakobson's communication theory, the present article tries to consider the aesthetic message of Sawāneh, and show that despite using language as a means for communication, the meaning expressed in the language and the understanding of it are delayed in the text. The meaning and understanding are delayed because the writer tries to employ aesthetic means of language. At the same time, for considering the literal content of the text we refer to anecdote, allegory, simile, personification and metaphor as the most important means used to change language to literature. Manuscript profile
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        581 - Rūmī’s Literal Approach to Embodiment of Actions
        Bahādor Namdārpour Alirezā Pārsā S. Ali Alamolhodā MohammadSādeq Vāhedifa
        Embodiment of actions is an expression that explains reward and punishment of people’s good or bad deeds on the Day of Judgment. In Islamic theology, two different interpretations have been proposed to explain it: a-figurative interpretation, b-literal interpretat More
        Embodiment of actions is an expression that explains reward and punishment of people’s good or bad deeds on the Day of Judgment. In Islamic theology, two different interpretations have been proposed to explain it: a-figurative interpretation, b-literal interpretation. Approving any of these two views affects human beliefs, behavior and changes one’s view about the Day of Resurrection. Approving literal interpretation leads to strengthen the faith to the Day of Judgment, to acceptance of being certain Divine reward and punishment and to manage one’s behavior and views. By using the descriptive-analytical method, the authors of the present article try to consider embodiment of actions, the advantage of literal interpretation over figurative one and to study Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī’s literal interpretation about embodiment of actions. As a result, Rūmī’s literal account of embodiment of actions is reasonable; it explains better the Divine reward and punishment and shows the influence of man's good and bad deeds in the hereafter. Manuscript profile
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        582 - Heavy metal (Pb,Cd) levels in muscle and liver of Pomadasys kakaan in Hormozgan province (Bandar abbas)
        M. S. Sadeghi M. Emtiazju R. Daghighi Rohi
        This study was carried out to determine the heavy metal content ( Pb and Cd) in muscle and liver tissues of Pomadasys kakaan   in Bandar Abbas during winter 2011 and summer 2012. After biometry of the fish, muscle and liver tissues were separated. The amount o More
        This study was carried out to determine the heavy metal content ( Pb and Cd) in muscle and liver tissues of Pomadasys kakaan   in Bandar Abbas during winter 2011 and summer 2012. After biometry of the fish, muscle and liver tissues were separated. The amount of Pb and Cd were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Varian model GTA 100). Based on the results, the average concentration of Pb and Cd in liver tissues were observed to be 0.1334±0.0234 and 0.0255±0.0077 µg/g respectively and in muscle tissues 0.0439±0.0106 and 0.0041±0.0007 µg/g, respectively. The difference between the average concentration of Pb and Cd in liver and muscle tissues is significant (P<0.05). Average accumulation of Pb and Cd in liver and muscle tissues were not difference significantly between two seasons (P>0/05). The comparison of the results with permissible limits of WHO and EPA showed that the concentrations of these metals are low. Manuscript profile
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        583 - Narration of Realism in the Stories of PezeshkZad
        Afsaneh Sehati Gorgan Monireh Ahmad Soltani
        The purpose of this article is to examine the narrative of realism in two works by Iraj Pezeshkzad. One of those works is Uncle John Napoleon, which is usually considered as a satire because of its humor, but the author tries from a realistic point of view, that is, the More
        The purpose of this article is to examine the narrative of realism in two works by Iraj Pezeshkzad. One of those works is Uncle John Napoleon, which is usually considered as a satire because of its humor, but the author tries from a realistic point of view, that is, the reality of people and events and their narration taking into account the situation and circumstances of the narrator. That is the main point of this article. Another work that will be examined is Haj Mohammad Jafar in Paris, which deals with the memories of an Iranian businessman on a trip to Paris. Since the events and characters are real and the narrator of the story observes the actions and behavior of people from the beginning to the end, the author has tried to narrate the work in terms of realism. It is noteworthy that this work is not without humor, but because it happened at some point in time, the author has dealt with the real aspects of the story and proved that the style of this story is realism. Manuscript profile
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        584 - Gerard Genette’s theory and the study of temporality in Mohammadi novels
        sara abdoli Alieh Yousef Fam Shervin Khamseh
        One of the special features of oral narratives is the element of "time" as the most basic characteristic factor that represents it, i.e. "language" and what is revealed, i.e. "story". ", is studied in the narrative text. In this research, according to the approach of "G More
        One of the special features of oral narratives is the element of "time" as the most basic characteristic factor that represents it, i.e. "language" and what is revealed, i.e. "story". ", is studied in the narrative text. In this research, according to the approach of "Gérard Genette", who presents his theory in the three axes of order, continuity and frequency, the category of "time in the narrative" with descriptive-analytical method in the three novels of "Mohammed Hossein Mohammadi" ", the Afghan and immigrant writer was investigated. Since the time of narration is of special importance in Mohammadi's stories, which are written in a realistic style, "Mohammadi" tried to apply this narrative method in his narrative statements in all his works. Based on the timing, he narrated his stories with negative acceleration. Novels in which the narrator or in other words the main character of the story are women, have a negative momentum. The tense and hindsight are seen with the same frequency in male and female narrators. Manuscript profile
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        585 - Modern literary style of Mohammad -Ibn- Movaylehy in Hadith -e- Isa-Ibn-e- Hisham
        katayoun fallahi zahra mohajer noee
        Mohammad -Ibn- Movaylehy (1323 AH = 1906 AD) is a talented writer of nineteenth century. He was a reform writer that create a masterb piece named Hadith -e- Isa-Ibn-e- Hisham.This work is  real examples of Egyptian society in the nineteenth century that Movaylehy l More
        Mohammad -Ibn- Movaylehy (1323 AH = 1906 AD) is a talented writer of nineteenth century. He was a reform writer that create a masterb piece named Hadith -e- Isa-Ibn-e- Hisham.This work is  real examples of Egyptian society in the nineteenth century that Movaylehy like a sociologist with accurate knowledge of community drew a modern fictional style. The content of this story indicated Movaylehy liberal thought is realistic manner. Movaylehy’s style, in this book is using simple and new words. The results of the present article can be mentioned: Movaylehy with an understanding of social and political situation in Egypt in nineteenth century,  Tried to use art fully story writing technique to comment thoughts and feelings. Though his writing story writing technique is not mature European story But tried the element of his history should be close to the European story. The presence of social satiricalanecdotes that show the class conflict in egyption society and Attention to the scientific content in accordance with current knowledge other points. Manuscript profile
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        586 - The prophet of Islam in shakkour’s epic poem
        Zahra khosravi Fatemah al-sadat arfa
        The contemporary Christian literary figure of Lebanon, George Shakkour, is especially sincere to God's Messenger (PBUH) and his family. His works include "Malhame al-Rasoul (PBUH) (An Epic Poetry on the Messenger)" composed in more than 1000  verses mentioning the More
        The contemporary Christian literary figure of Lebanon, George Shakkour, is especially sincere to God's Messenger (PBUH) and his family. His works include "Malhame al-Rasoul (PBUH) (An Epic Poetry on the Messenger)" composed in more than 1000  verses mentioning the historical events of God's Messenger (PBUH) life from birth to death. Shakkour has represented God's Messenger (PBUH) as friendship and kindness messenger in this epic poetry, and has recognized him as the heir to previous messengers following their methods and styles. He emphasizes that God's Messenger(PBUH) have had peculiarities making him deserve the prophetic mission and be acceptable by people beforehand. Meanwhile, Shakkour has outlined The Messenger's moral virtues and peculiarities, and praises his safekeeping, honesty, loyalty to promise and contract, and his patience and perseverance.                                    Manuscript profile
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        587 - Fictional role and function of heroes, villains and assistants in the tales of Samad Behrangi based on the theory of Prop
        Zeinab Sarmadi Torab Jangi Ghahreman
        This study examine the fictional role and functions of heroes and villains in folk tales according to the works of Samad Behrangi and according to Propp’s theory and also examine classification or idolize of heroes and villains and analyze and explain the role and More
        This study examine the fictional role and functions of heroes and villains in folk tales according to the works of Samad Behrangi and according to Propp’s theory and also examine classification or idolize of heroes and villains and analyze and explain the role and fictional role of heroes and villains in mentioned works. Samad Behrangi is a contemporary writer that influenced by folklore and Azeri national literature has written stories for children in the field of social issues and since in folk tales structure of text fined identity in confrontation between the hero and villains and the role of heroes in the stories is fighting with evil and villains characters and role of villains is the stories is creating type of disaster or making damage and loss, according to this role and fictional function of heroes and villains in the works of Samad Behrangi  are described and analyzed and some tables have been drawn. Therefore, according to the performed studies, it can be concluded that the heroes and the villains in these works have a simple and uniform state that is less transformative and the heroes are more likely to reach out with external factors and goals and also in some cases overlapping of the role of the villains and assistants can be observed.  Manuscript profile
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        588 - Realism in new poetry
        Ahmad Khiyali Khatibi Tina Niknam
