List of articles (by subject) crop production
Open Access Article
1 - Survey of yield and yield components of castor bean genotypes
ali sayadi -
Open Access Article
2 - The measurement and analysis of sunflower producers, technical efficiency in khoy
ali bagerzadeh -
Open Access Article
3 - Efficacy of drought stress on growth stages in advanced durum wheat lines
Varahram Rashidi -
Open Access Article
4 - The effect of drought stress and different amounts of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on productivity of forage sorghum variety speedfeed
fatmeh khezerloo -
Open Access Article
5 - Effects of nitrogen levels and intercropping ratios on yield of intercropping of corn and sunflower in Khouzestan conditions
nader moosavian -
Open Access Article
6 - The effect of drought stress on proline accumulation, soluble carbohydrate amounts and ionic sodium and potassium content changes in different white bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) genotype
masud zade bageri -
Open Access Article
7 - Study of some morphological traits, yield and yield components in advanced wheat genotypes under normal and water deficit stress
bahman zekavati -
Open Access Article
8 - Effect of planting time on yield, yield components and some of agronomic traits of two soybean cultivares in Ardabil region
Seyed Sajjad Moosavi -
Open Access Article
9 - The effect of nitrogen, planting density and number of seedling in the main farm on morphologic qualities, functional components and quantitative and qualitative functions of ratoon rice (Oryza sativa L.) production cultivars Sangtarom
mohammad reza Khodadadi Balanaghibi بهرام حيدرنيا سماکوش -
Open Access Article
10 - Evaluation of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer effects on yield, components, and seed protein percentage of durum wheat var. Aria
مجتبي احمدی همزیان -
Open Access Article
11 - The effect of sowing date and plant density on morphological traits in advanced lines of bread wheat in Moghan region
Mehdi Mehrpouyan -
Open Access Article
12 - The effect of harvest time on root function and some qualitative characteristics of commercial varieties of sugar beet in khoy
zahra Habibi -
Open Access Article
13 - Effect of cultivar and harvest date on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of autumn sown sugar beet in Kashmar region.
سعيد سبزواري -
Open Access Article
14 - The study of mini-tubers production potential in micro-tuber of different potato cultivars under greenhouse conditions
Davood Hassan panah -
Open Access Article
15 - Growth indices variations of wheat in response to various density and sowing dates of wild oat
farshad abrahimpour -
Open Access Article
حسین ابراهیمی -
Open Access Article
17 - Effect of planting dates ,seed rates and row spacing on grain yield and yield components of a lentil (Lens culinaris) genotype in Northern Khorasan dry land condition.
Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh -
Open Access Article
18 - Effect of Planting Date and Weed Control Methods on Yield and Vegetative Traits of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Khoy Region
مجتبي اكبري sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
19 - The effect of nitrogen, potassium and salinity Levels on some morphological and physiological traits of corn (S.C.704)
Open Access Article
20 - The effect of sowing date on yield and its components of safflower genotypes under Urmia climatic conditions
علیرضا عیوضی -
Open Access Article
21 - Effect of exogenous abscisic acid and cytokinin on wheat (Triticum aestivum)
سیف الله کیا چهارباغي -
Open Access Article
22 - The effects of earthing up and barvar-2 phosphate biofertilizer together with micronutrients foliar application on yield of potato
النا عیوضلو -
Open Access Article
23 - The effect of nitrogen and potassium on yield, and agronomic traits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in dry conditions
علي عبدزاد گوهري -
Open Access Article
24 - Assessment and Identification of Tolerant Genotypes of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) to Salinity Stress in Germination and Seedling Stages under Laboratory Condition
Khodadad Mostafavi -
Open Access Article
25 - Calculating and analyzing total factor of productivity growth in agriculture crop sector with ARDL method
علي باقرزاده -
Open Access Article
26 - Effect of weed control and nitrogen application at different stages on corn yield and it components
ندا فوزي -
Open Access Article
27 - The effects of the amount of water usage on quality and quantity of sugar beet cultivars
اسماعیل نبی زاده -
Open Access Article
28 - Effect of drought stress and methanol on soybean (Williams) seed yield, oil and protein percentage
Open Access Article
29 - Evaluation of mung bean genotypes (Vigna radiate L. Wilczek) response to sowing date in Dezful region
Open Access Article
30 - Study on the effect of planting dates on yield and yield components of three cultivars of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Miyaneh region
Open Access Article
31 - The study of foliar Iron and Zinc on yield and yield components of soybean (Glyssin Max L.)
