Farsighted Approach of Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimiabout Revival of Arabic Language in Algeria
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesHayat Amare 1 , Maryam Jalaei 2
1 - Member of the faculty at the University of Tlemcen(Algeria), Arabic Language and Literature Branch(Assistant Professor).
2 - Faculty member at the Kashan University, Arabic Language and Literature Branch (Assistant Professor).
Keywords: Modernism, اللغة العربیة, Arabic language, National Identity, الشیخ محمد البشیر الإبراهیمی, حرکة التجدید, الجزائر, الهویة القومیة, Sheikh Mohammad Ibrahimi, Algeria,
Abstract :
Sheikh Mohammad Bashir Ibrahimi is one of the renowned performers of Algeria. He is also known in literature field and one of the famous writers in the country. For releasing people of Algeria, he established a terrific culture structure not only to revive freedom of Algeria and save it from French colonization but also to return eminent place that Islam had granted to this area. Modernity was initiator of his activities and works. Not surprisingly, he struggles for reviving Arabian language, arranging it with today’s needs and securing it from decline and rollback; as a result, world of Islam, especially society of Arabs, would be secured from falling of Arabic culture and national identity, because language is the container of thought and culture. Hence, in present research, we review Sheikh Ibrahimi’s modern thoughts about Arabic language by descriptive analysis method to explain his insight. The most important result of the study is that Ibrahimi believes that arrangement of Arabic language with today’s development and problems and of course without separating it from ancestors’ values and heritage will result in revival and development of Arabic language at present time.
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