List of articles (by subject) Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
Open Access Article
1 - Fatigue Analysis and Optimization of Crankshaft of V8 Diesel Engine
علی عبداللهی فر محمدامید خشوعی سید مسعود هاشمی -
Open Access Article
2 - Evaluation of two lattice Boltzmann methods for fluid flow simulation in a stirred tank
SeyedMehdi Naghavi -
Open Access Article
3 - Experimental measurement of dynamic viscosity of CeO2-EG at different concentrations and temperatures and proposing a new correlation
محمد اکبری امیرحسین سعیدی -
Open Access Article
4 - Optimization of electronic boards equipped with the BGA package to improve the response in random vibration
میلاد شهسواری مسعود عسگری -
Open Access Article
5 - Numerical study on the effect of input variations on bulge height in hot tube metal gas forming process
مهدی چوگان محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
6 - Effect of heat treatment on microstructural properties of three-layer sheet aluminum magnesium - aluminum - stainless steel
داوود میراحمدی ابوالفضل غلام زاده -
Open Access Article
7 - Modeling of the beam discontinuity with two analyses in strong and weak forms using a torsional spring model
مصطفی مستان آبادی علی علی جانی ابوالفضل درویزه فاطمه متقیان -
Open Access Article
8 - Analysis of Stresses in Helicopter Composite blade in Hovering Maneuver
علی اصغر نادری محسن نظری -
Open Access Article
9 - Deflection and Free Vibration of Sandwich Panel with Honeycomb Core on Winkler Elastic Foundation
یونس یوسفی حسین وحدانی فر رضا شیرانی محمد دهقانی -
Open Access Article
10 - Investigation of the effect of buckling initiator on energy absorption of thin-walled circular tubes by using of numerical simulation
فائزه عبدالهی محمد جواد رضوانی -
Open Access Article
11 - Evaluating the impact of length and thread pitch on the stress distribution in dental implants and surrounding bone using finite element method
مسیح فیروزبخت حامد عجبی نائینی مصطفی پیرمرادیان -
Open Access Article
12 - Numerical simulation of mixed convection heat transfer of nanofluid in an inclined enclosure by applying LBM
ارش کریم پور -
Open Access Article
13 - Implementing a Practical Light Transmission System in order to Lighting an Office with Zero Energy Consumption
جواد اشکبوس اصفهانی شاهرخ شجاعیان -
Open Access Article
14 - Investigation of nanoparticles diameter on free convection of Aluminum Oxide-Water nanofluid by single phase and two phase models
میثم اسفندیاری بابک مهماندوست آرش کریمی پور -
Open Access Article
15 - Time Dependent Analysis of Micro-tubes Conveying Nanofluids Under Time-Varying Heat Flux
محمد حسینی میثم خالویی عباس زندی باغچه مریم -
Open Access Article
16 - Experimental investigation of the effect of suspended nanoparticles into conventional fluid on the heat transfer improvement
ارش کریم پور داود طغرایی امید علی اکبری مجید زرین قلم غلامرضا احمدی شیخ شبانی -
Open Access Article
17 - Producing the titanium nano composite statically compacted with the different pressure and investigation of the mechanical properties
سید مهران زحلی فرزاد فریبا -
Open Access Article
18 - A model for enhanced heat transfer in an enclosure using Nano-aerosols
نوید قاجاری داود طغرایی احمدرضا عظیمیان -
Open Access Article
19 - Analytical and numerical modeling of erosive projectiles into steel fiber reinforced concrete target
مهدی هدایتیان خداداد وواحدی -
Open Access Article
20 - Manufacturing a trough parabolic solar collector and predicting its theoretical performance
محمود تاجی -
Open Access Article
21 - Providing a thermodynamic model to simulate the spark ignition engine fueled with natural gas and ethanol mixture
حسن زمانی -
Open Access Article
22 - Assessment of a Column Type Six-Component Force/Torque Sensor by Theoretical, Simulation and Experimental Approaches
سیدرضا حمزه لو محمدمراد شیخی حسین اکبری -
Open Access Article
23 - Study of the Notching HSS Rolls by CBN Tool using RSM Method
محسن جعفری دینانی امین کلاه دوز سید علی افتخاری -
Open Access Article
24 - Nanofluid forced convection through a microtube with constant heat flux and slip boundary
سعید جاوید آرش کریمی پور -
Open Access Article
25 - Flow simulation of gallium in a cylindrical annulus in the presence of a magnetic field for improving the casting process
مسعود افرند مسعود کثیری -
Open Access Article
26 - Energy Harvesting Electrical from Nano Beam with Layer Piezoelectric under Random Vibration
حسین وحدانی فر رضا شیرانی محمد دهقانی یونس یوسفی -
Open Access Article
27 - Vibration Analysis of FG Micro-Beam Based on the Third Order Shear Deformation and Modified Couple Stress Theories
Mehdi Alimoradzadeh Mehdi Salehi Sattar Mohammadi Esfarjani -
Open Access Article
28 - Asymmetric buckling analysis of the circular FGM plates with temperature-dependent properties under elastic medium
علیرضا نداف اسکویی هادی محمدی هویه وحید علایی خداداد واحدی -
Open Access Article
29 - Optimization of the Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding in Dissimilar Joining Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 316L to Nickel-Base Super Alloy of Monel 400
علی خلیلی مسعود کثیری عسگرانی مرتضی شمعانیان -
Open Access Article
30 - Free vibration analysis of circular sandwich plates with clamped FG face sheets
یونس محمدی کیوان حسینی صفری محسن رحمانی -
Open Access Article
31 - The mixed mode fracture mechanics in a hole plate bonded with two dissimilar plane
محمد رحیم ترشیزیان حسین اندرزجو -
Open Access Article
32 - Design and optimization of poly lactic acid/bioglass composite screw for orthopedic applications
عماد حسینی انوشه زرگر خرازی -
Open Access Article
33 - Ti-6Al-4V Synthesized by Mechanical Alloy Method and Mechanical and Bioactivity Properties of Ti-6Al-4V/HA-Clay Nano composite
محمدعلی مطلبی ابراهیم کرمیان مجید کریمیان -
Open Access Article
34 - Numerical investigation of heat transfer and laminar Water-Al2O3 nanofluid flow in a rectangular Rib-Microchannel
داود طغرایی آرش کریمی پور امید علی اکبری مجید زرین قلم حبیب اله عالیپور -
Open Access Article
35 - The numerical study of heat transfer of water-TiO2 nanofluid in the triangular microchannels with semiattached and offset mid-truncated rib,s
موسی حیدری داود طغرایی امید علی اکبری -
Open Access Article
36 - Experimental investigation of relative thermal conductivity of MWCNTs-CuO/Water nanofluids
مسعود زادهخواست داود طغرایی آرش کریمیپور -
Open Access Article
37 - Experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of the new metal/composite Comeld Joint
محمد معین سیف خداداد واحدی عرفان قیاسی روح اله حسینی -
Open Access Article
38 - An experimental investigation on effect of hybrid solid MWCNTs and MgO on thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol
مسعود وفایی مسعود افرند -
Open Access Article
39 - Determination The Stress Intensity Factor in The Un-Central Edge Cracks With The concentrated Load
فرزاد فریبا سید مهران زحلی -
Open Access Article
40 - A new plan to connect aluminum tubes of subsurface structures
غلامرضا مزروعی علی حیدری -
Open Access Article
41 - Flexural monitoring of carbon fiber/epoxy composite by acoustic emission
نیما بهشتی زاده امیر مصطفی پور -
Open Access Article
42 - Friction Stir Welding؛ Material Flow؛ Heat Generation؛ Thermal Simulation؛ Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)
حامد آقاجانی درازکلا -
Open Access Article
43 - Experimental Investigation of Nano-structured Aluminum Production Using Accumulative channel-die compression bonding (ACCB)
محسن مطهری نژاد سعید شهرکی -
Open Access Article
44 - Simulation microcapsules reinforced by carbon nanotubes contained in a capsule-based self-healing materials
جعفر اسکندریجم فاطمه خانی محمود فرهادینیا -
Open Access Article