        realism as a creative manner, a phenomenon that at a certain stage of historical evolution of human thoughtWhen people desperately need to understand the nature and direction of social evolution found When people first, and then vaguely conscious of the fact discovered More
        realism as a creative manner, a phenomenon that at a certain stage of historical evolution of human thoughtWhen people desperately need to understand the nature and direction of social evolution found When people first, and then vaguely conscious of the fact discovered The actions and thoughts of excitement caused by rogue or not the divine plan, but the real reason, or if the closer we are to the source material, appeared. Made in the impartiality of the school of real life people and entities subject to the artisans, workers and oppressed people around picks and tells their story. In this retelling of the story of the events and their natural history and the course of events without the author's written by the author to his story that broughtSoBrqydh realist writers, in fact breathe events (no fiction writer) is located. , Poets and Writers Iranians use this school and they have paid off in terms of realism to the art. poets of Iran (Ahmad Shamlou, Mehdi Akhavan, SiavashKasraei, Hamid Mosaddegh) Manuscript profile
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        589 - An Adoptive Analysis on the Romanticism Components in the Poems of Ahmad Shamlu and Nazar Ghabani
        Shima Sadeghi Benis Masoumeh Sadeghi
        Combining the literary thoughts and the poetic concepts of poets from different nations have been the wonders of literature regardless the the reflection of poem and literature on one specific nation. One of the functions of adoptive literature is to consider the effets More
        Combining the literary thoughts and the poetic concepts of poets from different nations have been the wonders of literature regardless the the reflection of poem and literature on one specific nation. One of the functions of adoptive literature is to consider the effets,similarities and differences. The present research is based on analytical-descriptive method and founded on American adoptive literature. The literary motifs of Ahmad Shamlu the Persian poet, and Nazar Ghabani,the Arab poet, have been studied in this article. The most important indicators of romanticism include imaginatio,individualism,turning to nature,love and thinking to death. Thus,they have been adopted in the poems of the two poets. The findings of the research indicate that the two poets have had deep power of imagination. Nazar has been more successful to apply the poetic surface structure and poetic  techniques.While,Shamlu has been more successful to affect his imagination on the words meanings and creating different concept and the deep structure. Other indications of romanticism on their poets is returning to nature and mingling love with nature.However,the type of love that Shamlu learned by nature is to love all humans,but Nazar thinks that it makes him feel closer to his lover. On another word;Iranian poets have a vast and global look toward nature ,whereas the Arab poet has a subjective and limited look. Moreover,the two poets have considered individualism and self- exploration in their poems Manuscript profile
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        590 - The Sociological Study of Badiozaman hamedanis Maqamat
        Katayoun fallahi Hadiseh motevalli
        Describe the characteristics of each community, is one of  the haracteristics offiction. So sociological approach to these works,Can bemappedto thesocietyof that time. Since Badi'ozaman stories reflect social conditions of the time, In this article we are going to More
        Describe the characteristics of each community, is one of  the haracteristics offiction. So sociological approach to these works,Can bemappedto thesocietyof that time. Since Badi'ozaman stories reflect social conditions of the time, In this article we are going to check Badi'ozaman stories, the overall outlook of the situation get the Abbasid era And to obtain general information of the period Manuscript profile
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        591 - A study of time element in novels of Mohammad Rahim Okhovvat based on views of Gennet
        Vida vafaee Manijeh Eghbali
        One of the major issues in the theory of structuralism dealt with the relationship between language, narration and the manifestation of "time" in the narration. Amongst the narratologists, Gérard Gennet has been suggested the most comprehensive discussion of the More
        One of the major issues in the theory of structuralism dealt with the relationship between language, narration and the manifestation of "time" in the narration. Amongst the narratologists, Gérard Gennet has been suggested the most comprehensive discussion of the components of time, as "Anachronism" between the story and the text that the temporal connection between them consist of three types:  1-discipline, 2. Continuity and 3. Frequency. This paper aims to analyze through the collected Stories of "Mohammad Rahim Okhovvat" including: "The problem Mr. understanding", "Not to be", "Names and shadows", "84 stories ","Watching "," The autumn "," Borderless of the borderless "," The spring ","The sun" and "doom or seven labors of life", from the viewpoint of "Time", based on the theories of the "Gérard Gennet".  A comparative study of the above works has been mentioned by the most concerning on the "time" with the views "of Gerard Gennet". As a result, the works "Mohammad Rahim Okhovvat" are mainly made of “scattered stories" or "pseudo-memories" rather than "novels". These stories have a reporting structure species and the least amount of complexity relating to time, place, and narration. The same subject, makes difficult matching the Gerard Gennet's theory and the views of "narration" particularly in the field of "Anachronism" in his works. In terms of "Time", the narrations of "Mohammad Rahim Okhovvat" are provided mainly from linear form, gestures or actions taken consecutive manner further to narrative complexity (in terms of Anachronism). Manuscript profile
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        592 - Sociological analysis of Mohammad Taghi Bahar's poems based on the theory of Henri Lefebvre
        Bahare Jalayer
        As a French sociologist, Marxist intellectual and philosopher, Henri Lefebvre has works and theories centered on dialectics, Marxism, everyday life, cities and social spaces. Mohammad Taghi Bahar is a poet who in most of his poems has paid attention to spatial creation, More
        As a French sociologist, Marxist intellectual and philosopher, Henri Lefebvre has works and theories centered on dialectics, Marxism, everyday life, cities and social spaces. Mohammad Taghi Bahar is a poet who in most of his poems has paid attention to spatial creation, different approaches of urban and rural sociology and different political thoughts. In this research, an attempt has been made to show the application of Henri Lefebvre's sociological theory in the poems of Mohammad Taghi Bahar with the descriptive- analytical method. The findings of the research show that Henri Lefebvre's theories are a link between physical space, nature, mental space, social space and imagination related to sensory phenomena. Some principles of Lefebvre's theory, which are also present in Divan Bahar, are: Social spaces, citizen's rights, society and author's intellectual background, depiction of city, inventions and productions. Manuscript profile
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        593 - Teaching of thinking as a writing, on the basis of Derrida’s critique on Foucault’s reading of the relation between reason and madness in Descartes' "Cogito"
        Bahman Karimzadeh
        The concept of thinking is one of the important issues in epistemology that philosophers and epistemologists have expressed different views on the nature of thinking and how relates to the reason. In this paper, we reconstruct the concept of thinking from Derrida's poin More
        The concept of thinking is one of the important issues in epistemology that philosophers and epistemologists have expressed different views on the nature of thinking and how relates to the reason. In this paper, we reconstruct the concept of thinking from Derrida's point of view through his critique on Foucault's reading of Descartes' "Cogito" and how relates to education. According to Foucault, Descartes excludes madness from thought, while Derrida believes that in Cogito, madness is only one case of thought (within thought). In Derrida's reading, Cogito is a zero point in which reason and madness are intertwined. While Foucault interprets Descartes as saying; I think, therefore I'm not mad, Derrida understands him as saying; Whether I am mad or not, Cogito, sum. Derrida, on the other hand, acknowledges that thinking is a kind of writing. Thinking; or the writing itself is possible only due to the absences and impossible situations, and rationality is possible only due to the irrationality, that is, madness. Derrida's writing is also made possible by a double connection with the teacher, Foucault's teaching; the teacher first of all, educates the students by providing the appropriate knowledge and way of thinking, and then the students challenge the teacher to think for themselves and create their unique voice. Manuscript profile
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        594 - Mohammed Arkoun and using post structuralism in critic of Islamic intellect
        Hameh Aliakbarzadeh Mostafa Soltani
        Mohammed Arkoun is one of foremost scholars in the Muslim World. His efforts to liberate Islamic history from dogmatic constructs have led him to a radical interpretation of traditional history. He is looking for a new approach to Islamic thought .Critique of Islamic Re More
        Mohammed Arkoun is one of foremost scholars in the Muslim World. His efforts to liberate Islamic history from dogmatic constructs have led him to a radical interpretation of traditional history. He is looking for a new approach to Islamic thought .Critique of Islamic Reason is Arkoun project He criticizes the Salafiism (fundamentalism), Orientalist and philological approaches. He has applied post-structuralist method and has been influenced by the modern French philosophers such as Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault. Arkoun has opposed dogmatism and Mythical – orthodoxy attitude in Islam by using archaeology and deconstruction. At this paper, we have explained and analyzed that how Arkoun has applied post structuralism in critique of Islamic intellect.  Manuscript profile
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        595 - Foreign policy strategy of Mohammed bin Salman and its security requirements for Iran
        Omid Azizyan Hossein Rafie Ali Akbar Jafari
        After entering the power system in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, made great changes to the Saudi foreign policy strategy. By leaving the traditional strategy of defensive policy, he conducts an offensive strategy against Iran and the middle east and north Africa re More
