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    Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    "Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition" to develop the frontiers of knowledge and enhance scientific research in the field of food science and nutrition, establish communication and coordination between researchers, experts and students in universities and research institutes and help to further align scientific research have been published in Persian language with English abstracts since 2003
    This journal accepts original research paper, review papers and short communications on wide range of food science, food technology and nutrition that have not been previously published in domestic or foreign journals with scientific and technical judgment and publishes them quarterly as open access.
    The scientific quality of all papers submitted for the journal initially is assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to at least two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper in double blind style
    The Editor in cheif is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The authors at the same time as submitting their article, sign a letter of commitment, according to which they transfer all material and intellectual rights to publish the article to the Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, and after the publication, the copyright authorization will be transfer to the journal. For more information, read the authors' guide.

    “This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”

    Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition uses iThenticate for plagiarism screening and verifying the originality of content submitted before publication. To prevent plagiarism, this magazine should use the iranpaper system (click) to send a similarity report to the quarterly. َAuthors should notice that the similarity report they receive from lthenticate must be sent to the quarterly.


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    Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch,

    Hesarak, Ashrafi Esfahani, Poonak,

    Tehran, Iran

    Tel: +98 21 44868535-60



    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 23
    Number of Issues 68
    Printed Articles 562
    Number of Authors 2981
    Article Views 114040
    Article Downloads 31023
    Number of Submitted Articles 1635
    Number of Rejected Articles 768
    Number of Accepted Articles 865
    Acceptance 47 %
    Time to Accept(day) 175
    Reviewer Count 84
    Last Update 2025-3-09