45 - A Pitch-Catch Based Online Structural Health Monitoring of Pressure Vessels, Considering Corrosion Formation
سیدحمیدرضا هاشمی حمیدرضا هوشیارمنش مجتبی قدسی -
Open Access Article
46 - Failure Mechanisms Investigation in Thermal Barrier Coatings under Isothermal and Non-sothermal Fatigue Loadings using Design of Experiments
محمد آزادی غلامحسین فرهی -
Open Access Article
47 - Free vibration Study of simply supported cylindrical laminateds panels with piezoelectric layer
مصطفی معطری فرزان براتی -
Open Access Article
48 - AZ31/HA-Zeolite Nano Crystalline Biocomposite Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying and Powder Metallurgy: Mechanical Properties
حسن قیصری ابراهیم کرمیان محمد براتی سده -
Open Access Article
49 - Optimization of the parameters of low-carbon steel (EN10130) welding using friction stir welding method
اکبر علیمحمدی مسعود کثیری مسعود افرند حسین نوروزی فروشانی -
Open Access Article
50 - Numerical study on the effect of hammering pressure on thickness reduction in hot tube metal gas forming process
علی طالبی انارکی محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
51 - Dynamic modeling and nonlinear vibration simulation of piezoelectric micro-beam in self sensing mode of atomic force microscope
احمد حقانی رضا قادری -
Open Access Article
52 - Investigation into Aging Effect on Wear Behavior of Titanium Alloy
امیر قیصریان محمود عباسی -
Open Access Article
53 - Investigation the Milling Strategies Effects on Machining of Convex Surfaces made of Glass/Epoxy Composite
هادی محمدی هادی اسکندری ایمان دانایی -
Open Access Article
54 - Dynamic Instability Analysis of Embedded Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes under Combined Static and Periodic Axial Loads using Floquet–Lyapunov Theory
Habib Ramezannejad Hemad Keshavarzpour Reza Ansari -
Open Access Article
55 - On the dynamic stability of a flying vehicle under the follower and transversal forces
Omid Kavianipour Majid Sohrabian -
Open Access Article
56 - Modal Analysis Turboshaft Test Stand Motor Designed by Using ANSYS
مجتبی حسنلو سید غلامرضا میرحسینی محمود صادق زاده احمد باقری -
Open Access Article
57 - New laboratory scale Grinding method to predict energy and the feed grindability of mill of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex
محمد رزانی ابوالفضل معصومی مسعود رضایی زاده محمد نوع پرست -
Open Access Article
58 - Thermo-elastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick- Walled Cylinder with Novel Temperature – Dependent Material Properties using Perturbation Technique
Alireza Nadafoskoue hadi mohammadi hooyeh -
Open Access Article
59 - WiFi Based Massager Device with NodeMCU Through Arduino Interpreter
Ata Jahangir Moshayedi Mohadeseا Sadat Hosseini Farzaneh Rezaee -
Open Access Article
60 - Stress intensity factor at the hole-edge cracks tips in a finite plate
Mohammad Rahim Torshizian -
Open Access Article
61 - Thermo-mechanical analysis of a coated cylinder head
Hojjat Ashouri -
Open Access Article
62 - Experimental Investigation and Numerical Prediction of Fatigue Life in Force Fitted Fastener Holes
Hadi Taghizadeh Tagbakhsh Chakherlou -
Open Access Article
63 - Computational fluid dynamics analysis and geometric optimization of solar chimney power plants by using of genetic algorithm
Amir Karami Davood Toghraie -
Open Access Article
64 - The Effect of Heat Treatment on Springing of AISI301
Majid Karimian Ehsan Nourouzi Esfahani Mohammad Bagherboom -
Open Access Article
65 - Structural Analysis of Unsymmetric Laminated Composite Timoshenko Beam Subjected to Moving Load
Mohammad Javad Rezvani -
Open Access Article
66 - PID Tuning Method on AGV (automated guided vehicle) Industrial Robot
Ata Jahangir Moshayedi Atanu Roy Liefa Liao -
Open Access Article
67 - Trajectory Tracking of Two-Wheeled Mobile Robots, Using LQR Optimal Control Method, Based On Computational Model of KHEPERA IV
Amin Abbasi Ata Jahangir Moshayedi -
Open Access Article
68 - Design of a fuzzy adaptive controller for a ducted fan (UAV)
Meysam Rahimi -
Open Access Article
69 - Experimental investigation of the effects of temperature and nanoparticles volume fraction on the viscosity of Newtonian hybrid nanofluid
Ashkan Afshari Mohammad Eftekhari Yazdi -
Open Access Article
70 - Micromachining the Aluminium Tubes Using Abrasive Finishing in Alternating Magnetic Field
Reza Abedinzadeh Rasoul Gorji -
Open Access Article
71 - Optimizing the Torque of Knee Movements of a Rehabilitation Robot
محمدحسین زین الدینی مصطفی پیرمرادیان Farhad Azimifar -
Open Access Article
72 - Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Micro Beam with Piezoelectric Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory and Surface Effects
Mohammad khajekhabaz Ali Eftekhari Mohammad Hashemian -
Open Access Article
73 - Experimental Study of the Effect of Laser-Cutting Process Parameters on Heat Distribution and Cutting Edge Quality of Steel Sheets
Mahsa Mokhtarian Azam Gasemi -
Open Access Article
74 - Conceptual Design of Single-Acting Oleo-Pneumatic Shock Absorber in Landing Gear with Combined Method
Nima Ghiasi Tabari Saeed Mahdiyeh Borojeni -
Open Access Article
75 - A new method for determination of natural frequency in bending vibration mode of single-walled carbon nanotubes
علیرضا فتاحی واجاری -
Open Access Article
76 - Dynamic Modeling, Assembly and implementing Quadrotor UAV Using PID Controller
Mahyar Geibollahi Ata Jahangir Moshayedi -
Open Access Article
77 - Thermo-mechanical fatigue simulation of exhaust manifolds
Hojat Ashori -
Open Access Article
78 - A brief review on titanium alloy for dental, biotechnology and biomedical applications
Sharif Heydari Maryam Sadat Mirinejad Mohammd Hossein Malekipour Esfahani Fatemeh Karimian Ali Attaeyan Mehran Latifi -
Open Access Article
79 - Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coating in Low Cycle Fatigue Life for Exhaust Manifold
Hojjat Ashouri -
Open Access Article
80 - Assessing the vulnerability of Shiekh Bahaei’s bath under the blast wave
Melika Honary Abdollah Vaez Shoushtari Erfan Jaberzadeh -
Open Access Article
81 - The dynamic response of aircraft landing gear at the moment of landing with regard to smart fluid dampers content MR
Nima Tabari Saeed Mahdiyeh Borojeni -
Open Access Article
82 - A new approach using Machine Learning and Deep Learning for the prediction of cancer tumor
Fatemeh Asgari Arian Minooei Somayeh Abdolahi Reza Shokrani Foroushani Atefeh Ghorbani -
Open Access Article
83 - The effect of physical and mechanical properties on the abrasion resistance of artificial stones produced with granite waste
Seyyed Mohammad Javad Mousavi Reza Abedinzadeh Mohammad Reisi -
Open Access Article
84 - Fracture analysis of multiple axisymmetric interfacial cracks in an FGM Coated orthotropic layer
Behrooz Momeni -
Open Access Article
85 - Using finite element model in calculation of stress concentration factor around an elliptical hole in composite hybrid lamina
Pedram Lorzadeh -
Open Access Article
86 - Investigating the effect of solid solution treatment on the corrosion properties of biodegradable Mg-Zn-RE-xCa (x = 0, 2.5) alloy
Saeed Alibabaei Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani HamidReza Bakhsheshi-Rad -
Open Access Article
87 - Investigation of modern ceramics in bioelectrical engineering with proper thermal and mechanical properties
Sharif Heydari Ali Attaeyan Pegah Bitaraf Amir Mohammad Gholami Bahareh Kamyab Moghadas -
Open Access Article
88 - Experimental Study for Addition Rough Surfaces on a Vehicle Floor Body and Comparison of Aerodynamics Coefficient
کوروش رایزن احمد کشاورزی -
Open Access Article
