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    Journal of Studies in Lyrical Language and Literature ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    Department of Persian Language and Literature in Islamic Azad University of Najafabad Branch, with three active bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in two fields: solid and lyrical language and literature, in order to promote and expand the scope of scientific research in the field of lyrical literature, to publish innovative scientific and research achievements, and innovative in the field of issues and topics related to poetic and prose works of love, mysticism, elegy, ritual and religious poems, eulogy, satire, lyric, sonnet, prate, liturgy and all poems that are somehow related to human emotions and feelings which are included in the genre of lyrical literature, It especially comes with a critical approach, application of literary theories and critique of lyrical works to publish the quarterly "Language and Lyrical Literature". The purpose of this quarterly is to introduce scientific and academic activities in the field of lyrical literature, publish the research of academic colleagues, graduate students and other researchers and the studies of those who are interested in this field at home and abroad. Some special goals of this journal are to identify and introduce contemporaneous lyricists and critique their works, the pathology of lyrical literary research, localization of theories and methods of literary criticism, and analysis of lyrical works in the field of harmonistic literature.

    Title Of Journal: Journal of Studies in Lyrical Language and Literature

    Publisher: Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch

    Previous Title of Journal: Dorre Dari

    Subjective Classification: Lyrical Literature

    Validity Start Date: 2011-1-12

    Type of Review: Blined Peer Rivew

    Average of Time of Review: 2 Month

    Acceptance percentage: 36%

    Publication Period: Quarterly

    Journal Language: Persian

    Type of Publication: Print-Electronic

    Tyoe of Access: Oppen Access (Full Text)

    Tel: 031-42292165

    Fax: 031-42291110


    The Cost of Review and Publication: This Journal Receives Money for Reveiw and Publication

    All articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed through similarity software before entering the review process.


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    Address: Journal of Studies in Lyrical Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University-Najafabad Branch, Najafabd, Isfahan, Iran

    P.O. Box: 517.



    Tel: +98-31-42292165, 0314-2292512                                                         Fax: +98-31-42291110

    This journal is published under the License no. 87/4222211 issued by Islamic Azad University, Deputy Office of Research Affairs on 11 January, 2011




    Number of Volumes 14
    Number of Issues 53
    Printed Articles 315
    Number of Authors 885
    Article Views 75987
    Article Downloads 22445
    Number of Submitted Articles 691
    Number of Rejected Articles 268
    Number of Accepted Articles 367
    Acceptance 50 %
    Time to Accept(day) 144
    Reviewer Count 40
    Last Update 2025-3-09