        After entering the power system in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, made great changes to the Saudi foreign policy strategy. By leaving the traditional strategy of defensive policy, he conducts an offensive strategy against Iran and the middle east and north Africa regions. Meanwhile, changing the coalition patterns in the region in the form of alliance with Israel, the NATO plan and trying to retain American military in the region has threatened national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, the present study aims to answer the question of what requirements the foreign policy strategy of Mohammad bin Salman in the region has created for the foreign policy and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? In this paper, "the security of the Copenhagen school" and "aggressive constructivism" have been used as a theoretical framework. Research methodology and data collecting are descriptive-analytical and library-documentary approaches. The findings indicate that the increasing closeness of Saudi to Israel, trying to create an Arab front along with Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, Riyadh 's attempt to move closer to the United States and bring this country to a wide contrast with Iran, has touched Iran 's national security at two levels of confrontation and detente. Manuscript profile
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        596 - Iran-china Relations under Ahmadinejad:The Look to East Policy and Structural
        Fariborz Arghavani Pirsalami
        In the framework of Ahmadinejad foreign policy to the Asian countries especially his look to east policy, china had highest status and influenced Iranian foreign policy but Iran-China relations never promoted to comprehensive cooperation level. This paper aims to find a More
        In the framework of Ahmadinejad foreign policy to the Asian countries especially his look to east policy, china had highest status and influenced Iranian foreign policy but Iran-China relations never promoted to comprehensive cooperation level. This paper aims to find answers to the question that why Iran- china relations could not to improve comprehensive cooperation under Ahmadinejad? Argues theoretical Challenges related to the look to east policy and structural challenges are the main causes of the position. Some instructions such as diversification of the diplomatic resources, decision – making solidarity, attention to multiplicity of diplomacy and balancing in relations with the west and the east can improve Iran- china relations. To evaluate the hypothesis, the article have three section: theoretical framework with emphasis on defensive realism, China position in Iran s Foreign policy after Islamic Revolution in general and Ahmadinejad Presidency and evaluation of challenges toward the look east policy and structural impacts. Manuscript profile
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        597 - A Comparative Study Of Nuclear Policy of president Ahmadinejad with the Nuclear discourse Of The Islamic revolution in Iran
        Akbar Ashrafi Mahdi Soltani Gerdframarzi
        AbstractThis research investigates nuclear discourse of president Ahmadinejad and compares it with discourse of the Islamic revolution in Iran. The research method is discourse analysis and theory of Laclaue and Mouffe is used for analysis of the topic. The research exp More
        AbstractThis research investigates nuclear discourse of president Ahmadinejad and compares it with discourse of the Islamic revolution in Iran. The research method is discourse analysis and theory of Laclaue and Mouffe is used for analysis of the topic. The research explains how nuclear discourse of Ahmadinejad government is articulated and hegemonized then the research compares it with discourse of the Islamic revolution based on speeches of Ayatollah Khamenei the leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran. The research finds that articulation of nuclear discourse of president Ahmadinejad is accommodated discourse of the Islamic revolution in signifiers such as definite right of the Iranian nation, independence, justice, prestige, resistance, development, national technology and peaceful purposes. While some analysts have tried to introduce Ahmadinejad's nuclear discourse as a different discourse from the discourse of the revolution, and in fact an extreme and irrational discourse, the findings of this paper show that both two discourses have been in the same line. Manuscript profile
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        Ali Ariapour
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        599 - Potential of Carbon Sequestration of Hammada salicornica Vegetation Type in Desert Areas (Case Study: South Khorasan, Iran)
        Hossein Tavakoli
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        Elaha Karami
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        601 - Analysis of Feed Carrying Capacity for Ruminant Livestock in Madura Island, Indonesia
        Sucik Maylinda Atiek Iriany Mashudi Mashudi Angga Mulyanto
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        Motahareh Esfandyari
      • Open Access Article

        603 - Forage Loss Valuation under Traditional Pastoralism in Arid to Semiarid Rangelands of Iran
        Azam Khosravi Mashizi Mohsen Sharafatmandrad
      • Open Access Article

        604 - Effectiveness of Range Management Plans in Middle Zagros Region from Viewpoint of Rangeland Experts
        Mehrdad Baharvandi Nourollah Abdi Abbas Ahmadi Hamid Toranjzar Saeed Gholamrezai
      • Open Access Article

        605 - Simulation Model for a Nomadic Animal Production System in Southern Iran
        Gh. R. Badjian Dahlan Ismail M. Sh. Othman A.A. Mehrabi
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        606 - Evaluation of Interception in Astragalus parrowianus, (Case Study: Gonbad Rangeland of Hamadan Province, Iran)
        Nasrin Kolahchi Mohsen Mohseni Saravi Ali Tavili Mohammad Jafari Ghassem Assadian
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        607 - The effect and confrontation of virtual social networks on the dimensions of national security of the discourse of the Islamic revolution (case study: Telegram channel of Amadanews)
        Sayyed Saeid Safavi Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani Mohammad Tohidfam
        The Islamic Revolution, as a discourse, has always been subject to various discourse conflicts that are carried out by competing and hostile discourses. In this research, one of the most important issues in this field, that is, national security, is considered in the di More
        The Islamic Revolution, as a discourse, has always been subject to various discourse conflicts that are carried out by competing and hostile discourses. In this research, one of the most important issues in this field, that is, national security, is considered in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution, and the effects of social networks on it have been investigated. In this research, Amad News Telegram channel has been investigated and analyzed using qualitative method and data obtained from field research (interview). The main question of this research is that what effects did this channel have on the internal dimension of national security of the Islamic Revolution during its activity?The findings show that, in the national dimension, Amadyaoz by "directing and deviating public opinion" and "creating duality" and at the "individual level" in two dimensions by encouraging "civil disobedience"&"individual departure against the system under the influence of this network's inductions". At the level of the government structure, mechanisms such as"destroying the internal and regional power of the system","creating erosion and costing the system","separation of the people, the system and the revolution"&"inducing corruption in all the elements of the system" are widely used to confront the discourse.The Islamic Revolution is used and in this way, it has faced a challenge to the national security and by intensifying the differences and insecurity, it has clearly had a negative and destructive effect on the national security in the internal dimension, and in general, it calls into question the whole discourse of the Islamic Revolution. Manuscript profile
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        608 - تبیین الگوی ارزیابی عملکرد مالی در بنگاه‌های کسب و کار
        فریدون رهنمای رودپشتی قدرت الله طالب نیا محمدرضا براتی
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        609 - Investigating the Calendar Effect of the Holy Month of Ramadan on the Capital Market: a Fuzzy Group Decision-making Approach
        Abdollah Noori Ata-o-llah Mohammadi Molgarni Iraj Norvesh
        Abstract In recent years, investors have realized that there are a number of irregularities (calendar effects) in the capital market through which additional returns can be obtained. In calendar irregularities, time is the factor that affects the capital market. Such e More
        Abstract In recent years, investors have realized that there are a number of irregularities (calendar effects) in the capital market through which additional returns can be obtained. In calendar irregularities, time is the factor that affects the capital market. Such effects are called calendar effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the calendar effect of the holy month of Ramadan on the most important features of the capital market. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey based on the nature and research method. The statistical population of this study includes university professors of accounting, analysts and trading experts in the Iranian capital market. In this study, using the research background and referring to eight experts and interviewing them, 6 indicators were identified as important features of the capital market that can be affected by the calendar effect of the holy month of Ramadan. Then, using 14 questionnaires, experts were asked to determine the causal relationships of these indicators. Finally, in order to explore the network of cause and effect relationships, to determine the degree of effectiveness and impact of each of the indicators and their prioritization, fuzzy hierarchical analysis, fuzzy dimtel approach and fuzzy TOPSIS were used. According to the results, capital risk is the most important indicator. This result indicates that this indicator is subject to severe changes during the holy month of Ramadan and it is necessary to pay attention to it. Then the indicators of trading volume, unsystematic risk, share return, liquidity risk and adjusted beta are important, respectively. Also, trading volume was recognized as the most effective indicator. Therefore, trading volume has a greater impact on other indicators. Also, non-systematic risk was identified as the most effective indicator. Manuscript profile
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        610 - Optimal Scheduling of CHP-based Microgrid Under Real-Time Demand Response Program
        Hamed Pashaei-Didani Kazem Zare Sayyad Nojavan
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        611 - Development of Fuzzy Random Optimization Model Mean-Developing a fuzzy random portfolio optimization model Considering Investor's Risk Attitude
        Hosein Didehkhani Ebrahim Abbasi Amir Shiri Ghehi Mohammad Moshari