89 - Design and construction of a unicycle robot controlled by its center of gravity
Masoumeh Zeini Mostafa Pirmoradian -
Open Access Article
90 - CFD simulation of hydrothermal of a nanofluid in a microchannel subjected to a magnetic field
Mohammad Reza Assari Arman Mohammadian Alireza Jafar Gholibeik -
Open Access Article
91 - Convergence of Legendre and Chebyshev multiwavelets in Petrov-Galerkin method for solving Fredholm integro-differential equations of high orders
Saeed Akhavan -
Open Access Article
92 - Investigation of additive manufacturing of porous Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Geometry analysis for dental applications
Mohammad Hossein Malekipour Esfahani Fatemeh Safdarian Sharif Heydari -
Open Access Article
93 - An experimental model for predicting normal solar performance chimneys concerning the percentage of openings
Sajede Nazari Malihe Taghipour Aliakbar Heidari -
Open Access Article
94 - Dynamic stability analysis of functionally graded Euler-Bernoulli nanobeams under a sequence of moving nanoparticle based on nonlocal elasticity theory
Rahman Khanahmadi Mohammad Hashemian Mostafa Pirmoradian -
Open Access Article
95 - An Agglomerate Model for Evaluating the Electrochemical and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Pouya Barnoon Davood Toghraie Babak Mehmandosut Mohammad Ali Fazilati S. Ali Eftekhari -
Open Access Article
96 - The analysis of failure for a stud bolt with reduced shank under dynamic loading
Mahdi Ghayuri Mohammad Rahim Torshizian -
Open Access Article
97 - Effect of wind speed on the drag force and wall shear stress of domes in historical mosques of Iran: a case study
Iman Pishkar Mehdi Jahangiri Rouhollah Yadollahi Farsani Ayoub Khosravi Farsani -
Open Access Article
98 - The effect of Al2O3 Micro Powder added in Dielectric on Electro Discharge Machining Performance of Ti6Al4V
Mojtaba Esmailian -
Open Access Article
99 - Thermodynamic analysis of two-shaft radial gas turbine data using artificial neural network method
Hamidreza Mektaazadeh بابک مهماندوست Mojtaba Haratian -
Open Access Article
100 - Effect of residual stress in low cycle fatigue for coated exhaust manifold
Hojjat ashouri -
Open Access Article
101 - Analysis of airflow on an airfoil using electro-hydrodynamic actuators
Mohammad Bigdeli Alireza Ansari Gholamreza Tathiri Vahid Monfared -
Open Access Article
102 - Smart car system: automobile driver's stress recognition with artificial neural networks
Mahtab Vaezi Mehdi Nasri Farhad Azimifar -
Open Access Article
103 - Feasibility study of mechanical properties of alginates for neuroscience application using finite element method
Maryam Karimianmanesh Elham Azizifard Naghmeh Javidanbashiz Mehran Latifi Atefeh Ghorbani Sheyda Shahriari -
Open Access Article
104 - Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors in Hollow Cylinders Reinforced by an Effective Coating Containing Multiple Cracks
Mostafa Karimi Alireza Hassani -
Open Access Article
105 - AGV (automated guided vehicle) robot: Mission and obstacles in design and performance
Ata Jahangir Moshayedi Li Jinsong Liefa Liao -
Open Access Article
106 - Evaluation of mechanical properties of bioglass materials for dentistry application
Mohammad Hossein Malekipour Esfahani Negar Sharifinezhad Mehran Hemati Amir Mohammad Gholami -
Open Access Article
107 - Investigating the performance of hydroponic green fodder and simplified heat transfer model of nanofarm for agricultural engineering application
Amirreza Esmaeili Hamidreza Bahrami Rozita Hajian Mohsen Karimian Ehsan Shokrani -
Open Access Article
108 - Frequency responses analysis of clamped-free sandwich beams with porous FG face sheets
Mohsen Rahmani -
Open Access Article
109 - The influence of various boundary conditions on dynamic stability of a beam-moving mass system
Ramin Motiei Mostafa Pirmoradian Hossein Karimpour -
Open Access Article
110 - Dynamic optimization of load step transient response of a turbocharged spark ignition engine focusing on valves timing
Mehdi Keshavarz Ahmad Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
111 - Investigating on process variables effect of AISI 304 stainless steel machining using minimum quantity lubricant on cutting force
Mohammad Ali Safataj Sayed Ehsan Mirmohammadsadeghi Reza Abedinzadeh -
Open Access Article
112 - Comparison between continuous sensitivity analysis and Taguchi method in optimization of electromechanical devices
Mohammadali Tavakkoli -
Open Access Article
113 - Investigation and optimization of the effect of input parameters on output parameters of electrical discharge machining of A356 nano-composite reinforced by SiC
Amir Rahmani Ali Mokhtarian Mojtaba Rahimi -
Open Access Article
114 - Evaluation of the use of robotic surgery with remote simulation for use in the field of Medical Tourism and Pro-Tourism development
Esmaeil Khaksarshahmirzadi Tulen Saner Ali Attaeyan Somayeh Abdollahi Molood Mohammadi Sharif Heydari -
Open Access Article
115 - Indirect prediction of flank wear using ANNs in turning of CK45
Hossein Sepehri -
Open Access Article
116 - Self-tuning consensus on directed graph in the case of time-varying nonhomogeneous input gains
Mozhgan Bagherboum -
Open Access Article
117 - A quick method for electrical energy system load shedding based on equivalent areas
Shahrokh Shojaeian Hamed Soltani -
Open Access Article
118 - Molecular simulation for prediction of mechanical properties of polylactic acid polymer for biotechnology applications
Amin Mansouri Ali Heidari Fatemeh Karimian Amir Mohammad Gholami Mehran Latifi Sheyda Shahriari -
Open Access Article
119 - Secondary frequency control for improved dynamic performance in interconnected power system
Farhad Mesrinejad Somaye Yaghoubi Bahador Fani -
Open Access Article
120 - Investigation of cell biomechanics and the effect of biomechanical stimuli on cancer and their characteristics
Atefeh Ghorbani Sheyda Shahriari Amir Mohammad Gholami -
Open Access Article
121 - Stabilized crack-opening stresses as a function of R-ratios and stress levels
Rahi Chermahini Majid Jabbari -
Open Access Article
122 - The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and dental caries (dmft) and simulation of mechanical properties of lithium disilicate restoration
Behnoush Selahbarzin Yaser Mokhaieri Kowsar Mollai -
Open Access Article
123 - The feasibility of using solar heating in the Yazd hospital: A case study
Mahshid Babaei Mehdi Jahangiri Farhad Raeiszadeh Gholam Reza Aboutalebi Abbas Jafari Arya Nariman -
Open Access Article
124 - Specifying the allowed remained bottom thickness after milling in CNG steel cylinders by FEM analysis and experimentation
Mojtaba Esmailian Mohsen Shahmoradi Kamran Karimzadeh -
Open Access Article
125 - The effect of the anodization voltage changes on the electric resistance of porous anodic alumina barrier layer and its thickness used in strain sensing devices
Abolfazl Salehi Amnieh Khuzani -
Open Access Article
126 - A review on evaluation of natural polymers with the approach of drug delivery system using herbal plant microcapsules
Amirreza Esmaeili Romina Hemami Yashar Ghaffari Somayeh Abdollahi -
Open Access Article
127 - Static analysis of guyed tower regarding cable sagging by using finite difference model
Kaveh Kumarci Alireza Baharizadeh -
Open Access Article
128 - Road detection by image processing, using neural network
Ahmad Keshavarzi Mehdi Keshavarz Alireza Moradi -
Open Access Article
129 - The mechanical performance of silk and collagen nanoparticles for dental applications
Mohammad Hossein Malekipour Esfahani Behnoush Selahbarzin -
Open Access Article
