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  • Authors Guide

    C.  Guide for author

    1. The article should have a strong structure in terms of writing and the principles of eloquence and also rhetoric should be observed in it.

    2. The title of the article should be short and clear.

    3. Mention the author's name along with the academic degree, work address and Internet address (Email). (It is necessary to mention the phone number of the person who is in charge of correspondence)

    4. The maximum of Persian abstract should be fifteen lines (150 to 200 words).

    5. The maximum of Persian keyword should be six words.

    6. The article should have a clear and precise introduction, as it prepares the reader to read the main topic.

    7. Expression of research background is another policy of the article.

    8. In the main text of the article, the subject should be clearly analyzed.

    9. The article should have an accurate conclusion.

    10. The maximum of  English abstract should be fifteen lines (150 to 200 words) and this abstract should be located below the Persian abstract on one page.

    11. The maximum of English keyword should be six words.

    12. The name of the author and her/his academic degree and where she/he works should be mentioned in Latin.

    13. Text references should be mentioned in Parentheses in order of the author's name, year and page; Example: (Zarinkoob, 1372: 254).

    14. Final sources should be listed in the following order:



    D.  Order of resources


    Last name (name of city), First name, year of publication (in Parenthesis), name of the book (should be Bold), name of translator or proofreader, city of publication: name of publisher, date of publication.


    Surname (name of city), name, year of publication (in Parenthesis), title of the article in quotation mark Bold journal name and the number, period and pages of the article (from page to page).


    Surname, name, year of publication (in Parenthesis), title of the article in quotation marks, name of the collector or editor, name of the collection of articles to be bolded, place of publication, name of the publisher, number of pages of the article (from page to page).


    Last name, first name (last date), subject title (in quotation marks), name and URL in italics.


    Last name, first name, year of publication (in Parenthesis), title in quotation mark, Bold CD name, place of publication: publisher name.


    15. The article should be set to a maximum of 20 pages, each page in 30 lines, the length of the lines 15 cm and the distance between the lines 1 cm.

    16. The article should be uploaded under word xp software with Lotus font size 13 in the magazine database at www ....

    17. Special names and Latin terms and foreign compounds should be mentioned in the text of the article, immediately after it in Persian.

    18. The articles extracted from the dissertation must have the approval of the supervisor.

    19. The article should not be presented in any other journals or conferences.

    20. Persian sources should be translated into English and inserted below Persian sources.


    All the articles sent to this publication are reviewed through the Samim Noor similarity finder software before entering the judging process.

    Authors should ensure that they submit completely original work. If they have used the work of others, they should be properly cited or referenced.

    The journal charges up to 3500000 IRR as publication fee and 1500000 IRR as reviewing fee.