        The purpose of this paper is to solve the stock selection problem for a portfolio with the least undesirable risk by solving the mathematical programming model in random fuzzy conditions. For considering the vague and uncertain environment of stock price rate of return, More
        The purpose of this paper is to solve the stock selection problem for a portfolio with the least undesirable risk by solving the mathematical programming model in random fuzzy conditions. For considering the vague and uncertain environment of stock price rate of return, a mixed uncertainty procedure was applied. Also MAD was aaplied as the risk measure for optimizing the portfolio model. This research is based on the Mean-Absolute Deviation (MAD) model and assuming that the stock return is a fuzzy random variable, it considers the attitude of investors to risk in the form of risk-averse and risk-seeking investors and an efficient mathematical model for selecting Optimal portfolio are provided. Eventually, with the help of the genetic algorithm, an attempt was made to generate a quest for solving a given model. In the following, the Pareto optimal solutions are obtained according to the desired criteria, the optimal answer is obtained. Manuscript profile
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        Sh. Sadigh Behzadi
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        613 - Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on the Yield and its Components of Madder in Saline Conditions
        Mohammad Javad Roosta Hossein Zeinali Mostafa Mirabzadeh Ardakani
        This study was to investigate the effects of urea and phosphate on madder in saline conditions at research farm of Isfahan Agricultural Research Center located in the city Rodasht was done. A factorial experiment with three replications and two factors in a randomized b More
        This study was to investigate the effects of urea and phosphate on madder in saline conditions at research farm of Isfahan Agricultural Research Center located in the city Rodasht was done. A factorial experiment with three replications and two factors in a randomized block design was designed. The first factor was urea with 4 levels of zero, 50, 100 and 150 kg/ha and the second factor was Triple Super Phosphate fertilizer with 4 levels of zero, 50, 100 and 150 kg/ha. Vegetative growth characteristics such as plant height, leaf dry weight, leaf area, panicle length and weight of 1000 fruit, shoot and root yield were measured. Analysis of variance in the third year, showed the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on plant growth characteristics of madder else the leaf area, panicle length and 1000 fruits weight was statistically significant. The highest yield of shoots was obtained due to application of 150 kg/ha urea and 150 kg/ ha triple super phosphate. The highest yield of roots was obtained due to application of 100 kg/ha urea and 100 kg/ ha triple super phosphate. Manuscript profile
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        614 - Effects of Irrigation-based Potassium Fertilizer on Leaf and Nut Nutrients of Two Pistachio Cultivars
        Afsaneh Shool Majid Esmaeilizadeh(new) Hamid Reza Roosta Hossein Dashti
      • Open Access Article

        615 - Evaluation of Salivary Oxytocin Level in Pregnant Women during Pregnancy in Fatemiyeh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran
        Zahra Karami Hamid Reza Abdolsamadi Lida Samie Shohre Alimohammadi Alireza Soltanian
      • Open Access Article

        616 - The Investigation of Abundance and Population Density of Mountain Racerunner (Eremias montanus) at Meydan Mishan of Hamadan Provine of Iran
        عماد رهبر نصرالله رستگارپویانی محمود کرمی علیرضا محمدی
        Many biological studies require the estimation of population density or population size are also needed to determine the size of specimens of species distribution pattern is used. So the purpose of this study that on the mountain racerunner at Alvand heights such as acc More
        Many biological studies require the estimation of population density or population size are also needed to determine the size of specimens of species distribution pattern is used. So the purpose of this study that on the mountain racerunner at Alvand heights such as accepted, determine the density and distribution pattern .this species is Thus only within a small Zagros Mountains in the provinces of Kermanshah and Hamadan has been reported, and a species is considered native to Iran. In this study, that from April to October 2010 while starting activity species after hibernation done, the study area to two A and B share .was the exact density of these methods line transect using the Hine estimate respectively 16.9 and 20.1 individuals per hectare and the estimated population of this species respectively 725 and 321 individuals was calculated. the most important factors in the difference density such Among areas of plant density, the pores and gaps, bait needed, slope and elevation was determined, the pattern of distribution of this species using chi-squared random obtained, using plot and test index of dispersion, chi-squared goodness of fitness and G-test of Williams distribution pattern cavities and prey was Random and distribution pattern plants was pile. Manuscript profile
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        617 - Decreasing Daily Salt Intake by Drinking Water before Thirst Stimulation
        F. Heydarpour S.N. Mousavinasab B. Moradi
        The current recommendations to reduce salt intake from 9 to 12 g/d to 5 to 6 g/d will have a major effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease but are not ideal. A minimal increase in the plasma osmolality of 1–2% induces thirst, hypovolemia, hypotension, and an More
        The current recommendations to reduce salt intake from 9 to 12 g/d to 5 to 6 g/d will have a major effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease but are not ideal. A minimal increase in the plasma osmolality of 1–2% induces thirst, hypovolemia, hypotension, and angiotensin II are the most known of thirst stimuli. Some of stimuli for thirst and salt appetite are common; hence, following stimulation of thirst, an increase in salt appetite occurred. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of water deprivation in Ramadan on daily salt intake in fasting people. 30 male fasting students were selected for the experiment and their 24 hours urinary sodium excretion was measured during one day of Shaban and Ramadan. An increase and decrease more than 15% in 24 hours urine sodium was considered as remarkable changes. 5 specimens were eradicated from the study due to previous recommendation about 24-h creatinine excretion. Changes in 24 hours urine sodium during Ramadan in comparison with Shaban were unremarkable in 7 subjects. Remarkable decrease and increase were observed in 10 and 8 subjects respectively. Similar to the effect of fasting on weight, blood pressure, and appetite, fasting has a double effect on salt consumption. As during fasting, other parameters affected fasted salt appetite, so the pure effect of thirst on salt appetite were covered by other parameters. Over and above, it can be mentioned if individuals consumes water more than usual before thirst stimulation and the intervals between drinking water is reduced, it will lead to salt appetite suppression. Manuscript profile
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        618 - Studying the Mohammadean Creation and Disposition in the Mathnavies of PersianPoetry ( from Sanaee to Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari )
        Rogayyeh Hadi Pour Maryam Mohammad Zadeh Ramin Sadeghi Nejad
        Abstract         Studying the different corners of prophet Mohammad's character, behavior and life is of great importance. The present research, by descriptive – analytic method, and with the help of documents from the text stud More
        Abstract         Studying the different corners of prophet Mohammad's character, behavior and life is of great importance. The present research, by descriptive – analytic method, and with the help of documents from the text studies the creation and disposition of prophet Mohammad in the mathnavies of Persian poetry from Sanaee to Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari. The findings show that, in these mathnavies, they have talked about the prophet's disposition and international aspects more than his appearance and physical traits. In Sanaee and Nezami's poetry more attention has been paid to prophet's physical description till the end of the sixth century and there is no sign of it in the 7th and 8th centuries in the Mathnavi, Sa'di, and Sheikh Mahmud Shabestari. Sanaee and Attar had the most intention to the disposition of the messenger specifications such as shadelessness illiteracy, having priority to the other prophets' inherent traits which have been praised in the mathnavies of this era, but emphasis on his superiority on all the universe has been dealt with more than other aspects and can be found in the poetry of all other poets. Manuscript profile
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        619 - Studying the Culture of Co-existence of the King and Social Classes in The Sayasat Nameh and The Nasihato Moluk
        Maryam Maysami Maryam Amir Arjomand
        Abstract        To the world which is always seeking peace and tranquility, co-existence has special importance. Interaction and the life of two people, two groups, the individual of a society even two countries with different races and be More
        Abstract        To the world which is always seeking peace and tranquility, co-existence has special importance. Interaction and the life of two people, two groups, the individual of a society even two countries with different races and beliefs, far from strife and war, were ideal for lots of politicians and writers and creating such society has led to offering theories to create utopia. By studying The Siarol Molk  from Khajeh Nezamol Molk and The Nasihatol Moluk from Imam Mohammad Ghazzali one can deduce that this subject was very valuable for these two clear-thinkers; and in this way the role of the Saljuq king, in the matter of injunction, cannot be overlooked. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the culture of co-existence from the view point of Saljuq Sagacious minister Khajeh Nezamol Molk and mystic teacher of the same era Emam Mohammad Ghazzali and their interaction with the king and the social classes. Manuscript profile
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        620 - Intertextuality of the Qur'anic Verses in the Transcription of "Gholshan" from Mohammad Rahim Kermani
        Seyyed Ya'ghoob Hosseini Maryam Mahmoodi
        Abstract         In fact, the intertextual relationship, studies the bonds of one text with the other past or present texts. Julia Christova was the originator of intertextuality. Later on Gerard Janet developed this idea and divided More