130 - Dynamic model of static synchronous compensator in Single-Machine Infinite-Bus power system
S. Zanjani -
Open Access Article
131 - Low cycle fatigue prediction for cylinder head considering notch stress-strain correction proposed by Neuber
Hojjat Ashouri -
Open Access Article
132 - Numerical simulation of piston with different materials for justification of its strength
Bharosh Kumar Yadav Babin Dangal Shiva Shanker Pandey Mehdi Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
133 - Improving surface roughness in barrel finishing process using supervised machine learning
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Mehdi Bakhshi Zadeh Amirhossein Zare Reisabadi -
Open Access Article
134 - The effect of explosive welding variables on corrosion behavior of 304 stainless steel–copper joint in 3.5% NaCl solution concentration environment
MohammadReza Khanzadeh Reza Peykari Hamid Bakhtiari -
Open Access Article
135 - Dynamic analysis of guyed towers using direct time integration method by Newmark-β model
Kaveh Kumarci AliReza Baharizadeh -
Open Access Article
136 - Designing LQG controller based on neural network estimator for boiler system
Hamed Khodadadi HAMID Ghadiri -
Open Access Article
137 - Convergence of collocation Bernoulli wavelet method in solving nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equations of fractional order
Abdolali Rooholahi Saeed Akhavan -
Open Access Article
138 - Investigating on surface roughness of nanohybrid and micro-hybrid composite resins following the use of a simplified polishing system
Seyedeh Parvin Hosseini Fadabobeh Mehrdad Kazemian M. R Malekipour Esfahani -
Open Access Article
139 - Lattice Boltzmann method for natural convection of nanofluid flow in a trapezoidal-shaped sinusoidal cavity by considering Brownian motion
Nemat Ebrahimi Hossein Ahmadi Danesh Ashtiani Davood Toghraie -
Open Access Article
140 - Estimation and mapping of the global component of solar radiation and wind power density over Chad
Marcel Hamda Soulouknga Iman Pishkar Dieudonné Kaoga Kidmo Mehdi Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
141 - Feedback linearization controller design for a geared transmission system considering asymmetric backlash and friction
Shima Mirshahzadeh Hamed Khodadadi -
Open Access Article
142 - Effect of friction stir welding parameters of aluminum alloy tubes on succeeding rotary draw bending
Alireza Soleymanipoor Hamid Montazerolghaem Mohsen Loh-mousavi -
Open Access Article
143 - Experimental study of turbulent wind flow over arc roofs: an ancient simple way to low energy buildings
Farhad Raeiszadeh Mehdi Jahangiri -
Open Access Article
144 - Design of forks and lifting system of a 10-ton forklift truck by FEM simulation
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Farshad Nazari Fadhil Abbas Ghlaim -
Open Access Article
145 - Stress analysis of non-linearly variable thickness rotating disk in gas turbine engine using hyper-geometric method
Behrooz Shahriari Nedasadat Seddighi -
Open Access Article
146 - A numerical simulation of accumulative press bonding process of laminated MMCs
Vahid Nayeri Saeed Daneshmand Mohammad Heydari Vini Mohammad Yazdaniyan -
Open Access Article
147 - Tolerance analysis (static and dynamic) of the gearbox assembly to achieve correct manufacturing tolerances
Ehsan Mehrabi Gohari Iman Pishkar Mohammad Alipour -
Open Access Article
148 - Numerical solution of hovering propeller performance at various blade pitch angles and revolutions with different turbulence models
Behrooz Shahriari Mohammad Reza Hashemi -
Open Access Article
149 - Optimization of drilling penetration rate through the optimal design of drilling leg and mechanical and hydraulic parameters of drilling using energy characteristic method (case study: South Pars gas field)
MohammadReza Nouri Mojtaba Rahimi Ali Mokhtarian -
Open Access Article
150 - Analysis and simulation of island mode operation in inverter-based microgrids with voltage droop controllers
Babak Keyvani Bahador Fani Ghazanfar Shahgholian Mahnaz Hashemi -
Open Access Article
151 - Designing a robot to follow a command from the analysis of the image received from the operator
Majid Amiri Shayan Farokhi Aleh Kouhi Ahmad Keshavarzi -
Open Access Article
152 - Simulation of chromium, nickel and lead removal from aqueous environment using polypyrrol and its composites
Arash Shabani Majid Riahi Samani Davood Toghraie -
Open Access Article
153 - A geometric approach for automatic guidance of marine loading arms
Omid Kavianipour -
Open Access Article
154 - A study on stamping of airliner’s tail connector part through FEM simulation
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Farshad Nazari Taif Ahmed Mussa Hossein Torfy Salehi -
Open Access Article
155 - Techno-enviro assessment and dynamic energy balance simulation of the domestic-scale solar heating system in Lebanon
Mehdi Jahangiri Hasan Ali Lotfi Nagafabadi Esmaeil Moradi Seyed Mohammad Noorbakhsh Hamed Saghaei Hussein A. Kazem Miqdam Tariq Chaichan -
Open Access Article
156 - Advancing biomedical, food, and industrial applications through carbon nanomaterials: current status and future perspectives
A. Abdollahpour Ayda Ranjbar Azadeh Asefnejad Bahareh Kamyab Moghadas Yashar Ghaffari David Otasowie Ogbemudia Mehid Taheri -
Open Access Article
157 - Conceptual design of the inlet flow preheat system to the nozzle test equipment of a turbine engine
Behrooz Shahriari Hamid Farrokhfal Mohammad Reza Nazari -
Open Access Article
158 - Investigation of forming process of the floor of Volvo truck’s body via FEM simulation
Mohammad Sajjad Mahdieh Farshad Nazari Hussam Yuness Mane’ -
Open Access Article
159 - Estimation of fatigue lifetime of a cervical disc prosthesis using finite element and experimental investigation of the amount of wear
Sana Ghafarmoghadam Alireza Seifzadeh Ali Mokhtarian Reza Abedinzadeh -
Open Access Article
160 - Table of Contents
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
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Open Access Article
166 - Table of Contents
Open Access Article
167 - a
مهدی صفایی محمد جواد محمودی محمودی پدرام صفرپور -
Open Access Article
168 - Mathematical Analysis of Shearing Viscoelastic Beam Subjected to Continuous Moving Load
محمد طهرانی حمیدرضا ایپکچی -
Open Access Article
169 - Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beam reinforced with Boron-Nitride Nanotube on Elastic Bed
ایلدا عبداللهی محمدحسین یاس -
Open Access Article
170 - Analysis of chaotic vibration in a hexagonal centrifugal governor system
مصطفی غیور سعید ضیایی راد حبیب رمضان نژاد آزاربنی -
Open Access Article
171 - Modified Fixed Grid Finite Element Method to Solve 3D Elasticity Problems of Functionally Graded Materials
محمد جواد کاظم زاده پارسی فرهنگ دانشمند -
Open Access Article
172 - Numerical and Experimental Study of Effect of Scan Velocity in Laser Forming by Temperature Gradient Mechanism
حسن مسلمی نائینی ولی اله پناهی زاده محمد حسین پور گللو سیامک مزدک -
Open Access Article
173 - Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Critical Buckling Load of Cracked Sheets
دانیال شیخی محمدمهدی نجفی زاده علیرضا نظام آبادی -
Open Access Article
174 - The Effect of Inclined U-Notch Geometry on Mode Ratio (KII/KI) under Mixed Mode (I + II) Loading
احسان براتی -
Open Access Article
175 - An Initiative Plan of the Equivalent Model for Simulation of theWelding Process
علی حیدری محمدرضا فروزان جعفر گلستانه -
Open Access Article
176 - Optimal Trajectory Planning of a Mobile Robot with Spatial Manipulator For Spatial Obstacle Avoidance
مصطفی غیور مصطفی شریعتینیا -