Open Access Article
32 - Study of grain yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) in different ratios of intercropping
Open Access Article
33 - The effect of micronutrient and biofertilizer biosuper on three cultivars of winter wheat
Open Access Article
34 - Identification of effective traits on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) root yield under rhizoctonia natural infection condition
حیدر عزیزی -
Open Access Article
35 - The Effect of Cropping Pattern and the Sources of Nitrogen Supply on the Cultivating Traits and Maize Yield 704
فهيمه ميرزايي sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
36 - The effect of plant density and nitrogen levels on the yield and yield components of maizecultivar (KSC 700) in moderate region of Kermanshah.
فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
37 - The Effect of Plant Density and Weed Control Methods on Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics and Yield of Kidney Bean
محمد كاظم عليلو -
Open Access Article
38 - The effect of foliar application of fertilizers with growth stimulants and micronutrients on yield and yield components of two corn cultivars
فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
39 - The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Inoculation Seed with Biofertilizers On the Morpho-physiological Traits and Enzymatic Properties of Chickpea in Winter and Spring Cultivation
عزيز حسين زاده -
Open Access Article
40 - The effect of Barvar-2 phosphate biofertilizer and mycorrhizal fungi along with humic acid on agronomic characteristics of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)
علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
41 - Evaluation Of Salicylic Acid Pretreatment On Germination And Seedling Growth Characteristics On Medicinal Plant Of Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa L.) under salt stress
فرشاد سرخی -
Open Access Article
42 - Effect of Plant Population and Arrangement on Yield and Yield Components of Medicine Plant Nigella Sativa
بهناز عبدالرحيمي -
Open Access Article
43 - Effect of Planting Date on the Yield of Potato Cultivars in Chaypareh Region
حسين قاسمي -
Open Access Article
44 - Effects of Azosprilium and Cytokinins Hormone on Physiological Traits of Corn ( Zea Mays L. )
ساسان بشيري -
Open Access Article
45 - Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Macro-elements on the Amount of Production in Flue – cured Tobacco Coker 374
عليرضا فرخ -
Open Access Article
46 - The effects of drought stress and foliar application micronutrients on growth yield and nutritional elements of black cumin ( Nigella sativa L. )
علی اکبر عاملی -
Open Access Article
47 - Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Different levels of Irrigation on Qualitative and Quantitative Yield and Determination of Morphological Characteristics of Forage Sorghum
عبدالحسین آبروش -
Open Access Article
48 - Effect of Transplanting Time on Yield and Yield Components of Seed Corn in Kermanshah
فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
49 - The Effect of Source and Rates of Fe on Yield and components of Oil-seed Sunflower
علي زينالي -
Open Access Article
50 - The Effects of Tillage Methods on Infiltration and Water Application Efficiency
ابوالفضل ناصری منصوره مظفّري -
Open Access Article
51 - Effect of Allelopathic ( Chenopodium album )and pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus ) weeds on germination of wheat varieties
حميد بهبر -
Open Access Article
52 - The effect of potassium and zinc sulfate spraying at different developing stages of vegetative characteristics and yield of barley under drought stress conditions in the last periods of the cropping season
جواد مرادلو sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
53 - Stability analysis of grain yield of Kabouli chickpea genotypes at spring sowing in cold area and rainfed conditions
يداله فرايدي -
Open Access Article
54 - Effect of plant density and planting pattern on grain yield of maize 666
ناصر شهسواري -
Open Access Article
55 - The effect of cultivars, density and weed control on yield and yield components of rainfed chickpea
ارسلان فلاحي فرهاد صادقی -
Open Access Article
56 - Evaluation of sink and source relationships on grain yield and its components of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. )