        Abstract         In fact, the intertextual relationship, studies the bonds of one text with the other past or present texts. Julia Christova was the originator of intertextuality. Later on Gerard Janet developed this idea and divided it to its subdivisions. Today, the intertextual technique is one of the most outstanding characteristics of poetical and textual structure. In this case, The Holy Qur'an as an ethereal source, is of the most significant sources which has inspired most of the writers and poets in the Islamic world. Mohammad Rahim Kermani, the writer of the ethical book " Gholshan ", and of the imitators of the Gulestan of Sa'di, has also utilized the intertextual technique. We have tried, in this article, by using the intertextuality and by employing analytical – descriptive method to investigate these impacts on the text of this book. The aim of this article is to reveal the approach and intertextual relations to highlight the didactic and ethic teachings of the Holy Qur'an. The attention of the author of the Gholshan to the Qur'an and utilizing it in numerous methods shows his presence of mind, the vastness of his knowledge, and indicates his commitment to religion. Mohammad Rahim Kermani, by using the Qur'an in his words has revealed the literary aesthetics elements in its best form. Manuscript profile
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        621 - Criticism on the Works of Ali Dashti and Mohammad Hejazi
        Mohammad Issa Zadeh Haji Agha
        Abstract          From the view point of the promulgation or limitations of Persian Literature, especially in story-writing field, the years 1320 – 1300 are of thorough significance. The liberal forces who considered thems More
        Abstract          From the view point of the promulgation or limitations of Persian Literature, especially in story-writing field, the years 1320 – 1300 are of thorough significance. The liberal forces who considered themselves the winners of constitution revolution, wished that the victory process and social structure be continued. But in front of them there were new powers that wanted to strengthen its bases. Struggling to attain power which existed in all ranks of society, had influence on the literature, too. The liberalists wanted to unmask the reality to the ordinary people; and the newly founded Pahlavi power wanted, by eliminating the impediment and suppressing the opposition, to legitimize its monarchy in the view of people. Both sides had understood the importance of literature, especially story-writing, and wanted to take benefits of its impact to develop their desires. Consequently, two types of literature and story-writing , with different purposes, were developed in Iranian society which can be called : court and folk literature. Senator Ali Dashti and Senator Motioddowleh Mohammad Hejazi were the leading figures of court literature and their only purposes were to entertain people and lead their minds to other problems including extravagant love and unbridled self-indulgence to divert people's attention from social problems. The stories of these two court writers, in this article, have thematically been investigated to show which of the problems were of importance in their ideas.  Manuscript profile
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        622 - Studying the So-called Shadelessness of Prophet Mohammad ( p. b. u. H ) in the Prophecy Exaltations
        Rogayyeh Hadipour Maryam Mohammad Zadeh Ramin Sadeghi Nejad
        Abstract         One of the claims posed about Prophet Mohammad ( p. b. u. H ) is his transparency which has been reflected about His creation and manner in Persian poetry especially in the prophecy exaltation Since the poets of Persi More
        Abstract         One of the claims posed about Prophet Mohammad ( p. b. u. H ) is his transparency which has been reflected about His creation and manner in Persian poetry especially in the prophecy exaltation Since the poets of Persian literature were to attribute the grandeur beyond the human power to the prophet, they have considered it as miracle. The main question of this paper is: Did the prophet really have shadow? To answer it, we have explored the subject in an attributive-analytic method of the Holy Qur'an, wisdom, and traditions' point of view. The findings of this research show that neither the Holy Qur'an nor the prophet were to prove of having such miracle on Him; and even logically it is not acceptable. Few traditions narrated by the two main sects of Islam are too baseless to be accepted and has to be disregarded Manuscript profile
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        623 - Exploration in the Novel of " Ahoo Khanom's Husband " Based on Albert Bandora's Theory in Social – Cognitive Learning
        Farhad Hamedi Kamran Pashaei Fakhri Parvaneh Adel Zadeh
        Abstract Since studying of the ideas of theoretician thinkers in the domain of learning and getting its implications can be used as a guide for researchers and those who are interested in the subject, the main focus of present research has been led to the study of Albe More
        Abstract Since studying of the ideas of theoretician thinkers in the domain of learning and getting its implications can be used as a guide for researchers and those who are interested in the subject, the main focus of present research has been led to the study of Albert Bandora's social-cognitive theory and logical extraction of its implications in the novel of The Ahoo Khanom's Husband written by Ali Mohammad Afghani .Also, the reason that we have chosen this theory is the extension of Bandora's ideas in social, cognition in the domain of learning. The question posed is : which components of social – cognitive theory of Bandora are seen in the above-mentioned novel? The method used in this paper is descriptive – analytic. Of the findings of present research, instances such as observational learning and the components like : attention, remembrance, recreation, and motivation based on which we have studied and analyzed Ahoo Khanom's Husband. All of these indexes have been extensively explained in the text. Manuscript profile
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        624 - The Components of National Identity in the Compositions of Aref Qazvini and Ahmad Showghi
        Tahereh Chaldarreh Ma'sumeh Sadeghi
        Abstract         National identity causes eternity and people's growth and transcendence in a country ; and its preservation is of the concerns of the rulers and politicians. Since the aim of the colonialists is the annihilation of th More
        Abstract         National identity causes eternity and people's growth and transcendence in a country ; and its preservation is of the concerns of the rulers and politicians. Since the aim of the colonialists is the annihilation of the national identity, and make them alien to their own identity, it is the duty of the poets and the writers and the thinkers to make the nation aware of these risks. Based on the current trend, in this article, the components of national identity in the works of the two revolutionary poets : Aref Qazvini and Ahmad Showghi – Iran and Arab poets, have been investigated by descriptive – analytic methods in the mold of political, historical and social approach. The attained results showed that these two distinguished poets emphasized specifically on the national parameters and identity and nationalism. Patriotism, combat against colonialism, adoration of militants, heroes, martyrs, and talking about the glories of the past are the exquisite themes of their compositions. Manuscript profile
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        625 - Designing a Strategic Model for Empowering Human Capital Using Interpretive-Structural Modeling Running title: Designing a Strategic Model for Empowering Human Capital
        Gholamreza Tondpour Reza Sepahvand Hojjat Vahdati Mahmoud Reza Esmaili
        With the advent of the knowledge-based economy, human capabilities are recognized as the most important and lasting competitive advantage for organizations in today's turbulent environments; Therefore, today the attention to the knowledge and skills of human resources a More
        With the advent of the knowledge-based economy, human capabilities are recognized as the most important and lasting competitive advantage for organizations in today's turbulent environments; Therefore, today the attention to the knowledge and skills of human resources and empower these irreplaceable assets in organizations is very necessary and undeniable. The purpose of this research is to design a strategic model for empowering human capital using an interpretive structural modeling technique in this regard. By reviewing the literature review of the comparative method, two categories of empowerment factors were identified in the small industries of the province, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad. In the following, after determining the levels of each of the factors as well as considering the final availability matrix, the final model of the interpretive structure of the drawing is rounded. The results showed that training and improvement variables, employee sharing in information and access to information, occupational enrichment, access to resources and equipment, monitoring and control, feedback, welfare facilities, replacement of holacaracy, knowledge management, salary management, participatory management, clarifying goals in the field of structural factors empowerment are the most influential and influential factors. Manuscript profile
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        626 - Foundations of the Belief and Intellectual of Owaisi Tariqat in Lataif Nafisiya
        Mohammad Ranjbar Khorram Makani Mehdi Famoori Jalil Nazari
        The book of Lataif Nafisiyah, by Ahmad bin Mahmoud Owaisi, is written in the 13th century AH in the praise of Owais Qarani. In this mystical work, in addition to describing the biography and praises of Owais Qarani, the author has also discussed the manners and intellec More
        The book of Lataif Nafisiyah, by Ahmad bin Mahmoud Owaisi, is written in the 13th century AH in the praise of Owais Qarani. In this mystical work, in addition to describing the biography and praises of Owais Qarani, the author has also discussed the manners and intellectual practices of the Owaisi Tariqat. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the beliefs and intellectual foundations of Owaisi in Lataif Nafisiya, which was done with library tools and in a descriptive-analytical way. In this article, the researcher is looking for an answer to the question that to what extent the author has reflected the manners of the Owaisi Tariqa. The result of the research shows that, while describing the life and circumstances of Owais Qarani, the author has mentioned many customs of the Owaisi Tariqat, such as dignity, veiling, seclusion, drinking poison, intelligence in the breath, watching one's step, silence and following the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The author has also described and interpreted many mystical terms. In addition to mystical interpretation and interpretation, he also explained many mystical terms. In the explanation and interpretation of these phrases, Owaisi has used less of his mystical experiences and in this case, he has relied more on the books, works and mystical thoughts of the elders of this field and has benefited from them Manuscript profile
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        627 - An analysis in "Umm-al-qura"Doctrine in the Foreign policy of IR.IRAN
        Mohammadreza Rashid kordestani Alireza Azghandi
        The subject of this article is the study of the Umm al-Qura theory (doctrine) of Mohammad Javad Larijani in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question in this article is: what is the doctrine of Umm al-Qura? In response to this question, the f More
