The impact of sulfur on some of the chemical traits of soil and silage sorghum yield
Subject Areas : crop production
1 - دانش آموخته كارشناسي ارشد گروه زراعت كشاورزي واحد خوي، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي ، خوي – ايران
2 - گروه کشاورزی-دانشکده کشاورزی- دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی خوی-ایران
Keywords: biosulfur – silage sorghum – biofertilizer – sulfur,
Abstract :
To study the impact of the different amounts of sulfur on the PH of soil, the component yield of silage sorghum in the alkaloid soil, an experiment was carried out in the farming year of 1392 in the agricultural site of Negine Sabz company in Maku. It was based on complete random block design with three replications. Fertilizing treatments in this research were in seven levels without sulfur consumption ( control ) 150 kg/h, 300 kg sulfur per hectare, 450 kg sulfur per hectare, 600 kg sulfur per hectare, 300 kg sulfur plus bio-sulfur biofertilizer 600 kg plus bio-sulfur biofertilizer on the forage sorghum speedfeed. The results of the analysis variant traits showed that the amount of sulfur consumption had meaningful effects on the height and diameter of stalk, the leaf area, number of leaves, yield of wet weight, biologic yield, percentage of protein and soil acidity; but didn't have significant impact on the index of chlorophyll and electrical conduction of soil. The highest yield of wet forage was about the 7th fertilizing treatment of sulfur ( control ) had the lowest amount. The highest biological yield was 13550 kg/h. In general, the consumption of 600 kg sulfur together with biosulfur had the highest impact and the highest percentage of 12.36 kg of protein in average was attained.
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