زينب محمدزاده اصل عليرضا عيوضي -
Open Access Article
57 - Genetic diversity of different ecotypes of ( E. amoneum and B. officinalis ) borage flower species based on essence composition and grain oil rate
سيما اوجاني -
Open Access Article
58 - The effect of various plant density on the competitiveness of corn with natural population of weeds
عبدالنور چعب محمد حسين قرينه -
Open Access Article
59 - Effect of plant density and potassium consumption on the quantitative and qualitative yield in Sunflower ( Helianthus annus L. ) var. Hayson
هدي جمالي -
Open Access Article
60 - Evaluation of some phonological, morphological traits with yield and yield components of chickpea genotype in Fall planting under the dry farming condition
Abbas Ranjbar -
Open Access Article
61 - اثر آرایش کاشت و برگزنی بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد ذرّت دانهای رقم MV524
عباس باغبانپور sasan rezadust -
Open Access Article
62 - The effect of Nitrogen and Boron on Yield and Sugar Content of two Varieties of Sugar Beet
خليل خليلو فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
63 - A study on grain yield and adaptability and stability of barley genotypes in cold dryland areas
غلامرضا خليل زاده -
Open Access Article
64 - Determination of Surface Irrigation Efficiencies for Pumpkin plant in Khoy Plain Lands
فاطمه پناهدوست Faribourz Ahmadzadeh -
Open Access Article
65 - Effect of plant density and foliar application of urea fertilizer on yield and protein percentage of Durum wheat
اكبر قاسمي پور علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
66 - The effect of planting pattern and foliar application of micronutrients on yield and yield components of corn Cv. 704 Sc.
سعيد بداقي mohsen roshdi -
Open Access Article
67 - Evaluation of Resistance of Some Doubled Haploid Lines of wheat to Pathotypes of Yellow Rust Seedling Stages
عادله بخشی -
Open Access Article
68 - Comparison of Effects of Chemical Controllers and Manual control on the Lateral Germination the of Tobacco Yield
سيروس كرد رستمي عباس بياباني -
Open Access Article
69 - Effects of Nitrogen and Micronutrient Foliar Application on Yield and Yield Components of Pinto Beans
فرناز گنج آبادي فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
70 - Effects of Soil Fertilizing Management on the Yield of Thin-walled Seed Pumpkin ( Cucurbitapepoconvar. Pepo var. styiaca )
صلاح الدين حقكوي tooraj mir-mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
71 - Growth Evaluative Stimulation of Sugar beet Genotypes under Moderate Saline Stress
كوروش ناظم tooraj mir-mahmoodi -
Open Access Article
72 - Effect of zinc and boron spray on quantitative and qualitative characters of Effect of zinc and boron spray on quantitative and qualitative characters of seed corn ( KSC 704 )
kianoush safari فرهاد صادقی احمد قنبری -
Open Access Article
73 - The effect of potassium priming and micronutrient foliar application on yield and yield components of sunflower
رويا بنيادي فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
74 - The impact of different levels of Gamma Ray on the function and functional components of rapeseed ( canola )
محمد مهدی رحیمی -
Open Access Article
75 - The reaction of balm mint ( dracocephalum moldavica ) to the salinity levels from sodium chloride in germination and plantlet stage
Alireza Pirzad رضا درویش زاده رئوف سیدشریفی محمد صدقی -
Open Access Article
76 - The impact of sulfur on some of the chemical traits of soil and silage sorghum yield
فاطمه خضرلو فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
77 - Studying the impact of selenium spraying and drought tension on some traits of corn Ns 640 cultivar
فاطمه طاهري -
Open Access Article
78 - The impact of magnetic and ultra-sound pre-treatment on the agronomical traits and yields of forage corn
sasan rezadust هادي طايفه افشاري -
Open Access Article
79 - Studying the priming impact with distilled water and salicylic acid on the enzymatic anti-oxidant and the infusion of hemp germination
شيرين کربلای قلیزاده tooraj mir-mahmoodi نبي خليلي اقدم -
Open Access Article
80 - Studying the effect of Nitroxin biofertilizer and Nitrogen on yield and yield components of Rapeseed ( Brassica napus L. )
سيّدمرتضي عظيم زاده -
Open Access Article
81 - The impact of nitrogen ( nitroxin ) and phosphorus ( fertile phosphate 2 ) biofertilizers on the yield and percentage of sesame oil.