        The subject of this article is the study of the Umm al-Qura theory (doctrine) of Mohammad Javad Larijani in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question in this article is: what is the doctrine of Umm al-Qura? In response to this question, the foreign policy environment is examined during its design period, its main assumptions and propositions are extracted, the concepts used in each proposition are defined based on the theorist's approach, and according to its civilized approach, the hierarchy of identity and the role of Islamic identity in it are determined. Next, the capabilities of this doctrine will be examined and in the end, this question will be addressed: How does the identity of foreign policy in this period construct and how do the interactive structures (micro) influence the identity of the agent (Islamic Republic)? The main hypothesis in this study is that the “Umm al-Qura doctrine” is the reflection of the effects of intersubjective, subjective and objective structures on the characteristics of the agent, especially on its identity as of the year 1984 onwards. Manuscript profile
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        628 - The approach of Iran's traditional and reformist intellectuals to Orientalism in the horizons of modernity
        ali bali
        Background and purpose: In Iran, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, while the modernist intellectuals who are familiar with the western culture, mainly look at modernization with the view of interaction and tolerance, and even tolerate its scientifi More
        Background and purpose: In Iran, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, while the modernist intellectuals who are familiar with the western culture, mainly look at modernization with the view of interaction and tolerance, and even tolerate its scientific and technological achievements, looked at the phenomenon and function of modernity and the vanguard of renewal with a view of error and opposition and considered it as an example of westernization. This essay tries to answer the question, "What was the quality of the intellectual confrontation of Iranian dissidents with regard to Orientalism and the arrival of modernism in the course of the 20th century?"Methodology: The methodological approach of this research is comparative and analytical and based on library sources.Findings and results: Modernity in its nature promoted the propositions of individuality, civil freedom and the importance of law. It seems that the approach of Iranian intellectuals to Orientalism was twofold; parallel to the fascination of some progressives towards the West and the manifestations of modernity, who considered westernization from head to toe as a necessity for the development and progress of society; At the same time, Iran's traditionalist intellectuals considered the first group's point of view to be xenophobia, westernization, and a colonial conspiracy and denied any interaction and tolerance with the West. It seems that during the years leading to the Islamic Revolution, the discourse of the later group became more influential and remained the dominant discourse of Iranian society for many years. Manuscript profile
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        629 - Coordinates of freedom in the opinions of Mohammad Taghi Misbah Yazdi and Daud Firhi
        saeed alizadah hasan shamsini ghiasvand Mohamad Porghorban
        The concept of freedom in Iran's intellectual field goes back to contemporary history. However, the jurisprudential-intellectual approach about it among Iranian thinkers is a newer phenomenon. Among recent Iranian thinkers and jurists, the mystery of freedom has always More
        The concept of freedom in Iran's intellectual field goes back to contemporary history. However, the jurisprudential-intellectual approach about it among Iranian thinkers is a newer phenomenon. Among recent Iranian thinkers and jurists, the mystery of freedom has always been the most challenging issue. The central question and purpose of this research is the jurisprudential-philosophical conflicts of Mohammad Taghi Misbah Yazdi and Dawood Firhi about freedom. Based on the analytical-descriptive analysis method, it can be said that both thinkers encountered freedom based on theological and jurisprudential intellectual foundations. . For this reason, such freedom thinkers consider the existence of freedom and will in human existence, which is necessary for the spiritual excellence of man. Misbah Yazdi's methodology is classical jurisprudence, but Firhi looks at Islamic texts and experience based on hermeneutic and postmodernist methods. Misbah Yazdi does not accept the assumptions of modern liberalism such as freedom as the goal of worldly life, rationalism and individualism as the bases of political-social freedoms, while Firhi emphasizes on external freedom and the implementation of the bases of political-social freedoms such as individualism. It emphasizes humanism, human rights and women's rights.. Manuscript profile
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        630 - Measuring the level of development in Borujerd rural districts using multi-criteria decision making (MADM) and GIS
        Fazlollah Esmaeili khodadad Mmehdi
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        631 - Historical Analysis of al-Wasīlah Sermon and al-Ṭālūtīyah Sermon
        Sayyed Mohammad Moosavinassab Mobarakeh Amidreza Akbari Asghar Montazerol Ghaem
        Al-Wasīlah Sermon and al-Ṭālūtīyah Sermon are two famous long sermons attributed to Imam Ali (as) in the Book al-Kāfī, which despite the strangeness of their isnads, no research has been done on their validation and rooting. Therefore, the question of the article is to More
        Al-Wasīlah Sermon and al-Ṭālūtīyah Sermon are two famous long sermons attributed to Imam Ali (as) in the Book al-Kāfī, which despite the strangeness of their isnads, no research has been done on their validation and rooting. Therefore, the question of the article is to what extent do the isnads and textual evidences confirm the authenticity of the collection of these texts? According to the results of the research, the texts and isnāds of the main narrator of the two sermons, Mohammad ibn Ali ibn Maʿmar, have many strange things, and among other things, in these sermons, through unknown narrators, he narrates themes contrary to Sunni beliefs from the Sunni celebrities through the unknown narrators. In terms of language, both sermons contain late words from the first century. The inconsistency of the introduction of the account with the text of the sermon, the anachronism of the date of the sermon, the lack of connection and disconnection of many parts of the sermon are other problems of the al-Wasīlah Sermon, and to some extent it can be seen in the al-Ṭālūtīyah Sermon. The sermon texts are a combination of a collection narratives, only some of which were attributed to Imam Ali (as); the formation of the final structure of those two probably has a single root and it was around the lifetime of ibn Maʿmar. Manuscript profile
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        632 - The effect of mycorrhizal fungi, water stress and year on flower yield and some characteristics of medicinal plant of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) in Yasouj region
        Ali Rahimi
        Identifying the critical time and timing of plant irrigation based on a precise and basic plan is the key to water conservation, improvement of irrigation operations and plant tolerance to water shortage in agriculture. In recent years, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal More
        Identifying the critical time and timing of plant irrigation based on a precise and basic plan is the key to water conservation, improvement of irrigation operations and plant tolerance to water shortage in agriculture. In recent years, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have been used in many plants to deal with dehydration and drought stress. In this regard, an experiment was conducted as split-plot in the form of randomized complete block design with 3 replications in the Yasuj region at years 2015 and 2016. Water stress was considered as the main factor in the form of irrigation after 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 mm of evaporation from the evaporation pan class A and mycorrhizal fungus was considered as a secondary factor in the form of no application, application of Glomus mosseae and application of Glomus intraradices. The results showed that the interaction of irrigation and mycorrhizal fungi on flower phosphorus, flower yield, biological yield and water use efficiency of Borage was significant. In irrigation levels after 60, 90, 120 and 150 mm of water evaporation from the evaporation pan, the use of mycorrhizal fungi Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices compared to the absence of fungi respectively increased the yield of plant flowers (30.04% and 27.35 %), (90.2% and 90.98%), (93.21% and 94.1%) and (81.73% and 78.86%), also, at these levels of irrigation, biological yield and water use efficiency of Borage flower achieved a significant increase in the presence of mycorrhizal fungus, compared to the absence of mycorrhizal fungus application. Application of both strains of mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices in irrigation levels after 90, 120 and 150 mm of water evaporation from the evaporation pan compared to no application of mycorrhizal fungus, respectively, resulted in a significant increase in the harvest index of Borage flower (44.55% and 43.36%), (13.21% and 15.96%) and (5.6% and 5.41%) and flower phosphorus (44.69% and 20.45%), (150% and 125%) and ( 267.74% and 235.48%). Mycorrhizal fungus was able to moderate the negative effects of drought stress and increase the above-mentioned traits in those irrigation levels, and based on the results of this study, irrigation treatment after 90 mm of water evaporation from the evaporation pan + the use of Glomus mosseae mycorrhizal fungi is recommended. Manuscript profile
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        633 - The Availability of Necessary Context for Developing Creativity among Librarians in Kohkiloye and Boyerahmad Province Based on the Oldham Model
        Razieh Darabi Arokhlo Mohammad Rahim Rasouli Azad Zahed Bigdeli
          Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the availability of the necessary context to develop creativity among librarians in public libraries of Kohkiloye and Boyerahmad province based on Oldham Model. The study also provides solutions for the d More
          Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the availability of the necessary context to develop creativity among librarians in public libraries of Kohkiloye and Boyerahmad province based on Oldham Model. The study also provides solutions for the development and growth of creativity in them. Measuring research method and data collection tools of questionnaire are based on the Oldham's model of creative ideas. The population was included all librarians of public libraries of Kohkiloye and Boyerahmad province who were all selected as members of the sample (82 persons). The data provided by research were analyzed by the way of descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 16 software.‌ To carry out statistical analyses, one-sample t-test and the Spearman's correlation test were used. Based on findings of research, the positive spiritual and mental status under the influence of work context and tendency to supplying and sharing creative ideas were average with mean index of 2.92 and 3.01 respectively and there weren’t significant difference. But the positive spiritual and mental status  affected by non-working contexts with the mean of 3.66 , the individual differences in terms of employment with the mean of 3.88, the individual differences in terms of  employment with the mean of 3.29 were higher than medium and there were significant difference. Also, the results showed that the underlying context for developing creativity among librarians in public libraries of Kohkiloye and Boyerahmad province with the mean index of 3.23 was  higher than average and there was significant difference Manuscript profile
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        634 - The Relationship between Organizational Health and Occupational Commitment of the staff of Education office Kohgilouye-va-Booyer-Ahmad province in 92-93
        mostafa bagherianfar mohammad javadipoor mojtaba Hajkhozeymeh AMIN Homayeni Damirchi
        This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational health and occupational commitment of education staff in different areas of Kohgilouye-va-Booyer-Ahmad province. The research method was descriptive and of correlation type. The statistical popul More
        This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational health and occupational commitment of education staff in different areas of Kohgilouye-va-Booyer-Ahmad province. The research method was descriptive and of correlation type. The statistical population consisted of 220 employers 140 members were selected through from whom stratified random sampling method. Moreover, Hoy-and-Feldman’s organizational health questionnaire (OHI) and the reseacher-made-occupational-commitment questionnaire were distributed among them. Face and content validity of the instruments were confirmed and their reliability was colluded in pilot study through Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient as 0.87 and 0.71 for the organizational health questionnaire and occupational commitment questionnaire respectively. Results of the present study were analyzed using descriptive statistics (calculating frequency, percentage, table editor, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, multivariate regression and analysis of variance) through SPSS (19). Findings show that there is a significant relationship between organizational health and occupational commitment at confidence region of and . Manuscript profile
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        635 - An Analysis of the Sociological Concept of Love in Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī‘s thoughts (Mowlānā)
        Amir Rahimi Dadmarzi Habibollah Ahaghabakhsi
        Abstract In recent years, the study of social problems have been seen as one of the most important parts of Persian literature texts which culminated in valuable works written in this field. The aim of this study was to analyze the sociological concept of love in Jalāl More
        Abstract In recent years, the study of social problems have been seen as one of the most important parts of Persian literature texts which culminated in valuable works written in this field. The aim of this study was to analyze the sociological concept of love in Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī‘s thoughts (Mowlānā). In this study, content analysis was used to analyze the data compiled.  The research method involved analyzing the works of Mowlānā and his thoughts were then compared and contrasted in terms of sociological viewpoints with other sociologists’ comments. The statistical population consisted of famous works of Mowlānā from which three important works (Masnavi, Divan-e Shams-e Tabrizi and Fihi Ma-Fihi) were selected as this study’s sample through targeted sampling. The results of the analysis suggests that Mowlānā is informing us that without love our social life would have no purpose or destination. Manuscript profile
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        636 - Mythological criticism of the symbol fairy and wind in Shahnameh and in the novel of Paribad written by Mohammad Ali Olomi
        azar daneshgar masoume zarekohan
        Since mythological criticism is related to many disciplines such as Anthropology, History of civilization Studies, Theology, Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies, it is counted as an interdisciplinary approach.  A critic in this genre of criticism studies and More
        Since mythological criticism is related to many disciplines such as Anthropology, History of civilization Studies, Theology, Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies, it is counted as an interdisciplinary approach.  A critic in this genre of criticism studies and analyzes all the archetypal signs present in the text which had influenced the creation of literary works whether consciously or unconsciously.  Paying attention to the application of this approach in recognizing the unconscious values of the text and analysis of its symbolic levels it seems that texts containing mythological references are more prone to this genre of criticism.  The novel Paribad written by Mohammad Ali Olomi is one such example.  This novel is filled with mythological themes whose author consciously or unconsciously was concerned about.  The purpose of this article is to study the important myths of this novel such as fairy, and wind and compare them with their counterparts in Shahnameh using analytic approach. The studies made indicates that these concepts were mentioned in Shahnameh regarded as pre-text and the author of the novel tries to reintroduce these myths in his work. Manuscript profile
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        637 - The impact of Tohfat al-Morshedin Men Hekayat al-Salehin on Nafahat al-Ons Men Hazarat al-Qods
        Mehdi Tadayon Maryam Parhiskari
        The most important Persian mystical book in the 9th century Hijri is Nafahat al-Ons Men Hazarat al-Qods written by Abdol al-Rahman Jami.  Since the specialists at the time were not aware of the existence of the unpublished Persian manuscript, Tohfat al-Morshedin Me More
        The most important Persian mystical book in the 9th century Hijri is Nafahat al-Ons Men Hazarat al-Qods written by Abdol al-Rahman Jami.  Since the specialists at the time were not aware of the existence of the unpublished Persian manuscript, Tohfat al-Morshedin Men Hekayat al-Salehin or due to the inconsistencies that existed in the content of this copy with that of Nafahat al-Ons, they have not acknowledged the significant part this manuscript played in Nafahat al-Ons and instead they have given its share to Rozat al-Riyahin Fi Hekayat al-Salehin. Tohfat al-Morshedin written by Jalal al-Din Mohammad Ebadi Kazerooni is in fact the translation of the well-known Arabic mystical book Rozat al-Riyahin Fi Hekayat al-Salehin written by the distinguished Sufi in the 8th century Hijri, namely Abdollah al-Yafee al-Yamani and the two Persian manuscript copies of this work, one found in Lahoor in 818 Hijri and the other found in the city of Ayasufieh in 838 Hijri are at present at the disposal of the writers of this article. This article attempts to provide evidence by comparative approach.  Evidence such as Jami’s reference to Tohfat al-Morshedin in the manuscripts of Nafahat al-Ons, identical selection of some anecdotes both in Nafahat al-Ons and Tohfat al-Morshedin, Jami and Ebadi, both have taken common pieces from the text of Rozat al-Riahin, Jami’s interest to use Persian sources and how he could find access to Tohfat al-Morshedin, is cited to acknowledge the significance of this work. Manuscript profile
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        638 - Sepahsalar and his Resale onManaqebKhodavandgar
        Mohammad Ali Movahhed
        This article is concerned withFeridun B. Ahmad Sepahsalar and his famous treatise about the life of Moulana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi.  Sepahsalaris the only biographer who according to his own words has spent 40 years in Moulana’s presence and among his c More
        This article is concerned withFeridun B. Ahmad Sepahsalar and his famous treatise about the life of Moulana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi.  Sepahsalaris the only biographer who according to his own words has spent 40 years in Moulana’s presence and among his contemporaries, he alone undertook the task of writing life occurences of his master.  Apart from introducing the owner of Resale and finding the origin of the title Sepahsalar and his other title Chalabi, and searching for evidences in Persian and Turkish poetry as to his true character, this article concentrates on the content of Sepahsalar’s Resale. Manuscript profile
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        639 - Comparative study of praise of the Prophet Mohammad in the works of Attar and Bousiri
        Abdul hamid Ahmadi
        Praise of prophets is one of the poetic themes whose main focus is the character of the prophet Mohammad (S). In this poetic genre, the poet describes the different dimensions of the prophet’s character and worships him because of his appearance, moral characteris More
        Praise of prophets is one of the poetic themes whose main focus is the character of the prophet Mohammad (S). In this poetic genre, the poet describes the different dimensions of the prophet’s character and worships him because of his appearance, moral characteristics and speaks of his miracles and all that is in connection with his mission. This poetry has arisen from a heart which is absolutely pure and sincere and is based on a passion kindled and inspired by the belief in the prophet’s mission and love towards his humane and godlike virtues. Due to the special place this genre of poetry has in the Persian and Arabic literature the present research has attempted to make a comparative study of praise of prophets in Attar’s and Bousiri’s works in order to reflect the different aspects of this poetic genre in the outstanding works of these two great poets. Manuscript profile
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        640 - Defence of Eblis in some Schools of Sufism
        Bahador Javdaneh
        Sufis’s view with regard to Eblis is one of most controversial and at the same time the most engaging  subjects that is reflected in their most important texts.  On one hand, one is faced with radical beliefs speaking of rejection of devil and his condem More
        Sufis’s view with regard to Eblis is one of most controversial and at the same time the most engaging  subjects that is reflected in their most important texts.  On one hand, one is faced with radical beliefs speaking of rejection of devil and his condemnation from the God’s providence and on the other hand some of the key figures in the sufi world with their various interpretations in defence of Eblis or at least regarding his refusal to obey Adam, made their best to regard him as manifestation of love and bravery. This article is concerned with the study of the views of the great sufi figures regarding Eblis with emphasis on the ideological foundations of such renowned characters as Hallaj, Ahmad Ghazali, Ayn al-Qudat Hamedani, Attar Neishabouri, and Moulana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi. Manuscript profile