Open Access Article
177 - Free Vibration of Annular Plate Reinforced with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Resting on an Elastic Foundation Using Refined Theory
مسعود رضایی حمید محسنی منفرد سید علیرضا مهاجرانی -
Open Access Article
178 - Effect of Particle Volume Fraction on the Tensile Properties of Composite Al6061/SiC Materials by Hot Extrusion
محمد رضا ستاری محمد رنجبران -
Open Access Article
179 - Solution of Nonlinear Hardening and Softening type Oscillators by Adomian’s Decomposition Method
بهرام گل محمدی قاسم اسعدی کردشولی علیرضا وحیدی -
Open Access Article
180 - Prediction of Fatigue Life in Notched Specimens Using Multiaxial Fatigue Criteria
فیروز اسماعیلی گلدرق سجاد برزگر محمدی علیرضا بابائی امیر افکار -
Open Access Article
181 - Tolerance Analysis of the Trigger Mechanism Assembly Using Direct Linearization Method
مرتضی غلامی محمد رضا موحدی -
Open Access Article
182 - Analysis of Roll Wear in Reshaping Using Finite Element Simulation
مهدی سلمانی تهرانی رضا خدابنده شهرکی حسام ولیدی -
Open Access Article
183 - Study of the Effects of Various Boundary Conditions on the Acoustical Treatments of Double-Panel Structures Lined with Poroelatic Materials
محمدحسن شجاعی فرد روح ا... طالبی رضا احمدی مائده امیرپور ملا -
Open Access Article
184 - Introduse and Need Assessment of Regional Aircrafts by Software and Modeling
H. Sadat Nazeri M. Ali Shahi Ashtian -
Open Access Article
185 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Thermal Environment using the Nonlocal Timoshenko Beam Model
ابوالحسن نظری نژاد گیاشی رضا انصاری حبیب رمضان نژاد آزاربنی -
Open Access Article
186 - Dynamic Stability of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Based on Nonlocal Strain Gradient Theory
فرشید آقاداودی محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
187 - Experimental and Numerical Study of Preform Design in Multi Stage Deep Drawing of High Strength Thin Steel Sheet
اکبر زمانی علیشاه مهدی تاجداری جعفر اسکندری جم جمال صیدی -
Open Access Article
188 - Investigation of Shape Functions Role on the Mesh-free Method Application in Soft Tissue Elastography
Hamed Ajabi Naeeni Mohammad Haghpanahi Hamid Behnam Hadi Pirali -
Open Access Article
189 - Resolution composite shell with a layer of piezoelectric vibration analysis
اکبر علی بیگلو عبدالمجید کنی -
Open Access Article
190 - Vibration Suppression of Smart FGM Cylindrical Shells Using Magnetostrictive Layers
منصور درویزه رضا انصاری ابوالفضل درویزه رضا رجبیه فرد -
Open Access Article
191 - Applying Differential Transform Method on the Effect of the Elastic Foundation on the out - Plane Displacement of the Functionally Graded Circular Plates
سمیه عباسی فاطمه فرهت نیا سعید رسولی جزی -
Open Access Article
192 - Enhancement Performance New Generation of CPU Cooling System Using Water-AL2O3 Nanofluid
M. Aliabadi A.R. Shateri -
Open Access Article
193 - Tolerance Analysis of the Trigger Mechanism Assembly Using Direct Linearization Method
عبدالعلی مراثی محمد سالم -
Open Access Article
194 - Thermal Effect on the Torsional Buckling of Double Walled Carbon Nanotube Embedded in Pasternak Foundation
علی قربانپور آرانی محمد شریف زارعی مهدی محمدیمهر -
Open Access Article
195 - a
حسن قیصری ابراهیم کرمیان -
Open Access Article
196 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Embedded Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Thermal Environment
رضا انصاری حبیب رمضان نژاد آزاربنی -
Open Access Article
197 - Analysis of PVC Frames Cutting by Guillotine and Presenting Solution on Preventing Imperfection
سعید شیری پایین دروازه مهران مرادی -
Open Access Article
198 - Study of the size-dependant vibration behavior of an AFM microcantilever with a sidewall probe
محمد عباسی اردشیر کرمی محمدی -
Open Access Article
199 - Optimizing the actuation of musculoskeletal model by genetic algorithm to simulate the vertical jump
سروش باقری کودکانی شهرام لنجان نژادیان مهرداد پورسینا -
Open Access Article
200 - Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Pulsating Pressure on Improvement of Formability in Hydroforming of Bent Tube by FEM
امیر خورسندی محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
201 - A Survey on Buckling and Vibrations of a Viscoelastic Beam under Distributed Lateral and Axial Loads
حمید رضا ایپک چی حمیده صدیقی -
Open Access Article
202 - Non-linear Static Modeling of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Plate Using Dynamic Relaxation Method
محمدجواد محمودی وحید محلوجی -
Open Access Article
203 - Investigation on Process Parameters of Ball Screw Finishing Using Magnetic Abrasive Field
آرش محمدی عبدالحمید عزیزی -
Open Access Article
204 - Investigation of Linear and Nonlinear Buckling of Orthotropic Graphene Sheets with Nonlocal Elasticity Theories
مصطفی صادقیان مهرداد جبارزاده -
Open Access Article
205 - Study on of Foil Rolling With Lubrication Effects
مینا عرب اف محمود سلیمی محسن اصفهانیان -
Open Access Article
206 - Experimental study of piston scuffing effect on engine performance parameters
سید اشکان موسویان غلامحسن نجفی برات قبادیان سید مصطفی آقا میرسلیم سید محمد جعفری مجتبی محرابی وقار -
Open Access Article
207 - Investigation of Dynamical Behavior (Transverse Vibration) and Instability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Nanofluid
سهیل اویسی حسن نحوی داود طغرایی -
Open Access Article
208 - Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Full Toroidal Continuously Variable Transmission
مجتبی دلخوش محمود سعادت فومنی -
Open Access Article
209 - A New Strain Based Model for Predicting Multiaxial Fatigue Life of Metals
رحمتا... قاجار صفا پیمان جواد علیزاده کاکلر -
Open Access Article
210 - Static Deflection of Hinged-Hinged piezoelectric Multilayer Beam Under Different Loading Conditions
افشین منوچهریفر علیرضا جلیلی -
Open Access Article
211 - s
محمدامین شاهرخیان دهکردی مجید کریمیان -
Open Access Article
212 - Presentation and Analysis of Methods for Increasing Glue Joint Strength in the Same Length Joint
A.H. Ehsani Ehsani M. Shirzadian Gilan A. Ghafori Sayad A. Shokrgozar Navi -
Open Access Article
213 - Investigation of the Effectiveness of Using a CVT in Samand Automobile
محسن اصفهانیان محسن نیکبین -
Open Access Article
214 - Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Residual Stress and Fatigue Strength of Steel CK35 in Shot Peening Process
مهدی تاجداری حمیدرضا بهاروندی علیرضا مرادخانی -
Open Access Article
215 - Thermal Buckling Analysis of Circular FGM Plate with Actuator/Actuator Piezoelectric Layer Based on Neutral Plane
محمد مهدی نجفی زاده محسن مالمراد آرش شریفی -
Open Access Article
216 - Free Vibration Analysis of FGM Cylindrical Shell with Supported Ring Based on Reddy Model under Clamped Boundary Condition
محمد رضا عیسوند زیبائی مهدی سلمان زاده رسول موسویفر -
Open Access Article
217 - Analysis of Linear Two-Dimensional Equations by Hermitian Meshfree Collocation Method
محمدامین بهرامی مهرداد فروتن -
Open Access Article
218 - Study of Variation of the J-integral and the Fracture Toughness in Blunt V-notches under Mode I Loading
فاطمه نوری ازغد حسن خادمی زاده احسان براتی -
Open Access Article
219 - Inverse Identification of Circular Cavity in a 2D Object via Boundary Temperature Measurements Using Artificial Neural Network
محمد امین احمدفرد محمد جواد کاظم زاده پارسی علیرضا تهور -
Open Access Article
220 - Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Springback of U-bending of DP600 Steel Alloy Sheet
محمد شفیعی علویجه حسین ترابیان حسین امیرآبادی -
Open Access Article
221 - Using the Ultrasonic Nondestructive Methods for Prediction of Mechanical Properties of AISI 4140 Alloy Steel
محمد حمیدنیا فرهنگ هنرور -
Open Access Article
