Blessing and its Equipment in Quran and Hadith
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakJamal Farzand vahy 1 , Zahra Zaheri 2 , Rouhollah Zaheri 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Razi University
2 - Instructor, Ilam University
3 - Instructor, Ilam Payam – e Nour University
Keywords: دعا, pray, رمضان, Ramadan, قناعت, کشاورزی, Agriculture, نماز, Contentment, زکات, مکه, Mecca, Alms tax, سحرخیزی, early bird, request (Allah),
Abstract :
This world's equipment is not limited to money and appearance but there is another affair in other world which relates unworldly and moral ones which has precise and adorable relationship with this world's affairs. One of these morals is Bounty or Blessing which has brought in Holy Quran as Elevated, Blessed, Fortunate and Auspicious about thirty two times. The present paper studies the word "Blessing" and its equipment such as Holy Quran, Pray, Hajj, to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice, visit the sick, charity, places and times, eatables and drinkables and animals. The method is librarian and the applied main recourse is Holy Quran. Being familiar with the equipment and their application in daily life are the main goals of this article.
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Tperse, Fadl ibn al-Hasan, the statement compound in the interpretation of the Koran, a first, Dar knowledge, Beirut 0.1408.
Trabelsi, Mohamed Ben Ali, nz benefits, a first, Dar ammunition, then 0.1410
Tusi, Mamedbn Hassan, aura of hopes, achieve the founder of the Mission, a first, the House of Culture, then 0.1414.
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