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        641 - Kaabol’s Shahnameh of the Safavi era
        Mahmoud Tavoosi
        Despite the fact that hundreds of manuscripts of shahnameh have been investigated by the scholars, yet sometimes quite accidently mystery is unveiled from an abandoned and forsaken copy only to bewilder the eager artists and literary figures. Of such works, is a complet More
        Despite the fact that hundreds of manuscripts of shahnameh have been investigated by the scholars, yet sometimes quite accidently mystery is unveiled from an abandoned and forsaken copy only to bewilder the eager artists and literary figures. Of such works, is a complete Shahnameh, illustrated and gilded with beautiful calligraphy produced by the calligrapher Abdul Razzagh Ghazvini and with the artistic collaboration of other infamous painters in the year 1044 Hijra found in Ghazvin’s Darossaltaneh. This invaluable manuscript is currently kept in the national archive of Kabul, in Afghanistan and has not yet been introduced to the artistic and literary circles. The purpose of this article is to introduce this artistic work for the first time. Manuscript profile
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        642 - Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh
        Mehdi Mahoozi Maryam Amir Arjmand
        Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh Mohammadi in the tenth century A.H. , being fluent in both Farsi, and Arabic started this work in masnavi style in the year 947 A.H., and terminated it in the holy Makeh in 949 A.H.  The transcription of this unique copy in a cal More
        Talebi, the composer of Shoughnameh Mohammadi in the tenth century A.H. , being fluent in both Farsi, and Arabic started this work in masnavi style in the year 947 A.H., and terminated it in the holy Makeh in 949 A.H.  The transcription of this unique copy in a calligraphic style was made by a calligrapher, Saghi-Ibn Solieman in 950 A.H. Soughnameh is the account of the spiritual journey of Beloghia, the Egyptian king, on his way to the place of pilgrimage of Prophet Mohammad which was composed in 4941 lines. The basic theme of this story is the longing and enthusiasm for reaching the Prophet’s sanctuary. Being largely under the influence of Masnavi Moulana, and Golshan Touhidi written by Shahedi, yet in terms of structure, Shoughnameh bears a lot of resemblance to Attar’s Mosibatnameh.  Nevertheless, in expressing religious and moral issues, its tone like that of Sanaei Ghaznavi becomes  more instructive and domineering.   Manuscript profile
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        643 - The role of "Kimiya-yi Sa'adat in Peoples' morality, way of life, conduct, and their salvation
        Mehdi Mahoozi
        Kimiya-yi Sa'adat (The Alchemy of Happiness) is a persian version of Ihya'ul ulumuddin in arabic, an outstanding work translated and summerized by Abu Hamed Imam Mohammad Ghazali.  This book is divided into four major sections, each containing ten chapters:  I More
        Kimiya-yi Sa'adat (The Alchemy of Happiness) is a persian version of Ihya'ul ulumuddin in arabic, an outstanding work translated and summerized by Abu Hamed Imam Mohammad Ghazali.  This book is divided into four major sections, each containing ten chapters:  Ibadat (Acts of worship), Moamelat (Transactions), Muhlikat (The ways to perdition), and Munjiyat (The ways to salvation).  Ghazali wrote this work with a prose style comprehensible to all in order to teach people from all walks of life way of living, social conduct, and to save them from vices and show them the path towards happiness and salvation in life and afterlife. Manuscript profile
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        644 - The influence of BahaValad on Moulana in matters of the Soul
        Mehdi Parham
        This article seeks the reflection of BahaValad’s thoughts in Maaref regarding the matters of soul in Moulana’sGhazaliat and Roubaiaat.  The selected subjects,each demonstrates that they share the same perspective and use similar mode of expression.&nbsp More
        This article seeks the reflection of BahaValad’s thoughts in Maaref regarding the matters of soul in Moulana’sGhazaliat and Roubaiaat.  The selected subjects,each demonstrates that they share the same perspective and use similar mode of expression.  Their common features often dependent on old Sufis beliefs, in some instances seem to be contrary to what was customary among Sufis at the time. As far as the following discussions such as the origin of soul, characteristics of soul, Soul of other creatures in the upper and lower world, and also the finality of soul are concerned Moulana shares views with his father.  A mere glance at the apparent similarities proves that Jalalu din Mohammad was under the influence of his father’s thoughts. با نگاهی گذرا به هم‌گونی‌های محتوایی ـ صوری و بدون دقیق شدن در ریشه‌های مباحث، می‌توان تأکید کرد که جلال‌الدین محمد از اندیشه‌های پدر متأثر بوده است.   Manuscript profile
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        645 - The role of the General Command of the Police Force in the realization of the explanation jihad according to the statement of the second step of the revolution
        محمد شریفانی nasrin alavinia
        Background and purpose:The command of the police force (Faraja) as the institution in charge of security and order in the society has an important role in the realization of the jihad of explanation in the society. Explanation Jihad is one of the fundamental issues for More
        Background and purpose:The command of the police force (Faraja) as the institution in charge of security and order in the society has an important role in the realization of the jihad of explanation in the society. Explanation Jihad is one of the fundamental issues for the future of the revolution, which is the concern of the supreme leader (Madazaleh) and he has pointed out some points in this regard on various occasions.Therefore, Faraja's awareness of the conditions and factors affecting the realization of Jihad Tabbin can be the basis for reaching the desired society and the continuation of the revolution.The purpose of the current research is to present the role of the police force command in the realization of Jihad-at-Bayin according to the statement of the second step of the revolution Method: Qualitative approach and data-based theory. The required data were collected through theoretical and targeted sampling with the method of semi-structured interviews with the commanders of the police forces of Kermanshah,Hamadan,Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces and through three processes; Open, central and selective coding has been conceptualized and analyzed Findings and conclusions: The findings of the research include 330 primary concepts, 157 sub-themes and 18 main themes, the core category of which was created, "Faraja Command and Realization of Jihad-Tabbin" and the obtained paradigm model, conditions and causes, Represent the necessary factors and necessities, and in order to achieve the desired results, it is necessary for all the influencing components to provide the consequences of this by adopting the necessary strategies Manuscript profile
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        646 - Narrative-Rijāli Personality of Mohammad ibn Isa ibn Ubaid with Emphasis on His Herritage in »Kashī's Rijāl«
        Kowsar  Yousefi Najaf Abadi Hosein  Sattar Rouhollah Shahidi Mohammad Hadi  Yousefi Gharavi
        There are no traces left of the Shia chain of narrators (Rijāl) before the 4th century before, and other than the titles of the books, there is no report of their contents. The thought of early Rijāli scholars recount the Rijāli evaluations taken from and influenced by More
        There are no traces left of the Shia chain of narrators (Rijāl) before the 4th century before, and other than the titles of the books, there is no report of their contents. The thought of early Rijāli scholars recount the Rijāli evaluations taken from and influenced by the Imams' opinions about the companions. Mohammad ibn Isa Ubaid is of influential textualist Rijālis whose al-Rijāl used to be a source for Mohammad ibn ʿUmar al-Kashī in authoring his Rijāl. This research is to come to an understanding of Ubaidi's Rijāli thought. Therefore, the criterion for reliance or weakness in the two general groups is complimentary or reproaching reactions of the Imam toward the narrator as well as the latter's characteristics, in each of which group there's a meaningful relationship with the type of the criteria. In disagreement points, it does not contain any weak Rijāli leaders (Mashāyīkh). It has preferred scientific relations to in-sectarian disagreements. Whatever is gathered here is an outcome of a geographical stretch of Iraqi school as well as the works of Fataḥīs, Ghulāt, Wāqifīs and weak and reliable narrators, also works unrelated with Rijāl such as Nawādir. Manuscript profile
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        647 - A Study on Iran’s Societal Backward in the Q§j§rs Era According to “Tarbiat” Newspaper
        Abdullah  Motevali Mohammad  Hassan Beigi
        : Newspapers played an irreplaceable role in changing the approach of Iranian society during the Qajar era. In the process leading to the formation of the Constitutional Movement within Iran, several newspapers were published. Some of them, regardless of their political More
        : Newspapers played an irreplaceable role in changing the approach of Iranian society during the Qajar era. In the process leading to the formation of the Constitutional Movement within Iran, several newspapers were published. Some of them, regardless of their political stance, pursued a pathological approach to the general issues of society. The Tarbiat newspaper was one of the most important and stable of these newspapers. For nearly nine years, it sought to root out the elements and factors of societal stagnation, offering practical solutions to exit from those unpleasant conditions. The identification of the factors of societal backwardness and the proposed models of the newspaper for structural reform in the society of the Qajars formed the main issue of this article. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer this fundamental question: What are the main factors of the backward of Iranian society in the Qajar period from the perspective of the Tarbiat newspaper? And what models does the newspaper propose to get out of this situation? The results of the study show that the newspaper’s emphasis is more on cultural weaknesses and inability to expand up-to-date knowledge. Accordingly, the newspaper’s proposed system is more focused on increasing the scientific capacity of society and also the radical treatment of this disorder. Of course, from this perspective, the reform of the educational and training system is considered as the main priorities. In addition to this, the reform process will be fruitless without considering the reconstruction of the moral system of society Manuscript profile