222 - Free and Forced Vibration Analysis of Composite Laminated Conical Shells under Different Boundary Conditions Via Galerkin Method
آیدین نصیری راد رضا انصاری حسام روحی -
Open Access Article
223 - Effect of Bed and Crack on the Natural Frequency for the Timoshenko Beam Using Finite Element Method
افشین منوچهری فر فرید ابطحی -
Open Access Article
224 - Buckling Analysis of Orthotropic and Anisotropic Rectangular Plates by GDQ Method
محسن فتاحی فاطمه فرهت نیا منصور درویزه -
Open Access Article
225 - Nonlocal Mechanical Buckling Analysis of Nano Single Layer Sheets Using Differential Quadrature method
M. Sadeghian M. Jabbarzadeh -
Open Access Article
226 - Influence of Elastic Support on the Energy Absorption in Front Crash Ductile Failure Criterion
حسین خانجانی احمد کشاورزی -
Open Access Article
227 - a
محمدامیر آقانجفی بابک مهماندوست -
Open Access Article
228 - Bending Analysis of Rectangular FGM Plates based on the Extended Kantorovich Method
محمد مهدی نجفی زاده مجید علوی فؤاد سلماسی شیما آذری -
Open Access Article
229 - Bending Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes with Small Initial Curvature Embedded on an Elastic Medium Based on Nonlocal Elasticity and Galerkin Method
اعظم عارفی محمود سلیمی -
Open Access Article
230 - Study of Aspect Ratio Effect on Mechanical Properties Polymer/NanoComposite
محمد هاشمی گهروئی حسین گلستانیان مهدی سلمانی تهرانی -
Open Access Article
231 - Low-speed impact behavior of two-layer similar and dissimilar metal laminate structures
هادی خرّمی شاد محمد باقری توفیقی -
Open Access Article
232 - Numerical Analysis of Melting Process of Compounds Containing Nanoparticles for the Development of Phase Change Process
نادر پورمحمود ناصر مصطفوی نیا امیر حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
233 - Study Effect of Deformation Nanochannel Wall Roughness on The Water-Copper Nano-Fluids Poiseuille Flow Behavior
محمد میثم امراللهی پورشیرازی داود طغرایی احمدرضا عظیمیان -
Open Access Article
234 - Investigation of Friction Coefficient Effects on Fishtail Defect in Hot Ring Rolling Process
امیر حسین قیصری محمدرضا فروزان عبدالعلی مراثی -
Open Access Article
235 - Optimum Die Design in Drawing of Square Section Rod from Round Bar
حشمتاله حقیقت سید بابک الهویسی -
Open Access Article
236 - Axial Crushing Analysis of Sandwich Thin-walled Tubes using Experimental and Finite Element Simulation
سجاد آذرخش عباس رهی -
Open Access Article
237 - Investigation on Buckling of Orthotropic Circular and Annular Plates of Continuously Variable Thickness by Optimized Ritz Method
فاطمه فرهت نیا آرش گل شاه -
Open Access Article
238 - Influence of EDM Characteristic Parameters on the Surface Microstructure in CK45 Alloy Steel
سینا عابدپور اسماعیل جعفری احمد افسری سعید حدیدی مود -
Open Access Article
239 - An Experimental Study on Effects of Hot Plate Welding Parameters on Toughness Energy and Tensile Strength in Weld Line of Thermoplastic Parts
امیر هوشمندپور عبدالمحمد رضاوند مهدی نظری مرویان -
Open Access Article
240 - Experimental Analysis of Crashworthiness Behavior of Energy Absorber Tubes Under 3D Oblique Load
ابوالفضل خلخالی علیرضا سالور -
Open Access Article
241 - Investigation of Axial to Lateral Load ratio on the Buckling of Thin Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells
مسیب اسماعیل دخت رضا اکبری آلاشتی محمدحسن قاسمی مرتضی دردل -
Open Access Article
242 - Buckling Analysis of Orthotropic and Anisotropic Rectangular Plates by GDQ Method
حسن مسلمی نائینی مهدی تاجداری سیامک مزدک ولی اله پناهی زاده -
Open Access Article
243 - Elastic Buckling Analysis of Composite Shells with Elliptical Cross-section under Axial Compression
منصور درویزه ابوالفضل درویزه رضا انصاری الهام کاظمی -
Open Access Article
244 - Investigation of Important Parameters in Residual Stress Determination in Isotropic Plates and Laminated Composites by Slitting Method
محمود مهرداد شکریه سعید اکبری رکنآبادی -
Open Access Article
245 - Disk Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials
محبوبه روائی حسن نحوی -
Open Access Article
246 - Study on the Effect of Process and Materials on Tensile Strength of the WGRT and Polypropylene Injection Molded Parts
مهدی بزرگی طاهر ازدست عبدالمحمد رضاوند -
Open Access Article
247 - Review of Micro-Particles of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles by Ball Milling
F. Fardi Pour M. Najafi Anaraki M. Karmian -
Open Access Article
248 - Super Plasticity of /α Duplex Stainless Steels
امین کلاه دوز مهدی دشتی -
Open Access Article
249 - Numerical Determination of Delamination Onset in Laminated Symmetric DCB Specimen
محمود مهرداد شکریه محمد حیدری رارانی سجاد رحیمی -
Open Access Article
250 - Finite element simulation of the clinching process of steel sheets and study on influence of anisotropy on the mechanical behavior of joint
محمدرضا درّی محسن لوح موسوی سعید صابری -
Open Access Article
251 - Study of the Effects of Lacing Rods Location on Natural Frequencies in Last Stage Blades of a Steam Turbine
مهدی نوذرپور عباس رهی -
Open Access Article
252 - An Upper Bound Solution for Analysis of Twist Extrusion Process with Elliptical Die Cross-section
یاسر میرباقری حامد معصومی مجید سیدصالحی -
Open Access Article
253 - Surface Effect on Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Nanotubes
جعفر اسکندری جم یاسر میرزایی بهنام قشلاقی -
Open Access Article
254 - Finite Element Analysis of Safety Mechanism in a Mechanical Controller
مهدی مساح کورش حسنپور مهرداد پورسینا مهدی سلمانی تهرانی مسیح سنبلستان -
Open Access Article
255 - s
امیر حسین احسانی محمد جعفر استاد احمد قرابی -
Open Access Article
256 - Design and Production of a Pneumatic Moving Exciter for Determination of Vibration Behavior of Structures in Variable Frequencies
فیروز بختیارینژاد میثم میرزایی مهدی وهابی امیر ابوالفضل صورتگر -
Open Access Article
257 - A Roll Wear Prediction Model in Hot Plate Rolling
امیر نورانی محمود سلیمی -
Open Access Article
258 - Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Beam Excited by a Sequence of Moving Mass Particles
مصطفی پیرمرادیان -
Open Access Article
259 - Investigation of Manufacturing Processes of the MetallicCNG Pressure Vessels
مهدی ظهور محسن رحیمیان -
Open Access Article
260 - Study the Effects of Nano Fluid as a Coolant in Milling Process for Improving Machining Parameters
احمد افسری امیرحسین زارعی -
Open Access Article
261 - Check Tic-coated Tungsten Carbide Tool Wear in Machining Steel
M. Karimian , E. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi M. Mokhles Pour Esfahani M. badakhshian -
Open Access Article
262 - Design Servo System Type and Positioning of Pole Observer Full Rank a Piezoelectric Servo Valve without Integrator
مهدیه حامدی هادی همایی خیام صفری -
Open Access Article
263 - Parameter Analysis and optimization of equal channel angular pressing extrusion for titanium alloy using Taguchi design of experiments method
حسن خادمی زاده علی افتخاری حسام الدین ابطحی فروشانی -
Open Access Article
264 - a
امین کلاه دوز ساسان امینیان دهکردی محمد فاضلی -
Open Access Article
265 - Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thickness on the Shrinkage and out of Roundness in Cylindrical Parts in Injection Molding Process
ناتان جعفریان جم پیام سرائیان آیت اله عرب امین ابادی -
Open Access Article
266 - Prediction of Mode II of Fracture Toughness in Laminate Composites
افشین زینالدینی منصور علیزاده -
Open Access Article
267 - Study of the Frictional Surface Damage Using Acoustic Emission Method
مهدی احمدی -
Open Access Article
268 - Analysis of Free Vibration Sector Plate Based on Elastic Medium by using New Version of Differential Quadrature Method
مسلم محمدی مصطفی غیور علی فرج پور -
Open Access Article
