The Explaining of Grief in the Fayez Dashti, Mohammad Khan Dashti and the Maftoon Bordkhuni's Sharves
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
Heydar Hajian
Maryam Parhizkari
Seyed Mahmood Seyed Sadeghi
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Faculty of Humanities, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Keywords: lyrical literature, sadness and grief, Fayez Dashti, Mohammad Khan Dashti, Maftoon of Bordkhun,
Abstract :
Lyrical literature is the delicate expression of the poet's personal feelings and emotions and pays attention to sufferings, reluctance, love, friendship and everything that affects the human soul. What distinguishes this type of literature from others is the dominance of the element of feeling and emotion over other elements of poetry. The more subtle the poet's feelings and the deeper his emotions, the more penetrating and pleasing his speech will be. Lyrical literature has a more prominent poetic character than other types and is considered to be the most imaginative, purest and oldest type of literature. In this research, descriptive-analytical method and library tools have been studied on the components of lyrical literature in the emotional poems of Fayez Dashti, Mohammad Khan Dashti and the Maftoon Bordkhuni. The purpose of this research is to study and compare these components in the poems of these three poets and what are the similarities and differences between the mentioned poets in the application of such concepts? And the depth of sorrow in the words of which of these poets has the most crystallization? The result of this comparison and adaptation is that all three poets have dealt with this issue equally and there are differences in the way of expressing and using poetic images and images. The difference between the three poets' view of processing the case is in the use of images that carry the text with them. Fayez and Maftoon have mostly used the metaphorical array to convey the idea and concept of grief, and Mohammad Khan has used other literary arrays such as recognition to convey such emotion.
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