علی نصرالله زاده اصل فرزاد جلیلی -
Open Access Article
82 - The impact of planting method and nitrogen chemical biofertilizer on the sunflower yield components
مريم پیرمحمدی علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
83 - The impact of planting array and micro-fertilizers on the yield of oil sunflower ( lakumka ) and its components in the second farming
سيما عباس زاده محسن رشدي -
Open Access Article
84 - The effect of planting date on the yield and components of soya variety in Salmas region
احسان شرافت نژاد علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
85 - تاثیر آللوپاتی چهار نوع علف هرز بر روند جوانه زنی و رشد گلرنگ تحت شرایط آزمایشگاهی و گلخانهای
ناصر حسینی -
Open Access Article
86 - تاثير سطوح مصرف کود اوره بر برخی صفات رویشی و زایشی آفتابگردان آجيلی رقم کانفتا
جواد پرو -
Open Access Article
87 - تاثیر کاربرد گوگرد، ورمی کمپوست وتیوباسیلوس بر عملکرد آفتابگردان روغنی (رقم ایروفلور)
سكينه سليم زاده -
Open Access Article
88 - اثر تاریخ و تراکم کاشت بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد ذرت در منطقه گرمسیری سرپل¬ذهاب، کرمانشاه
فرهاد صادقی سيامك الياس پور -
Open Access Article
89 - اثر ميزان و زمان مصرف نيتروژن بر عملكرد گندم دوروم
محمد سعدي علی نصرالله زاده اصل -
Open Access Article
90 - ارزیابی صفات مورفولوژیکی و عملکرد در توده های محلی سیر طارم استان زنجان
soudabeh shobeiri مهدي طاهري -
Open Access Article
91 - بررسی کارائی علفکش جدید کلتودیوم با سایر علفکشهای معمول چغندرقند در کنترل نازک برگ¬ها در شرایط مزرعه
naser Jafarzadeh Hossein Najafi seyyd heydar mousavi anzabi -
Open Access Article
92 - بررسی تأثیر باکتری آزوسپیریلوم و هورمون جيبرلين بر روی خصوصیات مورفولوژيك، اجزای عملکرد و عملكرد ذرت رقم 370
tooraj mir-mahmoodi حجت فرضي پور -
Open Access Article
93 - مقایسه شاخص های جوانه زنی بذر و ارزش نانوایی هشت رقم گندم نان
رقيه شاهنده قاسم توحیدلو Manoochehr Khodarahmi -
Open Access Article
94 - بهینه سازی استخراج پکتین از کدو تنبل با استفاده از امواج ماکروویو
Rahim Esmkhani علیرضا ملاابراهیم لو -
Open Access Article
95 - The effect of Azosprilum on the yield and amount of wheat variety
نورالله تازيكه -
Open Access Article
96 - The impact of drought stress and spraying of zinc, iron, and manganese on the qualitative and quantitative traits of sunflower – highsun 33
صابر ديندوست اسلام سعيد يوسف زاده -
Open Access Article
97 - اثر تنش خشكي و محلول پاشي عناصر ريز مغذي بر عملكرد گندم رقم زرين
سهيلا فرهمند محسن رشدي