269 - Presenting a New Algorithm for Determining Optimal Replaceable Capacity of Conventional Power Plants by Renewable Power Plants Based on Monte Carlo Method
هادی اکرمی شاهرخ شجاعیان مهری لطفی -
Open Access Article
270 - Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Four-roll Bending
محسن اشرفی وحید پورغریب شاهی -
Open Access Article
271 - Bending analysis of composite sandwich plates using generalized differential quadrature method based on FSDT
مصطفی یزدانی اعظم قاسمی محمد هدایتی -
Open Access Article
272 - Experimental Study and FEM Simulation of the Effect of Significant Parameters in the Thixoforging of the Gearbox Cap
امین کلاه دوز سلمان نوروزی محمد بخشی جویباری سید جمال حسینی پور -
Open Access Article
273 - Fluid-structure Interaction Vibration Analysis of Vertical Cylindrical Containers with Elastic Bottom Plate Made of Functionally Graded Materials
علی اکبر شفیعی مجتبی محزون احسان عسکری -
Open Access Article
274 - Modeling and Crack-growth and Calculate First Intensity Factor with Ansys Software
S.M. Hossein Mirgilani -
Open Access Article
275 - Research in Sensibility of Locating Damage Methods Based on Mode Shape to Damage Intensity
علی حسن زاده جعفر اسکندری جم سعید شکرالهی -
Open Access Article
276 - Nonlinear Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour Analysis of Activated Composites With Shape Memory Alloy Fibres
سیامک مقبلی محمدجواد محمودی -
Open Access Article
277 - Propagation of Crack in Linear Elastic Materials with Considering Crack Path Correction Factor
مهران مرادی مهدی پورمحمود -
Open Access Article
278 - Bending Sector Graphene Sheet Based on the Elastic Winkler-Pstrnak with the Help of Nonlocal Elasticity Theory Using Developed Kantorovich Method
شهریار دستجردی مهرداد جبارزاده -
Open Access Article
279 - Stress Analysis of Magneto Thermoelastic and Induction Magnetic Filed in FGM Hallow Sphere
حسن خادمی زاده علی قربان پور آرانی محمد سالاری -
Open Access Article
280 - Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Thermoelastic Stresses of FGM Rotating Disk Considering Temperature-Dependency of Material Properties
مهرنوش دمیرچلی محمد آزادی -
Open Access Article
281 - q
میثم نسیم زاده شهرام شهروئی -
Open Access Article
282 - Application of T-shape Friction T test for Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at Elevated Temperatures
فرزان براتی یاسر نعمتی -
Open Access Article
283 - Severe Impact on the Behavior of Energy Absorbing Cylindrical Base in Frontal Impact
عبدالمجید کنی اکبر علی بیگلو -
Open Access Article
284 - A Comparative Study Between Analytical, Finite Element Method andthe Experimental Results in Wire Drawing of Copper
محمد احمدپور حسن خادمیزاده -
Open Access Article
285 - Analysis of Bending and Buckling of Circular Porous Plate Using First-Order Shear Deformation Theory
A.R. Yadegari Naeini Yadegari Naeini A. Ghasemi -
Open Access Article
286 - Buckling of Rectangular Functionally Graded Material Plates under Various Edge Conditions
متین لطیفی فاطمه فرهت نیا محمود کدخدائی -
Open Access Article
287 - Investigation of Porous Material Effects on Automotive Intake System Using Statistical Energy Analysis
محمدحسن شجاعی فرد روح ا... طالبی مائده امیرپور ملا رضا احمدی -
Open Access Article
288 - Optimization of Reduction Settings and Inter-stand Tensions for Tandem Cold Mills using Genetic Algorithm
فرشید آقاداوودی حسین گلستانیان نوید نگهبانی -
Open Access Article
289 - Fluidity Onset Analysis in FG Thick-Walled Spherical Tanks under Concurrent Pressure Loading and Heat Gradient
منصور عسگری علی پرویزی شهریار علی کرمی -
Open Access Article
290 - Prediction of Surface in Machining by Flat and Spherical Surface Tools
محمد رضا موحدی امیر جدیری فیضی -
Open Access Article
291 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Composite Plates with SMA Wires, Considering Instantaneous Variations of the Martensite Volume Fraction
محمد شرعیات سارا سمایی مجتبی مرادی -
Open Access Article
292 - Multiple-objective Optimization of Serpentine Locomotion with Snake Robot by Using the NSGA
هادی کلانی علیرضا اکبرزاده -
Open Access Article
293 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Forming Rectangular Copper Pipes by Successive Rolling of Round Pipe Filled With Bismuth
علی بصیرت نیا محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
294 - Analysis and Simulation of the Effect of Turbine Inlet Temperature on Thermodynamic Performance of the Water – Ammonia Combined Cycle
سهیل محترم علی آقا میرجلیلی احمدرضا فقیه خراسانی -
Open Access Article
295 - Optimization of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-A360 Produced by Semi-Solid Casting
امین کلاه دوز محسن لوح موسوی -
Open Access Article
296 - Analyzing Effect of Friction on Spread and Budge in Flat Rolling by FEM Method
محمود سلیمی امین فضیله -
Open Access Article
297 - Vibration Analysis of Thick Functionally Graded Beam under Axial Load Based on Two-Dimensional Elasticity Theory and Generalized Differential Quadrature
حسین فراهانی فرزان براتی محمد نجاتی حمید باتمانی -
Open Access Article
298 - Optimization of Axisymmetric Extrusion Die Profiles
حسن نحوی مهدی حسن زاده -
Open Access Article
299 - Differential Quadrature Method for the Analysis of Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearings
مهدی زارع مهرجردی اصغر دشتی رحمت آبادی محمدرضا فاضل -
Open Access Article
300 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam Resting on a Nonlinear Elastic Foundation under Compressive Axial Force
احمد مامندی محمدحسین کارگرنوین -
Open Access Article
301 - Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of a Cylindrical FGM Shell on a Viscoelastic Foundation under the Action of Lateral and Compressive Axial Loads
احمد مامندی -
Open Access Article
302 - A new low cycle fatigue lifetime prediction model for magnesium alloy based on modified plastic strain energy approach
محمد آزادی غلامحسین فرهی -
Open Access Article
303 - Static Analysis of Orthotropic Functionally Graded Material Cylinders with Finite Length by a Mesh-Free Method
رسول مرادی دستجردی مهرداد فروتن سمیه عبداللهی بکتاش -
Open Access Article
304 - Improving of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-A356 Alloy with Compo-Casting Method
اسماعیل دماوندی سلمان نوروزی سید محمود ربیعی -
Open Access Article
305 - Identification of Crack Location and Depth in a Structure by GMDH- type Neural Networks and ANFIS
منصور درویزه نادر نریمانزاده علی ملیحی دیزگاه مهدی جوادزاده رضا انصاری -
Open Access Article
306 - Study of The Effect of Hole Location on Stress Analysis of a Plate Subjected to Uni-axial Load by Using Numerical and Exact Solution
افشین بخشایی محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
307 - Static and Dynamic Analysis of Bus Structure and Chassis of O-457
ابوالفضل محبوبی شاد محسن اصفهانیان -
Open Access Article
308 - Experimental study of fracture mechanics in the aluminum matrix composites containing Fifteen percent silicon carbide particles
محمد رنجبران محمد تقی نجفی مهدی اعطائی رسول امینی -
Open Access Article
309 - Free and Forced Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Cylinders by a Mesh-Free Method
رسول مرادی دستجردی مهرداد فروتن امینالله پوراصغر -
Open Access Article
310 - Fatigue Failure and Damage Analysis of an Anti-roll Bar Subjectedto Fatigue Experiments
محمد شرعیات امیر گنجیدوست -
Open Access Article
311 - Evaluation of Tool Performance With Nanocrystalline Multilayer Coatings on the Machinability of Superalloy Inconel 718
رسول مختاری همامی بهروز موحدی ایرج لیرابی مهدی بازرگان حقیقی -
Open Access Article
312 - The new version of Differential Quadrature Buckling Analyses of FGM Rectangular Plates Under Non-Uniform Distributed In-Plane Loading
محمد مهدی نجفی زاده رضا کاظمی مهرآبادی -
Open Access Article
313 - The Effect of Electrical Discharge Machining Parameters on Alloy DIN 1.2080 Using the Taguchi Method and Optimal Determinant
پویان صدر امین کلاه دوز علی افتخاری -
Open Access Article
314 - Optimization of Flash, Billet Dimensions and Friction Factor in Closed Die Cold Forging Process
مهدی ظهور حسین شاهوردی امین تفکری -
Open Access Article
315 - Investigation and Simulation of Wire Non-Asymmetric Rolling Process
علی پرویزی بهزاد پسوده کارن ابری نیا -
Open Access Article
316 - Simulation of Human Foot Mechanism with a Degree of Freedom Motion
دامون بختیاریان هادی همایی امین ملکی زاده مراد شهبازی تک آبی -
Open Access Article
317 - Use of Ansoft to Model a Slice Magnetic Bearing
محمد اسماعیلی ادبی شهربانو فرخنده -
Open Access Article
318 - Numerical Study on Effect of Bilinear Pressure Path on Corner Filling in Hydroforming of Tube in Box-Shape Die
محسن لوح موسوی میثم شهبازی -
Open Access Article
319 - Optimization of Material Removal Rate in Electrical Discharge Machining Alloy on DIN1.2080 with the Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
مسعود عظیمی امین کلاه دوز سید علی افتخاری -
Open Access Article
320 - Path Planning of a 3 DOF Servo-Hydraulic Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm
فرشید آقاداوودی شهرام لنجان نژادیان -
Open Access Article
321 - Prediction of Work-Piece Constitutive Equation in Hot Rolling of Strip
سحر سلیمی سمیرا سلیمی امیرحسین ادیبی سده -
Open Access Article
322 - Study of Permanent Magnet Bearings and their Stiffness
محمد اسماعیلی ادبی شهربانو فرخنده مجید رشیدی -
Open Access Article
323 - Numerical Determination of the Forming Limit Diagram for 304 Stainless Steel Based on Phase Change in Deep Drawing Process
مسعود نصر اصفهانی مهران مرادی فرهاد حاجی ابوطالبی -
Open Access Article
324 - Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cold orBital Forging of a 16MnCr5 Alloy Spur Bevel Gear
سعید بهشتیان مسگران محمد علی صادقی -
Open Access Article
325 - Buckling Analysis of Cylindrical Grooved Shell under Axial Load Discs
امین رحمت نژاد محمد مهدی نجفی زاده حمید محسنی منفرد -
Open Access Article
326 - Experimental Measurement of Dynamic Viscosity of CeO2-EG at Different Concentrations and Temperatures and Proposing a New Correlation
محمد اکبری امیر حسین سعیدی -
Open Access Article
327 - Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for the Treatment of Darkness Phobia
مجید اسلامی حمیدرضا حاجی میرزاعلیان افسانه کرباسی -
Open Access Article
328 - Analysis of Fatigue Cracks of Diesel Engines Cylinder Heads using a Two-Layer Viscoplasticity Model and Considering Viscousity Effects
حجت عاشوری بابک بهشتی محمد رضا ابراهیم زاده -
Open Access Article
329 - Longitudinal Wave Propagation Analysis of Stationary and Axially Moving Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid
سهیل اویسی حسن نحوی داود طغرایی -
Open Access Article
330 - Numerical Simulation of Impact of Low Velocity Projectiles With Water Surface
نجمه خضرائیان ناصر دشتیان گرامی -
Open Access Article
331 - The Effect of Volume Fractions on Hole Stress Concentration in Composite Lamina Subjected to Matrix Plasticity
پژمان تقی پور بیرگانی -
Open Access Article
332 - Passive Non-Prehensile Manipulation of a Specific Object on Predictable Helix Path Based on Mechanical Intelligence
عبدالله باجلان عادل اکبری مجد -
Open Access Article
333 - Simulation and Control of Rotational Vibration of Sprayer Boom Using a Novel Suspension System
رضا ابراهیمی مصطفی غیور -
Open Access Article
334 - Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Lateral Loading of Thin –Walled Tube with Different Indenter
سجاد دهقان پور حامد خلیلی کیوان حسینی صفری یونس محمدی -
Open Access Article
335 - Investigation of Cutting Forces Superalloy Inconel 718
سید مسعود بدخشیان مجید کریمیان سید علی افتخاری -
Open Access Article
336 - Numerical Computation of Rolling Resistance Based on the Result of Tire/Road Static Contact Analysis
حسین گلبخشی مسلم نامجو -
Open Access Article
337 - Design, develop and simulation of Go-kart
احمد کشاورزی علی اکبر صالحی -
Open Access Article
338 - Modeling and modal analysis to oscillations of IPMC cantilever beam and simulating as an actuator
آرش رجایی علی مختاریان مصطفی پیرمرادیان -
Open Access Article
339 - The Effect of Geometrical Parameters of Cylindrical Composite Lattice Structures on Buckling Behavior
علی لطیفی رستمی رضا اکبری آلاشتی امین کلاه دوز -
Open Access Article
340 - Vibration and Buckling of Double-Graphene Sheet-Systems with an Attached Nanoparticle Based on Classical and Mindlin Plate Theories Considering Surface Effects
محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
341 - Sensitivity Analysis of Frequency Response of Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid Environment on Cantilever's Geometrical Parameters
مهرنوش دمیرچلی -
Open Access Article
342 - Dynamic Stability of Nano FGM Beam Using Timoshenko Theory
شهاب صفاری محمد هاشمیان -
Open Access Article
343 - Static and Dynamic Analyze of the an Aluminum Pad used as Portable Roadway
مجتبی رضایی احمد محمودی ابوذر اسحقی اسکوئی رضا حسینی ثانی -
Open Access Article
344 - Implementing a Practical Light Transmission System in order to Lighting an Office with Zero Energy Consumption
جواد اشکبوس اصفهانی شاهرخ شجاعیان -
Open Access Article
345 - Modeling & Comparison of Mechanical Behavior of Foam Filled & Hollow Aluminum Tubes by LS-DYNA & Introducing a Neural Network Model
میثم رستمی مجتبی حسنلو مصطفی سیاوشی -
Open Access Article
346 - Modeling of the Beam Discontinuity with Two Analyses in Strong and Weak Forms using a Torsional Spring Model
مصطفی مستان آبادی علی علی جانی ابوالفضل درویزه فاطمه متقیان -
Open Access Article
347 - Experimental Study of the Voltage and Number of the Coil Rounds in Electromagnetic Forming Process of the V shape Aluminum sheets
سجاد نادیان برسیانی احمد کشاورزی امین کلاه دوز -
Open Access Article
348 - The Parameters Investigation and Hardness Optimization of A380 Aluminum Alloy produced by Mechanical Vibrator
سعید احترامیان حقیقی امین کلاه دوز مجید کریمیان -
Open Access Article
349 - Investigating the effects of geometry and material on acoustic characteristics of hospital rooms
Mehdi Salehi Rozita Salehi -
Open Access Article
350 - Small signal stability analysis of dynamic behavior of gas turbine power plant with secondary control loop in electric power system
Ghazanfar Shahgholian Majid Moazaami Mohammad Amin Honarvar -
Open Access Article
351 - Design and structural analysis of buckling and prestressed modal of an isogrid conical shell under mechanical and thermal loads
Behrooz Shahriari Mahdi Sharifi Hassan Izanlo -
Open Access Article
352 - Investigation the weld quality characterizations and temperature field in laser welding of dissimilar Nickle-base alloy Inconel 600 and duplex stainless steel
Ahmad Soleimani Mohammad Akbari Arash Karimipour Amir Homayoun Meghdadi Reza Nosouhi -
Open Access Article
353 - Investigating the effect of post-weld heat treatment on the corrosion properties of the explosive welded three-layer joint of Cu/Al/Cu
Heydar Ali Zamani Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh Ali Bakhtiari Hossein Paydar -
Open Access Article
354 - An overview of Friction stir processing of magnesium alloys reinforced by ceramic additive: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani -
Open Access Article
355 - A Review on the Classification of Operating Modes in Microgrid Systems
Somaye Yaghoubi Majid Dehghani Majid Moazzami Mohamad Ali Zanjani Mohamadreza Moradian -
Open Access Article
356 - Creep analysis in two functionally graded rotating gears
Milad Kharati Asl Ali akbar lotfi Saeed Daneshmand